I like to call to order the towns in Conservation Commission meeting for Wednesday April 24th 2024 at 7:01 p.m can I have a who call please James D present James Gates Kev do you mind leing us in the Pledge of Allegiance plge Al to the United States of America to the rep it stands one nation under God Liberty jce for all yeah I know I is I notic that too Jimmy it's okay C I don't normally this meeting is being recorded is anyone else recording Chairman's additions and orations um help me good notes here so 4.1 to 4 so we're adding some correspondence 108 to 112 West me Road s Water Management permit application referral request notice 4108 to 112 West Meadow um comments and then 4.3 comments the DP to simplify Wetland permitting for baral work and habitat restoration on public open spaces I think that also should include prop as well that's 4.3 yeah okay um we are moving 1.6 uh preview and approve meeting minutes from 4104 um chair report um Autumn and Pat uh set up a booth for um birthday and Jimmy donated some flowers and um materials and we appreciate the volunteering uh in the Outreach of the public thank you you're welcome a nice thank you for helping her I know long day to share yeah did the kids get the flowers and whatnot they did y there some happy people then it's all good you share that during your yeah I have some photos um the other thing is last meeting we discussed uh meeting etiquette and this meeting I'm just going to bring up uh site visits we have to just remember that when we're on site visits there's no deliberation we're there to observe and to put eyes on upcoming projects and permitting um and that any discussion between homeowners property owners and the commission should be strictly to questions uh related to the matter um I know it's I know it's tough because we all know a lot of people in town and but we just need to make sure uh things stay on task chair report 1.7 agent report yep so this covers dates April 11th through April 24th we had two building permit sign offs for three Campbell Farm Lane and 53 Highland Street completed approvals amended o for 50 SAA R Ro that will be signing tonight uh we had a fine paid for violation at 238 South Row Road and some site visits this week in last week for 161 Barker Hill Road 50 Sao Road for preconstruction uh erosion and sediment control inspection and same for Emer Road uh we have some a new category that I'm adding to my report which is public Outreach and education which is something I'd like to focus a little bit more on so property owner at one Meadow Road uh met with me and agreed to stop using her UTV in the Wetland right on her property after discussion with the conservation agent was that something you drove by and saw or it was um uh someone from town came in and it was a concern of th of them of theirs so I sent a letter to the owner of ju Meadow Road and she came in and spoke with me about it and she agreed to stop uh you ding like harming the we so was it a trail or yeah it was a UTB triail through the W so was it on her property yeah okay yep and so we I also created a brochure to educate the public on the environmental permitting process for the Earth Day event um we also attended the Earth Day event and educated over 75 small groups Andor individuals on the importance of wetlands and also we have a wellness committee here um at Town Hall that um offers Wellness Wednesdays to employees here which I attended and the theme today was on gratitude so I'm very thankful and grateful for everyone that volunteered their time and helped out with that earthday event so thanks for that and that's gonna that's it for my report I can sh yeah surey or did get screen sharing from Harley no I didn't yeah Harley do you mind giving Autumn screen sharing please okay she should have it now thank you [Music] okay right here's our our Banner that we had that was made that now we can take to every event the great blue Herrin on the right and the saww owl on the left those are both photos that my sister had taken and donated to us so we had some high quality bird photos to use yeah I saw that out yeah um so here is our setup we had some little tabletop um dry I I had is some and some is that yeah so those are those are that Jimmy donated quality straw garlic straw that's nice Steve I went down picked up some P from Stevie and what's that this is frog eggs and salamander egg mass that we had for the kids the check out they're really into that they're wood frog eggs you can see in the back left of the tank and then the white cloudy mask that's um spotted salamander egg Mass where you get those uh Jennifer petett brought those by she rescued them from an ACV Trail yeah that's awesome yeah we had um she we had a lot of fun she's brought Turtles to meetings right what do you say nice job move on right awesome so what did you do with those uh Jennifer just picked up the tank yeah she's probably sitting there watching TB with them right now so they'll go into a wetland somewhere somewhere in town Z yeah that's cool they're not easy to pick up you know that yeah I I could have you have any anyone else questions uh they were no EG for in the making of that show that's all it's all good wasn't Fear Factor so I'm not too worried but I I appreciate bringing that it's a neat thing it really the kids are into that the kids even the adults they want to know what that is and where they come from and hopefully we save some oh and also I would like to mention that we did uh we did do that tree planting over at Adam stand State Park so we planted roughly 120 um different tree species or 120 trees yeah trees and bushes and there was four different species that we planted in there and as we were doing it we can see the saplings from a few years ago that had been planted that have survived so as I know somebody that's to drop a water truck yeah yeah Kevin offer to Jessica from um Nashville yep there were there were five of us that were there on the steepest Bank area how did that work out yeah here actually I will I'm actually gonna share a photo real quick if heartley can we do have an appointment at 710 I think you still have screen sharing oh that's just a tough spot in there it really was we can see we know what it looks like yeah a I think I think you still have the screen sharing capability so okay thank you Harley yeah we can okay we can revisit it too yeah um so 2.1 it is 712 uh notice of intent twb 224-1 74 D number 308 uh we do not have a complete number for it D Roy Cil Design Group on behalf ofy um 65 Adam R uh the proposed project is for the removal of several out buildings sheds and the garage to be replaced with a single family home septic system and utilities and construction of a septic system uh work will take place within the 100 foot buffer uh zone of a bordering vegetated Wetland um we have a mo can I have a motion to open said hearing I'll make a motion to open the hearing on the applicant d right for Mr Timothy Sullivan 65 we have a second second call vote please Jim yes James Gates yes Kevin Smith yes G yes um got in they had well but water up there well the road yeah I um and also does it say Associated utilities yes there going to be uh three power PS that going to be put in they've been marked they're on the plan um Heather and Pat sorry huh Autumn sorry uh was it on the side what with me on Monday uh there are several trees out there that take down can I stop here for a second you got to read the legal AD bck should be the towns and Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on April 24th 202 3 at 7:15 to consider an noi filed by Dillis Roy civil Design Group and owned by Timothy suin property located at 65 Adams Road in towns in the proposed project is for the removal of several outbuilding sheds and a garage to be replaced with a single family home septic system and utilities and construction of a septic system work will take place within 100t 100t buffer zone and of bordering vated Wetland this is a joint hearing with the requirements of mgl chapter 131 and 40 as amended in the towns and wetlands protection bylaws and regulations plans are available at Town Hall um and for more information you can email conservation townsin ma.gov thank you all those match yep okay sorry all set you're all now Jack 65 Adams Road uh this property was owned by Doug wil Wilkinson um it has several trailers couple sheds what looks to be a mini house and a garage uh lots of debris junk he must have collected a whole bunch of stuff up there over the years uh all that stuff is going to get cleaned up the buildings are going to be removed and a new three-bedroom home is to be constructed uh there is a Wetlands out in its back area that flows down thehill here and there's also wetlands in the that goes through an existing culber and continues on Adam's Road um still is that going to be the same driveway going be the same driveway y deep driveway go up his old house always just for the last this is the this is the garage here and the house I guess it was the house it's here right one two three tractor trailer trailers oh building gold sheds yeah yeah all that stuff's going to come out torn down gone old house old bar torn up completely here some I know Doug's house well I've been up there many of times yep that's one of the old green and P still be yeah okay yeah so the existing garage is in this darker red the proposed house is going to be in this lighter red all that I think single floor kind of grandfathering off a lot of the old Foundation footprint the I think all that's come yeah see just floats over G to be over here okay so let's finish the presentation and then we can get disc discussion questions just the owl picks up a lot and it makes it very difficult to take minutes after so Jackie years ago there were several other engineers in here George