##VIDEO ID:tFsEBf2b9nQ## come on now going bring a January 29th Bo of Health meeting at 6m on the money presid Charles Serene Charles Serene James ler and we don't have our other partner here as yet addition to thetion on the agenda Mr chairman you'll see that we are continuing items 1.6 1.7 and 1.8 I believe okay additions and deletions continue thank you carer 1.6 1.71 point8 will be delay till the next meeting apparently appointments and hearings Lots one and two Greenville Road you rck new construction L on Greenville Road uh actually just after the entrance for the uh transfer station and recycling center okay and um they're owned by Shi is is who uh was the manager of that LLC and so um this one's for the existing house which is right out on Greenville Road uh the existing system is is right here which is over the proposed property line um and that garages over too so over the proposed property one y actually at this point it is an approved anr lot so Sean basically bought this house that had acreage with it in the back and so they cut off a total of three lots um we tested two of them so this one and the one that I'll I'll show you um but this one had the existing on it existing well and existing system because of where the property lines had to go to make it work as far as acreage access and and Frontage um that system ended up off the lot and so they're looking to replace it on the lot in full compliance with the code um so it would be the the well would remain uh septic tank which is a uh 20 2,000g two compartment sub tank and then a pump chamber which is a th000 gallons uh they are both H20 rated because they're right next to the propose parking it's this dash line here is a parking area so the pump chamber will actually be under the pavement the second tank will be just to the just off the edge of it um but they'll both be rated for vehicle traff what isn't the poison dra on the drawing where the payment's going to be it is it's this dash line right here the dash the dash okay all right yeah um so uh and then that'll pump up to these three leion trenches here it's pretty big because it's a five bedroom system is is what they're five bedom syst for yeah wow and so that's why it's a 2,000 instead of a 1500 with the the th000 gon pum and there's no actual variances no variances so it's in full compliance full compliance want to make a motion to approve 39 Greenville Road I make a motion to approve 39 Greenville Road Townson I'll second that all in favor say hi hi hi here's a vote one is to that's the system that we just looked at is is roughly in this area Okay so this is a proposed five bedroom house um that they they're looking to building a well behind the house and then the septic up in front of it uh so it would be a 2500 galon two compartment tank uh gravity fed leaching trenches and again in in full compliance with the EGS full compliance all right Paul you want to make an approval for is there a number for GRE uh it's plot two so we'll need to get a number before we issue it to okay so um of watt two for Greenville Road okay I um call a motion to approve uh lot two on Greenville Road Townson he dra as drawn okay all in favor I we do Rick yeah I think so Carla did you need me to stick around for any of the other stuff now no I don't believe so I can hear so so I'm good I first yeah I'm okay thank you be all right thank you very much once again okay the following payables is for about a th000 what's this one for the first one k you have three invoices before you I one of them is for tough stuff recycling which is the mattress disposal that you have at the recycling center it's for $1,254 okay um you have another one the AT&T cell phone that I use for work business and I believe that's $45 25 cents that's correct there it is and then there is a smart sign and I believe that's $67 I'm so sorry I don't remember the change um but it was for the sign that we had for the Christmas things that we used to take at the recycling center and we offered a link for people to dispose of them somewhere else is that from staple supplies no that's from Smart sign smart sign we don't I don't see that one probably on the bottom of that pile is that it tough stuff recycling that was the mattress and then there's one underneath okay I possibly could not have placed it on the warrant I usually don't give you the warrant which is the yellow piece of paper I just thought that it would be easier for you to see where I'm not there where the money was coming out of what accounts yep that's fine that's fine all right 17487 y okay okay so we sign these yeah we make a motion to sign all these payables I uh make a motion to sign the uh invoices the accounts payable seconded all in favor I I very good I know that you want to wait until Christian gets there to open up the bids from Shaws so I'll just let you know that on future agendas we have the styrofoam ban that has come to light again there's residents that have asked us to look at it we were proposing that in 20120 early but covid hit and we put it off because of the pandemic it just wasn't the time to be banning styrofoam so that is placed on your agenda in late February I also put off the performance review which is just for myself because it doesn't need to be in until the end of February so that's coming and then there's also a group of citizens that have asked you to look at a pesticide that um is being used in town that's killing the wildlife and the pets a pesticide that's killing the wildlife and the pets yes I have a brochure on it and I'd be happy to um copy that um for a package for you so you can review it before the meeting at your next meeting on February 11th Jim griffy the director of the nishoba board of health is going to come in and give you a stateof the agency presentation just to let you know why they've increased a little bit and what's going on with them and the changes that they've made okay so Jim griffy is going to be here for the next meeting yes he is okay very good who who is using this pesticide in town do we know I I don't have all that information at this time I've asked i' I I have the brochure and I've asked for a narrative in an email so we have a written Narrative of what what they're expecting you as a board to help them with okay all right and then the other thing that's um coming up on the next meeting on the 11th will be the well proposal for the repair of one of the wells at the closed landfill and it's approximately $7,000 I'm hoping I'm going to have uh a little bit of money left over at the end of the year in the landfill operations and then the rest