e e e e e [Music] welcome to the March 26 2024 6:30 p.m city council meeting we do have a quorum so I will call this meeting to order would you please join me in a moment of silence and the pledge to the flag i al to of the United States of America and to the na indivisible andice clerk would you please read the rules of speak yes sir individuals wishing to speak on agenda items must complete a sign up card prior to the item being introduced those wishing to speak on qua at additional public hearings must complete a signup card and sign the oath sign up and oath cards are available on the table individuals wishing to speak on non-agenda items May do so under petitions from the public present this opportunity is offered twice in the meeting and individuals may speak at either the first or second petitions but not both no sign up card is required citizens shall not comment on any issue more than once during the meeting all comments except petitions or requests must address a pending issue and citizens will be given three minutes to speak on all items citizens wishing to speak on the consent agenda must submit a signup card identifying the items of interest each speaker shall be limited to 3 minutes to speak on the entire consent agenda all signup cards and Exhibits being submitted to city council shall be placed in the box on the table thank you city clerk Council I have a motion to approve the minutes from February 13th and February 27th 2024 6:30 p.m. meetings sove I have a motion second and a second all those in favor say yes opposed meetings are approved city manager uh good evening mayor vice mayor and city council I've got a couple housekeeping items I'd like to present prior to getting into the meeting first one is staff is requesting to table item 9B which is ordinance number 8 2024 and we'd like to table that to the 23 April 2024 meeting Council can I have a motion to table 90 9B I'm sorry nine B Bravo B 9 B to 423 24 correct yes sir yes ma'am the 23rd of April 24 second I have that motion for member Nelson now second for member stokel all those in favor say yes yes opposed 9B is tabled mayor I think you were thinking ahead because we'd also like to table 9e which is cup number 1- 12024 which is TRG self storage and staff would like to table that the applicants request to 9 April 24 I wasn't wrong I was a start no you're just ahead of us okay uh Council can I have a motion to table 90 s b second motion a second all those in favor say yes that will be to the next meeting okay okay all right added to that motion city clerk you get that yes sir okay let's try that again all those in favor say yes yes opposed 9e is tabled we have we have no uh special presentations nor board and commissions uh we are to petitions and requests all right petitions and requests from the public all right with that while we're yeah come on up that's what you do you just come on going up yes sir I'm my name is len I have a problem uh I live just around the corner from lifeo Ministries and it's they're supplying homeless people with places to stay food and clothing and all this well they're also stealing my neighborhood blind I've had five bicycles ripped off there over $650 worth of bicycles the lady across the street for me had to put up a $1,500 Security Fence to PE PE to keep people from sleeping in her uh carport I have a rental house right next door to my house and I had I've caught people four times sleeping in there I've had them urinating against my mailbox I've had them between my uh fence and my uh um trailer uh defecating I'm really tired of this it's cost to me an arm and a leg for this I used to work at the Salvation Army so when I when I was out there and I know how to deal with the home well I don't know how to do but I have some ideas for here and I called up the pastor and I asked to talk to him and I talked with him and I shared my ideas and I said otherwise I was going before city council and his words were and I'll abbreviate them F you I know the mayor and the police chief and they support me so you do whatever you want to do they'll do nothing well I finally got sick of this after my child who's 10 years old just had his last birthday present ripped off his bicycle he can't do anything now I mean I've I've got so many bicycles this is is getting ridiculous they're coming into my front porch and you guys are the ones that gave them a license and this usually happens when they're showering people and clothing them and they don't move them on their way they just shower and clothe them and then they all go a little ways away and then they come back again and they they swarm that area I mean it's turning my area into a junkyard I had him the other day I called cuz there was a lady sleeping right next to the railroad tracks the day before that there was another person sleeping right in the woods right there on Aon this is getting ridiculous and I know it's a problem Nationwide but we have some rules and Titus fi where camping is not allowed you're not allowed to just make a home in the woods and nobody's doing anything or following this up now when I got an 84 or 81 year old lady next door to me having to put up a $1,500 fence and she's on Social Security you know we got a problem and nobody's addressing it we have a problem with this and I can't afford another bicycle for my child I'm a disabled person too what am I supposed to do just keep getting ripped off I've never come before you guys and I've lived here since 1984 and I'm tired of this you know one of the cute things they could do is as soon as he feeds and clothes the people is tell them they got to disperse on the other side of 50 or the other side of uh the other street but they all run down to us one to those Parks over there they go to the woods on kapron they go to the woods across from the library behind it that was my time I know yeah but hold on I'm just tired of this I get that I get that we we clearly have that and so would I be tired of that and uh this is as you said Titusville and is all over the country but this isn't a place where we say hey that's okay that's not okay if people are stealing bikes that's that's a crime if people are peeing and whatever else are doing that they're not supposed to be doing that's a crime um I get the homeless issue but I also get that you have a right and the people of our city have a right to be safe to be clean to not be stolen from so whoever said they know me good tell them to talk to me we're not going to put up with that now that being said I'm not taking you know anything away from our homeless issue it's something that needs to be dealt with we're doing our best now I need a couple questions tell me exactly where where this is where are you what's the street give me an idea maybe you guys can tell me but uh that I live no well where this is happening this is happening they're coming this is happening on coina Avenue uh we got hookers walking up and down the street now not at all times we have homeless people too that are always walking up and they're doing whatever they want to do you know just and and I've called the police for my bike stolen I know I've called the police for my bike stolen I've called them for the people sleeping in the woods I've called them for there there are probably a hundred just for me my neighbors are I'm scared too cuz my house could get vandalized cuz I'm on TV CU this pastor has according to him has a lot of pull and I'm worried but I need something done because CU I have two children under the age of 18 and I need their protection my daughter is given food to them people because she thinks it's the right thing to two which I understand except she doesn't know who these people are and she doesn't know what can happen to them happened to her from them you know there are some sick people out here okay and I will I will say that we will continue to do our best for the homeless I will tell you that uh I'm in an organization that's going to do a 7 a.m. homeless breakfast Saturday morning it's once a week downtown but then they moved on um city manager is this where we will just refer this to police chief and and go from there because clearly we all I can do is hear you and make sure that something is done at the same time I know that we have done a a really good job I've even had people compliment us on cleaning up the parks and and cleaning up is a bad word when you're talking about homeless people but moving homeless people from the parks and hanging out this is the first I've heard of this sort of situation I do drive down there a lot and I'll pay ATT attention to that but um I'm hearing words you know like hookers or prostitutes and the other things you talked about and uh clearly that's not something that I've been familiar with well then you haven't heard that at the park there on US1 and coina right down there um I went there the other day to visit with a friend of mine that came down and we just wanted to sit by the ocean found some syringes out there you know this is my city I've heard of the C and you said talk to the police chief well I haven't talked directly to the police chief but I've talked to every police officer and they tell me that they've notified the police chief well I just asked him and he said this is the first he heard about it and he took down my address how many times and how many months do I have to go this has been going on nine months well I will say this I've known about it maybe nine minutes so we're going to see what we do with it okay I'll let it go there yeah we'll let it go there thank you perhaps uh uh go ahead M Nelson maybe some extra Patrols in that area would be good yeah and and that's where I would let police Chief decide what they're going to do with patrols and all that stuff um it doesn't take much to drive by there and see what's going on because I go by there probably every day two or three times it's kind of on the way so uh I will be by there personally just to see what I see uh is Thursday night particularly bad no come by when they're doing the showers yeah Thursday that's a Thursday night see it it changed for oh does it change I didn't know that what is it THS yeah okay Thursday night okay I I I will I will I'll be there I say it I do it I'll be there um that was petitions requests right okay I'm going to do my own little thing here um troop 359 stand up for me if you would all of you with truth 359 Anybody Everybody if you're friends parents it doesn't matter uh very good uh does one of you want to come up and stand there I know you don't but this good training for you don't you have all three all three of y'all come up you do it as a team good idea right come on we we won't be long come on up come on up they all look like they can't wait to speak uh give um one at a time give us your names and uh I don't know if you have ranks in this do you do you okay your name and your rank I'm Jasper and I'm a star Scout very good next my name is VY and I'm um Scout okay my name is Dylan and I'm a first class very cool how long have you guys been in the scouts I've I've been in Scouts for like eight nine years fantastic rest of you buy the same you been there a long time no all right wow so what's your favorite thing in the scouts what what do you like to do in the scouts field trips camping say again camping camping where do you guys go camping and then I'll leave it at that we're going TOA Springs oh cool cool make sure you go when it's not July or August I would say that's a good idea anyway thank you guys for bringing them and thank you guys for being