##VIDEO ID:b4jXRGUddW8## uh I'd like to call to order um towns and Conservation Commission meeting for Wednesday September 11th 2024 at 7:01 p.m can I have a rollal call please James Dyan present J here James Gates kin Smith um K mind leading us Allegiance that's I know world over there yeah let's just look to the book pledge allegiance to the United States of America to the for which it stands one nation under God indivisible um this meeting is being recorded is anyone else recording Chairman's additions and or deletions um you guys want to vote for officers tonight we'll just leave it there to the next one excuse me vote for officers tonight or no no and someone make a motion to move to the next meeting I motion that we move the electing of offices to the meeting of what it will be uh September 25th yes September 25th 2024 2024 second that call vote James TR yes Jame yes James Gates yes yes um here's report uh anything I have to report covered under the staff report uh review approved meeting minutes from 82824 um I just had a chance to review them Pat you looked at them yeah I didn't see anything I didn't see anything that was out of the ordinary um Kevin's looking at him right now but you get a motion to approve the uh motion my motion will approve the me the U minute meetings of a2824 jamesan me a second second okay you start all right P yes James D yes James Gates yes Kevin Smith yes jumping G on you there p and never happened again uh staff report Jessica you there yeah you are I am good evening everybody I'm above you it's really weird um all right so this covers just a brief time August 29th to September 11th um a few building permit sign offs for 181 Fitchburg Road and three Ryan Road we had a driveway permit sign off at 25 Shirley Road no referrals for other boards no Board of Health sign offs um completed approvals issued in the last couple weeks with the order of conditions for 50 sauna row Road issued on August 30th order of conditions for 12 Canal Street issued on August 30th order of conditions for 94 Fitchburg Road issued on September 3rd and then a negative-3 determination of applicability for 20 copper Smith way issued on August 30th um we have a few applications in the queue and noi for 22 sa ro road which is still incomplete um so you guys will see that once we have all the application materials in we have the RDA 430 Shirley and then 46 Emory which are both on your agenda for tonight some compliance updates um J most most of these are Jim they're not actually me so Jim did a pre-con inspection to 65 Adams Road and to 20 copper Smith way both looked good they can proceed with their work um order and I got to the bridge to double check on the uh facilitation and any other areas and to see what the water flow rate was so it's almost down to a trickle so we're in good shape with nice dry weather coming so hopefully we'll get to the footing soon good thank you um we have a few outstanding compliance matters or 75 Pierce Road that was ooh um like they to an email yeah maybe like last March or April um they were putting an in-law apartment on within a stream buffer um and so we stopped work and had them file and then sort of as as a mitigation me uh measure they had to plant I think it was like 26 plants or something so I just asked for them to do a check in at how the vegetation is doing because they need a 7 or maybe an 80% success rate so the applicant should be getting back to us hopefully within the next week or two with a checkup letter um interr when how far back to 75 P go when was that a year and a half ago yeah I think it was in like March or April or May March it was March yeah well because I know Matt was taking care of it because I was on maternity leave so that time yeah it would have been March or April okay gotcha thank you of course um uh also down on Pierce Road 187 on the other side of Warren though you have an active enforcement order there um they had a new construction home and Associated utilities that required mitigation um that they never did and the permit expired so you issued an enforcement order to replant trees and required that 70 at least 75 of the 100 saplings survive I got an update last week that only 59 of them have survived so far so I just reminded them that they need to replant some more so that they exceed or meate at least 75 for well so they they planted in like early December last year so it it was a real late and that's why I thought they would be in real good shape with the survival but it is what it is I think I think she said it was like all a lot of the junipers didn't make it and I'm pretty sure they bought those in bulk like off Amazon maybe so it could have also just been like a quality thing believe it or not you can't ignore the G um and then one more is for two cap corn Lane um just during a driveby very recently we saw that construction had definitely started already and they had never contacted us for pre-con inspection so um we sent out a fine to them and the fine has since been paid and the inspections were made by Jim so they are up to compliance and work is proceeding yeah they had they did a good job on Allo control the D sign was all up and everything and it was a Mario crew in the building was well on the way to being done yeah lovely right in the nick of time and then the last item on the list here is that today or well within the last week we received the first half of the um nrw what is it nationville River Watershed association their wild and Scenic Grant so so far we have $10,000 awarded from them and you guys recently just sign signed a request to add another $113,000 so we received um sort of The Upfront $5,000 credit today that we did deposit into an account um in the absence of a conservation agent that Grant will very likely be you know most of the decisions will be made by the commission um Aaron or Grant admin can help administratively but um most of the decisions will need to be made by you as the Commissioners so um we will need to coordinate a a boundary survey of three Conservation Commission owned properties the three that were approved in this grant were um let's see behind off Dudley road behind Peter J Drive um it's about a 25 acre parcel there and then there's two up off the top of West Meadow Road um behind Phils development and then behind um uh like 98 to 100 West Meadow Road there's a there's a parcel back there too so those were the three that were approved as part of this grant so um we will need to start coordinating Jessica as I understand those properties are landlocked quite are they not um just one of them just the one behind Richard waterhouse's properties um like the one behind 98 to 100 West Meadow however there is the town does hold an e an access easement okay so I'm not sure if the property owners now know the town hold eement but there's too many conversations going on sorry just what was that um oh you you asked about being being landlocked technically yes but the town does hold I'm told an an access easement through like 98 or 100 West Meadow Road that's the one there like in the in the dip of the road where that new green house is way up on the hill right a Tiny's old property with the um pond that's out in the back that buts on to lock Brook um I think it's a couple Parcels North going up West Meadow still getting up okay Dicky waterous I believe Dicky water House's land was the land provided the easement the access and the access easement okay that was across Dicky's property am I correct Jess yeah so he he owns or you know recently owned 98 100 and 102 he sold 98 and now that that's that new like Greenhouse that's way up on that really really Steep Hill um so the easement is either through 98 or through 100 but like you can tell there's kind of like a access road at the the V anyway of those two properties right in the dip right right in that draw but what I don't know is you know it's we have an easement but I don't know if those private property owners since they're not Richard Waterhouse know that the town holds an easement so go yeah I don't L metal than I do so we can um yeah somebody lives on there don't they yeah no but that's that's something that we just like send the letter to the owner just being like hey you might not be aware but we have access rights so um we'll cross that bridge when we come to it but anyway that's just just letting you guys know that we probably given the the fund amount um we may need to request like three just following procurement procedures we may need to request three proposals at least just request them we might not receive three but as long as we request three it's $10,000 right 10 well it's it's going to be 25,000 or 23,000 once the the addition gets approved so Goods Serv goods or services between 10 to $50,000 