so um basically we got the we got the um warrant articles uh entered and and there's still modifications going on I I sent out another one today with the um outdoor lighting Bao updates and um I was reading um I got them with the um what do you call it track changes on and Adam had a note about how it was going to be dangerous for us to leave the zoning bylaw alone right actually there's a bunch of things uh I wanted to talk about whenever it's the appropriate point of the meeting to go over his comments some of them might you know were just routine and and are already in the document but there were a few that were sort of open-ended things that think we have to discuss one of the problems is ever since then I mean we got those comments like you know an hour before you were sending them in and I haven't been able to speak to them since so it's sort of like you threw all these things that really need discussion I don't totally understand necessarily and yeah you know what do I have to do wait for the next monthly office hours I don't I don't know so so yeah well I think we should make an effort to see if we get through them here and then if we need to go back we'll go back yeah but I don't know that we have another month we do well Mar we have to talk to Adam the end of March right you could talk to him and the the um if it's a zoning bylaw there has to be a um public hearing and that's in April right that's already on the schedule I think hang on yeah I'm gone half APR I mean the zoning part of the lighting is just repealing it if we're I have April 1st the planning board hearing for zoning by I'll be you'll be here so I I won't be I don't I don't think Greg will be either but right um hearings for zoning bylaws I have for the first Beth do you know if that's any different you have to unmute [Laughter] come down off of that Hill yeah I know right yeah and I um and it's it's I just drafted the um legal notice for the public hearing and um so this is good timing I just want to make sure that we have everything that planning board needs to um to to have at the hearing so so far I have um the accessory apartment bylaw and that's it yeah then well we're nothing from the bylaw Review Committee yet no that's from the byw Review Committee that's that's in this talk yeah is there anything else or yeah the other thing would be the repeal of the zoning lighting byw so okay can you give me that oh okay I was just going to say let's talk about no I just in general terms we want we want the planning to address that in their hearing at this point we might ask them to pass over it if we decide not to do it but but from what Adam said there was a case um where the the judge said it wasn't kosher to Institute a general bylaw if there was a zoning bylaw treating the same subject well I think it was two separate comments which when ever you want me to I'll I'll put up the red line with his comments and one one comment had to do with um just not being sure it was okay to put all put all this stuff that used to be in the zoning bylaw into the general bylaw um because I I can't well I I can't paraphrase it even there was some that's the case you're talking about but that was separate from his concern maybe it's related but then separately he had a concern that why discussed with him during the meeting hey couldn't we just see if this gets gets approved and then maybe at the next town meeting repeal right because I'm I'm afraid of you know the scenario of the zoning B getting repealed but the other the new one not passing yeah so he when I talked to him he said you know yeah that that could be okay but then later when he when he wrote his comments he was concerned that the attorney general would be possibly concerned about having this sort of duplication like the same stuff in the zoning bylaw and this new bylaw maybe I don't know I mean they sit down and read all the zoning bylaws he's way more afraid of they do that's their job yeah so they would see because you know like when we passed the zoning bylaw in 1997 nobody said anything about the fact that there already was a lighting outdoor private lighting by law elsewhere in the zoning bylaws and it's still there it's in it's in the under the signs but it's not signs it's lighting you know and that's still there so I don't know maybe that one just got missed by the Attorney General uh but um so so um I don't want to hijack if there was we want to do something that's the first item on the agenda but I wanted to get clear with Beth on that yeah so you do want the you do want want that on the um April 1st public hearing then a repeal of what is the um what is the section number just ask me technical questions go ahead know I know I I'm gonna probably put this out to the I think I stuck it at the end of the lighting B publisher I could do a quick look 14552 of the zoning by thank you so I don't I if I'm the only one who's you know anxious about this happening I don't know what the Dynamics are if you know um oh no the the uh you know it's a legitimate concern that that the you know town meeting would turn down our general by and then want to repeal zoning B would not be a happy outcome right yeah I mean to me it would be pretty bad you know to to not have any regulation but I think uh uh it's reasonable that we could uh if we don't get our general byw we just move to pass over that warrant article but we can't the planning board has to do that pass or can we yeah the Passover of the can we do that anybody can anybody can vote it I think so I mean you have to you have to get the moderator's attention right so yeah it's been a few years since I've actually been to a town meeting and like so you know is that what would happen you think I mean so how does it work you raise your hand and somebody well I mean you know uh I would talk to John before the meeting and just let them know that we had this article and if it doesn't pass we want to pass over the next so at least he's aware of the the issue so I guess who is submitting the Passover of the zoning bylaw is it the bylaw committee or is it the um planning board the B committee at the B committee then typically if we're the ones who put it on the agenda we should talk to John ahead of time but John would look for us for direction right on what we were doing there was some you know assertive you know positive movement to like I suppose it's not guaranteed that that would that's how it would go but obviously if that's what we as the committee want presumably if you make a motion but it has to be voted on right right yeah okay so you think that would be pretty routine you know B typically it is I've never had an issue with that I haven't done it that much all right I just got you know I looked at that I haven't never seen anybody on that particular point right okay um I mean because the other thing I was going to say as a consideration is package it all into one package but I know that then means we need a two-thirds vote to get the new thing passed I don't think we want to do that think about that no I'm serious then it takes away the if it's packaged together and it's a 2third vote um that might solve the get neither you know the the thing we're trying to do is not not to have it be that the general gets voted down but we still do have the general and then we delete the in other words we want this verbage we want this new Bible right yeah um it seems to me that if you package them together and just go for the two3 it it's a better bet yeah maybe it's less I guess it's last chance I mean the original bylaw as far my recollection is this is 27 years ago it didn't have a single vote against it it was just you know it was not controversial so I don't know I don't know how people feel about it now I know you know um but um yeah I feel you know feel like I wouldn't there wouldn't be a worry it would just be maybe okay it needs it has a higher bar to pass but from my viewpoint the new version is like an incremental improvement over the old version it's not a vast Improvement it's it's you know the existing one is fine it's a little confusing it's too bylaws and all that but it's fine it's it's got 90% of what you need you know to effectively regulate out the writing so yeah I would prefer that but you know obviously we're a group and everybody else doesn't want to do it just the numbers came I I feel more comfortable getting the general the 50 majority vote than I do a 2/3 vote on anything frankly except to delete part of the zoning by I think that's a no-brainer but you know people are not gonna squawk about that if we just pass what did Adam say to do what what was the bottom line what was his bottom line recommendation well he said he said basically we should not get ourselves in a situation where we're we've got two different bylaws regulating the same thing and because the one one was a zoning bylaw which you know required a 2third majority to pass originally U the judge felt that that was a prevailing basically over