all right so um the purpose of this meeting is to go over these narratives that we're going to try to use at town meeting um and um also Sabrina indicated that there's um next Tuesday night there's some kind of a YouTube presentation they're putting together for town meeting um I won't be able to be there but maybe somebody want to come and film it yeah tcam is filming it for you know YouTube or whatever it's it's not a meeting it's just a a presentation for town meeting um attendees basically or people who want to know what's going on that ask if it if you can ask that would be great but if it's just a presentation you still have your questions you know anyway I told Sabrina I wasn't sure it was a great idea myself but whatever but but anyway something to think about what we're where doing the narratives so um I could let me just read the U I did one for the uh God I can't I don't understand what's going on with this Zoom has taken over my computer I can't I can't get to anything else who it is um so this is pretty short the article that makes changes to the accessory apartment by 14536 is fixing a few problems that the zba has encountered in issuing special permits for this use some changes were made to the byw by the planning board a few years ago that resulted in some confusion in the process the goal of the zba in issuing these permits is to have a usable permit at the end the Board of Health has been supplying reports to us regarding any changes to the SE existing septic systems they require but the bylaw appears to require that the septic system upgrades be complete before the permit can be issued we are fixing that in addition there's been some confusion about adequate means of Ingress and egress to the accessory apartment and we are not experts on the building code so we are asking for a note from the building department that the the proposed means of Ingress and egress are compliant this will prevent us from issuing a permit that bounces at the building department wasting a lot of time finally the size of the department in the current bylaw is limited to a maximum of 800 square ft the old bylaw would permit a larger apartment and the permit was only valid for 5 years thus it is possible that a permit could be quote renewed that has a larger apartment so we were adding a phrase that the applicant would not have to reduce the size of their apartment to comply with the new bylaw and that that's all I can think of that's article 18 okay uh 17 right no no it's 18 and I know Town Council had some problems with us talking about the the um Ingress and egress but I haven't told him this but I was going to basically ignore that because um to me it's all about issuing a permit that's good I mean you know I I really since we don't know and people come in some you know we've had people that want to use Windows as means of EG and I don't know you know so um I think we should be at least in F whether the whether the proposal meets the building code or not well I can address some of this um in order to get a billing permit regardless um the septic system design has to be approved as part of the process before the permits issued so I don't think that's anything that we have to concern ourselves about as far as egress those are all already in the building code Robert we're not we're not discussing the we're not discussing the warrant article we're discussing a narratives about the warrant article that we're presenting at town meeting so okay I think you're you're out of order here all right um um the other thing I know you have issues I know you have issues with this bylaw and you know we're not we're not going to fix your issues in this town meeting that's all I can say I'm not trying to be disruptive here I just want to have a thorough review of everything we're doing so yeah I don't that's not the that's not the purpose of this meeting to have a full review of everything we're doing it's only to talk about the narratives for use of town meeting you know what this is not working well but my presence here um so I I appreciate the efforts everybody here trying to do what they can for the community and I thank you all for volunteering to be participants in this uh committee um but it is a forum we should be having opinions from everything that we should be able to think about and consider and if you find my presence here is obstructive I apologize for that and I don't see any purpose of my being hear anymore so I going take this meeting I'm going to say a couple comments before I leave and then I'm going to resign the first comment I have is regarding the Sound Ordinance I don't want to be on this committee recommending that I don't believe it's it's been put in a proper position that should not be under the health department at all it doesn't make any logical sense anybody that would have a problem with the zoning bylaw would probably call the police the police already have enforcement Powers regarding keeping the peace uh to put this burden as the police are there 247 the police are also capable of doing something that gets way out of control where a health department has no police powers to arrest or to uh control any kind of a disturbance the fact that this was placed to a health department which is already over burdened because it's tied to theer Board of Health all