like to call call to order the uh Wednesday June 12th 2024 the Conservation Commission meeting at 7:01 p.m can I have a roll call please James D present James Gates present Kev present Kevin Smith present aliance States stands one nation indivisible justice for all all that's all right sitting in the corner this meeting is being recorded is anyone else recording um chair additions and or deletions we're going to remove 1.6 um 2.7 and 3.0 will be added later or at a later date um what was that again Jimmy 1.6 and what 1.6 2.7 and 3.0.5 uh chair report anything Autumn report Place Mr chair do we need and is anything of BFW D on can we put add that on it's on Autumn report yeah we're waiting foro no touch it and then we can go with it y so my report covers dates of May 23rd to June 12th 2024 uh we had a Board of Health interdepartmental signature or sign off for five American way uh we have an noi application that's come in for 21 Emory Road um the application was accepted and has is being reviewed for completeness um we had a I had contact with the homeowner at three Aries Lane um and there was a bridge that had been installed over a creek and the homeowner let me know that that bridge has been removed and that was over which Brook um there was also communication with the fish and wildlife regarding a bridge and Culvert that's become a hazard in town it's uh located near the BFW a large hole has formed and the CT pipe is exposed and liable to cause significant erosion in set of sediment Transportation Downstream to the sanico river um and an enforcement update 61 Edward Road um the debris has been removed from the Wetland um that was located out back of that house I know that we've dis discussed that um in the past and so just wanted to update you on that thank you good um the correspondence with fishing game what has trans of that have they been responsive are waiting on response do we need a um I've emailed multiple times to Pat huery um who I believe is in charge of helping to maintain the properties that are owned in towns in by charge yeah she's in complete overview um I have not gotten a response from her and so Jessica reached out to her and also Leslie I think we're starting to reach out to other people hoping to get a response to we want to see what their plan is for that so it's not left you know how I we just got you know how I feel about that y it demands immediate response it's a safety issue above and beor what is worried about any timidity if it breaches with a compensatory buildup of water itach there's a log that J that water washed around the log right Kev did you do you have pictures I do have pictures I guess I should note that I first it's not in good shape life's fine just you got a big log in there all the was it's not possible and the water's going around the cul at this point in time so it's 100% compromised if we get some of the rains we did last year compromis the C is BL the co whole Integrity of the co is compromised it is in it is not working the way it should water is supposed to go through the co not around so if we get the big rins like we did last year that McGee and wiin hit it will be a situation then they're going to have trouble putting that toothpaste back in the TU here's a photo of the bridge everyone looking this is the bridge U Crossing by the pond that in all parties I me I was down there with Trevor and Travis who is the steward for fishing game he goes this is he took the pitches he said I mean you know going to go back to the office and have the discussion with paty she knows if she's not concerned enough with our Town's people with that situation let's move forward in violation what I could try calling too I haven't I have yes you do so do I it's in your you know yours I have some more I'm just having trouble my point AUM yes shouldn't we've been able to make a one email one call and response should have been made it's a safety issue for our people in town and could I add one thing Mr Gates yes sir my beloved chairman if somebody from conservation or somewhere in town called up and said got 50 acres available to buy to add to your Coffer do you think she would have called back sooner or later that's how you start in respon you know what I'm saying these are the pictures of the C the erosion that has been caused by the log that is it's not it's been like this for months yes so he we don't need to drag this part of the conversation out too much um if they don't remedy it in the next few weeks then we can feel that enforcement is I've been after them for over a month over a month so coming [Music] apart the head walls falling in sideo you can see they're coming in yeah so we put date on this tell them they have they respond by the end of this [Music] week and if they don't we can an enforcement agreed do you need us to you want to vote on that James Doran yes James Gates well hold on we need make a motion we need second make a motion that if they if we don't get an adequately response by the end of day includ the conservation email in this so I can see it or just yours um by the end of the day on Friday June second that call second okay roll call vote James D yes yes yes Kevin Smith yes Jessica you there 2.1 712 review and discuss counil Conservation Commission jurisdictional PA the land use coordinator I'm here um just before I get started Teresa Morris had her hand up so at some point might be nice to hear her thought oh sorry I miss that I don't think it's ever good to hear my thoughts but I just when you when you said um get a response from them by a certain date can you quantify who them are I'm sorry if I missed it oh thank you Theresa we talking Teresa right nowes different oh in the sun um from from Mass wildlife Mass wildlife that's what I thought but I wanted to make sure thank you very much from M if we do not get a response from Mass wildlife fishing game fishing game thank you some State entity that is responsible for that property corre the which do to be fishing game right do you want me to take and call the steart to tell them what's coming or let's make it a surprise not a surprise it's on here not live but it's get the chair your call I'm fine with that I've already called them three times on it why okay they know sorry for the interruption that's okay started it Harley could I this is Jessica could I have screen share permissions real quick please okay stand by okay Jessica go right ahead thank you all right um can you guys see that map of Town's end on my screen with pink and red yes yes perfect can you read the disclaimer first yes can I what it is yeah um so this so so a big push from the commission is to educate the public on you know the all the Water Resources in town and their importance towards groundwater and storm water and flood prevention and all that so um what better way to reach our residents than to know which residents to actually contact so um a few weeks ago I submitted a memo to you guys that I had contacted our local Planning Commission massachusett regional Planning Commission um they have a GIS mapping Department um so I had them generate this map um so this is a draft map and what it does is it basically just outlines in in the the pink color all areas that are jurisdictional to Conservation Commission so um this includes