Sullivan was one of them did some testing back in the 70s granny R out was in here and as well as Bill Boston um Granny right out had a septic design I don't think it was ever submitted in show if it was it never went anywhere uh and same with uh Bill Boston he had a sepic design uh we went up there last year we did four new depes updated all the soil testing designed the system and here we are so the driveway is going to stay the same there is going to be a water line that going to run up the middle of it they're going to tie in there is some sort of a shallow well somewhere out in this back area here that's going to be discontinued um there is no power to the property right now uh Unitil will be putting in three poles they'll be connecting uh overhead wires to those poles and like I said at the beginning there are several trees up in this area that will be coming down as part of the unit till project which are exempt from any of this uh Wetland stuff uh the first line is the 35 foot buffer 50 foot buffer is the next one and then we have the 100 foot buffer so basically 80% of the house is in the buffer zone septic system and the reserve area are outside of it uh the drive driveway the existing driveway um and the water line will be within that 100t buffer for disturbance that might help that might help you to follow it ja might help you to kind of follow was he's talking the orange lines that I have on my plan are uh erosion control devices they will run down from the beginning of the road all the way up the side and around the area that's going to be disturbed once everything is removed construction is done everything will be seated loan loan and seated and uh brought back to a lawn not sure if there a lawn there to start with but there's always under construction always uh but we do show two potential uh stockpile areas uh that would be wrapped with um erosion control devices materials what's the overall acreage on that uh the top of my head yeah sounds I didn't bring that and you 64 ft roll frage so pretty much acres 3 one yeah and there was any original electricity up there came across from your place didn't it Jack would you like I've known you most of my life would you step up and just introduce yourself to the board over my driveway over over the doggies do you mind introducing yourself Jack just just stand up and introduce yourself to the board 69 me Road thank you he's in the butter okay and a brother of the dougl yeah of course all our parents is new no I had that power remov you passed away yeah so go around the table like we usually do anyone have questions concerns Autumn both to the site Vis how you going to run that water you g you gonna you want to send it up through or you going to dig it up through dig it trench it you trench it under the driveway I believe so the already Disturbed area yeah that's what yeah the drive I wonder if they going to shoot it that's all right and that's what it well yeah cuz both sides of the from the bottom up from there it's only how many feet where it would be 100 yeah and then the trees that's there there's going to be like six trees remove well freeze AR any problem that's they're going to take them up the stumps would be you know if there's a lot of stumps of the stumps that were in the wetlands they'll they'll be that because that cul's down about I thinket below that driveway oh you're going to run the Str the waterline right up over the cul yeahp by there that cover's no I know it's down there it's down there ways I was just curious as the you know that's how do it the culbert's existing correct it's down it's down there 67 ft is it that deep on that but I think it it we it should state that it's existing on the plan the cover yeah and you will be going over I'm not doing it the C well we just we we label it as a 24 in CMP on the plan right at but I just I know how DP can be and they see it see it as an existing existing driveway and an existing cauld plus we have a new underwriter coming in so that may be different yeah the eyes and cross the we don't have number yet we can we can definitely do that get that y absolutely yeah wouldn't surprise me if they comment um they will I I they will you have the elevation elevations for that by chance uh yeah they're not on this plan I do have them I can I can put those on too I'm just trying to foresee what could be commented from them um and noting that the water line will go over the the cver and right in the drop in the dve well that is noted on yeah it is it is right up to the middle right up through the middle squeegee can't see anymore right the middle 80% of the house is in the 100 foot no there's no way you could dra it in the original footprint is there of it you know you're going 2/3 above and so that's that's that so that whole upper lot are is going to be cleaned up nice correct okay Jack do you foree any need or potential um down the road of a some pump needing needed to put put in um that's gravel up there Ain it uh it's but it's it's there's a there is a water table up there I'm assuming if they're going to put a full basement in that they're going to have some sort of foot and grain that runs they'll be able to get it discharged that no problem down yeah they be able to come in here outside the that should be um just noted I I feel that should just the base Pat did you see anything concern up there or be question no no it's good to get cleaned up cleaned up yeah we notic there there a lot and it's also debris that's just mixed into the soil like that first lay it's yeah you worked for years to get it just right I mean I remember was a kid going up there to his parents out when they were racing bikes in the back that's when he was clearing a lot of there bringing up all this goodies from your mom and dad my mom fought with your mom so my father used to always go up watch dad put the plane together in the garage and the start I value this time the stories that we hear St history but but yes exactly it's it's the history of the town and you get to meet these we used to hul we used to haul us plane up to the airport where was orange it out there yeah just chucking because it's I'm 10 years old my dad's dragging me up there the he' had to get rid of me and douy and everyone they're out in the back doing on the track with the tacos on the jaas um so obviously we can't approve or um this tonight and close the hearing is there anything else that anyone thinks should be included so that when back to us next week it's the issue with the water line in the club that's going to have to be the EP will grab that they'll they'll look at it and it's all existing too so the driveway correct I'll throw the in on straightforward with the waterline going up through the driveway all the material all the outbounds are going to get removed the what all the outbounds and all the other dwellings trailers buildings right which it is you know um Jack has some questions here yes sir question any questions Jack yeah Will concerns I'm just curious will be any burning of the buildings or will they be physically remove they have to be removed can't burn I was just going to say not unless it was a a fired de you know practice they they would take the shingles off and use a building that's the only way you'll get it burnt so you're going to demo trailer truck crunch crunch take it away my my concern hasing about I didn't know if there was maybe any hazards within the building with respect to maybe some ammunition or something like that I'm sure have to go through that yeah want to rule anything out responsibility of the owner they bought everything up there so the responsibility is Imagine they're going to go through there and do some before they bar it all yes you do so that said um the erosion detail because there's demo on the site um Jack's plan calls for STW Auto which would normally make sense but I feel so F because you're GNA get stuff blowing and that's that's on a little windy ridge right there coming up through you know better off to put Sil Pence up than have Jack be throwing the stuff over not that something's not going to blow over anyway but at least if you put the sil Pence up now you got a little bit of height control on on light stuff that might blow paper products um the drywall paper things like that you know is in there you be able to start that just before the crown of the Hill you know the the concentrated area work right at the where it opens up I would say yeah do Sil fence this the W's going up through and then down through here but everything up here would have silk fence yeah so the only concern I would have is the area where it gets narrow um BYT yeah but that that could stay as wles Jimmy that's just temporary disturbance to get the water once you get once you get up into this with it you're gonna have the spoil up and it's not even what are you worries Jimmy at the bottom of the hill I I like silense because it just contains it prevents stuff from yeah falling over over but yeah only one in line or whatever size they put in it's not a 12 in um now you want that's a little stretch that uh I would say it's at the bottom of the driveway so FY after that just stick with the wles to the top of the hill when you get to the top of the hill where it flares out for the for the work site where they're going to be demolitioning and stuff you're going to want in that flat area down below once once we get beyond the two Wetland areas what yeah what is then it's then it's Waddles I mean uh 50 feet on each side of the Culvert yep 50 55 so 100 feet each side then that's one roll each so it kind of makes now you looking for a counter sink on it also well that's the water you have to do that that's I I didn't know if you were looking for more when when you get up to the top the the suant up to the top you don't want to