##VIDEO ID:MqMsgIr52q4## e for for e [Music] [Music] [Music] all right welcome to the 5:30 pm August 13 2024 CRA meeting we do have a quorum so I'll call this meeting to order I will I promise as soon as I get this untangled there there we go we're now in order uh would you please join me in a moment of silence and the pledge to the flag to United States of America and to the rep for it stands na indivisible andice for clerk would you please read the rules of speak yes individuals wishing to speak on agenda items must complete a signup card prior to the item being introduced signup cards are available on the table individuals wishing to speak on non-agenda items May do so under petitions and requests no signup card is required citizens will be given three minutes to speak on all agenda items all signup cards and Exhibits being submitted to the CRA shall be placed in the box on the table thank you very much can I get a motion to approve the minutes for the July 9th 2024 c meeting so moved second I have a motion in a second all those in favor say yes opposed the minutes are passed city manager uh good evening Mr chair Vice chair and CRA board members we're on agenda item 8A which is new business Florida Department of Transportation project in the CRA in January 2024 the city of Titusville and the CRA was updated on the status of an F dot project the repaving of the southbound Lanes on US1 North Washington Avenue South Hopkins Avenue and Edison Avenue from the FEC railroad bridge to the Grace Street in Titusville at the June 2024 community redevelopment agency meeting there was discussion regarding the scope of the project and it was consensus of the board to request an a a presentation from fot Tyler berett is the fot project manager and is here at your requests Tyler welcome all right well welcome good evening good evening so I leave that there good evening thanks for having me thank you um so I am here and we also have Becky Davis here with our engineering team so she's the project manager with mofin and nickel our designing firm and we are just moving on to construction now so like you said we coordinated during design and now we're moving into Construction and we plan to begin in November of this year and then go on for about six months and then construction will conclude and Becky is here to talk through some of the technical aspects of the project I know we also received uh in the last week some questions regarding the Northbound because our project is just the southbound to downtown Titusville so we can also answer some of the questions regarding the Northbound and what FD has in its work program for that so Becky hello good evening my name is Becky Davis with MAF and nickel and as Tyler mentioned I'm the consultant project manager for the design of this project that happens every time we'll get there I know I'll push all the buttons to get there eventually I don't know why you even go back there when get ready to do a PowerPoint you got to just wait for somebody to get get this thing right oh it's not on there we go thank you there we go so just a quick project overview um as we mentioned this is from the the the bridge over the railroad down to gry Street the context through the area uh Suburban commercial and urban uh core posted speeds in the area range from 30 to 40 miles per hour this is a two-lane Urban roadway um all the work is proposed within the existing fdot RightWay so the main purpose of this project is to rehabilitate the asphalt pavement to extend the service life um of the existing roadway is uh also including some necessary roadside improvements the main roadway improvements are milling and resurfacing of all the roadway Lanes the turn Lanes the parking lanes and the shoulders um the existing Lane width that are there today will remain in the future condition as far as the shoulders and the and the uh turn lanes and the parking Lanes all those Lane WIS will remain the same there will be some uh raising of the utility valves that are within the pavement today that caused a little bit of a bumpy ride so those will be raised and brought up to the match the roadway surface to improve the rideability of the roadway um couple other improvements uh just past uh South Street we are putting in some curbed curbed area over the existing uh striped median area you'll see similar uh on the Northbound side there's a similar a couple of areas where there's some curbing with some Landscaping so we be putting in some curbing uh instead of the existing striped areas so you won't be able to drive through there any longer it'll it'll be an actual barrier type curb um as far as pedestrian improvements go we are uh putting in the sidewalk there's a little piece down on Hopkins in the island and there's kind of a gap in the sidewalk we'll be filling in that Gap to make a complete connection um we'll be upgrading any of the Ada uh curb cut ramps that don't currently meet Ada criteria as far as the slopes um those will be upgraded and we are adding new pedestrian Crossings um at Broad Street Pine Street pal Meadow Street and south of St John Street uh there was a pedestrian safety study done and these are the the recommended locations for these Crossings um they are not signalized they are just signed as you can see kind of in the in the graphic there there's a crosswalk with a stop sign um and some um pedestrian warning signs um as far as the signals the signals were designed to meet the smart criteria smart signal criteria that the district has that's compatible with their fancy automated traffic signal performance measures I'm not a signal girl so I don't know what all that means but they collect a lot of data so they can do real-time tracking of the traffic that's that's essentially what that is um we'll be adding reflectorized back black back plates on all the signal heads make