so I'd like to call the order the towns Conservation Commission meeting for Wednesday May 22nd 2024 at 7M can I have a roll call please James Duran presid James Gates Kevin Smith who else is on nice and quiet here tonight nobody's present in person Jen say that again is anyone else present with you guys or just you three okay I just like to keep track only three of us it's easy to do yeah I emailed Pat the link to the zoom uh probably like 20 minutes ago I was hoping she'd be able to get on but all right um Kevin do you mind leading us employ of Allegiance [Music] please I Al flag the United States of America to the rep for it stands one nation under indivisible Liberty justice for all all thank you James we lost autumn autumn yeah can you just like tell us if other people show up yeah I will I'll uh I'll raise my hand in real life and then you'll know someone else is raising their hand all right you might have to actually speak for okay all right thank you y uh Chairman's additions and orations 3.4 U we need to close out the hearing for um 65 adoms gr last week um forg to close it 65 Adams yeah the workon property we forgot to oh okay how did we miss that I wasn't doing that it happens U chair report I do not have anything that is not covered under the agent report review and approve meeting this from 410 424 and 5 I [Music] check make a motion to you can't hear any up make a motion to approve the meeting minutes from 4:10 424 and 58 so second roll call vote please Jim Duran yes James Gates yes Kevin Smith yes AUM your agent report sure y this covers dates of May 9th to May 22nd 2024 um Board of Health inter departmental signatures for 49 Edwards Road needs to be reviewed by kcom so I haven't had any other signatures other than um you needing to review 49 Edwards Road uh we issued ative -2 determination or 42 per 42 and 22 West men Road sorry I thought Kevin was saying something uh was issued on 516 2024 um order of conditions issued for 65 Adams Road on that same date and then I had admin approval for 11 Squan cook Terrace um for grinding trees that have already been cut so just grinding the stumps to ground level um site visits I did quite a few this past week or two uh 66 Bayberry Hill 27 scales Lane 65 Main Street for the preconstruction 80 Main Street to check out a dumpster that was partly full 20 Clement Road and 73 Turnpike Road and current applications that we have in uh with us there's two rdas one at 198 Main Street which is Sterilite just came in and 49 Edwards Road which is a septic replacement so we'll be reviewing those at next our next meeting uh we have for tonight the request for o extension at 73 Turnpike and then for next meeting the noi that we'll be reviewing are five Saunders Road two Capricorn Lane and 88 Meadow Road so we got kind of a busy meeting next time um and just some miscellaneous items um I did send a thank you letter on your behalf uh to the board of Selectmen uh for their support with Article Five at the recent town meeting and then we also had um I did some check-ins for ooc compliance at the rail trail 66 Bayberry Hill Road and 27 skel L and that's all I have thank you aam Mr chair how do we do p isn't on right aumn now she would be blinking she is she isn't yeah so why don't we roll it to the bottom of the meeting we stand order um so 2.1 to 715 appointment anyways um we do not have a quum to vote on um no what is 2.1 again p number 30868 3 request for ooc extension oh for you yeah which so I have to abstain from the vote we don't have corre we don't have a forum to be able to vote so we're going to move it to um June 12th but if she pops up onto the screen we can bring it back up if yep move on so if she unless she joins us during our meeting then we can bring it back up right move on that's why I was saying you can bring it to the bottom of the meeting if you want it you don't have to stay in order all right 3.0 so 3.0 conson volunteer opportunities and education Outreach Autumn I'm going to that over to you okay that's really was just discussion we can have a discussion on um volunteer opportunities that you guys are interested in more interested in for me to to represent you for um I think it's just good to have a conversation about this stuff um if we're looking to do a little bit more than just the the bi-weekly meetings if you'd like to participate in things or have me I just I like to know where we stand on that and what what you guys are thinking so I guess I just we have some time so I wanted to discuss that with you um I'm thinking it's summer time this is the most busiest time for all of us yeah I I feel that doing some sort of um Library Outreach or Library um kids hour or something dur during the summer for weapons plants that sort of stuff animals whatever UT's comfortable teaching whatever she's comfortable with yeah guiding Trail tours yeah yeah it could be it could be something like visiting a Vernal pool and teaching kids about what's in the Vernal pool and why they're important or you know if you don't want to put as much pressure on me you know to lead something like that we could just um work on coming up with maybe one one little handout or just something to keep that education and Outreach goal in mind I would say that's a I forgot I meant to bring you a card I got um about spotted Lantern fly sped Lantern fly I guess we've had the emergence of the diamond Beetle B started cutting a lot of trees I think it down at Harvard but I I had a card given to me um recently and it had