all right everyone I hope everyone's cell phones are silenced and watches are silenced um I'd like to well I'll wait for everyone new phone me hey Chris I'd like to call the order the uh Wednesday March 27th 2024 towns and conservation Mission meeting at 7:03 p.m. I have a roll call please James Dorian present a James Gates Kevin Smith uh will everyone stand as Kevin leads us pledge allegiance United States of America to the it stands Nation God indivisible jice this meeting is being recorded um chairman additions and or deletions um do not have anything at this time that we don't need to add chair report everything um we are going to push the review and approved meeting minutes from 31324 to to our next meeting which is April 10th at 700 p.m. um they want print it out one if you didn't know agent 1.7 agent report what do you got for all right well this covers March 14th to March 27th we have the building permit sign off from kcoms jurisdiction for 16 Todd Drive and 22 Main Street no uh Wetlands were found at those sites uh we have a building Board of Health inter departmental signatures for septic repairs at 65 Adams Road upcoming applications we have uh RDA was submitted for 25 Worcester and we had an RDA submitted for 42 West Meadow 4222 42 and 22 West meow some miscellaneous things we have Trail markers quote is going to be sent over next week sometime from Mass core is so I chose to use for that um and then violations we have we issued a $100 fine to 112 West Meadow Road and that was discussed in the last meeting the failure of the silt fense um and then I also a letter to 53 Ash Street and that's concerning uh trash and debris it's a possible conservation L use violation so that's trash and debris and U possible ATV use on conservation land behind 53 Ash stre 53 as yeah what about H Ro where the water thing with a little little field was that Street for one second is that the piece of new where the little Athletic Field is in the back where or down across from where uh where uh only me go where the water apartment is the pump station which cross the other way what's that a um yeah not quite sure but this conservation land you cannot access you have to one of those closed out yeah it's closed out so um I had to contact a homeowner and access it through their backyard I know I know I got a general what was going on if I recall that's relatively small right pictures that you could share um yeah what of the ATV is it no the trash it's I'm seeing that more and more often the seclusion areas are getting junk dumped out well yeah people are encroaching across the road mat couple mattresses on R Meo in the entrance Steve's a dump truck load of children's toys closing a dual wheeel dump truck load of stuff he went up already picked it up and cleared it nox he's got cameras out right now we'll see what we see but usually they won't come back after theyve pulled the stump like that but it was probably should half a dumpster half a dumpster can we close that gate there's no gate there who took the gate it's right across from it's up it's the further out back we no no across from me driveway it's closed it's closed it's all closed out nobody's been in there zero but it's the other entry with Steve's doing the vegetables I I couldn't believe it a lot of truck Lo of stuff it looked like a daycare here here's some pictures yeah red is the area trash has expanded onto kcom land kcom land is where the red is is so there's enough trash where there's a dumpster needed or is it just I'll let you decide this is ATV tracks um I can't see that yeah oh well no no it's that looks like a channel where is that yeah to me that looks like a channel there I don't know where it might be yeah here's some of the trash looking from downhill uphill towards the house trash like Camp people hanging out out there yeah oh boy somebody built some temporary is that a wooden structure out there too is that or and a Butters that's no that's obviously be a Butters okay uh no that's in their backyard that's on their property okay but um the trash is kind of overflowing into conservation land it's coming down the hill you can kind of see in this next photo it's easy to see where that's coming from I I don't think that's random people going out there ding I think you know send somebody a letter so the letter was sent yeah for a possible possible violation but appreciation towards picking it mostly well it's $100 a day for violations on conservation land was it could be so the letter read um that it could there's a possible violation for those two things atbu on kcom land and the trash and that we could issue fines if this is not remediated was notice they may they may not know where they back property L that's not that's probably what it is the trash go issuing any funds but you gave them to um I didn't put a deadline on there but I will be okay checking Common Sense deadline please do it common sense do you prefer deadline and the ATV use they may not just may not have known where their property mine is that's not a it's not like they're quarter of a mile over they're 50 ft over it and it's I assume non posted as it's not it's not we we haven't had the resources so so they they don't really they may not they pretty good chance they don't have a clue where their back line is yeah I think moving forward time people need timelines otherwise they could some of these properties should be discussed as to what the worth of them is holding on to them opposed to allowing somebody like that neighbor absorbing it to increase their footprint and we've talked about that I remember you were part of the conversation with the me part of those or a lot of those lots are part of the open space requirements for the development so there's really no way unless it and that falls back into we should think about a forestry plant for all properties of in town Sonic you said for proper forestry management for the land that we do own in town even if it's a controlled burn for whichever turns to be you know there's a lot of wetlands on kcom land also that's why we have the good land right we ain't got much but the Ling is a great way to generate Revenue that is and to take and keep the force healthy moving on any else thank you Autumn sure is that chair's reports over yeah that was nice thank you report yeah minutes I'm there's nothing else that we really can squeeze them before that so what we're going to do is we're going to discuss uh 2.1 7:15 appointment 7:13 by the time I've been talking it will be 7:15 uh notice intent twb 20241 166 P 30876 um this is going to be in conjunction with 4.1 with the letter from the Historic Society so much to follow through follow with this so the location 65 Main Street uh Chris Mackenzie with Dills and Roy is representing project status the proposed project is for installation of septic system site tank and building uh addition with Associated site rating working work is proposed within 100 ft of resource areas and within 35t vegetated buffer also the proposed height tank is proposed less than 10 ft from the 100 here flood Hazard Zone and uh there is a 35 waiver associated with this so we have to vote on that separately a waiver for the 35 foot no disturb yes did that just did that just come out we just never got to that we never got to it I'm sorry Chris we never got to that yeah well the tank hasn't moved from from the original the the tank is