dig in you still want that you want to protect it's basically when they do it in the you're going see it there's a little bit of a belly in there because it does come off the road and then it'll then goes up so that's that's where you want yep and then everything all the way up to where it opens will be Waddles and Sil okay y um I think that I think that covers it nicely you do have AOS stock pile with the erosion detail around that also because of it yeah but the lower one I did because of the proximity to it the upper one I didn't because it's actually outside the 100 foot buffer but I'm not saying I'm saying No thank you putting that you know it if it's even going to be used for that yep you know they may just push everything towards the top there so you're not going to want any Waddles around that top it's outside jurisdiction area right but one down that one for sure that one's definitely on mock just noted I think it's a good detail thing that no I think when they open up Pandora's Box up there it'll be interesting stuff will be going all over the place you know that's the second time heard that oh yeah um do you have any other questions Jack or any of the other concerns people that are no looks like the the electrics coming up alongside the driveway correct yep on the right side going up Y and there's no possibility that they'll want to run it under ground because if we're here for this we might as well just include it no they yeah yeah I was going to say we'll take free yeah well it ain't all free the first one is yeah it's only a million dollars a foot after that Andy Brown was that expensive with electricity well yeah that's all schule e that's true you stay that much farther away from the water line ex yeah yeah Go With It Go with the overhead and B last 100 feet underground and that's speaking from experience CU I had to come back when I built my house free utilities stand may have been involved in that part of it you did the test um do anyone else Jim autumn I'm a neighbor my name is Jade cter and I am very happy to see this investment in the area I no concerns U my experience with them so far they've been very informative and courteous and seem want to do the right things here well that's great well thank you for coming yeah well thank you for coming and um speaking great to have people someone that actually speaks in support yeah yes is which is good you know that that could go entirely the other way with that said uh we need a motion to continue hearing yeah in a second um and we'll continue to the next going to be May should four May 8 was it May 8 four to six weeks make a motion Jimmy to continue the hearing to May it's been just about four weeks yeah I motion that we will um move the next portion of this meeting to May 8 yeah TB 2024 d174 d38 we have no numbers on it two are me May 8 about 7:15 720 Autumn will reach out to you with an exact time2 I'll second that roll call vote James Ry in favor James Gates yes Kevin Smith yes P J yes thank you thank you very much have a great night you we'll see you later nice to see you jack time take man I just go we would y many of uh is 7:38 now there's a down the more ready to move theor ready thanks for the info thank you thanks thanks Jeff starting by uh 2.2 uh 78 uh Unitil foliage treatment plan discussion was Dave clap Mr clap we do how's it going good how are you not bad how are you doing um do you mind uh so we'll let you I guess please present to us about um the vegetation management plan um when applications are typically done the notification process um for residents and then uh we the um registering the for monitoring yep so the the work will be done by Lewis tree um it'll be they should be permissioning shortly through the right away um it's all the area that we mowed and side trimmed last year so what we do is we go through and every five years we trim the subt lines and then the next following year we go through and spray herbicide for all the regrowth um of the Woody vegetation that can get up into the lines so that the next time we come through the mowing is a lot easier and less invasive on the um abrasive on the ground uh we're going to start at the golf course which is pole 20 in the RightWay on the r10 line go to the substate the West Townsen substation and then down to the town line through the radway line okay up across lenberg Road by shfs y way to the top of the hill but must be right from the West Townson substation outes Lane basically the stat skes Lane right the king from which up across through the substation and then going across new Fitchburg Road up over b lower B yeah old battery Road etc etc the same now how are they how are the residents notified they are notified both via an a letter that went we sent out over the winter and then they also get notified Again by Lewis Tree by us actually knocking on their door and if they're a land owner but they don't have a a house in town we send them Lewis tree sends them a mailer as well and if we don't hear back we don't um treat the areas that they own if you don't hear back from them so you need consent in order absolutely so do you just hand cut instead in those areas no no this is for the treating of the right but how they use mechanical instead of herbicides so I was wondering well they could yeah they be it was already it was already done um mechanical we did it last year last year so if they do not if the property owner does not consent to the application it doesn't how do you manage the vegetation what's the alternative to that we just we come through yeah we come through in the next cycle and it'll just be thicker unfortunately but so when Lewis comes in they're spraying it out of tanks and sprayers and and whatnot yep yep it's back backpack sprayers all backpack sprayers yep and and you have an MSDS on all the product that's being used for anyone that has the question of so if there people that are dealing with these in their area Wells non toown water etc etc children in close proximity yep we follow the uh the yop and the 5year plan that was approved by the oh gotta yeah pretty straightforward it is um what are the heroides that are uh use and are they a aquatic safe B uh reptilian safe uh any on insects in specifically honeybees as um I know we're not the only ones concerned right no and we're trying to make sure that we're doing the right thing as well um I know last year it was VCS that did the spraying on the other side of town and we used uh polarus escort and I believe Rodeo was the other um option we used Rodeo rodo not but I believe Le does not use Rodeo okay for what do they use and are the SDS sheets MDS sheets what Ms MSDS sheets uh submitted to the town for our records they should have been if they haven't been we will submitted to the town it should have been in the yop I believe in the okay it's there we have a link to the whole fiveyear plan but the sheets aren't included in the in the items that were mailed to us just so you know okay I will definitely make sure we get them to you than you now does Rodeo present their own type of a black scene I I that's the one thing I want to look at see what it is not grass round up you don't confuse one with the other even when we did the common read in the swamp it was a wet area application and we used the glyphosine that's a glyos the only thing you're using that correct one company uses it I don't think Lewis actually uses it though so you leave that decision up to the the tree crew that the company as to what they're going to use they're within within the um the list that we give them is up to that is up to I figured it would be Unitil would tell them what would be the least invasive in the best for what you're trying to kill what invasive you're working on that's all right well yeah only they used an equal right right you know and when they use these particulars when we did the common read the only change of it the name was just because they use a sticking agent in that particular you know so would grab onto it and it still didn't work so anyway how are the applications done they're done with backpack um sprayers yeah and are the areas that are treated uh marked they should be marked entering in the into the RightWay and at the end of it have to so kind of St question but not really so when these areas are all marked the interesting to find how far any of them are from a home or a well or any dwelling areas cuz this s this is all back area the power line areas and there's very few areas few houses on a lot of that line you got the few that cross like West El you got one a couple on corre Fitchburg now all of a sudden you go like almost count them you don't have you don't have then you have the Willard Brook area which it just sees the back end of it the backside of that subdivision right up above your place correct there's so few homes I mean those are all on Town water autumn autumn um Dave I'd like to ask the question how can I if I'm a homeowner in town register my beehive or my well that's along the path to be sprayed yeah if you uh email us at forestry Unitil um.com we can definitely get that registered okay so you can figure out where the behive area is just So within what area are you allowed to register because he's travel pollinators travel it's yeah I mean have to be some kind of proximity I think it should have to be an a butter or a land owner that owns a little bit of the easement and there are few I mean well there's a lot travels noors travel you have a I recognize that you I I you know it's just you know a bee is going to travel a mile maybe more two to three the our bees will go three miles so you know somebody's bees that are up in Ashby are going to end up on their e but there are other people that people on the east or New pitchburg West Elm you know that are a mile from the e half a mile