because of a decibel Reon totally is I can't understand the logic on that anybody can buy a decibel meter I think this proposal should be simple and enforceable simple meaning to directly to an agency that can do something about it which would be the police department I can Envision a situation where the health department comes up on a complaint really can't do anything about it other than record a deciel rating when a police cruiser showing in somebody's yard is going to make a very powerful impact so I believe it belongs under the police department I think tying this to a scientific decibel reading is going to be a very difficult thing to execute and to validate uh I know that ordinance is taken from one in another town um but in practicality is it a realistic approach to deal with the problem I think that our current law enforcement people have powers now regarding disturbing the peace they need some guidance when things are out of control where they can actually perform an act and um and that should be tied not to a deciel rating but the magnitude of the problem or the magnitude of the complaint I can I interrupt I just want to say Robert that 837 enforcement and penalties a the enforcing officer for this bylaw is the town of Townson Board of Health or its designated agent the town of Townson Police Department shall be the designated first responder to situational or incidental noise complaints okay which the department may choose in its discretion to refer to the Board of Health so it depends on whether it's a criminal thing with the which the police department would handle I mean if someone was having a a wild party that's a little different from someone having something that makes great noise in their yard that is disturbing to the abutter which would be more of a civil thing so I just wanted to know that all right well I those I'm just presenting thoughts and one of my concerns is we're supposed to be presenting this to the town so I don't want our committee to look ridiculous by or in terms of why is it going under the health department and in terms of how it can be enforc you know what I'm saying I want to feel very solid when I recommend something to the town and so to keep it simple direct that anybody can read in zoning bylaw in advance that the law enforcement people have so my posture on this as far as a recommendation to this group of people is I would suggest a motion to withdraw this for further review and see if we can make it better that's my suggestion I don't have control here you people do all right but I just trying to point out issues of concern and have we are we all comfortable with with addressing those things and so I'm going to conclude I really appreciate all your efforts I appreciate you having me on this board and I appreciate you having my opinion being heard um but if I can't feel I'm productive or if I feel I'm obstructive then I don't feel comfortable being here um and so I please accept my pure here and my true gratitude for what you are doing and I don't want to be obstructing it okay this is your town as well as mine so um I only want to do productive things and if this isn't productive for this group then why am I causing all this frustration and disturbance do you understand so I have a role on the zoning board uh planning board and and you know I feel comfortable there so thank you for all your time and um I U I have any apologies that I owe anybody pleas accept them right um I hope my leaving won't destroy your quum it no okay good thank you we have we have six people okay great thank you we only need five if there are eight however if you are actually resigning I believe you have to submit a resignation in writing to the town cler okay well thank you have a good day people thank you all right does uh somebody want to go next well are are we taking these in reverse order or something bill I mean I don't think it matters what order we use but I'm I'm a very order person was all this the warrant articles um it it's it wasn't sent individually to us but it was posted on the website yesterday Kathy posted it and so if you go do you want me to share screen you should be able to go ahead so um is has anybody confirmed that it's the right because I was very concerned about the wrong version um I got a message last week hey from Sabrina asking if hey is this the right version and it was an old version that was completely wrong missing large important parts of the lighting so am I right now right behind you yes okay so let me never got an answer I asked you what um okay so you just did article 18 we're at the very end of the um warrant uh let me go through just scroll just go to the lighting uh which is which is the lighting one article that's like okay ta end of the lighting there with the Dr diagrams pass the diagrams that everything after that was missing keep going keep going down outdoor next page keep going exceptions effective keep going okay keep going yep it's gone it's missing what's missing yeah an entire section of the lighting so I brought this to everybody's attention well before this was finalized and nobody did anything about it so pretty upsetting uh this is my narrative but I I say we can't do it now the lighting is out can't do lighting this it's missing from the the part that's missing is the enforcement part the