##VIDEO ID:uiM-eoMjDFw## like to call the order the towns in Conservation Commission meeting for October 9th 2024 at 702m can I have a roll call please James dran present James Gates present wa one second we have oh we got Pat we got Pat she's on the Run she's nice here we goe treats that whenever you're ready if you don't mind letting us know you're here oh we just started thank your time we're good all right easy does it4 thank you Pat com to the flag the United States of America to the One Nation indivisible liy Justice for All um this meeting is being recorded is anyone else recording CH additions and or deletions we're going to add AO s projects conservation projects that the bo Scouts could complete because they have a conservation requirement and Derek Cogan Scot Master is here discuss it we will make the 3.7 they have a badge requirement something when we get there when we get there oh I thought we were there not yet close we get 3.7 but we might try to do it sooner all right uh chair's report uh Eric reached out to me about the conation project and we put it on the agenda that's really all I have to add um review approved meeting minutes from 9:25 24 does everyone had a chance to at them there questions concerns changes I don't see anything that's good to me Jimmy you good yes sir I have a motion and a second please second I'll make need a motion I'll make a motion to approve the meeting make motion to approve the meeting minutes of of September 25th 20 24 there you Pat second James D yes James Gates yes yes and P yes 1.7 St report hello all right Jessica good evening folks I hope everyone you for a second I at you on your news so you're expecting another one just to embarrass you a little congratulations Jessica on public television that's very personal thank you I didn't say anything um all right I just said Con that would have been great um I wish all right one cat for kid all right um oh my gosh all right September 25th to October 9th uh building permit sign offs for 32 Ponderosa and 68 Emory Road referrals completed for um the zba for 324 Main Street you guys had no comment for planning board for one Depot Street Extension with no comment um and then I took the liberty to do this one on your behalf for the board of Selectmen all of the license renewals um for alcohol for entertainment for o common victual and for class one two and three businesses and there were no conflicts um on kcoms behalf for those that I could find uh Board of Health interdepartmental sign offs were done for 88 Wallace Hill Road and 20 Ballam Drive uh only completed approval since the last meeting was the issuance of the certificate of compliance for 21 Emory Road on September 25th um active applications that we have in right now an RDA for 21 SAA row road which you'll look at tonight an noi for 153 Wallace Hill Road which you will hear tonight we have an noi for 18 Main Street that you will hear at the next meeting and then the noi for 22 sauna ro road is still incomplete some compliance updates um Jim went and did the precon inspection to 12 Canal Street for their septic replacement all looked good um outstanding compliance issues uh was 75 Pierce Road um they had to plant like 26 plantss and I was just informed today yesterday that um the applicant believes they are all surviving so that is good to hear and then the 187 Pierce Road enforcement order um the the owners the applicants have been informed that they do need to plant about 15 more trees to get back in compliance with their survival requirements those are all replic what was that those were all for replication yes all those extra plantings yeah so for for 187 Piers um everyone agreed upon a 100 stems to be planted um as of I think last month the owners told me that 59 of them were still surviving but the requirement was set 75% survival so right didn't PL extra too I thought I thought they went a little overboard with some of the planting I think I think so I don't remember the exact details um right I thought I don't think it was 100 plants as I think it was less than that so whatever they got in they've done their due diligence all right um miscellaneous items um you guys still have that wild and Scenic Grant ongoing that will be on your agenda tonight for discussion um the map that we had mrpc make of all of the kcom jurisdictional areas has officially been uploaded to your website congratulations um and then I also initiated some discussions with our assessor's office and our building department to see how the properties that were mapped within kcom jurisdiction could somehow be integrated into the property record cards um and then potentially into permit link are building application software so in in efforts to try to have um a little more education and and just being upfront with residents so I will keep you posted on that and then last but not least you guys have and I'll email you also but you have a site visit next Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. to 18 Main Street for your upcoming noi that's Hannaford Jim you're the camera's on you so I can see your face for all of this I just want to let you know that jamalo brought in Scooby snacks for us tonight oh my goodness lucky you somebody Le some on my desk I'm I'm just saying it makes me make sure you get some just thanks Pat yes the 18 Main Street the where the hannaher is um it's that little the blue vacant Bank it will be in that area so we will rally there next Wednesday at 10: please okay and that is all are you going to bring any Scoopy snacks um you like some fruit snacks some applesauce whatevers what's the date down that again Jess that Wednesday October 16th oh day before my birthday okay great um so it's 7:12 we have an appointment at 7:15 I don't know if Derek can talk for three minutes or go ahead hang around for half an hour um so I'll jump down to 3.4 uh planning board mandatory referral 18 Main Street um this is for the old Bank building so this is regarding chain R viws proposal to redevelop the existing Standalone Bank into a Starbucks with a driveth through the parking lot and associ grass Islands will be reconfigured to accommodate a new entrance location anticipated driveth through uh Q links located at 18 Main Street assessor map 41 block four lot Zero Zone um outlying commercial district and in the off for protection overlay District any boards requesting comments our comment is it is within our jurisdiction and no has been submitted we're moving up in the world with a Starbucks I just want to let everyone I think that's wonderful three years little negative tonight Mr Gates uh are we jump in 35 what's 22 Main is everyone good with that comment yeah yep so make a motion to um submit it as stated you want a second yes second roll call vote James dran yes James Gates yes Kevin Smith yes yes uh 3.5 Landing board mandatory referral 22 Main Street that's yeah I was confused as to what 22 M would be the Vets the V the veterinary clinic that little yellow old house that is currently under construction we've talked about this already yes yes I'll let you read the legal it'll explain it let's go chop chop Mr in accordance with Master Law chapter 48 in towns and Zoning bylaw section 145-40 site plan review special permit and section 14565 special permits and uh planning board will hold public hearing Monday November 4th 2024 at 7:15 p.m. in Chambers uh to review application received by Sally Thurber regarding a modification of an existing special permit to accommodate U mot uh comments General realignment and design of a parking lot the property is located at 22 Main Street T map 41 block six lot zero zoned outlining uh commercial district and in the protection overlay if I remember correctly that's outside of our jurisdiction yeah I was going to say they 200 everything is outside the 200 in there correct well close to that corner the 200 rolls uh to the back of cor back of Patriot's backing lot okay I was just trying to remember right off the back of the new septic system at uh McDonald so it's it's 300 ft 3 plus Jess hel I have no comment I'm measuring it real quick for you I think you and Matt went out there when he was with us um yeah some of the toppo was a little questionable in the back but it's just that's CU it goes down to the water so but yeah it's it's over it's like 350 just the back corner of the property is about 350 feet from the Sana cook so we're so that will go no comment back to Zone I would recommend no comments since anything is since all the work is outside of your [Music] jurisdiction okay that's what it was last time so make a motion to is to respond with a no comment I'll make a motion I'll make a motion to respond with a no comment 22 Main Street towns andever as it is way outside of the 200t fris Jimmy second roll call vote please James TR yes James yes Kevin Smith yes okay J yes thank you Jessica 2.1 these 1 what do you mean n yeah no Pat and I were there at the sidewalk all detail so pretty fine that was beautiful boys big I didn't I hadn't been out there before let me all right uh like make a motion to open the hearing look it up for intent 153 Hall h Road twb 20241 192 D number three 8 not not in yet no hold on I'm looking we just we just got comments like two or three hours ago 0716 what is it again James [Music] 0716 sett the applicant is settlement Farm LLC representative is Hanigan engineering project status installation of an access driveway crossing over an intermittent stream and an access driveway and force paddocks within the 100t buffer and bordering vegetated Wetlands with Associated mitigation can I second second roll call vote please James dran yes James Gates yes Kevin Smith yes I'm weak I'm sorry read the legal notice to the mass WPA and towns and Wetland bylaws the town conom will hold public hearing