##VIDEO ID:-SXoXAk4h9Y## e e e e e [Music] [Music] welcome to the September 24th 2024 6:30 p.m. city council meeting that is the right day right we do have a quorum so I'll call this meeting to order would you please join me in a moment of silence and the pledge to the flag i al to the flag of the United States of America and to the for stands one nation city clerk would you please read the rules to speak yes sir individual ual wishing to speak on agenda items must complete a signup card prior to the item being introduced those wishing to speak on CLA of judicial public hearings must complete a signup card and sign the oath sign up and oath cards are available on the table individuals wishing to speak on non-agenda items May do so under petitions from the public present this opportunity is offered twice in the meeting and individuals may speak at either the first or second petitions but not both no signup card is required citizens shall not comment on any issue more than once during the meeting all comments except petitions and requests must address the pending issues and citizens will be given 3 minutes to speak citizens wishing to speak on the consent agenda must submit a signup card identifying the items of interest each speaker shall be limited to 3 minutes to speak on the entire consent agenda all signup cards and Exhibits being submitted to city council shall be placed in the box on the table thank you city clerk do I can I get a motion to approve the minutes of the regular City Council meetings on August 27th 2024 6:30 p.m. and special city council meeting on August 8th 2024 so moved second I have a motion and second all those in favor say yes yes opposed minutes P city manager uh good evening mayor vice mayor council we are on item 6A which is the community redevelopment agency the term of member at large Greg acre expires on 30 September 20124 member AER has expressed his willingness and desire to continue to serve on this board for another four years with a term to expire on 30 September 2028 thank you very much I uh I will speak briefly and simply say that I can't think of anybody uh more outstanding on the CRA board than uh Dr AER he has a business down there I think he owns some buildings down there and more importantly he cares about down there greatly and I would certainly before having him put back on there um gosh I don't have may lit up over there anybody else that anything okay any cards Stan johnon Stan's back yes I am I'm back with this is that uh the CRA is an important agency and you're a member of it and all of you are a member of it uh and u m mayor Diesel he's also a member of the U North Boulevard Parks and Recreation um which is considering right now when they have time is that the what's going on at in ra area with Sandpoint park because historically what we have had happen is when we had a sewage spill in uh Sand Point Park stands back when we had a sewage spill is what happened is that a number of people including myself and others requested for the city to turn off the fountains and they were made requests for example the city manager and I made request to city council and they didn't turn it off so people were sprayed with sewage for months for months sprayed with sewage for months cars people children babies so forth so the this issue is being considered by the north vard Parks it's been considered for some time and it was considered by the um PTEC and and it was taken to council and the council just didn't go so um uh this is a serious matter that the CRA has got some important issues to uh not spray people with sewage for months all right thank you thank you um any other cards yes sir member Nelson move to appoint Greg akre as a member at large to the CRA for a four-year term second I have a motion and a second roll call vote member Cole yes member Nelson yes mayor diesel yes vice mayor Robinson yes member stokel yes and very thankfully um member Acer is back and will remain back on the CRA board thank you Dr acre city manager item 6B which is the resolution number 17 2024 the affordable housing advisory committee appointments staff is seeking approval of resolution 17224 to reaffirm the service of the existing ahaw members to appointment and to appoint one new member as follows reappoint the existing members William Gary Cody Kohl's Kayla Manning vice mayor Joe Robinson and a principal planner citizens are requesting an initial appointment of Jose Minon uh vice mayor um yes I I I'm sitting on that board and it is a wonderful thing to uh have our citizens in charge uh that has a motivation to uh ensure to the best that they can and make recommendations to the council about keeping affordable housing the best that we can on the top of the list uh of course the word affordable is going to have to be redefined in that particular process but uh it is exciting as the chair of that board it is exciting to uh have someone that is interested to be for well thank you for those words it is very important and the people on there take it very seriously and I appreciate that uh anything else from the council call the card please uh member Nelson uh I don't know if the any of the applicants are here I didn't know if you wanted to I don't think so okay are there in case I missed it I'm don't have okay I don't see any okay then that case I would move to approve resolution number 17- 2024 appointing the members to the affordable housing advisory committee that being uh William Gary Cody Kohl's Kayla Manning Joe Robinson uh the principal planner and Joe manticon uh just for probably but that yeah that's okay we we know who they are we're very pleased with them all um City attorney does U member Robinson Vice May Robinson vote on this as well okay just double checking the guy running this okay roll call vote second okay I'm sorry motion and a second roll call vote member Nelson yes mayor diesel yes vice mayor Robinson yes member stokel yes member Cole yes passes unanimously thank you all for serving on such an important board that accomplishes so much thank you uh petitions or requests from the public please step right up uh Stan Johnston professional engineer former engineer with the city of Titusville uh I'm talking about the same subject I talked about uh for the last meeting before and the meeting before that and that's SNJ Oaks so my concern is the the U the the street known as Mockingbird Lane that's shown on on street maps property appraisers post office and so forth uh it has uh bordering it are or serviced by it are bordering it are six properties and when you go when I go to Mockingbird Lane right there on the power pole it says no trespassing and I've been approached by the the engineer of this SNJ Oak say you are not allowed on this property no one is allowed on this property except the owner and anybody anybody the owner allows so in other words we have a street that the city is also in agreeing with the engineer that that all these properties are landlocked except for for the property owner that owns the property where Mockingbird Lane is this is pretty serious and uh the uh the plan have minimized the width of the road so it's only one way and it it only Services right now one property that has an easement to it so the other properties that is four other properties have no access to it even though there's Gates and chain link fence and so forth and there's houses that have absolutely no access to it and I've asked I'm asking you to to look into it because it's a problem they have no legal access according to this project and according to the city of Titusville Brad Parish Peggy Baka and I'd say even the attorney appears to me because I've approached him a number of times too so um these people the the Dashers they've lived there I their families lived there I believe for over 70 years and they're now saying their house there they have no legal access got us posted sign no trespassing I'm upset about this because I used to own the property that had mocking BD Lane on it and the city what the city did is they uh uh they approached me and bought property from me for Elizabeth Avenue and I accepted also this concrete apron for Mockingbird Lane so I I authorized access to all these people on Mockingbird Lane to have access to Mockingbird Lane and the city now denies it that's bad no it's not bad it's horrible it's horrible I approach you for for trying to solve it and so far you've done nothing so she okay this is your SNJ Oaks issue yes sir and correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this you or the engineer uh in court on this in lawsuit on this I I the the engineer of record Fisher is suing me for defamation of her character and this time because of basically the stand that you're taking about that she or he I think it's a she is incorrect on uh her her numbers and she said that's not the case so quite honestly what I'm getting at is and I've done this before is it's in court and and I think that nothing's going to go forward until the court has made a decision well in the meantime the uh I'm not allowed on Mockingbird Lane it appears these other that's a court thing clearly it is and that's really who you need to be talking to I think the street dead ends right now into a right now is the and you know I've Street Lead Street leads people into oak tree and and a fence which is illegal well you know why I know that I was there with you yes sir thanks danan thank you very much thanks for your response okay I have a petition I'm sorry member Nelson I have a petition have a what I have a petition and request oh oh nothing for St nothing for St sorry St I okay so I have to tell you and I was hoping Sandy would be here tonight but after the budget meeting she came up to me jumping up and down doing a happy dance and she had gone to um scobby park with the zoo and apparently they have filmed this and 60 feet off of scobby Park the end of Main Street is seats all over oh wow that is that is big wow it's coming back it's coming back that's fantastic so this is my request and I've already talked to the city manager about this is that we do a press release my understanding from Laurel Le is that the seagrass on the south end of the county they're losing SE grass and it appears like maybe we have gained seps so I'd like to see the video at some point and maybe during a presentation or I doubt it's more than five minutes I'd love to see the video and I'd like to make sure we get a press release out in the papers in the TV stations cover it yeah we would do well to have good news out there that's for sure yeah I mean we argue about that we yeah eight years I mean eight years we've been working like crazy on it and it sounds like we're finally there I guess the first thing we'd want to do is get a chance to see the video and then go from there but I'm sure that's what we'd like to do