##VIDEO ID:EhsXgdOxTlo## um I'd like to call the meeting of the towns in water Commissioners um meeting of November uh 21st 2024 to order um tcam is recording this meeting and we'll update it later to YouTube to the you the town's YouTube channel uh 1.3 uh roll call member um roll call of board members and uh others present Todd malanson chair present Nathan Mata Vice chair present Jessica funol clerk present Dave superintendent present and Mr KY is present but does not have audio [Music] um one uh 1.4 um Chairman's addition of deletions there is one uh addition that just I just got either today or the day we do have a new um liaison from the board of selectman it is uh the newly elected Board of board of selectman member lari schiffren um so Dave have the staff um uh send her the the meeting packets like we did with Chaz or if we did with Chaz or but make at least make sure she gets the the the link in the agenda okay right okay um so we have uh 1.5 approved meeting minutes of October 8th I do have one comment on it um but I'll take your guys first did you guys get to review those and are you okay with them I'm okay with it if if there was anything I was I was thinking it's the wording about the entry Municipal but I'm not I I thought it was we were just wanted to the way it's written I don't know if it could be taken either way and I would like it to I think from what I understood what you were speaking about is that you would like to preserve the a specific part of it not preserve just the way it is so I'm not sure if that's what you're touching upon what you're I kind of buzzed over that because I was uh joining meeting discuss or perhaps I'm not recalling correctly hold on what number was that Nate yeah that is um that 3.1 expresses concern for the board to make sure they protect the intermin agreement that was instituted regarding I would I would change it to inter inter intermunicipal agreement process and and leave in that way I think that's I like that Nate that's a good catch thank you where is that can you just tell me where that is so I can let her know and she can so on the second page at the top it said to TM expressed his concern for the board to make sure they protect the intermunicipal agreement that was instituted with a I I would so I would change it to intermission agreement process that was agreed upon by the two boards our board and the water because it was an agreement or a process between our board and the water the board of Selectmen um so I would I would that's what I would say anyways I don't know how to word it better um I would just say that was agreed upon between the board of selectman and the Board of Water Commissioners previously okay and the change I and it's I don't know if it's nitpicky or not but uh the new town uh administrator he came to us from the Arlington DPW directly his previous experience before that was in conquered I just I want to be what number 1.4 one 1.4 at the end it says Water and Sewer Division and conquered he actually came from the Arlington DPW so then I move that we um approve the meeting minutes of October 8th 2024 as amended second second motion's been made in second uh if there's no further discussion roll call vote Todd malanson I Nathan matala I Jessica foli I um get rid of that um 1.6 I did not see any correspondents um and I don't believe there is any additional people here for um public comment if they have trouble getting in and they get in later I I I recommend we take them as if they do come in um we don't have anything for um section two um agenda item three um 3.1 is review draft budget and draft rates for FY 26 um he did uh Dave was kind enough to give us both a a view of what the 5% would look like and the 7% um one thing I do have a comment on Dave is the meter tampering on the the 7% one you adjusted that we cannot by Mass General law it's set at a thousand that one we cannot touch okay that's fine um we'll change it that's easy enough no I know um I had some other ideas but I want I don't want to manipulate it I wanted to give Nate and Jessica a chance to to to chime in here um um are you are you looking at a packet item because I'm not seeing anything for our budget are we going off of the previous agendas packet it was on I'm looking at the packet that it's in the five and the sevens in the packet that Brenda sent that's what I'm looking at but we're not 15 it was a packet everybody got the same thing I email it all together it came in I think November 15th it's like page 12 of 31 yes I'm going back there now quick question you're totally against the 7% anyways so we'll just throw that whole thing out and then that takes care that takes care of that well yeah one of them he one of them he did he did an increase on the the meter tampering charge and one he didn't I just want to make sure everybody knows we can't touch that one because it's set by law right okay all all fixed that one I have some other comments Dave really wants to push this meeting through I know um so um did you find it Nate I have uh an email from the eth with I believe is what the what where the packet is I it would be the same it would be the same it would be the same packet but I did send one on the 15th to everybody even Dave okay I I want to look at that one I want to make sure we're on the same page here but the same exact thing except it doesn't have anything about resched walk through okay I see yep got it here okay all right I'm here alrighty so we're looking at the 5% because I just don't think we can do the 7% to be honest with you and I'd rather I'd rather keep us physically fiscally responsible with our rates and in in our budget um um and I think we've done a good job at staying at that 5% or just below it um keep in mind I