know ready I got scared just AAP good evening everyone and welcome to the annual reorganization meeting of the tinon falls burrow Council being held January 2nd 2024 this meeting is hereby called to order pursuant to section five of the open public meetings act adquate notice of this meeting has been provided by posting on the bulletin board at burough Hall and by notification to the Asbury Park Press the Newark Star Ledger and the new coaster at least 48 hours prior to the meeting and filing with the burough clerk all on December 19th 2023 would everyone please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you I will now read the statement of Elections petitions were filed by three candidates to fill three full-time seats for council member at large the results of the municipal election held November 7 2023 in the burrow of tinon Falls as certified by the county clerk are as follows Tracy Buckley 4,259 rysa clay 4,241 Mike Nessie 4,288 that concludes my report the next order of business will be the swearing in ceremonies at this time I would like to invite council member Buckley who will be sworn in by assemblywoman elect Luan Peter Paul up to perform this swearing in ceremony please this ch I please state your name I pleas do solemnly swear doly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same aliance to the same and to the governments established and to the government established in the United States United States and in this state in State under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I do further solemnly swear I that I will Faithfully I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties of councilman member at large according to the the best of my ability perform all so help me God and that was a [Music] test is in here you better watch yourself [Applause] [Applause] please I can do it gotta next I would like to invite council member clay who will be sworn in by Senator Vin goal matter that there how you do happy New Year sirat I state your name I do solemnly swear doly swear that I will support I will the Constitution the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saints and allegiance to the Saints and to the governments and to the governments established established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state Under The Authority Under the authority of the people of the people I do further solemly swear I Do fur s that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the of council member at large of council member at large according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me so help me sorry than at this time I would like to invite council member Nessie who will be sworn in by Senator Ben goal congratulations first thing I said to my barber is I have to see you pretty soon ready I state your name I Michael Nessie do solemly swear do solemnly swear that I will support that I will support the Constitution the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that I'll bear true faith that I'll bear true faith and Allegiance to the same to the same to the governments the governments established established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I do further solemly swear I do further Solly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and partially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of council member at large of council member at large according to the best of my abilities according to the best of my abilities so help me God help me [Applause] congratulations [Applause] I promise okay awesome we'll get that she SM these are I will now call the role Miss Buckley here Mrs clay here Dr Doan here Mr menelli here Mr Nessie here at this time we will move to council reorganization our first order of business will be the nomination of council president may I ask for a nomination to open the nomination for count a motion to open the nomination for council president I nominate Rea clay council president it's a motion to open the nominations first thank you motion second all in favor I I may I ask for a nomination for council president again I nominate R play thank you may I have a second second are there any further nominations for Council presidency hearing none may I have a motion to close the nominations motion second second all in favor I I I will now do a roll call vote on the nomination of rysa clay for president miss Buckley yes Mrs clay yes Dr Doan yes Mr menelli yes Mr Nessie yes the next order of business will be the nomination of Deputy council president may I ask for a motion to open the nomination for Deputy council president so move may I have a second second all in favor I may I ask for a nomination for Deputy council president I'd like to nominate Dr Doan for Deputy council president thank you may I have a second second are there any further nominations for Deputy Council seat Deputy council president seat hearing none may I have a motion to close the nominations motion second all in favor I I will now do a roll call vote on the nomination of Dr Lawrence sturn for Deputy council president miss Buckley yes Mrs clay yes Dr doberan yes Mr Manelli yes Mr Nessie yes the next order of business will be the swearing in ceremony I would like to invite Senator Vin gopal who will be administering the oath of office for both the council president and the deputy council president ready I state your name I do somly swear do that I will support that I will support the Constitution the constition of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that I'll bear true faith that I'll bear true faith and allegiance to the Saints and aliance to the Saint and to the governments and to the government established established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I do further solemnly swear I do further Solly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faith and partially