e e e e e [Music] a oh [Music] hello and welcome to the May 28 2024 6:30 p.m. city council meeting we do have a quum so I'll call this meeting to order would you please join me in a moment of silence and the pledge to the flag to flag of United States of Amer stand na indivisible andice city clerk would you please read the rules of speak uh yes sir individuals wishing to speak on agenda items must complete a signup card prior to the item being introduced those wishing to speak on quasi judicial public hearings must complete a signup card and sign the oath sign up and oath cards are available on the table individuals wishing to speak on non-agenda items May do so under petitions and requests from the public present this opportunity is offered twice in the meeting and individuals may speak at either the first or second petitions but not both and no signup card is required citizens shall not comment on any issue more than once during the meeting all comments accept petitions and requests must address the pending issue and it citizens will be given three minutes to speak on agenda items next citizens wishing to speak on the consent agenda must submit a signup card identifying the items of interest each speaker shall be limited to three minutes to speak on the entire consent agenda and finally all sign up cards and Exhibits being submitted to city council shall be placed in the box on the table thank you very much uh can I get a motion to approve the minutes from the regular City Council meetings of April 9th and April 30th 2024 so moved second I have a motion in a second all those in favor say yes yes opposed minut minutes are passed city manager good evening mayor vice mayor city council we have a housekeeping matter to bring up front um staff would like to table at the request of the applicant item 10d which is SSA 3222 Bristol Titusville to uh 9 July 2024 can I have a motion to table that second I have a motion the second all those in favor yes opposed table City man on to boards and commission item 6A which is the Titusville environmental commission recommendations relating to the Indian River Lagoon to EC powers and duties artificial turf resiliency virtual meetings and Royal Oak Golf Course at the 15 May 2024 the Titusville environmental commission um approved several recommendations for city council it's consideration and Direction the six items are before you and staff is here to answer any questions you may have on them member Nelson oh sorry okay um just for clarification City attorney uh we are going to um this is one one item Boards of commission 6A so it'll be voted on at one time three minutes total correct this is this is one item you have several subjects under this one item so if anybody wants to speak as to any of the one through six they should do that at this time and each speaker will have three minutes to speak on this item in total so it's one item several issues correct one item so if anyone wants to speak on any of those they should do it during their three minutes that's correct all right staff anything to add to this as we go forward no sir Council anything all right call cards uh yes sir five cards have been submitted the first Tony shipo Tony chiffo Tropic Street since I opened this can of worms let me elaborate this is the one about the land along the river the city's proposed updates to the comprehensive plan has a section on Shoreline mixed use goals and objectives in the future land use element objective 1.12 Shoreline mixed use lays out two main goals yeah two main goals to preserve and enh enance the visual and functional use of land along the Indian River Lagoon east of Highway 1 while providing Public Access if you read the latest comp plan you can see the intention is to maintain access to the rivers Shore both physically and Visually and it's also meeting um the new goal number six Community design to conserve natural resources a quick survey of the remaining undeveloped land using the bravard county tax office property sh search shows most of the empty land is owned by the county and the city already and some of it's already designated a park probably owned by the city and maintained by the county um a few empty lots are owned by individuals or trust funds and these are the ones the city should pursue to purchase or obtain easements in order to build that continuous Riverfront pedestrian bike trail that was struck from the comp plan policy one 1.12.2 striketh through my suggestion to tec to ask Council to explore the creation of city-owned and maintained properties kept vacant in perpetuity for the citizens comes from the Magnificent view of the Kennedy Space Center across the river from the empty lot at Harrison and Washington next to the post office the spacious property located there is already owned by the city and is used now just as a storage lot for traffic lights how sad it would be to see this Riverfront sold for development of maybe a 10-story apartment building or another Health Clinic the city should keep all the riverfront landed already owns Wrangle control of all the Lots belonging to the county and obtain easements along the already developed properties then Tec can request that the shoreline be protected not hardened but allowed to return to a natural state perhaps installing educational projects such as Mangrove plantings seagrass Reclamation horseshoe crab counting on the soft sand let's it it made me it made me sing a song Let's Build a gateway to the Stars build a walkway to the moon at that lot right there by the post office what a great view take a look at it well thought out thank you can I ask a question yes I'm sorry Tony Tony um so looking through the tec's recommendation I was gathering from this it was a focus more on looking at uh properties that are owned by other individuals not the city and count County so would you say and this is again you can't speak on behalf of the TC but in your opinion would it be like would that be the focus as like number one and then maybe look at the other things that you mentioned but from gathering this it was more of let's just take an assessment and see what properties are available for potential purchase as our first course of action yes because we are you know I hadn't thought it out before I presented it to TC and I looked at the maps and I see that the county owns a large portion and the city owns other properties and then there is a section that's totally developed already so I'm not sure but I would say miss stuckle that the main emphasis would be to create a river trail as outlined in the previous comp plan you know with with pedestrian and bicycle access along the riverfront and secondarily to maintain as much natural as we can because so much of it's already been hardened built upon taken away from the public so that's my that that's kind of my got thought thank you for clarifying good thank you okay now next card K St an K St a Maryland Avenue um I wish to speak partially about number two Tec powers and duties of this the city code has designated Tec as the tree board uh which is a requirement of the tree City USA that there be a tree board and the code goes on to say it is the responsibility of Tec as a tree board to EST Lish and administer a tree ordinance and to plant and for their planting of trees and parks and along streets so Tec has uh is the tree board and as such it would like to fulfill its responsibilities as such a tree board according to Tree City USA so I wish that you would give that some thought also I just want to make a general comment um Tec has recommended some innovative ideas and actions as listed under under agenda item 6A there's six different actions or ideas that they're proposing in my opinion for each of these items staff should have provided council with some background information from the Tec meeting when these ideas were discussed it doesn't seem like you're being given enough information on which to make a decision about these ideas at the minimum in excerpts from the minutes about these discussions would be helpful to counsel as you know there's always at least one member of the planning department at Tec meetings and it just seems like they could have provided you with just a tad bit more information to make your decisions thank you for listening to my opinions thank you Miss H next card Kristen lordy hello Miss lordy good evening council members Kristen lorte Coco resident so I was really glad to see this this is a a form of progress from what I see I what I like to see is that the staff is presenting recommendations from the Tec via this agenda item sometimes there has been the complaint I've had the complaint that items that the Tec talks about never make it in front of you and we don't know what happened so I'd like to see that I would like to see a presentation by a member of the T Tec first to introduce this and I agree with the prior speaker that there should also be a summary included in the meeting packet so on the content itself uh there's one in particular that I'd like to speak to first of all I support all the items I was at the meeting it is a recorded meeting so you are fortunate this is one of the five 50% of the recorded meetings so you could actually watch this to get more informed unfortunately you will not be able to watch the June meeting because that is not scheduled to be recorded because of the meeting that you had on October 10th of 2023 where Council decided to only record of the meetings and to which I object to so the item that I would like to speak on is is on number five the recommend city council allow members who are unable to be present for the Tec meeting to attend and vote virtually so I strongly support that I even found online that there is a county that is allowing online attendance at their meetings I put it up on on Facebook I forgot the name of the county at the moment but there's more and more of a precedent that people are expecting to be able to participate in meetings from and I'd like to add to that that in April the Tec unanimously voted to request that city council record and live stream all the Tec meetings so what is happening isn't working and to make a comment based on what Mr lce had said during the October 10th meeting he used the reference of an audible that if the current method isn't working he used a football reference of a football Audible and which is a verbal instruction that can slightly change the pred determined play or any adjustment to the called play after the Huddle breaks and so I would like to call for that audible we're now five months into the year and I would strongly encourage the council members to insist and to request that all the meetings be broadcast you were not offered on October 10th a fourth option to broadcast all of both of the meetings you were presented a choice to broadcast either all of the Tec or all of the baa meetings or half of each there was never a presentation to you as to how we could broadcast all of them and if there was not a it if it was not neutral cost-wise then what would it cost so I would like to see number five adopted allow member maap to um participate remotely allow the continuity of that flow support all of these other ones and please help the residents get informed on what's going on in the city of Titusville thank you thank you I got beeped out thank you next card please Jenny dka I don't know this person hello I'm here and I wanted to speak uh on the issue of the Royal Oak uh Golf Course Redevelopment and um I'm realizing that I don't know what the environmental board's recommendation is to the city council um but I appreciate that that they have uh a great deal of expertise in understanding of the environment and so I just wanted to say that if it involves a reduction in the amount of resoning that has been proposed by the developer that's a really good thing um we hear the public has been trying to have some push back against this development um we all know that uh the best thing to do for our community for the river uh is to uh allow downward pressure of freshwat into the aquifer to slow the inward pressure of salt water due to increasing climate change we all know how destructive pavement and the reduction of water absorbing surfaces is to the Watershed and we know how it increases flooding and increases drought um when citizens vote for the city council and therefore the members of the environmental board and other uh agencies and Boards uh we we don't know exactly what issues are going to come before them but we certainly hope that you will do the right thing for the community at large we are here um and we are enjoying this place there is precedent for Golf Course Redevelopment and what is being proposed uh is an incredible zoning change from recreational to eight units per acre density and it's beyond anything that we certain certainly hope could ever actually pass it seems like they're throwing spaghetti at the wall um I hope uh maybe a 25 to 35% zoning change um of some of the properties um that would uh hopefully not cause as much disruption to the character of the community and the environment thank you thank you next card please Michael Ma jaac good evening mayor hey brother how are you Council I'd like to call a point of order first go ahead okay as a member of the Titusville environmental commission Vice chair um I can tell you that we we labored hours over every one of these things and I would like to know how you would feel if the planning and zoning boards all of their individual decisions were all lumped up into one agenda item because that seems to be where we're going here we're an equivalent board we're an Advisory Board to you but I read the agenda packet and what we discussed and what these highlights are together as six points in one one thing that these people can come up and speak on to me borders on melens we did a lot of work here and every single one of these needs to be discussed and voted on with a Voice vote a roll call vote by every one of you uh let me stop the clock for a second uh City attorney helped me out here but I believe that every one of these will be voted on separately yeah however you want to handle that but yes you would address each one separately it's not required to have a roll call vote that's up to council if a member wants to have a roll call vote but you certainly would address each of these yeah I wouldn't lump them together I believe slowed down our our data never made it into here you have no idea what the depth of these discussion points are they weren't in your packet that's why I'm calling a point of order this is not what I came up here to talk about I'm telling you that this is wrong we should not have a board of this city lumped together in something that that that's inappropriate these are important issues and to throw them together into a summary like this to me just like I said I think it borders on melons we can do better and you should do better sir now that said I'm just going to go from the top may I have my time back please I was complaining about a point go ahead and speak and then when you're it goes beep I we walk on extending and don't hurry up just go City Council we asked you to explore the bond referendum this was not just to buy those lands that we could but it was also to get money in the coffers to restore and recover the lands that we have we don't have any management money to maintain those lands or restore them in any way and so this Bond referendum was to go way more than just purchasing a few land few pieces of land it was to finish recovering what we started in 2004 that was not in your agenda packet the powers and duties specifically changes duties related to the comprehensive plan into the Titusville City Tree City USA enclosed their draft changes where are the draft changes I I didn't get them in and please a moratorium on synthetic plants do we really need to add more gross plastic into the environment Chief resilience officer Zachary iold I have been uh can let's extend for two minutes and we'll go from there thank you go ahead Mike Zach has got a wonderful plan over in the city of Kate canaval they're building rain Gardens already and they're using grant money to do that I like like to say we could use it to make wet squishy spaces inside our city because that's what we need to do is to get the water back in the ground not into the water Lagoon and the river and that's what the whole point of Royal Oak was capitalizing on the fact that we've got ponds there dozen 15 ponds that we can enlarge and use as a storm water capture area as a as a storm water park and then take that excess water and pump it into the ground into well Fields 2 and three using a process known as artificial s Aqua for restoration ASR and make our groundwater recoverable instead of dumping it into the Lagoon and members that are appointed to boards in this state should be allowed to vote remotely we don't have the same responsibilities duties as members like you that are voted on by the public when we're appointed we don't have that same responsibility so our interactions and our votes are valuable and I would like to continue to participate on the te while I'm in Maine for the next few months but these topics were important and I feel like the way that this got pulled together and presented to you was weak and intentionally to deny what we have come forward with and I think that's wrong and I hold that man accountable for this thank you thank you M Nelson Mike Mike if you don't mind can I ask a question yes' I spent some time thinking through these items the other day and when when I got to the idea of having um people who are not here vote for issues un before the Tec members appearing remotely my thought was we have alternates and aren't we denying them the right to participate I mean the idea of having alternates was so if you guys aren't available we'll have somebody there but also they alternates to get experience to really get a chance to delve into things so I he answered your own question I'm available by Zoom I can vote by zo true and I can participate and let me tell you something else on the teec we allow our alternates to participate in the meetings whether they're voting or not okay it's an open pH that was just you know I was seeing there going you know these people are sitting there it's like being you know the stand in um and a play and never getting to really be on stage I don't know if Jim y will be able to participate remotely while he's gone because he's off working so we will need an alternate there too okay you know so you're alter I may not be able to make every meeting there could be a thunderstorm and the internet could go down who knows okay but if I'm available I'd like to be able to participate okay good call um next card Laura Lee Thompson I didn't see you um I'm the chair of your Titus environmental commission and I'm here to provide background on these six items that you did not receive any background information on I can't do it in three minutes so you can you can let me talk for three minutes and then extend the time or just let me go okay Laur Thompson 3550 Irwin Avenue and Mims um so I agree I agree with what Michael said I I feel like we were short Changed by by not getting at least a page of information on each one of these recommendations that we spent hours discussing multiple meetings discussing um so number one um recommend the the city explore the possibility of the bond referendum absolutely there are undeveloped properties that have been sitting there vacant you know for over 20 years since the um previous referendum they are um most in most place cases are not developable and but the because the city doesn't own them it prevents us from creating the Riverwalk that we had envisioned and like Michael said we cannot maintain them you you the the W the the shoreline is washing away on the south end of town and every time we have a major storm we lose a little bit more shoreline but we can't do anything to um like like put in Shore breaks W breaks or anything um without owning the properties and and so that that's the reason that we wanted that we want we want to complete what was started like he said back in 2004 our shorelines are a mess and we're in Jeopardy of having it eat all the way to US1 um if we have a couple of bad storms number two we are very frustrated o over the powers and duties that are written into the the comp plan that we absolutely cannot fulfill and um so you you've you did there was an attachment you know and it says establish Titusville as a tree City USA and and it lists a whole bunch of things that are are absolutely impossible for the Tec to be able to do um so we recommended that we add the four um uh requirements for being a tree board into this um item number six so that we are at least covered because we don't believe that the way that things are going now we are not fulfilling the duties as a tree board and we feel like we should take down all these Tree City USA signs that are around town because we can't um we can't act as a tree board and I I I'll say for example I have here the um the uh Community forestry program annual budget from for the last 10 years and one of the things that we're supposed to be doing is planting trees okay so um trees planted in 2023 zero trees planted in 20228 um we had a good year in 2021 we planted 28 trees 2024 so it goes on the first 2016 15 14 and 13 zero trees oh I'm sorry we did plant 36 in 2013 but that's one example of the the things that we're supposed to be doing as a tree board and it's because there's the $2 per capita that is supposed to be used for planting trees and things like that this actually being used by the city to trim trees and and cut down trees and maintain trees and those should be things that should be covered by the the public works department anyway um number three uh Institute a moratorium on Grant and variances for artificial synthetic vegetation that's a no-brainer that stuff with the sunlight it rots it turns into microplastics it's going to wash down into the Lagoon um you the the the baa they're they're is final so they they issued a uh an allowable thing for one homeowner now you got two more that want variances to put in plastic grass and um we think that's wrong we just spend a lot of time working on the tree list to try to get native vegetation um into the city's ordinances recommend the city council um to to have an a presentation by Zach iols they are so far ahead of us and as far as outstanding projects I mean one of the things that they're doing is they're looking at the direction of traffic flow um they're going to make their their neighborhood streets One Way only zigzagging back and forth they're planting trees all over the place to try to help with storm water and they're putting in um uh detention underneath the the sidewalks in the streets and that's just a few of the things that Zach's doing recommend the city council allow members there's two organizations that I sit on the IRL NEP um citizens oversight committee that is the county oversight committee for the Lagoon tax they are allowing members to attend meetings and vote by Zoom this was because after covid they the the the governor allowed us to do that and then when Co um restrictions were were lifted then all of a sudden we weren't allowed to do that well now they they have initiated a new thing where um meetings can be done like that the IRL NEP also allows members to attend and vote by zoom and then finally Royal Oak that is a Nob brainer um there are examples all over the United States where um um golf courses defunk golf courses are being turned into storm water parks and there's a big one in Houston that um by connecting the lakes and digging them out deeper they have they have the capacity to store a half a billion gallons of storm water and keep it um keep the neighborhoods from flooding and in our case it would keep a lot of freshwat from going into the Lagoon um I was at a meeting with a member of the St John's River Water Management um governing board earlier this week a three-hour meeting we looked at all kinds of maps of Titusville and we talked about all kinds of of strategies and he finally said look there is no easy answer for Titus you do not have any big canals that we can reverse the flow and headed the water back to the West the only solution for Titus is a collection of storm water parks what a beautiful thing that would be for Titusville imagine little Parks all over Titusville where we are holding and and detaining storm water and keeping it from going into the Lagoon and providing a wonderful amenity for the folks that live here thank you thank you lur Le excellent next card our last card Stan Johnston Stan always gets me last last you always act like you're CLE think I don't know why they let you be clean up all the time uh is this the best you can do uh I mean from what what uh Mike said and what Laura Lee had shared with us this isn't very good what's going on here I mean you're not really look looking at making decision on what Tec has gone through I don't if you may remember it's the last there was a referendum millions and millions of dollars is that the city the people at city of tville voted to uh to uh pay for uh properties along the the Indian River Frontage and we did millions and millions and millions of dollars yeah well we're not we're going forget what we did in the past um I this is the uh what's in your package right now about the six six different items and U and number five Broman numeral four it says to review and make recommendations to planning and zoning and City Council on environmental Water Resource environmental sustainability issues pertaining to the adopted comprehensive plan well I think we can see it's not working this is this is says in in sewage uh pollution that was a uh on a um a March that that the people did because of there's so much sewage going in the river that's not reported and another reason and also the spraying sewage on the people now in fact is City this the environmental commission they had an issue to go that that was supposed to go to Council on this sewage uh in my recollection it had to do with whether he's going to fence it or not the these ponds but so what