uh on Wednesday October 9th 2024 at approximately 7:15 p.m. the hearing will be held virtually via Zoom meeting and iners at Town Hall on a notice of intent filed for the Conservation Commission by Sten Boer of settlement Farm LLC the property is located at 153 Wallace Road accessors map 35 parcel 30 the proposed project is for the installation of a driveway crossing over an intermittent stream with the exess driveway and new horse paddocks being installed within the 100t buffer of watering vegetated Wetlands parties wishing to se in support of or in opposition to this application may do so at the meeting or in writing prior to the meeting copies of the application are available for review at Town Hall during business hours submitted by Jessica conso J did you get a chance to look at the abutters list I don't remember I can do that while you guys are chatting though uh actually I don't know Chris did you guys submit the um receipts you don't mind introducing yourself and who you're representing and who you're with and you know the F yes sir for record Chris Anders with handing engineering on behalf of settlement Farm LLC um I do have the staic of mailing I don't know if that was sent to you guys digitally but I do have a copy for you guys tonight so thank you sir so um previously stated uh it's the intent of the applicant to construct a new gravel access drive to cross over a intermittent stream in a border of M Wetland uh the proposed property is at 153 Wallace um wallville wallville uh walls Hill Road um currently a contains the existing single family home along with various force paddocks and other such structures if you um the property has undergone a forry management plan as recently as 2023 I want I believe that's correct um but at this point in time all four St operations are complete side effectively done in that aspect um is the intent to construct a new gravel access Drive in order to gain access to other Upland areas on the property this will require a crossing a intermittent stream Crossing um as you see here we have this bright green area being the board V St of wetland um AC cross we utilize uh large masonry block units uh located outside of the boarding vegetated Wetland to effectively create a um embankment area uh for which a cast a concrete slab will be constructed on top of um and then additional um wearing pads which would be Oak plank or wooden planks would be placed over it in order to gain access to the other side of the area um as part of this there will be no Direct alteration to the wetlands in order to construct this um Crossing um so there would be no direct alteration to this area uh we did designed the crossing to meet stream uh the stream process standards uh currently the bankful width in this area is approximately 14 ft uh which equ to about a 16.8 foot wide minimum opening as designed we're showing 18 so we're in excess of the uh Bank width Crossing and relative to openness ratio we're showing a ratio of of 2.85 ft where 82t is the minimum reir so this is crossing for all intensive purposes is built in excess of the required sh process standard in addition to this it's also the intent of the applicant to restore portions of the Wetland that were altered as part of the forestry management plan uh currently the area is um in a disturbed State it's been used to have wooden planks and U trees uh material that utilized for the logging Vehicles go back and forth uh at this time all those have been removed and the area is just kind of in a fow State um so it's the intent to pull back the Disturbed areas back to the original Wetland line or approx to that um and restor that appropriately all in all that would be approximately 620 square ft of replication um beyond that it's also the intent to construct additional horse padic on the property um we are looking into the agricultural exemption requirements um I believe we are not exempt from that so that was a disclaimer on the plan on the subm meaning they're not in agriculture they're presently doing this area on a logged area that is under forestry correct it's our initial interpretation that because they're changing commodity being Woodland change the classification of it from 61 B to 61 or 61 Mage forestry land to a to a EG right so he they're going to flip into agriculture to accommodate the ecoin facility in operation change of commodity if you will being forced to correct forced yes so we're still reviewing that but our initial interpretation is that it will be not not exemp so right um and was as previously stated we did get comments from D at the 11th Hour this afternoon uh we haven't had a true opportunity to respond to them obviously um but are you going to read the comments are we going to hear what the comments were I can read the comments if you would like yes please I just like to hear what their interpretation was um correct similar to what said what was your name again I'm sorry Chris Chris Chris sorry Chris um Anderson by the way just get the whole name appreciate it so no Chris had pretty much said summed up but if you don't mind reading it long as it's not a long synopsis oh it for them it was long so because I was just there were two key things I had seen I want to see if they saw what I saw okay okay do you want the sparkos version you want verb aen uh verb would be best because be on record yes all right thank you their comments are while single family home does exist on the subject parcel the overall use of the facility appears to be commercial in nature operating as a horse boarding and training facility accordingly the project would appear to be subject to the storm water management standards for new development and should demonstrate compliance with those standards that's one of the main components that we're going to be taking to look at um whether or not that does justify that uh statement um the subject parcel was recently the subject of a forest cutting plan FCP parenthesis approved 122022 22 under file number 229.3 6158235560 the proposed project and conditions of the approved FCP n notes that portion of the Whitland which is proposed for restoration appears to be have resulted from the use of a secondary Hall row not shown on the approved FCP applicant should verify that all Wetland resource impacts not approved as part of the FCP will be restored and permitted under the filing similarly the applicant should identify the limits of approved clearing under the FCP and seek permitting for any buffer zone clearing which occurred outside the scope of the FCP under this noi that's one of their next main categories Mass DP recommends that the commission confirm the absence of Fringe BBW in the location of the post crossing that's their other major point if you will um so as I said earlier uh we are looking into the storm water management component of everything uh so that is forthcoming um Rel to the forest cutting plan we have reached out to the Forester um to get more information on the forry plan in detail uh what was done how it was permitted all that kind of stuff uh so um fortunately I can't give you a good answer at this point in time um we have no expectation of any kind of closure tonight so we would be requesting continuance um and we' be able to provide I don't want to say it like this but a better answer for the commission relative those comments and we did also receive miscellaneous comments from Jessica uh which we will also be responding guys as well Jessica what were your comments I don't remember um something yeah also something about the a use um and then I think I just had some map comments maybe like I think just how it printed it kind of all printed in Black so it's kind of hard to distinguish existing versus proposed um was just up of the plans and subm documents to make sure everything correlates appropriately so we'll be addressing those comments as well um with that being said if there's any questions from the commission I'll be more happy to answer them what what's a What's the area R is that a couple acres of in this area no side we putting the horse pastures in paddocks yes on the other side w uh it is a few Acres uh it's pretty much up it's a lot of Upland I know I know I'm very familiar with the pie I what's the size of the paddock you asking or the no no is that is is it is it going to be is it going to be like a fenced in a large fenced in horse pasture that's the intent yes so it's it's it's clearly going into 61a the classification is to change hope so is it five acres out there I'll have to get a better answer but I believe it's close to that I I would from what I looked at we didn't go across I didn't see the need to it because I think it was going to we're going to need another Peak but yeah I think we're most liky all of five acres and there was that's make that makes that adds that adds back pretty much what was lost in that F when D's at it which was the front piece that they developed that was actually a beautiful F still is yeah oh no it's beautiful know it is St can you Steve's done Steve's done a fine job can you point where we were at the temporary Crossing where they went across for the logging it's up just up correct with that bottlenecks right the Bott yes okay see that's where we were that's where they're going to do a restoration clean up etc etc um Jimmy what was the thing that you had noticed that you were wanted to see that and or wanted to know it we were near a high flow water area and it I I sometimes get concerned about manure storage within 100 feet of any large water flows just seen situations like that go terribly bad so but that's irrelevant to this I I'm just that's an observation I don't see any anything in that buer zone that say anything about managemental survey was done there was a a Manu pad put adjacent to the pic