a general bylaw I don't think he had an opinion on the two things we're now talking about which is should we have them separate or should we have them packaged or as I know he he didn't have an opinion on that thaning yeah but he he didn't feel with the I didn't see this there was a second comment from Adam right there was well a lot of time he he he he cited the case I don't know if I can figure out what uh um let's see if I can find it in his markup um if you want if we get to the point of wanting there's a couple of his comments that require discussion I mean some of them were just editorial but where he kind of left it he said you guys have to discuss this or that so at some point we can put this up maybe like you know share my um twg is the [Music] network now now I can't find oh okay so I think this is what you were talking about this is what Adam said I wish to note that the new quote public lighting bylaw is proposed as a general bylaw but is similar in many respects the existing zoning bylaw 2019 land court case he cites it um stands for the proposition that a general bio may only regulate a subject if there is no history in the municipality of the subject being treated under Zone Z oh of course if the zoning bylaw Provisions are ascended as is now proposed it might be said that the history of treatment has been eliminated after all the objective of the rule judge Foster explained is that quote having permitted a use through its zoning bylaw a town may only change or bar that use by amending the zoning bylaw so I think he's saying if we do repeal the zoning bylaw that this isn't a problem right yeah um but I guess it does go into that other thing that I because I wanted to not repeal it until like next year well that's that's the thing I mean that's the one thing it says to me is that we if we want to do it get it done with the general bylaw then we need to eliminate the zoning bylaw at the same town meeting otherwise we're going to be in a then it should be coupled it shouldn't be separate that's what I think because you can't be guaranteed of the result otherwise so if what we want is the general bylaw and and the repeal of the zoning I think I think we need to do it you know we [Music] um we want to you know repeal the zoning bylaw and replace the general bylaw with this and it becomes the 23 vote and if it doesn't pass it doesn't pass and we're left with what we have and we're going to have another shot at bylaws next year um and that's what I think I feel better that way because like I said the risk of that of of the new thing not passing isn't that to me isn't that big a deal but the risk of everything that no going away yeah would be bad right so so Adam said in in the note that if it's been regulated by a zoning bylaw you have to change it by amending the zoning bylaw but then he also said that if you repeal the zoning bylaw it's like the history never happened if I think I'm misquoting it right so it almost sounds like it's a tossup that could go either way if taken to court no longer zoning by law in existence um on after lighting and sounds like he's pretty he's pretty confident he's okay with it then okay all right I just think that to make sure you get the result that you want which means that there it that a zoning a bylaw a lighting bylaw remains on the books no matter what I think we have to couple that that's what that's what makes sense to me that doesn't at a minimum yep um otherwise we stand to lose the bylaw and then we will know and next year what we want to do then is change the zoning B just change not make it a general perhaps know do that still you need a two3 vote I suppose but yeah you still need a two3 vote so if you need a two-thirds vote do we does it make sense to just change the zoning bylaw and leave it a zoning bylaw well they were I think so yeah there was some well for one thing is it too late I mean we just you know then the wording has to be totally worked on and you know I think no we're not too late because we have these hearings and there's and the warrant isn't actually drafted yet yeah the warrant isn't drafted yet if you merged everything why did we do it as a general bylaw one reason was the 50% versus 23 but there were other reasons why General Vio is better I mean enforcement things um and the the pick the um the private P public um right because it's it's private under the zoning do I have that right and public under the other so can zoning regulate public I guess maybe it could I don't know but yeah zoning pretty much regulates everything except churches you can build those anywhere you want right like the Mormon tont You' everen down so maybe just make this ass well what's the advantage of versus a general b it has requires two3 voting oh because you're worried about this issue with this case yeah you worry about losing it yeah the playing board is I don't know we'll have to get an opinion from ad but um I don't know if the plan if we package it together they may have to advertise the whole thing as a z you know by change I've never done that before so I'm not sure what Ronnie's proposing honestly I I'm not sure how that works I've never seen it I don't know whether the general bylaw part would have to be published by the um planning board as part of their hearing notice that's the thing and you know it's it's wicked expensive for the planning board to publish all these I mean it's like Oh you mean publish with all that those one inch column inches right right yeah no we don't have to we don't have to publish the whole document no um the legal notice is simply the the zoning bylaw section and then a brief sentence about what you're doing like one one what I have now is 14552 outdoor light outdoor lighting bylaw repeal that's it that on illegal notice and then I direct everybody to come to town hall or get the um the wording document if you will the online or in person but yeah no I I think keeping this as a zoning bylaw I'm a little more comfortable with that than General I I don't know if you can mesh it all together and and call it an outdoor lighting bylaw Amendment um I personally feel a little safer with that but um I'm just not remembering now but I think there was a reason why uh why it was better as general but I mean it's been a zoning B all the private writing has been zoning so um the because if we go over the language one of the things had to do with enforcement that Adam Adam crafted some language um I don't know with that had that apply if it was a zoning bylaw I'm not clear where he gave um probably wouldn't matter but we'd have to ask we changed it from the way it is now where it's it's kind of difficult to enforce to something where like the Building Commissioner could issue a ticket yeah I mean that sounds a zoning bylaw so we could just rep to that I would think yeah there's an enforcement Clause right now 145 um so when would that have to be decided or is that something that could be discussed at the planning board hearing or and then worked on after that or is it I would want to go into that hearing with that much being discussed right I like uh if if you in the old days we used to have to uh advertise the entire uh text of whatever we were changing so I guess that's not the case anymore which is pretty amazing it's been that way for a while though it's always been go check go look at the go to the planning office if you want I will'll have it online too we have it placed right online no no I I I don't doubt that there's ways to get it but there was there was a state law that required us to publish it in in a newspaper of circulation yeah just notice okay can I go through a couple of the things I don't have don't have to go through every one of Adam's edits necessarily but there was some things that were kind of open-ended and I just took a stab at it but I fig you the rest of the group would probably want to all right so can I share on Zoom anyway everybody could look at it okay give me a moment here um I'm G to go back Zoom okay you should have the capabilities right um have to remind myself where share is on Zoom oh yeah it changes from day to day I think oh I see share screen okay okay so I will share my screen and then I'll soon as I know I'm really okay [Music] happening oh now I have to press share sorry okay we're there okay all right he okay so um all right thank you trying to get to the top of this [Music] doc there we go okay first thing I wanted to bring up with the group was um in Adams uh he crafted this new language on enforcement which was kind of a separate separate from the main new lighting bylaw and just that I was going to make a suggestion to this go at the end because I'm just thinking if the average person reads this the first thing they see is about paying a $100 fine and they might think that's the point of it which is just to me is like not the point of what we're doing um yes we do need some sort of enforcement mechanism and the Town Council has tried to word it in a way that it