e e e e e [Music] n [Music] welcome to the April 23rd 20124 6:30 p.m. city council meeting we do have a quorum so I'll call this meeting to order I think I did that backwards would you please join me for a moment of silence and the pledge to the flag I pledge to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible withy and justice for all city clerk would you please read the rules to speak yes sir individ idual wishing to speak on agenda items must complete a sign up card prior to the item being introduced those wishing to speak on quard judicial public hearings must complete a sign up card and sign the oath sign up and oath cards are available on the table individuals wishing to speak on non-agenda items May do so under under petitions and requests from the public present this opportunity is offered twice in the meeting and individuals may speak at either the first or second petitions but not both no signup card is required citizens shall not comment on any issue more than once during the meeting all comments except petitions or requests must address the pending issue and citizens will be given three minutes to speak on all items citizens wishing to speak on the consent agenda must submit a signup card identifying the items of interest each speaker shall be limited to 3 minutes to speak on the entire consent agenda all sign up cards and Exhibits being submitted to city council shall be placed in the box on the table thank you very much we have no minutes to approve at this time city manager uh good evening mayor vice mayor and city council I have a few housekeeping items to to bring before you uh the first item is item agenda item 9A staff would like to withdraw that it's the ordinance number 8 2024 golden knights Boulevard and this is at staff's request motion Mo motion to uh withdraw second all those in favor say yes yes opposed removed the next item is uh the applicant for agenda item 9B SSA number 2-23 would like to withdraw this item motion move to withdraw the item second motion second other than favor to say yes oppos removed and the last item uh I'd like to add a um to my city manager report a request from the transportation planning office for a letter of support is that also a vote all those in favor say excuse me motion motion I got two motions so we'll go motion and a second all those in favor say yes yes opposed added on to boards and commission we're on item 6A which is the student advisory Council annual report the 2023 2024 student advisory report will be presented hi folks how are you good it's good to see you again and you are you've done great all year and this will be a great report I am sure go ahead and you can say your name and school for the record hi my name is Sydney lelli and I am the Freshman representing Astronaut High School and on behalf of the 2023 2024 student advisory Council we express our appreciation to Mayor Daniel e diesel vice mayor Joe C Robinson and council members for their continued support and encouragement we also express our appreciation to city manager Scott Larice Astronaut High School adviser Morgan Smith academic Community enrichment Incorporated adviser Julie Pringle Titusville High School adviser Kathleen Rios City staff Le liaison Emily Campbell and other City staff that provided our council with guidance in its decision-making process over the past year our Council undertook the planning of the following projects for the following term first we continued the Last Dance prom video second we hosted a beach cleanup at play Linda beach in November of 2023 with Canaveral National seore and third we hosted the student leadership seminar on March in March of 2024 thank you very much hello I'm Julia Moon representing Ace uh this is for the last hands prom video that we've been doing the student advisory Council has been planning and preparing a video to inform Youth of the ramifications of drinking and driving for many years after Gathering a cast we began filming some of the scenes sadly our main actress was unable to continue the production uh after this the council had to switch around some characters in order to make the get the video filmed we are now attempting to continue filming despite the setbacks we would like to to thank senior media specialist Curtis Corin for his help in making this video and helping it move forward filming will continue throughout the summer for this project we hope this video will have an impact on the students of Titusville thank you thank you hello my name is Christa and I'm the Freshman representative of Ace um this year we've hosted a beach clean clean up at play Linda Beach on November 18th 2023 the student advisory Council organized and held a beach cleanup this the event was to develop motivate educate and activate our community to reduce litter recycle beautify and sustain our environment for the benefit of tville the council advertised the cleanup at each of its repres respective schools to gather outside volunteers to help we were also graciously provided breakfast items and snacks while very chilly the weather was otherwise quite all right and the event was effective and ran smoothly the student advisory Council and all others who attended had a great time cleaning up Playa beach and learning what it means to help our community that is tight spill thank you very good thank you hi my name is cie uh I'm the Junior from Astronaut High School and I was vice chairperson this year um on March 21st 2024 the student advisory Council hosted our youth leadership seminar at Parish Medical Center we chose three speakers from the community Jared Bales Jonathan Gibson and Ashley scarber to meet and speak with the students from Titusville High School Astronaut High School and the academic Community enrichmond Association and talk with them about what leadership meant how to show it and how to use it to help their communities not only did these speakers meet with the students but also sustainability planner Abigail trout who hosted the main activity where students got to the chance to design their own City layouts they were split into groups and each group had a different Environmental environment or obstacle that they had to consider when constructing their City she also discussed the history of planning and careers in planning the seminar was a great opportunity for young leaders in our community to engage with each other and help them realize their potential in being a leader for their community no matter what path they choose Thank you thank you hello my name is Edie Pringle I'm co-chairperson of the student advisory Council and I represent academic Community enrichment to summarize the student advisory Council has had an extremely successful year serving our city in November we were able to plan and facilitate a wonderful Beach cleanup at play Linda beach with over 20 volunteers we have made exceptional progress filming and producing the new Last Dance prom video for our anti-drinking and driving campaign drink Drive die last month we also hosted our biannual youth leadership seminar in partnership with Parish Medical Center we had three professional guest speakers and workshop activities for local high school students to learn the important qualities of leadership the student advisory Council expresses its gratitude towards city council the city of Titusville and all its employees we cannot continue our service without your unwavering support the student advisory Council voted earlier this spring on the goals we wanted next year's Council to work towards in collaboration with the National Park Service the council will continue to hold its annual Beach cleanup at play Linda Beach this fall we will continue to work on producing the new the Last Dance prom video for our drink Drive die campaign project to spread awareness to teens about the consequences of driving under the influence the council will also be holding a mock city council event in the spring of 2025 the students will Shadow their chosen City employee to prepare to take over that role at a mock city council meeting this opportunity encourages youth involvement in Community Affairs and career shadowing within politics and City Service as prescribed by city of Titusville resolution number 52023 the student advisory Council discuss and prioritize two to four concerns or issues each year for this reason this year's student advisory Council suggests the following goals to be forwarded to the 2024 2025 student advisory Council for their consideration and implementation number one continue to host a beach cleanup at Playland Beach number two continue to the drink Drive die campaign project with updating the 2008 the Last Dance prom video and number three host a mock city council meeting in the spring of 2025 once again we wish to thank everyone for their support during the 2023 2024 term we wish next year's Council much success well thank you very much let's give him a big hand don't leave and I think everybody here can agree once again you present yourselves well mature professional and you're going places very very far and I appreciate you I have uh a few uh presid presentations here I have um two $750 scholarships and $1,000 scholarship you'll be able to hear me but I'm going down there to do this yeah could we have uh Richie dos Edie Pringle and Addison flake come up [Music] [Applause] city manager uh next item is item six C which is the 20 24 2025 student advisory Council membership appointments staff recommends that you confirm the proposed slate of students as members of the 2024 2025 student advisory Council as appointed by the prospective schools okay any cards on that a motion please move motion to confirm motion to confirm second we have a motion to confirm the proposed slate of students for the student advisory Council as appointed by the respective schools I have a motion and a second all those in favor say yes yes opposed they're all reappointed thank you City Manager on to item 6D which is the north Bard Commission on park and rec and North Bard Commission on park and rec semiannual report is in your packet um no action is required all right thank you very much thank you guys again appreciate it have a great rest of your school year almost all right city manager and last for boards and commission the Titusville environmental commission request for leave of absence Titusville environmental commission regular member Michael maack has requested a leave of absence from the Titusville environmental commission meetings for the months of June July August September and October and within your packet is an attached email from Mr MAAC and I believe he's present as well Mr ma anything you want to say or well it looks like half of my board's here to tell you guys to send me along so I uh I of course have enjoyed serving about 10 years I guess now on the Tec sure have and um and I've uh I hope I brought a contribution or two to the team um I'm disappointed that I can't connect in using Zoom or meeting type Communications that we otherwise use every day in business you know and that uh that I find Troublesome because I would be more than willing to I connect from my fiber optic cable at my cabin in Maine easily here um and and in the 21st century that's something that really we should be able to solve but yes I would like to continue on and it's going to be your decision absolutely I think we're gonna be just fine I'll be here for questions if I don't think you're gonna have any um any cards on this yes sir we have several Tony Shuff I'm I'm sure they're cards of support but rest assured I can speak of support as well okay Miss shiff shiff the historic Norwood house um I first met Mr MAAC through the Tec and um our mutual interest in Saving reclaiming and preserving the Indian River Lagoon and and since that time he has been so generous in his the sharing of his knowledge not just just about the Indian River Lagoon but a lot of the history of Titusville and the things that have gone on in the Land Development and crimes that have been committed against the ecology here and I think that he has so much value to the city of Titusville and and to the citizens that to not put him not keep him on that board the Tec would be a shame and I was here last year when yall debated very closely whether you were going to let him have the leave of absence or not and I would hate to see that happen again this year because the knowledge that he brings about the soil types the water and and its nutrients or lack thereof or overabundance of is so valuable and he's so willing to share with everybody keep him he's a treasure of resource thank you I uh I have to say Mr maack correct me if you're wrong if I'm if you're wrong correct me if you're wrong correct me if I'm wrong I don't recall any any debate that I recall and I don't suspect there'll be one tonight just from my own perspective there this will go quickly if we get done any other cards yes sir Tom Perez Tom Perez 302 5 South Washington Avenue um actually I was going to say all the stuff that was just said I'm but uh I'd like to ask you to approve uh Titus the tec's regular member Michael my Jack's request for five Monon uh leave of of absence uh from the Tec uh months of June through October as is stated on here uh I also request that the city make the most of our valuable Commissioners by facilitating their participation virtually in meetings when they are out of town or not able to physically be present uh make it possible for them to attend virtually uh we don't have a deep bench okay on the Tec and everybody counts everybody counts everybody brings in a piece and especially Michael you know he's just been around too long I know um so in this day and age there is no reason to not allow virtual participation of Commissioners and use all the available expertise they bring to bear on the important issues before the commission thank you thank you um gosh I'm I'll say I've said it before um I've learned so much from Mike as well we go out to the Enchanted Forest and he he puts out a lot of uh a lot of knowledge and and a lot of passion and compassion so it's been it's that that part's been my honor and and certainly I'll miss you I might not go out there in the heat without you but anyway um next card Katie Delany I would like to Echo the last two speakers um from the Tec meetings that I've been able to watch um Mr my jaac is a wealth of knowledge and um I think it would be a major detriment to the Comm if uh if he wasn't allowed to stay on it um and I would also like to Echo uh maybe the the city could look towards um letting him participate virtually as well as of course I'm going to advocate for these meetings to be recorded um all of the meetings to be recorded thank you thank you ktie next card Kristen lordy bring that for Christen lorte bravard care citizens Coalition I won't repeat everything that has been just stated I also support Mr MAAC and I was also a witness to what happened last year when it sounded somewhat precarious that his leave would be granted so I wanted to make sure that I supported him this year I would like to make sure that I uh even more precise than the Mr Perez comment about the use of remote technology and the the zoom technology for his attendance last year this was brought up and Mr Perez brought this up and the Tec approved this from my recollection the Tec approved it and it never I don't think it ever made it in front of you guys unless it was in this moment but this is where now we're going back to our the Tec being thwarted because this is now another year where this item hasn't come up and I don't just want Mr myjack to be able to be on the Tec that's not good enough we want Mr maack to be able to participate remotely so that is the petition and the Tec on the meeting just this April meeting that I personally recorded and have a copy of the Tec voted unanimously for remote participation but because these um their votes do not make it to you I'm bringing it to your attention there was unanimous vote there was also the third unanimous vote for the Tec recorded meetings the third one we're I'm I'm over 2 years now petitioning for all the Tec meetings to be recorded and I'm not satisfied with five so yeah I know you guys can do better than this and when Mr L brought it to your attention he has never ever brought the cost of just recording all of them in live streaming them I would like to know how much the talking points magazine costs the city of Titusville we can't record our meetings we can't allow remote participation but we've got glossy magazines and videos I'm not okay with that please not only support Mr maack in being on the Tec which should be a no-brainer but support the Tec in remote meeting access and live streaming all meetings please support the advisory boards in accordance with your sustainability action plan thank you thank you next the last card is Stan Johnston uh St John I'm I'm a reg professional engineer and I'm supporting Mr MAAC but I want the public to listen to this because something's going on big big serious thing that Mr maack is exposed to and you guys are not exposed to it's a big it's a big problem in fact is that's what this is right here that I have handed out to you and uh what it is is on January the 23rd is that the Tec made a motion to go to council a serious motion and there are the advisory committee Mr Mack's on that he's putting up with this and so is Mr Perez but unbelievable what happened is the staff even though they accepted the motion at the meeting on January the 23rd they never gave it to counsel never gave it to councel and I asked again went to tec again and asked for it for them to do it they would they said they would do it and didn't do it I do not think the staff has the authority to take this away from you and What that particular motion was is what I have written here and this is is not word for word what the motion was but it says is anyone in city council going to acknowledge the sewage spill September through November 2022 coming out of manholes ponding in Greenwood Street and into nine city streets as witnessed by me La Thompson and others the person who turned off the alarm and red flashing tonight at the lift station photos videotapes of sewage flowing out of manholes many witnesses and photographed on the front page of the floor today that was to go to you from Tec guess what happened staff said no it's not you're not going to hear about it what I say staff said no you're not going to hear about it do they have that Authority to to to block that I asked them I asked Mr Parish that oh sure we got the authority we can do whatever we want to is that right is that right is that right I don't think so this is what Mr maack has to put up with it and he still wants to be still wants to be on Tec I want you to understand this is a horrible situation we have in the city of Titusville when a group that you that you have chosen to advise of of problems in the city and they cannot advise you of problems do you think that's horrible it's shameful I'm asking you to do something about it and I'm asking you to keep Mr maack stand thank [Applause] you make a motion I'll make the motion but I do want to say something I was one that brought it up last year because my question to Mr maack was he's going to be gone half a year every year are we better off finding somebody who could be here all the time or not and I talked to him about it yesterday and he assured me that our alternates are always there and so we're fine so that was my question it wasn't I don't like Mr M ja I don't want him there is do we need to have somebody there on a full-time basis so um I would like to move to approve the Tec commission regular member Mike myjs request for a five Monon leave of absence second have a motion the second roll call vote member Cole yes member Nelson yes mayor diesel yes vice mayor Robinson yes member stokel yes passes unanimously thank you appreciate you you know that though all right um we are to petitions and request take two petitions and request Mike we'll see you again right I mean you're not you're not out of here no I'm not talking about now I'm talking about you're not hitting the road okay okay good we'll get together Sho Tropic Street on Thursday the Interior Department finalized a new rule that prioritizes the health of the lands and Waters the Interior Department overseas that's about 245 million Acres the new rule calls for protection of the land restoration of the places that have been harmed in the past and a promise to make informed decisions about future use based on and I quote science data and Indigenous knowledge it recognizes conservation as an essential component of public lands Management on equal footing with other multiple uses of these lands the Bureau of Land Management will now auction off leases not only for drilling but also for conservation and restoration how about that Miss sto Earth day was celebrated for the first time in 1970 Republican president Richard M Nixon established it as America recognized a crisis that transcended partisanship and came together to fix it he wrote the time has come when we can wait no longer to repair the damage already done and to establish new criteria to guide us in the future the tasks that need doing require money resolve and ingenuity he said and they are too big to be done by government alone they call for fundamentally new philosophies of land air and water use for stricter regulation for expanded government action and for greater citizen involvement imagine that and for new programs to ensure that the government industry and individuals all of us are all called on to do their share and pay their share of the cost Rachel Carson noted that man's attitude towards nature today is critically important simply because we have now acquired a faithful power to alter and Destroy nature but man is a part of Nature and his war against nature is inevitably a war against himself end of quote so I urge you Council especially member Cole member Nelson and member stokel I urge you to stop wasting taxpayer dollars suing the 82% of the voting citizens of Titusville who demand the right to clean water withdraw your appeal in the courts and spend the thousands of dollars that your legal fees are eating up on cleaning up the Indian River Lagoon stop suing the citizens [Applause] Tom Perez um ongoing taxpayer funded legal appeals have obstructed adoption of the right to clean water citizens referendum passed by 82% of Voters and most recently continued the legal action with the siding votes cast by council members Sarah stoo Jolan Nelson and Herman Cole uh I would like to make the the following citizen requests from Council request that on April 30th the council workshop at 5:00 pm be live streamed and video recorded request that the public get to speak at the beginning of the April 30th Workshop not just at the end that's occurred last year request that the public get five minutes instead of 3 minutes at the beginning of the work workshop for those that attend it especially since the community conversation was cancelled this year to hear from the public before the council discussion request every Tec meeting be broadcast due to public interest and not every other meeting as has been said before uh request that the city council insist that the city manager is accountable to the people's concerns and not just city council members who award Hefty salaries and give glowing reviews Mr L's lack of consideration or adoption of numerous citizens requests last year is not reflected in the city manager's 2023 glowing performance evaluation by council members and has two pay increases totaling $25,000 in summary the residents of Titusville deserve more accountability and responsiveness than what is reflected in these actions please consider the reasonable workshop and broadcasting requests I have presented thank you thank you [Applause] Tom um my name is Sarah hodj and um I live at 390 Sanders Lane Meritt Island um I'd like to read a statement that was presented to you um March 7th 2023 on the Strate strategic goals and objectives meeting it is C it was uh presented by uh Thomas Perez it is clear that the city must modernize its public records management system to provide that what should be easy access to desired information our neighbor city of Coco has an excellent record management system that provides a ready example of what uh Titus fil needs to make it this happen coko Bard County have board materials online the information is easily retrievable you can find revent information such as attachments of background information organized through the use of hyperlinks rather than the alternative of wrestling with an entire agenda package that may include hundreds of pages information retrieval functionality is needed the ability to search on word content and other revent indexing features such as citizen meeting comments and emails as is done in Coco and video content residents currently have to request the board packets from the clerk's office that sometimes can run over 750 Pages sorry I'm congested today this is a burden for those that primarily use smartphones who do not have adequate storage or who do not wish to interact with City staff in order to become more informed steps need to be taken to include and engage citizens in the development of performance measures and two-way communication steps need to be taken to include citizen meeting statements and comments into meeting reports the comments are valuable and they matter to everyone who does not hold themselves AB The Fray to of honest dialogue and debate to make for a better city of Titusville Coco allows residents to email written comments that are included in the meeting minutes along with attachments this helps residents feel more included in the city business I have heard that in the past there was a concern over a virus threat the virus threat appears to be disingenuous please contact the city of Coco to learn about their virus mitigation Pro procedures for presentations