them more visible updating The Pedestrian signal assembly heads you're adding a bicycle detection area at the signal this is the one Improvement on the Northbound side um it's actually a detection for the bicycles so if a bike is in the bike lane there it will actually get detected now and pick it up and the signal will actually turn green just for the bicyclist and that's at State Road uh the Northbound section in Main Street we're providing accessible pedestrian signals uh it's called APS at Garden Street that is the audible tactile pedestrian detectors it beeps and you can kind of feel there's like an arrow on the the thing when you touch it kind of shows you which direction you're supposed to be going and it kind of it does a beeping sound um and we're also implementing leading pedestrian intervals at all the signals that basically uh Turns The Pedestrian signal turns it to to walk before the cars get the green light so you get a few seconds for the pedestrians to get moving get established in their crosswalk before the cars actually get the green lights to turn um lighting we are retrofitting the intersection lighting at the signalized intersections bringing that up to current standard uh criteria uh also adding supplemental pedestrian lighting at those new proposed uh unsignalized crosswalks that that are going to be going in uh payment markings all the payments will all the payment markings will be restriped uh there'll be additional wrongway driving Arrow payment markings placed for per Uh current standards as far as the temporary traffic control there will be temporary lane closures uh generally these will be during nighttime there are few locations uh outside of the limits of the signal that there can be some Daytime work done um in the road but generally the the the milling and all those operations will be at night um as far as The Pedestrian work and the sidewalks um there will be some sidewalk closures to do that work and there'll be appropriately signed uh pedestrian detours for each quadrant when they do that work there to keep people moving so uh as far as the project scheduled uh design was completed in May of this year uh we have a it's currently in in tasse for for bid um so the bid opening which is the same as the letting will be on September uh very early in September I'm not sure the exact date but very early in September uh the anticipated construction ntp is in November the contractor does have um on this project up to a 60-day lead time for procurement of materials so they they could start right on day one or they could use up to that 60 60 days so that's why we have an anticipated begin Construction in you sometime between November and January and the construction as Tyler mentioned is going to last approximately six months once they get started and that is all I have um specifically on the presentation take questions or I can let Tyler kind of talk about Northbound or member Cole uh two questions one is are you going to embed sensors in the Pavements at the traffic lights so for Traffic Control purposes in other words if a lane doesn't have any cars in it uh the lights could stay red or so we're we're doing that via video detection okay um so there'll be video detectors um that are placed on the signals that that do it instead of having the loops cut into the pavement I believe everything on this project is the loops um I'm sorry the video detection um and that's one of the things with the smart signal criteria that I was mentioning is having that the video capability to detect all the cars and all the lanes um so wow that's pretty good improve traffic the other question uh give me a minute here go ahead I'll I'll come back that'll come back remember I'm the same age as the the old guys that are running for president um member St I had so many comments too specifically for member Cole I'm sure you did my question has to do with um The Pedestrian Crossings are all of those going to be the same that you guys are putting in and then um is it the same one that we have in downtown already where you push it and then it will light up so cars know to stop is that what's going to happen so no they are just static signs at this point go okay that's I was afraid of yeah there's not any of of the um the flashing or the the the Retro reflective the safety study that we performed The Pedestrian safety study didn't recommend any sort of signals or anything like that um but so yeah for right now they're just um called out as being striped and then the static stop signs and pedestrian could that potentially change as we try to get more walkability in our downtown area um yeah I I think that's kind of where I'm hoping to see some more life in our downtown and when we have people walking I feel like it it's an added component that makes them feel safer that makes it seem like okay this downtown is for walking it's not for driving um when you kind of invest more into that um and I see a lot of our citizens do use the one um that's in the north that's in the Northbound side is it is it just one that lights up when they when you push the button yeah and you see I mean I use it all the time I'll push it and then like I see the cars come and then they start slowing down because they're going you know 40 five and they're like oh I need to stop cuz it's flashing and they know and I see it also when I'm over in valua County like all down pwns Inlet like for people crossing to go to the beach I mean it's like one after another and it's very helpful especially at night when people are crossing you you wouldn't see it but you see the FL flashing light so um that would be my I guess my request if we're able to make any changes I would like to see that yeah so the best time to coordinate with FD of course is while we're doing these projects so those are those are excellent comments