so that was Paddock within the 100 foot buffer yes yeah but wasn't that there it was there there before there before Steve bought it was it it was it was just a pile of yeah just a pile of stuff there now it's large block concrete around it it's got a relatively imp perable bottom to it now so it's not the it's it's good containment yeah absolutely like I'm not concerned about it as much which way does it which way do you enter into the the bin is it coming from water flows is Flowing this way you're entering into the bin this way so they hold parallel to each other so it's not I'm not uncomfortable with it I'm surprised they put it there that's all just just that that I used to clean that it up for the former owner was there for many many many years you and we did it you guys did it for a while too uh you know that isn't existing it's existing I I think it was probably you know it didn't have those blocks around it I think contain wasy to thing and you know build a build a permeable wall correct a retaining wall to retaining material away from the away from the wetlands um you know may be a situation where you know he may feel that he wants to move a little further away or something I but I think those are things that to be discussed down the line I think uh well so it should be on the plan which was a piece of my concern it should have been on that should be on this yep so it should be on it it has to be on it um because it's within the 100 foot puffer um do you know if they have a manure management plan I believe he does I did bring us up with Steve after if he's going to be in agriculture they're going to look for best management plan it's going to be an approved manure yes sir yes sir not too far in the 100 right I mean that he's definitely have to move he's definitely going have to move that he's probably just inside the 100 foot buffer um and we can add that to the plan before the next meeting if anything I just wanted to make mention to keep everybody's and everything sling away so that whatever you know when they get the heavy rains and and and you're going to get the slur exactly it's we've just seen a lot of different weather events that are so unpredictable I've seen enough issue with materials that have been released and we have nutrient released mineral bursts so yeah you got to nitrogen release so we're all on the same page moving forward I didn't want to I don't want to hold hold you up too much on that I mean everything else is I mean I think these guys are doing a b board job up there it's beautiful it's not about holding them up no I already made my point it has to be transparent and we're moving forward we're good it needs to be monumented on the plan yes that's what I'm trying keep everybody's show it outside the 100 feet show a positive grading away and take a look we're all successful hold hold on well it should be on the plan it is right this side right now it we feel that it needs to be moved one thing red away oh so they're not I thought it was on here it's not oh oh it's not Jo on there at all okay yeah so so you guys understand why I'm bringing it saying it's right there a it 75 to 80 from a high flow within the buffer yeah well that Mak sense as I remember it no don't so you think it's just inside but it's in this top pad it's behind this top padic because I always remember it being here yes yeah he's doing the right thing we're not trying to yeah yeah yeah no no nobody's trying to chop like you couldn't say it any more elant absolutely 100% And then have a proposed you know documented on the plan slide it so it's outside the 100 just being knowledgeable of the Agri we we're going to want to have that addressed along with what we we feel comfortable with in a in agriculture and our conservation view yeah you do have three Commissioners that are heavily involved in a so we how many roughly are we looking at on that facility what's that oh how many boed yeah I mean question we yeah I don't used to have 24 I believe but I think it was set up for 24 okay so what we're looking at is a reasonable amount of material on a consistent basis going in there oh yeah which he's moving it he he does 12 outside but then there was more I think see inside the building sing their heads out recycl theying it out no no I can tell by how things are set up go very nice very nice I I was I love so with that you know with that manure pit or the manure storage I don't want to say pit because that's a different it is is the manure storage I'm going to assume there's a gravel pad associated with it on the outside of the bin and um be I'm this is a wet corner it is you could tell it was too you could just so I don't want to get hung up on this I I just wanted to make sure I'm surprised they missed that and they didn't make common of it well missed what the manure side because they don't have picture they don't they don't know maybe they don't know yeah that's what I say Jessica do you have any pictures from a visit I do very small photos um Harley can I have screen sharing please okay stand by and while we're waiting I did um cross check the ab Butters list and all is good for the record thank you Jose well Jessica pulls up pictures I think that it would be pertinent for this plan to have the full extent of the fence line that is within the it would be showing the entire entirety of the fence and any work required in order to install that to make the pure viable it is kind of steep right now so there would be some general smoothing of topography just to make it a little bit user friendly well yeah we would have to show all that work if we do UL come to the conclusion it was rough logged yeah and it didn't look too [Music] too I think it's I think it looked bad on paper that's the one way to put it okay there is quite a bit of topography relief when you look at it on a topography map U when you stand there it doesn't look too bad it's generally shallow in nature but as intent is just kind of smooth it out make it a little clean it up make it a nice pasture yeah it's not terrible I've seen a lot steeper than that hav yeah so but uh you know I guess putting the the proposed grades on this I know that's tough because it's a farm it kind of just throw something on there right I agree and then what what's the plan with all the Slash and stumps are they going to burn it he'll probably grind it he usually grinds his sites because he will generate a fair amount of stomping yeah that's pretty you know and if he does bring somebody up that material that is ground up will be they use it excellent for erosion control that LE into it too I like the idea of using the stumps the ground stumps as erosion control at the risk of D probably you prefer the giant bounds and stump grindings rather than the ero have you done any jobs with it I have well I've been associated with them I haven't done it personally design I know Mass like Mass doesn't recognize it but I have warmed fantastic job it does a nice job so you've got a downhill slope here you know even I know it's outside of our jurisdiction where the P the the pasture is going to end but utilizing it it may be that we use as the chisan birms of some sort long term absolutely if the like for example the SL the site generally slips towards the Wetland when the where the newer pit is so it might be that we add an extra level of the Virgin BMS with did you guys see the pictures you missed the yeah was were there was it just the one just we weren't I'm I'm unmuted um no you weren't paying attention no I got distracted I I'm pulling up a different map real quick and then we can go back to the photo phot but yes I only have two photos so um even so here's your here's your aerial overview um so just FYI so here I'll start out a little bit so here's where it was C logged you see where it was timbered um a couple years ago I don't know if this is the extent I was only measuring just a bit over three acres um but this photo could have very well been taken like mid operation too um but anyway so just for your reference you can see the stream here through the trees so this is the um the temporary logging Crossing that they will be restoring and then the proposed access driveway is going like somewhere across here where where it is pretty narrow um I don't we did not get down in there so I I don't know to to answer D's second comment about confirming if there are BB W's associated with the intermittent stream through there I think that would warrant a second site visit um but it seems like this the design plan and areas of jurisdiction are probably going to change significantly enough that we would want to go out again anyway once we have revised plans but um you guys were also talking about the manure pile it's not shown here but it's about right here um and that's I was measuring about 80 feet away from the stream Bank so just for reference so I only have two photos which I took standing right here um sorry uh I don't know if this my no I think my screen's not going to work hold on one second I definitely thought there was more than 3 Aces um so this is standing again on the um we're looking looking Downstream right now so off to like my right is the existing home and that manure pile um your back and then down somewhere down here where it gets a little more like valed is where the axis Road will go we did not walk down there and then the other picture again not great oops um how do I in the way here's our other photo so that's just looking up at the temporary Crossing that will be restored so nothing great sorry no no good good pitches Jessica good P they planning on running water out to this uh nothing I'm wor what do you mean running water out to it water the horses oh I no that's nothing that will have flow predictable enough where they're going to want