there have been repeated request for Tec meetings to be video recorded and broadcast every meeting TC voted on this request this past January yeah the city's first goal of broadcasting okay um can I um meetings as assigned is being met 100% year over-year for the past three years and the city awards itself a green rating citizens are concerned that our repeated requests and suggestions be included and updated in the annual performance measures and Target list performance measures are what makes the plan actionable thank you so much [Applause] records lady next up please hey brother how are you doing good how are you I'm good but yeah your name ladies and gentlemen my name is Andrew Landers and your address okay I'm here to represent to see if we could possibly do something about uh things that are going on the street of tville where uh between where Pizza Hut is on Hopkins and uh Harrison Street uh it seems like for years they have done nothing about it to switch out the lights I feel like every time I uh I'm a full-time bicyclist so every time I crosswalk on those like lights I feel like I'm going to get hit talking about the crossing lights yes sir yeah okay so I feel scared every time that I cross those lights anytime with no light there I feel like I'm going to get hit or something like that so I'm just um I just feel like I had to speak out about that well thank you for speaking out about it I'm proud of you for doing so and as we talked earlier um that would definitely be a an F dot Florida Department of Transportation but we can certainly bring it to their attention and I I'll probably go down there tomorrow and see Harrison and what uh between Harrison and Hopkins sir oh kind of take a look it's all around town too all the lights need to be checked too so it's not just that area all right buddy thank you so much I you sir hold on hold on yeah go ahead I got a couple questions can can you just uh clarify the issue that you're having is is the crosswalk coming on for you to walk safely our bicycle safely across our car still going even when they should it what what is the issue that's happening well the thing is though at this point you know since the lights are not working you're pretty much at that point where you have to make a judgment call where you're having to go through the flow of traffic where if it's going if you're in the South End on Hopkins going towards the north end where the the uh uh Transit bus is okay you're going to have to end up you know going through the flow of traffic and you're going to have to go through that crosswalk of either walking your bicycle or having to uh you know either right or across but either way the lights need to be fixed and for the crosswalk specifically yes ma'am okay thank you and it's all around TI full itself they all need to be checked honestly member Nelson so so uh could I if I could Mr May that those are ours and they are being replaced oh good okay so thank you sir motioning on that thank you are they timed off or they're not doing correctly are we just we're replacing the the poles and the overheads and the whole lighting system will be changed hey look what you did tonight good job thank you so much sir thank you at a time frame sure the the reason why they're out is there was underground damage that shorted out the entire ped for the intersection but we awarded about a year and a half the replacement of two Mast arm intersections that being one of one of the Mast arm is up now I think the contract still has about 90 days left on it to be complete so so we can get an updated schedule and make sure but that they'll be replaced with new ped poles new ped detectors everything and if you want to see the Mast arms that aren't up they're over on the property in between the post office and Bay Towers Ah that's what those are okay and what about the uh the sidewalks can we also possibly do something about that as well between on Hopkins itself oh sorry and um it's not it's all over tville where there's potholes and all that kind of you know things that are going around I know we talked about that at a most more recent meeting Uh Kevin you can give him the contractual update on those sidewalks too well for sidewalk repair purposes we can check that area out to patch up any issues with with with sidewalk issues yes please sir thank you thank you brother appreciate you all right thank you sir thank you everybody thank you very much good job proud of you that was not easy next up good evening hi I'm Rhonda Stover live at 2485 Heritage Drive I was here uh on the 9th um you have this packet in your box whether you choose to read it or not I was going to go Ahad and read it for you however I would like to say that I spoke with Mr cook he's agreed to come to my home tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. however you please excuse me Mr cook um after 20 years I find little faith that anything will be done um we want to know what's the next excuse toour we've heard the easement excuse the ride away excuse what's next on Duck for this property and this canal between our property and uh Windover Oaks um in what world is this considered completed this this is the north side of that Canal let everybody see it and what world is that completed it's not good job I or this at what world in what world is this completed this is not completed this is disgraceful I've been doing this for 20 years 20 years somebody needs to fix this I would like to also point out that there are seven FPL utility polls on the south end of many of our properties if that wall fails do the city of titus's D elction of Duty and willful neglect those utility polls will become dangerous liabilities Mr cck and Mr L if we are incorrect you would have provided proof however I have direct proof that this canal is under the direct jurisdiction of the city of Titusville and provided indisputable evidence of our claim as requested in my email to Mr cook if you have evidence at the north side of the canal is our responsibility why can you not provide proof of such claims my survey is recorded as lot 7 block 8 Country Club Heights fourth edition plattin book 17 Page 87 of the public records of rard County Florida as Titusville City officials you should have access to the same information I provided you to provided to you this cannot wait two weeks two months or two years you have the opportunity right now to end Decades of willful neglect and D elction of Duty time is now to assign your resources engineering and otherwise to this potential disaster on your watch and make us whole per Florida law I would like to know when this will take any type of priority because if you can do this at Parish Park surely you have the funds to take care of our properties and the neglect and the damage caused by such neglect if you can do this you can fix that Canal I'd suggest that maybe we um reallocate that money from this project and and do something right for the citizens for our homes and our properties what is the excuse this time Kevin you got to come in at all we won't drag this out back and forth I can't I assume you guys have talked no me and Miss St are going to meet in the morning I'm going to meet with the other neighbors and we can we can bring back information tomorrow morning 9:00 thank you that after 20 years I'm sorry if I don't put any faith in that I've been doing this for 20 years well we'll get an update on the next one I'm assuming he'll be there next up good evening Megan Moscoso dearit drive I'm also speaking to address the ongoing issues at Heritage Drive I've um I received the same information packet as an um from the neighbors of her heritage herit heritage drive as you have from the last city council meeting what is clear is that residents are seeking assistance despite their willingness to cover the cleanup cost themselves they're en counting they're encountering reluctance from companies unwilling to work on a canal not owned by the residents in an email dated October 18th 2023 Mark langdorf noted that the city does not own the canal considering it a public right away he mentioned that the city is content with the current water flow and sees no need for additional maintenance however he also acknowledged the city's ability to intervene if necessary it is evident that intervention is necessary residents are understandably frustrated they simply want the problem resolved whether it's engaging private companies or seeking assistance from the city they're hitting roadblocks failure to maintain the canal poses risks including potential wall collapses and property damage to the Heritage Drive residents I urge us to explore unconventional solutions to support these residents whether involves the city stepping in for cleanup or granting permission to private company companies action is needed so I want to thank you for your attention to this matter thank you well stated [Applause] um so may I yeah yeah yeah yeah hold on one second thank you go ahead um I'm assuming that that the back of that property on the sides of that ditch is an easement correct the EAS is on our property 10 to the line of our property anything over the wall is not our there is no easement there there is an easement yes there is on our property so you are maintaining that ease yes we're trying but we can't okay we don't own can and neither anybody in the city can tell me they say they don't own it well you do because we don't good and said today that I couldn't F that dig because I don't own it so who does my thought this is just hold on hold on we not gonna have a debate that way got is the EAS manur you're responsible for maintaining it on the nor yes ma'am so I think you need to talk to Kevin I think our responsibility is a ditch itself to keep it flowing but the sides of the ditch maybe not we're gonna end that discussion and Kevin tomorrow after you get done uh give us a report so we'll go from there I think there's going to be something learned one way the other that vation in that picture is from the canal got it all right where was I next up how are you doing St Coco Florida this is a positive bacteria test which serves as an indication that further certified testing for fecal coliform and ecoi numbers is necessary the majority of people would not be at ease swimming in a pool with this type of result this is a product of Citizen science which is used across our County by nonprofit organizations similar to M to Aid in research setting national standards obtain funding for clean water projects educating elected officials agencies and communities we use similar labs and testing methods as save our Indian River Lagoon committee and its Affiliated groups a pollution report was submitted to the FD last year which forced forced your City to start testing for eoli we didn't submit that report to the FD without having in-depth research and scientific testing the city's testing confirmed that the eoli in the area was high since you singled me out Miss Nelson last meeting I can't help but address you directly you specifically mentioned my name and it seems your intention was to mislead the people of this city the facts remain no matter how hard you tried to discredit me the fact is that there have been already five sewage bills this year we are only a quarter of the way through the year and it's not even the peak of the season for the hot and rainy weather yet the last testing the city did was October 2023 Geo conted testing as recent as February and it still shows you there's continued levels of FAL coliform and ecoli the only me mck testing that was done was in a location separated from the area that was highlighted on the news additionally there are sediments saturated with Decades of toxic pollution coating the bottom of the water that was Disturbed during the walkway construction mck buildup contributes to low oxygen levels which has several negative effects such as reducing water Clarity sea life M mortality and releasing harmful gases like methane and hydrogen sulfide when Disturbed muck carries pollution into the water column which can fuel the growth of harmful alals many times individuals may not immediately notice the health impacts of environmental exposures to things like harmful alal blums chemicals can gradually accumulate in your body over the course of several years those especially living on the Lagoon where Decades of sewage has been dumped and toxic alal blooms have occurred can increase the risk of things like alss and Parkinson's due to ongoing exposure to a alcal toxins we know that the infrastructure is outdated and falling apart and we also know that it's being worked on we have recognized that and acknowledged it but please don't risk someone else getting sick injured or worse a child becoming paralyzed we made an effort to stop that from happening and you didn't want to alarm the citizens residents from across the city are standing together staring at that walkway in utter disgust it is your job to ensure the safety of these citizens not me thank you thank you so hold on I would like to respond absolutely I would like to respond St if you don't mind when I made those comments it was not to say there are no problems in the city of Titus we have problems my statement was we're getting somewhere let's keep going and I think think mayor you said it we're not there yet nope but we're making some progress not enough not enough I would and we don't need to stop but I wasn't trying to call you out I was just saying there is a reason for you didn't call me out on anything that's the thing you slandered me so I don't I I wasn't here obviously um let me just jump in here and say stelle several times you have even tonight a little bit said some positive things some positive things are going on you pointed out I I have seen that I have you and I have met and um I've learned things every time I get a drink of water at night I think oh what's D saying don't do it but anyway that being said uh you you noted uh well we had that discussion because I I do I drink a big drink of water at night and every single time so just know I think of you but that being said um you also said that uh this is been going a decades problem decades decades and it's a nightmare to think what was going in there in the 50s and the 60s and and 70s and on and on but that being said uh yeah definitely we want to keep working on it I I'm always happy to say that the IND River Lagoon um they have sent sales tax that group called The Indian River sa lagon um they did a presentation in here last year and showed that we were number one I didn't even know that that we were number one in the uh County for completed projects with 11 and that includes the uh the big water thing down there by the hospital we're we're doing what we can do there's got there's so much more to do I said yesterday and I I mean it I'm not you know I'm not that philosophical but I in this case I am we've only got one Earth we've only got one IND the river Lagoon I get it and I get your passion and and I I I truly uh think that uh know the member Nelson gets it too so with that again thank you for thank you that um next up guys sorry about my voice we good handshake Elizabeth Baker Titusville Florida your voice is it's really bad right um I've been a volunteer of fight for zero since 2018 I have collected soil and water samples throughout this County for a p study with the universe Florida in partnership with fight for zero I've worked closely with Miss Bailey who has displayed nothing but Integrity honesty and kindness to me I have traveled to Washington DC with her to meet with members of Congress I was called To Be A Witness for her in court with an ex-employee of this city falsely accused her of attacking children I weeped with her on the sides of the shores of this Indian River as we watched hundreds of manatees die during the unusual mortal ality event that took place a few years ago I understand that you guys are desperate to change some of the reputation of this city that is often referred to as Poopville by residents and that is understandable after 7 million gallon sewage spill a lawsuit from a kid being paralyzed from your lack of warning to the public the constant stench that residents are constantly citing and suing citizens they successfully passed a constitutional right to clean water Miss Nelson your statements last meeting were not as dismissive as you think as you're trying to pull off here you addressed her directly and you said that she was devoid of facts that is not true you said also that you had received a text from somebody saying that hover Canal is clear and beautiful act as it was in the 70s and that is so great to hear I love that place it's beautiful but that is 12 miles away from the location and it's separated by land Laura Lee also texted us when I reported hundreds of dead horseshoe crabs just across the river over at Gator Creek directly across from where your bridge is that you're so proud of I don't understand what happened there why Miss Thompson told us to unreport an FWC report or why she told us that you know we might be causing a panic but we're getting two different we're getting getting two different stories from the same person because she's telling you it's beautiful she's telling me to unreport things that doesn't make any sense what I do know is that this approach of look at hover look down there at at the inlet look up there at mosquito lagon it's not working on the residents anymore maybe we should stop singling people out thank you next [Applause] up Christopher child uh Enchanted Avenue tville um I I was going to write something but every time I write something I just start r i just talk really fast so hopefully I'll just hopefully I'll be better but um I I just wanted uh to say that I think you all know that you being elected is a sacred trust between you and the citizens and I think that this this platform that you have been given is lended to you by the by the voters and that saying things up there that might not be that that are not true um is a violation of that trust and I think it it reflects poorly on on tville when those things are put out there and then there's a video on on Facebook or something about about something that someone said and that is that is attacking someone who is doing so much for the community and I know you guys do a lot for the community too and I I I hope that each one of you knows that we appreciate what you do and that I think um when you speak up we will be there to to back you up if you speak up about anyone saying anything against someone else um that is not true I think uh we all are here to back you up um for standing up to that and and as far as this goes too is the the right to clean water amendment I think you I I'll uh reiterate that is I think that you should withdraw the the appeal on that and immediately adopt that I know two of you already voted to to do that and I hope the other three join in that and and repeal um that appeal and uh and listen to the people and um respect respect that sacred trust that that you have with the citizens I appreciate it thank you thank [Applause] you hi my name is Katie Delaney and I'm running for County Commission in district one and I'm here tonight point of water Mr Mayor yeah apparently we're not allowed to talk about that stuff okay go sorry about that you're fine um thank you I uh I'm here tonight because as I've talked to Residents in Titusville um they're they're frustrated they're very frustrated because for a very long time um they've spoken up and they haven't been heard I mean we've all heard about the 4 a.m. meetings and um this right to clean water thing is a perfect example these people they asked you guys um for for this to be put on the ballot the board then refused then they did the hard work of getting 4,000 petitions signed then the council tried to stop them from putting that on the ballot then 82% of the people of Titusville voted for the right to clean water then you all sued them for constitutionality when a judge already said that it was constitutional that's why they allowed it on the ballot then you appealed it again and now you're appealing it again the people are over it we want you to start standing up to these people that are sitting in this room you are here to be a voice for the people you are not here to to bow down to staff you're supposed to be up there pushing back on them you're supposed to be our voice when I was standing there at the Earth day I had a headache the rest of the day because of the fumes there nobody's blaming you all for polluting what we're saying is just admit it admit it and and fix it that's all we're looking for just own the issues and fix it and it's not just y'all this is happening in the county this is happening in other cities we need public officials to actually stand up for the people and push back on staff that's why you're there we need you guys to step up because we're running out of time people are going to get sick people are already getting sick a kid got paralyzed what else has to happen thank you thank next up Kristen Marti Coco resident so I chose to come here tonight in particular uh to be in front of the priorities Workshop that you all have scheduled for next week so it's one week from now 5:00 pm this room it's not live streamed it's not not publicized you don't allow residents to speak at the beginning of it to hear our comments so I have encouraged public comment today because we're now a week early and if we have to do this every year because you don't aren't willing to hear from the citizens prior to your discussion we'll just plan this every year and I'd like to make a mention to member stalle that when the third appeal was I I watched the meeting with the third appeal and she said she could withdraw the appeal and we could just change this she could that that that could change at any time haven't seen it the peel is still going on so several people have already put forward things that matter to me but I'm just going to try to get through a few of them for your thoughts um there's a I will be sending you a follow-up attachment there's already an attachment in The Bard care citizens Coalition about 18 page attachment that has some of my it has your actual um performance measures for the city the FY 2024 performance measures that are missing in your board packet they're not even in your board packet but I have them they're posted online so you can find him there because you guys don't talk about him last year I wanted to talk about him I had to talk about him at the end of the meeting while you were all wondering where the metrics were for the city it was a little frustrating but nonetheless I want to go through a few points here a few minutes I don't speak as fast as uh one of the prior speakers but we're going to try so this is the you got the Titusville talking points glossy brochure here um I ritten up some citizen talking points so citizen talking points where's the two-way engagement that's 20 years strategic goalss and objectives that Miss stockle also talks about but I don't see it I don't see it in the city manager performance measures I've made several suggestions you guys don't even respond on your Facebook page to public comments where's the two-way engagement I can't even talk to the city about your own strategic planning process the city manager denied the assistant city manager denied can't talk to anybody in the city about strategic planning which I am personally interested in why aren't the city performance measures and targets online inside of my own Facebook group why can't you post those city manager said that they're too confusing really they're too confusing for who why can't the environmental commission comment on environmental metrics I personally put together a presentation the Tec liked the idea guess what thwarted never made it to your desk for approval Why can't your environmental commission comment and weigh in on the city manager environmental measures or performance measures for the entire ire city which you guys don't even know about you have 68 this year by the way 68 last year it was 55 next why aren't City Records available online like other Bard cities I I didn't I'm not done with the three minutes what happened say what now I didn't get three minutes I've been watching the clock my time isn't why did it beep did we get three minutes I I was watching it go so I'm G to go and and try to wrap it up in a minut I'll wrap it up quickly then okay I'll just I'll just literally read what I have here I'll say why aren't the City Records available online like other Bard cities why aren't important city meetings live streamed meanwhile in Titus Bill everything is Grand $25,000 annual city manager increases in 2023 $22,000 annual city manager salary perfect evaluation scores from mayor diesel vice mayor Robinson and member Co perfect evaluation scores zero accountability to the public $188,000 monthly City manager salary not a bad gig and I'll be here next week recording the meeting myself because I don't believe that you will record it but I would certainly like to hear differently thank you thank you and please put the city records online next up I thought I'd give you one parting shot before as you know I'm a member of the Indian River Lagoon Roundtable a group of scientists environmentalists lawyers and others who are concerned about the Synergy of Nature and space um we don't want to overrun nature trying to get to space basically um and I've talked to you a couple of times about things that have happened in the past like uh the SpaceX hanger that went in that had a Wastewater industrial permit request of uh I think it was like 1,600 gallons a month remember that discussion and they asked what's the big deal right it's 18 I mean they could have put in a 2-in piece of PVC pipe but instead they put an 18-inch covert you may wonder why well now I know why you see there's another environmental assessment for the building next door and they used