##VIDEO ID:-jOVw7-F2n8## to call the order the um Town Conservation Commission meeting for Wednesday January 22nd 2025 at 7 7:01 p.m I have a roll call please starting with Mr Michael poed present James tan present James Gates Kevin Smith [Music] to the flag the United States of America the stands na God indivis justice for all recorded anyone else recording CH additions and ortion um there's one thing that we could do this meeting or we could do next meeting I want to put it on the table so as part as um and I'll throw my share report in all at the same time I'd like to welcome kby Streeter as our new um agent started uh last Monday on the 13th comes um to us as a past commissioner and resident of Townsen and um part of the community we welcome them excited to have them and thank you goldby thank you do we not have another one that is Aaron now you're going to announce her that she is she's when 4or she like Jessica other words same position yeah but there other okay or well I don't even know what aon's last need is so you want to go down that room we also welcome new land use coordinator um do you remember what aon's last name is so Sheffield Sheffield yes a Sheffield she was the Grand coordinator the uh prly is now moved up promoted to land use coordinator we want welcome her um and still Grant right everything we get we understand what we do here um so one of the things we need to do this meeting or next meeting is vote to allow Kobe uh to act on our behalf for administrative approvals correct so we can do it more specific is [Music] TOS review if someone comes in count two trees um it's something that we implemented a while couple years ago I think it was when you were off um we can make a we can you want to make a motion we can go for it get it off the table get it done get it done we have corn get it off the table comfortable yes okay and you can always ask one of us um if there is questions um so I'm going to add that to 3.3 so is that somewhat changing the title or it gives him auth authorization to act on our behalf in matters that are minor to keep essential business moving so we as Commissioners we should allow the Commissioners blessing on that Pat's not here or is she coming in late you don't know no she's going join us on Zoom all right so she isn't here yet but um what I just want to make sure she has her well we a while yeah just I mean I think she's want to make sure she has her her you know approval too to authorize if K's going to be doing that on our behalf as Commissioners it's good to hear every commissioner yay I'm all for it I think it's you know we need [Music] [Music] that yeah that's what it was um 3.3 will be able to join us y so that was one ofair reports uh the second thing was and I have didn't have a chance to do it today uh I thought about it Kevin I you talk to GRE semi regularly can you ask them what the status is on those surveys yeah because we have to have them done an invoice by well be seeing them on Friday morning on last one and that's the property on West met the two West Meadow and one on Dudley Dudley um we're actually to talk tonight about another grand opportunity we could apply for more money to do a good idea we did well on that other grant that 5,000 was it got the first phase and the second phase yeah so yeah we did well we and I hope you know Aaron will be a valuable asset when it comes to the approach and the knowledge on the uh Grant W you know I couldn't agree more she's you know has the knowledge of such that's that's great well yeah part of that was asking for more than um they were even offering and uh we did yeah yes we kind of just threw a number out not just th thre a number we had idea what it was going to be but then you reapo for they came back to us and said give you this much but we voted to open it up again right so let's keep doing it and then I'd like to at some point talk strategic planning on what we do moving forward with those properties that are found to Wood lots and manage them better I think is a good way to do it the right way goals yeah I'm sure K would be on board with that you may have a little experience you may have a little experience in that Happ well it's been some I think we've all had in the back of our mind about better Forest management now looking at what happened uh to the little State across from us in California Forest management is an important factor what happen in Massachusetts the end of summer into the fall all the fall so there's a lot of fires around yeah yeah boy SC a nice thing to see generate revenue for either our funding or purposes or you and approve meeting minutes from 1 25 everyone get a chance to R it is I'll make a motion what question make then we open it up for questions I'm just curious do I wait for someone to call me regarding the um uh the San Meadows soccer fields oh did you fill out the volunteer request form and submit it to I did okay so someone from I think Serina who's here who's been here she'll reach out to you when okay she will formed yeah just want to make sure um and let you know when you've been you have to be appointed from the select board ah um so you pay attention to that to um the calendar that and uh once that's done they have the members they want they'll reach out with either phone call or an email okay I just wanted to make sure I wasn't supposed to be doing something beyond what you volunteered to do wa for but if you don't hear from by the first week of February i' yeah or let me know and I don't and I'll ask yeah I can come in you know so that's a separate subcommittee and it's not under any overview of conservation NOP it's under the select board the proper yeah right so that's going to be a separate thing he will do on his own and it won't be a part of any of our meetings or anything that we do he may he may bring it up may may talk about it yeah you know so that know going on maybe feedback all right so then it it's kind of a subcommittee from conservation that they put together to do spawn cook no so it's they have Representatives yeah it really isn't but I get it I'm just wondering what our part responsibility so last night's board meeting you were appointed as during that okay and I was wondering if there was one last night in February and um I'm missing email so give me your email and I'll get it out to you okay so K will be working with them through conservation who will no Mike so no Mike Will Kobe too are you involved in it with meetings and I will be no I mean but I'm sure Kobe will be there in the back Kobe will be there at the back door waiting to help if he needs it you know if if Mike's going well they don't want too many IR in the fire either because you get too many people steering not you end up you know spinning yeah right it's it's a representative from the key stakeholders of that property so you have select board you have these um dangerous species permanent holder you have conservation which it's not within our jurisdiction no but it is considered a conservation proper about everything out of it other than the slope going up on one side is out the 200 yeah so it really isn't you know that much to do with conservation then there's a member of the water department have de decide who's going to be on it for the water department what draws somebody in from the water department uh because that recharge for recharge area gotcha and then I'm just trying to get an idea of what conservation's responsibility everyone should we have some more exposure should we go down so