here appreciate [Applause] you that's right there there city manager yes sir we are to consent agenda items a through e uh city council do you have any questions of Staff um for these consent items I see none sir city council you want to pull any of the consent for additional discussion I see none city clerk do you have uh any cards for consent yes sir mayor I'd like to read the titles for the record thank you sir consent agenda item a a approve the equipment vehicle camera systems and GPS monitoring consent agenda item 8 B accept the FY 2023 annual comprehensive financial report can consent agenda item 8 C approv change orders number three and four for the blue herring Water Reclamation facility clarifier consent agenda item 8D approve the award of the contract for utility contractors and consent agenda item 8e approve the phone replacement project very good uh Council any of these you wish to speak to um I understand there's no cards but I'll call the cards anyway stand by routine no cards um member Nelson Mo to approve consent agenda item 8 a through 8e um I have a um motion second member call second roll call vote member Cole yes member Nelson yes mayor diesel yes vice mayor Robinson yes member stokel yes consent agenda is passed city manager yes sir I'd like to uh make a further Amendment to the agenda and move uh item 11a which is performance bond for tranquility development to now yes uh do we need to make a motion on that uh Nelson Motion in a second all those in favor say yes opposed moving it up we are now on 11a which is performance bond Tranquility development on 27 February 2024 the city council approved advisability for staff to review the request to reduce the amount of the performance bond for the Tranquility development staff analyzed requests status of the bonds status of the infrastructure improvements remaining cost estimates and the amount of the new Bond um we agree with the estimate to reduce the bond to $865,000 um staff's here to answer any questions that you may whoops a milon 38 I'm sorry um staff's here to answer any questions that you may have about this and I believe there's some in the room that may want to speak on this item staff you uh anything you want to toss our way only if you have any questions um with that I feel like we discussed this at the last meeting and I think the one thing we said we'd like to expedite this and if there's something down the road we can add or remedy um I really wish we could expedite this a little bit but at the same time I think this is pretty much a a basic issue that they're uh wanting to uh lower the bond um for phase one and and that just is a practical use situation so Council anything else you guys want to add uh call the cards no cards member Nelson moved to um reduce the amount of performance bond uh phase one subdivision to $865,000 NOP 1.38 I think wait a minute oh wait a minute okay say again 1, 38,000 okay 1, 38,000 we just took a little more from it second sorry about that second all right I have a motion and member Nelson a second for member Cole roll call vote member Nelson yes mayor diesel yes vice mayor Robinson yes member stokel yes member Cole yes uh passes unanimously thank you guys I wish everything we ever did was this simple thank you guys uh city manager back to item 9A under second reading public hearings this is ordinance number 7 2024 development review fee City attorney will read the ordinance for the record ordinance number 7 2024 an ordinance of the city of tville Florida amending the code of ordinances by amending development review procedures manual section 7.2 Land Development fees by including an expedited plan review fee providing for separability repeal of conflicting ordinances incorporation under the code and an effective date on March 20 or March 6 2024 plan and Zoning commission recomended approval of this item 61 the city of tville offers a number of significant services to its residents business owners and visitors for for which it charges fees that should be commensurate with the cost incurred to the city to perform those Services the city will offer an expedited review service for site plans as completed by artificial intelligence for an additional fee as charged by the city contractual agreement with the AI firm the draft ordinance proposes an additional 1,000 fee for this expedited site review and Brad's here to answer any questions that you may have on this your final um public hearing oh Council Council has nothing any cards yes member Nelson move to approve ordinance number 7 D 2024 development review fee second I have a motion by member Nelson a second by member stoko roll call vote mayor diesel yes vice mayor Robinson yes member stokel yes member Cole yes member Nelson yes uh 9A pass UNAM city manager as a reminder 9B has been tabled to the 23rd of April 24 we are now on 9 C ordinance number 9 2024 the soil amend Amendment and the City attorney you will read for the record ordinance number 9 2024 an ordinance of the city of tville Florida amending the code of ordinances to require soil amendments prior to installation of landscaping and specified situations by amending sections 30-03 standards 30 372 planting standards and 371 definitions providing for severability repeal of conflicting ordinances incorporation into the code and an effective date on March 6 2024 the Planning and Zoning commission recommended approval as presented 70 on September 28th 2021 city council directed staff to review trees in commercial parking lots including the soil that's used soil Ms may be required to plant viable in some areas that have imported f soils or have been impacted by Paving the ordinance requires a soil amendment when determined to be a when determined by a qualified representative Brad's here to answer any questions that you have on this ordinance number 9 2024 this questions councel we're very qu not very questioning today we asked more questions normally guys I want you to know that that's true we've we've been there before on this one all right I see no questions cards u member Nelson move to approve ordinance number 9- 2024 of soil embedment second uh we have a motion by member Nelson a second by member Cole roll call vote vice mayor Robinson yes stokel yes member Cole yes member Nelson mayor diesel yes passes unanimously city manager moving on to the Quasi judicial portion of the agenda we're now on 9d the City attorney will read quasi procedures for councel during this public hearing portion of the meeting anyone wishing to speak on a quasi judicial item must first sign a public hearing agenda card and sign the oath contained thereon these cards are located on the table at the entrance of the chamber if you have photographs sketches or documents that you desire for the city council to consider they must be submitted into evidence and will be retained by the city please submit such exhibits to the city clerk city clerk of all persons wishing to speak for city council sign an oath card swearing to tell the truth full truth and nothing but the truth yes sir for staff and any applicants ensure that all witnesses that intend to speak have signed an oath card swearing to tell the truth full truth and nothing but the truth yes if there's anyone present who has not signed on an oath card that wishes to speak on a quasi judicial item please submit a card at this time city clerk of all agenda items been properly advertised yes sir in the event that a council member has received an expar communication either verbal or written outside of this hearing the council member shall disclose the identity of the person group or entity with whom the communication took place and the subject of the communication including all opinions or facts discussed any written communication must be disclosed and made a part of the record also in the event that a member has conducted an investigation or site visit or received any expert opinions regarding the quasa judicial item said visit or opinion shall be disclosed I see none thank you on to item 9d which is easement vacation application 1- 12024 uh 300 Cheney Highway an application has been received by Mr Rodney Honeycut on the applicants behalf of John Michael Daniel and Cindy Rose Daniel the property owners at 300 Cheney Highway is requesting a vacation of a portion of existing public UT utility easement in order to create a storm water Pond staff is here to answer any questions this easement does meet the criteria for a vacation staff I just say for the record uh we have no objection to the request to vacate this portion of the easement uh there were no objections from any of the other agencies and departments and to give you an orientation of where this is located if you look on page 222 of your packet you'll see an illustration of an aerial of where this is located in Titusville off of kaon and Cheney the survey is located on page 224 of your packet and this request is to only vacate a portion of the recorded easement in the back of this property with that I'll try and answer any questions you have Council any questions I see no questions or comments cards we have one card it's Rodney Honeycut good evening chairman council members Rodney Honeycut 3700 South Washington Avenue and um so I have a client that wants to build a professional office building on this site and um he has the property under contract and then found out that there was supposed to be an easement on the east side when a rideway was vacated some time ago um the reason it was tabled from the last meetings we found out that Ean was never recorded So we recorded the EAS it so now we can vacate a portion of it and so um I don't uh I think Brad explained um we have uh no objection from any of the utility companies either Titus bill or the private companies and so if there's any questions please let me know any questions for Rodney yes member Nelson is that the area where the lawnmower shop is yes keep them running it's right behind okay it's in front of that yes yes okay you used to have the nursery there yeah yes yeah I don't know what really happened that but that's not there anymore okay uh any other questions for Mr Hut I see none thank you sir thank you uh any other cards yes sir um member Nelson sir uh moved to vac isma application vac application number 1- 2024 300 Cheney Highway and we need to in that motion approve related resolution number 2224 sorry about that and approve resolution number two 2024 number two 2024 second have a motion and a second roll call vote member St yes member Cole yes member Nelson yes mayor diesel yes vice mayor Robinson yes passor unanimously city manager just as a reminder we have tabled 9e to 9 April uh there is no ordinance first reading we've completed our old business we on 12a which is the termination American Rescue plan sub award agreement between the city and the Christian Life Center Life Center Academy on March 28 2022 the city entered into a federal sub agreement Award with Christian Life Center of Titusville the Life Center Academy in the amount of $122,000 for its enrichment program located at the Gibson center with an expiration date of September 30th 2024 subsequent on 17 October 2023 the neighborhood services department was notified the agency of their lack of performance regarding the expenditures documentation and missing required reports however since that date staff has not received any further Communications from the agency nor has the agency acted to REM remedy the non-compliance as a result the agency has reached a CR critical state of non-compliance with more than $889,000 