mean we were looking at doubl digigit increases all the way through the initial rate study that we that we approved and that the board of selectman approved way back when we started this um we've done I would say as a board and with Dave's help think we've done a good job of being well below those numbers consistently um but given everything that's going on I I really I kind of blocked at doing a 7% if we can do a 5% I think that's with the town and everything else F fiscally responsible um I also I also Todd heard the that the the presentation that the school did I think it was Monday night that they're going to be trying to push for an early override for early this coming spring like over the winter February March something like that so they're already gonna be going for an override so people override this year override next year I can't I can't vote on a 7% increase right now people can't afford it so um so the so you know so I I would say we stick stick stick to the one that dve proo at 5% one of the things that bugs me on some of this and see if uh if I'm off base here but like I do agree with including the fees and stuff in that rate increase because it does ex it it lessens the hit on the rates we can keep the rates of the actual usage lower by doing it this way um and with all these other fees whoever's coming in to build or do businesses that would end up getting charged those that would go into their calculation of their project as it as it is um one of the things though is on some of them we're we're down into the sense in on on fees and stuff like that I'd rather just round a whole number I don't know how you guys feel um so like you have a turn on fee of $55 and the 5% increase is 5775 to be honest with you just to round it into a a flat dollar number of rounding it up to 58 and just I just wanted I I want to tell you on all that stuff we lose money no I know it's and that's left to 60 is that okay um we don't get many of those no I know the we still we're still going to lose a lot of money by doing it go ahead Nate I mean for a turn on fee how many hours does it take to turn on water one okay does anybody make $55 an hour you can't go by that because if you let me let me explain um what's called hidden cost when we pay somebody $35 an hour we actually have to charge 70 because insurance um vacation all that all the hidden cost so yes we give the employee 35 but the cost to that employee is actually 70 okay so further on that point what I was going to say is that yeah I I understand that that's like if you were you're making a profitable business I I totally get that you know we don't want to be in the negative or taking an absorbing costs but if nobody's turning on water what is that same person doing for that hour they're doing other things around the town now is that making any money no but that's that's but it's preserving you're running the operations of the department so that's that's my argument to that but you're taking people away from doing that work and that work gets put off for something else and sometimes it gets it it can be put off it's overtime so I've seen to to be honest with you like the average turn on fees that I've seen to to go out and turn on turn off um is 100 bucks um you know and you know you you've gotta if you're factoring it factoring in um Municipal costs um and in part we're we're trying to preserve the fiscal stability of the the Enterprise account and [Music] um I don't know um I mean like the labor fee and all that sort of stuff that's if we go and we're doing work um on someone's property the meter testing I mean a lot of our charges are well below what what the average is I guess um and I'd like to preserve that as much as possible um so I don't see like uh I wouldn't go all the way to 60 I'd just round it to 58 to be honest with you but I just want but let me finish please I I'll I'll recognize you but let me um I would round those up to the the next whole dollar and not go all the way and okay the only other the only other one that um the only other one I had questions about was the water restrictions instead of doing 200% charge what I would what I've seen is the first notice be a warning notice in writing you leave it on the door you mail it whatever the first charge or first actual fine is $50 the second is 150 and then the 300 is your is your top um and that's kind of what I was going to propose Nate I had asked last meeting or one of the last meetings how many of these were issued in the prior years did we get an answer on that that's easy how many how many fines were none no fines were issued okay by people's doors I don't see any issue reason to raise them if that's the case the system works with the amount set I agree all right I'm goinging to go with um Jessica do you have any opinion one way or the other on it I agree with Nate good enough um is everybody okay with um rounding some of the labor stuff I wouldn't mind keeping as like a a dollar and Cent ratio um but the the basic fees of rounding them to the next whole dollar is that acceptable I would counter with rounding down to the nearest Dollar my vote goes to rounding up to the nearest Dollar okay so um sprinkler charge we would round up to uh to 30 um and that makes sense to me to be honest with you too because the spinkler charge that's the fire spinkler charge correct Dave for the fire suppression yes so I'll explain my reasoning Nate and and Jess is Water Systems aren't necessarily set up to deliver drinking water um in terms of their size and um the other infrastructure you have storage tanks and stuff that's all set up to deliver fire protection pressure and that's never ever really recovered unless you have these sprinkly charges so it's and that's a cost of