##VIDEO ID:fZ6CXbLWNCA## good evening it's Todd Lanson chairman of the board of water Commissioners like to order the water uh water Commissioners meeting of October 8th um open um it is being recorded on um by tcam and it will be on YouTube and the um Zoom link was included in the agenda um I'll read a brief statement that on March 29th C hey signed in law submental budget bill which among other things extended the temporary Provisions pertaining to open meeting law specifically allowing the further extension of public bodies continue me holding meetings remotely um and the rest of it has been repeated um I'd like to call a row call um of um members present please uh Todd malanson chair present Nathan matala Vice chair present Jessica foli clerk present and we have a resident uh George KY um and that should be enough um I'm going to use uh chairman additions deletions to announce that the uh superintendent is running late and so we will um skip certain portions of the meeting and back to him when he's here but I would ALS also like to introduce to the board um and allow him to introduce himself under Chairman's addition and deletions uh Nelson mu What mo sorry and I if I mispronounced it he is the town's New Town Administrator and I just like to give him the floor briefly um to introduce himself and we can go from there Nelson you have the floor thank you thank you Todd uh Jess nice to see you uh Nathan nice to meet you I don't think we've ever been introduced uh but nice to meet you and I hope to see you in person sometime soon maybe at the new building uh opening which I hear is uh imminent yeah possibly sooner yep um Dave actually took me to the uh new building um I think it was about a week week and a half ago now really nice facility I'm really uh excited to see it up and running um you know um just a little bit about my background so I'm closing in on 10 years of a municipal service um in the public sector and most recently I was the um assistant director of public works for the Town of Arlington so um you know I did uh most of the administrative budgeting and financing portion of the Public Works uh in Arlington um but I've I've also been in a few other Public Works departments it's really kind of um something I really love doing I I kind of miss it already it's only been less than two months but I already missed the public work side um I have a lot of water and sewer experience too I was embedded um directly in the conquered uh water and sewer division for two years so uh I did everything from um you know setting the annual Water and Sewer R to um you know uh doing abatements you know that's related to like you know uh irrigation leaks leaky toilets faucets you know a burst pipe things of that nature um you know can I did you say abatements in regards to those yes correct yep okay um what else uh meter appointments whether the meter is uh you know not giving reads or it just stopped working Al together uh radi transmitters that are not transmitting correctly so you know some accounts are giving like zero reads for you know upwards of 18 months two years uh the meter was still working but the radio transmitter was not so you know the residents would end up getting a catchup Bill and they weren't too happy about that but then again they they should have thought something was wrong when they were getting getting like you know $20 monthly water bills uh we build a monthly and conquered which was kind of a pain um but it it really um you can catch leaks a lot quicker uh versus you know quarterly billing but I know here in Townsen uh there's that Nifty um you know on water it's ey on water okay um you know and I've seen it in action uh in with the the admins over in the old water building they showed me you know you can see your usage you know pretty much on a minute by minute or hourly basis so you can catch leaks or anything like that fairly quickly with that type of technology which is really helpful um but I can't say every city or town has that um function at the moment so having that is uh really helpful for residents so um so that's kind of a a nutshell my experience in water and sewer it's you know I've always been on the administrative side but um over the years I've really um picked up on a few things you know uh especially uh in conquer where I was in it for so long and you know we also had sewer as well which is kind of um kind of a entire world of its own you know that's kind of separate from water but uh but yeah that's sort of U my my General experience with the water and sewer world so you pretty much been DPW only not independent uh not independent but uh water Standalone water departments correct yep okay all right well Nelson thank you um Jessica Nate do you have any questions for him at this time or look forward to look working with you you too Nathan all right well with that being and done um we'll look to uh Pro uh 1.5 uh approv minutes um of August 8th and September 9th um have you had time to review them um and can I get a motion on them um so the only thing I would have like to see changed if I may Mr chairman okay and um dealing with multiple we had so many attachments sent yeah I know it it so it was just a wording thing it said one micron clock and we I think we all know it was supposed to be cloth but you know if it's referenced many many years later it'd be good to have that Chang I saw that too Nate so other than that yeah I didn't really see anything no um that was the September 9th minutes yes um it was appointment or section two 2.2 line number one two three four five six line six yeah I'm okay with that I saw that I just tend to pick out those individual words so I didn't want to be first on the record of doing that one so um if I could have a motion to accept the both with September 9th as amended I would be predisposed to approving it so if I can get a motion Nate or Jess well why don't we just say so moved we got I have to second it so I'll make the motion make the motion to accept the minutes of August 8th 2024 September and September 9th as amended do I have a second second motions made and seconded roll call vote Todd Lanson I Nathan matala Jessica foli yes thank you um we have um I will give the opportunity Mr uh Mr Carri do you if you so wish to speak um we have no public appointments currently so um I've seen you on a couple times if you would like to speak that's fine if you don't that's fine as well um the 2.1 we don't have any appointments on the agenda um point of order Mr chairman yes sir I I saw some other correspondents um I believe we got a I believe we got a sheet yep all right then I apologize on that one Nate uh 1.6 this is the Ada um it looks like they had done a I didn't have a chance to read all of it but it looks like they went facilitated to or building to building yeah the only facility they talked about Nate and I was going to look let Dave hand that to be honest with you I thought that was under his reports not um it it says 1.6 and I do apologize I just assume this would be in his reports the only one I saw excuse me no don't me say anything um I assumed that this was on his report and I missed the 1.6 so I do apologize I did read the report the only one that it comes to um pretty much is the old um the old office which um which I think to be honest with you isn't um it it doesn't need to be moved upon because the we're moving to the the new building and abandoning the old so from what I saw in that report the after reading it um all the other ones um first of all they're not open to the public so they don't have to be Ada to be honest with you um so and that's pretty much what their report said all our wells sites pump stations the storage facilities and all that uh the storage tanks and stuff like that the only one that I saw was the um the old office in the new office is already ADA Compliant you have to build it that way so um um there wasn't much to do in there there's no cost associated with it because the new building will take place old um so that that was pretty much that one Nate thank you for correcting me I appreciate it I I really and truly thought that was part of his would be part of his superintendency report and not part of the um appointments so uh hold on one second maybe it was no so anyways uh anyone have anything else to say in that section all right um there is another um I think Dave Dave would likely go over this as well it was the after the um the Ada stuff uh looks like um a f liability litigation yeah I that one I thought was is that still hold on one second it's taking my computer's is that 1.62 you know I would have thought I Nate thanks I really and truly thought these were in his would be in his reports because they're not really public comments from our public these are stuff that have been sent to him to bring to us um basically I read this um they the first Bell weather case um that's where the initial settlements came out of um some of the other developing uh mediations and settlements have another Bell white