did you do you did nothing you C lift the tal on and sprayed people with sewage this is a big issue and this has to do with with this uh these changes here and and and the council obeying what is what they have in their um in their laws you're not obeying it and and uh is this important well I think it is in fact is I think the reason is you see that Laura Lee and Mike and so forth all the number of these people are on the ti tville environmental commission I've been seeking to be be on the commission for for years and I and we know why you won't have me on there because you know I I'm finding all kinds of laws you're breaking and I think it's it's wrong and I've been reporting it to uh the governor St John's and all other ones but nobody's listening but the P the newspaper they went ahead and put the sewage spill right in the paper and you still ignored it so right now as we have a problem uh go Ahad you report your so okay all right thanks Dan thank you is that it uh sir we have one extra card Laura Ward Laura Ward Laura Laura Ward Laura Ward name and address for the record Laura Ward 5317 rivered stri um I had requested that the part name be on the agenda it came on the agenda I didn't realize and I was in Baltimore last or two weeks ago and I could not be at your meeting so I missed my own item so uh what um I feel like I I would like to come in and and I feel like I watched your uh your discussions and I think there are some pieces of the big picture important pieces that you didn't have uh at your at the time you were discussing about the name and I would really appreciate it if you would allow me to get with uh Scott and try to find uh light agenda that I could come back and give you you're missing a lot of data you didn't have a lot of data and I think you're missing some very important things before you make a decision and if you would allow me to come back I will I'll promise you that I'll make it easy for you I'll bring a suggested solution that will address all the issues that I heard you talking about the other night so that's my request okay um at this point I I think that's a little bit off of what we're talking about here it is environmental that's for sure it's Tec kind of this is my petitions and request miss this is this is the item yeah yeah that's what I'm I'm saying what the heck I'm confused relax relax we've got it said now let us deal with this and then we can all right I'm I got to ask I didn't want to interrupt you you were on you were doing well okay I ask your pardon again I all right no no no you're fine you're fine all right now any other cards yes sir okay um I guess the first thing I would say uh staff as we get ready to uh discuss this is uh is there anything on every anyone I know that for example there was a concern with some legalities on Royal o at this time due to contract uh being under contract so I'd like to have some of that explained as we go and I'll go ahead and say let's start with Royal Oak whoever wants to explain that over there um we we did meet with the trust for public land um there's a few requirements that they need uh one they need a willing seller um that that the property is currently under contract and so they won't address that until they have a willing seller uh the second uh that was brought to our attention is the city in order for them to talk to the city needs to come up with the money to purchase it uh number three they only purchase a the property at the appraised value not um any uh improved entitlements uh the next thing is they will not participate if it's uh dealing with storm water park they uh need Public Access is what their goals and and requirements are Richard I don't know if you need to add anything more that that's a good summary we did meet with them and as he said said one of the primary if we're only talking about the involvement of the um trust Republic lands group um they said it's not an active project for them because it is not available for sale it is under contract and they will not be involved when a property is under contract um and as stated the city would need to identify funding grants somehow that they would be able to come up with the money to purchase the property of course um and being willing to move forward and again it would be for Public Access so as far as I the recommendation for city council to work with and support I'm just reading from the agenda citizens that are trying to acquire Royal Oak I'm not sure what is meant by work with and support the citizens trying to acquire but my understanding is that they were trying to work with Trust for Public Lands and that's why we met with them and those are some of the impediments to utilizing trust Republic lands at this time member St yep um so I met with the citizens as well about uh what they're trying to do and I feel like I hearing both sides and seeing where some of it I'm so I'm trying to mediate between I feel like what is probably happening one willing seller I get um the land right now is under I think it's contingent upon if they were to get the land use change and resoning so I feel like it's not really active at this point like yes somebody owns it it's kind of in the process of being sold but it's not yet so I feel like there's a little bit of gray area there where maybe if this doesn't go through or whatever their plan is that there would be a potential for um a willing seller to be there um as far as the money um being there from how I understand it um they help to locate different grants um and different entities that could kind of contribute to it so yes I do think there would be work that would be involved but um this has been done elsewhere in other municipalities so I do think it is feasible and I I do still feel like and I've mentioned it several times that we are missing out on getting money like we didn't ask for any state Appropriations last year like I I feel like there is money to be had we just have to work for it um appraise value that one I'm not sure about and then the storm water this is one I am confused about so I feel like we're hearing a lot about storm water but then it's I feel like they public still can access a stormm water park so that's where I'm a little bit confused I would think there would be some aspect of a stormw water park that could be Public Access right correct that would just be part of the the plan if you will so it wouldn't be just for retention of water there would be a public access component that would be required if you're going to utilize the Trust for Public Lands so okay so I think at this time um we kind of need to see what happens um with the land but I I would be in favor of I would like us as a city to be a little bit more proactive in trying to come up with things that we can do um especially as we mentioned several times that we're trying to preserve our conservation areas we see our open space getting chipped away we're also seeing our commercial space getting chipped away um and I just like to be mindful of that so I've been doing my own like digging and looking at some of what's happening with other golf courses and how other cities are kind of being creative and I'd like us to stay a little bit open-minded on it so I think we have to kind of see what happens um with what's going on now and then kind of I don't want to just say no we're not doing it that's not our job but be available and open to kind of what could happen I would I'm very similar story I met with uh some folks and some of the leaders over there who are doing their best to to come to a solution it does sound like one uh I was able to talk to uh City attorney and uh City Manager for first I was glad that they met with such a company that does that sort of thing but it also does look like until this contract uh thing is resolved or who's going to buy it what they're going to you know try to do Etc because what they're going to try to do will be a whole another another case um but at this time it sounds like those um uh companies that want to help with the park or whatever may be they're out until there's no contract and then then apparently the city has to come up with the money uh because the city has to be the one to pay I guess what I'm saying is I'm all for doing something back there I remember 2016 when I got on and we had a whole room full of people with Royal Oak because I guess it was just gone under and at that time we had two brothers fighting each other in in courts and they went on forever and I actually got to talk to one of those brothers and said basically do what you're supposed to do or move on but he didn't have to listen to me but somewhere along the line they they went got that settled and it it's always seems to be a in court uh or there's a problem with the the fact that somebody's got it under contract which doesn't mean a whole lot except we're on hold um but I can't sit here and tell you I mean I've got a long history out there I uh first time I ever played golf was out there first time we ever had a little league party was at that swimming pool and 1967 um I actually was a waiter when Frank Sinatra Jr came to sing there I won't tell you I spilled somebody's prime rib gravy on them so what say yes yeah it is it's a historic place um it's a historic place and for me it's even more than that um and I'll leave it at that I had High School proms there had my wedding rehearsal dinner there I it's an important place and now add to that historic place now add to that the beauty it was as a golf course my game wasn't a beauty but it was a beauty as a golf course um I we love the place and I agree that as we move forward and get some of these things untangled we need to stay in communication um so I don't think anybody would say that we want to just leave Royal Oak like that uh I don't think that's the case but it does sound like at this very moment as member stoko said and City attorney and city manager right now they the issue is it's under contract and illegally there's nothing much anybody can do with that while it's under contract so we just have to stay on top member Nelson you forgot to mention tarant well T Tarzan was Tarzan was out there oh he lived over there near Apollo yes yeah you forgot Tarzan um ethically I think we need to be very careful um I mean I would love to see it as as a park um but right now it's under contract and we have to look at what they do what they present to us and judge it fairly I'm like Sarah I I have a problem with getting of our Recreation conservation land um but that being said I think we need to be careful well we just really at this point our hands are tied until it come and our hands are tied anyway in a lot of ways but right now it's under contract and we need to see where that goes and I think something I don't know I'm going to say something I don't know anything about I'm just simply going to say that I don't think it's going to be under contract forever um so with that um City attorney can you speak to us on number one the bond referendum yeah I see yes I'm sorry there you are you got the longest name on there yes I I um I understand what the community is um um working toward and understand that everything is on the contract we can't but I I my concern is um is the density that any developer wants to go in there and put in there and um that's the key for me uh because if if we can control the requirement of density and if we control that we may have an opportunity to control other things so density is my issue and uh uh I know that they all always throw taxes or you know getting bringing in more but once you if you do that and you put a whole lot of um apartments and houses and small houses zero land Lots by the time that they file for home exemption you have dis dissipated all of your tax so sensity is my issue and as we move forward and get U these things resolved we still as far as I'm concerned we're going to have to uh settle the argument of uh of how many families we going to put in that place and and I think that that will bring a whole different argument to the table if we focus see on uh this my thoughts behind that good thoughts because uh every time it does come up the the density and traffic studies and all that go with that are really can't say what I think but I just their problem we'll leave it at that uh member Cole yes well I agree with the open space and the the pitfalls that we have at this point has been mentioned earlier that the land is under contract and nothing has been submitted to the city for our review now to Vice mayor's Robinson's uh statement about density I think we have we can control that if something moves beyond that but I think that the statement that is made in in number six is a very general statement and I can't I mean why would we not help the citizens do that so it doesn't say we it doesn't require us to do anything but to assist the citizens in trying to acquire Royal Lo now we can help them to acquire roal but I can't see anywhere in the stars that we can afford as a city to pay whatever price it is to purchase Royal we can assist in getting whatever grants that are required but I can't I can't see anywhere where we could actually go out and buy Royal o i don't disagree okay um back to uh City attorney on the uh explore the possibility of a bond referendum what might be the pitfalls for that and what would be the your your legal terms on that well I think to get in that discussion it'd be important first to determine what it is you want to do you know what's your goal I did hear speakers refer to uh the trails and getting parts of those properties to do the connectivity which depending on the properties involved could involve maybe negotiating easements for that purpose or are you really going to purchase the properties I've heard do Bond referendum to develop the properties and maintain the properties you have and then there's also discussion about purchasing properties so I think the first thing Council would need to know is what is it you're trying to achieve because first you need to identify that and then whether it's a public purpose and then something you can do bonds for of course these would be General obligation bonds which would require a referendum in order to do that of course you have to have a Paramount public purpose so that goes back to identifying the purpose of the bond monies uh once you determine what you want to do then you can maybe identify the amount of bond money you would need which is a second thing you would need to do because if you're going to do a referendum you have to have the dollar amount you're talking about the millage you're talking about how long you're going to bond it for and the purposes associated with that I know it was brought up earlier about to 2004 which is about 20 years ago we did the previous Bond referendum and of course the council at that time had time and they appointed a river river front referendum committee I think it was five individuals and they researched the purpose that would be behind buying the properties which properties you would purchase and for what purpose and then the values of that properties to determine the amount of the referendum which I believe was 10,333 th000 so they did a lot of background research um for Council and brought a report to council that took I'm just going to Ballpark probably took three months of work for that committee and bringing it to council to get that done so if council is interested Ed in a referendum in this election for a particular dollar amount to do something whether it's purchase Properties or store properties you have to have that done by August and you have one meeting in June so you will run up against a practical problem of whether or not you can do a referendum by that time I'd also recommend if council's G that discussion about what it is you want to do uh potentially we could get Bond counsel involved research that as far as being a Paramount public purpose is it buying property is it maintaining existing properties you've already purchased or is there an alternate Avenue if you don't have time to do a bond referendum of acquiring easements and negotiating with the county or other property owners to create that connectivity and what would be the cost associated with that so I'm just saying that number one is is I W say a loaded question but there's a lot of moving Parts there to what it is you want to achieve in the time you have to achieve it um so I think that's worthy of more discussion before you can make a decision oh member stok yeah um so for this one I feel like how I just given our time frame it's hard to say what I would want our initial outcome to be until I know what properties are even available so I know we purchased a lot back when this originally happened uh as was mentioned city owns some of it County owns some of it and then there's private property owners that there's already existing businesses there so I think as a first step I would be I would like to see what land and property is available for even like purchase right now that's vacant I think that staff come back with something like that yes I think that would be a first thing because if there's like one piece I'd be like okay but if there's multiple that I think that would determine how I would see our future potentially being I do think it's a tight turnaround um for this um election cycle uh just depending on what comes back but maybe something for 2026 because I think also what was mentioned not only potentially purchasing but also having funds to restore some of what's happening there which I think would take a little bit of time as well but I think as a first step I that would be something that I would like to see it's just what's available um that we could potentially purchase and then go kind of go from there I agree with that and in my overview and maybe that's what I'm hearing you say is I like this idea I would I would like to look at and I like it back in 2004 I liked it then I like it now uh I think that if you drive up and down us one uh because of 2004 we have more view of the river than and across the river and we see the sunrise more than most people in the county yep um so I liked it then I like it now um I again agree that perhaps you know we can certainly get a a staff report on what's available and take a look at it we can certainly try to get this done within two meetings right uh but if we don't then I would also say that this this would I use the word must like I can say that but I think it would be a must top priority high priority to uh get that on the 16 uh yeah excuse me 26 was 14 16 20 uh the next one yep but i' prefer to get it on this one if it's possible yeah but I don't know enough about what's out there what we're looking at so I would ask that staff could put something together for us and get a realistic idea of can we get this done or can we not by August um that's that's quick but I like the idea I'd like to see it happen uh member Nelson I like the idea I was sort of hoping we could get a report back on storm water the the guy that was doing the U now iiz my words know what here it is right I know what year it is the storm water report because I'm wondering if we should say riverfront property slash stormw Parks because to me that may be something we need I think maybe that's what staff can come back and help us Define a little bit T I think we just need to try to go over this list and I think that at least what I'm hearing for the three people that have spoken is I think we like this idea yeah we just just got to don't know if we have the timing to get it done in the next uh two meetings but if we do I like it well I I agree and um um I still don't think we can get it done for the election because if staff is going to do a study for us and if we run the same timeline that we did in 2004 with a committee putting together I would say I agree with doing it I just don't think that we have the time frame to get it done to get it on the ballot if we don't then at least maybe we can get the wheels on it moving forward agreed so let's see what we can do with that vice mayor yes um and I too U think that um we have a beautiful um Waterfront and U I want to uh do our best as we govern to keep it that way but um as of Staff my concern is the tax issues and the administrative issues of getting dollars to purchase the property so in the Pro we can find out that the properties are available but uh even before we go to the citizens of our community and and say we want to do this we have to be able to explain to them in detail what it will cost them out of their pockets um I think that we have our Shoreline has gotten to the point that it has been uh washed away to it's not that much left and I don't think we have a great fear of too much being built upon it but we want to stop it where it is but in the process of doing that uh we need to make uh the right decision with all of the information uh as someone uh told me in college you know you do a force field analysis on it and uh the pros and cons uh and and let us evaluate it in in the front of the community and say we want to keep our city uh beautiful we want to keep the Waterfront but this is a the sacrifice that we have to make to do that day by day thank you Mr Mayor I have one more Point yes if we're going to study it and you know Miss shff said about uh a trail maybe we need to if we can add that and also look at that as a part of our our staff report and you know come up with a total value so when we go back if we do a bond issue we'll know exactly what we're talking about and we'll be able to delineate it and sell it to the public so we can get it passed sure and there may be things you could do if the bond doesn't work you know other things to be evaluated such as easements or or or maintenance or or other things could be fleshed out in that discussion so you probably want to get as much information as you can on on all of those so you understand the options you have okay um I'm gonna skip two to go because I think the other ones are a little simpler so let's go to three recommend city council Institute a moratorium on graining variances artificial synthetic vegetation etc etc I I don't know the ins and outs and specs on all of that but I I definitely lean yeah let's let's do that as you're speaking at the people who spoke on that I'm just shaking my head as hard as I can uh we we don't need and somebody said we don't need more plastic um you know uh I know that and there's more to it than what I'm saying here and that's why we're going to need to maybe hear more um no more artificial turf Etc I think somebody I think Laura Lee noted that that City approved it for two people then there's more so um do you want to give me a a little rundown on on where we stand with that sort of thing so we've already prepared an agenda item for your next meeting uh requesting advisability to take a look at artificial and synthetic ve vegetation the actual ordinance itself member stokel yep that's what I was going to say is um rather than singling out just baa I feel like if we're going to do some type of moratorium it would need to be um overall and then I would like more information just because I think one of the cases I know like the CH the person there child was allergic to grass and it was only a little strip so I don't want to be like oh no you can't do that like so I would like a little bit more information um I think we all have gone through the plastic plants um but I also want to be uh mindful of if there what that would look like and how we could um Implement something I think universally for the whole city rather than just focusing on baa and so I'm happy to hear that we already have an agenda item so I think that one's settled and that one's coming add us so that's we don't need to spend a lot of time on that since we're gonna have it next no no it's it's simply advisability to council if you would like for us to take a look at it when we have the a normal staff report for you well we we'll hold on and I and I agree I just want to follow up on what member stokel said is when you have that agenda item I think Council can decide then whether or not you want to do a moratorium on the use of synthetics while you're developing codes uh that may address that and if you do a moratorium on approv approvals permitting associated with those synthetics it would capture your variances as part of that it would be a and then any moratorium would you know be for a temporary basis six to nine months or whatever you determine is appropriate while you're evaluating those codes for any changes so you could certainly have that discussion at your next meeting and as you recall the U Golf Course moratorium that we in placed on all the golf courses in the city as we were looking at that particular ordinance we did have a moratorium in place for redevelopment of golf courses okay um Vice May yes uh I I truly think moratorium is probably um not the uh the right word but what I do believe is that every every plant every weed is probably some type of nutrient or food for some type of species and when we as we give the staff Direction on this we should always take that I don't think artificial turf or synthetic grass feeds any living species it may make man feel good for a moment while he is walking on it or looking at it but everything that is uh candy for the eye is not good for the soul C all right all right anything else on the uh as I put artificial turf moratorium and I know it's more than that all right uh number four is recommend city council request City of Cape canaval Chief resilience officer Zachary iol present the next city council presentations meeting uh I don't know a lot about that um member stal do you know anything about that um no I don't know I will say just thinking about I do think know um several of the council members for Cape Canaveral I know they're doing a lot of good things there um I also know that they're about two miles and we're over 34 and uh they also have a lot of hotels and stuff where they're they they get funds from their small area to do some things um I I don't know how much Green Space they have compared to how much we do um and I I have no doubt they're doing great things I think what was