and parti and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of council president of council Pres according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations ready I state your name I do solemly swear swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States United States and the Constitution the state of New Jersey and that I'll bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint and to the government's established in the United States states and in this state under the authority of the people I do further solemly swear F swear that I'll Faithfully faithfully impartially and justly perform perform all the duties du Council Deputy council president president according to the best of my ability so help me God congratulations of course at this time I will hand over the meeting to the council president the council president and Deputy council president will now take the respective seats uh thank you uh Miss Hutchinson um before we move to the next item on the agenda which will be the statement of the newly elected officials we're going to take a two-minute recess um anybody that was here for the swearing in ceremony can leave at this time but of course you're welcome to stay we really know how to clear um if everybody can please take their seats you can take it home this okay okay um uh we're now going to move on to the statement of newly elected officials um I'd like to begin with uh Miss Buckley thank you council president clay good evening everybody this will be brief um i' just like to thank the residents um the residents and voters of tinon Falls for entrusting me to be your representative for another term I'm humbled by your faith in me to serve you and represent your interests it's an honor to serve you it's great to see so many in attendance tonight um hopefully some are live streaming as well um I encourage open and transparent communication healthy and Cooperative discussion and welcome welcome your ideas um just an email or a phone call away um in fact your participation is critical to the success of our borrow um and we have some openings on some of our boards and commissions particularly sha Tre and environmental commission so I'd uh ask for volunteers if anyone's interested I'd also like to recognize and thank all the Resident volunteers serving on our boards and commissions serving on our EMT serving in our fire Services you guys are all um just as critical as we are to the success of of our B finally I'd like to just offer my congratulations to council president clay and Deputy council president dolin on your election congratulations thank you thank you thank you councilwoman Buckley uh next councilman nesi thank you council president and good evening everybody Happy New Year I wouldn't be where I am today without the support of my family my wife Katie and my four uh children uh thank you very much for always standing by my side um I would like to to thank the residents of titon Falls for putting their trust in me and my fellow council members to guide Our Town towards a safe and affordable place to live I would like to also thank the Bor employees professionals volunteers who are the foundation that Titanfall sits upon it's an honor to be elected an additional term to serve our community of Titan Falls I am very proud to live in this community where I raise my family and live I have big plans here in Titan Falls and I have many ideas that I want to continue to shape our town we call home I look forward to the next four years of being councilman in our town of TI Falls thank [Applause] you thank you councilman Mesi um next um uh from my brief statement um I would just like to thank uh the voters and all those who have supported me throughout this campaign I also would like to to thank my running mates councilwoman Buckley and councilman Nessie for another successful campaign uh I am excited to be here for my second term I look forward to working together as a team with my fellow council members and continuing to serve the community that I love where I've lived for over 28 years and raised my children here as well and now my granddaughter um thank you to our mayor mayor and our borrow administrators and our borrow Clerk and all the employees of Titan Falls who make being a councilwoman so much easier and thank you to my family and friends who have supported me on this journey okay uh next we're going to move on to the appointment uh to the planning board uh mayor pillo has asked that I read uh his appointments to the plan board uh Nicole Kelly class one term ending December 31st 2025 Lori Pon Class 2 onee term ending December 31st 2025 Robert Clayton class 4 fouryear term ending December 31st 2027 Robert marof class 4 a four-year term ending December 31st 202 27 Richard Wallace class 4 a 4-year term ending December 31st 2027 Peter Schwarz class 4 an unexpired term ending December 31st 2024 and Herbert Queen alternate number two for a two-year term ending December 31st 2025 uh next the appointment to the historic preservation commission uh mayor perilla has asked that I share these names tonight Michael Lee Class B a four-year term ending December 31st 2027 and Kathleen DeAngelo alternative number one for a two-year term ending December 31st 2025 uh next the report of the mayor council Administration first we have Mr Naf our bur engineer uh congratulations to all the somewhat new coun not new council members but newly reelected I just have two items uh first is just a reminder about the library construction so for anyone who's over by the Middle School area just be aware of that construction remember that there is some equipment material out there and those parking spaces directly adjacent to library are not available and the second item is just for awareness this um just before Christmas uh we had a contractor install some new sirens on the buildings