uh the tight tank that we're proposing is kind of shoehorned in there uh with the best offsets from everything that we could get uh there's an existing water line on the other side of the tank so we're required to maintain 10 ft from that I think that's what we have so Chris do you so there's been a change in the applicant yes do you if you don't mind us explaining it in over me sure um we've been working with the Townson historical society as you know with the uh with the church up the street uh when they hired us we were hired to do both jobs uh proceeded with the uh fire station with the same applicant name and everything uh the plan uh went through a few Renditions many people saw the plan nobody really caught the fact that the uh towns and historical society was not supposed to be the applicant they are associated with the project but they they were not supposed to be the applicant the uh towns and Fire EMS relief Association was uh intended to be the applicant um after some discussion with Jessica and and some others uh the decision was made yesterday morning uh to uh change the applicant name on the notice vent and on the plan which we have done I I emailed those documents to Autumn and Jessica uh this morning uh I have not been able to make H copes had playing up the mud today so all I could do to get home get cleaned up and get here in time uh so I didn't have a chance to make any hide copies spr bring with me tonight um but she does have uh PDFs of everything and again the plan hasn't changed from the from the last rendition that you do have harded copies of which just changed the applicant does the hard application the signature for the applicant look better than it does on the scan yeah it actually uh that it's there Jimmy but it just it's so here do you want to see it on the computer the computer actually have a version that's a little better but it doesn't yet uh well I'm sending I'm emailing these to these to these people they're they're printing them out they they're signing them they're scanning them sending them back so by the time it happens a couple of times turns in kind of a hot you have enough signatures to combine I can I can that's fine I you don't no I don't think I get the general idea how that oh is this the signature es what it is I remember right that's what three letters okay should I screen share it and then yeah that's it right there yeah that's it up here yeah oh okay we should screen share and right yeah zoom in and something yeah so that's going to have to go around again for who signature is that uh Eric Eric okay sorry which is the town manager right that's the town clerk cath no I thought the I thought the above the above line the applicant I it's just the visibility I know it could signed I'm not trying right it's there there it is it's there no so the applicant is David Stevens well he's the president he the author right believe told was a Treasurer okay and that's who signed it so is this right here that Top Line is a signature yes right there okay it's it's basically just three letters okay it look like to me and that's David Stevens no it's no Eric is the second line this is this is Eric the Town Administrator is the second line oh oh a different yes sorry sorry it's okay okay kind of no time to be confused on no there is no confusion but there's confusion amongst us which is just a misunderstanding we're good there's no I think everything has been squared away I worked real hard to make sure the right people sign the right line you know that's why I've already had that mistake happen so I made sure that let's let us not have history repeat okay I just yeah I just try all this you know why we have to be very alert anything else that you uh you changed something or the U narrative for the de or the details for the dewatering yeah yeah that was done prior to the last meeting yeah I changed it to say that no dewatering would be allowed um however if it became necessary they had to go and get a state okay approval for that because we would be draining into the Basin in the in the street yeah that was the only change that we talked about changing and that was set last week right but he still make so yeah so there was a line that was in here in this area that was removed and then the 100-year flood zone has been updated you can see 272 is different from so we removed the mystery line yes which was a little bit where that came from we need that be my quick question is I noticed that there's a proposed gas service now now that's not that's not proposed for this project that's just in the future noted no I I was told that they they were I I believe that's going to be the heat system is going to be gas I don't that's I I was asked to put a gas on there on the narrative and I know does need to be that's an exempt activity yeah utility that's that's it would fall activity because it's going to be afterwards no it's because it's a utility it's a utility gas gas water this is patiently waiting to answer for all intents and purposes that's a replacement of a gas line that was there you see our test to right there all right then 10233 we hit the old line when we were digging and we had to have the gas company come out and confirm that it was a dead line um so we're more or less so you're replacing an existing you're you're replacing an existing gasoline that's um it's going to be a replacement of existing in infrastructure I would suggest it be included in the narrative for work on the site doesn't need to be to no okay no it it does need it does need well yeah there's the pre-existing factor and it does need to be outlined on the plan which it's done right um and it's following the same path so you're not change what they're going to do is they're going to hook a Chinese finger trap most likely one side and pull it yeah or they're going to dig minimal disturbance less disturbance than what's there oh no no trench needed or anything depends on how they f it depends on the conditions they may ground disturbing activity should be mentioned in the write up for the application you know the process better than me2 Main Street I'm member of the historical um Society that's better board of directors um so is that paperwork going to the state with the chain will they accept it with that signature barely there oh yeah that shouldn't be a problem as long as it's on there okay Brave man part of it comes back to when we write our order of conditions and it is um the applicant is noted that is legal documents and the whole thing okay that it's recorded with the register else no one ever recognize my signature any what's difference no I understand but you can be able to see that signature you can't see that it's not barely we can't see that his copy I think is g to be a little his copy that's probably back in his office is a much better better it's been scanned and copied 365 times right his copy has probably got two of the three letters pretty clearly designated on it I would think the the first copy I got with his signature on it was fairly good yeah that's there you go but I didn't have the town signature on it yet so to then when I came back from the town it was highly readable okay I just don't wanted to get kicked back from the state for some something that simple I don't think it will it's nice that it's being changed we no it shouldn't okay thank you back I'm sure they're watching they're waiting