interesting to me and I'm open to it it's just kind of I don't know it's kind of it makes me think of like working in the workplace hey we're going to go bring in somebody somebody else come over and tell us what to do I don't know it just kind of was a little strange I'm open to talking to him um I'm hoping I again I'm Friends with several of the council members talking with them I don't know how you guys feel about inviting someone is it's exactly where Wes is yep and they are like I said they are doing great things I I don't I I just don't know what that would look like if he's getting paid do we pay him is Cape canaval paying him to come do a presentation for us um do we want to maybe have our um sustainability officer here that works for us do a presentation on what we're doing I I um I don't know I'm open I I just was that one was caught me a little off guard I think yeah I think your Point's very well taken a couple things first of all I always want to you know you go to football coaches clinics all the time just to see how somebody else is doing it better I have no problem with that in this case it's uh certainly a little bit different um I remember when Wes Morrison was elected mayor there Wes actually is a former football player and wrestler of mine so to see him elected mayor was kind of crazy but at the same time I remember watching their results come back and I think he won like 278 to 172 I mean it was like where where are the people it's not a very big place it's very different than ours I would I would say for me I'd like to I I can't imagine we can't see this person's presentation before we get into inviting someone here you have it to us sure we we could ask if if he would provide it to us and we'll get it to you and then the second thing is I agree also that it's a little bit awkward to have someone who's doing the same job ours is and not give our guy a chance to explain I'd like to at least look more into that like I said I I go to coaches clinics because everybody has something that I don't know and I'd like to hear this guy and it won't hurt me at first to hear him either on a video or audio whatever it may be and then uh from there talk to our folks too but I'd like to move forward with it again you go to clinics to learn things and I think that we can learn something from the cape canaval whether it's smaller or whatever let's see what he's got to to say um anything else vice mayor yes uh my thought I guess I'm thinking a lot tonight uh uh member stoal and I sat on the leg of cities uh for a reason to communicate with the leaders of the other cities and I think one of the steps that we all to take is sitting down and just talking with the league of cities and do a do a um you know when people doing presentations they trying to show you something and sometime when you sit down breaking bread together and you asking the right question you get a better answer and it's really to be looked at the size of the city and so uh being that um uh my uh Co cohort to my left sits at the front table you know once a month uh and she waves at me at the uh at the other table I'll uh uh uh I'll ask you know maybe she and I can come up with some some direction before we make too many moves on I think it's a wonderful idea but I would suggest that because you may find some good information coming out on why they doing the things that sometime people do good the things the way that they do them because that there are no other ways of doing them my thoughts so I I think that that's a a reasonable move let's invest not investigate but let's listen to this guy and and and hear him uh on video and see what he does but at the same time talk to our guys and I like the idea of going through League of cities there and and having that communication number um number five recommend city council allow member members who are unable to be president for Tec meetings to attend and vote virtually uh staff um whoever may be able to give us something what are some of the concerns about moving in that direction the one concern I would have and I think they understand that is you you cannot create a quorum that way you have to have a physical Quorum present for your meeting um so as far as legally that would be one of my concerns is making sure they have a physical Quorum so you don't have someone virtually trying to create a quorum yeah and I realize that I've been to meetings where that doesn't you know you can't do that I think that's that's certainly an issue but I don't think that's the one they're looking at they're looking at that's one legal concern I make sure everyone understood the other of course and I don't think Tec gets into quasi judicial items but there's always a concern with evidence and trying to view evidence and make quasi judicial decisions for those boards that do quasi judicial items that can get very tricky when you have someone trying to appear and and some of the the planning that has to go into that so those would be some things I would consider I remember during Co that was a problem for us sometimes where we're in the quasa judicial and some evidence is present and it's passed down the table but we obviously we all took turns you right that can get trick but I don't believe Tec handles many things in the Quasi judicial Realm city manager or is there anybody there can tell me technically what or technologically what the concerns might be um we we learned a little bit during covid um there was still challenges with the the phone in and the and the um the users on the other end I think you um you know the long pause and delay and all that kind of stuff and talking um but uh logistically it's possible yes I I would say and that's absolutely true it certainly was true during covid um and we still have somebody who uh uh zooms not zooms um comes in virtually um to economic zone meetings and there you know everybody takes a vote and about three or four seconds later I so it's it's kind of awkward but with that said I I personally don't don't see why in uh you know this this technology age why we can't make a run at it and um you know see if you know in uh like Mike said it might not be matter of fact I can tell you that when I was out one time I think it was Co um I I didn't even feel like being I couldn't even you know get on the the thing so the point of making is you won't always have that you will have your I don't call them backup alternate you'll have your alternate so my feeling is that if it can be done technologically you deal with the delay uh we did hear we if if I wasn't here today or somebody wasn't here today I think we'd have the option of of calling in uh it would be it is awkward for some reason we just can't get the timing being it's like you're four or five seconds delayed but I uh I would like to see us try to make that happen um member stokel yeah um and your point with that we have done that in the past I remember I think we had one council member they had to attend um I think a work conference and we were voting on something important this was probably seven years ago or so um and they ended up calling in and I guess the way I I view it it's more of a exception like it's something we do if we have to but not a rule and I think that would be my only fear like I would I tend to be lean more toward allowing that um if it was just like a one-time thing I guess I have my concern is that it will be for several months and we already have two members and I don't want to set a precedence of that is like the standard or the norm and then other boards potentially wanting it um and then to member Nelson's point I I still do feel like that's kind of the point of the alternate um the flip side of that is I feel like we all can agree we have a very knowledgeable and informed and passionate Tec that wants to be involved so I don't and I I don't like to squash that either um and I I I like I would like to see that yeah it's tough because I I would want to see those voices at the table um but at the same time I also want to uh keep the same level of like you're coming to the meeting you're participating um and it's not something that it's for multiple months I guess that's kind of where I'm a little bit conflicted and again I I don't disagree that could be a problem um I remember um Stan brings it up all the time but I was uh talking to the FWC and somebody else oh a uh a state senator yeah that I gotten about the manatee issue it was driving this all crazy it was terrible and boy I was I was zoomed in and man I won't tell you that I was technologically sound or whatever it was but I ended up because they couldn't hear me and I I did the mute I got that part right whatever it was they couldn't hear me so I'm texting to our state senator person and giving my questions and answers via text now the point I'm making is I still think that it's worthy of trying um and and you know technologically if it's a problem we try to make it work better and uh you know I I would assume you guys will deal with how it works good bad or ugly so uh I again I I don't really see a real downside except that it may not be as convenient as being there uh and I agree the alternates are there as needed uh but I also agree and I know this to be fact that the alterist participate in Tec on a regular basis more than any other that that i' I've seen so member Cole I I kind of don't agree with it and my rationale is similar to what member Nelson said and that is if when we're looking for alternate members why would I want to be a alternate member if I could never be a voting member because if someone's not there they can do it uh by Zoom I I I'm I'm speaking from a personal perspective that I would never apply to be an alternate member if I could never have the opportunity to sit up and be involved and I think that's what may happen with this while I understand the concept and understand why we would want to do it but I'm I'm not in favor of it uh member Nelson I was sort of thinking that if we do it that maybe we should put a time limit on it you can miss or you can appear virtually or zoom in X number of meetings per year only if you're out of town so that you know we do have the Alters do have a chance to be fully active participating members does that work that's a good compromise with what I think my issue yeah I think I'm okay with that too VI mayor well I I guess again I have to rely on my military day and if I have a if I'm the commanding officer of a ship a destroyer and I have an executive officer a second in command and if I can't leave without him taking charge and being in command I don't need an executive officer and that's the way that I feel about alternate I we choose alternate based on their ability and their desire to perform the task and if they feel that they can perform the task and do the job that's their second in command and when they leave when the first in command is lead for whatever reason that's the time for the second in command to step up and do the job remember call well well I didn't think the Coast Guard was a part of Department defense I agree with I I agree with vice mayor Robinson because that's the way the military works and uh yeah I understand that okay I uh I get that we don't have alternates at this level and I'm not sure how it works on the uh um ex the uh EnV environmental uh commission excuse excuse me economic commission but um I I just know that if we one of you you guys Wen here today they'd be willing to you know Zoom you guys in via phone um now I sometimes don't think it's worth it I've tried it and every now and then it's like it's just not worth it to me uh because it's gets so discom numerated but you know we have the right that if we weren't here we say I'm sick I'm whatever I'm whatever um call in and they do that for you I tend to think for me the way it's always worked for me it's always kind of a cluster but I don't think that that shouldn't be a lotted for someone else as well I do understand the assistant part or the uh the U the backup the anyway the guy that's stepping up I I agree I mean same thing in coaching same thing in football and all that stuff but there is something be said for having the uh I mean in this case we're talking about the uh you know the vice chair and a very valid and valued uh input um I don't know I could even go with uh having them be part of it and uh maybe the the backup person votes based over there I don't know I just think we need to try it I don't think we need to just not do it uh member stokel yeah going back to you I remember back at the Florida Le of cities we were discussing this issue um a lot especially postco um and I remember it getting brought up from some of the smaller cities and some of the cities that have a lot of snowbirds and I think they issue was not being able to make Quorum um and I think that's I would venture to say I don't know for certain why we did get some of the changes we did in the state legislation um to allow it to a certain extent and I I I think that's where I go back to I think i' would feel a little bit more open to it h if we were in a situation like that but I feel like we have a very strong Tec and I feel like we have knowledge ible willing participants wanting to be a part of that board and I think that's where I kind of get a little bit of a pause if we have those members that are wanting to step in that can be there I I don't I go back to vice mayor like if you're there for a reason and I feel like you should be there and I don't know that I I know it's not probably that that's just kind of how I feel about it I would like you to be there and if you can't be there let an alternate step in and be there I think we're clear all right I think we're clear as mud right now well I don't I I think we're we're very clear but it's it's a very complicated situation and that and I I can hear what everybody's saying I don't see any confusion at all it's ultimately going to decide do we want to um allow the virtual Vote or do we want to have the alternate do that and ultimately when we get down to voting on this one that's what it'll come to but I think that we've got I think it's pretty clear where we're at there matter of fact you guys help me see where the dividing lines are so um and we already talked about six but that bottom line and we definitely want to you know help uh with the uh Royal Oak movement and I think that city manager and City attorney meeting with who they met with this past week or so uh says just that and if they didn't meet with them I wouldn't know what I know now except I did meet with some of the public that was very informative because they've also met with those kind of folks and so I definitely think we want to do our best to help move forward with that member stoko yeah I think jumping back to item two because we didn't discuss that one I had for that one wait that's where we're going next I want to get all these behind us okay all behind us and now we're going to let you kick off number two okay ready okay so I feel like for this one um looking at it I to me and I don't know if you guys agree I would I like these items being in there I think the only thing that I would like to make it a little bit clearer is they would assist city council to ensure the city does XYZ like all of those things because I I think they're needed um because those are the requirements of a tree City USA and I don't think that if it reads without putting in there you're assisting the city council it looks like TC is going to have a tree ordinance and the TC doesn't do a tree we do the tree ordinance so I would just like to add that and keep what they put here and just say Tec will assist City Council to ensure the city takes care of these items that's my thinking on it member Nelson I agree I think that's a great idea I agree now that's that would that's an ordinance so if in your discussion if you're going to give direction or advisability to move forward it would be to come back with an ordinance with those changes because to incorporate in that code it would have to be an ordinance I think that that's not a bad idea at this point Point um I think there's been some gray area and unclear you know we're not real clear sometimes on and this has been a good communication at least for me it has on on what's there and what's not so I would think come back with uh an ordinance is that what we be looking for I would say if that's council's uh desire then it would be direction to come back with an ordinance to incorporate some language under that subsection you want a motion well I will but I'm going to go starting with number one and we're going to go down the line okay come back with ordinance what will that say exactly what come back with ordinance I I believe and I will speak for member stoko but I those four items are are the standards for a tree City U so if you put them as the duties it could be maybe misunderstood or that those are the duties of Tec to do an ordinance to spend the money but I believe what member stokel said is if you want to identify that these are the four standards of a tree City and that Tec would be involved in in making recommendations on these standards or I don't want put words in your mouth but I think that's where you're coming from and you could we could come back with an ordinance with that sort of language for your consideration at your next meeting okay there we go all right so let's bounce up to one uh the referendum on riverfront property I think that we I speak for myself I'm clearly for this I think most of you are but I think there's a concern with the time that we have for to get this done and we'd like to have some uh information back from staff on uh what's available what's the cost we got to get some some facts and stats before we can say yeah let's do it but I know this is what we want to get done I think it's a great idea so with that I'm not sure how we were where we I'll take a stab at the motion are you really I yeah I am really I'm not too old you know okay here we go I recommend that uh staff explore the possibilities of a bond referendum to purchase the undeveloped properties along the Indian River Lagoon uh in addition to that that once I I guess it has to be a two-step thing where we you come back with the recommendation and then basically we would appoint a committee to do it like similar to what was done in 2004 so I guess my recommendation would more or less be that staff come back with the possibility look that the lands the land that's out there the private land the public land the county land and so we can determine what's there and if if it's at all possible to have some sort of assessed value by August have by by August to let us know if it's a possibility and that would be our motion for tonight and when we come back we'll question would second it but I have question are we going to include potential storm water parks if appropriate not for this you mean for additional in the bond issue right we didn't discuss that we discussed that down at the Royal Oak one but not in this one this one was just for the referendum to buy the property right wasn't a river walk in that one okay yeah River Walk yeah whatever other things that we could put in but uh see I got storm water was not in that particular one then I would second thank you as part of that does council want us to contact Bond Council maybe get some information from Bond Council on types timelines things that would be involved absolutely if you want to go in that direction and and things that potentially would constitute a public purpose whether it's maintenance versus purchase things of that nature yes we're we're going to need that to see if we can move for especially by August thank you um motion by member Cole second by member Nelson roll call vote member Cole yes member Nelson yes mayor diesel yes vice mayor Robinson yes member stokel yes passes unanimously we would like to look into referendum of buying riverfront property uh number two um we got that or somebody I guess give me a motion on that we need to come back with the ordinance move to um come back proove advisability to come back with a ordinance including the changes Miss stal made member stok made uh regarding the powers and duties of the Tec second got a motion for member Nelson second from Member stokel roll call vote member Nelson yes mayor diesel yes vice mayor Robinson yes member stokel yes member Cole yes passes unanimously on number three do we want to move forward on a vote here or just basically say hold till next meeting when they're going to bring this back to us what do you think member I make a recommendation that we hold on this until we have more information to to make decision I don't to table I think they're coming back next meeting you want to just table it okay I recommend that we table it until the next meeting H how about since we're we are bringing advisability to your next meeting okay you make a motion to have us bring advice build there you go okay thank you okay for making the motion second I got a motion from Member Cole a second for member Nelson roll call vote mayor diesel yes vice mayor Robinson yes member stokel yes member Cole yes member Nelson yes uh passor unanimously passes and that we're going to have it come to us next week um number four Cape canaval um I think where we came with that was we want to uh see their his presentation and you guys are going to talk to Le of cities is there anything we really need to make a motion on there or just yeah that sure sure if you want us to get the presentation to you um and then um suggest that the two members of the league of cities um interact I'm saying that uh move to have uh the city provide us with information presentation presentation from Zachary iov and to have the vice mayor and member stole have further discussions at leue of city so we we're just providing you the presentation we're not inviting Mr um right now right now I mean let's get famar where they're at we may jump up and down and say we got to have this guy next week or we may say we'd like to talk to our guy and have him look at this I yeah I definitely want to move forward and get that information all right so I have a motion in a second uh now I have a second roll call vote uh to clarify who second that member Cole I okay thank you for that U we have Vice May Robinson yes member stokel yes member Cole yes member Nelson yes mayor diesel yes pass unanimously we will get that video of his presentation and we will pursue where we go from there um Tec virtual put that wording somehow that you guys had it before moveed to allow a Tec member to attend a limited number of votes or meetings virtually and vote if they okay you guys try it you're a lawyer remember stokel what are we doing um I think we might not fully be an agreement because I feel like we said maybe limited and then we had discussion about letting just the alternates do it so I feel like honestly kind of where I landed is um just to keep it as it is letter alternates and if we're having issues not making Quorum I would then want to revisit it okay I Che there okay so my motion would be to uh keep the Tec meeting rules as they are allowing the alternates to fill in for regular members that are not present and if we are having issues meeting quorum to then revisit the issue that would be my motion just to be clear you cannot use that to make a quorum so they couldn't call in to make a quorum I just want you to understand that right correct yes but just wanted to be clear that we could revisit if we're having issues if we needed to change rules all right so member stokel has a motion to basically leave it as it is and member Nelson seconds roll call vote member stokel yes member Cole yes member Nelson yes mayor diesel no and vice May Robinson and I just want to clarify I I think that the virtual option should be on the table and apparently in the motion it's not on the table so I'm a no a vice mayor Robinson yes passes 522 four to one four to one no five to one you say 4 to one four to one 4 to one stand be quiet please all right um next one on the on the golf I I think that we all agree we'd like to to um help out and again I use city manager and city attorney's meeting with a uh what would that company be called trust Republic Land Trust Republic Land Company and um I think that we would do anything we can there at this point though we are under they are under contract and everything's kind of on hold so um I would say member stoko or me yeah I'd say uh move to um have staff work with citizens and support citizens as uh as needed um understanding that we are currently the property is currently under contract which to me um they're already meeting with the citizen so I would like them to continue to do that and be open to have that um but obviously kind of a little bit on pause second y motion member stoko second member Cole roll call vote member Cole yes member Nelson yes mayor diesel yes Vice May Robinson yes member stokel yes passes unanimously those those that's why I was right that so our six points are there Tec I do we do I do appreciate the amount of work you put in that and yes it comes back as a summary but I think we're all more informed than we've ever been before and um I appreciate that very very much uh City Manager on to petitions and requests petitions and requests from public please oh this is your time yep all right Lura w we ready now okay I forgot what I said but we got you I I just want to uh before we get to that I just want to say what a difference 20 years makes I was one of the citizens that came in and 2004 and asked the council to put a referendum on the ballot to ask the citizens if they would agree to tax themselves to purchase Riverfront and they were 100% against it they fought us tooth and nail we had to go out and GA the petitions and force them to put it on the ballot and of course the pass as with a 7080 one of the best things that ever happened and it's one of the best things that ever happened and it's like that just things are different at different times so thank you all for being um doing what you're going to do so you heard what I had to say I'm just asking if you would give me a chance to give you a total picture of what went on there