##VIDEO ID:VU1UDLAokxs## like to call the water Commissioners meeting to order here on zoom and 540 Main Street on August 8th 2024 um the provision signed by our governor we are holding this meeting in accordance with the law on Zoom as well as in person should it need to be accommodated um opening the meeting here at 701 can I have a roll call please just present point of I'm getting ahead of M it's been a long time since I ran a meeting I would also like to announce that tcam is recording the meeting and we'll upload it to YouTube and now may I please have a call of members and call of citizens Jess foli present Nathan Mata present dve superintendent present and and we're looking for chess no chess X and deranian select men's Le on um I don't have any additions or deletions um this meeting was called for um the serious issue of um the reoccurring vandalism at the um which is Brooke uh well Dave why don't you tell us exactly what's going on You' brought up vandalism before and you've said that you know in the meetings that we've had issues this is this has now become a repetitious thing um so I'd be I'd like to um hear what the latest is well I'm going to go go right down from the script that that I I gave you guys so the the major problem is the V vandalism the well building and in the equipment Breakin of the buildings and that's the major problem then there's the minor problems where people walking through and not picking up their animal waste and walking within 20 fet of the well off-road vehicles have been in there and which are tearing up the land and and dripping oil and but th those are mine are compared to the the vandalism the break-ins uh there's a pathway from spruce road to Ash Street going in between the the wells and the buildings there's also a minor issue about dumping of yard yard waste and and other waste on the property mainly on uh Walnut Street so the consider the next part is considerations this is Zone one and in the security is defined defined by the state we're not have anyone in the zone one um a break in the in a well building would allow access to chemical feed pumps upping chemical feed rate could kill people if if that if they started fooling around with those mechanisms there's also a new gener generator coming in that will be outside the fence of whiches BR well too but that that can get moved in um with when you have new fences there's going to be where you know there's going to be snow removal issues uh lay lay down area for cranes used for maintenance and tempering with the wall water supply is a felony it's not a misdemeanor and we don't really want to ruin someone's life for someone being mischievous but that's one of the reasons why offenses a lot better than having somebody arrested um use of existing fence and re in um and reuse of and relocating of existing fences can be done to reduce cost and what can we do restrict access to the W area by adding to or re uh relocating existing fence this would stop cutting through on the on the existing path and we we get rid of the the youth spontaneous vandalism that that's when you know how our kid kids are something pops in their mind and they just do it um just the window for the back ho which was smashed was $360 $60 and we have doors that we Cann not close properly during this winter but that that's already been taken care of that's when they uh rehab the well in a in a starting next week they're going to put new doors on us on for us um signage um one of the Commissioners asked me to get signs made which every Well site should have signs on them for no trespassing so we got a limited number for 10 just to put on the path to to to make some kind of effort and then long-term is security cameras and alarms that that would be a long-term goal and that that's not g to that would take a little bit of time to do that yeah I I know I had um said something about earlier about like we had actually had problems and we had had a trail cam out at one point and the person had been caught and had painted it was was tasked with with painting over the vandalism that they had contributed I don't know why that practice stopped probably because it was hard to just constantly check a SD card all the time there we had done something and and then it kind of stopped once there was a you know there was no problem um certainly cameras is a very expensive um undertaking depending on how you look at it and certainly putting it through the ska system probably would be the most expensive way to do it it's certainly something that the board should discuss in depth so just for a heads up I got a price for the same camera that's going into hbit Trace to put one on witches Brook and to at Main Street and both of them just the the uh skater portion of it and the camera for the two sites is a little over 4,000 rolls how long ago was that game camera there and for how long was it there you know Jess I had asked some guys on site uh I had stopped down at one point to take a picture of the logo um one of the trucks that was there and I saw one of the guys and I said hey do we still have cameras here nobody seemed to know what I was talking about or or I might not be remembering it correctly um I I think that there was just no camera um and it had to it was surrounded I'm sorry I'm a little a little under the weather um there was some I think somebody had spray painted a part of a building and we it was a return it was a return issue I think it was the last of it was the spray painting and we found out who did it we had them did what was your question again yes um how long ago were the cameras there so are those trail cams still there I I did not get an answer of my question we have no idea when those were about there's no I there's no evidence