I mean how do you not well I think you did the press release and let the repor come up and put the video with it but I'd like us to be able to see it sure city manager can we make a move on that thank you do we need anything formal or just I think truly I would think that you could just even say that the city manager and recommend that yeah yeah I think it's cool I do too in in addition to the press release maybe we could put something in our quarterly magazine about it I mean that's a that's been a big deal for before we got here before any of us got here that was a big deal I just remember us standing on the corner talking about it and saying absolutely this is something we really need to do and before any of us were elected and yeah this is what on work on that was Topic in 2016 2016 2016 eight years later are that's when they were pushing for the half cent sales tax yeah that it was the same year so very good thank you so much other petitions requests I'm pointing that yeah that's why I knew we had another one I'll try to read as fast as I can you're fine good evening everyone as you know this is my fifth meeting requesting your intervention and help in ending the excessive noise we have heard every day at 6:13 a.m. coming from the inconsiderate rent or owner of of the white 150 pickup truck in Gardendale with the modified exhaust system since I last requested your help myself and another neighbor directly affected now are awakened at 513 a.m. even earlier for months one of your senior officers in the Titusville Police Department told me that if the owner is being antagonistic in instigating by revving the engine on purpose that is uncalled for unfortunately after Council meetings where I've speak spoken up excuse me requesting your help or spoken to officers this Behavior escalates I have not always been told the truth by several members of the P I have requested help from last meeting I attended another senior officer told me they would call me and I'm still waiting for this call that was back in August Chief La spoke that last meeting I attended and implied that what code in the PD has told me does not quote register unquote implying that I'm The Village Idiot what they have told me makes no sense and only further my belief that the truck owner is connected as he's boasted to me all along for instance a deciel reading was taken far away from the truck as possible I have taken deciel readings in this room during intermission when the noise level measures almost as high as what the city allegedly came up with and that officer who allegedly took the read for code enforcement no longer works for code enforcement I've read this to you before and the chief failed to fully explain it when he said things don't register with me this is a Titusville code it's not a Florida statue I've read it to you before I'll read it to you again section 13-13 some sounds may be such that they are not measurable or may not exceed the limits but they may be excessive unnatural and are a detriment to the public health go ahead and try to finish that thank you they are a detriment to the public health Comfort safety welfare and property of the residents and my point is even if that decibel reading is 62 which is what the officer said it was 62 or 65 it's still a nuisance to the people that have to hear this truck fire up every single morning now at 53 a.m. 5:13 and the other section 31629 3 is a Florida code and again I've read this before I'll read it one last hold off don't you have read it before you don't need to read it again because I'm going have somebody because every time you've come up here we've given you somebody to give you an answer because quite honestly we're not the wants to give you the answer so we're going to get somebody else up here another time um but I would also say that uh I think it's quite an assumption to think that there's some kind of relation between the truck driver and the police and I will just say that I I I doubt that I disagree with that well he told me no I'm not going to go in that I'm friends with the cops quote that's what he said when I tried to talk to him the first time I met him that's what he said well it doesn't make it true does it well makes you wonder that that nobody to do anything this AG in Facebook I think if we read it we believe it so well Governor Dan sis told me to talk to you Mr Mayor and here I am and nobody seems to we we've talked a lot we've talked about Library issues we've talked about a lot of stuff well that's not what we're talking about no we're not but I'm just saying that make it clear I've talked to you about a lot of things and I've gotten my best on all of them I'm going to continue There go ahead and have a seat I'm going to bring up the uh Glenn come on up please can I can I say this yeah go ahead okay Glenn while you're coming up here um I want to say this to you okay old prosecutor so in order to prove a criminal case it's beyond A Reasonable Doubt and the jury instruction is if you have any doubt whatsoever that person is not guilty it's a very high burden so it makes it very hard to prove there is a organization called Bard County legal aid and they may be able to help you especially if it's you and your neighbor they're asking to petition to en join that's what they would call it enjoying your neighbor from doing this act and the court has the option of fines jail whatever whatever remedies they come up with so I would encourage you to talk to Bard County legal aid and see if they're able to help you that may be a step I'm not familiar with so that might be that might be good Insight okay uh Glenn give me an idea of what you know about this what goes on and tell me about the ordinance uh are the codes as you know it yeah yes sir um Mr Ray did did call our office back I want to say February about this vehicle and I I explained to him that motor vehicle noise is not a code issue per se if it's a parked on a property where it would run like with a generator uh manufacturing engines and those kind of things that's what the C talks about Motor Vehicles on the other hand are governed by state statutes 316 and I was familiar with that having been retired and I explained to him that as a code officer once a person starts that vehicle we are not statutorily allowed to stop a person's right to free travel in a vehicle we just don't have theth you to do that and so I said but I'll tell you what we'll take a help and we'll try and see what we can get we did send it off scout who took a code reading and by the code if you use a decimal it has to be taken from the property where the complaintant is and that that's what we did and it did not register a violation and then uh Mr Ray talked about it continuously to bother him and I told him I said that's a civil issue that's that's very similar to a tree that grows over property line is there's civil remedies for that you need to take it to small claims court and just Justice council member Nelson explained it way better than I ever could but is and is correct it's that's where this belongs we can't substantiate a violation there's no intent that he goes to work he comes home as a matter of fact uh Mr Ray that me a voicemail yesterday I sent a code officer back out this morning at 5:00 he stayed out there until 7:30 and there was no violation and I told him again that we will try to help but it's it's really not our purview if if it's in a motor vehicle it's covered by state statutes 316 320 and those are set by the Department of Highway Motor Safety and M that we get it to him it is a violation but unfortunately it's a civil issue and I and I I told him he needs to seek a civil remedy for that thank you and member Nelson thank you because I don't think I had thought of that um come up here go ahead I I I may regret this but than for your you got get quick brother yeah go ahead but this is the last statue I was trying to read 316.2397 instead of taking it where the noise issue is and when I say that the the PD hasn't been truthful twice I told them why don't you go out in the morning with your deciel meter I'll go with my decible meter and believe me if you take it within a reasonable distance of this truck you're going to see it's okay we're we're going to be done with that because I I feel like that they have been out there with their decibel meter uh Glenn's been with his decibel meter you've certainly been out there I'm not saying you don't have an issue but I'm saying that the angle to solve this seems to be more along what member Nelson had just said member Nelson and then we'll conclude Glen can you give him the phone number it's uh 631-2500 yeah Glenn and I uh spoke today in fact and I told him that the guy's work schedule has changed he's he's he's firing it up at 5:13 in the morning and he's not going to work 6 days week anymore so you don't think I'm trying to lie about that his schedule has changed okay thank you glad I'll get you that uh number anybody else petitions and requests I see none city manager onto a consent agenda items a through F city council do you have any questions and consent for staff I see none city council would you like to pull any items for further discussion I see none uh city clerk are there any cards for consent one card May I'd like to read the titles for record thank you consent agenda item 8A approve the collective bargaining agreement between the laborers International Union of North America public employees union 630 and the City of Titusville consent agenda item 8 B approve the medical excess stop loss Insurance renewal with Sun Life for coverage period starting 1 October 2024 through 30 September 2025 consent agenda item 8 C approved landscape construction and maintenance memorandum of of agreement and resolution number 18 2024 consent agenda item 8D approve the budget amendment for FY 24 it allocation adjustment consent agenda item AE approve the Second Amendment for Village Woods of Lita Declaration of coveted conditions and restrictions consent agenda item 8f approved change order to the storage tank comption insurance policy renewal for fy2 all right um Council any comments I see none call the card please Stan Johnston on item c c pass pass member Nelson move to approve consent agenda items a through F second I have a motion and a second roll call vote mayor diesel yes vice mayor Robinson yes member stokel yes member member Cole yes member Nelson yes passes unanimously City Manager on to ordinances first reading this is comprehensive plan CPA number 1- 2024 future land use Transportation housing elements downtown and gateways objectives policies strategies and the new Citywide element the City attorney will read these four ordinances for the record ordinance number 30 3 2024 an ordinance of the city of tville Florida amending the code of ordinances by amending ordinance number 60 1988 which adopted the comprehensive plan of the city of Titusville by adopting comprehensive plan Amendment 1 2024 by adding a new Citywide element goal objectives and policies to address the regional economy quality of life place-based design and employment providing for suffer ability repeal of Prior consistent ordinances incorporation in the comprehensive plan and an effective date ordinance number 34 2024 an ordinance of the city of tville Florida amending the code of ordinances by amending ordinance number 60 1988 which adopted the comprehensive plan of the city of tville by adopting comprehensive plan Amendment 1 20124 by amending the existing future land use element and transportation element specifically amending objectives 1.1 character land use districts 1.2 Redevelopment and adaptive reuse 1.10 downtown land use 1 . 