##VIDEO ID:Ce6SY31C1Fo## good evening everybody Welcome to the Tuesday September 10th 2024 Board of Health meeting roll call Charles Serene okay James ler additions of deletions anticipated 40 not anticipated 48 Advance I'm going to add an addition I want to have a discussion about sending a letter to the board of Selectmen we'll put that at 1.8 regulations hearing was closed 8 2724 you don't have a full board now so we're going to pass on that if that's okay with you are you sure Joan's on the Joan's on line on oh she's on the line okay well we'll listen to this then sorry about that Joan that's okay um do you want to move it to the next meeting till you have a full board I prefer to yes yeah no that's no problem no problem at all um I did send an email and I accidentally sent it to Carla your old um email address I I got it it went out to the members oh okay so if you guys want to review that for the next meeting because it just explains um why we'd move forward with this draft um and then the next meeting when you're a full board we would go we would look at the top sheet of the draft regulation 1 through 16 the one 58 14 and 15 is what the board would be deciding on doing because that's new stuff everything else you already have in your current reg we would only vote on other things if you decide you want to remove something from your reg but I don't think that that was the intention or the purpose of creating the draft so should it should be pretty simple and I might have a little bit more information by your next meeting on um you know some of the the questions that the board had about um moving forward with you know why we're not moving forward with a vape restriction right now okay that's very good so we'll put that on for the next meeting then okay all right thank you welcome thanks Joan yeah thanks Pa canel streets something upgrade okay easier to look at I on behalf of Grace Mi the owner of 12 Canal Street uh it's an existing five bedroom two family home that has a failed septic system existing tank is here and the existing failed Lee system is right in here we went out and B A couple test hols on the back side of the the leach field and did Park test all nice material you have Squan cook river right here um this is coming down from 119 Last House on the Left hit the bridge so uh we went to conservation at their last hearing and got approved everything's all set with them it's all set with now natural heritage uh we have our order conditions ready to go get recorded So this is our last stop uh special conditions what we're looking for leaching facility to a wetland should be 100 ft we have 84 ft which would be from the closest point to the leeching field uh septic tank pump chamber uh and leeching uh to a flood Lane 100 ft subate tank is 19 ft um and then the pump chamber is 23 and then leing field is 69 so that's actually from um believe it's this Zone X here which would be the uh the flood plane so whether it comes up that way or not maybe once in a lifetime but it's definitely on the maps and we have to uh ask for based on your regulations so we're taking the old tank out going to pump Crush uh remove it fill it put a clean out at the end and then we're going to slide the new tanks up into here and that was a request for natural heritage part of the conservation filing to get us out of this protected habitat so there's a buffer along the river that has protected habitat species um that we have to uh watch for um in regards to that so they had us push that out then we have the 100 foot buffers here as well as 100 foot Inari so where as far ways we can get 79 pretty flat up where we did the testing okay so you're asking for these two variances correct okay you want to make a motion to accept those two variances make a motion to accept the two variances okay I'll second that that's a good thing and this is a pre-existing condition you always have to cooperate with pre-existing conditions because that's the way it is so uh I would like a motion to approve 12 Canal Street as strong with the variances I propose a motion to approve 12 Canal okay I'll second that all in favor I I all right thank you very much did you add any other subjects no you get any other thing for us uh the country states and man all right yeah good thank you very much I'm in the office tomorrow if you need anything all right thanks thank commit for review you got any idea no no country stat let's GOI uh so anus is is on he's the um chairman of of the uh Association for Country Estates and so uh I didn't see anything from him in writing um but this is kind of a a continuation of the board's discussion regarding uh the potential for an enforceable agreement for them to um install a mang draing on the pool there are you live yet I'm here yes Rick I did send you an email roughly an hour ago I'm sorry I got out of work later than I anticipated today essentially what I did was I kind of outlined everything per your last email um for the uh for the the Board of Health um essentially what it does is it just kind of summarizes um what we're up against and that is um a main drain for our pool this is a I mean the circumstance was very unforeseen um you guys I mean I'm not sure if you guys are too familiar with the complex and it its entirety but over the last couple of years we have completely rest structured our board um our our our approach to to manage the complex as well as