all right I'd like to call the um Townson affordable trust Housing Trust meeting to order for U Monday June 17th at 1:6 p.m. and we have a quum present at the table so um actually we're all present at the table so uh we don't have to do roll call V so agenda that's out yeah everybody there's agendas and Aaron has everything right there I the it's a whole packet oh is this a whole packet oh okay um for the do you have okay then I'm not going to print the whole thing unless you need it just because we're trying to or if you want to bring your laptop or something like that just so weren't saving some paper and ink yeah that's probably a good idea say if you need something for just let me know if it's like you know a few pages I'm willing to if it's 50 I might need help Erin I'll call you no I'm King all right figure it out um so oh it does say roll call should we do a roll call just to be you sure let's do a roll call starting aliens in someone's body Cindy boundy present Dave whir present tanian present Beverly Nath here present and Veronica Cal present um I'd like to announce that the meeting is being recorded and it will be posted on YouTube um Chairman's additions and deletions I don't have anything to add to the agenda does anybody else no I guess I add one of the state meetings that I went to I had a conversation with the community throw inform oh where can we put that in um um let's do let's do that um 2.10 and a half Habitat for Humanity report yeah it just can't be a discussion L it wasn't on the agenda or it could be under correspondence Clerk's announcements how do we want to do that what do you think let's just do Habitat for Humanity report at 210 and a half all we all good with that y that sounds good all right all right uh 2.1 approved meeting minutes I didn't see meeting minutes there were not any meeting minutes because and I want I'll off ask off camera but we need to have the recording uploaded to YouTube still so sorry T that's something you need to do I will send Dave an email though okay recording for May needs uploaded to YouTube I have to finish them but I didn't have the video to finish them okay so we'll defer those minutes to our next meeting um deferred minutes deferred to next meeting all right now the next thing the reappoint ointment of members um I think I sent that to you correct in a um no here it is reappointments um discussion and de decision of terms um this was in an email from my notes with Town Council I I do you want to make a copy of this and we can give it to everybody so I met with that ad at the end of May with the questions that we had and one of them was reappointments and I think Beverly you're up in June I'm know for sure as soon as I bring that up um this June now yeah like now and I think Cindy's September you might be January I'm April so we're all different because what we did when when people left the trash and we added new members we just added them for the exact term of the person who they were replacing so what what we might not want to consider for Simplicity sake is to since appointments are done in June um make all our appointments um to come up in a June time frame so thank you thank you so uh that was number three so I talked to Adam about this and he said instead of doing it each one at a time like Chaz had mentioned since these need to be recorded all appointments and reappointments have to be recorded at the registry um Adam said it would be easier to to do it all at once do you have well that makes total sense um so just would Stagg of the terms um right yes so if you look at number number three under so this these are my notes from my meeting with Town Council on May 28th so number three says um this something for the I I had sent this to Aaron something for the 617 agenda and it's on the agenda as 2.2 and then the BOS to reappoint us all our appointments end as follows Beverly is June 2024 Cindy I had said September you're November 2024 okay David is January 2025 and I am April 2025 and we are um twoyear appointments I believe up to twoyear appointment I believe is how it reads in the charter so we may want to reappoint as follows but we can change this however um the BOS rep should be reappointed um in June it's a little tough because of the fact that elections are in April we did the reappointment when we did our reaon assignments okay so you did that in April all right so you are our wck until next April correct okay so we're we're good with that but we're going to need that to record um your appointment letter or whatever it is from that just do the minutes um yeah it it just needs to be recorded at the registry and we've been using appointment letters to do that um so these are my suggestions June for 2026 Cindy for 2026 June of 2026 because that's November to November to June like a year and a half appointment then I had David if we're doing the reappointments now I had him and me for June 20 25 and then we would be twoyear appointments so what's the best way to do this I you know because um David's not up until January and I'm not up until April of 2024 so should we just hold off on me and David 25 me no we should both do june no do reappoint well we I I know that we have reappointed people for the date that we're meeting to whatever date specific that you wanted to to catch everybody up for instance if somebody went over a Year's period we said from this date to instead of 26 and we wanted to go to 27 we would go to 27 if you wanted to stag it as well except that by Charter um it's no more than I understand that for this oh the charter is no more than two years correct oh so that's the problem what I'm trying to get at is you can you can if if you're up in January let's say then your choices will be to reappoint him in January to June and then reappoint him in June for the next two years you see what I'm saying so we could hold up on the two of us yes you could you could do his in January January to June and then do everybody together in June so that's how you catch up right because you're not exceeding the two years corre and and I am I am April of 2024 so same thing at April of not 2024 2025 right so in April you get reappointed April to June to June or you could do April to the following two years if you want to do that but it won't be in sync it'll be another it be but it would be more than two years if you did I was to make it so that some set of us would be up two and two every June right year you don't want everyone to go off at the yeah exactly so I thought if Cindy and if we reappointed Cindy and um Beverly to beat June of 2026 and then the two of us for June of 2025 then we would be in sync yeah even though the three of us our appointments are still current yeah that makes total sense yeah so you could do the select board represent the representative would be every year anyway it's the year exactly so that would you could do that in April and then two and two yeah two for one year and two the next year and then just keep rolling so that fits in with the charter so right yeah so should we have Aaron send you re reappointments for um for for this suggested time per period And it for the suggested in here yeah for the one suggested in here so um so we'll have to do it um we're meeting it would probably be July yeah it would be the first July I'm trying to think the date July 2nd I believe so if um you do reappointments for everybody I'll need check on my appointment why don't we do it all at the same time put every reappointment in for me and then to board okay so Aaron could just send you the the dates and then would Sabrina do the appointment letters okay so I'm just doing one or just asking for you Jaz no no for for everybody you're going to bring it up yes okay with the dates that are under number three in here yes so the dates would be from the date that we have the meeting so it would be from July 2nd until June 30th of whatever year whatever year it is want to do it all right and then you two would come up in January January and you'd come up in when April yeah oh so are you gon to not reappoint you're just going to reappoint I think