##VIDEO ID:t0vbOukklg8## um I'd like to call the order the hous Conservation Commission meeting for Wednesday January 88 2025 at 7:10 PM can I have a roll call please Michael poet James Gates John stand ofg please flag United States this meeting is being recorded is anyone else recording chairman additions and or deletions we have a mandatory um from planning board that is going under for 4.1 report been quiet um then review and approve meeting minutes from 121 for uh 24 everyone have a chance to review it yes MH um I have a motion to approve in the second piee I make a motion that we approve the meeting minutes of 12 11:24 second uh roll call vote please like P said yes or no yes oh so Jimmy used to do that and we had a whole discussion about uh James Gates yes Pep yes staff report you do you have anything as our temporary staff um the town hired a new conservation agent will'll be starting on the 13th so uh that will be my last meeting with you guys thank you for your help thank you very much yes um hearings and appointments uh 2.1 notice of intent that was continued from last week our last meeting uh for 22 son ro road twb 20241 197 D number 30871929 [Music] to vote for it so I make a motion to continue it to our January 22nd meeting 2025 at approximately 7:15 p.m. can I have a second second oh I don't know if I don't know yeah you're not voting on it you mik second it all right roll call vote Mike P said yes James Gates yes P J yes um work session um 3.1 discuss vote for conservation restriction representative for spook Meadows um I make a motion to what's that I just heard the elevator um I make a motion that we uh that Mike po uh is would be the Conservation Commission representative for the conservation restriction committee for SW Meadows so Pat the U the soccer uh League I heart EXC uh the soccer league is looking to expand the fields and uh one of the criteria that has to be met for National Heritage natural heritage is uh the conservation restriction being put on the property which is owned by the town and the like Bo would like committee to um create it so uh to include five members one Conservation Commission representative one select board member one endangered species permit holder one Tesa swns in Ash Youth Soccer sure your kids might have played in it no representative one Board of Water Commissioners representative um and water Commissioners Representatives because there is a Well site down there if the term is until completed so the first meeting will be held February 2025 the first first meeting is scheduled yeah sometime in February okay so may motion pass second roll call vote mik P said yes James Gates yes P yes break records here tonight 4.1 have a mandatory referal from planning board the towns and planning board will hold a public Hearing in a joint meeting with the board of selectman in selman's meeting chamber Memorial Hall 272 Main Street town via tcam hosted Zoom regarding the following proposed warrant article in accordance with uh General Law chapter 48 subsection 5 the towns and planning board will hold a public hearing on Thursday January 9th at 630 p.m. in the selectman's chambers at Town Hall 272 Main Street Massachusetts towns of Massachusetts uh regarding certain proposed amendments to the town zoning by law uh being chapter 145 of town code as follows one by deleting the article four entitled special Provisions the entirety of section 36 entitled accessory apartments in a residential district and substituting a new section 36 therefore relative to the regulation of accessory departments AKA accessory dwelling units or adus uh to by adding the TIC by adding to article for entitled special Provisions section 42 entitled site plan sorry is that nine yeah I think it's nine sorry uh entitled site plan review special Department subsection b a new further subsection three stating that site plan approval not a state not a site plan review special permit shall be required for accessory departments um and by a new section 42.1 to said article 9 entitled and establishing a process for site plan approval and three by amending article 9 entitled special Provisions section 541 entitled age restricted development so as to reduce the acreage requirements for these developments to one acre to eliminate the requirement of a permanent conservation restriction and to authorize the planing board to Grant Sur waivers uh complete text of the proposed amendments above is available for your review in the land use Office town hall or at the following L 2025 special town meeting zoning bylaw Amendment hearing is Thursday January 9th 6:30 p.m. um do we have any comments not really jurisdictional I so there's your first sound F you can join I'm going to check off there's could bit of legal ease there so is it like the Town Council that that creates something like that or who does that the different boards commissions committees will um go through things and we've done it already with our um regulations um but you'll go through come up with what you think is the best language as a group and then you do send it to Town Council so they can word me it and yeah yeah um proof read it and make sure it is worded correctly all right okay um so those meetings usually last long do they last long the so the planning board public hearing tomorrow night is that something that's I have no idea depends how many comments yeah it could be an hour it could be three you we've come to meetings thinking it's GNA be quick and it we're here two three hours and yeah it depends on how long each discussion is yes okay um so our next meeting is January 22nd 2025 at 7M for select chamber second floor um will also be held uh via Zoom um we will be discussing 22 son ro road so get a motion to adjourn by someone motion to adjourn 721 second second yes James GS P thank you