e e e e e [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] one moment please all right welcome to the 5:30 p.m May 14 2024 CRA meeting we do have a quorum so I'll call this meeting to order would you please join me in a moment of silence and the pledge to the flag I to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible withy and justice for all okay approval minutes for April 9th 2024 CRA meeting please so moved second got a motion and second all those in favor say yes yes minutes pass Clerk would you please read the rule speak individuals wishing to speak on agenda items must complete a signup card prior to the item being introduced signup cards are available on the table individuals wishing to speak on non-agenda items May do so under petitions and requests no signup card is required citizens will be given 3 minutes to speak on all agenda items all signup cards and Exhibits being submitted to the CRA shall be placed in the box on the table thank you very much city manager uh good evening chair Vice chair and board members the first agenda item is under old business it's the downtown business directory kiosks the community redevelopment agency board directed staff on 12 March 2024 to replace the downtown business directory kiosks with static signs present presented using the existing contract with Don Bell Signs for way finding and pole mounted signs for the city of Titusville for consistency purposes the final construction drawings for the static downtown business directory key ask are attached for your appr approval the cost of both signs installed is $1,458 the proposed new downtown directory kios are the same design theme and colors utilized uh as purchased by the public works department for the Gateway and wayfinding signage um Sue's here to answer any questions that you have on this old business item staff any comments first anything you want to add to that are you good Council any questions I think we've talked about this in the past I think that um we've kind of gone the direction we want to go I think the staff's done a good job of uh following that lead and I uh I feel good about moving forward um Council uh anybody want to make a motion member Nelson oh hold on member St sorry I just have one question my only question and this does not apply to me is if anyone's colorblind or anything with the colors is that anything we would need to worry about there that it's the same color that for our our way finding signs on our Gateway so I don't I really don't know that answer to your question no and that's fine and it might not be an issue I I like how we have the design the same and then I'm just looking at the maps how they're dark blue and then the white font it's fine for me I just I thought that as well but I also thought that it's going to look different live I thought that it'll be more pronounced okay that's just my thought I had the same same yeah but other I mean it looks great for me I love it it looks nice again I wish we could have the digital but until then yes I like this it definitely will and I can ask that question and get back to you perect that was my only comment remember Paul you have a comment yeah um just for clarification are we voting on two distinct items here the first one being the sign itself the the sign support and the second one being the design that goes in the sign holder or you really sort of already approved the actual static signs and the and the March understand we're voting on the approval of the whole k yeah well it looks beautiful and then so on the sign my the sign text my only comment would be there's a different name that's going to be applied to the what you're showing as a Sher stage and I I'm going to defer to Stephen Heron to send you an email with what the playhouse would like to use otherwise I think it's great vibrant wonderful member Nelson move to approve the final construction drawings for the downtown business directory kiosk with the new art design second I have a motion and a second roll call vote member acre yes member Cole yes member Nelson yes chairman diesel yes Vice chair Robinson yes PA yes member Soo yes passes unanimously city manager onto new business item 8A which is new design layout for the downtown directory Maps the community redevelopment agency board directed staff on 12 March 2024 to replace the design for the downtown directory map with more consistent design and easy to read map staff contacted Brent ronet company a vendor for the city of Titusville that has created the maps currently utilized by the city of Titusville the cost to create the new design for the downtown Maps is not to exceed 3,500 and staff is here to answer any questions that you may have Council any questions I see no questions um staff any comments okay and again this is something we discussed pre previously and I think you've done a good job of following our lead and and moving forward with us uh member Nelson move to approve the new design layout for the downtown directory Maps a second that one too got a motion for member Nelson a second for member ball roll call vote member Cole yes member Nelson yes chairman diesel yes Vice chair Robinson yes member ball yes member soal yes member acre yes pass Miss Le city manager new business item 8B which is parking sign for the downtown CRA the community redevelopment agency board directed staff on 12 March 2024 to research parking public parking signs and locations in the downtown Titusville staff work with public works department to determine the signs types and required to indicate the parking and appropriate locations uh see the attached uh part of your packet shows you where those parking signs are um programmed to go the cost is not to exceed $700 then staff is here to answer questions that you may I like that price tag we don't see many of those uh staff anything you want to add before we go forward uh any questions from council member Nelson move to approve the science and locations for parking in Downtown Titusville I have a motion and a second for member stoko roll call vote member Nelson yes chairman diesel yes Vice chair Robinson yes member ball yes yes member stoko yes member acre yes member Cole yes approved unanimously City Manager on to 8C commercial beautification grant for property located at 301 Julia Street the Titusville Playhouse Incorporated the re uh Titusville Playhouse Incorporated is applying for a re-roof of the building the roof repairs are listed as an eligible expense in the commercial beautification facade Improvement program the total cost of the low bid re-roofing building re Roofing the building is [Music] $99,700 for a total of $4,000 funds are available in the CRA building grants for the 2024 budget um to cover this expense staff's here to answer any question I think Stephen's here as well I would say um and I say this just about every time we do something like this to me this is the CRA at its best uh when we get an opportunity to help somebody help themselves and when they help themselves they help us um and we've got certainly the uh the playhous is Iconic and uh I mean I can go on and on but Stephen you could probably go on and on further than I can um but that being said um I think that we're on the same page and for those who are watching and may not get it these are not just coming before us for the first time we've discussed these we we've had uh uh some information given to us staff has worked on these this is kind of the culmination of the of the