that yeah why do us three and then we can do we we can do your reappointment in January and yours in April okay all right all right when our terms are up correct and then everybody will then be reappointed or no the ones that are up in that year will be done in June June 30th I'm confused I I mean because Cindy's not up her term isn't up until November it's just Beverly who's up in June correct but you want to get everybody into June yeah okay so we're gonna do Cindy reappoint Cindy and Beverly with a new with a new time period okay from the date of the meeting to whatever date you want to put them in you see what I'm saying it's a reappointment so you're just making their you're fitting into what your Charter is okay and then we'll hold off on me and David until our actual days and that way everybody's caught up all right all right David and Veronica yes but yes but do it at um reappointment time all right and then to um to uh file at the registry we'll do like a once a year filing on June 30th yes well well before the appointments will be on June June 30th and then the appointment letters will come out thereafter so you guys can can post that to the registry on sometime in July those those appointment letters all right posting once a year should be great once a year to register okay all right anything else on to to that's the reappointments discussion all right the forestry contract um there never um this is so this is number one under the meeting with Adam um once exhibit a the scope of services that's this yeah um is complete both tht and B should me to ratify the changes so for us it's 617 we've signed the contract already and the contract is not changing what is changing is the attachment to the contract the scope of services which is this yes so let's go through that and see we all agree let me let me just finish what Adam said the contract shouldn't need to be resigned if there are no changes to the actual contract but all should be aware and agree to the scope of services so that's what this is so our our two locations in towns in are South Row Road and the Wallace Hill haes um the scope of work is the Harvest of mature trees for Timber on 19.3 that's South Row and 31.4 Acres that's Wallace Hill Hanes for a total of approximately 50. 7 Acres the property at South roow Hickory will be cut to a basil area of no more than 50% and Wallace Hill hannes will be cut to a basil area of up to 80% so we're doing a bigger cut on Wallace Hill the reason for that was we're hoping to someday in the near future develop um South roow Road and so we might want more of the vegetation to reach um and be a little more selective when we go to develop but Wallace Hill haes since it doesn't have Town water it's probably going to be a while till we get to that for development so that was the thinking on that um a 30 foot forested buffer will be left along all roadway Frontage on both properties good and a certified Forester will be hired to complete a cutting plan and work with the Department of conservation and Recreation to ensure proper permitting so I guess Erin can talk to this more because she talked to um Kyle our our forestry guy so you have anything you want to say about it um the only thing I would add is that I did check and the um price for the different species has not changed it is the same that's Point look so um uh and then the Forester fee this this is just spelling it out the Forester fee is to be deducted from stumpage stumpage to be paid to landowner as Mill slips arrive beginning approximately three weeks following the start of harvest final payment to be made no later than 30 days following the completion of har um and in the contract we extended the time and this was done um it it had said June 2024 we extended that to june2 so and Aaron's been in contact with C so what does he need what does Kyle need at this point to sign off on um means the town to sign okay um so once this is agreed upon by I would say the you all needs to take a vote to approve the contract or sorry the um EX today which approves it for the contract which has already been signed and then the select board will need to um also ratify right yeah right and then we can send it um to Anderson to be um signed and move forward with that okay so is there a motion to um ratify um appendix AAL contract um and uh to um allow signing of appendix a I move to ratify appendix a to the contract and to have the contract signed so second I second all right all those in favor I any opposed hearing none the motion passes all right so assume that once it's signed eron do does will you send it who sends it the su's office how does it get into the mail um I can certainly send it or I can work with Sabrina to make sure that it gets either way it'll get out put it on the July 2 great okay so then after that it goes out and we're good to go for last it took a year but we did so Ain do you have one am I the T he authorized rep and I believe you are okay I'm the signatory on this piece I know that Dave and I both signed as clerk no Vice chair and chair I don't believe that we need two sign I think that one isest one all right so if you have a formal copy sure I'll sign it if I could sign it today that would be good July I'm Town back to July 1 bring all right so um I will get that signed okay all right now we're going to the h Road property um discussion of survey costs uh versus um possible for three income maybe that should have come first well you know okay so now we well we've signed the 43 we're going to go ahead with that regardless but um all right so this is number four y hannes Road Wallace Hill Road property boundaries and surveying so we have the question and there's a letter um that's further down in our isn't there yes um yeah 2.5 is the uh possible encroachment letter on the haes RO property so we we had walked out there in April because the ab butter had clearcut that property um has has anyone been there since has it stuck since our last meeting has anyone seen I haven't gone out so we don't know with the all of the the deadall and the stuff they they fall down um so are they done I guess that's my question so they were asked to stop work while their storm water permit was ongoing y is in the um land use Department right now um last we heard from uh the person who told us before about cutting in general um they said that there was uh work that was still ongoing and so they were once again reminded to cease work it was um mulching of the the Fallen trees um so the cuting has ended as far as we know as far as I know um I don't believe that it's been cut any further than what was seen at the S sidewalk um however I have not been there so I can't verify that so we all saw the where the Fallen trees were put on well on or near the property line as we assumed it so we don't know if that has been removed or anything correct so it it um sure has this been sent or we have to to send it it's worked up so we can send it so what what Adam suggested that was we was that we superimpose bounds on a current map using GIS and but the gis that we have access to is it's difficult to do that plus we don't know if the current bounds are actually the bounds there's always a margin of error when you use those and it's also going to we would need an aerial shot of what it looks like now to see if it actually went over the line or not which we don't have the last um uh Aerials that were done of Townsend are from 2023 so they're a year old so they obviously don't show The Cutting that just occurred so um so anyway he he said second so first was to see if if we could do that and then he said get two more estimates for a full sa survey of the property um and then he said third encroachment um talked about encroachment there's a shed on walls here Hill access perhaps and then there's this and then weigh the amount taht stands to earn from cutting against the amount a survey will cost so and I suggested to Aaron that this was a 617 agenda item which is why it's on the agenda so um the cost to survey that property my guess is pretty close to equivalent to what we will earn by cutting