these larger buildings mainly the commercials in the municipals and things like that um so that one would go to 30 and that's actually um size at the main size at the rate of $30 per inch per quarter that's actually if you do the math it's it's actually fairly low I've seen some that it it's based on square footage and they get they get fairly significant um so we would round the next whole bracket from turn on fee to backflow testing charge up to the next whole dollar so you're looking at 5858 8888 for that set um hydrant use if we're going to use rounding scientific rounding I would say leave it at 236 and take off the 25 cent um the same for the next three so we're going from 225 to Le leave it a whole number of 236 uh meter valve replacement that's based on on um a labor charge so I would leave the scent on that one um and that would be my only change I like your changes Todd I agree Nate you got any comments um so the hydrant use I'm just trying to understand this um you you you were saying also round those numbers down if you use scientific rounding any 50 and 50 and above you round up 49 and Below you round down so that's why I was trying to stay consistent with my all right I think differently my brain works scientifically so I would I would have rounded two like I said take the 25 cents off and round down that way to 236 and then all the others because they're 50 cents or or 05 or better round up and that was what I was suggesting yes sir um you know I don't remember scrutinizing the hydrant use in past years and and I'm not sure if that section is new or if the verbiage under the um the explanation of the charges new but I would like a delineation on the part where it says 110 fine $110 fine for water used or $101 fine for water used um is it just if any water is used you get charged $110 or $101 or is it at some sort of metric so it it's that's unnown so if I'm reading this right if you use a hydrant one you're going to have an unauthorized connection so you would end up with both charges to be honest with you I or if um but that is so what it is is usually if you have like a contractor um and he's doing work that needs he needs dust control or he needs to use a uh a cutting tool that's going to use water usually an entire apparatus to send it's a meter with a back flow so any water that that comes out of that hydrant can't come back in like you do in a lot of other buildings and stuff like that it protects the water system that's actually a fairly significant investment back flows are excuse me fairly um hard to maintain um also they do have have to be inspected once a year before they go out um so the 225 excuse me plus water used um the water use would come when the meter is brought back um the reading is taken and you do the math and you they get charged for whatever water they Ed Dave is it based on the Block rate as well or is there a bulk rate for these so let's go go for each line the hydren use is someone that calls us and ask for for the hydrant um something to be put on and which has a back flow we have meters that fit on hyness for back flows the're ones for unauthorized use and it happens some goes up to a hydrant that has a hydro seater truck fills up the truck with no back flow whatsoever and just takes the water and without permission which is stealing the water so you get the regular hydrant use and you get find $110 and if you can find out how how much they used which you you can't you get charge for that too so you so that I think you answered my question but the um my remaining question is the If part so basically if you find someone stealing water or you using unauthorized hydrant use 225 plus 110 if they used water like if you caught them in the act and they didn't charge the line then it would be 225 or or what's our definition of use or tampering perhaps um I I think I should make a note that when we when I'm finished after our walk through when I can finish the uh rules and rigs um I would like to supplement the definition section to make sure we can delineate and make sure the board agrees on definitions for use tampering um water used perhaps would be a good idea so is you said 225 plus 110 and water used so would you charge Pro it but you can't right so if you did you say Hey you used this many gallons of water you would charge them for uh what what Todd said earlier block rate what whatever tto is all right so that probably should be put on there is that at tier two right all right the other one is is 101 a mistype should that be 110 should they both be 110 they should be both 110 all right so that would get correct Ed yeah and um just so you know on the top we I forgot when I said the 7% the unit charge is will be um I didn't do the unit charge and I'm going to do that real quick because um it's $2.50 I think if we're doing 5% you're correct so make that 53 right okay with everything set as we did um I'll make a motion to accept the draft budget and draft rates as amended do I have a second I'll second uh any further discussion well I have a comment I would like to see the residents pay not more for water okay so here's the problem is that just it was just a comment I don't I'm just I just want to make just a comment known okay good enough um I'll take a roll call vote Todd malanson I Nathan matala nay Jessica foli I motion passes and the 5% increase and draft budget is accepted um so 3.2 discuss opening ceremony um I think in the last minute meeting if I'm right we um uh where did I put that there we can I address this real quick well let me just I want to make sure I'm remembering corre um let's see um I think we did um I was well I'm more right now I want to I want to talk about the the the dollar value and I think we it was not to exceed more