all the facts and um I have that for you Autumn so you can see it okay yeah maybe just um I know that on our our website we have um I can send out news blast with just a a title that then if anyone's interested I think it sends an email to people on this list that sign up um so it could be just as easy as like a bi-weekly invasive species information email just you know so I sent you that New Hampshire extension service um article about uh Japanese not weed Japanese noted I think that's really important especially since we had a recent incident of uh Japanese knotweed being dumped on uh Town land and spreading through someone dumping it so I think that's definitely a great opportunity to send out a news blast about Japanese not we I guess the I don't know what everyone else thinks I think backing into this with what are your expectations for this and where do you want it to go you asking the commission what are you asking me or the commission I'm asking you I think that at least we we should be dedicating maybe an hour a week to um putting together some type of information on educating the public on either the environmental permitting or just why wetland are important something that we can keep it in like keep educating the town's people so I don't think we need to rewrite the wheel and come up with our own information either because there's resour there what yeah no I agree with you I think there's a lot of resources out there and templates that could be used but if it's something that's important to you guys I would like to to work on it but if it's not then um is it is it is and that's why we requested that the funding but we also want you to be able to uh take stuff and run with it I think it's pretty important have the tax payment form their the town residents about things like this the not weed you know relocating it and it just takes off and it hasn't it hasn't killed the not we on their property all they done is move it right U there's a lot of there's a lot of educational steps that we can take to you know just to kind of keep the taxpayers informed so I I think the way to measure it is in my eyes is deliverables and do we send out email last once a month twice a month once a quarter um but then also off offering some sort of educational experience for younger kids and even grade school kids um if you're comfortable with that and even adults and um I know you have a heavy workload as it is with your hours but if there are times that you can spend a little time putting it together so that you can you know and then send out send out a little a little you like you say a news blast once a month or something to the public so that the public is is is kept up informed that we're actually busy here doing y then you can in your you know share with us that you've done it um so that you report right and again that's I think how we can measure success and then also engagement with the community and um you know show the taxpayers that that request of ours um that was approved that town meeting was special town meeting was worth it right I agree you're quiet yeah I'm all on board with um I mean i' like to work obviously it's my PE right at the moment about these invasives Japanese not weed is you know ramp it on West Meadow Road right now common weed all these you know the fragma multifloral ETC um I'm I'm all for picking out a couple veral pools in town and if we want to educate some of these people that are interested in it about the species that go in and out of it in the Wetland times you know the root standing how to identify them how important they are to the ecosystem just to just to let the just to let the taxpayer uh help the taxpayer to be informed and you know when they on their own property if they you know if they say oh boy I've got one of them on my property so they're not so have to go out cut all the well cut all the trees drop them in the swamp drag them out because they are in preservation the worst thing you want to do is go messing with pool there they it is protected in state of Massachusetts a lot of them have D numbers and the other thing is I think it's an our best interest the more we educate the people in town about all these particulars in the Wetland areas this it's going to be all the easier at the meetings and I think and I had spoken to you about it aumn and everybody knows it too it would be once again in our favor to try to find a better system for all these for the nois and you know on and on it go it's a pretty complicated system for somebody off the street to walk in and try to do so enough said for me yeah well so I guess that the next you want come to us at the next meeting with what you've done so far uh or do you want our approvals for everything um no I think I the the discussion was great I know what what you guys are looking for and I know what I can what I can do with my time so I'll report back past meetings also because I I know that we discussed it depth um before or you know past 24 months yeah okay um what was that on not we dumped in town in it's taking off where where is that uh the Water Department property yeah but which one there's so many of them right I I have to look back at my email Jim um I reached out and I I let the water department know and you know it is on their property so we're going to we're going to try and work with them and see if what we can do um you know we're still kind of learning like what where do we dispose of not weed in town even you can't you can't so it has to