left of unexpended money with the sub agreement to set to expire on September 30th 2024 on March 4th 2024 the Life Center Academy was notified of the intent to terminate advising no additional remedies to be considered and schedule the item to be heard at this meeting staff is seeking St council's authorization to terminate the sub awward agreement effective immediately and adjust the agency Award of the expended amount as of this date and they've expended 32,000 $394 which which has been accounted for properly Terry's here to answer any questions that you may have on this termination agreement member Robin excuse me vice mayor Robinson well they put it up this time uh this has happened a couple of times that that I see and it uh it U doesn't please my heart so to speak but is it any way that U uh we can kind of do our best to get this money back into the U those that need it the most uh some helping the homeless uh situation that the gentleman was talking about I don't know what you anticipating on doing with it I know that we have a lot more Liberty if you will to do things with it uh but uh I would ask that give consideration of somehow if there's any ideas out there to to help us with the the homeless situation or those in need and I know that you will do your best but uh I just wanted to make U make it known that uh we want to try to put it back out there if we possibly can thank you anybody else any cards yes member Nelson move to approve the termination of the arpa subaward agreement with Life Center Academy and adjust the subaward to equal amount expended in the amount of $ 32,39 46 second I have a motion I have a second and member Nelson and member Cole roll call vote member Cole yes member Nelson yes mayor diesel yes vice mayor Robinson yes member stokel yes passes unanimously City man on to item 12b which is the FY 2023 city of tville community redevelopment agency annual report accept the FY 2023 annual report for the city of Titusville community redevelopment CRA and approve the transmittal of the report to the CRA creating M municipality the city of Titusville to meet the 31 March deadline after the financial information has been completed which it has it'll be added to the report and posted as required by Florida Statutes and cury copies will be sent to the taxing authorities in the county Brad's here to answer any questions may have on accepting the annual FY 2023 CRA report Mr Brad anything just if you have any questions uh vice mayor yeah I don't know what the name it's the street north of uh Main Street uh right there on the corner uh the little house is one of the pites in there on the corner of um it's Washington on this side it's Hopkins on the other side but it's one block north of uh Main Street right huh Main Street Broad Street is the next is it Broad Street Broad Street that little house it used to be the uh the foundation for the hospital hospital what is that now it's owned by a a uh engineer okay I think it's it's owned by Woody rice but I think it's an engineer that's occupying it okay CRA did give him a grant to fix some it has changed over it looks really really nice but I don't see anyone any activity when I pass through there um he works there there I think he has a a team of two or three people that works with him okay thank you all right um any cards on something like that and that means moveed to accept the fiscal year 2023 annual report for the city of TI community redevelopment agency and approve the transmittal of the report to the cra's Comm creating municipality second meet March 31st deadline okay second I have a motion motion for member Nelson a second from Member Cole roll call vote member Nelson yes mayor diesel yes vice mayor Robinson yes member St yes member Cole yes passes unanimously City Manager on to 12C which is Cumberland Farms underground storage tank Jesse Wright the CEO of California retail properties Corporation is requesting the cities involvement in a dispute with Cumberland Farms property located at 355 South Hopkins Avenue and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection enclosed for council's information is the letter sent from guard County Natural Resources management department on March 13th 2024 Tec approved a motion to quote recommend to city council that they request to the FD that the matters resolution be expedited for the safety of the citizens that are may be impacted in this area staff is here to answer any questions and what we're asking you is advisability to bring this back as an agenda item at a future meeting should you choose to do that or not um when we have a situation like this we we lean on FD for one correct yes sir the FD is the regulatory Agency for remediation of environmental um spills and the uh Bard County Natural Resources management department they're the ones that have been delegated by FD to manage this particular project and being delegated by FD the nrmd reports monitoring data received February 22nd 20 24 submitted to this facility the deliverable is acceptable and demonstrates that the work was satisfactory performed and there were some things to be addressed which are being addressed but that being said our our agencies are not saying that there's anything we can or and really there's nothing we can do sir it appears that the state regulatory agency that deals with remediation is actively involved with this as well as The Bard County Natural Resources management department which is the overseer of the project and I I would not want to um uh deemphasize the concern that the citizen has uh right um and he has certainly been dealing with this as I understand it uh from correct me if I'm wrong here but this has been something that's going on since the 80s it was discovered in 2004 when the tanks were being replaced and this was the 80s was when they they put the tanks in it's been a while okay we we'll just go with 2004 that's 20 years ago um and again the bottom line is we we turn it over to the FD and they are saying at this time that the standards are met and we can't just suddenly say well we don't think so so with that member Nelson to me this is different remember when we did the letter to FWC about the manatees yep Y and to me this is this is totally different there we knew there was a problem here we don't even know if there is a problem what the problem is what the extent of the problem is um you know I don't mind writing letters of support if we really perceive there's problem but here we don't know whether there's problem or not and it is being addressed FWC really wasn't addressing it so to me the are two different issues I also think it's a good point to point out that we don't just say well we don't know so we don't care that's not the case when we had the manate tragedy um I actually got a chance to meet Coach P our state represent ative at the time had a lot to do with setting us up but we made the calls I made the calls we met with FL uh FWC and some Executives up there then they sent a representative and answered questions now did you know everybody agree with the answers well he is kind of the expert in this case I agree with you there's nothing more we should or could um legitimately do uh with the answers that we have right now from the research of FD uh member Nelson you're still there okay member stoko yep to member Point that's kind of where I was leaning to I I'm still really not sure what we would be doing inserting ourselves it's been very unclear I know we've probably all been copied on some emails uh I from what I know it's Cumberland Farms and Jesse and they're going back and forth about some issue and it looks like they fds already involved and they're so I'm just not sure what we would be doing at this point again if we had more clear information maybe we would do something but I I I'm just I don't feel comfortable doing something when I'm not sure what we would be doing I think it's really well put and that not really sure what our role would be uh as you said it's um the the owner of that area the the tites M situation and certainly he's trying to due diligence I'm not saying he's not but I am saying that this has been a a a a legal battle is that correct to say that a legal battle or some sort of battle anyway between him and Cumberland Farms back and forth and back and forth FD is a referee they've gotten in there and made a decision and then we even have the Bard County aspect of this with the um um and our MD they're in there what would we possibly do we don't have a department for that so that being said I I I don't see what else we do with this uh member Cole yeah I agree with all the comments I don't think that we are in a position or have the information to challenge the results that FD has come up with so I'm not sure that involving Us in it would be helpful in any aspect of it uh city manager do you have enough there we need to you know I think it's pretty clear that uh we don't feel like we have any cards okay I don't feel like we have any uh so what I what I hear is you don't want to proceed with advisability to bring it back as an agenda item I don't see what our role would be or or why we need somebody more than the FD because that's who we would be calling to say what do you think that's to me the biggest thing okay we get in there what do we do well FD what do you think well we've already told you what we think yes sir so I I feel like that we are where we need to be with this okay are we good we're good okay city manager uh petitions and requests yeah come on fell asleep there you go yeah get that okay hi my name is Thomas Keen the manager of the Titusville mall I'm here on behalf of Jesse because he's out of state right now and he's asking me if we could move a meeting to later date in in um April when he'll be back because he would like to address the issue um certainly we we and I I'll get with the city manager on this Etc um was this brought to you beforehand or something this seemed like cart behind the horse or something because U this wasn't tabled we received a a letter from Mr Wright to staff today that said he's not going to be in town but the the item came to you from your Tec TC brought it Mr Wright didn't bring it correct so I don't know that Mr Wright can say um you know because I I certainly get that um the the reason staff brought this to you is because your Tec made a recommendation to you well then could if that's the case would he need to go back to the Tec and say could you bring it again or I'm I'm not sure how to handle that the bottom line is uh you know it's really he would he would be able to speak on it but he's not the one that brought it he went to tec to have them bring it and he would have certainly he didn't have to be here like he wasn't uh and I didn't realize he wasn't going to be um but uh he would have a right to stand up like you are and have three minutes to speak but he wouldn't be the presenter and this wouldn't be you it is about his property his area but it's not him presenting uh and I I really no matter what we do I have no doubt we'll hear from him he says he wants to hear it again but um right now uh the answer would be the same that the FD is the saning body not us so um on guidance what what's the proper protocol answer it correctly sir say me again I'm sorry you answered it correctly all right at this time we're going to hold and I'm sure we'll hear from him about trying to bring it back um truthfully I feel like I've talked to Jesse plenty of times about this that everything that that we just I even brought up points for Jesse