21 density and intensity land use criteria and Associated policies and strategies of the future land use element amending the policies and strategies of objective 1.1 of the transportation element and adding objective 1.9 to associate policies and strategies to the transportation element providing for separability repeal of chiring consens and ordinances incorporation in the comprehensive plan and an effective date okay ordinance number 35 2024 an ordinance of the city of tville Florida amending the code of ordinances by amending ordinance number 60 1988 which adopted the comprehensive plan of the city of tville by adopting comprehensive plan Amendment 1224 to add a new Gateway Corridor objective policies and strategies to encourage Redevelopment on Commercial corridors and strengthen policies related to natural resource protection landscaping and discourage urban sprawl by amending the existing future land use element objectives 1.5 and 1.7 and associated policies and strategies related to Natural Resources greenhouse gases and urban sprawl amending the shoreline mixes objective 1.12 and Associated policies and strategies and adding a new Gateway Corridor objective 1.24 and Associate policies and strategies providing for separability repeal of Prior and consistent ordinances incorporation in the comprehensive plan and an effective date ordinance number 36 2024 an ordinance of the city of tville Florida amending the code of ordinances by amending ordinance number 60 1988 which adopted the comprehensive plan of the city of Titusville by adopting comprehensive plan Amendment 1224 by amending the existing housing element specifically amending objective 1.1 1.2 1.9 and 1.10 and subsequent policies and strategies related to the housing types affordable housing and Sustainable Building practices providing for severability repeal of Prior and consistent ordinances incorporation of the comprehensive plan and an effective date on 18th September 2020 4 the Planning and Zoning commission acting as the local planning agency recommended 70 the public hearing is scheduled to be held at the regular city council meeting on 8 October 2024 beginning at 6:30 Mr parish is here to answer questions and um any that you may have for him you can summarize I guess you've certainly gone over this before you have seen these amendments before uh you so earli this year you directed us to transmit them to the state for review we receive no objections from the state agencies we received three actual letters from the state agencies uh Department of Commerce transportation and uh Water Management District no objections so now we're bringing this before you for adoption just to summarize that we broke this out into four amendments or four ordinances rather so if one passes and one doesn't pass then it doesn't hold up one the other uh the first one is a city Citywide element it's brand new element that'll be added it's generalizing um policies of the whole comprehensive plan and the changes that have been proposed the second ordinance is the downtown changes to the Future land use element primarily rated uh related to the downtown mixed use category and includes that downtown uh residential density pool and incentives if you remember that um it also includes uh that same ordinance that second ordinance uh changes to the transport element of the comprehensive plan the third ordinance is also change into future land use but it introduces the uh Gateway quter land use category if you remember that that is the Redevelopment land use objectives and policies that will be apply to the major commercial quarters and then the fourth and last ordinance is or um changes that have been proposed to the housing element of the comprehensive plan so again if one passes another one doesn't it won't they won't hold each other up um there are other parts of this whole pro project that we'll be bringing back to the council at a later date uh they're just being held up because they're still being worked on uh one in particular is the uh amendment that is related to the urban mixed use land use category that'll come in a later date uh and then we also have historic preservation policies that we're were're asked to bring back to you as well and then environmental policies we brought back at another time as well so tonight it's just Transportation element housing element future land use element um I did include a large presentation that the consultant initially provided to us as far as their SWAT analysis their strengths and weaknesses analysis of the city and it helped inform the decisions as far as what types of policies to put into these ordinances so with that I'll try and answer any questions you have is this time sensitive um and and it just kind of caught me that there's still others to come is it not important that they all go at the same time if or is it there a time issue here or a uh compatibility time with this or no I would if if you decide to the reason why we broke it up this particular Amendment into several ordinances is so that you can make that decision if you decide to one particular ordinance is a priority decide on now and maybe another one maybe wait till later I would recommend if you do that to consider the downtown mixed use uh land use category or that that second ordinance as a priority and the reason is because of that density um pool concept if that is adopted it'll Foster a lot of opportunities in the downtown area which currently are being restricted because of the way the code and the way the comprehensive plan is written uh the second priority I would recommend considering the Gateway because that will Foster an ability to redevelop along of our commercial quarters uh it's an extra tool that we can use to um negotiate with developers along those those major quarters to allow some of those properties that are already developed or der or blighted to be redeveloped easily and then third would be the housing one um because that is the policies that we are recommending amending in there will help with um more housing choices in each of those uh areas along the commercial quarters and in our downtown and then lastly it would be the Citywide element so that would be my recommended priority of consideration of these ordinances um but again the first one would be the downtown Council any questions comments I see none call cards please no card all right this is the first reading um there'll be no uh Vote or motion on that so we will move on City Manager on to item uh n or 10 B small scale Amendment SSA number 1-22 24 State Road 405 in Singleton Avenue PD North this is quasi judicial the City attorney will read the procedures for quasi judicial oh you're not going to read it we're not vot it's not the public so I won't read those procedures tonight okay so you can do what you want with that but the City attorney will read ordinances for the first time ordinance number 37 2024 an ordinance of the city of tville Florida amending the code of ordinances by amending ordinance number 60 1988 which adopted the comprehensive plan of the city of tville by amending the future land use designation on land located at the Northeast corner of the intersection of South s Singleton Avenue and State Road 405 South Street from low density residential to conservation on 5.01 plusus Acres of property commercial high intensity to conservation on 49 plus Min Acres of property and from conservation to low density residential on 63 plus minus Acres property and Commercial high intensity to low density residential on 9.05 plus minus Acres of property having partial ID numbers 22 35 55 00750 and 22355 752 providing for separability repeal of conflicting ordinances and providing for an effective date ordinance number 38 2024 an ordinance amending ordinance number 5993 of the city of tville Florida by amending the zoning map made a part of set ordinance by reference by changing the zoning classification and landan located at the northeast corner of the intersection of South Singleton Avenue State Road 405 South street from the general use gu zoning District to the plan development PD zoning District on 8.11 plusus Acres of property the neighborhood commercial zoning District NC to the plane development PD zoning District a 9.55 plus minus Acres of property the open space Recreation or zoning District to the plan development PD zoning District on 63 plus minus Acres of property having partial ID numers 22 3505 00750 and 223505 000752 providing for severability repeal of conflicting ordinances and providing for an effective date on 18th September 2024 the Planning and Zoning commission acting as the local planning agency recommended approval of the land use ordinance 43 the members that opposed were concerned with the building height losing commercial land use drainage needs to be addressed and the access to Highland Terrace should be replaced with a driveway directly to State Route 405 and recommended approval to rezone 43 members that were opposed were concerned with the building height losing commercial land use drainage needs to be addressed and the access to Highland terar should be replaced with a driveway directly to State Road 405 in addition the PD master plan will cause traffic to impact a residential neighborhood per section 35 335 A2 of the code the public hearing is scheduled for the regular City council meeting on 8 October 2024 at 6:30 p.m. Mr parish is here to present and answer questions go ahead Sir Mr Mayor I just for the record I do want to uh state that at the Planning and Zoning commission meeting they recommended approval 4 to three of the land use but then also recommended approval of the resoning 4 to3 uh with additional conditions on top of what staff was recommending so I just want to read what those are for the record um uh remember okay so they made a motion to recommend approval of the resoning ordinance uh with the staff recommended conditions and allowing connectivity to Highland Terrace as proposed in the master plan also the