of the money can either come out of the capital account or the general revolving account but there is money there and it needs to be done yeah describe this well repair to me again this is one of the wells Jim that where the the gases they they come out and and there needs to be samples taken oh this is one of those effluent Wells where it comes out of the actual landfill and it goes into the well and it's got to be sampled there okay yes and and one of the wells is collapsed so they can't get down to get a good sample so they were able to get a sample it just wasn't exactly the way that the D wants it so they did approve it but at any time they can come back and say we're not going to approve this so we want to make sure that the landfill stays safe we want to make sure that we're doing everything there and the money is in the budget so we'll uh we'll go ourselves as these things transpire to make sure we stay on top of it all right okay Glen shot we got a sign these invoices for him these are proposals have you heard from Kristen no I haven't I don't know if I have his contact info these proposals have to be reviewed right Carla yes they do put this take these with us and come back the next meeting with these I think it would be helpful if you could where it's a public meeting that you could offer what the proposal numbers are hello Mr chairman yes sorry for the delay your chair just open up the bid proposal for so we have a new contract proposal proposal threee contract collection only don't know if there's three copies two there's two copies I'm sorry hello Carla hi Christian but the annual uh let me see that's pretty aggressive that's pretty good we were thinking it was going to be over 700 it's 4 47,9 180 for the annual um annual herb side collection fee only and then he's got a few other line items per ton um Carla let take this over right now he's going to do a much better job than I Carla what is the MSW tip Fe ton per ton it says here 105 what is that for that is for the disposal of the trash or recycling I I I can't see it because I don't have a copy but that that is the per ton rate to dispose disposal rate and then there's a recycling tip fee per ton which is 125 so right those are two separate things and the recycling center um so he separated that on purpose so it it wasn't part of the main bid so and my other question is um so this contract is taken for the residents and the municipal trash correct I I can't answer that because I don't see it I believe that there's two separate proposals and it was asked that Glenn separate the municipal trash from the residential trash these are the breakout of all the municipalities it's $1,155 per month all right so that he's totally separated that thank you taxpayers should not have to pay them that's part the the separate budget that the town should pay um then the recycling center this is just different fees that's for the for their for the bulk furniture um construction debris bulk plastic market price metal tip tonnage no charge uh because that it usually pays for itself then organic food waste collection negotiable so those those are separate um we kind of managed that part and then and up here this is the part that the town is going to have to pick up but that's aggressive it's he's knocked off no that's that's 4 478,000 like 400,000 because what is it now it's 8 825 825 so 47 four 4 478,000 so it's even lower yeah $4,980 than we thought so that's aggressive and based on tonnage tonnage has gone down so long term this is going to save the town a lot of money people are doing a lot more recycling they're paying attention to what they're doing so I've seen a big difference here car will vouch for that yeah and for and the other contract that it's under here it's $493,000 so the difference is what um now where are you sitting this uh here fiscal year 2026 okay so he has an increase M but it's not that much either no it didn't go up much he went up $5 on the U tonnage um and that's 2006 and then on 2027 he added up at 58 still it's not going up he went up another $5 um all right so that's it's a three-year proposal so and based on the cost of living going up that's very reasonable yes it is so and we have a it's a threee and which one is the other one now Jim's looking at something over there is that another proposal Jim this is 26 okay so you're looking at same one isn't it I think it's probably the same one yeah both both proposals should be for three years yeah I mean I'm impressed with these numbers honestly at least with a three-year contract yeah then if it goes out to bid nobody's going to be able to touch this you got to sign all these invoices tonight right car then they go to the select one now the proposals we don't sign okay we're not going to sign them yet that's gon so we only have the threeyear con this is a three year a three year I I think that this contract is very reasonable compare on what on what the select board is looking for and it is to save um the taxpayers money on on on this and I think that combine at some point combining the pay as I don't I don't even know if pays you throw is going to come this close either until people start utilizing it we won't hit that number but it takes a huge burden off uh the taxpayers on both ends I believe he he trimmed his price and um hopefully more people in town will embrace the purple bags and um help fund it and then we'll be able to keep the trash removal yeah Mr chairman what does what from here since we evaluated the contract what what what is the next step I'm not really sure we've evaluated we've got agree on it that that's what we want to agree to pay them and to do that I think they should be present to make that happen do you think Des Way's going to go Carla yeah that that would be a great idea for you to be able to sit on it I'm sure that the Selectmen are going to have some questions for you as well your next meeting is scheduled for February 11th invite Glennon and have some final negotiations okay and I think we should Calla sha to be present because if I spoke with him today he didn't want to be here tonight but he will be here at the next meeting okay okay because if the select board any questions we we can't but I mean I think based on these numbers I mean it's it's it doesn't it goes it doesn't go over the 500,000 it is just I think I mean I think it's a good contract what we have here so we hope that the select board um would agree on it and um I mean I don't think we could go lower than this that's a very good number for what's going on very good number now they're recycling K in the way it has