because I know Jesse would say this and he would say that and I get that but the bottom line is it's it's not a Titusville issue city of Titusville government issue it's a deferred to the FD they made an made a decision and then when in the county um that entity and I lost that spot now but anyway uh so at this point I appreciate you stating that and we're going to hold on on doing that I think the protocol is that uh the te brought it before they'd have to have tabled it or and request to have it come back but I appreciate you being here thank you thank you any other petitions or requests uh mayor's report thank you uh city clerk for putting this in front of me or I would have forgotten it uh I need city council authorization uh to present a proclamation to Proclaim April 22nd 2024 Earth Day at the April 9th 2024 regular city council meeting so um so moved second uh all those in favor say yes yes uh request for Proclamation uh to Proclaim April 22nd Earth day has been passed uh request authorization to present a proclamation to Proclaim April 26 2024 is National Arbor Day at the April 9th 2024 council meeting oh definitely okay we have a motion second second all those in favor say yes opposed passes both of those pass from the mayor's report um I will move over to member Nelson and let her go first oh thank you you're welcome this is just an FYI I was talking to an older lady um how old older than you older than you Haron and uh we were talking about the crime statistics that people keep spouting on TV and what she told me is crime is rampid I'm scared to death she's sleeping with a gun and I said really it said crime is down so I guess my FYI is for people who are listening I'm GNA call them talking heads on TV who are spouting nonsense uh please you know check you know get on the internet she does have the internet she could use it get on the internet and look because our crime stats are down thank you for saying that all over the nation not just Titusville but all over the nation and she is living in fear and it's it's sad and is not necessary so for the people out there please please you know um don't look at one one TV network and take everything they say as a gospel truth because it may be it may not be go do some research don't live like that so I just wanted to say that because I really like this lady and it made me sad well well said yeah um member Cole I just wanted to make an announcement that our YMCA is sponsoring a prayer breakfast on Friday morning uh there used to be a prayer breakfast in Coco which they have no more so I think it's been about five or six years so we decided to have our prayer prayer breakfast it's Friday at the Grove Church 7:30 uh Sheriff we Ivy is the speaker and I I think everyone on city council will be there except me because I'm out of town but I help put it on but it's it's we've done very well as far as selling tables there being quite a few people there so hope hopefully everyone will enjoy it and I'm just saying this for the benefit of the public to know that there is a prayer breakfast Friday morning at the Grove Church at 7:30 thank you very much um vice mayor what we're we're into the meeting stuff you're not as old our Rhythm was thrown off today yeah sir can I get you to put your microphone on microphone I've been getting a few other things together and uh I haven't uh uh been uh it's been kind of slow since the last meeting not a whole lot going on uh and just uh trying to prepare for some things that are lying in the future very good moving right along uh member Soo yes a couple items I'll make up for you guys um one just just to FYI our next Space Coast League of cities on April 8th Tim banck supervisor of elections is our guest speaker he should be giving updates now that session is over on elections and anything that we may need to know um regarding that so I thought that was interesting wanted to share with you guys um had the opportunity last Saturday to participate in the pilot club's fashion show she did great member Nelson was there yes it was a sold out uh benefiting to organ local organizations Boys to Men with purpose and fighting Edge um so very happy to participate and volunteer for that uh the mayor and I actually got to attend uh Park dedication for Val steel down in South forvard it was a drive we never get down there either I know it's beautiful down there I mean it really is I just don't melbour Beach way out I don't get down there much yeah it was it was nice um and then lastly part of my participation in the County's Eli program uh we did a 3-day Retreat and one of the days you may have seen it on Facebook we were over at Ties That Bind by Indian River City Methodist Church if you remember if you were on Council we actually approved that ropes course challenge course um several years back and so that was my first time to be there um it was very cool you don't have to do like the high climbs that I did just want to throw that out out there um but the owner did reach out to me and said that he would like to offer counsel if we wanted to go take a tour um furry of charge to kind of see what's going on from my understanding there's nothing like that in Bard County um I was very impressed I had attended one in oido before and he said oh yeah I owned that one and I was like because we used to have to travel for it I had no clue it was back there so in addition to the high beams and everything there's different activities and so I said I would bring it before Council to see if you guys would be interested in us getting a tour um and seeing their facilities very nice he Pastor act called me and told me you were going to say something so for me to just say second um except I likely will walk the course as you're flying well that's that's fine okay uh a couple things real quick um Parish Foundation Parish Medical Center I'm not sure which officially does uh helped put on a u mental health football Clinic JT Hassel and his team M Gibson on uh um Saturday morning and I was blessed to able to speak at that uh Robert did as well so that was kind of cool um then I went to the sheriff department Awards I tell you what we got Heroes all over the place our Police Department uh you know they did a really great video presentation of every award winner and uh everybody I mean man talking about life and death just you just leave their feeling then uh a pretty special one um a former cheerleader Titusville High School a business owner in Titusville now won't get into names and all that for the reasoning here but um her husband put on a ring the bell party for her because she is a cancer survivor and this was I I've never heard of one she hadn't either until then but there was a there was tears in everybody eye everybody's eyes because at the end they called everybody up not just her to ring the bell anybody who had survived cancer to ring the bell there's like 20 people across there that was just very special life moment that you know it's it's just good to be alive and and enjoy it so just some really cool stuff uh going on around here make sure we got it all yeah and the fact that a football clinic or mental health mental Wellness was based around a football Clinic wow that was really cool so um with that uh city manager yes R I'd like to also thank those that attended the student advisory um leadership Workshop that we conducted last week that was great that was um I've got one action item and a couple information items for Council to consider um if you could pull out your calendar since we completed the cafer tonight it's time to do the budget so the budget workshop and public hearing dates are listed in your packet and if I could get consensus on those dates we give you a primary and a secondary of those dates uh for the budget Workshop it looks like it's aug August 15th or August 8th I would like to request August 8th because August 15th is during the Florida Liga cities conference and it will be down in South Florida so for anyone that's attending that um we would miss so you you requested which one I'm sorry August 8th if possible because the 15 doesn't matter to me I'm good either way okay so 5:30 it looks like 5 o' 5 o' I know all right city manager you got to do the public hearing as well yep yep and the final public hearing yep always like I prefer th I prefer Thursday over Wednesday as a wild Joe Church th at 530 sep yes sir that works for me so the 12th of September at 5:30 at 530 how do you guys know all these dates I I pulled out my paper planner over here and this is called the budget what part okay this is the first hearing we've got the workshop uh which is scheduled right now for 8 August at 5:00 pm and the first public hearing recommendation by two members is the 12th of September which is a Thursday at 5:30 so wow Herman I Got a notification what I don't that you accepted the good good job you added it to the calendar apparently like updating our calendars right now okay all right what's the next thing looks like September are we go ahead and lock in first hearing at 12 September at 5:30 yes yes okay and the public hearing the two options again Wednesday and Thursday uh 25 September 26 September at 5:30 September 26 is that what we're saying yeah 26 5 yeah that works okay just to recap Workshop now is set for 8 August at 5: first hearing 12 September at 5:30 and the public hearing the final public hearing is the 26th of September at 5:30 uh the additional information for you is the title tomorrow community meeting is scheduled to be held on March 28th at the Harry T Mo Center and then also the gfoa a certificate of achievement for excellent and financial reporting is listed there for you I've got one additional item a result of the legislature there was some changes made to the live local uh legislation so staff is working to change our ordinance to make those adjustments and to clean up any other items that we found uh that may be loopholes that we need to take a hard look at so we'll be coming back to you with your live local ordinance with those changes I just want you to be aware that that's uh that's in the works anything else subject to your questions City attorney anything just one item of information and update uh the Apollo Gardens those mentioned earlier I believe the first meeting that uh lawsuit was noticed we received a notice of voluntary dismissal without prejudice so that complaint has been dismissed I've provided a copy of that for your information if you have any questions I'd be glad to answer them but that litigation is concluded at this time all right thank you anything else your estimate was spot on yeah we are you guys want to come up and talk again no okay no this is it we did it look okay all right with that uh appreciate that let me do let me just do say um next meeting vice mayor will run um don't make it short like this make it real long uh I will be in St Louis I always go to St Louis for the St Louis Cardinals opening day this is different because we normally come home Sunday not later than Monday well Tuesday is the eclipse and it goes right over St Louis and I told my wife I said I am not going to miss that one I have it once in a lifetime to see that so we are going to be seeing the eclipse concerned about getting back because apparently the air flights are going to be a mess coming back out so after the eclipse we head to the airport and I'll be here Tuesday night I don't think I'll be back in time for the meeting but I'll be back Tuesday night so I just want to say that and uh that'll be pretty exciting so guys appreciate you