so you can make a proper decision and that's what I'm asking and how's that work City attorney to uh allow that other than petitions and requests and can we make a agenda item out of that just let me bring it to them again you had an agenda item if Council decides they want more information and and want to look at that you you can tell the city manager to create an agenda item to do that or if you think appropriate if you want to have more information member stoko yep um and I spoke with Laura about this and I am open to it um there were some things that I feel like I didn't fully know and I told her quite frankly I said I'm all in favor of it but my decision might just stay the same to fine right and um so I'm okay with her she did not know about the meeting and I would like to have her give the chance she she has a lot of history with the city um and I know she she was there again as part of that and I I would like to hear it um and again my decision might stay the same but I would like to be a little bit more informed on it member Cole yes I I too talked with Laura and uh I I told her what her options were as far as trying to get it back on the agenda and I too would like to hear what you have to say and like M stokel said my decision may be the same but at least I'll be more informed about it yeah thank you I would agree sure so if Council decides today you could do a motion to rec it was on your agenda before and you decide to take no action so you could do a motion to reconsider that item and and put it on the next agenda if that's your desire I would like I guess I can say that I would like to see that happen um go ahead somebody want to make that motion move to reconsider the naming of park across from LA andc to Second got a motion a second all those in favor say yes opposed pass unanimously we will thank you so much thank you next up yeah Stan Johnson I'm going to bring up again the same thing I brought up to you uh at the last meet the 5:30 meeting so um this has to do with u u city clerk has to do with this this sheet of paper right here I gave you and they already have it okay so uh I have this this sheet of paper and uh I was trying to show you this sheet of paper which has which has over a 100 problems that I would uh I would fail the the site plan for and that includes numerous survey errors so the uh the issue is is that uh uh what I'm saying is that is that uh as a surveyor which I'm not a survey anymore I've been for about 26 years uh and is is that I cannot imagine well let me say this the city of tville is completely on a different planet so this little sheet of paper right here it says says that uh that there's encroachment survey over overlaps U that I've shown to Mayor Diesel and uh mayor Robinson and other people and there's independent findings by city employees Mark uh Mark Jones and Brad that the there's a 3-ft bust in Elizabeth Elizabeth Avenue right away there's um uh the failure there's a failure to recognize um encroachments like overhead electric and yet the city of Titusville is has approved this survey continuing to approve it with the construction of probably over half million dollars worth of improvements and what I have seen is that the northwest corner is Off 2 feet and the northeast corner is Off 2 feet and it's going into another person's property the the southwest and the southeast Corners are off 4 feet and they're going into other people's property so what I'm saying is that you guys are completely nuts your fruit cakes on this so there's a um there's a little uh thing that I've heard I've said about you read what you SE well there's another quotation it's for your for Mr um Robinson's it's for Hosea 8:7 it it says something to the fact it says you have sewn the wind and you shall reap the Whirlwind what the heck does that mean when you sew the wind you're sewing sort of like nothing or imaginary or something like that but you're getting what you're getting is big trouble can it can destroy you the Whirlwind so this is what you guys have done you've sewn the wind and you're going to reap the Whirlwind you reap what you sow and I have no sympathy for you none at all you're on another planet no thank you next petitions and requests St Bailey Coco Florida um I'm here to talk about the right to clean water and I first wanted to start off with where that began it began with a 7 million gallon sewage bill at the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021 and the reason why citizens went out of their way to do this right to clean water is because they had eroded trust with the local government and how things were being handled or as they would say mishandled there was a lot of events that unfolded around that time frame including the sewage spill the space View Park uh dead fish in that pond the space View Park current situation we have a situation with Cumberland Farms and the searstown mall where this could potentially help that owner and there was other issues that had happened like the posos issue and so I'm just reminding you of why citizens came forward you had thousands and thousands of manatees perishing in their own backyard and they felt they wanted to do something they wanted to raise up and make a difference I want to read to you a few things about what triggers the rights violation because this has not been passed the citizens wishes and their votes have not been honored know the pollution must be in quantities potentially harmful or injurious to human health native Wildlife dependent on clean Waters or water quality which may unreasonably interfere with the enjoyment of life liberty or property including outdoor recreation business interests and property values within the city of Titusville this means the plaintiff must show that the activity at issue will potentially harm such life or Liberty interests in some way the defendant will likely have to show such harm was necessary in public interest and is being done in the least harmful way will this bankrupt the city of Titusville I know that was a concern that was voiced at the last city council meeting meeting no even if the city was theoretically 100% negligent in its duties to protect water for the residents of Titusville the charter Amendment would work in a way to ensure the city immediately corrects course designs and adopts a better plan and makes it future decisions with the right to clean water in mind I handed out these the summaries so you can take a look over it and what I'm asking before my time runs out today is that the three members who voted to continue suing the citizens that got this Charter Amendment passed and voted for is that you stop suing the citizens and you reconsider your vote and go ahead and pass that right to clean water Amendment thank you thanks St Mr child Christopher child uh Enchanted Avenue um gosh the first thing I want to say is I was at the County Commission um the last the last meeting and and um there were some people that were thrown out or escorted out by by officers for being rude or saying things that hurt someone's feelings and and I just want to say that they've never met Sten Johnston and seeing that you how you run the meeting here and I really want to say thank you for the way that you run the meeting and and not throwing people out just for saying things that that might be rude considered Rude by some people so um thank you you're welcome now I was taught in management school not to say that because then all you hear is that and so any criticism I have after after that you won't hear but the best thing for me to do on that is no comment see see now he's like a listen go ahead go ahead but no it's all right but um in 2020 there was a there was a survey done of Americans of who loves chocolate only 73% of Americans love chocolate and in in tville over 82% of the people love clean water so chocolate ain't got nothing on clean water thank you now how long did it take you to put that together next up they're looking around Michael ma jaac Alpine Lane after the last city council meeting um listening to councilwoman jol and Nelson all I could think of was one word Baler Dash who's going to block up the storm water going into the Lagoon I mean that's a ridiculous idea it's not even an engineering feasibility what we do need to do is redirect that storm water so it doesn't go in the lagoon not by building a wall around it but by putting it back in the ground where it belongs now I came here to talk about clean water and why we started clean water and to answer your questions about how this is going to work and how the city is not going to lose its shirt tails and coat Pockets by spending money left and right it's about making the city do the right thing and follow the best scientific practices and clean up after their spills which right now isn't happening all we pay is a fine and that fine usually goes into fixing whatever caused a spill but it doesn't pay to clean up the spill it doesn't remove the harmful ingredients that we've added to the environment so that's inadequate and that's what this whole bill was about justification so that you guys can do the right thing for us this is our water this is our city and you three are standing in the way of something that we voted to have whether you like it or not we've had attorneys approve this language as you've seen already in court twice we're on the right we've brought in legal experts to write a state Constitutional Amendment guess what based on ours a human right to clean water that's what we need and that's what we deserve and if you're not up there fighting for us in our clean water then you really need to think about stepping down because clean water is what we're our tourist industry is based on our fishing industry is based on these are economies that bring money to the city they're not going to want to come for dirty water I wouldn't now if you have any questions I'll be happy to answer them I have something I do want to say it's not that I'm against clean water it's not that I'm against the right to clean water we have a statute and I was really hoping that judge hokom who I adored would write an order basically explaining how to make the two the statute and the ordinance fit together and he gave us really no guidance so I know that as lay person that doesn't make any sense to you but as an attorney it makes sense to me and that's that's my problem so it's not that I'm against clean water I need some clarification on how to deal with this Charter Amendment and make it work um you put it in the charter it's very simple but you you know it's sort of one of those uh we're either going to make it make sense now or two years from now a year from now five years from now we're going to have to make it make sense so let's make it make sense and then we go forward but I agree with you that we need to start looking at not putting storm water freshwater in the lagoon so I agree with you there and I think the problem is how do we get to that point and to me I need need it to make sense when to get to that point to get to that point so my understanding of case law is that you don't have a choice case law according to our attorney and what we've reported to two judges and now to the appell court is that you have no say you can vehemently oppose what the citizens vote for so you still have to honor it so in that case the citizens in Orange County voted for it and it was struck down by the DCA yes it was because theirs actually provided a right of nature ours does not we strip that requirement which is why we were in jeopardy of the state statutes we remove that so we wouldn't be in Jeopardy specifically so Mike I mean I don't mind argu arguing this out with you but I think it's something the DCA needs to come in and say this is what this is how it's going to work it's very clear the statute is clear what we put in the charter the change is utterly clear and to say or to indicate that it isn't as an attorney is unjust we're going to hold on that uh member stal yeah just to expand on that so ideally this would have all been resolved prior to it even being on the ballot that I think that we're in this situation because when everything was submitted to be on the ballot there was not enough time our City attorney went to try to get a judge to speak to it prior to the deadline for it to be on the ballot because we did not have enough time that judge could not see it prior he said go ahead and put it on there and if there's an issue with it we will deal with it obviously there was an issue there is for we can dis agree to disagree of whether or not we feel like this is legal or if it's preempted by the state I want to make sure I feel like I have a due diligence to make sure that we do what is legal for all citizens for the entire city of Titusville to do what's best for them I can't speak for everyone but I would venture to say we all want clean water I my question to you would be to know if we say we did put this in can you please tell me what would change than what we're doing right now with all the millions of dollars we're doing right now to invest in clean water what what would this do so say this goes in tomorrow now what is going to change all of a sudden longterm like right now like immediately it would extend the length of the charter okay and then long term long term long term what's going to end up happening is that it's going to FL through our St our our standards our our ordinances and where we are doing things that are not in the best scientific interest of keeping the firment alive keeping the water healthy and clean then we're doing it the wrong way and our ordinances should change because this needs to flow into our comp plant and from there clean water becoming the thing that's going agree that that's what we're doing now through I do not I think what you're doing is standing in the way of the citizens vote with all the ordinance changes that we have done to help all the ordinance changes this one thing what what would what would you suggest of something that we should have changed already to for the vote against it and allow this to be amended into the charter okay I think I'm done all right thank you Mike thank you next up good good chrisan LTE Coco resident and I have a couple things I wanted to talk about one of them is is on the right to clean water so the citizens just aren't buying it I mean the the objections that you guys have raised and the and the last time that you talked at the last meeting um you're getting in the way of the citizens will because of fears that you have and objections that you're raising and well what would it do and what would it be different all kinds of questions and you referenced a private conversation in the last meeting member stoko uh which I don't get just just tell us who you talk to so we can go find out and if you want to ask a question then let's get you back the the a real answer but you guys the three of you who have decided on this are in the way of what the people want one of you is at least not speaking up on member Cole to just say you know let's just run this out but you guys keep talking about it and you're digging yourself a bigger hole because we're not buying it so that's what I want to say about that the other couple of other things I want to talk about one is that I would like to have an update on the public records you guys said that you going to put the public records online on the April 23rd meeting you took a vote on that there's no status on it I would like a V the next thing I'd like to talk about is is on the one of your goals under effective governance on your strategic goals and objectives you guys have a goal to continue to broadcast Advisory board meetings expanding the broadcast when appropriate nothing silenc tonight on the Tec uh the the meeting the other on the 30th the April 30th meeting not broadcast you have this objective here and yet do you know what it actually got removed from the city manager's performance measures in FY 2024 did you even know that probably not there's 68 performance measures how many of them do you actually know this has no accountability to it neither does the whole rest of the list but the broadcasting of Advisory board meetings is something that we care about silence when I brought it up earlier nothing on the workshop that should be broadcast every year so that residents have access to hear what's going on with your meetings silence on that another one you have is expanding methods to in increase and enhance two-way Communications we don't have that in Titus spell do you know what I found out just just in the last week found out that she that your email addresses have been taken off your contact information has been taken off of the city website and do you know what you have the city manager has in here that he wants to increase the contact us form submissions so now you have to go to a resident has to go to a contact us form and someone actually did someone reported online it went nowhere so how do you guys expect this two-way communication to happen all we can do is just come to a meeting we can't even find you outside of the meetings you don't respond on Facebook your goals are only to increase your your users on Facebook your followers but not to actually help us and communicate with us so there's a real Gap here between what the people want and what's happening thank you uh city manager somebody comment on that only because I get a lot of emails yeah to I'm like I'm I'm not from people who have your already have your email address I get I get a lot of emails help me how does it work far as huh so I'm over here we're good we're going back and forth here uh and I will say if this is the the Saturday meeting we were talking about is that what you're talking about that Saturday meeting that's one form of two-way communication that was removed this year in Lee of the survey which you're about to vary but yes that was removed that's one form of twoe communication I think the last time we talked I said I kind of like the uh face to face but I didn't like that it was if we did a really good one 35 or 40 people um and I'd like I wasn't overly pleased with the survey was meaning I like more people and I said that two years in a row at the Saturday event that we don't just represent the people who can be there at 10:00 in the morning on Saturday we represent the people who are the little league ballpark the bowling center the soccer field and so I thought a survey would get that better and it maybe did because it was 6 how many was it 600 that's good but a statistically relevant survey so well whatever you want to say about that I'm saying that what we needed to do was increase the participation of the input and I think that's clearly from 30 to 600 it increased I'm not pleased with that I think we need more than that but that's what that answer is there so all right no okay thank you thank you yep 600's more than 30 and it's not as much as I want I want more than 600 think everybody here's going to speak on petition thank you oh here we go here we go good evening uh I'm Steven dun lifelong resident of Titusville it's kind of serendipity that you're discussing all this I'm very pleased that everybody seems to be on board with doing something about Royal Oak and doing something about the water that's going the storm water that's going into our River it's just incred that this uh what I gave everybody is an article from Yahoo news this morning is talking about yeah you sent that and I appreciate you responding so quickly that the property is under contract and that's why it's kind of Lio another email I got by the way anyway uh just a quick note that uh this Royal Oak facility turning into something like a Wetlands or uh environmental area it's it's this is a forever thing it's something our grandchildren's grandchildren can appreciate so it's important I think that we are prepared if it does become available to do something another consideration is once you purchase this property that's just beginning it's going to be very expensive to convert that so I'm sure the citizens are behind this and I appreciate you all support on this thank you thank you thank you very much and yeah thank you for the email too next up hi guys hi hi Elizabeth Baker Titusville um right to clean water again thank you so much to two members that have voted for and with the people on this and to everybody else I really just don't get it we've heard excuses we've gone back and forth we've pretended that we didn't know that this was the right for people and not to Nature what this would do is give somebody like the gentleman that owns the mall some teeth in order to hold the polluters accountable that have been polluting the water in the ground over there for 40 years he might be able to move forward with that development that would be really good for this city the other thing that it would do is restore some faith in our Representatives 82% of the people 82 that's your job your job is to represent us we spoke now it's time for you to speak for us amen amend that Charter do what's right you know it's the right thing to do thanks thank you [Music] next Morin roup Port St John um if you really thought that lawsuits over pollution could bankrupt the city why have you done nothing to rectify this issue you must know it could be proven when the city cens tried to rectify you've tried to keep it off the ballot couldn't do that said it must go on the ballot and it passes by 82% then you sued the people to keep it off the charter and when two judges said it must go on the charter you decided it must go to a higher Court paid for with taxpayers monies was the same tax taxpayer has to rely on donations from the community to hire an attorney to defend what two judges have already determined I wonder and I worry cuz I don't like this and how long before National newspapers and TV stations are knocking on your door because of this Injustice and absurdity I don't think this will end well for the city council please reconsider and join the mayor and vice May on their decision something is very wrong about this and wrong is no man's right thank you thank [Applause] you next up all right City Manager on to consent oh she had a she had a thought giving everybody else a chance to speak Tony Shuff Tropic Street I would just like to point out that this is becoming sort of like the County Council meetings that I watch on um YouTube where the woman on on the council gets up and leaves the room when the public are speaking and I'd just like to suggest to those of you who are polite enough to remain and at least pretend that you're paying attention to your citizens speaking to you that I I commend you for that and I would like to just suggest that during the time that people have to only speak three minutes I I know it's kind of tough and bathroom calls are are Urgent for some people sometime but I just think it's extremely rude to get up and leave the room while it's the petitions where the people get a chance to speak to you so I just wanted to get that off my chest thank you and now Tony Tony I just want you to know so it's not real neat but I write down what everybody talked about write to clean a lot of write to clean Waters uh we had Kirk Point uh Stan you're the same was uh but uh yeah they're all right to clean water as a matter of fact that's very all but uh but a couple but yeah I when you see me writing I'm writing so I can remember what I heard Laur Lee see I write her name down Laur Le Thompson 3550 irn Avenue Mims I'll change the subject a little bit um I wanted to um let you know um that there's an opportunity to look at the um tapes of this of the save our Indian River Lagoon citizen oversight committee um meetings there uh I gave you the piece of paper this one is from um April 2024 we had five speakers two are speaking about oysters no two spoke about clams one about oysters two about seagrass these are like you know scientists that have been doing research in the lagoon for many many years and every single speaker said that there's too much fresh water going into the Lagoon which is slowing in the restoration efforts that rard County Citizens are paying for and this I showed this to you before but I thought I would bring a reminder this is oh yeah this is um the storm water outfall at the end of St John's Street um by the dusty RADS and you can see this huge brown Water this plume that's coming out of this CT you can see the the it's easy to see because we had this big algae bloom going on at the at the same time so you can see difference between the colors between the river and the um storm water that's coming out of that covert so the the soral program has been very really successful and it's generated a lot more money than it was originally uh planned to do why not instead of doing a bond why don't we go for a half penny sales tax and let the citizens decide whether these projects are important um you could put the uh the the Lagoon acquisitions on the south end of town you could also put the storm water park concept the collection of stormw water parks that the member from the St John's River Water Management District governing board said that is the only solution that's that is that is clear and doable for the city of Titus we can't dig a canal under I95 to to to divert our storm water to the West like like they are doing in the South and in the county where they are already had existing canals um this this could be an answer and and 30% of it would be paid for by tourists not by residents so you could let the tourists pay for it and you we would start out with a plan to spend what we think we're going to get and probably ultimately the same thing that has happened with the soral money would happen to us we would be getting more money than we had originally thought we were going to get so we could keep adding projects the same way we're doing with the soral project and and so I think that that that could be an easier way to do this we can't get it done by this election but we could do it for 2026 we'd have plenty of time to map out what we think we want to do but I think that that's a an alternative that would be good and I appreciate the time that you guys spent talking about the tec's