the same EA that they did for the first one except that next door is half on wetlands and now the third building that that SpaceX is putting up is going to be used for washing their rocket Parts you might have noticed that all those boosters that keep coming back they're coated and black soot it's because they're using rp1 which is kerosene and oxygen so it's a really nasty environmental byproduct when all of it doesn't burn and this is what they're going to be washing off and now guess where that wash water is going to go right through building number two out building number one into the same storm water detention Pond except this time it's not Chiller water this is rocket wash water this is like the contaminated site we have over there on 406 and Highway 3 that we've where they were washing with tetraethyl chloride and Tec and and various other chemicals to wash the the Apollo Rockets well we've got a contamination plume over there at Marin Island because of it so now here we have a company and this seems to be Elon musk's approach is to nibble nibble nibble nibble he's going to start out with one EA where there's it's old orange groves it's not an environmental impact the next one is partly wetlands and the next one is almost all Wetlands but they use the original EA and they just make an addendum so it doesn't get advertised and it doesn't get approached so you don't know that this is what's about to happen and had we not followed those per we wouldn't have known so when it comes to I agree with us getting out of the the Planning and Zoning I may need an extra minute but we are going to have a real issue in the overall strategic plan because you don't control what the space force does you don't control what NASA does you have some input to what the county does but you don't control that either but let me tell you the space force and the the uh the crew terminal industry and the FAA they all want the same plot of land and they're all going to be running hydrogene or methane or kerosene and we're going to need fuel Depot for all of that and we don't have that either so there are changes that are happening out here that we are going to be affected by and we don't have a task force sharing that between NASA the space force the FAA and our cruise Terminals and we're in the middle of it and the resource that's going to be a problem is water because they need water for the launches and they need portable water not salt water and guess where that's coming from the same Reserve that we have here wow so consider we need to get a task force involved we need to get the league of cities involved we need to get the whole County involved because what's going to happen out here is going to roll down on Titusville like a steamroller we're going to have an environmental impact like I said I want to save nature but not destroy it on the way to space we have to find a way to make this work because let me tell you it's coming thank you brother thank you that's why you're so good who knows his stuff so may be a good reason for Mike to stay on a teec for a long time that's good stuff there I mean not good stuff but you know what I mean good information next up CH sharidan again I'd like to just follow up a little bit of what he said I moved here 1962 from Fort lale uh so I've lived here a long time when we first moved here the wildlife sanctuary was fresh waterer through the Gemini Mercury Apollo space shuttle it's brackish water mosquito lagon compared to the Indian River Banana River is Crystal Clear there's a half a million gallons of sea waterer that is used to suppress each launch that water when you heat it that hot creates chlorine bromine bunch of other chemicals as well as a super saturated salt water that according to their that I read the other day the uh Space Center uh one of the reports I have it is drained into the life Sanctuary so you know we wonder why the mosquito lagons are clear it's being chlorinated with bromine and it has a higher solinity uh it's working now but when it's it going to you know hit that breaking point where the fish die but oh yeah good point next up hey I got a quote by an ran you guys know that lady right she said this she says we are fast approaching the stage of ultimate inversion where the government is free to do anything it pleases while the citizens may act only by permission which is the stage of the darkest period of human history the stage of the rule by Brute Force this is a constitutional republic amen I think that the government officials or let me say the representatives have forgotten that and maybe we need to be reminded at some point in time right of what we are it used to be that they call you guys public servants now there's five different words in the Greek language for Servant but each one of them means that you're a slave that you're here to serve the people and all across this great country of ours the officials have lost sight of that fact and they're more concerned about the public interest or the special interests than they are the interests of the people I would pray that you today would resolve that you're going to make it your choice to serve the people who put you here y they put you here you represent them they are the government not not these people who are unelected bureaucrats these people are that's a fact according to our constitution the last time I saw and I hope you guys would act like it and keep these guys in check sir thank you thank [Music] you next up I think got to be running on folks Stan you already you already went twice uh Stan Johnson I've been five generations my family been here and I can't believe that go this is this is something I didn't show you just a few minutes ago but you've seen this before this is this is what went on the these red red warning signs this is what went on the city hall uh I went police station and and County courthouse and so forth and number of homes this was about the the uh the sewage spill that I was talking to you about that youall applauded about at the 5:30 meeting and uh in the city what they do about this and we got here's the a picture that went into Florida Today front page and the city denies all this it denies this SP spill ever happened even though I had all these warning signs I even took them to sent them to city council members and so forth and front page of the floor today and so forth so the city and also videos of it coming out of manholes and the city denies it denies the sewage spill at all furthermore the city denies the sewage spill in that was in December of 2020 that went on into 2021 they said stop December the 19th and this is one of the signs that I put up uh at the spill on December 19th this I put up on on December the 22nd it's the sewage is still going into the Indian River and then what is it back in several months later the city did says it never did not only that on Fe February the 18th in other words City said this The Spill stopped December 19th I know jolen left because she's not she don't want to hear this especially especially you don't want to hear it because of this might be on U but but but uh uh but here's what's happened on February the 18th that's a long time after this December the 19th February the 18th I got Jim Thomas Community advate to go with me over to Sandpoint Park and we watched the sewage going from Sandpoint Park going to space View Park and into the river on February the 18th the city's put a report to FD saying saying what it never happened it never happened but Jim Thomas saw it so did a police officer and so did God Divine and his crew who were constructing a containment BM they saw that sewage going into the river yet the city denied it officially denied it to FTE shame on him and this is the same sewage spill the city that this guy's got paralyzed same one I want the police officer to listen to this this is a big deal because the police are supposed to protect us also and the police what they did they arrested me without telling me what what I was doing when I was testing a sewage spill okay I think you guys ought to do something about it thank you buddy y all [Applause] right next up Tom you Tom's moving that's it all right uh consent agenda city manager okay we're on consent agenda which is uh item eight in your uh packet city council do you have any questions of staff I see none uh city council would you like to pull any consent agenda items for further discussion I see none city clerk are there any cards for consent yes we have three cards mayor I'd like to read the titles for consent agenda for the record please do consent agenda item 8A approve resolution number three 2024 commending out student outstanding students from North barard Area Schools consent agenda item 8 B approve Highway maintenance agreement resolution number 4 2024 consent agenda item 8 C approve the area 3 wellfield Transformer purchase consent agenda item 8D accept the letter of support for North Washington Avenue small area plan project proposal being submitted for the community planning technical assistance grant and have the city manager or his designate execute all necessary agreements and documents associated with the program consent agenda item 8e approved task order for Lift Station standards updates and consent agenda item 8f approve the task order for pavement inspection and assessments council member Nelson I apologize I did want to get some more information on item D if I could what are we trying to get to community planning I totally what we I guess what what is it we're getting out of the grant yeah what are we trying to get something similar to the South Street small area plan that the city completed several years ago it's more of a land use recommendation plan so we were hoping that um based on the changes that are happening in this area just north of the CRA all the way up to Parish Road which is our North Boundary along that quarter we'd like to see maybe a look at that area to see if we need to come up was some recommendations as far as what is it compatible land uses compatible zoning districts um and any other recommendations okay got it thank you uh clerk call the cards please Stan Johnston on item C andf what was that that's me no D andf no CNF CNF watch it Dan watch it okay c e and f I got you thank you okay c e and f okay it's a it's a long night it is a long night okay uh thank you for being here and U uh one of them has to do with the lift station standards and another one has to do with well filled Transformer purchase and so forth but the lift station standards update kie here's a lift station right here that same lift station right here that that I talked to somebody about what was going on there and I went over there the lift station during that sewage spill Li stations and the alarm going off the alarm's going off red light flashing everything oh my God so what happened the lady next door what she does comes out and she shut them things off and she said don't tell anybody so now the uh but here's what she also told me and she said don't tell anybody the city of to Titusville showed her how to shut those alarms off and she did it and the City of tyel now says what the alarms never went off red lights never flashing I saw them she saw them but the thing is is is when they keep going off and on and off and on and off and on during the night she can't get any sleep I don't blame her that's on Carol Avenue you know that's where your uh uh one of your sons lives so uh I don't blame him for for wanting to shut it off but then when the city denies it false night and I saw it and she admits it to me she says don't tell anybody you know there's a problem you know that sewage spill right went right into the river ay sew spill two two hurricanes Aon and what's the other one some starts with an N I think it was Nicole I think it was so anyhow so I'm I'm here is that is that I want this approved because I want you guys to watch what's going on and maybe watch your own employees too because they're not telling you the truth are you saying all three that you're talking about no this is this is about I I'm I'm I'm you you got it write that C and F okay this one is e okay now berson's an e okay you haven't talk C yet on car Avenue okay so so uh I'm for this because obviously our Water Resources has a problem with uh with what's going on and telling the truth about what's going on and telling people to to turn lift stations off and tell alarms off and then say Oh the alarms never went off that uh lift station working all the time I'm not blaming Mr cook on this cuz he wasn't there all right that's e thank you so please do something thank you thank you for your input you can Applause if you want next card Tony Shuff on items d and f d is and dog D is and dog e is in D is in dog okay D is in dog f is in fail okay start us up Shuff Tropic Street Community planning technical assistance grant funny you should ask Miss Nelson I have come to elucidate a few things for you I'm going to read from the grand announcement I know your packets are so big you probably didn't have time to really study this but I did because I was curious what is this small thing going to be so from the grant announcement from April 8th the Florida commerce press release in your packet funding to create an economic development strategy through Innovative planning and public engagement let me stress that public engagement large scale effort to cultivate local economies and stimulate aggressive economic growth for small businesses there's been a cry that small businesses are needed in Titusville and it needs to be easier to get them open Additionally the program promotes Innovative planning solutions to protect Florida's natural resources Innovative planning solutions to protect Florida's natural resources keep these things in mind as we're going to go through this Grant and this process now I'm going to quote from your city staff what they put in their Grant summary the vision goals and strategies are intended to protect existing residential areas kind of like West Titusville maybe and strategically locate commercial uses to appropriate areas maybe not concrete recycling plants out by the space Port Entry you know Tao is going to be a space launching Place more from the summary to create sustainable development patterns which are aesthetically pleasing and environmentally responsible the environment again let's be responsible for our environment so you got to keep that in mind when you're making these planning decisions and Zoning things more from the vision the grant summary the comprehensive plan calls for for the protection and and enhancement of existing neighborhoods existing neighborhoods and environmentally sensitive areas and recommends that City policies and actions support these goals everything says support protecting our environment our natural resources and yet I come to meeting after meeting where the developers come up and you grant them all that stuff to go cut down all the trees tear up all the land and on 8 I just wanted to say pavement inspection who wrote this plan for these poor guys that are going to go out in June July and August and inspect the pavement June July and August this is Florida May I remind you good catch Tony good catch Tony uh next one uh last card is Kristen lordy for items a through F let see how she handles that good evening chrisan Mar I appreciating the last commenter who brought attention to the community planning technical assistance grant I am an advocate of making the city business transparent and our County Business transparent and one of the things that I appreciate about your meeting is that the city manager does read the descriptions I have found a even better example in Bard County of the um Coco Beach meeting where they actually read the description they read the dollar amount and they read the the little blurb and I think that is actually makes the city business much more visible so I'd like to uh share for the record that uh when I did a calculation of the dollars on this consent agenda I came to about $28,000 which is kind of small given some of the uh some of the consent agendas that we see that can go into the millions but I would like to read some of the items that the city manager did not read for the benefit of the record uh and so I'm going to skip item A and D because I felt like he covered those um but on Item B the Highway maintenance agreement it says to approve resolution 42024 and the associated Highway maintenance agreement authorizing the State of Florida fot and the City of Titusville to ex execute a memorandum of agreement between the city and neot for the maintenance of State Road rights of way by the city and authorize the mayor to execute the agreement on item C Area 3 wellfield Transformer purchase the detail says that this one is to approve the use of University of South Florida electrical high and low voltage contract 2022 lots of numbers to purchase a refurbished transformer for the area 3 wellfield in the amount of$ 27,886 to electrical engineering Enterprises of Tampa Florida additionally authorized the addition of electrical engineering Enterprises to the vendor of record listing skipping item D and going on to item e task order lift station standards approve the task order to Acom Technical Services in the amount of $4,975 160 to provide a pavement inspection and assessment and approve for the mayor to execute the task order and I read those on behalf of the city because I think City should do them on myself I think you should initiate that on your own U that's a suggestion but in Li of that citizens can help to make these more visible these are dollars that you're spending their decisions that you're making that are not visible to the public and people are interested people may be watching this video and now they know more than they did before I spoke and before Miss shiff spoke so I would request that the city manager and the City attorney um do the entire thing but I'm here to help out tonight thank you thank you for your assistance thank you Kristen um any other cards no sir I take a motion on the consent agenda member Nelson move to approve consent agenda items a through F got a motion to approve the consent agenda from Member Nelson second got a second from Member Cole roll call vote member Nelson yes mayor diesel yes vice mayor Robinson yes member stokel yes s Cole yes uh consent agenda passes unanimously city manager we are now on 9 C remember uh uh A and B were both withdrawn smallscale comprehensive plan SSA application number 3-2020 the liberman multifamily and the City attorney will read the two ordinances for the record uh prior to reading the titles I'll go through the Quasi judicial proceedings during the public hearing portion of this meeting anyone wishing to speak on a quasi judicial item must first sign a public hearing agenda card and sign the oath contained thereon these cards are located on the table at the entrance to the chamber if you have photographs sketches or documents that you desire for the city council to consider they must be submitted into evidence and will be retained by the city please submit such exhibits to the city clerk city clerk of all persons wishing to speak before the city council signed an oath card swearing to tell the truth the full truth nothing but the truth yes all individuals that have submitted a card to speak has signed the oath staff and applicant please ensure that witnesses that intend to speak have signed an oath card swearing to tell the truth full truth of nothing but the truth if there's anyone present who has not signed an oath card that does wish to speak on a quasi judicial item please submit a card at this time city clerk have all agenda items been properly advertised yes sir in the event that a council member member has received an exart communication either verbal or written outside of this hearing the council member shall disclose the identity of the person group or entity with whom the communication took place and the subject of the communication including all opinions or facts discussed any written communication must be disclosed and made a part of the record also in the event that a member has conducted an investigation or site visit or received any expert opinions regarding the Quasi judicial item said visit or opinion shall be disclosed closed so at this time if there's anything to disclose it would be appropriate Council any um well go ahead vice mayor no I was uh looking at this and I I understand it pretty well and it's U basically as it was discussed on last week or last two weeks is uh basically is they want to not change very much other than the um the recourse to uh feel in and move the water from one place to the other is basically understanding and with that have you uh having any conversations right any discussion with people concerning this that would affect your decision no okay uh member Nelson I spoke to a gentleman and his wife his name's Tom I cannot remember his last last name last Wednesday their concern was not directly related to this but it's something we'll probably have to answer in the future they live behind the Wetland and what they were saying to me is that the water already if it's a good storm they're flooding uh if it's a hurricane they're flooding they're concern is we have this project and I guess we have another project proposed for Singleton and 405 and one across the street and their concern is all of that water flows toward a lake which is next to their house um I I did Express to them tonight's not the night to bring those problems uh up uh they made be here later on but tonight's not the night but I wanted to tell you so at least you're aware of it and so as you move forward you might want to think about that member Cole nothing nothing and I'm nothing okay for the public um as was just described this is small scale comprehensive plan amendment number 3 2024 liberman multif family this will include clude two ordinances ordinance 10 which will be a comprehensive uh plan in Lish change and ordinance 11 which would be a zoning and I will read the titles to both ordinances at this time ordinance 10 2024 an ordinance of the city of Titusville Florida amending the code of ordinances by amending ordinance number 60 1988 which adopted the comprehensive plan of the city of Titusville by amending the future land use map by changing the land use design ation on approximately 9.21 plusus Acres of property located east of South Street South rout 405 and across from Swan Lake Drive having Bard County partial ID numbers 22 35 8002 and 22358 00257 from the conservation low density residential and highdensity residential future landage designations to the conservation and highdensity residential future landage designations and providing for effective date ordinance number 11 2024 an ordinance of the city of tville Florida amending ordinance number 5 1993 of the city of Titusville by amending the zoning map made a part of set ordinance by reference by changing the open space and Recreation o General use gu and multif family high density residential R3 zoning districts to the open space and Recreation o and multif family high density residential R3 zoning districts on approximately 9.21 plusus Acres of property located east of South Street South Route 405 and across from Swan Lake Drive having Bard County partial ID numbers 2235 8002 and 2235 8257 and providing for an effective date the Planning and Zoning commission acting as the local planning agency recommended approval of the land use change as presented 52 one member was in opposition because there was too many items not addressed the plan zoning commission acting as local plan agent recommended approval of the rezone change as presented 61 the applicant is requesting a small scale comprehensive plan Amendment with rezoning to correct the future land use map and the zoning designations on a property to reflect the submitted Wetland survey and construct a multif family development with up to 169 units using R3 zoning District development standards the property lies east of the intersection of South Street s State Route 405 and Swan Lake Drive generally in the vicinity of the entrance of Swan Lake Estates residential manufactured home park Mr Glendo is here to give you a presentation and answer questions that you may have on this one uh yeah in a nutshell for everybody out there um because there's always a confusion about what we're approving what we're not approving what exactly are we going to approve tonight if we approve anything tonight what are we looking at tonight yes sir thank you mayor and good evening uh council members so what you would be approving tonight is a change to the city's comprehensive plan future land use map and change to the resoning map and it would be based on the uh Wetland survey that was provided our the city's comprehensive plan um States on uh let me go to page 129 the staff's findings future land use element uh let's see strategy 1.16.2 states that when the city receives a wetland delineation on specific sites the delineation will be accepted by the city of Titusville on the future land use map will be amended accordingly so what we have currently is a guesstimate of where the um line is on and that would be our existing future land use map back in the 80s the city proposed uh or adopted the fut Wetlands National Wetlands inventory map across the city applied this national scale of where wetlands are um and it wasn't ground truth data so now we have ground truth data and the comp plan says that we will amend our boundaries correcting where the conservation future land use lies based on this new data so on page 140 of your agenda packet this is the summary of what would be changed at the top of the property there's in yellow uh two polygons that are shown as that are currently in the low density residential future land use category and on the Wetland survey those were shown to be wetlands so the applicant is requesting to change that from low density