to my knowledge you have to request three proposals for unless there's some sort of exemption um based on the the procurement laws but that's conversation for another day CU I don't believe all right so where's the the $110,000 where is that going to get us with surveying these properties is going to get us to these three I I don't know I that I don't I was not involved in the proposal for the or the um the application for this grant that was the previous conservation agent so I'm I'm on the outskirts of this one I don't really know the details and we don't have any anything saved any in our one drive or printed they must have something in it to be I have not really looked but um okay yeah can I end it with one more quick question Jessica when we get this grant money that doesn't initiate into the general fund does that go right directly no it's it's to a Conservation Commission account so it is a marked for conservation and they can't it's not just conservation it's earmarked for this one project for the project there's nothing else you can go all my questions have been answered once I'm quiet I get now we can put towards trash so anyway that's all from me thank you thank you Jess when you snuck up on me today I don't make me feel uneasy when I see you when I pull out of my driveway Mom mobile well now you know you would drive slow too I don't yeah she drives that little under the cover car that nobody recognizes that's what it is she's smart smart listen it's got a Windows screen on the driver's side noticed that say when they she drove by so that's the identifier um right 3.1 request for or an RDA 46 Emory Road pwb 20241 191 applicants Rod and Gun Club project is for driveway maintenance within the 100 foot buffer legal notices pursuant to the Mass WPA in towns and Wetland bylaws the towns and concom will hold a work session on Wednesday September 11th 2024 during the 7:00 meeting their work session will be held virtual Zoom virtually via Zoom meeting in inperson town hall I request for determination of applicability filed with Conservation Commission by towns and Rod and Gun Club property is located at 46 Emery Road cessor map 25 parcel one project uh the proposed project is for maintenance along the entrance Road within the riverfront area parties wishing to speak in support of or in opposition to this applicant application may do so at the meeting or in writing prior to the meeting poppies of the application are available for review at Town Hall during business hours rogera is here um representing the ring Gun Club yeah myself and Dan went Fallen as a chairman of the board of directors I did the original application for it okay um did you read the EP comments I didn't get a chance to yet okay um I guess explain to us what you're going to do and we're trying to mitigate a silk problem and uh combinate the runoff and watch out of our road uh the road is obviously coming right down em into what's called Dan curn way he's creting wash outs on the little road and has decided to hug to the right to go into the Wetland area so we need to do some road maintenance uh proposing to reinstall a section of the road as it's already asphalted but startop pitching everything towards the left and put in a drainage sale and a siment trap at the end of that drainage sale uh then see what happens from there we going to try to take this one piece at a time without spending a whole bunch of money running all we down the road find out it still doesn't work well how many 100 ear reings have we had what you proposing to do Roger when you get down slope U you what you're saying is you're G to Super Elevate everything to the high side correct run it right down what are you going to do down what are you proposing to do down at the wherever you come on the flat ground or run the other way tra down the at the end of the sale and just no pipe going across or anything well we hoping with the sand it'll dissipate into that area because you can't bring it over to the other side how about trying to keep maybe a rip some rip wrap down in there section R have a have a tier catcher Sil siltation catcher and then some and then some rip WP down below to suck it up quick to try to pull it out of the run it then you can go in there with your little rig and maintain it that way clean it out as we need to yeah at the risk of Jessica yelling at me I know we're not supposed to to design but I did do a project up at the 4 camp in Ashby where they had a lot of runoff coming down around a hill um and we did the tear drop you know um areas yeah catch the silt and run off but also allow the water to dissipate back in per back into the ground and that's all so what Sandy yeah wouldn't ask for anything better in there as far as to the top of the Emory though is all ledge well a ledge down there I think the only biggest problem they might have is a little bit of maybe a little bit of top and sub left in there from back when they created the road that's creating a little bit of impervious material that holds that water slows that water down but it sounds like you guys have got the right idea you know take that stuff out of there get down and put some stone in there and that's you know you know going to take care of the problem put some new gravel down get you think you're G to have to have throw the length of the road how much are you planning on doing just a one section or you yeah probably on the first corner right now that's about yeah what do we F about 100 maybe 150 to 200 a little more than that and like you said Roger you know you know we'll see where that takes us next year you're going may have to re attack it saying all right well we had a lot more water coming down here it didn't suffice so plan B cuz you're Downs slope there for quite some distance 6 700t what' you say Dan the from the r no the first yeah there's about 100 again I think I guessed 152 and then it starts to level out and we may have some more room on the left hand side going in if we need to we can even put a couple little infiltration things there that's not now that that's a fallback position should it not be able to take it Up Plan B Roger to speak of see how this first phase goes and apprach yeah what go ahead it needs some attention and that that's sounds like you're you're you're right on CU is that's the right way to do it if I was doing it yeah get the soap away keep away keep away from the brook that's keeping it over there where you can maintain it the whole premise of why they're doing it which is outstanding years ago we we had little areas cut off to the sides yeah probably 20 yeah no they went a couple different directions they were just little basically turns little diversions off of the side and that took the water yeah but you know we didn't dug whatever volunteers you could get that day to do it yeah it's been 20 years and it's the same guys is probably still volunteering down there or men and women would be some well I know I know a young lad that's been helping a little bit yeah and he is now on board of directors sir he is yes he is we'll have to congratulate him well wait it's it's time to get some new blood and some young thoughts in there so um yeah so um his well guy that works I taught him well yeah guy who works for Kevin is um one of our more active archery members there and um he's real good with machines so we use him when we can is it that skinny little kid oh SED with me I threw him on a tractor when he was 14 years old illegal illegal old teasing him labor is hard to get you're telling me and he's good yeah love the kid like you want you have any question for us no it's it's regular maintenance it's something that has to happen and even you know traps that are runoffs that were 20 years old they fill in with yeah what what youan debris what what you're doing is in my opinion that's just grading maintenance I mean you you know you're putting that little you know little so catcher in I mean that's to a degree they're moving more so the water's been the water M by to moving slowing it down and allowing it to percolate that back into the ground the water's been the water's been running there for ages and ages just been running been running to the right what they're doing now is 199% improvement over was going on because you had all the silk running down in towards towards the brook you know and I'm sure over the years some of it has probably made it to it oh yeah especially those heavy rains like last year we had stuff oh my God I think yeah if certain areas in there um I would almost think you could you could maybe put a couple on the right where you can't kick the water to the left you know you got a big stretch between the the you know I mean it's out close in some spots but other spots it's way out there