it's helping what they what we can do that's all no so it's just feedback and the thing is is that conservation restriction actually comes with a template because it's a naal natural heritage property or um jurisdictional area so they're gonna provide a provide the town with a template and then that subcommittee will form it okay you know along with we realize that fishing game has a degree of um they're going to want to stay a of that they want someone from natural heritage over and enough s and that holds a lot even more clout than FG which is interesting um which is it's a process that historically takes time but this shouldn't take as much time and there's Perman soccer fields that are going to happen concurrently yep so yeah and it's been submitted what the increases what the field blah blah blah so there's a process there's also storm water permit associated with it nope STM water storm watering parking and that won't go in front of us well we're just going to sign it's just going to be a mandatory referral is all it's going to be for us as far as conservation goes it's a planning board it's plan it it's under the direction or discretion of the planning board they're the ones that manage storm water approv storm water I know that all I'm saying is that out of this little disc discussion it seems like we truly should have a good knowledge of it and be with it out and whatnot Mr Mike's come be right there Mike will be part of the conation presription side of it if we want you would like to hear a presentation about it I'm more than willing to do it um but in regards discussing it I have to stay on the applicant side of the table because of because of everything I you know I'm not think they were surprised when I said I wasn't going to do the sub commmittee look for someone else and you can't too close too many hats oh yeah many hats we too many on that one y yep yep yep yep yep everything from you want the kids and even kobby has to be careful on that one because he's he's got he probably got kids on there too coach atast one how many teams one and a half one and a half right I think so anybody involved in it is a cach should be exempt from anything that's all just good stuff leave them Al all right so sounds good now we didn't finish approving the meeting minutes do we have a I'll make I'll make a motion to approve the meeting minutes of January that answer your question 202 I second James dran yes said yes James Gates yes Smith yes just like that 1.7 staff report Kobe did you have anything you wan to discuss or have anyit this week so no a good week to be a house agenda yeah I'm glad to be here excited I do want to thank you guys Commissioners uh for volunteering your time and expertise be important you're welcome my friend moving on we got Lisa yeah we have to note yeah well we yeah we have uh we have just saying hi good evening 2.0 2.1 is 718 uh notice of intent continued uh 20 son roow Road twb 224-1 197 D number 30871929 [Music] a single family home within 100 foot buffer of Bank of V Pond um was Matt going to join us tonight or another he I don't think he educated no probably not okay you need to uh recuse yourself right and then you can speak on your be on you and Jane's behalf right you need the update of the map and put in all the um changes with the erosion control so up the hill down you only put water okay so that I'm looking at just to double Sil all the way from the top of the road straight down only water is that something that were okay with I okay in the sense that you would be okay with just W or okay with not having it on uh on the site walk the conditions going down that bank um you're not going to have any lateral flow it's going to go straight down the hill and I felt that that I I myself uh after reviewing the site feel that a double air of Waddles would be more than sufficient because down at the bottom is where the where the issue would be going across the backside of the water line um did he put silt fence across the the Beach area the lower area so he stops it that's what I was looking at I'm going to chim in do I not no no you part of the conversation yeah you are part of the conversation I it looks like to me like he put it under the deck that it's continues under the deck it goes up to the deck but no no I'm only seeing waterline I see concrete which is the retaining wall um I do not see anything timber land I don't see anything demonstrates any any selfcontrol to the end so that's that's not a problem Mr chair Mike after looking at that and uh probably should have some Sil fence right down along the bottom side of the deck as a waterline still a long ways away right along the back side and bring it right back up to there just that section going across the bottom yeah me you know yeah we'll just ask we're going to ask you we're going to make a little change and we're going to ask you to put that little stretch right across there in uh in Sil fence okay now I'll have access to lots of Sil fence so and I would mind I've already talked to the neighbors about putting it down the hills as well last time we talked about W Sil fence walkable between W Sil you know yeah so the the w the Wadd is puted up against the Sal fence yeah okay um depending on who draws it and I've seen it both ways um you know it's either on the down slope or up slope um s fense i Kevin I don't know if you care I don't have I just whe whether he wants to put whether he wants to set Waddles on the inside of the sil fence he bills for that matter but Waddles because he's got plenty but I I would think that that when what's his damn drew it threw it going right under the deck and you're not seeing it Jimmy but it does continue when it goes under the deck and comes right around all I'm saying it doesn't indicate on plan I'm not seeing it indicated on plan so we need to oh I see okay he's not specifically showing it um y that's that's a good point and just tell me when I can CH in on this I I would ask that he he runs a run a s fence right on the bottom side of the deck absolutely and then if he wants to put a row of uh Waddles right across the top of that on the uphill side and connect it to the wles that's coming down the hill I think that would be more than appropriate but the Su can't just be straight at the bottom though it's got to go up even if it's just one length of stakes well it's going to be longer than that because it is like 30 feet so I mean you can double stake it because you're going to have a stake every 10 feet put a steak every five feet just run it right into it that's not going it's you unless something happens and you get a 100e storm I don't think you going to have any issues in her anyway especially this time of year she frozen solid you know in theory in theory and uh I think having that extra added protection going across plus putting it down a little further so it's not you're not fighting underneath your deck trying to install it Mike you put well you should know that there is no underneath the deck right it's all from some previous yes all it's it's a mess it's it's aess that g to get cleaned up as part of this yeah so that way it's it's below your construction right and it gives you a little bit more room having a little bit of experience with this kind of work yeah gives you a little bit more room to operate those small machines that are the only machines that you can run in there so on the planet indicated a water line from April 2024 and it goes up underneath the deck it's way down now right but