weather case um and [Music] um see phase I guess they're calling this phase two um or we were in phase one now they've started a phase two so people who haven't already got in um um we'll need to submit uh claim forms by 2026 um it doesn't say anything about when we will um see any of the monies from it but it is from from what I gather from the industry it is moving a lot quicker than any of the others that um people were expecting to be honest with you so I guess that's a good thing [Music] um let me see um anything else then there's the budget stuff um and that is definitely in did you um get to look any of that over Jessica and Nate the budget considerations yeah uh I started looking at the rates and fees then realizing there were there was another form sent uh I didn't get to see that yeah it was more explaining things like that he was giving us different options um I mean keep in mind when we signed up for the the rate increases we were I think the first year we did it was either 23 or 28% um and then we were the second year was 18 then it went to 15 and then it stuck at 12 we did that first big one and we've been able to since then um stick to 5% um and a lot of it is to build up so you don't do that one big jump when the plant came online um so you know um it is a good Financial rule on water not to go long periods of time without um rate review or rate increases so you're not doing that one huge lump um Nate I'll get to you in two seconds I see you um and thank you for raising your hand um so you know if we can stick to the 5% or below I would I I think that's where I'd like to see us end up to be honest with you um but um the 7% to me is is not something I could swallow and I like have having the four tiers but one there's a couple things I wanted to ask Dave and and I'll let you know my question is on some of these it's our staff going out in doing things and I just want to make sure what we're charging comes close to recovering the cost of sending our people out there or the administrative fees if it's not then we're not really doing a a our financial best for the entirety of the system in in the everyone so like the turn on turnoff fees the fir flow test that they have to go out and monitor are we really recovering are we close to recovering the full cost of sending the equipment the person out there um the meter valve replacement I I believe that one um because we are it is um I'd like to make sure the 83 whatever we charge for that um in addition to the parts that were covering the labor the one I don't think about is the water restriction violations I don't think that should be part of an increase um our restriction violations are probably the lowest in the state um but i' probably instead of seeing the match the percentage is have it broke up into three tiers where or not but three levels of notice first one's written two is $50 three is 150 third is 300 and it's 300 thereafter um um that's what I've seen as a norm but instead of tying that that's a violation this isn't like a fee that we charge people for a service this is something that is supposed to be somewhat punitive so those are the ones things I would think about um Nate I'll turn it over to you and um let you speak please yeah so uh a lot of the there's a list of these budget considerations and that's the part I didn't get to see but I did look at these um these these schedule of rates and fees and I believe last year we we went over this um I'm going to Echo what I had said last time is I don't this is there should not be an increase across the board I understand we're you know and you had said we signed on for a rate increase well I'm here to vote on a possible rate increase um nothing is given um I just want to make sure that's clear and well no I I will let me interrupt what I meant that is we when we started this process it was a sixy year and each year had rate increases and that we would reconsider at every year um and then at that when we got through that and the plant was up and running that's when we could start to think about um easing off so to speak or whatever but I mean we've done a good fiscal job um we're well below the 12% where we were projected to be at at this point in time I think we're I want to say the fourth or fifth year into this so we're getting to the end it was supposed to end the year the plant came online which is next year so I I I do think that that is um on the T on the table but to um Todd if I may yes ma'am um I agree with Nathan um on this because we I literally just found out about this like two hours ago she sent it this morning at like 9 I was already at work ethics I can't be at work checking this email so I don't want to vote on I don't feel comfortable voting on that tonight because we were just given the information the other thing I was going to mention too is I'd like to see if we're going to talk about this in the rates um I want to see we've always done it Nate is have tyan Bond and the gentleman who does the whole rates and everything like that come and explain everything to us um in you know and it's at our meeting so it ends up in the community um we actually then go and show the same thing to the the board of Selectmen um that might be a little bit harder to get done in the near term but it definitely before um before the budget I just want us the my premise for doing this was so that we get you me and Nate or Nate and Jess can get eyes on this if we have questions I it just seems like in the past we've gotten it at the last minute it we haven't been able to make many changes to it um I have questions on some of the comments he made um about it um for the reasonings um let me see what I did with that you seeing comments I I didn't receive anything with comments on it I thought it was in one of the packages and I I don't know if it was the initial one because I printed it out in oh here it is budget considerations um I guess because we have a separate tra uh trash pickup for the dumpster um I guess that he's got that as it's doubling there's different things that have been negotiated um and questions about the the chemicals um like you said you you guys got information late I've got no problem tabling this um I just um yep Tod yep I think uh there's a little bit of confusion we've always received this discussed it as a board and decided as a board what we want to change now I understand you know people wanting Comfort to mul it over before discussing it but you know I'm an open book you discuss it right here um so what I was goingon to say if I can if I can continue so if you're just if you're talking about the page that's Balden that says budget considerations I do have that that was the part I didn't have chance to read but that's okay um so if I can continue yep um I'm looking at the Choice B and um I would if if we have to absolutely have to raise rates I would say fine the um the you the usage rates the residential the commercial um as far as the additional fees for system development I wouldn't want to see any changes there we have good round numbers keep them keep them that way I mean um sprinkler fees I'd like yeah it would be nice to have Dave say okay we we do so many of those and um if that makes sense but like the violations um I mean we we over the past decade we've beat that to death and and raised them and raised them before we had Tai and bond do our rate study um so keeping those round numbers too I wouldn't see like 5775 I mean it's how many of those are we actually issuing let's let's just keep it kind of simple um other than that if I can just please finish other than that um I don't see any other problems I wouldn't do the turn I the turnoff fees um I don't think I think that's probably double the rate of the clerical time and money that's spent um the final readings I don't know if uh Jess can chime in on that uh from the office about me 8350 it looks like we went up a flat percentage last time or raised it like a150 or or 350 um but yeah other than I'd say if you if we're looking at doing a rate water rate increase it should be for the water and not all the other fees and violations and that's it that's all I got to say well I I'll I'll and I'll I'll um what I will say is I like the round numbers I hate charging someone change if we're going to do it we would round the numbers I agree with you there the only only thing it's beyond the administrative for on the turn on and turn off you're also considering the operator's time to go out and do that in the use of the vehicle so that that's where I said I want to make sure we're covering some of those costs if you so not just it's not just an administrative going in it's they have to go out and turn um the curb stop and things like that and dig up so there's I want to make sure within reason we're we're reasonably uh responsible with that and making sure we're at least close to recovering our costs um our numbers for fees are extremely low if you don't cover everything across the board then the residential rates