##VIDEO ID:BB6uBfmlgIs## e e e e e [Music] [Music] all right everybody we are getting started so if you can have your attention please welcome to the October 15 2024 6:30 p.m. city council meeting we do have a quorum so I will call this meeting to order would you please join me in a moment of silence and the pledge to the flag I pledge to of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation indice city clerk would you please read the rules to speak yes sir individuals wishing to speak on agenda items must complete a signup card prior to the item being introduced those wishing to speak on quasa judicial public hearings must complete a signup card and sign the oath sign up and oath cards are available on the table individuals wishing to speak on non-agenda items May do so under petitions from the public present this opportunity is offered twice in the meeting and individuals may speak at either the first or second petitions but not both no signup card is required citizens shall not comment on any issue more than once during the meeting all comments accept petitions and request must address the pending issues and citizens will be given 3 minutes to speak citizens wishing to speak on the consent agenda must submit a signup card identifying the items of interest each speaker shall be limited to 3 minutes to speak on the entire consent agenda all sign up cards and Exhibits being submitted to city council should be placed in the box on the table thank you so much can I get a motion to approve the minutes of the regular City Council meetings of August 13 2024 5:30 p.m. presentations meeting of September 24th and special city council meeting on September 12th 2024 so moved second got a motion in a second all those in favor say yes yes opposed meeting uh minutes are accepted city manager uh good evening mayor vice mayor and Council we have some administrative housekeeping to do um we're going to be rescheduling four items that need to be read vertis um so I'll just go through those each one and we'll need a vote for each one of these um item nine B which is ordinance number 41 2024 Building Trades uh service cleanup it's been read vertis for the first reading to be on 22 October 24 and the final public hearing on 12 November 2024 check move to uh move those ordinance number 41 2024 to First reading on October 22nd and the final fin reading on November 12th second I have a motion and second all those in favor say yes yes opposed moves item 9 C which is ordinance number 42 2024 outdoor storage cleanup advertise has been read vertis the first uh reading is on 22 October 2024 and the final public hearing is on 12 November 2024 member Nelson move to continue ordinance number 4 2 2024 to First public hearing on October 22nd 2024 and final public hearing to November 12th 2024 second got a motion a second all those in favor say yes yes opposed move city manager item 9d which is small scale amendment number 1 d224 State Road 405 in Singleton Avenue PD North it's being uh the first reading is scheduled now for uh September 24th and which it's already occurred and the public hearing is October 22nd 2024 move to continue um item 9d SSA number 1 2024 to a public hearing on October 22nd second I have a motion and a second all those in favor say yes opposed moves right that and that includes ordinances number 37 2024 and 38 2024 L zoning item 9e which is small scale amendment number 22024 State Road 405 in Singleton Avenue PD South and the first reading was held on 24th September 2024 and the public hearing will be 22 October 2024 and again that's ordinances 39 2024 and 40 2024 move to continue that ordinance to public hearing October 22nd 202 24 second motion second all those in favor say yes yes opposed moved on to boards and commission the first item is item 6A which is the north Bard Commission on Park and Rex um their semiannual report is in your packet no actions requested item 6B the Titusville Housing Authority the Tio Housing Authority semiannual report is written in your packet and no action is required all right city manager oh oh mayor can I go ahead add add in there I don't know there are people in here that were here for uh 9d and 9e but uh could we let them go if they want to nine what now 90 and 9 oh well yeah we could um let me just go explain I was going to have them do that because it didn't get explained very well we don't normally do all this meeting moving around stuff but our meeting due to the hurricane was cancelled this meeting is last week's meeting and things have to be advertised a certain amount of time and these were not so we cannot hear them until they are so that's why I'm sitting here as we're doing this thinking I don't know if we explained there's a reason for this the hurricane threw us off course so we got to back all these up because they weren't advertised long enough now that being said if any of those were yours um feel free you don't have to stay I'm sure you know that but we throw that out there all right back to city manager I believe um we are on petitions and request okay uh okay now we're on petitions and request which is a little quicker than normal too so thank you guys thank you see you next week right or yeah next week oh no it's next week next week next week Stan is this where you're leaving no yeah all right um petitions or request from the public come on yes absolutely hello you know you know what to do I'm EV at FL at 4860 Santa Rosa Avenue guys on the right side let her speak please thank you I'm speaking at the property at for 14 rockpit Road and 1801 Tropic Street Titusville which is a low Ling Piece of Heaven that includes 180 year old historic home the location of Titus ville's first Schoolhouse the location of a very early early Barrel Quarry and approximately four acres of Garden studios tiny house art studios on Wheels four of them to date where artists can have Retreats each uniquely and individually Direct by the creative and elegant Maxine trainer I'm also mention the owner the celebrated Maxine trainer she's a treasure and the most well-known artist in the area because she is world-renowned she's also the recipient to of the key to the city of Titus for from ex- mayor Jim Tully she's also a recipient of the everyday here award from Channel 13 Spectrum news for community service both for teaching underserved children in the community Miss trainer created an open stone fire Studios and served the community their teaching area children she showed the town how to spell art and stone Fire's existence was instrumental in the city gaining Community Development grants which were then used to bump up the art scene downtown she is actively recovering from stage four breast cancer and was just beginning to step up her community programs again when the floodings began weeks prior to Hurricane Helen and Milton this is a lowly area with one side of budding Tropic Street at its lowest point at the bottom of two Hills Environmental water and now storm water collected the old quarry pond which is traditionally 50 by 100 fet so rain events overflow the original boundaries this is made worse by storm drain locations in the area each uphill from the property on all sides water seeks the lowest level so the storm drains really don't do anything to drain the water 14 years ago a temporary solution was found the city pumped out the property and under ex- mayor Jim Tully's jurisdiction tiny asphalt BMS were added to the side of the tarmac surface which was removed at the lowest point of the road 3 Days Later by a crew this allowed rainwater and storm water to run off into M trainer's property again effectively making her 4 acre garden and all the studios into a storm water drainage field for the city major flooding has occurred four times since that previous to hurricanes Helen and Milton she experienced record flooding her Schoolhouse studio and workplace was underwater and the storage area for maintenance supplies was flooded to the parking lot at the corner of Tropic and rockpit the the result was that the property was unable to handle the extra water from the storms and was mostly underwater and please see the photos did you give that those handouts out please see the photos that oh looks like mayor I think you got four pages flooding is as deep yes as 5 feet in some areas the studios at the higher levels level elevations flooded Major Works of Arts of her were destroyed three out of the four tiny heart Arts hold how much do you need to finish your I have maybe a minute okay take a minute add a minute please thank you three out of the four tiny heart house Studios on wheels are flooded and one of them is extremely damaged State Oaks unated by storm water runoff previously the storm have come down we are in deep appreci appreciation of sander rea the city of Titusville Public Works operations director for Swift and concerned response crew arrived this morning to pump out the official storm drain retention Pond they're also building a temporary burm on the lowest point of Tropic street but we need a storm drain at the lowest point on Tropic Street a storm drain manhole exists right now at the intersection of Tropic Street and rock Pat road so the inter insertion of a storm drain could easily adjoin with the already existing storm water system located a few yards away and that would be how the city of Titusville honors a bearer of the key to the city and all of its residence well first of all thank you for presenting that and how you presented that in a way I understand everything you're saying I think we've seen this house for other reasons art reasons yes and uh I mean this is yes this is beautiful I mean I I the top picture is beautiful just mesmerized now that being said I'm not as familiar with the the flooding there we certainly have issues in various areas and this apparently is one and um I appreciate you uh complimenting the efforts that have been made Kevin can you give me some kind of history or some idea either one of you two because I am not um I'm not as familiar with this by any means so you mentioned mayor tally that goes back away yeah the for what I recall we did pump out the property once in the past looking through some of our old notes I think was around uh sorry had it in front of me a few minutes ago but it's been a good sorry do have it in front of me so it looks like we did it back over a decade ago we did pump it out once before we did put in a asphalt curb along Tropic street from the street directly to the west to here where the runoff does come down neighboring streets um so what we did today was restore that curb uh set up a pump to one of our storm man holes close down the intersection to allow our pumps to run with a hose across the street for the time being and then our plan moving forward would be to look at installing a storm drain which will drain Tropic street so I want to make sure to make that clear when Tropic street is