to water the horses from that Water Area I know they want to run a water line water line out there is what Frost fre hydrant whatever oh to The Paddock yeah is is there going to be a barn in there or is this just going to be for them going to put the horses out for the day they're going to need water but they could shoot that too yeah it still should be on the plan yeah if yeah check with Steve on that see if you're going to do it I don't think mention anything about water L but I confirm that they're going to have to somehow I misunderstood I thought youing that that's unpredictable it's okay yeah that that was one of the questions but incorporating the you know the the the North End you still have fence line that's within the 100 foot buffer you know it'd be nice to know where it stops um so we have an idea so that's why I was thinking we're going to need another walk about okay yeah once the leaves are down see it um I guess while we're on that topic um in terms of Chris getting your plan revisions together and everything and then Commissioners when You' want to do that site visit um is that something that I should be coordinating with Chris between now and the next meeting on the 23rd when this gets continued or would you rather continue this to your November meeting to allow for ample time suest meeting I say be hon I will not be able to get much we can you know try to schedule sidewalk by the 23rd but um my hardcore plan that shows everything is probably a little bit further out than that I'd rather have a what you the Revis Plan before we go out there and get all the ducks in a row so what we look at on the Salk is going to be better so fair warning we only have one meeting scheduled per November right now we can discuss adding a second but and then we headed into our holiday schedule and then again it's one meeting in December so we can again discuss a second meeting in December if we need to but that's a different but the meeting is going to be we're going to want a sidewalk so we're going to probably want to do it not in the December we probably no you want to do we'll do it he thinks he can he thinks he can Bounder but not this month not at the next not another couple of weeks have your own workload right um yeah so I I see that you have the proposed the access Drive terminate just in just outside the 100 foot buffer is that the intent is to end it there about in some nature that's how we're kind envisioning at this point but um with it not being necessarily within the exemption we're going to show to the extent how far he wants to go where it's going to terminate turnarounds anything like that that he needs uh so that will be on the and being in agriculture there's a lot dig deep on that yeah you can put a lot of Road area in and maintain them which is important in your agricultural plans well this is a a revenue generating property that is used for a I know we've had this this discussion before with the about that um pertaining to what exactly well with McGee safield so oh okay which is a completely different a completely different Beast okay you might maybe the best thing to do is talk to Steve and see what he's thinking if you he's going to plan on running that driveway say 100 feet show with a four C back in here at the end or something but even having disc special with what nrcs or NCR he's going to be he's way outside the buer Zone he's way he's way up Upland he's he's creting property would I know and that's what I'm saying if you talk to someone that does well he knows Ste know who to reach out to West fig he get he get agricultur connection isers yeah like I said Steve's going to need to discuss with his you know his people in Westford who's doing pel most likely and he'll send out his field agent which is I forget her name but either way there'll be discuss there are resources Pat you've been quiet this whole time almost to a point where I forgot about you so I mean I was on the site too so I saw everything and you know did you have any concerns no I hly didn't it it'll look nice when it's done especially getting rid of all the wood chips that we're stepping on and all that stuff you know clean it up but that's all going to be a part of the restoration that'll be all cleaned restored stabiliz and grow yeah but I I again I think utilizing the stump grindings not as the erosion primary erosion control but um you know as a secondary as a secondary is a BM Well along with erosion control weed control in in Brush there's a lot of different aspects of I don't understand why the we only had one what 100y year rain this year so we've been lucky last year it was three I live right up the street in b line so I feel your pain yeah yeah right well M andar declared it and farmers were able to apply for Grants or funding to mitigate the crop loss oh yeah so anything and this is such a large area that any sort of prevention um erosion control forite is be great idea I like the stuff I like it I like and it it withholds pretty well when it comes to a good amount of water it holds up really well you know cuz it's it's long enough where it's it's all stringy it's all stringy and all locks together and I think it does a beautiful job and if he lives up in Brook line he's over the line that's an improved that's an improved product for use yes in the Hampshire different Beast up there they get it it's a it's a byproduct of what's on site utilizing it as a secondary Road control um wouldn't it benefits property owner it might be that we put right on the inside of the main ER you have un plan that you are following what you need to follow we do some kind of a wood chipping stump riding firm if you will that would St for long ter a longer term if you will absolutely abely it's the long je that we gain a great idea again even on the the south side of the pasture where the gradient goes down good place to get rid of it and when the grass frows and the horses going it they can it around rolling itop on it everybody's gonna have some fun sounds good okay moving on so I make a motion to continue this to our November November 13th do we have a second second Kevin second yeah I know James dran yes James G yes is it would be wday do you have anything you wanted to throw in there I did not P you were good y I'm good thank you sir for joining us and thank you Chris listening to our ramblings And discussing it thank you you want a Scooby snack before you go okay we have a box of that sitting our front desk at our office and I I frequently it was a last minute thing nevertheless we love Scoopy STS new little um subject to enforcement right great thank you very much thanks Chris thank you Chris have a good evening right moving on to 3.1 request U request for determination of applicability 21 Sona ro road twb 2024-25 trees within the 100 foot 100 ft of the bank of V Pond chesica do I have to read the legal ad I can't remember y last Jessica can you see me yes I can um yes for for uh rdas something wrong on pursuant to the mass WPA in town Wetlands bylaw the towns and Conservation Commission will hold a work session on Wednesday October 9th 2024 during the 700 p.m. meeting the work session will be held virtually via Zoom meeting in in person at Town Hall request for determination of applicability filed with the concom by Jane pot said the property is located at 21 son road assessive map 2 partial 36 the proposed project is for the removal of five trees within 100 fet of the bank of vitten pond parties wishing to speak in support of or in opposition to this app may do so at the meeting or in writing prior to the meeting copies of the application are available for review at Town Hall during business hours by cons solvo Mrs Fox that is here yes um I know you talk to us about this before and you don't mind discussing with it with us again what the proposed project is and you can discuss it among well it's kind of two separate issues the trees are close enough to the house to have branches they're dying the the banking is very crowded so the trees are competing for space and and the beach trees is it are dying so we have dead branches that actually go over our house and going get worse and worse so regardless of anything else Jessica you there now this is an RDA strictly for the the removal of these four or five trees right five I guess five beach trees that actually five trees they're not all Beach there were but they're dead they're they're too close and over the house and they have lived their life Jessica do you have [Music] pictures yes give me one moment thank you all right can you guys see that yeah yeah cool um yeah so this is just standing up on SAA row Road um the uh that little house to the right is on property number 21 and then the trees that are flagged with pink flagging are on property number 20 nope sorry the house is 22 the trees are on 21 so the property line is somewhere right down here down the middle so this distance that you're seeing is if I recall like four or five fet I think um so you can see how steep this the um the slope down to Venton Pond is um just another one for reference there you go a real problem one and then just one more they're all problem ones I just I just had those four yeah the fourth one being down around the corner of the back corner of the house just to the very far bottom to to the tower yeah that tree right there a good stuff wind right there that beach see how it's been all mauled out yep no no they've lived their life they need to go there's no argument there none whatsoever matter of fact looking at that that to the left which is on the neighbor's line No actually that's all it is no these are all on the neighbor those are all the neighbors so we have a we have a um that's her here family relative right right cousin cousin okay I think it's everyone's