of them the chair recognizes the water off they were there about 2011 it's still there as far as I know and Paul had it on his laptop um but um the quality wasn't any good anymore towards the end and the the picture was very pixel pixelated so just an FYI that will happen that will happen with trail cams they do deg grade after a number of years being outside um certainly that was a good temp temporary thing and it was effective at the time but certainly something more permanent should be should be we should definitely put something on an agenda to discuss all types of way to videograph to get cameras up do something something this something so if something happens we have eyes on the ground I don't know if it needs to be supervisory access certainly that would be a extra Bell or whistle but it it should be discussed I I think this meeting we should we should focus on the fence and I was curious I wanted this meeting called because I know you had gotten quotes I wanted to see what you had sent out for these companies to get quoted as far as um I did see your drawing but it was still a little unclear so I felt it would be nice to talk about that ask what scope was and look at these quotes and and get something voted in uh possibly to get installed ASAP well with the with the quotes you'll see the drawing that that was um supplied Chaz are you ready to give us some sort of a screen share so we can a look at this yep I can I can I'm going to start Dave with um how you have sent this over to everybody you just tell me which one you want me to go to okay okay just put the first one up in and any of them will work and I'll just explain what the people are seeing th this shows um this actually shows what and a smaller area because you wanted the whole thing um if you look towards the bottom that you see the two swamp areas the what's in blue is the existing fence what's in red is adding fence to to the existing fence to be able to close off the area if you look on the bottom that would go from Swamp to swamp and it would would close off that whole side and on the um top HT is connecting those two areas together would would close off that path so from either direction it would close off the site and and stop people from walking through okay um question are you propos in oh thank you Chaz that's gold um so the front or the main driveway of this facility is on Ash Street correct which is to the left and is is it is am I missing Ash Street because it's very light gray yeah I think I got cut off is that where the pur top the purple line is that yeah says 10 10 inch AC okay okay so you have a fence there so am I uh the first blue section with a red uh Red Square in it that is a structure that is that's the well building with a fence around it okay gotcha and then the the red is to be added and that section in the road would include a gate correct correct access gate for a vehicle correct are there any other Gates proposed in this quote uh we're on all the way to the right we we're going to put it um where it says ad fence and the second wall to the right we're going to put a gate right there that's that we're going to reuse the gate that's on the well for there because there's moning Wells that we have to have access to is that a Mand door or is that a that's a Mand door so it's like a 3ot wide right we're we're using one of the gates that are on the well currently uh what do we have for an existing fence what's it classified as galvanized the gauge and such galvanized steel uh chain link and the height 8T and what was proposed the the same exact fence I'm reusing portions of that that fence where where that are good enough to reuse I was looking through my emails I did not see the other three quotes I do see the breakdown of the three proposals the U the breakdowns of the three quotes do you have that on your PDF chess actually if so this so this is one of them right here yeah this is their drawing yeah yes and that that's what every one of them are going to do the exact same thing okay uh who was who was the winning bidder in your in your ass oh it's not even close it's called on the fence they they were we we had one bid for 29595 that was the highest bid the next bit which was B&B fence gate city was 23 350 and on the on the fence was 20,000 even not a ton but we don't have a picture of that Dave right what's that we don't have the copies of the bids right uh not only the winning bid and we have the breakdown that we we have to send down to the uh the town hall but we sent we sent we'll send all the bids when it when it gets to um so Gate City Fence wasn't the one that we're going to go with here Gate City Fence was $ 23,35 okay I I'm sorry to I did put put in the whole page of all the three bids and the breakdown on the on the bid page the quote page it's in your it's in your packet it said record and evaluation of written quotations at the top I see it now Brenda yep so B and B fence did they provide a detailed drawing like Gate City they did do we have that it was in where where the bit the bid package was and I don't think that came through okay and on the fence all right I I I would like to be able to go through my intent is to be able to go through this in a meeting and have everything um in in our packet at the least it doesn't I I love having it on the screen and the zoom meeting especially so the public can see what's going on and what's you know what we're what we're doing here um did I get a copy of that of the bids it was in your packet I didn't get a packet Brenda everyone got a packet they were all meil together I was looking rer I didn't see anything so let me see I'm not seeing it I don't know about anyone else it was in the same email that she sent out that uh had the the zoom meeting