and as we come through the Northbound side right now we're working on the development of the scope for the Northbound resurfacing side and our work program is currently open the development cycle of developing the next five years of what projects we're able to do right now we're working through where to insert our resurfacing projects this being one of them so as soon as that's finalized when this one has been booked as far as when it's anticipated to go to construction then we would be reaching out to the local agencies being Titusville and that's when our team will be asking to coordinate on the you know first steps of the project on what you guys would like to see Northbound as far as southbound you know there's nothing we can add to the project at this point as far as the current project but working with our traffic operations Department I I know your public works department is in close communication with our staff and we can always be exploring uh you know we can always be taking comments on what needs to be done or requests or concerns uh I know one of the questions we received was for Speed um we can have our traffic operations department they hear from local agencies all the time when they're requesting a new speed analysis so that's something that our staff can do on US1 um and future projects could then adjust accordingly you know lower the speed if it's if it's meeting criteria and we can can coordinate with the city on the data that we gather and if we're trying to determine what to do with it that intersection too garden and US1 is one that has one of our highest accidents um in this whole city so I would hope that that's taken into consideration um when looking at talking about speed us trying to slow down a little bit like I get it it's a major road that people are driving through all the time but for us that live here and it's our downtown area trying to keep it safer for that are passing through our town in our current residents is important um yeah so thank you let me just uh and I think member Cole started to talk a little bit about it but let me ask um it wasn't too long ago and city manager heard me talk about this often uh that the fot changed the way Vehicles were recognized along Highway 50 um not Highway 50 itself but the ones from the uh subdivisions um is that going to be part of what you're doing or is that different and maybe tell me a little bit more while I've got you here what is the vehicle recognition and let me just be fully honest about it before you even answer people hate it it was nice before it had a reasonable weight now what I see is people wait too long like coming on the highway 50 from Hickory Hill Imperial Estates wherever else is a light and they'll turn right I just did it two weeks ago turn right and do a U-turn and you'll beat the light it the light can be 3 or 4 minutes and it used to be a minute I don't know I didn't time it but it wasn't anything out of the ordinary now you sit there so long and it's like oh it's safer it's safer not when people are getting in the right lane to turn right and do a U-turn because it takes so long that being said I'd be interested to know first of all what happened what was a big change and secondly is that going to be any part of what's coming downtown and if you don't know then we need to find out yeah yeah I have to ride with ride with me CU unless I'm turning right I go to church left if I'm two or three minutes close to being late I'm eight or N9 minutes late so anyway that's kind of kid around bit I should be earlier about to apologize I don't know the context of that can you speak it was a couple years ago and city manager kind of explained it to me that and I don't disagree Highway 50 should have um priority over Key Largo coming in from where I come in or Hickory Hill where I was my sister lives and I was there recently it's like wow they've got it as bad as we do just sit there and you sit there and you sit there and uh I I don't know exactly what changed and quite honestly I'm not even sure why it changed except maybe the lights were too too friendly to the oncoming traffic out of the subdivisions or the neighborhoods but um I'm just sitting here thinking boy I hope that's not what happens downtown because I don't even know what the vehicle recognition tool is on those but it sure has changed and again when you start seeing people uh when it takes me longer to get through that light than it does to come to five or six minutes from my house to that light it's like something's not right and and again I guess where I'm putting it in context is are we going to um smooth things out and not have people sit there for seven minutes on on oncoming Street to uh Garden Street Etc so and maybe you gave an explanation what is the vehicle recognition you said something about video or yeah it's a video detection system I can't speak to all the the detailed uh signalization components but again it is is video recognition for as far as I know all the lanes it can actually detect now the older systems would they would only detect the through Lanes um not necessarily all the turn Lanes um but so this this the new software and the new hardware that's going to be in should be able to detect all the lanes of traffic and see you know where where the main traffic is coming from um the signal timing actually goes through the local governments um they actually maintain I'm it's RAR County or the city I believe the city oh okay yes city they're gonna say F dot actually maintains actual signal timing think he's saying yes Kevin who who who sets the light time those on 50 are under the its control of the county we maintain the traffic controller they maintain the timing I don't believe this project has an its Connection in it I think they're getting the cell phone connection for emergency events but I don't believe