##VIDEO ID:C4o6XhnHpN4## um call a meeting to order 701 um thank you for coming and uh your communication when I sent that so um uh first order of business on the agenda is considered the minutes for the 1024 meeting we did we approved that last time there was no need to look at that yeah it was one didn't remember getting a copy so right probably a couple of months ago a if you found one it was from November yeah um so we are considering the minutes from the um November 13th meeting uh for approval have you had an opportunity to take a peek at that yes I did um so I can make a motion to approve the minutes of November 13 2024 we have a motion to approve made and seconded I second um all those in favor I I all right so um GRE communties gr program um I don't know if you've heard but the the uh School decided to close Spalding I saw something about that yeah all right so the $200,000 we just spent at Spalding not going to benefit us much the building will drop out I assume altogether out of our usage because there'll be no usage you know just maintenance usage no uh immediate plan on what to do with that building we do not have a disposition we don't know what it is I don't know if the decommissioning that's why I put it in the agenda with a question mark it would probably cost more than they they saved if they were to try to demolish the building you know structure like that no not coming down Battleship um well that's a shame um I I point out that actually rise chose that set we might have chosen the same thing if we had chosen our own but um okay um there are some other things I'm concerned about at that school even though it's dropping out we got a note from um there's a note from from Rise received via Nelson I had asked him what the progress was and um it does appear that Frank is choosing to communicate with Nelson and not with me I received a message from Frank since time yeah um they said the message said that the all all the projects complete the library and Senior Center change orders the uni LEDs and the all three of those uh things that we were working on are done okay so just uh uh because you're more involved in the details of this so the library Senior Center that was um implementing recommendations from the study that they did on practices to say was actually they found a couple of things it appears to me from the dates of the contracts Frank missed contracts but it wouldn't fit dollarwise into what we were doing it turns out that I believe he turned that over to uh unal somewhere other got involved and and Unitil paid for the rest of those projects that normally Green community grant program what oh huh it was an update to um they were fixing um the vrf I can't I I could get at it here because I it's not like that was just you know make sure I was the idea up to speed the idea is that that there was there was stuff was that ended up getting done um after the fact Frank discovered Frank apparently discovered from the Retro study that there were things that had not been handled at the library they should have been they actually developed contracts a year ago six months before they even did the Retro studies right so those so when when we got it it came as a change order oh I how how come that was the change order because I guess I guess unol even though it comes through the grant program unol is helping pay for the Retro study so they're involved and they published a change order they they it was an order that they never gave us and then they they they discovered it through the Retro study this stuff hasn't been done it ought to be up fixed you know and then he comes out and tells me he doesn't think that they we'll get be able to participate in the in the fall real because this stuff isn't done so that delayed us through the fall right so that's um but all three of those are done right good the having done this before I I decided let's chase down the paperwork because just because it's done doesn't necessarily mean that anything that has to happen is happening and it turns out that uh Aon who was the parttime um Grant administrator is getting getting involved I I had texted um Karen Chapman actually the whole group over there there's three of them over therec but Karen Chapman the boss I guess and asked them if you know our work you know if they had been updated with the stuff and they said they hadn't heard anything but had but they understood that Aaron steepfield was was going to handle everything had it been done they were wondering has it been done so I sent a message to Aon and asked her um probably Teresa um and discovered that um she responded that she had was having trouble getting information from the school which is you know 185 ,000 of 200 so yeah no the answer is no we hadn't really finished yet and um my inquiry apparently got her to ask um Nelson to get involved so Nelson contacted his guy back in December he says hadn't had a um he said he was having trouble trouble getting them to respond too but but he tried again and apparently uh you know I I hours after him telling me he's having trouble I said you try Nancy ha because she's you know over there she's interested in making sure the stuff gets paid for and also the back of my head I'm thinking that those people over there now thinking at the at North Middle SE are thinking we're all done with falling we're done you know you know we don't want to spend any time on it you know I don't know what he says he did get a response Nelson says he did get a response and