part that uh you know so if this can't be changed then it's out we have to you want me make a phone call yeah can we call I mean I have messages glore to every you know Serina Eric nothing ever got returned okay [Music] I'm hey hey Eric um I'm calling from the bylaw Review Committee and I guess you I should just let you know that you are on camera right now speak speaker from or whatever uh we're looking at the bylaws we're going over our narratives for these for town meeting and the outdoor lighting bylaw is missing a section um Michael pointed this out um more than a week ago more than a week ago he uh let um Sabrina know that there was a section missing it's the enforcement section and I'm looking at the warrant I'm screen sharing the warrant right now and sure enough uh it is not there um does that mean that we have to pass over this or what does that mean no we're just have to read the the amended version we can to the at the at Town meeting okay so we can read the amended version like reading just like somebody wanted to make a motion to Amendment on the floor they could do that read an amended version into the into the U so so should we have a handout with the amended bylaw available to pass out when people sign in yes okay all right literally read the entire thing that's take like a half hour do we need to read the whole thing or can we bypass can we say we are going to bypass reading the section I it's pretty long we're talking several Pages here yes can we it's possible to say to say yeah we're gonna um um there's a section that was admitted so we're g to make a motion to uh thew with the following section add even the section add is but it's not disp the whole okay and have a hand out okay all right sounds good somewhere okay talk to you L thanks Eric thanks Eric bye bye okay that's yeah never returns calls never all right she was out at that day all right so that article 16 is outdoor lighting so bill which one are we taking next should we do that one yeah why don't we do that one since we're here and and we should we couple that with article let me figure out what number it is that removes um we did 18 article 16 um [Music] down I thought it was supposed to be uh in the same article both both actions no I'm [Music] looking I don't see it I thought I I was looking for the removal um the access for large mountain it's article 20 article article 16 is the amended we read the amended version then down at article 20 that's the deletion that's not exactly what we what we planned did somebody put an or in this or what's the deal um it looks like it was entered this way and yeah so it's a separate article um and um no we there's no way I support this this separate article for deleting the zoning byw yeah no way I'm I will you know I'm against the whole thing okay so Bill that was we did this committee didn't recommend that this this is what's published who by what Authority who published it um the board of Selectmen they V deed to change it probably at the recation you know it may it may not be so bad because um Town Council pointed out that you can't really um have the um lighting bylaw in two different places he said didn't he point out some case law on this where you're not allowed to do that so I think um if we I think we I think we're okay if if we get article 16 with the um General bylaw we'll be able to point out to the town meeting that we have to do article 20 otherwise we're going to be in violation of you know whatever we'll figure it out well you know then it's back to my concern if article 16 doesn't pass you know but I guess I guess we'll have to go to that scenario if it doesn't pass we pass over article 20 all right assuming that yeah oh yes that can be done okay yeah I who who over it's up to us or it's up to what other people want to pass well someone will probably read it and uh you would have to say or we would have to say that we P we ask Eric about this right um we can Passover before it's read even I think I mean you just have to be the first person out of your chair when it comes up we we would just have to get the moderators you know right um okay um and now by the way now that I'm reading it I got it off the website so that missing language is in there it's just in a different order it's at the beginning I had actually taken it and put it at the end but it's back at the beginning the stuff on enforcement oh so we're not missing so we're not missing so we have so we have article 16 which is has the enforcement section and it has the removal and replacement of the general b so are we now back to we only need a 50% 51% majority um where is this at I think this is a 50er yeah article 16 now it's now the zoning part is separate the zoning part is down below so okay so we need 50% for um article what is it 16 article 16 I think when we get to article 20 we'll we'll get Adam to to pop up and and give us a nice legal explanation of why we have to delete we have to pass article 20 because we passed article 16 right right once article 16 passes it almost wouldn't matter because it's almost it would just be duplication which could be confusing ad does have to be voted positively one right which is the but anyway and that's the one that needs a 2/3 yes anything that is a zoning bylaw needs a 2third vote so if you look from article 18 down these