all right so I'd like to call the meeting of the Townson affordable hous and Trust to order um for Monday the 29th of July at 100 PM actually it's 1:18 um could I have a roll call please David Worland present Cindy boundy present Beverly Napier present and Veronica Cal present um the meeting is being recorded and will be posted on YouTube later um I don't have any additions or deletions does anybody else no okay so first item of business then is to approve the minutes of May 20th are those the Amendments that we have I think yeah I didn't get a chance to um to finalize the other ones I was I was at home with the the kids last week I didn't have child care wow so those aren't finished yet they will be by next time y not a problem any of it right so anybody have any comments on it no no I all right I did a quick proposal I thought all right so is there a motion to accept I make the motion we accept the minutes second we need a date was the minutes of May 20th of May 20th May 20th yeah yeah yeah all right so we have a motion in a second although those in favor any opposed all right the minuts are accepted um Cindy if you're um recording could you please let us know that at the beginning of the meeting whoever turn my off could you explain turn my camera off who turned my camera off I did thank you could you explain to us what the purpose of this is given the fact that this is all being recorded for the town anyway also my understanding is that if someone is recording they need to um announce that at the beginning of the meeting and we were starting the meeting and there was no one there no I don't you don't have to announce that you're reporting us I you knew I was because you turned it off can you tell us the purpose of this please I know I don't United States Constitution the First Amendment oh please that do not agree with the First Amendment you're I I AG I agree completely with the first amend not agree with misinterpretations of the First Amendment oh this is a misinterpretation I I don't understand the purpose of it that's what I don't understand I don't understand the purpose of it we're recorded here everything that we say is recorded and it's online and and it's here so I don't is it online it's on YouTube all of our Mee post all of our me you can see all of our meetings no I can't they're not all posted number one number two which one's on posting it takes up I will get that to you if you'd like tcam has equipment failures on a regular basis Cindy and Cindy one second please Cindy boundy yes any citizen that attends a meeting is allowed to record it okay should they notify us and let us know that we're being recorded actually in the state of Massachusetts they did away with that clause about a year and a half two years ago oh well I apologize so knock yourself out and record us knock yourself out and record us okay why don't we get no no I want to he no I would like to that's all I'm asking is okay I mean I I'm gonna lower my voice because I we started yelling at each other and I want to sincerely apologize about getting that but I do it because I want to make sure that the public is getting information in a very Timely manner as fast as I possibly can and all of me it's not you and and where does the public get this information let me tell you I'm gonna I'm gonna talk well we know that you talk go ahead Cindy well you asked a question I do it because I want to make sure people get things in a very timely manner and to everybody like right now I don't know I don't he doesn't need to answer me but some meetings get put on channel 9 right away only 1950 people as of a couple months ago are subscribers to cable and can get channel now there's more than another thousand people who never get channel n because they don't have cable including myself YouTube the town of towns and's YouTube channel can't he might post this meeting within 24 hours he might even get it in today I don't know depend I don't know what the difference is between now or two weeks from now some of the meetings don't get posted at all because of equipment failures or it takes up to two weeks for meetings to get posted um the equipment failures they just had one the Board of Health the first two minutes of the meeting no audio it's happened to the selectman repeatedly there are plenty of issues I've been paying because I'm retired I have time and I listen to all and so you're recording that for your own personal game no for what your own personal gain it could be if I want to make where where it is it where can iish Ronnie let her finish please then I will please make sure you know but where did they get posted where do they get posted I know where to get the ones that the town my own YouTube channel okay I put also and do you edit them before you put them on do you add things to them on you and in Mickey Mouse yours is that would you like that is that what you're doing no everything that's happening right now is is being recorded and is going to be on my YouTube channel before midnight unless I have an equipment fail and it might be tomorrow morning but I get these videos out to the people soon as possible nothing is nothing is is edited comments are made is that correct nothing is because that's not say no for the most part I can do whatever I want first of all the first amendment allows me to do whatever I want right the videos I've been putting on have not been there are some people trying to tell people I but I don't even know how to be honest to do some of the editing if something needs to be edited off the beginning I got to try to figure out how to put on whoever the video of whoever changed that there's two videos now the one where you turn my video off and when I turned it back on so I want to have that video of you going over and well if there is a camera running in a room that I'm in and there's no person behind that camera and there no way that we know exactly what's being recorded or what's being done with it I think it would be a good idea to let people know that's all it's a public