go up a lot more um and that's where the major impact on everybody will be so if we can keep those to the minimum while kind of a doing it wholesale um I think we Mis minimize the overall impact to everybody in general and that's why I David you know he explained it last time is the way he's done that the way he's done it um I will say why don't we do a happy medium then well let's well I'd like I'd like you guys to get all the information and have time we don't have to make a decision right here and now this was to start the conversation so we can see where our budget is what we need to do I also believe that we should have tyan Bond come in so if we want to change something he can do his calculation and it will show us the impact on the budget right then and there he's always done that I think if we have these ideas and we want to change something then I think that um it behooves us to see the impact because we're not going to be able to do the calculations on our head or on the paper as we talk about this um this first meeting was just to start thinking about the budget I've always been brought up in this industry to believe that you start doing your budget in October you start looking at your receipts that you've received in the first quarter are they up are they down um and what are the where are your costs coming in because you now you're getting new fiscal year costs of chemicals and other things that may have changed that wouldn't have been in your other budget so I really wanted to get an early start as a board and look at our budget and look at what we're projecting um because we'll have to make a decision by January um so that's kind of where I was I wasn't looking to take a vote necessarily but I wanted to get an idea where both you stood um where they and have Dave present what he was looking at as costs um and things like that um the I will W once um I'll make one comment about the viations um we are attached to the Water Management act and those are um the permits are under review um I don't believe ours has been issued yet and they do come in the um the Bureau of water resources does come in and do an audit to make sure that you are if you have restrictions that you are enforcing them and by doing that they have to show that people have gotten viol ations to be honest with you so that you're out there looking at it um to a certain degree so that would be my only thing on that um so I wouldn't be opposed to um I I just there were several that are are there are costs that I want to make sure we're recovering and or come coming at least close to that but take into consideration that if you don't apply this whole sale everything comes under the water rates and I'm trying to minimize the impact to everybody as minimal as possible Nate go ahead yeah so the um I remember when we were discussing uh enforcement of violations and Jess I don't know if you know off the top of a hand or have a rough estimate just swly uh how many restriction violations were issued as of this state from the start of the year I have no idea have you have you seen any issued no okay I don't know if the office would get receipt of that for filing but um I'd like to know yeah I would too um it's something just you know if we're going to look to grow this and stuff like that we're going to need to keep the volumes that we have um and you know have that potential for growth anyways um so if we're not um it is honorous I will be honest with you it is not a fun task to do because I did it I did it for 18 years or 17 years um it's a tough one to do um and it puts the operator at a a significant I will also say there aren't many that do do it or the majority I would say probably 60% don't so but where ours isn't been our our permit is still in draft form and it needs to be approved it's it's something we need to look at next year um so that being said um it is 8 o'clock and Dave still has not joined us um so well let me see where are we um 3.2 spending 3.2 um spending limits um I didn't know if either one of you had had a chance to review or had a thought process on it um I had two thoughts um and in talking to a lot of superintendant and um DPW directors in general um $5,000 seem to be about the the the line that someone could do would have to still inform on his reports and stuff like that um but they also had um into Nate's point where we would get involved um for anything larger than that is appeal request Quest um unless it's an emergency if it's an emergency then then all bets are off and it just needs to get done to to maintain the system but if it's a purchase or a change order um a lot of places have instituted what they call po request form it gets filled out what it is why and um a group like us like a DPW director can sign it um or or the board um and that's where I think Nate's review would come into play um so I would I'd like to hear your thoughts on it where you think the numbers lie um just because we're going to incur costs that I don't think anyone here um has seen before just because of the you know the involvement of pumps that we've never had before chemical P feed pumps and all that sort of stuff uh I'll be honest with you those are some of the like most finicky pieces of equipment we're going to have the analyzers um the the the actual probes that go along with those and stuff they're not inexpensive um so they need to be able to be replaced at a at a in a timely fashion because your your um compliance with the state is is tied to them most of the time so that's my thought process um Nate your chair I'll give you a second wheel a it yeah thank you um I was also going to say 5,000 in talks with the um prior Board of Selectmen um that was the number that they were using and basically I think the wording should sound something like um you know $5,000 except for emergencies and you know normal basically the normal bills like our receed of bills which is Unitil Verizon stuff like that normal operation costs things that we receive on a regular monthly basis and certainly I agree with you that the new facility is going to some of that's going to change so um identifying what those costs are what line items those are and you know not having those perhaps included in the $5,000 limit uh also another thing would be uh prudent to note is that um it wouldn't be $5,000 per bill it would be on the project so if you have a few different stages each $4,000 you know Tech you know like say three stages and each was built for $4,000 that's $112,000 that would be one of those items that says well it's it's above five 5,000 or it's expected to be above $5,000 and that would need uh Board review certainly anything that is um out from the normal or requires a decision I believe should have come before the board well I well the only problem is is like say he lost a chemical feed pump um a probe for the for one of the other analyzers and needed a repair uh to one of the laptop things and each one of those was $4,000 so the total are you talking per vendor or are you talking in general per month that if something need if things need to get bought and it exceeds $5,000 then so you have a piece of equipment that's integral to operation correct so I don't know what an analyzer is if it's something in the new facility that's that's integral the way we currently operate our system then I would say it would not need um a board vote certainly should be apprised of an emergency situation that's going on you know such a a failure um I don't know what the ramifications of such a part going down or needing to be replaced if it would be shutting off a portion of the system or not perhaps um but yeah those are the things that we're going to need to scrutinize with the opening of this plant and and along with that the you know it's gonna there's going to be a lot of new stuff there's going to be different um you know the the rules and rs for the old 480 Main uh 540 Main Street uh is not going to be a one siiz fits-all for the new pump station so absolutely what do you think about the PO requests that way we have it in writing and it's something we can sit and look at and approve um I'm not I'm not familiar I I think I'd like to see a sample um but and and really if there is a true emergency um and what we've done in the past is you know Dave says hey there's an emergency he would tell the Town Administrator the board of Selectmen would then say they would they would have to I get this the way it happened at that time was they said yes we we see this as an emergency and it bypasses the need for the regular open meeting law requirement for the 48 hours and then we would have a meeting yeah um now the emergenc so like when we had the it's just due process you know that there's Provisions to make sure we can we as a board can do it expeditiously and not put the water system in danger and have Dave able to make those decisions and do what he needs to do okay um I just I was the the word project kind of threw me so that's where I'm just trying to N I wasn't