addition of the following conditions one increase the setb to 72 ft on the East Boundary two propose traffic cing measures with with the submitt of the sketch plat and three the building height to be no greater than 40 ft um without I'll try to answer your questions I wasn't planning on giving a presentation on this council member stal yep um so you said that was there discussion about or not having it connect to Highlands and just coming out on the 405 is that even possible I I you mentioned it but I don't think it was one of the conditions that pnz said was it that was not the conditions that were mentioned okay so the the the concerns of the of the minority votes okay was that they thought that the um another driveway should be out to State Road 405 but that wasn't included in the majority okay vote the motion that was actually approved is it possible to not have a connection going into Highlands that is possible okay um and then looking at I'm on page 354 I really appreciate when you do the side by sides because that helps um it looks to me for the land use really what we're doing we are I I see that we're switching out some conservation um but it looks to me like a majority of this is we're switching out the commercial high-intensity for low density residential that's correct for the land use okay and then for the zoning we're switching out um en use which I I thought that was interesting I didn't realize General use can be with the land use yes ldr but um so the GU is being switched to the PD there correct and as well as the commercial okay um yeah I think my what what does the applicant feel about those conditions the increasing the setback the 40 foot Max and then what was the third one so the three pnz recommended conditions increase the setback to 72 ft the um applicant expressed some concerns about that okay uh the second condition that pnz recommended proposed traffic cing measures with the submitt of the sketch plot they didn't have an objection with that okay uh as far as I heard at the at the hearing uh the building height they also concurred with that they the applicant concurred with that they agreed with that they thought that was okay okay any discussion from the applicant on what they feel about if we didn't have it going into Highlands like that wasn't an option they would have to come out either on 405 or Singleton I don't recall the applicant stating whether they were support or not of that okay all right thank you M Nelson I did have one question um when Christy Anderson did the staff report she indicated that we're going to try to save Heritage trees and my recollection is that Heritage trees have to be reserved there is a process to remove a Heritage tree provided there's justification and I think there's a Max number and I think or there I have to look at the code again but I know there's a process for so for example there's a up to a certain number you can take out past that you have to go through a process and the process has to go before the um development Review Committee so it has to be justified through them okay okay and that's based on criteria in the code so each of those requests to remove that there's there's a Criterion in the code that addresses that okay very good anything else from councel call the cards please um we have two cards u first one is Vicky Conlin Vicky cockin 2920 Royal Oak Drive Titusville first of all I wanted to thank Brad again I thanked him in pnz but was a lot of information about this project that they I think he really put together very well want to compliment him in public as well um I'm not sure why the a lot of the residents here I found it confusing that the public hearing is actually set for this on the day that it's the second reading I thought the public hearing was set on the day was the first reading is that I think it's kind sometimes depending on the project there may be two public hearings where You' have a first public hearing and a second but no if there's only one public Hearing in this case this is just the first reading of the titles of the ordinance and the public hearing will take place at the second reading and the vote okay okay uh I would encourage you not to extend the Highland Terrace I think it's invasive to the established homes that have been there as as as councilman stuckle has said they've been there since the 60s and they don't really want this invasiveness in their neighborhood needs to be blocked off so it seems that the 50 Foot height was a real concern if they get approved for the 50 ft they'll build 50 ft and that's higher than the tree canopy um so I think that the Optics of driving along on a major road we got a collector we've got an material and the Optics of having these town homes on both sides of that it's kind of like going to be a town home tunnel on 405 I'm not sure I think that is the appearance that we want for our future growth but the other thing is that I think we need to obey the compreh ensive plan I know I sound like a broken record with that stewards of the comp plan and and eliminating that commercial is a big part of this project for this side not for the South but for the north so by eliminating the commercial we're diminishing further the opportunity to have commercial at the intersection of a of an material and collector that seems to be a really high visible area why do we want homes on that high visible area and I don't think we should be given getting rid of our commercial um that's that's it thank you good thank you very much next card the last card is Mary Spar there Mary yeah hi Mary been a while yeah I haven't heard you much Mary's got handouts always doubts all right Mary name and address for the record but you know the routine oh Mary Spar 825 Clifton coov Court Coco um you were just given a copy of page 3177 of your agenda packet which is a site plan for PD North I've outlined and read a point 91 acre parcel that applicant owns but did not include in PD North yeah that's all in blue I wrote wl1 that is wetland one which extends out from the project boundary into the 0.91 acre triangular shaped parcel and covers almost all of this parcel I've been reviewing proposed projects with Wetlands 5 acres and more in size for a couple years and we're noticing some confusion and loopholes in your comprehensive plan language now PD North reveals another loophole an applicant can just chop off a little piece of very large Wetland on property he owns and just decide not to include it in the project in the process he creates a basically un developable Wetlands parcel such as a91 acre parcel outlined in red and could someone actually manage to develop a basically undevelopable Wetlands parcel maybe if they crime property rights loud enough of course no one has cried property rights yet in this case the applicant owns about 10.3 Acres of wetland one but he's only including 9.4 Acres he is severing a little .91 acre triangle shape parcel almost all of which is part of wetland one from the 39 plus contiguous Acres he owns on the north now the applicant could actually agree to change his boundaries and include the Little Triangle parcel but you've got to ask him to include the .9 acre triangle parcel if you don't get the P North Boundary fixed you're setting a very bad president precedent affecting your conservation land that conservation land includes the extensive and extremely important swath of forested wetlands that runs north to south and you've heard about that swath of wetlands many times minute another minute okay hold on hold on do another minute thank you we always want to give our folks plenty of time thank you uh this extensive forested Wetland system prevents flooding and protects the water quality of the Indian River Lagoon in conclusion we have a very bad situation to deal with but it can be fixed please ask the applicant to adjust the project boundaries to include the Little Triangle parcel thank you Mary every time you talk whether about trees or whatever it may have been you always try to come up with a win-win I just when I'm long gone from here I'll always remember that you try to there's got to be a way to do it and I appr appreciate the way you just presented that so thank you for us to think about actually think this could be doable well if you ask I appreciate that thank you very much question uh I'm sorry I didn't look over there remember stoko yeah Mary um I'm not I'm not sure what you're asking so I see like on the maps here it's still staying conservation okay so what are you cons yeah I'm just not sure what you're wanting okay yeah be but see what happens is um that it stays conservation the 091 acre parcel because it's not included in the project now the wetlands lines have uh that the um environmental consultant um for the applicant um has given the city um indicate that there's more conservation land um than previously thought in fact the whole .91 parcel is almost all covered with uh Wetlands so what this means according to uh the future land use element is Con the um uses are for conservation land are limited to basically um one residential unit for five acres well there isn't five ACR there and so if somebody tries to buy this parcel or develop on it they have a problem they've got to cry loud strong property r and and that's that it puts staff in a quite the bad position for having to determine how much rights they have and these this is a flaw in in the coordination of the future land element policies with the you're talking about the little piece that would still stay commercial high intensity that's what you you don't want that if if the rest of it is getting changed to to ldr you would like that little corner piece to be switch is that what you're talking about I would like Dad do you know what like I'm zooming in on the map on 354 and I see there is that little triangle piece some of it's ldr and some of it is uh commercial high intensity is that what she's talking about yes it's on the east side of Singleton yeah so that little segment so you our request you don't know why it's like that you would like it to no I don't because the uh reason I'm saying that is um the applicant um when they um asked the environmental consultant to evaluate their properties they um asked for that parcel to be part of the Little Triangle parsel would be part of the um evaluation as well okay and to top it off on page 410 of your agenda packet you can see that their original concept plan which is called concept plan a and it's included in the traffic study M it shows that parcel included in the boundary of PD North so I have no idea why it's taken out and I'm just hoping since they considered it at one time that they will decide to include it now as well because it could certainly be used um to help remediate the um flooding problem in that area or in or alternatively to um help qualify