about four feet higher than a property will be containing the water that comes off a Tropic we cannot assist the other private properties to drain to a low point but this will assist Tropic street from draining off of its shoulders like the curb is today but a storm drain will expedite that but again uh the last time I looked at elevations we were elevation 20 the low property is about 16 so we probably will not be able pay a storm drain low enough to be able to drain at 16 feet it's going to be enough to drain off the Tropic Street runoffs but that's where most of the flooding comes from is the run that would be of sounds like it would be of an assistance to do that and realize your issue there too is you can't say okay we're going to go fix a private property with City taxpayer money but if you fix Tropic Street this may be some sort of a remedy that we can hope for so uh and I I appreciate that Kevin if you have anything else to add or if you guys can communicate it sounds like you've already communicated yes well I appreciate that uh thank you for sharing that and I'm always love seeing these pictures I don't like seeing the flooding but uh what what beauty um maybe it's just me I just think it's it's awesome she's a treasur Wow Wow for sure thank you for the way you presented that mayor can I member stoko yeah just uh with Kevin I feel like we have had this happen before since I've been on Council it can you explain is this property um in the wetlands or how is this property this has happened before because I remember this or is it in I don't believe it's a wetland property um I believe it is a lowl property but not a wetland property so so it is in the flood zone no I don't believe it's in the register flood Stone flood Stone flood zone either okay maybe Maxine maybe you know but I don't I don't believe it's in the flood zone it's not in the flood okay that's what I was wondering too okay yeah so I don't think it's in any type of measured flood zone or you know I think it is just it's lower than some of the surrounding properties um but and I think the effort we can make to mitigate the public property impact private property let's see if we can't get some uh dry area over there okay all right right thank you next up petitions or requests hi K hi Kate Perez 3025 South Washington Avenue I'm also here for my friend Maxine um I'm wondering since this was a well-known problem right why hasn't it been addressed in a more final manner I feel like not I get that the road is fdot the other road is private I'm thinking that maybe like the more than $165,000 that you guys have spent suing me my husband a small group of people in a nonprofit that could have probably gone a long way to mitigating this problem right that's the lawsuit that the first judge said you have no case the second judge said you have no case he even issued summary judgment but you voted m member stokle to appeal again and waste more of our tax dollars on that correct and you're running for election again interesting so I'm wondering if you guys could start spending our tax money more responsibly in this case something could have been done before this catastrophic flooding and it wasn't IET and I moved a bunch of very wet paintings okay but you but the structures themselves were flooded right and this is her livelihood right not to mention the children that she teaches who are disadvantaged where are they supposed to go should theyve been robots for the art lessons it's almost like we can't have anything good here because it's always about the how things look and not how the infrastructure is I was there the day that sign on the street between Arby's and searstown was mowed down by a ramage truck I happen to see that scraped completely off all right City put it back up but it was blank it didn't say anything then they took it down completely and I'm guessing because of that all those many variances that you guys have given to the developer from California for extra height extra density less setbacks but the roads are inadequate and I don't know if we're now pretending that road is adequate Maybe and in addition it's going to flood I mean it's going to put a ton of traffic on our tiny tiny little roads Hopkins us one all of those last thing I want to say is people are losing their flood insurance people are losing their homes here okay we want you to work for us now thank you thank you next up hi there hi hi my name is Lisa Nicholson and I live at 6640 dock Avenue Port St John I'm here as Maxine's friend and um we've been friends for I don't even know we lost count but over 15 years first I wanted and so I've been a part of this Garden for over 15 years as her friend as a volunteer my heart is there but I wanted to say thank you because when I pulled up to her property tonight I went down to the end of the street and there were your signs and you were pumping water and I stopped you guys were there pumping water and to hear you guys say what you said Thank you and to acknowledge that you've seen her house before and the good that comes out of that place um I walked into her garden with my daughter I think was five I got one of her cards at sculptor for my daughter to do a camp and I I roamed into the garden I had my daughter she stayed for the camp and we've been friends since and I've been volunteering as her friend I think I did some Saturday morning classes just sat there and told people come on in I took their money maybe put it in the jar but I showed up and I kept showing up and I've watched Maxine build this beautiful garden that gives so many different things to so many different people and this past summer she built what she'd been dreaming of I mean she was doing her stained glass classes she W artists were coming from all over we were doing we were working with the community there were some grief things going on there were it was really powerful it was a wonderful place to be and um today I was thinking about lying in the grass up there over the summer doing a uh this bolds classes meditation and and listening to some people in the Stained Glass studio and some people were up in the treehouse and I think Max was on her porch and I was thinking this is what she's really worked so hard for and we've all been a part of it I I mean I learned to hammer nails and screw guns and I I've helped her build this beautiful place my daughter is still a part of this if she needed a place to go and just be she could just go be there she's an artist as well my daughter is an artist and I've encouraged her to be who she is and Max has been an influence in my daughter's life so I'm here as her friend I've seen this happen over and over we've rebok this together as a community and her friends this time I heard her voice and it was different she didn't sound good and I went over and I saw it and I've never seen it anything like this ever so it'd be great to move forward and to give you know start giving back to this community I mean she get there's so much going on in there for this community and uh she's an amazing woman amazing friend so thank you guys thank you and thank you for your words appreciate that next up goad yeah I might as well go first hello hi uh my name is Scott Levin I'm a a resident of Coco at 55 Riverside Drive uh but I met Max about Maxine about eight years ago and um actually it was the day I was walking around my dog looking for a place to live and Max was the one who suggested I asked somebody next door to where she was standing and I did and she led me to the forens sign and that's how I got my first apartment of Coco so from then on we became friends and uh around that same time soon after she invited me to her property and uh and the day I arrived there I saw this uh class going on of all these happy kids learning how to create art and they were not only creating art but they were engaged with each other and it was just a really really good welcoming scene um Evette really said it all as at Lisa it's hard for me me to really um say more and I know I don't have to convince you of Maxine's character and what she's contributed um so I'm not going to try um uh and this is actually my first time at a at a town meeting so it's really wonderful to hear these things going on and I also want to say thank you I was out there this morning and I saw the crews pumping the water and uh it was it was a beautiful site um but I'm I'm just hoping that uh I also want to say one other thing is that soon after I met Max it was also one of those years where uh there was a lot of flooding on the property and there was folks going around in boats rather than walking around on the property but I'm I'm just hoping that maybe there's something that as much as I've heard that there's only so much that can be done maybe some new Fresh Faces as far as just an engineer can be brought in maybe take a look at it in a in a fresh Light and uh maybe someone who without a doubt you all have a lot of experience and this is Florida so we're we all have to deal with natural disasters and and right now there are a lot of people hurting U but um maybe there's just something that no one has ever seen and it can just be you know just some effort can be put into even even just a little money to just get someone in just to say okay we're we're at a loss as to what to do right now I know you're doing a lot and you're going to do a lot but maybe for the complete picture that can just stop at once and for all uh those are my hopes uh again you can only do what you can do and uh um I certainly appreciate all the efforts you're making and uh I just hope it continues well thank you I appreciate the the words I appreciate what Maxine has done clearly and I appreciate the people have come to represent her that means a lot thank you thank you next uh next up hi my name is Jill Dobson I live here in Titusville and I just I realized that we moved some items off the agenda uh tonight but I just wanted to come here tonight the small scale Amendment 1-22 24 and 2 d224 is a project that's really going to impact a number of neighborhoods in our central part of Titusville at the intersection of 405 in Singleton and I just wanted to let you know how important that is to the people in the communities that surround that area not only in regards to the city roads and the other infrastructure that it will involve but also the environmental impacts relating to the surrounding wetlands and all of the other um runoff that we've heard about and the flooding impacts that are potentials so we know that we'll be here with you next week to discuss more in detail but I just want wanted to make sure that you understood that we're here to represent that we it is really important to us and we'll look forward to it next week to have the discussion thank you appreciate that next up me first and then you can hey you better get in front of Stan so I'm here to support Maxine also quick everybody