family there what we've been told it's little Finland okay Pat you you said you felt that they were dead and dangerous yeah yeah I definitely think they should come down too looking at all of them straightforward and this is the only thing that we're having discussion of is the removal of these trees yes this is no an why this has nothing to do with this is just strictly for tree removal Y no um okay stumps will not be dug out stumps will be left at this time correct you're leaving the stumps at this time you have to have an extend a ho to get down that bank which that's not happening we're not even entertaining that correct destabilize that area immensely um the activity and work description uh we would like to remove the four dying trees and the one small dead tree and leave the stumps in place for St soil stabilization the area would be mostly shaded but we would plant uh 12 blueberry bushes and other or other more shade tolerant plants for appropriate ground cover to further stabilize soil I question the reason to plant 12 Trees an area that are so TI bushes bushes they're talking about blueberry bushes blueberry bushes okay great great relatives also did a similar project we did down the road okay I know you remember it you talk about it y every every place where the trees are down things just grow up Mother Nature has a way Mother Nature has a way of taking over sure the good thing about blueberry bushes put some high Bush High Bush blueberries in there they seem to do well the sand they they do well in the sand something that that's probably slope faceing properly for them they probably do pretty well in there I think it's good good use of the land I agree with Mr Kevin the only thing secondary concern I have is without the tree canopy just the direct rainwater Road in that and I I think well I think planting a fescue grass so if you look at my house I had pescue that's growing and crushed yeah but you but you got to remember too if you if you look at all the small roots that are in that that are on that slope I mean that's just a woven mesh of roots but the down if you if you cut a 12 or 16 in hole out of their 16 in re and you drop a bur uh or a parted plant I I don't see where there's going to be an erosion issue well would the roots I assume just or does anyone remember did you see any roots on the Sur see in the picture you could see so just conern that the little soil that's there is could have Road yes you mind introducing yourself Mike P J's husband um there isn't a lot of ground cover there and even with those trees removed with the neighboring trees there's still going to be a canopy up above so um I think anything that needs light sunlight is going to have a problem there so that line that said blueberry bushes or some other shade tolerant ground cover you know there's there's several options but frankly I had the thought of the the Fescue option but I I personally think that's a very good idea would you don't need to do much with the soil right either but I think in addition to theberry bushes not a bad idea overall erosion that's all erosion right yeah nothing other than to to control any type of material going into that nice pond that's what we always think about you I'm gonna go around you talk about uh low Bush or high Bush blueberries are they which I think High Bush anything that's larger that would need a significant amount of sunlight I think would have a tricky time there so I think it's a I have blueberries and I'll tell you they need to be in the sun yeah we plant some that were too shaded and they did not do well and they really should have full sun so in their work description they he it is the you know or right other or so I would suggest that instead of the the blueberry just from my own personal experience yeah well you know I think you know there's a lot of winter green in the area they love the acid soil and that seems to you know bind the stries very well in that up in there yeah so something something like that that's a mixed you know blueberry Winterberry I mean there's a lot of things you can PL you saw what I did yeah mix blueberry and Winterberry and it just takes well it takes well you know throw a little pescue on a slope and or you put r Min are you know and they seem to do a pretty good job I like how is what we can tell that they got a plan but Kevin Kevin theil on the head I was gonna get ready to tell him to stop playing garlic in there I think that would be nice too you know what I'm saying but maybe not but you know I we get to just we're just trying to get some growth you know so they get some growth on the slope that's that's the and try to mitigate any erosion that probably isn't going to be any anyway but minimal at best okay um Bingo let me ask the powers that be that I embarrassed earlier Jessica do you have anything you want to add to our ramblings I do not you feel um good with our what we've discussed about it because I know it's a very um you know highly contested area highly sensitive highly sensitive yes I think I mean you guys are talking with the steep slope I didn't get any measurements but I think it's probably like a 30 to 35 degree slope so easily just all the the WPA um the Wetland functions and protection values that need to be considered based on any potential for steep slope erosion so um revegetation is going to be your best [Music] option but I would put I would put a a timing get have a discussion about the timing of that too because we are at the end of season so it is kind of a difficult time of year to be doing this do do you have a time frame for a tree company to come in we haven't set one up because didn't couldn't great and there another slight Factor uh because some of the trees especially the big one down below next to the house will need a crane oh yeah they're all going to need um there are some neighbors that have some trees out of the 100 foot Zone that needs some trees so we thought we our neighbors find out who needs some trees down and share the the cost of the of the crane beautiful so but Jane is right we haven't we waited until this before we really again does it sound like it's going to be a springtime project that's time to do it and when it's D you know the ground a little Frozen or something like that you we want to get something growing on that slope I don't think that's going to be a deal Breer I think that you do that when the ground is frozen you're not going to have any there's going to be no issues there because the ground is frozen you're cutting the tree y you're taking the tree right off the stump with a crane lifting it up in the soil the only disruption is going to be made by a man's Footprints so I don't they bought ample erosion control from when they did the septic system across the street so that area is is pretty stable I do not see control at the bottom well either way would need there would need to be the trees are not the removal of those trees like Kevin was saying is not going to create instability in that ground area no but if you have a heavy rain after the fact business as usual well but you don't have that canopy even if it's um for orang apples for oranges makes no difference as see it stated there's other trees that are already canopying that area so those trees being removed are are not going to make in my opinion 16 am trees they're not big trees as long as they can get to do everything quickly in the spring to help stabilize and get it all planted right away I mean even I have only one vote here and I I I can the room so I'm not going to disagree with you should be done when storm the tree work just going cut the trees suck them right out of there with the grain no issues in the springtime come in that way you're going to plant your trees is going to be do meshing like what they did over here at Depot because that that embankment area is the same as we did you guys did over there when you rolled out the um oh put down some mesh if anything I would say a row of that four feet would Ade adequately serve that area for 100% erosion control even if they were to cut a hole through that mesh put it around where that stump area is done worries okay so SE under just we allowed to discuss the the time or the the order of operations here and we're not allowed to design and we've already gone off the rails there um may I say something again yeah one second well no that's I and I I just I mean this is a this is a small piece to a bigger project too or or an upcoming project I guess um so if the applicant you know I I have no idea how long it takes to mobilize a tree company once you get a quote and hire I have no idea um but you know something to consider is that that Cottage on 22 sa r road that we saw in the photos that has um an active although it's still incomplete it does there is an active noi filing for that Cottage to be raised a New Foundation to be poured in the cottage to be rebuilt so if the timing for all of that kind of aligns for tree removal I Ian it is all kind of the spirit of one project so the commission may just want to consider how the timeline of the Propst tree removal falls into place with an noi filing or the the completion of the noi or the cottage rebuild okay this app orang is it well no yes so because this is I Jessica I hear what you're saying there and it's it's one of that is Weighing on in my head same time I I'm not even thinking about that simply because if they want to do the work for that that's a whole separate project that's going to require a separate approval which we're pushing our luck with because this is technically what they call phasing um explain it more in other words this should be all in noi it should be in in a single yes a single permit and we knew going into this isn't that a separ r but it is a separate lot then