I just did everybody get a copy of the latest thing I just sent on another rev yeah yeah R three that's and um the one thing I'm not clear on is that Adam sent me stuff on changing the um General bylaw enforcement procedures is that in the is that it I thought we had requested that yeah um I don't it's a general bylaw so it it wouldn't fall under the hearing right but when you met with the board of slman to talk about all this when was that was in February right um I I have [Music] xx5 oh no update enforcement xx6 so that was the change to the general ah yeah I don't have it in the in the thing here okay what why don't I have it in this I don't know that was just a thing if there was no specific it catch all okay the the catch all for all the ones that don't have enforcement specified all right so I got some work to do then to get the you gave me the th thousand affordable housing trust thing though and I I could I could have sworn I put that in here somewhere I don't know all right I need to fix that so Adam must have sent me [Music] something [Music] go [Music] I'm going to have to fix that okay sorry about that so um I guess the one of the things that I sort of like to start thinking about is how we present this at town meeting because basically U we could each take an issue to to uh make the moot present the motion on does that make sense that works I'm fine with that yeah okay and um I don't know it's hard to it's hard to anticipate what's going to be coming back from the the populace um and I you know I don't know what what sort of things we should say [Music] about I mean is it worth is it worth writing a each person picking a topic and and writing some sort of a presentation outline for it um yeah I mean typically you've had to haven't we had to submit a narrative I know when I was on planning board for anything we put up we had to submit a narrative we met these days we had a if there was a hearing the hearing was on this State the reason for doing it and um do you I mean we when I was on the planning board that's what we did we did that's what yeah the planning board does that for every warrant article that they put forth so um yeah I don't know that the B bylaw Review Committee I mean I I'm I'm thinking that would be optional you could you know make it in Report Form but again and that may be too formal because it's not requ the narrative I think because that I think it's a good idea what's that so do we make that sort of a preamble to the motion well usually you make the motion and then the moderator says is there a report or it's right after the motion that you can say Mr moderator I have a report and then you read whatever it is you've written sounds good um and then it's open to the floor yeah okay so so like the the senior center one that I the Council on Aging one that I brought forward uhhuh that's so simple would a report be required all you would say is we have always done XYZ nothing too long or you know we've always done this but the bylaw reflects this consequently we were requesting the change from so I don't have to go over all the dates and we discussed it and all that for something no no not for something like that I don't think so because I would gladly take that one sense I'll do the Housing Trust one that's really simple too all right but it's a you don't have to go yeah crazy on it of course yeah obviously I'll volunteer to do to talk about the outdoor lighting stuffless everybody else wants to um I mean I think you know what I thought was um that I probably very very briefly in a summary form explain what we have now for lighting regulations kind of explain we've actually had outdoor lighting has been regulated like really since 1950s but most recently 199 7 and maybe in one minute explain what the current uh regulation is and then explain why we want it to update it and make it clearer and you know and stuff like that so it's an improvement on the current and I would probably tend to emphasize that it has no limits whatsoever on how many lights you you can install on your property or how bright they are it only governs where the light goes you know and and so on and explain the improvements yeah sounds good I I just want to say the the site plan review thing that I found out on Saturday I'm I'm looking at our site plan review we don't ever mention Lighting in it parking lot parking lot lighting mentioned I forget [Music] where I mean I'm skinning here but um it talks about um onve you know shrubberies in the parking lot and uh I think lighting but I I don't know what aspect of lighting just that there has to be enough light or that it has to follow the lighting bylaw and it doesn't say that it has to follow the lighting bylaw just says that there there shall be lights in a parking area right um what I heard was unless it's part of your process it doesn't need to be considered and if you look at G it says section this section subsections A to G is supplementary of other provisions of the zoning bylaw affecting access circulation design and Landscaping of parking areas I'm I'm looking for lighting it's it could very well be here but I'm not seeing it on a quick SC I'm just wondering if that's the reason that it hasn't been um necessarily follow well certainly if there were more processes that included somebody actually looking at whether it's being complied with it would help um because that the way it's been all along is that if somebody complained then the Building Commissioner would take a look and if he he determined it was not in compliance he'd you know send a letter but um but right there was no process that I'm aware of where before something was built like it was somebody actually made sure that it was that any lighting complied and and really it's pretty much anything that requires a a site plan go through Cy R youw [Music] um oh um Michael what about the high school sign that's a case that went through the sign exist something failed right right so that's a case I'm just pointing out a case where uh yeah that went through site plan but yeah there it is blocks and lighting okay well nobody looked at whether it complied with the that in that case it would be the what what is now the public lighting bylaw I I think actually I actually looked into that and I think it wasn't interpreted that the public lighting bylaw had any effect on signs it was I actually got in touch with the one of the engineers who was involved in that and she said oh well that's not sight lighting I don't even know what that that's jargon I mean I'm an engineer but that's that's jargon so I don't know I assume she meant by sight lighting that you know parking lots but I mean there's nothing in the bylaw that excludes signs also but they interpret to get trying to get rid of that sign yeah you know and I I even talked to the