we also have to look at historically yeah I mean if this job was going to run into into the springtime um and you you didn't get started then I guess I would suggest if if all of a sudden water starts coming up put them back up right on the edge you're going have probably going to put them into that slightly into that deck area elevation wise which is going to be harder which is going to be a more difficult thing and I think if you're going to do that then I would just I would probably put hay bills across and now you got some weight now you got some weight you got Pat's joining us you there you're not going to drive a steak down through that much almost impossible Stak down into that P get settled we'll be talking yeah we can put I I would say maybe put some hay bills across there hay bills you know they weigh 50 pounds they're going to sit around there they're going to have some lateral pressure on the on the deck and I think they're going to be just fine you ain't going to be able to dig them in because you got old residual concrete or cement or whatever stuff you got there brick I'll get technical on this one you're going to want straw bills not pay bals straw bills yeah of the seats straws that's what he meant no construction but the water involved right and there could be a possibility like you say you had a a deluge or something just condition second I just want to not go go for I'm only going to take 30 seconds well I just want to note that the pond elevations from past site visits are noted on the plan as well so the the water line from 4 to 24 is relatively High compared to past water elevations from 82922 and 72222 I don't remember if they're um considered Dr um periods but the Pawn's going to do what the Pawn's going to do I think this is this is my take on this most one of the more important facts is going to be what and I don't see anything there should be a degree of erosion control on the road side all right for us to run double Waddles down there is a waste of time okay lose one of the Waddles go Waddles in and Sil fence there J what we got going on here is the edge of pavement where the top where the to Pavement and I noticed there was old sand filled socks to the top of the hill there the water coming off the road it's key to make sure we res resist whatever water is coming down the road down from the road that's where it's going to start correct the water's not going to flow to the right side of the left side that's going down where you put this the hay bales should be at the highest possible location you can put them the Pawn's not going to tell you what it's going to do until it's either real high or it stays low that's important to put silk fence staked in bills at the highest area that it can be put in don't let the pawn dictate to us where they should or shouldn't go that's that's straightforward the most important thing I say s walls to the top of the hill to prevent any down flow lose one of these of Waddles put silk vence in because that's only going to Pro us from stuff blowing off Su fence unless that Su fence was right glued right to the edge of the pavement that's what iton fil flap put the flap into the road and then set hay bills across the top of it or straw Waddles across the top they're GNA be on this I mean down to here is only important is what you do on the top of this area you're not going to generate any water coming down here necessar that's a constructed area this is where it's going to come and this is where it's got to be stopped and this is where you got to keep it from coming in so Jimmy I'm gonna pause us for a second with that Pat welcome uh it's h29 you're joining us you are muted do we have okay got it you're in all right all right thank you yourself for no it's okay just announce yourself for 7:30 please all right Pat Joo and time is 7:30 thank you you're welcome um if you want to have a I'll check in with you obviously but um if you have a question and I don't see you just yell okay are you warm we're not so down the sides are fine because that's not where the water directed corre across the top saying correct on the bottom with you know s fence also yep one of the things that we did ask was what is the plan to get under the road for septic line isn't that already done no you have the new construction done and you're only you've got it cut across we did talk across tunnel across gon talk to Jimmy figure it out with their Engineers we did did you talk to Jim at the highway no no we didn't he said is able to the road who is this name is Steve Anderson okay lunenberg excavation yeah also it's probably the last one of the last things that will happen see way Mak sense at the time yeah but he'll do either one so he needs to get that permit now though because it needs to be part of this so it prevents you from having to come back to us again and having to go through it or amend it I think we can prove it subject to you don't know what that the details are on the permit for the road crossing I'd really like to Jim's feedback before we just anything we did briefly discuss out whether G to get go underground line ball or was going to be dug by a okay so I think I agree with we should get that duck it goes across the across now you know what yeah I suppose you didn't want them to dig it they could push it you can dig it when you want it's just as part of this rebuilding the house because it's within the yeah it's definely it's that section that section going to be within the 100 so you don't think about it and then you go to do it's like yeah yeah needs to be out of this really should be part of the order conditions CU it's within 100 fet and that blessing comes from Jimmy Jimmy H at the highway department that's what my name sake yeah and I think it has to go through the sort too Road opening but that's a detail thing the well is already closed yeah nothing is under the road yet so the well that's that's in the back of the behind the SE that's not run to your house yet either no you want to get that's part part two yeah that was all of this already when we put well sure um well the you had a you you had a well permit that allowed that allowed you to put in a well for this residence okay it was issued by nooba but you've got to get approv from the town because you're Crossing town property you're crossing a little stretch of town property here a lot of the houses up in that area that is probably a similar case but it has to be approved by one the highway superintendent and the border of selectman the what the highway superintendent does he'll go before the board of selectman probably and and if I know Jim Smith he's going to say we have a taxpayer up on Pond Road and U and there's six or eight camps right in the neighborhood there right side by side and their septic systems are across the road and their Wells are across the road away from V Pond and uh these people are going to need approval to um excavate or or excavate or torrential excavate a uh water pipe across the Road and a sewer B across the road so even though we talked to Steve Anderson he said well it is going to be one of the last things we do that we have done and that uh he said so either way I can dig a trench I can put a plate over it if they're worried about you know being open for a longer period of time but he thinks he could do it quickly or we horizontal so we would go to the highway department and talk to Jim Smith yeah to have that in our back pocket even if we go the horizontal drilling route yes because