e e e e e [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's call the meeting to order uh we do have a quorum present and let us take a moment of silence for the invocation let stand for the Pledge of Allegiance i al of the United States of America and to the for it stands na indivisible liy and justice for all as was stated we do have a forums uh clerk could I get you to read the rules individuals wishing to speak on agenda items must complete a signup card prior to the item being introduced signup cards are available on the table individuals wishing to speak on non-agenda items May do so under petitions and requests no signup card is required citizens will be given three minutes to speak on all agenda items all signup cards and Exhibits being submitted to the CRA shall be placed in the box on the table thank you so very very much uh I need a uh motion to approve the minutes from 12 24 March I'll move to approve the minutes from 1224 second motion has been made and second call for questions hearing none call for a vote all in favor say I I I all oppos same sign thank you city manager uh good evening Mr chair and CRA board members we are on Old business item 7A this is the FY 2023 city of Titusville community redevelopment agency annual report the CRA annual report of activities um was provided and approved by the CRA without the financial audit section as the financial audit was not complete in time for the 12 March 2024 meeting the financial audit has been received and added to the annual report fy22 23 annual report was provided to the city council at their meeting on 26 March and was approved the annual report was mailed to the other taxing authorities to meet the state statute requirements staff is recommending that you accept the FY 2023 city of Titusville community redevelopment agency annual report with the added Financial audit thank you city manager uh does anyone have any questions or concerns about the annual report one question no concerns is there anything materially different from what we got before no ma'am the only reason why we did attach the annual report is because if you recall there were two um highlighted items where it said needed audit information so we just wanted to see for you all to see the actual completed package okay thank you no other I need a motion to accept or the financial uh I don't have I have no cards public comment are there any no cards I need a motion to accept a physical uh uh F fiscal year uh 2023 city of Titusville C annual report so moved second motion has been made and second calling for question hearing none call for a vote all is call for a a vote roll call roll call member acre yes member Cole yes member Nelson yes uh Vice chair Robinson yes member ball yes member soal yes um the motion has it has been accepted um online Item B new business new business on item 8A it's the FY 2025 community redevelopment agency proposed preliminary budget staff has prepared the preliminary budget for the FY 25 crra budget um direction from the board tonight is requested the proposed Capital Improvement projects include Trail Town amenities replacing the directional signage with new design and replacing the S shade sales in the Commons uh areas building renovation grant sidewalk improvements and the Broad Street Parking creation right now Broad Street doesn't have any parking lines on there we're going to put some lines out there uh staff has a presentation for you on this preliminary budget this is your first bite at it as you've gone through the budget process before we just have to plug these numbers into the bigger budget and um we will come back to you with any changes or modifications that the board will be making tonight and with that Sue good evening see there we go so the budget process uh the current presentation is to obtain Direction um from the board for uh fiscal year 2025 the bud the CRA budget will be included in the city's proposed budget submitted submitt date of 4:15 to the finance department changes can be based on input tonight from the C board the information provided is based on a very rough preliminary Revenue estimate with no change tax increment revenue from FY 2024 staff will provide budget updates to the CRA for review at Future meetings based on property tax value information received from the bavard County property appraiser proposed millage rate and the direction provided by City management and the finance budgeting division the CRA has Personnel operating Debt Service and capital expenses Capital expenses can often be multi-year projects such as a space view part here on the estimated revenues as you can see the rollover operating fund 10400 when we get down into the Tiff the estimated Tiff revenues the city is 759 375 the estimated Tiff from the county is 33,785 for a total of $1,990 and $156 The Debt Service is the US cor one Corridor project project so you can see that we've um that's 12,949 and so that is the total Personnel training and expenses the Redevelopment planner and this has changed a little bit you'll I don't know if you recall last year the reason why this this line item has changed is that we're taking we're removing the contracted Landscaping uh company and bringing two maintenance workers inhouse for for a higher level of maintenance service so you'll see that the Redevelopment planner um that line item has come up because of two additional