police chief and I said you know this speed limit is 40 m an hour and that thing is going to have all this information on it and if people are driving by reading that sign they're going to go a couple hundred feet without looking at the road yeah and I said That's not healthy for our high school students right but he would he wouldn't he wouldn't give me a an opinion that I could use to shoot the thing down so well what about the lighting just the fact that it doesn't comp comply with the lighting B unless unless the consensus was well that doesn't apply to LIT internally illuminated signs I don't know is does the one that we have that we're proposing would it cover that sign at the high school well I yeah because I well it does explicitly say the definition of a light includes signs so I think it should it's a little more clear but it's not it's also it's not an internally illuminated sign it's a it's a computer display well whatever it is it's it's a light I mean it's clearly a Lumin air you know right so it should be it should be subject to the B it just got you know got like I say I tried to get lit get get it deleted but I wasn't unsuccessful yeah well the other thing that got me was that they were using the Harbor Village retention Pond as part of their storm water drain system and to me that's just totally not Kosher I me if if there's any excess capacity in the Harbor Village storm drain it's not up to somebody else to say oh we're going to use that I mean hello but that whole yeah unbelievable yeah it's a whole system that the state has going with the prevailing wage so you're paying twice as much as it should cost at least and uh you know they came in with the um the U chemistry lab drain they uh they were going to put in a pH corrector and I said well that's interesting I said what about all the pollutants you want to put those into my aquafer so we end up ended up we we forced them to tight tank that pump it you know because we didn't want it in the aqua for sure yeah and they must have thought we were idiots would you know we would have been impressed by this pH correction you know that's that that would that that usually gets me going you mean people would be pouring chemicals down the down the drain and it just be going into before it went yeah that's all good wouldn't solve the problem it's not that the pH is the only problem in the lab well yeah I mean we're you know we've already lost all our alkalinity because of acid rain which has gotten less but it still was enough to kill kill all our alal you know when I was on the planting board we used to have water testing done by these two guys that were phds I forget the guy's name but they were characters but they they would go through and they'd tell us everything we needed to know about the water call it's phenomenal all right so we got um so you're doing the can I borrow a pen thanks you're doing the lighting Greg's doing the Council on Aging I'm doing the um Housing Trust I'm Maring Bill you're doing the accessory apartment yeah that's cool I need's the I need somebody who who could do the noise without me being involved yeah yeah I proba should that's am to be a lightning rod well I'll do noise I mean a Lightning Rod that's me I'm yeah you've got a lot of evidence for that one I don't mind doing noise I'll look at it I'm going take noise um then there's updating and force and there's the contract with General [Music] code I can talk about the contract if you want or um yeah myself or Jessica or contract with General code yeah y oh that would be awesome and then the enforcement update I can do that one too why am I my volunteering frse I'm watching we're going to get we're going to get you a lot of sedatives before you go okay I know how to get in here well the TT one is easy and so is the enforcement update but that that will be that will be good um people will be opposed to that because nothing should ever be enforced um exactly yeah I know that okay so do we have to vote on any wording of any of this or we basically all set with what's being submitted well what what what you might want to think about if you if you're going to be presenting something as writing the narrative you know about how how we got here when does that have to be in um before it's delivered I yes I think we should look at um like the nothing before the week of April 15th [Music] me yeah me too you too when do you get April 9th 9th yeah so we want to look at either the 15th or the following week and I'm gone till the 17th on a trip for 12 I'm gone for 12 days 5th to 17th okay so let's F to 20 oh are you talking April are you talking April that'se what we're gonna read at time meeting I don't think you can't can't meet yeah you can't meet during the annual election so the 22nd is the annual election okay all right 29th that's um putting us pretty close to town meeting okay when is town meeting um May what May 9th or something it's the what the first Tuesday May 7 okay so um it it if we meet the 29th our only other option is meeting the sixth if there's something that needs edited um so can we do a day other than a Monday yeah I think could we do like Wednesday the 24th yep when's school vacation so week of the 15 okay I actually won't be able to do the 24th I'm not available on Wednesday later like the Thursday I could do after that but 25th I could do the the let's do that us another week if we yeah Wednesday is good days for me to do stuff I'm yeah okay so the narrative would be like just a sort of description and you know in full sentences like a little few paragraphs about what what summarizing the proposal but in terms of speaking at town meeting I would tend to just write little bullet points or you know for myself I mean right right but but for this it's more of a yeah and it gets turned in to the N to the moderator The Narrative does narrator does yeah so it doesn't have to be wrong it's just a we have but it isn't something we literally read yes yeah you read it oh it is it has to be read you read it well that's the best way to do it yeah you just want to try to anticipate questions okay you know and answer them before you you know okay the reason we did this you know we we the town has a zoning lighting bylaw and a general bylaw to it made sense to incorporated into one and just read that and then you know if any questions come up I suppose it could go from there but yeah or anything else that you want to say about it um I mean I could four o00 on the not that I'm saying I will but you know okay you really reading it word for word or is it kind of a guide to I I have always read The Narrative word for okay well keep that in mind just I write it yeah yeah I have never ad lived the okay narrative um and I haven't tried to anticipate every question either you're not going to be able to but