um and we aren't going to um we aren't going to develop that anytime soon so I I don't know I don't know the best thing can I ask you a question yeah we just did listen [Music] [Laughter] so if if we are encroaching let's say we can do this and we are encroaching on land what's the consequence of that conversely if it's discovered if we do this Sur landowner has encroached onto our country what's the consequence of that well we there are forensic Foresters believe it or not so if we were encroached upon by the abutter yeah we would need to hire a forensic Forester um and uh show it's a land Fort thing show that um you know there was theft of Timber and there it's like triple damages um and that would need to we would have to go to court for the Triple damages and the court costs and so what's that process like to can it drag out for years well I know I we had to do this with the land trust but we didn't wind up going to court we wound up working it out with the land owner um but the forensic forestry and the filing for land Court uh was pretty quick and it it follows a different path from if you're doing a registered survey which can take 15 years to follow through so um so anyway this is so this letter is the you know suggestion that Aaron had well this would hopefully preempt anything because assume that if the land owner responds to this and says look here's what I believe was my land this is as far as I'm cutting and I'm done do we still have to do this to satisfy someone who came to us to say hey or came to the town say hey something's going on I think this guy's going Beyond is is is prop in other words if if this fellow who's done this responds to this letter says okay I'll show you what I believe to be mine and what I've cleared and I'm done clearing what do we that are we good or do we still have we still have because of other properties you feel we still have to do this surve I feel that unless we're going to put that 30 foot along the entire property bound um not just along the roads for cutting which is our our attachment a that we just discussed I feel that we should survey so that we don't wind up with letters like this being sent to us you think 30 feet would you be comfortable with that um I'm comfortable with it you think Kyle would be I don't think it's going to take away that all that much is it um you you you see where I'm going with this yeah I I just feel that it's excessive to spend that kind of money to survey the whole place if there's a way to do it that avoids that or at least postpones it until it's necessary I don't feel it's absolutely necessary if the 30 foot buffer is good for everybody if you think that gives us enough in my experience 30t is enough for you know it granted there are could always go a different way but typically if you stay 30 feet from what you think is your bound the margin of error in GIS maps and then things from the assessor's office is usually cool anyway that's usually I'm happy to hear everybody that's so Erin did we get what was the um amount to survey the whole thing do you remember um off the top of my head I think it was around 15,000 I asked for two additional quotes but never received additional quotes So from me either yeah um from the other people that were suggested by um um yes um so sure yeah um I guess this all boils down to whether or not you feel that there's a boundary dispute right now as it stands and if there is a question and you feel that you need to get it taken care of with a survey and do the survey or get the survey done when there are the future plans whatever the future plans are get the survey done well you would definitely have to do it well that's what I'm saying and and because if you have future planning that's going to do whatever you're going to have to survey it and if there is a dispute discovered at that particular time then it it's just that it's an a butter questions what they're doing and typically when you start cutting a Butters come out of the woodwork correct but I agree with let's let's be proactive and say are where what's your plans for this are you finished with what you're doing right now and if the the answer is yes then I think very because we're we do it all along the property and because we're not developing this anytime soon we are not so that's why I say I I didn't feel like it's necessary to do this great I'm good with that if we do 30 feet all along the property l so that changes that's going to change the contract the contracted dend yeah um to 30 feet on all properties well no on this one particular this one in particular South Row doesn't have that many of Butters this one has a fair number in in the 10 to 15 so 30 feet but it affects the scope of work and it doesn't really I mean we can change that before we sign it and then yes okay yeah it it'll just be 30t um along the entire property for Wallace Hill other or or the trust to be incurring some costs that we don't necessarily need to incur that's yeah so I can agree with that if we're away the prop ultimately on developing the property it'll have to be done especially if it's an inducement to get someone to come in and develop it here you got it and it's it's all good to come okay so we will have to do eventually but be years all right so this backs up us up on the motion we just did yeah so we're gonna amend the motion that we just voted to um do 30 seats around the entire property line on the Wallace Hill haes Road so is there a motion to amend I move to amend the motion to accept the a till it is reflects a 30 foot bound around the around the uh hes Road Wallace Hill Road property can we just say that amend it to state a34 forested buff along all boundaries along all boundaries even South Road no no no just on just can I say one thing to just not to throw a wrench into all this just on South Row Road we're back south on Hickory oh yeah you know but there's a road there there's a road there so he wouldn't cut 30t he has to all all the roads okay so he so he'll cut there'll be a 30 foot buffer at at the end of Hickory at the end of Hickory yeah because it does say all roadways doesn't it yes okay that's all Road Frontage all road all roadway Frontage on both properties and Hickory is Frontage okay the way Chaz said that was much better so let's do that we're gonna need the recording because I didn't record everything that Chaz wrote I didn't write a 30 foot forested buffer will be left along all on the hes Road Wallace Hill property correct all right is there a second second you made the motion Che I amended the motion that you made oh you guys come on too many I'll all right second and S joint effort and just just to be picking on Frontage or all like boundary lines on all boundary okay all right um all those in favor I any opposed okay the mo the addendum no the amendment to the motion passes all right so now let's look at the ab the um encroachment letter um to 34 hangs Road does anybody have any that they'd like to add subtract this is great sure sweet yep all right unless you want to say please provide documentation at your earliest possible opportunity yeah you want to put I mean there is some urgency here we'd like to know this right so um yeah yeah I know that's true this is you could always you could always say you know within 30 days 30 days of a receip or something if we send it certified then know that was received or 60 days or here it is this is again Adam and I talked about this in general encroachment is handled with a nice letter and 60 days or so to voluntar remove whatever the encroachment is or address so we would so let's say within 60 days um 30 no no nice letter this is a nice letter I'd even say 90 days but I mean that's he he said 60 days or so then another letter with a period of time is there is not compliance and then it's court so so let's just say 60 are you guys good with 60 days all right so is there a motion I'm going to do a motion on this is there a motion to send so we've moved on to 2.5 is there a motion to send a letter of encroachment to the Hanes V property soes with a 60-day um compliance so that's Chaz is