from the easen you know we don't have a lot of people in that area that are doing bees no now the second thing of it is if people if if they're seeing a lot of concern in it they should probably be able to reach out to Lewis to say when are you spraying because at dusk these come home they don't fly around all night these are these are issues when but they can't be spraying at night either there a you know well we guess what when we had 14 hives in the back that John trat was taking care we had to work with Steve to tell him if you're spraying any of the Corn any any of the potatoes and whatnot you're doing it at after DUS and Steve said yeah that's right I am so there maybe if there's a person that's doing a large amount of hives should has to find out when you're spraying can you guys spray later going towards dusk that's all in these areas who that's the only way you can deal with that particular situation there are beehives AES correct he put in three Y no they're I'm not saying for sure but you know the only way you can do it is fine canay the ones that are three miles away I assume they spray um during the day because of photosynthesis but they make a few hours that few areas to see when you're walking through the through the RightWay in the daylight but um trying to think of usually we spray more towards the the late summer the September time frame is you is where we've typically sprayed in the past difference I know yeah um only thing I would say if there's somebody in our area that has they're doing half a dozen to a dozen hives should be aware when they're spr and find out if it can be curved and and work with us in a later date but that's very hard to do right they go three miles also putting public notice so I know the the buts or the at least the property owners are notified but providing notification so it can be posted either on the town website maybe that's the simplest thing to do is to do something like that right post it so if there are beekeepers um in the effected area at least they can at least they can reach out and say hey we're going to be spraying we're not going to be spraying in July we're going to be spraying in late September around that time and and uh you know to just make the people aware yes you know and The Beekeeper G to understand they got to maintain power too they got that and at the same time there's always C damage and beekeeping yeah you're GNA have to be right there with the sprayer to hit the be to knock it out and so maybe a couple of the soldiers don't make it home that night I mean it's not just people should know you know they should stay off those easement during that time um mean hiking walking mountain biking any type of they're pretty good theyve always been pretty good about notifying sure you know that they're going to be in this are first time they in the specific time or general time can they provide us with a press release a month prior or window so that it can be posted on the website on the bulletin board um we can pass it along to other boards commissions just so that people know it's just about you know transparen and it's for all those aspects of it if the dogs out there walk and they don't want it the dog all of the above you know not just the bees isfe it's a lot different than it was DDT age orange D used a lot too you want add or have questions this was also sprayed last time in 2019 so it's not the first time we're spraying the area oh we we understand that we have a our commission is none of the Commissioners here except for Jimmy were on the commission at that time when was that 2019 was on 2019 yeah I said you were oh oh oh okay yeah we said all but one but one you um so I I'd like to make the request that the town is notified not just I think un has always done a pretty good job of the lines of communication I think it's only gotten better you know and I think the other part about it I'm interested in the MSDS on what product they're using if it's a glyphosate or glyphosine what's the sticking agent on it what's its residual that is available digitally autum can if you don't mind sending or you printing it either way um and Dave I I assume any of the applications all this product is um systemic in other words you wanted to contact the outer in the upper plant like draw it into the root area to kill it on a permanent basis correct yep and we're targeting yeah we're targeting the the uh the hardwoods and the and the Pines you know the Oaks Birches we want the um Mountain Laurel and blueberry and all that to to we want that they would want that yeah we want that yeah it's doing good it's good they giving it a haircut about every five years even it's just the blueberries every seven do you yeah so I was just wondering the last time they went in there and sprayed was 2019 yep it's just targeting select species that would be more is a tree species yes correct do they go through with mechanical every year or is that no we go through the year before with mechanical how how how often on the mechanical end every five years so we go through this area was done last year in 20 23 it was done in 2018 and then we sprayed in 2019 so we're spraying in 2024 to get the regrowth of after we went through in mode okay okay thanks Dave and they working in a controlled as as much as you can in a controlled Spang operation with packs oh yeah La law you can't they know they're not they're not they're not just going Illy Willy down down the down the power line with a helicopter we see in our in our eyes B plane flying around with some guy with goles going no those days have gone we're all good right so I'm fine I'm good let's well so we're gonna we're requesting that the town receives notice as well to the property owners Autumn can reach out to get the MSDS on all that yep that's my per I like to know what um is that an acceptable request or reasonable request sorry yeah can I assume date with this other stuff it's usually but with what what products that we use on the farm it's usually 24 to 72 hours external residual and then from there it's it's dissipated it's done what it should do it's in the plant heading to the roots for the systemic end right yep and it's usually dries pretty quick too um they make sure that it's not too windy when they're spraying and obviously it's a waste you got Le knows it's a away you're just throwing money out it's winning they know when to pull the in those regards um are there anyone else is there anyone else on Zoom that wants to comment questions doesn't appear to be um okay good I we appreciate you joining us tonight and um you know thank you thank you have a good evening Dave me too what do we have [Music] here 758 2.3 RDA twb 2024 172 applicant Darian and Gary Shephard location 42 and 2 West Meadow Road invasive species removal um project status to uh remove invasive plants in trees that have been compromised by those invasives from the bank of lock Brook at 22 and 42 West meow road equipment will be operated 35 ft from the brook uh this work will take place on the V called Block Brook within bordering land subject to flooding bordering Vegeta butland and within the 35t buer so I assume there is a uh waiver request for 35 why why would we want a waiver for 35 we're not going to be it we're going to be out of 35 we're staying away 35 foot from close to 35 foot from well not really we'll be honest i' let him talk himself into that one I have to obain anyway no but you have to we'd like you to tell us about um Jimmy this is something that been really long time coming yeah I just got it's needed it so yeah P across the road needs it too that's already in the works communication with MCG so let's speak uh what you the project is and we're going to be doing the in the removal of the invasives that have have gone to the point where they've encroached into the trees and um they have compromised at this point not the trees I stop second aumn do you mind reading the Le sure I don't mind they just got that check and gr thank you yep uh towns and con commission legal notice at its regular regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday April 24th 2024 at 7 p.m. in the town hall on the second floor the towns and Conservation Commission will consider a request for determination of applicability to remove invasive plants and trees that have been compromised by those invasives from the bank of lock at 22 and 42 West Meadow Road equipment will be operated 30 ft 35 ft from Brook this work will take place on the bank of lock Brook and within the bordering vegetated Wetland request submitted by James Doran and Gary Shepard of 42 and 22 West meow the commission will make this its determination in accordance with the provisions of the Massachusetts Wetlands protection act and its Associated regulations and the Townson Wetland the RDA is on file at the Town Hall if you wish to learn more please contact us via phone or email thank W to um that it's known that I do work for G Shephard but um because of the size of our commission currently um and Jimmy having to abstain um I am in invoking the rule of necessity um so I wish would Jo I wouldn't have to it is what it is we do all right that it's best we can J me I'm sorry I interrupted you details out way another thing I I just wanted to to note in there lock Brook is intermittent that is not they consider it a constant flow Brook but when we go to do the removal I can say I'm 90% sure we'll be at like a zero flow it'll we'll be able to get in there at that time unless we have a monsoon summer like we had a few years back but the intentions are to do the majority of the work when we are in a non-flow status on the brick which takes a lot of heat off of us which is a much we won't disrupt any of the fish we won't disrupt any material R up raccoons will inating they'll get the ones that are