building you're public officials in a public building I'm a public person nobody in this town hall has privacy is not there's no such thing as privacy not for an unmanned camera that is an exception so let's let's make that clear yeah so figure that out all right back to our meeting yes because that's the reason that we're here um so we've approved the minutes that we have all right going on to 2.2 uh mhp's findings for the blood Road property the type of housing to uh explore for this site so in the meeting packet was the Wetland um yeah um and basically it came up with the analysis that was done is that there is no um no constraints so our property is yeah and this is the um supposed River that is so that is where it starts as labeled and that is where it stops as labeled right and they they flag them as well so if you go to walk out there great um so yeah there there isn't an issue with the with Wetlands there which is great I um so unfortunately uh Laura from MHP was going to come today but unfortunately she's sick so she can't but I did have a conversation with her so I can share what we talked about um let me just pull up my notes I did unfortunately did not take copious notes because I thought she was going to be here but I can share what we talked about um yeah so she said that we can you know sort of the um she was going to go over the next steps but basically it the next steps for the trust are to talk about what types of property um which I already talked to her about how the Trust In general liked the the small cottages at the Cottages in the woods and that sort of idea of having sort of the open space in the middle and the ability for people to to um have sort of their own Standalone houses which seems more in keeping with towns and um she said that that's great and everybody loves that model a little bit it's a little bit TR tricky to do because um it is more expensive to build and so there's fewer developers that are nonprofit developers that are willing to come in and do that and the ones that do exist um are pretty um booked up right now so it may take time um and said that one good thing to do might be um for us to talk about what some other options are okay in terms of what might fit in with the town so for instance she mentioned that um there were some properties that she's or some projects that she's worked on where the um properties from the front look like a single family home but there's really three or four units within it so they're sort of I like that yeah I wouldn't have a problem kind of idea you know that's probably better overall because it's one building instead of you know with different units in it yeah so it depends on and they're going to take a look at so I said we would provide a couple of different um ideas or uh if you guys like one or two ideas and then they might come up with another one to suggest and they will sort of do a mockup of what it won't take into you know account the topography or anything like that but sort of the general layout of what it could look like so you can get a visual um did she mention a project that she had worked on that had that the building she didn't say the specific um town that it was in okay but I think that if we requested it she could probably share those that information with us would you guys like to do another road trip well no to get from her to get from and maybe we can look online depending on where it is you know if it's close by yeah road trip but otherwise I know yeah yeah so ask her where there sure are ones like that that um um another thing she said was that um there probably won't be enough units to get tax credits to go towards this oh okay um so that's what's the trigger number of units don't know that' be a question for her yeah I know how how many units are we talking about because I'm trying to think from that Network meeting people was 20 because that's what they said in STO too and they have I think nine units or 10 units that they're putting in in STO yeah yeah I think she said that there's there's quite a few that are currently waiting for the tax credits and I have written here tax credits waiting through fiscal year 27 so it's a few years out that they're sort of booked up with the tax credits so we wouldn't even be able to sort of get on their raar until after that and that's if we sort of yeah hit that Tipping Point well where it's what's coming up fy5 25 yeah so we're two years out we're we're probably at least a year out anyway because of the RFP process yeah and how long it's taking to you know yes so I guess kind of depends on if you'd like to make this a um a faster process in which we can explore different options or I mean maybe we could even sort of see what the process would be to get the tax credits but once again I don't know if we have enough space to get the number so maybe our next one is tax credits and we should start and then this one not so much but um she also said because I know that I believe it was mentioned before that that um you all would be interested in having some age restricted units yes so it's an all or nothing you can't have partially restricted the only way you could do it is if you did two technically different developments so for instance if the larger parcel was um nonrestricted and then the smaller one was restricted or something like that but you can do things like make um age friendly development so things that are um AV accessible um units that are smaller so that if people are trying to downsize um it's not technically you know it's not age restricted but it's age friendly okay so the there are some ways that you're building for that population but you're not necessarily you just you can't restrict it so you could have you know um you know a young couple starting out going into the one bedroom instead of an older couple who are trying to move out of their large home so um there's sort of different option there can you explain to me maybe everybody knows this except me what's what what's with the tax credits what's the implication