wetlands and 100 foot buffers intermittent streams and 100 foot buffers perennial streams and 200 foot buffers um FEMA flood Plaines or bordering land subject to flooding and 100 foot buffers uh vernal pools and 100 foot buffers oh what am I missing um and pawns and their Associated buffers um so the all of these resources that I just listed are ped from a GIS database so these are all known sort of known approximate limits of those resources they are not exact um but this just sort of gives a good planning guide to start so what I had mrpc do was just outline all of those resources and their respective buffers into one map and then subsequently had them give me a list of all the properties that these resource areas and their buffers intersect um so I have a a nice table of properties um 's about 2200 private properties that have known intersections of resource areas or buffers that would be within kcoms jurisdiction so it's pretty neat to see all zoomed out I'm certain there are even more that are unknown and unmapped um but this I think is a really good starting point so I just wanted to get your feedback if this is kind of easy to read easy to understand um and then we can get some print copies so 2200 properties private properties that does not include town or state owned those are 2200 private properties most they have a data we have a database now that allows us to send direct mailers really we do so we're really looking at not half but a strong three quarters how many pieces of property out of in town Jessica 3100 know 2800 we're 9,00 are uh are affected by that I think that's what the number I obviously goes up a little bit because people p half or something so number goes up a little bit that's a lot so Jessica does that it does not include state owned um I mean the the map includes state-owned but the parcel list that I asked for um does not include that does does not yeah because we you know the the the intent is to educate our residents so um and you at at annual town meeting you guys were approved by the town with your $5,000 education and Outreach public education and Outreach budget so article we have some Direction all so I think with that we have a 7 just I appre we all appreciate what you did and I think the next meeting we should uh discuss how to utilize this and get it out there those funds will be available to us July 1 I went down s Victoria so I got a listing of all the state B land amount of acreage chap land agriculture who's in farming on them think that helps us with a little better overview who's farming all all these other little idiosyncrasies so I can get some copies to the commissioner so that can be helpful you know but I have it here now if anybody wanted to cruise through it and not pay attention to the Mee does anyone have any who else UMES anyone have any questions or comments on on this I think it's wonderful this isn't D Jessica this mapping is that from FEMA no it's separate from what the feema update flood plane area does this include the update no they're not approved yet so this would still be the 2010 flood plane limits I think it's I think it's a amazing piece of work at the minimum I know you want to do a lot more with it but at the minimum I'd like to see it on the towns and web page perfect that that's an easy loow hang and fruit that can be done now so I think I think we'll we'll if you guys like this map we'll I'll move forward and get a few copies of the big I think it's I guess this is 11 by 17 but maybe I can get a few 24 by 36 is printed and then um yeah I think utumn and I had spoken internally that this would be a really good map to send out to local um like property managers real estate firms too so that if they're doing you know if someone's buying a house or moving to town they might know as well so just help whatever way we can help spread the word so I I do know when you move to town you get a little welcome Happy I didn't Noti this I didn't get one um Alisa one of the volunteers she she uh when she did worked with when she volunteered with the store District commission they went through and um put on the the property card put on like a star if they were in the historic district so then the homeowner knew that way too I don't know at least I know you joined us um is that something that's easily done think she left us did you mean re subscrib us yeah yeah she did that for the hear you can you hear me you're back yes um so what we did was we had the property cards and that was done through the assessors they found a spot on each property card within a district they found a spot to put a notation that it was in a district also go ahead it's also done through the online permitting that data was also bed into the permitting at the building department so that it would flag it there as well and we also sent it out to Regional big guy upper level uh real estate and we did that across the whole country with a listing of all our properties within the district and they're supposed to feed that down to all the you know go down the chain which they didn't um but in our case the building department was a safety net but you can it can be done I can help you with that if you want to put it out to a national real estate kind of thing now when when she refers to district is that District go District district how many different districts are involved in it hisorical Society how many no for the the historic districts Jim there's three districts and there's 100 properties within those districts so our our task was a little easier but there's we got Maps made that what was very helpful the maps we supplied the building department with show the street address on the parcel outline okay so I I think getting this onto the town website um figuring out how to get it onto the assessors into the assessors [Music] to yep they found a spot what they have to do is determine where on the house card they would notate or make that you know notation but they did and is that something that you can work on or asking that we don't need money for no no they're very very good about it and then also I don't see a reason why you couldn't upload the database or the list with the map so people can look up their address we did that as well on the website put the addresses does that make sense I guess another question i' have if somebody bought a house they just moved to Town come to find out they weren't notified that it is in the Historical Society they've got to accept the fact that there are restrictions involved in that ownership of that house structural changes color changes window location Chang Jimmy Jimmy I just I need to make sure that that you refer to the correct entity Historical Society is a private nonprofit the historic district commission is a town and appointed entity of the town that has oversight over the district so it's um unfortunately because late um to our did you constructive is um yeah that's true you should all right good I I I love this I want to keep talking about it but no no I just he just corrected me on something that I did not know thank you for correcting me Lis I you're the best justess do you have anything you want before we move on nope I'm good I just wanted to get your blessing that this map looks good to move forward with I the map and the the list um you