##VIDEO ID:PVnA1mqS1lU## e e e e e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we're getting started here all right welcome to the 5:30 pm November 12 2024 CRA meeting we do have a quorum so I'll call this meeting to order would you please join me in a moment of silence and the pledge to the flag I flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible withy and justice for all okay clerk would you please read the rules of speak yes individuals wishing to speak on a agenda items must complete a signup card prior to the item being introduced signup cards are available on the table individuals wishing to speak on non-agenda items May do so under petitions and request no signup card is required citizens will be given three minutes to speak on all agenda items all signup cards and Exhibits being submitted to the CRA shall be placed in the box on the table thank you very much uh can I get a motion to approve the minutes for the October 15th 2024 CRA meeting so moved second all those in favor say yes yes opposed minutes are accepted city manager uh good evening chair Vice chair and CRA members um we've got a very robust agenda for you at your last meeting as the CRA board um we are actually on new business under CRA goals and objectives item number 8A um House Bill 7113 7013 passed in April 2024 which makes several important changes to laws govern Mar in Special Districts including community redevelopment agencies the bill revises Florida statute 18906 94 with the following requirements all Special Districts must establish goals and objectives for each program and activity they undertake by October 1st 2024 Special Districts are required to create performance measures and standards to determine if their goals and objectives are being achieved an annual report must be published by December first of each year and must include a description of the goals and objectives achieved the performance measures and standard used to make the determination and list of any goals or and objectives that were not achieved staff recommends that you discuss and approve CRA goals and objectives and performance measures for FY 2025 and Sue Williams is here to answer any questions and guide you through the process I think she has a presentation as well the presentation is actually in your packet um and you can go through it it should look very similar to you already the goals and objectives were basically the goals and objectives that is in the 20 2022 adopted plan and then what we did is we took the budget that was approved this year to apply the performance measures to um so we listed those out of what they are of of where we allocated the funds for this year and then the very the slide after that we'll show you how we will calculate the performance measure at the end of the year such as for sidewalks we will calculate the linear feed of sidewalk at the end of the year for the for the grants we'll evaluate the number of the approved grants and applications all of this will be rolled into the annual report there'll also be other items in the annual report as you've seen before because every time an item comes before you on the agenda you'll notice on the bottom where it says strategic plan I'm putting not only the Strategic plan for the city but also where it's located in the CRA plan so every item will be will be allocated for and then there will might be some things that are not reached as it says and we have to advise that for instance let's say um we don't have any Tiff reimbursement funds uh on a project probably because a project hasn't come forward requesting that that's the kind of thing that we'll be putting in the in the annual report so this will go up on the website if approved tonight and then it'll be updated annually as the budget so we can track what we're what we're what we're watching and how we're performing and I'm here for any other available questions I would first say that this looks very well done very organized uh I think anybody could look at this and see exactly what you're you're saying and what we're thinking uh I appreciate the work put in on this that's outstanding uh member Nelson first I want to say the wayfaring signs look wonderful downtown sure do if people haven't seen it doesn't it um but second one point we talked about a shared storm water plan for downtown would that go in here is it something we need to do this year or something we need to do in the future it's not something that we budgeted for this year once we do once we do address it then it will go into the annual report the the performance measures the standards performance standards and measurements are going to be based every year on the budget so this is something to remember when we start budgeting in January and along that lines um I was down at scobby Park probably a week ago and and I think lur is probably right that Shoreline is going to get beat up and at some point we need probably need to look at wave attenuation devices along there which will actually serve a second purpose because we'll find out if it prevents the erosion but the waves were just it was a fairly calm day and the wave action along that Shoreline was just horrendous so I think we need to keep that in mind member stokel yes um are we doing anything yet with our new goal six for Community design as it pertains to CRA or has that been a discussion point or would this be an appropriate time to potentially talk about that um we haven't done anything to date so we can C the CRA can certainly discuss that at any okay so I think that's something we may want to think of um as a board and then the other part I like the performance standards and measures I was wondering if it would be appropriate to since I think we want to see our downtown thriving could we put something in here that we're tracking um vacant property or buildings where there's no tenants currently and so we can try to see over time you know are we getting new businesses in but then they're closing in a year or two and try to track some of that to try to have goals to become that I would like to see us track that I guess if we can certainly and we and we can track that and it can be um rolled into the Economic Development Goal okay um and that's something that I know I'm focusing on and and so is um Nick for economic development so I know we're reaching out to businesses that are trying to relocate and connecting them like with the Zone we're seeing what we have available here so we're constantly doing that because and and I watch that very closely a lot of it is I when I'm doing the re revising that directory that everybody likes that shows how many have come in doesn't really show how many have