know who you are I know we all know who you are I'm sorry my name is Laur Le Thompson and I live in Mims she is that's what I thought okay go ahead and um but and I want I want to thank Sandra first of all because um I told Maxine to go try to find Sandra so apparently that happened and um you know th this situation I don't understand why the city put an asphalt burm right there where the waters flowing onto Maxine's property and then came back several days later and removed it they must have had there must have had a gigantic Lake on Tropic Street you know at the bottom of those two hills and that must be why they removed the berm shortly after they put it up and I know that um Maxine has asked for help before but this is a situation that it's kind of ridiculous that that for years now Tropic Street has been draining into her property instead of having the water go into a proper storm drain somewhere so I appreciate the fact that that you guys reacted so quickly um I'm I feel bad that that the damage occurred but hopefully we can do something I don't know maybe maybe we can raise maybe we can bring in some truckloads of sand or something like that and try to elevate the area around that you know it's a borrow pit that it it was there that's why rockpit road is called rockpit Road there was a a a pit there where they dug the coina rock out you know to do construction and stuff but it's never flooded like that before so I appreciate anything that you can do to to help out thank you I I also want to comment on the Singleton Avenue projects so we're looking at having Wetland impacts so you you've seen what what's happening all all over Central Florida now with the flooding you know unbelievable flooding um from from this last hurricane and from Irma and from Ian and and so when you start messing around with wetlands and you and you start filling in Wetlands here well the water that you're displacing when you impact those Wetlands it has to go somewhere else and so that's what's happened they've developed in places where they really shouldn't have and now we're suffering the consequences and so you you just um you just okay spending or or getting a grant to do a study on those wetlands and you know to see I think it's a feasibility study it it seems like you're putting the cart before the horse if you're going to allow more development to impact those Wetlands before that study is even completed you know slow down put on the brakes a little bit let's figure out what what you might be doing by um adding more developments along the edges of those big Wetlands thank you thank you next up okay you're normally clean up Stan Johnson PE and uh I'm I'm here to uh ask what I've sent you in an email dated October the 2nd and that is to uh uh to stop this the spraying of women children and Bab by leaving The Fountains turned on in uh ponds that are polluted known to be polluted by sewage and um there's no doubt that it it we have an admission already from jolen Nelson in writing and also verbally that uh that that she and I expect other people in the council is is that that have uh left the fountains turned on because some Anonymous person fdop FD said it's okay well it's not okay and there's I know of no engineer professional engineer that will okay it it's unhealthy and it's harmful and it's uh uh and just few minutes ago in CRA meeting um Mr Diesel said it's not deliberate spraying it's not deliberate well I guess what you're saying it's accidental it's not we know it's going to when the wind blows it's going to blow sewage on people and I mentioned to you also is that if I spray sewage on my neighbor the neighbor will call the police on me and I'll be arrested but when the city sprays PE sprays people with the sewage from these The Fountains they continue doing it and so uh uh on today I sent a letter about 3:00 a.m. this morning to the governor to ask him to come in because he can't I can't stop you guys I can't stop the police department from letting it happen uh State Attorney FTE Council CRA city city manager so you're doing it deliberately I call it deliberately and you disagree with me so I'm asking as per this uh email sent you October the 2nd is to go ahead and and make a motion to terminate City Manager for this cause and not this this email of October the today uh is I've sent it to you and it's I've sent it giving it to Wanda uh as a uh record to be uh with this meeting so it's the letter to Governor um so I'm asking you to go ahead and do that go ahead and put the motion toward re terminating City Manager for cause you good go ahead go ahead okay so what I see is that you're going to be uh have the legacy of the the only city in the world that sprays women children and babies with sewage only city in the world thank you all right next up anybody else come on up again good evening and hi thank you again for your time first I'd like to thank the street workers don't forget your name Ray r y thank you Ray first I'd like to thank the street workers for their prompt pick up of Limbs branches and related hurricane debris in my neighborhood uh I feel they deserve recognition for good work and second can anything be done to get Florida Today the newspaper to stop throwing circulars throughout Gardendale they throw them in the street they throw them on people's Lawns maybe they hit the driveway but believe it or not many people are too lazy to pick them up and throw them away they are an eyesore and often sit until pulverized by cars because the people are too lazy to pick them up and they get wet and eventually they're going to end up in the storm drains along with the plastic wrappers so I've spoken to code enforcement about that and they say they have the right to distribute them but I can tell you do I have to get a petition to go through Gardendale to tell you who really wants that paper I could think maybe they could take it to the doorstep rather than just sling it anywhere and this is every week it's been going on for a couple years lastly I know I only have three minutes I again request your help in doing your job to stop the excessively loud pickup truck in Gardendale I've heard people talk about flooding and sewage well sleep deprivation is a health hazard also we've had this truck awaken Us in the early morning hours since February my last meeting Miss Nelson was kind enough to suggest I call Legal Aid well I'm a taxpayer the renter the renter excuse me who's controlling the noisy truck he doesn't pay taxes so now I not only get to pay taxes I get to go pay attorney fees that's just wonderful because you apparently can't do your job under Florida statute 286 0114 this ordeal affects Public Health welfare and safety also under section 2-26 of quote rules of the city council unquote also if I'm not mistaken m stokel is a doctor I'll assume as in a physician no no okay you're educated yeah well this is all common sense anyway we got that in all right that's three minutes so I appreciate it thank you very much um we're gonna move on next up Ray I agree with you on the flyers I never really thought about that but boy they they sit out in the street go ahead uh Liz Parker trino Circle uh I agree on the Flyers too I get two cuz I have two driveways it's a bonus that aside uh I'm here today on I guess a couple of issues the first and most important to the citizens of Titusville I would think is the fact that when we get our water bill seems to shift for years I paid my water bill on the 23rd of the month every year decades no problem now I get late fees because it seems the dates move maybe we're billing every 28 days instead of once a month on a certain day I'm not certain however my issue is I pay on the 23rd the check is mailed at the latest on the 26th according to the law the day the check is mailed is the date it is received people who are being charged late fees because their check is received 14 days after they mailed it should not be receiving late fees I refer the council to what I've already referred to the City attorney clay Hider Truck Lines vers Atherton which is uh 400o Second District 1295 Florida District Court of Appeal 1981 and special AB uh special disabilities trust fund verse Robbins 44 souths uh 2 54 Florida District Court of Appeals 1986 um to quote these cases uh we agree with the fund and hold that the date of payment pay for the purposes of the section is the date the check is mailed to the employer or Carrier and the other case States we agree um oh excuse me I ended up with the same case again uh the date of mailing considered in law to be the date of payment so according to the law we should not be billing residents for late fees if their check was mailed on time uh that's issue one my other issue has to do with the fact that we seem to be uh changing our code of ordinances and uh for the Singleton 405 area changing what is O what is gu making it into residential going to high density residential we have issues with regard to storm water that were being addressed by the conservation areas and the GU areas by relocating these and uh taking different areas of property and saying oh well these are going to be the new ones doesn't necessarily protect the citizens from flooding like Maxine is experiencing it's the same situation we experience on Royal Oak and I'm certain it's the same experience that many citizens have across the city where there's green space that's designated o r andu we should not be paying fast and loose in order to develop and line the pockets of developers thank you thank you Kevin can you comment on the water Bill shift uh concern I've not heard that unfortunately I can't because I'd have to go through customer service thank say that again unfortunately I can't because the customer service handles the billing of the city so we have to get with the customer service staff and the city major all right good then with that okay thank you all right then at the very least I'd like to have staff look into that and give me an idea then what the water bill shift I've not heard such a thing City attorney do you have anything on that or you want to get back to us the water bills shift far I have nothing to do with when the water bills go out I think she's saying that some of the dates like you're being built for 31 days sometimes it's 28 days I think that's what we would like clarification on but keep it the same yeah that makes sense to me I think her question is if she mails it on Monday and the bill is due on Wednesday she shouldn't that was her second thing it's not the day that that they put it in the mailbox cases that were cited have to do I believe with workers comp and particular laws on payments for disability payments okay not a general law about all bills that are paid so if you mail your power company or youve send a bill to somebody else they don't have to honor the day you put it in the mail it's the day they receive it it those were laws