whether you get tax credits or don't what what's with tax credits incentive for the builders oh okay I get it okay um the the other question I have is around our bylaw if we're 55 and over our bylaws are allow much more density than otherwi was um so so that's one of the things that the engineers are going to be looking at right is um what the bylaws will allow and how we can sort of get the best B for the buck if you will um so we can ask them to look at both doing a 55 and over and tapping into that um or doing um sort of more of an open um yeah because it might make sense to do you know on this parcel exactly depending on the parcel size yes and on this one not um this one age restricted one age restricted the smaller one age restricted and the other because even Frontage requirements are um lessened for if your age restricted oh um I like the age friendly idea though too I know I do too you know it's it's smart to do it that way anyways because I mean yeah I think there's a lot of similarities between people that are um older and trying to age in the community and people that have young kids that there's a lot of overlap there you also don't want to have big steps and you know you prefer to have you know rolling showers and things like that and a lot of times too you know um age restricted there are people in their 50s and 60s that have grandkids living with them or you know I mean there's there's a lot of um yeah I'm not sure what the if the Restriction keeps you from having it's I think they're typically like fewer bedrooms so you probably boms one person in the household I think has to be 55 yeah you have family there something like that they're probably not made for that quite that um okay so yeah we can we can ask her to explore those different options and um hopefully she'll be better by our next meeting and can come and uh chat a little bit more about um if there's something we missed in the findings from the the Wetland scientists um but also what the next steps are in terms of moving this project forward and I mean this may be even I can send her sort of a write up of what we talked about and that may be enough for her to go off of to have the engineers start pulling together the um example process right she'll make it one of these talk to our meetings Only Hope okay all right two and three so we we don't do we have our next our next meeting is in August right I would great if she could join us yeah I'll let her know and see if she able some Stu I I know I know because when's our next meeting august 19 19 all right language uh yeah mpta I have my my biggest concern was that that was that they put in something about affordability and I thought they did but they didn't they did I thought they did have a I think last meeting yeah it was also that this isit [Music] too oh that's better I know it's like well ready to scroll anybody everybody up bring it up a little bit okay good so far I don't have any issues do you so um the only thing that that I would say in the first is that where it says 10% it's one in 10 um okay how many are we going to be able we had a minimum um but can you scroll that back up that's the only sentence that I would question what's in let me just look at that again it's one a little bit higher yeah it is yeah it's 10 or more all right that's another way to yes okay I I would have um can I ask one question may be on the 80% of area medium income that's us not C they specify they they specify what it is published by the you know they yeah so I thought which one do we fall into um I thought the to because no usually you have to use the all right this is MBTA the standard this is MBTA Community okay um yeah I I I guess we couldn't name it we're always using an index some sort of index but it says at or below yes oh that's true too so as long as you have that at or below 80% so we could you know I'm just saying if they're using numbers from Newton and Cambridge which are way higher you know which way higher than out here you know and they do and they do yeah they do that's but we have discretion it says add or below yeah add or below thank you David that's okay okay go back up to where we were down yeah we did change it to the executive office of housing okay okay and they have mental preference for that was what I I'm good with that yeah that was what we wanted to see in there so and the wording looks good what's the last what's J yeah [Music] what is the term by right residential development by right so means that they do not need to get a special permit in order to so just like um in the single family Z we currently have and much of towns and um you do not have to go before the planning board and get a special permit kind of yeah got it so this would allow somebody to build a multif family home without having to go through the whole special permit process basically which is just you know when you add on extra layers it CH takes longer [Music] cost is that the end just the that plan review the last yeah the I is the only one that um well specifically about housing I mean there's there's a whole bunch here but I don't know if you necessarily want to go through it all we can read read the whole thing no I'm only joking no I'm good I'm good with it I'm okay with it um do we need a motion or we good you can if you want to and then I could write something up if You' like say that the trust your Perfection something or if you just want to say nothing I think that that also says that you have no issues with it yeah I think you might just want to tell them that we all by consent we agree we like the wording that's there problem was nice of them to run next one's the hazard medication plan and that has to be in by Friday correct yeah so I read that somewhere I don't know where I read that but I did read that it's in the memo portion um so I looked at the table for the um yeah that's what we're gonna look at I was looking at this just before um so this was not done by this was done during Co yeah was 2020 yeah yeah um so it it started even