it's getting tied to it fiber I don't know I don't recall for sure but 50 is currently tied to the County's it system which is a smart traffic signals controlled by the county countywide they control all the it systems in B County so we can control timing on the city signals we can make Minor Adjustments to some of the state maintain signals that we maintain on their behalf but those on 50 we don't touch the its controller in them so it's two parties we we take care of the cabinet they handle the timing now and that timing is built by a computer down a Rock Lage that is watching traffic work I don't believe this project has an its component I don't recall Joey I know has worked with your staff but I believe it's getting cell phone control for uh launch events which works really well in 50 uh but I don't think they're getting the full its package yet it works well in 50 unless you're coming out on kilargo and you're five minutes late for church and you wore 10 minutes early or rotary all right two things first of all it sounds like the information I got that F do has something to do with it perhaps not what does its mean transportation system the intelligence part might be lagging about that all right thank some inters are for are hard to learn 405 and 50 is a very difficult one for the system to learn 407 when NASA traffic has had difficulties at times uh it's not those aren't traditional traffic patterns so they they vary a lot and it does struggle sometimes so the way the system works is it learns it educates itself on the traffic patterns that it SE Seas so if you have a like the morning rush hour at a certain time it learns that traffic to keep the flow on the major road going makes sense but I would have to say it needs some tutoring uh and I mean I'm I'm being very honest this two weeks ago I'm sitting there I'm sitting there I'm sitting you know I'm like I'm just going to turn right and do a U-turn and and it still was read the way it was um member Nelson so one of the things I'm curious about and I'm hoping that you'll think about this is as you're doing Northbound US1 that intersection of Julia Street and us one has the little blinky light and um a couple of us have almost gotten flattened there so we're hoping for something that will calm the traffic slow it down um a friend of mine was almost run over seriously yanked out of the way and so it's scary going through there and with the apartments coming in at Sandpoint um and other development it's just going to get worse so before I would prefer to do something before we have accidents there because it's getting close yeah are you saying that's on the southbound and the Northbound side it's on the Northbound Northbound it's on the Northbound at Julia Street it used to be a signal Iz device regular traffic signal and it was replaced 12 years ago yeah this is a scary place to cross yeah actually the one car stopped and the other car thought that blinking lights didn't mean anything so he was getting ready to run it into the first car and push that first car into Christy mount and uh she jumped out of the way and of course the two drivers got out screaming and cussing at each other um but it it was just way too close and it's happened a couple times so that concerns me remember ball I have a number of questions so staff was good enough I put together um and and I think all of you you probably should have sent it before now but they it got distributed here but we we did want to give it to the F dot people that were going to present because it puts a context on why the CRA is focus focused on this issue of pedestrian and bicyclist safety in the community redevelopment area as you saw if you reviewed that it's one of our key goals and it's the the one thing one one among several that are is recurring if you go back back to the US1 Corridor study five years ago same thing same issue and that was the study that uh if I read it correctly said that the average speeds uh on those two segments southbound and Northbound was about 5 miles per hour over the speed limit so if it's 5 miles over the speed limit on the average then somebody going to speed limits being offset by somebody going 40 m an hour and there's just um constant continuous concern about The Crossings at Julia Street and and Northbound but that doesn't mean that there aren't also concerns about getting across the street on the southbound section so that's that's the context and you really got it good we I I tried to put for f dos um edification the things that are in our CRA plan that caus us to want to ask these kind of questions and understand what we can do to engage with you because it's clear and was stated in our plan that we can't do this without the engagement of fot cooperation of fot we have no jurisdiction over what happens but we do have input into the planning and to say that we don't have the jurisdiction to lower speeds or decide when a traffic signal needs to go in is not going to be very satisfactory to the person that gets hit and uh or to the survivors so I think the the questions and I realized were at the end of design but since the project had the stated goal of pedestrian safety enhancements that will include improved crosswalks my my first um my first question really was how how did you improve them what's new in the design of the crosswalks that provided a safety enhancement yeah I I honestly don't know why it said improved in the project description um the the crosswalks are standard designed for fdot specs um there they the the extt the visible ones with the the you know the ladder bars as well as the the the the crossbars um the high high visibility called what those called as opposed to just the two stripes there's you know the ladders in between um so I I'm not actually sure why it said improved I I I looked up the project description