fighting it I just was trying to get your the viewpoint on your terminology um listen I can be hyperfocus so excuse me if I'm a little a ADHD and I just in my own head I need to straighten things out um so I'm okay with that Nate I can get you a copy of the PO request um so you can see what I'm talking about I just think in part it would [Music] um they Beyond just the meeting there would be a record in the file at at uh at the at the plant or at the office so that if anyone wanted to see who approved it when they wouldn't have to go look through videos and watch a video it would be inwriting and there for anyone um I I think 5,000 is a good number for non-review um so we'll leave that there and I'll let Jess pick it up and see what she thinks I agree with Nate um I like every agree with pretty much everything you guys have been saying that's why I've been so quiet um I agree with the 5,000 I agree with Nate in the um emergency if there was ever an emergency scenario um I have no problems with any of it okay um your uh feelings is the the PO request Overkill I mean I I'm I tend to be Overkill so I just want to see what you thought about that would you just like to see an example of it we can toss it continue to toss it around and stuff like that um yes I I agree I also agree with Nate on that also that we should see a sample all right good enough I can get you one um let me see um do we want to vote on the 5000 or do we want to wait until we have it um more set in stone to we we can add the PO later if we so wish I think that's just a a procedure doesn't need a necessarily a vote but I would think the 5,000 would need a vote are you in agreement with that I think that we should um we should start there um you know I think this board can be very understanding of a new process that's going to need to be evolved and amending um certainly things happen and um if Dave needs to do something that he needs to do he's going to do it and we'll we'll we'll deal with it as it goes it's it's not a big deal can we leave one thing off is the Met when did he join I didn't even see them I've been here about seven eight minutes I just listening can we Meers Dave Dave Dave please announce yourself for the record please dve Johan superintendent all right you had a comment sir can we leave meters off because I buy meters once a year in bulk and because we sh we save on shipping cost and that's usually about $60,000 because because that's ERS at the time nope I Dave stop I'll let Nate in and then I'll add something as well go ahead Nate so that's a great example of something that's done every year it's kind of a normal thing you have a plan that we are aware of of your meter change out so and it's been approved um so purchasing those meters as approved by this board would absolutely be okay okay that's a line item in the budget anyways I think Dave isn't it it's on the public uh yeah but it if it's on a line item on the on the on the budget then we have accounted for it and approved like Nate said and it's a onetime cost so that it's like ordering chemicals Dave that's a that's a supply item that's not something um you know you're not buying a lounger for the the office that we would need to approve so that's within the normal Realms of operation as Nate has described it and um that's not that doesn't need to be noted it it just um the 5,000 limit allows you to purchase things that you may or may not need and notify us later um but any above that $5 limit would need our approval and like I was saying you know I've seen a lot of these P request forms um and it just it's a way to track it um and stuff like that I I found it useful so I'll put it that way Nate I'll let you speak can you just explain the PO request form explain so like say you have something that say something that isn't integral to immediate operations um I'll use my example um I needed a correlator a leak detector we had some really old equipment that kind of worked um but um what I was buying was in the realm of 12 to $14,000 the correlate the whole correlator system I was required because it was over $5,000 to attach the quote write down what I was getting who I was getting from the price was on the front page of that PO um I signed it and it went up to the DPW director for approval and then the other person that approves it I believe is the town treasur and then once it comes back to me that's when I can order it and then that goes in my file and it stays in the file up at um town hall and they track them they each each request form or or approval form has a number so they track those as you go through year after year by the numbers and it just it shows that you're you're looking at it's more than just the person buying it saying oh I need this and buying it it shows that you've you've listed what it is why you need it the cost you've attached a legitimate quote to it and that other people of um like a checks and balance looked at it and approved it and then it was ordered so it would be a way I was really thinking about some of the stuff you talked about and I think that it would give the transparency it would give an easier way to keep track of it historically um and and just kind of [Music] um it I think it would show that we are fiduciary being responsible in what we what we because it would be a vote with that each of us would have to sign on to it it wouldn't be just one of us um so you would even see who signed it and who didn't and you would need at least two to sign off on it to get it approved yes sir so isn't that kind of bypassing an open meeting no it would be done an open meeting no it would be okay we would get that we would say we got three of them Nate and they would you know we would we that way each one of them had a separate number we could track the cost and and all that stuff that wouldn't be done on a v I'm and that's on me I didn't explain that part of it um it works a little bit different for me um because I'm a part of a DPW but I was just I'm trying to use some of that stuff so that we can be um as transparent in our costs and accountable to them and you know and so that people down the road you know in our meeting minutes uh a PO request 521 was approved if you go to that sheet and it's you look up 521 then you got right then and there what it is it it makes it a little bit easier I think to track um even year to year um so that that was my only thought process you have never seen one um it's something that I to be honest with you um when I started looking and going over the the budget stuff and really uh taking a heart and really considering what you said in the last meeting about transparency and being responsible um $5,000 is nothing to joke about so anything over $5,000 I I think needs a little bit more um making sure the eyes are DOT and the teas acrossed and I just I thought it was a happy medium to meet what what your concerns were and to answer what um uh what they were and hopefully you know set up something that not just for us but for the board members that come behind us um at some point um that there's something in place to track Dave's not going to be here forever um and so if there's something set up for the people behind us to to do that and make sure and track from board to board I I think it's a good idea but like I said you guys have never seen it and this was the start of the process so I except for this part um but I that that I was just I was just trying to meet your concerns you had legitimate concerns um and I just wanted to find a vehicle that would meet what we need to get done in the dayt day but also meet our financial um oblig you know fiscal obligations and um and laay some of the fears so that there's something in place um that both track it and and um and and and that that you know the the person that holds the superintendent position is answerable to so that that that was my whole thought process on that uh I think we beat that the well I need a motion on the $5,000 please I made the last one somebody else has got to make the next one I make a motion to approve the $5,000 spending limit um as presented I guess I can live with that uh Second motion's been made and seconded any further discussion on the matter you want to amend it I no I think it's a good start I think it's a good start it's not like this is the last meeting ever for anybody so we can uh we can always just we'll start there we'll look what it seems like and if we think it needs to be tweaked we can twe it all right motions made seconded any further discussions beyond that roval roll call vote Todd banson I Nathan matala I Jessica funol yes okay motions made and passed unanimously uh where am I on my meeting um all right uh 3.1 uh Dave we already kind of did 3.1 um the only other thing I wanted to mention on that um but when you're reviewing and I'll send it to you guys later is one of the things under the considerations um was the intermunicipal budget or cross charges um that's part of the reason I got as involved as a water commissioner