I mean you got some of those areas that have been cut probably since my brother cut them 30 years ago the kickers I call them kickers to kick the water down off to the right you know you could always put a couple in there too if you had to yeah I think once we get down below or further away from that Brook yeah well once you get down a you probably past the 200 F feet almost that opens way up you know that you still got to be able to maintain the driveway it's not our intention to trying to crucify doing some Road that's that road been there for 75 years and then yeah there was and they've always done a good day they've always maintained it I know my brother was alive he he did some work over there every few years I think the last time we were down there was when you put in for the logging that was that would have been D the Pary program yeah yeah that was over 15 years 15 we do regular logging okay we do regular Force management I'm about to turn in the next 10 year for management plan soon as I get all the paperwork together as the scene you m wow an award for that last year we program got award for that well you'll do at least one more time you'll do it one more time D we got ways to go it'll be a few years before we do any High Roger I know you didn't or you said you didn't have a chance to review Mass DP comments did you no I did not get Chance um what do they say we just have to yeah um few questions about site and offer the following points of analysis it may be useful to get a better understanding of where all activities so associated with the proposed Road activities will occur including road road maintenance um I will all per be located within the existing developed roadway or will work be located within vegetated areas where is the sediment trap proposed and what are the specifications will propose work uh results in an expansion of the developed area uh two the location of the proposed invasive removal F the removal should it be uh uh reviewed and a plan provided on how they propose to complete such work uh I.E mechanical hand chemical where's the invasives right up front when you come in on the right there's some spotty little things I want to get rid of okay we don't want them getting off into the forest basically we be cut maybe just a cut Stu treatment yeah there's a little bit of honeysuckle we've done some stuff over the years I think you wrote that stuff at B I probably did okay I am not here in my official work capacity no I am here as a member of the club um just to be clear all that kind of stuff but yeah be careful where you send emails from then okay there's a couple different reasons why I I know Roger been takeing Roger's been doing this long enough you've obviously been do long enough I've only heard about you but you know I'm James I'm Charlie rossback son-in-law okay so um so yeah it's you know you covered a lot of stuff in this and I just bre through it but it's mostly right on top I'm sure Freddy willover from Mr lythall well but it's its best management practices really it's best management and also when we bring this up to the membership they go wild thinking we want to suggesting putting it catch Basin and pipe and I wrote that just to calm the ideas down we propos we want to do something with the road and all of a sudden there's 15 newly appointed civil engineers in telling us exactly what we're supposed to be doing you know in and broom listen to everything they have to say and erase it from there it's just so put a little more gravel down as a maintenance yeah we've seen the sideline engineering we it's it's a beautiful thing never discourage him but just you know and then when it doesn't work I told him it wasn't going to work or they don't or they just drift away from their proposal it's you know right but we need to get something done there so Kevin was saying our invasives it's no different than me I always got a pair clip is ready to you know with the fire see some not see put them put them off it's best maybe throw a little grass on the right hand side coming in right you like to eventually mow the edge of the road make it look nice it's more to keep keep it's a good filter I was going to say it's it's that's the best thing it could probably do over there right and I'm going to still call that maintenance because of the fact that damage you got stuff that happens you go over there and you clean it up you put 10 shovel fulls of Al and you put a little grass seed on and this is the river the brook side either side it's all River Front either side it's it's you know the whole the whole the whole driveway is in the river front for the first what 500 ft probably to about the boy scout camp yep exactly it opens up takes a right and then makes it so uh third question will there be impact to River area bordering land subject to flooding and or bordering vegetated Wetland if present on site resource areas uh with the proposed activities uh or any impacts to Resource areas whether temporary or permanent should be modified in a notice would T we're not deviating from where our road is we're not going anywhere with it we're not widening the road we're not making it um rerouting it just rerouting the water upd maintenance it's not even updated it's just general maintenance stuff f it ability to remove water and you know if you got this if you got that lot of that dryway running lot course the ti tracks are it's doing this that water is running in there I me a simple annual semiannual grading with your grading box which I guess you guys have you know once you get once you get that thing in order it will be once we get it right we keep it right yeah we get it right you guys have a grading in a tractor and everything equipment operators and everything guys are outstanding no no we understand you one you've been quiet you attended list to everything she cooks for our came dinner does she really absolutely you didn't know this no I think it's great on the [Laughter] here full disclosure so um in terms of special conditions do we are there any proposed or I don't know how we can for anything this straight forward no well easy does it it's the road was put in two years ago and all the erosion control was taken removed and and we had the Rings like we did last year and ear this year wouldn't have mattered but it's you got something from 75 years ago and they've done a pretty you know and they've given it routine maintenance in the whole 75 years not like it was ever left in disrepair for uh any length of time where where someone would say hey you're not doing a good job they've always worked on it I mean it's an annual thing probably a probably a semiannual thing most likely they they're up there probably in the spring and probably in the fall you know grading it uh six times yeah six times a year so so I didn't get a chance to attend the site walk cuz I was out of town working uh I guess there were no low indentation areas that could focus water that should see any should get waddle or anything that I looked at it but during that I looked at it but not during the site I have photos if you guys if there's screen in there like can I screen share I don't even know yeah there's a TV something I have a few photos if you guys want me to screen share yeah Harley can Jessica have screen share please okay I think I just did it look at you on top of it thank you do watch you watch our meetings on occasion sure yeah very understandable they like us a lot yeah they do oh there they sure do I'm sensing sarcasm all right all right can you guys see that let me minimize everybody can you see the picture yeah all right so off to the right is Emory Road um the Waddles that are in place right now are from the repaving from the waterline so down to the left is Dan curn way so and Roger didn't you mention that when the town did that area with the the toing they really raised that hump up which is really what started promoting started pushing the water into the brooka I thought I had like a hump I guess you can't really see it but there's there's like a sort of like a weird asphalt berm that weirdly directs water here you can see where all the asphalt is cracked and then it just kind of spays down um so I'll just keep going so that's yeah looking down the driveway mhm down the driveway you could see a pretty big like whatever this is called r r re there water TR yeah the next picture has some cattle in it no um and then this is this is looking back up toward Emory Road you could just see sort of the general grade I mean I would say it's maybe like a two to three maybe percent grade um for the first 150 ft um oh is that it that's lame sorry that's it but you special conditions the work is going to be just about to the I think this was right around the front corner so I