residential to conservation to be accurate with the the Wetland uh survey the areas shown in green are currently zoned R3 which allows up to 15 dwelling units per acre but according to the Wetland survey those are actually wetlands and so the request would be to change that designation to remove the development rights or to change the designation so that it would no longer have the right to develop at 15 units per acre in those wetlands and instead replace it with the G and the conservation future land use again making it more consistent with the Wetland survey and then the areas in red would be changed from open space and Recreation to the R3 which is our our high density residential so uh there's a net change here where some portions of the property are going to have U more density because they are actually Uplands and some will have less density because they were shown to be Wetlands what we're doing tonight is correcting the boundaries of where the wetlands lie and uh accordingly adjusting the conservation future land use boundary okay Council no questions mayor if I could clarify for the public this item c as we said has two ordinances you will vote on each ordinance separately however when speakers speak they'll be speaking to this item as one item so when they have their three minutes to speak it' be appropriate to address your comments as to both ordinance 10 and 11 member stok yep um thank you for that summary Eddie can you um just summarize too because this is our second time having this uh applicant come forward with a change can you explain what the change is from last time to this time yes ma'am so you're referring to the application back in November of last year where the applicant had instead of just requesting a change to the boundaries of the conservation future land use to map with um to to accurately reflect where the Wetland boundary is to instead ALS back in November the application included a portion of the Wetlands which would have allowed for additional filling of wetlands and so that application was denied by Council and the request tonight is just to correct the boundary of where the wetlands are so uh that's the the the the change is there was additional land area shown as Wetlands on the Wetland survey that would have had uh additional development rights thank you and then um just to follow up with that on P thank you for the summary on page 140 so just to clarify like you said a net change so some of it is going from R3 to now o and then some of it's going the reverse um just based on now the ground truth thing yes ma'am all right thank you anything else Council uh anything else yes sir all right then we will call cards right um we have the applic oh applicant yeah I forgot I thinking he was like the applicant all right uh yes please applicant then cards then applicant thank you Mr Mayor and city council uh my name is Bruce Mo with mbb engineering representing the applicant uh practice in Melbourne Florida um we are changing uh we're we're correcting uh a what was done before where the city would take o old maps that were done overall maps and say okay the wetlands we think are here so this is where and this is where the Upland are and that's where we're going to draw the uh zoning lines we we've gone in ground through that and now we know that that's not the case or so we have high density residential land use in Wetlands so we want to correct that we want to take that out so we are only asking to change 1.42 acres to high density residential but we're changing almost eight acres into conservation so it's a lot more going into conservation than there is going into high density residential so it is um a benefit for the conservation by over four times uh more conservation so uh your codee in land use requires us to to make this change because it was incorrectly zoned in land use so we simply want to get that corrected so that we can move forward to the next step um we're not doing any engineering at this point in time that'll come later but we will comply with all kinds of drainage we you know by Florida statute by Florida Administrative Code by city of Titusville code by St John's Water Management code we cannot negatively impact uh other properties uh for flooding so we we would not do that well let councel anything no questions okay thank you up come we'll bring you back up at the end call the cards please the last card is Stan Johnston I think I'm the first you're the first and last okay first and last thank you okay Stan Johnson uh I'm supposed to uh tell you of any conflict of interest well I I know the Mr morya and I used to work for his uh his dad and then I worked for him and then I left uh but it was on Good Grounds um but uh uh I want to say is Mr Moy he's he's a good engineer and I've known him for some time and and I think he's going to do the things right and I've I've looked at this presentation and often times you know I I find problems that y'all don't like to hear so I'm going to tell you about all the problems I hear about this project I haven't heard any so uh I'm I think it's okay and uh I believe he's going to do good because uh he's already done this project next to Park Avenue Baptist Church and uh he's doing some other projects and I feel like we want to encourage Mr Moya to work in this in this in Titus field because he's we need Engineers to do some good good work here so thank you thank you Stan thank you Mr moer any other cards Mr Moya if you wish you can follow up good point um council member Nelson move to approve ordinance number 10- okay go ahead sorry don't mess this up go ahead 2024 amending the code of ordinance ordinances by amending ordinance number 60-1 1988 which adopted the plan for the city of Tao by amending the future land use map by changing the land use destination um from conservation low density residential and high density residential future land use designations to the conservation and high density residential future land use designations with uh we have a motion second I have a second m second for member Cole roll call vote mayor diesel yes vice mayor Robinson yes member sto yes member Cole yes member Nelson yes passes unanimously thank you guys very much city manager you got one more resolution that's what I was going to remind you that you have two votes I apologize for the interruption uh Mr Cole has offered to do the next uh I move ordinance number 11 2024 amending ordinance number 5- 1993 of the city of Titusville by amending the zoning ma made a part of said ordinance by reference by changing the open space and recreational General use and multif family high density residential zoning districts to the open space and Recreation and multifam high density residential zoning districts on approximately 9.21 plus or minus Acres of property located east of South Street and across from Swan Lake Drive having Bard County parcel ID's numbers 22358 002 and 22358 00257 and providing for an effective date second sure you got that right mem Cod no you people can't read that you want to do it again no got it got on the second uh vote we have a motion from Member Cole a second from Member Nelson roll call vote vice mayor Robinson yes member stokel yes member Cole yes member Nelson yes mayor diesel yes passan now City Manager on to ordinances first reading you have two tonight uh ordinance number 12-2020 uh repealing the code section number 12 13 restrictions on parking recreational vehicles and other vehicles on public public lands at certain times this is the first reading of ordinance number 12-22 City attorney will read the ordinance for the record ordinance number 12 2024 an ordinance of the city of Titusville Florida amending the code of ordinances by amending chapter 12 miscellaneous offenses by repealing section 1213 restrictions on parking recreational vehicles and other vehicles on public lands at certain times providing for incorporation into the code providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances providing for severability and an effect Ive date okay um councel cards one card Stan Johnston pass good job um anything staff wants to add this is the first reading there will be no motion and no vote city manager onto item uh uh 10B sorry the ordinances number 13 2024 providing regulations for night parking in public spaces this is the first reading for ordinance number 13 2024 the City attorney will read for the record ordinance number 13 2024 an ordinance of the city of tville Florida amending the code of ordinances by amending chapter 20 traffic and Motor Vehicles section 2058 G to regulate overnight parking on public property providing for incorporation into the code providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances providing for severability and an effective date I want to advise Council passed out um copies of this ordinance that show a couple of changes from the ordinance that was in the package there's slight changes to subsection two U as drafted where it says no person shall park or leave unattended any motor vehicle that now says no motor vehicle shall be in any public park um on the third line down the phrase during overnight hours has been amended to read from Sunset to Sunrise so rather than saying overnight hours it specifies from sunet to Sunrise all right thank you uh Council no yes no all right go ahead I know that uh this is in preparation for future things and um we just uh as we do this and I think it's a good thing as we move forward uh we still have to find places uh people to go I agree member stal yep just to reiterate that um for the public this is in response to a recent legislation that has passed um so I appreciate the proactiveness from staff and to Vice mayor's Point um this has been a topic of discussion specifically with the league of cities especially with the nonprofits that show up at our Le of cities meetings um that hopefully I I think our hope is that there will be Partnerships that will be formed from this legislation that um progress can be made all right call cards St Johnston uh Stan Johnston and uh I'm concerned about some things that are going on because uh sometimes police activity gets to be a little bit uh over uh ambitious uh I mean someone someone is tired and they and they go to the side of the road and they Park their car and they take a nap and then they're arrested someone else goes that and does the same thing and they get arrested while I was in jail one guy what he did was he parked his car and he went to sleep and he was arrested and put in jail and he's in jail for I don't know how long H I think we're going crazy some of this is just going really crazy the fact is is my understanding is is that is that um you park your car and uh uh and let's suppose you fall asleep and you have a drink of of beer or anything something like that and you could be arrested for drunk driving even though you didn't you you took drinks after you stopped the car and you went sleep yeah and charge the drunk driver the guy who gave me his bed in jail that's what happened to him wow could be that's horrible he's so embarrassed he can't he's been in jail for I don't know how long and he's he can't bring to to himself to tell his girlfriend he's in jail he's in different state right now so um uh uh I I have some um what he got some sympathy and and I'm looking for you guys to have some grace and mercy and somehow in awarding these things so that like for example I think he said from sunrise to sunset well the thing is that if I'm in if I'm in my car and I fall asleep for let's say 4 hours because I have to I have to get up and then go to the cape at 3:00 in the morning or 5:00 in the morning I don't want to be woken up and arrested and so forth like that so please have some consideration about what's going on in this world because it seems like sometimes the police don't have a lick of sense stop in what they're doing that's what I've seen just like you know I was arrested I was arrested wasn't even told what I was arrested for after working for the city all these years and so forth veteran and space Cur curen all right you're leaving the topic okay so anyhow some so do some consideration on this thing think about what's going on all right thank you yep anybody other card one more card Tony shff Tony shff chuo Tropic Street I spoke with several um I spoke with several people on City staff and about this because I thought it was kind of a coincidence that this was coming up as the Supreme Court is addressing the um they're not calling it homeless they're calling it the people without housing unhoused people anyway I just wanted to point out that um this kind of reminds me of the tiny house um regul ordinance that y'all passed kind of shot yourself in the foot you're going to allow tiny houses but somebody's got to have a big enough property that they can have five of them and they got to be on blah blah blah blah don't overdo it I want to I want to Echo stand because the ordinance it says in there you can't be parked for more than two hours sometimes I go to the Aldi and I can spend two hours and and I know that's not public property that's a private parking lot but it's very easy to get distracted sometimes and be parked longer than two hours and I think that what we need to do is not allow the people to come and camp on the River from one launch today to the next one on Thursday you know because they're so frequent now I understand that it there needs to be some Reg regulation but don't over regulate so that some poor slob that has driven up here from some has driven down from Atlanta to see a launch and gets here and the launch has been put off for a couple of hours like they often do and he's sitting there somewhere parked in public snapping in his car and gets arrested for being parked longer than two hours I think you need to be very careful and not shoot ourselves in the foot when we make these ordinances that are trying to keep people in line don't don't keep the line so that you got my drift I mean you know there's some thoughts there some thoughts there mayor I would just like to clarify that yeah please do the two hours is an existing code that only applies to trailers and mobile homes is it only tra see it wasn't clear I read that number that's section one which is not being changed that's always in the code I know I I read and I looked up I looked through the Mooney cord and it wasn't very easy to get to find I I kept putting in CL the two hours is only to trailers and mobile homes AP parked on public land you know so if you're that's the only two hours put what if I what if I had the trailer what if I had my brother's trailer behind my pickup truck and I'm parked over there a little bit longer than come on Public public land not private property well the Street's public land right so so on street parking is is a 2hour limit right let make sure you're in the street I know it's existing code but you know maybe we should look at that too got you oh perfect timing next card yellow cards okay um that is a uh yeah that's a first reading so there's no motion no vote city manager yes sir there's no old business we're on item 12a which is the FY 2024 midyear budget review and financial update through uh city of Titusville code requires city manager to furnish an in-depth analysis of the budget and financial conditions of the city at the midpoint of each fiscal year through the midpoint of FY 24 revenues continue be on track consistently with the budget expectations including the state shared revenues finance will continue to monitor closely and notify the city council for if further adjustments are necessary uh Terry Butler and team will provide you a presentation and staff has recom men in that you approve the FY 2024 midyear budgetary change request for general fund and general Construction in roads and streets Enterprise and other funds and authorize one new FTE and approve the associated budget amendments and Terry here you go mayor council thank you for being here thank you sir uh this is your fy2 24 midyear budget update uh we're going to go through can we put the there you go thank you U I'm just going to reiterate a couple of things about the city's Vision uh Titus fills are growing in diverse community of Hometown neighborhoods built among natural Treasures for fostering civic pride family activities and Community Services of course the mission the mission statement through team and through teamwork and Leadership the city of tville provides essential services to improve the quality of life for our community this is the Strategic goals and objectives that you set last year these will be added in the coming weeks but I wanted to just show them so that you have a reference to them at this meeting tonight we're here because of city ordinance code that says the city manager shall furnish an in-depth analysis which you'll get tonight and uh the budget for the midyear point which is March 31st which is just passed the finance department monitors fund level revenue and DEP and Department level expenditure Trends through September 30 this is the midyear review the operating departments analyze line and and budget Appropriations and are responsible for managing their budgets to the bottom line at this point all funds are managed to the bottom line and with an acceptable limits FY 24 revenues as of March 31st revenues are on track they will meet our estimated budgets and I do believe that they may even exceed we're also continuing to closely monitor all revenues and believe we will meet the budgeted expectations the current year Revenue remains on track I do believe we will exceed them you'll see that in one of the coming slides departments are managing their expenses to the bottom line staff continues to improve Services through organizational realignments continuous city-wide Improvement initiatives are progressing and the fy2 24 budget will remain in Balance after these amendments for the general fund you can see that there is an overall budget of 55 m226 or 55 mil 22695 of which we have received just over 31 million which leaves us a budget right now of 56.5 which means we're 6.5% over our estimated budget at midyear the expenditures for the general fund same budget receiv received just over 27 m5600 which means that 49.8% which is right on target at midyear we're going to talk specifically a little bit about State shared revenues which make up about 8.5% of the general fund budget these revenues lag 2 to three months they're at 38% however uh that is in line with all the revenues that we were seen in the prior year so that is a targeted number for this time of the year this is the proposed adjustments uh the city council is requested to approve one new FTE for a laboratory technician in the water and sewer division also you can see under general fund there are several items here I'm going to kind of summarize them for you the first five items are related to Public Safety overtime and benefits and also uh miscellaneous types of operating supplies and some Capital items that come in at just under $300,000 there's one item in here for HR for job fair recruitment materials and then the last three items are for Community Development they are also affordable housing uh inclusion area zoning and linkage fee study a special event permit process Improvement and a zero a vision zero plan those are at 170,000 continuing on with the general fund we have uh several items for impact fee study the Annex Building Plumbing and Supply cost increase and supply cost increase for roads and streets we have two items that are overtime for public works and then we have uh two items that are there for city council consideration and I'm going to ask the city manager if you want to discuss those now or if you want to wait till later okay so those two items are included in this budget amendment just to let you know so the total for the general fund then is $746,000 we have also several other funds that need to have some midyear adjustments one of them is General construction you can see it's 555,000 for City Hall HVAC improvements and for the public works complex there's 2.9 miles of additional Road resurfacing included that would be $500,000 under the roads and streets fund storm water utility is requesting $72,000 for overtime and cost Supply increases and then Solid Waste is asking for $139,000 for overtime and supply cost increases under the water and sewer fund these are mostly several items that are related to uh unanticipated cost increase along with additional testing that's needed there is also in here a temporary training oper operational specialist contract for Water Reclamation that's a $61,000 and this does include the onetime FTE that is being requested at 50% of the year that total for water and sewer is 1,134 356 this is a summary of all the funds together you can see I've broken them down into the major fund requests and then the smaller funds are just uh cumulative uh the total request is 3,1 14716 there is sufficient funds to cover all of these requests at this time and that that's the total amount uh we're going to move into expenditures a little bit at the sixth month of course we're at 50% of the Year based on the actual expenditures by fund all departments continue to manage to the bottom line all are within their FY 24 bottom line budget and they will still be balanced after this uh request for Budget adjustments as the city manager said we're going to ask you to approve the midyear budgetary change requests for the general fund General construction roads and streets Enterprise and other funds and we're going to also ask you to authorize the one new FTE for a laboratory technician of water and sewer and if I could at this point uh mayor and councel we'll pause because uh the next few slides are all about fy2 preparation so is there any um discussion that you would like to have on the FY 24 midyear adjustments to date I would ask not a complicated or a deep question but perhaps Kevin looks like there's um overtime in a lot of areas is is that something due to hurricanes or is that something because you know you get a lot of different overtime times you think are we planning enough hours for things you know what I'm saying so give me a quick summary on what the overtime looks like no most of our over time is attributed to open positions so work is extended to five days a week instead of four because we have vacancies in all divisions so so we have overtime overrun that that will be offset in the future by some savings on open positions but oh I am glad I asked um and you'll you'll find that in other departments as well there's vac and we we're ping hard to fill them but yes sir it's not a unique problem for City and Walmart or anywhere else they're just short on on employee sometimes okay thank you very much member Nelson um I had talked last time about taking some of the arpa money and allowing the Boys and Girls Club to use it um specifically my interest was the swimming program because I sort of felt like all the kids needed to know how to swim lowincome low socioeconomic kids they need to know how to swim also um my question though is we took the money from the arpa funds which were going to a youth enrichment program and we turned it into PVE it so I don't no actually ma'am what we did is we moved it into a construction project project this is all general fund uh in the mid year adjustments okay so your arpa funds that that this has nothing to do with arpa right right so we put this in there but my question to council is and I don't know if this makes a difference it says for a swimming program do we want to make it for a summer enrichment program um does that make a difference this was your request and the dollar amount is the dollar amount that you requested right so the dialogue that you should have is with city council what do you want that to go to right I think that's what I'm trying to do so that's that's my question um and miss Harvey is here so she can answer other questions most of the money that we spend for the swimming program is actually the transportation it's not we're doing the swimming program at w um they're not charging a whole lot for kid but the transportation to get them there and back is costing uh we are also turning around and every year we take them to the dinosaur store which is my favorite to the warbird museum um to the Space Center to the visitor complex do we want to do it more as a summer enrichment program where we're covering those Transportation costs I understanding that you want to name the designation for these dollars the $10,000 that is that is being allocated you want to name them for a specific purpose well for say a summer enrichment program what what you name the program is fine right right member stok um mine's separate from that so I don't know if can I have my discussion now or do we want to finish this one first yeah let me see what what we where we're going with this so is this the time we're going to be shifting things around yes sir yeah so I have some and uh member Cole I just want to understand what you're saying you want to change the nomenclature or the amount the nomenclature okay yeah she all right yeah I I just looked at it and I sort of went um because they do a lot with the kids in terms of taking them out to the community I know Miss Thompson has offered to take 40 kid 40 kids to the aquarium which you know I'm not sure I want to be involved in that but 40 kids is a lot okay there would be those kind of things yeah I'm okay U member so okay um so to clarify the I'm looking on page uh 188 of the packet that list that we have it looks like our anticipated revenues are higher so we have an extra 3 million um at this point um when we go through the budget process every year we have that unfunded list our a lot of what's on this list from pulled from that unfunded list that we don't fund during our budget process some of them are yes we reached out to departments and ask them to send us some of their unfunded priorities