initi um my concern and it's not just mine is that with a lot of town budgets under duress um the Enterprise accounts will come under siege for lack of a better term most of the costs are fixed you know Insurance uh retirement all that sort of stuff uh longevity um the contracts what I instituted with the previous Board of Selectmen last two anyways the last two groups um was the implementation of the division of local Services um spreadsheet um it's a template to calculate what the intermunicipal costs are um they've been following that I fought extremely hard to get that included um I'll send you a copy of it to see what it is it makes the cost transparent it means that people cannot jack up the costs um artificially because they would have to make basically it the the fixed costs are on there and then where where the the degree of gray is how much they charge you for the services that you use at Town Hall and they have to list them on this template and it's always been a percentage of or should have been a percentage of how much we use each individual and stuff like that and that that's where we can discuss with the Town Administrator or the board of Selectmen or both together about what is fair um but it puts it out there and it's transparent um that way we don't show up the town meeting and all of a sudden there's an an $85,000 adjustment to the intermunicipal agreement I um I'll get you a second Dave oh no no I was talk talking to my wife okay it is it is GNA go up and I I when you're ready no and I I read your I I read your re I read your reasons for most of them I agree with I just want to make sure that the you know we're going to have a new board we have a new attwn administrator I wanted both I didn't know if Nate had ever seen it and I don't know if Jess had ever seen it so I'll send it to you this week so you can see it and it's something I think as a board we should hold the town to so that I guess the biggest concern is to ease the pain on uh tax increases they up those charges and we have to face the the music of trying to either cut things out of our budget that we need or um or raise the rates even further and we've done the hard work over the last five years I I commend Nate um Jess you you'll be new to the party on this one but Nate and I um we've weathered the storm on a lot of this we sat and faced a lot of people we were honest with them um we were honest with the board of Selectmen um we've been very communitive including Ty and bond so that they can show the effects of x y and z um but with Bas of music and I just want to make sure that we protect the investment that we've made in this water department in the long term and not subsidize someone else it's illegal to to be honest with you certain water Enterprise go ahead sir certainly the the burden of a tax Town tax deficit shouldn't be on the water Enterprise fund correct and it's illegal it's supposed to be you know we're supposed to pay our do share of what we use at Town services but we are not supposed to supplement the operating budget of the town and I just want to make sure if things increase sort of like that PO it's on a piece of paper it's there for everyone to see we can argue about what percentages are correct but there are these no mysterious numbers um it was something I battled a previous Town Administrator over fairly um strenuously and vocally over a long term it's probably why I lost my hair um but um I just don't want to go through that battle again and uh and it you know we've done a lot of work as a board trying to see both sides in in improving the working relationship between the two boards and I don't want to do anything that would disrupt that um so I just with a new board a brand you know the majority of a brand new board um and a new Town Administrator I just want to make sure we continue that process and I just wanted to bring that up and I'll send that I'll send that in an um I'll wait a minute I will send it in an email to Brenda or Jessica and they will then send it to you along with the PO example so there's no so I'm not doing anything illegal so with that um and a new board coming in I I think everything but medical uh Insurance stuff like that everything else is negotiable and really should be in line with other Industries so if the town's charging this for someone else to do that it would cost this much it should be reasonably close yep so like I said at least it'll be on paper we will have a chance to discuss it I like I said I do not want to show up to another to meeting and have this mysterious number appear and I think I did stand up and say I can't I argued against it and um the ramifications of pulling that was it was we could fit it but my it was more of a principal stance that I did than than what we could afford and um I don't think it would have made a vote on the town floor anyways so um but I just wanted my Jackson noted um so I will get that I'll get that to um the admin staff and they will get that those two things to you um let's see I keep hitting the wrong button um limit 3.3 discuss building opening um did we end up with a date yet the first week or two of May is looking pretty solid all right what I would suggest is we have two dates May historically is fairly wet and um if we can if it looks like we're going to end up with a monsoon I think it would behoove us to have a rain date we would try and keep the date as possible um I'd like to see I'd like to see a plan um and so we can go over it um I do think these are highlight events [Music] um but I think there are things that we can do to to limit the impact on the budget um I'd like to see where it's coming from Dave if it's coming from Outreach um that's fine um things and Outreach is required and you're supposed to have a a a a budget for it so if we fit it into that that's fine Nate I I I will get you I promise I see just on your point what are you referring to where is coming from what um where the if we agree to a plan and the money that's associated it I just want to see where out of the budget it would come from I'm expecting it expecting it to come out of um excuse me I've had a really long day um um I would expect it to come out of like the Outreach portion of the budget so that we can account for it and know where it's coming from yes sir a plan for what opening of the treatment plant ribbon cutting whatever you want to call it when we open it to the public we really shouldn't be spending a lot of money I'm I'm in agreement with you about that well I I I would say yes and no um we're going to need I I'll I'm going to play the political game on this we're going to need the support of our state rep and our state senator um I think having now do I think we went overboard on the last one yes I don't think um I mean Nate do you still have your helmet um I think we gave those back true um I think um that sort of thing um but I do think we should have food um I do think that we invite um dignitaries um because we are going to need them in the future and we are going to need [Music] um I I've just seen seen what what it is and we are a small community so we need to do what we can to maintain that support now do I think we need to hold a a champagne brunch and breakfast no but I do think we need to um invite those dignitaries to thank them for their support for their advocacy that they did do for us um and um invite some of the Regulators having a good relationship with your Regional uh Regulators is a good thing it puts you on a face-to-face basis with them um and it it I know have allowed us certain allowances um to wait until the pl got online so I think that came from that to a certain degree um and it's a celebration this is something that this town has done on its own it's one of the very few things this town has done on its own so I think that needs and open it to the public um I'd like to see a better advertising letting people know um what they got I mean how many people actually get down there and see it um maybe a little bit less on the glitz and Glam um it's a it's kind of an isolated site so I you know I I I think it needs to be planned out um we need to see the plan we need to approve the plan um and and and the expenses that go along with it and but I do think that it's important to celebrate this and show what this town can do when it really needs to as a group I mean the town's people the water takers have been um really you know they they've suffered as much on the dayto day as anybody else beyond the monetary I mean you know when we were running this thing Nate when we were running this off of Main Street when it was a uh Tu wellfield and we brought cross street back back online and we were running on cross street the Two Witches Brook and Main Street the amount of discolored water that occurred on a daily basis to those sport people and then the construction on Sethro Road on Emy Road those are real sacrifices and I I really think or I would like to within reason um celebrate what we've accomplished as a