than 3,000 uh right it didn't get voted on okay um it doesn't mean that's how much would be expended but that we we should put a cap on what we are going to expend what is your Outreach budget Dave none but that right now there isn't one okay and that never has been all right well that can that's on the Professional Services all right so in Professional Services when we work towards next budget we're actually under the water conservation standard supposed to have an Outreach budget that's kind of where you can take like your cost expenses for the CCR out of but we um we are supposed to be doing like Outreach for um cross connection um we're supposed to under the RS do stuff for water conservation if we're not um my biggest concern going forward for us is keeping what water allowances we have under the water management act and that means sticking to the water conservation standards as much as we can and there's some that we just can't do um but these are simple ones and now this it's not I'm not going through this budget again and adding it but um that is definitely something we should take up as as a point for next for next budget um what is so Dave you um well let's get that out of the way what does everyone think about capping it at 3,000 but having the board approve the final expense report for the the opening ceremony well if I may I think um I think if if we're going to spend any money it should be um maybe vessels for the wonderful water that we produce and maybe some lemon okay keep it well under 3,000 then that would be the goal um I would say you mean like plastic water bottles well no no if if we're gonna he's talking about using tap water let's use our water nice vessels for it I don't think we should put no that's what I'm saying is when you said vessels I'm talking empty water bottles that we fill up with our tap water no no no no no no no I'm not saying we're going to become a bottling agency no no no I'm just saying if we're going to have an event well that's an idea that's interesting I don't know but plastic cups with our water like plastic cups with our water like just so people can just take something that's not just a Solo Cup you know yeah maybe but not something that wouldn't break the but if we could find something cheap that had a little Sheen to it that says hey you know what we're just going to highlight what this is it's for the water it's for the residents and and for forget the food forget all that stuff forget special diets let's just keep it simple stupid so I would say um what I've seen is for a lot of these is are and they're nonexpensive Nate and um you can get them done and have them in bulk and uh fairly inexpensively um and have either the towns and logo on it uh the towns and water department logo on it um but they're little like plastic bottles usually they're like a clear blue with a blue cap and you can it's like a gatorade bottle for sports kids but it is something that people that the residents could take home and have um it's something to consider at least get prices on and see what it would cost us um how many water take you know how how many people did we have at the ribbon cutting I think we had maybe 30 or 40 oh no we had more than that did we about 100 then uh 45 to 50 but the U residents about about 40 and then there was all the uh then there was all the other dignitaries now I'm going to tell you this is much bigger deal than a groundbreaking but I listened to you from the last meeting about cars so what one of the things I was going to propose I actually wrote it up and it didn't make it in no I had it Dave I actually saw it in the packet you had it um opening um like shifts you sign whoever signs up for that first window they get to go that you know we can park wherever and bring them I like I said I really don't want to overtax the residents of cdge way in Harbor Trace that was the whole big Kur ruffle when we started this everyone thought that there was going to be 4,000 cars down there and all these enormous Vehicles all the time so if we can do something off um and and um you know get rates from um Debbie's bus company or whatever the bus company is and see if what it would cost Jessica yes um it's on page 19 in the packet just so thank you if you're want to look around so the the whole idea is I don't think we're going to get a lot of people in any shift but if we split it up you're not going to have a lot of traffic and if you do like an hour and a half to two hour shifts and you can sign up for and then we you know it just breaks it up and and keeps the traffic down you know you know what we could do too to keep cost down too Nate is do this early do the shifts early and then um we that way we would have an idea of who was or how many were coming um and that would dictate um you know and how long we would actually need need any sort of Transportation um no I kind of like this it doesn't open Don't overtax the residents that live in around the plant um it'll help us monetarily plan because if we do it early enough we would we would have a good idea of how many we're attending so we don't have a lot of leftovers and things like that or or any sort of waste um and I I do you know that way like the dignitaries and stuff like that that come they can drive and park there um and then we we bring in the the residential base and that like I said we don't over tax everybody I mean it spreads it out over a decent period um but depending on how many people sign up it may not even be that long so I I I like that idea Dave um and that way Nate we have a better idea what our expenses are going to be um I like to keep it simple stupid um but I do think that we should have something there the um because there is going to be some sort of cerem