new workers proposed in house maintenance the Professional Services are community policing which is 35,000 travel per DM 2,000 Communications 480 general fund admin charge that's um given by to be determined by finances 41,600 maintenance activities this is where you'll see a difference from last year because this has been lowered the US one lights and and irrigation right away 55,000 and then this part is one that's been lowered the CRA maintenance additional plants is 32,000 that used to have the contracted amount in there added with it the promotional downtown Welcome Center information directly mats Etc is 4,000 and supplies 500 and then books memberships Etc which is f AP do state um mandatory regulations for, 1500 for a total of 4 45280 summary snapshot so there's the total number again of Revenue 1,956 Debt Service of $19.49 personnel operating 452 80 and the funding available for projects then comes to 5 5171 127 this has been broken down and is a little bit different than what you saw that was first emailed out to you the difference being in the sidewalk Improvement phase we had 237,000 which was 80% of the project after reviewing and going through past history we wanted to make sure that we had some funds in the utilities infrastructure and the storm water infrastructure so those were added in that 100,000 that 100,000 was taken from the side Improvement sidewalk improvements so now the sidewalk improvements will be funded at 50% of the of the estimated total so your building Grant programs is remaining at 100,000 tril toown amenities at 110 the increase in that are for the shade structures they are in need in replacement and we've gotten some quotes on that and then also the new design that you all have chosen for the way finding signs there's I believe seven seven signs and we've got the cost to replace them so that's why that has been increase so we can get it all branded out there and then the Broad Street parking spaces for 70,000 that might alter a little bit you'll see that if it does it will come back to you but right now it's totaling at 5,127 and I'm open and available for any questions members any questions concerns question sure soe um the number that you gave us the million 90,000 that's a rough estimate based on last year yes ma'am so we should expect that to go up a little bit yes ma'am my question is how do you feel how does the CRA feel about maybe and I don't know how much it would cost but maybe adding a couple of extra tree boxes downtown we have a grant for it at least looking at it might not work might be too expensive but I'm sort of like having trees in the downtown area would be really pretty you um so that's my thought no all right you have any specific place you thinking about locating these trees if we go with it I don't have a particular place I know they were going to do it um it was out for design so I'm assuming when it goes out for design they'll come back with these are the places we can put them and if we're going along say Main Street uh put another tree at the end right yeah okay I don't have a specific so this is would be our time to kind of share ideas for the budget if things okay yes yes and I can address some of the tree box if you'd like okay currently there are three grants for uh in design okay and they are in the Commons Bard and Grace and all three of those are grants okay so those are all three in design at this time do we have an idea of how much it would cost or it is costing per tree box rough idea no I think we projected between 35 and 50,000 per box okay that's expensive yeah and the grants I think are for all of them approximately 200,000 all three all different locations okay okay okay very remember St okay um so I think you actually I jotted down some ideas and then I think you addressed some of them um so a few things that I was thinking about in terms of the budget one I've heard um consistent concerns about trash pickup in the downtown area specifically regarding the parks especially as we're having more rocket launches I think we're having a lot more people now that we're getting that connecting Pier um I would like to see again this depends on the rest of the board but my personal opinion would be to see more trash pickup in the Parks and then also from the restaurants I've heard some concerns about as I think we're getting more movement in the downtown area that the trashes the trash dumpsters are getting full often um I still like the idea of renovating our vacant areas and buildings and I think we're continuing to do that um lighting seems to be something that we've addressed before on the board so I'm thankful for that that we've done that um you mentioned the shade structures the directory signage um parking signage is still something I would like to see where we can kind of highlight hey this you won't be towed if you park here essentially whatever that would look like yeah can I get a little clarification on that because we are working on that um you gave us Direction on the last meeting are you really looking for where you looking for where parking is available signs for where parking is available for people so they know where to park yes okay yes so I think some of us that are local to the area we know where we could park without getting towed but I feel like as people are visiting our community they might be a little bit fearful like oh can I