so I'd like to call the meeting of the affordable housing trust to order at 10:05 p.m could I have a roll call please Dave warland present Cindy boundy present Beverly naier present chess deranian present and Veronica ke present um the meeting is being recorded and it will be posted on YouTube um I have no additions and [Music] dations so anybody else okay then uh we're ready to go first thing is the minutes for four our April meeting and the site visit on 59 so does anybody have any um so let's look at 422 our regular board meeting first can I there's a whole packet here um anybody have any comments didn't were they were they post it to the website did you post them which sorry the the minutes the not the draft minutes not the draft but the ones that we approved um I sent them to the to the town clerk so they should be no they're not they're not yeah I had looked so when when you give them to her and she stamps them in um have her scan them and if you scan them to me I'll post them while I'm still the web person and I don't mind I never got them and I kept looking and they weren't so and I didn't know the process and I yeah she doesn't post people's minutes to the website just sticks them in the folder so if you want them posted so send them to me I'll do it all right any comments on the 422 minutes no I have none I know I don't either I mean they look good to me so should I make a motion to accept minutes yes for the 422 I 24 meeting second um all all those in favor I I and we can eye we don't have anybody re so we can just all right okay all right so the minutes for 4:22 are accepted um then the minutes from our site visit on May 9th someone posted a really nice S I know that was very ni yeah so uh if if there are no comments is there a motion I move to accept the minut May second all those in favor I I any oppose obain that's how I am too I'm abstaining because I was okay right all right so the minutes are accepted so when they get St there and just you know either scan scan them to me or whatever yeah so all right back to the agenda um the forestry contract so I'm gonna um go to Aaron on this and um ask her to talk about everything that has transpired since we we signed and you know got the changes made and signed and um so where do we stand on all that um so the I can see if I can pull it up can you make it so I can share please thank you um so we had see myself um so we had the um the previous contract that was just sort of like the the generic Town contract um but it referred us back to the original uh scope of services and when I went and looked at the scope of services it basically just said um that the timber harvesting company could or it all it said was that it was going to be cut it had no scope of services as to what how much was going to be cut um how they were going to be harvesting anything like that so I went in and changed some of the language so that it was more specific um I spoke briefly with Ronnie and we said that um I put in 50% as a cut that's something that you all can discuss and if that is what you want to do or if you want to do more or less um let me bring it up now and then I also um I believe it was mentioned last time that we should perhaps look at if these are still um the prices the going rates or if those should be adjusted based on on current when you spoke with Kyle Anderson did you ask him if they were the same or no I did not okay we should reach out to him he provided these to us last time yeah I can reach out and ask yeah let's see if they're the same Better or [Music] Worse what are those um Dave what are those prices that are on here uh these are the wholesale prices that that um when he takes the wood per per Timber per per tree this is per per um um per foot okay ni if we could buy firw for $10 a cord huh right um so this is the um Bo um this is what the contract that the generic contract that um you all reviewed last meeting this is what it is referring to so previously it uh it was very sparse and now it has more information in it because this is easier for us to change right um although I think that we'll still have to um share the amended one with uh the select board so that they are aware of the changes that were made even though it's just um giving detail to the language and what what we had done last year when we got this chart is we had talked to um the town Forester to see if this seemed to be in line and the answer we got was yes at the time at the time so um anyway okay so yeah just I guess just was that the tree Ward yes yeah I because it was like a year ago right it was yeah almost year it was last summer I think it was like June then we walked and we got this in like August no September beginning of September 98th so we walked with him somewhere around June July so it hasn't been quite a year even though I think in the minutes it said a year ago but it's close enough for for what it is so and any other changes additions to the contract I know you referenced um we talked about extending it in into 25 um so we did not make any changes other than what was uh the contract was extended through was it June 30 of 25 yes that Chang was made um but I believe that that was the only change that was made other than the ones that were discussed at the previous meeting um which i' have to remind myself what that was there was I think one it it was farther at the end it was like um section 20 uh and I'm trying to remember what it had to do with I have the contract here somewhere um had something to do with payment and we're not paying him um he's paying us right but it was a um it it was something to do with that you know there was something that we talked about in the beginning about limiting just for the sight line along the road limiting The Cutting and we can discuss that with Kyle I don't know if it needs to be moralized in a contract but remember you had brought that up the smart yeah remember that I do remember it and I think it's important to keep trees on the front of the lot right screen yeah screen so they you know um yeah so is it important enough to memorialize it or or is it something that we could just say look you this is it's part of your 50% 67 whatever I put it in writing but that's just because I'm paranoid I would put it in writing I would writing a buffer a buffer of say what 30 feet or something will be kept along the roadway do we want to spe be that specific yeah yeah yeah yeah that's a really good point yeah I can have that in okay it's 30 feet enough oh okay I think so all right and now I'm just trying to think if you come back 30 feet what's it look like should we go no I think eventually he doesn't want to do it yeah exactly exactly so all right yeah okay so yeah that's my only comment um right other than