there a second second you have that right whatever all right um all those in favor I I any opposed okay hearing none the motion passes So within 60 days days of this letter of this notification or something like that and we will send it certified so that we know that it got right over doesn't get lost nope perfect okay thank you um so that takes care of that one all right so moving on to 2.6 this is another letter of encroachment and I'm going to kind of blend this with 2.8 we'll come back to 2.8 but the way this became aware and Aon did you go out and check this property to make sure it's the right one I did not that was one thing I looked on you said it was the one with the pool yeah let I'm let me go back out there before we can vote on whether we're sending it or not but I want to confirm that confirm the address yeah confirm the address because I only looked at for what it was um but this came up when um we have our our uh Grant with MHP and they're environmental Engineers so they had found water when the engineers were out there in March or they thought they found water on the site so they sent environmental Engineers out who were out there some day in April I don't know what day it was it they notified Aaron the morning of or and Aron called me so I put on my boots and high tailed it out there and um the environmental Engineers were there was Lucas environmental they were very nice I had a nice talk with them we walked on property could not find the water seasonal that they were talking I don't even think it was seasonal I don't know what they were looking at I honestly don't because the the the property slopes back towards the water department easement so in any event they did find water right along that easement and um the Lucas environmental didn't they were going to flag I haven't gone back out to see if they added Flags there were Flags already there that I believe our water department could but in any event we don't have a letter yet correct from from MHP about this or any note but I went to the MHP housing conference last week so I had a little chat with um Laura from MP and um she said she told me that they heard that from the environmental Engineers we are free and clear good to go the water that they found is on the abing property and it is um uh probably not a naturally urrent scream but something that was put in for farming to drain the field um and so we're good to go but we we're waiting for a letter from them so when I was out there I noticed that on our property there a driveway on the other side this is blood Road there was a property that had built a little um dirt uh driveway on our property and had piled there a huge pile of yard Wass out at the end of it and there were logs so that's what this addresses um they hadn't cut I don't know where the logs came from but not from our they weren't cutting our property but there were you know things that were going to get split for firewood or whatever all piled up there and um so here is encroachment letter number two so I went I got on the um I came back here and Erin and I looked at the gis and I said it's that one but I just want to go out to confirm that um the property to make sure we have it right but this is the letter that once we have the right property will be sent oh it's on the back yeah it took me a minute a good way to do paper exactly that's a good way to do it I just didn't think to turn it over so we all set with the easement and stuff that's on blood road too oh we we'll talk about that in a minute um because no we're not um and and that's addressed in here as well okay um in this whole email from I had to write it up a soon as I talked to him you can see this was sent at 11:47 p.m and I was like his last uh person that night but if I hadn't written this up I probably you know wouldn't have gotten it right for what we discussed so I guess the same question with this would be do we put a Time on it do we say within 30 days 60 days immediately what what's the level of how this one is addressed um I would say please remove the yard de GRE and logs from the town's property directly across from your house within 60 days I hope it it I hope it we don't you don't know but it's directly acoss the driveway for this house is here and the driveway for that one is there and I thought Aaron did a very good job of saying connect it to your property as it has been noted adjacent to your property it's not it's a you know blood road is in the middle but maybe you should say remove or have removed in other words if it's not his then it's he he should see to it that think he would know who it is that person has it so you want to say please have removed please remove or have removed please yeah says that it it appears to be connected to your property as it has been okay that's enough I he can come back and refute that say no it's not mine it's so and so and then we have another letter and then we can send okay so just add the 60 days okay so add the 60 days to the letter um so is there a motion to send this letter uh contingent on ensuring that it is the correct property owner and um and adding the 60-day notification fa a motion I moved to um accept the notice of possible violation on and letter on 114 blood Road and add to it and add to it within 60 days and and let's say um let's just say blood rout property because I'm not certain that it's okay number go look at the numbers and it's removal within 60 days another response because that does need to be done yeah yeah yeah we need a second oh I'll second that thank you all right um all those in favor any opposed right hearing none the motion passes so that is um MBTA Community zoning language all right so that's this that one I did not print because it was very long it it is long pag I did print it and I actually printed it in color which is very useful I can put it yeah it helps to be in color uh my first comment on this was under G the exterior lighting it says I understand there was an amendment related to this at town meeting do I need to change anything in section g and response the answer is no you know that that can be exterior lighting stance as is because our exterior by lighting bylaw was not put into one which was the intent of town meeting all the stuff that was in there with light bulbs and all is already in the existing thing so you know um anyway so it just stays separate as is um said it's g g under G that was the thing that jumped out to me straight away one thing that was requested of the trust was to specifically at section H section h h i mark it I like this um section H said says um all developments in the MF that contain 10 or more dwelling units shall include Workforce developed dwelling units that comprise 10% of the total number of dwelling units constructed or developed in each such development was there a reason they picked 10 um I believe 10 is the recommended okay or 10% is recommended 10% is recommended but I I would well I guess because it's one unit I mean even if there are five or eight I would like to see a minimum of one or 10% um so if there are less than 10 I would like to see a minimum of one affordable unit but I don't know how you guys feel I just think that when you're developing a yeah at that density you know if you have less than 10 units I would I would like to see a minimum of one you know one is 10% of 10 so okay uh so from 10 up it it fits but if you're less than 10 dwelling units I would still like to see one minimum Min minimum of one that's affordable good okay but if somebody's making just one unit or two units I guess that's the question they wouldn't fit into it they wouldn't use this right that's I I would say a minimum of one with 10% of um developments larger than 10 uh dwellings yeah now when was this draft to guys um this is the one that was sent me stand by it was before the planning board that's I it was before that not after that it it was probably three weeks ago four weeks ago I think it was the same one that the planning this is the same one that the planning board was looking at last week that time because there's there's some changes