for it anyways there so were in here before but uh I've been doing notice contents for a long time and for 30 years I signed him as agent and only last couple years has it changed an issue yeah and requiring us to everything's changing to signed in all the spots sign sign that was standard standard procedure never was so do we have any other comments questions we love to hear things from the audience wow it's a quiet group over here tonight I thought we were going to get a little more you know what this is this is this is make we love you I've heard of that before I get a little scared I get a little scared when right behind you know sure you kids are doing the right thing it's good we Tred we said want to try do uh what is your recommendation Kevin we got to re this in so we can okay so in the binder is the special conditions that came up with which read if do watering is required uh it shall be discharged lawfully it doesn't it doesn't change beautiful now I like that terminology thank you lawfully or it doesn't change no I like that terminology lawfully I've always appreciated it myself you can you can do several things with it you're not pumping it into the street catch Bas y we are conducting ourselves in the parameters of our right so someone oh boy how do you want the motion to go yeah I me a motion to approve uh the project for 65 me3 noce 10 TW wb22 24-1 166 b308 0706 um with special conditions to include if dewatering is required applicant shall discharge lawfully uh in addition to attachment a um isues standard order with a standard order of conditions um do we have a second I'll second I'm but so moved on the motion you've got to have somebody in that regard so so this is Jimmy's motion I just for Kevin second discussion roll call vote please James thr approve James Gates abstained Kevin Smith approved Pat G approved okay now we need to make a motion to wave the 35 foot buffer theot no disturb no disturb yeah no disturb for this project you want to run with that one Kevin yeah I'll make a motion to wave the 35 foot vegetated wetland buffer at 65 Main Street uh doing to the notice of intent T WB 20241 166 with a DP number of 30807 6 says 35 foot 35 foot I'm just want to make sure I hear second roll call vote James bran approved James Gates abstained Kevin Smith approved P approved so now we need a motion and a second to close the hearing for uh twb 20241 166 T number 30876 65 Main Street so moved we have a second second James dordan approved James gate substain Kevin Smith approved approve it's over nice job H wasn't it beautiful didn't h b yes sir just take a moment just introd you know you've done this just like to take thank both Jessica and all them helping us get this sorted out really app and it is I mean it's good now we know where it's going you know it's not with the Historic Society they've signed off on it it's going to go to arm David Stevens president by EMS we appreciate everyone that's working this room for this project it's important to this town it is absolutely you have copies for the for the um rest sign yeah yeah there's all four in there and I assume these were all CC to all the different boards all right I'm just wondering if all the other boards got them so everybody knows where it is as far we can disc that's something I think we need to discusses anybody have a pen that bar you know I love my pen you should become a little bit more prepared I know I should yes I got an extra you can I sign can I sign with Mrs rescue nice job you thank thank you folks you want to just thank you and have a good evening for the rest of the meeting know it's going so go theer table going to the supper table it is muddy mud season came back with a vengeance very wet sight too is it deep go they don't pay you enough at least the ticks are out yeah they are thanks Chris take care for all your patience see that was all of a sudden it's crowds gone and it's quiet I should have wrote stain in front of your nameek somebody did she did I can't spell it I can't either I can't even write at the end of the day I hey I can't spell multif floral oh gosh she looks at it and immediately does a spell check on likeing a I'm no we're not done story time and I go take a show um so 3.0 25 wer Road discussion with property owners regarding loation so he need filled in his stain okay 25 you remember that I oh I have photos like to sh my you 251 you guys can hear us sorryy is someone here I'm so sorry that's all right sorry John we can't from the screen in the room for some reason not set up usually is this the individual 25 yep okay hello how you doing I met your wife very nice person right I'm here how are you I'm Jim I'm the one that spooked you a little I think I think I ended up spooking you actually I was I didn't want to say it that way though we we rolled up a little harsh or something it seems I don't know yeah that was kind of embarrassing I'm really sorry all right I'm trying to get them well I will screen share and we can check out some photos for Pat I know definitely embarrassed though I just want to see thank youy hope that fixes thank you messing around should we'll get to the bottom of it heartley that's okay probably suppos I don't touch I eat them things the one we of okay all right so this is a hard photo to see let me just scroll through this is um yeah I can try and zoom in do you mind do you have you pulled up the mass GIS of this where the yeah I have photos of it where's where's the riv no so this is 25 Worster road to the right in the picture we're across the from the river right correct they're on the opposite side of of the squ in the rear where's the railroad B right oh okay got you all right this is looking towards the back of the property and the right of the like the the back right so you can kind of see it's of this area there's a large wetland in the rear of the property back here we could tell there was a a amount of water in to the bar she knew she saw it iose that property back up to the golf course there's a there's a big wetland in between their property and the they a bought the house you can give us a history um if I don't want to speak completely for you John you guys bought the property you just trying to clean up all the trash and crap that was left this is what we got from Bob Merchants next to us um in the Log Cabin what are they 23 they're 27 27 and basically and the guy that lived next to us were car part Enthusiast and hoarders oh like ramble and and like Bittersweet that had overgrown like um axles and tires and stuff yeah there couple pieces of fences and stuff so we had to Treck him down during that snowstorm um the big one last year and I kind of went looked at it and I'm like there's I'm trying not to swear a bunch of crap out here the challenge I know we had a surveyed and I found out where the edge was like okay well let's try to clean this up so I started cleaning and then I'm like I can't get the stuff out of the way without some sort of machine so I traded work um with a friend that was a site work guy and he dropped the machine off to me and then I basically just pushed the stuff out of the way so I could get all the crap out of there it was like tires and uh pallets and cinder blocks so still if you look at my neighbor's yard there's a pallet of cinder blocks still so I don't know what they were doing with that um gas tanks basketballs trash bags there's still