on Project S I mean I'm sorry CFL roads when I saw this question I was like I don't know who put that there but um you know the roadway in general is being improved so the quality of the crosswalk is going to be improved the new striping and well you understand why we're asking since it was in the project description wanted to before it's constructed because I think we'll have the question even more so afterwards if it wasn't being answered now so the um the design crosswalk markings really aren't any different from the standard F doot Crossings and the existing brick pattern that are in the downtown on at least in this segment are all going to be removed or paved over and replaced with the standard F dot Crossing marking is that right correct that's correct yeah we had coordinated with the city and we had offered to do a locally funded agreement so there was a time where we were coordinating Public Works and C Williams on whether or not it was the wish of the city of Titusville to replace those but it was It was decided no to not replace them at this time so it'll just be standard okay we we and we understand I understand that that city of tyo had opportunities during maybe one or two during the design process to engage with you on um so this this is almost at this point a Lessons Learned so we can apply um you know a better engagement for the body that's going to take the brunt of the of the concerns from citizens that this hasn't been fixed it hadn't been addressed um I I I would say that um you well let me ask you you said there was a study that said it did not meet criteria for s for for signalization right for what's the criteria based on um it has to do with uh vehicular traffic and pedestrian traffic um I mean we can get a copy of the report yeah but um in general yeah those are the kind of the factors the number of pedestrians Crossing the the site distance of where you know is can they see gaps in traffic to actually make that Crossing and you know numbers and kind of site distance I think are the main factors for that right so it tries to determine whether or not there should be a mid Block in first place and then whether not they recommend adding different you know rapid flashing beac and to other vehicles as well so there's just the different criteria of like how how much pedestrian do we have yeah I'm sorry I'm sorry I should have said that um can you hear me now mostly it's important for the people can hear you video get okay no problem because people on TV couldn't hear you just just let me know if you need me to speak up um but yeah so I was just saying that the studies um yeah it establishes whether or not you need a mid block Crossing in the first place as far as if it meets criteria and then whether or not it recommends uh actual signals pedestrian signals there at the location or what kind it recommends so that's what we had so I've I've I've often heard in the past and I think it may still be the case but you can clarify it and I know put you on the spot but is is part of the F do criteria based on the number of deaths or serious injuries or crashes that have occurred at a intersection so if somebody has to die before you meet certain criteria yes absolutely not um okay so we we do analysis as we're coming up on any project as you know as as we did with this resurfacing as we'll be doing with Northbound um resurfacing project is largely at the core of it of course a maintenance project we're just resurfacing but then with these resurfacing projects like what we just did for southbound it's also looking at what what can we do although it's mostly going to be maintenance what can we do to also improve the the roadway while we're touching it so we did as we've talked about some safety improvements mid block Crossings but the reality is we're we'll be doing the same with Northbound as far as what can we do to address safety concerns at the intersections we'll be communicating with the city of Titusville to get feedback on top concerns for the project limits or safety is part of our analysis so we do want to be proactive with those measures with with with fdot's own Vision zero goal is there a is there a discret separate Safety Office review of the design or is that just embedded in your design process actually so this project went through what we call a collaboration meeting process where that's exactly where we looped in even in addition to our scoping process it's where we looped in multiple departments even again including our safety office to look at the project to see what could be improved um okay let me jump to one other thing regarding the uh Northbound so I think you've answered all the questions I had re regarding the design that's finished and soon to be constructed and uh the the um the bottom line is it's really no specific safety improvements were incorporated into the crossings for for pedestrian consideration so our concern will continue to be now we only get this opportunity about every 10 15 years right on a resurfacing but I guess a safety issue could be addressed at any time like um intersections some intersections have somewhat raised um raise Pavement in order to calm the traffic down I I've heard that um relative to the comment about the yellow flashing lights it it's it's a widely held opinion that those aren't particularly effective that some motorists will observe them some motorists won't they're kind of a new thing and that maybe some improved technology system is being employed on the beaches Beach communities like cape canaval melbour Co I don't know which ones are getting it that actually to uh assure safe pedestrian Crossings to the beach there's a red light I mean it's like a red you you stoper there's some sequencing of the lighting that turns red you know stop before and and let the pedestrians come across is that right have you