it's a separate lot exactly cousins it doesn't matter it's a separate L sep lot so we can't even I I feel that we can't even bring the notice of intent into move anything move with the trees get rid of the trees we and I had said this get your neighbor trees yes sir what if I think the the idea of taking them down during the winter early spring before the sap goes up and everything is is is the right way to go so what if the sequence for this part of the project is I talked to a nursery some grass people maybe it's Fescue something to say um partial shade embankment grows fast I get something there now started water it keep it going so that when the trees are down the grass is already you know you you should join us I'm not kidding I like that that sounds like a great that sounds like a great then as soon as the trees are down then we put in blueberries there's some there along that bank already so you know that do well will grow there Jessica did you hear Mr yeah I think that's an awesome idea get ahead of it well let's move forwards let get it but the discussion of the house and everything is moved right now only trees totally not to be brought up one has nothing to do with the other thought I I agree I wish I thought of it what are you saying good let's let's move forwards with this let's get this thing through we worry about the other next time I make I make a motion to so the let's see if we Jessica you ready to clear it hold on I'm G make sure she's ready to write this on minutes I'm I'm literally already writing out your motion so I'm gonna test my thoughts on what you're gonna say telepathic Jessica see to um make a -3 determination MH with the following conditions Sil fence and waddle erosion control at the bottom of the hill um a grass or vegetated ground cover to be established prior to cutting trees and when weather permits what you shaking your head he's not going to be able to get any grass up in there before you never know but that was the whole idea get se you never know been a great year so far I mean it could all dry out but so back back I'll thr it back in from our rambling once the boy I'm proud of you I don't know if putting matting down is really worthwhile with the trees up um but establish some sort of ground cover I.E grass um conservation mix what seated get it seated and then cut the trees over the winter over the winter when the ground is frozen excuse me once the trees are cut and weather allows plant a dozen um [Music] something appropriate PL correct um with in 80% survival answer there you go perfect um after one year I know there isn't a a deleted order conditions associated with this but we would like to see 80% survival after a year um Jessica did you get that and did it make sense yes so I'm gonna read it back uh you motioned to issue a negative3 determination with the following conditions F fence and waddle erosion control at the bottom of the hill a grass or vegetated ground cover to be established prior to cutting trees cut the trees over the winter when the ground is frozen and in the spring plant 12 plants with an 80% survival after one year that sound adequate I'll second second Pat shaking her head think she likes it can I have a roll or Jimmy do you have anything you want to add to the discussion James tan yes [Music] did you get that yes I know you've had problems us James Gates yes Kevin Smith yes cat yes beautiful so Jess we will sign what we have I did not fill out the actual um conditions but I will have everyone sign the sheet okay yeah I can fill in the negative3 stuff tomorrow that's fine okay oh okay all right see so Jess will you I I I have to I have to certify mail it um do you guys get certified mail it number 22 or do you have a different address that I should mail it to 31 31 okay James can you just write like 31 somewhere on the that sheet on the sheet or on the folder it doesn't matter I'll find it thank you folks thank you for your patience yes yes it was a great idea fun listening to what goes on and we have three openings right now twice a month twice a month second couple hours hour to two hours twice a month with a site walk a couple times a month usually on Wednesday in the morning late morning so Jimmy has time to get up and put really a lot of fun just a lot of fun something you care about oh I do care about it sure yeah I'll give it some thought serious thought okay thank you sir yes wow we need to okay I to uh learn some of the uh2b and the town the town pays for classes they're not required but they're encouraged most of them are online um in the evenings oh um and yeah you a on a special Pond yeah you do the sensitive spot it is that I mean without a doubt proba you know a lot of time spent up on oh yeah you know well just one one question I [Music] mean if I were what would be the time frame that I would be going through taking the lessons and going through the whole process you can start right away you don't have to have any sort credential prior conflict of interest because we got this coming up uh so you can recuse obstain well recuse yeah recuse yourself recuse yourself from the project because you're associated with it or part owner or relative the owner or whatever would I be able to actually do what I did T yes you can absolutely you can you rep you're representing you become your own representative or your cousin's representative or your brother-in-laws or sisters or whatever it is okay well many times we've all sat on the other side of the FI we have to businessmen in town farmers in town so we we always find ourselves cautious to what we can vote on what we you know which just it's no problem and you'll see you'll see him and I abstaining um quite often depending on what's going on if our company's got a project going obviously we have to obstain he works for he works for good friend of mine buiness man Town Mr Shephard he has to obstain himself as well so it would be nice to have it it would be nice to have the the third person on there because sometimes one one or two of us AB to obstain you still got three members okay well I will and nothing mandatory if you can't make a meeting can't make a meeting it's not the end of the world we just try to do our we don't do written warnings verbal War nothing we're pretty Cas we're all volunteers but you know we're just trying to get freely position no freely our time you can't get fired you're GI you're given freely of your time to to uh for your community and it is very get some of that you can have some right now thank you thank Youk important right job thank you Pat for bringing us streats um 3.2 plan for wild in Scenic Grant property surveys of uh 19- 80-0 4-20-1 and 4 d 19-7 and um we now have two quotes oh we got two yes one's from mner and the other one is from Dillis and Roy so these I'm going to compare apples to apples um to survey and um land survey lot 19- 80-0 25.6 Acres established corners of proper monuments and flag Blaze lines this is for the property on Dudley road which is Peter J Drive open space Lesner is $111,000 and Dillis and Roy is $6,800 um dson Rory has a separate line item on this um for a plan of land uh which uh would be prepare plan of land of the property depicting The Monuments the plan will be prepared to registry standards stamped by a professional land surveyor and suitable for recording so this doesn't record okay no doesn't it just it a surve does a boundary survey plan MERS each um so and Meer so that's $2,000 from Dills Roy Meer is also 000 um go ahead for the plan preparation for the plan prep so that total puts it at $6,800 I mean $8,800 $8,800 drive now well it's 13,000 from I know why Dill Roy is cheaper because they did the survey work for Peter J drive so they already have a lot of the information so it's on their system already so in other words it's okay I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure he did the the West Meadow no I'm pretty sure he did that project R right next door to it too at Town Woods oh okay that's the first property so that everything's so we're seeing a difference in price well yes oh yes I'm only asking the question I know y 2600 on that what 600 on that particular parel no 8800 for for the lot line staking and versus versus versus 13 oh 13 yeah big difference oh big difference yeah so so Mike what a what we save there we can keep in our pockets no we can't keep anything in our pockets because it's a grant we have to expend all of them let me finish let him finish up let me finish so did you I I didn't see this last time from Meisner but the boundary plan to be uh recorded in register registry ad Deeds mner is $22,000 each is not total I don't think I caught that yeah I just I just caught it just so you know where's Dillis on the on the other two brel EX exactly okay so lot 4-20-1 West meow Road 35 acre parcel um lot line staking cost $9,000 and this is dooy $9,000 and plan of land cost $2,000 that's 11 Grand presses which is the same exact as okay Eisner so that's that's $1,000 now um 49-7 6 acre parcel what's still on West mono yes um survey and lot Lin taking from bills Andor is 2,800 yeah um plan of land cost is 1,700 for this one for um mner it is 5800 so you go from 4500 to 5800 now difference now if we used DY for both West metal properties they are um offering a 15% discount which takes this the Meisner is to have all the the property Lin um 29 survey and lot line staking and the plan of land from Meisner all three parcels is $29,800 which one what we had anyway but correct J the amount was $23,800 correct yes okay now with d Roy the total with the discounts for all three puts us at 22530 there you go someone was watching that's a big difference well dson Roy is at the advantage because the Peter J I understand and towns of woods bastel they all have they all got they