community and and sort of show them what that sacrifice brought them and and that that's my only Viewpoint I'm not looking for gold plates um the the three banners and uh 21 gun salute but I do think we owe the people that got us here um the the the the legislators The Regulators and the citizens of the town I think we do owe them um some sort of acknowledgement and and sort some sort of at least minor celebration because I think it's fairly significant this is you know something that we've done you know the school is three towns um this this is Townson and I'd like to have Townson recognized for it um and I I'd like the the citizens to be able to see what the sacrifice both monetarily and um in terms of the day-to-day life what it got them so I will shut up now anybody else have anything to say all right so Dave I'd like to see no more than 3,000 all right well I want to see what that 3,000 gets us because I also want you to think about where it's sort of isolated those residents on cdge way and harbor Trace are not going to want it lined with cars parking and people walking up and down it would become congested and stuff so if we get an idea or maybe do ask the town to do a poll on the website I don't know but if we can get an idea of what we can expect we need some sort of plan to handle the traffic and maybe an offsite parking space with a a bus going back and forth or something so that we don't um we don't first of all don't make a an emergenc if we have an emergency down there nobody can get there that's going to be bad but I also don't want to impose on the two two neighborhoods that are there unjustly so that would be M thought process so I just want us to really think it out so it's well planned and I will shut up again I can park about 75 cars all right so a coule things and I really think a lot of this should be discussed with um you know on a separate agenda item but you know what's the building capacity all right and then um and then you guys had some good topics but I think we before deciding anything we should discuss what ideas everybody has as a board and come up with a plan vote on it no I agree all right that one's again been beaten to death um we will go um I don't believe there's any commissioner reports or updates Nate do you have anything Jess I think we're good on that I will turn it over to um 6.1 super tenant reports okay first one treatment plant the admin area is almost finished they're putting on the carpet and the towels and the bathrooms that'll be done within the next two weeks Furniture goes in sometime starting next week um the garage all that's left is the door automatic door controls and the EV Outlets security we talked about putting security and uh witches but we we have have some money left over in the security line item so it it'll be 100% paid for at wiesbrook from the treatment plant and we're not we will'll have money left over in that line item for for the for the building budget even with with putting that in uh a week from Tuesday or sorry next Tuesday they're going to start up the plant harb Trace is now back up and running for the first time in two years it's not going to go to the system though is it Dave not till it goes to the plant they're they're they're um running it to waste no the the the the I understood the well was running to was but you said they were going to start the plant up correct correct and then they they they got going to have a um a tanker truck and they're going to walk put it through I just want to make sure it's not going just because I know um Littleton started Theirs to the system a little too soon the GAC needs a certain amount of time to um adjust once the water's hit it so I just want to make sure we don't let's learn from other people's mistakes just make sure bond is make sure tyan bond is on that okay we we so we're we're on that stage we've already done the GAC the GAC is in it's been backwashed it's been all all that stuff has been done harbit Trace got put back on we we found out that there was a couple gates at harbit Trace that didn't butterfly vals that didn't work so the be they had been replaced and so but that was part of where I showed you that the well that was absolutely disgusting and was fought was actually falling apart and we didn't know it but that's all been fixed all been repaired and but Dave Dave on that on that how did the pump curve come out when after they rebuilt it oh every every um we're way ahead of where we were because it was 40 it was 40% uh clogged all right so it returned to the theoretic pump curve on that or better because we put a new new motor that does about uh 30% % higher volume because we're pushing it through all right Dave stop one second Nate has his hand up Nate yeah uh you had said that you had shown us that I I don't remember being shown anything I sent I sent the pictures to everybody um okay it was just a not not during a meeting one email it was they had pulled it and you could actually see the uh the oxidized iron that had built up on the inside on the on the on the outside of the pump and I think he showed us the screen as well in the gra it just that's what happens in in to be honest with you if you don't get it soon enough especially if it gets down into the gravel it's very hard to recover well so that's why you you depending on the makeup of it and stuff um you usually rotate them you know I we have five Wells so you would rotate may you maybe do one a year or two a year so you don't want to go much more than three years between treatment if you've got one well that's a little bit dirtier and maybe gets used a little bit harder maybe that's one you do every year or every other year and fix in the others um but once you push that once it gets that dirty um sometimes it's very hard to recover especially as they get older so um and that costs you more in the long run um because then you have to go and do either find another well or put in a um a placement well and if you can avoid that it's so much the better it's might cost a little bit in upfront but in the long term it saves you a lot of money so I I commend Dave on that go ahead Dave right just so remind you you guys actually voted for $10,000 to clean that wall um about two months ago was but all right uh the plant will be in full operation by the end of October I thought you I thought you said we weren't going into operation until the spring no no no we're not going to do the the uh the generator is not going in to late late fall um late winter to early spring so I want the generator in be in before we show people off the building but we're going to be in full operation in the end of this month or the first week of November into the system into the system D's on board with this we just have to get them to approve it as soon as we we testing okay that's what we're projecting but let's just say let's just say we we're we're we're close we're close and it's dependent upon D approval I I I hesitant I'm hesitant to to say a specific date and not have D's approval in hand um so let's just say we're looking for an earlier operational kickoff than expected um but it is dependent on D approval and I think we would be safe because if we promise a day and it doesn't that doesn't happen I'd rather not explain that so I prefer that again and that going back to that the moving into the building is about the same time frame okay are you are you are is the town or o um are we moving our own equipment in there or is that part of the um srf project that they're actually going to move our stuff in for us or is that just something we're going to do there's almost no equipment being moved well what what about all the the skater equipment uh skater is not moving it's got It's uh gonna get scrapped whole new skater system is been being built okay because you you can't have you you have to have one up and running before you can shut the other one down Dave any of the excess equipment is it viable equipment like the computers are they too old or the computers are being reused we have two employees that don't have a computer so we we are reusing them for employees they been rebuilt once okay but they're being moved to the office correct right the all the computers are being moved to the office right and then like the they had a lot of like mechanical tools and stuff in the old garage I don't think there's a lift there but all that's being moved to the the tools and the pots in the garage that don't be moved but the none of Furniture is going all right so that is all going to be um ex dispos dispos yeah um two things we either sell it I think by law we can either sell it through minissi bid um or we can make it as a donation there's nothing there's nothing if there's no well there's desks and there's a uh there's desks there's chairs there's I think I think we had a couch in the sitting room there or a coffee table or was it two chairs those are mine oh well then they're yours you can take them home I'm I'm sorry I I I donated them okay um anyways they