be ended in the place it is right then and there well no you can bury it also right you can bury it then once it's up again also spray it put you know for somebody somebody only has a little you can at least get you know keep get it down when it stats when it's tender you can just keep whacking at it with spray even it's like in haia once you keep cutting it it'll go yeah right you know it's a matter of it's just like when we're going to do the brook area only way we're going to control it is keep Rush hogging it to keep it from coming up only way you can do it if you think you're going to go in there with the chemical warfare think about the cost of it you know so well I've seen it done that way and sure yeah so I think through our research with creating the news the email blast once a month we'll find out and we'll we'll be able to educate the towns people well again I shared the New Hampshire extension services recommendations yep which was what was it um sped to go trash bags bury it cover with plastic spray it DDT naom and a stries no all of the above region I mean this stuff is so prolific it's it's incredible it is it's tough and then that's why I got nervous yeah it's so and if you put it if you dispose of it in wentland it will it will rot um wherever it lays perfect environment for it to run down a stem cutting washes down and lands on the bank it's there I had mowed some last year and uh just had to go up and I I treated it with round up and hellfire which is a the Hellfire really is like a sticking nent yeah and it's still that stuff is just tough tough stuff yeah I go around big excavator in a deep hole I think is the greater than five feet yeah the best solution for that I mean the problem is wherever it is you know if it's if it's a Patch the size of this room you got to dig it down five feet get make sure you got it all then plan it you you know bury at yeah it's it's nasty what about uh besides email blast and um what about educational events have you given that any thought I'd kind of like to get plugged in I I could stand to get to I haven't gone to a class in a lot of years I mean something like Garden in the woods some of the programs wall in the woods have US host conservation us yeah we need more education before we can host people to educate that's why we can hire someone have you given that any thought or even just general nature yeah yeah I think getting people excited about the environment would would help our situation and just help the town in general keeping the water drinking water well as clean so yeah I think so I don't know if it's really my wheelhouse I've done it in the past it's hard it's a lot of prep and then a lot you know you're maybe not good on your first round you know you really have to put a lot lot of time and effort into it so um it seems easy but it is very difficult so um I would prefer educating people through the emails and other other ways to begin but if that's something that you guys would really like to do I would like to partner with one of you to do to do an educational program maybe what about how you you reached out to a trail person earlier this year about hosting a class or a talk on it did that gain any traction because it was walking or bik don't remember he covered he covered all um Trail it was Trail building actually um and he was very busy he wasn't able to get on our schedule um but it it is um it is something that I think is a good investment yeah you don't have to do the the actual talk either you know facilitating or lining up the okay speakers um that's also part of this educational Outreach um I know National River Watershed has a lot that they can offer um and I think D she's now the education director right I think that's where she ended up Landing in and she was awesome when she came to us for the farming or the agon exemption so I I think trying to talk with her and see what she can offer e you know to the community um even as basic just good to do yeah as much work for you besides finding it all up yeah I can do that and just in a a good note Jessica read reach out to me from um Nash River Watershed and they're going to start the um planting for the trees for the rip perion this next next week or the week after oh awesome so that was still on she reached out and I said yeah come on down so we're still going to plug in I think 300 plus trees so of various types redo silver red Maples Etc Dogwood um so I was glad she you know had reached out and we got back on board with that yeah if you need help uh watering them I just watered the ones the other day with a bucket going down to the river and watered all those water trck somebody somebody needs a drop a water truck off don't they got my freight liner up there too how did you water them with a bucket up and down or you take the bucket from the River yeah I was joking with the fishermen they're like what are you doing I'm like I'm watering the trees oh nice all right it started to rain though so Jim I gave up and we did get a soaking room so and you got off the hook too because they needed young Planters I got my little watering truck ready to go I so and yeah can we look into some extension classes for us as Commissioners yeah yeah I yeah H season this here James yeah yeah but I don't have Hast equipment anymore I got rid of it but I am going to go to pickets all summer um all right that's the problem in summer so do you think maybe by the next meeting you can figure out some sort of um you know speaker that we