already got locked in it's already in there they got those bounds already they got half the bounds over there already so that oh two yeah and they got all the control yeah so they don't have to establish that yep I haven't talked to uh Greg about this part yet but so that leaves us with uh 1300 or 1270 12270 under what the grand amount is we have to expend the entire amount unless if Jess we can ask them to take some money back I don't think you're like required by your contract to use it all um in the past another in the past another wild and Scenic Grant we did also come in under budget we'll call it um and they did contact us after the fact to see if we wanted to add on any like semi- related services so to establish those round metal aluminum tags these yeah those can we use that money did you talk to Jessica if it's connected to yeah it would I don't see why we would not be able because these are lot lines survey so um no no no no no each one has a different designation like the ones that I had given you are the Wetland on we have these too yeah but these aren't Wetlands one this says Townson conservation land right but we have different we're we have different badges I have other badges that establish priority habitat in Wetland areas I I I got you but we're not we're talking about boundary surveys lot there's other markers that we can utilize for those conservation why it depends upon what area we're doing is to what we want it to be marked out for so we have to keep it no ATV no I mean this is property why not have these why not have these why why not have some buy a bunch of these with the remaining money to establish that lot line in trees on the already have some yeah Jessica what do we have like 400 of them I believe we have a 400 pack that we have not used at all so part of the survey and lot line staking is permanent iron pins I said Granite post I was called silly no Gran I wonder if they should put fence post in TST TST yeah have Music cast Ste that stick up 4T they F that's why I'm saying granted cuz it's a it lasts forever B you never find it they stick up this much after four feet high up they're never going to do that you're talking about caring a 350b damn bound into the woods you're right I have agree there but in areas they're very effective throw throw an iron pin in and throw an iron TST in fence post I I you can at least carry them you yeah you can but you're right in certain instances I like the grand pul I just did I mean I can bring them in with a log SK or a whole bunch of those pounds and drive them across the wetlands and knock a bunch of trees down I don't think that's going to what we're trying to do did you get that put on I I think defense is f yeah I think rebar can just very easily get lost in the ground so something that sticks up and but then the other thing is an iron pin in the fence post you one you can see him to the iron pin you can find with a metal detector when you get out there it bound you can't cuz it's just a rock and if it and if trees blow down on top of them and leaves blow into that area and cover them up now you're up there chase them around you think it's there I think G area 10 by 10 trying to find it GPS M detect so with the ex extra funds we can Vegas discuss with bills moroy is we can sign we can sign these proposals tonight if we choose to and then we can discuss and um leave it to internal discussion but we can ask if bills and Roy can we put those up put these up and if they're cost is too high we can buy more of them and during 3.7 we're going to discuss with the Boy Scouts might get a navigation badge or something crazy out of this well maybe they can put them that's a better project that's a better be as far as I'm concerned that's a better project for the boy C sure that would be good trudging out there but we're even if it's blazing the project yeah even if it's a good project we'd have to come up with 6,000 doors no we're not yeah These Guys these no we got to say goodbye to them are you following along with what I am what you and I've seen all these little signs that nobody pays attention to um yeah we've got the M form to put up and if you can put them up or where people can see them um I mean should be see my trees but I can tell you why can't we fishing game is pretty interesting how they Mark how they Mark stuff out blazing in paint they've got a pretty interesting way of doing it we got other pels if we want to survey m why can't we we have a small parcel someplace why don't we tell Greg hey Greg can you establish half those bounds you know establish half those bounds with the remaining money maybe next year or the year after we get them they can set some pins on something else get we can discuss different formats of Mark you know this let this project go to the Boy Scouts as far as I'm concerned that would be great experience for him they Blaze that line well we could discuss with scout master the scout master about that um I'm on put chainsaws in the hands or anything not's let's real I I make a motion that we sign these propos or accept these agreements with Dills and Roy for the three properties yeah and then the extra funds we can discuss at a later meeting because I don't know how much these are but have to buy nails for these too we have 400 of them in stock yes so 400 of them is that one particular or is it the on you're not going to put them every 10et of B so F 400's going to take care I don't know I don't know what the I mean if if you put them every 100 feet right you ain't going to chew up that many of them you ain't got too many miles of bounds on to establish on those three part we can find an eloquent way of marking that's not a problem we can that's easy so I make a motion that we accept these proposals yes um from dson Roy paid for by the Wild and Cena Grant um for the sum of $2,530 now did you instill the 15% off of that too yep that that is in 15% and I think that's pretty nice oh second Pat second it what a Jim hi hi James TR yes yeah James Gates yes Kevin Smith yes only yes good all righty let's get that we get that done moving on to the next thing I'm just gonna uh you guys cannot sign contracts um um why we can approve the contract you can you can yeah you can like approve it I think the select board has to do it if not the PA can do it but without okay then I I would recommend that you yeah this is beyond me I would recommend that you get a meeting with the TA then to discuss who is authorized to sign contracts but I I do not believe you guys can sign one on your own but if the money is coming from our coffers is it not our it's not coming from our coffers it's coming well it's coming from a fund money that was it was delegated for conservation so if Jessica puts in technically we're supposed to approve mileage Tech or and technically we're supposed to approve paying for our classes and I get to sign it right what is the difference it's a contract it's contractual yeah there's like a whole legal side to it right I personally would not contct let's do this we've approved it we we've approved going with dill Roy get uh let's get it before town counsil or Town Administrator see what his take is on can't ask the select because we don't have Town Administrator the Town [Music] Administrator where I'm going with this I I I I that's only person have S [Music] you guys want to discuss bowl of ice cream wait for me at home one your ice cream better H up we got a right lets um somebody's waiting for a cherry do you mind just we're not going to get into depth with the um the fee schedule tonight but you talked to I talked to you today and you discussed of how we're the most up todate out of all surrounding towns yes um I contacted Ashby lunenberg gron peil Dunstable um one Community had last updated in 2021 the oldest update was from 2002 too um but we by far have the most modern fees of all surrounding communities CH oh was 2021 never mind I the only one I don't know is um lunenberg she was not sure that they refined the fees for everything yeah when when the last time that they Revisited their fee schedule was she was not sure for lunenberg all right okay um let's get this meeting done before we goes so I I don't know if we need a motion but let's talk about this we have to talk with us next time and I about revisiting our structuring it so it's simpler and we're trying to the goal is to cover the cost of what the what it takes right right right like Jessica had explained you know what it takes her to do an noi the amount of hours even an RDA or an RDA isn't they don't have her allotted for The Prudent amount of time by you know but they all do that you know okay so I'm good with that and I was I gota be honest I was really glad to see that we dialed that in through D Roy reflect after uh yeah 3.6 planning board mandatory referral 249 Main Street um I don't what what is 249 m what where are we so this is for a change of use UHC is Ami Shai renovate existing building structure Lo located at 249 M3 assessive map 51 block 93 lot zero map Zone uh DCd downtown commercial district and off for protection overlay District to open and operate a UPS commercial store oo we're moving up in the world you know what that is that's honey I was just gonna say soon as he said that whatever great I won't have to go SE just told me a couple weeks ago about that please review and attach to be attached application relate to the planning board any questions um the date of the hearing is Monday November 24th 7:45 in the select board chamber uh this is a no comment correct Jess yes it is a no comment right it's okay uh so I make motion that did he get shot down already for no I make a motion that we respond with a no comment second she her ice cream is melting James TR yes James yes what about you Sneezy say something