##VIDEO ID:RlkB6JysOdk## now I'll open the meeting September 24th 2024 Board of Health meeting 6 PM excuse me roll call Christian ran Ramirez Vice chairman um Charles Serene and James laqua chair additions or deletions not anticipated 48 hour in advance anybody get anything reick um so just I don't have any setic permit for review um but a couple of meetings ago you had asked me to talk to Adam about um the copper Smith way development yes I did get a chance to do that so I'll give you an update on that okay when do you want to do that uh we'll put it instead of the septic permits for review okay so that's going to go down there okay car makeway I do not have any minutes at this meeting okay all right tobacco regulations is scheduled for the first Tuesday and October yes okay so we'll do that and you have nothing 80 Main Street what's that rck I have it and I don't know if somebody was coming in um so I guess if we can push it off for a minute and see if anybody showing up and just talk about so I did get a chance to talk to Adam this afternoon and we'll look at that later I'm just question that U the board had was how do you handle system failures moving forward because it was a 40b that was approved under a comprehensive permit where they got waivers to certain Board of Health regulations and so uh the answer from Adam was if they received the waivers when the property was constructed and those regulations still exist and they need a waiver they are still considered um you know granted that that exemption from the regulations so we only have to look at things that may have been adopted since that weren't included in the regulations at that time what when these systems fail these are prises right down there or something so they were all coltech Chambers Cod Tech Chambers I know they're a different system when the system fails we're going to in the tank still in good shape because they get th gallon tanks we're going to have to just let them redo the systems up the code what's going to happen so they're they're 1500 gallon tanks um some of them have singular a tanks too which are pre-treatment um and then they're all ctech chamber so the if they're 1500 gallon single compartment tanks they would be able to continue to use those they wouldn't have to meet the two compartment requirement that Townson has because they were granted a waiver when the property was constructed um back around I think 2005 or so somewhere around there um and then you know any other RS L Wetland offsets that were granted them they would still get them so the only way they would be subject to local regulations if you guys had adopted did anything since then um that was different from what the rigs were at the time um so that the two compartment tank was in place when when the system those systems went in and so they were already granted a waiver for for that particular one that make sense no okay so they they were granted a waiver from all your regulations when they were granted a waiver from all of our regulations because of 40 BS and now they're in trouble because they went with the I'm going to use the term State codes uh state code and the Innovative alternative system so the tanks are all so far in good shape yeah it's the leing areas that are having the issue so those those CCH Chambers have failed on three properties so far and so two have replaced with pres uh one just put in pipe and stone trenches and um you and they asked for a groundwater offset reduction to may get work gravity um you know so you guys have granted that but uh but moving forward all the waivers that they had been granted initially continue to move forward with that whole neighborhood so all we upgrades are going to go to prison now when they all K and they're going to maintain the attemp if that's what they choose to do but you know they they would still be able to only have to be 50 feet away from Wetlands which is the state requirement they wouldn't have to meet the 100 foot offs that the Townsen has uh they'd have to meet the minimum state code for tank size so 1500 gallon single compartment they wouldn't have to meet towns in's requirement and so it would everything that they got a granted a waiver for at that time in around 2005 they would still have today if they went to replace the system do you think it's time that t of Board of Health goes back to the state code on the water offset 50 ft inste of 100 I mean I think that the 100 Feet's pretty standard at least across the a shoulder District at this point so I you we had talked about this years ago yeah I'm refreshing myself and you I think that the the thought process was you we can only Grant variances for it would open up potentially some properties for new construction which you don't typically Grant variances for um you but but everything else that would be less than 100 feet would be upgrades and so you you said we can consider those on a Case by case basis and Grant variances down from the 100 feet if we feel like the situation calls for it but the 100 ft seems like a a good protection especially where you guys do have a lot of groundwater aquer is in town you know the majority of towns a groundwater aquafer and you've got the sanook that comes right through as it say maintain 100 ft and and if somebody needs a relief from that you can deal with that on a Case by case basis okay either one of you got any questions about that I I I I have a question regarding that um if we're going to see a case by case how will be uh could be write that down um somewhere here that we're going to review it that's r have to take care of all that stuff so you guys have all your regulations and at the end there's a variance procedure so everybody is even new construction which isn't typically granted a variance everybody has the