dismissed no and turn e --------- e e e e e [Music] oh all right I think we are all present accounted for Welcome to the 5:30 p.m. March 26 2024 presentation city council meeting we do have a quorum so I'll call this meeting to order would you please join me in a moment of silence and the pledge to the flag I pled to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation indivisible andice for all city clerk would you please read the rules to speak yes sir this is a city council meeting to hear special recognitions and presentations Council will not take formal action on the agenda items all individuals wishing to speak may do so under petitions and requests no signup card is required citizens will be given three minutes to speak all signup cards and Exhibits being submitted to city council shall be placed in the box on the table thank you very much city manager good evening mayor vice mayor and Council we are on agenda item 4A which is special recognition and presentation this is the employee of the month for February 2024 and March 2024 uh Chief La will present to Sergeant Caesar Torres who is out with an illness right now and officer Sarah paage so Chief all yours thank you very much and uh even though Sergeant Torres has the sniffles and can't make it tonight um we're going to go ahead and and present actually both officer Paige and Sergeant Torres although independent uh incidents uh and recognitions Dove tail together and not to take anything away from officer Paige and uh her accomplishments this is pretty much across the board what you see from our officers so um in officer Page's uh example um she had an encounter with someone who was clearly transient in uh nature and had a bicycle and was acting out and really starting to show a little bit of signs um that there was distress officer Paige went over and although technically wasn't a police matter was handling the issue and um found out that he said I'm at the lowest point of my life right now uh everything keeps going wrong I have a job interview across town and my tires are flat on my bicycle I can't get there and and you know as what happens with you know human nature as things are going bad and more and more pounds on even something very very small could be the straw that broke the camels back and in this case officer Paige took it upon herself to take him to Walmart with her own money purchase tire tubes uh install them with uh the uh young man and now young man to this day and as a matter of fact officer Paige told told us yesterday that even though she'll be coming around town officer pige officer pig look at my tires and so really in a very proud uh moment and prideful moment for for that person so um this is uh why we are recognizing officer page and I don't know which order it was but since uh Sergeant Torres isn't here officer Paige is first on the list so congratulations thank you [Applause] that sounds good well that's not as good but go ahead and then I'll have a word what's that present her are you done oh no I thought you were going to present her oh we we're all facing the wrong way come back here come back here there there put that in hold on however you want to be put her in the middle put her in the middle put her in the middle yeah put her in the midle quiet up there please uh anyway I just want to say and again I can say it to everybody here could say it every single day and another example right here a passion a care and a concern for people make you a Difference Maker make you a Difference Maker of all the things that you're you are and I was going to say of all the things you're called You're A Difference Maker and and again I I don't ever say this without starting at the top uh Chief Lao is a Difference Maker these guys who I know are difference makers Amy's a Difference Maker you're a Difference Maker and you made a difference this time in a life that we know about you do that every day and we don't know about it so thank you for what you do every day all of you thank [Applause] you so I'd like to see how we're going to do the pictures with the sergeant Tores oh yeah so and real brief uh but I think it is extremely important um that folks here uh what Sergeant Torres did uh he got a call for service he went up into Dairy Plaza when Dixie and um saw two definitely juveniles I want to say they were like between like 10 and 14 years of age um it was a very rainy day they were obviously soaked um when he uh interviewed and talked to them found out that uh their mom and uh I guess soon to be stepdad uh had they had come down the family of four had come down from Iowa for a job and the job fell through so they were actually on their way the two adults were on their way to Coco Beach they had slept in the woods that night um and it had rained it was one of those really you know uh damp cold wet nights um so it it tugged on Sergeant torres's heart and so he started you know investigating further uh got in touch with them they got back from Coco Beach uh all in all they passed the hat around the squad and there was nothing they they put him up in a hotel that night night but there was nothing else for this family in Florida so the squad actually raised enough money to buy four plane tickets back to Iowa and had a receiving um crew on the other end when the plane so that they were able to get out of town and again um what's interesting is our city manager asked about this when it happened and I had no clue because this happens every day day it happens all the time and and so I was like well I'll check into which Squad handled passing the hat around because this is just the nature of what the officers do on a daily basis and in most cases I'm telling you they don't want the recognition they don't do it for the recognition which is really uh kudos to their heart and their servant uh leadership hearts that they have so um when I I know our crew isn't going to give tour is a hard time uh when you see them for not being here but um anyway thank you for the opportunity to to uh do on our uh amazing officers so thank you [Applause] guys on to item 4B which is a proclamation for the Irish American heritage month and uh Mr Brian mccan are you present if you'd come up an official procl mayor if if I can I'll read it for you an official proclamation of the city of Titusville Florida whereas the Irish first came to the territory later to become our great state of Florida in the 1500s serving as missionaries mercenary soldiers and later as planters Traders businessmen and doctors and administrators and whereas three nearly 300,000 Irish Nationals had immigrated to the American colonies by 1776 and played crucial roles in the Americans war for independence and the establishment of a system of government to our newly birthed nation and whereas eight signers of the Declaration of Independence 22 American Presidents the first flag officer of the United States Navy the founder of the first public school in America and Florida's first military Governor have all proudly proclaimed their Irish American Heritage and whereas since the founding Irish Americans have contributed to our to our country as a place of hope opportunity and providing leadership and service to the Nations political military business and religious establishments and whereas it's fitting and appropriate to reflect on our past to applaud the achievements of all of our Irish American citizens who contribute richly to the city our state and our nation therefore I Daniel e diesel by the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of Titusville Florida to hereby proclaim the month of March as Irish American Heritage Month signed Daniel e diesel mayor yes sir thank you very much as you know Irish Americans have played a great deal in history um of course in the first responder category a lot of in the 17 1800s a lot of the Irish became cops and firemen and did a lot in in politics too and I just like to say thank you for recognizing the Irish Amer thank you thank you thank you Mr thank [Applause] you I appreciate that uh we can do this most every year and I've just always been impressed with the pride that you all have in your heritage um it's not a Cockiness or anything like that maybe sometimes on a Friday night maybe but uh for the most part uh yeah you're right and my mom always used to tell me about how the Irish came in and they were the First Responders the first First Responders and maybe there's something to be said about your heritage that that's the first thing they wanted to be so thank you so much and congratulations on the Heritage that you guys have thank you than thank you on to uh item 4C which is the FY 23 annual comprehensive financial report and our external Auditors act from the James Mo and Company will present the independent Auditors report covering the city's FY 2023 comprehensive financial plan Zach all yours all right thank you uh good evening Zach shafor partner James Mo and Company uh good to see everyone we are here here to review the annual audit for the fiscal year ended September 30th 2023 uh did get a chance to walk through with a few of you a little more detail so we'll keep this uh pretty high level um any questions as I go feel free to uh jump in I do want to start off as always thanking the council for the opportunity to work with the city uh we really appreciate this relationship you all have a great team which I do want to highlight um their work as well um Terry and her team Jen and Phyllis are here as well um you know as I mentioned to a few of you and it's been kind of a theme for me this year uh it's hard to find good people I feel like you know pretty much any uh department or field you know I have a bias towards government Finance where I've seen how hard it is to find and assemble a strong uh government Finance team and this is one audit that has been kind of reliably scheduled completed to hit this meeting pretty much I think just about every year that we've worked with you all and that really is a testament to the team that you have because in recent years we just see more and more governments that are having staffing issues other issues and can't get the books closed out in a timely manner uh where your team has been able to do that consistently and something that I think I normally would take for granted a little bit but as we've seen so many challenges elsewhere I did want to really highlight that um you as a reflection of the performance of your team you know really getting all their work done there's a lot that goes into it from there of that process knowing that hey we scheduled the audit for this week uh and your team's going to be ready to go uh when that time comes around um so to hit some of the highlights let's see if is this not on probably no it is there we go um so as in past years the city does prepare What's called the comprehensive annual financial report uh series of additional items the transmitt letter some additional schedules and then the 10-year historical statistical section that are above and beyond the minimum reporting requirements uh to the State of Florida this document every year is submitted to the gfoa the government Finance Officers Association for evaluation as to its compliance with the program uh and the 2022 financial statements were awarded the certificate of achievement for excellence in financial reporting uh and we expect to see that again when the current year financial statements are uh submitted to the gfoa by your team once again from an audit report perspective uh well these are Management's Financial statements