the percentage which I do have some thoughts about yeah yeah so there's two lots here which of these two lots is most likely to be developed into housing over the next five years 10 years South Road okay and that's the um 19.3 anchor piece all right so that one I would I would be fine with 50% and not more yes I agree with you on that let the developer determine how much further if we get to a developer all right so the other one How likely is it it will ever be used it um it won't be for it doesn't have Town water so we're limited to 12 units on that and and after that you have to put in a water system you know um and so that one becomes more difficult to develop at this point in time um it it uh fish and wildlife had expressed interest however um it doesn't AB but a fish and wildlife property I thought it did it I thought it did but it does not it does in the back it's part of um priority habitat M so way if you're going from Hanes Road way up Wallace Hill at the very top there's a small piece a very small piece that's priority habitat and it's 31 Acres total so we're probably looking at maybe two acres up at the very top of that property so this is Wallis Hill and Hanes Road you're talking about correct right okay so my thought on that one would be to do more than 50% especially if it won't be developed for a long time the last one to go it could be 15 years and in 15 years you get some decent New Growth if it if they do a forestry plan so I I would propose doing more than 50% how much more I'll leave that to you guys to throw out so I'll throw out another idea in that respect if you're not looking to to do it within five years or even 10 years um I know that the agricultural committee which is just formulating is looking for more additional land to be able to to do what they they do um and if you cut more than 50% would it be something that they would be interested in farming there great idea that would be a clearcut though almost a clear cut no I'm not say you could still cut 50% and then what as long as agriculture they still have to stump he's not going to stump that's that's an added fee right that's what I'm saying talk with them to find out what the do we have an agricultural committee seated they're in the process of being seated yes they haven't been appointed yet correct yeah [Music] um nobody must I say greater than 50% and less than 100% I I'd say l than 80 um and I don't know when that property was last cut it has been cut that there isn't all that much old growth up there yeah so it didn't look like there was much um and uh so I would say 50 on the 19.3 and up 280 on the 31.4 Keep Em me if we want to back up we could say 75 but going to be it may be academic if he has to give up 30 ft all on on the edges so maybe 70 75 anyway so are we doing a 30 foot buffer all along the property line or just along the road I'd say along the road that's what I say too okay we agree okay if we do 30 feet is blood Road and West Town Road in this no okay we're not doing that South Row okay because that's what I wanted so on Hickory would you have a 30 foot I think you should do a 30 foot buffer there on Hickory any road yeah any and then SRO road yeah all Road French yeah yeah a 30 foot buffer yeah and on sou you have enough acreage there that you could leave buffers on both ends yes yeah for sure I just didn't know about the whole property line you know yeah do we want the 30 foot along the whole property line or just on the road front think we just be focused on the seles the boundaries by the road the road by the road and leave the sides all right yeah I know I'm trying to think how houses that are in there okay yeah and yeah no I I would agree with that are you making a motion on road Frontage Road front all Road frontages either one can you figure out the language or should we yes take figure language we don't need to coun Frontage well we need Town Council but enough F this 50% on the 19 acre parcel and up to [Music] 80 on the 31 acre parcel are we agreed on that yes yes yes okay so consensus so hopefully by next meeting we can get this or even between if we well do we need to see the update on the contract V we we already signed it signed it at the at the hes Road sidewalk we're going to talk about next um do we need to re including the select one and I have another question for you that just popped into my head so first question do we need to resign including the select one in that I don't know if it needs to be reigned but I do think that the select Board needs to be notified okay I don't know what your thoughts are chat yes so and that's what I was being being the selectman leaone I can report on it I can actually report on it tomorrow if you guys want that we had to make some revision to the contract but it's still make it more specific right yeah Scope Services scope of Serv I can do that and that way I can sign on it um and I've already signed it so and Dave signed it two of us signed it so we should be good yeah I just I think that we need to move this along as quickly as we can a while I believe that the C work can't be done until it's cold out anyway right he has contracts he's figure out what can do amount of time yes I didn't want you to say Well when is this happening no we just need to get in queue with the with the okay the Forester as soon as we can my second question is was there anything definitive on whether um it needed to be filed with the Conservation Commission or the storm waterers plan with the planning board um I'm going to have to go back and look at storm water bylaw but if we're not it's it's based on the amount of cutting that's actually going to be done so we're going to have to do some calculations on amount of trees actual trees being cut compared to the land size um because it's all dependent on uh something off top my head I want to say was like 40,000 square ft is the trigger for it for having to come STM water plan so I will review that with um Jessica so but here's the thing I spoke to the um service Forester for our region at DCR and um I was told that we did not have to file if the um if the uh Forester put in a forest cutting plan with the um State that's that there was no need for of storm water Etc he said however if we were developing within two years then it would be retroactive um we would then it that it would be unwise to not do one if we were planning if we were doing this in anticipation of development but we are not because for now these two properties won't be developed anytime soon so um yeah my understanding is that so long as um there is a certified forestry plan that goes through the state and they sort of do a swarmm water review as a part of it and then that would um it would go to the Conservation Commission for review