are zoning bylaws and adoptions and that's two the 2third vote so what bill was reading about the accessory Apartments needs 2/3 um and then this solar stuff that needs um 2/3 because it's zoning um and then uh the deletion so okay so back to that was like uh a long time ago the original plan right that was yeah yeah okay I am guessing that it was Town Council that because Town Council reviews this right before it gets F so all right so looks like it's all there then I mean I haven't read every word okay so we don't need a handout or reading an amended version okay looks like we don't which is good usually enforcement usually is at the beginning usually not not always because I think that anyway go ahead I'll be quiet um so if we're doing lighting I don't know I so I wrote a narrative um I don't know if people have read it or I have not read it I think it was sent to us yesterday okay last night I saw what do you want me to like read it or just just literally read it how long is it it's a page and a half single yeah you could do it I haven't actually I haven't actually tried it so I don't know how long it takes but okay so this is article 16 the general Bible all right all right so outdoor lighting has been regulated in towns in since at least 1978 and by the way my basis for saying that is that the the when you read the zoning B there's a section that says outdoor lighting it's actually under the sign section signs but it's a subsection outdoor lighting and it has a very general requirement that you should not be able to see a uh see the actual light from Beyond the property line which is actually a very strict requirement which is never been enforce and that is still on the books but anyway way um when you look at the date of bylaw it says 1978 so I don't know if that's I mean I assume we had zoning bylaws earlier than that but that's the date on the zoning bylaw zoning bylaws came okay so might have there some pretty old zoning bylaws I got a bunch yeah so in my mind that it's at least 1978 if not earlier but anyway in 1997 the town adopted two new bylaws covering PR and public lighting these bylaws have not been updated in 27 years the bylaw Review Committee found that the bylaws could benefit from greater Clarity increased flexibility and consideration of recent technological changes we are therefore proposing revised outro lighting bylaw to replace the existing bylaws the revised version retains the main components of the existing bylaws but would achieve greater Clarity and ease of implementation so first I'm going to summarize briefly the current regulations as stated in the current bylaws and also retained in the revised bylaw the goals are to eliminate glare thus enhancing safety minimize light trespass to neighboring properties reduce Sky glow and reduce energy use this is accomplished by shielding and aiming lights downward to the area where the light is needed there are two main specific requirements first lights must be fully shielded also known as full cut off lighting and secondly the height of private lighting fixtures is limited to 25 ft with lower limits near the property line the current and also the revised bylaws apply only to relatively bright lights above 900 lumens for flood lights and otherwise 1,800 lumens for other types of lights and therefore do not regulate most lighting that would be installed by a typical resident the bylaw has no limits whatsoever on how many lights can be installed or how bright the lights are provided that the lights are properly shielded now the proposed revisions um I'm going to go through now the committee in consultation with Town Council drafted a revised bylaw that retains many of the major elements of the current bylaws but makes it clearer and more flexible in summary the revised bylaw has the following elements currently there are two separate bylaws a zoning bylaw for private lighting and a general bylaw for public liting this has caused confusion at times we are proposing a single General bylaw covering both private and public lighting um next the revised bylaw has some stated the same stated goals as the current bylaw and retains the requirement for full shielding of Lights the protections against light trespass would be more flexible and easier to implement there will now be two options to minimize light trespass first the first option would be to adhere to the height limit as was the case in the old bylaw secondly you'll have an option if limiting the height is Not Practical second option would be to direct or Shield the light so that the intensity of light at the property line is below a specified level which is easily measured um another requirement will be that applications for building permits for future new construction would include specifications of any outdoor lighting included in the plann project um consistent with recent policy recommendations by the American Medical Association based on potential health effects of lighting at night future lighting installations would have a color temperature no higher than 3,000k this would avoid harsh blue light and its Associated health issues and excessive glare this policy has already been implemented for the new street lights that were installed uh five years ago and Outdoor Lighting installed at Town buildings and schools in the past several years