could host uh in the near future yeah I yeah I can do that we'll let you pick the first one okay I'm going to be doing a lot of that because NRC already volunteered to come down to one of our our agriculture meetings you know all these guys have reach love to see we we can come out to your meeting and I think if I call him he'll come out give us 20 minutes huh what's the topic for the talk that they're giving at the agricultural it it's going to be everything it's going to be lost agriculture land it's going to be invasive species it's going to be best management for mans and and you know different things of that nature so the next meeting I'm gonna WR this down is but I'm trying to set every meeting up where I'm gonna have somebody available for a 15 minute intro pamphlets bring everybody up to speed with all the different changing rules and regulations in the agriculture world and so for the next meeting I'm going to put um a work session just so that you can discuss the a commission okay do that that gives you the platform to do it zoom over y the public access because NRC also with Maggie Haynes will be coming out and it will also be the four for NRC so you can give us an overview what the I commission does but yeah yeah hopes and dreams of of all that um can I move [Applause] on website updates organization forms and checklist Autumn again um if you guys have any comments on the the documents I shared with you last meeting if not then we can move forward with getting them on the website and helping people through it was like a it was the a checklist for the noi application process was one of them so there's also no no order of a condition um order of condition extension form on the website okay through the rabbit hole on the town website and you go under documents for conservation I don't think much has been listed yeah I don't know if the administrative approvals been uploaded on it but any any of all forms that pertain to us should be on the website to be build out okay the better they're informed the easier our meetings will be and we should also have and I think it's on there um a point out of you know six per W quick question Mr chair where is our Advent what our Advent for the commission are the Aon I don't know AUM I shared the um the zoom link with her okay was there something that was pertinent for her to be here no okay participation staying involved keeping up with what this conversation is and understanding what she can do to help us okay that's the importance of them being here that's the importance of her being at that meeting last week too so okay I think their involvement is Select is key for us to having some success because they'll know ahead of time because of the meeting and they'll say Hey listen conservations at A and C expect them to come and approach us about these things let's be prepared to help them is I think that's the reason why we have her on this okay thank you for this um that was the only comment I had on them was any forms that we have internally that pertain to a homeowner or oh is that why it's hot in here this is what controls Press buttons because i' like to see sorry I don't know I don't want to start messing with that I'm not doing it during the meeting um all right thank you Autumn a lot okay thank you 3.3 transmitt of hearing notices notice of decisions and enforcement with border select board fellow planing board zoning board of appeals and town clerk what are everyone's thoughts on that are they not all CC from meetings I think talking decisions no no decisions would not be inclusive to C seeing what transpires in a meeting if it pertains to CBA denials or enforcement no okay okay not they do for they send stuff to us um I it I feel that my and I asked for this put on I I feel that it should be standard operating proceed that all of what all appr approvals or sorry let me back hearing notices notice of decisions denial or approval correct and enforcements should I think that should be I I thought it was a standard operating procedure for these to be cc to like car to currently it is not okay at least within our commission it might have been in the past it might have gone um by the wayside I don't know I'm just I to be honest with you remember for years that it would always be put into their boxes who else is on sorry Jimmy keep going Jimmy I thought it was always standard procedure that at the end of a zoning board meeting conservation everybody would have it put into their so either Sabrina would review it or it would be brought to Eric if Sabrina thought it was important whatever needed to go to carer she would take care with you know Board of Health yeah ended up in Rich's office the inspector's officing with the enforcements it looks like um Lori broker from Massachusetts and Hampshire is online hi Lori Lor where do it show I can't see who it is all I see is hi guys [Music] hi welcome just thought I'd join you it's like I have nothing else to do that's a so I want to hear what's going on oh awesome um so what are everyone's thoughts I I I Jimmy you seem to remember it being something the past I think I did not know it changed is what I'm saying I've always been under the impression well I think we better look into it and find out no it's not being done now so what okay I think it's a habit they need to reacate on because I think and I always have understood it to be at the end of the meeting they would I notic make six copies every everybody's secretary would get it put into their slot