would be an effective enforcement but um anyway so I moved it to the end I don't see any reason to have it at the beginning of the article so that's why everything's sort of so section n you moved section n to the end of the article is what you're saying yes uh correct okay so to see if the town will vote um and then I I had some discussion at the end but I figure uh when I get to the end we can talk about the details of that um I had couple of thoughts on on the way Adam wrote it okay so it's to see if the town will vote to delete um I'm looking up there to to amend the general bylaws of the town of Townson by deleting in its entirety chapter 95 entitled public lighting and right substituting the whole rest of chapter 95 entitled outdoor lighting as follow okay yeah so then so this deletes the public lighting bylaw in the general bylaws and replaces it with everything but this starting with definitions yeah purpose definitions so so there's not a whole lot to talk about um I ended up Crossing deleting environmentally sensitive areas Adam had a concern about that issue which um he felt it was not very precisely defined I think it could be if we really wanted to have the environmentally sensitive stuff um we could make sure that it's precise but um I didn't at this point I didn't think it was worth wor that was what kind of areas are you talking about well um the way it was the way it's written here uh you can see it includes residential you I took this from a model byla now that I'm looking at it yeah it is a little bit imp precise it includes residential uses and Adam pointed out well what does that mean does it mean an occupied res does it mean just a residentially zon property and then it also includes true environmental you know sensitive uses like threatened and dangered species now you could say what does that mean but there there is you could reference you know stage program that has delineated areas like that in town so we could we could you know include that but I felt like this is kind of a m minor issue all of the only thing this comes into is that that there's a limit in one of the sections on the brightness at the property line measured in foot candles and it's a little bit more stringent a lower number for environmentally sensitive areas if if the the property border is on an environmentally sensitive area I thought that was kind of a minor issue um so I just decid so I crossed the Acer protection overlay District as a as a m for that or just say any um priority habitat any defined or whatever it is you know yeah I mean it probably wouldn't be it's it's more maybe I was being lazy and thought oh well it's concern about it we'll take it out you know but we could we could make it a little more um Define it better as far as the residential I don't even know that it has to be included in environmentally sensitive because that section that we're talking about specifically says residential anyway so you don't have to also include it as an environmentally sensitive area well I mean you're losing me that one that one because if you if you say it's the the foot candles at the property line is lower and environmentally sensitive areas and then you're including all residential areas in that you might as well use the lower limit everywhere you know what I mean right that may be why was confused we don't have to include residential uses under environmentally sensitive but in that section which we'll get to the lower level of foot candles I think it is appropriate to have a lower level at a at the boundary of a residential site right if you live next door to like a parking lot a commercial parking lot you don't want bright light on your property I mean I think it's to me that was more important even than the environmentally sensitive stuff because yes it affects certain species but that's sort of you know not the main point of what we're doing you think it's too broad I don't know I mean I think it's way too broad I mean well let's just leave it out then all right we'll move it back in we'll get you we'll get to the actual section that uses that definition in a second so then we can decide for sure um all right so then there's there some edits that we don't have to ER reference the figures which is nice um you know inside the text oh okay yeah okay so here's the thing so you look at section B2 so originally the current zoning bylaw has that first part with that Formula 3 plus d over3 which which tells you the maximum height when you're near a property line um my understanding is it's rarely if ever ever has ever been en forced um so what I you know what I came up with was that number two as another option so I would really describe this as making the bylaw more flexible so if you don't meet the height limit in number one alternatively you as long as you meet these foot candle limits at the property L it's okay and to me that would that's probably more how it would be enforced typically like you could actually measure it um and so it's it's worded as .1 foot so 0.1 foot candle generally that's 10 times as bright as a full moon just to give you an idea um but then in the inv in the property line adjacent to an occup I put it as an occupied residential property that's something I guess we can talk about um should it be you know and I crossed out the environmentally sensitive area um but if you if you have a commercial or industrial property but it borders on a residential property doesn't it make sense to have a somewhat lower limit for that foot candle limit if your neighbor is a residence versus just another business or [Music] something I mean it's only a factor of two so I don't you know if we just said 0.1 and be done with it like I would be okay would would be fine but can can you just tell me who's blue and who's red uh blue is uh let's Adam I'm I'm seeing C figure one so blue is blue is Adam and red is me yeah so I this changes I made after Adam marked it up so because he made that comment on you know I don't know what environmentally sensitive means and it's ambiguous I that's why I CR okay I would I would not do the red under two an occupied um residen property because though it might be occupied now or not occupied now it could be otherwise in the future I would just leave it as residential property and be done with it um because if someone were to occupy it then do you have to change things or people GNA say oh well you know I I wouldn't I I take out your red under the second right there yeah that uh so anybody else disagree or no that's fine I wouldn't I wouldn't quiv about whether the residential property is occupied or not just so you don't have to come back and revisit I mean I think Adam's com where was his comment um I think he felt like residential uh we can't see that but you can or sometimes if you click on it you see where it has a little box on the side sometimes if you click on that the words come up yeah uh oh but it's still off to the side never mind okay well I'll I'll take maybe could move your window of the you know I don't that window is not on my computer it's funny I I minimize it on oh maybe um yeah just minimize it oh yeah okay so that this is what led to the issue technology he's concerned about the ambiguity of environmental sensitive area yeah um to residentially zoned areas not in active use qualifies residential uses so what do we so should we say residentially zoned and if it's residentially zoned I me is that every or is that your problem but it's that's everywhere so it's too much too broad I don't know is there a lot of residentially Zone that isn't actually you know where people aren't living well there's there's a lot of metal that's not being farmed I mean said maybe hey I don't know that maybe that qualifies as an IRS farming deduction but I'm not an expert on that right yeah I think the original language uh that definition of that environmental in sensitive also included agricultural which honestly um I'm not sure that makes sense I think you're more you're more interested in not having Bright Lights next to swamps where the creatures are hanging out isn't that the yeah yeah that's the idea the idea yeah you know like at night they mate at night or whatever you know for protection overlay District covers a lot of ground but you know well if we reference the uh threat the species with the natural heritage program I could come up with the exact well there's only a few of those there's the one over on Meadow Road um oh no there's a lot there there's a lot even right over here yeah this here it's over here they were the only ones that would would they charged me 300 bucks for the permit oh they would yeah but there's there is in a lot of places if if you go out to um the uh where the soccer fields are oh yeah that's all priority habitat out that way the turtles there's a lot of it in town and um if you go down behind fessant Ridge there's priority habitat there yeah so it's it's a lot of places in Townson are priority habitat um so the somewhat