think you guys are actually proposing on terminating the scope right about here yeah yeah there's the pole so I would I mean if if I can chime in I would just recommend because pretty much right after this pile of gravel it does drop down a couple feet so I might just recommend um just lining this whole thing with straw Waddles but that's my two cents Waddles it no no Sil um I mean I think I think I think it's such unconsolidated material from snow plowing that Sil fence would probably be more destructive right anti-pr I think that's why just going with the wles we may have some wles some job just drag the ones down from the waterline that'll be great we be willing to donate to the cause I know somebody else water going over there yeah no right yeah right and but again we have two three four inches of rain two hours it doesn't matter for for safety sake I I agree with with her they on the vegetation that area pass where the vegetation stops that the natural grade on that right hand side going down is a little bit low even though you're going to put a kicker to it to kick it the other way okay so um it wouldn't hurt to put those in no W waddle at end of Out of the end of the vegetated area from the end of the vegetated area down past little past the telephone pole where the work I believe is going to stop yeah not far down left at the end of the construction of the area right from the on the right hand side Place ble at the end of the vegetation vegetated area pass the telephone pole on the right hand side the telephone pole being the end of construction go past thatas so that there's no way if they if they're in their work and that's pretty flat right there if they're in their working and they did get a Monumental rain while they were there working it's not going to flood water is not going to remediate across the road no and and if it does pretty much will feather off in Boy Scout area right it's far enough below that well no we don't it sits in there when it sits in there it can percolate down through it's a good place and it hold it's that's holding any silter it ever got down in there from ever getting into anywhere near the brook right no not way out right there yeah and that's a real Rocky silty it's like 2 in minus Co sand and gravel Okay and like you said just on upward radiant further down that's ledge yeah no there's no wedge there no further up on Emory it get oh yeah yeah but you got to go right to the very end yeah that's all sand and gravel through within what last 500 ft or th000 ft em then it starts to get Tilly yeah gets crappy at the end yep what's what's the length about 50 ft oh from where that rating yeah I'd say in 75 it would probably be put 75 in I'm just going to wrate 75 200 feet yeah that covers it I'm going to time maybe I'll steal a couple noodles from D well there might be some right don't C with some extra cuz he didn't use all those didn't need them right that's what I'm I had him used one I had do a l well he did some more okay um so we were just prompted by the chair um what uh so I make a motion that we um find this be a negative uh three determination uh with a special condition of install waddle at the end of Edge and dash end of vegetation um on a bottom of Hill along existing driveway approximately 75 to 100t I need to interject it should be negative -2 if you're going to do that because it's Riverfront area not three because with within the 100 or the 200 River Riverfront area is considered an actual resource area thank you no you're right you're completely right is this like when we were doing the invas removal down on mock Brook we goofed with the three now to get get to a two Jessica where do we put the special condition then because there's nothing there's no lines for that under I hate that form um I can make a standalone like attachment for it or you could just like write an arrow I don't know I I'll I'll make some notes so it's obvious don't worry I'll do an arrow AR I would just do yeah she can thank you for reread that Jimmy I make a motion so I retract my previous statement or previous motion and I make a motion uh to find this negative -2 determination uh the work Des described in the request is within an area subject to jurisdiction under the ACT but will not remove Phil dredge or alter that area therefore the said work will not require the filing of a noi um the special condition will be uh install Wadd at the end- edge of vegetation bottom of Hill along existing driveway approximately 75 to 100 ft Jessica does that sound good yes thank you all right I'll second that Kevin second roll call vote starting with Pat yes Pat Jamal yes James yes James dwan yes James Gates yes Kevin Smith yes thank you hi dismissed nice to see done that he was banking you go upstairs and talk about your trash now yeah we appreciate it I bet you it's pretty good we'll grab some popcorn and some something to drink and go up there because I think it's gon to have it's going to be a lot of fun not loud doesn't have to be loud it's the glaring qu so any second now we I did see a police officer walked by a we right GE thank thanks so much for I apprciate Jessica thank you just wanted to say have a great night was good to see you bye guys I'll send your I'll probably mail your document out or Roger unless you want to come pick it up [Music] tomorrow oh yeah we're not done with that we're fix that up proud yeah I haven't seen him lately down the road last week cuz he had to go get it I stopped and I said listen I'm neighborhood watch I to know to see you see him he'd be excited he' like that the bear reading his Corin this year 5000 year almost have fun it's going to I'll see you five different five different markets in in Boston just did a 500 lb order that went to PNE Vermont B maret did okay 1,600 lbs and that's after he pled almost as much as me he's my best go to the G P we're just waiting for Kevin to come back I've got I'm sitting on four maybe 500 pounds of seed G so I'm going to go up there try the pedal make make a few new Customs but from 10 pounds 30 years ago to where it is now a little spot you had a couple rows just a couple years ago right now it's the Jamaicans come in the planting and H for me I do everything else in between Steve do the straw everything else great K West West Sor you know want everybody to know excuse me are you guys still in session yes we are we're justor thank you I'm trying to that all right so let's keep going because I'm hungry and tired uh you any peanuts or anything for Jimmy good I'm good I don't want to get yelled at for chewing on the like an old cookie uh 3.2 zba referral request uh three Ryan Road accessory department just leave a sec um referral notice please review this attached application and relay to the zoning board of appeals any questions concerns you have this referral is under towns and Zoning bylaw 45-65 Nash General Law chapter 48 section 11 um Bri Ryan Road applicants Timothy Heber and Lisa Heber is senstive map n block 10 Lot 12 the hearing is September 18 2024 and August 28th 2024 in accordance with Mass General Law chapter 4A and the towns and Zoning bot towns and Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a remot remote access virtual public hearing on Wednesday September 18th 2024 at 6:35 pm on the application of Timothy Herbert and Lisa Hebert Hebert Hebert right HB yeah it was misspelling so he uh for a special permit under zoning by law 145 36 and 145 d65 the applicant is proposing to construct an accessory apartment connected to a single family residence under approval for accessory apartment used at three Ryan road map 9 block 10 Lot 12 located in the rb3 zoning District public remote access public uh only access to the meeting with a a zoom link and my sticky notes says there are no wetlands nearby so out isue a no comment I'm speaking actually I'm not sure if there is any there a the little Crossing but I think it's we did that site I believe it's well away from yeah um so motion to issue no comment yeah I I issue that we have no comment motion motion that we who's second James Brian second roll call vote starting with Pat Pat yes jamesan yes James yes keevin Smith yes okay just yeah like 20 minutes ago I'm doing minutes as we go can you tell me who seconded Pat's motion for that please Jimmy did thank you try to use a deeper Voice or something Jessica no I just couldn't type fast enough so I wasn't paying attention okay thanks for clarifying ring Gun [Music] Club all right um moving on 3.3 uh RDA 30 shley Road twb 2024 d186 and Erica Williams and Jake's and hire uh project is for removal of trees and installation of fence within 100 foot Wetland buffer um Matt is joining us Matt Maro um Jessica the paperwork for Rod and Gun Club will be in its folder thank you just it