closed but if you want me to track that I can certainly do that yes I would be interested in doing that just I think it will help us to be better informed as a board and then if we see potentially any trends when we have our grants if there's some out of the box thinking that we can do because I I want really would like us to support our small businesses and get our downtown thriving if there's anything that we have control over so at at your uh city council meeting tonight you will have an agenda item that where we're purchasing some software that identifies all the vacant properties within the city cor tells what it's zoned uh tells who if any real estate agent is um representing that property and we are going into an agreement with the northard economic development Zone because they would like to use the tool as well you know outside of the city in the north Bard area so that will give a pretty big picture of all the vacant properties that are Zone primarily commercial industrial okay perfect that will feed right into it nicely then okay that's the only additional thing I could see on here other than that it's great I like what we're measuring I like what it's laid out so thank you uh M Acer if something came if we had an opportunity to present itself to acquire some land for parking and it just kind of came up how how how do we go about that or does that have to be is that considered part of the infrastructure as far as the planning and goals that is something that's in in the CR plan currently so when and if that comes up that's something that the CRA would certainly entertain whether or not you you go out and um purchase that property you know with a bond right okay Etc so that that is absolutely in the crpl plan thank so it would pop up in that new software and we could see it when it pops up and then come before us to potentially discuss okay that's great all right anybody else off the top of your head I see none call the card one card Stan Johnston oh yeah it is what microphone micone was not on it's on okay um so what's going on is that uh I'm telling you some things about the truth like for example the CRA shouldn't shouldn't have a policy that that uh Keeps The Fountains turning sewage fountains you know I've sent it to the governor I've sent you two emails about that one yesterday and one today and uh it's a serious it's a serious matter so what you're committing is a crime and it's a foolish crime and it includes City attorney city manager and uh I don't think I have any sympathy for you spraying women children babies is sewage it's uh uh it's just not good at all and you and October 15th you confirm the policy is still valid and so has uh um Kevin Cook so uh uh this is this is not bad it's as far as I can see you guys are Crooks and it's not just bad Crooks just foolish Crooks you remind me of the the the robber who went into the bank and he gave him his U ID card rob the bank of course he got caught remind me of the Robert who uh who robbed somebody and and said the the guy the guy he was robbing said I don't have any money so he wrote him a check of course he got caught this is a foolish kind of uh of crooks that you guys are good and uh it's horrible so what you're doing is you're violating the uh Constitution uh and uh you're violating laws the oath of office for example there's dams in the city that are very much illegal and uh uh so you're going to have to live with it guys and I don't know whether you're going to have immunity granted on for you or not but I have doubts about it and I'll be reporting some of your Professional Engineers to the board for this dishonesty so uh uh I have uh reason to believe it may they may be prosecuted and perhaps even lose their license this is a serious matter and you guys just treat it like it's a joke so uh I wish you luck in some ways but I don't know I don't think that that God's going to Grant you the luck when it comes to Mercy because you know what you're doing you know it's wrong you do it anyways so I'm ashamed of you and uh I have to report you U I'd like to have some more time I see none thank you okay thank you uh so what is it exactly we need to do now uh vote to approve V just vote to approve the submission okay mov some stuff so let me have a motion on that I think you have an addition yeah with uh what I mentioned about keeping account of what's open and Clos businesses in the downtown I ask that question make sure um Kim with the additions of the night move to approve the CRA goals objectives and performance measures for fiscal year 202 five with the additions second I have a motion and a second roll call vote member acre yes member Cole yes member Nelson yes chairman diesel yes Vice chair Robinson yes member ball yes member soal yes and passes you unanimously City Manager on to petitions and requests petitions or requests anybody want to say anything out there I have a card you don't need a card petitions request not your first Road okay your hand out you got a hand yeah I'll miss you Stan I miss you too guys so I sent you an email today yeah I know and U you guys you guys keep these on keep for my book remind me why okay are we ready to do it so can we set the clock for 3 minutes or something go keep talking you talk when you go ahead I don't I don't get it start no go ahead well I I would like to okay so you're going to I think that's biblical stuff there freedom of uh uh you know the freedom of speech you're going to short shorten it and that's that's a violation of your oath of office you know your oath of office says that you're supposed to to um abide by the Constitution that includes these veterans Freedom speak there's a veteran pardon I said nobody's had any more freedom of speech than you and we that sir I have had many interruptions right now here's an example you cut my minutes off you're the one interrupting yourself talk on your topic go this is my topic I'm talking about what you're doing is you're violating your oath of office that is here's a veteran one two three at least three veterans took the oath of office all of you guys took an oath of office you're violating it you violate your and and furthermore I sent you an email what you didn't read and Mr ball knows a good bit about it because in 1985 when there was uh talking about fresh water management study and the U flooding of property with dams he was excited about it and mentioned about it he got no answers from the consultants and neither did Mr barani those those dams that flooded Baker's subdivision back in 2012 are still there that goes back they're still there they're not flooding us back but they're illegal it's illegal to do it all those dams are illegal they