recommendations tonight was greatly appreciated thank you well thank you I I learned I did too can we can I ask a question so um probably six eight months ago we went down to a presentation uh by St John's Water Management down in Melbourne we were talking to the girl from the zoo Olivia and she was talking yeah she did a presentation for us and she was was talking about um the freshwater in the lagoon and how it was impacting the seagrass and the clams so Laur Lee if we wanted to know scientifically what the impact is of freshwater on her River would she be the person to ask no I I would go with B on this list that I handed you Dr Todd Osborne born from the University of Florida's um Whitney lab um which is up where Marin land um used to be um Marin land is still kind of a little Roadside Attraction there but but most of the work that's being done there is being done by the University of Florida at the Whitney lab which is over on the Estuary side um Dr Osborne um he is the the one who found the 56 super clams in mosquito Lagoon that all of the clam restoration that's going on in the Indian River the millions and millions of clams that are that are going into the Indian River lagon restoration they're all coming from 56 clams that University of Florida students located and and saved they actually saved the DNA of Indian river clams from going extinct because it's a long story but I I would suggest that we invite Dr Osborne to come and he might even he might even bring his sidekick Blair Wiggins along and Blair is a a very uh famous fishing guide that's had a lot of television programs that is very deeply involved in the clam Restoration in the river and and it could be entertaining as well as educational but that that would be my recommendation I would love to do that uh I don't how you guys feel about it getting a presentation from him and I understand that it's not just us putting fresh water in the river and it's not something that we can change overnight but I think anytime we get information is it's good we need to to have that information so how do you guys feel about inviting him to do a presentation you know certainly sounds like a guy if Flor Lee recommends him it sounds like a guy I'd like to hear I'm open to it completely yeah so do I need that as a motion so I would move that we have Dr Todd Osborne come and do a presentation for us maybe 15 20 minutes a presentation meeting second second second I got a motion from Member Nelson a second from Member Cole all in favor say yes yes opposed we will look to invite him staff thank you thank you do you want staff to invite him or do you want me to invite him I don't know how that would work yeah okay thank you them okay all right thank you thank you very much Lally if you have your his contact information might want to share it are we good now City maner on to consent uh items a through I city council are there any questions on consent for staff I see none city council do you want to pull any of the consent agenda items for further discussion I see none uh city clerk are there any cards for consent agenda items a through I uh yes sir three cards mayor I'd like to read the titles for the record thank you uh consent agenda item 8 a approve the fire department budget transfer request consent agenda item 8 B authorized the mayor to sign resolution number 6 2024 Street naming for Riverwalk project consent agenda item 8 C authorize staff to issue work orders for the annual storm water piping installation services tree boxes Hamilton Avenue and Hollow Glen Drive baffle boxes consent agenda item 8D approve the annual rate sufficiency review Water and Wastewater utilities consent agenda item 8e approve the wellfield testing for posos settlement consent agenda item 8 F approved payment to Bard County for for Bara Avenue resurfacing consent agenda item 8G approve the annual resurfacing change order to Massie construction consent agenda item 8 H adopt resolution number 7 2024 to authorize City staff to administer the voting infrastructure grant program consent agenda item 8 I approve resolution number 8 2024 appointing code enforcement special magistrate all right Council any comments or anything no call the cards please Kristen lording Kristen LTE Coco resident and as I discussed last time I was here I like to improve the visibility of the consent agenda I appreciate that the city manager reads the items but the description of the items and the spending is not disclosed during the meeting so there's over $2 million of spending that I added up that's occurring on the current consent agenda and I'd like to read a few of the descriptions of the items uh first item C authorized staff to issue work orders in the amount of $896,000 for installation of tree boxes in the Grace Street rard Street City Hall and Commons basins and $851,000 million under the pasas item pasas item is to approve the use of uchia County Master agreement number 780 effective through February 3rd 2025 with Pace Labs of Orman Beach for raw water testing within the area 2 and three well fields in the amount of $59,750 additionally approv Associated budget amendment item G annual resurfacing change order number two Massie construction approved change order number two to the annual resurfacing contract to Massi general of Port Orange Florida in the amount of $431 4 $431,000 $441 to add additional streets utilizing funds provided during the midyear budget process additionally authorize the city manager to execute the change order uh on item number eight to authorize City staff to administer the Boating infrastructure grant program authorizing Titusville Marina to enter into a 20-year commitment for maintenance and operation of the marina facilities fund did under this award and authorize the city manager to sign the previously approved application to the Boating infrastructure grant program and to administer the grant program funding should funding be awarded item I approve resolution appointing Attorney Jennifer Nicks of the firm gargan Weiss de greston Salman as the replacement special magistrate for code enforcement hearings for the city of Titusville and authorize the mayor to sign the resolution those were the ones that I wanted to read I just like to point out as I pointed out to you last time that Coco Beach does read the dollar amounts and the descriptions it would make your city business much more visible to the public I personally object to the large number of consent agenda items that are occurring throughout Bard this agenda has about 10 a through I there's many agendas that have many more items on it than this one and that's correct many more nonetheless the city business should be visible to the public so it's easy for them to find many people don't know that they have to write to the city clerk just to get the backup for this but I should make sure that that's known until the city agenda items are put online you have to write to this clerk to get this and this is a few of the items for the Public's benefit so everybody knows thank you thank you good timing geez all right next card uh yes sir uh Stan Johnson and my apologies he um when you go through consent I will mention the uh the items they want to talk on a e and I for Mr Johnston oh I think it's maybe a um e um star mil H and I what I had but because I guess the H maybe looks like an a all right so so uh especially I'm sorry I wish you wouldn't leave Kate all right because uh I'm going to share something with all of you something I'm a I'm a grandfather now and I want you to understand is that uh when uh when somebody gives my grandson a lollipop and he's three foot high and I'm maybe 6 feet high it's like giving me how many lollipops the same size any idea on that what's mathematically is is that if you if you take a if you if you take a cube and it's only like one foot square and then you double it like it's 2 by two two it it is eight times as much eight times as much so in other words when you give my grandson a lollipop it's the same as like giving me 6 foot high eight eight I'm talking especially to Mr robinsson because he was wondering about this four parts per per per trillion of Po four phosphates 176 look it can look at this way or this way so so what's going on here is that is that is that when you have what we had is we had tested in tiil and it was advertised in the Guardian newspaper that's not even local the guardian 176 parts per trillion and I made this sign up and I asked you guys would you please test the city of water for for for for these uh PF pfas whatever they call them and it was denied it was denied by many people asked to do it now you now you're going to go ahead and do it but the thing is it's it's when when Mr Robinson was talking about four parts per trillion that's really tiny tiny tiny tiny but understand is like when you have it in a little kid and it's only one foot high can you imagine the the parts per trilon the combination it it would be like the same as on on a a larger person and then if you get down to a minuscule part when it's a fetus it's a tremendous amount of concentration do you understand I was talking about from from 3 feet to 6 feet that's eight times and if you go microscopically to a fetus you know that that's maybe a a millimeter that's tremendous amount of concentration so I want you guys to wake up everybody here in this room wake up up that it's a serious issue when when when we're talking about pollution biological concentration and so forth wake up because our children are not like we think they are they're they're very tiny when they're when they're just an egg thank you please understand it wake up when they're an egg all right next St Bailey item e St baile Coco Florida I think what uh the previous speaker was trying to talk about is that children are the most susceptible to these environmental exposures because of their size and their weight and because they're still growing all of that stuff um I do want to agree with member Nelson on her commentary earlier about anytime we get information it's good and data drives decisions we all know that it drives decisions on a state level a federal level that's how we were able to get drinking water standards down to four parts per trillion because the science caught up and it taught us that these chemicals are much more harmful at lower exposures so I'm for this item e i I commend the city for moving forward with this action for getting the testing I did have a few questions and they don't have to be answered tonight I did notice that there were certain area wellfields missing in this testing data I do know that one is because there's a partnership um I do get concerned about that there's there's the question of you know um how many people are being served by that particular water with that partnership also um going back to the storm water parks this is a perfect example if we're having to buy water from a different entity like I don't know if it's Farmington Farmington or not but that storm water recharging the aquafer could help solve those issues so another thing to kind of keep in your mind about the storm water ponds that have been discussed here tonight it could help in this particular situation as well um and then the last thing is about transparency regarding this you know the testing results we'd really like to see those posted online um I think that helps really build the trust with the community being able to have those directly paced Labs is wonderful we've worked with them in the past so I'm really excited to see the work that they do and coming into the city and again I want you guys to know how much you're appreciated for making this decision it was courageous and it was a good decision and I think every citizen in this city is thankful and grateful to you for that thank you we do Post those results do we not we always have thank you uh is that it yes sir all right uh member Nelson move to approve consent agenda items a through think is I I second we have a motion and a second member Cole is a second May Nelson is a motion roll call vote M Nelson yes mayor diesel yes vice mayor Robinson yes member stokel yes member Cole yes consent agenda passes unanimously we move on to ordinance of second readings on to item 9A which is ordinance number 14 2024 Economic Development Ador tax abatement referendum the City attorney will read the uh this is your public hearing uh this ordinance ordinance number 14 2024 an ordinance of the city of Titusville Florida authorizing the calling of a referendum to determine if the electorate desires to authorize the city to issue Economic Development ADV valorum tax exemptions providing for Effective ballot results severability and effective date Florida statute provides that the authority to Grant exemptions expires 10 years after the date of such Authority was approved by an election but such Authority may be renewed for subsequent 10y year year period periods if each renewal period is approved in a referendum called for and held pursuant to that section in November 1994 November 2004 and again in 2014 the electors of Titusville voted to allow such an exemption for new and expanding businesses that meet specific guidelines the current authority to Grant Economic Development advore and tax exemption will sunset at the end of 2024 city council may desire to submit to the electorate referendum which will authorize the city of Titusville to continue to Grant Economic Development Ador tax exemptions and Brad's here to answer any questions on this your public hearing Brad you got any comments or guidance no sir just I'll try to answer any questions you have this is pretty much an every 10-year deal correct that's correct okay councel anything you want to add to this call the cards uh yes sir two cards the first is Tony shipo Tony shuo Tropic Street first I think you should have to raise 4,000 signed petitions from Titusville voters in order to get this referendum on the ballot then you'll really know how the citizens feel because you have to talk to 8,000 people to get the 4,000 signatures and you really get ears full second I believe I don't want the city of Titusville to continue to Grant Economic Development ad vorum tax exemptions new businesses especially large Space Age businesses should contribute to the tax base from day one and contribute their fair share every year third the language of the proposed amendment isn't clear to me so I doubt it will be so clear to the average voter for instance it isn't clear just what type of business will get the exemption nor does it lay out for how long or how much tax exemption also vague is the number of jobs needed to be created to be deserving of a tax exemption in short the ballot title and the ballot question member Nelson to be used for the referendum is incomplete so the poor voter will not know what in the heck they're voting for it's not in the best interest of the citizens of Titusville that the city have the authority to Grant said ADV valorum tax exemptions in certain situations or any situations without input from the citizens so I don't like the idea that you're going to just put it on the ballot without raising those signatures 4,000 of them next Stan Johnston Stan Johnston I was an employee of the city of Titusville and here's what I found out that is very disturbing from a uh here's what I found out is that reporting from somebody said that here's what happened is that um Public Works he's not here right now it wasn't it wasn't him it was Jim before him put a um uh how much you know how much should your budget be and and so he submitted to the city manager and the city manager says there's no way can we can afford that you're going to have to cut your budget you're going to have to cut out all kinds of projects and so he cut and cut and cut and cut so what I'm saying is is that the budget was all nonsense because we had all kinds of infrastructure that needed to be worked on I don't know if y'all understand what I'm saying is that it was all fraud all of it was fraud did you hear what I said I don't think youall he what it said in other words the budget was just frauded was not there wasn't truth in it at all it was millions and millions and millions of dollars off on on on on the needs of Public Works but in order to keep your job you had to lie I don't think anybody heard that don't think anybody did well it's a big deal so the thing is is that if you're going to if you're going to lie about about what our needs are and then you're going to give people tax breaks saying that we they don't need that we don't need the money I don't know about this because we're getting all kinds of federal funds that's the way our our country is our our city is is surviving the way it is because we get so much Federal funding and guess how much guess how much per capita we are in the we are in the uh oh everybody owes $100,000 now that's what I read $100,000 somebody said it's a lot more than that for every person in the United States the our federal government is in debt $100,000 $100,000 essentially we're bankrupt thank you thank you Stan next up all right um member Nelson um I'm going to move to approve ordinance number 14 2024 the economic development of laurum tax rebate referendum I I I do have a question beforehand sure um and this is for I'm not sure who but I understand we have standards for what businesses actually qualify what they have to do to qualify and I would ask that we consider putting that on the website so that when people people can look at it and see make a decision on whether they want to vote for this kind of referendum sure and I just want to let you know that ballot language is in the statute we're required to use the B ballot language that it comes in the statute we don't create that b language so perhaps just having it on the website would be helpful so that people would understand that it's not a business walks in and we just throw money at them they have to meet certain requirements the criteria is in the code that is available onl code can we put it on website it's yeah it's on the unit code where we house our ordinances and our land regulations I think she was saying maybe put it somewhere on her website that says like upcoming elections here yeah push like click here to read more about the Amendments so it's more so you don't have to go dig for it a little Clarity yeah yeah I think there second I right yes all right I have a motion for member Nelson a second for member Cole roll call vote mayor diesel yes vice mayor Robinson yes member stokel yes member Cole yes member Nelson pass unanimously we move on to a first reading city manager item 9B which is ordinance number 15 2024 many warehouses and Regional commercial RC zoning this is the first reading and first public hearing the second reading and final public hearing is scheduled for the city council meeting on 11 June 2024 the plane and Zoning commission recommended denial of this action 61 City attorney will read for the record ordinance number 15 2024 an ordinance of the city of tville Florida amending the code of ordinances related to many warehouses in the regional commercial RC zoning District by amending chapter 28 zoning section 28214 mini warehouse subsection C standards for permitted uses with limitations and section 28 315 Regional commercial RC providing for severability repeal of conflicting ordinances incorporation into the code and an effective date and Mr parish is here to answer any questions that you may have on this first reading I think you had a change too didn't you there yeah there was a change to the ordinance uh so I know this is a first reading but it's also a public hearing and there'll be a subsequent public hearing at your next meeting because it's changed in the list of uses permitted uses in the code um on page 174 of your packet Begins the the first page of the ordinance you'll see it's specifically amending section 28214 of the code mini warehouses and you'll see the definition of a mini warehouse there and the zoning districts that it's permitted in uh the L means it's a permitted use with certain limitations uh the c means it's it's permitted but it has to go through a public hearing process on the next page on page 175 of your packet you'll see and strike through and underline the proposed language this is language that's been proposed by um um by privately initiated this is not a city staff initiated coordinance so you'll see on page 175 of your packet under the conditions of a mini warehouse in the regional commercial zoning District there's new language there under c1a and and it states access to each storage unit shall be from within an enclosed air conditioned building or from an exterior door internal to the site that's different from a standard mini warehouse where you have the roll up garage doors which are open this is these are criteria um that were in place or put in place 20 in 2015 to allow for an air conditioned indoor only mini warehouse type storage facility in this particular zoning District this commercial zoning District on the same page page 175 of your packet you'll see in that same section but a new par subp paragraph e and it's underlined in red and it states the maximum building coverage of 60% is permitted that was the applicant's initial sub request at the Planning and Zoning commission meeting they suggested a a change to that and so after the Planning and Zoning commission meeting uh was spoke with the applicant and they are proposing to change change that maximum building coverage to 50% and so you should have received another version of this ordinance with that minor change on page 176 of your packet these are the zoning development standards for the RC the regional commercial zoning District so again these this change that's being requested will is specific to one type of use in one particular zoning District you'll see the RC zoning District standards have the minimum lot area the minimum maximum building coverage uh and so on and setbacks and further down you'll see um sub a um a notation number four where it talks about building coverage maximum The Standard Building coverage for any use any development in this zoning district is maxed out at 30% what the applicant is suggesting is to allow for that to be increased up to 50% specifically for a mini warehouse use we did provide to you a staff report on page 171 of your packet I won't read through it all um I'll just summarize staff is not in support of the request there was a prior to 2015 many Warehouse uh was always listed as an industrial use in industrial zoning districts in 2015 uh request was to allow was approached to us to um to staff to to see if we can allow a mini warehouse in a community commercial zoning District we objected to that the applicant then suggested maybe the regional commercial zoning District if you recall several of the zoning districts have a hierarchy of intensity Regional commercial is very intense and then you have Community commercial then you have tourist neighborhood commercial and open uh Office Professional same thing with industrial districts there's some that are more in intense and then they get less less intense depending on the district you're using so again prior to 2015 mini warehouse was only allowed in industrial zoning districts in 2015 the an applicant at the time asked uh for a new ordinance to allow some flexibility conditions were put into the code in 2015 to allow for an enclosed air conditioned mini warehouse only in the regional commercial zoning District we have one project that was actually that actually utilized that and that is the old Kmart building that's on Cheney Highway that old building was converted into an enclosed air conditioned mini warehouse use the um potential property owner I believe is actually requesting to see if maybe could have more flexibility on that particular property but in order to do that they want to see if they can change the code which in effect will affect will will um impact all properties that are current that are also zoned Regional commercial staff is is not in support of expanding mini warehouse outside of an enclosed building and now in other words what they're suggesting is a standard mini warehouse use in a regional commercial zoning District we believe that generally that that is a a creep of industrial uses creeping into commercial areas um the comprehensive plan uh does talk about where industrial uses are primarily um should be focused um it talks about specific roadways it does not mention Cheney Highway although there are a couple of properties that are Legacy properties that were there prior to the 1993 Citywide resoning that are M1 and I believe one of them does have um a rollup door type standard mini warehouse use um so our findings are on page 172 of your packet and our recommendation staff is concerned with the gradual change the RC zoning into an industrial district concerns Center on the use of the RC Zoning for industrial uses such as many warehouses warehousing constructed in a traditional layout of individual buildings with separate entrances garage doors to each unit rather than units being located with a single enclosed air conditioned building issues raised by the request include Visual and noise impacts of neighboring residential and Commercial uses resulting in a change of the character of the area should Council cons wish to consider the proposed change staff recommends that limitations or conditions be established that will address these issues we have not proposed any specific limitations conditions because our recommendation is not to go forward with this if you do ask us to do that we will ask if there's any specific conditions or limitations you believe that would be appropriate with that I'll trying to answer any questions I see no questions let me have a okay member Nelson oh here we go got a couple okay you're talking about access to the storage unit shall be from within and closed air conditioned building or from an exterior door internal to the site so that last part I'm confused can you point to me where you're referring to this is at C page 175 C1 a okay so the current language says access to each store unit shall be from with an enclosed air conditioned building and