over that just for that reason all nights you not bring a Munch he they're picking on me Matt marrow um is here uh joining us on Zoom representing the property owner Matt you there yeah yeah I'm here guys um first of all I just wanted to say pardon the the glasses the way they look in the angle I'm at that stage of life where I have to look through the glasses to see my notes and I can't see the computer Rel to that on so kind of angling it so I can do both at the same time Matt don't worry we're all blind on Conservation Commission too okay so will we last left off was um we had a s sidewalk um last Thursday if I recall correctly where we looked over the trees um there were trees with red x's and a couple with yellow ex's I went back um early this week took another look at all the trees did another count and essentially what I found was there is a total of 29 White Pines proposed to be removed a total of two red Maples proposed to be removed and Four Oaks proposed to be removed two of The ools Marked within the 35 foot no touch zone two of the Pines I'm sorry five of the Pines are within the 35 foot zone so there's a total of Seven Trees within the 35 foot Zone that are supposed to be REM um the condition of those as I outline in my report I noted six of them are completely dead and I believe the term I used when I was out on site is that they could pretty much almost qualify as snags um the remainder of the pine trees are they're either split from age white pines have a tendency to self- prone from the bottom up and then as they get really older um especially with the way those are grown in very densely they have a tendency to split um part of that's from bug infestation there were a couple that you could see was struck by lightning a long time ago and they scarred over but that makes the structure weak um there were other trees that you could tell were bug infested these are the Pines I'm referring to now because you could see sat from the top down usually when you see white satp from the top down um it's because they are um you have wood that are going at them to get at the insects um the oak trees uh look like they could come down basically because they're close to the pine trees and the the pine trees that the slated be removed would probably cause some collateral damage to the Oak one of the Oaks was a double stemed Oak and um it looked pretty stressed out um pretty much like it's it's more than peaked um and probably will wind up coming down in a really good Windstorm at some point in the near future um the red Maples are actually looking pretty good but they are in very close proximity to the house and they're really really tall and as I cited my narrative a lot of insurance companies um tend to put pressure even though that's not happening now but it doesn't mean it won't happen because a lot of insurance companies are stressing um that you get tall trees that could fall on your house removed or at least branches pruned um they're getting very low to cover because there's a lot of storm damage due to climate concerns um that's basically it uh We've looked at the Wetland delineation um the majority of the commission has been out looked at the trees um I've provided you with a count the total is 35 um total so when you one more thing though um when I looked at the canopy cover um one of the things I always look for and I discussed on site was how it would affect the canopy cover going to the wetlands um even with the amount of trees you have a lot of them are scattered like selective Cuts so it wouldn't really like remove the canopy per se over the Wetland so the amount of tree cover on lot around that Wetland totals about an acre and a half and with the amount of volume of trees that I measured that you're taking out comes out to about a tenth of an acre so you're talking just a little bit under a percent on the canop um guidelines on tree removal for ex for example the uh state has an exemption built into its regulations that allows you to take cordwood uh quar of wood per year um for personal use like you know fireplace Etc um the only condition on that is you can't remove more than 10% of the canopy um so this is much less than that standard and that that's basically well Matt you're saying to a degree the justification for some of this tree removal is cordwood related you know what I'm saying is there's a cordwood standard where you are allowed I understand so Miss Williams can comment to that if they're going to use it for FR okay no we're doing this strictly to get rid of trees that are sick and pose a damage or a threat to the house and they you know were in the way of things and they're just bug infested and need to go we're going by your recommendations the recommendations of the arborist we've had out this is what we're told needs to be done and we're just trying to be good homeowners and do it you do have a wood stove and you are going to burn this wood am my right correct my correct ma' I'm sorry I didn't hear you um the the proper owners do have a wood stove and they are going to burn this wood as a heat source yeah you that falls into so that that being said it falls into the the harvesting of the firewood it would fall into the exemption criteria yes all right no I need to clarify Kevin I think you said you just were asking for clarification that the homeowners would use this wood for their personal firewood and to my knowledge the answer is no they would use it to Chip and Mulch and spread in their backyard not used for firewood so man maybe pose that question a second time Erica do you plan to use this wood for firewood we do have a wood burning fireplace inside the house I'm sure we'd use some of it for that thank you Erica you do have personal use thank you with the with the overview of the trees did you have an A come in to give you this overview or are you going the home owner said they did oh we we did have an aist come in and give an overview do you have his report and whatnot that was the homeowner that said that no the homeowner did that the review I gave you was my own review I've done this before yes I I agree with you Matt on the on this on the 4in St the the trees would be unhealthy I do agree with you to the extent those are probably mature Pines growing in damp area they probably all red rot in the middle you caught if you caught a few they' probably be red rot correct correct yeah so saying that the trees are unhealthy correct and especially if you got a couple of them that been struck by lightning you know in the past it doesn't matter whether it was last year or 20 years ago it tears the cium L in the blows the fiber out in the tree making it unhealthy and uh and not very structurally sound so I I in my opinion come down thank you man Pat do you have anything you want to add I know you were able to get out to the site visit last week and well you know I I don't know a lot about you know when I look up at some of the trees that had really nice leaves and stuff maybe they are fun and they don't need to come down I don't know if they're bug infested or anything else they they the leads themselves look really good so you know but it's high up um and there's probably like three of those trees I saw that had the ex's on them that they were going to take down so yeah if if I may address that yeah if I may address that um go ahead I mean that is that is that is a fair point um one thing I can tell you is I remember when I was the conservation director over in Kingsboro Massachusetts there is a country club along the marac river called the Vesper Country Club um they came in for actually a determination to cut down rows of pine trees that had a minimum of 36 inch diameter trunks I mean these were big old pine trees and they looked great to look at them on the surface you'd never think there was a thing wrong with them pine needles look beautiful it wasn't self- pruning none of that was happening just like if it was a deciduous tree growing leaves the commission allowed a negative determination with some replanting and some naturalization um in that area because it was a fairway um when they cut all of the Pines down every single one of them were Hollow all in the middle everyone every single one were all was all all the Pines at my house were and it's prevalent in that it's prevalent in that kind of kind of soil that's down there and the and the obviously the dampness in the soil um that's that's a big problem I mean it's been it's been a good many years logging and uh those kind of trees that sure like that you start cutting into them and they sometimes they'll blow apart they're you know they're just all red inside sometimes you even got water in them and those trees in the shore I would say that the best possible thing to do with them