know it's great all right thank you Jessica thanks guys I did forget we are adding 4.2 for 4.2 again correspond from Jan Mike 22 Sonic Road Jane we'll that it's corresponding just with the tree removal and then okay all right is 727 2.2 noce CWB 2024 17 175 de number 308 d709 five Saunders Road app Charles and deah green represent is D Roy civil Design Group proposed work the proposed project involves the uh construction of an addition to the existing single family house removal of an existing driveway installation of a new driveway brage trench removal of 15 trees related place the Townson Conservation Commission will hold a public meeting on June 12th uh 2024 at 7:15 to consider a notice of inent by Dillis and Roy Design Group owned by Charles and debor green for property located at five Saunders Road towns and mass map 10 lot 55.3 the proposed project involves the construction of an addition to the existing single family home removal of an existing driveway installation of a new driveway drainage trench removal of 15 trees and related site grading work will take place within the 100 foot buffer uh this is a joint hearing under the mgl chapter 13140 as amended in the towns and Wetland bylaws if you'd like to see this application you can reach out uh to us via email or come to town hall thank you we have a motion in a second to open hearing please motion opening of the hearing no D numbers or anything on this there's D number where 2.2 y y yep okay tww noi twb 2024 175 d38 07095 sers Road Charles and de GRE we have a second second call vote please J bran we i v just yes no yes James Gates yes yes Kevin Smith yes at the property cards oh the mail yeah I did the notification yeah the file um no I can let me check let me Che get some here you have them yeah okay I thought they were emailed to me but they may have I just you have [Music] two we're across the road cards back and then we got one that didn't uh get return free real Jack is here representing the applicant Jack don't mind Jack Maloney from Dill Roy I'm here with the greens they in the audience um in existing house number five in this brown shade here this is the proposed addition with garage uh the orange represents the existing driveway which is going to be removed and the gray is going to be the new driveway once the addition is finished um everything in the front yard will be pitched across the driveway we have a uh Stone driveway recharge trench uh along the edge to pick up any runoff and um prate back into the to the ground obvious perious or impervious car I'm assuming paved paved driveway will will be yeah yeah eventually so this is the 100 foot buffer right here so that part of it is outside the 100 foot um most the addition that's going on is within the 100 foot outside the 50 Foot um there's going to be some fill and rating down one side which we do have uh Waddles with the detail that wraps around the outside of the construction area and as mentioned there are several trees that are coming down um and I guess one in particular is um 24 in Pine that's I don't know how tall it is you guys we looked at the homeowners are could be a safety issue for them down the road it's the best thing to do is reach in there and grab it yeah I believe and they're going to use a crane that'll be pared they'll be just taking the trunk trees right up and removing them right out no damage no damage to theer we do show a sock stockpile area in the front yard here uh obviously the drive I was kind of curious this so in other words you'll remove the driveway that'll be the stock P for whatever for whatever material correct very good whatever whatever is not needed on site will be trucked out and then whatever material here that they can use for back fill filling grading along the slope will be stock piled here looks great straightforward y oh Waddles just quick you're just going to run Waddles no need of any Sil full Sil because of there is the sil fence too yes so it'll be both Sil fence and wles Y along the slope the only concern I have is it is such a steep slope um this back R yeah it's steep did Chris extend the recharge trench to along the side of the garage no but we can if you want I mean if that's a a condition that you put in the order I don't think that of the roof on or the yeah the drip line um coming down with the slope see a good amount of water garage put on so do it does the roof pitch front to back y uh the garage would be said to say the addition between the Gage and the house to front to back so this this piece runs this way so this runs and so you got yeah so you got this thing on back something so we could I mean we could put the same recharge trench you know wrap it right around do a drip line trench so it would be a continuance of yep all the way around as long I don't think there's any issue with that just wrapping that stone trench right around the back I I don't think so yeah I probably be a probably positive thing to do there yeah no we don't have any issue with that if that if that can be part of the conditions at this point you know I'll have Chris revise the plan and then just get you a copy of it but yeah that's pretty heavy off this yeah catch all this cat all this bring it down ending at that backbone yeah and that was a good call JY CU you would also thought maybe of adding FS at some point also and having that a place where the water go when it comes down down spell it is drop it right in that re trench yeah just looking at the relief lines it is you you like right there is is kind of a grav pill should be yeah cuz I did the house back here on the other side and was pretty stand did the test so it's going to get good results with the train doesn't change you know it stays pretty pretty growly there a little chilly but you know that's minutes is pretty grav scre looks good looks good Jack the only other concern I have was because of the the slope I think taking into consideration a second so fence down in that down in that corner down in there whatever I don't know what the distance should be but um yeah just with the 100 ear rings that we get three times a year now about dropping a little section right along that 504 bubble line you can see it right there going across right there right here so just bring bring the leave these as they are just connect yeah just you know just gives it a little bit extra prot want to run a little saf I feel that it's a good idea commission we speak up or Autumn or no I just wanted to make sure I see and we'll look the wasn't the silence held back because of that one pine tree they wanted to take off down in that corner yeah as I recall down in that where the sence who back down into the woods there didn't you have a tree right there you were going to remove so the Su fence is showing get rid of the tree and then run some Su fence right across at the 50 Foot buffer line and uh you know you're not going any further than that anyway right you limit you limit of excavation Falls right at the 50 Foot line anyway so having that second having that second piece is just a little bit of a buffer if it takes off in a bad storm you got a little more Extra Protection right there good idea like Jack said we're looking at a minimal distance probably 40 ft for that little bit of along that strip exra is worth it yeah