some stuff back there but after I got the letter I was like I don't want to touch anything else because I don't know what like how far we can touch so once we got the stopped um and basically we just wanted to plant flowers back therea for um our neighbor two houses down um around the corner as bees he always gives us his honey and stuff we like let's just try to if if we're going to clean that up let's make it beneficial so just native pollinators and maybe some blueberry bushes that's what we wanted to do but that's we don't want to I see nothing that they should slow down or stop doing what they're doing is fine as a homeowner they're clearing brush they're clearing part of the question debris from back then okay AUM so there should be no problem with conservation we we requested an RDA because they some work with oh because yeah yeah the usual yeah yeah you know how I'm going to respond to that everything turns into an RDA for a homeowner that wants to clean their property well no they the vegetation that was removed was could be possibly a storm water issue and there could be possibly maybe but we're not sure that's just storm water they're in the Wetland buffer zone they're in the with they're working within the Wetland buffer yeah Jimmy it's no different than others yeah we're not saying they Andi the you know net benefit I think they cleaning up a lot of debris that was there I do know that I do remember that site and that stuff been there since I was a little kid sure I'm not going to mention the name of the prison but that was we all no my backyard is where the golf course is where just as an aside in that at Wetlands you could see the tires and stuff sticking out still just yeah yeah so any land disturbance that's with within 100 feet of a wetland needs to come before the kcom as they that's their jurisdiction and they enforce both the Wetland protection act and the Wetland sounds my law and you've had I have to go through this because it's just for the formality you have had this conversation with the home owners oh yeah correct we've yes we've discussed yes they've submitted part of the question part of the part of the um clarification that is needed which I I personally wait that one way I think jimy you will because you were on the S sidewalk we visited the property as a scheduled visit this was prior to filing the RDA I know um part of their concerns um and you can correct me John if I'm wrong but going back to the site and finding or seeing more stuff mhm which that's not we're not we don't go looking yeah I I think our worry was we didn't put any erosion like to stop the erosion because we didn't we weren't told to so I mean we've had more rain since then so it's like well Zach we GNA you know what I mean like I we don't you get my email about that yeah no I I know I'm that's all we're worried about and then we're worried that like that's why we didn't want anybody to come when we wer in here so we could show you like exactly what we did because I don't know if show yeah no no I know um so you haven't installed the straw Waddles I didn't I didn't know where based on that picture where exactly we're supposed to put it like I don't want to now that we're going to do something we wanted to have this meeting first talk about that before you come here we're not saying don't come we wanted to have this meeting first which I thought was going to be actually two weeks ago but so we are just like we're just waiting for this to do the next we yeah to do so that this can be done because like we and we're stressed about it too because like obviously the fine schedule we were just trying to clean up and no fines have been issued yeah no no fines have been issued the only thing that was issued was you're cooperating is it I see cooperating like it's police it's very common that we have people that work within a wetland buffer and have to file an RDA retroactively um that's common I don't know why in this town people aren't as aware of the towns in Wetland bylaws but the kcom isn't here to find people we're here to work with them and have them do work that's not going to negatively affect the wetlands as you guys know You' told PL of stories like that Jimmy where you showed up and say doing this it's not vitten pond in your backyard so it may be it may seem a little different but it's just as sensitive of a wetland and I know the people that were out there mention that you do have a wet area in the lot next to you and the rear of your property that we're worried about so through this application we can determine if that's the case and a site visit it's not for us to determine if it's what no no it's to determine if the work is within our jurisdiction as the Conservation Commission and so therefore it's not like how should I say it request for determination we're just we're just trying to find out if like we're just deciding if the work is within our jurisdiction or requires a notice of intent which I don't I don't they're removing invasives doesn't I'm sorry yeah I mean the the biggest thing you could see is there's that nice I think it's an oak in the middle and there's like Bitter Sweet just like hanging from that that thing would have been like gone and there was a bunch like on the Pines to the our right there's like we have a little buffer between the neighbors there's some stuff there that we wanted to take down so that didn't kill a Pines but we haven't touched any of that yet either that's like it was that's basically what it was back there a lot of Bittersweet and um what's that other one the red one the other evasive one burning bush yes yeah there was like two big piles of it back there that was like what was mostly I don't know if you remember but we were talking about where we wanted to fill and see a lot of growing around that those trees right there you bring you now that you say fill if now if you are wanting to fill an area that's going to required a notice of intent yeah that's why we we didn't after we had a meeting with you we just said we want to pull back in that like it's almost like a I don't to explain it like like a drop off right a huge drop off because gonna over just wanted to kind of flatten it out a little bit but didn't it when you come here you'll see like we didn't touch anything since then so we just waiting yeah and uh I know it was like based on that Facebook post and I think if you like read the thing I was asking some of the people around town um it was like two Tria axles we were looking for not like filling the whole thing in we weren't looking for like a ton of fill I just wanted to like ease over the part immediately I don't know how far is okay yeah I don't not far though just like right behind the shed over towards our neighbor's lot that was it we're not here to try to jam you up you're talking to people that live this every day too so it's yeah I mean we'll do whatever we have to do we just want to know where we have to put the stra straw Waddles because we didn't want to like put them in the wrong spot and then if they haven't brought any material then yet why are we making them put straw wles in is a clearing brush Disturbed the whole they cleed all the brush out they ripped they ripped the stuff out by the roots they got some dist so we're going to make them put straw wles in until it's stabilized right yeah you can see it problem and you're going to be bringing in