they don't have the power to say yay or nay but it still goes through that same sort of um portion of it yes exactly but we still want we just want them to be aware that it's happening so they don't wait second right exactly the Motions ahead of time I think it's safer okay we don't have to go through it's not the same as if you were doing a true storm water right okay all right so okay all right moving on to 2.3 unless anybody else has anything on the FL pleas uh 2.3 is the Hanes Road property uh discussion on approachment and all I have to say is us doing a storm uh a forest cutting plan up there going to get them going so just know that because that's the 80% parcel um and we went and walked that but there should be notifications that go out yes um before we do the cut but I think some people might be up in arms that were cutting quote unquote conservation including fish I think too because they had that clear cut years ago I don't you know like when they I it was further up the hill but like clear Cut's kind of like a dirty word it's like oh my goodness you know so um which dir two word two dirty two word which it is it is kind of a I don't know um but so as far as possible encroachment goes we could really tell because the bounds aren't marked um for oured who there was an AB butter to our property who pretty much clearcut their um property yeah I mean everything this big everything so um uh and we went and walked up there to look and see and because because there was no um lawn Mark there's no lawn mark on my property um we thought perhaps we should think about getting that line marked and yeah here are some pictures that's from our property looking at the butter um that cut oh my goodness oh my yeah oh my goodness that is clearcut yeah Aaron M um Jessica Beverly David and I walk yeah there's some very large trees removed yeah and we just don't know if that's on our property or not and it was a a citizen who called in to notify that this was happening oh my good who who who did it they want to remain anonymous oh no no no the the ab who's oh no the person who oh the person who called and okay that's the the um is currently working on a storm water permit retroactively this there was no filing we do we know if it's gone any further than we were two weeks ago when we were it was more than that we don't know if it's gone any further um we know that the um the person who originally reported it to us said that um the trail we were looking for is still covered by this debris um so it's it's still it has not been cleaned it up right but the question is whether they've cut even further might be we don't know um so we asked so are you saying that you wanted to get it surveyed um to have that property line survey so that's why the two um two things are in packet oh okay um I wanted to ask Aon when you I remember I mentioned this when we were walking the land well that sounds like an outrageous amount of money and then I started thinking about whether that was a topo map or just a boundary map in other words toppo map is more expensive right and we don't need a toppo map we just we're just talking about meets and Bs we just want to see the edges yes so I I tried to read that I couldn't figure copy in there I online um so the there's two quotes in there one is uh for a full survey of the property so all 30 plus acres right um and that is because um the company said that the records that are on file are not adequate for working off of so they would basically have to start from scratch and so that is why it is more expensive and they would want to refile um so we'd have an up to-date for going forward survey um the second one is to just do basically along that one boundary with the butter to stake and Survey just that one portion so that um I think it was three or 4,000 4,000 um so that would just be to to stake and Survey that one portion so we would have that boundary line um so that if there was any action that the trust wanted to take there would be something that we could work off of so thoughts on this and we should get um uh if it's over 10,000 we should get you know more um quotes but I don't know what do you guys think I'm I'm not going to throw out my thoughts until I hear what everybody else well first of all do we think this is absolutely necessary I think yes okay we have to at least do the one property line where the encroachment possible encroachment which number two um that's I don't know what order they were in but the 5115 2024 the 4100 estimate well this number two okay that's this one there's another a second one [Applause] um the 515 there's one that stated okay this is the um one that Aaron got that's just for the property line for the in Coachman just for that one area St boundary corners and lck yeah yeah yeah and that's stated up at the top 55 2024 so can I ask you this if we did that now we said okay we'll do that do we think down the road pun intended down the road will it be necessary to do any further I do you want me to answer what I think before everybody else why don't you hold off on saying what you're saying I agree with you that I don't think we need to have the whole thing surveyed um in in my experience if there's a contested lot line that's the only one that you really need to spend your money on if you're G to spend your money on I would agree however the the other question or or comment that I have is that um you guys had had staked out some money for um Warren Road didn't you you did I think we also staked out money for Warren Road you did so that kind of I think is still in play that I could ask the selectman that if we took care of Warren Road then you guys would have money to take care of this well we do have and this jumping ahead there's a you know in the packet there was what we have in our account but you guys want to talk before I say what I think no you know what I I'm kind of feeling the same way plus if you do one line that's where the dispute is so so do that line if down the road something else happens you've got that line done which will be huge but but I don't know if there's something else you know we just said that we've signed a contract for forestry on this parcel right there are Butters all along Wallace Hill and we could F wind up in the same situation in Reverse where people are saying you're cutting on my property if we do the full survey then we know where our property is and and that's why I'm an advocate for the full survey um and ,000 um which is the 12,000 more than that 13 14 15 um it's it's 9,000 for the blah blah blah then it's to stake the corners putting in the iron rods put it at the registry and then it and then no one can argue because we know exactly what it is what do you think we're going to net from the