um the the applicant for the incentives in the tree ordinance which um uh I would save the the applicant a lot of money okay so you you're if I'm hearing you correctly you think that that should be conservation just like well I'm thinking that it should be what the environmental study in the applicant would recommend okay um we have criteria the conservation is going to be Wetlands 5 Acres greater and this is obviously a part of a wetland that is greater than 5 Acres however as far as what they do with the um you know commercial or um low density residential I would think they would follow the pattern that um they are currently trying to um promote um I'm not trying to commercial you know um you know zero in on their plans no I hear you I mean I I just don't want a problem for Titusville creating a really bad precedent y thank you member Nelson and I have a question so if we have 0.91 Acres that's less than the five acres could somebody come in mitigate that fill that in and use it they would first have to amend the comprehensive plan okay but that is possible okay okay that may be why they thought about doing that I have no idea but but that's that would be my concern that would be my concern I thought that's what you were saying in your email a little bit too well the thing about it is you know we've already um noticed that a property that is adjacent to this one um actually PD South um tried to use the property rights um argument to um get some uh additional acreage for apartments and at the time I remember that member Robinson um very clearly uh talked about the 5 acre rule yeah and I really appreciate expert did a great job sticking to the sticking to the r all right thank you so very much councel anything else on that uh cards no cards all right um again first reading city manager we on uh we're on item 10c which is small scale Amendment application number 22024 State Road 405 in Singleton Avenue PD South this is the first reading the City attorney will read ordinances number 39 2024 and 40202 24 ordinance number 39 2024 an ordinance of the city of tville Florida amending the code of ordinances by meaning ordinance number 60 1988 which adopted the comprehensive plan of the city of Titusville by amending the future land St designation on land located at the southeast corner of the intersection of South Singleton Avenue State Road 405 South Street from low density residential to conservation on 11.25 plus minus Acres of property from conservation to low density residential on0 44 plus minus Acres of property having partial ID numbers 22 35 08001 22355 000752 2235 5758 2235 05759 and 22355 00760 providing for separability repeal of conflicting ordinances and providing for an effective date ordinance number 40 2024 an ordinance amending ordinance number 5 1993 the city of tville Florida by amending the zoning map made a part of set ordinance by reference by changing the zoning classification on land located at the southeast corner of the intersection of South Singleton Avenue and State Road 405 South Street from the general use G zoning District to the plan development PD zoning District on 27.99 plus minus Acres of property and from the open space Recreation o zoning District to the plan development PD zoning District on 044 plus minus Acres of property having partial ID numbers 22 35 8001 2235 00 I'm sorry 22355 000752 22355 00758 2235 50759 and 223505 00760 provider separability repeal of conflicting ordinances and providing for an affected date on September 18th 2024 the Planning and Zoning commission acting as the local planning agency recommended approval to the land use ordinance 70 and recommended approval to to the rezone of 43 the members that opposed were concerned about flooding specifically the surrounding development uh pressures are increasingly flooding uh issues in the area the members that were opposed were also concerned about the proposed residential density one member was also concerned about low water pressure the public hearing is scheduled for the regular city council meeting on 8 October 2024 at 6:30 Mr parish is here to present and answer questions for you miss Parish on on this agenda I like to just clarify for the record uh Planning and Zoning commission's recommendation again as stated the land use amendment was approved unanimously or recommended for approval unanimous unanimously by the Planning and Zoning commission but on the rezoning ordinance they recommended approval four to three with conditions which were not part of the I didn't put on cover here so just for the record I'm just going to read what those are um they approved a motion to recommend approval of the resoning ordinance with staff recommendations and staff's conditions also the addition of the following conditions one that building Heights be no greater than 40 ft and two the they allow the Forest Hills Baptist Church to access the proposed driveway at the Singleton Avenue intersection if possible uh this project has two proposed driveways one of them going to that intersection of Singleton and State Road 405 and the um representative of the Forest Hills back Baptist Church asked if this project could be approved with the ability to for that property the church to access their proposed driveway so they can use that intersection to get in and out of their property safely um with that I'll try and answer any questions you have M Nelson did the applicant have any problems with the one condition for the church using I I do not believe they had an objection to that um but again that would have to be determined at site review however that can be resolved if possible and that's why it's stated as not a uh they have to work with them basically is what they agree to now the applicant's here to answer that question oh okay who's the applicant it will be um yeah we'll get them up here okay um any other from councel in applicate we will certainly get you up here if you don't have a card uh call cards no cards applicant can you come up yeah nothing else who give us a chance to get a better feel for what you guys got going just a question here I'm Anna long I'm an attorney with the law firm of T me 8441 mural Road melbour Florida um the applicant agreed to all of the conditions in both the North and the South that were applied by um the PNC members do you want me to go over all of them or just the last one you I was just curious about the last one church was because I go down that road a lot and the insurance to the church is very close to that intersection it is yes and I was like you know now it's fine 10 years from now um as staff indicated we're fine with it as long as during the site plan staff's fine with it so we're good great thank you anything else what we have with applicant now first thing I'll say is it's very rare we get somebody say we agree with all so that's that's kind of nice a question okay go ahead sorry did you did you guys have any comments on the one citizen concern about the triangle piece and that still it wasn't included because they didn't own the property at the time okay and we have no problem including it you okay perfect thank you wow that's a good answer all right uh and no cards correct I can't say member Nelson we don't have a motion City Manager on to item 12a which is Code Enforcement lean reduction request for a property located at 4045 kokina Avenue staff is recommending that you approve the special magistrates recommendation for a code enforcement lean reduction of the daily fine from 73,000 to $500 plus $384 24 in cost for a total amount of $884 24 payable to the city of Titusville within 90 days this property is located at 4045 Cina Avenue and is Homestead to the resident of Miss Cynthia caspr Glenn's here to answer questions that you may have on this uh Magistrate's recommendation um anything you want to say Glenn first of all U yes thank you uh Miss caspr did did come in front of the magistrate uh as you saw I put pictures of before and after they don't really do that property justice of what she's done there um she initially had applied for the ambassy program but got hung up with some contractor issues and then came forward uh it is a Homestead Property it it is uh her home now and uh staff does support thank you very much Council any questions is the person here yes sir Miss C Bricker um well come on up anyway I don't know that we're going to have any questions or anything like that if anything you want to say sounds like a uh cordial and collaborative agreement has come about so anything you want to add to What Glenn said there or is everything you agree with the agreement um I I do I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get to this but um I think I did a great job on the house the community I would say from what we've seen uh we'd agree i' agree um you don't say we up here very often so I agree uh I mean that's my retirement home my forever home so uh well I appreciate that and Glenn I appreciate your words and uh I don't think we're need anything else and we'll go from here okay thank you very much thank you I'm assum we have any cards on that other than that okay um member Nelson yeah num to approve the special magistrate recommendation for quote enforce lean reduction um to $500 plus 384 what not I got to finish it he's not done did I beat it well yeah but B yeah but you don't have your light on $884 24 payable to the city of tville within 90 days now you go I have a motion from Member Nelson a second from vice mayor call vote vice mayor Robinson vice mayor vice mayor Robinson yes member stokle yes member Cole yes member Nelson yes mayor diesel yes happily yes thank you guys appreciate that that's awesome good job Glenn good job thank you City Manager on to mayor council and city manager reports uh we'll start with member Cole member Cole's going pass member n Nelson remember Nelson was reading the package about SC small scale Amendment and I did not realize that we did not have a buffer zone around Wetlands did you guys notice that I was sort of like H so I don't think we ever talked about having a buffer zone around Wetlands but you would almost think that there's a buffer zone around anything like that so well I sort of thought there's got to be a buffer zone around the Wetlands cuz otherwise you're impacting the wetlands I mean eventually it would seem like they'd be gone so I was sort of thinking maybe we should do advisability to at least have um planning look at it and see if other areas I was hoping I get Brad here but he ran uh and see if that's something we need to look at um I don't have an answer member stok what do you think I'm always I'm always for advisability on looking at things yeah I don't think that can hurt um yeah yeah I I think the advis that's truly not something I'd really thought about with the um I didn't think about it member Cole but if