you're going to have to get a permit either way either way you're crossing under a right and they're not going to deny you because there there's already a water line probably there under the under that road somewhere that goes to an old well probably over about where you live now or connected to your well or your neighbors well and that's what happened a lot of times up in that neighborhood you know somebody had an naian well or somebody had a dog well across the road they just uh be a neighborly or or second third cousins they just let them tie into their wealth they they hand dug a trench across the road probably never said nothing put the water line in and and you you know from living up there that long that that's probably exactly what's happened to a lot of those houses so the town won't deny you Mike down Joe has to authorize you mind muting your TV in the background or muting yourself oh I didn't even know it was really on Andrew can you do the TV for me we were listening to your show well I was I'm sorry can you turn off the TV I didn't think they could even hear that okay mic so okay sorry before we go too far no it's okay is this gonna hold us up approving this plan not having his Blessing through the highway department for a sewer line going down underneath the road and the waterline going underneath the road um we should make that decision now and not spin out you should that no that was that so that was what was discussed at the last meeting or those wasn't here at the last meeting then you think it's ony other plan so and um's did the and he did all the work with town but sounds to do what he did but he didn't do all of this um our guy was going to do it but then we decided it doesn't make sense to do that now connect in other words going across the road so you did everything up until where you are preparing to go plan that they the differences we were going to lay the pipe all the way up to the road coil it up and wait until the future until everything is done right now so now we don't know if it is or isn't across the road yet what's across the road now is the old pipe from the bathroom to theol or whatever was there doesn't have any bearing no he's going to look to see if he can find um the order conditions for the septic okay if you have the O for the sepic that could unlock this it could I just want to make sure that modifi modified plan that's a modified plan so we can vot on if we can get the uh yes sir if we can uh subject to so at least they can they're not going to start construction we're just going to put the G no no constructions what happens going on it and it's like time to put the pipe in yeah they do it yeah yeah no no where where is the BL we don't let's get the duck up we what we can do is is we can to help them move forwards we can approve the modified plan subject to them getting permits for water line and a septic line from the DPW and or the town of Select and they can't start until they get those approvals that way they can move forwards from us through the highway go through the selectman and uh you know that's right it's just pending that way they can keep moving forward yeah the next the next step is once once we get approved from the commission is to go to the building inspector work with the architect we got work with the town too you got to work with the town Highway and for us you got to work with the town Highway and the selectman to get approval across the road but you can still go to the selectman I mean still go to the still go to the building inspector and work with your architect and kind of get the ball rolling the building inspector won't won't be able to give you a issue you a building permit until the highway satisfied the town right away satisfied and we can release well that's that's why what you just suggested sounds good because that lets us go to the next step so you don't have to wait on that to go to the next step on a lot of this stuff though okay um and we're kind of offering you our experience that you know don't let don't wait for the building inspector to say oh wait you got to do this oh wait you got to do this because you'll be doing this for another two years we're telling you that the next steps to do when you can kind of to do a bunch of stuff at once and then you can if you haven't even G to the building inspection yet to do a demo permit it's not going to be any benefit to anyone if we just push this through without having it on a plan so we can see it etc etc um makes it a more complete you can apply for a demolition permit yeah it's going to come through our office regardless it's still going to throw a flag up and it could be either um not filed pending or if you're in that pending you know column you're going to be you're moving you're moving along quick so to an architect build said that we can yeah oh yeah no it's yeah can I ask a question yes Pat hi Pat um when the house was built isn't there a record of what was done prob p uh that was probably done probably either prior to World War II or right after World War II is when a lot of those camps were built right after the war and back then there was no building codes there was no zoning there was nothing uh some farmer up there probably related to me uh few doors down owned all that land and carved off a whole bunch of 30 foot wide Lots or whatever they were were and sold them all for a couple hundred bucks and a piece of something and uh sold them to his friends and relatives and things like that that's how that got developed up in there well the house doesn't look that old so that's why I question it was rehabed a few times rehab n or 10 years ago uh was rehab it was rehab in order to sell it it was it was pretty broken down and then the owner thought put 40 50,000 into it to fix it up and make it look better 70 so it looks but it's not it's not 70 sorry we're talking about the heat that goes up and down up and down there's no comfort in this room I think he was surprising P um Pat curios but that's so I guess I don't want to SP too much on it okay well we talk about it um do you want to continue start I I personally do but I want you to know that start with get an AR I thought you it sounded like at the last me year I'd already come up with a design oh the design is complete the architect will um convert those concept drawings into building drawings and also give us some ideas of there might be something that we haven't thought of in terms of construction like your suggestion because the foundation will be done in two parts we need a a lot of rebar in there to make sure that they're locked together and so just that's not going to change our perit for the conservation right well here's here's the question you know because we don't do this very often we should you um we were we were taking it one step at a time and this was the the hurdle in order get to the next but we can if we can be ass sure that eventually everything will be all worked out then this is the hardest hurdle I Kevin right they can't they can't deny it you can't you can replace an existing structure with an existing with with a new structure K especially because your foundation is is put about it is they have to stay on the same footprint it's a grandfather permit on a river this is the hardest part of your whole project it's done and you're halfway you're over halfway there septic is approved and complete we're looking for details that might not seem like a lot but they're not going to slow you down from you could go you could go to