yeah small stretch again you know we had what two or three EV SL year that were for that were recognized that see in excession of a 100e event one of them was considered biblical has not been in any record so just biblical that's that is one of the new little pieces of verbage that was stated that this has that amount of rain that's we've never seen that amount accumulate so quick so they said it was proportion I know you didn't get a chance to come to this site visit do you have any questions no I it looks like it's all laid out pretty well safety I'll set material Landing for any EX a motion to this number 30807 09 um on the condition that or with a standard order conditions with special conditions that the recharge trench be extended as discussed and a second so fence it's put in along the OT upper line in that the amended plans are submitted or um the copy is sent to the office second any we a do we have any discussion second no he seconded that we have discussion he knows I try to bid for you know he knew I wanted the second on him I just want to see if I could K it from him so that was our discussion I guess what you what are you what are you saying Jimmy please gr it's been a long day for me yes yes Kevin Smith yes thanks Jack thank you so see you again someday like like to make a motion to close the hearing for twb 2024 175 D number 308 0709 thank you have a good night do I have a second roll call vote James BR James Gates yes yes Kevin Smith yes you even hesitated a little cat I could have grabbed that is 741 2.2 noce of 10 twb 2024 176 p number 30871 two peer Lane K ly um representing him is proposed work the intended project Falls within the riverfront area of which B it involves expanding the existing houses Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on June 12th 2024 at 7:35 to consider the no y file bur By mesner REM Corp and owned by Kevin o her property located at 2 corn Lan map lot or map 53 lot 50.4 the project proposal uh consists of the Redevelopment of an existing single family house the existing deck in the rear of the house will be removed and addition will be added to the house and a new deck will be constructed work will take place within the 200t river river front area of which and the 100 foot buffer zone of the bordering vegetated Wetland the hearing is being conducted jointly in accordance with the mandates of mgl chapter 13040 as amended in the towns and Wetland bylaws and regulations if you'd like to see this application you can please come to town hall or email the conservation office I make a motion to open uh for pwb 2024 176 D number 308 0710 Chief Lane do I have a second second roll call vote please James James Duran yes James Gates yes Kevin Smith yes more than I you mind bring this one up please I'm the one picking escapes I can't get any help another $190,000 piece of crap for okay so the butters notifications were over Che yep thanks Ian I have them if you need them okay no I already checked them you printed off copy um I don't but I I'll put that in there the next person has to go to look she's feel fighting that now fought it Matt fought it yeah hey there we go all right I'll zoom in a little bit I wanted even see that well I want to make note that this was a very comprehensive plan and it's appreciated that very thorough nice I've been looking at it stud I've studied that pretty pretty well so good evening my name is Ian anley I'm an engineer from Isam I'm here with Kyle Wei the owner uh this is an existing single family house it's two corn Lane this witchbrook back here stream and there's a little bit of flaged BW supporting vegetative we right along the brook um right now there is a deck in the back of the house we're going to be taking that deck out replacing it with the new deck it's kind of the lighter gray and then putting in an addition as well basement and a sunro top four um we are this is the 100 foot Wetland buffer right here in the 100 foot interium for the riverfront so we're kind of almost to the edge of that we're 75 ft away at the closest point which is very similar to what's in now um because we're taking the deck out and replacing it it's it's pretty close as far as the impervious area we do have a very small increase of 80 Square fet so I am proposing to kind of Ren naturalize a portion of the lawn in the back just to kind of you know provide some offset to that increase inace area um show a line of fli sock and Sil fence to wrap around the construction and um really isn't too much more to it than that I'm kind of happy to answer your questions you get temporary stock pile area all indicated yep you get your wles across there actually did very nice job on I mean yeah nice nice nice set of PL um I don't have any looks good area needs to be there it's the most logical place to put it yeah just put the Machinery needs to go there it's y we do a lot of that type of stuff that's the most logical place for it right there closest oh you know you're in there in that area kind of restricted area digging back to the house to get a full seller in that area you got to be able to swing and put it some place they're not interfering anything it's not already G right okay I mean The Bu with it but what going to do it's not like it's going to be there long soon as they pour them back for it'll be gone you know you know they don't have any place else to put it we do have behind it you get a chance to review the de comments yeah I think what they were saying is that commission should basically just consider um kind of what I talked about the the re naturalization of the replication to kind of offset the area if it's a front what are you taking about 100 a little less than 100 square feet but it looks a bit H yeah so the increase the N increase is 80 square feet yeah so I just I just did a 2 to1 ratio and I said U it's 180 but probably only 860 yeah so in other words that still comp like a replication yeah the the comments well the edge of the lawn what's now the edge of lawn right it's go now the edge of the lawn and just let it go in it'll take over over it'll regenerate itself quickly I think it will um so the D comments Mass D recommends the commission consider the provisions of 310 CMR 10.58 uh 5 F or um in their review which without looking it up uh I no idea so there's one other there's two sections sort of in the riverfront RS there's if it's new development and then there's if it's Redevelopment so that section is Redevelopment and it's talking about when you're increasing impervious area ways to kind of offset that and U and that is taken into account exactly yeah then the second comment is the commission may also ask the applicant how they will ensure the uh proposed restoration area will not be reconverted back to lawn in the future the commission may consider measures to ensure the bound remains permanently undisturbed no it's just going to be verbage in the home owners we we've had to in the past through previous conservation commissions had to take some 4x4 pressure tree posts and put maybe it's a pretty small area maybe three post along there and you get the little signs that you got the badges like in the front seat of the truck you can also do split rail fence yeah something like that that's they want something let it let the just jump right