on it it was one there was two uh so if you got the one with the zoom meeting it's in that email there there's two attachments to that email August 8 I just with the email that I it was on the fence the win in bid and then that the form that's all I sent and then Dave sent all the all the m right so I think we I think we have everything that you're saying we have it's just what specifically what I was looking for is the drawing just like gate cities from B and B and B Dave is it the one that says swamp on it is that the one no the handdrawn there's there's one that I sent to the to the three companies and they they each one of them had their own drawing exactly like uh Gate City I don't see that one yeah I don't see it either it it didn't get sent out you you only sent out um those three items all right I think it's fine in this case they they were the the quite a bit higher than the two they are closer that makes any sense I'm really sorry folks I'm I'm I'm just not I not with it today or I I've been under the weather do you see that I I have that yes we I have that so I'm still looking at for bnb's drawing bnb's scope drawing they're they're rundown I'm not I I I don't I don't think we have it but whereas they're $7,000 over the or $6,000 roughly over the um second lowest bidder I don't think it would be put into consideration but without seeing the nuts and bolts it's hard to say so in the future when we're doing a project like this I would like to know these sort of things I would like make sure before the just for transparency sake so we as a board discuss it look at all this and bounce ideas off of each other um so um then yeah I'm now looking at on the fences is there any further discussion about that Jess I'm sorry I don't is anything you would like to see um no I'm good with this honestly um so you you were saying Dave that on the fence LLC is is a clear winner in your mind cor correct and they're going to install approximately 528 fet of six foot high galvanized chain Li fence correct so you said the existing fence was eight feet high I I mean me it is six feet that's my mistake it's 8 ft with the Bob wire um so Gate City had said no barbed wire on part of their drawing right I didn't I didn't have them put any Bob wire in there it's it's a it's a li it's a um it's a lawsuit liability even if somebody crawls in it if they get caught in that you know if somebody's going to work that hard to climb it we're we're going to have to um have the security cameras but to have to to find someone hanging upside down the next morning is not a good thing no and and you know the damage that can be done like you said turning a dial I I wanted to ask you what what oh what are you doing um NaOH over there corre um right now we are okay and wit is book one will will have it which is two will um once the treatment plan is finished which is two that tank will be removed because that one's over the new EPA P limits but which is one isn't and we still can send that out to which is one out to the system in the future if something happened to the treatment plant um so you're not doing barbed wire on the top top of the fence are you doing the last link I don't know what the term is maybe a fence guy would have said anything to you where they don't the fence is not continuous but it's slightly overlapped that that will that right what you just said is what's going to be on the top is there a term for that I I don't know what the the term is um is there a reason there won't be barb wire on the top being a Homeland Security type of issue because it it gets to be a if somebody goes up and it's a liability Jessica right if they can sue you for for make having a dangerous op swear to God they can Su you for for being stuck believe you so it's not a good it's not a good thing we you know we don't want to kill somebody or hurt somebody we just want to the the the the people who are going to break in are going to break in no matter what we're trying to keep the honest people honest and the cameras are gonna this cameras connected to the skater will set an alarm for whoever's on call I I don't think we have to keep honest people honest honest people keep themselves honest well at home it's well I I I like to I have too much faith in the human race I guess right well we're trying to keep we're trying to keep kids from having spont spontaneous um episodes and give them a couple minutes to actually think of what they're doing before they do it and that's that's the what Defence is for yeah hopefully this won't be seen as a challenge so furthermore um I'm really concerned about even with a fence um what you propose for security measures for the facility even though it's going to be temporary that it's you do have a tank there with chemical um what you plan to do about beefing up security for that well we're putting on the new doors that's that's happening within the next two weeks and the difference between the old and the new doors well right now the the old doors are from the 1970s they're all dented they're all warped there's you know they're pretty much one out and they don't close tightly so you get you can get some leverage by and pull them open so the new doors will be the state of the state-ofthe-art and that's being paid for by uh by the P building project okay um so instead of like a monitored very expens I mean $4,000 a couple of cameras I'm thinking probably three three cameras 4,000 well each one's going to have each each set is going to have four cameras in it so you've already you already have a plan that I I priced it out and I got a price today it's the same so but that's something that we're going to discuss later on and when I get more information on it but it's the same camera system that is at hiber