some changes that are and and I believe that the understand or the underlying premise of what this was all about it was made very very clear the meeting that will affect some of these smaller changes that I think the U the mrpc was tasked to look at several very sucin questions back to theity H are we good with that yeah I am so if there are less than 10 units we'd like to see a minimum of one unit with 10% for more than 10 units yes all right 10 or more 10 or more 10 or more yeah I think we're good all right any other discussion on NBTA Community sing language was there anything else s that they wanted us to look at specifically um not specifically that was the one thing that was called out for the trust to look at all right so uh moving on to 2.8 MHP Grant status and update um uh this is for the blood Road property blood Road West down property um I already told you I I talked to L she felt and she said she'll be getting back to us with the environmental report but that they can proceed so it's going to be kicked back to the engineers to look at our bylaws and see what we can put on there I asked her if they were going to be um if the survey of the property was included in the work that they do with for the grant and the answer is yes they do all the pre-development work including helping us with the RFP W so so it's the whole n nine yards and and I'm I'm kind of jumping into 2.9 here but what I I learned is that us waiting instead of you know how we were going to look at that other grant for South Road I think we really do need to just see the process through and learn how it works because there's so much to it especially in the funding realm that it um that it is just mindboggling so I think doing it once then will be better soon that she said she would contact Aaron she said she'd been too busy even though she had the environmental more and I can understand that she said she'd been too busy with getting the whole conference thing rolling out um get back to us but she would you know I I went up to introduce myself and to thank them for all the work that they've done and to tell her that I had met with the engineer the environmental folks when I went out there and just to see where we were so I was very glad to hear that with pretty much do like all the work pretty much yeah I mean we going to they're going to come come back with we can have this or we can have that or this is what fits this is the number of units we can put on there but then we're going to want to have a little bit of community input um that that we are also part of so I I am comfortable if you guys are with setting up a meeting with the or do we wait until we get back from them what engineering says we can do yes or start talking in the community I would wait till we know what we have great because have something to talk about yeah because you could have a a meeting and people could ask questions and we'd be like yeah we don't know not really a good for in all these crazy notes somewhere it says don't get people set in one frame of mind we really want this only to find out yet can't have exactly what's your reason amount of time before they might get back with that information well next year probably there you know like coming down from the conference right now and looking at it you know what worked what didn't work blah blah blah so I am hoping that we have something before the joint meeting in July wouldn't that be nice so um we could ask Aaron to kind of Reach Out Wasing to Laura and say um could we have a status update we have a joint meeting with the Housing Authority in July and when is that is that like the 17th and then our meeting is the following Monday so it would be nice to have it by the 17th very latest the 22nd I think it is I don't know if I'm counting my days right but 17 is the tht 13th is the sorry TT I have it on the 11th but that might be wrong hang on say I have it on the 11th The Joint meeting you have on the 11th oh The Joint meeting is on the 11th you're right the joint meeting is on the 11th and then our meeting I don't have a meeting for us 29th 29th is it the 29th is that what we deci yep okay so it would be wonderful to have it by the 11th but we know how the wheels turn so I don't know 11 if we can have that but at the very latest for the 29th how I have this on account so if we're going by the third uh Monday then it would be the 15th of July really that's is a thir technically the third but do we have um did we pick the 29th because of Vacations or something let me just I don't know because I didn't even have a date I had the 11 but that was all that's all I have the 29th was what Allison had put okay and so that's what I put at the bottom of the agenda however counting out the third it is the 15th of July 15th is too soon for me I think um was Vacations or something there was something reason why we pushed it out there was a reason for the 29 how about you guys we can do 22 or 29 I can do 22 or 29 if we do the 22nd were four weeks until August 19th which is the third one in August so do we want to change it to the 22nd I I don't know I could make the 19th of August that's I don't know just saying so maybe I could make the 26 the 19th is kind of sketchy okay so maybe we should do the keep it 29th of July and then go 26th of August works so if MHP can have some answer by the 11 and if they won't at least it gives them a little bit of time together before meeting yeah so yeah just just throw it out to our see what see what we get so you're looking for specifically the um well whatever information she can provide but specifically the letter possible um what or the report the report um the the report from the uh Wetland specialists in lupus environmental I think their names and then um what I really would like to know is when engineering will be able to tell us what's possible on that side yeah that's what I really like yeah um but that too depends on how many projects I mean what I've learned is there are very few nonprofit developers and they're all very busy and so that could be the reason that it's taking so long so to to get things back anyway okay all right so where are we on um so that's that's what's going on with MHP so we'll hold off on Council on Aging and and planning board and any of the other boards that we'd like to talk to to solicit in a general uh town meeting would be good you know to solicit inut I don't know the best way to do that mean a public forum a public forum might be nice to like get a QR code that you could and then just answer questions brief questions about what you so anyway I in addition to a round table dep put on cable channel there's a lot of things that I think we have available to us that we can take advantage of between them we need to yeah mhp's input once you have that the more that we can put it out there yeah you can even do like more informal charet sort of thing because then people are going to be more apt to actually just like discuss it as opposed to having to get up and raise their hand and we could get pictures of possible types of development and put them up okay here's the teacher put them up around the wall and then give everybody stickies we did that we did that when we did uh our public forum for the housing production plan not this last time but the time before that we did the same thing and say what do you like and then and then do and then another one do you want affordable or market rate units I mean some people might not qualify for affordable um units that's what I think so okay so we'll we'll wait on a a public forum until we hear what is possible are we on time close there okay all right so um on the next two the report on the MHP conference and um the the report on the citizen planner conference so I attended both of these and um the I I think I sent out the MHP info in email and so if you um I can't screen share but you can so let me let me show you how to get to the slides okay for because all the slides that were shown um it's the MHP uh the binder I think the word they used was the binder um see if you have that in your email Aon C [Music] be I'm getting