put in place a capital Improvement plan has been extremely strategic on our end to not Place Financial constraints on our residents uh with that said we do have a lot of items on the horizon that we do plan on you know tackling in terms of Capital Improvements um essentially I just kind of L list them off here some we've already completed uh for example repaving of the parking lots we had a storm water drain installed already for that the second portion of that project would include the actual repaving of the parking lots um we have to renovate building to uh the common areas we had a um expansion tank on our hot water tank blow off so the whole bottom floor and all of the condominium units on that floor suffered severe water damage um with that being said the building run the the carpet runs throughout the entirety of the building so you can't just replace it by section it's an older carpet too so we couldn't find anything that would match um another project would include replacement of the roofs for buildings 2 and three we've already tackled building one towards the beginning of this year I think February um let's go to the pool now let's go to the pool yeah so I mean the the pool yes you know I just wanted to emphasize that we do have a lot of projects on the horizon the pool in itself I'm not sure exactly how much it would cost to install a main drain I'm not sure exactly what is needed I imagine there's probably some sort of engineering needed along with um a pool contractor to come out and give us you know quotes for for install and labor we've already reached out to a few pool companies and we're experiencing some difficulties because they no longer deal with cement pools so we're open to recommendations should Carla or Rick have any for us um with that being said our our our argument here is that we've been able to keep the pool um as clean as it needs to be and we've been able to not only meet the standards but we've also been able to exceed the standards set by the state code um and I outline that as well in my in my letter that I emailed to Rick and Carla again I'm sorry for the delay um I am proposing a three-year plan so we can treat this as I mean that's unreal that's almost unrealistic for a line I'm this big but we can probably work within that timeline and treat this as a capital a capital expenditure and set aside money on a monthly basis in order to pay for the full cost of the main drain in let's say we're approaching 2025 now so I said in my letter 2028 um so that's that's kind of where we're at just to not not not divulge too much and so that's kind of the the three-year period is somewhat in line with what Steve Hughes from the Department of Public Health had offered as a way to to try to um you get there but also continue to allow them to to operate and so um I don't think you've done one Paul yet but you know Jim how we signed enforceable agreements for replacement of septic systems in lie of an inspection um the one I can think of is a 22 Sono Road came in to do it and I believe in the end we did sign that enforcable agreement because they located the CES that they were uh saying was failed and they were going to replace um but it would be a similar agreement that would lay out a timeline would lay out um the things that you wanted to see as far as uh points that they could hit along the way so estimates from contractors um you check-ins at certain dates to to update us and tell them yeah we're on you're we're financially and otherwise on track to get this main drain installed uh by the date that we agreed upon um you if there's anything that the board wanted to see as far as uh additional inspections um you we could look at like uh bacteriological testing um to make sure that that those standards are being met um you you could do what you think is is reasonable um to to get to that point where three years down the line is what they're proposing they could get that Main tring in and so you know I think this is kind of the a start of a a longer discussion um so if the board's open to it then we could try to start to to draft something with that threeyear period and and and what the board would have to do is come up with like um the things that they want to see along the way um be met by Country Estates submitted to us inspections that we do throughout the summer months when they're open you whatever you felt was was reasonable kind of just to kind of hit along what Rick said regarding protection I mean some of the measurements that we've already taken in place in order to protect the health and safety of our residents for example we've replaced our pump from a one and a half horsepower pump to a 2 and a half hor horsepower pump in turn increasing the flow rate to 93.6 gallons per minute which is above the standard of 90 gallons per minute our current turnover rate now the water to turnover is 1.17 times every eight hours which is also above the standard turnover rate of one time every eight hours uh currently testing is done three times per day and all chemicals are well within the safe range for operation um lastly unlike most commercial pools our pool only averages a maximum of five bathers at a time and that is an absolute maximum usually we're only seeing about two or three residents out there um and also I I imagine you got my prior letter with all of the historical data with our variance request um essentially it