before that because I wasn't even running for select them when we were doing this so whever it says Housing Authority it's kind of General housing it's not necessarily just pointing to the Housing Authority because some of them talking about creating or building um affordable housing which is not their charges or charg I don't even think we have the trust when this was the trust wasn't in place when this came into play um so what we're looking to do here is to go through these different um um to go through the different things that are in here and say if this is something that we have um already done how to go about doing it or if it's something that works you know if it's not the right time right now or we like for instance if we've already done something you can say oh that's already done we don't have to worry about it anymore or um if something is no longer valid because for instance like if the property was no longer a part of the town then wouldn't matter if weilding on it or not um so the first one here is to conduct classes um for residents with limited English uh fluency I don't know if that necessarily falls under the housing but the only way it would I think is if if we had a Housing Development and we included that as one of the things if we saw a need for it I don't think it's a bad thing to have in there but yeah I I don't know that that that's anything that we're really going to do at this point I don't know what do you guys think I think it's outside of our I think that it's necessar necessary for a lot of departments for the whole town for damping right I don't see why specifically we need to take that um I I do know that from that Network meeting that they've talked about you know so you build family housing and you get all these people here and and then like sometimes it might be on the edge of town or it might be far away so you want to help them be successful and make sure that they have things that are successful so I think that maybe this might be more kind of a a broader thing like we we're not there yet you know but but maybe it's maybe it's something that I don't know okay just kind of leave it I I think I mean it's something to consider I would leave it I would not take it out I would leave it we certainly don't have to implement you know they're just suggestions but I would that's my thing maybe yeah I mean if we ever get a develop yeah this can be something that yeah right down the line there's a development then we can this is not a you know we have to make a plan and move forward with it right now this is a this is more of a check-in what has what has happened what is what can we begin to implement so that we can make sure that we are continuing to move in this plan that's has been created because one of the worst things you do in government is you create a plan and you put it on a bookshelf you say doesn't it look prettyy and we we'll revisit it when it's time to make the new one you want to make sure that you're implementing it along the way um right so we can move to the next one um which is about um making sure that people who are um low-income residents are being thought of when coming to uh thinking about flooding um and natural disasters and things like that yeah that might be something if we do you know making sure we have a large enough CT there where the where we have the um easement for the water department where the water flows across the street there or might also be good to conservation will make sure that we do yeah don't you think of course just in case yeah we want might want to make sure that for instance we're not in um the 100 year or even 200y year flood plane um in any building that we're doing that we're conscious of the fact that you know things are changing and we need to make sure that we're thinking about the future not just you know five years the future um and yeah once again seeking grant funding for any um assistance for low-income RS um and future housing projects um so that may be ensuring that for instance there's um information about like cooling Services right so when we have a really hot day for instance there isn't air conditioning in the units which I think is typical when you're building now but um making sure that people know that if the library is open as a cooling center they know how they can get in new library for instance or um what other services may be available if there if there's power outage or something like that else add I'm looking in more services and future is that where we yes um what do they mean by that so that's my interpretation is thinking about making sure that people um because this is looking at um preparing and adapting to um natural disasterous climate change Hazard mitigation uh so thinking about things that may be coming and how we can make sure that people are prepared for that even if it's information about you know don't drive through flooded areas um I think it's something that if you're you know if you don't think about it you it doesn't look like a lot of water but it can be coming a lot of water very quickly so that's that's like information more services I'm I'm just it's pretty broad I'm not sure what yeah what they mean by that local services in the future I think because it's not like we don't have a lot of services here like we're not like an act and or but I think I think it's more like just just make sure that there's someone that's connecting with with this neighborhood so that like you said like if you know they can get a brochure on flooding or or where they could go if you know like it's it's so that you don't you don't have a Housing Development that you put a bunch of people in and everyone then drives away and no one no one knows what's happening over there and nobody's in touch with with them like if you have a if it's a 55 an older community and you have older people living there like you might just want to have a thing where the senior center you know run bus in the morning you yeah to pick up people to pick up people that need a ride or if you have