the building department you could go to your architect I I get that now so yeah I'm totally with you and the thing is is when you do that you know a demo permit's separate then you do the building permit and Kevin correct me if I'm wrong um but it has to go through all the checks and balances in the different departments planning board conservation um go sure everybody goes right to the tax collector's office I mean you know you can't get building permit if your taxes aren't paid up or you know different things that it goes all through the inter Departments of everyone it comes when it and they all hit at the same time but when it hits to ours everyone always thinks that conation is the bad guy and we you've worked with us already um that we're the ones that going to hold you up slow you down um and keep you from living your dream you've done the hard work the hard part with this is some details that I'm personally not comfortable signing off on without seeing um sure but you have enough momentum now don't stop I why don't we okay well great tomorrow we come down reality is you still have to get someone signed up signed to do the work I don't know if you have the trees down yet they're down they're down so how so can we approve the let do this we're going to continue yeah let's do this let's continue it I'm gonna but I I want them to realize that and and you guys can keep moving forward you're close you're really close we'll continue this subject two subject two your uh engineer just updating a little sketch we there and and uh for the for the sil Fen the sil F in theills and the water crossing and Sewer Crossing across the public think he's got those right you show you show got your locations but you just need to go town they're not across the road so they stop here it should be they go right they go right across the road you mean they go right across the water line septic and the water lines go right across the road underneath the road we talking about they're already underneath no they're not the old ones are the old ones are but not the new ones water line they just run down to Pond yeah so we're just going to get we're just going we've got to get the blessing on they're going to get the blessing from from Mr Young Mr Smith they got to go see Jimmy at the highway department that's where it stops that firm it gets signed then everything gets CC that per is even considered separate from all this too correct so you just yeah but they're within that that stretch until they get over to about that septic tank or at least the other side of the pavement they're still within that 100 foot jurisdiction yeah it's it's the first yeah right yeah right at past the the field so long and the short of it we're gonna have to continue Mike knows that he's got to go see Jimmy to get the permitting for the sewer and the waterline going across the street he's got to go back to the engineer and have him modify and change the plans demonstrating the hay bales at the bottom up top Etc on that plan or on our markups you know it says water line says septic line it should say proposed water line proposed septic line um it doesn't show perm permanent but it shows location and it shows Direction on the on where it crosses the road it should stay proposed no it does not it should Ro way easement Black Top Road okay 14 feet 4 you're going to take that with you can I take it what is it 59 yeah told you it's not 70 do you it was at 70 if we put down 65 then I brought it back up the yes can I see that and I'll write it on you're gonna take that sure but be totally honest oh and Pat has a might have a question I want check with every go ahead um we've gone back because of things happening we've gone back to him so many times you're there's no the the um surveyor who puts that together and um because of some miscommunication and some other things other factors that I won't go into he's we've gone back to him many times and I would like it if you could accept a drawing with as is or but if you if you absolutely needed to have it done you you a person that is skilled in PDFs is a format as I'm sure we all know could adjust these drawings easily and they suffice you already have an engineered stamp on this I wouldn't do it without double checking um I'm not telling you to do it I'm not saying to do it but we're not we don't know who makes these edits so you could someone anyone can make these edits yeah um if and then resubmit it you know it's um for this plan and just make year edits um a different color or a different font and right right noted about the wles and everything well it will depend where the water line is in the spring on the pond correct that's why we stated we want to make sure there to the highest point they can be we're not going to allow the pond well it's it's low right now there flexibility on put them to the highest point so if it's not perfect on the plan that's fine yeah adjust accordingly but not it is a it just make sure it's separate from the engineer stamp we're not going to um deny it I get it um Y what happen is but you also at when you make edits and revisions this plan does have to get remitted to the state just for their records the what the your final plan when it goes into the state would show the exact locations the exact location is of your sewer and your water going into your building therez not nothing down there changed just so he KCK on it's hot Bo she cools off quick until it dropping quickly we had our other plan with us we could show you how two years ago set the system in they made the plan how go go so it was approved on that plan so wouldn't that hold that that's already been approved no your septic plan was was approved but and well and all that was approved by the Board of Health you still have to get permission to cross under the town R of way yeah which is everything is already on plan house septic it's showing it's all there it's all you know your your engineer showed it coming under the road and such but you still have to get approval permission to go on the road they're not going to deny you for sure Jan they're not going to deny you because every other one over there is the same way you know and that's a that's a heavily traveled Road there's about six seven cars a day go down that road this time year it's about two all right so he is going to on here is it noted you're going to stay with the Waddles and we're going to put a line of Sil fence down no going to put uh Sil fence and a row of straw bales down at the bottom that's the bottom yeah top write it down so they have you can write it down so going down the hill going down the hill two of wles and no Sil fence no you won't need it because not just you're not going to have any issues going that way all right so there's no C fence it's just wles just wles okay and then up at the top right in the edge of the pavement right on the edge of the pavement you can stake in some Sil fence right on the edge of the pavement which is still barely enough to get an excavator in there to dig your Cellar hole and let the flap sit out on the road and then put hay bals in front of that that'll hold that hold the flap down hold it tight and seal it as best as can be done right this is you don't have you don't have room behind the silt fence to put the hay bals and still have room to work MH so you kind of got to run it back I want to check in with cat see if she has any questions before we motion to continue this no I'll set and now it's G to go what to the thank you B