for this going into it and some of that is included here okay what we tried to do is have non- reoccurring so um that list at $14 million of unfunded is non-recurring items okay overtime is a non-recurring item in this budget year okay and that's I think leading into as we're about to start the budget process again I want us to pay careful attention I think to that unfunded list because I do appreciate us building our budget very conservatively um obviously I think my ideal would be to lower taxes as much as possible since we do have this excess I think the things that I appreciate on here and I I think our top priority for me are the public safety elements especially as we're growing um for the safety of our citizens and then the quality of life um I really appreciate the roads on here the additional road paving um again I think as we're growing I I think we could all agree I think from our discussions before um infrastructure and water and sewer um legon consistently is a top priority for us every time we do the budget um I mean we saw it here today it's a concern um both the Lagoon and drinking water anything that we can do for those improvements that's kind of where my mind goes with our extra money um and then other things that I've been thinking is our corridors I know we've talked about it and then getting better signage um that's one I really would like to see us maybe invest in I was over at 95 in Garden Street I mean and that whole Corridor was just a bunch of trash and I'm sure there's other issues there but if we have excess money I would like to see some of our funds going to kind of beautifying our city um and then I I'm not sure if this would come out of our budget or how this would work out but again the ongoing uh issues I'm seeing in mostly the CRA with trash pickup and it being picked up more frequently I don't know if that's a cost that we will take on if uh the tenants or the restaurants would pay more of that but I'd like to see that get resolved so um you remember you reviewed the cra's uh prelim budget and there's two additional FTE being included in that yes okay I just want to make sure those when we're looking at this budget where my priorities are where I would like to see our funds go to yeah and to follow up on your question too about reoccurring the reason why we broke up the 1 FTE it's laboratory technician as a separate item so that you can see that that is a reoccurring that's an employee that will be now employed so it's a reoccurring expense okay and member St I generally would agree I think the word infrastructure is the most one of the most important words the other thing is uh decrease in taxes I think we we've done all we can over the years to keep it tight but if we have an opportunity to come out with a tax decrease I think that's huge but at the same time I also realize we don't want to uh you know it's a balance between that decrease or if we can get there and services and you just noted I know it's the CRA part but where we need increased uh trash pickup we need to try to work on that uh we are going to I understand pave more miles of Road this year than in the past and certainly the Indian River Lagoon and all that go with it including infrastructure with a $9 million uh sore project um that's a lot but that's when we're sitting here trying to say we're going to do this that and the other this you got to be careful where we go with all that but um I think that's coming um anybody else have a comment okay so where are we sitting right now are we wanting to change what you the uh nomenclature yeah and that's it that's it um how do we go about that um I think the two additional um areas that for council's consideration are the boys and girls club which was listed as swimming and I I'm listening to what you're saying as a title and then the second item for discussion would be the police Hall of Fame police Hall of Fame for 50,000 that's right yeah so do do we put that in a motion or how's that work or need cards or just if you want to approve those as part of this I I want you to be aware that those are part of your mid your adjustments member Cole I was just going to piggy back on to what city manager said because I I wanted to try to make sure the police Hall of Fame got the 50,000 in for their construction sir that is in there so if I understand you correctly we're going to name instead of doing it the Boys and Girls Club swimming we're going to call it summer enrichment program for children and then we're going to also that is included and the police Hall of Fame torch event that is also included at 50,000 that is part of this packet thank you yeah and and because this wasn't staff initiated this is was council's recommendation so that's why it's included as such so um if you want to go ahead and we'll finish the presentation and come back take cards and take a vote okay and that we've got the adjustment we needed to make and that okay all right see all right so we're going to move into the 25 budget prep uh it's well underway we've got a lot going on we have a new budget manager it's Tammy wayer she's right behind me right here so she's picking up some training tonight uh the job uh the object is to build a Balan budget we try to keep our budget has to stay balanced every minute of every day and it's no different when we're building a new budget as we put it together we want to make sure that we follow your strategic plan we will be following the new plan that you'll be putting together in the coming weeks uh when we build the budget and we're also going to fund the city's operational needs uh we're going to continue to look at the Citywide culture and continuous process improving the use of lean stick Sigma and the performance measurements that we have put together for you we're also going to allocate resources to align to the fiscal year 25 strategic goals as we mentioned and those are directed by you we're going to continue to pursue Economic Development opportunities through the use of ADV prudent use of advolum and other economic incentives and we're going to invest in our committed employees professional development by providing opportunities to participate in best practice training and opportunities part of the uh 25 budget build is also to continue to evaluate and adjust employee compensation and benefits to attract and retain a best in quality Workforce we're using a 3.0 cost of living percentage uh for this budget build that is the directive from the city manager we're going to continue to use examine and use effective health insurance plans and policies to address the cost uh I I am told that there will be some increases in health this year we're already getting those budget numbers together we're going to use The Five-Year Plan per for to preparate the 25- year operating budget the city manager has given a directive of 8% for FY 25 and then 7% for the next four years out so it's a it's a long look that taking a look at operational costs and it's quite effective when we put it together we're going to adjust current Staffing levels where there is an identified critical shortfall we're going to focus on operating budgets on the near and Midterm critical Capital requirements Public Safety enhancements we're going to look at public Outreach and infrastructure Improvement projects including roads utilities it and public facilities we're going to maintain the general fund emergency and stabilization Reserves at the legally required limits we're going to continue to address liabilities and debt by funding OPB and we're also going to encourage managed growth by using low impact development principles as a mean of developing an attractive build environment while protecting and conserving our natural resources okay so that's I'm one behind on the slide so that's what we are for up to the what's next you can see the calendar that we have up up there um we're all set of course we have the meeting next week for the Strategic goals that will be coming up and if you have any questions about any of this and you can let me know otherwise it's it's open for you guys well presented easy to understand which isn't always the case easy to understand couple little changes uh Council anything else you want to add at this point how many cards do we have I have one card okay um okay call the card we have two cards okay um Stan Johnston Stan Johnston I have an interest in this I I I certainly would like this uh the kids to get uh training for swimming there's just too many drownings I'm a swimmer and uh I found that uh the state of Florida is backward compared to up north where I'm where I'm from I mean we had swimming pools up there and then when I came down here we didn't have a YMCA we didn't have anything and in in a big city like this it's incredible so um I'm uh this the the the in far as I'm concerned in the PE programs in the high schools are backward compared to what I'm from up North true a bunch of kids don't even have to dress out they don't even have to dress out they don't have to participate I never heard of such a thing but anyhow that's that's one thing I'm I'm for I don't know how yall going to do the other things I'm asking for as far uh as far as the training of our kids but um uh I'm looking at this uh $130,000 um overtime shortfall um for related benefits police and also the fire we've got how many police officers here anyone count them there's 1 two three four one out in the highway five and I I'm not sure of the guy in the blue shirt but how many police officers do we need to have a council meeting sometimes you know when when I've been taken out in the hall I've got I've got five police officers taking me out in the hallway and I've been told by by a police officer says we're here because of you Stan Johnson that you're such a threat that we have to have all these police officers here I'd like y'all to save some money I don't know maybe you can save some money maybe you can shoot me that that would save a lot of money uh it would but the thing is is right now is I'm I'm H I'm having so much harassment so many other people by the T Titusville Police Department you could save a lot of money by they don't have to be doing that I'm not doing anything problem you don't have to have all these police officers here I don't even know what two firemen are here either so um this this is a big deal $130,000 for the police in other words overtime shortfall for the police I think the city manager he's got he's got really en tight with some people the police officers making sure they're making good money that's what I hear that's the Scuttle but that I hear I don't think it's right so uh uh let's let's try to save some money and um uh uh not for example you didn't have to raise his his feet to $225,000 either so uh uh some of this I like some of it I don't but you can you can do some savings and budget this is almost like hiding cost when you come come mid year and you put this stuff in didn't it didn't come in the in the budget these addendum to the budget addend the budget how much $3 million woo thank you thank you Stan next card Kristen lordy hi chrisen LTE Coco resident so when I got the budget pocket for this meeting it was only at 239 pages I thought wow that is a skinny pocket for Titusville and so as I was listening to this agenda item seeing the presentation delivered I said I don't know if that presentation is in that agenda packet guess what it's not there there is one single page it's page uh what is page one single page in the agenda packet for item 12a and and item 12a is fiscal year 2024 midyear budget review but you're also already getting a jump start on FY 2025 budget preparation there's one single sheet and it's a slide with the numbers in it that's actually in the packet I just find that disingenuous I don't understand why the budget materials aren't in the budget packet um I think the public should have been made available those materials so um I I can request after the fact but now you're taking votes you have the workshop coming next week you're already spending money on FY 2025 and some people might have wanted to understand your priorities before taking a vote to know how they feel about the vote that you're about to take so I just find this very surprising um and I'm quite disappointed that this is how you're going about the budget the midye budget review and uh not including all the materials for the benefit of the public and then also this Advanced approval for FY 2025 when your actual discussion is scheduled not for a week from now so I object to that and that's all I'll say thank you thank you Kristen stand with the hand um member stokel yep just to clarify we are just approving the midyear budget we're not doing anything with 2025 toight that's correct we just put uh 2025 in there for your understanding and uh we presented that those items to you in January so it's a review of the items I did make an adjustment to the cola based on the economic environment that's what I got on we just adjusting thing based on what the actual cost has been up to this particular yeah this is not a a budget hearing yeah and then um before we do that vote speaking of 2025 um I did receive a list of state Appropriations um they still could potentially be vetoed but um as we're looking into our next budget cycle I do want to request that we apply for State Appropriations there were seven cities within Bard County plus Bard County that received State appropriation so we're talking about trying to reduce taxes if we're able to get a state appropriation or at least apply apply for one um that may help us to be able to do that so that would be my request so along those lines we didn't get the appropriation for scoby Park to demu it but it would be wonderful if we could do some appro rations or requests for Appropriations for some of the demucking scobby park and that area between the parks which I guarantee has mck in it oh yeah definitely I'm sure just that would be my requests um any other comments Council all right we want to make a motion on that excuse me approve the FY 2024 midyear budgetary change request for the general fund General construction and roads and streets Enterprise and other funds authorized one new FTE and approv the associated budget amendments with the change in the nomenclature second motion from Member Nelson second member Cole roll call vote member stokel yes member Cole yes member Nelson yes mayor diesel yes vice mayor Robinson yes pass unanimously and at this moment we're I don't know if I'm saving in you guys but we're taking a f minute break all got to go all gotta go e e e e e e e e e e reconvene for the last couple issues here Stan are you ready ready all right okay meeting back in order City Manager on to uh item 12b which is Code Enforcement lean reduction request on the property located at 17 Road what about 12a we just did that I'm I got a card you spoke oh you're right Stan remember when you said it's getting late come on Stan all right reset City man so uh the code enforcement lean reduction request on property located at 1700 chord Road um you have the summary and explanation on the background I'm not going to read all of that um appeared before the special magistrate the special magistrate uh approved a recommendation from for codee enforcement lean reduction of a daily fine of the of from the amount of $75,900 Plus cost payable to the city of tville within 90 days this is for the property located as as previously stated Glenn's here Mr Tolson our code enforcement manager here to answer questions that you may have on the code reduction um approval or not uh first thing I'll say when I I saw this and we don't see many of these um is that I thought it um Fair minded to reduce these fines um in full disclosure at least a couple of these houses one's across the street from me and ones down the street so um you know I understand the situation on both sides but I appreciate it looks like there was perhaps some kind of compromise and and trying to come to a win-win to some degree so uh that that's my first thought on that uh Council anything else I I see nothing um Glenn anything you want to say um no no sir the applicant is or our applicant is here this evening uh just like to thank them for the work they've done on this property and it w it was a uh spent a lot of time on this property and and he's here and apprciate with that property you guys want to say anything else more you're more than welcome and we're on Item B right now which is 1700 choser Road okay choser people if you wish to you certainly may um I don't know they are but I don't see them okay all right um I guess we say if there's any cards that would be the cards any cards on this yes sir Stan Johnston Stan staner thank you Mr Tolson uh this is a difficult situation at least I see it as difficult situation uh because I've been I've been to a few of these U meetings and uh it's a great surprise to me you know 75 thou or about 76,000 reduced to 30,000 and uh I don't know what to say but I actually I'm more surprised by the the agenda item right before that we had over $3 million for a midyear budget review that's a lot of money so uh I'm going to I I think in terms of um cruel and unusual punishments and uh when I came to Florida in 1952 I believe it was 1952 is that is that uh they had a sign on the road it said U $500 fine for littering we still got those signs out now $500 fine for littering and I think that's no it says minimum fine and I think that's cruel and unusual punishment um I think we ought to get rid of cruel and unusual punishment and this this sometimes this um What Glenn is working with is is what I consider to be cruel and unusual punishment thank you thank you any other cards yes uh motion M Nelson move to appr approve the special magistrate recommendation for code enforcement lean production for 1700 cheler roote second motion member Nelson second member Cole roll call vote member Cole yes member Nelson yes mayor diesel yes vice mayor Robinson yes member sto yes passes unanimously City Manager on to uh item 12 C which is Code Enforcement lean reduction request for property located at uh 945 PLO Road uh the special magistrate met and recommended for a code enforcement lean reduction of the daily fine of amount from 25,00 850 to 2,000 plus costs payable to the city of Titusville within 90 days this is for the property located at 9 45 PLO Road pmo PLO pmo um thank you very much Glenn anything you want to say um no sir the applicant is here and and they have placed a card to speak in this call the card please howdy how are you hello good hi see you yeah you too you know poo yeah I know I know you do okay um as you know the special magistrate uh did give me a reduction in my request I wanted to let you know a little bit of the circumstances I'll make it quick it's been a long day I know we're all tired so I'll just kind of get to the the um facts um I actually thought I hired a licensed contractor at this time I was not in town my father was very ill I was taken care of him for a few months so I had my sister at my house uh during this time um but anyway he did present himself as a licensed contractor wrote it down um made me believe it and I wanted you uh to personally know I don't know if you know this specifically um but there is a realtor that you may know that lives in the neighborhood and I won't name her um just out of respect she recommended him to me um he also did her and I trusted him uh the fact is is that he wasn't and this was in September of 2022 just before the October hurricanes um the uh May Rite which is the uh City Zone uh city code enforcement uh actually found them on on the roofs on Palo at the time and like I said I was not home but she told them well she asked them for a license and he said oh no now you got to remember these are my rental homes I had him do two rental homes in my home my Homestead at the same time just before the Hurricanes all three homes were leaking and all three homes needed it before the hurricane hit so uh they jump off the roof according to her and you know run like oh my gosh you know um then they continue to do the work okay they finished the homes they finished all three and now I don't have a permit on my Homestead at the time either because I assume he's pulling them for all um when the work is done I get a call from him actually I get a call from my tenant Robbie that you know that's your across the street that says uh you've got a a notice on your door uh that you need to contact code enforcement so you know here I find out at this time that this guy is not licensed and I find out I can't pull the permits from my rental homes I didn't know that either so uh I was stuck I pulled the permit on my Homestead um I got that one improved when I got back in town passed no problem I spent the next year and a half actually I'll tell you this I spent a year and I found a let me just finish up real quick go ahead you finish up um May wri recommended which is also Cod code enforcement for me to try to get a structural engineer because no roofer would pull this permit for me they wanted no responsibility for the the homes or the work so it was impossible and I have a list of contractors that I tried to get to do this for me and no one would do no one would do it so anyway I thought okay A a structural engineer will do it why not you know they're like they do everything on a building I did find one uh in uh uh July 5th of 2023 um his name was John Grant uh he was referred from Gordon MK MK construction he was willing to do it I called the building official Steve Adams he he denied it so if I would have been able to use a structural engineer I would have never even had to go in front of the magistrate to accum start accumulating these fines on uh July 21st so from July 21st 1 of 2023 till March April I think April of this year I was getting fin $50 a day for each home until I finally found a contractor that would pull my permits for me he pulled them they passed I became in compliance I'm asking for a full reduction I was in no harm to the public I was protecting my homes I was protecting my tenants um and I know I have hard cost and I don't have a problem with that um but I'll leave it in your hands I just wanted you to know the truth and what I went through and it was very very hard I also kept in contact with uh uh Chelsea Pharaoh all the way through this ordeal and she actually gave me some respect and and told uh the the special magistrate that I did and she appreciated that so I did all of my due diligence at best I could and that's what I'm asking for and I appreciate it all right thank you um thank you any questions specifically for her at this time okay go ahead and sit down let's see what we have up here um am I done here yeah please thankk you Council anything you guys want to add or see or comment on member stokel yep I just wanted to see if Glenn had any followup i g to go to him too yeah to that story or anything to share along those lines of of what she just shared with us M Miss ruso was correct uh she tried and I don't know the total number but uh she worked with us through the process and there not a roofing company would take on the roof because they didn't install it uh she did contact a structural engineer and she was told that she couldn't have the permit that a riffing company had to pull it so that led to that hearing and at the time didn't have the permit so it was found to be in violation and she finally got the roofing company to do it and we took it straight back to the magistrate who reduced it to the $2,000 so the total amount that it originally was the 25 is that from $50 a day for how long this went on for is that what yes ma' that was the running F $50 okay and during that time she was actively trying to yeah yes ma'am okay yeah that's sounds to me the word she used Fitz she was doing her due diligence yeah Greg is I sounds to me like you would agree yes um that and I'm not trying to put it on you but you were closer to the situation than we were you seem to collaborate that her her efforts that she told us are exactly what happened yes sir um yeah I I think some due diligence has been done and uh it sounds like she got kind of caught up in a ripoff uh member stokel yeah just do we um know why the magistrate went down to 2000 and did not just go down to zero was there any reasoning or that's a good question she didn't provide other any reasoning other than what when she went through the list and compared it uh again this is a new process for for y'all to hear right that's we she didn't give any reason why that particular number um uh see I'm sorry lost no that's okay and I think that's where I'm going because as the mayor said that we don't normally see these um and I think our intent is not to collect fees but it's to really make sure all of our properties are up to code like that is our intent goal yes ma'am our number one goal is to achieve and so if fines need to be there they need to be there um but if somebody's actively working on something and now it's fixed that's where I have a hard time saying well yeah that's I can just tell you because I was I live across the street from one of the homes it just looked like somebody putting a roof on like they put a roof on um and I never would have known and I didn't know until apparently there was a notice on the front door so uh you know I think that certainly from my view Etc it looked like due diligence was done and it does look like the um magistrate was trying to um put it that way I mean that's quite a reduction I was kind of impressed with that but perhaps there's even more to this uh while I say that I do want to say and I have already uh addressed for City attorney but I want to do it in public and that is that City attorney as I said since I live across the street from one of the homes around the block basically from another one and I I know the young lady in question from living in the neighborhood I want to make sure that I am okay