and they would actually side of things because you have to stamp it no you have to um drop it and it has you know aut it's something where autum Autumn will eventually come up with it or will have a template for it yeah were you thinking maybe like sorry go ahead were you thinking maybe a cover letter like a decision transmittal for the other boards or would you like them to to get the app like re see the applications before you know what um I I think where if they need to see the application this way before it gets to us I think in terms of the decisions the fact that you know enforcements hearing notices um we should uh do that again I guess it's also let's look into what's going on with the information pipeline let's find out what well at the end of this meeting is it not printed is it not available for anyone to go back and look at the minutes look at what was decided in that meeting etc etc because it's something that we decide on that's got to go to the select man or zba Etc wouldn't that automatically be be forwarded to their office so they know what the decision is I thought that was what we we've done all along yeah so if it's something like the Board of Health that needs our sign off after we're done with the permit or building permits we sign off when we issue the order of conditions and then it moves on to the next step so at this point it's something that's waiting on us to action is is signed off on and pushed through to the next uh department but right now I we're confusing this I think we're confusing this this is just a transmitt of decision transmitt of a hearing just like zoning board or of appeal sends us or the planning board planning board sends out a cover letter that we we review often yeah okay simple just courtesy that and it also gets the not the notice out more publicly because then it's on tcam you know all those it's just simple just letter stating um you know basic things that have taken place so as an example in order of conditions extension correct on such and such date commission yeah approved order conditions extens turn by Brook all they have to do none of that it's just transmit information yeah so Jimmy you seem to think that it used to happen I always remembered it being cc to each board automatically through either Autumn or Jessica at the end of the meeting it was never by them they've never done it could have been done when you were on previously I remember the words CC I want to make a motion to um send transmitt of hearing notices notice of the decisions and enforcements to Bo of Select Board of Health planning board uh zoning board of appeals and to the town Clark so moved well I made the motion so are you making a second yes so I'll move okay y Kevin you want to second that no you just seconded I made the motion you seconded it right so he doesn't need to Second it I need call Jim Doran in favor James Gates yes yes info 3.4 notice of intent 308-7711 7465 Adams Road can I have a motion to close the hearing with a second I'll make a motion to close the hearing on 645 Adams Road a second James James dwan second roll call vote please James run yes James Gates yes yes 65 you get that Autumn yep got it 4.1 land protection Grant deadline is June 14th for natural Rivers wild and Scenic stewardship stewardship uh Council grant program um examples no dumping signage uh do you have anything in mind and is this something that our grant writer can assist with I think the no dumping science is a great idea actually I it's a sad thing that we need to put signs up to tell people not to dump jump Jim you would not believe what people dump on our properties around town I all the stuff up we picked up a daycare center it in mgov in the back corner where the washer is a p a a dual wheel dump truck Autumn do you have any ideas um the one that was suggested by Jessica was a new dumping sign and I thought that was a really good one something that's obtainable and I think I can't say because I don't know what Aaron uh the grant Raider schedule is like I know she's she's busy so I can um I can request her assistance with that and see if she's able to help us or not okay what about um other signage or um you know trails that are on conservation land Etc you have other ideas I don't I do so this this grant is uh providing funds to support acquisition transaction and other due diligence costs associated with land protection I think we should find or we should write a grant for um boundary marking of conservation lines okay do you know what the the uh Grant amounts are or uh I don't it may it may be noted on there but as we do more research yeah I don't um do you think you [Music] can EXC get get quotes to have the work done or just a ballpark and you don't it can't doesn't have to be every single piece of property but I I'd say the larger properties that we um have in our portfolio should be surveyed in the bounds marked okay um yeah I can reach out surveyors find the funding for the survey I'm looking it up right now say that again Kevin I don't know how you I I don't know there was funding out there for actually survey this is again providing funds to support acquisition transaction and other due diligence costs associated with land protected so you're protect the land by suring right [Music] a well Jimmy's looking that up I have a question do you have a piece is there um a piece of property in town that's been problematic with dumping or an area where we found that it's a repetitious issue and which is what's prompting