several truckloads just We're not gonna do it okay so not any material in to smooth off any Contours we don't even want to deal with that now we don't want to deal with it now just want to get so B I disagree no hang on I disagree because once again we've got a basic homeowner taking care of their property and I'm hearing from them well we were afraid not to do this we were really concerned about not do I'm concerned that we over overdo it with people doing the simplest things on their own property within minimal guidelines am I seeing that that's just a small depression and that's that's the area question so the backyard it it gradually slops okay now what am I looking at right there this yeah that's a brush pile I believe with a palette the lighter color is the palette right there now is that a little depression in the ground right there that I'm looking at that's not the wet area the wet area is no no but that's the area they want to fill was that the area no not there oh sorry see where yeah the mouse is right now over to the right right there basically that's where we wanted to fill because there was like no not even that far like basically at the bottom edge of the screen over to the right there was like a drop right there that's it yeah there is like a little drop yeah Jim me the only the biggest concern I see about not bringing in soil or Lo um is it looks a sand so get it is Sandy it is Sandy it's going to be really ly sand there for certain um my concerns I don't want to have to hear homeowners getting this concerned about doing the simplest of applications in their backyards I was there on the sidewalk no nothing any different than you you or you would do in your own backyard it sounds in good ide but I think that would be the simp BR in would be an RDA that wouldn't be an N just an RDA Jimmy I don't see it I don't see too much here I mean they're looking at a truck load home to fill in some divits and and you got to be able to grow my concern is being able to sustainably grow something back there sure corre and if they got rid of all bring you might need to bring it m but you make it work in that area but you have you got to have the saltation I do agree I do agree some the small Waddles would be probably more but you got to have something for that yeah we have no problem doing the straw Waddles we just need to know where where we just want to know where exactly to put them because I just don't want to put them one I don't want to that's an easy the perimeter of the the perimeter of the excavated area how's that sound yeah that's fine totally actually they wanted to come and meet with us tonight because they didn't want kcom to go out and do a without yeah they wanted so the only other thing was you said that there was a property map that needed to get completed where the boundaries oh the boundary of the buffer yeah so with that said you've already done it this is the map so so I I either we need to because not a normal person or doesn't know that you about GIS about pulling up the different layers to see the Wetland buffers or the have aat areas um in either providing them with something simple like you did which probably took you what three minutes yep it was helpful to the it was helpful to the to show the elevation and POS they're not going to have you know I agree I mean I think that that would be very helpful for a homeowner to be supplied with well not supply it not supply have it available just have it available if they have issues you you know you want to try to help you obviously want to help the residents through it not smash them no no but but being able to provide that's part of our regulations it it's a simple test to do that on will I I'd like you to share that with them um and then they can mark it up if they feel the need to I can do that I I um it's something on the applicant to to Define where the work is where the work is and where the wetlands are in vicin in the vicinity of like where the work was done so they need to know did they work within the Wetland buffer like that's on the on the applicant I'm not to to go to their property and decide where the wetlands are that's not even my job I'm not a wetland delator they can hire someone to delineate it for them and they're not I want to correct you it's not my job thing but we don't have the resources as towns into pain we don't have the the the legality of it all you can't um so at the same time is a simple applicate it's an RDA flagging Wetlands isn't they're not going to go any further than what's cleared don't see any problems here they got rid of the invasiv that they were trying to get rid of in the site then why don't we all just get just schedule s sidewalk now that the snow's gone we can just walk it quickly it doesn't need to be a long drawn out thing I'm not going out for the second I want you don't need to I'm just saying this is a straightforward simple situation which once again it just gets blown out of proportion can't approve anything tonight the legal ad hasn't been legal ad can't approve anything tonight Jimmy what do you want me to do follow the rules am not sitting there saying we're not holding the line and not abiding by the rules but I'm saying it becomes uous for the something as simple as this for a homeowner to proceed forward cleaning some brush and it's Common Sense where they're getting into the Wetland areas if your feet are wet you seem to be in the Wetland areas you know I I it just BEC to me say one thing sorry um when we cleared what we did that wasn't wet like it was we had like that 3-inch rainstorm the couple days after we I'm not defending if we were in the wetlands or not I just we were I me personally I didn't think it really went into the neighbors's yard obviously I was wrong I mean I'm not saying I was right I measured off our property line about 100 feet was that oak tree that's and I knew the I knew and idea was and figure it out yeah and make this easy for put in the same token it's common it's just part that is part of the just help a assisting right residence and this is where we're going toist you learn from your property with that Heavy Rain you see where the wetlands come up you see where they receive to you're there more than we are you see it more than we do so you understand where the wetlands are and you understand in in a high water instant it will raise and it'll lower so it a lot of this is just straightforward common sense talk he keeps getting interrupted I mean he's trying to tell us some stuff and excuse me I couldn't hear you I said he's been trying to tell us some things and he keeps getting interrupted with everyone talking and then he has to stop talking all right so why don't we discuss next steps moving forward if we can schedule a site visit the legal ad schedule say Vis it legal ad's been posted has it been we didn't get the payment thing yet payment yet hasn't been made yet but it's been sent over on their behalf so what payment do they have to pay at this point in time they have pay the newspaper directly I think or I I don't know yeah it's the it's not going to slow anything down proof that it's proof that it's been been sent with a check so we can just figure out the process so we'll put the straw wles up on the edge of what the work we did uh so we have to we got to schedule a site walk um so that we can um vote on this next meeting um again it gives the