you know the community outreach person in case someone needed a service or if someone and so I think for this like in case there was like a townwide outage you know or if there was flooding or I was like just so that there's some communication so so that people can you know maybe the fire department if there's you know an outage goes down to make sure that the 55 and older community right is everyone's okay and account for no issues here no you know there's nothing like I don't know ventilators or something or something that always comes up right those don't work if there's no electricity so you need to be very careful make sure that those people can get yeah so I think I think that's what they're talking about I mean I don't think they're talking about like we're going to send you know a whole humy unit in and get them out in life gos I mean God forid that happened but I mean it happened in lemon but I think it's more to just keep in mind you know with created this community and and you want to make sure that they have supports that they need I think that's how I interpret it yeah that's how I interpreting as well all right so it's good it's a good thing yeah yeah so down that one there we go um local businesses so I guess this would just be making sure that business owners they know about them [Music] yeah let I mean there's nothing wrong with leaving it there but it seems to me that new business owners would be motivated on their own to reach out to everyone in the community and Beyond to support their business no I would think it why does it be authority to to somehow steer that I I'm not quite sure I mean I'm not against the idea of it but it just it seems kind of Superfluous doesn't it I know I know in this town they're going to create an economic Center to help make business plans well that doesn't apply to us honey Housing Authority see but you know where this well I was it was there was a whole group of people okay so I think it says it in the plan it has a list of everyone who's on the committee I mean I mean it seems like it is comprehensive to a fa yes I will say I did one of these in I worked on one of these in my higher community and they um there's sort of like a checklist they go down and sometimes you say like this doesn't apply to our town whatsoever like let's just take that off but a lot of these because you don't want to start from scratch you're going to forget something so they have sort of a a generic one that then they'll add things in and take things out but some of these you can say like yeah we'd love to have more um of an economic base let's put that in you know something well there's nothing there's nothing harmful about that it's fine I don't I'm fine with that anybody else have an opinion I I just think the Housing Authority should be removed from that one I do if I were gonna remove it would be that one because I don't see that happening which one it's it's a letter first the first one yeah organizing community events I don't know that that goes that that gets a little bit more challenging I mean just writing a a letter to all the people in in the in the affordable housing community saying you know U from the new business owners and we could we could facilitate that writing a letter creating an event I not quite sure what what's an example of that what kind of an event would you do to introduce new business owners it could be something like a like a little town fair or something like that where they you know have different you something I don't know sidewalk sales yeah it could does but I I agree with the third one that I agree to leave Planning and Development there but Housing Authority I me you can encourage the new business owners to give some kind of a coupon or you know discount or something special that then gets distributed via the housing authority to those residents well that's true that's an event I don't know I mean I'm not sure I wonder too if it was something like um like a a new yoga studio opening in town or something they might want to go and do a a class you know for the Housing Authority I don't know well you know often when you often when you buy a house assum a community um often when you buy a house there is some some some group in the town is a welcome packet and in the welcome packet all the businesses you know that want to expose themselves to those people who've moved in you know bring this voucher you get you know that kind of thing so it's like a welcome packet that and it's not really an event but it's something yeah that we could do so again I don't have an issue with the concept it's just I almost feel like it's a typ because there's no bullet in front of Planning and Development I think it's aned oh there you go that's interesting is it not well do you want to remove it you think that something you just want to hand off to the plane I would REM I would too I would too because I yeah I don't care so you guys vote I'm a no you want you want to vote to remove it right yeah so does someone make a motion to remove Housing Authority from this particular part okay so is that a motion thing no because I I I don't care I'm fine leaving alone but I'm not trying to influence you guys so someone makes a motion to want to remove it it's three against one go for it remove it I'm just telling you what my feeling is it's not that big deal I don't like it I don't see us ever happening I don't see it ever happening is what theing Authority I really right yeah it's kind of not in our purview you know like it's kind of if we're I don't know if we're focused on housing you know creating housing I like I think what you said makes perfect sense but is it our role to make welcome baskets so maybe no maybe what the issue is is that housing it says housing authority and that's where all and cup sake for all housing committees if you will maybe it needs to be broken out and this needs to be specifically housing authority and maybe we need to add trust further up in some of the other ones so that it's more delineated oh that's a