no I've some obvious the reason think this is why it makes sense yeah you know that kind of stuff do I have a quick question about the um the quote from General code um one of the questions that may come up is um did we get other quotes and I'm wondering if the committee would like me to do that in preparation for that question I know you know it may come up it may not but I'm thinking you know did we ask for did we ask for other quotes nope but I mean you could do it now it couldn't hurt the reason is the general code did our stuff last time okay so I'm with that yeah we are all in agreement but I know if the question arises we would like to be you know no I'm sure somebody will ask that question stand will There Are Rules around that so you might want to talk to Eric or Katie okay okay um and ask them if maybe we should y yeah no I think it's it's good due diligence have another at least one other quote if not two okay take a look at that it's hard to believe they're going to be undersold though but we'll see yeah it's just that you know they gave us the logins to because you know how we got the logins for it's they're the ones that they do everything yeah it makes sense so anyway yeah all right if it's under a certain dollar value you don't need three we don't need three right and I don't know what that all value is anymore well especially if they bill us on two two different fiscal years is it like 15,000 or 10,000 or it's something it was under 10 maybe three years ago um but I don't know what it is now okay I I think you needed three if it was 25k or more I think it's under 15 because we just hired a cleaner at the senior center and I want to say there under 15 okay which this which makes sense is yes 145 everything G up and if it's under 15 you don't it was 10 but it must be 15 I we should check with a on that or Katie exactly but I think it's 15 now okay thanks I'll just send an email and I'm gonna sign off so have a great afternoon everybody you're welcome so I guess my question is there anything that the wording still needs to be resolved that we submitting I think I mean on lighting I updated after our meeting a week ago I sent it to bill right and um basically just adopted the changes we talked about I don't know if anybody wants to or but I think you got a copy of it um well you know we'll see what the the zoning bylaw the change to the accessory Department you know may be modified by the he the planning board hearing but other than that other than that we're good I think we're good yeah okay so this has to get sent to who to whom I mean once like how does it get into the official warrant of the meeting town meeting um well Sabrina I'll talk to Sabrina about that but she's she's the one that's I think hono the select one into whatever they're doing she'll compile the warrant yeah and I I they have to vote on it the final wording um when they probably when they go to post when they vote to post they'll review it we always did it almost every other meeting between February and may but I don't know what they're doing anymore I wasn't paying attention which is a great relief yes no doubt so anyway and and I'm sorry if I asked dumb questions but this is the first time I've been involved with this kind of stuff I just want to make sure we meet all all our [Music] obligations well that's good do we have everything from Adam that we need I think so okay because I think next week is his March office hours if you need to get on his schedule for that yeah I mean I there were some unresolved questions on lighting he had all these comments and then he never got back to me you know but um I don't know I guess we kind of agreed on all the issues I don't know if there's any reason to talk to him anymore um I mean he had suggested the grandfathering language if you recall that we would and then but I brought up what we don't w a grandfather regarding existing regulations we all agreed we were going to just mention the new sections so I don't you know hopefully that's okay I I wouldn't mind making sure with him that that's okay but or just assume it is because why wouldn't it [Music] be okay [Music] that's that's all I can think of at the moment so have our narrative by April 25th and that's our next meeting yes yeah we bring that here in writing or do we submit it electronically beforehand The Narrative [Music] um I suppose would it would be kinder to submit it a couple of days before the meeting so people could read it so if we got them to Sabrina by the 22 yeah that M day sounds good when is this um April 1 oh okay let me back up when does the warrant have to be in so if the meeting is the 7th the 30th the warrant needs to be in on the 23rd of April and we just that wouldn't affect our narratives correct right it's only if there's anything after the first that needs no we should be able to meet that easily because you know we would want to meet before the the 23rd um well unless unless you know I'm going to be at the planning board hearing so I mean I could just take whatever I get from the planning board and modify the thing and send it out to everybody if if it needs to be modified and if there's something that needs voted on we need to meet before 25th before the 23rd actually correct well I don't know do you think we need to vote on any changes that are proposed by the planning board I think it depends on the change you know if it's changed this word to that word and it's uh not a significant doesn't significantly affect anything right I don't expect them to to modify anything okay I mean they may they may decide to not approve our or warrant article but that's another whole kettle of fish if that happens at this point it's not going before town meeting that's cor there won't be time H if they make a big change there won't be time for it to go that's right yeah so [Music] okay who sent me the taht I did I I remember putting this in here and I don't know where the hell it went send it to you again I'm sure have I do that and I sent it to Sabrina too to affordable housing trust amendments right yeah oh yeah okay there it is you good yeah I'm just [Music] gonna I'm going to copy this and paste it into my I mean really it's just changing numbers you know the they are actually typos wow genuine [Music] typos [Music] [Music] that's it's got this cute feature in it Windows 11 I'm love learning where you can do a select and you don't have to hold anything down you just click on the one end of it and you expand to get what you want then you have to click at the other end I keep forgetting closing the selection [Music] all right well I don't need to keep you guys here doing this anything else anybody wants to talk about make a motion weour second there a second yeah second okay U we got nobody on the remote so everybody in favor I thank you