there's five reports that we issue that summarize the results of the audit uh the first one is the audit report on the financial statements themselves uh we did Issue an unmodified opinion that the financial statements are fairly presented in all material respects this is what you want to see here effectively means that the numbers are material materially accurate and effectively can be relied upon uh we also issue a report on internal control and compliance uh while we do not audit the city's internal controls that would be a separate type of Engagement we do look at your internal controls and and in performing our testing over Financial activity if we came across any deficiencies in the design of a key internal control uh or issues where the control did not function as intended or we had significant audit adjustments changes to the numbers to help get to these financial statements we would report those comments here we had no modifications uh no internal control comments reported here as well as no compliance issues identified whether related to Grants debt budget or otherwise that impact the financial statements uh from a single audit perspective this year we had both a federal and the state single audit which really required us to take a more in-depth look at your arpa expenditures and some of your srf loan expenditures um really focused on compliance and we did have no issues there did note that we believed the city to be in compliance for those major Grant programs the last two items are required by the state of Florida kind of a catchall looking at uh any financial position concerns or red flags that may come up we had no modifications to that effect and then we did also note the city to be in compliance with State statutes over investment activity and investment policy so really a clean slate all the way around looking at the audit reports that were issued uh from a fund balance perspective the general fund of course is the primary operating fund of the city uh in total about a $2 million increase here from about1 18 million to a little over 20 million uh in total looking at the general fund assets minus liabilities uh I'll jump to the next slide where what I always like to do is kind of put that into perspective to say okay there's some nonspendable fund balance that's really just a timing difference but if you look at your true unrestricted reserves in the general fund you're assigned plus your unassigned fund balance uh comes to about almost $1 million and this is excluding your separate uh stabilization and disaster fund and looking at that 10.9 almost 11 million relative to what you spent about 48.5 million you're at about 22 uh and a half% so 2 and a half almost 3 months in reserves by this measurement uh the gfoa recommends a minimum of two months acknowledging that when you consider other factors you may want to be higher the biggest one relevant here of course being a co- community in the State of Florida that's one of the big areas that would kind of fall into that hey you should be to some degree above that minimum uh when we factor in the disaster uh stabilization fund you're at about four months in total so at a very healthy level uh overall you know a little bit over that minimum recommendation and you know have come a long way in the last five or six years since we started working uh with the city on the next slide I like to always look at your Enterprise funds uh the bottom line number being the unrestricted net position kind of very similar in terms of a bottom line figure that is unrestricted resources uh the caveat as in Prior years is that uh for three of the funds where you see brackets representing a negative figure here that's really driven by the allocation of the pension and the oped liabilities even though those aren't really operational liabilities you're not going to have to cut a check out of those funds to pay that those are more for kind of long-term informational purposes so it kind of distorts the numbers at face value so I like to highlight is the fact that all of those when you exclude that look at just the operations uh are in the positive so no red flags from that standpoint otherwise we do tend to look at a trend uh analysis to say okay are we moving you know in a positive negative Direction uh the only item of note was Solid Waste uh just the cost there this is really kind of something that we've seen universally whether you do it in house such as the city Titusville or use a third- party contractor those expenses have been absolutely kind of going off the charts um for everybody I know there was a I think 8% rate increase uh for the current year so that's really something that we see as hey let's monitor that see kind of where the dust settles what those expenses look like uh in the long term because again there have been many factors impacting just the solid waste function for local governments uh resulting in pretty substantial increases in costs as you all have seen as well and then I always like to touch on the pensions uh in OPB as well uh just to show a fiveyear trend of what the the net pension liability and net oped liabilities have looked like as well as the funded percentages uh year-over-year for 22 to 23 the market in general terms you know kind of was pretty much on par uh more or less with expectations so uh for both your pension plans those percentages stayed within 2% of the prior year so uh overall you know no major issues or concerns I always just like to emphasize the fact that you know you're never as good as you look you're never as bad as you look when it comes to pensions it's always about taking the long-term View and whenever you do have a decision Point saying okay where are we at and what's best for the the long term you know not just today but looking decades down the road for both the health of the plan and the health of its of the fiscal impact of those plans uh on the city uh so again that's the quick version those are the highlights but be more than glad to answer any questions and thank you all again for the chance to be here Council any questions I'm just gonna say the second time around it makes more sense thank you right that sounds like a good one good all right thank you very much as always I appreciate it thank you thank the team out there for doing the things you do and being ahead of the curve thank you city manager as well City Manager on to item uh 4 d which is the multi modal Transportation plan a presentation by the Community Development staff will give an update on the status of the plan the plan was implemented in 2019 and um it it's a long range schedule of Transportation projects to include recreational Trails on Street bicycle lane sidewalks intersection improvements so Brad and Nicholas are here to present to you all right guys thank you good afternoon good afternoon all right so I'm going to cover uh got some slides here just to give you an update on what was proposed and adopted in 2019 kind of where we are now so as just stated uh the long range goal for the plan uh included improvements to recreational Trails uh bicycle Lanes uh improvements on sidewalks and some intersection improvements throughout the city overall there was a total of 49 projects that were proposed uh to be completed uh so spare from Reading every single one of these on here with you guys uh but these are the goals that uh were addressed within the plan and we've provided here some maps to show you where those specifically are laid out throughout the city so there are two we had broke it up into North and South here here so these projects are the ones that were listed for the bike Lanes so what I did is I went ahead and highlighted the ones that have already uh been initiated some of the the first steps that were proposed were to conduct some studies uh the study portion of things has been completed on the ones that are highlighted here in green um the next step is to implement these here are for the sidewalks these were the proposed intersection improvements proposed here within the city as well as some of the trails so since this was adopted in 2019 currently we have completed 11 sidewalk final designs those were completed on January 3rd of 2021 we've also completed Six B bcal Improvement studies that were completed in August 20th of 2021 some of the the funding sources So the plan recommended uh to increase the sidewalk funding um and set aside funding for bicycle facilities and Transit improvements some of the sources for the city is the general fund uh impact fees CR the CBG and the sidewalk trust fund this uh in 2019 the capital the CIP had allocated 100,000 per year for sidewalk repair as well as an additional 40,000 for CRA infield this amount has fluctuated a little bit up and uh since then I'll have to give Brad I'm not sure if you know the so this is what was estimated to be the amount that the city was allocating for these types of improvements back in 2019 it's fluctuated somewhat like um Nicholas said hasn't really increased a lot um but Public Works has been trying to fill in sidewalks where they can with the funding available additionally there are several grants that we are uh able to apply for however I do want to note that most of the grants that are on here do require matching so you know I can provide you with a breakdown of those things as well one of the recommendations that was in the multimodal plan as far as the sidewalk trust fund goes uh is to potentially uh make a policy change as far as incentivizing the construction of sidewalks although while we do have the um the sidewalk trust fund what we found is retroactively going back and putting those in later uh is more difficult and typically more expensive uh So the plan does recommend uh to evaluate that policy and potentially make some changes there and that was it short and sweet so available if you have any questions regarding everything here uh member Nelson there's an area that I really like to see is add to the plan and it's that area from Titusville High School on Hopkins to mall I mean every time I go past it it's what two feet wide and I don't know what could be done I think I'm a little different you said to the mall South on Hopkins from Titusville High School South on Hopkins okay I want to if you don't mind I G to interject and add to that because I was getting ready to say I we always have the I forgot who who he is he always comes and very respectfully says what about the sidewalk North on High School you go past Sycamore I think we're good there but it's when you go across the street all the way up to whatever else is there it' be nice to have sidewalks there so at this point I would certainly like you to look at both situations behind Titus of high school sidewalks South sidewalks especially North because they don't have them past Sycamore and that's not called Sycamore there anymore what's it called oh wait a minute this named after the funeral H yeah I know Amos Lewis yeah Amos Lewis picture for restant if you don't know that he was one in the big leagues anyway I think this this is the daddy though so that being said if yall could check that out that's uh again when if the guy comes in front of his again I want to be able to say because last time he was here and uh we had Kevin comment on it and he said that it's in the works it's in the plan it's coming down the road so we'd like to yeah note that cander I will tell you that one of the issues with that intersection is the The Crossing arms um there we've got the poll set right now but the arms are over over by the post