can make the trip or whatever I just anything that we that is I just want to make sure we were looking at and making sure that anything that is considered excess we either try and recoup some sort of cost if it's there through minissi bid or we make it as a donation to like Habitat for Humanity or something like that but anyways um I will end that continue so walls walls will be completed towards the end of November which is Brook because it's not critical to the operation of the treatment plant hit Trace is going to and when hbit Trace is going to feed it till the one wall goes on then we going to send it to the plant then the other oneall goes on and we'll send it to the plant generators in witches brook or November to beginning of December generated harbit Trace doesn't even come in until sometime December early January and then it's going to get installed but the pads poured okay waterline is finished we did sampling on Monday we didn't want to turn it on till all the sampling is back in in good order and then we're gonna flush Emory and put the world line on okay all Paving is done um have they given a projection of what that change and flow is going to do to the system we won't know until it it change that was my so that's my point before before we do that two weeks in advance and I would do a countdown to get people prepared that potentially there's going to be discolored water out on 13 and some of the it's going to change water so I just want to make sure I do not want anybody in this town getting caught flat-footed because we didn't tell them so I would say when you're getting ready to do that I would make sure that it is on everything from the digital signboards to the town website if we have an emergency reverse 911 system that we're letting the public know that that goes live and the flow is going to change and there is the possibility of discolored water and then be prepared to flush it if you can if it's not too cold but I I just that Resident last week really rebounds in my head or last month excuse me rebounds in my head I just want to make sure if we have something planned that may cause discolored water we're letting the public know so nobody you know we limit the the impacts to the individual person that may get affected so that's I'll shut up again go ahead so GIS continues for the mapping we have to finish the gis before we can send it to a master plan because we're locating every service every gate every hydrant you doing the hydrant Gates as well everything good enough so this way we'll have it are you are we doing it ourselves or is we doing it ourselves the guys now now now now now I'm curious what are you using for a locator sorry you know what I can do this on my own time shut up we bought that like uh three and a half years ago good enough and we've been we're almost finished we only got a few things and you know how much that cost if you do if you do it from the outside you're talking about 50 to $75,000 and the guys are doing it even well even more so the guys doing it on their own they enjoy they seem to like enjoy doing it because you know they get an accurate picture um so then the last thing is the meters we're up to 54% we're doing the big countdown we're we're approaching 900 left there's also a lot of building being in plan planning there's about 28 units that are being um 108 Fitchburg Road six units three duplexes one dep Road Extension six units three duplexes uh to the left the Dunkin Donuts on Route 13 eight units two buildings of four each yeah that's the one we you were going in and marking out in the in the Pines by the by the San cook correct there there's a dead hydrant by the bridge yeah it's never worked and we found out why because they put that's a water line that goes from in front of dunin donon up through an easement in the front of it and down so it was never turned on so we marked it out it's going to get turn they're going to re chlorinate it repr pressure test and do it all over again and could I make a suggestion I would rebuild it before you test it don't need a new one the the barrels probably good and stuff but I would rebuild the guts just as a friendly advice right so one of them they're gonna one of them in the back of the property they're gonna just chop off and put a new hydrant on okay because um it's gonna it's they're gonna put two four unit buildings Dave what did that where is looking at our charges are they um are they 2 in Services going into those individuals or one there's going to have to be um a 2in service well actually they're going to be four onein Services one for each unit because we don't allow splitting it in the buildings no I knew that but they and there then there is two and each building is going to have a 2inch fire line okay that that was my that's why I was going 2 inch I was thinking that it was going there with the size they were going to need fire all right but there's an there's an 8 inch line that goes right right to the back of the property so they're going to cut it off and reposition the hydrant closer to the buildings okay and uh that's it Dave did they do fire flows for any of that fire test they they got to were they're not they're not at that point they did the septic okay testing one thing that we we kind of discussed initially the the the whole budget and the rates and stuff like that one thing I brought it brought up is on some of the things where our staff has to go out and do something um I'd rather make sure we are recouping as much or as close to um true cost of going out there um so you know if you look at uh the shut offs turn on turn offs and some of the others I just like to match up what the cost is both on the admin and us the the guy going out there to do the turn on turn off fir flow test and some of the others make sure we're recovering you know as close to recovering our costs as we can without being too um onerous I guess is the best word so that would be something for the next minute to continue our discussion about the budget um I'd like to see as well that's why I put it in the rates I think like for one man was 87 for an hour for there was like so you you do you include that or I mean when they get called out so like say it's an emergency shut off right and they go out and do a shut off is that a 4H hour log out for them automatically if they get called out it's automatic two hours two hours all right just give us some round numbers um on on what the cost is and how close we are to recouping it and and we'll go from there um does anybody say in an emergency I'm sorry yeah I do go that statement was that you're saying a turnoff fee so you're you're saying that's an after hours thing no this is this the other ones are doing the um the turn on turn offs are usually like people going away or if they're going to have Plumbing work done and they need the whole house shut off that those that requires us to go turn dig up the yard find the curb stop shut it off and let them do the work inside the house and then go back and turn it on or if they're going away for a long period of time um like if they're going to Florida they go to the curb stop and shut that off um because more often than not those valves inside the house can fail in that circumstance so but your curb you you go usually the curb stop the curb spop supposed to be is it accessible or readily accessible it's in it's in the yard so a lot of the times um they're usually 3 or 4 inches underneath the grass so that you're not going to hit it with a lawnmower um sometimes people do have them if they're in driveways by code there there's supposed to be like a gate in the in the road there're supposed to be even with the so as you pave it that cap is supposed to be visible and even with the pavement so that it's accessible a lot of the time the pavers will just go right over them um which makes it fun for the operator um but that it does it's some it's something out of the ordinary um in time in effort so there usually a turn on turnoff fee so you're recouping because it's not something that they would do in their normal course you're doing a service so you charge it the other one is if it after hours if um they can't get a plumber but something break and they call 7 o'clock at night and the guy goes off and does a shut off um he gets paid two hours of time whether it takes him a half an hour or three seconds so I like I said I just want to make sure for those sorts of things where yep so would they be charged a turn on fee and an hour of uh labor no no it's just right now that's why I said I want to make sure we're recovering the cost it's if you go and do it right now it's just $50 it's where I where I think go ahead we we should look at our thank you we should look at the schedule rates of fees uh schedule rates and fees this what I'm looking at right now um and also our our uh rules Rags procedures to delineate what the turn on fee covers and then if like say they do a homeowner does pave over their their curb stop that may incur a