February um boy I don't know that it'd be ready for next meeting for sure because you got to get you got to get for the select one right this is why I'm ask let's figure out this is this is 30 days from now from 30 days maybe if that's okay it moving ahead start another words he can go to the building from no no I'm talking this demolition what really truly is his next phase I assume it's going to be to remove the existing building correct right so the next well the next step will be tell how to do it Highway Department demolition permit we're not no I'm not tell them how to do it I'm just saying his next move is going to be to remove the building can he no it's going to be he can't remove it though until you got to get approval from you got to get approval from the removing the building would is down the road so we need get the approval from to done before you can do thatp out a month listen listen you still have mitigation you have to do you have a whole lot of other stuff you have to do before you even consider doing it yeah okay start doing that yeah yeah okay this is we're not holding you up though TR right but get us the stuff in the next we'll say a month so end of uh February end of February beginning of March Fe February what is going to be the next meeting Jim gonna tell us in a minute February 12 and whatever one after that so put it right end of first week of March first meeting of March that gives them because it's going to take a little bit to get this before the selectman they may hear it right off next week if if Jimmy presented it to them they might take two week let's let's play in the first meeting in March it gives you time to do some of the detail stuff that we need but keep charging forward okay 26 what is it what's the one in March what's the first one in March 12 12 12 that's 12 as well okay 12 as well is February so I make a motion to continue um the notice of intent for 22 SAA Road CWB 20241 197 DV number 308 um 0719 to March 12 um so they can get their road crossing permit in line um but by no means we're telling you you have to wait to start the process of everything else yeah you got a lot of paperwork ahead of you you can keep moving okay got it did you say get Jimmy to go to the highway department Highway no you're you're gonna you're gonna take a ride down there Mike Mike will take a ride down yeah cross from Starlite you know where it is right we go see if we can get a begin the process for a demolition permit What You Won't Do because tomorrow yeah actually tomorrow everybody should be open for business and he goes to the building department for the [Music] I made motion do we have a second a second second vote starting with Pat uh yes Jim yes Jim Dorian yes James G yes Kevin Smith yes all right so he knows one of the meetings he's got to do the water line sub line change the erosion control on okay I don't want to get these with what we have yeah I was GNA say windows what's wrong with the windows we just spent a lot of money putting them in 10 15 years ago didn't we so came purple we're gonna move on to um yes 3.1 yeah you can sign yourself back in now recuse yourself now you can come back to the meeting I just noticed on here you're here it does say uh control Waddles fencing so it does indicate fencing something yeah so but there it detail element to it yeah right okay that's usually a broken line okay Waddles of the that's demonstrates details are just copy and paste those plans if you just give us a detail on a regular and a half by 11 sheet and to that work okay all right got it but call call me call Colby if you have okay you know it's we to help you Mike okay yeah it's we're not trying to slow you down what freezing my Fe turn up I get It's Hot Like Pat are you warm I am just right cold it's hot and cold and goes from 70 to 58 you're not missing anything you're good good where you are right choice you bet I've been in there before when it was too warm 3.1 towns and flood reduction survey uh Grant was awarded from Mass Municipal vulnerability pness program survey is needed by January 29th and then there is also a community meeting associated with this Colby on the 28th so responses are need by the 29th month this this January 28th or no hold on so responses for the survey which the link is on the town's website um are needed by January 29th and thenan and there was calendar mark your calendar and plan to attend the winter workshop on Thursday February 6 from 6: to 7 at the town and Public Library um this Workshop provides an opportunity for Community discussion of flooding concerns and ways that you can uh help to reduce flooding children are welcome to attend um have their own Activity questions will be provided um so what this project means for towns and a comprehensive storm water infrastructure inventory looking at culs um and stream Crossings development of flood reduction Solutions including nature-based Solutions and green infrastructure strategies um and you pull this up on Town's website has links to prer examples and then a plan for improv storm water management to protect our local Watershed so it's under the work session it's kind of a correspondence um I feel that it's important at least you know for us go and Beast listen or that's be an interesting meeting yeah the uh are getting worse I'll go with you Jimmy and that's the sixth and the seventh no it's the sixth and then it's from 627 no 627 okay at the library Feb okay um but storm water infrastructure is something that is often neglected it's not something you see until it's either collapsed or you know overflowing perfect example is old Meeting House Road at the end fine down there um gotcha so a lot of ones in town CTS in town are under sized and without responses and feedback it can stall progress um and these are requirements the state and uh the federal government require uh grants so yes sir uh the survey is really easy to use it's uh like I said it's linked on the Conservation Commission website right at the top there's more information about it if you're interested on land use Department website um again real easy to use go in pinpoint a location that uh notice flooding anyone can do it and it's a it's needed for us to receive money for this R to to apply you know where to go and find areas that need this this is a grant that we've been awarded we have the money it's ready for us we just need to apply it to use it great appropriate a lot of the Colbert Replacements in stream Crossings have to meet a strict stream water crossing standard um that can be difficult sometimes meet but with uh proper guidance it it is helpful with a support of Conservation Commission um and we've always been supportive to the town Highway Department in this so so the grant money is a available Grant we have the grant money to what the what's the is there a number that they put on available it it doesn't have to do with the actual work it has to do with the long-term plan which is part of the fight you know if you have a long-term plan it helps guide um Community people can understand right this started a long time ago beginning of last year I brought Jimmy Smith down to West Meadow when over all my culit so he reviewed all of them he sent Keith down they need to be up open look at the one the brige no I know they're all they are all over the place in town yeah and this one cover 100 years ago he didn't realize it was there and he sent the back in open both ends he goes Jesus you know what there is a cover there open and clear so we've