that's there um if we want hope in the future um and God knows we're probably going to need it um for other things um I would like to make sure that we are appreciative to the the legislators especially and if some of the DP dignitary show up it it does help to have or Foster a good working relationship with both grp groups and I will say this is something the community should really and truly um celebrate because this is probably one of the biggest CommunityWide supported Ventures that we've done as a community and um I I I I where I don't want to go Hog Wild but I do want to make sure we cover our bases and make sure that we you know we we thank the people that help us got there including the residents and and make sure that we do do celebrate it so um i' um I'd like to make a motion that we set a cap not to exceed 3,000 for the opening day um and that we uh accept the uh scheduling of um visit ations as D Dave has line outlined just so you know I propose sending it out on the April 1st Bill all right and you have do that in the discussion I made a motion please okay do I have a second I'll second um Dave now you can bring it up in discussion you said you wanted so you sent it out on the April 1 bill you have to May 1 then at the town meeting would for people who show up to the time being live will'll have some for anyone who missed it in the bill because there's some residents that show up that are in apartment buildings and they may not have gten the bill but they that those people will have a chance to sign up at the to meeting and then we close out the uh there and then the next week we have it so I will add to that that I would like to see a flyer and have the flyer up on the town website and put on social media on the town water Department's Facebook page I think and doing that maybe doing that prior do that in March the do the flyer on the town website and the town social media say in March and then formally announce it in the April meeting like you suggest you know on the bills and in in the in the town meeting I think that way we've covered our bases um I like that idea um on the the bill but the Bill's great as a regulatory check mark on trying to notify people I'd rather use the town website and our social media presence to do that so the motion but not everyone not everyone's online though yeah that's true so if it goes out with bills then you know because there's a whole section of elderly that are water takers that I know a lot of them don't have access to so what we also could do is Dave if you could print off at the office what I would say is some of the flyers I mean you PDF you can do everything on PowerPoint and make them look really well but drop them off at the senior center um drop them off at the library um you don't have to do many I'm just talking maybe putting 10 copies out but um that's actually a a good point um pull it on the bulletin board down at Town Hall I know a lot of el people go down to the clerk's office the Board of Health and they're always in town hall for a reason or another so I think if we put it there I think we'd get a especially in the tax office if you put like a bunch in the tax office because everybody goes in the tax office they pay water bills in the tax office right yeah and I'll drop them off at at uh well well we I I have an idea how to do this we'll make sure it gets out to as many people can you bring the FL to the next to either the next meeting or the meeting after before we send it out so we can look at it and approve it yeah can we do that in January next month we want I want to talk about the tank okay yeah I'm good with that so that'll be January and and uh and that'll give us a a couple months to implement it and and uh okay like I said the last one the last chance to sign up would be at the Tom meeting it will just if you haven't signed up just go to the back and well at I would give them at the town meeting that's usually on like it's gonna be May 6 probably right Tuesday May the first Tuesday May yes why don't we at the meeting say if you don't you give them till Friday the end of the week to sign up of that that week not just at the end of the meeting um because it I don't know so that' be Friday May 9th 2025 yeah I think that's because we're kind of you know some of those people like I we said that we saw even with this the board the special election a lot of people didn't see it even that though it was out and about but but I propose sitting H having someone sit in the back and actually take appointments right there that as a can we do stuff like that there does that viol okay yeah no no you could set up a little water department table and just as people check in you know or put it downstairs where it's not because it's just it's a whole cluster on the second floor during town meeting checkin so maybe on the first floor as people come in you can have like um I don't know a poster board or something you know just saying this is for sign up if you're interested and people can just sign up down there like outside of our office type of place will you already be in the new office uh tomorrow really all right so that that'll be at my update all right good enough all right um I still think we should give them a couple days after because someone may need to schedule something or whatever so I would we hold the the cut off for some all right discussion is ended um my motion was capit 3000 and following the the I'll call a road call vote Todd I Nathan matala nay Jess foli I motion passes um all right now where am I uh am I the only one that sees froz have a upz report and nothing was submitted I can hear you guys can you hear mear we can hear you Tod just can't see you you're Frozen [ __ ] if you can see me that's great um