park here or not um continuing to highlight the trails as those um start to hopefully become more popular and then lastly I feel like I always bring this one up I'm still would like to do something kind of creative in our downtown area um whether it's like little rockets that people have to find hidden throughout something that's unique to our downtown area that makes us a little bit special that people can kind of have fun with okay I think that's all the things I had um just one comment on I I think those are all great ideas uh I I would probably ask uh the downtown planner or maybe with with some U input from Council to uh give us an opinion back as to whether something like upping the trash collection which is an operational expense it is an allowable expense for um under under the CRA plan it it might be I'm not saying I think it's a great idea to do it but I would ask to confirm that um the only the only thing I think we need to continue to uh keep in and our um forward vision is how do we improve pedestrian and traffic safety I mean we keep hearing accidents at uh it seems like the worst intersection in the city and it may not be is at U US1 and Washington or Hopkins I mean Washington Hopkins at uh Garden Street it's one of our one most accident areas now you remember a few years ago fotus proposed a double um roundabouts there so I don't know if that's going to work or not and I don't know if that's a CRA um if if it's if it's on us to try to find you know improve Traffic Safety or pedestrian Safety Solutions and fund those or if it's you know F dot or something that the city does as part of the general budget but I I I continue to be concerned about The Pedestrian safety and our busiest sections there are several blocks and then the vehicular it is just obvious I mean it happens we we say it every few days it seems you know so I don't know how we fit that into the budget but just in the bucket of good ideas or concerns or at least ideas that we'd like to see addressed in in some way and that is maybe brick and mortar depending on what we do um you watch the flashing yellow lights and the pedestrians are little hesitant or you see them you know hey this is we've got this and they start walking out and a motorist don't quite know what to do so thank goodness we haven't had a fatality there yet um or serious sentury as far as I know so maybe they are working to followup uh question I I know that you're bringing some of the maintenance work inhouse on this budget it will that help with the uh concerns maintenance being U the Landscaping the you know trash pick up that's worth okay that will be a part of that yes Improvement as we bring it in yes sir thank you um remember Nelson can I just say every morning I go past some poor guy who is out there weeding and he is so diligent and uh I guess his boss is Chuck I don't know what his name is but my hat's off to him I mean he I feel bad when it's hot I want take him like a gold drink um but he he works so diligently it's amazing and the place looks place looks good it really does so thank you thank you seeming that uh that seemed to cover it all one you can I just want to Echo the the the maintenance grounds downtown they're looking better than ever they're staying up on top of it on on a on a regular basis the workmen are are are just great to interact with I just want to to give them a a shout out for for a job well done um it it's it's really looking good and of course the um the garbage downtown continues to be a problem um in a couple of different couple of areas and it's just frequency of pickup we got to somehow get on a regular pickup schedule um to to to alleviate that at at some point I know this is not a popular thing I love it if there's a way to foresee to possibly pick up some small Parcels of of property even if we're only adding 10 or 12 spaces that might give us the space to add some more um places for garbage as well for the for the dumpsters as well to make it a little bit easier downtown and um they haven't commented on the uh we have an opening uh coming up for the the new Bridgeway over there yes sir they they actually finished the space view observation walkway Pier it's done um our ribbon cuting is planned for um April 22nd at 11:00 it be right there and that's when uh we will open it up officially and take the barriers down and hopefully you all can join us and walk across the new bridge it's exciting we got something done yay all right that uh seemed to cover it and I know that this was presented to us because uh you were seeking Direction how do you feel I feel very good right yeah uh any more directions to be added to what has already been suggested and present it seeing none hearing none call for petitions and public there's one card Tony shiff Tony chiffo 715 Tropic Street until member stoko mentioned fun things like finding little Rockets I heard no mention at all about the Arts or any fun things at all and I realize you have a lot of big things in your budget trash pickup road maintenance Landscaping downtown but I really think you need to start thinking about having something fun happening for the Titusville residents again that maybe will pull generational and racial groups together again and make downtown a little bit more vibrant even before we get the big theater that Steven and the uh Titusville Playhouse is proposing thank you for letting