opportunity to the other two Commissioners to see the site um as they were unavailable um for the initial walk um and then at the next meeting we will um go through the special conditions which will'll tell you typically we don't tell you where to put the straw Waddles but it's pretty cut and dry on this so I well I just worry about like the erosion until then Shen I would put I would straw wadle the perimeter of the excavated area okay all right that's fine I just I don't want and make sure that it goes into a u shape so you're going to want to come uphill a little okay yeah yeah and make sure it's staked in however uh whatever spacing is recommended by the manufacturer okay yeah we're not trying to be difficult we just don't want to do something when we weren't supposed to and then have that come back to bite us like we did something wrong we're trying to we don't want to I mean youze our house we're not trying to do anything to disturb the environment on purpose we're try we understand and part of what we're trying to do is educate people and it it's of no fault of your own uh it's something that we're trying to overcome so um you know it's a lot of this happens you this happens it happens frequently um we just work through it with the homeowners we're not trying to punish um people are not knowing yeah that's that was our big concern was like I we looked up the finds and we were like oh like how are we going to afford this you know what I mean like that whole thing worried about we we we will is we issue fins when there is it is people deserving of them okay that's our big stress because we're like oh my God relax friend you know it's not like you're going out back and putting a whole Pond or anything in without a perit wanted to clean up some trash so we appreciate your help with clean clean up the town that's I'm not being sarcastic I know every little bit helps so we understand what you're trying to do and we're we're for it thank you all right thanks for thanks for everything guys I'm gonna stop sharing my screen why oh next up yes letters okay I want to duly not that there's no need to for this there was no need for this 25 Wester road we went on a s sidewalk simple and straightforward situation now gone down to got to put Waddles no no no don't we talked now they got to put Waddles in and they got to go through RDA and for cleaning their own backyard some people across the way had to do the same thing trees that were they were in danger to the house but I know what I saw I know what I'm why I'm referring it to this way I want to put it on Rec stat is not they're concerned they're uptight about it and and it's the process it the process should not affect homeowners like that I understand we're our responsibility in this but I also understand that we should work with people and not allow it to get to this point that that's a that's a noted point because the process this was picked up on a on a whim right but and that's why we're working well not because we want to work with everyone but the process I I don't like I I feel for these people that they're anxious and that they're worried about we have to feel for them in that regard you know they're not the only ones my point being is I'm seeing a lot of other things going on in town that is that blind is wrong I'm not going to say anything else you noted my point what I heard in these in in that client that is not necessary it's all right I'd like to move on we can we can move on here trying to get to I don't want people to fear the commission exactly we don't want anybody to feel a commission they even mentioned a fine I think we we both just made the same point differently in but both valid so yeah we're going to move on I'm g go home my is going say you had a fight with Jimmy no no no no you guys see and hear what I say and why I do yeah um2 removal at Mitten fond letter to commission we have the resident here um Autumn do you mind reading the or I don't you give a background and this is only in the correspondence so we really aren't going to be discussing it too much it needs to get discussed further yeah um this is just a note from the homeowner that would wanted us to review this not review the work but see what type of application is needed and so I'll read what they sent to you all Mike and Jane PO said request that some representatives of the Conservation Commission come to Venton Pond to look at an area where we are requesting to remove some trees for the following reasons the bank is very small the cottage and quotes that we would like to replace was built in the 1950s when the trees were very small at this time the roots of the trees are growing near enough to the foundation of the building to possibly be threatening to the Integrity of the foundation so one quick note at this site they are looking to replace the cottage and do work on the foundation under an noi so this is just in reference to the nine trees that are on their property and on the neighboring property that they'd like to have cut down so moving on the trees are close to electrical wires and last fall a tree last fall a tree fell on wires on vitten Pond Road and started a fire unfortunately someone was driving by and saw fortunately someone was driving by and saw it um but a section of the woods was burned several tree branches overhang the cottage if any one of the trees came down put on them finish let her just finish want me to read it I wrote it yeah sure if you'd like to read it you can do you mind coming up to the table okay actually Jimmy where is I explain the situation I sure sure I think we're all familiar with v Pon yeah so this is what I've thinking C we might have swam in it once or twice Over In Our Lifetime right Jimmy tell so if this room is get pled this floor is a PL this is our Cottage it's tiny was a garage and they recab it to make it into living place this is the amount of tree area that we're talking about and that's because we we maybe a few trees if not all but there are some trees right here that are so close we can't really take this down and I'll tell you why we should take this down after that we want to do a new foundation so when Matt mat was out there a few weeks ago I asked him his impression he said if you say you'll leave the stumps which we would happily leave the stumps then they're mostly concerned with erosion and that would there would be no erosion so he felt he was good so why this needs to be replaced is it was built in the 50s inside the upper SE ceiling is some kind of paper they the previous own to when we bought it put in a new roof that for got to put vents in so inside is now getting Milo all right so we don't want to live in a place that's so unhealthy so we decided not that we want to do this but that the only thing we can do that helps us and the environment is replace this building if you come of look at it if you see this whose old house is it that you are you in glorious Old House linquist Wilson Wilson Wilson Tom Wilson and then Tom got it they're on the they're on the they're on the pawn side across I know right where they are one on the shore well there's some of them are on the shore down here but his there are two that are gares one is still a garage Tom's now was was a garage but was built down well 50 years ago because we had a wedding party in there so that it's existed there that long MH but when they tried to patch it up a