opportunity to ask for it and so they would you know formally submit a request for the variant and then come in front of you guys they present their case and then you guys would make a decision and so you know any variant is kind of a case by case decision and there's already a process outline in the RS to do that okay um any other question no I understood anything else you want to share with us before we go on to the next one that was it for that one okay and let's go to put my BL back on 80 Main Street this is it uh so this is the plan so it's kind of and I thought somebody would be here so uh J and Roy are the ones that originally designed the system for this property this is that chch that they're rehab right now um going on the right and so um was a plan that was originally so this is Main Street right here this is the church they were putting on a small addition in the back I think mostly for handicap access um and then the system was going to go over here which was um yeah so so you got the the river basically right here um and they were asking for an off offset off of that of 77 ft um and then the other part of it too was there was a lot of people that were concerned about the system being in that location and and basically taking away potential parking spots um and how would the property really be used if there wasn't adequate parking for the the building capacity and so Gary Shepard who's kind of the um I get the general contract here the um own the property across the street which is this Harbor Lane and it's the the big old Amon fields that out here so he said you I'm willing to Grant the the town an an easement to put the system across the street and we can try to get approval from mot to drill under 119 uh to run a forest M and and put something out in this area and then that would open up all that space that was originally for the system um for potential parking and so what he's he had gone to ask theot to try to get their approval before he came to you and they said we don't want to go any farther until we know that the town is at least open to granting a variance to allow you to put the system across the street and so this is in a formal hearing they didn't request a formal hearing um they just put together this conceptual plan with the two biggest variances that they would be looking for which would be to site the system on a property other than that which is serving and so he's not looking for a a formal decision of the board tonight um but he is asking for you basically an an opinion or or kind of a yeah this is something that we would be willing to entertain um you know I think that there's some benefit to it um you you get away from from the river which is obviously an important resource in town um and then you do open up that that parking I have a question do going that pump through that property is there going to be any issue underground for us for example any break gaug or something like that so so if it did there'll be a legal easement if if they were to move forward with this so they would draw up a plan with with um gas spines which would indicate the easan area and then there'd be language that goes along with that which would allow them to EMP the property for the purposes of you know maintaining the the system or the area above the system and you're going to have enough pitch uh so this will all be pumped yeah so it'll just go gravity into the the septic tank and they had a grease trap on it and then everything else would just get pumped from from the um you know basically this parking area all the way up to here What's the de with FL on this 8C to six gallons per day per Seas which is the church with uh with um kitchen for and how often is the church going to be used it doesn't sound like way too often um you know it's really it's not going to be a church anymore um but it will be kind of used similarly to a church so it it sounds like it's going to get rented out to groups that might want to have like a um a party or a celebration in there um and they'll have what they're calling a caterer's kitchen so nobody will be able to cook in there but they'll have spaces to be able to to refrigerate and and eat so there's be no cooking involved it's just going to be actual bathrooms in waste water from the sink per se y you said 60 gallon a day yeah total of 480 gallons per day 480 gallons per day and it's going to be used once a week what about the sealed tank that they just pump when needed uh tight tank so that's what they had approve for uh the the um the fire station that they're doing across the street cuz there wasn't any area to put a system um but tight tanks are really only supposed to be used in situations where it's infeasible to fit a system on a property and in this case it it was it just it takes away from parking which you as far as kind of like the the grand scheme of things protection of Public Health would be more important than finding parking spot the way I see this that actually going behind the Abdus property where that system is proposed right now yeah so they own this L right here so this is on their property this person's property goes kind of like that all right that's an existing Access Road where's the actual parking for the shirt it's right so it's right here pretty much they've got some spaces here and then they've got this gravel parking area here I think you know until they built the the rail trail I and and made some parking areas a lot of people would use that for the rail trail or to put a kayak in the um into the river because they do have a boat launch right there and that was kind of the same thought process was you know we're not going to have much left for people especially if we get up to that that 80 people then we're going to really be scrambling to find