forestry of that lot if we less than this we're not going to net much at all so what's the point could could we put a 30 foot buffer of trees all the way around it and then maybe that would give us wiggle roof is would that be enough maybe not enough land to say this is our property like if we're if the boundaries are questionable would a 30 foot buffer it's a risk benefit because you know someone could still contest it yeah down the road but I agree with you I I my personal feeling is I I don't think that we should spend that much money I I just don't see it if I I'd run the risk of someone then if down if someone says oh you know wait you're cutting on our lint then what what's what's the cure what happens if you know you ask forgiveness I I don't like taking this stance um because it's on a personal level it doesn't look right but I will say say this that in a land dispute and correct me if I'm wrong um the burden of proof is on the person who says that you're doing something wrong correct not necessarily okay so if if somebody else disputed what was cut how how is that settled is it settled it goes to Lan Court well no it doesn't there is um theft of uh wood and it wants it does go to court you do wind I agree but who ultimately is there a boundary that needs to be drawn I believe there is and who pays for that boundary we're the ones cutting let me ask you but if if if we cut and we are correct we there's nothing we have to pay we should have to pay yeah yeah is what I'm saying you say that there are there are Parcels that have been developed that exist that may or may not be encroached on We forced without without having a survey that's you're saying right can't why can't we access this public record those those people who have properties along there and look at their property line why can't we look at that first rather than spend $155,000 or whatever done in the assessor's office can't we do that that that will tell you the Assessor's Records aren't I can tell you right now that they are not accurate how inaccurate are they they're very inaccurate a 50 of property became 12 acres for the land trust in a in a disputed property that where there was a cutting how much was it we went from 50 to 12 the assessor said we had 50 acres we knew that it was less than that by doing a area plan of you know just taking the area math and so we knew it was less than that but the Assessor's record was wrong okay um the the deed was was also incorrect in that the abutter who did The Cutting had a different record and it had to be researched in the registry and we went from 50 acres to 12 acres um and so I just and we were the ones who were um the land trust was the one questioning because there was a cutting because we had a USDA plot that we had given permission to that was actually on the a Butters property and they were using it as a research for years to go out and do the you know one acre piece around and they called me and said hey you didn't tell us you did a tree cutting and I said we didn't do it tree cutting and that's how we wound up out there and having to do and we wound up paying for the um we the land trust Land Trust um so then my suggestion would be we have Town council's hours coming up uh why don't you put into I I think I agree with you I don't think you guys should spend money on something that if you don't have to I would I would propose what uh Town Council thinks about how you should move forward with it because it's relatively quick you can get in and see him I think it's next week yeah I heard Dills and Roy you chose them because the town has history using them I believe the town has used them before and that's why that's what we men them I said s visit in any case I would bid this absolutely at least one not two yeah we can look and get I would suggest looking into Meridian just because they're close they're just over the Border we've worked with them um they're real good procurement if it's under 10,000 you don't necessarily have to but if it's going to be over which this if we're doing the whole property it's over have to get three so yeah um but we just need the law we're good with this but I I I do feel that we're doing the cutting and so I just like to know let's get an opinion from counil kind we can revisit this um something else to consider and I don't know how the storm um the butter storm water um plan is going but they might be required to uh do their own survey of the property so that might be something else that would help to they do have to well take care of take care of that line but they're part of it they're part of it yeah so they might have to do that as part of this if they haven't already I know that they've been kind of dragging their feet I think or it's just coming together kind of slowly I'm not not entirely sure um but that could be something that would help us along this way um that might also bring down the cost of doing a full survey if some of those survey lines have already been done by another party we can also look and see if any of the other properties that AB but this property have done surveys because then we could also use that information right okay yeah that's a good idea if there's anything that's been done up there um and how many there are a lot how many abs are there what are we talking there are probably in the vicinity of 10 it's all up Wallace Hill so if you go from the corner of hes all the way up all the way up to just below Highland roughly and actually it might be a few more because of backland but it's all of those so I'm guessing 10 prob 10 agre um so and and there was a cutting done up there up farther up the hill that caused consternation not the clearcut from years but another one more recently um kind of across from Highland Street that backland back there um anyway all right moving on so I'll I'll make an appointment with Town Council for what next week Tuesday I think yeah I'll check okay um Cottages in the woods so uh this is where we did the site Tuesday is it Tuesday 25th 28 [Music] 428 3M that day what what are his when is he usually here it's from 4 to [Music] 7 seven o00 possible I'll email Sabrina and LCC on that there and everybody else all right uh Cottage is in the woods so the Aaron provided us with the um she she checked in with the westward folks to and has a there a whole presentation that she had that we looked at on um Thursday night we didn't look at the whole thing but we looked the parts of it can you share that one again it's 20 Cottages two I think 10 were two bedroom and 10 were three bedroom oh believe it or not and um CH wanted to see the floor plan on these because sorry yeah how and it took them 10 years to develop it so starting and here's the time on 2007 conceptual planning for