that's pretty straightforward is what we have that the next part of that sentence is being added here or from an exterior door internal to the site I believe the applicant does have a presentation they'd like to show you that has a layout of a proposal that illustrates what they're describing here okay anybody else M St who you good yeah I was just going to say I did have questions but Brad did a good presentation that answered my questions so thank you very good um call the card cards uh yes sir two cards the first is Tony shippo well yeah hold on hold on hold on I I certainly would but it is a first reading and I was actually expecting her to be the first card and who's your second card I'm so sorry sir those um I believe the applicant yes is here I not okay okay first yes first reading see I knew it uh Tony sheffa walking fast shipo Tropic Street this is a mini warehouse of the wrong kind in the wrong place the Planning and Zoning commission recommended denial 6 to one of this application to amend the text of the city's Land Development regulations even staff is concerned how often does that happen if I were making the rules and changing the look of the city I would be careful in approving requests that will allow major or even minor changes to the intent of the Land Development regulations careful reading of the 73 listed Regional commercial zoned properties so thoughtfully enclosed by Miss frena show a majority to be clustered around the two I95 exits in town and a few scattered at the East End of Highway 50 probably approved by shortsighted staff and councils past these are mostly shopping centers parking lots I read over the whole list convenience stores several Banks and Credit Unions restaurants a few entertainment venues and vacant properties no outside storage we're looking into the future of our town with the Titusville tomorrow project and one outstanding comment from citizens heard at several meetings I've attended most of of them we don't need more storage units the client knows the code for this property if they insist on Open Access units then they should build in an area where code allows that change your location not our zoning code put in place to protect our neighborhoods let's don't go wild making all these changes to good plans thank you next card Stan Johnston uh Stan Johnston lot there's a lot I don't know and I don't know a lot about this project but I'm so I'm I'm putting a neutral comment neutral in but I want to comment on on and I can't talk to uh our city manager I can't talk to our City attorney but I can talk to you guys is that what I would like to have on this is that is that when you when you do a site plan on it that you have a survey a survey that has Corners that actually has Corners because right now you can see is what the city can do is City can have a survey they know is wrong it had doesn't have the corners there and yet the city is allowing it to be built on so what I said before you've heard before I called you guys nuts and fruit cakes and you're on another planet same supplies you don't need to hear it again but you did thank you and blame these guys right here City attorney city manager thank you here we go uh next one uh yes sir um a card has come in just now for Megan M moso oh Megan yes ma'am yeah Megan moso Dem Merit Drive um I just want to say I think staff did a really good job on this um we had um probably about an hour and a half discussion at the pnz on this item so I would encourage you if you have the time before the second hearing to go back and listen it might answer a lot of the questions that you have um I think that there are other options besides changing our code and in your packet you'll see all of the um different developments that this could possibly affect there's some off of 95 and so just by changing our code it could we could possibly have many warehouses and different locations that we might not want there to be um I think the applicant is aware of this and I think that there were other options they could use like a cup or um different variances so I would say as you consider this please go back and watch that meeting and I think you'll get a lot of your um questions answered thank you very good input thank you and as was last card yes sir all right City Manager on to uh ordinances first readings this is ordinance number 16 2024 golden kns Boulevard uh plan and Zoning commission recommended approval 52 on this City attorney will read the ordinance for the record ordinance number 16 2024 an ordinance of the city of tville Florida amending chapter 28 zoning article 6 zoning District standards of the code of ordinances to require additional setback and buffer requ requirements for properties owned industrial M2 abing golden knights Boulevard by manying sections 28 318 industrial M2 30 332 required landscape yards and 30 339 visual buffer and screening requirements providing for severability repeal of conflicting ordinances and incorporation into the code and effective date staff we did make a change to this ordinance the advertisement you see on page or the title of the ordinance on page 187 of your packet uh it was advertised to specifically regulate or uh the buffers that are that would be developed inside the M2 which is the heavy industrial zoning District uh there was a version that was brought before pnz that appeared to be a little more flexible than what was the title so we had brought this back to be more specific just to that zoning District each time this this ordinance has been amended or changed we've also run it by the Airport Authority and they didn't have any objections to this current version that you have before you now uh the change specifically if you look on page uh 191 of your packet uh is a new paragraph H this is under l Cape buffers and this is States uh golden kns Boulevard it should State M2 zoning District that's the new version what um what am I looking at here Fe e which one is I'm sorry so in your packet and you can compare it with the handout you may have on it's page 191 of your package excuse me 191 H H paragraph H it's a new paragraph and you'll see yeah I'm sorry the new language it starts out with industrial M2 and the reason this is is because all of the properties that are along golden knights Boulevard are zoned M2 uh I believe there's only one other piece of property that is unincorporated that comes in that would most likely be M2 as well so the airport Authority have any concerns with this this was a also a version that was initially shown to pnz previously um and this was how it was advertised so we believe that based on the discussion that pnz had and how this uh ordinance was advertised the handout version that you have not the one that's inside the packet is the correct version I didn't have that figure out with that I'll try to answer any questions you have this is a first reading and I believe this this one did not require public hearing at the first R okay thank you nice changes um member stalle yep um just to clarify so I think there originally there was some confusion over if this would be applicable to Industrial and Commercial as well and I think you just explaining that did a good job of cleaning it up that this will be for industrial M2 and now there would not be a need to um change the verbage or do another ordinance and so I think you clarified it and I was wondering how this was going to happen and you did a good job thank you I think the word there very good is cleaned up it's very neat yes very understandable nice um Council anything else um call the card uh yes sir one card Stan Johnston okay we talking about 10 now 10A we're talking about 10A all right 10A okay I want you to focus your attention on two people in this room and that's right you going talk about 10A here that's what I'm talking about 10 would you listen to this this has to do with 10 need sit down no look here I want to talk about 10 down are you going to you say I can't I I can't talk about I'll say whatever I need to say okay you may continue all right 10A 10A reads as follows it says visual buffer and screening requirements there you go now I want you to know what's happening with this this this kind of issue it has to do with these these two guys right here that exactly actually happened and it has to do with the the DRC do you know what the DRC is do you know what the DRC is well it's development Review Committee it bypasses a whole bunch of stuff like that would would have gone to other places like like to to council or ba Anda and so forth so what they did is they short changed it these two guys and they allowed it and I've sent them numerous emails about this and they they're screwing people it's not truthful what what they're doing is what they did is is is they went ahead and they they they approved the city approved first of all they approved a 8 foot wide driveway on Mockingbird Lane to replace that 20 foot access 8ot then they changed it to a 10ft wide then they changed it to a 12T three different approvals so what I'm doing is I've contacted this guy right here Mr Tolson I said Mr Tolson you know what they've done on this site plan and what DRC has done and what your City attorney and what your what your city manager have done is they have they have messed up everybody they violated 7 Florida statute 704 they violated common law they Viola survey laws and they they they're still violating and they're violating the technical manual the city of Titusville by their approval so here's what Mr Tolson told me to do he said I can't he can't do anything about it until they build it and approve it and then I could go ahead and go to Glenn Tolson and complain about it that is dirty Rock and crooked group group that that's done by your city manager and your City attorney and I'm fed up with it all right thank you thank you any other cards yes sir all right next the city manager on to uh ordinance number 10B which is ordinance number 17 2024 the landscape technical manual City attorney will read for the rec ordinance number 17 2024 an ordinance of the city of tville Florida amending the code of ordinances by amending the Landscaping technical manual to update the approved trees and shrubs list specifically amending section five Landscaping providing for severability repeal of conflicting ordinances incorporation into the code and an effective date on March 13 2024 the Tec approved the revised landscape technical manual the Planning and Zoning commission will hold a public hearing and provide recommendations at their gun June 5th 2024 meeting Brad's here to describe the landscape technical manual Council any questions I'm pleased with this especially if the Tec is approving means we have cleaned some things up all right uh call card uh yes sir there are five cards the first is K say an hello Casey n Maryland Avenue I realize this is the first reading of the ordinance amending the tech manual list of recommended plans for landscapers but want to see that opportunity to provide a little input a lot of work has been put into this Revis list both by pnz and Tec and by Kim Gibbs of the Native Plant Society this list is a huge improvement over the existing list which according to my calculations has only 30% native plants the list before you tonight has 73% Bard native or Regional native plants let me clarify for you these terms Bard native plants grow naturally in Bard County without being planted or tinted by man Regional native plants grow naturally in another area of Florida but we'll grow here if planted both types of native plants are far better to plant than nonnative or even Florida friendly plants Florida friendly plants are often from other countries but we'll grow here if planted we need landscapers to plant native plants Regional native or Bard native plants as so many native plants are being removed by developers native plants grow here here without additional water once established and need no fertilizers thus approving this amended list for the tech manual could be a big benefit for the Lagoon butterflies and pollinators depend upon native plants without pollinators production of fruits and vegetables is jeopardized native plants attract birds and the caterpillars and bugs that they feed on newborn birds are are fed exclusively on caterpillars and bugs nearly 30% of the birds have vanished in the US since 1970 due to Habitat destruction by adopting this ordinance you will be reducing the rate by which birds are declining let me also make a suggestion to you when the city plants or hires landscapers to plant please consider planting native trees and plants as much as possible particularly along the Lagoon The Bard Zoo recently planted native plants along the seaw wall in Sandpoint Park to serve as a model these native plants are an alternative to planting sod wide up to the Lagoon which requires fertilizers and spread grass clippings into the Lagoon if the city were to plant native sable palms along the Lagoon with native plants underneath this would help reduce erosion along the Lagoon Shoreline provide habitat reduce fertilizer use reduce grass clippings which add nitrogen to the Lagoon and serve as an example to other landscapers and residents one more second please at the second Reading Please approve this amended list of recommended plants in the tech manual for the birds bees butterflies and the Lagoon then let's set an example let's go native there you go thank you I told you I was pleased next up Kimberly Gibbs have a new one I don't know F we know we don't have many new people step up good evening mayor and members um my name is Kim Gibbs I live on Meritt Island and I'm a member of the uh Florida Native Plant Society here in Titusville um wow well I just agree with everything uh K just said um I've been aware of this issue uh that you've been uh reviewing the tech manual for several months now or that it's been on the agenda so I want to commend you for taking up this issue and for uh spending your time and effort and staff resources on this um I've attended some of the Tec meetings and I've just been so impressed with their deliberations their discussion on this issue um so I I invite you to just take a moment and to think about plants for a moment um think about the plants that are in your yard and think about the impact of updating this this list um so my understanding is that it would be used for for example um developments so you would be requiring some certain amount of the plants to be from this list um and the list has been comprised from it's kind of a mashup of multiple lists you had the original then you have the kimley horn list that was used uh and then I created a separate list that was just bravard native plants so through that process um the Tec and your your your staff um created this now updated list that will be used it includes Natives and non-natives and so I just want to emphasize the difference um between our native and non-native plants but Kate did a great job of explaining that I want to emphasize that they're not the same they don't provide the same amount of value or environmental value and I'm going to pick on you member Robinson um yes all plants are contributing something but our non-native plants didn't evolve they didn't evolve with the native plant Community they're not providing the same benefits so in the best case they're really close to a very sterile type of a plant material you've got your AstroTurf that's plastic the non-native plants many of them are just one step away you know that's your arboric Cola your poto carpus your C roin really not providing any value to uh any environmental value and then in the worst possible case they can become extremely invasive you've heard of the Brazilian pepper we've all seen that and the terrible environmental damage that they that they have caused the Australian pine the melaluca and the list goes on and on those plants didn't start off being invasive they were brought here by the plant nursery or the plant industry and they became invasive over time time so really the best way to go is to encourage and urge and require planting more native plants thank you so much for thank you very much appreciate it next up Michael maack go native yes go native what they said okay I have one minor knit pick on this we we worked really hard to get a native in Bard County list of plans and staff and the um consultant wanted to use the old list that we had that were really not beneficial to our environment and so what we ended up with was merging them together so that we would have our Bard natives as well as our Florida natives that are not Regional to here and then the non-natives are Exotics and we actually voted to call them Exotics so that we understood that there was a difference in that plant from a native plant in its value to our environment but the knit that I have to pick is that there's 14 plants that were on that 300 some odd list that didn't get merged in that were part of our vote on the teec that these are supposed to be in there and they're not and just to give you a CU I don't know but I I've heard of a Laurel Oak um why was the Laurel Oak removed from the list I don't know but it's not there uh sweet Acacia um dwarf Live Oak blue stem grasses are are off the list and if you've ever seen them they're actually quite gorgeous gopher tortoises love them gopher Apple that was one I learned about in the Enchanted Forest it's a little low ground cover but the little apples it produces a go for tauris of Love why is that not on the list why are these 14 things that were on Kim's list that we voted on would be merged and are missing so that's my knit the rest of it I think is great and I hope we get it to go and Brad I'm going to give you this they were accidentally left off thank you Mike next up Laur Lee Thompson lur Le what do you know about this stuff lur Thomson 3550 irn Avenue Ms so I wasn't aware of the 14 niit nitpicking um plants that were left off because I was so happy with what I saw and um I mean this this has been a long long process and the poor consultant Shima had I mean she's been so patient and so good working with us and Kimberly your input incredible um I don't know of any other community that has such an extensive landscape list of native plants I mean we we should be so proud of this you should be proud of this because um we're setting the bar for other communities we set the bar with our um tree canopy ordinance we're going to set the bar with this other communities are going to be so envious of what we have here so regardless of whether the 14 plants that accidentally got left off get added back into it or not I I know this is the first reading I'm not going to be here um in town for the second reading so you got to listen to me tonight um I hope you approve it and I will be very interested um to see how Mo number two and motion number three that the um that the uh planning and zoning board made how they far when they um talk about this again because I would support both of those motions also in addition to the motion to approve this tree list um and and Landscape list for the technical manual thank you thank you next up our last card Stan Johnston Stan you hav't passed all night Stan Johnson I'm I'm I'm NE on this uh I really appreciate what uh uh the Tec has been doing on that uh on this on this particular issue the uh my concern is is that what I just showed you said before on the last issue is that is that when you have a technical manual uh how in the world can the city manager and the City attorney um just violate it just just say hey violate it and that's what's what's going on I I just don't appreciate what's going on it's not truthful it's not Justice thank you thank you is that it yes sir all right City Manager on to uh ordinance number 18 2024 which is item 10c this is the Florida live local act ordinance uh first reading and the Planning and Zoning commission will consider this ordinance at their hearing on uh June 5th 2024 City attorney will read for the record ordinance number 18 2024 an ordinance of the city of t Florida amending the standards and procedures for development of affordable housing projects in commercial industrial and mixed juuse districts and implementing amendments to section 16604 one51 subsection 7 Florida Statutes the Liv local act by amending and clarifying chapter 29 Special Districts and overlays article 8 special land use standards division 4 affordable housing sections 2944 purpose 2945 definitions 294 6 development standards and 2947 expedited review process providing for severability repeal of conflicting ordinances effective date Sunset provisions and incorporation into the code Brad you got anything it's the first reading so if you have any questions council card excuse me sir yes just a few cards the first is St bu kinon oh sir good evening mayor and city council my name is St banan I'm a resident of uh the city of Titusville my working address uh mailing address is PO Box 1545 Titus Florida 32781 normally I would not get up at a first reading uh of an ordinance there is some information that I wanted to uh relay to Mayor and city council um specifically in this ordinance should you be contacted or receive input between first and second reading so you would be forwarned and forearmed um I support this ordinance exactly how it's written I would recommend that you follow uh uh staff's recommendation and the way staff has written this I'm going to give you a a example here in Bard County where the first city that adopted the city of Melbourne um had a a project that fell under this I can only tell you this now because the Project's all done it one of my projects it was one of my my developers I appeared what they did which you all may be asked to do between now and second reading is to include impact fee waivers for the affordable housing portion this has been done by several cities for in other words for the units that are considered affordable housing do impact fee waivers I appeared at the planning and zoning board for the city of Melbourne and I said uh when you do a multif family project and you're creating a community you want a crosssection of that Community if you and I told explain to the pnz by only incentivizing the uh you've got 20 30 40% threshold I think they only did one threshold here melbour did three I said there are some developers who will do 100% affordable housing just because of the value of the impact fee waivers pnz actually changed their recommendation to the city council they included that they recommended it as as presented and said but wait take a look at this and so what I said was either incentivize it as a project or don't incentivize it at all because you need a cross-section of the community you want low income uh what we call Workforce housing middle class cross-section of the community went to city council city council went ahead and and did it as presented in other words they didn't do they didn't include the recommendation from pnz within 48 Hours our project went from 20% affordable housing to 80% affordable housing because it saved over $5 million to the bottom line within 48 Hours myself the real estate attorney involved re re reviewed it contact say staff said make sure you wrote this the way we think you did and it completely changed the tone of the project so what I'm saying is I support this ordinance please adopt it the way staff has presented it to you if you are approached about including impact fee waivers I would be very very cautious it can take change the tone of the entire project thank you for allowing me to speak hearing that from you uh it's nice to hear important next up Tony shipo Tony shaffo the historic Norwood house um as the resident owner of a historic structure there are several areas in this ordinance that bothered me and I would hope you've noticed these and we'll act upon them before this becomes our local law as you remember staff urged you to hurriedly push through a local live a local live local ordinance portions of which I objected strenuously to but I W I was advised by staff that the state law preempts our objections to height setback density issues but the city could modify the effects well here we are again with the state's modified version and our um local proposed ordinance still doesn't push back to the limits the state allows thus deferring to the developers in in the name of affordable housing in instead of helping home-owning citizens maintain their neighborhoods Integrity due to setback height and density not being able to be controlled so I've arranged to have a meeting with staff for them to clarify the the interpretations of the state statutes and I plan to attend the Planning and Zoning meeting concerning this issue and I intend to educate and organize my neighbors so that we can be effective in shaping this ordinance as the Rogue citizen who may maybe be bringing the flooding to um Riverside Drive I also am an informed citizen trying to prevent the tsunami of gentrification heading toward West Titusville and my home in Canaveral Heights so I'm setting up a meeting with your staff before this comes again and I want us all to be very familiar with it and help the citizens not the developers thank you thank you Tony mayor can I ask a question yeah Tony um and you might not have it right now I would if you have anything that you've already noticed that you have questions on or that you're kind of take a pause on I would like to know that yes ma'am I and then um as you find out things if you could email I I don't know if I would like to see your emails prior to the next meeting so I have time to look I'll send them to you thank you you requested that once before followed through and I have it here thank you thank you next card K St Orange K St an Maryland Avenue as per vice mayor Robinson density is a problem that is one of my main concerns I realize this is a state law and you are have very limited ability to affect all this but um I do have a I understand that there has to be a commercial component for these developments and live local act and I also understand if I'm right that uh as many as 40 units per acre can be built so my what I what I don't understand is do you subtract the com the you the acreage of the commercial