Trace that will be connected to the skater system if you like it you can vote that in if you don't like it you we can figure out something else I know cameras are very expensive right but the this is the camera and the Machine that goes in the building to send the signal back so so what my thought was is the critical point for having someone and being notified of someone on that property that door breaks open so perhaps something would be a little more less expensive that we could explore is to maybe a line break security system not line break um um basically every door would be a on a sensor door any egress would be a sensor so if that egress was opened or accessed someone would be immediately notified if it was someone that was right but that that's part of um that that synopsis I had was cameras and ours it's in there so okay awesome we need we need to do both so Mr chair if I if I may oh yes I'm sorry chess um so the Cascade that you guys want to look at should be something like notification is your first step um deterrence is your second step and prevention is your third so your notification would be um your signs uh the no PR trespassing signs um because nothing can be done if those signs are not up um you also need um to be able to notify the police department that this is what's going on here this is um what we're seeing uh this is what we're concerned about and this is what our our our next steps are doing so that the police department is aware of it they can also um have eyes and ears over there um at any time if you guys need it and that's a coordination between I would feel the superintendent and uh the police department deterrence would be the the fencing putting up the fencing um you want to be able to keep um the individuals out um if they are you know I I personally didn't realize that people were walking that close to those Wells um and and we really need to keep people out of that area um that that is a a security risk not only for our water system but a security risk and a liability for the town um the last part is prevention and that prevention is your ideas with cameras um that is more of a a capital issue that you guys would need to discuss on a you know on a on a later time um but I I personally feel that the notification and deterrence because of the level of of um the incidents that are happening those need to be happened more uh more readily so I would suggest trying to do those two right now immediately and then um put on future um meetings that you guys have on how you're going to set up your your preventions uh well said Chaz um thank you and you're you're clearly very knowledgeable through your expertise collection and we're very fortunate to have you helping us here thank you um but yeah uh so Todd had said order signs um what do we think about needing the minimum signage to be able to trespass or I forget this the actual law it's it's every Dave I think I heard you every 100 feet yeah but if you put them at at the head of the paths um when I talked to the police about this they said the fen stain area is as good as a sign so that but that still doesn't protect the whole Zone one but it will protect the area and protect the wells the wells right okay um so do you think that it's prudent to get more signs or do you is there some possibly a way we can get alternating sign so if you do if you do every 100 feet um if if one drawing I put on the bottom exactly the perimeter hold on and the perimeter is 6,750 Ft which would bring you up to 68 C so that's not that's kind of an expense which put that can be put with the security cameras if we're going to do if we're going to um do a appropriation of money well you would you would figure out what the point of egress is Dave in that's where you would want to send your your signs right I have 10 I have 10 to to to put on all the uh past correct yeah that that should be I think that's a good start for sure yeah I mean if if you think about the intent of the law of the 100 foot thing it's so you can trust you you're you're they're actively trespassing and if you catch them right and in there now it's post tres passing on posted land now these are going to be residents and people that are are you know probably not with um with malice and tent and the fenced in area is a completely different story people that are in there it's it's pretty clear and just say so I'm good with that then the the any any trail head you're saying trail head opening area uh obvious opening to the property there's a couple of ATV um paths there isn't there Dave there is and one of the things we're gonna probably end up doing is which not is not going to cost money is finding logs and rocks and putting them across those paths as as well let's put this there's there's um one one Head trail head on Spruce Street there's at least three on Walnut there's the main there's the main gate and which is another one and just there's another place for access on Ash Street so if I put two on each on each side of those Trails then then I should be able to close off all all the trails right you have two things going there you have the you have Town land number one right number two is you also have Wetland so they they shouldn't be riding ATV there should be no vehicles within 100 foot of a of a wetland correct so there you've got two things going on there so um do do we need to talk to conservation about that or should well let's let's try these other me measures we we if we can do this without putting you know putting a kid in in some kind of place where he's committing a felony let's see how everything plays out you know if I put the signs out if I take logs and put them across the path where they can't lift them that it takes the back ho to do it you know that's