office um the installation will occur here probably the next couple weeks so that'll complete wow all of those uh intersection changes but I can't give you an update on the sidewalks we'll have to come back to you okay thank you uh member stokel yes um a couple questions thank you for the presentation um in regard to the grants are we I guess what's our status with that right now since you said most of them are matching grants are we trying to actively do that and we do have funds to try to maximize I guess our efforts so the first thing I started doing was going through and looking at the grants to see when uh the openings are uh the matching requirements I've been collecting that data uh to take a look at it and then um from there we just have to evaluate as far as the match goes okay the grants most of them do require like was already stated a match of some sort uh that usually means we can use some other source of funds that might not be City maintained it could be State depending on what the grant says each have different requirements um but there's one for example on the list that we have here safe streets for all that's something that's came out from the feds just a couple of years ago and there are a couple more rounds of that Grant available uh for planning related studies or for actual implementation uh but that that one requires a 20% match and you can't use other federal funds for that okay so that's typically what feds the FED federal funds require or those grants they don't require allow you to use other federal funds to match with that so you have to find some workaround with other agencies such as fot or your own local funds to do that um and um the the construction on 405 there will be some improvements done which actually involves Crossing uh you can see the road construction signs up on South Street right now so that'll improve the Crossing and um from Cheney all the way to US1 every one of those intersections are going to be touched by U uh by fot and change to help with the crossing at those intersections so that's already funded and it'll happen beginning in 25 so that adds to again the safety of pedestrian Crossings on a on a busy highway okay and that uh kind of leads into my second question on I know we said we prioritize them like low medium high I what are we trying to look at are we trying to look for safety and making sure like do the bicyclists have a safe place so they're not potentially getting hit by a car like how do we how are we doing that process so we have been from what I understand the past few years really allocating funds for about six miles of Paving of roads and if we can use some impact fees for those improvements such as filling in sidewalks where we can because that's where those impact feed money can be used for um so sidewalks on Street bicycle Lanes uh I think the from I understand the goal really internally is to try and focus on filling in sideo gaps or than any other kind of improvement that's up you know if Council decides to make a different decision as far as policy Direction um but the plan was outlined all the the projects to help us create some kind of interconnected Network in anticipation of all the regional trails that we coming here um the reason why we're bringing this up to you is kind of like five years later we want to see we show you where we been where we are with it right now uh there have been some um difficulties with it because the funding mechanisms there are tools that um the legislature has approved this year that might help uh we're monitoring them um to see if that bill is one particular bill in particular is signed and see if that might be an option um so uh when you talking about priority our priority is to um encourage there's it's twofold it's to encourage people not to drive okay to have safe ways to um commute without getting in a vehicle so the the key word to that safety so I I don't want to put a pedestrian on a roadway that has no sidewalk because that's not what we're looking for so safety and to get you out of your car and get you into another mode of transportation okay thank you and then my last thing was one yes the bill so thank you for bringing that up I I wasn't sure how that would impact us and then to I guess the city manager Point mine was I think as we're growing as a city my hope would be um as one of five that safety would be the number one priority as we're having more uh vehicles on the road and if we're trying to get them out and about moving in different ways that we can protect them the best we could so that's all I have thank you member Cole I noticed on the uh sidewalk trust fund slide you said that you may wave a developer from putting in a sidewalk why would we want to do that that policy has been in place for several decades uh it's been tweaked here and there since uh it's its adoption but basically my experience with it is the administrator of the city what's been designated me to kind of review these I obviously with other people's help to see if it's even meets a criteria but the request comes in that we cannot put it or we cannot put in the sidewalk we'd like a wait so the code says I you to see where there is an improvement scheduled within 5 years for a sidewalk within that area then we can wave them having to put in that sidewalk because we have something planned if we do not have an improvement planned within that time frame they cannot get it waved however now they can ask the next step is to um to try and see if it can be determined as unpractical or not practical that's what the code says and so there's different criteria for that and so then I relies have to rely on engineering and and design and topography or whatever conditions are going on to property see are they really able to put in what they're what we're asking to put in and a lot of times uh they those uh requests are approved if the waiver is approved they do not have to contribute into the trust fund if it is determined that sidewalk is Not Practical then they are required to contribute the cost or value of that sidewalk into the trust fund what the consultant was suggesting at the time when this was developed this plan was developed was that you should try to make um waving sidewalk in uh construction as difficult as possible because trying to go back and put that in actually is more expensive um so the consultant was even suggested inside the plan uh recommended some changes to that particular policy in our code uh we didn't pick up on it we didn't bring it back before city council the plan was adopted we were trying to implement it so we did not bring back in individual specific recommendations like this back to city council to see what we would like to do I guess my question was based on the fact that I understand if it's not practical to put in a sidewalk because we had someone here a couple of months ago saying it was difficult to put in a sidewalk but if why I'm trying to figure out why we would want to expend funds to put an aside walk when it could be a requirement for the developer to do it that that's the Crux of my question from a planner's perspective I I agree um it's much cheaper to require at the time of design and construction uh but there are circumstances where it is difficult to put it in that we can certainly understand that I'm saying if it's not practical I understand that but just to wave it because we have plans to put one in ourselves that money the monies that we use to put that in ourselves could be used somewhere else where where we need a sidewalk so it I don't know if anybody else agrees I agree mayor can I touch on that yes you may I think in the past from and I could be wrong I've been up here for a while but I it's been in cases where they're developing a project and there's no sidewalk around it at all and they just said this seems dumb that we're going to build a sidewalk here and there it's not connecting to anything so they'll ch to do the trust at that time and then in the meanwhile development starts to happen and they're like oh where's the sidewalk and I think that was the intent behind that sidewalk trust so I think that's when it happens hopefully it doesn't because yes I prefer for them to pay for it as well M Nelson uh question you were talking about changes to the policy for the sidewalk trust fund to better incentivize the construction of sidewalks do you have something in mind that you want to look at there's specific language in the plan that the consultant suggested okay it's in the agenda we can refer to it um actually while you have it here we can you good you still look not sure what but he's looking I'm I'm trying to see if I can bring up that specific recommendation for you um just going be one moment I page 15 of the plan that's page 30 of your packet and it states in there in that page of the plan it says current policies and you'll see there I guess starts on the third after the two paragraphs there it says specific changes to consider to section 30- 238 that's reference to that sidewalk waiver policy in the code so he suggest at the time he suggested specific language that we could use to help amend that particular section of the code related to that policy okay thank you member Robinson vice mayor Robinson thank you Mr Mayor um just just a a question could you kind of I know that uh with TPO and all of the bike trails and kind of share with us how that's blending together to make it all work please well with this plan we decided this in 2019 because what they were planning to do back then the TP was going to overhaul or revamp their um Trail plan their bicycle and pedestrian Improvement plan for the whole region or the whole County rather and so we thought that it would be a good idea to go ahead and do this we got approve all the time from you to do that to do this plan to kind of meld it with what they were trying to do to see if there were any particular projects that could qualify for certain funding that they that come from the T through the TPO very good we'd like to you know get the mayor on his bicycle to come to City Hall but right now there's gaps that he can't do that without going on a major road so we're we're filling in those gaps to try to encourage folks to get on those ultimate means of transportation I think we need pictures of that I would say if I can do it anybody can do it right look the mayor did it you can do it uh member Nelson this is just a short question um the trail going to the beach bike trail are we still on 2027 or have they changed that so I think vice mayor you might be able to fill us in but I I know the P the engineering study up to the uh pay station okay is ongoing um I don't think I think construction funds for that portion have been slid okay and I don't know what the dates on those are but um the original plan took um the bicycle trail all the way safe you know segregated from the main road all the way to uh Beach number one right the current plan it ends at the pay station and that road up to the rest of the way that 35 mph area becomes uh dual use which as a bicyclist I would not go on that road um dual use so we're we're still trying to work to to get safe passage all the way to Beach number one okay anybody else very good eye openening report um I'm glad we got the sidewalk stuff out there and and appreciate you taking notes and keeping track there's a lot but I think that we're moving in the right direction and I appreciate you guys nice report thank you very much city manager and the last is the Community Development uh Department Spotlight this