um future sports lighting projects would follow upto-date guidelines and ensure that light falls in or near the playing field and not in the adjacent neighborhood recent Innovations in lighting technology and available commercial lighting Products make this practical to implement projects following these guidelines would not be subject to the remainder of the b um the exceptions in the carent pyo would remain that is the regulations would not apply to to like below 900 or 18800 lumens um wouldn't apply to temporary emergency lighting or lights required for safety purposes by state or federal regulations the new bylaw would be administrated administered by the Town Administrator the building commissioner or a designate um current lighting that conforms to current bylaws would not have to comply with any new requirements until it is replaced and finally the revised bylaw includes illustrations of acceptable lighting thus making it clear to town officials and all Town residents what types of Lights would meet the goals of the bylaw so in summary the revised bylaw has the same goals and retain most of the most elements of the current bylaws however the regulations would be Consolidated into a single bylaw which would be clearer more flexible and easier to implement I think that's good yeah really good thanks not too wordy I mean there's a lot to talk about not to wory just FYI that took you six minutes six minutes all right that's not bad that's tolerable yes all right so what about article 20 are we going to say anything before that do we need to have something written for that do you guys think for the article 20 no I don't think so I think we're just we're just gonna ask Town Council to weigh in on that and give people a reason to approve it on the passing or otherwise of the of article 16 okay that works all right can we go to article 17 or is there more to should I do 17 bill sure go ahead all right um so this is the corrections to the towns and affordable housing trust bylaw um The Narrative I wrote says that art article 17 corrects the typographical errors that exist in the affordable housing bylaw that was accepted by the town at the 2023 annual meeting and approved by the Attorney General's office the changes are as noted in the article um section 48 which is as it's written should be section 4B um in section 14 Section 5 C should read 55 C and in um section 1405 where it states article 7 Article 13 and article 12 these should actually be Section 8 section 14 and section 13 respectively this Artic article merely corrects those tyos pretty straight forward pointed out they were pointed out by the Attorney General's office this isn't in the narrative when they approved the bylaw they said oh by the way there are typos you might want to correct them well such service from the attorney general that's awesome well they read it they actually read it at least they didn't reject it because of the typos that's no they didn't and this was this SP the contents of this bylaw is the definition of the trust that was recorded at the registry a couple years ago um the bylaw just makes it so that you can go to the bylaws and see it you don't have to go to the registry to see what the affordable housing trust does what's at the registry is correct and does not have the typos but when it got here it has the typos in it so it doesn't change really anything I mean if if it's voted down it just means that we have typos in our so that's it have to go to the registry to read it you know you were to these sections were important to you and you were go going to go to master a lot to look them up you would be a little confused and you would probably figure out that yeah those are typ of but it's just this it's for clarity that's all that's it sounds good much like it's much like the COA one oh yes what else we got the noise which one is it 186 Apartments we did the accessory Apartments that's what Bill did first we we have the COA one right so I'm backing up here I hope I'm not making other B crazy um let me get to where we start with these um all right so Article 13 is uh Council on Aging so why don't we go there or is that a paper so I was a little confused when I wrote uh what I sent out so I just kind of rewrote it listening to what you all have been doing so I would say chapter 22-1 Counsel on Aging membership currently lists the term of service as four years the actual practice is three-year terms of service we'd like to change the bylaw to reflect actual practice pretty simple perfect y that's perfect okay article and hopefully no one will hopefully we can avoid any complex questions on that one yeah why don't you make it do four instead no all right the fees under the cynic roads by law that's not us that's the planning board all right Article 15 is noise control that's us and it sounds like Robert just disagrees with having a noise control bylaw or how it's being enforced enforced by or design um well I I justes have to point out again that the the the association of boards of Health um says that using the Board of Health is the best way to enforce the noise bylaws so that's like a state Association of boards of Health U you know they're recommending using Boards of health so whatever the police they'll just say well there's no B there's no specific requirement that we can point