got to get back at some time but you know what that takes is it there's one up on Town per the's expect expectation of that to do any Co he's expected to get an noi well and part of that is I'm just saying the support in the um on our behalf with with that and there's [Music] uh you can't just use the same plans that they've used for the past 50 years they have to be upgraded updated for those 100 your storms and P won't issue permits if they don't need them because of that they don't want to see stuff infrastructure get washed away or damaged and have to do it again do it again do it again yes you good 3.2 so there's a lot to it it's frustrating I don't what do you mean super frustrated with some of it and I 2.3 or 3.2 and come to the night um 3.2 2025 Community grants program NST Rivers wild and Scenic Stewardship Council application deadline is March 3D Lisa your hand is up I don't want to get too far ahead no that's all right um is is that all just about Culvert Replacements I filled out that survey several times cuz you're allowed to um to address the harbor flooding so it says flood reduction Solutions so I I think you're yeah you're right there you need to be there total candidate not just culverts we're just use well it's flood it's flood reduction and and Lisa has a the the uh oh my God tell what's that thing called the dam h& yeah the h&v what's that thing called Floodgate the flood gate I'm sorry that affects her house she right there I'm glad I'm not the only one that can't remember things wow she's Z than she has all the candy there for her yeah no Scooby Snacks here that's a little bit of a set a little Jo at right now to get me through I was going to say C out a scoop be good um no that that's that's miss path anything to help reduce flooding concerns and help to reduce flooding so yeah well and we all know the female overlays have all changed they all the footprints of where the flood planes were have increased I mean even you see things were a little bit better Lisa you still with us incredibly yes hi Lisa uh things are a little bit better for you since they they started uh maintaining or overseeing that since uh you were having the problems correct yeah they have a a flow meter in there um I'm hoping that they're being diligent about watching it um but with the this wonderful drought sorry we kind of love that down here when there's no high water um bet you didn't like it this morning down it was 12 below did you I had 14 at my house below 14 on the downside anyway there is an EAP uh huling toor and VES created an EAP for flooding in the harbor flood plane management kind of a thing okay emergency action plan yeah I'm thinking I should go to this meeting and ask some questions see what if anything can be done to help so you were at the mercy of hnv monitoring and opening and closing that if if it's a issue of you were here for that weren you which one was that no he that's right you were out that yeah never mind you're so in other words if you have a if if there's a heavy water um event and you're flighting it's the responsibility of H&B to go down there and open the flood gate y that's correct unlike the old days when Roy Shephard would run over or one of us would run over and do it but now it's a locked gate and um worked very closely with them typically over the years it was me calling them in the middle of the night saying yep come on down um was he just opened it he he opened it up and kind of kept an eye on it I gotta probably from Lisa Lisa's dad who back then would had the same thing they've got a pipe sticking out the back of Lisa's house goes out there when that water backs up starts coming up it's backing up the pipe it's flooding it's flooding her basement I gotta and she's been calling at one point to bring you back up to speed she was calling h&v and they just weren't getting out there Lisa when did they submit y the plan because I know they talked about it yep it was last year and um autumn autumn showed you at a meeting Autumn presented at a kcom meeting okay yeah no I remember now and they put up a me they I remember going down I went down on I would have been on top of that I did not realize that she is I've been calling them Jimmy for for the last 30 years it's been me in the middle of the night calling saying hey I got water open the gate is it the house to your immediate left and you that are really the only two that suffer harshly right correct and the two houses at the end of the pond basically Lisa and the one kind of right on the corner 31 31 so this is something you should be involved in and oh for sure yeah I uh I still think that that that some Town entity has to be coordinated with h&v other than just myself and I believe that was they supposed to notify they were supposed to notify us right and we talked communication if there was if there was high water um through I mean if this is something if I was going through my basement flooding for 30 years I'd be figuring this out yeah I think we talking about either but Roy used to go open it when it can't depend on that was probably Lisa's looked out the window I get ITA called Roy D Roy D went over and freaking flipped her up two cranks and go well Roy just drove by and looked under the bridge said y when he came down to the shop in the morning looked under the bridge and said holy she's right there but he would have known right right where it was before it was going to affect them and he probably just cranked it open and went across and open the shop open the sh fix something we know and then later yeah again I had come to the kcom meeting with this concern and um Izzy from the the environmental engineer from h&v came online and we had a meeting and she put together the EAP she sent that back Autumn presented it but we did notice that some of the names in town for contacts were outdated I.E you know fire chief police chief whatever and so I believe believe Autumn got those corrected so that EAP should be I think somewhere there uh maybe Colby will come across it in the files somewhere anyway um it's under control there they have a flow meter when there's a particular amount of flow coming through that Canal they are the employee some employee supposed to come down and open the gate and uh they're good about it okay so there's a mechanism presently that is now there is now there is there was not before Lisa's been flooded neighbor to her left okay and flooded and it's been just about come over the road there oh in in the last couple years we still have an erosion problem we got we got so thank you I'll let you go you guys got things to do I'll go to that meeting and I'll question join us you come up and time yeah pleas still on the chalk board byebye so the next thing is uh Community grants program for um ntis Rivers wild and Scenic Stewardship Council application this is what uh awarded for survey um so I want that was statistic or was that we should try Valley I think we should reapply I think we should reapply and maybe we can get some more money to maybe do a little surveying or do a little forestry management through a through a uh with with the through a uh uh State approv Forester and maybe with Gold's an oversight okay so in other words like up on met road if that needs to be thinned out and log other we're gonna give you an action first action action item um get ready an action item in in the uh do we need to appoint uh no no we just welcome him we're not really appointing right what he's already been he's already been hired