to continue on in this procedure you would need to abstain if there's a conflict of interest which would be if this would result in any kind of gain or loss special to you and of course um you can analyze that I'm not sure how fine reduction a fine reduction on Prop no gain or loss won even joke about that no gain or loss um I just again it's very rare that I'm familiar with the situation the other thing I would point out is there's a difference between fines and cost so you you're taking action on the fine but there is also hard cost that the city would seek a recover that they put out in the case of $197 so when you're look I believe it's 198 97 yes it should be noted that Miss Russo had already tried to pay those costs and we wouldn't allow her to until so if you're looking at the find out also remember there are hard costs that would the city would seek to recover me member Nelson I agree with member stokel um I believe M Rizo did everything she could and I would suggest that we do zero fine and she pays the cost is that a motion make a motion that be a motion we have a card but I will say she has the other house too and so my suggestion would hold for both houses okay a card Stan Johnston I'm inclined to agree with uh M stok and jolen and uh Coach diesel and I think I don't think Glenn is against it he was with it so I don't I think y'all want me to shut up okay I'm going to anyway I'll tell you whether you want or not all right brother got you thank you um see M Nelson that is a motion I'll second that was a motion I hate to do the C and you kind of just say that again so I know exactly where we're at so my motion would be that uh we charge Miss Riso the cost and zero fine second I got a motion for the cost and zero fine by member Nelson right for 945 PMA bro yes this the one or both one I have to do them one at a okay one okay and I got a second by member Cole roll call vote member Nelson yes mayor diesel yes vice mayor Robinson yes member stokel yes member Cole yes passes unanimously next um do we have to go we have to go through the cards and everything for 940 okay that's true that's true I'm thinking like other yeah um approve the code enforcement lean reduction 940 Margy Drive uh by May got anything to say on that yes I I I I uh I think that the same process should go forth with that one as well okay thank you got any cards yes we have the applicant Tina Rizzo yes we're good and then Stan Johnston we're good thank you thank you thank you uh motion so we would move to charge Tina Russo for the cost on 940 Margie Drive and not the fine second same same as the last one yeah okay I got a motion for member Nelson and second member Cole roll call vote um mayor diesel yes yes vice mayor Robinson yes May stok yes member Cole yes member Nelson yes passage unanimously uh presented well um thoroughly and completely thank you very much uh with that we are moving on to the uh second round of if you have not done petitions or requests yet you still have that opportunity but I well I do see a couple of people that haven't done any so you better sit down you've been it four times on petitions requests okay maybe not thank you guys you are your name and address for the record please I am Nancy Oliver 2951 mberry Drive Titusville I'm the vice chair of the north Bor Coalition of Human Services which I've been involved with for like 10 years but I understand that Joe Robinson was instrumental in the beginning of it in the 90s um and you apparently started the 5:30 meeting with my cohorts but I had another meeting in Coco so you get to hear from me too late in behalf of my cohorts at the end of this meeting um same issue um we meet the fourth Wednesday of every month at 9:00 at the Harry two more Center and I'd really um encourage you guys to to maybe make some time and come it's only once a month and we're facing all the issues that the city is facing that's what we deal with um what I'm really here to ask you though is to be proactive and to Champion the car4 project that is off of Harrison but with the access off of dearit which makes it more tricky if we could get access off of off of um Bara it's it's really off of Bara but near Harrison um that if the access would come off a barn I think we could alleviate some of the complaints going on from people in Royal Oak but in any event it's not really an issue you can do much about because it's apparently already zoned for multif family dwellings but because of the access and because not in my backyard um we have people who don't want that project anywhere near them um I would encourage you to go toward the car for project in melbour if you haven't seen it because they have a project in Melbourne that I went to go tour and I was quite impressed um it's very well-run they actually have Bard Health Alliance has a office right in their buildings so that people can go and see their medical people without having to get in a car or on a bus or anywhere else um it's very clean it's it's amazing and they didn't clean this up for me because we made our appointment like the day of and went everything's painted everything's the floors are shiny it's it's gorgeous and this is low-income housing that is really well cared for I know that You' have had probably heard enough about locally and uh I I can't give you any more information you already have but um there are people in Titusville who would very much benefit by this and the whole Community would because when people aren't homeless on the streets and have nowhere to go it's benefit to the whole Community it's better for me to be able to take my grandson to a park and not have to worry about who's sleeping on a picnic table um or hanging around the bathroom if they have a place to live so I think needed for our community um it's already zoned for it and I wish you would Champion it and help move it through thanks thank you anybody else on petition request that has not spoken on a petition and request Tony you sure you hadn't been up here guys I have something no you'll tell me later I know you will okay um oh I guess we go to uh reports right um I'm going to say my a little part of my first uh I have a a council report something I've been meaning to do for a long time and I just haven't done it when I first got on Council in 16 uh Dre field uh was no longer Dre field it was uh Dre Park and I wanted to be known that there was uh football played down there and and staff and did a great job of coming up with a way to do that so when people walk that park now they realize how much history is there as far as the uh athletic world uh NFL players played there state championships were played on that field and it was important to a lot of people similarly I was over at um San Point Park the other day and realized that I for one was a little league coach and board of director member there for 15 years and Titus of little league was the first little league in our city it was the only little league in our city for a long time and it was the only little league ever that was called Titus of little league and um you know if you don't know the field or anything thing that you know when you first get there and uh head towards Pavilions you're you're heading towards field one field one The Outfield went towards the Pavilion if you could hit home run there you're doing great because that River would blow it back at you uh field two is right there when where the pond is actually um right where the the uh baffle box just keep going that way and then the little t-ball field was further down uh where the playground is point I'm making is and and I'm sure like you did kind kind of with the uh what like the staff did with the Dre field I am sure there are aerial views that could show the fields I've seen them I mean so I guess what I'm saying is I just at this point want to introduce the um uh possibility of again having uh you know one of those little placards uh in the ground there that the former home of TI of little league from gosh probably from 1950 something to when did we go down 2000 something anyway um I I just hit me that I'd like to get that thought about I don't know that I need to do any vote at this time do you think or just introduce it so um mayor I think what we ought to do is uh go ahead and bring a an agenda item back to you at your request if Council approves that and staff heard what you said we would bring back some recommendations on the location of where to put the sign what the sign would look like just a Sentimental thing similar to what we did at TR Park yeah matter of fact as you say that I think that's exactly how you did it you brought it back and said this is did some research and did a great job so um I guess at this point we're looking to give you guys a that recommendation do we need to vote for that uh can somebody make a motion um I don't know so moved all those in favor say yes opposed okay I look forward to seeing what that could look like yeah you have thank you uh and that's really all I have so uh y' Stan wants to speak on that item say again Stan wants to speak on that item because you voted yes Stan don't want to speak he just wants to say yes I heard him say yes Stan you crack me up um Herman okay next um no no no I mess with him let him go no you go L first ladies first no we had the uh oh we had a out I think all of us were there at the harri T Harry and Harry te Moore uh Ann 20th year anniversary on Sunday which was I mean Saturday which was well attended very well attended it was a it was a good forum that they had there jool Lynn had a good seat jool Lynn was on the front row I was on time guys not very often I had I had one person one person to come in that looked like they were about my age and rather than get in a chair they just shut up rather than getting a chair he decided to sit on the floor and I said you know it's easier to get down than it is to get up and when somebody gave him a cheer he couldn't get up oh and here I am the blind leading the blind I'm helping him up you know so but it was well attended and it was the Forum was excellent yeah so yeah and you never got a seat did you well we I did but it was outside the door and IID said then and something to think about talk to Jeff Davis about it a little bit they do well to to have a TV out there with some speakers I don't think I don't think they expected that kind of turnout no it's not a very big room either yeah it was very nice I think you bring that up it was it was uh member Nelson okay I promise my neighbors that I would bring this up to the city manager so I'm going to bring it up now that sandbar that is behind the old bridge there are lots of complaints about it I understand from Mr Larice that has been there for years this time of year this time of year that's 2007 photo 2007 so I think it's probably it depends on the water level as to how much of that sand bar is covered or not covered so I think at this point we have to leave it alone yes ma'am as you saw at the uh um Earth Day event um you can see where the water levels are at generally in this time of the year April is the the end of our dry season the water levels are down quite a bit um that area on the west side of the bridge itself the walkway um is about 18 Ines deep that's it so when the water levels drop um sandars are going to appear and um as demonstrated there's a couple pictures in April of a couple different years and that sandbar has been there so one of the picture I was 2007 yeah yep so it thank you and I hate to do this but he reminded me and I I got to get their names out there um I went to five events on Saturday which is why I was late that's what it made me think of that the first one was it needs to be mentioned was the YMCA healthy kids event yeah that place was packed full of energy excitement positivity it was amazing and there's a lot of people you know thankful just to be there followed that with a trip to the BPS Rising kindergarteners welcome out at Marina Park followed that with the Ace Hardware I get the year wrong but I think it was like 30th Anniversary um that parking lot was packed with excitement and enthusiasm and people pulling stuff out of there of course there's a lot of raffle so that was exciting and um then I went to the Harry team Mo event and then I went to um St Mark's Episcopal Academy Gayla fundraiser down there where I actually was a principal for a short time so it was a very full but very exciting day but that YMCA thing and Harry tour thing the ace thing just an exciting day in our city amen well go ahead sir vice mayor uh I've been resting and but I want to publicly say that uh uh I want to thank uh the citizen and the the staff and co-workers of the city of Titusville is uh being there for me and and my family in in a time of loss and uh um I hear a lot of arguments about the attitude and people don't care uh about Titusville I'm publicly saying that they they do care and and I thank the the city and the citizens thereof for being there for me and my family can I say your grandson did something wonderful he brought a community together thank you m St um I had a couple items hopefully they're kind of quick um one is in regard to the email that city manager sent us about the Brookshire and the pool if you read that email that was my question um you guys can probably know when I have a question um but that was in regard to um just an informal conversation and somebody mentioning kind of in passing oh I tried to do a pool there couldn't didn't really know why and so that made me inquire talk to city manager talk to Brad um and so moving forward because I think there could be some confusion in development within the area of critical concern is I would like to try to see if we can do advisability to staff that if that is the case or there is an impervious requirement um that the developer will have to make make sure to notify there's some type of notification for people that are purchasing just because I want to make sure we're protecting the citizens that oh I'm so excited I'm going to be buying a home in here thinking I can do something and then the developer didn't like disclose that hey we built this out we cannot we're already meeting requirements for impervious pavement you can't do that so I'm requesting if we could um direct staff with advisability to look into how we could potentially do that can't disagree with that that is my motion I don't yes second Mo did you that was my motion yes that's my motion advisability with that on the advisability from staff and member Cole made the second he to be second all those in favor say yes yes opposed stand you good yes my second one is and this was brought up um earlier and it has been on my mind when we first uh were on Council back in for those that were on in 2016 we did used to publish our agenda packets online and I really truthfully appreciated that it was helpful to me it was helpful to direct citizens to um during that time though shortly after there was a bunch of lawsuits going on around the state and so we did pull ours down because we did not want to be sued um or have to pay somebody that's trying to sue us essentially and I do think that was the right thing to do that being said I would like to try to put them back online now um for transparency purposes and then if it becomes an issue again we could look back at taking them down but I would like to try to increase our transparency in that I think we were in favor of that to begin with aside from these lawsuits that were happening we have to have an advisability because I I would agree with that as well um I know we had a reason that that happened when it happened but I just don't understand why we can't just have people pull it up y it just makes it easy yeah I think there was an ADA requirement Ada that's what it was that was the problem that's what it was because some of the that guy somebody was running around the state suing the cities yep saying I can't read your map I can't yes and it made it very difficult I think we take another shot at it yeah that that would be my request second thank you uh all in favor say yes sure you want to approve that Kristen LTE Coco thank you member stokel for putting that forward so I'm fully in support of it even if the I mean for initially if the city just uploaded the board packet that's a huge thing now I don't know if your motion is including doing something like the legistar system that's used in both the county and Coco where you can actually look up agenda items you have the me links to the meetings you I mean it's it's really helpful to have that so I mean just having the packet I mean t of Titusville is one who's uploading them and you guys aren't so I'm fully in support of that but if you could do the Le that we're really looking for having a more modern system and with the Ada thing I mean everyone others are doing it in Bard so why not you guys so I'm not clear on whether your motion is just to upload the packet or to do a real system you know where people have access I think at this point we're just trying to get the packet back right first that's all secondly well I don't I don't say that we're done but kind of like when we went to one meeting then me we were done we might get more but the point I'm making is I I I'm not real familiar with that stuff and I want to get familiar with it I don't know what the IT people will tell us but it sounds pretty cool I'll meet with you anytime Coco has one of the best for all the concerns I have with Coco they have one of the best ways they have the most transparent then there's hyperlinks the county and Coco do it very similar Coco just is a little more thorough want to see and I'd be happy to spend any time with you at all to show you I I I here let's move forward get it back great so I'm in support thank you um I do have a question are you including the agenda package including the boards being online or just our agenda being online yeah I'm okay with either to be honest as much of transparency as we can have and I think we were that and we were moving that direction until again people come and start ruining it um and so I would just like to to give people information and so yeah we can okay y I agree uh and again obviously uh make there's a there's a happy middle in there somewhere where we don't want to suddenly throw a bunch of stuff at staff but I don't know it's going to be that hard to do is it no I I don't I don't think it was before when we had it it was scanning them in the problem we had with the ADA compliance it wasn't the text stuff we did okay with that it's all the graphics and all the pictures the charts and all that we uh tried to get in line behind other companies to try to help us with our ADA compliance and then covid H so yep I hope it rolls right back up yeah okay um I think we need to vote oh yeah we started no we did motion second and then yeah so we ability yep to get the agenda packets online V yeah but let's do it again because then then we pulled the card up kind of a card yeah all right so I had the motion from me Sarah stoko Sarah member stoko and I had second for member Nelson all those in favor say yes yes yes opposed passes unanimously okay and my last item this is not a request just informational purposes uh part of my board position with Florida Liga cities being on the executive board uh they invited the smaller group of us to attend a municipal conference in Mississippi later this week um so I'll be leaving for that for tomorrow and I always already looking at the agenda packet for that one of the items is what leaders should know about paaws so I'm actually really excited about this it will be multiple states in the southern region so um I will let you guys know what I learn at the conf some of the companies have already settled then you're gonna come back here and and brief us on you already know you already know thank you that's all I have thank you uh city manager yes sir as uh at the beginning of the meeting you recall I added an action that's correct that's um we received a note from the space coast um transportation planning office that they are requesting letters of support for this uh Federal INF grant for the Alis Road widening project U they're seeking letters of support from all the cities in the county as well as the county so um what I'm recommending to city council is that you approve staff to draft and have the mayor sign a letter of support requested by the Space Coast Transportation Planning Organization for the INF Grant request for the Ellis Road widening project I guess what we need to do first and we want to speak on the Ellis Road widening out there I see none I have a couple cards on City manager's report so I'm not sure who is who's got a card I think think you have any action items this is the only action item I have so do you want to speak on this item so I can't speak on other I don't know what's the's got of milest if it's not an action item that we're voting on you would talk about that during the petitions and request so it's only action items that's all right so back to your your deal here do we vote on the letter I mean not vote but do we have a call card on the letter yes sir yes I thought we would anybody want to speak on the letter just Stan is the only one that wants to speak on this item okay so St Johnson you want to speak on the letter correct St have aard for that yes Ellis Ellis Road of support from us to space Co planning yeah space Transportation Planning organization you want to want to go talk on Alice Road nobody I'm okay with it than yes I'm the secretary of the board for B okay all right he's the secretary Co planning organization and uh if you ever been to Melbourne and travel Ellis Road you'll know why they need okay well you said that because I'm not familiar with El road yeah uh it is it's uh it's if you the new exit coming off of 95 between uh 190 192 192 and oal and uh there that new exit and it's beautiful coming all but the minute you get on the east side of that uh new bridge you run into uh Ellis Road and it's a two-lane and it seemed like it's been two lane since 1952 and uh but uh it has been a lot of effort it's going to cost a lot of uh dollars to get it uh get it widened we are just and we need for the county it will benefit the county as a whole uh if that uh uh we give them this if it's done then we support them for it all right so we U have a motion on that that's my motion okay we got there you go as it should be we got motion by vice mayor second by member Nelson all those in favor of Ellis Road support say yes yes opposed pass I've got uh three information items as well as the special meetings that are coming up you approved tonight the student award ceremony resolution and that's uh April 29th at 6 pm at the high school auditorium uh the community strategic plan review is the 30th of April at 5:00 pm here in city council and we're already doing planning for the red white and boom ceremony um I'd like to thank uh Council who who participated in the Denny's Community event uh the community meals event I apologize where Denny's who is a sponsor of the tour divorce um bicycle ride uh opened up and served over 800 meals at the Grove Church and mayor and a couple of council members showed up and uh it was very uh well received I think by the community and then the next day um supporting the tour to fource send off at Denny's restaurant again and then coming to City Hall and watching them pass was The Experience so I appreciate Council support of that subject to questions thank you uh I see no questions City attorney Stan no just Kidd I'm I'm on missing you good all right uh meeting and J for --------- e e e e e [Music] [Music] there we go uh welcome to the 5:30 pm April 23rd 2024 presentation city council meeting we do have a quorum so I'll call this meeting to order would you please join me in a moment of silence and the pledge to the flag i al to the flag of the United States of America and to the republ for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and for city clerk would you please read the rules to speak this is a city council meeting to hear special recognitions and presentations Council will not take formal action on the agenda items all individuals wishing to speak may do so under petitions and requests no signup card is required citizens will be given 3 minutes to speak all sign up cards and Exhibits being submitted to city council shall be placed in the Box on the table thank you city manager uh good evening um mayor vice mayor in Council uh the first agenda item that we have tonight is under special recognitions and presentation it's the employee of the month it's cat Caldwell from the finance department uh this is for April and Terry if you would present please good evening mayor vice mayor council how are you this evening good I just wanted to let you know I'm very proud of Katherine Codwell she is our accounts payable specialist in the finance department over the past six months Miss Codwell has been challenged with several tasks one of which is to start a campaign to actively recruit vendors to sign up for electronic payment uh this is versus the papercheck which as you know a papercheck is far more expensive uh Miss Codwell created a small flyer with pertinent information on it this is this you can see it clearly as to what the benefits are for our vendors to sign up for electronic payment as a result to date Miss Codwell has successfully recruited over 40 vendors to sign up for electronic payment saving the city approximately $50 for each future check that this vendor will receive from the city in addition to the continued cost savings the process created much efficiency in the overall cash reconciliation process and reduce the risk of fraud to both the vendor and the City another combined task that Miss Codwell was asked to perform was to create a better way to manage the city's cash flows as related to accounts payable vendors while still adhering to the Florida prompt payment act Miss Codwell created a