that she associated with or in that context of those types of payments okay I got you all right member FAL are you good all right next up all right C manager onto consent uh we have items a through o o uh city council do you have any questions of Staff or consent agenda items I clear your board here guys if you haven't member stok you have a question um I don't know if it's a question but I I want to pull 8K I do too okay member Nelson and member stoko want to pull eight 8K are there any other items that uh city council would like to pull for further discussion I see none city clerk are there any cards for consent agenda items a through o we have one card and mayor I'd like to read the titles for the record and then we will come back and do 9k or 8K sorry one second okay go ahead uh consent agenda item 8A approve the purchase of two fire engines and Associated tools and equipment consent agenta item 8B approve the award of proposal for the historic preservation officer consent agenda item 8 C approve the award of the fire headquarters flooring replacement consent agenda item 8D approve the collective bargaining agreement between the Florida state Lodge of Fraternal Order of Police and corporated representing police officers corporals sergeants and dispatchers and the City of Titusville consent agenda item 8e approved the collective bargaining agreement between the Florida state Lodge of Fraternal Order of Police Incorporated representing the lieutenants and the City of Titusville cons consent agenda item 8 F approve the purchase of vehicles for Public Works consent agenda item 8G approve the use of The Bard County contract for the blue hearing Water Reclamation facility roof coding consent agenda item 8h approve the bid for the purchase of polymar consent agenda item 8 I approve the outside Employment contract with vendor off-duty management for the police department consent agenda item 8j approve resolution 19 2024 amending resolution 15 202 for approving a temporary road closure of state's roads for special events this is The Astronaut High School homecoming parade scheduled now for 30 October 2024 consent agenda item 8 L approve the use of the cape canabal service agreement for the splash pad operations and maintenance contract consent agenda item 8 m approve the Energy Efficiency and conservation block Grant application consent agenda item 8 n approve the real allocation of the American Rescue act arpa funds and consent agenda item 80 approved the purchase of axom B body cameras taser incar video systems and a new five-year contract and we were going back to item uh K which is consulting services for inclusionary housing and linkage fees be um addressed to Brad M St you have a question not a question I more of discussion uh just going through this I think when we had first talked about inclusionary housing uh or zoning I should say we were concerned about affordable housing um the consulting fee is 90,000 and I feel I have a hard time approving this right now just because of what we've done recently I think we have a lot of growth and development coming before us and we just recently voted to not give tax breaks or incentives um for affordable housing and specifically live local and live local is still in effect to help with affordable housing um so for me I'd rather just not start the process for paying for Consulting because then I think once we pay for that then we're going to probably we've already invested that we'll probably want to continue to invest and I think that we already have projects coming before us for that um so I would just like to hold on that and not uh move forward with that for the time being member Nelson I agree with member stoko um we have other things coming coming up and I hate to see us spend 90,000 uh if we're not ready to move forward anybody else in Council um about being brought up I tend to agree uh especially with noting what we've just done recently and the movement that we're making that wasn't the movement we were making years ago so that would have been more apt perhaps in our early years of 16 or 18 but uh I tend to agree uh any other council member uh city manager what uh what's our next step if we wish so um you can vote to um not approve item 8K and then you can do your normal vote to approve consent agenda items a through J and L through o okay with that let me pull the card or have call the card not pull the card we have one card on Stan Johnston for item 8 F and 8 G 8 F did you say f f and Frank thank you f and g back to back Stan Johnston and I'm approaching you as a not only as a PE but I wrote These down in my letter to our governor is that I'm also um 25 I'm a veteran and 25 years as a licens PE and licensed surveyor as employed by Bard County in the city of tville and I was formerly known as the head of civil engineering um Department as employed by Bard County uh Bard Community College member of talb P engineering honorary Society um professional engineer for over 46 years former president ASC Cape canaval Branch um and uh so so these are some of the things I did uh but now when I come to um City Council meetings I'm I'm very disres expected and um it's a concern to me U because it appears to be because of my unpopular res Revelations of my findings but let let's go back to uh what this is is I'm I'm I'm in disagreement with with what's going on with this because the way you're spending your money in other words you're doing on these little things but but the thing is for example when you when you don't properly test for sewage spills when you don't and it it goes on for months and months and years and years and I I have to report it to you I make affidavit about it and you do nothing you should you should educate your Professional Engineers it's it's it's fundamental purchasing of vehicles are you concerned about that well I'm saying about spending of the money I get the money you're you're you're you're skipping you're skipping some things that have a higher priority well you asked to talk about eff G five that's correct FNG G you want the uh you don't want us to purchase the vehicles well uh I want you to to uh you're not doing the prioritizing prioritizing should be should be first of all I mean health safety and Welfare of the public and that's what many of you council members talk about and uh and and right now is you're violating fundamental principles of professional engineering and good engineering and it's it's it's just fundamental first day first day uh it's either the first or the second day in my sanitary sewer class is that uh uh the professor a doctor said hey you know what the characteristics of sewage is odorless ra allw sewage is odorless of course I I so I I raised my hand I said hey you know maybe that person has never been to my Grandpa's bathroom and you know I I was criticized some muchat that that was it was hilarious but uh anyhow uh but that's the case and many people have died because sewage is odorless in many cases thank Dan God bless you all right let's work on uh what was it f no K oh before before we do that can I say something go ahead please um we we're funding an infrastructure list basically ranking the projects in the order of importance what needed to be done first and what needed to be done second so on um I'm not sure when we expect that list back and maybe Kevin knows I'm hoping he knows we we have an infrastructure list I'm not sure what you're asking ma wouldn't we expect we we hired somebody to make a list of infrastructure projects um and she's wanting to know when it might be back right do we know for which fund is that I think they're not sure about you talking about the storm water plan storm water sewer you oh no yeah well I think it storm water we we have Gtech finish the master plan for water quality for the city okay um a few funded yeah but you for the most part the plan is not fully funded uh we are using it to apply for Grants uh I believe it's in our sore cycle this time we used it um we don't have a consultant prioritizing water sewer projects we have that prioritization built into our budget okay and our ongoing fiveyear longer plans so likewise general fund we don't have a consultant that does the revenue servicing plans or general fund plans we have those built into our budget okay I apologize cuz I I screwed that out and mied up water and sewer um I did too after you said it that's not good that's not good I did too though but um talking about projects uh I was going to ask you this at the end so I'll ask you now we were working on the sewer lines uh going along the river to work on sewer SPS and can you tell us where we are on that sure that that's essentially three separate projects working in different time frames so the interal Force main if you notice they just finished the drill on Main Street today they have one additional directional drill to do at KFC with the Regus sitting there for tomorrow hopefully and then that line will be substantially completed in the ground uh we still have things as buils and the connections to make it each end through the plant and the and the lift station South Street to be done and the DP clearance support can go active but that should be taken care of by the end of the calendar year it should be up and active in the Old Line will be decommissioned at that time uh cleaned and and broken in pieces in in the ground so that's the major piece that's South Street to the ospry wastewater treatment facility the next segment in there will be the SAR lift station and Bay View lift station that's the elimination of Bay View lift station and the rebuilding of seminal U the force remain that area has already been replaced once but this will eliminate one of our Riverfront lift stations will be demolished completely and a the other one be rebuilt to a new standard and take on the flow from the decommissioned Bay View lift station the third segment in that area will be the Riverside Drive Force main where we had the break during the hurricane that one's in design now we taught the designers today we hope by the end of the calter year we'll have a bitable project ready to put that on the street either at mid year or as the year continues again it be a long-term project likely a full directional drill project to limit the concrete Street impact okay close to a $5 million investment for that section um but these three pieces working together will rehab the oldest Force main which is the River Side Drive Force main eliminate a lift station and eliminate the uh the Force main that's had the most braks in in recent history along Indian River so while they'll still be in the area they will be moved off of the River Bank put into the street and Rehab to a new new pipe these are 1950s air pipes along Riverside I want to just say thank you and make sure people understood that this is a lot of money and we are working on it on a continual basis so and I also