##VIDEO ID:cvpvhF6gjt8## call the meeting to order roll call FL Shi here Julie buyers here Vicky tman here carolan here review and sign the meeting minutes from November 12th 2024 I make a motion that we approve the minutes of Tuesday November 12 2024 second all in favor Laur sh I Julie buyers yes K yes okays yes she jumps right in I'm signing both of these yep icept it's the same paper does that matter it's the same report oh I have to print it up twice for that because I was submitting that two uh real estate exemptions Vick you w in Vadar I'm G get there's a batch in there a motor vehicle batch I'm going to go print that oh okay stable I never put the heat back up when I was away for the weekend oh you didn't pipes burst no but when I get up this morning I'm like oh no no was it like 20 what happened in my office while I was gone did you have a pipe burst according to a plumber yeah I didn't know that but I had no heat it was like it was 5 it it said something like 54 and Che it's it's not good these are um these are the exemptions that went into the ding file so that's just a big report you guys can sign up anywhere on there give it to the accountant in the Treasure CL so these would be like four those ones those are for um spouses that lost their um veterans to a cause from like orange or something like that so then their real estate exempt their real estate taxes are exempt totally for the rest of their lives if they don't remarry there's an incentive good reason I mean it's sad but yeah Silver Lining sometimes I think that's where Julie was that let me see and this is a mtiv commitment the sixth one for 2024 it's the last fing excise does greay like the Jujitsu yes and no he doesn't like that he has to go but once he gets there he's he's better it's a good discipline yeah it's it's really hard it's very physical yeah gets beaten up sometimes so yeah it's a little tricky but he has his mother's personality whoever she is and he'll be fine yeah yeah before we got here ask jilie what month she want to become the chairman next time I know I think Laura has too many hats now yeah really was so excited she couldn't even answer no I I answered this is didn't like my answer it was not accepted yeah after this yeah you can do it right Julie oh I'm on the spot oh this is being recorded we'll have to discuss you got some months you got some months I think it's just me right because like L is already busy yeah we got we got to suck somebody else in on the board oh my goodness well with the board is only three right so sign if you want no you want no I'm anticipating next year selling my house and moving when after June she reti I'm retiring in June I got to get rid of the Townson house before falls apart and and I have two other houses oh that's too my heart yeah right one of them on for 28 for 28 years it took two people to pay all the bills two people with two doobs each oh can I before we do the abatement applications and go into executive session under um topics not anticipated by the chair yes um you guys know about the heroes act where you can have a local option to double the veterans exemptions or and Andor um add a cost of living to them every year I did not know so that's a new thing um so we is it a new thing or just I didn't know for 30 something years no it's new it's new the ACT 2020 they just signed it a few months ago oh okay August yeah I'll send you the guidelines everybody can get those um so what we I don't know this is the thing with them so with if we were to double them like somewh a th000 we go to 2,000 right now on the Thousand Ones I think the state reimburses 885 y 850 $850 they're not going to give us any more money if we double so right now we have $70,000 worth of veterans exemptions so 70,000 okay so if we were to do the double we'd have 140,000 and we that's 70 the town would be totally responsible for so I I know they deserve it I just don't know where we get the money oh so they they passed a law that said they would give 50% only if the town gives the other 50% no is that the bottom line it's a local option it's a local option so so we right now vote on it yes you have to go to town meeting they have to go to town this is theual yes so we'll put see that's where it says that the state's not going to reimburse any more than it currently does yeah so even though they're telling you you have the ability to double the amount you're giving the veterans off they're not going to give you any more back than what we're getting right now so can we give them what the state will reimburse us that's what we're cing that's what we do right now oh we do yeah so oh okay so everything that we exempt currently is reimbursed by not totally the Thousand Ones we get $850 so the 750s we probably get five something the 400s would probably but it's a much lesser percentage that we're responsible for correct right yes yes but if we do the double so if we then are giving a person that was getting a th000 2,000 we're still going to get only 850 back from the state so that means we'd have to up our overlay by at least 70,000 if not more because it seems like there's always more people that are able to um qualify so I guess uh we had a veteran that came in to visit the Town Administrator today and she's adamant that at Beyond Town Meeting um which I I I think we would have put it on anyway and I think we should put both options on the cost of living and the and let the town's people decide what they want of course and she's welcome to speak at town meeting yeah it's like that's such a deserving thing you know that and then you have so much that isn't yeah yeah I just think it's wonderful that the state says yeah you can do this but oh by the way yeah I'll to guys it has the sample ballots and then I'll just add it on to the next agenda so we can just clean up the Articles so then we can just because I think well we have to have we sent up our first article today what do we have till March Yeah Yeah March so just me so and then we can have to sell more purple bags oh I don't know there's going to talk about that right too all right so we are going to go into executive session okay um I'll make a motion that we adjourn our general session at 4:48 p.m. going into executive session for the review of the bait applications which is allowed under the general law 38 section 21 seven when discussing financial information regarding overvaluation applications of how Tax Board cases stat statutory and residential exceptions and Community preservation act applications is there a second I second and and I just need to amend that to say that we are not coming back to General Session after we're done with executive will you accept my amendment I will accept your Amendment thank you