it's on private property does that mean we have to require the property owner to put up a I think that might be part of the invisibility but I think that certainly got to be part of the equation well I would think that um it would really apply to developments coming in to make sure to have a buffer to make sure they have a buer that's that's kind of where these people had a buffer around the wetlands which is what really made me think about it and I was like wait a minute do we need to vote on that or can we just have to so what we'll need is um advisability to bring an agenda item back and that be a vote to that would be my motion so you want an agenda item to address advisability to do around Wetland exactly yeah that's a good that's a good motion and is this this is a new development right new development okay well and then you can with an advisability we can play off of it when they bring it back yeah okay or you all can play off of it when they bring it back uh so member Nelson has a motion and member stoko has a second um can we do an all in favor here all in favor yes opposed it passes we'd like an advisement on that thank you very much anything else that's it that was big for that kind of thing um I couple cool things um as uh my meetings and weeks wind down I want to get a couple things done and it worked out perfectly um got invited to a surprise party for Willie Taylor his wife does those greatly and so I decided I wanted to do a mayor's Proclamation for him at the event and um Willie and I being very similar I think we both got very teed during this but basically um thank Willie from the mayor's Proclamation for what he's meant in the community what he's meant for our city he's a guy and I kind of put this in the proclamation that uh he gives hope to the Hopeless and uh a smile to the and happiness to the sad he that's that's what he does and um we're blessed to have him as a tidel police officer on top of that uh but I didn't really get into that as much as I did what he does and quite honestly to walk in and then he had a his group that particular night I think it was a Monday night um he had like 40 kids and some adults in there working um you know working out so that was really really nice I'm glad I got to get that done then I got invited to the IRC Academy which is a church which is a school at IRC U used to be Methodist Church now it's Indy River Church and just a couple things always crack me up when I get to go I presented them all with certificates of appreciation because they were doing a study and appreciation of City uh workers and um I thank them for that but then I get the questions and you know like one of them is did you get here in your helicopter I'm telling you they think and I they think the mayor is a lot more important than he is sometimes do you do you live in a mansion and the one I always get wow you're lucky you own all the buildings in the city I'm like what so anyway that was cute it was a great event and I was so glad to do it and uh those are the kind of things that I I really will miss when this all comes to an end being able to um shed a little light on those that deserve and and maybe need some light so I was glad to do those two things uh vice mayor well yes uh I uh I attended I am a I sat on the board for the uh Coalition of care for Bard County and uh I attended a uh a early morning meeting last Friday uh morning and talking about the house bill 1365 and uh it was a lot of things that and I know Amber presented to us I think it was our last meeting uh a lot of things that brought I sit at a table or in a group with uh uh two uh uh officers from uh coko police department and a representative one of our local sheriffs as well uh great gentlemen and uh uh they schooled me you know and I've been in the housing business on all of the the uh Financial concerns uh that uh that I believe that has not been taken into consideration uh to implement some of those things that are going to be involved uh with um uh House Bill 1365 just uh to just clue you in uh is that uh if taking a an individual in custody and and for La of a better word booking them and processing them through the system that is a costly process and I don't think that that uh uh has been taken into consideration uh because the city would have to pick up a lot of that cost and then if they process them through it's no guarantee that the courts are going to the judges are going to pick in and say we don't want there too many of them we don't want to deal with it there's a lot of things so as and I know that the police our local police department uh has taken some proactive things on uh on uh helping the individuals that are homeless in the homeless camps and I give them a Bravo Zulu for that but but keep it up because it's a lot of things that's going to be involved with that it still hasn't been uncovered it was several city managers that was there and their staff talking about the the things that they are concerned about it was County staff there so a very very good meeting and and um I will uh I will continue to be on that board but it's a lot of things to uh uh that uh that that are being brought out as we study the whole process of what the state uh in their legislation has done and the burden that they are putting on the cities so uh you know keep on doing Titusville Police Department what you're doing you you trying to stay ahead of a big uh monster that is coming that Pro but right now I think that uh uh many of the cities are kind of putting it on the back burner they're not doing what we're doing up here so just uh um again Bravo Zulu job done and I'll uh it is a big monster that that uh uh is going to rear his head so we have to be prepared and the guy that's doing it's it's right there so I yeah yeah he I could tell he's like okay all right thank you sir member stokel um just to give you guys a brief update on my position with the Florida Le of City's board uh we had a meeting this past weekend uh I think I mentioned it to you but if you weren't aware the Coco mayor mayor Blake is the current president of the Florida Lea cities which is phenomenal um he's doing a great job um we did a lot of routine things just going over our budget finances goals for the year uh but the highlights are one we are starting the process for our advocacy and what issues uh Tallahassee May uh start to work on not too much just yet because I think they're waiting until after the election um but session I think starts sometime in March this year um so as those bills start to get filed and committee weeks happen uh we will be monitoring and trying to stay proactive also I signed up to join the training and educational committee which is a new committee where which I'm so happy about this because this is something I've been trying to push for they're trying to see what can they do for those that don't really attend some of their events like how can we better support cities through educational resources things on our website trainings webinars what if there's something that the cities need help with researching certain things so if you guys have any ideas of things that you wish you're like man I wish we could get resources from the state level on best practices for certain things please uh let me know because that's what we're trying to do and work on right now lastly I mentioned this before this is probably one of the coolest things um part of what we're doing is partnering with NASA working on that concrete substitute um using recycled glass and plastic which if you know recycling is a huge issue right now um which I think we we don't even uh we lose money on our recycling we're trying to do better for the environment and it's costing us but um I think they said in the presentation this would be seven times more strong than concrete um but also better for the environment so they're making progress there and I'm just I'm super excited about that that they another branch that the league is trying to do to help again municipalities um because that could be something that we can use potentially for infrastructure projects so that is my update thank you very much I appre appreciate that Mr Mayor I have a question for you're too late oh yeah your turn my question is for the young lady at the end down there have the the leg of cities have they come down with anything particularly about what vice mayor was talking about the what other cities are doing as far as the homeless population right not that I'm aware of um just yet but I can certainly ask and check in with them to see cuz that's something they do is they'll try to send out information to cities it depends on cities responding um but yeah that's something we're working on but I will I'll keep you posted to see what we can find out go ahead yes it was at the in in attending that meeting uh uh because I do I do sit on the board and sit there and learn from Sarah uh and uh there were several members that of the uh uh Space Coast le as cities that were there had input and also uh the Coalition of care has presented to the leue of cities and as sah State uh State the uh we at that at part is trying to stay a breast of all of that as well memy Nelson Sarah when you get information on the concrete substance y can you pass it on to us I that's really interesting yeah I might have something in my box okay I might have something in my box downstairs actually because I had the presentations uh forwarded to me so yeah I can see what I box sounds absolutely cool oh it was it was the coolest presentation to sit through because like we've they've been working on it for some time now just to see it going through the process of getting a patent working out the agreement with NASA and it's something I don't know I'm just really excited about it from Financial from helping the environment the solving the recycling issue um cost there's yeah it just could be way around are they planning on bonding these things together with epx samples not this past meeting but the other one yeah to show us what it looks like and they even were talking about like okay what about contaminated you know Plastics and glass and they were seeing they're doing in their research and design portion trying to see okay what if we put like those that might be a little bit contaminated like sandwich it in and then like the cleaner stuff on the outside what does that mean is like like how is it impacting the environment it's really cool super cool yeah and speaking of Tallahasse you mentioned it reminded me that we need to have our thoughts and prayers with the people in the Panhandle Tallahassee area and wherever this thing ends up going exactly because it could be a category 3 I will say as it's popped up when I was looking at it that um we are just being it's while we were here I guess uh we got put on the U tropical storm