good idea AR that's a good idea yeah because this might be something that the Housing Authority might want to do to that's true I'll buy that yeah all right then let's just leave it there because I assume there also looking at this yes not by Friday but they will be looking at okay um so would you like to go back up to the top and see if you want to add trust to the other on affordable housing trust yeah maybe we should sorry this is how I was looking to through them all so I can find them again um okay so this might once again be something that is for the Housing Authority conducting Lang English classes yeah I don't see us doing any of this but the one about the um climate stuff the flooding and all that creating the actual housing yep yeah down here so maybe we add in the Housing Trust for um for when we're building and um building more housing I guess yeah but which one SE grant funding for flood Hazard mitigation and assistance for low income residents that one okay that one yeah maybe both of those for I mean we're going to look for grant funding for everything anyway right yeah those two do you guys agree to those two yeah sure we can break that out so that it's a little bit more clear who's in charge of what okay um so you're saying that going forward we'd like to look for more grant funding specifically for doing flood Hazard mitigation is that sort of our next step maybe so we want to come away I think with not only looking at at what is is this truly applicable to the to the trust but also what we can do to help move it forward right which I mean I think the first step is looking to continue building the port housing but but to consider these things in well particular if we are in a 100-year flood zone in any of the properties and I'm going guess we are I would guess maybe South R is and that one yeah I don't know about the others because they're kind of high up same with the Elm Street and kind of high up um I don't I I just think that the Housing Trust has a much more limited scope of what we are trying to accomplish and do than the housing authority and so it seems to me personally that all of these things even those last two that we were talking about really should come from the Housing Authority they should seek the funding for that and then once we are have some land we we take our marching orders from them in in kind of in effect that's the way I see it so looking at that I you know taking that into consideration sync grant funding for flood Hazard mitigation it's more of an incorporate um flood Hazard into our buildings you know or whatever projects we have so maybe it's um including climate resilience into building consider climate resilience in building yeah in building affordable housing but the seeking assistance for lowincome residents if they got flooded I I think that that's a Housing Authority thing not really us yeah that's true because we're just building yeah um so maybe we should just leave this and I think so and not delineate yeah we might be able to add somewhere else into the here we'd have to I I'll have to go through it and look um and I can talk to Jessica and see where she thinks it might fit in as well um but we can add in that you know that you know the affordable housing trust will look at doing climate mitigation when uh when seeking properties and building or something like that um to try to you know um to try to ensure that we're not um creating a dangerous situation in the future so we're adapting we're adapt adapting before anything happens right for parent okay those are the only ones that have housing listed on so we've looked at all of them we have already looked at all the ones that say housing on them yes oh okay Road all right so that is for the hazard communication plan we're going to leave it as is basically all right on the financial report oh no we skipped one did we not did we was a letter was sent or no yes the letter was sent was there a response um there was a response saying that um the the owner wanted more information what kind of information so for us to do a site survey well no um what what the trust is looking for specifically so all we said was documentation right so are you looking for a survey are you looking this is what I I talked to Ronnie about um are you looking for a survey are you looking for a plot plan are you looking for a cutting plan are you like what what I would say a a survey a plot plan and a cutting plan yeah just so it's clear we know where the boundaries are how did he know where his bounds were for cutting that's what we want to know yeah um he said Google Maps oh oh that's accurate so um okay so it it might be that the so it might be that the trust um and I can speak to the to the homeowner but it may be that the trust wants to invite um the property owner to a to a meeting to have further discussion or I I don't know where I can speak to him but of course I can't speak for the trust I just relay what you all um plot plan and um PL plan SLS survey and a cutting plan yeah that's what we're looking for yeah um I mean this is something done by a professional engineer or by I don't want uh something written on a napkin so professionally done yeah yeah we don't I mean this is it's not to be adversarial it's simply to be to have some clarity about what what are you cutting how far are you cutting is this part of your lot that's all we're asking we're not trying to he's got you we need to know that because obviously the the balance of that property is owned by the trust and the trust wants to try to consider doing something there but without having that information you know it's Pandora's Box down the road and we don't really want we want to avoid that I and that's all it is that's it's not you know how dare you it's nothing like that it's like okay just be clear tell us what you're doing and show us what that's based on and that's hopefully that all we need so that we move forward it just kind of puts us in a tough position a little bit right yeah so so I will I will let him know that