to where I am it was the last thing that they sent out oh slides from the MHP oh those are are mine and I'm going to want to do those to uh in a minute but the one I want tool box um no it might have the toolbox in it let me go to search MHP um it's MHP 17,000 Institute everything you need for June 12 and 13th that's the email you sent it to me said I thought I did I sent it to you yeah I did I said I am attending at least two sessions each day I sent it to you on June 11th great early 11:29 p.m. um what I'm sorry what was the the link you were looking for it it says um housing Institute 2024 details and binder in the email itself yeah right under that that first there's a picture you mean the big orange one the big yes the big orange one it's the big orange one just needs a little caption it says click here arrows so off to the right if you go to that and you click under the it set off to the right it says digital binder can you screen share that um okay so I don't know the pages but I went to affordable housing finance an experienced affordable housing development practitioner and consultant will lay out what Municipal officials planners and non-developers need to know about financing affordable housing ensuring communities can this was track one um on the first day the first breakout session um so right there that's it so I went to let's just talk about what I went to I went to that one and then scroll it up um or maybe I should say scroll down wait where are we day one wrap up go to day one go to day one scroll up to day one all right I went to that affordable housing financing which I thought was really good and if any of you have been I didn't go last year to this and and then identifying and disposing of public land for affordable housing was the other one I went to so I went to that one uh and and um I also went to scroll down I guess go to page four the next page so I went to identifying and disposing of public land for affordable housing so your municipality has Surplus land to dispose of for affordable housing that's great but hold on is that parcel really feasible for Housing Development and you know I should have gone to this like two years ago before we um accepted the properties that we did accept but anyway all done so we're good so um how to assess the feasibility of available land for development and prioritizing the best sites to put through a disposition process put it back to the town properties you want pardon me can always P push it back to the town property thing we can we can see you know it's great that we have that large property up on M sale but time will tell because you don't know in in 10 years and that might be the right timing I don't know you know or five years it might be more possible than it is right now correct so anyway um so those I went to those two on the first day and then go to the second day on the second day I was in the lausett room C so I went to Supportive Housing which was really very interesting what does it take to develop and manage affordable housing for Veterans seniors or the disabled and so this was Supportive Housing which is a little more than what we're looking at we're looking at more independent but it was really pretty interesting um made me think about the property on deadly Road that's what we were thinking to do a portion of it as support well well I I would say deadly Road all support account that would be good too you know that might because of where is the training of the support dogs will be a part of that as well I was thinking of you know having a community area having an office area for support services having they it was really a good um a good talk I just learned a lot I mean I have a lot more to learn but the more you go to these things the more you hear and the more it starts to jel or to click um good energy there too yeah there is good energy there yeah so go down to the next p the the next session I went to accessory dwelling units and I actually asked the question in true Veronica Cal fashion i g to keep my mouth shut and so anyway um uh and I got got approached by I think her name is Katie Lacy an MHP afterwards and a woman from um uh from Martha's Vineyard I somehow wound up at the table with Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard a lot at the conference but anyway what they told me the question that I asked was because R Adu bylaw tries to put affordability into the Adu they told me no no no two completely separate animals keep it separate do not conflict um and and this was both from the so if they ever post a video you'll see um both from the presenters who I asked the questions of and then the people that approached me after but what they told me to do they they said especially Martha's Vineyard they have a bigger concern than us than this they said what you don't want is to have your adus wind up as shortterm rentals your what Your accessory BL your in-law apartments as accessory as short-term rentals they said that especially on the cape and the islands they have serious issues with that and the state is coming in with an Adu bylaw so there was a lot we knew that there was a lot of talk about that completely separate issue from affordability approach affordability with affordability approach adus as adus um they seem to think that they will be they will never make it onto your affordable list um but they said you want to try to keep them so that the rent is Affordable by people that need units smaller units and things like that um and their uh their cap is the same as our cap pretty much on size of the unit there being the state cap is the same as our cap and and we had done our research when we made those modifications to the Bible but anyway she told me to look at Oak Bluffs um that they have a good Adu policy and a good um short-term rental policy and they're so you don't want them to become airbnbs right right um and you want them for your workfor if they're not going to be rented to family you the desire is to have them for your Workforce and for those people who need a smaller unit at an affordable price even though it's not officially an affordable unit and they all seem to think that because of the size of it you it would never become unaffordable correct so that that does taals into the legislation that's going through right now that is specifically stating that the adus um need to be what's the term the right by right by right which means that if there's an affordable clause on it that disappears so you can't the the way our our bylaw is written is if you um are going to get a special permit for an accessory apartment it has to be for somebody in your family with specific guidelines for an affordable unit what the new legislation is if it's by right it means that you can rent it any and you're you're allowed to have it as long as you meet the requirements of the regulations yes exactly the regulation is basically the same as far as the square footage and all of the things that that is buil into it having said that though uh I agree with the accessory Apartments um with the price point for our particular our community only because we are lumped in with the Ami for Cambridge and our our affordable apartments are pretty much market rate anyway so I don't think we're really losing much per se um so that we need we as a town and this is more of where the I think the Housing Authority is looking at is that new developments for affordable housing is what they're looking at as opposed to so requirement on has only like one Adu unit per residents or yes yeah yeah yeah okay because what they don't want is like Min exactly that's yeah yeah Bungalows you yeah and um so anyway if if you go into this through the email that got sent out to the digital binder those are the two I went to and underneath all this if you keep scrolling this is many many pages if I remember right um yeah 549 Pages she got remind I think she moved it up 10 minutes did you move it 10 minutes when you got that little beat yeah we're good for now are you do you guys need to head out well we we have a zoom meeting at 2:30 but we bought ourselves