at Liberty Park Sycamore Park and haxen park uh for the lightning detection systems out there uh we are still in the process of fine-tuning and adjusting uh those detectors and the sirens but if you do hear them um there will be a siren that goes off to notify you that lightning is in the area and then a audible voice message uh all clear clear when it's safe to return so again we're in the process of fine-tuning it we'll get some signage out and some messaging out um once it's all set and ready to go but if you hear it that's what that noise is right now okay thank you Mr NEP uh next Mr Fallon our CFO yeah thank you council president I have uh no report this evening hey thank you Mr Fallon Mr terao our business administrator uh thank you council president and congratulations on the re-election of of our elected officials I just wanted to highlight some uh major grant funding that the BR has received uh fy22 through 24 uh for those that aren't aware we're sitting at around $2.2 million in grant funding for the burough thanks to the hard work of all of our uh professionals throughout the burrow and some some things of note that I'd like to point out uh unfortunately the senator had a go however um we received $600,000 thanks to the senator and his efforts of his office for the Sycamore softball fields we also received the njdca uh Public Safety grant for 50,000 thanks to the office excuse me his office and the efforts through his personnel as well some other noteworthy through ncda uh recreational improvements for the softball fields as well another 74,000 uh we received 195,000 through the mammoth County Municipal open space for World wordell Park restrooms buildings which you're going to be seeing uh coming this spring they're going to start working on which Mr nef's been reporting on uh also Mr nef just mentioned the library construction so we received the construction Bond grant for 27,500 which is noteworthy I just wanted to point out some other things that we've been working on uh throughout the burrow as well along the police uh side we started the neighborhood watch programs again uh noteworthy this year we brought back the the National Night Out Here specifically in Titan Falls that the first time we've had it that was our program that uh the police department initiated this past August uh we were recognized for Sustainable New Jersey thanks to the Green Team and the uh tin and Falls environmental commission as well as the good work by our Public Works uh staff which just happened recently so congratulations to those folks for all that hard work we initiated the nixel everbridge uh public address and information system for emergencies and community events and we're going to be rolling out the opioid awareness and prevention program through the police department and the schools where we're going to be teaching uh overdose prevention programming to the high school students we have the police involved on that as well on a budgeting audit side Mr uh Fallon has reported back for our esteemed budgeting and audits that we obviously consistently get uh exemplary marks on our audits throughout the year and we got another exemplary report back this year so I think that's something that we should be proud of um as well and and with the mayor's EDI when he got elected was streamlining budgets and operating efficiently and effectively and I think we've done that throughout the year as well so I just want to report back to council and the community at large on that so thank you for your time thank you Mr Tara Peno uh mayor I have no official comment but I do want to commend the noly elected uh uh Council people and wish them the best for the uh for the next for the whole for the Happy new year thank you mayor Mr star director of law I'm going to go right along with the mayor's comments congratulations to the reelected officials and a Happy New Year to everyone thank you thank you Mr starky Miss Hutchinson I have no report this evening thank you thank you Miss Hutchinson uh moving on to council reports councilwoman Buckley I don't have any additional report okay thank you uh Dr doen okay well um two years ago I became a liazon to the tinon Falls Library Association and uh was a member of the Board of Trustees which I appreciate from the board um and I told them at that time that we were going to get this Library open and this year of 2024 this Library will open so so we're very happy [Applause] too uh and of course I want to thank the mayor and our business administrator and all those involved our engineer our CFO and of course our Council and especially our President John manginelli who made this all happen so thank you and we're looking forward to a great year with the library opening and a ceremony to uh follow I'm sure uh another let's see and that's about my report for tonight thank you so much thank you Dr doen Mr Manelli yes thank you privileged to have served as council president for a year and I know we're turning it over to Rea clay and Dr Doan are doing a great job I've been honored to serve greatest uh Township Police Department fire department just a great group of people to work with thank you and have a Happy New Year thank you Mr Manelli Mr Nessie I have no report this evening thank you thank you Mr Nessie um in terms of my report I just wanted to share that um I attended the EMS uh fire uh swearing in of officers on January 1st um and I have the honor of swearing in our EMS officers um I just want to publicly thank both our EMS and our fire fighters for everything that they do for our community um and I also would like to thank Mr Man Ali for his leadership this past year and look forward to his continued work and support of the council thank you um next uh may I have a motion to open public discussion Mo second all in favor hi hi this is a Time the public public May comment