stuck Y how do you plan on removing the invasives we hope to be using a grinding head machine and hand remove a lot of it brush H and chain onw you know it's the only way we can really effectively go in to remove some of these trees which you're familiar with that are so inundated with The Bitter Sweet New England grape vine poison ivy that you can't even get to the you cannot use a Chaw to cut it you can't use a handheld brush hog you can't use a a a root puller I mean you're only down to Pacific specific equipment I can really get in there effectively remove the material the only way to do it what about ongoing or post project management of the invasives meaning as far as post man as much as you intend it to be 100% success in the real world F you'll be able down through and with weed and the BR we'll be able to get in next to it in closer with the brush Hogs this project is in association with a project with the Nashville river right as soon as we get they're gonna that has been approved all correct Jessica's gonna I'll speak with her about doing more of the riparian planting over on my side where we've already removed all those invasives it's a wide open slate for her to get in there do some clean planting next year would be the second phase to get all of everything up lock once we've got it managed under control there's certain areas on lockb that's going to need some armoring some small rocks to keep erosion in control which was has been discussed and uh minimal amounts of that but uh other than that we we're just trying to get these invasives under control and the benefits of getting them under control as you can see are good you know what I brought the Maple Grove to compared to what it is across the street at mgov it's night and day what used to be a dead Forest Area now it's productive and that was a pasture area not many years ago yeah yes it was yes it was and they would like to have that brought back but that's the third phase in all of this what type of erosion controls are you propos we really don't need any it's SM to use any erosion control up there gy the water's not doesn't breach out of lock Brook and the water doesn't go breach in to the brook that is a sleuth that is a straight shot from where it curves coming out of my property down through gar you have the road to the right side then you have the field to the left side and it doesn't I've never seen the water flow out of the brook ever ever in the 65 years I've lived there it's never breached out of there it's a matter of um it's it's that material that we grind up is best suited to go right down onto the ground right down on nice biomap and it's makes some Mulch and it keeps the weeds coming up help with the erosion as well any Beres if you you know you throw some wood chips on them yeah that are going to be within that which I have you're going to you're going to be doing anyway when you're grind I actually have a dozen Dum loads of wood chip coming for more of the Maple Grove not that area um I understand it that during your life you've not seen it block breaches spanks not saying that it couldn't and and there some there were some horrendous fears when I was a kid that had actually ice jammed both of them the cits jammed and um water went right over West been lately we won have to worry about that okay again we have it's the characteristic of what that Brook does any conversations you know it does not PA was a problem for water flowing out of or into the water that flows out of lockb goes through my property which is in the Maple Grove that's why it's a true riparian area um again because we have to look at it as a whole and we have to look at it as what's the worst thing that could happen you erosion controls should be implemented one way or or another um through that area with when you say erosion controls you're talking probably maybe close to 2,000 fet erosion control 2,000 fet it it maybe what $400 per 100 200 fet I'm wondering if the if the best area the best use to use in there the best product to use in there is a natural product and the and you figure them the 90% of it's not going to get destroyed it's not going to get destroyed below grve right so my feeling is the areas that that don't get mulch on them when they're ground when that when the invasives taken out of ground out of there when they ow the bucket pull if you're going to be close to the brook and you and you got to pull a you you know you're pulling some Vines out and you and you loosening up the soil would have a little bit of wood chip sprad some wood chip on why wouldn't that work we can't pull the VES out same thing what yeah g create B man The Vines can't get pull up if we pull the vines up we'll disrupt the bank areas these Vines these are so rooted if we go in there grab a tree with all those clumps with the vines on it we will pull a root ball out it will make it'll make a mess they have to be cut in ground down to ground level that's the only way we're effectively going to be dealing with that I then you're grinding them you're not pulling them correct then where's the where's the erosion problem exactly Autumn I know that Jimmy knows invasive species very well so I'm going to ask you what other invasive species are present along the bank other than bittersweet it's the new it's like the New England grape vine conquered there's a lot of that then you got the Su then you got the poison ivy but the poison ivy doesn't tend to really root in that good in the real wety areas they like more Sunny you know but it is in there too but not as much as just The Bitter Sweet okay which is nasty multi oh yeah which I listed M yeah I I may consider thinking about time of year when cutting if there's any seeds that could be just first with that forestry head I know I've used the forestry head in the past and I think it would be very effective at that site to use what now the Forester head would be very effective on the bitter Suite but I would for what handing the the forry head that you're proposing to use on the machine would be very effective in that area because it is so tangled and the trees are just because of this Bittersweet but I'd be worried that the forestry head may be tossing uh Bittersweet seed out seeds and other things that could get into the water if there is any water flowing at that time that's why we're targeting the work to be done on a zero to minimal waterf flow because once they're down once it it they won't last as a seed too long they'll die off you the other thing is the Time of the Season you wait late when everything's gone to seed then uh dormant I I would say that would be the best time yeah so or when or when it's or before it flows I think I think we're sooner the better is is the way I'm looking at it pat do you have any questions or um comments well I was thinking if the seeds fall and stuff and then we get a rain it's they're going to go into ground right or go down there's that potential there's going to be a percentage of potential I'm wondering if a turbidity curtain AC cross because it's not that big of wi of just a turbidity curtain Cross by the bridge to possibly catch any seeds or we can do that I mean I I think it moov but well if it's dry you got have to worry about it anyway no I don't I don't know that stream it's listed as perennial I mean I haven't been in town often but has have any of you seen it dry I've seen it dry several up yes every year it dries up I can except for last year yeah right I mean if it's one of those real monsoon Summers like last year was where Charlie couldn't get across the street to cut which is rare it it's easy to to look and say she's going to be at a zero flow in another couple of more we weeks and we can see it so how do you so both of valid points unfortunately you know everything's gone to seed usually by the time the flow is low with the exception of heavy years with heavy rains I feel that aity curtain cross Bridge would allow you to work on a little broader Ed let's ACR it's not a problem so what is that a silt line or is that basically I mean you're not going to just you're only going to slow down surface flow you're not going to all the FL you're just going to catch the what you do is you're just G to catch the the seed pods and it it's almost like Sil Vents and the water's gonna flow through it but it's not going to really spow the you're gonna have to have concern can't I'm sure have nothing anyway but I think we're going to be able to I mean I can say there's 100% confidence we're going to hit this on a zero flow because it's in it's let's see what happens in four weeks try to hit it early before starts to go to seed but it's not an issue do you want to put that no matter what for sure just just because right look at the look at um what's that swamp across Ash Ash SW look at all the invasives in there we have common read heading in there from a govern behind the P Grove but the not weed also you know and going down by the canal but you got that whole section from where we are on lock Brook all the way down to Ash Swamp is 100% V of suite and all invasives in there right the whole thing that's a half a mile a it before it hits before it hits the river where it runs into Willard Brook before it hits the river it's in it's in the swamp either way if we could just that that's easy great idea I can pick Adam but I I will say this we will Target along with that soap control it to be done on a zero flow it'll make it so much better too and we'll be there soon I can tell I think we're going to dry summer I don't want you to I don't want to use the word zero flow I don't want to use the word of any flow because I know the book that well I know the book that well Jimmy that's all I'm saying I just don't want to see you get bound to something and right have it come back has been known to