more stringent limit on foot candles is appropriate in those locations yes I would say I would think so as far as the residential you know it would be nice to be able to have some limit on that the thing is it's I don't you know your example of a parking lot is a good one because you know parking lots have to have Lighting in them for site plan review and the lighting has to comply with the lighting bylaw which mean full cut off right right so you really shouldn't have an issue of you know like trespass onto a neighboring property except that it's sort of like you know it's so bright that well the issue feel like you're if it's if it's high if it's high and it's near the property line that's what this whole section is getting at it's and there are examples of that um you know but where did that language come from origin Michael which language environmental sensitive uh that came from a model uh outdoor lighting by from dark sky Internationals Massachusetts chapter group of people wrote that and specifically supposedly tailored for Massachusetts and specifically for small to medium towns in Massachusetts but that doesn't mean it's perfect it has still ambiguities I don't think the people that wrote it are you know attorneys or anything like that um I think you could safely leave it in there if you restrict it to the natural heritage stuff right but you think the resident the residential invites too much uh I mean I'm I'm not strongly youing about this that's all well I will tell you that you will have a better chance of passing if you just take out the word Environmental yeah so yeah you could lose the word environmental and just say priority habitat you know just say sensitive are I could do that okay something like that yeah that's a good all right it's a trigger for a lot of people so consensus is sensitive areas with respect to species but don't mess around with residents or because it's ambiguous do we mean zoning do we mean actual occupy instead of getting into that maybe skip it I agree with that it's going to be a quag Min okay um and again you know even the 0.1 foot candle the point would be if you have a bright light high on a pole right next to somebody else's property at least Shield it or something put a shield on that side right it could be easily be done in that situation and this one I just would take out the occupied the the red stuff that you put in I think it was fine before okay and and the deletion should be undeleted is that what we're thinking um the environment we we are going to include environmentally sensitive uh oh wait a minute um but I thought we're not including Residential Properties in this anymore no we are but in other words the lower limit of 0.05 applying to residential we are includ just say yeah just residential area and and I would leave out environmentally sensitive up at the top what do you mean leave outv under definitions oh unless you're going to specify priority habitat well that's what we were thinking yeah I mean we could call we just delete the Environ environmentally sensitive areas and then go back to the where you just were and you're specifying now residential and priority oh okay we don't need a whole definition we could just put it in here that's what you okay all right I'll just kind of if it's if it's all sanctioned by the natural heritage program then you know there's no what is that called the natural heritage I always remember there's a fivelet acronym NH something natural heritage whatever ESP nhp yeah that's it all right that that's enough for me to remember what we we're talking about okay so for those areas it's 0.05 for any other property in general is 0.1 and then Adam added that thing about Town Administrator okay um what else was there all right we we've settled on and Adam made this change I guess the Town Administrator The Building Commissioner and their respective or Collective designes so that's going to be the who would be enforc this or making measurements or whatever and that's in several places um okay okay all right uh these are the three new parts CDN are the sort of three new things color okay regarding color Adam made a comment and I will expand it he felt like the um this exception that's sort of highlighted there in pink to the 300 K was was confusing or not clear I I think it I understand what it says but I could delete it or I could leave it or try to make it clearer I don't know it it's basically saying the light has to be a color below 3,000k unless it's being used like as a decorative thing to light a building facade you know and you want to light the building facade blue that then you don't have to meet that it doesn't seem like a scenario that's like to occur in towns in as opposed to like you know the Empire State Building in New York City okay let's every building is a canvas let's remove the unless and as far as holiday lighting I mean you know holiday lights are not going to be so bright that they're subject to this bylaw anyway they're this bylaw exempts below 1800 wom you know you know I mean they have 30 days to comply with an enforcement or so by that time the holiday is over right um so I suppose yeah I think just take that out take the whole exception out and if it's bright enough to be subject to the bylaw then it should be 3,000k all right Sports lighting the only thing so I referenced at Adam's suggestion during my previous meeting with him said make it a specific reference which I did and he liked it he had the guidelines version 1.3 um he suggested adding that thing as further amended from time to time he didn't say we had to but he he just suggested maybe we would want to and I sort of thought that sounds like a good idea to me yeah not that I really care if it if there's an amendment I mean there it's a strong guidance now but my what I was actually thinking is that 10 years from now this August 2023 version probably wouldn't even be you wouldn't be able to get it right wouldn't be online so you want to use the current version if you can yeah okay um what else I think we're getting towards the end 10 years is an eternity technology yeah oh um so he had a comment on this e uh right in the middle of the page there um this is creating a perming PR this is from the old zoning with the current zoning bylaw um that he kind of thought it didn't make sense like all of a sudden you had this thing we need a permit but we don't explain so I just said let's cross it out what has there ever been a case where somebody asked for a permit for temporary lights I don't know is is this for E yeah um the the only times where I've seen temporary lights that maybe didn't meet the spylaw was when we have to light the walkway from that parking lot out back to town hall for Town meetings so people can safely walk that's the one and only place that in my limited experience I've seen temporary lighting right but presumably the town didn't go to the Building Commissioner and say I need a permit for seven days like this process described here where you have to ask for a permit um a temporary lighting permit from the well now it says Town Administrator or Building Commissioner but in the old boo it was it' be the Building Commissioner who who um where it that up there it's not what's that is it under exceptions uh no it's under e c cbcd top half of the page it's crossed out right now but lighting plans uh nonconforming temporary lighting see it's kind of highlighted in pink oh it's not in ours it isn't in you sent the Sabrina at all so it was already deleted oh correct yeah I think okay I see where I'm I deleted it okay based on Adam's comment thinking yeah I don't think we have to worry about I don't think it's not as important as a liquor license after all right um but what about things like replacing Culvert and they put temporary lighting in right um what about things like that I'm trying to think of where you would use it yeah um where you might have it for longer than a very brief period that's that's a safety related issue it seems to me and and also there is an exception for sort of emergencies um in another section which probably would be covered by that right all right okay here's probably the biggest thing the effective date stuff um so I had originally written it thinking that we were just amending a current bio we actually rewriting in it's completely new so some of it didn't make sense about this bylaw took effect in 1997 so anyway so Adam suggested you know just say anything in place prior to the effective date of this bylaw is exempt but my problem with that is all of these requirements that have existed for decades never been enforced sometimes been enforced I'll defend the the you know the building department sometimes was enfor well are they are they lawfully they might not lawfully be if if fact I don't know if we repeal the zoning bylaw and now this is now the new bylaw then I think if we if we applied this wording to the whole bylaw all the regulations any any light in place before the we pass