got any design experience with that system not me directly but you're right we have installed ones that stop traffic so if we want to to do that enhance or improve the uh effectiveness of that on the Northbound we can just say that now and you're you're not in design yet but you you recognize we're expressing this the goal of the CRA to improve these things and we only get the opportunity when ft's working on a project right or we or we ask for a safety analysis it says this can't wait 10 years until you're going to do a project it needs to be done right now right so our scoping team as as well our scoping team in Partnership within our work program schedule uh like I mentioned earlier as they look when they anticipate this res servicing to take place then they told me that they'll be emailing all the local agencies of the city of tville included and that's where they want to start setting up collaboration on the final development of the scope and what the Project's going to look like um in addition to that you know reaching out to Mike Sanders with our I'm sorry am I speaking loud enough uh reach out to Mike Sanders with our traffic operations Department um you know at any point we can be coordinating on that and I can give any contacts that you know we can coordinate with I know we have our safety office which does separate safety projects our traffic operations um we can we we want to collaborate and be hearing feedback even in between maintenance projects um because there are times where we even hit corridors just from a safety level and do a Safety project so collaboration like this on both the Northbound when fdot reaches out regarding the scoping or then even the southbound in the inter room um that that is the kind of feedback that we want from communities uh you know you mentioned like rais crosswalk we' we've installed those in some communities and they didn't like those you know so it it's we we do want to work with the local communities on what is wanted I know um I was a project manager for one where we actually installed it and then we removed it um but rais crossw to some communities I live in Sanford and I actually love them we have those throughout downtown Sanford and it's perfect to me I mean I you just see the traffic slow down I have one of my neighborhood as well um but then like I said some communities don't want them so that is the kind of feedback that we need from communities because we'll either install them sometimes you know depending that it meets certain criteria that we have to meet on state roads but we can sometimes install them or then have to remove them or we want to work with the communities yeah I I I I wasn't trying to be prescriptive with that it's just one thing I know has been done that may or may not have prove out to be you know uh best practice kind of thing but I would think that you know in our plan and as we go forward we're just going to express our goals and objectives and say tell us how we can meet that you know tell us how we can work together as we we're increasing the volume greatly of pedestrian traffic it it's in which means C is being successful and uh redeveloping the downtown bringing people downtown a lot of that starting to happen at night a lot more of it's going to begin happening east to west not just north and south where you just stay on one side of the road you've got to be able to have safe passage for pedestrians anyway that that was the clarify one thing real quick um we are we are adding safety to The Crossings themselves now what I when I was saying the cross specifically the crosswalk striping is not changing but you know we are adding the the the leading pedestrian intervals that does give the people time to cross there would be um right turn on red signs uh restricted right turn on red signs that will come on when those Crossings come on um we are improving the area people can stand at some of the corners so it's not that this you said we're not doing any safety at the crosswalks well it's not the crosswalks themselves the striping is per standard but we are still implementing some safety features at the Crossing just want to clarify that you good member Cole I do remember what my question was you said that the the contract was going to be awarded in November and it was a six-month construction time my question is is the construction time starting in November or is the construction time starting is there a definite time for construction so that the construction will be completed before the summer or is there mobilization in there or whatever right so this contract does have a 60-day lead time that the contractor can use um so once they get awarded the ntp in November they have up to 60 days for procurement and all that before they could start on day one or they could take those full 60 days but once they start then the 60 days start okay right once they start it it keeps rolling all right thank you member stokel y um and member ball kind of touched on this and one first off thank you for the update and informing us of what is happening um I guess to the point of us trying to collaborate more is there anything that we can do on our end to try to help facilitate that process because I think it it's a little bit frustrating like hearing it now that it's kind of too late where we would have maybe have liked to have been a part of that discussion or at least talk through some of those things so even if you guys went ahead with what you wanted to do we at least felt like we could we could voice those concerns um so like moving forward I'm even thinking of future fot programs that are coming as we seek to widen in 405 hopefully soon because that one is just it's really bad um when people are going 60 mes per hour and then all of a sudden have to dead stop because somebody's turning left and it's only two lanes