road but Stephen you want to say anything okay uh staff anything to add to that um Council any uh member ball uh yes I mean consistent with what I've done in the past I'm going to fully disclose that I am a member of the tiful playhouse board I'm a volunteer member I receive no compensation it goes the other way I'm I donate funds to the playhouse but just to be sure that there's an avoidance of any appearance if there's a conflict I will not vote on this okay member Nelson move to approve the award of a commercial beautification Grant in the amount of $440,000 to the Titusville Playhouse Inc for property located at 301 Julia Street second got a motion and second roll call vote chairman diesel yes Vice chair Robinson yes member stal yes member acre yes member Cole yes member Nelson yes passes unanimously City Manager on to item 8D commercial beautification grant for a property located at 400 Garden Street this property is located at 400 Garden Street within the Midtown subdistrict of the community redevelopment agency MJ Coupe LLC is applying to improve the roof signage exterior architecture features and Landscaping all these are listed as eligible expenses for the commercial beautification facade Improvement program the total cost of the low bid for these improvements is 78,500 or 8653 the total amount of the reimbursement of 50% of the grant equals $ 39,43 65 funds are available in the CRA Budget Building grants fy2 24 budget for this expense St here to answer any questions that you may have you good yes sir I am okay uh Council applicant is also here Michael CP if you have any questions for the applicant oh okay uh as you can see we feel good about I feel good about the this uh angle we get to do with the uh the board here I appreciate that uh any cards no cards um member Nelson moveed to approve the award of the commercial beautification Grant in the amount of 39,43 265 to MJ Coupe LLC for property located 400 Garden Street and by the way I remember when that was a birth remember that no I'm not that old yeah yeah get him down her Herman built it you two come on Mr man okay go ahead go ahead I'm sorry I did it I did it you got a motion okay second I got a motion in a second roll call vote Vice chair Robinson yes member ball yes member Soo yes yes member Acer yes member Cole yes member Nelson yes chairman diesel yes pastors unanimously and again I want to say it's it's a privilege to be able to move forward with these sort of things and and I can say help you but I feel like you help the entire area as much as anybody and for you to be um doing what you're doing that that you can obtain this and improve this I think that's a real Plus for all of us so thank you guys for what you do and and uh we're pleased to be able to do that thank you uh so manager uh petitions and requests petitions and requests from the public oh yes wait let's go whatever we're going to do do it that means move up there start the clock let's roll get up here and go we're going to start all right started are you ready good yep we're moving okay Stan Johnson here and I've sent you an email today I don't know if anybody's looked at it I think it would be interesting to look at but it talks about it's the title is SNJ Oaks and other other like for example sewage spills and so forth and that City's approval of the project SNJ Oaks many ugly pictures of City's lawlessness Etc errors and so forth so this is an interesting uh email to the city manager City attorney Brad Parish Fire Chief of stoes and Marshall Fire Marshall Anderson all council members and some members of PNC and some members of P of water resources and some police officers so what this is is it's an ugly picture that you don't want to talk about you don't want to hear about but I'm here to tell you about as yall know I've been a surveyor for about 26 years and and I'm not no longer a registered surveyor but I'm looking at a project SJ Oaks and it's full of errors and and uh emissions fact is I can drive by and say hey look what in the world is that overhead electric not shown on the survey not shown on the site plan not shown on the plat what in the world are these mon the survey says that these monuments at the corners the the contractor survey can't find them I can't find them and there's a missing 4x4 concrete Monument the northwest corner when I when I go out there on the site with uh uh Mr uh uh Robinson and show him some places where my goodness the survey is way off 2 feet 4 feet so forth like that Mr Mr Parish knows that that the uh the RightWay of Elizabeth Avenue is 50 ft instead of 53 feet shown by the survey yet the project has been they probably put Maybe as much as a million dollars in there I don't know if the million maybe it's over it's over half a million dollars of improvements on there and they have no legitimate survey so the question is is how can the city continue to approve a survey that is complete nonsense well I'm baffled I'm baffled I used to uh be with the county and and was uh uh in site plan review and this never would have got through site plan review with all these mistakes but it did get through the city of Titusville and this is not we talk about The Good the Bad and the Ugly this is ugly and you need to respond how in the world can the city of Titusville approve a survey that is I can just you can drive by and say it's wrong and yet they're building it and the city approves it it's an ugly picture really ugly dirty picture and the city and that city manager doesn't respond Council doesn't respond so I'm asking you to do something about it all right thank you um any other petitions or requests I see none city manager last item is informational item from the executive director's report on the CRA subject to your questions um board councel whatever we're calling ourselves all right member stoko member St not a question I did just want to highlight I appreciate the the report that it shows things that we have requested they're working on budget pedestrian safety which has been a big concern the trash concerns that we've brought up so I just wanted to state that for the record that I appreciate the report in there and what you guys are working on and I would say uh again it's our pleasure to be able to use CRA funds properly to work and help the CRA people but at the same time um I want to point out if you look at this agenda these are things that we've been working on and and staff's been working on and we're moving forward with the you know it may not seem very major but they're things we've seen and we like in other cities sometimes with the you know the kiosks and the parking signs and uh the maps these are the things that we've been moving for I can say in in my opinion uh since you know 16 when I got here uh CRA has come a long way there was an awful lot of empty buildings down there and there's life down there and and this is part of it you know we've got to do our part and I think we are so it was kind of nice to see remember ball I agree with you 100% And um we went through that we voted on it kind of quick and that was fine and we were all in favor of it I on the on the traffic uh directional signage and such I just want to acknowledge that uh that was something that member stoko brought up as uh hey what's the advisability of asking staff to do it and I want to thank her for doing that it's good idea all right um anything else I seen none we will have our next meeting city council meeting will begin at 6:30 meeting dismissed