they're not breaking a criminal kind of law so they don't tend to um so the question is who is writing the narrative for the noise bylaw bill I think that what you just said you can listen to this recording and um I think that Robert's concern should be addressed I think it you know that it the the um the noise complaints that the town has received um made this bylaw seemed like it needed to be in place that that we the town needed noise bylaw and that the whoever State Association of the Board of Health recommends that the enforcement of this bylaw be done by the Board of Health is why they're the enforcement officer and I I spoke to the police chief about this and uh he was he was not enthusiastic about being involved at all in the enforcement of the noise bylaw so um he felt the it wasn't really appropriate for them well it is true that there needs to be somebody you can call if there's an you know there's an immediate situation which is often the case with noise just have a loud something very loud you know like a wild party yeah I mean there the other situation where let's say you have an industrial plant and they have you know a loud compressor and you live next door that might be more of the of Health situation where it's like a piece of equipment that's too loud and somebody has to determine if that's okay you know yeah I mean there there's the wild party thing but there's also consistent High noise um activities that uh you know the Board of Health is equipped to deal with so and you know I spoke to um what's his name um the agent Rick um meta Rick yes I spoke to Rick about this and he said oh yeah we're doing that he says uh I haven't done any of it but you know none of the towns that he's assigned to at the moment uh have noise bylaws so but his other colleagues have been actively uh involved in in some noise enforcement activities so so it didn't seem like a big stretch to me um to use the Board of Health this so all the I didn't write anything on this but I could write something sure did we designate someone to write this I can't remember I thought Bill said he was going to do this one okay so it's you Bill Hest and and you've got I mean you you've got it just just listen to what just listen to the tape of this meeting and write down these words anything else anything else to be said on this on this noise bylaw at the moment you know you could point out that there are exemptions like the you know snow removal the Chimes from the Congregational Church anything like that um yeah normal motor vehicle traffic um anything like that is Exempted it's more the industrial things you were talking about or noise that's persistent yeah um [Music] so it's interesting that the enforcement and penalties oh well know seems further down it wasn't anyway okay so you'll write that one bill yep how do these narratives are these just for our use and present they what happens is that the board of selectman or whomever reads the thing and then um the moderator usually says are there any comments but you before that you just say Mr moderator you know I have a report and you're on the committee that brought it forward and he recognizes you you know we can maybe tell you know um John that we have these ahead of time but usually that's how it works which is the first one the COA it's you yeah you're the you're the first one you are that's how it fell out I don't know why but it did so yeah it's you and then it's Bill for noise um what is 16 16 is lighting um 17 is the Housing Trust 18 is the affordable housing and then it's 20 for the deletion of the Bible those are the ones that we have on oh that's it yeah well that was everything though right pretty much yeah a lot some of the things we put off to the to when the whole thing gets reviewed next year okay so um yeah so so how do that happen again they they introduced the warrant article John will say something like um article 17 is there a motion and whoever is listed here is reading the motion will say um Mr moderator I move that blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and there has to be a second which typically comes from the board of Selectmen but sometimes comes from the audience doesn't have to come from the board of selectman so after the second that's my that's my that's my favorite favorite job seconding those motions right I mean it depends so then there's a second and then you say Mr moderator I have a report or whatever and John will usually recognize you but if if we warn him ahead of time he'll know to recognize oh so what are you seconding or exactly it's just that before you take comments on it it's nice to have the narrative right the reason you know the quote unquote report you know so well every every every question that gets answered by The Narrative is one that's not going to take up the time of town meeting as the way to look at it yeah that's that's right that so the objective of the narrative is to anticipate the questions to explain the article you know this is why we have it this is why it's here this is what it does this is you know whatever he so first somebody says now we're considering Article 13 or whatever is it red or literally or well the moderator says um moving on to Article 13 after the vote is there a motion and and the board of Selectmen typically make the motion right um