parking spots for all of them now wouldn't there be some areas available over the system where they could park cars if they needed to not with that one so it's a geomat system it's a system okay sorry about that no vehicle traffic on it what do they call the system where it's pipe and gravel uh pipe and stone they could do would bh20 rated it just they were able to do this and not need brick painting walls if they did any really any other kind of system because this is only the one inch profile system right um everything else is at at least a foot and they can go up to like the table was right there from the river right yeah it was um I mean it was wasn't awful uh so was here uh 3 feet and I believe they got a 1ot reduction um y they got a one foot reduction too so the bottom of the system is basically one foot above existing grade uh but they were they wanted to use this system because um if you got into something like a a Presby or a pipe and stone um you'd be talking about retaining walls which would you significantly affect the the cost of assist okay right under that circumstance they wouldn't lose parking though they wouldn't lose parking though yeah I've never heard of drilling under a state road no it's been I um for for not for a system but they've done it for for other stuff for water or something like that yeah that why that is why was my concern on going under and under the state road because if God forbid something happens like I don't know if there gas lines that goes by yeah doing the road and things like that and all of a sudden something happens and and and and the water pipe that that that is going from here to to this side which um would um will make make a break or something and it's more City will be more accountable for that so you they'd have to get approvals from asot and I'm sure masot would condition it and then they make sure that they know where all their utilities are in the street um but one of the things that that you know if you were going to entertain it that that I would ask for as part of my review is is to um put a sleeve under the road so you know if something happened then you could pull the whole pipe out from the sleeve and replace it without having to go through drilling or open it up the road again okay my recommendation at this point is because of the minimal usage of this and the fact that there's no cooking a lot it's just going to be for doing dishes and what's say two or three toilets in the building are they going to be I think there's two yeah two two bathrooms yeah um my my best thing for the buck would be to carry on with this and you H the variance from the river because of the minimal usage they'll avoid going under the road and over there and astronomical expense also but you can't park over that type of system right you can't park cars over not this no so this is just for review tonight anyway so yeah so you know again they didn't formally asked for a variance it was more you is this something that that the board would be willing to entertain and if you are then we' keep on going down that road and then eventually come in for a formal variance hearing and if not then you know we won't continue to pursue it do we need a motion on this or what do you want no cuz they're not making a formal no formal thing so it's just our opinion so it's it's it's my opinion that we uh say go with this system here and give them the variant from the the river and make it a little bit or a lot easier than having to go under the road and putting people across the street that was totally out with the sealed tank tiank wouldn't be allowed on this property yeah I mean I would my personal opinion I think trying to accommodate more cars even now doing the project of putting that other side on the other side of the road I mean that is if they want to make the property um more convenient for more people to come and do more activities but that's something on on on them so uh yeah so are you saying you're willing to agree with this one or you want to go with the one across the street well it depends what they propose but I mean it's already proposed if you people I I I would go with with this one with the Lee field on on on the other side of the road you would okay so right now it's I think you're in favor of this one or the other one Paul I I get the property works better if they have more parking they'll be able to rent it and utilize it better so I feel for them so I don't have a problem with this if they're willing to eat the cost that's going to be expensive and I have a pretty good chance the state's going to oh wow it's yeah I guess we'll find out I mean you know right now it's two to one go across the street so yeah I me I'll let him know and then they can kind of you proceed at their their own uh yeah whatever yeah so okay it is a better it's a better G all all day long I think about the the cost of all this stuff we're just going to take the boore under the road sweep it the whole nine yards but I'm assuming they probably know you know what that's going to cost I'm sure they do would come to if they they come to us because they want to have want to taste of water to see yeah well that's what it's all about so it's too right now so I guess we're going to have to go under the road okay I'll let them know and then you know some you guys then they got more area to utilize here they can have bigger potties and they going to have a better facility across the street than they ELD than that sure okay all right well know that then all right good it was um do you have anything else Rick I think so okay I will see you sounds good all right have a good night guys thank you thank youi okay so we have some invoices to sign there is car travel the business cards yes here they are gra for your business