the Tes come down considerably because people are paying attention to the recycling and it's made a major difference in what these proposes are and K will vouch for that for me yes okay all right all right I I like the number it's if we could approve it tonight I would but we have to include the select board this they got to be reviewed by the but I propose that at least we can recommend to the select board that we are in agreement with this contract and on the next meeting we can explain to them why we we are unanimous in agreement to these numbers that we have and especially if we don't receive any other anybody bidding but at least we have the the select board has our our our approval that we recommend this three-year contract that's my motion on this meeting she's made the mo we'll all vote on that all in favor of all in favor of Chris's motion please say I okay that was unanimous okay very good so all right you got two more to sign here okay we all got to sign that now I guess over to Jim Jim here I don't know if you want to put him back in the enel put him back leave him in Carl's office or I think our office is locked so it is sry where do you want me to leave these things right on the table here ker um no I don't think that's a good idea why don't you take them off I'll pick them up on on Friday on my way by I won't be in the office tomorrow okay I I just there's no other place for you to put them securely all right I'll take them home not a problem Sun around we could give them to him and we don't have any private jail is the to the town clerks aren't there are they I'll see any no I wouldn't think so with the town meeting yeah okay all right so um you're G to make it to work tomorrow we can bring them in to you take home I I am not in the office tomorrow I am taking a vacation day I need to go visit my parents I'll I'll keep them with me for now Carla okay I'll be in the office on Friday and um if I could get them from you Friday and make copies to make sure bring them down to you we got signning the last page of the proposal for the Min no you don't want to sign any of them right now okay very good not because we you're just approve Rec recommendation no I'm I'm not thinking properly tonight and I've got a little news for everybody here so um where else are we going at Kon um we already we already discussed the the contract and what about the Lots one and two green that's that's already been Rick already took off with that and the repairs of the proposed the land field yeah that's going to be continued yeah see up here it says continue 16 17 and8 so these three we continued actually Christian I have agendas for the next two meetings already set because we are getting a little busy with just some short discussions so I will send them to you and as the information comes to me um for informational packages I will also send them to you so you can have background before the meetings okay all right so that's about the end of that right car yes okay I have to make a I have to make a statement to the the board at this time I have to step down from chair I am not I'm not capable of being chair of the board anymore I'm I'm just I can't do it so I'd like somebody to volunteer to step up I I can't do it anymore my my help leave of absence for a little while or do you want to no it's it's time to to let the young blood carry on here i' i' I've been too long I just I I don't have the mental capacity right now so I have to I have to ask somebody to step up to the plate you think you can step up to chair and I'll step in your shoes you think you can handle it someone needs to submit a motion for that uh I make a motion that Kristen become Che person well wait a minute so sorry guys I I don't know if we can actually do that I don't know if that you have to have that posted first reappointment officers okay anyway I have to I have to resign from chairperson for the next meeting so we're going to have to make something different because I am not I'm no longer capable of doing it okay and not I don't want to sit here on default pretenses after all the years I've been okay so um and it it's a it's a physical problem more than anything else and I'm I'm just not I'm not capable of functioning at this time well car how should should we proceed in this then what we will do is we will set it up for the next agenda I'll check with Kathy I don't know if we can do your your next meeting is the 11th I believe that if we just post reappointment of officers and then you do just what you did here somebody makes a motion for chair Vice chair and Clerk and it's seconded and it's voted on so that's for the next meeting with the select board too right the select board does not have to be present for that doesn't have to be but the select board will be invited to your meeting on the 11th as well as Glenn Shaw so you can all sit and review the two proposals okay yeah all right um yeah and then how soon do we have to fill the opening I would say for the next meeting I am not mentally capable of doing this I meant uh the third we're going to have an open suit how does that work I'm not resigning from the board I'm just stopping being chairperson oh okay you're you're just stepping down from I'm chair stepping down from chair okay okay but I'm not leaving the board ofth cuz I I still want to be here for the subject commit cuz I know the subject commit in out I was going to say can I call you because no I I just I can't I got you I can't be cheering all right that's fine I I understand it now we don't have an open seat we're just I'm not board but I want to rotate the authority here because I can't do it anymore okay I'm not my my mentality is and I'm on live camera I just uh can't do it right now okay but I wish to make public that we we would thank uh Mr chairman not only for this term but for all the time that he's been here for the town of Townsen and years and and what he has given to this town because his knowledge his time I mean um I think that we have a valuable asset on on Mr chairman and I just want to leave that for the record um that um that whoever is appointed whoever it is um I know that with your knowledge and your support whoever sits on that seat will um will continue on with the mission uh with the Board of Health and with the help of Carla and everybody else here in the town hall yeah okay all right all in favor I we'll take it from there I just I'm not capable of doing anymore all right so all all right what else we get Carl or anything else I do not okay so a motion to adjourn I submit a motion to adjourn j9 meeting in favor okay very good