it's going to through but I I don't know where it stands today this is like within 24 hours um so basically that's just paperwork showing that all the work from the previous certifying that everything is done yes so I am going to read now into the minutes and for purposes of making sure that it's recorded some with the green communities grant program deadlines that affect us for the spring r mhm the uh by by uh February 3rd we should have expended all previous funds and the stuff that we you know did should be operational also by February 3rd invoices on on all that work must be paid and the final report submitted by 5:00 pm on that day on um March 20 21st uh and answer questions regarding that if there that that's a deadline to finish all that the um and a report should have been done by uh uh November 15th and it was and uh the next um public opportunity notice called block three this spring Market opens on um March 24th so we need our quotes certainly before then and closes um on the 4th April 4th at 5:00 pm so now we're going to have all those things recorded to so we can see it but that that's the important one is that is first of all to have everything finished by by paperwork and all that by the by February 3rd and secondly um have a quote by the time the new block opens and have a quote in their hands about two weeks later um so we have about two weeks to handle it once we once the thing opens and with that we would uh get a letter that would tell us what was successful last time we'll be looking for that it's in the fine print on WE but you can tell what percentage savings was was um was was successful last time and uh you know so that's kind of like a goal because over time this whole group of people moving forward are are having less and less opportunity to save money because they already save the big stuff right right so hopefully you look for that that goal to come down a little bit because the stuff that's next I heat for us Le heat pumps don't really save a hell of a lot of money just save car but we'll see that in this quote um so I've checked the completeness and that's where where we are um appears we're able to be able to participate in the next round uh quotes I did massage the 2021 uh quote from Rise project list and a quote spreadsh Street to show the completed projects and um suggesting priorities the first priority of was is going to be that um Memorial Hall as uh as Rob request right so that's that's the first item replacement there isn't we we have necessarily I I I really doubt that we're going to be able to act on that in the spring round that's not going to happen you know we gotta got a quote and then we then that gets considered the questions asked imine Rob would have questions and you know what does this entail what brands you going to use uh how long would take to install will we lose heat during the what all the questions you know then then the whole question about backup what what you do when you use the power right now I don't they have a generator that will power this place to some point I don't know about completely but but they have a generator that is a backup for this structure that generator is not up to doing heat pumps right so they would have have to consider and perhaps on the town's own funding put in a backup generator because the program may not want you to put a backup generator because then you're not using electricity you're generating that just be I don't know what their attitude ISS that right but so so the backup generator now is just they're running gas boilers right I probably probably I don't know whether it's gas I would assume it's gas so it would be just the electricity needed to fire up the boiler but it's basically most most of the energy is the gas I don't know I think you said it's a 60 watt 60 megawatt I know 60 kilowatt I know what 6 six it said a 60s something uh uh generator and Rob's first thing when we first our very first conversation about heat pumps was that uh I don't know about you know the heat the generator we have is is not adequate to do that yeah have to be a lot more electricity and and what's the town's feeling to that I mean I think uh uh un some of these guys would say well you don't need a backup generator we we'll get you power one way or another you know the hurricane comes through doesn't always I don't I don't see that and I see this being an important emergency structure and the fire department and the police department I mean I mean haon Brook as an emergency you know building for everybody go to in the case of a disaster you know we need that kind of yeah getting into the kind of discussion you get into this this is going to be the first one you know show a quotation and you tell the town uh you know it's a it's a $400,000 project um the program will pay $250,000 you have to pay $150 and will'll give you low interest or no interest loan for seven years or something like that I don't know that's a program like that and uh then the discussion happens with what about backup power what happens when you don't have electricity get into that conversation I I don't know how look at that but that's what we're going to try to present that's where we are and so let me ask you so these costs this is from a 2021 quote that we got okay so the next line next thing is um we're going to take a look at that sheet um and I want to tell tell you first how I organized it so that you know you will be able to look at it together y I broke this down into um three different