is item 4E and as Council knows uh every year as we go into budget uh each department will provide a f minute presentation on their Department this is the first one and um Brad's lucky to be able to start us off with a bang right we hope you enjoy [Music] it the Community Development Department consists of the planning department development services the building department Neighborhood Services Economic Development A Redevelopment planner sustainability planner and GIS the department is responsible for the review and approval of all development proposals in the city the planning department provides review and Analysis of land use and development proposals to ensure compatibility with the community standards as established by the city's comprehensive plan and Land Development regulations the planners ensure the city's comprehensive plan is consistent with state requirements and analyzes land use and development patterns to maximize smart growth the planners help develop new public policy per City council's Direction and they facilitate public participation and Community engagement in the planning process the Redevelopment planner implements the city's downtown Redevelopment plan and budget and assists the executive director with the community redevelopment agency the Redevelopment planner reviews building and design plans for conformance to the city's downtown mixed use zoning District development standards the sustainability planner implements the city's sustainability action plan including submitting Grant requests that focus on resiliency and sustainable development the sustainability planner also serves as the staff leaon to the Titusville environmental commission as part of the city's development review process the sustainability planner verifies low impact development best management practices proposals and administers any necessary agreements for compliance with the L ordinance the development services division serves as the centralized point of contact for all new residential commercial and Industrial projects staff is responsible for conducting technical engineering reviews of all new development proposed in the city staff reviews site plans landscape plans grading plans utility plans drainage studies and traffic reports related to each proposed development to ensure that all new development is conducted in compliance with the technical requirements of the city's Land Development regulations the division provides technical assistance for variance requests to the board of adjustments and appeals and waivers to the city's administrative level development Review Committee the development services division also issues all business tax receipts also known as occupational licenses to businesses and certain nonprofits throughout the city these include commercial retail industrial mobile vendors and even homebased businesses The Building Division reviews all vertical building construction plans and permit applications as well as issues permits for construction Redevelopment and building Improvement projects and inspections the building official and city engineer are the city's flood plan managers and help the city maintain its Community rating in FEMA's National flood insurance program the city's participation in the program helps residents and business owners obtain flood insurance the neighborhood services department has grown to a team of seven employees and serve as a city's administrator for various federal and state Grant programs related to housing Public Services Community Development and revitalization strategies throughout the city the department is tasked with developing and managing neighborhood revitalization and affordable housing strategy area plans regulated by the US Department of Housing and the State of Florida and oversees the operations of the Harry T Moore Social Service Center and its Community programs and services the department formulates and implements the city's 5-year Community Development block grant Consolidated plan Community Development block grant and home investment partnership program annual action plans and the state Housing Initiative partnership three-year local housing assistance plan additionally the department leads the affordable housing advisory committee in the development of the city's annual housing incentive plan in addition to managing these ongoing federal and state Grant programs the department serves as administrator of several special or one-time grants relating to affordable housing and Human Services such as the American Rescue plan act National opioid settlement neighborhood stabilization program Corona virus and live local act programs the department negotiates regulates and monitors these programs and Associated subaward agreements to ensure subrecipients and funded projects are in compliance the economic development department is tasked with a strategic planning and execution of initiatives aimed at enhancing the city's economic landscape its duties Encompass attracting new businesses through targeted Outreach and development programs supporting the expansion and retention of existing businesses and facilitating job creation to bolster the local economy furthermore the department serves as a vital eaon between the city its business community and other governmental entities uring collaborative efforts towards economic sustainability and development the Community Development Department is currently working working on comprehensive plan amendments related to the Titusville tomorrow project the purpose of the project is to incentivize Redevelopment in the downtown and on the city's major commercial corridors with flexible development standards and increased density in key areas in addition the project envisions opportunities for infill development in the Canaveral Heights neighborhood this project should be completed by the end of 2024 very good very well done just like all these other presentations there's so much more so many more things so many more whacka moles than we know and and I appreciate what you guys do and uh and again sometimes it's a thankless job but I appreciate it uh member Cole you know I've always enjoyed watching these presentations do we put them on our website okay good question well Jim Thomas who puts them together who I mean they're very professionally I've think profession and I think if you hear the narrator it's that guy right there on YouTube the narator most of the time okay I recognize some of the actors I saw Will in there being an actor Shane was in there too oh yes very good memb stoko you're good I'm good okay uh that's good thank you very much I see nothing else uh we're on to petitions request petitions or request from the public I don't know dep what you want to say there comes aelle good evening ladies and gent hey buddy your name and address is there H I knew that at WC Stafford Street and I'm I'm here plan I got a tree in my backyard well it's in the ditch in my backyard and I can't get no insurance on my house until the tree come down it's un city property in the backyard but I was told if I didn't sign a paper saying that I'll be responsible for my share a house then they couldn't take it down uh I said WC Stafford Street in the back go my so I guess my question is the tree is on your property correct no the tree on the SE property okay now that's that would have to I get staff involved to see if the tree is on city property and see what that is if it's on private property then clearly we can't do anything with it uh Brad you want to help me out with that anything we can do or not do I this is the first I've heard I'd like to speak with Mr okay he going to talk about it see what the off are you'll talk to him I didn't bring my help with me kind of hard me talk to him and he'll get the notes and see what he can do okay so talk to to Brad for me okay thank you Mr Hickman and other thing I apologize to you for Martin Luther K doing the bathroom issue uh we had a issue them young people just didn't put it out and know so I want to apologize oh you don't need apologize I know you work hard every time thank you so much thank you thank you thank you come on up we don't do cards for this you just come on up name an address for the record and then tell us pull that down a little bit I'm a little short sorry there you go all right um my name is Don Smith and my address is 3641 Frasier Court okay and that's in Titusville um this is my first meeting so bear with me you're doing great there's not many people here don't worry about that like we're just talking yes um one of my concerns where i' would like to find some more information out is about the Apollo Gardens um like the the uh the location and actually uh you know what it's there for um we've heard some different things uh my mother-in-law lives there and there's uh there's a condo association called Spanish Oaks and there's actually a lot of elderly uh people that that currently live there so um you know that's why I I was here for the development uh portion of it um there was somebody that reached out and they said they weren't sure if it was this meeting or if it was uh April the 4th so I can't tell you know anything about um that situation Apollo Garden coming this way it's never come in front of us I will say I'm going to defer this to City attorney if there's anything you want to say simply because I understand that there was some kind of litigation that uh we really truly people have come to us for over a year now and it's not anything that is planned to come in front of the council it's nothing that's coming our way I can't tell you what's going on out there in the private sector or lawsuits between you individuals and Apollo Gardens it's really it's really kind of over there and we're watching meaning that it's not in it's not in our ch ambers and it's not on our desk and if there's anything you want to add to that to clear up how I'm saying that I cannot speak to the status of the project that would be the planning department with regard to litigation there was litigation that an individual had filed for a declaratory judgment against the city and the developer that case was voluntarily withdrawn by that individual so litigation has been concluded as far as any meetings or anything else to do with that I would have to defer to staff on on that uh defer to who staff staff I'm not sure that project staff's project with regarded litigation you're right that that was dismissed by the plaintiff in that case that litigation has been withdrawn as close as it's come to us is when people like you have concerns and say things to us but I've never there's never been an official you know it's on the agenda we're going to talk about this we can approve this we don't approve it's it's not ever come our way and uh I'll just leave it at that it would have to be staff uh and go from there you went out that yeah we can certainly answer questions about uh any particular project that we have under review or under construction so I can leave you my card and you can certainly speak to our staff at the community development I would like to do that yeah and again he would be the guy because it's not to us and whenever it might come to us down the road he would be the guy and city manager to explain to us what what it's all about so we're okay I don't I can't say what I think but anyway yeah thank you so I I have to meet with you then yeah all right anybody else no uh city manager anybody else here let's go 25 till we'll dismiss till 25 till gives us 10 minutes um thank you so much this meeting is a turn