wanted to say thank you for the hybrid trucks because you know that always makes me smile so you want a motion no vice mayor yes to U member stoal I don't see U uh uh what is it itm K akk uh I I'm totally in agreeance with saving money I don't see the connection between uh live local and you know I mean and uh the affordable housing a big connection uh with the study you know it's uh insurance and and uh is going to be but anytime that you recommend saving the dollar you got my my support I don't see the connection but the saving of dollars is great okay um we'll take a motion on okay mayor diesel I'm sorry go ahead mayor diesel we got one additional card go ahead um Vicky Conlin okay item c f and g CF and G good evening Vicky Conlin 2920 Roy Lo drive here in Titusville it's just a question really I noticed on some of the consent agenda items with the bidding and so forth uh lowest and best bid is what I assume is being taken but has there ever been discussion about varying that to favor a local vendor policy if that's within a certain percent because it seems like we're giving away business to Jacksonville for Vehicles let meop before you say exactly what it is exactly what it is is what you said if it's within a certain percentage we we tend to favor uh we certainly want to get Apples to Apples right it's a uh and and certainly staff we don't sit there and go down there evaluate things but it came up gosh about four or five years ago maybe more and that was a big deal we were feeling like we're getting too many bids somewhere else so we totally agree with that and I thank you for saying that right cuz flooring is going to Coco to Jacksonville and Roofing to Melbourne so I hate seeing that I'd like to support our local business right and I we totally agree I think it's a Well a good point um and and truthfully if it's Melbourne or Atlanta we'd like to try to stay with Melbourne but we'd like to stay in Titusville right so maybe we need to look at those percents of variance agree right to make sure we're trying to do that's that is the plan so I app appreciate that thank you thank you and Vicky we do have percents yeah so if you're within a certain percentage of the lower bid and your local then you would get the contract it was good to hear putting words again though that we had that whole big debate that that's exactly how it went down good job um are we done there okay now did we do a motion yet no okay member Nelson move to deny uh inclusionary housing and linkage fees 2024 Consulting Services contract for RFP 24- p- 034 TB second all this is K this is K okay so basically to remove K from the okay I have question you said deny did you mean to say defer or remove you just want it off the books completely yeah we'll bring it up at this time we'll bring it up yeah if we need to again think at time wouldn't that be deferring it rather than denying it uh if denying it tonight if denying it and then what you do with it later will be not me this is a Consulting contract okay so you're disapproving a contract all right I'm good all right um what her her motion do I have a second yes yes it was me Herman don't okay uh second by member stoko a motion by member Nelson roll call vote member Cole yes member Nelson yes mayor diesel yes vice mayor Robinson yes member stokel yes okay K is deferred denied however you want to put it moot motion to approve consent agenda items a through J and L through o second I have a motion for member Nelson second for member Cole roll call vote member Nelson yes mayor diesel yes Vice mayor Robinson yes member stokel yes member Cole yes passes unanimously City Manager on to 9A which is comprehensive plan Amendment CPA number 1-22 for future land use Transportation housing elements and downtown Gateway objectives policies strategies and new Citywide element this contains ordinances number 33 2024 34 2024 35 2024 and 36 2024 um at the hang on just a second I got to find it at the uh September 18th 2024 Planning and Zoning commission acting as your local planning agency they recommended approval 70 City attorney will read the ordinances for the record and I'll continue with the introduction right I will read all four ordinances we will deal with these individually so if anyone has a card on either ordinance 33 34 35 or 36 put in the cards and you will have an opportunity to have three minutes on each of the ordinances ordinance number 33 2024 an ordinance of the city of tville Florida amending the code of ordinances by amending ordinance number 60 1988 which adopted the comprehensive plan of the city of of tville by adopting comprehensive plan Amendment 1 2024 by adding a new Citywide element goal objectives and policies to address the regional economy quality of life place-based design and employment providing for SE severability repeal of Prior and consistent ordinances incorporation into the comprehensive plan and an effective date ordinance number 34 2024 an ordinance of the city of tville Florida amending the code of ordinances by amending ordinance number 60 198 88 which adopted the comprehensive plan of the city of Titusville by adopting comprehensive plan Amendment 1 2024 by meaning the existing future land use element and transportation element specifically amending objectives 1.1 character land use districts 1.2 Redevelopment and adaptive reuse 1.10 downtown land use 1.21 density and intensity land use criteria and Associated policies and strategies of the future Landes element amending the policies and strategies of objective 1.1 of the transportation element and adding objective 1.9 and Associated policies and strategies to the transportation element providing for severability repeal of Prior andc consistent ordinances incorporation in the comprehensive plan and an effective date ordinance number 35 2024 an ordinance of the city of tville Florida amending the code of ordinances by amending ordinance number 60 1988 which adopted the comprehensive plan of the city of tville by adopting comprehensive plan Amendment 1 2024 to add a new Gateway Corridor objective policies and strategies to encourage Redevelopment on Commercial corridors and strengthen policies related to natural resource protection landscaping and discourage urban sprawl by amending the existing future land use element objectives 1.5 and 1.7 and Associated policies and strategies related to Natural Resources greenhouse gases and urban sprawl amending the shoreline mix objective 1.2 and Associate policies and strategies and adding a new Gateway Corridor objective 1.24 and associate polic IES and strategies providing for severability repeal of Prior and consistent ordinances incorporation in the comprehensive plan and an effective date ordinance number 36 2024 an ordinance of the city of tville Florida amending the code of ordinances by amending ordinance number 60 1988 which adopted the comprehensive plan of the city of tville by adopting comprehensive plan Amendment 2024 by meing the existing housing elements specifically amending objective 1.1 1.2 1.9 and 1.10 and subsequent policies and strategies related to housing types affordable housing and Sustainable Building practices providing for severability repeal of Prior and consistent ordinances incorporation a comprehensive plan and an effective date on April 27th 2022 the city council directed staff to propose a strategy whereby certain portions of the draft 20 40 Titusville tomorrow comprehensive plan may be incorporated and adopted into the comprehensive plan the staff recommended adopting four separate uh amendments which includes Mobility Transportation housing historic preservation land use and and the environment this amendment includes Citywide goals and objectives and policies amendments to to the goals and objectives and in the future land use element Transportation element and housing element of the comprehensive plan the amendment primarily addresses Redevelopment incentives in the down town in the city's major commercial corridors gateways the amendment does not include draft changes to the urban mixed use objectives and policies in the future land use element a separate Amendment will be scheduled at a later date Mr parish is here to give you a final update on this then and I applaud staff's uh two plus years work of effort to put this together Mr mayor council I did since your last time we this was brought before you there was a first reading this is the final uh or second reading and final public hearing I've added one additional item to your agenda on page 1287 of your packet it's a matrix something that was requested of us to try and provide to you a a a tool or a matrix that shows a comparison or an explanation of the current comprehensive plan versus what's being proposed um I'll try and answer any questions you have about it I believe you're very familiar with this project so I won't go through in detail or this project again but I'll just highlight that there are four ordinances dealing with amendments to three of the elements of the comprehensive plan future land use transportation and housing primarily dealing with the downtown um and the Gateway quarters along our major commercial quarter areas so with that I'll try and answer any questions you have any questions from Council as you said we've pretty much gone over this just two weeks ago been a lot of work a lot a lot work all right um so we will go um item one yes item one cards I have a card from Stan Johnston that's just for 9A so I don't know which ordinance you would like to speak on I think probably all of them I just I just three minutes that's all okay so would you like him to come up now yeah three minutes on all of them absolutely three minutes thanks and I just received a second card as well if you want to give me more time I can talk longer you sure can my man okay all right uh I'm as you know I'm a professional engineer so I'm going to speak to you about something that uh uh I have as a law that I have to follow and the city is violating that law it's seriously violating it violating the storm water management plan and violating here and there and in just many places the law is that water flows downhill it's in the compant I tell you and it's it's a true law and I have to do that you're right water flows downhill and the thing is is that this is a this is a map of a part of our storm water management plan I haven't seen nothing in a a while and and the thing is is that the city of tville is that water is designed to flow this way and then to the St John's river do you know why it's designed to flow that way because water flows downhill and the thing is is that is that is that when the water gets to somewhere you know before or after uh I95 is we have these huge box covers listen to this size these box clovers 9t by 3T wow 7t by 3T two six foot box covers those aren't little those are big and you know why water doesn't go through those because the city of Titusville