my screen share where did my screen share I had a screen share button down here oh you're what do you have open that is that spreadsheet right but I think you need to go to um back to zoom are you zoom and then from Zoom you can hit screen share Zoom there it is share yeah and then you get go get the spreadsheet once it starts sharing I guess you have to pick which um I have to do all the sharing through this have to pick which which window you're sharing I think you got it now you now you get the spreadsheet there you there we are I can't really read it see it yeah I have to read it oh okay I have my glasses on fortunately so I can okay so there are um I broke this down into uh four distinctive distinctive blocks mhm I left it uh okay so this is from a list of uh projects that we received from uh rise in 2021 and I have maintained it tried to maintain it um much in its original format but everything off to the left there that's green I of input since then you know and actually when you get down to it there's another uh call back here because we hi say back in 2022 I used this in 23 I use this to you know communicate with rise on what we're trying to do because they ask us to prioritize remember so that's what this is It's a prioritization of of what we would like to have quoted next this first block is stuff that we could that has not been done already and I think we would like to get quoted MH uh obviously all ha on Brook is is a big deal you know already 100 wow you go spend another you know 200,000 wouldn't even get all that done done right so that that is all there right see like I obviously I'm not keeping track of it all that but we we haven't replaced all the lights yet in the schools good question BR good question did I did I miss something was there another year when we did that but I remember remember last year both were on the on the thing and I mean after after rise sent us a quote and it did not even include he he didn't even include haon Brook we didn't get a quote on haon Brook back here aan Brook oh he he didn't quote it in last time not quoted I quoted see this this Callum here oh that was a year ago that was that was last year last a couple years ago before that bills weren't even quoted he just quoted Bal so we didn't have a choice to do broke it um all right so I just made I I I took some of the items highlighted the items that have had a fairly High our high some of them go low right if we had an awkward dollar value not NE early uh this time but it had an awkward dollar value um that we wanted to plug in we felt we could fit another $7,000 into our thing and not not have that 5% knock us out of competitive aspect um we could do it but I want a number and at some point we we want to finish the police station we want to finish the Memorial Hall we want to finish like to get closer to being finished um okay so that down to here um you know I've kind of suggested the reasoning for why we would want heat pump we want want to get a heat pump hot water heater we haven't done that yet but and and I don't know whether the newer quote would uh pay for that because um would would save money because what he quoted back in 2021 was a uh was a gas condensing water heater not a heat pump M and these vfds I think that's what they did over the uh water depart yeah variable over the senior senior Senor that was the change order this was one of the change oh okay got it but but but this is the police department this is the kind of thing they they they needed to do at the senior center on the change order okay so hawor Brook obviously we get you know good Roi out of that big numbers um and ha Brook could end up being used as an emergency structure I should think in town at some point so we like to try to get that done all you know if if it fits now these are all 2025 requests 2025 25 M this one I'm just telling them it's got a got a fairly low return [Music] on but um we like to get a quote on it in 2026 they don't need one now but you know if you got if you got a quote on that it ended up being you know not too much money out of pocket for the for the generator and stuff it may actually work the Town May more likely accept it than than this one big one than still so uh after that I'm just asking for the status of spalon closing status we have not done the ground floor lighting mhm so we we're not likely to spend any of our grant towards that but I'd like to record the status is it true that the ground floor is not done you know so if they decide five years from now they want to reopen the school we would would like to start with you know knowing what we need to do yeah all right and the next one a question for rise he had proposed to do a ventilating system at the Townson Highway Department I fish consenter that that uh condenser that's electricity anyway very low return on investment but my question is you know when I see ventilation and you're trying to do ventilation or or uh move air I'm wondering if we don't do it does that create any kind of a safety concern you going to create mold because you didn't V properly or or you know I don't know if he looks that sort of thing he's not communicating that sort of thing to me but the question is are there any safety health and safety concerns if we don't address that and and this like where does something like that come from did it come from a past audit that identified that as a potential no no that is me this was just an item on the on the um list right this is highway department and