associate there's my TR for September which is equaling out to be between $50 and $60 a month um we had talked about how the camera um I had to do the yearly plan for the camera which was $120 but then I had to do another yearly plan because I have two cameras so here's for the second one and then there was another cross there that I just wanted to tell you at the same time then we needed the batteries for the cameras which was $113 Apple meow had them was wonderful that I was able to go down there and pick them up because now everything is working so we have we have spent some um money on on those cameras but they're working tremendous they they really are they come back to you pH yes two cameras really and it goes up um every morning at 2:33 in the morning it goes up um I uh what is going on at 233 well I will show you the picture of the huge Bobcat no that was there I will show that to you in a moment I don't want to hold up this um needles um we needed to um buy more containers because people need to dispose of them so they get a new container for me so I buy them myself and um they were delivered um they they went up to about $3 I think and 29 we still charge five so I'm hoping that we're still able to um charge five and not have to raise that because that's um that's a good service to the towns and residents um the recycling center last Saturday um drowned Rats the poor employees oh it poed less oh I said we need to get you guys some raincoats so we have J they have T-shirts and they have sweatshirts with hoods it says says it has a towns and logo on it then it says recycling center has it first and last name so I propose that we buy for rain jackets for them they're only $75 I don't think that's bad with the print and I think it's very important that the people see their names so when they come out they each or yes 75 each yes and that's with that's with the that's with the printing too okay so and it's great job skirty because we don't want to have to buy another one I'm joking the names on it hopefully they'll be sticking around a while so we won't have to worry about that um some the grant that we have um through the recycling center I've been spending a lot of money on uh toner for the Flyers that we printed out for the pay you Ro program so I want to make sure that um the town doesn't pay that and the grant money does um Shaw was um at the recycling center to to jump and return our bulky that was $440 if we had our $6,000 credit you wouldn't be seeing this but we don't so there you have it that's gone huh it is gone so and we had no say in that we did not um I don't know if we have another moment for discussion about that I just wanted to sure when the when the chairman uh the moment to talk about that I was thinking I don't know if um regarding this situation and know that the select board has is in crisis we have to put it that way they're currently in crisis I don't know if it is prudent to continue on moving forward with with um with this pay as you throw um campaign and and and and especially that we we in the air and we don't and and I don't know I don't know if the board has the power to to propose to whoever is on the select board to um uh stop this campaign and leave it if they want to reconsider it at another moment or another time or I believe that's too late we've got two select people that are gone Mr shank has all done Friday we only get Teresa left until the election so we really can't do anything about it neither can they and they can't do anything until November to have an election to get more to get a selectman board yeah and that's going to be a scary thing too let's not discuss that right now anyhow we're on we're on hold because of the fact there is no board upstairs to make any decisions oh and what are they the same day as the redw elections you don't know yet haven't asked Kathy no I Kathy is out of her mind right now she is so busy worrying about all all of this and trying to get the um people who are pulling papers and and then there's the presidential election and then there's the town election so they they're very very unbelievable what's happening in this town because I mean my I mean again I'm new in this position and and and and we have to say that this was taken away from the Board of Health and and I and and being here and seeing all that is going on I mean it's my my personal opinion that um that the town shouldn't continue on with with uh with this program especially that that quick and and and and right now what I'm hearing is that people are wandering going to the supermarkets and trying to buy as much as they can it is an absolute meth it's disgusting the the it it was um there was a working committee from what I understand the Selectmen have the right to initiate fees for trash and that's what they decided to do and Town Council came back and said while we understand that the Board of Health manages the contract this is the way that the selectman have chose to go and there was no recourse for the board they made all mistakes over the past I'm going to use the number seven years and put us into this $550,000 deficit and now they're using the bull help and the trash and scapegoats to try to recover that money and I don't believe it's going to work so yeah do we have anyone else supporting selling the bags I mean Apple metal is not going to no apple metal will not Walgreens is signing up wens um I believe there's a problem with Mr Mike's I think it's just because of the corporate I think they'll come along hanford's in Lunenburg is selling them already McNab sells them and towns in Hanford sells them and I do as well lunberg lunenberg has signed up okay interesting and because they already had a corporate account with the towns and it was very easy just to ship them over now