me speak thank you any more no more cards no more cards we leave down line itm 10 executive director report um any petitions and requests that I think that was a card oh petition and request yes now what I came for Tony shiff I came as a not quite officially sanctioned but definitely a full member of your of the um Titusville historic preservation board and I want since since you guys get the minutes of all our meetings I'm very certain that you're totally aware of everything that the historic preservation board is doing especially our Joiner Ville and Beyond project and we're having the kickoff informational Gathering and kind of a neighborhood Festival kind of atmosphere I think on April 29th and I'm not going to waste my three minutes because about the event it's over at The Bard Senior Center get the details from your staff I want to tell you about the project itself the project involves comprehensive research and documentation of the history events and landmarks within the city's historic African-American neighborhood and lost commercial District located south of South Street Delon to the West the river to the East and Third Street and Beyond to the South we expect a Nar a Nar narrative for future interpretive historic markers and branding a library of oral histories mapping of historic sites and uploading information on the contributing structures to the city's historic web page and the explor Titusville you know the little book I always carry around but don't happen to well I have a tour book but not that one um Titusville African-American neighborhoods are considered significantly underrepresented in the City's history and the preservation air efforts so documenting places of past and current residents and Enterprise are the focus of the project that the historic preservation board is undertaking many um different features and resources have been lost and this year or last year or so we lost one of the locally designated historic houses the um Gibson River's house demolished due to a lack of Maintenance and the inability to get the funds to really keep it up the reason why I mentioned this is the project goals include researching recording publishing and promoting the history and events of the joinerville area within the project boundaries which are dangerously close to the soon to be gentrified West Titusville neighborhood and I want us to document and save and Mark as much as we can of that area before the gentrification spills across South Street and really consumes everything so I'd like to once again invite you to put this on your calendar get the definite information from Sue about our kickoff event on April 29th thank you and I hope to see y'all there maybe one at a time so it's Sunshine can be good okay but it's several hours long thank you petitions in request okay all right Stan Johnson you you're uh you're receiving something that you received before in fact council's received it five times and it's it's the it's um it has to do with the uh sewage spill September through November 2022 that City denies and uh uh I uh sent you an email on this on March the 5th plus the council and so forth and uh FD and the interesting thing uh that uh was revealed on March the 5th to you is uh what I want to call is admission of dishonesty admission of dishonesty so um what what was sent by Sean staford to fdp was a letter from me describing the sewage spill that we had with videos and photos of the SE Bill numerous videos of the phot B together with that is Mr stoford sent this letter and this letter says the sewage spill never happened so I call this an admission of U dishonesty by Mr stalford so I'm asking you to look into it because it's pretty serious it's a spill into nine city streets and uh I I posted it on over a dozen churches including your your church and on on City Hall police station County Courthouse posted it with I had three different red warning notices two of which had skull and crossbones because it's such a serious matter so I'm asking you to look into it from my of March the 5th and I'm uh I'm just hoping that you'll that somebody from the city will respond to it so thank you and I also want to thank Mr cook for something else and that he's a the solid waste pickup is fantastic thank you Mr cook I just want to add that on there that's all I have for for today thank you and uh have a nice day thank you petition and request see you n onto the executive director's report just a couple highlights uh under information items um there will be a resurfacing projects that fot will be doing on the US1 North Washington Avenue South Hopkins Avenue U from the FC railroad to the Grace Street in Titusville the resurfacing is a $3.9 million project scheduled to begin in early 2025 it also contains some pedestrian safety enhancements with that construction uh second is the uh capital projects continue with the Force main project being the biggest one that's visible right now uh estimated to be done sometime this summer subject to questions members any question real quick did so are we going to get will we see a scope is a scope developed for that project the F do US1 project is it just a resurfacing I mean is it as simple as that yeah it's a it's a reserving they're redoing the traffic signal cabinets and they're adding additional lighting at South Street so that's that's as far as I know right now but meeting Jord for