this bylaw will be exempt will be grandfather so to speak why not go back to the DAT of the Z well that's what he um did he squawk about that he squawked about so what I've done here it's look at look at what used to be B and now it's just the you know the whole 95 five I just applied I you should Beth you should um mute can we get Beth muted okay thank you okay so I I'm S one suggestion I had was just just to just to apply this sort of grandfathering idea to CD and E which is the new stuff oh I guess e is now out so it would be just C and D I mean it's almost just getting to the point where there's not much really new regulation in this so C is [Music] um what was C 9 Okay C is the color temperature D is sports lighting oh and E is lighting plans where you have to submit um uh lighting information with a building permit application so that's sort of the new stuff and that presumably would only apply to lights installed after the new B right but I but I defin but I deliberately left out 953 D3 A and B which is a is the requirement for a full cut off light which has been in place for decades right and B is the require is the height limit with new flex requirement on you know meeting the foot candle limit as an alternative that wouldn't be grandfathered that would apply to any light anywhere as written now so I don't know is that a problem or you know or should we just say I think that's fine what yeah I mean I was GNA say A and B could we could also say oh A and B have to be complied with in five years which kind of gives all the non-complying lights a freebie five years but I don't know so just the way it is anybody think there's a better way to do it or I think if you if you do it this way then in the case that uh somebody wants to enforce um a light that's been around for a few years they can they can do that right they can make a complain about it or whatever yeah so they can't complain if it's if it's got a high color temperature but they can't complain if it's not a full cut off light right right which is the idea that was your intention yes I think I think that this does okay so just that one that single statement yeah in that section yeah we finessed the part if if you've got an illegal light you're not GNA you know not GNA explicitly say come after you just oh it just hit me what the another advantage of general b his zoning is so there was this Theory I know when I had concerns about some lights The Building Commissioner came up with this theory that maybe talked to Adam about it but that um if it's been around for 10 years it's it's basically you can't enforce it because you know but that only is for zoning that wouldn't apply to General so that is an advantage okay um sorry it's Tak this so much stuff um okay the the enforcement stuff um 95.6 are we taking all that out uh like completely removing it's being replaced by the new language there on the next page um oh the bylaw may be enforced okay I see yeah so that was put in by Adam um simpler enforcement provision incorporating non-criminal disposition an option I'm not sure what that means but I think I think that's where it's criminal the police get involved if it's noncriminal the police don't get involved it's the way I always think of it I I don't know that that's an technical definition right but um but anytime I would say anything to the police I would say well that's not criminal so okay so that's fine and then we get to then we have the figures which I think is a nice part of the new thing then we get to that separate enforcement section um which had been at the beginning and I suggested moving it to the end of the article um okay okay so enforcing officers Town Administrator or design Building Commissioner design that's what we all kind of settled on um okay fine schedule I'm wondering if um I think somewhere it says that each day of having a non-conforming light is a separate violation so even if the fine is not high it could potentially be you know add up so I'm wondering if it really we really need 100 200 300 you know maybe should it be simplified and maybe not as much like first offense Warning Second and subsequent offens is 50 bucks I don't know I mean I'm surprising myself advocating lower fines but it just look s this is this is more or less tradition for non-criminal enforcement isn't it yeah 100 200 300 no it varies yeah um if you look at our chapter whatever it is where we have all the all that stuff it varies it's not always 100 200 300 and and many of the other things would they have that same characteristic of like every day being in a separate violation you know well that's that's in the zoning world that's the case I know with if you have a unregistered vehicle it it becomes after a certain point it becomes a daily charge so I don't even know how this would apply like so the SEC what's the second offense exactly like well say the Building Commissioner says your light is what's that you know typically there's a period of time your first offense you get a warning if you fix it you're done um you got a letter and it say fix it within 30 days yeah after well you know every trip by the enforcement officer is going to generate a new offense I would think right all right well think we should just leave it I don't know we've ever collected $300 a day from a z enforcement action no presumably that would be you know the maximum without our AR15s at least uh okay oh unless anybody has any ideas I'll leave it and I think I'm happy to say that's all I had okay okay there what does Adam say there can be any amount not to exceed these can be any amount not to exceed $300 please determine the appropriate finds and adjust accordingly so that's why I brought okay so I know that that's high based on our other ones so maybe we want to do 2550 100 but let me pull up our other what are the in town here what are the typicals you know [Music] um General code schedule and person okay um zoning bylaw zoning bylaw offense 25 5100 um find schedule for tobacco rags 5 50 100 well why don't we go to that yeah um dogs 25 3550 storm water 100 200 300 yeah that's a that's a big deal storm could be if you're on the receiving end of all that storm water marijuana 300 um functions Firearms 50 100 5050 um Wetland resource areas 100 2300 in buffer zone 00200 let me see so it does vary it it varies it definitely varies plastic bag reduction by law 2550 morning 2550 um I I guess it depends I mean here's where I would say it I know what do you guys think I'd be say make it lower you know people might it just I don't think that the the the magnitude of the find is really going to be that big a factor in how well this gets enforced I think it's more more important than just get enforced by a new fixture what's that sorry yeah 2 [Music] cars un registered M Vehicles warning than $100 per day W that's within 25 Fe of the property line or or if you have more than a certain number I can't remember the number you're only allowed to have a certain number of unregistered Vehicles three is a makes you a junk card you need a used to need a junk license all right so okay so that's the end of going through the comments on the lighting and then the consensus was we're going to also add to the same article the repeal of 14552 zoning um yeah which we have which Adam gave us language for it just that it was a separ did yeah yeah if you want I probably so so we have to add an and so you have the we're doing this and it's the byw and we're doing this and enement and we're repealing the right it's at the end of the noise pile it's stuck it oh um it's right after figure three with all the pictures of Lights oh yeah deletion of outdoor lighting and Del of outdoor lighting positions in the Sun so we're going just it won't be article blank it'll be part of the previous article and and for me the rationale is not to have a private and a a public and a private just to have a single outdoor lighting by that applies to all of town and eliminates the confusion of is private or is this public yeah what is private what is public it's great I think anything we can do to eliminate confusion in the minds of the meeting voters and and so this is not a separate article it's an and sorry about that and deletion and so when um when Beth publishes this um she have 52 I think she's just giv us an example can't is this the right I think it's the right thing that's what that's that's what I have so far oh okay all right so those are the so on top of the zoning amendments and then the public and then the planning board has a number of Regulation changes that are also going to be discussed that night so maybe um you know you want to do a separate public hearing I'm not sure but I don't know I mean I I think to avoid confusion perhaps I under zoning bylaws be I I see where it says outdoor lighting bylaw repeal and I would I would say and Adoption of General outdoor lighting bylaw so so right at the beginning of this should we say repeal of and establish General bylaw as opposed to