is remove them okay so we've talked about the trees what about mat I I know the scope has changed um immensely from the beginning to now um can you speak to us about what other parts of the projects will be within the 100 foot buffer the fence and the moving of the shed sorry Kevin C what about the shed the the in order to put the fence in where they want to put it capsulating it around the develop yard area um they're going to have to in in doing the there's some landscape like Pond that they want to put in in order to get all of that out of the buffer zone and have it still work with the deck which is also out of the buffer zone they have to take a shed and move back the shed would move back into the buffer zone um it would still be in front of the fence which would be around the buffer zone encapsulating essentially the developed portion of the yard so it actually isolate them um in their land use so it would actually make a good demarcation barrier from the naturalized Wetland area I see demarcation so that 35 foot with that shed there and if if you leave a little if you leave a little six inch space underneath if you leave a little six inch space underneath the fence on the bottom um it actually comes close qualifying for the state exemption Criterion F state usually exempts fences as long as you leave a little space underneath for Critters Little Critters to move through so you but it your bylaw is silent to that so the exemption wouldn't apply under your bylaw hence the need to file yeah um now what about uh the need to bring in Phil to level the area to make that fence work for them um Hill over there would be extremely minimal um yard slopes but it's extremely gentle where they want to put the fence so if there is any fill it would be minimal and again the fence would be a demarcation to the rest of the we so essentially what they're doing is they're closing off the develop portion fencing it in they're using that part as the yard and leaving the the remainder of the area naturalized open to discussion everything is outside the 35 ft no trees are being cut with well if the trees are unhealthy I I don't have a problem with that you know I mean the trees should be removed because they may hand it up on the house but is is any of the construction work the fill any of those fil is going to be within 35 ft within the 50 ft it won't be within 35 ft now right thank thank you Matt right I mean that's going to be important we don't have Phil put in the 35 foot no I'm Str would agree with Seven Trees being removed within the 35 ft only do their criteria say Well they're dead they're dead they're dead well I'm not anous but I did not see everything in there qualifying for a clear cut because they're all dead okay does that mean all that Forest Area they're all they all must be dead too I mean I'm not kicking them on this but from the beginning as to where we are now has changed drastically and I understand how Matt's presenting it to us I get it it's good but I'm still once again I'm going to voice my concern that's a large amount of area being cut literally that's being that's clear c those are your when all those trees are cut in there that is a that that whole area is being there how again Matt Matt said um you know removal of 35 trees will result in a reduction in tree canopy of only 66 or Point 66% less than 2% he say what how about the you know the you know the some of those PS certainly they they're they're probably well on their way to being unstable how about cause throw a hole on throw a hole down at the butt go to find out whether those are all those Pines are you know dead based on where they are well if they're dead then they're unhealthy right they're unhealthy they're a hazard correct oh yeah excuse me commission yes um if I could just interject I was sending a message to my uh to my client so again I just wanted to reiterate that other than those Seven Trees nothing else within the 35 foot would be touched my client has agreed that those minimal trees to be cut in the no touch Zone there would be no stumping so the stumps would remain that that was we W understand we weren't going to allow any stump removal in that anyway not in the 35 right but we're stating it to make sure that that is clear for the right thank you um Mr deran is is uh has this concern about uh a few of those big uh um the real Big Pine Matt would you be opposed to just going just up off the face of the ground and uh running the core into them and see in probably going to be red if they're red they're rotten so what do you guys think of that Jimmy which which tree is taking them out of that no I think my biggest concern is to where it started from at five trees to to 35 trees it's changed the scope of the work has changed you know and when that happens where does the ID RDA go should it go to one I I'm concerned as to what the end result is going to be again if I could offer a suggestion and I don't mean to interrupt your discussion I'm just trying to help you productive and address the concern so if the you know whatever the commission decides we could put in a condition we've already established by site inspection by my inventory the number of trees the types of trees and the number of the types of trees between the maple the sea Oaks and the Pines they're clearly marked with x's both red and yellowish orange so we essentially would go into in other words if an approval is granted prior to the work prior to any tree being touched both the staff or a commissioner or the staff and commissioner so Jessica myself or Jessica and any one of your you guys or all of you guys we can all go take a look at the trees do another count make sure everything is the same and there's been no changes it's like a preconstruction type of inspection I understand um one of the things that is in our notes um this place or this adds to Jim's concern um with the increase intensity uh of scope um the project goals would likely impact the wp Wetlands interest um of groundwater Supply in protection uh water quality flood storage wildlife habitat which this is in the National Heritage jurisdiction which we have been discussed um in depth either um and the the scope has changed it's increased from day one which was first mitted July 22nd um and it's it has become confusing to us and we just we we are at a better understanding now but in the past we have had situations like this um you know come back to haunt us yeah other I mean other than the trees say that again Matt I'm sorry um other than the trees the remainder of the scope that's been changed around actually has moved stuff out of the buffer zone so I know they've added to the scope of trees but the other landscape items that they wanted to do which is what they you know they were intending to do after they had removed the trees in that fenced in area um they've now made adjustments to get those items out of the buffer again moving like the landscape Pond and all that where the current shed is that brings it 125 feet away from the edge of wet so you know they were in their intention on that material or that scope of work was to move that out of the buffer zone okay so a lot of what was on that form for scope of work actually isn't even in jurisdictional areas correct so what is jurisdictional is the trees and the fence some of the grading for the fence that's what and the moving of the shed hat you're sitting over there quietly you're just listening you know you have any questions no I mean I know she's made it as far as moving the fence and stuff which is great um I still have a concern Tre trees simple because you and I both know those trees are dead in the middle I that's how feel but and I'm only one vote you're only one vote we can make a motion we could I this is Matt's done a better a good job explaining it especially in terms of tree inventory presentations good um you know well it would Pro it it would prove that that the that the that the trees are heading for being unsafe if they're not unsafe now I I don't think the safety if the tree is not safe we're not going to stop someone from I have to agreee with Jimmy and I gota you know quickly chime in I understand the whole Factor about trees that are necessary to be removed for insurance companies been there done that just had to do two huge trees around my house so I I get that I get the safety aspect of it my biggest concerns are how it's escalated from x amount of trees this amount of trees it's in priority habitat it's in the 100 foot buck and in the 35 No disturb it triggers specific mechanisms for some this verbage on the AR change but the trees are they also burn the wood so there's that cord wood exemption absolutely um Matt out of the 35 trees we we are we know that what six seven or with 35 