up to it yeah so yeah I like that AG so that's a that's something we should decide on what we we discuss I I don't think that we should put it in writing but it should I should be disgusting a degree of of that area not to be red Disturbed or brought back to LA so I I like SPL split rail fence fers are another option not like you're gonna find anyone there is a boulder already there yeah there's a pretty good size Boulder right there it's probably not the most useful the property butm that's a big yeah that's a real one I I didn't know if it was I wouldn't want to disturb and then you that without something big that to the house I would ask I would ask you know that he just puts three sections of split rail fence along there and then put stag on them just now we have plent of them in yeah we have the TS yes do not of a ecological sensitive area those signs you have they're large white and red they're large little you guys know how organized we are in that I have four of them in the front of the truck I'll bring so if you're amendable amendable to fo rail F then Jimmy I guess knows where they're hit the office there's of them okay we can provide couple Pat do you have anything you joined us for this one so yeah your turn good so I'll make a motion to approve uh twb 2024 d176 tp38 d712 Capricorn C with a standard order of conditions with the special conditions of um installing three sections of split rail fence to delate the um area for REM metalization as shown on the plan second you got me you beat me I was gonna say nice job nice job you see that has second we have a roll call vote please James yes James Gates yes okay yes Kevin Smith yes nice drop now I'll make motion to close the hearing uh for twd2 24176 number 07102 Lane we have a second Kevin pay attention for a second yes James G yes yes Kevin Smith yes bring one of them wasn't a good one either all right um you guys Littleton or W thank youl 2.3 4 RDA 49 Awards Road twb 20241 77 Tom and Susan little uh representing them is from D Roy is Jack up an existing septic system with a 1500p septic tank and leion facility work will take place within the 200 foot front area and the area of critical environmental concern Mr chair I must abstain from this particular okay this particular site okay right so town and Conservation Commission will be reviewing um at its regular scheduled meeting on Wednesday June 12 2024 at 7M in town hall on second floor they will be considering an RDA to replace and upgrade an existing septic system a lot of background noise with uh 15 100 SE gallon septic tank a th000 gallon septic tank and a leeching field request submitted by Dillis Ro civil Design Group on behalf of Tom Susan little at 49 Edward road work will take place within the 200 foot F front area the commission will make its determination in accordance with the provisions of the wet Massachusetts wet loans protection act and its Associated regulations and the towns in Wetlands bylaw the RDA on file if you'd like to see the application you can come to the office or email the conservation department CH welcome back thank you glad to be back we haven't seen this [Music] before Che all set ready ja Maloney from D Roy here on behalf of Tom and Susan little uh septic replacement for a failed septic system uh the current septic system is a thousand gon tank located right next to the driveway and there's two pits out in the front yard in the vicinity of the proposed uh leing area uh those pits will be pumped Crush removed Stone will be taken out of there the existing tank will be pumped top brush filled in made safe uh and then we're proposing a uh 1500g two compartment tank I believe and a th000 gallon pump chamber to follow uh up to a debox to a three galy leeching field or leeching system um this house sits lower than the road um so where the system is it's actually a little bit higher we tucked it into the bank um just to the road Edge yeah it goes up to the road slightly um three or four feet I think probably from the front door up but anyway uh there is a perennial stream in the back that runs all the way down to 119 uh we have the 100 foot inner raran here we have the 200 foot out here the 100 foot buffer zone is this green line which runs right in front of the house so there'll be no work within the 100 foot but we are within the 200t barly so the reason why we filed the RDA um nothing's happening back here this big blue circle is uh the 100 foot offset from the well the smaller is the 50 Foot offset from the actual suction pump that's located in the basement which we have to maintain for title five purposes so that pushes us even further towards the road y there is this obviously was a Title Five failure for house sale correct okay that's what's going on so okay okay good all right uh orange are the Waddles and I believe they're already in place because yep I expected them but you did too yeah yeah well I was down there visiting yeah um that's pretty much it in the nutshell I mean all the work's going to be done in the front yard um I didn't put a stock pile on here I'm not sure what Kevin's going to do with that I mean there's room over in here this is a lot this is all on but there's a lot of plantings I believe they were uh they had this whole landscape green areas plantings and then there was another area right along the roadway I believe she was Tak to give us access in this is still perennials all there there's one tree that's got to come out hopefully they can transplant it but if not because they've done a nice job on the house and that's why I said to myself if it's on the title five basis they're going to man to make sure that that when he leaves it's going to be the stock pile will be uh on that far all the material all the material the excess material from below the existing LOM grade now the LOM is the only thing that's going to be piled on site all the material that's going to come out of where the chambers are going has to come out four five ft 5et in all directions that'll be out so in other words you go right from the machine to the dump truck stock by this proba couple truck loads along that's yeah I just wanted to note that it would be within where the straw wles are correct that's why I kind of winged them out a little bit further than just the direct here and I'm sure you got the infant sis on that that's got to be as pretty as it is when you leave just because it's being sold it's a shame because they did a nice listen we have a great level of interaction in us I know it amazes me every day just just imagine how short the meetings would be if they didn't right well how would we know all that this is true I've learned a lot I this is true I'm surprised you didn't per up and say you hunted out there on fish and poy ws and such too um I feel this is straightforward there isn't anything to really much more stra forward no one on no one has hand ra again jack your presentation is in so I make a motion this is to yeah negative3 determination for this RDA for TWD 24-17 I just correct I think it should be negative -2 that's the riverfront area one that we've discovered oh yeah I know what that's like voice yes thanks within within the hour so I mean I I resend that um I make a motion to uh issue ative -2 determination for 49 Edwards Road twb 2024 d177 so move