watch list and are on the emergency list as well well now of 61 counties out of 67 so that's just about all of us so uh city manager I'm sure will'll comment a little bit he was in an EOC meeting today and staying on top of all this so uh with that city manager yeah I'd like to go ahead and give you a a tropical storm Helen update um Helen is expected to hit our area sometime early Thursday morning which is the 26th through mid morning it's a fast moving storm when it gets into the Gulf it's expected to reach uh 230 mi from the center of the storm which will definitely cover us the impacts in our area are expected to be tropical winds ranging between 25 sustained and gust between 40 and 60 miles an hour rainfall estimat are expected to be in our area 2 to 4 Ines with six being on the high end and being that it'll be a fast moving storm and a lot of rain really quick local Street flooding and yard flooding is possible Bard County Schools is anticipating their announcement tomorrow on Wednesday the 25th at noon U regarding Thursday's activities um the EOC anticipates tropical storm watch right now and uh we will be under a tropical storm warning most likely tomorrow morning City Titusville open sandbags on uh Singleton this morning uh for people to Fill Their Own sandbags we will have staff out there tomorrow uh morning and we will run through 5:00 p.m. we left some sand sandbags out this evening if anybody still needs sandbagging tonight um the city will continue normal operations at this time on Thursday um we may alter our Solid Waste operations we'll announce that tomorrow if we do with the solid waste that was scheduled for Thursday will be changed to Saturday and we anticipate continuing with our Friday operations and I will continue to provide Council the update the next update scheduled for tomorrow at 4:00 if not sooner they said if the storm winds up kicking up quicker um we will probably have a noon meeting at the OC subject to questions very good thank you City attorney councel just I dismissed if I hold if I hold this for a while will you stand there meeting J thank you guys very much much appreciate you guys thank you --------- ##VIDEO ID:fABbWtmr8B4## e e e e e [Music] [Music] all right here we go all right welcome to the September 24th 2024 5:30 p.m. presentations meeting we do have a quorum so I'll call this meeting to order would you please join me in a moment of silence and the pledge to the flag the United States of America and to the for stands one nation indivisible city clerk would you please read the rules of speak yes sir this is a city council meeting to hear special recognitions and president presentations Council will not take formal action on the agenda items all individuals wishing to speak may do so under petitions and requests no signup card is required citizens will be given three minutes to speak all signup cards and Exhibits being submitted to city council shall be placed in the box on the table thank you very much city manager uh good evening mayor vice mayor and city council we are on a special recognition and presentations item 4A which is the employees of the month for August and September 20 24 first we'd like to recognize Christopher Labs from the purchasing department as city city of Titusville employee of the month for August 2024 and Leslie I believe you're going to do the okay the honors yep sure hi good afternoon uh Chris started as procurement analyst in our office a year ago and he has accomplished so much and we are so proud of him and I'm so glad he accepted a position in our office he is just so sharp he um completed his uh training for a uh certified uh purchasing uh buyer from the N National Institute of governmental purchasing he's working on several projects to automate our uh technology and what we're using in the Purchasing Office actually Tracy probably could talk about that a little more she works hand inand with him on those and Chris is just dedicated he's professional he's just a pleasure to work with and he's a great asset to the city but I want Tracy to talk about a couple of the projects cuz she worked hand in hand um good evening um so just to give you an idea um I think we all struggle with trying to move forward with technology and what is available at hand Chris came in from day one and looked at our tools looked at what we had what we were using what we weren't using applied a lot of lean process thinking um to um what our processes were and then applied those new processes to our technology so we are now moving forward with doing a lot of things um automated through um technology rather than papers and routing them in our office somebody physically taking them from place to place um he is also setting up the Microsoft uh SharePoint page for us to be able to give resources and data out to the user departments to try to be efficient and um give the information to the user departments that we have in procurement and in in in result of that just within the last four months he he alone um has um saved the city $155,000 just in the last like uh three and a half four months um in some of these actions and also vetting out contracts and uh competitive pricing um so we've had a vision to move forward he is definitely um a big part in that in supporting it um we are working with uh the clerk's office and doing some things for our our records retention things like that so we're very excited that he's a part of our [Applause] team got a lot of Stu right and I appreciate you doing all that because without you we don't have microphones [Applause] next we'd like to recognize Stacy Woodward from the Titusville Police Department as the city of Titusville is employee of the month for September 2024 and major Wright will be the presenter good evening so today I have the privilege of recognizing Stacy Woodward and to cut it real short I'm not going to cut it short but she has a speech ready just kidding um but impactful is the very first word that comes to mind if you look out in the crowd there's various members from our department from every section possible sworn and civilian so I think that's pretty neat the impact that she has on everybody just being Stacy uh but she's our accreditation and accountability man uh manager uh her contributions to our department in the city reach far beyond our Professional Standards area uh she embodies dedication and Excellence strives to be a subject matter in every uh every field of law enforcement operations sworn and civilians she's our go-to person for everything and she's not just our go-to person she's actually the go-to person for other agencies that's going through accreditation processes so that's one of the main reasons that we're recognizing her she took us through uh our mock accreditation two three weeks ago getting us prepared for our final assessment those assessors that came knew Stacy knew her teas were crossed her eyes were dotted and without Stacy we know we know our accreditation is going to go through seamlessly so it's those reasons but it's stuff that she does every single day that just amazes you and the impact that she has on our team that we're thankful to have her so congratulations thank you [Applause] thank you I appreciate you're behind the scenes people without you guys the rest of us can't do what we do and I think that's pretty much all you're saying thank you so much thank you C manager uh on to item 4B which is the department Spotlight this is the Port Services Department uh headed up by our assistant city manager Tom abatai this was the next to the last Spotlight that we'll be presenting and uh Tom I'll turn it over to you thank you evening mayor vice mayor city council it's my pleasure to present the second in the last uh Department Spotlight Support Services um it's been a a real honor for me to be leading that department microphone a little bit would you Tom oh thank you brother better yes much better okay yeah it's uh been real honor for me to you know be part of the support services department for the past 20 years um as the city manager likes to say the support services department it's not in the front line but we're the engine room that keeps the city going um we have eight divisions um community relations um as you know does tyo talking points we have Media Services and they do a fantastic job monitoring the website and social media customer service to me is probably the toughest division that we have they uh maintain 22,000 water accounts and bring in $23 million in Revenue uh Finance of course formulates and execute the budget which is a Monumental task in itself Human Resources uh is charge of all hiring and firing and and um retention of our personnel and all Personnel matters the marina big success story um we've contracted out to F free Marina probably seven or eight years ago ago and they did a fantastic turnaround of of a struggling Marina to probably one of the preeminent marinas on the east coast of Florida fantastic job 90% occupancy and a long waiting list and they just get R reviews um for uh their customer service I think you just heard an example of the Fantastic Personnel we have in purchasing um led by Leslie they do a great job they're fully staffed and and of course they're leveraging technology which is another Division I one thing I've learned over the years that you have to have a strong it Department because uh every you know each year becomes more and more critical that we leverage technology to work you know more efficient and uh like less hard and just more efficient and of course we have our special projects um fantastic hire two years ago we brought in uh Heather Kenny she has uh revamped our grants processing red white and boom is always a fantastic event so I'm really proud to be part of the support services department they do a great job and we have a Shor uh six minute video that kind of goes in more detail what I just explained so roll them thank welcome to the city of Titusville a city of service around the clock the city's team of employees worked diligently to provide essential services to Residents around our community and at the core of this effort is the Department of Support Services which plays a vital role in assisting both our citizens as well as other City departments under the leadership of assistant city manager Tom Abate Support Services include several key divisions Human Resources Information Technology Finance purchasing special projects and grants community relations the Municipal Marina and customer service Tom and his team ensures that the engine of the city runs smoothly every day in this overview we'll take a quick look at what these departments have accomplished over the past year and then we'll shine a spotlight on the helpful people in our customer service division Finance the mission of the finance department is to provide fiscal