##VIDEO ID:-eBh7Nkppek## e e e e e [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] welcome to the 5:30 p.m. September 10th 2024 CRA meeting we do have a quorum so I'll call this meeting to order would you please join me in a moment of silence and the pledge to the flag to of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all clerk would you please read the rules to speak individuals wishing to speak on agenda items must complete a signup card prior to the item being introduced signup cards are available on the table individuals wishing to speak on non-agenda items May do so under petitions and request no signup card is required citizens will be given three minutes to speak on all agenda items all signup cards and Exhibits being submitted to the C shall be placed in the box on the table thank you very much I need a motion to approve the minutes for the July 9th 2024 see are meeting so moved second I have a motion and a second all those in favor say yes yes opposed Minister approved city manager good evening chair Vice chair and CRA members we are on new business item 8A excuse me mayor could I ask well the motion was to approve which minutes it should be I believe we made a mistake it should be August 13th we're on the CRA agenda which would be the minutes of August 13 hold on hold on tell me what the minutes should have been August 13th well then we shouldn't approve those right so move to amend the approval to August 13 2024 second have a motion and second again all those in favor say yes yes yes uh opposed the amendment to the motion of the approved minutes passes thank you sir back to item 8A this is the FY 2025 CRA budget and resolution number 14 2024 on April 9th 2024 the CRA reviewed and accepted the proposed FY 25 CRA budget an overview of the proposed budget is included in your packet it's requested that the CRA approve the fy2 budget in resolution number 14 2024 to transmit the bud budget to the city council for adoption during their September 26 2024 um final hearing and so is here for any questions that you may have about the budget any summary or anything you want to give us first or no um no sir you'll you'll notice uh there were a couple of difference in in the reallocation and the difference between the tax revenues that were received and then the expenditures is approximately $50,000 we knew there was going to be some more tax revenue uh increment uh Tiff coming in and that uh has been gone to Personnel expenses for those two extra people all right hold on one second here I'm having technical difficulties in the back if you wish to come up I'm not going to see any names here so anybody want to comment on that yes please I just have one question I noticed that they have on here um Broad Street Parking um can you just explain what that is certainly that's to create um more parking on Broad Street and and we're looking to see if it's feasible to possibly do um pervious there not sure if we're going to have the funds for that but that's what it's going do to create parking that's one of the um objectives that the that the council CRA Council brought back at budget time perfect and we're still doing the um parking signs signage yes have you noticed them I've not yet yeah they they're up and around and if you see any places that that you think need one let us know but they are up and just so you know the kiosks will be for the directories will be arriving on Thursday and the maps are complete just uh waiting for Thursday and hopefully no rain on Thursday to get them installed that's awesome all right perfect thank you member Nelson I'm just going to say the idea of the pervious pav pavement down abroad is wonderful thank you anyone else I seen none any cards there's no cards M Nelson move to approve the uh 2025 CRA budget and resolution number 14 2024 to transmit the budget to city council for adoption second I have a motion in a second roll call vote member acre yes member Cole yes member Nelson yes chairman diesel yes Vice chair Robinson yes member ball yes member stoko yes passes unanimously we move on to petitions and requests I see none city manager um on 10 is the executive director's report there's no action items on there just informational items for your consideration subject to your questions all right uh City attorney I don't think you do but since you're there and we have time anything you need to add okay uh anybody here no no going to set a record here okay um with that if there's nothing else going three times meeting ajour see you for