few years ago what they put on the outside is some kind of plasticky stuff okay here we are humbling off so this is the existing house these are the trees you're you're referring to right how many did you say nine well there's my C the banking is not any of it is it's all my cousins but he's given us permission to do it say say that again the bank all his probably well this is the banking the you don't have any front that house was not very longes postage stamps I'm sorry the um uh there's about three feet three and a half feet on either side that's our property yeah um this came before the board when I was on it many a few years back on the restoration of that and the re the we work on it but the in addition to the Milo and and the smell that's in there now uh the foundation is BL Foundation correct it's got some cracks in it you could roll a marble when you stand inside any of the floors you just walking downhill so something has settled we've got uh uh a laser just just to verify I mean it's old Foundation it's Old Stone foundations it it all of them like that they were all son as years ago when I was a kid growing up I grew up on ph you know my doctor across the street Dr Ross and my uncle KL list Gloria Mr klingenburg I can go on and on my cousin is it the Fire end blah blah blah we had family down the end too yeah so we're all familiar with the on yeah and let me just say what I think is true these few even if we could take only five of the trees down then we can at least get the foundation in so you're going to pour a whole that's a we're looking at a tear down yeah right and a complete rebuild and and we talked to the building inspector he said if you stay toally on the foot crint he'll let us do it okay is that I was waiting to hear that because our our side will has the oh yeah oh we're um we're in um so the trees they're on the bank of Vinton Pon yeah okay and so the tree that you're referencing is damaging your up the you would have to remove those roots so that means you're going to remove the entire tree well if it doesn't grow anymore the building of a new house you're got to have five feet you you got to have five or six feet ma'am that's why can you come look oh we're gonna have to do a yeah we have to would you be able to include this work in your noi that you're going to have to do for the house replacement I would I know why why not it's starting the process when you you know seeing the getting the trees down and then yes I agree with you there but but there's degree of complication here it's you're removing trees that aren't on your property so you need to go to another land owner to get the permission to do the excavation she I'm just saying there's there's signature and that African signature so there's some moving Parts yes but did you say you're cousins yeah right so it's a family thing family thing yeah why what is your concern it's a downward radiant straight to the pond anything any excavation that's done there I mean you you hit a small stone wall and you're in the water yeah I mean that pond will rise up where it'll take a quarter of the stone wall and and that'll disappear our most our biggest concern with anything on vent Pond is tree removal and disturbing of any areas down slope with are you including oring thee she's she's now would be in favor of just cutting the tree and leaving the stump but Kevin and I both no you can't do that if you're going to put in in a New Foundation right but that would that would be a notice for why can't you so if we're going to stay well if you you got to have re you have to have to work your foundation guys have got to get down in that hole right if that Foundation say is okay say that this is the embankment this is the side of your new house you know they've got to sit here in form and pour a wall and they've going to be standing here like this and they've got to have a little bit of room to work they have to have a little bit of space and if there's a tree in the way and the tree is so close to the foundation that the existing Foundation is being compromised at this point true you you you you you should might as well get rid of it because if you're going to sever all the roots off from one side of the tree right to to get the New Foundation in huh leave the RO because that's what you would like well well when anent that's great whoever digs still moving bro we have about three feet on each side yes we'll have to go a couple of feet onto Larry's property okay and if you look at the original picture you can see some of those trees are close enough they'd have to go you know but the idea is that we would leave as much as we could for but you're building a the contractor that's going to have to use his best discretion because some of those trees are probably going to have to go they they might say oh we can save them and then within the excavation within the excavation when you're digging all of a sudden you start sing some root the some of the root system on half the tree and the Tre is going to die if you're under the crown yeah and then the tree is done it's just a matter of time and as well as the tree is going to fall because it's got nothing to hold nothing to hold the tree back in place because it's been severed on one side so the tree is GNA fall neighbor none of us Pat do you have any thoughts before I speak uh no but I I know I had roots coming up from the ground where the trees were and stuff and they've been gone for a long time and now they're really coming up out of the ground so I'd be worried that they would go towards the new house on top of that they may run into more problems all I'll say is that blame canvas canvas is better to work with especially on a postage stamp size a lot like that yeah I don't think because this is under correspondence and not work session we've heard it we the reest to come out so accept your request yeah and we accept your invitation young lady Autumn will be in touch to schedule something in the next week yeah oh yeah I can see and it's not on we find a client that's client more in willing to not and stay very Minal a lot of people go Gang Busters and they all going to dig it all but it's such a small property and i' hate to go through this bit of work and then have oh we have to take care of take the rest out just doesn't work don't we want safety too sometimes it can go to a Pandora's Box because if you dig out more root area more trees you're going to loosen the soil that's going to cause disruption to the stone wall area and it it it sometimes can Dom so we got to take interfering with the power lines you can call unit the Forester with un the tree Warden will come out withe Warden un their owne that was just to make so but look at where the trees are placed if they je if the power lines could be in Jeopardy at you know during a wind storm or ice storm or whatever they come out assess it the of it you know well it's more the houses no I like that house but if it if it's overhanging electrical well and and they will I've already had them come out west they're on the way it's near the wire down allow them to come out and remove the trees on your ta dollar opposed to you taking a responsibility to remove those trees if they deem the trees have to be so recently I had to have a tree removed from my property to which is in a a Zone sensitive area to have upon and I called Unit H so they came out pretty quickly