it says who's reading the motion if you look at the warrant article oh that's what read by means yes that's who's make um and so after they take they read the motion and the motion is seconded then you say Mr moderator I have a a narrative he needs to know sometimes he asks is there a report you know right yeah you just you just say I have I have a report and U that's the key word that that they're looking for so oh okay so it's noise I see it says submitted by B Review Committee read by Teresa Morris so Terry Morris is going to get up and say we're now looking at the B at the noise a new proposed noise VI well she will say I move that you know move that not G to read the whole thing um well unless in theory you are supposed to read the whole thing all right so she will say I I will um I move that the town vote to amend chapter one of the general bylaws on the article to you know blah blah blah whatever it is and um I'm reading noise not like and uh you know um sometimes the moderator especially if it's long will ask the town the town's people if they would um you know say no you know you don't have to read it wait wa the reading the reading could be a vote on that yeah or sometimes he just says he doesn't really take a vote he just says something like that well does does anybody object to not reading it I think is what he usually says but yeah something like that it becomes a consensus thing more than a motion and blah blah blah as long as you can say yes we don't mind if you wave the reading because you've got the written version that you can review right in your hands which is why if we needed an amendment we would need to have a hand out um so anyway second yeah your Article 13 Jaz and it was spitted by select board is that well because we are a subcommittee of the select board I don't think any of these Say by what some do that do say by do they yeah yeah there's some things that they don't want to be responsible for yeah here it is what's bylaw bylaw Review Committee okay let's see outdoor lighting pretty sure bylaw get down there by Review Committee yeah look at that whole all right oh and it's affordable housing trust for the um okay for the that one all right anyway all right a planning board for the for the accessory Apartments says planning board not CBA Bill well it's not the CBA it's the bylaw Review Committee right um whatever well I mean the planning board did have a hearing so maybe we could consider that their submission whatever it could be but all right so didn't they have one for outdoor lighting as well for the removal I don't know yeah they they're blaming us for that one article 20 yeah all right so that's all of ours right those are all I think so all right is there anything in there about approving the funds to hire um that company to do all the bylaws um I'm sorry I missed that I was wondering Bill if there something in there about approval of the funds I'm going to stop to hire the external company for total bylaw review I didn't see that when I went through here oh no no we ran into a problem there because it's um it's over $10,000 total and there have to be three quotes so um apparently um you know and there there wasn't time to get too quotes and I suggested breaking it up into two pieces and apparently that's a that's a real no no a faux worse than a faux PA you know to put half of it on to put half of it on this town meeting and the other half on the next I guess you can't do that so no no that's not I would think that we would have to even if we didn't know who it was to set aside the funds for the review of the bylaw set aside some set of funds we don't have to have a name or a contract but to just set aside funds for bylaw review otherwise the monies are not there yeah I I don't know what happened with that ask Uncle Uncle Chaz I'm sure had something to do with that well I don't know um that's a little disconcerting when was the the next chance be in the fall or something yes I mean we can get the quotes but we know we have one quote at least so if we set aside that amount we could only do better maybe by getting other quotes but at least I don't know why this link isn't working anymore anyway okay so yeah I did not see that when I went through the warrant and I went through the warrant pretty well last night um well it certainly was submitted so somebody struck it out of there could have missed it could be a line item I I didn't read the budget with a fine tooth c um and there could be a line item for Consultants or or Technical Services Under the BOS budget yeah and I can't make link open again I don't know what I did um so anyway I'm not screen sharing anymore cor I don't know why my link won't open but it won't so okay um well ER Eric might know the answer too so yeah we'll see on that [Music] um I was glad to see there was 5,000 for the you know 300 anniversary or whatever it is yeah we've been putting the town has been putting away 5,000 every year for several years so that when the time comes there will be money for the celebration oh W and it's been done pretty consistently over the past five years or so maybe if I remember the signs was 1732 is that the year that the town was founded so it would be 8 years from now yeah something like that and so the idea was to be able to have funds for that so anyway and that is in there