a sign um the water department issue with the invasive species that's a site that we're thinking about the signs um and any kcom land that's um kind of tucked away or a place where people may may find themselves jumping I think yeah there's a one spot that I went to and I found that um homeowners were just dumping off the back of their property on the kcom land yeah they do it on the soccer fields too on horeshoe people just a lot of that over off Emory isn't there I pushed it back a couple lot of that's over by just junp were you sorry no I was I was done it's over by Ash Street is our that property so if you're dealing with somewhere that you a lot of repetition in it and everything I have a solution and it worked well in instances down on West Meadow Road mhm we put the game cams out we hide them and they motion detection so if somebody's in there it moves it comes up on my boy's cell phone and surprise surprise there's a there's a license there's a face and we go talk to them all right so a little history on this um last year the recipients were um Harvard con conservation trust they were awarded 19 $1,956 for large scale invasives plant removal native plant reintroduction wildlife habitat restoration and 27 Acres of conservation land owned by the Harvard conservation trust containing small streams which feed into Bowers uh Brook tributary to Nashville River North County Land Trust received 22 2252 to survey and Monument land on Northfield Road to protect Road Frontage to the pebody cons ation Area Property which protects over 620 ft of mulus Brook andberg and then Shirley Conservation Commission received $113,000 towards due diligence cost for acquisition and protection of 24.74% a they they awarded over $3,000 um they encourage you to talk um and entities May apply for multiple grants um allowable costs may include but are not limited to surveys appraisals appraisal reviews attorney services re tile searches Closing Services deed uh preparation negotiation Baseline document prep uh easement in land reporting and other Professional Services um funds can also be used to acquire direct real estate interest fees or easement restriction uh in land entities May apply for multiple grants it's a very and they are large naations what was it $119,000 in Harvard Yep they're over $35,000 between the three only I guarantee it was almost three only the three that appli too and there 300 cities and towns in the state of massachus this is only Nashville River wed oh oh so that actually that that tightens it up narrows it down so um land protection goals set forth in the stewardship plan include incurred voluntary land conservation protect forign Riverfront and Watershed lands increase land protection efforts to focus on connecting existing protected waterways restore and sustain lands along all water bodies including wetlands and their surround ing lands as linear Greenways for natural resource values protect priority land habitat especially along the three rulers of their tributaries protect priority Headwater streams uh that's like old water Downstream and recognize protect important historical and cultural landscape features related to The Rivers I keep going but I I not to take this opportunity and I think signs are just it says you can do multiple grants that that be a separate one but I think and we have the grant R and out Autumn has to check with her see if she's per per schedule yeah I think this needs to get be priority how is it that she scheduled if a commission is in need of grant writing and there it's available to us we need to schedule it in with her uh we may I I'm not sure how she's how she's working her schedule or I justes she work under who does she who directive is she under Jessica land use coordinator I can you facilitate that and I I think I know that natural River Watership will also assist that you end up having to do it okay guidance they encourage you to reach out to them and I feel that this is important to do um then we should look at which Parcels the biggest what I don't know it's just um sometimes it's a lot of uh just open-ended you know um it's going to be June 12th before we meet again so if we don't hash out you know the specifics I can always reach out or you could come by the office and we can really get to you know because when I go to eron and say commission would like to to apply for this we need we need the specifics for her to be able to write that Grant yeah where is the grant coming from who's yeah yeah we she's got to have specific information for that well now be down next week maybe Jess we know no that that's a different it's a different person is it well I'll be in touch with you James and then if we can really get the ball rolling sometime soon I know I'm taking a little vacation next week so if one of you want to like try and get some information together and share it with me we can always send it directly to Aaron too if I'm away well no this is due [Music] June June 14th so is on next 12 June 12th yeah you're really P the envelope getting a quote on signs as one Grant and pick other signs along with the do no dumping if you feel the need uh and then getting a quote to survey and mark the uh six largest properties the town for the Conservation Commission owns okay let see what happens you might get and if it's 500 bucks you might get 20 grand you might get both yeah how I know nrc's coming out to see me they're going to talk to me about grant money for evapor is they going to talk to me about