development before you apply the 40 units per acre or aming do you understand I understand the question so the whole thing a mixed use component of the live local qualifying project is part of the general site plan so as density is concerned we're going to look at the entire site plan as far as that calculation so you will be looking at the commercial component while you're considering the 40 units per the entire site because the mixed use component is supposed to be the number the ratio of square feet of the buildings so there's nothing in our code right now that talk about squaring off a piece of land and and that can't be counted towards that calculation that's not addressed so density is based on the project boundaries well thank you very much for that clarity thank you es card uh Stan Johnston see I have a question also is 11a is that is that the one that's been canceled 11a 11 no you're talking about uh 10 D I'm I'm on okay I'm saying but it's 11a is the is that the one that was canceled no no what is the one that's canceled 10 D 10 D okay all right good I uh so what I have on that I I'm I'm neutral on that I don't know a whole lot about it and uh I'll just pass okay thanks Dan you're welcome next card all right first reading no action city manager uh once again then uh we have tabled SSA 3-2020 which is the Bristol project um agenda item 9d so off to Old business which is uh item 11a which is the city of Titusville fiscal year 2025 strategic plan staff recommends um that you affirm the 2020 five strategic goals and objectives as revised uh on the 30 April 2024 meeting and uh councel anything I a seen no staff to talk to so uh call cards H yes sir three cards the first is Tony shiplet I had her picked here oh okay yeah three in the corner the um Tony shuo Tropic street I'm speaking only because I've been so vocal about this all along about this process for years now I've been coming to the meetings and taking the surveys and I still was not happy with the process at the April 30th special meeting however I am okay about the written report presented to council this evening goes into much more depth in detail and talks about the negative things that we didn't hear at the other meeting the written report goes a bit more in depth on the issues where the scores are low because the citizens you know said they felt invisible the special meeting report was awkwardly superficial and suggested unnecessary work in areas that citizens rated higher so it's diverting attention from the real problems where the scores were really low and those real problems are much more difficult to solve than just saying you know I think she spoke about crime was one of the things that um needed to be looked at and yet when you look at the stats the crime people were pretty pleased with our service AG here and and so to say that we got to look at crime is kind of a what do they call it dog whistle or something you know over there because the issues that people were unhappy about you know you're not going to have time to look at so the agenda say Council made several minor changes and additions and staff returned with an improved fiscal year 25 strategic plan you know that chart which reflects real action and concern for citizen input which is part of the process before that I found was inoperable you know that I didn't feel like we really we came to the meetings we did the things and nothing changed the paper they gave us at the beginning with the the chart with the um you know the goals and the objectives was the very same one they brought to you later and I thought well that's not really exactly what happened when we sat in those workshops so I find the new goals and objectives a a valid effort to improve our city especially with the new emphasis on on communities design number six that was a really good stroke on y's part I was really happy about that and I suggest that perhaps in the future we go forward we have the workshops and we have the surveys so that everybody feels like they were being seen and heard thank you well done next up Kristen lordy Kristen morte Coco resident so this is one of the topics that I'm very passionate about is our strategic planning so I would like to say that I oppose the acceptance of the current report and I'd like to tell you why um the reasons why are because I believe there there was an inadequate use of Citizen input the survey results I felt were bastardized and trivialized and that the benchmarks were not analyzed so there's very interesting benchmarks that are in the 105 page report they were not analyzed the key findings were skimmed in in the surface in order to put into the boxes insert into the boxes but I pull that one example of a of a benchmark for everyone to consider uh this one is generally acting in the best interest of the community Titusville rated as 320 ranking of 326 communities that were s surveyed on that particular Benchmark bottom 2% and I think it's too easy to discredit this survey because it has a high level 95% confidence inter interval based on the number of citizens that responded so it was a um a survey that was sent a random survey sent out so anyway I think it should be further studied uh I feel that there was inadequate use of live citizen input both from the 423 meeting where we came in advance and gave you our input and then at the 4:30 meeting where we couldn't speak until the end of the workshop and our input was even trivialized in the meeting minutes in my opinion from a review of those the consultant discussion was awkward and manipulated and it seemed to me to Simply Be An updating of the Box exercise this the boxes and yet where do the boxes go so I continue to ask this question because there is no accountability for what happens next with your goals and objectives should we love your goals and objectives there's no accountability to your actual performance measures the Now 60 68 performance measures that we have on your FY 24 performance measures so until there's actual accountability and visibility into the city man manager performance measures for the city what is the purpose there's currently no requirement for any measures to be added for there to be any visibility oh but you do get this you get a quarterly report which is the latest thing that the city manager has added a quarterly report of the city manager's accomplishments that the public can't even speak to because it's not a voted on item this is inadequate what you need are at least what you used to do which is you'd have at least these performance measures and you get something quarterly that talks about it the city manager still does this but he doesn't send it out to you it's not part of what is in this quarterly accomplishments list which can be easily disputed so until this process is brought together and is no longer Hollow and anemic and actually utilizes all of the information I oppose it so I suggest that you do not accept it thank you thank you next card Stan Johnston I shouldn't have applauded to that um boy that was horrible what she said oh golly that wasn't very nice at all goodness I don't know maybe she shouldn't be allowed to speak here uh that was terrible what Sheed what was what was maybe even worse was the article that I read about about the survey I don't know if y'all said that I can send it to you but there's an article that somebody wrote I don't want to put the person's name on but said that the survey says that city of tville stinks it really does I think you some of you all read that article it's horrible City Titusville stinks so U this is what U this Kristen was talking about but Stan yeah you know that's a lie well it here the things that the there there's there's excuse me I should say this on certain issues on certain issues yeah but you didn't want to say that didn't you so I I should I should be clarified because for example like Solid Waste is Fant ftic we got a good Police Department okay so but but on some areas it it says like she mentioned about misrepresentation I'm saying like 320 out of 326 right near the bottom and there's a BN bunch of our ratings were about 1% on the bottom right there on the bottom and that has to do with and and see it's it's kind of a you see contradictory because how can our Council vote our city manager as you know from all these averaging all these things up is he's got a perfect exceeds expectations on everything and he's my understanding is he's making like $220,000 and and I was told somebody told me the mayor of Orlando is making only about 110 twice as much as Orlando mayor so uh anyhow I can send that article to you if you like because it's it's just I I couldn't believe it I said I didn't realize this that the survey was was just horrific so um uh I I suggest that you you take a look at that because uh I know that that you you guys have you know there's a there's a lot of good about our city this is my hometown I don't want it going to pieces and that's one of the reasons I'm here because I don't want it going to pieces thank you for helping thank thank you for trying but let's be truthful about what's happening with our city manager and what he's doing thank you next okay member Nelson move to affirm the city of tuso fiscal year 2025 strategic plan second got a motion member Nelson second member Cole roll call vote vice mayor Robinson yes member stokel yes member Cole yes member Nelson yes mayor diesel yes City Manager on to it item 12a which is under new business this is the code enforcement lean reduction request for the property located at 2300 Columbia Boulevard the special magistrates recommendation for code enforcement lean reduction of daily fines from the amount of $22,900 to 15,000 and payable to the city of Titusville within 90 days this property is located at 2,300 Columbia Boulevard staff recommends that you approve the special mag magistrates recommendations uh vice mayor uh I've looked at that but I would like to hear from to hear that's right I think she's here is there a card over there m Goen uh yes sir there are two c like to hear from her yeah I believe the first card is um represents the property we'd like to hear that please Carla Nettles I knew it my name is Carla Nettles and I live in Coco and I'm representing the property okay what's the are you are the appealer or are you what are you looking to do are you looking to we applied for the lean reduction the tenant that was in there was representing us at the hearings and so along the process he was telling us that he was going to rectify the situation and we didn't need to be involved and he never did and so he kept he would give us he would say that he was meeting the deadlines and he was doing what you guys wanted him to do but he wasn't which which is what problem we weren't I've definitely learned lots of lessons in this whole situation and how this went and it won't happen again um I also didn't know that he represented himself here and basically told you guys that he wasn't going to do anything about it uh I and I had no idea that was happening um member stokel yep so just to clarify you're here to uh speak in support of wanting Council to reduce the lean amount from the 229 to the 15,000 correct is that correct okay thank you uh vice mayor no member Nelson Carla what is your really relationship to the property how are you involved I manage the property okay so I work for the owner of the property okay he owns other properties in town yes correct yes and has for a number of years yes okay and we've never had an issue and that that was the thing too that this has been a learning experience because we haven't have ever had to deal with this before and so I've been taking care of this for almost 12 years and we've never this has never come up so when I came for the magistrate the hearing that one I very when she asked me what was I going to do if this happened again and I was like this is not going to happen again it'll come first notice and it'll get rectified or they'll when did do you actually realize that there was an issue there I I got the notice from the beginning okay but I just took his word that he was the because I didn't realized to the extent that he he had the issue and that also to the extent that he wasn't doing anything about it and was telling me that he had taken care of it and it was resolved but I didn't I it's there property manure do you go around and check the properties we do some like if yes I mean I think most Property Owners go and check on their property on fairly regular basis probably not fairly regularly but but maybe once a month but you would but I mean and it's somewhere that I had driven past but I didn't I wasn't aware of what he couldn't have there okay like the storage being the issue that it was I did like the store it like not being able to have the products that he had there okay okay to the excess that he had there I didn't know in my mind's eye I was just thinking it was his the business it ran with the with the items that he had and he I just I didn't realize that he it was to the extent that it was okay mrad sorry yes ma'am can you tell us how we got to this point and I apologize I think I'm going back to prosecut but no no yeah sorry about that no um is eventually uh the case actually started over the open storage of building materials um we responded back and the site did not have an open storage by zoning and so we issued the notice of violation um went to miss Nettles as well as the property owner and uh the tenant came to the meeting and the original hearing the special magistrate said you need to reduce your inventory of the Open Storage by 50% by April okay April came around and it actually had more material than less material so she issued the the the daily fine at that point and then it we kept trying to work with them uh I actually never spoke with Miss nettleson till the last hearing um what about Mr roads I've never spoke to Mr rhs okay so what kind of representations was the tenant making to you well the he he kept promising a lot of things and we kept doing daily inspections where are we going we're not moving we're adding we need to move and there was talk of another place in some other part of the state he was moving he never came into compliance until November he finally came into compliance and then that point we put the property in compliance uh Mr nles applied well actually the tenant applied first and he did not meet the criteria and then therefore they were Ed that information to them and to miss nles with which she then she came in paid the uh hard cost to the city and then applied at the last hearing and the special magistrate u based on her testimony reduced it from the 22,9 to 15,000 okay did you ever did Miss nles ever reach out to you no ma'am not until the the last hearing okay so how quickly did the um owner or the property manager become aware of the situation they were notified certified mail on every step of the way it's always um nice to be able to reduce a fine or something like that and we've done that and in this case I'm still trying to figure out how we got where we are and why this wasn't taken care of at some point and uh you know it was cut in half but I'm i' still like to hear like in the past where you said well this is wasn't their fault or whatever whatever but seems like we had a lot of people knowing it or not a lot but we had the proper people knowing about it and we weren't getting it remedied is that sound right yes sir that's correct member stokel yeah um um I think my assumption is that a lot of lessons were learned in this situation I would venture to say there was a lot of trust that was given and it sounds like especially if the tenant came instead of the property manager and the owner um that probably wasn't ideal um you know this probably would have been all fine had the tenant come and said the truth and everything would have been fine um but that didn't happen so um again I go back to I think our our goal here is to not collect funds but to get people in compliance um and so I wish there was a little bit more due diligence that happened um but I inclined to agree with the magistrate and what they went through with that process and I'm okay with lowering it to the 15K and I think lesson learned you know moving forward yeah I and and I would always like to you know say Lessons Learned and and let's reduce that even more but I'm I'm trying to find a reason to do that um member Nelson well I sort of figure there's two reasons to find somebody one to get you in compliance two to make sure that in the future you pay attention to what's going on because if you had shown up that first hearing you would have known you would have known Mr tulson you would have called him you would said hey what's going on so my thought is reduce it to 7500 I I I like that as well um that's still significant so it's not like it would go unnoticed by any means uh I again I wish there was more that we could hear over here that uh I remember we had two previous where you were able to say well like the roof was put on they didn't know it all that kind of thing oh no matter of fact it was a fake Roof Company or something that's what happened yes yes in that particular matter and we we care that pretty good um I tend to lean that way as well um and and even that significant noteworthy but it's certainly not 22,900 and it's not 15,000 so um I don't get to make any motions or that sort of thing we we got to take cards too right we need to work on that this is one area where I'd like the ordinance cards away I think is so different call the card I sir Stan Johnston I'll pass thank you don't leave all right so now we can make that motion member Nelson so I would move to uh reduce the code enforcement Lane for the property at 2300 Columbia Boulevard to 7500 I have a motion do I get a second second I have a second for member Cole let's real call vote this one 7500 that's down from 229 and then go ahead no I I'm I guess I'm okay I feel like the request though was just the 15,000 so I don't know where we got 7500 from we are just like we did last time they could we are but I feel like the request last time was they were asking for like the 2200 or whatever we did this one is asking for 15,000 so I'm just not sure where that's 7500 well actually last time if I'm not mistaken we wiped out the entire thing because of yes that's correct because the roof company was bogus that was the request of the person that came forward right right she's request that wasn't from the magistrate that was from the person who I requested less but that was the magistrate Magistrate's suggestion okay that's where I guess I'm confused because that's what I originally asked if are you here to in support of us lowering it to the 15,000 you said yes so that's where I was like wait where did the 7500 come from okay I could tell on her face she was looking yeah okay I whether that's the case or not I think that that's okay we're still kind of rookies at this so I haven't really done a lot of this finding thing but uh I think 7500 they give somebody wake up call and says we got to start checking okay so um I have a motion and a second roll call vote favor member stoko yes member Cole yes member Nelson yes mayor diesel yes vice mayor Robinson yes so that would be reduced to 7500 from 15K and from that before was whatever that is can't read it 229 and yes wasn't learned so but in my household still significant so oh it's yeah so the point I'm making is it's it's noteworthy but uh it's not 15 yes thank you okay thank you city manager uh you are to petitions and requests I think I be talked I don't think there anybody left all right there's no petitions or requests on to the mayor and Council reports um I'll go with member stok and work our way this way yep um I think I only have one thing to share is um the police memorial service that some of us attended um yeah I I that is probably the heaviest event that I attend as a council member um just it's like you're like oh yeah you're going to go in honor and then when you start hearing them reading the names of how many fallen officers in the year families stood up in front of and the families yeah it just really hits you um to see and then see seen you know families with that are missing a brother a son a spouse um they they did a really good job with that event um so I would just encourage anybody that has not gone to it to go um and that's all I have uh vice mayor uh only then Memorial Day in same lines as everything else um out at veterans part and I wanted to share with everyone that uh the city manager took advantage of the shortcut coming from he's like that and I wanted to share as well I have to be equally impartial on this that member Nelson she went the long way and uh the mayor was refresh and comfortable when he got there and the member Nelson was sweaty and tired when she got there and uh that's what I did I went to both uh uh the uh uh the Memorial Day ceremonies over at the the gravy site uh as well as the one at Veterans Park both were very nice um member Cole well I had a very busy Memorial Day morning I was a guest speaker at two different occasions one at 8:00 and one at 10:00 at the at the Bard Veterans Memorial which was absolutely gorgeous they had about 500 people there and my presentation was on Memorial Day and and how many people we have lost in various Wars and as a Vietnam veteran I spoke to Vietnam as Vietnam veterans and one the number I had was that Vietnam War lasted 11 years uh there was one guy in the audience that said well I was in Vietnam in 1961 like 61 it did and very few people know about that because I talked to some people that were in LA in 58 and 59 and uh Vietnam and 59 and 60 but nobody here in the United States knew that these guys were there and we had lives lost we were supposed to be an advisory capacity but we really weren't but it was a uh it was a a a really nice event uh it was hot and I know you guys were hot up here cuz we were hot on Meritt Island so but it was enjoyable and it was it was fantastic for me being a a 26-year veteran and Vietnam veteran and going to the best service in the world United States Air Force rather than the Army and the Coast Guard uh but other than that sorry about that guys thank you member Nelson I did not walk the bridge on the way back after this after the service it was way too hot I walked along Indian River Avenue where there were trees and shade so but it was a great service I'm sad I missed the police memorial service but uh renovations to Priority I will say that Saturday morning the mayor needs to be at um the Methodist Church at 7 o'clock in the morning to feed the Homeless oh okay I okay I got I think I'm double booked Saturday okay and 10:00 uh Miss zange is going to plant another 24 26 trees one of the two um the Titus Soul Sunrise Rotary donated to the cause so we bought some trees and I don't know where she scared up the rest of them but she did it so if the vice mayor and the mayor want to plant a tree they need to be on time that's right they'll they'll have them planted before you get there and don't forget the code enforcement picnic at 11 o' on Saturday oh yeah where is that where is uh at Harry T Mo on De Leon okay all right just to uh finalize all that um I actually am at St Andrews Men's breakfast um at 7:30 so we'll see how that works out um tree planning at 10: code enforcement at 11 so we're very very busy on that day that's a wonderful day uh Bard uh I don't know if any B is going I think I bet you are but Bard County affordable housing Summit oh yeah Friday Friday all day yeah so that's that's a big deal I've not been to one of those Space Coast Convention Center in Coco I look forward to that I went to uh four graduations I went to the Kids Place kindergarten graduation from IRC that was probably the best and then I went to uh astronaut high schools and then I went to tiesel high schools and then I kind of unexpectedly got invited and went to the uh Space Coast High School graduation and when I walk in you know how you walk in early they gave you little you cookie or whatever and all of a sudden the principal looks at me says uh would you like to speak I'm like what what so uh I I you know I went through my hair so I gave a little I gave a little coaching spe go to chat I I actually I actually did talk about basically what it was about is you know be yourself don't don't don't SP here for 12 years and then the first thing you do is try to be somebody else be who you are be the best version of you but I had a neighbor who graduated from space coasts and they said you spoke and somebody said you were really good I'm like are we talking about the same person stop it was a halftime talk right Stan all right brother I did I you know I I'm pretty busy from time to time so I don't write all of this stuff down but I uh the U the space clast uh Transportation uh planning organization I went there and I went to the May's breakfast with their fine wonderful scr thank you for that and Great Baker they grits huh they grit I don't eat grits so I don't no grits I'm not going city manager yes sir just a reminder this Thursday uh 30 May the natural resources open house will be held here in the uh council chambers between 6:00 and 800m and um we're getting ready for 4th of July already you said Thursday Thursday yes sir Thursday May 30th I do not have that on my calendar all right right here here yes sir and I hate to do this but what time did you say uh 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. natural resources openhouse public Workshop I will plan to be here thank you very much okay um you good you good city manager you good yep it's a natural resources open house I don't think it made any of our calendars here go last year did you go last year I remember what the heck it is they have like St John's are we ready yeah we'll talk about that okay all right if no further stuff we are adjourned or dismissed depend for --------- e e e e e [Music] a [Music] all right good evening and welcome to the 5:30 pm. May 28 2024 presentations city council meeting we do have a quorum so I'll call this meeting to order would you please join me in a moment of silence and the pledge to the flag i al