just shows that you know we we we're not only meeting these expectations but we're exceeding them so these these actions have not been taken lightly in lie of a main drain propag graphically the bottom of that pool is what 9 ft deep from how how deep is it in EST at the deepest part pool itself I'm not sure exactly how deep it is we have a CPO who runs the pool he he works in this his his actual job is within this line of work he's fully licensed he knows every single little detail about this pool unfortunately he was unable to be in attendance tonight all right Rick when they're going to drain the pool with the chlorine and everything in it that just go right off and go into surface water and go into the river when they drain that um you they're over are they over 200 feet from the river because they might have to do something as far as f with kcom if if they are um but how of would the pool need to be drained I mean it would all you would only need to drain it for the work for the main drain um other than that it's the water levels are lowered but that it's not completely drained no for the winter it deserv water sitting in the pool yeah yes and it's covered etc etc so um so they wouldn't typically do it but for the main drain work they're likely going to have to cut concrete and and all that so so they're going to have to drain the pool when when that happens so there there's going to be a discharge Point approximately how far from the bank really uh I'd have to look on GIS maps to to give you an exact figure my guess is it's probably in excess of 500 feet away um because you got the uh what is it Squan cook Terrace right there what the road yeah that's that's the the neighboring Street there yes the River on the other side and then you got the whole complex I would guess about 500t or so mention we just installed that that storm water drain on the side of building to so if we do drain our our pool I'm not sure if it would follow the same I guess path as as storm water if you will so when we do repave those parking lots would that play a factor in when we drain our our pool I guess you know we'd have to get into those specifics as we get closer um but I you I don't do this kind of work I've never seen it done probably would have to rely on the contractor to propose what what he would want to do he's proposing a threeyear repair on that yeah if we gave him an additional year would that be an obstruction to what the state would require or wa can go you know he's he really kind of laid out you know something that he's seen before um you guys could do whatever you feel comfortable with um so if you wanted to give them an additional year and make it a 4-year agreement for them to to accomplish that then you certainly could I would just say um you want to keep on top of them to make sure that we're still on track so when we get to year four we don't find out that they're not going to be able to do it for whatever reason or they're not going to do it for whatever reason Paul my thoughts are with everything way they are pricewise in the economy and things that are going on they're giving us a vant effort to be able to make the upgrade on that pool and and it's my opinion that if we were to give them the extra year and they're in compliance all the time with progress showing to get the funds available to make the repair in that pool would be a little bit easier on the association there Etc and meanwhile they'd still be able to use the pool right yeah until that project is funded and ready to go to be repaired y so uh would you be considerate to agree with that way of thinking or have you got another agree you agree with that okay what what we just discussed is giving you an additional year to be able to appropriate the proper funds to do that repair and get it done so that you're not going to be financially In Harm's Way further than you are today that's fantastic that's that's uh that's amazing honestly like I think three years is doable but with an extra year that definitely gives us a little bit of a cushion All Things Considered we do have other projects on on the horizon um you know I I highlighted all of those in my letter so I'm sure whenever Rick or Carla gets access to the letter they can provide it to you so you can have additional insights just to see what we're up against um in addition to that we have been dealing with a lot of deferred maintenance issues from like batched like Butch contractors and stuff like that so this is fantastic yeah we're we're willing to do that but now in the event that that does not happen the pool will be shut down absolutely yep will be shut down there's no no questions asked sure so if you're in agreement to that additional year where the guarantee that that pool is going to be upgraded and the drain will be installed and be functional after that time I think the board's all set to say we're going to cooperate with that 100% no absolutely so that would bring us out if if I'm correct to September 10th of I mean 2028 correct so that's more than enough time to appropriate the funds need not right now yeah and uh make that happen so what do we have Rick so what I'll do is uh since since I know that you're agreeable to it I'll draft something for it and kind of put in what what I think would be reasonable um Milestones to hit and then you guys can look at it you can say yeah I'm happy with this or we like to see this