on any topic of their choice please state your name and address for the record and limit your comment to 3 minutes at this time I would like to ask the clerk if any public comments were submitted prior to this meeting via email there were none thank you yes good evening my name is Danielle Jones I reside at 282 white Golf Road in Eon toown I am a councilman for the B of eaten toown and I just want to come and give my support and congratulations to our newly elected officials as our wells are um all the ones that are currently sitting on Council um I just wanted to say it's an honor to be in partnership with you as someone that resides next door I actually almost turned into M Regional that's where I graduated high school so I was like oops wrong place um but I it's a joy to to see everybody here and I want to wish you a very safe healthy and happy New Year and if I could be a resource or support to you please feel free to reach out to me and I'm happy to be of service thank you thank you so much good evening Ellen Goldberg 90 glenw Drive uh first I'd like to wish all of you a very happy and healthy New Year um I want to especially thank uh all of the members who are up here the council members and um all of the employees of the bureau uh thank you for doing such a great job uh we do have a fantastic town and I believe uh this is a great place place to live it was a great place for me to raise my children I wish they would move back into town and raise my grandchildren here eventually but well that's you know not at this point um but I do want to say thank you to Mr Manelli for his leading the council um I appreciate what you have done and I look forward to Mrs clay and Dr doberan as they move into the the new roles um I was not here at the last meeting so I do want to say thank you to the DPW uh for multiple reasons first of all um the Hanukkah and over lighting was very well attended and um and went very smoothly I don't think I remember a year that it went smoothly before so this was it was really nice it was very very very sweet uh I was very happy that my brand new Rabbi was able to do the ceremony as well she did a great job uh I also want to thank DBW for the cleanup uh um the after the storms they are so quick to come in and clean up our streets um the the fact that I see the trucks out there so often uh cleaning up uh the sides of the road the leaves the branch I mean I really am very proud of R DPW and I think they do an excellent job and they need to hear that um I also am super excited about our new recycling calendar first of all it came came well in advance of the new year which is amazing and I was so excited that I am on the November calendar page that's amazing I mean I just was flipping through and I went oh that's me so that was exciting to see um I also want to say how happy I am that we see a very strong light at the end of the tunnel for our beloved Library um um there are an incredible uh group of women and men who have been working tirelessly and putting in a tremendous amount of effort to see this happen and see this come to fruition and we are just ecstatic and jumping for joy over the fact that this library is actually going to reopen and we're hoping that it'll be soon enough that um the summer programs will be able to get started there and um and I also just wanted to put in a plug uh as um Mrs Buckley said Miss Buckley said that um we are looking for members of for the environmental commission and we're looking forward to having another really good year on the EC so thank you very much thank you hi Brendan Tobin five Chestnut Court last time I was here I made a statement that people don't notice the DPW until need something and several people have pointed out a great the DPW is so let me retract that and go back with most people never notice I'm on the American public works Association board I'm the State Delegate to the National chapter and I know how good we have it here I also deal with every Public Works in the state with my job so thank you for everybody from public works and all they do here and how good we have it as well as the administration following through on so many projects I also want to congratulate the three of you in getting reelected I did this twice and I had people run against me each time they guesss they didn't like me cuz nobody ran against you three good for you no debates none of that stuff but congratulations and keep moving forward and let me know I can help all right God bless you thank [Applause] you hi there uh Ronnie Batista 521 titon Avenue um I wrote this because I talk too much so uh members of the borrow Council uh Happy New Year I volunteer to serve on the Titanfall Zing Board of adjustment in 2007 uh serving as Vice chairman for 5 years and as the chairman for the last five um I was informed by the former council president on New Year's Eve uh that you have decided not to reappoint me to another to serve another three-year term while I wish it wasn't so I accept the council's decision um however you know just given my 16 years on the board I'd like to share some gratitude uh before I move on so first I want to thank all of our dedicated professionals our legal counsel Tom h Tom nef who served U before joining titf Falls full-time which is awesome but um and tnm Engineering planner Christine Bell and avakian and our board secretary Regina Akin and um as secretary Regina Bears the brunt of all of the hard work to make this board function as smoothly as it does and she has been an absolutely great partner I want to thank my fellow board members uh Vice chairman Bill kman who's in the back there thanks for showing up here Charlie lanino Steve porio Mark McKinley Sheila hatami Scott provines and Emily Deo who actually decided to step down at the end of this year and I would be RI remiss not to recognize and thank the inimitable