and financial support to city council and All City departments as a branch of Support Services Finance is committed to provide an accurate timely and transparent financial information our vision is to provide city-wide support to allow for the achievement of the city's strategic goals Finance is responsible for the coordination of all Financial activities of the city which includes accounting records audit coordination financial statement preparation budget preparation and monitoring and cash management let's take a look at a few of the finance department's accomplishments over the past year enrolled 77 vendors in the city's electronic payment program successfully adopted the fiscal year 2024 budget and trim compliance collected 23 $6,000 in outstanding utility leans purchasing the division of purchasing and Contracting is responsible for administering purchasing policies as approved by the city council and is charged with the responsibility of ensuring that all purchases are made legally and responsibly in compliance with Federal Regulations Florida Statutes City policies and ordinances a few of purchas sc's accomplishments over the past year include develop standardized bid and contract forms generated additional Revenue incentives rebates and discounts in utilizing eprocurement platforms implemented electronic bid solicitation through the city's ebidding platform special projects the special projects office oversees a variety of tasks including grants management and monitoring operations at the historic Pritchard house and the Titusville Welcome Center mentoring candidates in the lean6 sigma program and annual and quarterly performance measurements and Reporting in addition the office coordinates planning and funding for disaster recovery and Hazard mitigation serving on the County's local mitigation steering committee and Emergency Management teams and as the city's lays on to FEMA and the Florida Department of Emergency Management a few special project significant accomplishments include coordinating fdem disaster Readiness assessment process and subsequent abatement activities to ensure and improve the city's Disaster Recovery capabilities coordinating the 2024 red white and boom fireworks and July 4th Community celebration event Information Technology the it division maintains the city servers switch which is computers and software systems our goal is for all city employees to have access to the hardware and software necessary to do their jobs such as the city's enterprise resource planning system and the police dispatch records and phone systems we also create training materials and instruct employees on cyber security and other systems at the city just a few of its's accomplishments include upgrade the city's Central Records management software laser fish to the latest release and new platform research and implementation of security measures to meet the new state requirements New City ID system that is internal to the organization and added security and features to the city ID badge Titusville Marina located just North of city hall the Titusville Marina is a fullservice boating destination overseen by F3 Marina management the marina boasts 200 slips moing opportunities for daily and monthly renters and a boers indoor and outdoor lounge the Marina's other amenities include newly renovated restrooms Wi-Fi Pump House service at the dock and a pumpout vessel security gates boers workshop and a boers gift shop the marina is open year round and averages 94 to 100% occupancy during the busy season Human Resources the Human Resources Division offers full service support to over 500 full-time and part-time city employees our recruitment process aims to attract develop motivate and retain the most qualified individuals whose diverse backgrounds and skills help maintain and enhance the city as an exemplary instit institution a few of Human Resources major accomplishments include pay and compensation study General employees police and fire retirement benefits plan improvements summer youth internships transition to full-time employment community relations the community relations division supports the city's efforts to educate the public on local city government resolve citizen concerns enhance knowledge of local government and Community issues and activities and support Emergency Operations as well as manage the city's website social media and Broad pods to cable TV and YouTube over the past year the community relations department has live streamed 162.5 hours of government meetings on YouTube attained 5,938 hours of City content watched on YouTube and achieved over 800,000 views of the city's website now let's take a closer look at the customer service division 5 days a week our customer service employees are hard at work processing over 22,000 build accounts throughout the city their small friendly staff Fields over 23 00 phone calls and 800 walk-in customers per year the customer service division is made up of 17 staff members cashiers customer service specialists a customer service coordinator a utility billing specialist a utility billing coordinator a utility billing assistant a collection specialist a field services supervisor field service representatives and a manager whether you are a new resident of our city or just filling your backyard swimming pool the customer service staff is there to help you solve these issues even after hours customers can pay their water bills online last year more than 14,400 online payments were made and 1,450 customers engaged with our staff concerning their services via email but many of our customers prefer to come into City Hall and pay their water bills in person and our friendly cashiers are always there to help you with over 7,300 payments last year across our city field service Representatives meet with customers and diagnose issues with their water bill they also handle reconnects water meter rereads water meter t in inspections and data logs the customer service department is committed to delivering our citizens timely accurate and friendly support for their utilities here were a few of customer service's accomplishments over the past year found 121 stuck meters and completed adjustments to recover the lost revenue of $26,845 in net collectible funds due for services handled approximately 2,300 calls per month and resolved 98% of them within 48 Hours completed conversion to the Neptune 360 platform I'd like to give you a few quick tips on how to inspect your house to see if you have a leak on your water surface the first thing you should do with inspecting your house for water leak is to make sure your house nothing is on inside the home this includes going outside the house and make sure all garden hose and ho bills are turn off and the last thing you want to do is go out to the water meter itself and inspect that for the Le you're going to verify your meter and your reading by using your water Bell it'll give your last reading look at the micrometer in this case is going to be a needle hand it will pick up the slightest movement of water through your mirror there's two types of leaks intermittent and continuous if you find your leak to be either an intermittent type or continuous it will only get worse in time and your water bill will not go back to normal until repairs are affected at the property if you have any more questions feel free to contact us at customer service at the number noted below and remember it's always a pleasure to serve you our customers of the city of Titusville in conclusion the support services department remains steadfast in our commitment to exceptional customer service for the citizens of Titusville ensuring they receive the best from their local government as we move towards a brighter [Music] future very good that that's a cute video there now that took some some creative thinking um and again like every year and I can't even remember them all 2,300 uh phone calls or 23,000 phone calls uh a year it's like wow um and just on and on and on the volume of things that you do is amazing aming but the variety of things you do is even more amazing uh I know I appreciate what you do in your entire group and I think it fits with what I said previously um an awful lot of times that the people behind the scenes are the ones that keep it going you don't know their names you don't know what they've done that day but you know that they're the ones who keeping that boat moving forward and and I know that I appreciate them very very much um any other things from Council on that I think we'd all agree as great presentation Tom appreciate what you do appreciate what your staff does vice mayor I was looking way up high there buddy I was looking for Desi and Lucy yeah that was retro it was great what it was yes very good he wanted something I could relate to there you go thank you very much appreciate that um and item C is letters of appreciation we have one it's uh for Brian D clemet Brian's been with the city for 12 plus years and he is departed for uh North Georgia where he and his wife Bridget are building a house so that concludes our uh I think we're toest now petitions or requests from the public hi Stan what about 6A youall skipped it so I'm sorry you skipped 6A didn't you no no you missed that pardon I missed it no hold on yeah yeah that's next meeting oh that's the next meeting oh okay all right uh okay uh over what I'm I'm here to talk to you about the same thing I talked to you about on September the 10th I had an email to you it's about the um uh survey for SNJ Oaks it's U disapproved by the State Board of survey and mappers it is in conflict with findings by Brad Parish of a three-foot bust in the U width of RightWay of um Elizabeth Avenue it's in conflict with the uh um angles and monuments of uh the accepted minor division on the other side of Elizabeth Avenue uh which is a minor division signed by Richard vopa former city engineer so uh what I'm sharing with you is all the improvements that are constructed right now and that are being constructed within SNJ Oak's property boundary are all located in incorrect locations they're not located according to the survey which is is wrong and uh uh so the city should disapprove the survey and I'm requesting that you go ahead and have the survey corrected I'm here to uh listen to any comments that you have I see none Stan uh pardon I see none I look at my little thing nobody nobody's interested in this uh because it's it's all being constructed in the wrong place okay thank you thank you any others all right nobody councel anything we have Joseph Ray does he want to speak at this meeting or the next meeting next meeting please okay thank you I appreciate that all right anything else over there C manager all right with that this meeting is adjourned the next meeting will be at 6:30 have a great 35 minutes e