or we'd like to remove this and we'll have another discussion so maybe if in in two meetings we could sit down and talk about it again all right so that's very reasonable I think that's a very very good goal absolutely absolutely I couldn't agree more okay so I think we're going to be in discussion with Rick we'll have the final paperwork brought to you in uh probably four weeks or so and we'll have good understanding and agreement and know that this has to be done and at that time we will put a deadline when that pool has to be completed whether it's G to be spring or in the fall I'm not quite sure where you want to go with that okay those details all right okay fantastic thank you for your time thank you for being there thank you yeah okay with that good all right Rick you all set now yep uh so I'll stick around for the stable permit though okay yes where we at with that CW um well I'm gonna let R talk because he was one so last time we had sat down and talked about this um they was a question about the the number of animals and and exactly what type of animals they were um and then uh just some questions about the the sketch and and what he had going on so uh Phil came in and uh he checked off that it would be a a private stable um identified that it was he had originally given us eight animals uh the breakdown would be six horses and Two Goats and then uh on the sketch he added the location of the existing septic system as well as the approximate wet Ling line um in the back which is quite a quite a ways away um from where they're looking to to store the manure um so you've got the the house um and and if you're looking at it uh you know a half by 11 going up so a portrait um there's a house in the middle right up by the road the septic system is over to the left uh you've got the barn the well is roughly located between the house and the barn and that manure storage area is going to be um 150 ft away from the existing well and this is the this is the same manure management at least sketch previous this is right on Route 13 and it about Tyler Road right uh no no so well yes but uh Tyler Road would be on the 545 82 correct yeah and and right now where pasture six is indicated is a Gard new with the growing flowers yep so these pastur aren't some of the fencing still up um but they're not actually there correct y yeah the fence line on the 548 defense is not there that that now when they have 5.3 Acres how are we still jurisdiction on 5 the issue is the Mass general laws require that the board of health issue stable licenses for anybody that keeps a horse in town um because you guys are over 5,000 as a population and so in order to issue a stable license the board has always required that somebody submit a manure management plan uh the idea is that if it ever comes up in the future that there's a complaint about it then we can pull out the manure management plan and say this is what you had said to the board that you were doing this is what the board agreed to and you're either you're doing it or or you're not um and so that's kind of how you've dealt with it ultimately I'm not sure how much jurisdiction you do have because over five acres and he's a farm under the Mass general laws and um yeah they do have certain protections but they're not um there are still things that could happen on the property that you know might not be odor or noise related to the animals but you could have like flies attracted to the manure and that would be an enforceable thing so um it's not a just a blanket protection to be able to do anything you want but there are certain protections that are written into the general laws for for Farms okay then and where I see that 150 to that little wrong Circle that's where the Manor's going to be put correct okay he's got an abundance of regrinds over there right now and he's also processing loan yeah so so the the regrind I did talk to him about his plan is to spread that on the property in the parking area um and then the proposal for the manure is to take that loan mix it with the manure and bring it off site to to other places to use I like that way of thinking any questions about this one no what you looking for is an approval on this F management plan that we have in front of us right here yep I have some questions okay go ahead um you the neighbor right you're the yeah I'm the but I'm daily uh 192 how how often will the waste be remove from the site I would imagine when necessary yeah I mean there's you know some people that is it once a month is it you know it's probably not going to be once a month no um you know it's going to take some time to compul some materials so you know I would expect that it's somewhere in the four to six month range that it'll be there yeah and and uh another question I have uh who's going to inspect that the this stuff is removed you we don't typically inspect it so it's on file we we'll only go back if we receive a complaint um would you also be inspecting the bond that would be done by the animal inspector which I don't believe there is one right now Carla that's true because I've been in that Bond and it's in tough shape all the side walls are pulled out it's only a pole Bond I understand surpris me if it collapsed unfortunately that's not a jurisdiction of the Board of Health so we can't go into that in any fashion yeah typically there would be an animal inspector and I don't know if