roll call vote please James D yes James Gates yes Smith obain thanks Jack until next time are you coming back in another 10 minutes no this is no we have stand ating he just came from Mex I'm hoping thank you Jack doing well um 2.4 RDA 198 mwb 2024 d178 Sterilite for representing them from D en Roy is stand himself the other side of the country is he really Stanley where are you right now down the street oh you're muted we're muted we can't hear you he's in New Mexico is he really yeah he bought a house in New Mexico muted St we can't El I'm unmuted now okay a lot of going on so this is uh steres building on 198 Main Street I was in at the last meeting to talk to you guys about this for filing an RDA because there's really you have uh the building is downgrading of the rail trail and the Wetland is on the other side of the rail trail and there was a site walk last week with Greg Roy and we modified the plan a little bit to show a lay down area and some expanded erosion control and that's basically it I mean when we discussed it before we kind of all agreed that an RDA would be appropriate and that's what we're asking for you did have a question posed by D that you answered yeah um and there wasn't any response from that response correct correct correct might I ask what the question from the EP was I don't I don't know I don't have it in front of me right now I don't I don't recall never mind um you asked where the outfall of location was I think that's right I I don't think there is there is no outfall that I'm aware I think they were wondering if there was any outfall from like the Disturbed area into more where the Wetland is like under the rail trail but I think Stan said there wasn't and I there wasn't I didn't see anything so yeah I remember now they were asking about the uh the parking lot drainage but that's all just leeching drainage it just goes into the ground there's no piping that goes anywhere thank you for refreshing my memory sure and he and they have a perfect scenario with a rail trail separation that's a six foot fence next to the construction area for any debris potential blow away and I think the only thing I heard out of you Jim you might be in favor of a w buted to the fence area bottle just just just a separation to make easier but that's just that's just that one section right up on the corner yeah you weren't proposed I don't proposed go any distance down through there there's one section right on that corner where the gradient is pretty close to railroad grade or rail trail grade we'll call it now I didn't see even any need of that I mean the best part about it is you have the rail trail separation corner by the building one so the question was the RDA indicates that additional work will occur on um on site do any of the outfalls on the property trained towards San River and the associated wetlands and has a storm water report been prepared for any areas tributory to these outfalls and that stand and and the answer to that is no because there there are no outfalls thank you stle um so everyone is here for the site walk uh does anyone have questions I thought was straightforward ready no questions at all thank you I'm abstaining from this vote you guys get Moone to do what you want me to I'll make a motion you want hold on does autn want to make a recommendation anything anything to be said you sure yeah nothing to be said I'll make a motion to approve the RDA 198 Main Street twb number 2024 d178 the applicant being sterile call you got a it's it negative two or negative3 I'm sorry so it's only buffer SO3 so this one is a negative start I make a motion to approve the RDA 198 Main Street to a tww2 24- 178 to3 determination the applicant Sterilite representing Sterilite is the infamous Stanley dillas uh the proposed work replacement of 40 foot 40,000 foot section of the foundation and structure within an existing building the request submitted by Sterilite Corp 198 Main Street towns of mass 0469 and the work will take place within the 100 foot ofer zone so moved second ahead James BR yes James Gates abstain yes Kevin Smith yes beautiful thank you Stanley thank you very much have a have a nice evening bye Stan talking to you soon byebye hi Stan bye said he's in the Mexico 81 uh 2.6 o minor modification rail trail D number 308 669 members of the rail trail boarders B Bill's on hi Bill hey Kevin he is tell us here for an hour up on you guys don't wor it's good for your soul Peter yeah all right okay Soul building last whoever wants to come sit at the table with us and once you got cooking it's pretty straightforward you you want me to do it Peter or do you want to do it no I'll do well you told us to be here so I guess we'll do it by as well so to modify the order conditions it was granted uh back in I think 2019 for the2 thank you Bill 2021 for the bridge by the gis and we're looking there's another Bridge down by the CP Bridge similar construction these are old ra Bridges and um the the the under ports are still solid but the decking is really in bad shape and they sort of a hazard to you know people that are tempting to walk there we have't closed off now but people still can be tempted to walk there and they are has so proposing to pull up the decking and then put down we took space on this back in 2019 I remember you came to the board yeah and then it was discussed again yeah see Bill I had it right okay now so other words do the same thing on this other bridge by the C Bridge that's we're proposing by the stringers are in good shape you're looking to replace the upper just going to redo the deck correct and the removal process will have um you know tarps underneath to capture any debr might come down and we're doing it with not with press with Ru on Ru on Oak I think when we had discussed that we had actually pulled out some white oak that would have been ideal for that because it's just got such good longevity even better than redo and of course if you were to use the fress treated [Music] correct keeping it keeping it keeping it natural and keeping it native auty yeah so no work was done to to that bridge yet so the OC was amended to include replacing the decking on one bridge and now you're coming forward to modify the OC to include the second bridge correct and that um will include a tarp being installed under the bridge going on dur of I think of the origal of the original um yeah I just wanted to make note of that that to make sure we cature anything that's falling down any old pressure treated debris right and then there's also a boom that will be installed in the water a a idity um socer going across it'll catch any debris that understand that's been there for 100 years dropping stuff that has beeno every time the train went over that was just what they included in their every time that train went over I wrote up this document right now excuse me sort of an attractive nuisance I mean it's there and people are you know people want go across but it's it's pretty sketchy okay Jimmy now you you were going to go and you're going to put a vision across there I get it where's the safety Factor on Rails with that is there anything what do you mean is it just going to be a flat deck going across there no rails to the right you me hand rails is that what you're talking about safety