nobody really needs to see me anyway you're back um can I can I say one thing uh um yes sir Dave when you talked to it about the website um it was brought to my attention that um some of our information had not been put back there when they did the website over uh a water taker called me and said they had to find my business listing to get a hold of me to um to contact me I previously had my phone number on there that's not that's not RIT that's okay right if you're going to have them go into the town website though can you just mention that please right we we have over and over again would it help if I called well well you know what why don't we wait leison yeah you know what good idea no I'm serious call her and and get yes good idea email EXC um all right occasions Nathan and he said he knows about it and he's working on it that's all all I can do right now so I have emailed him a couple of times okay good I I know it took years the first time so all right same way yeah so all right just to do it did we lose Jess no no is she talking about the what's Jesse you talking about no me all of a sudden my whole screen changed all of a sudden Todd I think it's you um usually is um all right uh since we don't have a liaison there liaison report we will go to um agender item uh six superintendent reports okay there we go number one treatment treatment plan point of order um did we skip over 1.3 I'm seeing that we added discuss rescheduling walkthrough but I I don't remember rescheduling a date no no we we took that off oh that's not on my I okay so we're still we're still on for Friday for tomorrow tomorrow okay perfect sorry sorry about that proceed right just so you know that there was a thing it wasn't gonna be things weren't going to be finished um like the floor to be able to walk on it but that changed all right so plant the plant opens tomorrow like I'm moving my computer over there tomorrow and I get all the keys tomorrow um the garage will not be finished no one approved the budget yet I didn't see anyone approved the budget the actual budget they did yes we did yes we did the rates rates and fees but I no she's right we we voted on actual budget was like they mention budget too okay oh I didn't see anyone looked atuss it so I didn't know okay you approve okay I'll change my thing thank you all right so the the garage has one more code of Epoxy paint there's four and that'll be finished next week so the garage won't be open till the um uh December 2nd and then the treatment pl we can look in through a door though right we can look in through a door to see you can go in the garage um tomorrow but they're going to paint the last code and you're going to be off for five days so they're going to do that over Thanksgiving Day and in the weekend so okay that's the last coat um then the vehicles is going to be on it on Monday uh the treatment plan Flor will be done the week after DP inspected today and we're just going to wait for two weeks for them to give us a letter to put the water into the system um everything else get inspected today and all went through uh skater work will continue because right now we're going to have two skater systems until dap tells us we're okay and then we're going to have to M the two skater systems together if you if you because we have to have one for the treatment plant but we can't put it into the system until the water goes in the system so we have to maintain too till we get to DP sending us a letter saying put it out to the system um which is BR that so that'll continue through December whiches Brook well work will continue into all through December into January before it's all complete with the generator however a trace generator won't won't even be delivered till sometime in December or the beginning of January and up being installed more than likely and finished by the end of March Dave because that was paid for with ARA money no no no no no that was Main Street Main Street was our I thought both of I thought we got money for two generator is that cross street and Main Street then that would we didn't have enough money to do cross and Main we only did Main Street because the price of generators went through the roof right and but we have a generator being put in for which is Brook and harbit Trace which is Brook is going to be put in okay in December so all there'll be all brand new generators um the problem with witches Brook was that generator that was existing only could do one well at a time and we only could run one well at a time because of all the piping that has all been corrected so we can run both Wells at the same time if we need need to and there's also a blending pot uh D inspection was today waiting on on the goahead two to three weeks there's a punch list that will be done you know there's a couple of paint spots here and there that hasn't been done so if you see anything that that's we're just waiting on them to do the little the punch list items um the water lines all done so and that's all completed and paid out um meters are down to we have 940 meters left in the system that have not been changed over uh there's been a number of products that have been approved by the uh planning board 108 pitre road which is three sets of duplexes one Depot Road Extension which is three sets of duplexes Starbucks at the old bank at at Hanford and we're waiting on word from the gas station across from the swalling school and because that's going to get rebuilt with the drive-thru Dave two thing two things um one Starbucks made me think in in Nate Nate's conversation about the fines and fees when I was going to work one morning last week the entire lawn of McDonald's was covered in ice which means their sprinkler system went off overnight it was