foot buffer seven okay so that leaves 28 oh six 635 no right and we're only looking at what three Hood there 28 trees how many out of the 28 trees are within the 100 foot this 31 to S miles from mat did you hear me no I didn't I'm sorry I'm no and I'm sorry that you didn't um we're in a different room so it's yeah um there are seven trees in the 35 foot um vegetated buffer that's correct correct so that leaves you with 28 trees remaining is that 28 trees are the 28 trees within the 100 foot yes the tree count I gave you was within the 100 footb okay so it's everything within jurisdiction okay I just I'm running through the facts just to make sure all the trees in removal are in jurisdiction every one of them all 35 out of those 35 trees I know you gave us some diameters um how many of those 35 trees are less than three or 4 inch caliber none of them they're all big caliber trees none it's because I mean the whole reason they have a problem with them you know dying in damage is because they're older and they're taller on the S sidewalk or any trees or I guess are there any trees that are going to remain or are they you just feel that during the process um the damage there could be damage it's just you take them all out now or take the on that were marked yeah and that's why I was talking about the Oaks um yep The Oaks look pretty decent but you know one of them looked like they was starting to go into decline um but it looks like they will be collaterally damaged by the removal of the Pines okay I get it so so the big trees that are within the 35 foot those are mature bodies uh they're most of them are and it's well on the other side they were 8 to 10 the majority of that were in 35 foot were like in between the 8 to 10 to 12 they were not B Pines they were not real big was am I right on that that the ones that were in the 35 foot no disturb were not of a large caliber tree they were weren't a big boore tree no no none of those none of those were the ones closer to the yard eight T to 12 at the max on those at the max correct I think that's is there any more discussion I think mat's done a extremely good job of explaining it I I feel like I I I know how I feel now um after hearing it um we're indifferent we're indifferent the so someone can make a motion or I can make a motion discuss it um for my concerns with it I'm I'm okay I'm I get and I understand the firewood aspect of it I understand and accept the insurance liabilities and danger of trees and I you know as we look at them if they're dead and they're on the way out the door no different than you would say let's go let's remove them jica before I do anything uh do you have anything to add um no I think Math's assessment has been very helpful um just something that has not been brought up tonight uh was that they're going to be tipped and spread all in the backyard I think still for the most part and then um how the priority habitat should be addressed um and then just how the the interests you know because you're changing your ground cover if if that would impact any of those Wetlands protection act interests just just to make sure that you guys are considering that after trees are removal after trees are removed vegetated your concerns are the reduction of any of the riparian area well no reg revation K just said it what are your plans Matt for revegetating any of that area you got to you going to put some deciduous trees in or I have no discussion no discussion about revation so to give you an idea some of those trees for example in my narrative um if I I gotta get my glasses back on here guys I apologize so if you just want to give me a second so in my narrative um one of the things I noted on my inspection um there are trees that are going to be removed on the North the northwesterly side and the northeasterly side northeasterly side is more in the rear yard where the shed is going um where some of the trees that are you know there are some red X's out there but they're not like all bunched together they're all kind of spread out with the trees that are are affected um the trees on the North Westerly side are actually closer to the driveway and closer to the area that's already getting hit by Sun and if you the way the sun would swing in that area it basically rises in the back of the house goes around the front of the house and then comes back in the back woods again so as far as canopy cover during a good majority of the day either the trees or the house is acting as a shade blocking Factor so as far as shade value to the Wetland it's still being maintained by both the structure and the trees um the other thing I pointed out is the areas where the were the areas where the selective cutting was going so the areas selective cutting is going in it's a common practice the way he's got those spaced out the landowner you're not taking everything out in a bunch you're selectively cutting in different areas and leaving spaces so what's going to wind up happening is you're going to have the space from natural regeneration to happen kind of like when you do a forest cutting in a piece of open space you do selective Cuts you have areas where you take the trees you leave healthier wood behind and it it promotes a good regeneration and sorry about the hand waving it's the Italian to me there you go no worries umy let's send them on them everywhere I don't think we're going to kick it to an an line not after he presented to us the things that we need I think I'll go back to what Smith had stated and I don't know if it would be coming under the replication but can we ask for some planting I think I'll cut in real quick um the the owner and I did have a phone conversation a couple weeks ago that that she would be interested in planting some shrubs or small trees or you know whatever so I I think they may still be amenable to that um so that might be something you guys would like to have a discussion about tonight I would like to discussion um I didn't want to cut in when you guys were talking but yes we are gonna add would be recommended not to go ahead I say we we are gonna open put some new you know some soon P some new blueberry bushes we'll probably do it next spring because I mean I'm not a specialist but I don't think you should plant right before the winter but we are going to put some stuff in place that is healthy and young and you know isn't in the current state it is so it has a chance to you know grow the right way I have no problem with that whatsoever and I'll work with helping them sight the shrubs a good shrub layer actually would be a good vegetative buff for filtering any flow coming off that site probably be a little bit better than what's there now um something that would encourage to grow in those conditions um it it would be better to plant this fall versus this spring if they can't get it cut right you so we can put it so we can request Jessica how do we go about doing this without designing it um do we ask for a certain amount of well why don't you ask for the same amount they taken down you got 30 say 30 say 30 shrubs within that area combined shrubs blueberry bushes uh Hedges bab hold we could play this the this game that we played last year who do you buy these from well we don't to play again we just no I'm I'm saying this because you don't want to put landscape grade stuff in it's going to they might they might for what they're doing so you don't we don't want to set the size for them but if we take the number of trees that they're cutting and say put this many trees and shrubs back on the site uh they could probably do a be if they lay it up help in the Landscaping part of it they come up with a with a beautiful little planting yeah even if the little gold Barber light he are this big naturalized plants naturalized stuff I you know what you can't do that because then you're you're going backwards you're creating landscape space so you want to have naturalized planting something that is going to be conducive towards G but has been but is it going to grow 20 ft or 30t tall can guide them from the sounds of adequate tree that could be in there but I think if we say 35 trees I think that's a little overwhelming we shoot for shrubs trees shrubs I would like to see and if they want to put if they want to put a couple of Maples back in replace the two Maples that they that they've removed get some two 2 and A2 inch galloper Maples so the thing with that though is if you're disturbing more a bigger area I I'd like to see saplings something small then it's less CU you're not going to be able to dig through those roots right there you go two in 2 in to 3 in is going to give you a 14 inch ball that's a no that's a that's a two foot Jimmy like if they want to put sapl in replace the replace the number that