violates the law and their comprehensive plan and their storm water management plan of Greater Titusville that water flows downhill and I'm here to tell you as a professional engineer water flows downhill and someday you're going to have problem with this because your flood planes do not work or how can you Poss no one can possibly calculate what you're going to do the stoppage of of this and the thing is is that the the government federal government fdot designed these culs millions of dollars and you know what the city of Ty is doing I don't know anybody's listening they ignoring the fact that water flows downhill that's the city of Titusville I'm a professional engineer and uh I had to follow follow these not just these These are these are just engineering laws and God's laws too now how in the world the city of Titusville and there's no professional engineer that'll disagree with me that I know of not any of them no one in the city of Titusville but you continue doing it the problem is water flows downhill and you're so I don't know it's bad thank you thank you Stan is this next card please Elizabeth Parker and this is on uh item one still uh nine N9 a this is ordinance 33 2024 item one yeah it's okay if it's 9 a and well they got it broken up into four different areas item one hey I'm on item four should I wait okay yeah go ahead and hold up and we'll get to you in in just a minute anything else on item one yes all right member Nelson move to approve ordinance number 33- 2024 amending the code of ordinances by amending ordinance number 16-1 1988 second he's quick got to be quick I Nelson a second remember Cole call vote mayor diesel yes vice mayor Robinson yes member stokel yes member Cole yes member Nelson yes uh item one passes unanimously city manager you're on to item uh ordinance number 34 2024 uh any comments um Braden do you want to comment on that no sir okay uh anything from Council call the cards member Nelson move to approve ordinance number 32 34- 2024 amending the code of ordinances by amending ordinance number 16 60-1 1988 I have a motion second second from Member Nelson no M Cole uh roll call vote vice mayor Robinson yes member stokel yes member Cole yes member Nelson yes mayor diesel yes passes unanimously city manager onto I ordinance number 35 2024 Brad anything no sir say uh Council cards yes sir member Nelson move to approve ordinance number 35- 2024 amending the code of ordinances by amending ordinance number 60- 1988 second I have a motion member Nelson and second member Cole roll call vote member stok yes member Cole yes member Nelson yes mayor diesel yes vice mayor Robinson yes passes unanimously city manager ordinance number 36 2024 uh Mr Parish no sir councel cards Elizabeth Parker I would have remembered there you go now we got it back again all right so I just had a question really with regard to the changes to objective 1.1 what exactly are the changes to 1.1 because 1.1 has strategy 1.11.1 oh I see I see um and that is coordinating the residential growth with the land use plan and respective zoning and the goal of this policy is the city shall support a suitable mix of housing by so what concerns me is what are we changing are we changing the land future land use are we changing the zoning are we changing the housing size are we changing the density what are we changing um I'll redirect that member uh member you're not member uh Mr Paris so that objective and policy uh is being amended to clarify by uh a more specific intent of allowing for some different types of housing so that policy 1.1.1 that's referred to is asking the city to consider uh a mix of different types of housing in the downtown uh the ordinance that was just um approved by Council previous to this one did include a residential density poll which was a new different way of calculating density so it would allow more units on a part in the downtown if it could be developed according to other requirements of the code so my concern is that this particular policy is not referring to downtown so this would be a universal change that would affect all communities across the city of Titusville how are we designating the difference between the commercial Corridor and the residential neighborhoods you're correct it does also say about Citywide as well so it's encouraging a mix of housing options in different parts of the city in different areas and different types of incomes and it does State a strategy to coordinate the residential growth the land use plan and respective zoning so basically we would use our code and other programs that we have to help implement this policy so my concern as a homeowner is my property value is driven by who my neighbors are my land being high and dry is driven by what's built around me the idea that we're going to change our plan and our future land use map in a way that may very well impact just me not just me but all of the citizens of Titusville I object to this change and I think as a city we ought to consider the long-term ramifications of making such a significant plan to our FL future land use and comprehensive plan thank you uh any of the cards um council member Nelson I don't know if Mr Parish wants to address the lady's concerns or not before I make that motion I think he did did we're good we're good okay move to approve ordinance number 36- 2024 amending the code of ordinances by amending ordinance number 60- 1988 second motion and second roll call vote member Cole yes member Nelson yes mayor diesel yes vice mayor Robinson yes member stokel yes pass unanimously city manager all the way to ordinance's First readings were on 10A which is ordinance number 43224 conditional use permit legal ad requirements uh the City attorney will read this for the record ordinance number 43 2024 an ordinance of the city of tville Florida amending the code of ordinances to correct the unintended deletion of the advertisement requirement for conditional use permits by amending section 3472 procedure for obtaining a conditional use permit providing for severability repeal of conflicting ordinances incorporation of the code and an effective date on October 2nd 2024 the Planning and Zoning commission recommended approval 60 this is your first reading city council will hold the public hearing as uh on the 22nd of October at 6:30 p.m. and REM reminder on these is the first reading there's no motion and no vote we simply hear them um Council my vice mayor no no that just okay um any cards on this one okay we have no motion and no no vote City Manager on to item 10B which is the rezone number 3-2020 Titusville Resort and destination master plan Amendment and the um ordinance associated with that is is ordinance number 44 2024 the City attorney will read that for the record ordinance number 44 2024 an ordinance of the city of tville Florida amending ordinance number 29 2021 by amending the master plan of conditions associated with the Urban Village uv's owning District on approximately 22 acres of land located at 3550 South Washington Avenue to include an assisted living facility use providing for separability repeal of conflicting ordinances and an effective date on October 2nd 2024 the planning zoning commission recommended approval 60 um this is your first reading city council will hold the public hearing on October 22nd at 6:30 p.m. again first reading no motion no vote cards um applicants here just to answer questions um I'm glad to see the applicants here I appreciate you sitting through the rest of this um good to see you again I haven't seen you back in a while uh but it again it's first reading no motion no vote and appre appreciate you being here city manager takes us to uh mayor and Council report or correction uh petitions and requests yeah um petitions or request second time all right we we're good with that now we move to Mayor and councel reports we'll start on the other end with I think we did that last time but I'm over here um member Cole i' just like to commend our city manager and our city staff the the way they operated the Emergency Operating Center I just dropped by cuz I needed to get out of the house if you didn't say that I was going to tell her you and know that was the truth and hopefully my wife's not looking but I sat in there and I mean it was I was amazed especially at the food the food was very good but uh no it's a it's a Well operating system and uh I mean I went home feeling very full and very comfortable I appreciate what you guys do though really seriously yes sir and we have a great team and what you didn't see was the preparation prior to what you were witnessing was it's we we prepare for the storm we execute the storm through the EOC and now we're doing recovery and post cleanup which um hopefully will be completed by a week or so yeah yeah when good thank you member Nelson I would Echo what member Cole said I will be ratting on him everybody does but uh yeah I think we went through relatively unscathed uh when I saw it out in the gulf and it was category five scared the be Jesus out of me uh yeah those like oh ge's but I think we were very fortunate I think the staff did a great job and I do have one thing I'd like to have us consider and it was something I talked to the city manager about it earlier um remember when Dr jacobe was here and he said that the amount of sewer generated by a septic tank the septic tanks in two days is equal to a sewers Bel so if I could what what he actually said is um we reported 7.2 million gallons but that all did not go in the lagoon we were able to siphon it out of the ponds and we trucked it away but he he said hypothetically should if he used that number 7.2 million gallons and he said if that were in fact into the Lagoon that equals 1.9 days of septic tank loading which is somewhat scary so I'm bringing this up because I'm like you know we're working like crazy to fix the infrastructure uh we're pushing to get it done but with all the septic tanks we have it's a problem uh I was talking to Sandy earlier and I guess by 2030 uh you have to have an advanced septic tank or you have to hook to a sewer system so Sarah when you're up there I would love love to see you pushing it because we're working our hardest but if that's what we're working against then that's a problem so and I know I think our legislative priorities the city manager has listed in here so maybe we can add that as one of ours yeah to pass on to the Space Coast Le of cities and then I can bring it up at the Florida Le of cities and I'm wondering if the other cities realize the impact of the sewer systems and to be honest with you I was like wow you know um this is crazy so there's legislation that um has been it actually passed so if sewer is available um and you choose not to hook up um then we will charge you a fee anyway that's currently in place so maybe the the option is if there sewer system in place then they have to to hook into the