putting it at the end oh yeah that make sense yeah that would make sense and to make it all one article a single article well you see what I did here and number three we have two right already two things in this s yes yes but except we'll put it but put that up at if I read this I'd say oh a new general bylaw we need 50% for this and then you get to the end and you see it's a repeal of a zoning so it's a repeal of a zoning and a an adoption of a general you know of a general outdoor lighting bylaw to replace the public outdoor lighting by law you know I'm just wondering if you know that maybe two public hearings might be in order you know I I know that the planning board has one you already scheduled April 1 but or maybe the planning board would want to and they're meeting in an hour and a half so maybe you want to attend well I know Bill's going to attend maybe that's a discussion to be had you know tonight how we want to do this because um it's possible to have two public hearings you know what I mean if if there's too much in one night gets overwheling you know I well you can continue the public hearing and then you don't have to you don't have okay you don't have to read advertise so yeah I me that's a cheaper way to do it and I know the town is committed to doing it the cheaper way you bet okay great thank you but I I'll say that at the planning board tonight I think they'll probably go along with it because I I don't think this is repealing sing bylaw so you know it's not a rock do we need to does the planning Bo need to go over the details of the new general b or is it just they're going to focus on the repeal of the zoning you know they no I think they but um that's where I'd have to ask Adam whether uh he feels that the planning board should discuss the general bylaw but I don't think that's going to be the case because the Selectmen are supposed to discuss that so is there going to be a discussion with selectman so maybe it is just repeal of the outdoor liting bylaw and then um but it's coupled with yeah well that's at the town meeting the adoption but in terms of the hearings yeah you've got the select doing the the generals and you've got the zoning board doing the um what call as long as they mention it in their hearing then we're covered as far as the the one thing the AG does is the effect of notice and those sorts of things bit by that a couple times recently is um the select board scheduled for that or I thought that was later in the okay let me see if I wrote that down it has to be before the warrant goes to press that's for sure so I don't know what the date is for that town meeting is May 7 I didn't State it's funny it's not anywhere on the town website that I could see it's not up there no no it's not drafted yet [Music] um and I don't know hope doesn't fall when I'm away because like to talk about it if I'm here I don't have it written in my calendar I do not have it written in my calendar I thought actually now that I'm thinking about I thought they were going to do something in March I thought so too I remember thinking good because I you know I'm away April 5th to 17th on a [Applause] trip um I think originally that was the plan and it was going to be March 5th oh guess that didn't happen I have that in my March calendar the 5th for selections um and to review warrant to riew the warrant but we did that the week before because the warrant was due March 1st um so and I don't I don't think anything was changed after that so they still need to have something talking about the details of the proposed well if they have to have a hearing about a general blw they're going to have to have I mean because we're doing General blw yeah all right well if it comes when I'm away I'll submit detail so find out when the when they're going over all that in the S typically they have a it's not Sabrina will know yeah it's more of a meeting for you know to go over the warrant and for people from the town to ask questions all right um appropriate rewarding of B revisions already in progress anything from noise control or was Adam give it back the way it's written here um I don't think that I I don't think I've got anything from him on the No Control [Music] see oh here it is okay did you I sent you the taht bylaw wording change right that um yeah those are in that it's not here but it but Adam did send it and I fored it to you I believe right and it really is just typos you know Article 2 chapter 5 which should have read article 2 chapter 55 when the bylaw was you know brought to town they're really typos not not content I thought the company was called General code yes and I I only had um one one I had a four page PDF that I couldn't figure out how to put in the word document [Music] okay all right I I haven't reviewed Adam's comments on this on the noise bylaw yeah okay um maybe we should try to put this up on the I can stop sharing so can I just do that or do I need um you you need to have sharing capability yeah I think you have to tell okay standby uh I have to stop sharing right I'm trying I have to minimiz who who wants to share uh me Bill Bill do you have a uh do you have your own computer yeah okay have you it doesn't look like you've uh signed into the meeting yet so if you can do that first then I can the screen sharing technicality you can just email it to Michael and he can since we know he if you're still in I'll email it to you okay then I don't have to sign into the bloody okay hang on I'm I'm just gonna do this forward [Music] to bill is it that document that you emailed me earlier today or no no oh okay um I think yeah this looks like it's still attached and let's see if you get it okay mail is up there you might want to I got I got an email from Joe Biden oh has everybody watched Saturday Night Live yes oh my gosh yeah uh did you send me well I'm I have to go to my email to get his message yes you do but don't share hi son yeah all right let's refresh it and see if it came it's called warrant article noise control B there it go okay uh we're GNA That Word document right yeah right yeah you don't it's logo think before you print it's cute [Music] think it open up the old paperless Society sure didn't work out did it it is kind of nice not to have so much paper yeah um all right I can you want to just you know scroll down or I can do it okay and enable editing we have to move the oh one out of the way so we can read his stuff looks like you made the same comment on fines just any amount up to 300 oh this is a simpler one it's just 100 that you know doesn't have this whole scale $100 uh all right so Adam seems to have anything here we have to talk about okay so this is the noise F on we do have that in here correct right well those are all good questions not sure you know how you make it uh precise [Applause] [Music] [Music] obvious yeah I don't have a problem with what that says but you know I understand where he coming from yeah and I'm not sure um I can't remember how how how big a part of like declaring something a nuisance plays in this bylaw because there's other things I think that are more precise like you can't operate certain Machinery after a certain time at night and all that kind of stuff but I guess this is kind of a so here's a here's a question didn't we pull this from Pepper's Noise by and that one was approved by the AG's office so should we just disregard Adam about the questions because really to me is if it's annoying someone enough that they're bugging Town Hall it's a nuisance you know at least to that person it is and then you can determine whether or not it meets the whether or not the nuisance is a nuisance under the B right if that makes sense well I I think what he's warning us is that we're going to get some questions at town meeting that seems reasonable to me about this whole thing cation we need to we need to have our yeah answers pre up all right so looks like we're not making a change um the town will be subject to the B well why they be I think they should be yeah I mean you don't want them except in the case of an emergency operating jackhammers in the middle of the night but typically no Town employees could do that anyway it would only be if there were a water main grve or you an emergency of short swords so what is Adam saying unless he's he's just saying is there any argument for exempting the the town you know probably not saying this add anything so so I guess he's saying if you just deleted that section it would still the town would be subject to it if you don't exemp them but I guess doesn't hurt to have it in make people feel more comfortable with the town subject to the maybe so it could go that way I don't know all right all right who can say [Music] UHS oh 83 so are we at prohibitions on excessive or uned oh okay it's written differently yeah you're providing exceptions okay exceptions e are already exceptions such terminality has the potential to create confusion an exception to the exception yeah but this is all exceptions