rails s rails yeah we're looking at possibly putting hand okay I'm just seeing that you have a bridge usually any Bridge has got some type of handrail right side left side of such I think in passing you that thought's the location map if anyone I know yeah yeah but here's the there y I'm here um I you and I talked I think briefly once about railings so you gonna move forward with that not that it really matters doesn't matter us I I was hoping to um I I wasn't going to guarantee it but I I just thought it was like a 90% chance I assume that we also have to approach you know for this we don't need to approach the historic district commission um but if we put up a railing it'll have to go through the district commission too because it'll be above surface grade wow good point want what an historic looking railing oh that's outside us for us it has nothing to do with us I'm abstaining from this um you guys it's it's it's a quite simple it's a quite simple minor modification hold on the party po here oh gosh what I box that's don't worry um Bill Peter Joan you guys might remember a couple years ago we went out to the bridge this this bridge for one the cage Bridge with um I think it with Taber and somebody else and at that time like the ibeam and some of the head walls or something I think were were deemed unsafe and there was a plan to tear those out and replace them um is that in the future a part of this project no that if that if we're doing something major like that we would not try to do it through adj justed amendment We'd have to start all over again okay that just do the decking and worry about if we needed reinforcement at a much later date okay those little trestles have stood the test of time how old is that 150 years 125 years originally built in 1848 through 1850 there you go right the old fire station used to be there train used to drive through the old fire station imagine that and they picked it up moved it across the street the train kept hitting it touch a history for you I thought that was interesting Lisa brought that to my attention yeah they move that building right there the church yep CH gave me the history of it yeah don't no and then they would take all the app from the and they spread it around the harbor so every place you dig in the harbor there's about a foot of a yep from the train from the that used to stand there I think I can make a I'd like to make a motion on this and get it moved forward I'm G to make a motion for this T read read that title yeah the 00c minor modification to the rail trail oh see the DB number being 308 D 0669 motion to approve that modification second roll call vote James bran yes James G sub yes Kevin Smith yes sorry for making you SI guys where is he in Mexico thank you Bill San Diego I can look out the window here see are you really you're in San Diego yeah Mr JIS didn't share the view he has record time and have a record for the content that we got three times how the grocery prices down there though no here we go we come on come on let's focus cuz I yeah we got go fix got go fix the track review would discuss interpretive uh signage by the Wild and Scenic natural River Stewardship Council to be installed at Adam [Music] [Music] what kind of sign are they talk about 12 by 16 signs you can see it's a beautiful oh no kid it's got the dinosaur picture of the dinosaur on it that's an otter an otter oh okay yeah you're bringing it in it is an OT sorry yeah that's okay but Kevin if you wanted to be a dinosaur call it a dinosaur it's a dinosaur so yeah the Wild and Scenic stewardship River Stewardship Council wanted to put some sort of presence onto the rivers to to show what we are and what we do so uh we spent the winter the whole winter working with the graphic artists uh putting together these signs that tell you what the whole program is the National Park Service program and these are Big um well they're not manufactured yet but um if you're familiar with the you are here maps that we put in a few places like on the rail trail they're on like a like that slanted P um we're making three of them we're putting we want to put one on the Squan one on the NVA and one on the missa and for the Squan equipment one we chose Adams Dam and I've been working with Roger and and the have parks and Cemetery commissions to try to decide maybe where it would go somewhere kind of uh behind Farmers Exchange on the edge of the river there so that when people come they they they see build swim and hole Yeah bu old swim and hole so that they they come and they see sort of the whole value of the river and some of the wildlife that was there so there there there's a little path a c path um that goes down to the river that they're trying to restore maybe that would be a great spot for it to block so this was kind this was difficult to design because all three signs are the same except for the map each map has a you are here um that little red button on on the map on the left but but we had to sort of choose the uh types of Wildlife and Fish to to depict to to show uh all the way from the upper reaches of the ntis or the Sanic down to um the whole pepp ponds so so you know people go why don't you have a trout you know because we couldn't we either need to have a bass or a trout we had to decide what would be the best choice and this is what we arrived that you throw it in there it's a very Ni no we ended up just putting some I think dragonly cish in in dinosaurs and a dinosaur anyway if can I try quickly I'm I fairly familiar with the town I know that corner well I guess my only thing is that is there a more favorable area we could choose to put such a nice sign that you took that amount of time on that area over there in my humble opinion is in D need of a great amount of engineering and development meaning r in other words as far as that whole Bank area should be reworked The Trestle needs to be decided whether the rail trail is going to take that over and use that as we've got chain link fence over there we have Jersey barriers blocking people out there and I got to be honest with you that one area this corner over here where you're planning on doing that is probably the most uncen area in town I know right where it is at stands maybe this will help it to start to become so this is also just a COR right but you I mean do you understand where I'm coming from with that that area looks like it's a training camp for the Marines you know well that does at the moment yeah you know I mean like I say there was going to be some work done the problem where would it's too bad the the best place for that sign would be the most beautiful place for that sign coming in off coming in off a of author br going into black rock but the problem is is I don't know huh true put the number of people that would see it yeah the number of people that would see it well another place in the Howard Park system over there coming in from coming in from the parking area at Hawthorne Brook where the trail system goes in to Black Rock uh there is some signage there now um that there's a that would it would see a lot more people from over there well here's here's the thing we had with this artwork we paid a lot of money for it and and custom developed it and we had three choices of payment just uh use it once pay a