the town has it advertised or not but they do what's called they do um so they do bar inspections yeah but as far as structur the Bine that's the building department has nothing to do with the Board of Health and also I've seen rats found them in my driveway rats coming out of the bond a lot of rats uh and I don't like it I wouldn't like rats either but unfortunately that's out of our control because we can only hope that people do their best to control the rods so we could I'll take a look at it okay you want to do an inspection on that RI yeah um so they're coming out of the barn is where you seen them yes okay I actually ran over one of my driveway that was a slow rat he was not have the rat race that was funny he ain't racing anymore well I like that way that was kind of funny you got to have some humor here occasionally all right any more questions no that's we're doing the best within our jurisdictions to ass you so well I mean after what was there before I just W up oh thank you very much I know very well about that all right so we need we need to put an approval on this tonight Rich uh if you're you're ready to yes you think that you want to approve this management plan for the possible almost across the street from my place I moved to approve okay all right so we're going to accept this as drawn and he's gonna have to comply by what he's put on paper rck y all right any signatures on this or anything NOP all right so that's where that's going to go so yeah car just have it on file in theice yeah okay very good okay will I see you Thursday I'll be yeah okay I will not be here tomorrow if you're looking for me okay than good have a good night guys all right thank you Rick thank you Rick okay so we have some invoices now we got one more thing don't we well that's it no the next meeting we got a board of selectman situation that I want to address the board of Select person right now Joe shank seems to be giving the Board of Health a lot of back laack on comments about what we've done and what we haven't done and Board of Health has been self-sufficient for all the years that I've been a member of the Board of Health that never issues up until the past six years with the select board so I'd like to send a letter to Mr shank and tell him to properly please go forward and move with what they're doing taking over our crash contract and selling all their purple bags we are not in favor of that we don't want that to happen that's our own opinion and he thinks that we're opposing it we're not opposing it we're not in favor of it and I think he's got to get a letter that says stop bad m in the Board of Health you people made the mistake you overspent your budget you put us in a financial Devastation in the town of town in and now you're throwing the board of help in as a scapegoat and we're not the scapegoat for that we didn't do it they did so I'd like to be able to put a draft together and send them a letter telling them to stay out of our business business you went out and you got the purple bags you lost 550 Grand somewhere we didn't do that we've already governed ourself accordingly and done everything in the appropriate fashion so I want Mr shank to start focusing on the Veronica Kell syndrome she's almost out of the picture now and all the stuff that happened under that sarial okay all right okay and uh I will sign that personally with your approval and uh even press his approval when he returns but I'd like to expedite this and get this thing sent to them because I'm sick of what they're doing to us absolutely mortified I have a question for the board can can um Town go forward with it with this without the Appropriations they requested and without another town meeting for an approval of this program it's my opinion that they shouldn't they're rushing into this and they're throwing it right on the taxpayers throat unfortunately they're taking loops and Bounds and they're isolating the Board of Health from any recommendations so they want to control the town they want to find the money to do this they're not working with us in any fashion I don't know what to tell you beyond that sir well I've looked into this and in other towns as long as and it's been done on individual basis they will lose and cour yeah we got to see where this is going to go but they they won't even let us have legal Cel we we don't even have the right to Legal conso if we get a question they would't even give us that without their approval and that's all wrong in my opinion well if it happens you could you might throw a b them while you're talking to them uh are they going to have enough money to set set aside for the court decrees well we'll see what happens after the let to Mr shank because he's got to stop what he's doing he's out of order and out of line yeah okay thanks thank you keep smiling got a smile we can't PR if I see any more of those Road RS I'll let know right inv Sha um I'm starting to tally the trash and recycling so you can see um if it's going up or going down um we'll see what happens what do you mean tonnage tonnage he reports that like he doesn't charge us for Tage but he reports it yes so there's the ones it's it's actually being very very steady right now but we'll see what happens recycling is going to go up people recycle all a sudden right so that's just their monthly fee and this is my August um travel you out to LA I did not I didn't go far they