I why does definitions prohibitions so what is this point now and just exceptions deleted since they already are exceptions oh so generation of excessive or unwarranted noises prohibited except in the following cases so in other words yeah it's like construction made it's Power Equipment can you scroll down just a a fraction so yeah um yeah I'm trying to get straight what this is saying so so it's an exception to an exception yeah yeah maybe use a word other hot you can go before 7 a. but not before 5:30 a.m. right oh okay for construction you know so these are the if you're in an industrial commercial or or commercial Zone C under the zoning so if you're in industrial or commercial Zone trash pickup can happen any time cuz sometimes for restaurants they do that in the middle of the night oh yeah um commercial deliveries or pickups if you're in industrial commercial that can happen any time so this this makes sense to me but what does Adam say he's just saying that exceptions are complicated potential to create confusion but I'm not confused by it I don't know it it is it is actually an exception to the exception I guess it's maybe a little complicated it's not that hard I'm okay with it reading through it it makes sense to me good I mean calling first of all seems like it's one exception but I mean you could just add add it as another sentence maybe or whatever but the way it's written it's fine too [Music] okay okay so excessive or unwanted [Music] noise so I think um commercial deliveries um we we we have how many industrial zones do we have we have scales Lan I I don't know how many there are but there's more than that yeah there's one out on it's like the ends of town the edges of town yeah um and commercials are in other places I think we should change that to outline commercial Zone because downtown I don't think you want the noise of downtown well it says commercial Zone how does that we have outline commercial and downtown commercial so that's why I'm saying make a distinction to outline commercial as an exception because you know down at the Harbor Village there's nobody going to be disturbed by them picking up the trash pretty much whenever they want and um but in downtown sounds and you could disturb people picking up trash at OD hours commercially right I I just have to look at what the okay so we have where in the zoning bylaw are they referencing the I and the C um cuz there's neighbor we have different at these we have downtown commercial we have neighborhood commercial and we have outline commercial exactly so outling is the only one that I want the exception is that's what I'm think you want me to make changes and I can send this back to you so industrial i andal c under the [Music] um and you sure you're not triggering a zoning bylaw by naming zoning districts in this General bylaw I don't think so no because we aren't changing the zoning District yeah we're not doing anything to them we're not we're just referencing them yeah um so but I think that our districts are different we have BC we have NCD we have OCD and we have ID so we need to update this to match the codes that we use for our zoning so where it says industrial Zone that should be ID and is Zone the right word or is it like District No I think zoning zoned zoned id id yeah and then the other one would be zoned OCD so where it says c i thing yeah it should be OCD Y and those changes should be made and that means the ex exceptions will not happen in the downtown commercial District because there's residential going exent right and the neighborhood commercial District yeah um trying to remember where the neighborhood commercial is they are maps [Music] um so I don't know Adams thinks I think it's this is the map outside of the downtown I think there's a couple little on of West and outside of okay let me see outline commercial is the bright purple and so that's the end of 13 that's SCA scales Lane and along Main Street and it's down by Old City Road the very end of town oh and over by um um Hanford okay now what are we looking for neighborhood commercial downtown commercial neighborhood commercial there's neighborhood commercial at Canal Street so where the old Brick Store is that area all those oh yeah um antique stores and stuff there's residential around there too so yeah um and if you look at downtown commercial is all around here and then there's another neighborhood commercial by the harbor oh yeah [Music] yeah yeah I forget that one so what about like manufacturing facilities you know Sterilite and what's the other one ster Delux the can they need to have deliveries sterlite is industrial yeah so that would be ID we we code it ID and Sterilite um is there scales laying Turnpike Road what they were talking about yeah there just where Deluxe is place that used to make capacitors I don't know I think I don't think they're there anymore there uh here's one green rug it's where the dump is I is that an industrial Road right here that's industrial but what the farm is that oh outline commercial okay yeah the PO Farm it's industrial I don't think there's any residences but them they could hear a dumpster I'm not sure oh by the it depends going up Brooks Crossing area [Music] um I mean the dog the dog Emporium now oh yeah up there yeah they could probably hear oh they're not going to hear they're I think yeah but there are homes along Mason Road or whatever the name of that road yeah but they're they're pretty far away they're like i''s say couple hundred yards from the farm but that's out of business anyway I anyway they're not dumping any Trash there officially anyway so outline commercial and Industrial right so on C I see what he's saying so if you if you read this it it starts out generation of excessive or un warranted noise is prohibited except in the following cases you go to C it says deliveries or pickups for commercial or business purposes are permitted between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. and then it says unless the noise level such deliveries or pickups is excessive or unwarranted so it's right you're kind of reaying what you've already said yeah and also it kind of this is supposed to be an exception to the prohibition on excessive and unwarranted noise in other words you are allowed to have excessive noise yeah between 6 delete the thing in that's in lavender or whatever the background that's what I think Adam is yeah and it's same under e okay it's saying kind of the same thing yeah okay no problem I don't know if it's always going to be excessive and unwarranted but that's not defin anyway so we don't know where in E does it say that oh right there at the beginning purple uh but I can't just delete that let's see it's plant [Music] equipment just say noise caused by fix plant equipment right uh well you can't prohibit all noise these supposed to be exception so what what is the exception for so for fixed plant equipment um I think you need to leave in the excess ofed noise fixed well it's yeah um this isn't like C where we could just delete the stuff about excessive warranted it may be a certain lack of logic that Adam's pointing out that this particular area is supposed to be exceptions sure yeah this one does okay kind of reading it again right it's just that above it it's this was a list of except in the following cases so in a way like what is this even saying but all right move on or is there any more on that move on okay so exemptions for which permits have been [Music] issued uh these are exemptions so Town stuff parades for which appliable through all the preceding uses IE oh I see uhuh well we don't I mean the only permits that we give are liquid liquid licenses right I mean I know there are others I mean for uh to um run the road race in October there there are lots of things to have a you know to have the um uh birthday EV bir and um I think I'm not sure if I think they do earth is the but not now because it's at the high school so it's different separate but like Evans has a little you know thing you know they have kiosks and things like that how about the Comon when we do that the comment per for the comments during the summer time for the perits for those for the but I think Betty May May hand we won't touch that so I see two things one is that maybe the for which permits have been issued is kind of redundant because we're saying any events that are permitted by the town well that could just mean Allowed by the town right as opposed to issuing an actual yeah right that's what we really need what this is it applicable to all the preceding uses like a sporting event you don't need a permit to have a sporting event right like if the high school has a football game I don't know that's that's permitted by the town the town allows that you could either delete it or say whether or not permits have been issued which wouldn't really add much no I would say or for which permits have been issued or maybe not not and the events are permitted by the town such as