we bought 10 minutes okay all right so anyway if you keep scrolling up this you'll come to the slides for everything and those are the four that I chose to attend because they seem the best to me um the the one one of the things that I took out of this is for all of our affording affordable um housing it needs to be deed restricted it can't be you know this 20 year thing or whatever uh it has to be deed restricted um uh they they had a hard time in answering other than size how an Adu is different from the two family um that was another question um and so you know they kept saying through that whole the Adu thing well these are rented affordably but they aren't they are just kept affordable because of their size um all right so let me see what else I have to say um I took some of um I don't think I have much more to say uh as far as land Le um uh they would pref prefer um not to have a land Lea Developers there was a developer that was up there saying this um a a 99 year lease if you go to 100 years it's no longer at leas so it tends to be 99 years um anyway and uh cannot be more than the value of the land anyway that's all I have to say I guess um can I ask one question yeah I scroll this very quickly yeah is there average 600,000 for a unit um I I scr through this yes to cost to develop Dev I I I was that was lunchtime talk on um the first day and they said that it costs $600,000 to develop a unit now it can be um that was Boston area prices I know of Boston area prices which is why you need but yes that was exactly because that because is that I think the number that they used on some of these like financing things which I will admit got a little over me I didn't understand the 4% and the 9% credits but um but but I think it's like the same with the numbers that they use you know we're out here in towns and you know so I'm hoping that maybe so they subsidized half of that so then here it would be just pre yeah right yeah but but 600 is the number that they use this was this is why the the Housing Authority has had such a difficult time doing anything before the the trust was established because it's just price that's right out of the market yeah it's it's really and so then I thought like if you get these non like nonprofit Builders or are the people that are you know uh developers that are willing to work on it like is this their prices is it Lumber and is it is this the prices for have the land that or not yes it includes land acquisition it is land acquisition it's not just building it it's the it's the whole package so by having the land available um we that is what has allowed us actually to get MHP to to go with it you know we have we can contribute the land a lot of they're CPA communities a lot of these places and they provide huge amount of funding through CPA that could change um to um it's all it's your your funding on these projects are the should be the bulk of your work yeah finding and the funding and working with not coming down with this is what we're going to do we're going to do all of these units together no you're going to have to have you know support of housing portable housing need restricted housing having all different so you know the the total package does what you need it to do but you've got to make sure that each of those pieces and the developer I know I know it is kind of then I I wrote a note on here well this is out from funding back to housing ideas but the but the fact that we have the land is a good thing if we didn't have that it would be um not so doable no develop in towns no um so anyway but Dudley Road idea here we go look at the Marshfield veterans housing um they have eight studio apartments for homeless vets and offices for historic district commission so they combined um you know two things together they had an existing building that they used for it but the idea of it was a good one Services contract um was incorporated and it was squeezed into the operating budget another one was father bills homeless shelters studio apartments for homeless that was another one that looked good that they showed also no this was somewhere else I didn't write down the town an 18 bed shelter plus 22 one-bedroom apartments and it includes Supportive Services so um there there were a lot of good ideas yes when you looked at it and but I I couldn't you know um write down everything it was just that places to look for ideas and um it for that Supportive Housing thing brought Dudley road back on the map for me I you I had kind of you know we all had kind of said dudly road we may not but there are things that can be done we just have to find the right thing um that's all for our community so anyway that's my report I did send Aaron um five I took pictures of slides I think five pictures that I like one was on financing the piece of the pie where does it go for once yeah and um so th I I I didn't I knew that I had the slides on the binder but for just things to talk about in future meetings you know we might want someone to come and talk to us about funding all of that works know because 4% 9% I have it right here 4% lih low low income housing tax credit and 9% um created by tax reform Act of 1986 minimum level of affordability is required so it's 4% if you have sorry yeah anyway yeah it's hard to see isn't it but it's in the you can find that in the slides and it's visible there but that's one of the ones I project you send us that do I have that yes I forwarded that around yeah I just sent them to Aon this morning I think um so project sources how are projects funded where does that 600k come from go to the next one that I sent if you can these were just things that I thought was important while they were talking I'm like I want to remember this and and then go to the slides because my little stickies and notes weren't key parameters to the Define so think about is it ownership versus rental is it mixed use they said you if you're going to make it mixed use no affordable funds can be used for the Mixed use piece of it that's what I took away from that um so the mixed use is is separate that's market rate if you're doing that density typ typology you know the type that you have affordability levels that makes a difference for that 4% 9% lwi income tax credit and then what population are you serving senior family mix and are there any historic preservation goals um so and I'm not sure which one that came from but go go to that might have been the lunchtime talk on Wednesday I kind of took one picture from each from each thing thing kind of okay clear selection criteria and process find this one you know how do you decide what properties to pick what are the advantages and disadvantages I thought oh I would like to that you know yeah anyway so that's and then the next one um sorry individually a Sur disposing a surplus Municipal land more of that uh conduct due diligence on the title history environmental concerns Wetland and Water Resources zoning and other factories and then draft an RFP so that's this is mhp's technical assistance grant which is what we are operating under so um we identified the public land and provided that to them they looked at all six of our properties and picked the two that they wanted to pursue um then right now we're in that due diligence piece and then they'll help us with the RFP for disposition so um anyway and then they will assist us with evaluating the respons that was I think lunchtime on second day and was there one more or was that it one more he takeway for communities interested in fostering Supportive Housing that one's pretty clear um job but it it made me going to that the project must be fundable yes no that's a good takeway yeah it's number six yeah number six that's it exactly so those those were my takeaways from the um from the house in conference thank you for going oh you're welcome no that's I'm glad I'm glad one of us anyway I couldn't go either you know and it was wored or I wouldn't have gone back a second day so I also went to Citizen planner in March and I um the last one was um okay I went to one of these that was very interesting um but