happen yes um somebody got to make a motion I think I'll I'll make a motion because you can't make a motion I can well you could make a motion under the you still loading so adding theid curtain and um go ahead make it more and I do have I do have 500 F feet of C control available on site so if I find I'm in I'm looking at a spot that might be a problem yeah I I'll I'll drop some wles inste one of the one of the or large Bales doesn't matter one of I think well not think one of the conditions I'd like to see is any areas that are um may have a depression um that something well no just the natural green you look at the the curve where kind of goes down then back up and I know it's tough to tell because of the invasives yeah luy enough to fall into the the safest way to walk down through there is to walk down through the brook but any low depressions um receive wle Bales a staken unless if they little large ones which right um just to make a note of some of the history of this Brook you got to remember when I was a kid 19 7273 harry8 Harry and Holly Roberts had that section of Brook area from that bridge all the way up to where was our property with a with a D4 shovel Dozer completely not one tree was in that Brook area and the material to make the road for Bill May was used by digging out all all the brook material that long time ago over 55 conservation you know so just keep in mind what it was as to what we're doing with it now yeah um i' like above and beyond reest you know before and after pictures um they can be utilized in public Outreach guess what I found pictures I found pictures of my father of them working on that all completely a complete sand Bowl all the way up I'll bring those in not that was downplaying what you're saying I just want to make sure um that we keep this going to yeah no that was just only concern you know to see you know outside of that some you know he's there all the time so as long as he's you know watching how everything's going right you know and take the measure measures if you need to I think it'll be fine [Music] um so I'd like to make a motion that we approve RDA um ew B 2024 d172 or not approved sorry we issue A3 determination with the special conditions of a turbidity curtain um at the CT that will be monitored and cleaned and or replaced as needed um and that erosion control be it hay bale staked in Hay Bales small hay bales lar bills or um suant or waddle um are used in any areas as needed um or and the curtain will be at the bridge area yes that's cleaned up that's an accessible area too so it's fine I've made the motion to issue negative three determination a second D roll call vot James Gates yes k question well because I see Gary Shephard's on here too is that going to be down by him and Elsa that he's conjunction conjunction because I know he's not here tonight that's why I'm just I'll represent AG he's the agent for both tonight Jim is the agent for both and they're working under my agriculture license so so they're working in conjunction Jimmy owns one side of the brook Mr shepher owns the other so we share the Brooks so we're both going to work on it but he can't be here I'm speaking for him did that answer your question yeah I just you know if it was GNA be involved with him I just thought um so hold on hold on hold on you have a question about Gary not being here is that answered well it is I just that if it involves another person too that they should have probably been he's acting he's acting as his representative he can do that do you do you have Gary's permission I we I don't know I just you know do I have Gary's permission to work through this and I I have the ability to blanket him with my agricultural status I'll be doing another project across the street I'll be representing the M the same way same thing Kevin understands that you've done it many a meeting represented but you're concern the other property owner well I just you know I just didn't know if we had a letter saying that you know he was going to that would be within the application I see someone has turned on their camera hello my laundry is all folded so camera's on um I just at one point Jim you had mentioned something about putting um rocks armoring the bank Min I don't that was discussed much can you explain more about that before the Commissioners wrap up their motion please Jessica there's maybe three or four places where the brook has been bound up from trees and and material and it's and it's a roded to the point where we need to put something a little stronger in there like Boulders rocks just armor it build it up a little bit so it doesn't keep chewing away at the bank and draging Seed down is this on 22 side 42 both both so this is for the intermittent stream the the small floor area I can easily if we want to poke another sidewalk there's there's five spots that need a minimal amount of rocks to be brought in just to give it a little more strength continue so we don't wash it so it doesn't wash she's there it was more like a like a talking point for you guys to consider because it just mentioned briefly and then every you know the invasives were focused on so just to make you guys aware that that is included in your negative3 determination so per the wetlands protection act that would then trigger an noi because it's have to let it be natural I'll let it be then forget anything about any or any place so we can leave it for the time being let it go because I'm not going to draw into any we'll just work on invasives this year stick to what STI to that yeah look into the farming in act or yeah farming in Wetland areas and read that closely there might be something in there that there is that'll allow you to do something there is so I'll work on that if there is you should be able to file something that is limited that doesn't involve all the ri whatever the saying is Right triggers everything else they say yeah um let's just again come in front of us and that's enough work right now just dealing with the invasiv get rid of the invasiv get rid of the problem yeah and get get it so we can control them by being able to mow up and down the edges without no different than when we're mowing by the H doing the H this is probably going to be something long term again I want to make sure that you document it so that yeah it can be um scared so you have motion on the table you seconded is there any other discussion so um I will restate that James Gates is in favor Kevin Smith yes P yes thank you now we also need to uh I make a motion to approve uh a waiver for work to be completed in within the 35 foot vated buffer um specifically for invasive species removal corre um and Improvement uh for BL Brook we have a second a second James Gates yes Kevin Smith yes that J yes thank you so we're almost to the end what we're almost to the end almost Jimmy almost um so 4.0 108 to 112 West meow Road storm Mansion permit application so this is a we're actually going to be sharing any comments on this site we reviewed it in the past we had um a violation due to Sil um going over the top of a silk fence and traveling into a wetland area so it then became in our jurisdiction once the sediment reached the Wetland so we did Issue a fine a $100 fine to the property owner B meta so that's up West Meadow so we can share any comments or concerns regarding that site now what other concerns Autumn did you have of for the stone wall areas I don't know if those the stone wall um yeah no you can share more about the stone wall I I just remember something about reaching into the stone walls those are going to be needed to be rebuilt reped that's planing board jurisdiction not um that's planning board Jessica that's under the scenic roads act so that's under planning board jurisdiction um stone walls Kevin let's leave that alone the the edge of the brook obviously it's problem problem problem okay so let's let's let's keep this so let's get back to where we with we're that's where we we're in concern with on the back radiant where the two new houses have been built time out let me make sure that we're where we need to be 4.1 is for this for the referral and does that include this violation letter we said in the beginning I uh this violation letter is from a few months ago we've already discussed this this is back in March so no this isn't of concern the violation letter it's more just sharing comments with the planning board as to any concerns that we might want to talk about has this been PE no my first concern what has this been what addressed you mean has been paid and that would be the viol the $100 violation okay now the have we Revisited it I guess since I don't you didn't was it Jessica that yeah I haven't Jessica hello Jess sorry to take you away from folding laundry oh I'm done now I'm good what's up when when was the last time you saw where we were with the erosion problem up there so yeah so this this um owner is retroactively filing the storm water permit application um as he exceed you know ground disturbance thresholds the 401 so s what the 401 water or no the towns and St water bylaw oh okay okay I was so in the in the interim because there there was some several areas obviously with the steep slopes out here there were a bunch of areas susceptible to erosion and wash out so in the interim while this property owner was getting his storm water application prepared and until this application is approved by the planning board an interim storm water um like a winterim uh winter stabilization plan is in place so that process started back in February at which time I met with the owner on site and noticed that the silt fence and many areas was was in dire need of repair so that was communicated to the owner and then I went out a year ago year and a half ago yeah yeah because I brought Jimmy I went out and I looked