labor charge so by doing that that way it's it's you're not creating a boilerplate situation but it it fits the um the situation and doesn't overcharge customers that are hey my curb stop moved easily it's right there it's painted blue from three months ago and no Nate I like it I and and you know what if you start charging people who have paved over their um their driveway I I can I can bet you that it won't happen again I like it I'll add that to my list except for except for if you buy a house that the Cent the resident before paved it over I don't think that's quite fair but with I agree with you with with people doing with that guys is doing the gis we are fixing the boxes as we as we go so when you purchase a home it is upon the homeowner to do their due diligence so if you know that you're getting Town water and you're saying hey what equipment do I own what equipment don't I own and you're versed in that or you're educated and said okay hey there is a curb stop where is my curb stop do I need to know that or does the water department need to know that sure yeah you a lot of I think that's a very common thing it's worth noting Dave but certainly it's it's but in this I think that's on us the curve box on us the other part is one thing I would do in in Nate's in Nate's idea kind of kick man is let's see if it's in our rules and rs that the curb stop in it one if it's a new building if it's a new new building going in the curb shop we should might having our RS the curb stop should not be in the driveway because God help the person if that thing breaks and they got to dig up their whole driveway never mind their front yard I think in our rules and regules it should say no curb stop in the driveway if it already exists the curb stop has to remain even with the surface so it is accessible without having to cut it and if we do that I think then we cover all our bases and then it goes out in that new packet we if we send new homeowners packets and stuff like that um but I really like Nate's idea let's discuss that add an item to another meeting and discuss that yes sir um well schedule next border of water Commissioners uh 7.1 schedule next border of water Commissioners meeting do we want to go back you're restricted sir say again do we want to go back to 1.6 for the few items that we thought Dave might want to speak to Dave do you we kind of discussed the you had under 1.6 uh the Ada report and the oh yeah that's a that was nothing I just put it in there for you to know the only one we got gigged on is the 540 Main Street and that went that's going away yep and then the Napoli Shop link it was pretty it was just for your information nothing okay I put it in there because you guys want to know so I got it so I gave it to you okay but there's nothing going on we we just um they asked me for a copy of the permit um the end of last week okay because they want to know how much we're they're calculating how much money we're getting and okay and so they're at that stage they're at the final stage there's going to be two payouts one for they're going to give us something for the construction of the building and that's called a special you'll see it it as a special that move forward and then there's the one that we we've been talking about which is about $4 million and that's for damages for like doing the meteor and stuff like that and we need to get a scheduled to do speaking yes I that that just kicked in Nate myself I was just gonna say in talking about adding to Future meeting items is we need um well Nate we need AA on um and we need Town Council and Town Administrator so that we especially with the getting back to my previous point about the budget I think um we need to do those um the next um meeting I think we just lost um yeah she had to leave at 9ine okay um Nate uh you're more restricted right now than I am so in November Tuesdays are the nights you can do correct you know what um I hope that you can be accommodating because um you know I've never had I've never had a I got Thursdays Fridays Saturdays Sundays available weekends um well I don't I don't really care I've always said I don't care what day we do it but now unfortunately I have restrictions Nate everybody you know what you guys were accomodating when I had certain family issues going on um the the week would be this it's the second week correct yes so the 14th which is a Thursday yep 7 o'clock hold on when's uh when is uh vs day 11th Monday Veterans Day is the 11th okay I just wanted to bring that up just no so long as we're posted yep the 14th is in at 7 and if Jess has a we can modify it if um Monday if Jess has an issue or whatever but I would say seven o'clock Thursday November 14th um let's see would it be possible to with the with everything except for the generator being completed can we schedule a work session uh to have Dave give us like a walk around maybe not like seven o'clock I don't know if there's a time that you might be able to break away it would just so Dave doesn't have we can all see it at the same time if we want to make comments you know not discuss or vote anything but get some get some stuff view it as a whole work session might be appropriate to do that yeah I I I agree with that why don't we Dave put that on the next um I don't want to necessarily wait until the next meeting yeah I was thinking something I need to be able to I just need to be able to schedule my work day or my work week around it so if I can get like um Dave give us some days that you would have available um Thursday or Friday would be better for me on on K kindy of get um my work schedule kind of set Friday's potentially the best I right now um Tuesday Wednesday Thursday I'm working from how about the how about the one hour before the uh the meeting no it'll be already dark by then I was thinking Pro and not to into you at all I was if I'm reading Nate right I was thinking more like 3 or 4:00 3:30 or 4:00 yeah yeah so just so you know that the daylight savings is going to make it dark at four o'clock you know no matter what so we could walk around the outside and then there's plenty there's plenty of lights that thing is got the lights that go straight down so you know I I you know I'm okay with like 330 um why don't we do 330 I just don't want to string everybody out on on the same day so um Thursday would it just like I was saying right now until Thanksgiving Tuesday Wednesday Thursday I'm working from about 7A to about 9p um if people Fridays would be better for me you're saying the end of October Dave well that that the end of October the first week of November is when we should be moved in Curr but it could it could change it you know it's uh we're waiting for the gas meter to go in you know there's certain things that have to be done so why don't we why don't we say the Friday after the four not the 15th well we could do it the 15th it just Fridays ended up being better for me right now with with what I got to do at work so either the 15th or the following Friday that gives Dave at least a two we you know did it the 22nd say um at 3 3:30 it gives Dave a twoe buffer if something kind of holds us up and and we can do the walkth through on the 22nd does that sound reasonable and you can write the new selectman I'd rather let's keep it just us yeah just so we can I'm with Nate I'm with Nate on that one Let's uh they can come the opening yeah bring them they could come down individually as as you know so well they they have to be invited they can't just show up so right because and if they all show up and they're not posted well if all three show up and there it's not posted but even individually technically because it's a a restricted site even Selectmen have to be invited board doesn't waterboard doesn't but any other site officials they have to be invited because it is a restricted site so I'm just saying that Selectmen can't of their own valtion show up they they would have to be invited to and and like you said if all three showed up they would have to post that so I'm saying the Board of Water Commissioners walk through um November 22nd 22nd on the On's say 33:30 um all right okay um to get blown away I I I am prepared Dave you're going to be absolutely amazed how it's come out I hope so oh trust me Mr Mata could I have a motion on 7.2 7.3 and 7.4 yes I'm just making sure everything all right Mr chairman I move that we schedule the next oh we kind of did that right um I move that we review monthly abatements and adjustment list review and approve end of month reports and sign reports and weekly Bill payable warrants out of session second motions been made and seconded any further discussion all right Rollo vote Todd milston I Nathan matala I motion's been made and passed um anything further from that you need to say Nate nope all right that being said I make a motion to adjourn today's meeting second motion made seconded roll call vote Todd malanson I Nathan matala I everybody thank you for your time um thank you for your patience and great work