the town site um two years later the RFP and we're kind of in two years to do the RFB because to get all that the site assessment done and so forth it took for two years so we are kind yeah so we're kind of with MHP we're kind of at that 2007 point with what we signed in January so we were hoping for an RFP in the fall that's not going to happen it's going to be spring or The Following fall till we get to it because of the time frame that we're experiencing and so Johnson Woods took us seven years that Wood Acres took us 10 years yeah so it's in the beginning it can be a lengthy process so um and so we don't know but I have something that came to my head after Thursday's meeting I think we should meet with the Council on Aging and discuss all this with them as well I think it's early to go talk to the planning board but Council and aging would be good in terms of design of the yeah what we're thinking where the property is I mean MHP hopefully is going to come back and say okay you can develop this part and you know this is what fits within the bylaws and really I I don't know that we have enough space for an open space multif family just what fits the bylaws 55 and over though we probably do have based on that bylaw but that's me talking the experts will do all that but that's where we are so 2009 well the more people we can get involved and get byy in the better so the easier the process is to move forward I will say that so Aon right you wanna yeah if you want to talk to Council on Aging and see if we could come and maybe put put together a presentation including pictures that we have from here and maybe from spectacle Pond and for cottage type development and I would also want to talk about um how you figure out the cost if it's affordable now there's a there's a um Erin this is for you I can't remember where it is it's out on the cape and it was a an old um drive up theater a drive up drivein theater and um they converted that to and affordable and they had all of them pointing in the same direction as where the big screen was because behind the screen was the ocean but the way that was designed it was on a limited spot um and they didn't have sewage there so they had to have if if you can find out wonder if it's Walle because I know that they had a drivein it could be wle I can't remember what it was but that was one thing that we the Housing Authority looked at as a possible for model yeah yeah so anything like that and I'll work with you Aon and we can put something together not for June maybe for July would you like to plan for the Council on Aging and for the planning board or just start with one and Z let's just start with Council on Aging and talk to them because I I think we're a little ways out um so Aaron not the whole presentation is it oh no no no there's more coming yeah so I mean this is the concept sketch interesting to look at but not not as useful for us it says purchase and sale was executed in 2009 so it took them two years to get to that point and then what what was the next thing legally that happened the developers did picked to that point or not I think is gone out right so I has the developer been chosen at this point in at the point that this presentation was created no well I was it says December 2009 purchase and sale executed what does that mean so I think they had to if if I I don't know how they they finan this but they may had to enter into an agreement to with the developer for the land right right and and they had they and it looks like they had a town meeting to be able to to work it and then um they ex they got approval in June then they had to to work up the details of the agreement with the town and the developer right so the developer has been chosen in within the two years since they started the process then took another seven years eight years whatever to get it built right it it can be done quicker but my assumption is that you this is like anything else they had volunteers or whatever doing it so they had to wait for this meeting they had to wait two weeks or a month for that meeting for for the planning board for the conservation whoever was involved so that's where you take most of your time well maybe by now things are more streamline for these processes I don't count because you know the the network meeting yeah they're all like here 10 years that's what they told us you know so we're looking at 10 years from we're looking at 2034 before we actually have something built and and if we get it done three years quicker you know great but yeah and may maybe maybe it will be streamlined because it's such a big push from the state for housing so that may you know maybe I don't know fingers crossed right always this this I'll say this and I think Ronnie and I kind of know that when it gets bogg down it gets bogged down in the municipality but if this is a primary focus of your group you should be able to get this done much quicker yeah we have the land that's a plus the key we would still need to do a lease of you know a 100 years or whatever similar to what happened with the fire station me so we would still have to wh the developer winds up being wease the land to them um so if in fact they agree I mean we still need the RFP process to see what the what we're looking for how we do it sometimes that takes a little bit of time because the first time you put it out for RFP may not be successful so you may have to put it out two or three times that's that's what takes and there are time frames for that got it and then when you got right one then you jump on it you know so yeah and this ended up this was a 40b project um so they didn't have quite as much to say but it looks like it was a friendly 40b at least right which makes a big difference and they also had they had to go through the comprehensive permit process didn't they and I don't think westf had the the com comprehensive permit process set up within the town so they had to set that up so that they can then approve it so I think that was another reason why this took a little bit yeah so if we don't have to go through the 40b process then that is in some ways easier but it's also kind of forces the issue and makes it so that the project will happen as opposed to you have to go to conservation you'll have to go to the planning board you'll have to go to zoning you have to go to all the boards individually when we um spoke with Laur from MHP and January I asked would this be a friendly 40b and she said no they would try to work within in the bylaw of the to correct was what she had said so which means we're looking at multif Family open space or we're looking at um you know 55 and over age restricted right so was this 55 and over do you think no no it's not no no there were kids getting