but like once that gets underway hopefully soon we can be a part of that discussion to say oh wait this is what you're thinking because it looks good from an outside perspective for but for those of us that actually live here there might be things that you're not aware of that we could help you with so I I don't know what that process would look like or if there is something that we can do to say hey we know we've looked at the F list and we know these things are coming can we schedule a meeting to help like facilitate that I what do you have any recommendations I guess for that right so the best time to coordinate would be while we're having an opportunity to hit a project limits so when we're coming through with a widening or of course these were surfacing projects or any time that you're alerted that we hitting a section of Titusville that' be the best time because you know as an agency got got the budgets and the budget shortfalls and the schedule limitations so the the best time for like while we're touching it okay is when we can really make changes that the community wants that's within our criteria or whatever we're able to do at the time with budget or um there was one question um that was asked about oh in areas if there's a disagreement on the city of toddsville asking for something but fdot is not able to provide that either by funding or whatever the reason be at the time so an option for that would then be a locally funded agreement where the Titusville is able to say well then this is long we want to pay for and then that's something that as long as it doesn't go against requirements on state roads and that's something that uh we're we're eager to push through a lot of our projects have locally funded improvements that would be a great partnership so okay so maybe we can stay on top of the projects that are coming forth and then have somebody Reach Out to you to schedule maybe a time for you to come before our if it's CRA for that board or if it's for the city with city council um and you guys would be open to that I I mean I want to be aware and respectful of your time um but I I I feel like it would be beneficial for you guys as well so you're not spending time doing you know what the raised crosswalk and then saying oh wait they didn't want now we have to take it all back like I don't want you guys to do that situation either okay perfect well thank you yeah apprciate it I appreciate you guys reaching out and having has come because our teams can always do that okay thank you well I just wanted to everybody's kind of touched on the on the on the topics uh I had a had someone in who worked for DOT because I asked about the flashing yellow so we're conditioned our whole lives it's so yellow that doesn't mean stop that means caution but you're going to roll on through red means what stop and I'm I'm pretty certain that the new pedestrian control that you have the capability of making those red as opposed to Yellow is what I was told and certainly if there's a way for us to even go ahead and change that instead of waiting a year for Northbound to be done can we look at changing that Northbound to a red and that would be you see red you're going to stop every every time um I do like the idea of the communication ahead of time and uh perhaps something to to slow people down with with a raised crosswalks um when it comes time to do Northbound and this probably isn't for this time the original project and I walked the road with the original project when we red redid US1 was supposed to have a turn in the roadway as you approach downtown so you weren't looking at a racetrack going down the road you had a had a turn of about 10 or 15 feet which that I think should be Revisited so that we we don't have this racetrack that we're looking at so just getting getting feedback when the time comes is is the most important thing and if there's a way for us to self fund the project um for some of this stuff that would be great so we don't don't have to wait AG so long agree U member ball so I just want to be sure that we uh ask how we do something you um since it has been five years since a speed analysis was done things have changed a lot in five years and even at that time we recognized or it was identified that traffic coming through the downtown ised exceeding the speed limit um I think that study ended up the key outcome as I recall is was the the traffic circle uh proposed up at uh at State Road 406 and the in in Northbound southbound US1 so if we wanted to you said that's possible we could do the study what's what do we need to do in order to re just go through staff and ask for updated speed analysis and so yes our traffic operations department they do accept uh requests from local agencies cities and counties to conduct the speed analysis so uh Mike Sanders specifically with our department can have his team assess that so I was speaking with him when I received your questions and he was encouraging that you know he's exactly the one to reach out to so I can give Sue Williams the contact just to make sure everybody has it and I can provide it okay very good and I think staff sort of got the idea that when as we move move towards Northbound that we would really like to stay out in front of knowledge wise is hey where where are we in the which what Milestone are we about to pass and not going to be able to go back and change anything all right thank you uh for the presentation I certainly think you got a lot from us um city manager anything else we need to do with this okay uh I appreciate you guys thank you very much thank you very much uh city manager we uh your next item is petitions and requests for this me CRA petitions and requests go ahead hi Connie Milton wind over Farms um I did a little bit of research here looking at uh ADV valorum taxes or something pass being