at it and his self fencing was okay keep going Jo gone so yeah so anyway that that my concerns were communicated to the owner and I told him to have the sil fence repaired so that it's functioning properly one month later um we had a big storm event I went out for an inspection of the area and noticed that um in two of the areas where the silt fence was failing previously they had not been repaired and silt had overtopped those two areas and it traveled all the way down to um the top of that where that BBW is Right where's Mouse is y so I followed two Sil Trails pretty minor but um so anyway because of that and because of the owner's failure to maintain his erosion controls Autumn find the owner $100 so anyway so that's where we're at today so planning board now that they have a permit application for a storm water management permit they just want um board and committee feedback on that application if you guys have any concerns or suggestions that would go across into your jurisdiction has he has he repaired the silp area in question yes he has I was just up there last week Jess I did a quick look over to where he has the big pile of stumps and that whole Edge all the way down the sil fens is down I'm not talking anything is standing the whole area it's down onto the ground okay I can I can go make a visit tomorrow then to confirm that okay I that's what I'm saying I think we need to go out there and take another visit he was up there with a machine doing some work in there too but what I saw from the road area 2third of all the so is laying down on the ground okay so it needs to be looked at and that's a strong the biggest thing when we did this four years ago was that downward radiant straight to lock Brook that were the those were the biggest things we we put in con that's why it's spoken to you a year ago and he went right up and so he does have Sil vents deficiency that's all I'll say but stapling it back up doesn't fix it oh boy so he did most recently when I first when when there was the breach um in early March he did silt fence and Waddles um but the Waddles were up gradient of the silt fence so I think the silt just had a much easier time going up and over the fence just got it it just rolled over them so yeah so I I mean for for you guys' referral in terms of protection of that buffer area I mean you you might want to consider some sort of you know reinforcing secondary or or third I don't know layer row of Sil fence or otheros you get to the point the bails won't work you bring in the big bails the sil Sil fence isn't working so there's going to have to be something a little bit more substantial in these tough areas where the where the water control over flow areas are it it isn't keeping up to it so he hasn't if if if the suant is down again um you might need to get his attention and another it's over four years old no no no well it's gone regardless if if that s fense is over a year old get replace the the the UV breaks down the that's what I'm saying and Staples it won't last it won't hold to the Staples no again it's not for us to decide no well Jessica's GNA go and do overview with it's not for us to decide how no no I know he needs to do it it's his responsibility to do directly but you can't fix it after it's been old like that just the breaks down the Geotech St and I believe if I recall correctly it's only like six months so um windy area too yes and I just you all of us know we don't know what's coming for weather events so with that said that's that's a very important note that we have discussed many times um but if the suant is down again it is I was just up there this week that Autumn um we request you to issue another fine okay would you like check it would you like to have the sil fence replaced or an additional Sil fence installed both okay I think because the wles can't hold up to where his storm drain area overflows are there's two of them in proximity for both those houses so once they're both flowing and theyve maxed and it's and it's heading right to to the brook so keep him out of trouble go up and look at it I think you're G to find he needs to it and I think a $100 finding a second $100 find w i the second both twice the it's really whatever if you want to if you can make that oh no I'm not I don't interest in noting anything I just thought that's maybe remind them that we can find them $300 a day per offence it would be just better to get efficient erosion control because of the downward radiant going right to lock Brook you like the silt fence upgradient or downgradient from the existing Sil wants to tell him to have an engineer for this not us I think Common Sense will bring him to what he needs to do he he's not knows what he's he's built plenty of houses he knows okay and I know I know he wants to make sure he does right also so not paying the first line could have been just something that was missed this probably something that was missed you don't see it every day um but it needs to be noted yeah and like I said and I'll say it again A 50-year Reign event a 100y year reign event that that's forget those things they're looking at things 200 year biblical of events some of the rain we got last year that's the one that somebody stuck at me and in it the guy from agriculture goes we're using different terminology now 200-year event we're looking at things that we've never had in recorded weather history crazy anything to add that no I I definitely think it should be replaced wouldn't reuse any of that put in efficiently pH knows what he's doing you know what's what's the definition of insanity you got it um so uh that said U I will write the comments to include um has not paid existing conservation fine insufficient saltation barriers um currently going have to clean up the M what went down in the BDM to I believe it was minimal wasn't but it was enough to to say boy if he didn't have some silic control and now it's down yeah would really been a problem just you what was it like two inches it was it was minimal um I would say maybe an inch in some places it had kind of split out and around based on the vegetation but I think anything less than two Ines is is more damage to try to clean it up oh yeah yeah buckets and spoons I like that well you're doing more damage you're doing more damage ohy clean up a couple so autumn will I'll find this autum will fill up comments um 4 108 yes okay just because I need to share with planning board tomorrow morning because both of those houses are occup both I think a sold and he's doing a bunch of retro app stuff so okay yeah so a will add that to the comments we have a vote on that I know this under correspondence would you need a motion on this one or we just I don't think we need um I that should have been oh yeah no correspondence says votes may be taken motion second let's vote okay motion on the 1081 to West metal Road storm want a management perment application Phil call the comments to include what we had discussed regarding sultation F and not fines have not been paid and fines not so moved we have a second second roll call vote please James Tran yes James Gates yes Kevin Smith yes yes 4.2 referral request uh planning board public hearing Monday May 6 uh 2024 at 6:45 p.m. we can assess grp map uh 6 block 11 lot 0 and having an address of 39 or 390 Greenville Road and the adjacent property depicted on assessor map 5 block 12 lot 0 Z Greenville Road cor vote of changing the zoning of the two properties from industrial to residential yeah I hate to see that because there isn't any residential no there's no industri there's no industri industri on indust right and once you go to residential you you can't change back no you can't go back we sat in that Jimmy and I sat in that meeting and it's I did not realize that we were in such a deficit for um industrial Lots we don't have any there we don't have very many house Lots either well you know you can create a few of those but you you can't create any more Industrials own land I don't know where this piece is the dump by The Dump Sean TOS Shan yeah oh yeah oh that's a piece yeah wow yeah that's a shame have we gotten to the things to discuss at next meeting uh not yet uh but we need to add some comments to this do we have any comments that we want to what can we do well make it industri lot can you guys chat for a second I gota go that that Mason Road property is uh Mike whor that's the that's the piece that that piece no that's a p Behind the B that's the Gravel Pit oh yeah it address is Mason Road at up basically backs up to Mr tossi's land this was one of the few pieces few pieces there this other pieces over on uh I I I believe this piece is the the old batch plant on turn bike Road it's the whole lot is 990,000 Ft no it's only half an acre I think that piece was yeah it's old 36 and uh that's all within the that's right on the edge of Walker can't do anything with that piece it's uh makes it that's a tough one that's a that's a that's a real sad piece there that's the same no oh this is stero lights piece on Mill Street yeah where the house is demoed yeah you so you know and they're not going to that's not that that will never be available another piece of property here um same thing with the other house that they demo tuy bushies um on there and uh this is the piece they got brought on Main Street would be the front piece on Main Street but none of this land will ever be available he's probably got one of the only pieces that are left that somebody could do something with you know it's it's within the conservation jurisdiction I think there's a little of it might be in the edge of BBM in the back side of it yes just in that corner there with a dump is there other than that that's a good piece of gravel ground you know dry ground I I don't know I'm not going make com way I guess