sewer system well the state law says if you choose not to we will still charge you the rate right so there there is there's nothing that says that you have to until like Sandy spoke to you earlier about there's a date that you now have to hook up or go to the newer system do we know if we're charging anybody currently we are yes we are okay yeah but even though I see what you're saying is that enough we're charging them but they're still then it's still going into the river and okay Scott did we know how many septic tanks we have I I I can't I don't want to okay what we did is we did zones we did from us one to the river U that those are our priority ones and the second zone is a certain distance from us one West and then the third zone is the rest of the city so um we're focused right now on the first two zones and there is um grants available to allow people to hook up to that we're in the education phase right now to try to help people to understand what um it means to come off sewer system I mean come off septic and um going how important it is because to me it's really maybe we could get some information on where those septics are for us to try to push out education wise too yeah for PE because I don't know where they are I know we still have septic and I know we're trying to get them off specifically the river right now um but if we know that and we can bring awareness I it's just not talked about we get we talk about you know the sewage spills that happened but that's even this one we just had with the hurricane so minimal compared to what's happening with the septic right now and it's just not talked about I will tell you north of us and south of us there's a lot more yeah I will say that as well yes it it could have been a lot worse yeah so I've always uh used and and city manager knows this when I even ran in 16 and the half cent sales tax for the Lagoon was coming up I remember sitting in this room and talking to somebody one of the presenters I said you know the problem with that is if we do a great job the Lagoon is like a fish tank and it's like a pool a fish tank whatever you going to do we've cleaned our part of the fish tank but if to the South they've got septic tanks on the river and they're not doing their part and to the north they're not doing their part we can keep cleaning our septic tank or our our excuse me our Fishbowl and and certainly we we have worked on and we are working on getting the septic tanks especially off the river um so we're doing our part but I don't know and I'm not saying they're not because I don't know uh but that's not seem as though the North and the South is um there's a lot of septic tanks uh up north and south and I'm not faulting anybody I lived in Port St John for a while and we had a septic tank yeah and I believe most of all Port St John is septic tank so we'll leave a lot of it um vice mayor yes Scott in in this conversation about septic tanks uh you and I had a conversation a couple of weeks ago about the cost especially of of drawing in the room have it um have it ever been publicized what cost or send a notice out to uh in uh residents that still have subject I know that there are some north of uh Bara uh that I mean west of B that still have septic tanks and so what that connection cost would Rel so they do vary so I'll use the example that we talked about two weeks ago for that particular citizen who's actually in the county um she has to do a lift station to get it to the main and for in her case it was cost prohibitive because she she wanted to hook up but by the time you do a private lift station and run the pipes and everything um it was very expensive for her to do so she chose just to upgrade her septic tank to the new modern one that way but yeah each each hookup is different depending on where you're at and where the connection is and if there's anything that needs to be done to in fact push it to to the pipe you see that kind of education is so is very valuable to our citizen of the city right thank you h um I'll pass it to you for anything you need to say I'm going to go ahead and end for your report any youone had uh well I've done a lot of things but the most important one is uh I uh Bravo Zulu to uh Scott and the staff I I love sitting there um getting the reports and the updates on the on the our pending storm I didn't care a whole lot about Herman and Jolan a conversation that that dialogue that they that they were having having fun keeping with one another but uh it was fun I I apologize saying I didn't didn't care very much because I enjoyed reading about Herman he gets excited like a little kid but you know the Bible tells us we were twice a child and once an adult he's in that child you got yes yes sir yes Joe we know we know you love us but it it was good thank you thank you so much so one other comment um bavard County who is the EOC as well um they this was their first storm in their new facility and they really worked hard to work out the bugs prior to we had several drills with them and I think that that working through things when the actual event occurred um was a lot better now you know being a pilot I will tell you nobody likes to fly a new airplane we like to fly ones that have been tested and and and used quite a bit so they their transition to the new EOC uh was seamless and I do applaud them as well M stle um on the hurricane comments um just going back to that sewer spill in my briefing with city manager um we did talk about the sewer spill we' had and that sewer line is actually on our list as member Nelson was bringing up priorities it's in the that's the design phase um but I think it's important to note I think sometimes we have these projects and we're funding them but I think the design phase takes while over a year and the um the phase that Kevin talked about that's just about done the South Street lift station the Buffalo Road uh that was uh 18 months in design and permitting now this one took a lot longer to permit because we had to go under several state roads we had to go under Garden Street we had to go under us one back under US1 and then on down so it did take us a long time to get the permitting done with the state so I believe that the next subsequent phases will be just trying to figure out you know going down the road which will take less time to permit but it did take a quite quite a time to get it yeah and I I just bring that up because I feel like it would be nice if we could fix it overnight um but these things do take time and we've been on Council for several years and just thinking about how much we've already invested in infrastructure and the projects we've done I feel like this hurricane could have been much worse had we not already started the process several years ago and um yeah I I'm just very very happy with that um the other thing I wanted to mention was I definitely appreciated the updates the consistent updates that we were getting from staff and then anytime I had a question it was a quick response um I think it helped our citizens feel a lot better I think they appreciated the updates we were pushing out as a city um if you didn't see I noticed one of the things moving forward forward um it's not wasn't our decision but having a shelter in North bevard I know that got brought up and I mentioned it um at the county level as well and even before I think there was supposed to be one and then it it just didn't happen and then they did end up adding one in Port St John um but just take note of that uh I that for me personally moving forward I I think I might try to make sure and ensure that that does happen um and then also yeah after the clean up there were several trees in the roads and I went driving around and it was just great to see public works out there um getting trees out of the roadway for safety they worked so hard um yeah it just made me really proud to see our efforts for that and then lastly yesterday was our space coast Le of cities meeting our guest speaker this time we had another little panel and it was on the opioid crisis and it was interesting to see they had brought up back in 2019 where Bard was like the number one um in the state and then how we had gone down from that and then now the numbers are back up a little bit um and so they're working on marketing campaign to just try to bring awareness to it and so they will be sending out a survey for us to fill out um as Community leaders to see what are what are our suggestions that we have um to help them try to uh get our numbers low again on that so just keep that in mind as you're talking to Citizens um I'm hoping that we can give them some good feedback I was happy that they were able to speak to all of Bard County elected officials local elected officials last night um just that's something that I feel like I'd like to see our numbers get lower if possible and that's all I have all right thank you real quick um as the mayor I I have had the honor of being in the uh EOC with city manager and um I can tell you it's uh and I he told him when it was over um that's one thing I I don't ever want to have hurricanes but I enjoy being part of that team and and when you're in the uh EOC uh you've got the the police and Amy and those Folks at one point when it came back up I guess we got 43 calls within an hour um you know some some were very very important some were well you know flush the toilet but but anyway uh but in the end that's what they deal with they do them all and and we had the right people doing the right things the fire department the fire chief was there the police chief was there I was honored to be there Herman got kicked out of his house for a while um it was just the teamwork is is something I'll miss um I might even try to connive my way in sometime when it's all over um so that was awesome um I'm going to comment on the the evacuation shelters has bothered me for the last several hurricanes and maybe because I was part of the evacuation shelters as an administrator at Titus of high school administrators in the in the high schools specifically in the elementary schools that hosted them uh we we ran them I don't know what happened but they had a great plan there for a while um I was in Imperial Estates three different times um they had a APO was open um Mims Elementary was open it seems like South Lake was open there was four or five different um evacuation shelters in our city and then when you had if you had a handicap situation I do believe you had to go down perhaps a challenger it was a little further away but we had a handicap accessible and there was an animal accessible I don't know who ran that I I know that uh when I was part of it for us our leader was Mark Mullins the school board superintendent I don't know much more about who all collaborated I don't know if it was a County Commission thing with the school board but we as administrators ran them and we really were