to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for stand na indivisible andice C maner let me hold yeah let me hold on that don't even have it written down this time city clerk would you please read the rules to speak uh yes sir this is a city council meeting to hear special recognitions and presentations Council will not take formal action on the agenda items all individuals wishing to speak may do so under petitions and request no sign up card is required citizens will be given three minutes to speak all signup card cards and Exhibits being submitted to city council shall be placed in the box on the table city manager good evening mayor vice mayor and councel thank you we are on uh special recognition and presentations item 4A which is the employee of the month for May 20124 and we'd like to recognize record specialist Katherine Cheney of the tville police department as the employee of the month for May 2024 so Chief oh yours good evening mayor council oh Chief so very common that we are here to talk about the brave men and women that we have out on the streets doing some amazing things it is truly a privilege to be able to introduce Katherine or cat uh Cheney for uh this recognition because uh she did did amazing things so first off cat comes to us from um Public Works been with the city for just hit your 10year uh anniversary which is really awesome two weeks ago and uh has been with us just about two years and always just a incredible employee incredible always has that um uh Perpetual smile and great attitude but thankfully uh she was really um I'm going to say cat on the spot not Johnny on the spot but one of our records employees uh suffered a pretty serious medical uh issue at her workstation and Cat literally jumped right into action was able to render first aid get other people in route it was a very major thing as a matter of fact our employee is still out on medical um but it was amazing to see the how cat was able to literally with cat-like reflexes uh jump jump into action and you know once again you always see the folks wearing the patch or the badge that seem to get in the positions like that um just amazing employee we are blessed to have cat on our team for that and so many other reasons so congratulations [Applause] congratulations here you go thank you so much real quick kind of like Chief said um it's you know normally we have a uniform person up here and gosh we love those guys and we're blessed to have them but sometimes the people behind the scenes um I've been blessed to take the tour of and see all the people especially at Christmas when people are scaring you when you walk in but uh but it there's just so many folks like you that you don't see on the street and you don't see out there you know in in the vehicles you you are I'm sure they would agree you're kind of the backbone to what they do every day and so uh I certainly thank you I know they do and Chief once again uh it's a team thing and I I think that's a compliment to all of you all but to the coach well done Chief thank you guys [Music] congratulations city manager yes sir uh Item B which is Mission Space Coast overview our presenter Angela Neil's running about 10 minutes late we just checked in with her so if we could we'd like to go ahead and do the item C first wait for her to come in thank you sir yes sir and this is the Public Works uh overview and this is the last of the U departmental presentations that you'll receive which have all been excellent and it's been a wonderful idea I again I think I said to you recently every time I see one of these videos I had no idea that they did that much in that many Arenas that's the thing that always impressed I didn't know they did that so thank you [Music] the public works department led by the public works director Kevin Cook now consists of 226 employees and 14 divisions the total budget for the public works department is 10,991 72 the public works department consists of four branches that report to the public works director the engineering Branch the Water Production Branch the Water Reclamation branch and the Operations Branch the recently combined Department continu continues to allow for better service to our customers as we now have the ability to cross Trin employees and can more easily diagnose and solve customer issues across our 14 division engineering Branch led by the city engineer Ashley Smith this Branch consists of eight full-time employees and manages the Public Works Capital Improvement projects covering infrastructure needs related to Water Production Water Reclamation piping infrastructure storm sewer Road replacement and more the engineering branch is currently overseeing 114 projects totaling 57 m995 $244 Water Production Branch led by Gan Deo this branch has 23 employees who maintain the city's groundwater production well fields and treatment systems our system can produce up to 4.5 million gallons of drinking water daily servicing over 22,43 utility accounts as a result of citizens concerns in 2023 the Water Production Branch began sampling for peos substances in our water prior to any requirements by the state to do so Water Reclamation Branch utility director Andy janser leads this team of 43 employees organized into three divisions Water Reclamation instrumentation and control and laboratory services all of whom are responsible for maintaining the city's Wastewater Reclamation facilities which serve more than 19,7 164 sanitary sewer utility accounts across the city Titusville has two facilities which treat up to 4.2 million gallons of Wastewater daily this process either sends the water to the Blue Heron Wetland treatment facility or distributes it to over 1800 reclaimed water system utility accounts throughout the city due to the need for rapid results to make important Public Health decisions Public Works maintains a Florida Department of Health licensed nationally accredited analytical Laboratory with staff who specialize in microbiology wet chemistry Organics inorganics and metals testing Operations Branch operations director Sandy reler leads this branch in maintaining a wide variety of city-owned infrastructure vehicles and Facilities consisting of 149 employees this branch is made up of eight divisions Administration streets maintenance field operations solid waste recycling facilities maintenance Fleet Maintenance and storm Water Management within the last year the Operations Branch completed over 3,260 ft of sidewalk repairs 940 pothole repairs spent over 1900 hours trimming trees mowed over 275 Mi of ditches removed 2291 tons of residential waste removed 14,41 18 tons of commercial waste removed 900 tons of street sweeping debris cleaned 2900 storm water inlets cleaned 60 baffle boxes and completed over 9,257 work orders Capital Improvement projects the public works department oversaw $14 million in Capital Improvements projects in fiscal year 2023 the largest being the Indian River Force main replacement project over 1.4 million was expended on projects with water quality benefits for the Indian River Lagoon and over 10.2 million was expended to improve the water and sewer infrastructure also in order to comply with the Basin management action plan 27 water quality projects have already been completed and seven more are currently in progress in closing our team of dedicated employees is always working hard both in the field and behind the scenes to make sure the city's operations and utilities are up and running as smoothly and efficiently as possible from potholes to traffic signals and water quality to recycling we aim to provide excellent service to all the citizens and businesses in Titusville good job Kevin and your entire team and again I just couple little D's here 226 employees in the 14 divisions and I just started going down the line engineering water operations uh you're got you obviously have a lot on your plate every day but I think if you just drive around town and and and certainly you see the the folks working on the sidewalk see that in my neighborhood today and you see I'm working on the potholes and certainly it's nice that we uh also do uh you know repave roads as needed but you're going to have potholes and what what was that number four 400 and something it was a lot of potholes so I appreciate you guys uh doing what you do member stoko y was that sy's voice I I was curious of how it was talking about yourself in third person there no um I appreciate that um one thing I will say is uh I've heard nothing but um compliments on the new or chart change that we've had I will say that um I feel a lot of people like to share their thoughts um and that's something that I keep hearing over and over again so whatever that new work chart is I feel like it's working also I think city manager shared this with me earlier we're actually doing nine miles of repaving I think by the end of this year which I think we aim typically for sex so that's good and to mayor's point I I think you can't drive around without seeing some type of like Improvement happening in our city so it's just great to see um everything that you guys do so thank you thank you guys member Nelson and I love seeing the work on Indian River Avenue getting everything off the river I that's wonderful I am hoping we have a completion estimated completion date do we yeah we the contract completion date was August of this year for well August of this year we hope to be done sooner progress is going well now but it's a dry season we don't know what the any weather impact is going to be on digging up roads so so I think that's a big help to our Lagoon oh yeah thank you guys yeah well thought out uh member Cole yes I just want to uh Pig it back on what the mayor said about these videos it's they're so well put together we do drop them into our website right because I think it would be great if everybody could recognize the type of things that you do and your realm of responsibilities I I personally enjoy it oh yeah thank you and you're you're informed by it you know the numbers alone sometimes like oh I had no idea it was that much vice mayor thank you amen good answer um anything else from councel Kevin you good all right city manager uh yes sir we're just uh waiting on our presenter so I don't know if you want to take a recess for 15 minutes or so to allow her to arrive or not uh no okay all right well I will just simply recess till if she arrives thank you otherwise we just stand here with the TV looking at us right e e e e e e e city manager uh Miss Angela Neil is the director of special projects and economic development Commission of Florida Space Coast and she's here to present an update on the mission space coast and share opportunities for the community to get involved with this initiative welcome back Angela hi well good to see you guys um apologize for the tardiness certainly didn't mean to um but this project was on time our branding was right on time which was good and thank you guys for being a part of it so the brand I'm going to share with you guys today if you didn't see it at our unveiling of the the unified brand at the EDC annual meeting we launched this back um in January and the goal for the unified brand if you don't remember it's to um create unification across the 16 municipalities in Bard County and so part of the initial step as we were gathering feedback and raising awareness throughout the community we went to all the city councils and now today I get to share the fruits of the labor with you guys so you can enjoy it and embrace it and I did come with um chocolate bars which the security officer found in my purse but also um I came with some pins that the lapel pins you guys are welcome to have so I'll set those by the um the door as well but I'll go ahead and get started you can see on the screen what the brand looks like and I'll tell you a little bit about it and then also share our Brand Story which is the narration over a very short video that um I'm going to play for you guys all right so in building the brand we spoke to over 3,000 individuals throughout Bard County and outside of bard County as well we internally we had focus groups we had Community conversations we had 40 Community conversations throughout Bard County and then we also had a survey and outside of the area we also had a survey and then multiple touch points where we had surveys to get feedback and we had two focus groups one in or two in North Carolina and then two in Houston Texas and we chose those areas based off of the industries in the area the weather climates the cost of living the types of demographic that we were seeking to attract to the area and so whenever we chose who the participants would be it was the working class the kinds of people that would be potential employees at a lot of our um the employment establishments here um but definitely did a lot of feedback a lot of um areas they'll do a unified brand for their area and they don't get the feedback the way that we did in the community and they're done a lot quicker but it was very important that we got the feedback from the community that the community really felt like the brand is theirs and that they have ownership over it that way the utilization and Adoption of the brand will go a lot quicker and so we haven't heard anyone say I don't know where you got this or this isn't what we said because we really listen to every single thing including all of the footage in the video the Brand Story we have messaging um everything is the colors everything is what we heard from the community and then again we got touch points along the way to make sure that we didn't just think that they confirmed it as well so a little bit about the anatomy of the brand so the tagline is tomorrow launch is here and we have a few different taglines that this is the primary tagline but there's some different ones that can be utilized along the way and so there's push what's possible pursue what's next as well but tomorrow lunch is here as our main tagline and this is Florida Space Coast is tomorrow's Launchpad no matter which direction humidity Heads next know that its Launchpad is Florida Space Ghost and these are the brand colors and so the dark color that's actually like a really dark almost navy color that's exosphere Ebony and then there's like a purplish blue that's supposed to be representative of space but also water there's green which represents nature and then the yellow is the sunrise and sunset which we consistently heard from the community but in if you think about the flares from the Rockets that's kind of what that's supposed to be so here's where you can see those colors represented in the brand or the logo itself and we went with the contrail shape we had at least 30 or 40 different icons that we were and logos that we were presented with and we got feedback from the community on those and then they came back with this one which was completely different from our original what they proposed to us but we felt like it really encapsulated what we were looking to go for and so the contrail which is really a signature of this area because when you think about the news articles and what's happening in this area and you think about the contrail you definitely associate that with Florida Space Coast and so that's where that Arch came from the Contra going up of course is the um you can think about the rocket launch but also the sunrise and sunset and so that's kind of the colors of that one and the shape reasoning for that the one at the bottom on the right the blue that one's supposed to represent the ocean and the water and the nature that's in this area in addition to this space and so that one's coming Inward and it's on the right hand side to represent the Atlantic Ocean and then you have the green which is supposed to be for nature and the space that's in this area as well um nature was something that consistently came up when we we're speaking with the community that we wanted to U growth is inevitable but we wanted to make sure that we grow responsibly and that we attract people that respect nature in the same way and appreciate it the same way that we do and so that's been part of everything that we have put together with this brand and you can see an fsnc looks like a surfboard looks like a fish um you can probably get pretty creative with it what you see in that shark shark and this is the the brand as a whole so Florida Space Coast tomorrow lunch is here um we didn't want to abandon Florida's or the Space Coast that's what this area identifies as so we really embraced that and just added the tagline and some additional elements to fill that out and so it has messaging and it has uh 30 second elevator pitches and ways that we as a community can speak about the area in a unified way that way our messaging is um consistent when looking outward in and inward out as well there's oops so this is the Brand Story in our video it's our commercial video and you can actually have access to this in addition to the logo the messaging um any of that for your personal use or um we love the city and I think you guys actually did have it on your sign so you you guys got some good points for that but you're welcome to use this in any way that um benefits you we hope that it brings all the communities together up and um so I hope you enjoy it there's been a Line in the Sand since the beginning of time and it's read as follows go no further the spirited men and women of America had been consumed by the singular goal one small step for cross that line today that spirit continues with the collection of rebels a new kind of Rebel in the great state of Florida this piece of paradise with soft Sands and wide Skies is Florida's space comp is fueled by a collection of innovators and is home to 72 M of pristine Coastline the residents of Florida Space Coast Live Life at a slower Pace taking in the natural wander that surrounds them breakfasts are spent on the seashore and the sunrise always has a seat at the table this unassuming stretch of Coastline may seem quiet but it's home to the loudest stuff on Earth and it's just getting started join the community that'ss driven by Discovery takes the scen grp chooses community and defies complacency no matter which direction Humanity takes next know that our Launchpad is Florida Space Coast tomorrow launch is here very nice very nice that's awesome good I'm glad you guys enjoy I love it and um I don't know if I'll ever get tired of it it's very exciting and I I think it represents who we are as a community yeah I like you very much you good um because I got questions up here okay let's see oh I think that's question yep so if you guys I'll give the pins you can online you oh this is how you can actually get access this QR code how you can access to the toolkit so you'll get the logo um the like the Brand Story all of the 30 second elevator pitch all of those things would be there and yes any if there's any questions I'd be happy to answer them is this already kicked off or is this coming or this this uh the commercial and that sort of thing it's kicked off and so what we're doing and what we're focusing on this first year is internal um buyin and so getting saturation internally with the professional organizations the municipalities we want to get by in here that way we can kind of saturate and then work outward but it's going to be a international brand for us to be recognized that's that's just well done well laid out go ahead so from next year then you'll roll it out to everybody else and really start pushing it we outside of this area yes and right now we're not saying telling anyone not to and so everybody's more than welcome to but we're limited budget and so that's the way that we can make the most of it is to make sure that everybody has internal Buy in that we have adoption internally and then leverage that power that with everybody adopting it and identifying with it to to work outward sounds great thank you yeah well done obviously anybody else member stoko y I was just going to say thank you um I think we got to see it at the annual meeting a couple of us that went down there so it was just nice to see the recap again and uh I know a lot of work and time went into it so we appreciate it thank you remember Cole I love the logo only problem is I'm not going to remember what it all means but I still like it well well you heard it today you heard it today so you're technically an Insider you actually think I'm going to remember all of that right just shark you can email me anytime or okay anytime anybody else all right thank you very much thank you thank you for giving me the time today oh our our honor thank you for being here I know it wasn't easy all right yeah I do I can leave you exactly petitions and requests anybody with petition or request Stan you look very nice today you probably need to come up oh thank you have this um little slip of paper before I start go ahead she's going to hand to you also a 24 by 36 drawing she's going to pass it out you can just take a quick look at that okay start them up let's go that's okay I think we're ready to start are you ready Mr Mayor I have no chance of reading this old writing pardon I have no chance of reading this little oh okay well that's the same thing I sent to you about six other six other Council meetings so it's it's a repeat uh but uh here's what's going on is that um I sent an email May 22nd to our city manager and the title of it is SNJ Oaks continued Construction in spite of one absence of property Corners number two is new northeast corner set by snow that's the that's supposed to be the northwest corner set by snow I learned that failure to recognize encroachments and so forth like like uh and the attachment is field notes uh by Mr Diesel and I that shows for example could you start the clock so sorry sir thank you to recognize the the encroachments uh especially the overhead electric uh near the intersection of Mockingbird Lane and Elizabeth Avenue so um how can the city of tville approve this how can I see I don't understand it fact is I don't know that anybody can understand it because um right now is that uh when I went to look for survey Corners I couldn't find I looked for three the Northeast no I looked for the Northwest the southwest and the U Southeast Corners they're not I couldn't find them there and I talked to the the um contractor surveyor they didn't find them either so they set up some wood stakes and they set them by GPS coordinates so for example the people who are on the property property B boundary PS are are looking to see the property corners for this project and they're not there they just put some wooden Stakes there with GPS uh equipment this is unbelievable unbelievable I mean you've got a project that's being approved and the property Corners aren't there and we got encroachments and so forth how can it possibly the city of approve this and by the way this is this is what uh I guess is being passed around right now where abouts is this this big thing right here where is it who's got it it's up on here I had faced that towards them well we'll get oh they okay anyhow this this shows it got it's even got number 44 of huge errors that are uh within the uh uh project sheet number four it's just just tremendous amount when I'm Number 44 some of them are duplicated many times on the project site so we got over a hundred huge errors in the project uh in the site site plan so but the survey is is significant I mean for example you've got uh Mr Parish has found that there's a 3-ft bust in the RightWay of Elizabeth Avenue the width it's shown it's 53 ft on the on the survey but it's 50 ft in which my wife and I granted 20 ft width for the RightWay to be 50 ft I'm not getting any answers and and this is not bad this isn't bad this is horrible I cannot believe that any kind of government would allow a project to proceed when you don't have property Corners doesn't in other words for example one place it says that there's a 4x4 concrete Monument nothing's there nothing's there other places that shows iron rods nothing's there nobody can find anything so we did set one corner that we saw and you got some extra time but and I'm not going to keep you long but I do want at least say that I learned from you that per our conversation the engineer who put this together disagrees with you correct and there's maybe some litigation going on oh there's litigation going on so so it's not as though there's not some the the person the engineer who put this together this agrees and I think there's going to be some decisions in court that may may move forward well it Haven has got very little to do I don't about but thank you thank you for thank you for going to the site U it's him and our vice mayor also went to visit the site with me so thank you for doing that thanks Dan good job thank you all right next up Tony hello Tony Cho Tropic Street I just wanted to come up and speak about um Water Resources you know it's very important the water and the city's been doing a lot of things this is a little booklet from 21 um about 20 says water we drink 2021 annual drinking water quality report 2022 Edition um I I've kept it it's a very interesting very informative little booklet kind of like the film um we just saw my point is that the city is doing a lot about the water and the citizens keep complaining complaining complaining and the information is out there how are we go you can drag a horse to the trough but you can't make him drink how are we going to make the citizens wake up I think Mr cook is doing a great job the solid waste guys are my heroes especially the yard waste people they're on top of everything and they help so much because even though my husband's a gardener so um we have a lot of use for them um I don't know I don't know what the answer is and I just wanted to come up and say thanks again because I think that department is doing a great job under the new leadership and I think maybe the old leadership be in jail or something thank you okay um Tony I I know that the they appreciate you saying that from the the podium there they really do and I do too thank you very much anybody else for this if not city manager okay uh we'll adjourn and we will get back together at 6:30 meeting adjourned