yeah I don't really it's unfortunate but he's already he collected signatures to get this on yeah if I may um he did uh we do have the town people decide that uh they want to reone it back to residential the man the man owns the land his property yeah the board of Select also had you know the person should have the right to do yeah absolutely I I agree 100% it it it's sad when someone wants to do something like that but you know he feels that maybe he's going to put a couple houses on I don't know I I haven't talked with Sean you know maybe he's going to put a couple of rental houses on it he built AES for his kids I think his his daughter so one of them is just GNA be first so you can't you know I think because he's he realizes the world of industrial because he has industrial lot already in town and putting houses it's he is well aware I spoke to him of it's a scarce commodity and I didn't realize how little we have of industrial um so it's those are vacant industrial properties a bunch of them are tied up and prop small part those properties are little associated with Sterilite then there's keting one the old bat PL the old dump wait a um see the only other option that I can think of is that you can have a commercial residential you correct you can't go back and forth onw change on that indust that would be a lar thetion actually is to me it's certainly the what you know we're on 72 metal road is in you 72 years ago on the property committee members proper in the town to have some property res that was State own and they trade with the state they didn't want to do it which is also a huge process and that's legislative with the state exactly exactly so that would be thein Kevin do we have any comments can we get a vote to say no comment or if there are comments no go no comment no com no comment I'll make motion that no comment on this we have a second second jamesian jamesan James Gates yes govern SMI yes yes file I will get lost Jim um 4.3 comments to D public open lands I like toer v um a resent Joan and town forwarded this to me and it's um urging towns um and residents to consider sending a letter to the E regarding simplifying the Wetlands permitting process for like trow work type of things habitat restoration on public open spes specifically cutting trees that are across the so for that for the Recently we approved an RDA for tree planting and um that type of habitat restoration along the river they had to go through the same pering process as you would for doing other work like in a residential setting um but there is some was that for the riparium plan you're referring to on for the noi yes oh no no I'm talking about the RDA along the river um so so some are sending letters to the D sharing their their comments and concerns about that so I wanted to share that with you if you were so moved or would like like me to send a letter whatever the best letter sender do you feel the need to send a letter I would be in support of sending a letter for this does it fit within your work your scope of work no no your your your schedule in time I know you only have so many hours I yeah the deadline is the 30th for the comments so okay this month there's on there's yeah okay so you got little precious time left to get any comment out to them yeah um I don't I don't think this needs a vote no it needs just that little bit of discussion J what just needed that little bit of discussion um I didn't sign something but uh I'm in support you sign it on our behalf you want me to sign it as chair will I think did she gray block me because it was I should be abstaining oh no that was a that's just a weird typo all right I didn't know if I no that was great bar because you want on me to because it was with this is the the DA for 25 wer Road last meeting we said we this out the next time I work is going to be Monday thank you um yeah thank you for doing a nice job with with the um and Pat for joining spend your whole Saturday and actually we were wondering was it rained a little by 9 10 o'clock it cleared up fairly well didn't they did a good job with everything the parking everything and it was they said it was like a third off as far as there usually be onethird more people there but there was still I thought there was still quite a few people so items for discussion at the next meeting uh notice PR per 88 metal Road um is there anything else that need be added we also have uh 65 atoms 65 atoms will be okay I got something maybe if is it going to be asked to discuss or is it something I should go to the selectman I have questions on property that goes out of 61a 61b whatever agriculture status what is the town's status on that as far as right of first refusal they have the right of first I'm going to whether they exercise it or not you know where I'm going is that something we is conservation should have discussion on WE because wouldn't it be nice to see conservation be able to absorb property in town for conservation if it holds that setting I know we don't have it in our coffers it isn't money that we have available but I guess my point being follow that the I you probably don't want to comment um you know on behalf of the select board but maybe you could advise us is to the best Avenue we or is it something that the S is willing to discuss or I think you know where I'm going with the chess because I I love fishing game but I also love to see Farmland stay in towns and being farmed agreed and and I can speak for myself I can't speak for the board sir um the the thought has been to notify everybody um but there is each this right of refusal has parameters sometimes it is enforced sometimes I mean sometimes it is applicable sometimes it's not that's the the question that's and if we have um I guess I have discussion with the Town Administrator and with Town Council regards to what is and what isn't and I think that once we find out more information I probably would want to you guys in would have a joint meeting and talk about and because it usually goes before properties as well exactly it goes from the select to town properties to properties and then it gets it gets voted on the to properties if if it's yeah if the town has the the first so for instance I'll I'll bounce it off for you to what if it was the property the just was part by fishing game and we did not have the opportunity to get to do the first refusal talking about um West West sorry that that I think was 70 plus acres Kevin if you're familiar with that that was had nothing to do with the town that was a private sale the property 61a was it but yes yes yes there was a parcel that was sold I think up on bbery Hill that came out of 60 chapter 61 where ad came out of Jimmy yes yeah they built the house there and it was know sorry all I know is it was like three acres three and a half acres $200,000 worth of SP my eyes crazy um but that was sent to us with the per refusal conservation yes well it's passed it was passed to us doesn't it didn't go around it was C I think it was passed around but CC down to all the commissions it if it came in as a right to refusal it would definitely go to all boards committees correct is what I'm trying to get at but what how does mass wild sneak in there and what is their what is their work and why do they get it why do they get it when they when they came to us it was we've already made the deal yeah a state rule is it supposed to come before us first yeah doain there has to be there has to be something that they they did if if it's going to go to other boards and committees it is it is it comes in that way comes in as a per but if it's in 61a what saying Kevin but I'm saying when when when we get it it's usually the fishing game are just telling us this this is what we've already done J me I've seen this in the last 16 years Happ been a lot too much all of a sudden fishing game we got it it's ours now guess what I had the money I would have bought it no we got it's ours now it would doesn't have to be offered to anybody privately but has or the town and then the town has to buy rights put it out there so if somebody wants to buy it we would have the right too I think we're getting into murky W the right this is why before I want to say anything is that that's why we want to talk to council okay I got a little more to learn about some of that but it's something that I you know how I feel about it you know yeah and and I feel the same way too you know cuz I believe in the transparency number one number two is that there are other boards and committees that might be interested in stuff like that as well that have do have the money to toch yeah so you know but when it when it came when this when when the West came in it was more like it's a done deal that's what I that's the impression I got on that almost like a slap in the face though when it comes in also that's that's the way I feel don't look at it as a i something to be concerned about though something to be concerned about because when you look at a map and you see how much property fishing game has how much State Park you know and how much towns it's got can Proby a DI two it's twoth thirds of the town be the town knocking on the front door and the M come in back door knocking and say hi we'll take this we'll give you fair value but you know don't talk to them we'll take it I guess I speak for the agriculture base in town I'd like to see it increase instead of decrease I'd rather see some nice Farm properties coming back instead of farm instead of putting a gate on them to block them Jimmy I need to be done for the night I'm gonna get let's make a mo let's make a motion to thee of April hold on um it is it is 9:02 kin has made our next meeting is May 8 8 2024 May 22nd 7M P I'll second Pat second Jim second I'm in favor James appreciate it thank you remember on thank you