required to be there and we didn't have the one time they weren't doing it very good because I had a whole hour to prepare everything before I got there one moved in quick and we opened Imperial State shelter and we had people in line so I don't know but I do think there was a really really good system we had for a while where we had at least five or six in our own City and in this case we might be okay that it was coming from the west but God forbid and I'm not saying anything at all because I just know there is something out there right now that's moving this way they're not expecting anything but I'm just thinking what if we had one from the the East coming West with 145 M our winds and we don't have shelters I I just think that somebody needs to work on that and I would say probably go back to the old model and say what happened to it because the old model was great you had staff the staff was the administrators at the local schools it was there and it was it was well done member Nelson what think of the hurricane that came across the street across the straight State really quickly oh at yeah it wasn't supposed to hit us no and all it was ready I wasn't ready I don't think there's time to shelter for that one I really don't I mean but anyway I would like to see that come back um we we have a just we have a little talking about the water we have a little bit different uh situation than the gulf the gulf is very Shadow shallow and we have I'll drop real quick so it would come in a a lot different but not in I just what I'm saying was in this case we all I know that it certainly we know it was a big deal but it wasn't the same as if you're sitting in Tampa now if that flip sides and coming in Coco Beach at 140 mph we got to have somewhere to go and especially all those people on the Barry Islands got to have somewhere to go that's correct and I don't know that I saw that plan set up the way used to be the same way uh Mr Mayor with with the homeless situation absolutely where and I can tell you when I work those shelters for three different hurricanes we had a lot of homeless and they they were probably doing better with us than they were anywhere else so that was that was an honor I concur um another thing on the hurricane I was uh I I got a tizel vehicle went out before the storm and just kind of evaluated things mostly wanted people to be able to see we were out and that the mayor was out and as soon as it was over grabbed the vehicle and went back out and obviously things were different um but it was important to be there and and it was my honor to be there I had a real uh angst still having an angst and I think most of you if you're paying attention to the weather like I do I'm kind of a geek that way uh I sure get tired of the newscasters not being able to say the word Titusville it just drives me freaking nuts it comes up well not only it's not only hey look at us it's a this for so long and ultimately the eye was coming over Titus though even though the eye was coming over Titus they projected it over tius they'd say and just south of Daytona or just north of pal Bay part of the problem with that and I got a chance to talk to Florida today and make that clear our folks aren't hearing their name so they're not necessarily feeling like we are in the path or we have an issue I know they did they're they're smarter than that but at least call out this is where it's going guys you're part of this so for whatever reason I'm going to talk to my boy Eric burus and say get your act together so maybe they'll they'll run this down Channel tun and say oh sorry about that uh maybe not um last for my part but not least um I was blessed and honored to have Willie Taylor as a student of mine starting about ninth grade met him when he was in eth grade went over to Jackson to talk to people who wanted to play football was a big honor turned out to be one of the uh most impactful uh folks I got to coach and I was blessed to uh present him at his fighting edge with wo this is hard um a Mar's Proclamation and it was truly my honor uh I know will as well as probably anybody good bad and ugly and uh I can tell you that the difference he makes in our city the difference he makes in homeless the difference he makes in kids lives that don't have a home go to um I can't say enough so maybe the biggest honor I got to do uh as the mayor here in the the last run was make sure I got Willie recognized and I got to put my signature on his Proclamation and I appreciate you brother love you well go ahead up there you get microphone this because I called your name doesn't mean you got to talk no I know no it was um regarding the storm and some of the things that was taking place while we're out on patrol we had we went to Alpha Bravo Squad go ahead um so we got word well I got some word from Miss Liberty my wife that a couple of churches got together and we got word out to the homeless through the department we got word out to the homeless to meet off of Tropic Street and they were busing the homeless to shelters which was a big help you know and so a lot of the homeless population got to be sheltered during the storm and bunkered down you know and they received the the help that they needed that's that's who our people in our city are that's who you are and I have no doubt I can probably say this that's who the Russel are yes um The Grove and more and more uh Pastor Wright I can go on and name many but um I'm just I'm I'm honored proud to you know be a part of anything you're part of and and the people in the city to jump together like that I'm just not shocked thank you thank you sir sir and that's mine city manager uh onto my report I've got a couple items the legislative priorities are due to the league of cities um the staff has reviewed and made some adjustments to your prior year one so if there's any changes that you would like to make um I would appreciate your input and we'll uh we'll get it off to the league of cities you good no got some more but okay anybody well anybody want say is uh the board and commission's recognition ceremony is this Thursday night it's in Indian River preserves and the last is as with previous hurricanes that came through we are waving the fees for repairs of uh hurricane damaged properties um our building official goes out after the storm form and U makes a survey and documents U properties that were damaged by um by the hurricane both commercial residential and City facilities um and and so if if we didn't catch your fence down or something and you need a permit or or roof or something then um they will go back out to your residence and verify that is hurricane damage and then wave the permitting fees and subject your questions and I do appreciate um the act of council during the storm it's a you know we we just lose sleep for three days and um your input though was very useful and um I do appreciate all the kind words and I'll make sure I passed along thank you great team great team City wait City attorney member Nelson so the only thing I would add so we look at the legislative priorities and consider putting something in there about septic tanks and the need to um encourage people to go from septic to sewer can we add that under the restoration of the Indian River Lagoon maybe I was wondering that could that that had a SE separate one okay okay absolutely while since we just talked about it and I gave what it used to be I don't know who to talk to but would the state have anything to do with assisting with shelters that we didn't have this time that we used to have no my understanding um of course the the shelters are a county run organization um the reason we they only open four eventually for um is there was no evacuation ordered and had an evacuation been ordered um those numbers were would have been back to the numbers that you have uh served in um put do they have a plan that because I don't know if any administrator my son is a principal doesn't know anything about have them I don't think anybody in the school board has anything to do with it anymore I I I can't answer that well that's what I'm saying if we're GNA have a plan we probably ought to know what it is and I'm not pointing at you when I say that but I am saying there was a lot of because I again having been there and done that three or four different times and you recall when I did I'd call you from there actually we communicated quite well it was nice to have you there think I would just become a council member actually the first one and um it's just it's we keep talking about man remember when we had this and you had the Imperial States principal the Oak Park princip we had like five different principles and assistant principles running a shelter the cafeteria is open so three times a day they come in and they eat um and I think we came out and pumped out your school you came out and pumped out the school yes you did and um we lost our generator and we had all kinds of problems but I'll tell you the last story whenever those uh tornadoes pop up and it starts going what well we had the elderly corner and the elderly corner is probably about 30 people I guess I'm elderly now but they're Elder than me and every time that thing went off you got 12 radios in there go and they're yelling they called me coach coach coach coach I'm like I'm just staying here everything's fine everything's fine but those things are scary I mean if you think about it get 12 or 14 of them going off in the same room so cuz they had a lot of little like we did this last time not quite as many but we had all these little tornadoes popping up and every time they go and these 75 80 year old people why I just it's fine that's why you're here but uh that was I thought it was cute and we were all safe so anyway uh 75 80 year old people I don't know why you want to talk about old people I really hate to say it but you were classified as elderly I know my question uh on the going back to the septic tanks are there any kind of grants that a citizen can get to assist them to get off a septic and get on to uh yeah yeah there there is funds through the sa the Indian River Lagoon funds okay do we are we publishing that okay might be interesting to have an article and talking points talking about the damage septic tanks are doing to the refer um yeah and at least educating people and letting them know that the grant are available so this just might be a way to get it out just so I'm getting ready to say well everybody knows that I can tell you I had no idea until I got on councel and started learning more I didn't know septic tanks were an issue I didn't so I think a lot of people may not yeah yeah so any we good thank you it was a fine meeting and we'll do this again next week uh see you Thursday per usual going where we're going from where I'm coming I will probably be about 15 minutes late that tell them I'm on my way no parade this time meeting J