I looked funds that haven't been appropriated by the the Regional School District right well you know the budget's L this is just me talking I looked at the budget and the monies that's in there are the monies that were requested that were turned down for the overl so I'm not exactly sure how the budget works I know too much about budgeting um I have a concern about trash because the special town meeting um warrant has two articles on it and with for a fiveyear contract you're only allowed to have a three-year contract by General code our B is only allowed for three 3 years it's 5 years um and they're asking to vote for a 5e and there's no contract available to review um and if you look at our trash the trash in there goes up in the budget minimum of $70,000 um we pay $780,000 roughly a year for trash collection in town and it's up to like8 860,000 roughly there a rough numbers don't quote me but it's in there and that's huge if we're going to go up that much then shouldn't there be an override for them can we afford to do that and what we're not doing is putting any money in the um the let's fix the roads um bucket so you know there's a I forget them words for but there's a bucket that we're supposed to be putting 150,000 a year in and we're not last year we managed to put 100K in but this year nothing's going into that um and that's concerning so there are a lot of concern um well there was an override for trash collection many years ago right and so should we well yeah so we should spend that amount for trash collection but if it's more it should it was like five or five or 600,000 I think at the time something like that right and it's it's definitely it's definitely the most efficient way to do trash I mean compared to private trash collection it's it's way cheaper for people no it's not it's about equivalent especially if you're paying 800,000 plus and in three years you're paying a million so um it be it comes right now to about $270 a year per household I did the math and if you you know with I don't know how many households we have I know when it was last bid it was around 3,200 I did it with 3500 households um and it comes out to about that so so the question is is it less expensive or not and at what point is it part of the regular budget and where are the bids you had to we're worried about a you know $220,000 bid we don't have three quotes where was it bid out I looked through the minutes and I can see where the r ke came out but I have never seen bid results so were there three bids or did we just go get a contract from the current vendor yes um covering the Board of Health meeting the current vendor is the only one that replied one other vendor replied regretting that they would not be submitting a boat a bid and the third one never replied at all so where was it posted I'm just telling you the results and where are the results where were they discussed there's no minutes that say they were even discussed it's not on the agenda anywhere it talks about we reviewed the language of the RFP and then the next meeting it goes straight to Shaw for a contract all I can tell you is go to the town YouTube channel and go under the playlist for Board of heal and I will look all right but anyway and anything that's in the SP the special town meeting can be the funds can be spent in the current schal year meaning prior to July 1st anything in the annual meeting can only be spent after July 1 so when you look at the special town meeting we're pulling a lot of money out and they're requesting the vote on the 5year contract so that they can do it before the end of the fiscal year is my guess all right so we're taking all this money out of free cash but then when you look at the annual time meting this is Veronica Cal ranting away here um when you look at the annual town meeting and you look at that budget that budget is way over 2.2% uh or 2.5% for uh you know for what you're allowed to and it includes the monies that weren't approved in the override for the schools they're still in there and then there's a catchall article where you say well if we can't raise an appropriate we're going to take it out of free cash we have millions of dollars in free cash and if we do go for an override yes only thing I can offer for the school budgets being the same as what you saw that's the last thing the town has to work on they have to wait for the school to come back with the revised budget either High the same or lower until then those are the numbers the town has to work with currently right so there you have it so it's not we're not done yet I guess well that sounds typical it's only two weeks till town meeting are two weeks sometimes it's the next day or the next week there's more time um this year I mean I can remember having a vote on Monday and then having to re work the budget before we got to town meeting you know the next week um having meetings every day okay so anyway that's 11 7 yeah s yeah so Tuesday it's our Tuesday it's Tuesday night for usually first Tuesday and then by General that's it all yeah all right everybody happy yes I guess our our problems are trivial compared to the budget so is there a motion to adjourn yes motion to adjourn second motion L members Michael yes yes we're on a yes what about you Bill oh yes yes okay we're done thank you very much you