do not they're taking property without due process and you know what that is it's a violation of our constitution taking property without due process and that's so you guys are broke your oath of office and you're violating the Constitution I have no uh wait it I have no sympathy for you what you're doing it's a horrible thing you've done violating the Constitution so when you look at yourself in the mirror think about what Stan Johnson told you see when I was when I was working for the city and the county and I spoke about things like this I didn't have people objecting to me and you know what right here is that I don't have any Professional Engineers here objecting to me none of them you know what they are is you have a conspiracy of Silence that's what you're doing dirty play is what you guys are doing you won't answer my questions because you know you won't like the answers for example spraying people with sewage piss and poop is very illegal it's highly illegal it's going to the governor now you should read your emails you're not doing it and uh I hopefully that uh the city of TI will be known as the city of piss and poop thank you may I have more time no I don't I don't cuz you you already took 15 seconds from me at least or sometime from you've gone over your time all right um oh that's petitions or requests uh executive director report yes sir in addition to the information that's provided in the executive uh director's report not within the CRA but over the weekend uh the new Gateway signs one of them was installed at uh um Cheney and down there by beob Brady's that one's installed and they did uh Garden streets today so if you have a chance to go byy them and take a look at them Street on the West Side garden over by Singleton okay it's it's right over you know by that at machine is it's at that intersection yeah yeah I get I haven't seen it yet yep so take a look at it I think they really came out good so um subject to your questions and for uh the director and the vice director uh chair and vice chair been a pleasure serving with you staff has enjoyed serving with the CRA board um and looking forward to seeing you in the future well thank you uh yes uh for me and sometimes I'm going to go through this fast because I'm just going to say it's been been an honor to be on the CRA for eight years bounc from seat to seat to to the middle uh but I really feel like the CRA has been very effective and gotten a lot of things done and uh it's been an honor so many of you are I believe one two three about four of us have been about eight years what um ball you were Mr ball you were pretty quick see and okay and Dr Aker was pretty quick too so I guess I'm saying we've been together a long time I appreciate the efforts and the input especially from uh those of you Dr a I always like to hear you're down there you're you're the kind of my eyes on the ground and when you and I liked it even today you talked about parking it's always in the back of your mind what can we do for parking let's face it that's that's something we'd like to get solved down there and I appreciate that uh and a member ball certainly I I can go on and on but you know you you're very involved in the theater you're very involved in all the thing and you can see your passion sometimes when you start to get going into your some of the talks that you give and uh the rest of you we can talk more at uh Council time but I will say that it's been an honor uh Vice chair yeah yes I did but um in this is um probably the second career third fourth fifth career that I've had in my in in my career from the military and business and uh when and I can walk away uh from a uh a task or a position that I have had uh knowing that I'm better off than I were when I began and I know that it has been a successful uh Tour of Duty you may say and with all of the people I I've gotten to know that I have met I'm not uh as uh I'm kind of of individual that likes to sit and watch and learn and I've had the opportunity to learn from all of you out of all of the education that uh the government paid for for me over the years going to school and my greatest education has been interacting with people and that mean that I've earned myself another degree uh because I've had the opportunity to interact with all of you over the last four years and um had an opportunity to make a difference by uh sharing my thoughts on matters and I appreciate and I want to thank the city of Titusville for giving me the opportunity to serve and to serve with uh as a wonderful group of people uh that uh on this particular Das as well as the city staff and um if I ever we have a saying that I learned in my verse career was Bravo Zulu and um I would always tell people that that I serve and went to sea with I said I would be proud to go to sea with you again at any point and I could say that for all of the staff here at the city that I don't think it lies in my future but if I ever had to work with you again along the way in my life as I go forward I would be honored to do that and thank you for all the kindness and all of the information that you have given me thank you for the education of city government and I hope that as you have brought things to my life I have given you just a little bit of piece of what life has taught me thank you so very much and with that you know we have a exit time in a couple weeks I don't don't leave yet but anyway so I was an exit speak it's like that's the when you leave the door on I'm not going there yet I'm going to be a little bit a little bit quieter on that I will say to in this meeting and I think I've said it to all of you um and in my little writing I said that uh uh an old elderly neighbor of mine years ago I was a teenager said because he worked in his yard every single day and uh I said so what do you what do you get out of this or whatever he says all I know is my parents always told me that just Le whatever you find better than what leave it when better than when you found it I guess I can definitely say and there will always be someone to disagree uh for many many years I'm sure but uh downtown is better than when we found it downtown is better than when we found it when we got here in 16 for example it was dead there was more boards on buildings than there were people in buildings there are more people in buildings now and there's more traffic down there is it where we want it not yet it is better than when we found it and I thank you all for that I thank you for that that and I will thank you guys a million times more before we get out of here but with that this meeting is adjourned and thank you cra all of you up and running what that's going to be