parades public Gatherings or it's redundant yeah so for which permits have so just [Music] I okay look like he need minor edits okay correction for consistency with the mass D noise policy oh took out okay [Music] yeah cool that's pretty minor change more than 10 or 10 or [Music] more this is an actual standard that you can measure you know it's kind of more specific than some of the would you click on the bottom quote from Adam there and get expose the rest of it thank you I'm not too up on how many decibels is floud and that yeah I compar it to I it's wicked noisy stand out on the street I unbelievable yeah I've had uh breakfast at Clips Cafe sitting outside oh yeah it's really be on the middle of the highway yeah it's crazy I think it's all these high mileage tires that they've got now cuz they didn't used to be that no um yeah oh uh oh my battery's rang hold on oh no I did bring a wait that doesn't last long two hour crazy it's one of those machines that are subject to failure at times of critical need yeah I'm going to have to off everybody I have a meeting coming up so I'm gonna have to log off I need a few minutes before my next meeting so okay see you later by bye I only got about 10 minutes left that I can stay tuned probably not going to mess with this I'm assuming the 65 DB no I think [Music] that's like some editorial stuff duplicative so normal conversation is 60 yeah see is that different it says DB is that different from DBA say again that says DB is that different from DBA I forget the [Music] distinction yeah I don't know either um it looks like he made the same change to enforcement as with the lighting yeah D on pressure levels are unweighted DVA levels are a weighted according to the waiting curves to approximate the way the human here um oh this is that's it wait is this 100 DB level at 100 Hertz will be perceived to have allness equal to only 80 DB at a th000 HZ that's their example oh so it has to do with the frequency of the Noise Okay um this permitting stuff is still part of the noise no that's not it's not permanent right it's enforcement oh you are the [Music] next so business permit is that not exist in our town or something yeah probably not so here's something that says this is on the CDC website the nio whoever they are National Institute of occupational safety and health okay they recommend exposure limit for occupational noise exposure is 85 a weighted DB over an 8 hour shift yeah that's the occupational exposure that you wouldn't want that level just in the general ambient environment you know in the town [Music] so a vacuum cleaner is like 70 DB loud traffic is around 85 power mower is 90 so we're talking somewhere between conversation and a vacuum cleaner doesn't seem like it's unreasonable all right so do we want to include this New Uses thing I me I think it's it's saying uh that you know you're applying for a permit you should demonstrate that it's going to meet I don't know how often that situation would come up I mean I guess if it's like commercial or industrial it could be some equipment that makes noise oh yeah no it's come up sure one of the reasons I wanted to do this you know for instance we don't allow processing of wood like if you wanted to make wood pallets MH that's almost specifically prohibited in the byw I think you know in your in your commercial activities but U I've been more I mean you know if you do it in a way that doesn't create a lot of noise out you could do it inside a structure you know make a have a noisy environment but as long as you if you've got a conrete structure or something and the noise at the property line doesn't exceed the 65 DB or whatever right then that's cool far as I'm concerned I I thought it was kind of silly enough to allow people who make wood pallets and said you know have gotten so expensive now but it used to be a good deal beats cut firewood that's for sure yeah I'm trying to remember what the permits are that you have to get for like a food establishment the selectman for any of the restaurants in town food hamers Sur surf safe um no it's not surf safe there's a oh um Sabrina isn't in there anymore okay um but you do have to come to the I'm not sure when he says no what is it called what kind of permits commercial or industrial zoning District right but not living into building permit occupancy permit business permit we don't need because we don't we don't have those right well we do there is a permitting process for or a business but it might not be called a business permit no it's a um you have to register with the town clerk of business well that yes but um business license certificate occupancy food facility Health permit food handers Li license sell permit and that's what I'm saying maybe it's a sell perit yeah sell permit legal requirements for opening a a restaurant in Massachusetts what's Reed restaurant yeah do you need a permit to sell food um well the only problem with restaurant are these ventilating fans you know Department yeah that could be oh my God there's places in New York City you just couldn't possibly exist next to some these restaurants yeah but we don't have that I mean I don't I hav't [Music] notied well even if business permit isn't the right term probably doesn't hurt if it doesn't apply it doesn't apply yeah I think just take business permit out of there and leave common bidders like that's what it's called and a common viddler B IU l l e r so you want to put that in or wouldn't business permit kind of cover that or yeah except that there's no such thing as a business permit put the common victual that's good it's a license it's not really a permit it's a a license how do you spell it v victual v i c t u a l e r Vier v i t u a l l e r l l e r I've heard heard that and every I mean here's the list dunin Donuts Town House Bailey on the green Bailey bar gr McDonald's hord or may Donuts anybody that sells food um the that would get to should I call it a license is this a is this a license or a permit it's a license so I'll say common license well the spell check doesn't recognize that word um building [Music] per well there's all sorts of licenses I mean there's entertainment licenses everything um that could be a noise issue [Music] bar I mean you have to get the DBA thing but you also have to get from the the board of Selectmen a restaurant license or a building common I always think [Music] ofd me too anything else um well we're on page seven of eight so what's this thing about talking about access to private property generally be refused AB an administrative search warrant wow oh okay I think so what's that really well that's that's interesting but maybe it's the entertainment license we're not worried what's happening in the restaurant it's what outside that's so we don't have to go in well you might you want to know the source of the noise but anyway yeah I mean it's I mean academic interest I suppose too vague something's too oh no new or substantially modified structure is that what he's coming well that's pretty good leave the vague language in there I think that's the end of it yeah that that's it all right anything else [Music] meeting dat is item on the agenda to save this and send I think um Beth did Beth send everybody a copy of this email from Mr peran you got hand that want to make copies and get a yeah oh here it is here's here I've got it from Beth let's see if she sent it to [Music] everybody I didn't get anything from that no me neither have a mailing list for you guys so let me I'll send it to Sabrina and she can tomorrow [Music] all right um what do you want to do for a [Music] meeting okay the dat next week next week would be good because after next week I'm not here for don't rub it in for two mon Hawaii I'm around for three Mondays Hawaii wait till August when I go to uh so what's what are the next things happening like so we need to find so like for example for lighting so I'll work on what we discussed and then we move send it send it to bill or do I send Sabrina send it to yeah that'll be much easier for you um special Town meetings on Tuesday okay so next week okay should I send this Bor article for the affordable housing trust to Sabrina yes I I sent it to you I do you know how I can change this it's like I'm going nuts there's no way that that's my wife's name every time I use zoom I can't see any Zoom profile yeah exactly setting but not like from the the screen you have here at the meeting but somewhere else probably down here somewhere I don't know tried everything okay so next is there a I would do it online don't we have a joint meeting I 18 do we have a joint meeting we have a joint meeting on April 18 oh good I have okay good yeah good okay that's I'll be back that's April 17th for my trip not spring is just here next week boy [Music] howy all right is there a motion to adjourn motion to so second we have nobody remote right so we can just say all in favor all I anybody oppose 4M next week day 18 18 okay I figured it out okay thanks