passed out to yall of course adalum taxes goes towards Redevelopment within Titusville city of Titusville line right boy you hear something like $750,000 avalor taxes wow wow wow that sounds wonderful doesn't it well let's dig into this a little bit more I took a samples five different apartment complexes here in the city of Titusville and I took two subdivisions okay 20 acres approximately 20 there's there's like 16 Acres at uh Windover woods and Timber Trace is uh 17 Acres Windover Oaks is 19 solir Grand is 19 Acres so I looked at what are they playing in ADV valorum taxes and what does the city of Titusville get out of it she I also took two different new subdivisions hold on kany question right question go ahead um petitions request shouldn't it relate to the CRA yes say again I think she was talking about Redevelopment I tax is a good to Redevelopment I isn't that what this meeting is about yeah this so I I think she mentioned Redevelopment so Redevelopment okay okay so you used taxes avalor taxes and Redevelopment activities right go ahead go ahead okay so I took two different uh subdivisions new ones built in 2020 and 2019 here in the city of Titusville said okay how many houses could you get on 20 acres you can get 80 80 houses r1b your RW be zoning allows 80 houses so I said okay well how much adorm taxes can you get out of those' oh well it's about the same as an apartment complex wow but guess what the city of Titusville you don't get 750,000 or 650,000 you get 156,000 for summerh Hill you get 62,000 for Timber Trace you get 239,000 for the solir grand it's not 750,000 it's but then you get something called non-ad valorum which is for storm and Wastewater so that's a non-ad Vora mad and it all seems to be about the same for apartment complexes about 25,000 you get about 11 12,000 out of an apartment complex but the non the adalum taxes that you get out of a r1b subdivision which could be 80 homes on 20 acres is about the same amount of ADV valorum taxes city of Titusville would get on an apartment on complex just wanted to point that out which was kind of interesting now there's other things that are of course in the advel Orum but the county gets some money and the the library gets money oh and the schools get money those are all you can look up at your own Ador taxes on your own property at the property praisers page property appraisers page is a wonderful website they do a great job for the for the citizens to be able to look it all up but I did that little bit of research and I just thought maybe y'all would be interested you're a little you're a little tidbit little tidbit good job thank you all right CRA what am I saying petitions requests cu all right uh city manager uh on to 10A which is the executive director's report um you got to be quicker young man all right go ahead C my name is Jesse Wright and I live at 3550 South Washington Avenue the reason that I'm here right now is because of multiple emails that I have sent to the city staff regards to the project sorry I'm [Laughter] up and I have not got any answers on the emails that I have sent out all we're doing is we have got the master plan and also the side plan approved couple of years ago we're making a very small revision of dropping the size of the building for the multi-units from 7 to6 and 6 to 4 that's all we're doing we've been waiting for two months for any kind of a uh response from the city I've sent the second uh email today requesting any sort of a uh response it's been two years we've been waiting for separation of the parcels that's how I can get financing for every single parcel one parcel was separated the other four have left we just got the approval on the loan on the bridge loan to go forward on the infrastructure that's going to take about six month in this six month period we're getting a final F and the construction loans that are going to be paying the bridge loan the construction loan when it is approved has to be on each separate parcel and we need to have some kind of a respond all the way from the city attorney city manager to the planning and so on it's been two months my understanding is that the amount of time that the city should be taking is about 30 days it's been two months now that's the only thing that that's the only reason that I'm here right now all right um and obviously this is a CRA meeting so we're a little bit out of the area here I can come back on at 6:30 well we we certainly got you now um Brad is there anything you want to say or anybody have an answer for I guess you'd like a reply of some sort and then we're going to move on we have received several emails from Mr Wright and his team um we've tried uh to respond to them um I can just in the past three days I've received 14 emails from Mr Wright and his team and I've responded to some I can't respond to all of them um and I know other staff members have also received the same he currently has a site plan that was approved uh he's going forward with a preconstruction meeting for it but he also has if you recall the change to the code that recently happened to allow an Alf on his property in that zoning so we have a master plan application also in review and we also have a minor division application in review so we have quite a bit in review right now and we are trying to respond as expeditiously as we can in addition to all the other site plans that we have in review all right thank you and if I think the thing to do would be to talk to Brad for for that one um that's where we're at I'll be sending you the number 50 email thank you thank you 15th email all right CRA go uh last item is the executive director's report and there's just informational items for your consideration subject to your questions any questions all right with that uh we'll go at 25 till to start the next meeting this meeting is adjourned e