off the bus yeah well people 55 have kids somewhere get off the bus not Plus right I'm not in that I don't want to be in that um spe oh they specified affordability from 50 to 100 but they didn't specify age restricted just affordability so I don't think this is an age restricted development and this was 100% affordable yeah all right keep on going on that [Music] then you want to look at the site plan here make get a little bit bigger what are in the back there well anyway the wetlands are in back yeah I'm looking at the green what is that um those are rain Gardens rain Gardens yeah so it's showing the detail um I think that's like within here they did landscaped areas um so I think that that showing the the planned detail for those okay um if you want to see what the this is the amount of space that the development takes up as opposed to the entire um parcel so the rest of this was left as open space right that's a huge area of water it is it's pretty has the power lines it's right along 495 so anyway okay so I we only have seven acres on the parcel that we're exploring okay we're gonna be PA that we are we are and and for a 55 mystery water yeah yeah the mystery water anyway so have you heard from Laura and MHP no but I will reach back out again because I did get that one email from her that said um I'm meeting with the engineer I will let you know once I get something back after I I think I bugged her just enough times that she finally wrote back and said you stop bugging me still bug yeah yeah um so I will I will reach out again and say how' your meeting go yeah yeah good yeah so all right um so yeah keep moving it along there let's just I don't know how many [Music] slides so 2010 so they 2007 2010 so they go to the comprehensive permit okay yeah it doesn't have to take that long it doesn't in and I I also would question how they project managed it as well okay that's the in comprehensive permits go within a month yeah well I I think we should just let the Council on Aging know that what we're thinking and what we're in and make sure that it's what people in town actually want MH you know I mean everything I hear leans to this sort of thing but who knows you know so right these are the concepts of what they might look like and they do pretty much look like that see that Dorma one lower right that's where I'm thinking maybe that has them upstairs I think they all do just space in the roof lines unless they have like cathedral ceilings yeah exactly or well those are twostory Peaks so [Music] yeah maybe that lower left yeah marketed by chumford Housing [Music] Authority it's it's interesting because some of the apartment like ones that we looked at those were chelsford Westford and chelsford but chumford Housing Authority that means that they were managing them yeah so they must have a larger um they have a program and everything yeah which is what we're looking at we need to get to a point where we can manage and have voucher programs here for Townson in order to be able to manage that we need more more funding to do that sort of thing and first affordable housing development or the local Builder first affordable housing devel the town I'm guessing the town well our first affordable was um Atwood Atwood yeah and then we had we had a [Music] um what do you call it Jimmy Carter [Music] program and then we went for the and I think Turnpike on Turn Pipe also oh you which one is she lives in theit which is they have a management company managing that as opposed to the the town yeah I think so think you're right that's what we're that's why we put together the the affordable housing trust so that we can retain the way yeah the ownership and the way it's run got it so these are sold individually for people to buy their condos okay that's just yeah okay well in the beginning you need to to to decide what what you think is the best is it ownership or rental yeah yeah no I was just going to throw a thing in just because I was thinking I don't know if it was this development or not but in one of those Network meetings um because when you were saying at that three bedrooms or is there a second floor because they're like you have to be careful because you don't want people then subletting out space in their affordable unit and and one of these places they put the a I think it was this one and they made them change it they put the access to the basement in a doorway outside because I'm looking I think there are like bulkheads there there's probably an interior access now too because they were like if you blow a fuse in the winter time you can't expect people to go outside with their boots and and pocket on to get get into their basement but that was a concern for building it just came into my head I thought i' sh well if if their ownership you can set you can set deed restrictions yeah on them for what what you feel is is yeah um and the and the deed restrictions are in perpetuity so once it's affordable it stays and it stays affordable and it and then these are the conditions that you have your affordable correct so that also limits them that if they are are doing an addition to it or whatever there's deed restrictions on that on what they can do again that it thank you I know so I I think we should meet with the council and aing and present this and maybe the spectacle Pond fund as well and then we could look at that one in boxboro you remember that one where there was like a building with six units and then there was a a smaller detached three was off of 495 or kind of close to not the one in Harvard might be Harvard because that's what it's kind of like right on the line Harvard and maybe look at that one as another option that isn't just Cottages because we like that one too so form something or other as well think yeah well I would suggest that the more options you throw out there will show that you guys are doing your your homework yeah and what's what's available yeah I drove out there I was gonna say you should go there because the pictures don't yeah I did I did I was impressed with the fact that I was like oh there's not that many out there then when I pulled in I'm like who okay yeah a lot really nice yeah it's really beautiful it's a real convenience you know it's close toose to everything you know it is it is tucked right in there like near 495 but it's it's so convenient because sometimes I think you know well I don't know that's towns and you know it's like you're out and then so next item on the agend should we move on Town property discussion I went through every single one of these have things to say well again I'll just preface preface that that's just things that are I have one that I Came Upon um on theist that I gave you no but it so no one else has this list by the