one of the nights we went down to the 20s or lower um what I would go in is say is make sure they I would give them a heads up that uh they should have their irrigation system inspected because more than likely that froze as well and when they turn it on next year that system will leak like a SI if they don't if they don't blow it out make it fixed um the other is yeah page do we have left to hold um on the on the whole project what on the the treatment you usually keep a retainage back until you have the whole thing incomplete I was just wondering how much on the% retainage what they call retaining how much 2% 2% of the entire project yep okay yeah you're I'm losing you what are we looking for an increase in usage with the additions can anyone else understand what you're saying I I lost him totally no he gets cut out Todd you get cut out a lot so we're trying to piece together what you're trying to say can't hear anything now Todd this picture is complete black Tod if you can hear me just um drop your video and just do audio that may help with the bandwidth if it's an issue like that he said he's lost the internet he's going to try it on his phone okay so just give him a minute thank you a tough night yes tell them to try again or we can finish up because we've gone through all the other stuff you know Dave did you finish all your superintendent report nope NOP okay okay then we didn't finish all that okay let's see can you hear me yes yes all right what I was saying was Dave do you know what the usage of those new additions are going to be well they they be regular houses so you're talking uh the unit charge and Bully and there's no irrigation so you're probably talking that each one of the 12 units is $140 right well I was MoneyWise I was I was more worried about the usage on in the volume but that it's not that's not all right so where where we're standing as a town right now we over the summer we used about 20% capacity okay so we have 80% available water or about which adds up to about three million gallons a day are you talking about permitted capacity that's what we can produce we can produce even more than that but permitted we're permited for 3.7 we used between 6 and 700,000 gallons of water per day over the summer what did we max out Dave at the the drought when we had when it was that first year when we did the inre that's that's hard because you can't use those numbers uh but but it was about 800,000 and but because we put the Tad system in that cut a lot of people down from watering no I know but I would I would Mark that as your Peak usage and in kind of it's just um well I'll let you continue with your report right so but right now it's about SE 700,000 this year was the peak day okay which puts us about 21% of capacity how did the wells do with uh the recent lack of rain we are we what what's the we're doing okay we're not drawing down too much or anything like that no drop in the water table whatsoever good enough all right so let's see we're Fitchburg Starbucks that g EPA has just sent we we've been uh testing through the EPA for posos and they sent a letter that Witch isburg 2 has exceeded their limits but it's down for it's down for uh refit and when it goes back online it will go back in the treatment plant and so that is not a nonissue what was the number they they Peg they tagged you at uh P4 at 4.6 so that actually doesn't come into play until 2028 correct but that what I said what I said is EPA tagged it but it it doesn't matter because it'll be going to the Trea plant regardless when it goes back online um the next thing is we have wait a minute the whole regulation correct me if I'm wrong is based on a running average not a single detection correct correct but it but that's not the point I'm making right now it's being refit it will be going to the Trea plant so it's a mu issue all right um for we were sending it we sent letters to 152 customer for money that that from n uh 2023 that wasn't paid and that was added up to $144,000 a lot of those customers are repeat customer every year and those PE those are the people that use the lean system to pay their W water as a deduction so but it's 144 000 for 2023 that does not include $1 and not paid in 2024 all right so and those are going to be leaned correct those are going to be leaned all right there are a bunch of people who are already coming back and making payment plans and there's some that red on the payment plans last year that will not be given a choice we're not giving another chance at the payment plant when you rated on the one last year so but it's a $ 44,000 that's for 2023 only 2024 and and those people still owe money from 2024 but that we'll worry about that next year and that is it all right does anyone have any further questions for Dave on any of that I can't so the only one I can see is Dave so I apologize uh no no questions there we go nope I all right so why don't we go to uh 7.1 um scheduled next month's meeting so we should be looking December 12th is the second Thursday of the month all right um currently I have nothing scheduled for that um J Jesse are you okay with that one I'm okay with that one Nate December 12th works for me so that is the date of the next uh meeting um Nate could I have a combined motion sure I move the Board review monthly abatements and adjustment list review and approve end of month reports and sign reports and Bill payable warrants out of session second motions been made and seconded roll call vote Todd malanson I Nathan matala I Jessica foli I motions made and passed um since we have no further business um can I have a motion to adjourn I move that we adjourn I second motions been made in second roll call vote uh Todd malanson I Nathan matala I Jessica fle I