approve that trip after everything Carla has done for this board I'll tell you what I would can't find another Carla okay um because we lost the $6,000 credit for the recycling center in Shaw's disposing they had to empty one of our containers it was the bulky Furniture which I cannot take off the grant money so therefore it needs to come out of the general revolving fund $475 people charged when they drop Furniture off there yes they are so we recoup some okay Unitil is just a regular monthly bill seems to be staying fairly steady uh Mr osito Alliance um spraying the recycling center every four to 6 weeks depending upon the rain because of all the disease that's going around we don't want to have a problem there the bug pretty bad makes sense so 21 bucks for that yeah that's not bad Go the whole profit okay I use Mosquito Squad they come out with because I Haven 146 every 21 B 3 acres but the you know a little bit different residentially um the security cameras um we need a new subscription to get them up and running because when Chris quit he let the subscription run out so I have not been able to see anything that's been going on at the recycling center it's driving me crazy so I had to go on and pay for it myself so um it's $120 for the year when is it going to be active uh Saturday I'm going to work with the recycling employee to get it up and running because I have to take the SIM card out of the camera and download it on my on my phone so I can see everything like I used to but you have to get a ladder and my hips really bad and the last thing I want to do is be up on a ladder trying to take out a card it's just I don't want to do that um chain the gate um we weren't sure if the gate was going to stay open and whether or not we need a chain to keep it by the side we do not because it's so level it looks beautiful but we did buy the chain and it was $8.75 and I'm sure that we can use the chain for something else with the recycling center in fact it might go on the dumpster because we have a trash dumpster at the recycling center and when they're open we're going to have to keep that locked because I know people will start trying to sneak in their household trash in there okay as in Germany we say March next doesn't matter uh and the gate the beautiful gate was 4,5 $1 do we need a final inspection on that before we pay this um I don't think so I took a picture of it I don't know if you guys saw it or not have you um no I didn't get up there either okay it's it's beautiful I mean it really looks good like I said the um when I opened up the gate it just stayed right there on real windy days it could require chain even if it's level but that's hard to say until we uh experience it anyway we just had the windy day this weekend that's why I pointed that up do you we should go inspect that just look at it before we sign this or problem going to look at it I don't know if we should hold up the person's money that were that did the work let's take a look and see what she's talking about go out straight 20 feet this way and 20 feet this way yeah and it's 8 feet tall what good to me yeah and the and the key goes the the lock goes right in right there that's a ni set that's a nice set up yeah nice nice nice and when the recycling center wasn't open this Saturday and it wasn't on the website and there was so many people that were very upset not one person left their stuffff correctly I was very happy at one point it was shortly after 12 that some man said that he had connections and he was going to open up the gate and let everyone in and I dropped what I was doing drove down there I drove down there and sat there for from 12:30 to 2: because I was so worried that he was going to open it up to everyone uh so we'll be changing the code on on that on Saturday as well so gentem look for volunteers we have a volunteer actually I I met a man who came down with his Skype and he said oh my gosh see now you should have someone like me a volunteer so because they said we just don't have two people and we can't keep the recycling center open with one person if they get hurt that's it's just a liability for us and he said I would have come down so he was here Monday morning I I sent you guys his information too check your emails I'm not getting your emails you're not getting figure something out yeah I'll give you a different email address send me a different email address not getting anything kicked back that's saying you're not getting them no I have a feeling because I work email that they must be blocking something okay okay the page of throw program I think we just had enough discussion on that here's your little flyer that went out it'll be in the mailboxes on Friday okay um I have three cases left of the Overflow bags that we bought several years ago we have sold over a hundred of them in the last two days okay well we'll see how long I know that uh it came back they was sold out everybody yeah Hanah and MN and I hold them when they started this the first meeing call Hannah birs and com mcnabs and tell them that they need to order more bags because this program is starting but way zero the contractor wouldn't do it until the selectman signed the contract and they didn't do that for what couple of weeks I'm right out of that one they do have their public okay I need a motion to close iile a motion to close the meeting all in favor say I shut the recording off