spreadsheet to determine the timeliness of the payments and the invoices by using the invoice date or the receipt date to better determine when the invoice should be paid as a result this better manages the city's cash flow leaving more funds in the city's bank account and increasing interest income today we have increased the city's interest income approximately $40,000 since this began so for these reasons the continued cost savings to the city and because of the increased interest uh want to recognize Miss Katherine Codwell [Applause] speak well thank you very much how long you been doing this we just talking about that 15 years how long 15 [Music] [Applause] more thank you so much you just stand by mayor um this is a proclamation for the water conservation month of April 2024 mayor with your permission I'd like to read through an official proclamation of the city of Titusville Florida whereas water is a basic and essential need for every living creature and whereas the State of Florida water management districts in the city of Titusville Florida are working together to increase awareness about the importance of water conservation and we're the city Titusville in the State of Florida has designated April typically a dry month when water demands are the most acute water water Florida's water conservation month to educate citizens about how they can help save Florida's precious water resources and whereas city tville has always encouraged and supported water water conservations through various educational programs and special events and whereas every business industry school and citizen can make a difference when it comes to water conservation and whereas every business industry school and citizen can help by saving water thus promote a healthy economy and community and whereas leak prevention is commonly thought of to be the first step of conserving water the city of Titusville Florida will encourage citizens and businesses to focus on fixing leaks now therefore be it resolved that I Daniel e diesel by the virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of Titusville do hereby proclaim the month of April as water conservation Month in May we're going to have our sustainability planner Miss trout come up and accept on behalf of the city [Applause] go ahead sir and the next item is item 4C which is a fire department Spotlight this is the second in the series we did Community Development last month and so if we could roll the community develop I mean the fire department Spotlight look forward to that thank you I guess I have a minute to introduce it the video before it gets it going I guess that's what they're doing well in that case uh I do appreciate oh it's going I'll save that for after the video then [Music] 2023 has continued to be a year of positive growth in Titusville enabling our fire department resources to meet the needs of a growing Community we have expanded our Workforce and received approval for a fifth fire station Station 14 located at the South End of the city Station 14 is under construction and due to become operational by the end of spring 2024 not only are we growing in population but we have expanded our training capabilities and internal Communications with some new technology our purchase of the Ambu man Advanced mannequin and the first arriving IO Software helps us so we can serve to the highest standard last may we received a new training mannequin that will take our emergency medical training to a higher level fulfilling our mission to proactively serve the needs of our community Through education prevention training and response the Ambu man Advance is ambu's latest training mannequin which is made to fulfill all the needs of advanced life support training the mannequin enables us to focus on Airway management ECG simulation defibrillation and the training of IV and IO access techniques we are also able to monitor compression depth correct hand position ventilation volume and stomach inflation using Ambu man Advanced we can create custom scenarios making the possibilities endless this was made possible thanks to grant funding in the amount of $879 3.35 through the State Department of Health Emergency Medical Services trust fund in the last quarter of 2023 we started using the first arriving IO Software this is a digital dashboard solution tailored specifically for fire and EMS departments it offers a comprehensive set of tools to enhance operational efficiency situational awareness and decision-making capabilities during emergency response operations the system ties directly into other software programs that we use displaying information on monitors at each fire station and headquarters giving us access to the following realtime Incident Management resource tracking and allocation performance metrics and key performance indicators weather and traffic data communication features and customized alerts ultimately integrating the first arrival iO Digital dashboard into our emergency response operations can significantly enhance our capabilities and Effectiveness in serving the community this year we responded to a total of 10,771 calls of those 148 were fire calls 688 were medical emergencies 746 were false alarms and 2,737 were miscellaneous calls all of these calls had an average response time of 4 minutes and 45 seconds as the number of residents and visitors continue to increase so has the demand for Fire and Life Safety prevention the Fire Marshall and inspectors have reviewed a total of 864 plans 152 preliminary inspections 176 new construction inspections and installed 341 residential smoke detectors with the pace of new construction the need for additional fire inspectors became apparent resulting in two of our lieutenants and one of our dver driver operators receiving their inspector certification together they have performed over 700 inspections on Commercial properties the demand for engine displays and Fire and Life Safety presentations allowed us to reach over 12,000 people through 200 events checked 38 child passenger seats assisted 50 people with new child passenger seats fitted 102 bicycle helmets and logged 99 hours of assistance from our amazing community volunteers last year was filled with milestones and accomplishments for many of our employees we are proud of our employees and the service they provide to the community 2023 was full of achievements and we sincerely thank our city leadership elected officials and those in our community who take an active interest in moving toward a positive future [Music] well thank you thank you for watching uh we've had a lot going on this year and that video kind of sums it up for us uh before I go too far into that because I will forget I do really want to thank uh Curtis Corwin and I know will Petty also had a lot to do with making the video and the voices you heard in there were Carrie lubeski and Kyle Mack for three years now they've done a really great job doing that so um but yeah that's that's what we've been up to this year we've had a lot of growth a lot of things changing the new Fire Station a lot of new technology coming in um and if you got any questions for me I would just say first of all great presentation and that goes with a great job that you guys do all the time I saw several examples up there of some of the relationship building you do which I think is one of the most important things we do um you know with the fire department the police department um overall every year I probably am a little surprised how many medical emergencies you guys answer um so again hats off to you I've done some ride alongs on occasion and we've done everything from transporting a heart patient from the doctor's office to the hospital and we've actually gone in where somebody had fallen down and they were a hoarder and they couldn't get out so um that was interesting but that being said there's so many responses you do and so many uh so a variety and I appreciate the way you answer all of them and appreciate that very much um member Nelson and I was just going to say thank you for Sting the carry out in the public uh she gets mobed I'm just amazed she was at the car show I don't know if you guys saw here yep but yeah they had a steady stream of people asking questions it was great so thank you uh vice mayor Yes again thank you um uh from the ch Church perspective we've had several programs that you guys came along and did a a stellar job in doing a presentation that I want to thank you for that and I have one question I saw that the new uh test dummy I'm I'm maybe using the wrong phraseology mannequin uh you gave U uh gave it a shot uh you know you injected something what was that how did that work and could you give me kind of a just an inside because that's so interesting now that you can practice on a you know a mannequin type of uh person and and and learn from that yeah so it's actually it's an IV so it's a needle that goes into the vein of a patient but this mannequin's equipped to be able to practice on so you can start an IV on it it has a uh simulated vein inside and you can actually put medication in there too no yeah my only about that if you come back next year and it has a heart I'm going to be concerned you wouldn't be surprised thank you so very much remember Cole yeah you should even be more surprised if it has a brain uh I've had the opportunity to witness some of you guys in action and I I've really been uh totally impressed I think the 4 minutes and 45 second response time is something that you should be very very proud of uh I've been a part of other fire departments in the military we didn't have that kind of response time but I really appreciate it and as one of the senior citizens in Titusville I'm glad that you have the medical training that you do thank you well thank you all very much member Nelson can I say they usually beat bravard County to the scene I know which is great I'm not in the business of being competitive but facts are facts right and that just means they need to step up their game congratulations to you and the entire team thank you so very much thank you we have a great team yeah City Manager on to item 4D which is the implementation of the sustainability action plan goals and objectives from April 2023 to 2024 on April 25th 2023 the city of tius council city council voted to adopt the City's first sustainability action plan in order to ensure that this plan is properly implemented staff will present an annual update on the status of accomplishments and implementation efforts of this of this uh sustainability action plan and Abigail's here again well thank you for being here thank you um good evening my name is Abigail trout I'm the sustainability planner here with the city of Titusville um I'll just jump into the presentation here let's see so um the creation of the sustainability action plan I'll refer to it as the sap in this presentation um was a multiphased project that involved Community engagement collaborative departmental communication and ambitious goal setting um city council directed staff to develop the sap to better understand current and future challenges to be better equipped to make smart and Innovative decisions here with the city so the basis of the sustainability action plan you need to know what sustainability really is so in 1987 the United Nations bruntland commission defined sustainability as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs and so with that definition um the sap identifies six Focus areas for the principles of sustainability to be applied um you have community and livability ecosystems and resiliency infrastructure and energy water smart growth and sustainable economy these six Focus areas form the city's strategy for prioritizing and meeting sustainability goals and this is based off of the three pillars of sustainability um which are the environment um social aspects in the economy um a sustainable approach seeks to understand the interaction which exist among environmental social and economic pillars so with that being said I'll dive into community and livability and what we have done so far in the past year since adopting this plan um we have started the natural resources comp plan public engagement project um the city has hired a consultant to assist us Inspire um this project is seeking public input on local environmental concerns to direct direct draft policies goals and objectives primarily found within the conservation element of our comprehensive plan um this consists of in-person interviews with our Titusville environmental commission members um those were conducted on April 18th um and we'll lead into some public open houses um which will happen in May and July we will also have a workshop with the environmental Commission in June and we will look to produce a report by September for these um uh directing draft policies goals and objectives for the comp plan we also have the focus area of ecosystems and resiliency um we have done a number of projects to implement some of the objectives in um this Focus area starting off with the resilient Florida planning Grant this was a grant with um the um FD EP um resilient Florida planning program that they have there um so they have planning grants and implementation grants so we went for the planning Grant this time to conduct a vulnerability assessment to re-evaluate critical facilities and propose Capital Improvement strategies and projects um so this comprehensive vulnerability assessment will include an adaptation plan that includes public Outreach and stakeholder engagement a final report along with a list of critical and regionally significant assets that are susceptible to flooding sea level rise and other environmental shocks and stressors will be identified with this project we also have a project that we did in one of our local parks here at Sandpoint Park we worked with The Bard Zoo's restore our Shores program to install a 96t buffer zone um we planted Dune sunflower Cy Palm Seaside Golden Rod blue Porter weed and many other native plants here um this buffer zone um acts as a space between the seaw wall at the park and the parking lot to actually prevent um The Cutting of Lawns and the cuting getting into the river with potential um fertilizers to increase um total nitrogen total phosphorus presence in the river so this buffer zone acts as a filtration and buffer for storm water runoff um into the Indian River Lagoon we also just had the Earth Day event um at another one of our Parks um at the space View Park on Monday we celebrated Earth Day along with a ribbon cutting of The Pedestrian Pier um this event uh was awesome we got to coordinate with some local environmental agencies and offer some public engagement with those who attended the event so we had The Bard Zoo present we had the University of Florida's rard extension office with professional gardeners on staff um which they were awesome they got to assist with any questions people may have had um with our 30 tree giveaway um so if anyone had questions about how to take care of the plants soil type water what do I need to do we had them present and we also had the East Central Florida Regional planning Council there as well so moving on to another Focus area the infrastructure and energy Focus area we um conducted a project in partnership with kley and oton Florida where we worked with a climate fellow that was a student from the University of our Stetson University um this was an effort to kind of collaborate with this student and give them experience with what government operations look like and kind of get an opportunity to look at Municipal facilities and buildings and missions in terms of greenhouse gases um so we did a 2021 Municipal facilities and buildings emissions Report with them um the student reported back that 47% of emissions um came from our vehicle Fleet followed by street lights traffic signs building and facilities and Wastewater and water I have this report on file so if you'd like to see it please feel free to request it from me we also have an action um the city has applied for a $76,000 grant with the Department of energy um this fulfills some of the objectives within the infrastructure and energy Focus um because we are looking to focus on select Municipal facilities to pursue retrofits um this will um take place in partnership with the justice 40 initiative so we're looking at Municipal facilities that are in vulnerable spots within the city so for example the Harry tore Social Services Center would be a building that we'd want to look for retrofits for so we're looking to see where our energy and efficiencies are we want to locate those through energy Audits and then see how much money is left over from this grant to possibly implement retrofits we also have the water Focus area so Public Works has been working on the 2020 through 2024 or uh 2040 water supply facilities work plan um this work plan includes existing conditions analysis future demand projections identification of alternative water supply projects identification of responsible organizations identification of conservation and reuse practices and coordination with the St John's river waterer Management District Supply plan so this was conducted last year um Public Works has this report on file so if you would like to see that please feel free to request that from me we also are working on Smart growth here in the city so with our Titusville tomorrow project the city submitted um draft amendments to the comprehensive plan to direct growth to suitable areas that make wise use of existing infrastructure Investments create compact connected and complete neighborhoods and facilitate access to Services amenities and economic opportunities we have not quite yet been able to touch on sustainable economy but everything is a work in progress so if this is an area we need to focus on we'll get the ball rolling um but this area we are looking at Community derived action items so sustainable economy we're looking at the development of a vibrant and diverse economy which supports Workforce Development educational attainment and on entrepreneurship um so some of the bullet points here are potential areas we could focus on for future projects here at the city um so for example encouraging a more circular economy promote Eco tourism Implement policies to use local venders first and things of that sort so we haven't done anything yet to implement this but it's on our radar for sure so at this time do you have any questions for me questions um M Nelson I have questions than that thank you um ABA G I was reading the other day and there is a grant from Biden for solar energy for lowincome houses have you seen that I have not personally seen that Grant open up um but I can certainly look into it because I thought that would be great for our low-income houses to turn around and make them soer and allow them to spend money on food as opposed to Electric um so if you would I'd really appreciate it and I understand I don't know if you've heard it but FEMA is supposed to redo the shoreline and Sandpoint Park so you heard that yeah do we have a date for it do we know I am not sure I'm not sure if this is a project that maybe water resources and Public Works is aware of but I can reach out and ask you said it was from FEMA it was from FEMA okay they wanted to do a native Shoreline along Sandpoint Park and then I just want to make a comment uh Earth a I did talked to the people from the zoo and I asked them because they've been planting seagrass up here and apparently they said it's growing like wildfire U they do have cages over it they are concerned that that when they remove the cages the manatees will think it's lunch so but apparently it is growing very well up here which is hopeful yes vice mayor yes in in response to member Nelson and the solar panels are yes will save the energy bill but along with that I would ask her to um investigate because insurance is will go Sky High on a lot of the lowincome uh affordable housing packages because they are suggesting that before anyone put a solar panel on their home to check with their insurance company to to make sure so we have to keep that because that may be a uh it's a good thing to save electricity but that food that money that one saved that goes out to uh on electric bill maybe going uh going to the insurance company so we want to make sure that there's a balance in that process go ahead are you done I agree yeah I was going to say the same thing um I had a solar panel guy come by the house of course we get a lot of them and um I I basically called the insurance company and we did have some concerns they'd want to come out and see first so we moved right along from that for now but anyway any other comments nope very well done thank you so much City mandrew anything else on your side no sir petitions or requests from the public Tony Shuff Tropic Street I'd like to respond to the um sustainability plan Rachel was a great person she worked hard she developed a great sustainability plan and then she left and nothing else has really been happening um I'm going to go over these objectives one one increase citizen participation wow why don't we have the meetings of the Tec every month not just every other um the $135,000 planning Grant to re-evaluate couldn't that money be used to do something that was identified priorly in some of the other studies that we've done to save the Indian River Lagoon uh number three restore our Shores with one small patch of native planting on the seaw wall at Sand Point Park that's going to restore the Indian River Lagoon I don't think so that's hardly anything to brag about the Earth Day event 30 trees they were gone in 2 minutes big deal while you're giving the developers the right to mow down hundreds of trees on an 80 acre or a 10 acre at the same time you're worried about planting trees climate 2021 study what happened what's been done has anything been done I haven't seen anything from that study um water the public wants to know what is being done and this city is doing a lot Kevin is working very hard excuse me Mr cook is working very hard to do things the public wants to know what's being done some of the workshops that Mr Larice had as an objective in his um City standards was to have eight public workshops a year that's been dropped now but one of those public workshops could be to pull together a study about what's being done because even I as smart as I am and the research I do I don't understand about these outflows and the um lift stations and stuff it would be nice to have a little workshop or a tour like we took of the facility that open your eyes to a lot of stuff and you know what's going on the people want to know smart growth that's an oxymoron when it's joined with the Titusville vision for tomorrow Brad it's written and produced by kimley horn to the specifications desired by developers who are using kimley horn engineers and their concurrency studies for building and development and tiing Ville that doesn't equate smart growth to me especially when we're looking at West Titusville and Community derived Action Resources they wanted a maker space a commercial kitchen that's a great idea so many small businesses could have access to a commercial kitchen let's do something and you talking about Eco tourism while destroying our wetlands and our natural habitat what's left to come and see gun manufacturers and a concrete crushing plant thank you Tony just a thought it would be it would be nice if maybe Kevin would do a presentation I know he's done one in the past he's not here to defend himself but we'll talk about him anyway uh about the things that we have done to help the re during a c our 5:30 presentations possible yeah I don't I don't disagree with that and that there's I I hear all these things have been done and see and but we don't necessarily put them out there very well I I where'd you go I did think that uh water plant tour was really that was a great idea we need to play off of that I I I thought that was eye opening as you said maybe it's worth doing tours small group tours so they can see what's going on people can see just an idea yep yep next up I know this one hi Katie hi good afternoon um I was coming here to speak about uh the presentation that was just given and um I wanted to comment on the citizen engagement piece um the which part I'm sorry the citizen engagement piece okay thank you um one of the things that the community really loved was the community conversation and I saw that that was canceled this year year um in addition to that we have a workshop coming up next week on the 30th and not only is that not being um videoed but it hasn't really been put out too much um so I think that citizens don't really know too much about it um also I was at the te meeting uh a couple weeks ago and it was really eye openening because they had a lot of great ideas um and I've been watching the Tec meetings when they're recorded um but the last one was not recorded because you guys do every other and um there's a lot of really intelligent people on there that have great ideas and a lot of times their ideas go nowhere unfortunately and so why even have a board if if we're not going to listen to their ideas and they have some amazing ideas um so I would like to advocate for um more interaction with them and just to film those uh to I'm sorry to live stream those those meetings um next I'd like to talk about the Earth Day um I have to agree with the last speaker giving out you know a handful of trees while we clearcut land for development that's troubling and then we're celebrating this bridge and I'm sure you all smelt what I smelt it was you know we really should have dredged that area before we built that bridge and if if uh the money wasn't there it should have just waited um and something else troubling that I saw there was um the amount of police presence it was it was a little bizarre um there were over a dozen police officers there staring at certain people