price um use it as many times as we want pay another price or own it and we can adapt it evolve it and we took the middle thing so we can use it over and over and we can make more next year year after I mean we thought when everything gets developed at uh in the Historical Society are that would great place for it the swans out there backrop the new church might have to change from the dinosaur to the swan down there so this may this may not be the last one I hope it's not the last yeah no it's a beautiful sign I I could see that I could see that the Canal Street what company the Upp Ros Bridge Beau she gave all and that's Jennifer and you guys did that right to you guys dropped x amount of trees in there on the backing you guys Jess right trying to improve that area yeah it is it's just a tough area that's been abused for a long time for a long time maybe we could switch out the Jersey barriers but I like I said that's just my opinion of what I see over there I mean the fence is not attractive trussle is shut off Jersey barriers work in progress great is that the thank you Jo um 4222 son roting I hope I didn't seem negative enough no I understand what you saying we just planted a 330 on my property with Jennifer we touched them all it went well it went well yeah okay thanks you guys thank you thank you thank you folks good night have a good evening this is a letter from Joan and Mike pooted from 22 sauna ro road um they are on Venton Pond and they are requesting they said that at your meeting on March 27th they were told that some members would come to a site visit it was set up for a date and a time uh no one showed up so then the agent came out and I took pictures and looked at the situation um and she says because I still believe looking at the bank in a budding environment covering where trees have already been cut down as Conservation Commission did before it might be enough to give us permission to cut some trees some of the trees that are dead and dying and one that hangs over the house she asked Unitil and they said the situation is like many others and not D for their wires tree cutters and construction workers are hard to get as everyone is so busy if we could at least get the trees cut with whatever stipulations you want leave the trunk and Roots plant blueberries as we asked before Plant something else we could make some progress the trees should be removed in any case thank you for your [Applause] consideration what was that I don't remember a date that we it was April 9th at 11: a.m. did we get that email to us yeah it was texted to you and then emailed to you three h i missed it because I never missed a chance for to visit Venton H yeah well you missed it I did yeah can we haveit yeah so we did revisit it after I went and did the site walk and took pictures and we reviewed it and because of the strict stipulations of degrading a bank within the wetlands protection act we decided you guys decided that it should be included in the noi right so they want to rebuild the house which if they're going to rebuild the house they need to file include the trees they if they feel that their house is truly at risk and they leave the stumps I also feel that just cutting the trees down leaving the stumps in place is also yeah St have to stay in place you do not want to compromise any of that bank well you're GNA end up you're gon to you're going to be digging out for the foundation that's going to be a frost wall on theow side Bridge get to it yeah the other thing that we have to think about is if those trees stay up if one of them blows down besides the damage to the proper you could also risk damage to the environment because uprooting and if the tree falls into the pond that's a whole different game Catch 22 I didn't I didn't view the trees as dead in my opinion but if you all want to take a Salk out there and check out I'm going to take up tomorrow but um I want to see how the people over at rossy's Camp is doing the follow you for sure should probably come down and leave the stump yeah you should take a look and see how much it is over the house and then also their Matt Maro their engineer will be submitting the application soon so I've been in contact with Jane requesting that she submit the noi since she came I think it was back back uh before March 27th she was here wored she was worried about the timeline and I was encouraging her to um submit the application and then we can get the ball rolling and you guys can discuss what she was the elderly woman I think she yeah there older couple they did the septic couple years ago across the street and then had we did that house that they want to tear down that was already went into rehab and they they want to and that's what the we're still waiting on the noi for that gotta yeah I my opinion is that the I feel the trees are come down um STS remain again if one of these stumps that can remain remain until until they figure out the noi because if they're going to put a foundation in the stumps should come out they ultimately will have to like K saying if you're in proximity of the foundation footing and everything like that you can't work to a stump a couple feet away from it it just it's not going to happen that way but I think the most important thing is that you've got to be very sparing on the tree removal on vent Pond just because that is such an aggressive radiant straight down to an enclosed water area so with no Inlet no Outlet spring fit tree removal some removal or trees in general in general in in that whole area on that whole sauna road to the left hand side anything to the right of the road it it doesn't matter it's move anything on the left hand side going down SRO next to the V so are you comfortable bringing this up at the next meeting sure we got to get up there we've got to get up there and take a peek I'm sorry I missed that site want that's okay no it is or should I call you call me most likely because I'm like yeah okay so we'll we'll add that to the next meeting we we're going to just transition right into 6.0 um so 22 on road next meeting uh you have at least one noi um and I have does anyone else have anything I think I'm just going to be quiet for the rest of the meeting so we we CL out all the hearings um I make a motion uh our next meeting is Wednesday June 26th July 10th 7 p.m. for SE chamber second FL I do want to ring this up please what is everyone's thoughts on changing our meeting time to [Music] [Applause] six Kevin said that any okay too early for Kevin we when I CH for the longest time we were going at 7:30 because that's a early as I could possibly get on my UPS truck and get down here let's Sid seven sorry we can discuss it is is are you trying to get to bed earlier no I'm good can I have dinner with the family but I mean no you're right you're right will be done hey so yeah let's give it I'm flexible if you want to I mean that time the D's coming it's time to quit but you know six o'clock is not going to work for me it's not it really don't work for you either let's leave if the if it let's not fix it oh Gary I gotta get out early from my meeting oh I see all right properties I make a motion to adjourn at 6:36 p.m. 8:36 8:36 p.m. thank you second do we have a roll call James ran and Traver James Gates yes yes Kevin Smith yes