say Kevin Smith yes yes that's that's good God I'm going to hop off you're wrapping it up soon I think you're doing great so thanks and have a good night thanks bye you too goodbye she's a good sport I like her I don't know if she'll ever talk to me again after F and I don't blame her I'm fully on her side hey backy late Pat's right 3.7 Derek Cogan is here uh with he is the Boy Scout for hours right by the way would you like to join conservation he's already got me at least four times oh yeah he's so there looking for a conservation based project for his boy scouts if you don't mind discussing the background and the amount of work how many Boy Scouts need to do this um so Boy Scouts uh part of their teaching is conservation and leave no Trace as part of it um so they all have to do service hours and conservation hours as part of their ranks as part of their merit badges things like that um we do plenty we do a lot of service hours conservation hours are sometimes the harder ones to come by really yeah because they don't have things available through conservation sometimes it depends um I like when I was a scout girl growing up we would do conservation but the city would be planting trees so we'd go help plant trees in the city we do things like that got um and conservation is very definitively defined for Scouts so this is a great project picking up trash would be service hours as opposed to conservation hours picking up trash isn't anything that's not a conservation right that's not learning anything about conservation whereas your recommendation when you were talking about the surveying of the lot lines putting up markers to Mark B that would be perfect conservation I agree absolutely something like that and they would like doing that I think yeah get them out in the woods right get them to do something that's related to picking up trash ising idiots yeah um they all need various hours depending on where they are um some of it will play into their ranks usually it's a minimum of three hours for most of their ranks um they had special conservation Awards hours a piece this is great they can always use it so and even if we spread it out it helps them because when they earn hours by rank the next time they move up a rank any hours they earned go away and they start they they reset every time so if they have 100 hours and they only need six everything resets when they move up one round and they start over I'm all for it let's so my question or concern is obviously this probably be a multifaceted project to go walking through the woods for the Boy Scouts if you Comm can you commit to starting and finishing all three Parcels depends on the time frame I mean they can do it um and we can even spread it out depending on how you want it done if you're giving me a week to do it you're G me a year to do it we could probably accompl so were you you about sending them out with the D Roy crew so no no they go out on their own we'll give them H you give me the corners and the markings and the bearings and well tell us because this is like compass work for theid exactly and that's why I say this could not be as a as a as a younger lad who was cousin to an eagle scope and has an eagle scope working for me former Eagles Scout um eout this is a great his oldest just graduated with eagle scout is that the right way to say that and uh and uh no I I think this is a great project for these kids Dill ain't going to show the show their they're not going to show their face for a month to two or three months this is going to be question it's orientering yeah even if we get these kids out there with their GPS which they can probably run them better than weekend also Compass but it's always going to be line on setting it up that was some of the first stuff we learned right part of the problem part of the problem by sending them out is if the town doesn't own the adjacent land and they and they blaze a trail off 10 or 15 ft offline then that's going to be a problem the best the best the best way to to to do this let Dillis and Roy Comm in yeah flag it yes that's the bounds have these guys come in cut it Blaze they can put the blaze it put the tags up because now they've got the flag they've got that Flag online or they've got the stake at every 100 or 200 whatever we want them to do probably they can they can take that point either with a GPS or with a compass stand on that line have another young lad standing up at the next Stak line up with them between them two stakes get that line so that you know the state how the state force and packs do it you know they're going to line up on a tree if the tree is 6 in or a foot off one side of the other of the property they're going to nail their tag on it we so we can provide the the SP provide the aluminum nails yeah the only thing would be I feel that those need to be higher up so they get to carry a ladder whatever I think they should be's pretty tall they should be six feet one in the group is going to be the one with the hand Todd yeah yeah he's six footer and then some Pat what are your thoughts I think it's a great idea they used to take the kids up up to our camp sandwiching Camp they would get them a a badge and it benefits us and I think I I would have loved to have these guys a couple three months ago um so obviously it's going to take some time for J Roy to complete their work but as they do a parcel as they do a parcel these guys can come right in behind yeah that way flagin fresh and I can donate some time I can do you know it's out there to a degree you know bring some clippers whatever they may need for tools you know I don't know can they use machetes no but they can use saws and hates saws and hatchets there you go Chaw that's even if they have to because I'm sure d w well they're just gonna cut they're just going to cut through where they have to but a lot of times now GPS they using GPS they're not chasing stuff anymore right right that's what I'm saying will they listen Roy only Mark the corners will they put a mid pin depending on what they'll do is um they'll stake them every 100 or 200 or whatever they'll Define what their so uh permanent iron pins monuments will be installed at the corners and the lot lines will be marked with either Flags blazes or wooden Stakes as is appropriate in the given area so so if they're going up a hill top they'll flag but you can go ahead of them and pull out thanks Pat you had a question well I was just thinking when is the time frame I mean because you don't know with d Roy when they're start so is it fiscal year that you go by for the time frame us no it goes by the Scout and by where they're at so I have a whole out of my 10 out of my 12 I have actually I think all 12 need conservation hours at this point because a lot of them ranked up I did not know Bo Scouts had requirements under conservation is this something new it I was doing conservation years ago stewards they're stewards of the land true so they do conservation could be any more correct Kevin so again I think those every 100t realistically 7et in the air and you got enough of 14 miles of them you got 400 and what about Camp Dudley able to use anymore they any fish Wild Fish and Wildlife bought that piece yeah for probably let him use it fishing wild is it the one over off of Dudley the gate yeah before Atwood by Skip house oh further down no we're not allowed to did you use to go out there I think a long stories 45 years melting give me a G all I'll need is details of when and things like that boundaries we'll get some more information we can provide that when we have it yeah I think if we if you could have it completed in what 6 months 12 you know a year um who cares 6 month a year yeah I I'm not pressure and let's see when they can get that done maybe we'll get it done this year I don't know well no I'm just trying to be it they don't have to be done in a certain amount of time and they could do the sum of that in the winter time the snow Ain't Too Deep they ones you want markers put on that are already done I that I don't know what other on you got that towns and conservation piece up there on bvery Hill there's a ton of them there's all these little pie I don't know if that one was ever bounded or that's by wall some of it is wall I think the backside let's dig around let's figure out some stuff maybe we got some stuff that's do you have other badges are you like yeah yeah um sit in the community Nation world society all right they have a bunch of fishing Wildlife Conservation badges they can work on fishing um they have a conservation award they're can earn I think that's great I did not let's make a motion hold on hold hold on Kevin hold on so Derek if you're you're willing to only hold on starting if we would love to have them do it we can provide deeds and Maps um and then lot of loops paramet and the only request request I have is that you can um come back or have them come back and talk to us about it oh I think that'd be great that' be great reflecting all the effort they put into town transation Derek's some Son Liam had to did a project at Westford 4 and he had to go in front of westford's Conservation Commission Westford or chumford Westford conservation which is a good longer to do the been getting involved free work than it did actually you from town yeah your neighbor Kevin I live right next to um cottages and then we move down to the one on the farm that's great they'll come back talk to us give a little speech oh I I'm now I'm down on the P so it is 8:57 p.m. I our next meeting is October 23rd we have another one November 13th and December 11th one meeting meeting each in November and December yeah make a motion to adjourn give me a second roll call vote James RS James Gates yes Kevin Smith yes I think it's a little reluctant yes