they took out but that's minimal disturbance to a degree so if you do a one in Matt I know you have used vendors for wetland plants again this isn't an area you going to want to use land landscape grade so I think doing replacing the same amount of vegetation that you take out so the number is 35 whatever so you said Maple you know you got two Maples you got four HS and and just replace it with natural shrub material PL material half is realistic because yeah I mean what I what I do is is I have I just recently did plantings on a 24,000 foot replication that I'm working on um and the vendors that were used for that are really good they're good at getting good supplies they're good at getting the good natural berry bushes they're they're you know it yeah winter winter dealings I've had with them so we can do the natural berry bushes maybe a couple saplings I'll work with the landowner to come up with something that you know will meet their needs as far as keeping away from the fence but also making it so that it Blends in with a vegetative buffer into the Wetland area so that I mean in the end when these things start to mature after you know four or five years um it actually winds up promoting habitat value and it it you you get vegetative cleansing low push blueberry you got all these different other things some blueberry stuff like that so I I like the the thank you for coming in today well we're accepting we're accepting um you know volunteer forms yes you fit right in I've done my time away all right 10 years was enough thank you fellas Matt we're sorry we're interrupted so I no problem I think 35 would be the right number because you mixed in some low Bush stuff the number that was move put it back you guys I like what you're saying with what five trees 30 shrubs I think that would be best to be deciphered with Matt and the homeowner if we get the 35 replacement in y let them figure that out let them let them decide be able to demonstrate what they're putting in where they're putting it in and what trees they're going to do if we can go that route I'm all warm and fuzzy all right okay my Pat do you want do you have anything to add to that no I mean the best of it is that whatever's coming out going back in this meeting after Matt explained it and you saw the site than you were last time because you and Jimmy had were concerned last time and I want to make sure that both you I don't know if that ever be really resol but um as long as they're going to you know replace things and put stuff then vot for it and I think where you are nobody likes to see a healthy tree get cut down just because they don't want the tree there I think am I speaking Yeah and it wasn't a pine and that the trees really were only like this big around they weren't really big trees and but up top there was a lot of nice Leeves none more dead nothing it didn't look at I just you know I looked at it for several different times when I was in there and you know but I I really I have to agree with that nobody especially us as conservationists do not like to see a healthy tree being taken down but if it's unhealthy yes if it's in in Li of of a safety matter we have no comment to that that's just a given to say do what you need to do to keep everyone safe but I I feel good about this at this point in time on that we're not looking at a replication we're looking to we are looking they are going to provide a replication right to a degree but I don't know if we really label it as that but we are seeing trees coming back in for the trees that would I think we'll need to see that in the spring if they do it before absolutely you that will be written in yes has to be has to be as far as us to be able to go in to see Matt will put a a planting schedule out that will be submitted and then from there we will do monitoring no different than when we look no different than a replication to see what the percentage of Survivor is okay um yeah well I'm gonna wrate this out first uh and sorry uh so we um SC 35 tree read PL I know I'm just writing I'm thinking write hold on and Matt you will you will be able to sit with the homeowners and make the decisions as to what trees will go in with and you'll be able to submit a schedule of what's getting planted where getting planted and when doesn't so my understanding is we'll do a mixture of trees and shrubs yep I'm going to read off special conditions in a second um yep what kind of survival survive survival Sor stick with water replication what we look for in a replication 75% if it that's a good solid number survival have a good 29 to 30 no wood chips outside the fence I'm going to read this off I'm just talking out loud one silver Maples red Maples D WS okay um so very high I'm gonna make a motion that we um that this is a negative three determination work described in the request is within the buffer zone as to find in the regulations but will not alter an area subject to Juris jurisdiction under the ACT therefore so work um does not require the filing those tent subject the following conditions uh well that stay3 yes why not R would be -2 35 f um so one to one replication of trees and shrubs it is can you show the thank you Pat C disrespect yes right conditions to include one to one replication thank you Pat of trees and shrubs s fense and waddle installed 75% survival after one year uh no wood chips outside fence uh stumps to remain within 35 foot sounds good Kevin sounds good y j h she's sorry I'm trying to catch up and type it same time um uh only outstanding thing still is nhp mainly because that was the D comment so I don't know if you wish to strongly recommend that the applicant check with them or not but that is your call well if you put a date on it they I I'm listening to my my the Commissioners so if no one wants to add it I'm not gonna heads going right and left not north to south leave it as this with so I made the motion um do we have a second second pat pat got it I had a little fun to come to me but no that's fine it's un tonight so any discussion Matt discussion if you want to add to it I don't think there's nothing to really add uh pretty happy Matt roll call vote please why weren't you there we're in a meeting excuse we're in a meeting right now uh Jimmy what yes let's start over roll call vote please J yes James dran yes James Gates yes Kevin Smith yes Matt can you believe it so Matt you'll get us a list of plants and a planting schedule yes a planting schedule yeah that's that's not a problem and I kind of R yeah I'm not and we will be doing inspections so thank you thank you Matt no thank you I really really appreciate uh working with you guys here on this thank you thank you thanks mat thank you to the homeowners for their patience your patience and I mean you guys we appreciate it moving on being interrupted I I know I'm just collecting myself because that kind of pissed me off J yeah that was not necessary Mee so 3.4 we move to our 9:25 meeting um trans planning board decision 108 pitchburg Road um which was brought up last night okay you can tell me after notice here by given that a ag restricted Development Special permit site plan review special permit and a storm water permit management permit uh SM 20242 according to townsman byaw it's granted to T meta oh I'm not going to read the whole thing it's just midle of a decision and then MCC fall conference um the listing is available here if anyone would like it for classes um can I cut in super fast um D sent out an educational opportunity today um for a a like a webinar online on uh next Thursday September 19th from 11: to 12:30 uh and it's called the basics of site inspections and buttoning up construction sites for the winter in case anyone is interested let me know and I can hook you up with that meeting access can you set the person up with a computer no but someone could come into the office and we can make some pop needs no I have to deal with it every fall on several jobs so again um if anyone would like a copy of the list it is available right now um so that's all also covers under everything's under education conferences in this item for discussion at the next meeting vote for officers Jessica do we have anything any perance in the works uh for the 25th you have a request for COC for 21 m Murray Road uh and I think that's it I don't know okay um so no one leave until like um yeah sign RDA bir3 Charle but uh next meeting is Wednesday September 25th and October 9th 2024 7.m Board of Select Chambers second floor this meeting will also be held uh be resume remote in accordance with covid-19 safe me guidelines um and I get a motion to adjourn at 8:41 p.m I'll make a motion to adjourn at 8:41 p.m. second that second P second roll call vote starting with Pat yes James dra yes James Gates yes