anyway it was for um someone should go through our inventory okay this is what I this is the affordable housing inventory so what did I go to try to permitting and preserving affordable units resources for cbas and planning boards and these were my takeaways from that they said look at your affordable housing inventory and that we should hire someone everybody all T not we but hire someone to go through the inventory and know um is there a regulatory agreement or a deed Rider on each of the properties in there are on for each of the affordable units on that inventory what is keeping them affordable how were they made affordable what makes them affordable and how do we you know is it a deed Rider a deed writer or a regulatory agreement and then um uh my mass home. ownership rental housing now who tracks our inventory of affordable homes that we should know that so those were the two um things that I took away from that and then here's the other one you could use your CPA funds to provide grants to seniors so they can continue to stay in their homes I thought well I'll write that down because that might be good community relations you should have a community relations person who is you know um seeing that that happens so that would be services coordinator correct right that it's a it's a reason to have that and um also a reason to have them house the sen you know to one of the tasks for the community relations person is for managing your CPA funds and making sure that people can stay it does so those are my takeaways from that conference that's it all right you guys 10 and a half habitat for Community yes I was in I was in two actual some in regards to um increasing housing there were Governor um based discussions in regards to what the governor is putting out suggestions for legislation but anyway I did have an opportunity to talk with um Habitat for Humanity in our particular area they are looking for properties in specifically in town so if you guys have suggestions um I gave her errand um email address what about Warren Road done I didn't talk about any Properties or whatever I mean I wanted to contact from habitat from Humanities okay it wasn't really you know me sitting down and talking with them about what we have available I my perview anyway I wanted to get aon's information in front of the individual excellent and what um I'm hoping will happen is that they'll get in contact with you um there's a um what you call it a project punch list or whatever you say I have a property or whatever and then they go through and they say we will be able to look at this at X time for X time frame it looks like 2027 2028 that's what they'd be looking at okay so I wanted to give you a heads up on getting the email and say how would I get this but they are interested in another project here in town good projects they could be single family they can be multifam several homes they will they will coordinate with us um from my understanding the way they were talking in the particular seminar is that um once they decide that you know what the property that you have in the community then they'll come in to talk with the board so I was thinking inviting them to a joint Authority trust meeting and then we all control our ideas together and make great so the interest is there and I want to keep it fresh okay go I know can you conclude this without us without a no you have AUM we still have AUM if you guys Financial reports sure and then I believe we also have we do have something I just want to mention to you both before you go this is in the correspondence so you you do have it in the little packets there yeah um soes not need to be in fact should not be looked at today as part of this meeting but if you have comments on this look at the yeah um I can I it was in the packet that I sent out as well so you have the link for the documents take a look if you have any comments send them to me I will compile them and give them to the planning board if there are any comments I have comments so we can do that to you individually do so we don't want to comment in this meeting correct correct because it was just in this Corr respondence sorry guys that's a mandatory yes yes all right see you guys thank you see you at the Joint meeting and if there's anything in between Aon will let you know all right thanks um okay Financial reports I didn't get one I did you didn't get that I did not get Anthony sent it to me um I I I just assumed that he sent it to you I didn't even look did not receive it I assumed that there wasn't one okay um it was May um and I have it right here so I'm gonna forward this to you all right our um ending balance for May 30th is $3,350 and 25 cents that will be coming down because we have a warrant to our our agreement with the um you know accounting Etc was that once a year we would deduct what we've spent for salary and anything else attended conferences blah blah blah we will once a year subtract that from our friends so um Aaron you might want to check in with um accounting and see or the treasurer's office when these funds are kept by the treasurer's office so um and the warrant needs to be done and submitted for that for the end of the fiscal year so sometime before the end of mon so that's what we have that's the financial report so question the the funds that were provided to our you guys have it in your account that's where it is transfer yes um we don't have to we put that that it's we've already paid it out how does that work for us because for the select board's office I think that that's contracted money that's already been done so been done right but isn't there a report we have to prove that the money has been contract yes okay so we worked last year with um we transferred the funds around March of not 2024 by 2023 and um we did all that no I understand that but we have to have it contracted by December 31st and I'm looking at the document that we need to provide to CSS to say that we filled out if you look at the so it's already been done we did that okay a year ago and worked with the treasurer we turned in a um to get the funds out we turned that in the I I'm the one that wrote the policy you know we we we turned that in I don't have to worry a year ago yeah it's been a while so and we're spending down we just haven't you know submitted a warrant yet right and you're responsible for reporting at this point correct what what you guys do well I I'll have to talk to CSS to see how that works I don't know um I don't know so um because we well anyway okay that's where we are in that something to find out I thought we were done when we did what we did with CSS or with whomever I went through all this with Adam to figure out who who handles the funds blah blah blah we turned it over it would be the the considered the third party and then well we're not a third party we are but we're not correct so let me check with um because in my idea is that we we have contracted we are under agreement for that and we've already given it to you and it needs to be reported on how that gets spent out that would be you reporting it or working with then we will work with CSS because we're not then we don't have the capacity to do it otherwise it's managed through the town right so so you be working with CSS I just wanted to make sure that that can you give eron the number for whoever you're working with at CSS the same person y good good all right we've reduced that line item because we don't we're not really using them as often as we had put a lot and know we didn't know how believe so good all right that's the um I'm gonna forward this to you Erin and you can forwarded it to um the committee all right um okay correspondence Clerk's announcements it's just the one I believe it was just the one I don't think that there was anything else okay so we'll all get our comments to you and I'll just let you know I'm going to do my comments with the select board as opposed to putting okay is there anything else is there a motion to adjourn I make a motion that we adjourn the meeting um 243 second all those in favor I any opposed okay motion pass