that is what the to see survey plot plan and a cutting plan y that has been professionally done yeah yeah and I I mean and I would again it's a friendly letter it's really we're not just need to know yeah should you invite him in for a meeting to what TR to read the letter no no no no no but if with when he comes with his plot plan and his survey and his cutting plan oh well he can deliver it and if we have questions want it yeah I don't think we need to invite him in yet yeah yeah no okay if we see the plot plan and The Cutting we go wait a minute this is look like son an napkin right then we have but I think let's just try to be clear yeah how did I I must print 2.6 up near the top sometimes it leads together with the I might have an old agenda in front of me anyway okay Financial reports now Financial reports what do you have Financial Reports say 2.7 yes I have it as 2.5 the yeah I printed the old version okay sorry did I miss anything else no no okay so Aaron it's past the start of the um uh fiscal year so and our understanding was our budget that the town has that at the end of the fiscal year it would be reviewed and then we would need to do a warrant to move funds from our account to the general fund to cover your salary um anything else that we did your at the beginning of the year yeah the person before you you know anything that we've done like that needs to get moved so so everything for last for last fiscal year I believe has been taking Tak care of so if there's anything that happens at the beginning of the year we can start working on that it isn't reflected in here so this is for end of June end of June yeah so they didn't finish doing all of the final reporting until sort of mid July it may not reflect that yet all right that's what I was looking for and I haven't seen it yet yeah I believe it was like June or sorry July um like last 8th or 15th or something was sort of like the they're trying to wrap things up it takes a little while okay it's a next meeting on that all right um any by the way I know this is not on the agenda but have we had any dates certain from the Forester yet or start dat or any further communication other than the contract was sent the contract is not because you said you wanted the forest the town Forester to take a look at it first I'm still waiting for that I didn't did I The damaso Who's the who the Don is our okay so he's he's the tree boarden no no we only wanted Don to take a look at the the prices for lumber yes and and and that was already done I thought and he said yeah that's pretty much he for last year but you said you wanted him to take he did it fory we this is being ridiculously delayed and probably over a pittance of the difference on the lond prices it's my guess so should we just go forward with this yeah well I don't understand why Don can't take a look at this it would take five minutes do I mean what what why he's he's on vacation that's what I said earlier the summer is a tough time let's just move ahead with it what's he going to tell D's GNA say oh yeah well I called him while ago and he looked at it and he told me he says yeah that's pretty much what it is that that was months and months and months ago so that's just um I mean does anyone in the room have any thoughts about lumber prices changing radically in the last six months no if anything they've gone gotten less anyway so I I I wish we would move forward that I I feel like if he is scheduling projects we are probably we're another we're in 26 by now okay so I can expedite yeah okay the contract it have to go back send it has it gone back to the select board already no because you said you wanted it checked first oh well it's already signed right yeah so the select board just has to review it yeah the select board has to review it so send it back to them and get that get on this maybe someone on the select board will say oh wait a minute look at the lumber prices here they won't yeah okay I can do that and then we can um see if we can get second bullet in the minutes I knew I had read it what says what the town tree Wen would be asked if the SC Services was still acceptable what was the date of that uh this was May 20th okay it's July 20th tomorrow yeah all right so let's all right so let's get it to the select board and go from there we just need to that one okay all right sorry I just didn't see that on the agenda and I thought it's a done deal any questions all right other than the um from sorry from Laura oh no well yes she did send that in but that was already reviewed um no the um the the email from the h property yes um and the other a butter notice was received we haven't heard anything back but I sent um certified we know that it was all our next meeting date is August 19th at 1M The Joint meeting was moved to September 12th at 6: PM so um and we'll get a clarification on core I'll show you what I have and um that is it is there a motion to adour oh before we do Cindy what's your YouTube CH is your email still detail at contest or no I'd like to put it in the record so the people that are watching this can know thank you very much it's U thank you for the free ad it's a real deal around towns and mass towns and Ma around and anyone can go on YouTube it's open and please I'm posting all kinds of public information and is this one of those sites where if you click on something you get money for I am not currently monetized so no I absolutely right now and I invite people to subscribe and like my videos but um I am not monetized I don't get any money but I would right now I'm not able to post live because I don't have enough subscribers so I really would like people to subscribe to my channel so that once I have enough then I can do videos live spelled real deal I would spell it R E L I'm sorry you're right it's r e l that's what I would it is it's real it's not r e a l it's r l around clever like it um a motion to adjourn I make a motion to adjourn this meeting the towns and affordable housing trust all those in favor I I thank you very much