yeah no we just have to authorize him to sign off but yeah um could you help um there is conservation owned properties list come up with a handful of properties you know go take a look at them just Cruise them and see which ones would benefit from bounce marking um you know we'll get a couple prices we have to be competitive um but we've always you don't have to get pricing from three people to app Grant if you you get in contact with jul Roy and just ask them for a basic number to apply for the grant um you know it's a start if we figure out maybe what two or three Parcels yeah well like if you can do two or three at a time I think it saves a little money because they can do it at their Leisure so they can send a crew of guys over in the days they don't have much going on you don't give them a long timeline to do it and they'll give you a better price if you come up with a A list of of properties that you feel would benefit from balance marking um and plan of land and at the same time maybe we can take it to we get a quote to have a Forester um create uh cting PL for the one the three Parcels that are being surveyed currently I know that one out there's a few there's a couple pieces got some Timber on them didn't we just have some logging done in town but it wasn't us well no so we have to kind of pick property prop I don't know what any of our not since I've been on they just did a loging on Town property right not us no not conservation no um yeah Kevin's building some aordable houses on I think um kidding everyone kidding uh no just because we we could pick and choose may we survey two properties and do a bar Street cutting plan on another [Music] restoration or you kind of% make money I think I feel both the commission can provide their thoughts I'm only one person he's cold so he's not on the point even if you put it under for fire management I can do a cursy but it's a bigger conversation I think I think that's a but it's a it's a something that we really well he needs to have a specific point to go look at is he looking for forestry well I would look bigger pels bigger Parcels we've got some bigger Parcels the 20 acre up there at least are we going to do that because it's overgrown we can make some money on the forestry is it over a fire management situ I don't know what is it Parcels the towns got really just need to be you would be able to provide some of that feedback you know just good business I look at it is if it's fire management and you know stay yeah yeah you know yeah if you leave the woods the way they are and you don't manage them they don't grow Pat do you have anything you want to add um not so much as that but you guys are really overt talking each other makes it kind of hard to keep track of and interrupt each other we could calm that down a little that would be great so we get hot and then we get cold and then we get distracted and it's really having a tough time tonight for all of us I thought I was being an extra quiet for God's sakes I I do too um I'll do inventory abbreviated inventory what's there that would be great so just to get an idea about and I assume Victoria is excessive the access she would have a full listing of that piece of property we have we already have we already have a database but oh he has it in okay so but we do have a time table or time limit here because March 3D is the so properties I would for man what hey we got to she can't some point someone's going to watch this and say what there a lot going on three Parcels one on W Road two on West metal that are being bound and Survey those are the three that I would start with a quote for management only makes sense yeah 20 or and you can look it up those are start because those are the ones we know where the bounds are but no questioning that I would pick two or three larger Parcels that would make sense to have surveyed like we are now and I'm sure you can call me and I can try to figure it out with you over the phone come in on a c day but you try to continue what we did this past next round we'll look to you to identify those Parcels M even been quiet well no I mean all this is new to me one thing that I had learned um is that um even though I don't know K's background at all it seems like he is like super knowledgeable about this kind of stuff I don't know if that's true I didn't want to for's background is fairly extensive in one agriculture horiculture forestry management really okay and a little bit of uh little bit of some other stuff as far as yeah well but the point appr propo to this conversation is that it sounds like he's you must have a pretty good idea of what we're what we're looking for here and that uh you can fill in the gaps yeah at the same time if if you're available and want to walk some of these areas with them that's a good that's a good idea um or uh you know your feedback CU your extensive town history um you know collaborate we don't have to just collaborate here Cate all together you know mik has the luxury of being tired for now so he starts building the house but um not I think by the next meeting we so we can discuss it I I see you moving on boy guy is cold I know it is cold 3 vote to authorize H streer to sign off on uh Conservation Commission behalf for administrative approvals second is that the motion I'll make the motion make the motion Kevin second James Jo yes that was quick P Pat I missed out on saying second okay second J has voted yes yes P yes Kevin yes unanimous Kobe moving on this is us being distracted that was 2.3 4.1 I like it so correspondence uh for 134 War Road DCR power Street cutting plan uh there's a NH hdsp letter associated with it has to be completed October 15th to March 15th there is 10 qus of wood in 37,000 board feet coming out and that's a DCR piece nope it's the DCR plan Town towns oh it's that pie is that hes landowner no it's another the town I can't pronounce that last name so this is a private entity Ed uh no Mike and Bernard death W the same family same family got you all right so so that's in westconsin no no it's it's War Road just past you know where we I did those where did gravel y I was thinking of Pat yep cousins or sisters or brothers yeah dur certain time but that's that's correspondence um education conferences there is the blood reduction um meeting February 6th 6 at the library um M has classes oh what time is that Jimmy what Pat what time is the meeting 6 to 7 okay thank you on February 6 six got that there's late Refreshments too bring some of a pat goodies I'll be there P bring goodies good for discussion at the next meeting uh we have Grant uh grants we need to discuss I don't know what else we have pending um at this moment but HBY doesn't have anything on hand um that's all I have uh next meeting is Wednesday February 12th 2025 at 7M for Chambers second floor um meeting will also be held via virtual Zoom um we have mtion to I'll make before we before youour hold on one second sry Pat that's okay Jimmy I'll make sure to have Scooby snacks for our next meeting I will be there you're the best I mean we made out like bis because Kevin and I got plaid shirts too that was as good as a Scooby Snack all right all right umin motion I'm going to well no I'll finish my motion uh I'll make a motion to uh adjourn the January 22 uh meeting and good enough 8 830 [Music] p.m a second second yes you got a second P Pat said second so Mike always beats on the usually M start your vote again mik said yes jiman yes yes yes P yes thank you have a good night guys