Ron pomier Ron was the chairman when I joined and was a great mentor to me when I assumed the role as Vice uh and eventually chairman he had big shoes to fill and I've done my best to emulate his leadership the zoning Board of titten Falls is something this town should be really proud of together we have worked to make this essential Municipal service the best it can be of many accomplishments I'm proudest of our successful effort to adjust overly restrictive residential lot and building coverage percentage requirements in the 2009 master plan these requirements were placing a significant and unnecessary burden on many residents that came before us seeking minor relief uh and I'm also going to credit Tom for all of the analysis he did on that to allow us to make that case uh in the years since these changes took effect we've helped many dozens if not hundreds of residents avoid the time cost and stress of needing to apply and appear before us in the zoning board I say with full confidence that this town is in great hands with the current board members and I hope you'll all join me in welcoming the new members that will be sworn in at this Thursday's zoning meeting finally I'd like to congratulate uh Risa Mike and Tracy on your re-election and thank all of you on the council uh for your service to this town I will tell you quite cand soon after joining this board uh the zoning board uh I found out that it was the best place for me to materially contribute to this town given my other personal and professional obligations even as chairman this past few years I recognize my commitments were a fraction of what is required of all of you in your respective Council roles and duties it's helped me to truly recognize and appreciate the dedicated and often thankless work that you do for our town so thank you again I appreciate the opportunity to have served our town and and I'm proud of the contribution the titin Falls zoning board has provided to this community over the last 16 years I've served I wish you all a happy healthy and prosperous New Year and thank [Applause] you thank you Mr Batista I'd like to thank you on behalf of the council for your service to tinon Pauls uh any other comments I would also just like to Echo the thanks to Ron since he's leaving right now for your service Ron thank you I close the public discussion okay uh seeing no further comments uh may I have a motion to close the public discussion so moved may I have a second second all in favor I I I uh does any member of the council have anything to add okay uh next we will move on to the appointments to the various boards and committees as well as councila on appointments and we will vote on each resolution separately if the clerk could please read the title of the first resolution R 24-1 appointing members to the environmental commission Jonathan Cohen member term January 1st 2024 through December 31st 2026 Robert mark off member term January 1st 2024 through December 31st 2026 brenn Melo member term January 1st 2022 December 31st 2024 unexpired Tatiana swenda alternate Member One term also unexpired January 1st 2023 to December 31st 2024 Michelle Simon all alternate member number two term January 1st 2024 to December 31st 2025 thank you Miss Hutchinson may I have a motion moot second may I have a roll call please miss Buckley yes Dr Doan yes Mr menelli yes Mr Nessie yes Mrs clay yes if the clerk could please read the title of the next resolution all R 24-02 appointing members to The Green Team advisory committee Tracy Buckley agent and council member Ellen Goldberg environmental commission member Tatiana swenda environmental commission member Steven Surman environmental commission member Brinn Melo local business representative Laura Smith stains Committee Member and there's a vacant seat that's also Committee Member thank you may I have a motion motion second may I have a roll call please miss Buckley yes Dr doberan yes Mr menelli yes Mr Nessie yes Mrs clay yes uh could the clerk please read the title of the next resolution r- 24- 03 appointment of class 3 member to the planning board councilman Michael J Nessie for a one-year term ending December 31st 2024 yeah have a motion motion and a second second and a roll call please miss Buckley yes Dr Dolan yes Mr Manelli yes Mr Nessie yes Mrs clay yes if the clerk could read the title of the next resolution R 24-4 appointing members to the Zoning Board of adjustment Kip perq member term to expire 1231 202 27 Ronald Palmieri member term to expire 1231 2027 Sheila hatami member term to expire 1231 2027 Scott provines alternate member number one term to expire 1231 2025 Gregory alesi alternate member two unexpired term to expire 1231 2024 thank you may I have a motion so moved and a second second and a roll call please miss Buckley yes Dr Doan yes Mr menelli yes Mr Nessie yes Mrs clay yes if the clerk could please read the title of the last resolution R 24-5 appointments of liaison to committees terms ending December 31st 2024 BD Board of Education liaison councilwoman Rea clay environmental commission liaison Council woman Tracy a Buckley Library liaison councilman Dr Lawrence dobrin historic commission liaison councilman John menelli zoning board liaison councilman John menelli may I have a motion motion second okay and a roll call please miss Buckley yes Dr Doan yes Mr menelli yes Mr Nessie yes Mrs clay yes might to him again uh now we will move to the consent agenda before we do are there any items any member of council would like removed to be voted upon separately hearing none may I have a motion to approve the consent agenda motion may I have a second second may I have a roll call please miss Buckley yes Dr Dolan yes Mr menelli yes Mr Nessie yes Mrs clay yes this concludes today's business may I have a motion to motion second thank you all in favor I this meeting is now8