it's cash only though right you can't put them on your debit or credit card I don't know about the grocery stores I know that um we don't have deit card ability here so it's cash or check in the town hall and I believe mcnabs is cash only as well okay all right and before I don't want to be going back and forth I know that we talk about the the recycling center was was the fencing and all that finished already or yes show I'll show you pictures I'll show you a picture of it it came out really nice it's very nice that's pretty good and the and the they the we haven't approved the the payment yeah you weren't here for that when you miss a meeting you miss all the F and I actually got the statement from Patriot thank you for your payment so so it's already been paid for and everything great and it was paid for with capital funds so it didn't have to come out of the world doesn't stop spinning when somebody Zs and they keep around their Circle I understand that that's for sure but uh but I'm glad that that turned out and um and I feel bad for the people here in towns and because I mean people are running around and this is just I don't think that people deserves having more chaos because I think that people at home with their own situations their families I mean I'm I'm a father I'm a head of the household at a family household and thinking about about the situation with the trash I mean it's having that on on other families is just it people don't deserve that but it is what it is and we just have to deal with it so and it's going in on October 1st October 1st October 1st the Flyers have already gone out did you get your flyers I did God it so um yes it's it's preceding uh the extra bags that I have in the town hall I only have probably one and a half cases it's 250 in a case so I think by the time um shortly after October 1st I will be out of the old bags I did stress to the Town Administrator that I think it's important that I also have a case in the office just because it seems that mcnabs and hords are a little unreliable right now until they get into the groove of knowing how many they have I have a lot of people that come in and say I'm looking for these bags do you have them where are they and it's nice to be able to tell the residents yes I do have them so and I don't have a problem doing that it's it's not a big deal I'm used to it people I think a lot of people are used to doing it when they come in and they pay their taxes or their excise bill they pick up their bags so and I have another question when is there going to be a period where we where the people will get to say about hey this is working or hey this is not working or hey meeting town meeting and I'm sure that's going to happen I'm sure it's going to happen because I'll be the first one to bring it yeah the contract is only for one year right now so you're going to have to start and and you you as the Board of Health are responsible for the trash contract so you can start talking to Glenn at any time and say what are we going to do next year this is what the Selectmen have proposed to do this year but what do you want to do going forward next year you don't know what the outcome is for the revenue until you get closer to it you're already you have nine months yeah so and your highest revenue is going to be the first month because everyone is going to scramble to Gra that so the first first month of Revenue that you see is going to be oh my gosh look at this and then it's going to keep going down and down and down and down y so and regarding that with the respect of of Mr chairman I don't know if we're able to once this once the ca once the chaos of the select board um ends to have whoever um is on on that board to have a meeting to we have let that happen first before we can really put that into effect because we don't know who's going to get elected so until we have two new elected official we don't know who's going to be there and at that point in time yes it would be appropriate for the Board of Health and the select board to get together absolutely and to discuss all this stuff and where it's going to go in the future we can't sit stagnant because we just got everything thrown in our face because it wasn't put in not lap so once these new people are elected then we can make Forward Motion once again to find out okay excellent all right some voes here I do AT&T my cell phone from the town from the town and we have to pay for it yes we do the town supplied the phone and we got to pay for welcome to Townson um and Sean Pearson um needed his Hoyer license renewed he is our for at the recycling center so it's $153 and he does need it for his job description so y that's got to be done so and that's all I have I think that we had a good discussion about the recycling center update and the pay you program uh your next meeting is scheduled for the 8th of October at what point you will have the tobacco regulations and I believe there's a couple of septic permits on there as well so that will probably be a little bit longer than our super fast 45 minute meetings that is wonderful I'm going to be out tomorrow as well by the way going to see my I got it find my calendar okay so October 8th is the next one yep 8th and the 22nd are our meetings in October have a program are you comfortable with six o'clock meetings guys or do you want to change the time no six isine fine for me you all up with that car the eth and and 14 [Music] okay both RS are all set here that's as far as we go at this meeting until we get to the 22nd we'll figure out November the 8th we get to the 8th yeah the SC could be in November I just saw that okay we're all set with everything how about a motion to adance I I propose a motion to ajour the meeting I second it all in favor I here's a vote