way yeah just so everyone's because I see everyone looking through packets oh it came up at you want me to make a copy of mine for everybody with my all my notes with your notes yeah yeah I I have a cleen copy I didn't make notes unless you want to share your notes it's up to you it it doesn't matter do you guys want my notes or not um which might be just cryptic no just explain okay I I want um I'm looking you guys should have a copy of this Warner Road okay um you know what the whole thing let's preference exactly what this is this is town properties meaning this is the whole thing that um is property that is not the towns yet it is things that um how the town works it is you try they try to have everybody work out the details of it to pay the taxes off or do whatever they need to do so that the town doesn't get involved in it because we're not involved in the land right right if it comes to a point where we have to do something to to take it over we'll take it over I brought this list to you guys to say this is what's coming down the pike it's nothing concrete there's still a lot of uh hurdles that they have to go through but they may they may be something that the town needs to look at and uh I I gave it to you guys in the in the last meeting uh in the in the joint meeting we had to say these may be coming up for um the town properties to decide what they want to do with it and if you guys were interested you might want to let them know when they come available if they come available single family homes I don't have it's some mix of properties and some have houses on them and some don't some of them are teeny tiny yeah um and and so I I did some of them have already been or at least one of them has already been disposed of um so so there the town has a tax title attorney who does all this work separate from what Town Council does so and usually it's worked through the Treasurers Office I think yeah um so anyway but I found a property in my looking that has no owner and I checked with Vicki titman and she said it's been years there's no owner on this property MH for as long as she's been here and it is um that's the one I wanted to show you guys it's eight acres and it has Frontage um do you have a parcel in it 3712 um and it I got there by looking at one of the postage stamp pieces the 05 acre piece MH um which is um it abots fish and wildlife property has only 50 feet of frage it's a half acre so okay can we back up a little bit where are you on are you on these Pages yes so go to page three of four and can we do we want to look at this in this detail or not in this deta I don't think you need to look at it in this detail until it comes to a point where town property um is going to make a judgment on it once once the I think it has to decide whether or not we're going to be taking it over and then if it gets to that point and the town takes it over then they're going to be asked the town properties is going to have to figure out who to give it to like they did the last so you guys can then go into a meeting or or a representative can go into a town properties meeting and say that um the taht is interested in that and then they would have to put that in an article in the in a town meeting to have the the land okay so this was informational only correct okay all right well I did go through and I I do know which ones I think we should um but I I just thought it was interesting that there was an 8 acre parcel with an unknown owner I do too I'm going to look at that 37 you know what messor yeah 37 that's the MTH the first number is the MTH 375 so what I was going to have you put up was either Map 37 or 36 because the parcel that's on this list is 36 and it's only a half acre with 50 ft but it's about 70 Acres owned by um fishing Wildlife so if you're doing a deal with fish and wildlife for other properties in town slide this piece in because it's Road Frontage um is what I would think um just it you know the 70 acres does have Road frage anyway so it doesn't but it just gives them more and nobody owns nobody's going it's land of low value it can't be built on it's can be added to acreage for pilot if nothing else to get the town some funds for something that they're not getting funds from now um the uh par parcel 560 moving on on page three the deed on that is absolutely wrong the recorded deed so there's this this is going to take time yes um think that's the one I have on my that one's wrong um DCR should be approached for 22c and I sent all that to Ross I sent it to Eric I sent it to Vicki and I sent it to Melissa during my time as a select one was that the poor farm no well he was the poor farm but this parcel is not the PO this is not that's a different it's further down on Mason Road closer to the bridge but not at the bridge it's from the poor farm to the bridge it's maybe right here okay and it's on the Ash Swamp side of Mason Road and Fish and Wildlife did buy the majority of Lee Larson but they probably let this go because of the title issue um is my guess on it um there are um there are two pieces that are one acre undeveloped that could possibly go if if we were to make exceptions that could go to Habitat for Humanity one acre parcel one with a that you have two acre question it's actually one acre um and it has enough Frontage and has a trailer on it right now that could be Habitat for Humanity and somebody could um take it off the foundation and build something on that Foundation that's the one that I I questioned that if habitat for humity could build on that the other one is um on where is this one Warren Road as well map 32 3215 Z has 315 Frontage and it's a triangular piece has nothing on it um and um doesn't quite meet our bylaws but could probably put a 55 and over on there um because I think that does mean uh I could go on but I at all of um the title Road who knows what that that's going to happen there but yeah there are a couple that we could be interested in so when we when they meet again um I'll find out where we are in the process with the tax attorneys um and then if any of these come up for discussion in that I will say that I did talk with the with you guys and that we need to open up a discussion okay if you guys are okay with that I'm okay with that any more on the to prop all right I think you guys weren't you guys didn't come to the Joint meeting so that's why yeah all right Financial reports um everybody got that our interest since we did this which wasn't it was a little less than a year ago I guess Melissa it was like March of a year ago more than March was when we bought the monies and then we had her change the um when did she [Music] start I don't remember exactly but I know she opened it one way and then reopened a different way well the