grant money for invasive removals they going to talk a whole great SL of that so that's a that's different so no it isn't necessarily because if we're removing invasives that still is kind of embedded with conservation too yep look at the money we spent 12 12 or $1,400 to spray that frag mides you know where that was out at the pond near the Pine Grove I'm just like $1,200 just take a fill in the air well it's a million degrees in here yeah that's those are the two ideas I I think you have all and knowing that you're on vacation next week um I'd like to see what you can do in the next day uh see if we get reach out to some sort some engineer um and see what you can come up with um and then I think this is an opportunity for the town um to do some stuff that we've talked about that's a lot of money $19,000 in the conf for us to do something no no they gave out $35,000 total but it doesn't tell it doesn't and it doesn't tell you what the limit is right so yeah that's H that I'm like anxious about it because there it's very open-ended and it's intended to be open-ended like BR pcel said to me on the phone he says Jimmy there is grant money available y Steve ret demonstrated you see it all the time he electric vehicle solar run coolers on and on it goes okay awesome joh so um NBTA Community zoning act flyer Autumn is there anything special that needs to be discussed about this no I know it's just correspondence potential multif family home locations map for town at MBTA communities zoning action ples I feel like to talk about this we have gone over it but I just it was it was sent to us as something to share with you so I always like to add it to the agenda well you have first so two are old city and then's this one oh it's on 13 yeah it's on 13 and what is that again M MBT well it was land that we had to set aside for for uh housing because towns and quers a MBTA town a town with train service y okay I didn't know if it pertained to Urban Development it has to do with multif family housing because of it's basically affordable housing yeah and that is where again the land is in Shirley no Noy no land is in towns but towns in bord Shirley that spot is is it next to us what Pat oh she yep Pat's online there was a piece of property a couple of pieces of property that the town needed to designate Pat do you mind announcing your arrival at 753 please the bottom left hand corner of your screen um there's a little mute button you can hit that and it should unmute you if you can find it it's a little tricky PR and hold the space bar oh she got it I think you're on now yeah Pat at 754 thanks Pat even um all right so we're going to jump back to 2.1 D number 30868 3 request for o extension 73 Turnpike Road James Andale Gates I can't partake in it but I'm going to stay here jimm you have to run thisum you're gonna have to help them okay you need to did you look at it all that stuff and then a recommendation all right so we're going to we need a motion right off the bat no discuss it look at [Music] it do you havek Kevin you looking at it I do I'm looking at it no you're not you're looking at the one I have you sign for last we so I won't confuse you Jimmy has it all right everybody sign so James do you want to just quick tell us uh the work that's ongoing at the site uh the work is for a proposed garage and Associated grading within the uh Riverfront um and the work just has not been completed yet so and the work is going to be in the location of where the old barn was it's closer to the house it's move it moved this way then move further away from the river correct over to the other side of the concrete road or it's 30 feet from my house from the corner of my garage okay just wanted to make sure I didn't know if you will look into Grandfather at off of that same the old bond that was there and that was just torn down so we brought it closer to the house by what close to 100 fet it moved a lot further away from this SW which was a good the what yeah the erosion and sediment control is um in place and the site is um in my opinion we can I would recommend moving forward with the O extension so that's going to be for three years Autumn yes okay Deeds is that's there yes paid the 20 the $55 on that Jim I remember it was um it's in the AC so that uh extra funding was included in the check that was sent in so it would have been 55 plus 25% more right um I can double check the fee schedule but the check that was submitted was accurate okay then that's all yeah so he put in the 25% s a charge just double check and I just got it thrown at I like to look at them quick yeah now good question make a motion what want I'd like to make a motion to 2.1 I'd like to extend the hearing extend conditions for period of 3 years for 73 J bike Road James Andale Gates DB number hold on let's just so 5.1 Mass uh MCC uh educational courses throughout May and June see MC website for more details discussions items for discussion at next meeting um notice of attend for five Saunders Road two notice of inent for two Capricorn lanee introduction to the ad commission and what it is about have a motion in a second to a turn at 7:58 pm just quick questions Capricorn in timbery timy Park sers Road Road Town 18 yeah sers Road s road just up the road road s is up on the left on the left all right I'll make a motion I'll make a motion to adjourn Conservation Commission meeting at 758 p.m i f that roll call vote please D yes James Gates yes chin Smith yes thanks Pat for joining us thank you p