the way of preventing those machines from doing yeah that's the deterrence part of it and that's what I'm saying you know we we just we need to protect our natural resources too so if you block that trail are they going to go closer to the swamp uh I don't think it there's a lot of swamp there okay you know most of that property is swamp because which is um work it runs through there right so we're just trying to if I do it right and put enough of it in then we should be able to at least slow slow things down and and make people walk around on the road instead of through okay well um start with this fence let's let's make sure we add this to our next agenda and and furnish anything any holes that need to be plugged um I would say absolutely use natural resources in your in your back block the trails that's I agree that's totally the thing to do um and I would say on the fence on the fence as my vote I'm I'm good for a motion on this um I move that we approve on the fence as our fence company to do our work for $220,000 second uh motion's been made and accepted approved um motion's been made and seconded all those in favor by roll call Jessica foli yes Nathan matala I vote carries unanimous in the affirmative so yeah let's let's get that call them up they're going to start no later than August 19th according to there um as long as we didn't lapse their quotation date right this is dated 7:30 24 doesn't say anything about a quote being good for a certain amount of days or acceptance term so it looks like we're good uh can you just I guess send out a an email saying that yes they're going to start and let let's keep this very uh I want this I want the public to to know yeah what's going on I this this there's no reason that this needs to be secret this everybody's water these kids clearly they just don't know what they're doing um I would hope I would hope um Nathan could you sign the on the fence um invoice from last week when you get a minute and email it to me or the approval to me yeah this is the first time I looked at a computer screen since know I know I know that one was from if you need me to resend it just let me know and I'll resend no no I I I I have it I can certainly do that and if you could just approve everything that you want to by noon tomorrow so I can get everything down to the town hall yes thank you Brenda thank you no I appreciate you and I know you don't feel well so I do appreciate that fact thank you so much are there any other comments regarding this topic of um secure R vandalism we'll make sure it gets on the next agenda and stays there until we finish up um with it with it and I I I'm just St to get quotes on the different parts and every in Alternatives and you know I have to get a quote from an alarm company and but before we do that I I actually have to have them finish um rehabing the inside of the buildings yeah yeah you're not alone here I mean I don't know what Tod I wish Todd was here he's away on vacation um I I'd like to hear the input of each commissioner and their ideas rather than just assuming you know like Hey we're going to do this this or this it's nice to call the people and get the quotes but if for whatever reason our we have a different idea of scope I would hate to have to have a vendor go back can do their work twice I know that I don't like to do quotes twice um and also making sure that you're everything's falling in line with procurement too so that you have two people Dave you can go through uh Katie who who is now um able to do that and uh the Town Administrator and the New Town Administrator also I'm just trying to get an idea of of what it would cost because we don't know if if it cost 20,000 50 or 100 and we you know I'm just trying to give you like a ball pocket area that this would cost about this and this alternative will cost about that and then we can get like a full we can put it out to bid after afterwards but how do you know how to appropriate things or how far you want to go with some kind without some kind of idea and cost yeah um this this this is over 10,000 it's procurement and and also what what's the threshold for the selectman needed to sign off on this it's if you have three quotes under 20,000 then then that's good for the town it's 50,000 for the state well you should go through the the procurement officer anyway because the officer will be able to tell you what the you know whether it is or it isn't because even though it fits in those pre parameters Dave there are sometimes that there are other things involved in whatever you're bidding on so you got to be careful about it correct if if this was like a waterm project yeah it's 10,000 yeah because it's a then it's a public works project and you have to meet so I I have my full U procurement license no I understand that but we have the the procurement officer of the town right if something if something is going on whatever kind of procurement for the town the officer really should know about it rightt set eyes on it right I believe Katie has it now yes Katie Katie does the account the assisant accountant and um the Town Administrator right so I've been working with Katie on to make sure we have the right methods good okay okay awesome um hopefully this problem doesn't persist and if it does hopefully defence does its job and well I guess that's it so we can um without any other further comment or considerations I'll call the meeting or entertaining motion I'll make a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:42 PM a motion has been made I second the motion motion has been made in second and um all those in favor Jessica foli yes Nathan matala yes vote passes in the affirmative uh unanimously I adjourn the meeting here water commissioner's meeting here at