year should be $4,000 roughly right yeah so and we've we've gained 2,900 so we're a little less than yeah on interest on the property that we on the funds that we have so and this is where if we were going to do the survey that's where those funds would come from we have expended some this year and so it's gonna have to go as far as it can which is I guess a reason not to do the full survey because it's all got that's it um correspondence I think was what was in the um from that one company yeah um I just wanted to provide it all to you I don't know if you necessarily need to take any action on it but what do you guys think that one thing the that program that home modification loan program that um Aaron put in our packets it's right there it's that that just is mail that came in for us so that might open up a conversation that we should we should probably at some point work out between the housing authority and you guys um this is something that we did with a CBD Grant last time um which also had uh fuel assistance on it too um is this a function of the Housing Authority or would it be a function of the affordable housing trust I agree I looked at this and thought this is unless we had an inordinate amount of money that we could you know do something it in in history if there was something that we wanted to add to a program that the Housing Authority was doing like the let's say the assist fuel assistance we would ask if we were like if we had more people that are looking for fuel assistance than we than we had money for would be asking if you guys have money if you to contribute to something like that but outside of outside of that this is this to me looks like more of the Housing [Music] Authority I mean they have this looks like provider agency so if we had we wanted someone to manage something this would be who we would go to and it's our cap for Central Mass yes um so you know it's it's that not wasn't it our cap that did the the um fuel assistance was that our cap no I I think it's a good program I think it's something you should definitely do but I I think it's the authority yeah it's a Housing Authority thing that you need to be you need to work with somebody who's going to be administering it yeah you know outside of that we have partners that uh that we deal with our cap yes would be one of it but we do have others that we are working with you know who this this might want to go to the um New services coordinator that's I think if she hasn't received the forward it to Rebecca because this is something that she could if she came upon someone who needed this sort of assistance it looks like um well she we go to their their they're managing right who's managing it which which is see she could um forward the people to the managing programs because this looks like a state program yep um it's not a state program it's not stage F it's a like in partnership with right it's it's a it's a third party what do they call it I can't state funded one it is funded not you have a nonprofit that runs the that gets the funds and say this is how I'm going to run it and then the nonprofit manages okay yeah I mean I think I think really good because I think it's something that's really needed you know so yeah have um that woman would be a good thing too I I know I hope people know about well we're working on another another Community grant that will have um things of this being you know if they if if um older Citizens need work on their furnace or they need their chimney repointed or they need sidewalks or they need to put in a ramp or whatever all door I think that they can if they went to Rebecca Rebecca could refer them to this program and there are funds available we don't have to we the town don't have to provide any funds I agree with you but what I'm saying is is that we are looking at the Housing Authority has historically worked with agencies Diane Hansen used to come in here and work downstairs week but that was a cdbg grant that the appli right well actually it was the Housing Authority time administrator at the time took it over okay so but this is different from that this is not we're there's no Grant funded money for the town from this but there are funds available through the state if they go through arap they just need to be made aware of this program is the way I'm reading this and those funds are available not through a town cdbg Grant or anything that the town manages I'm talking about some you and I are talking about two completely different things all I'm saying is that the Housing Authority is looking at other programs like this is what I what I was saying okay but this is available to people now through those agencies through those agencies through those agencies so know it's there I would make sure so Aaron is aware and if someone were to call and ask about that refer them to this or to refer them to Rebecca who's our community services person and she should be aware of this it says did we get bres yes I can put them downstairs um where's Rebecca she's at the senior center yeah um okay so give her some of those too and then people can look into it themselves really has nothing to do with the town other than letting people know it exists and if there's something to apply for that does this we could do it but anyway okay all right so um we have our next meeting is June 24th 17th 24th I have the 17th I think I did twoo I think I did I went off of whatever was in the 17th too 17th 1 okay good good the 24th 17 okay yeah I had a list that I went [Music] off okay so June 17th at 1 and The Joint meeting is July 11th 13th ju Saturday yeah oh July June no too soon July July 11 that's six so that's a Thursday and that's it six here okay all right so the next time we have settlement of the forestry stuff we have councel and aging uh get a date set up with them so we'll have a date to look at and then we can hopefully meet with them in July I don't know how frequently they meet um so you want to review the for stent contract before it goes forward I'll meet with Adam next week and find out about that so and I'll let you know so yeah probably bring it up we bring up the for Street contract at sub board meeting yeah no I'll do that in in uh um My Le is on reports okay and I'll just let them know that it's being revised because we're narrowing down the scope of work and I'll talk I'll check with um Eric before the meeting to see I don't think it needs to go in front of the select we've already agreed that but I'll check with Town Council yeah on the contract or about the cutting both the boundary yeah yeah yeah okay in in the contract too okay yeah somewhere and that's it so is there a motion to um adjourn I make a motion that the meeting be adjourned second all those in favor I any