and following people around and it was just very bizarre cuz this was supposed to be a happy day a good day a ribbon cutting we were giving out trees there was supposed to be a lot of um interaction between all the citizens and the city government um and then Titusville tomorrow I went to the meeting that Mr um I think Mr parish is the one that that led that and uh it was it was uh definitely upsetting to see what is planned for for this area um people didn't seem very happy about it when I asked them what their opinions were um the fact that I mean we're going to have it's going to look like New York City and that's not why we live in North Bard so I hope that you guys consider that thank you thank you very much Katie next up I know this one too been while how are you good evening I'm good how are you to see you it's great to see you I haven't been here for a while I have been busy with some of the other meetings um but have definitely been thinking about you oh thank you I have started a new group founded a new group called The Bard citizen Bard care citizens coalition online and I'm posting about all things all over the county and uh you guys are getting posted about um tonight about some of the things that I'll be talking about now and at the at the next meeting during petitions and requests So I listened to the record the presentation very nice job I think that it all sounds reasonable it sounds great like you guys are are moving Titusville forward and we have plans and we have citizen engagement and you know I mean it just looks so professional and and then there's this other part of Titusville that doesn't get it doesn't get the dots connected and that's what the two speakers prior to me were doing were saying we have this it it looks okay but then where's the rest of the story so I was also at this month's Tec meeting and I recorded it because it was one of the six meetings or five meetings a year that is not recorded I don't appreciate that that's not citizen engagement that's not inform citizenry I've posted the three minute clip that Mr lce placed at the end of a three and a half hour meeting where you guys decided to split the baby you decide to cut two meetings in half and only record half of the meetings completely unacceptable I've personally been petitioning on that for over two years and out of all the numerous requests that I've made to you you guys have had your emails filled up at certain times with my ideas uh that is the only one that has moved forward at all and now I'm still recording the meetings I personally recorded the meeting and guess what I'm going to be here next week because you also don't record the workshop next week the strategic planning workshop that you'll all be talking about your ideas for the city and in which the performance measures for the city will not be talked about and which I brought up last year at the end of the meeting because you don't allow the public to speak at the beginning of the meeting this is the split screen of Titusville we say we do community engagement but where is it I have a sign because there's people that are out here rallying because we are concerned we want a connect the dots entire vision of of Titus Foo so the sign that I brought up for this um portion of the meeting was the disconnect between the environmental commission is being thwarted they spent part of their meeting talking about how powerless they feel and now I'm glad that your consultant is going to meet with them but I'm not convinced that that is going to help them feel like they're empowered in the city to fulfill their Charter they even talked about not not being changing the charter to not be a tree board the tree City USA because they can't fulfill their mission that is not what we want for Titusville how are we going to connect the dots thank you thank you next [Applause] up I wanted you get this out SP you good you got you got your what you call I I don't know what you're saying there you go good evening hi Stan uh good evening coach uh Stan Johnson professional engineer I used to work here in the city for a few years and then I got arrested but that's that's another story U so what I got to you today is that uh there's there's a few comments I have on the U sustainability issue I thought Abigail did a excellent job there uh but she wasn't responsible for what happened to some some some time ago and if we're for sustainability we're planning ahead of but I I just I just think of look look at what happened to the Royal Oaks Golf and Country Club when it when it folded the city really blew it blew it big time ask any Resident of Oro he could have City could have bought that for a song could have made a nice park out of it uh that that's one of the things I can see I can see also in in uh uh we have we have had trouble that exposed is that is the city has had a problem with the water water supply with four log virus and that's been a secret for maybe 20 years it's not good that's not a good thing so let let's change change subjects now is I sent I sent this to you this has to do with the uh pollution in the river and so forth and City denying and city council denying sewage spills so now I'll go to something else because I don't have a lot of time this is a an email then I sent to the city manager and chief of police and to counsel and I I'm I'm in a situation the the last sentence of this email says this it says please respond promptly as you that is city council and the city manager have have limited my employment and service to the public for over five months and that is the subject of this is is I have an ER it says is a another the subject is another request to resolve understand Florida statute 47127 I put 027 it's 47127 I've been an engineer for 48 years I have that Statute in my wallet I used it on a routine basis I contacted the city of Titusville to make sure everything was cleared for me to visit a site did on routine basis I did it this last October and they didn't show up so when I did show up they arrested me in other words what they're doing supposed to do the tyo police is supposed to help me instead of help me they arrested me didn't make any sense at all so I've asked for your help and I got nothing so I'm come to you today and I and I came to you saying please clear it so that I can work in the city of tid the city of tids is the only government I know of in the State of Florida that prevents me from working there the only city is the city of tville only city that stops Professional Engineers from working on sites within the city by the statute thank you I like your answers for that question though thank thank you st thank you next up good evening city council mayor how are you how you all doing today good name and address for the record John moist 3175 Diamond Road Titusville Florida thank you um so I've been working with a several faith-based Industries I've been a volunteer with under the bridge Ministries uh hope for North Bard uh several other agencies here in the area um including some medical um agencies here too thank you um so I've been working with these agencies for over four years I spent 24 years in the Coast Guard and I have a heart for serving wherever I am additionally I work with a couple organizations that procure and repair bicycles for the homeless and the needy I also provide meals on Fridays Friday nights in support of those in need along with several other servants as we are all called to do take care of those in need we need more affordable housing here in Titusville I know we have several there's several agencies um car 4 Apollo Gardens they're trying to um build a complex here that will provide affordable housing um it may eliminate or at least it's going to reduce the amount of homelessness that we have here on our streets you know and get some of our give serve those people that we really need to serve you know most people ask why would I do this well it's because I can I can serve I have the hands and feet you know I have the ability to go out there and do this you know I can because I was called to by God you know I listen to God Calling Me Out imagine the city where we look out for each other not look down you know unfortunately I do see a lot I'm out there a lot and I do talk to people you know not all the people I meet want help you know not all of them want to listen but they all do have a story to tell you know I chose and I chose to listen to those stories you know I have a hope that one day that we as a community can get back to the basics and serve that we can see no longer we can no longer see suffering on the streets but a life recognized a new in housing and I know this is a big issue I know it's not easily fixed you know I don't know if it'll it's not going to be fixed overnight but it needs a voice you know at least many voices thank you thank you well said well said next up hi I'm onita assassinate this is colen Colleen R and this lady here takes care of all of the Medicare and the insurance signing up and everything for the elderly okay so I have something I am well we're working in she lives at Royal Oak Community it's a senior facility and right now we just found out that they were established with a new owner in September and they raised their rent in September then they also raised it again just now yes and they took the low income credit off we just found out from Titusville city of Titusville that they only had a 20-year policy for giving them the funding for the low income stop the clock a second what facility rural Oak rural Palms senior community okay 911 South Park Avenue I've been out there yeah yeah yes okay okay so she's got a letter she wants to address to you guys so today we are profound sense of urgency regarding a matter that directly affects the most vulnerable members of our Community our lowincome seniors the recent developments concerning the Royal Palm senior apartments demand immediately attention not only as a housing issue but also as a matter of preventing elder abuse in 2007 when the state funded the construction of Royal Palm senior apartments it was a Beacon of Hope for many low-income seniors in our area the promise of affordable housing for the elderly population was a commendable initiative reflecting our Collective commitment to ensure dignified living conditions for all residents regardless of economic status however he has come to my attention that this Noble vision is at risk of being undermined due to the concerning stipulation the imposition of a time limit on the affordability of these apartments specifically the requirement that the building remain lowincome for only 20 years with a provision for very low income units for 15 of those years appears contradictory to the spirit of providing sustainable Housing Solutions for seniors as a 20-year Mark approaches Royal Palm seniors Apartments have been sold as a crucial provision for a very lowincome units has been Stripped Away the action jeopardizes the housing security of countless elderly and disabled individuals who rely on these affordable accommodations for their well-being and survival what is particularly is stressing is that these individuals many of whom are on fixed incomes are now facing the threat of homelessness as a result of these policy shortcomings such circumstances constitute constitute a form of elder abuse wherein the most vulnerable members of our society are subjected to housing instability and potential displacement due to systemic failures moreover the disparity in treatment between Li boards and tenants in our current housing policies except exat this Injustice while there are no caps on rent increases or safeguards against arbitrary changes to lease agreements stringent limitations are imposed on the duration of affordable housing initiatives the imbalance not only perpetuates housing insecurity but also exacerbates the vulnerability of our marginalized populations the consequences of these policy shortcomings are already manifesting in our community with reports of seniors facing exorbitant right rent hikes up to 50% they threaten to push them into homelessness there is an unintended situation that demands urgent intervention and re I implore you as Representatives our community and stewards of Public Welfare to take decisive action to address this pressing issue we need comprehensive and Equitable housing policies that prioritize long-term affordability of housing seniors and protect tenants from exploitation of displacement all right hold up right there so okay we have any um this is I was out there eight months ago or so I'm back well and I will and I will but I'm trying to say things have changed since then yes sir they sold the building and now we have at least six seniors that are getting a 50% increase in their rent when what what's the time frame on that when did this they sold it in September they gave them a rent increase in September now they just gave them a rent increase last week and they said it starts May 1st so they didn't even give them a 30-day notice and the one gentleman who's got a 50% increase is a disabled Elder at 1938 he was born in his apartment is falling apart yeah no repairs done in years we have another lady upstairs her apartment's been um wrecked when the herane came through okay they did some work in there it's been a year since she's had any work done in her apartment her bedroom she can't sleep in her bedroom because they won't finish the repairs and she's on HUD she gets a voucher and they're not doing anything hold up do we have any information Brad somebody do we have any history with this that we know about if I may please please you're the you're the expert if I I may address ma'am just like the coast guardman said that housing uh is an issue right affordable housing is uh something that has to be built and developers negotiate uh with uh with government to build a percentage of affordable housing for tax credits and and so forth and when the government set those rules they have time limits on them so that the developers can invest in building affordable housing so the issue is is that when that time limit runs out and that is not going to just include the home that you're speaking of it's going to include a whole vast amount yeah they US housing everywhere in the country and it is because with the homelessness and housing affordability is an issue it is being addressed but as as far as the time limit that is set by a tax credit or something uh housing hom that are built for that purpose we in the city have nothing to do with that because those are laws that are set by the federal it said Bard County did the funding for the 15% it doesn't matter whether the money came from the state through Bard County and then may have been allocated to the city for for uh to be expended but the do the the rules and regulations that are set forth by those are all set by the state and the federal government so how do we make a change how do we set the laws how do we get a change y are our government I can't address that but I can tell you where to go to uh to uh to address the problem you need to address the problem at the state and the federal government level been there he tells us to call 211 and they give us at a year outdated of lowincome housing Emergen all of that is all of that is locally operated we have when we get funding from the state and from the federal government that funding comes with requirements and limitations and we can't do anything about it if we want to bring some dollars into our city for affordable housing to get those dollars we have to abide by the rules and reg regulation and laws that they come to our city with then why haven't we been abiding by those rules and regulations why do we not have the affordable housing are we not abiding by you do have affordable housing ma'am the affordable housing was allocated for 20 years but after that is done then gentrifies the community and then the seniors that are there will no longer be able to afford right you're going to have I understand all that you're saying do you have anything for the ones that are going to be homeless now within the next month I I can tell you this that I and others throughout this County throughout this state are working on those issues but they're not easy issues to resolve are these all through the and he's our our low-income housing expert he spent his whole life doing this so that's why he's kind of giving us some answers here um so this is all comes trickles down from Federal Government Federal F all of when we get dollars allocated to the county or to the city the the qualifications for allocating those dollars are already part of the package okay well through the fair housing market they said that you're allowed to put the local government is allowed to right put laws and regulations on housing rental caps on the way they're raising the rent they're raising it at 50% at a time so local government to stand I don't think that that's uh that's totally accurate well they did it in Miami and they're they're protesting in Orlando I do know what the biggest problem we have right now is what you're you guys are facing right now right because we can talk about possibility of making laws and what we can and what we can't do and what the federal government can allow us to do Etc and the 20 years has run out uh I would I don't have the answer but I definitely am going to I've been there before and I'll go again to see what I mean this whole thing could be handled better than it's being handled with or without a new law absolutely so talk about sustainability why wouldn't we put laws in place to prevent it from happening in the future well I'm not saying we won't but that's not going to help your people get in toss tomorrow I understand that but we work on the first thing we can deal with from being years being kicked out let's see you have anything legally you can add to that no I do agree with what's been said you know when we receive the money there are limits there are contracts once and you abide by those contracts you don't renegotiate you can't go back once that money's been spent they abide by the contract so with but also at the state level we're still seeing more inability to have rent controls and them limiting our ability to have rent controls i' be glad to provide those laws to you at next meeting of course I don't have them tonight but I do agree it's it's an issue and we are limited in what we can do well I personally personally I want to talk to the people who are running the show over there that's that's what I'm going to try to do and Donna does a very good job she's our property manager but it's not her that's doing it she can explain to me exactly what's happening absolutely all well you might see me there tomorrow absolutely and they're willing to talk to you too CU they're willing to show you their apartments that are falling apart and not nothing being repaired with a 50% increase it's not been painted or carpet changed over 20 years I know the RO P but you have a specific address or no 911 South Park Avenue how me again 911 911 it needs help thank you girls thank you so very much oh that sounds [Applause] like good sir how are you great how you doing name and address for the record my name is Kevin Jeffrey my address is 675 window over way you know it said that uh as Rome was burning Neo Nero fiddled I've talked to people all over Titusville and I've been here for about 24 years now and I see that there's a disengagement from the government and the people you guys and I don't know if you you may already know this you're just representing the people right the people are the government it's not staff it's not you it's the people absolutely and the people are getting a little frustrated that you're not listening to them I hear it all over they're getting a little frustrated that you're rubber stamping everything that's going through and that you're not concerned about what's going on so they have the right of the ballot and they're going to make change and I do hear Winds of chains blowing through Titusville and I think that there's going to be a change I don't think that you understand how frustrated the people are with your decisions with the aloofness with the uh inability to actually make things available to them the hiding of things the inability to put uh make act make everything accessible for them the people are growing frustrated they're going to make a change and they have the opportunity to do that but they shouldn't do that they've entrusted into you a public Trust to be rep to represent them on their behalf you're running an endgame around staff you listen to some unelected bureaucrats more than you listen to the people I mean I can go back with the sustainability plan you can go back through all of this a lot of the votes here as I've seen it are five to nothing just rubber stamp rubber stamp where is the representation of the people where where's the concern for the people where where's the excess for the people it's their government it's not yours you're just representing them and I would hope that from this point on you will listen to what the people are saying amen and when yes sir when someone votes when when the citizens of Titusville vote over 80% for the Clean Water Act and you guys decide oh no no we know what's best for you right then we're going to come back and we're going to undermine the will of the people this is unbelievable behavior and it shows that you're completely out of touch thank [Applause] you next up hello I'm Chuck Sheran I'm a candidate for the Florida Senate first time we'll have a Senate District doesn't take in another County but I wanted to speak on This Woman's concern with the affordable housing you're absolutely correct I was a general contractor for several developers in the late 90s we did the affordable housing tax credit programs which had a 20 or 25 year program that people were they were sold on the stock market the tax credits and I said this is going to be a problem in about 20 years and now it's a problem across the country not just here but across the country and uh I'm hoping I can do something with it but it's it's a big problem and it needs to be addressed and and and I hope I can have the chance to to help fix it because I feel like I was part of the problem that started it thank you thank you next up my name is Trey Gordon 3986 tangle Drive uh thank you all I just want to thank you all for your service I know how sacrificial um I go to a lot of meetings but nobody has longer agendas than you all and um you face a lot of hard things um one of the things I wanted to talk to you about I come as a concerned citizen but also as the chair of the north Bard Coalition of Human Services which consists of about 80 different social service agencies and churches uh businesses I also come as the founder of Hope for North Bard and I want to speak to you about the affordable housing crisis um that's affecting our most vulnerable populations and crisis situations always create two things opportunities um and they also reveal character and so we can either react in fear or we have opportunities to be great um and the question becomes what does it mean to be great what does a Great Society look like what does a great Community look like and I'll just give you two of my heroes one is Jesus who would say how you treat the least of these that's what greatness that's how you define it the second would be confucious who said great societies care every person in that Community is cared for and protected and so those can give us some guidance amen one of the questions is what are we to do with our vulnerable populations particularly our homeless um I do want to make you aware of House Bill 1365 which is coming uh soon and that again is removing homeless um from our public streets and parks um and again there's two parts to that law and the other part is temporary shelter which we don't have and so the question becomes where are they to go now one of those Solutions is right before us is the Apollo Garden Supportive Housing project which is 81 one-bedroom units starting in the mid 500 okay um that's affordable we we throw that word around like candy but let's be honest about what people can really afford um this project will be focused on the disabled elderly and the homeless the one part that I want to under help you understand is the backstory of a um car for is that we invited them to come to our community this is a nonprofit community development agency which they're very rare to get these tax credits they're not just a regular developer that just wants to make money they're actually in the business of developing nonprofit um affordable housing F that one up for me yep um and they're an answer to prayer and so part of their Grant the way they get funded is through these grants and the grants are on a point system because I think a lot of people in our community have questions as to why this Miami based group came to our town but it's said they were look we were inviting them to come because we're in desperate need of affordable housing true affordable housing but their grants are based on a point system and point systems are looking for particular projects that have a certain size that are close to food uh gr you know grocery stores bus routes hospitals um schools and so that's how they came abound the property that they acquired we need to wrap that up brother and that's the goal where you could help with that is there's Community push back as to the location um and part of that concern is the road access to Barna and I think you could be of help to them there and champing that project because we need to see it um I think we should listen to the citizens as well as the need for affordable housing thank you all right thank you next up all right we we will hit the right you good we will start the next one at 10 till I can say quarter till but we never get on time so let's try to be 10 till uh this meeting is adjourned thank you for