and made a determination um they weren't going to take it down but if you call unil they do come right out and assess the trade um my suggestion is that you call them back because they never called me back I'd have called them back to find out what they were but they will come they're not a proactive group I had well but I just west met Ro got a tree on the foam pole laying on the wires at the three-phase change out the trees broken down on the tree on the wre I I brought the guy from unit out there oh that's the phone company's tree I'm like listen do you guys not work together there's a tree laying on the phone wire on the three fade switch off they don't talk to each other when they show up no I never saw anything leave before they come out right couldn't believe it no just call them back oh I know what to do I made the next call I got your attention I'm good at that we will schedule a site visit for Mitten Pond um in the next week or so we can all take a look at it um so that can I see that picture again this is um a photo of the cottage so it goes right down to the water and then there's the trees on the brand new septic system who who was beside them I think it was heading towards heading towards heading towards frustrating for us I know it doesn't affect you at all but hope I don't cry we bought this two something ago well and then it took a whole summer to put the septic system in and then we started talking about this in September and it's Tak till here to not even get the first thing approved and now we're talking about having to go through another being approval which will make govern fall which will make it another year and that's we can't use that until it's done so sorry well let's see if we can get out there and take a look at time frame or when you're thinking of rebuilding as soon as we possibly can next week if you I just would hate to see you and you this it's up to it's totally up to you to make this decision most likely to take the trees out most likely depending the site visit and everything you're going to have to do minimum in RDA and that you wouldn't be able to disturb anything who does that okay uh you would pay an Eng you can do it or an engineer yeah and if you're gonna so that point if you if you're going to build a house you really want a clean lot nothing on it so you can start fresh and those trees are probably a pass their Prime dangerous at this point they are a lot of them are sad to say instead of seeing you spend money on and something like that well you know instead of having to go through this twice or do it concurrently and pay twice um we're trying to help you do it the most efficient way unfortunately a lot of the stuff takes time um I'm yeah okay let me just give you this other little piece of background that we have for experience down the road my God to have a place same banking same everything five four to five years ago Conservation Commission came out took a look was said sure them down you didn't go through anything and now it's explain we explain why if there's a safety issue to the trees came tree removal on that we approved it yeah it was common sense you were the only one at on the permission at that time that is still here right so yeah so I guess our expectations were that it was going to and now that banking is full of um leaves grow so it is stabilized better than tree stabilizes oh mean your daughters yeah yeah as you drive up if you just look down the very Jimmy do you remember what this what the exact safety concerns were for the trees that we removed yeah I think a lot of it had to do she was trying to get a walkway down in there and it was just about impossible to do anything with the all the old trees and the RO was it do you remember what it was under what to do the removal for that for that project I think they we allowed it we just allowed it without an have been a safety issue maybe the trees were the trees were healthy actually they were dead and we were up there with the Forester and the Forester said to us these trees are cluded I can cut it clean it and do this and that the ending will still come out the tree is compromised the tree is dead it's over these trees are the same so that's why I can't say anything till we go on side okay I mean I think your daughter's in Mr P's old house glor's old house that's a the next one down yeah it's command okay okay I know right where we are we've got into a sidewalk we can't go too far on this until we all go up see what it looks see what if the trees are Climax and there's there's no life or worth left in them and Kevin's right if you're going to go in there and do take the take the house down and then and then take the trees down yeah but I think those are so big that it's hard to get out of the oh they're going to go right over in the neighbor well how do you I don't know we can't really let's look at I keep saying Salk got to do awalk easy right so yeah let's I mean I'd be glad to go out and see it tomorrow I mean if anyone's got time I don't know what everybody's schedule is like it doesn't matter I'm retired I have tons of time so rain yeah there's going to be work who cares it does it's not rocket AUM throw some days um yeah would you like to be present do you live locally y okay then I'll then we'll make sure at the time when everyone can be there and then we can turn because it could be a simple you take your trees and then come back later the other part approval I it in a Zone that's very sensitive and that it should be included in the N this is above and beyond are we good with this part okay so I'm going to ask second most important so we can do you have a general contractor yet helping you guide through do any of this Rec anybody know Westminster lenberg I mean yeah grew up in lenberg that's right when we need first to put the septic system in I feel yeah okay was um he was the only person who came out yeah he has been a guide and a help the entire way he is the person who could take it down he's already looked at it he's already figured out he's got this little C that he go down the side and it would be minimal disruption you said so you have him that you don't have anybody to build it okay no I was just wondering if you had anybody to guide you through some of what process because there's there's a lot to come St you to build a house but per per yes um yeah which that's some what of an overwhelming process for people that are not acclimated and are used to doing these particular processes as Kevin yeah I I always pay someone because it's way too overwhelming for seriously it's just the paperwork to me is daunting daunting it might not be but to me it is just another day at the office but you love it and PR it's a wonderful place all right so but we now or live all right so items for discussion at next meeting um one in 25 wh Road it was an absolute pleasure young lady we we really we don't want these these this process to be daunting and overwhelming andess we're see if we can get right up now hope you right along if nothing else we can just confuse it Daylights out no just kidding um next meeting is Wednesday April 10th 2024 get frustrated when the customer gets overwhelmed for select chamber second floor meeting will be held virtual via Zoom as well uh can I have a motion to adjourn make a motion we adjourn and 2727 thank you very second second yes Kevin Smith yes you good yes right there