this this why did they quote like in 2021 why did they quote a a change to the ventilating system of the highway department where did that come from it was originally on the list yeah as far as this home is concerned I put that in oh I understand because these are so low we are not likely to try to do them right however the basis of is there any health and safety concern if we don't do them yeah when you insulate a building like want to insulate a house uh insulate an attic you want to make sure there proper ventilation so we insulated these places but I'm not sure if this ventilation aspect it affects the environment in such a concern or that if we did this it would would assure that a bad thing doesn't happen well will do so that's a question I I have no idea how it's structured if the thing's outside the building or is inside the building I had no idea but I I was I wanted just ask these questions to rise and it would be on a separate you know text rather than part of the yeah that makes sense I'm wondering I mean I assume there is a ventilating system and this is what this project is is just replacement of I mean I don't know exactly the role of a condenser in ventilating system but they talking about making more energy efficient doesn't necessarily mean there's more ventilation from this prod condenser generally takes water out makes sense right yeah so we're not taking water out we got the same old system we had before you're going to replace it with a more efficient one than we have now but if we don't replace it you know Rob could tell me we got to replace that damn thing in next next year I say okay well you know if it doesn't screw up our competitive bid we we would include it yeah you know he says we've got to replace it it's not like a choice we got better so why I have the 15 grand paid for a bar gr rather I don't know we'll we'll number one thing we're responsible for I think here is to assure that we're competitive but we have opportunities and that's that's what you and I are trying to do is make sure that what we choose out of the list that we get quoted right is competitive so you're thinking like a it could be a mix of thing I mean it it could have some component of less return on investment projects because we want them for some other reason because they just need that work done or whatever but but if the sort of collective return on investment is okay quote to divide this list up over two years $150,000 right per year $300,000 which we did a lot of we don't know what the price is going to be because it's all going up like 20 30% since this what we done right but uh when we look at the the list together we might want to do it as two shots at $200,000 rather than try to we we we want to do it a shot of $150,000 and $200,000 having Blended things enough to be competitive right but that's the reason why I would like to get quotes on some things that are not great saving because you and I may want to stick something in yeah or or or it may be beneficial to the toal to do so all right so that that first set there is the stuff that I wanted to actually invol frankw uh you know yeah now the next Set uh uh had to do with Sanic cook because he put sanook on the 2021 quote as far as I know uh the first floor of San cook or some part of it is used for pre for preschool or you know Early Education thing and then another another section is used for for all office and administrative stuff and it is not on our Mei list it is definitely on the uh North middlex list but he's keep quoting this to us and I I don't know if any work is being done over there know so the ask was at we determine once and for all is this the North Middle sex Regional School District or talented because I don't want be involved in a in something that we're you know I guess well what's the question in other words um is whose responsibility is this North Middle SE North middle region north middle SE School District or us well what's the answer to that question for hon Brook well the question only the question really comes up because sanook is included on our quote even though we're not responsible for it in Mei uhhuh whose responsibility is this and someone ought to tell Frank because he's giving us quotes on Squan cook I don't and probably the thing that Sana makes Squan cook different is that what it's not the fact that it's not being used as a school I mean yeah it was dropped as a School North Middle SE Regal School District decided to use it for offices and I heard Early Education right now the Early Education part of it that would be the school administrative that would be this but it's located in towns and it's using electricity so you know why is it this you know who's actually paying the bill there I don't know are we the towns are paying the bill we it's us if they're paying the electric bill oh but I mean we're not paying the bill in all the schools are we that are just because no I I you right me there there's got to be a CL Clarity that doesn't exist to me I don't think we're responsible for it but I just want to assure that someone is responsible for it because why would rise put it on our quote he thought it was our school h yeah I'm a little did a l this so so the question asked the question you know I don't know who to talk to at the school district so it's like you got to ask uh the program I mean maybe uh what's your name uh the woman who is is the mrpc not the mrpc the uh communities grant program uh what's your name uh um Kelly Kelly Kelly Brown Kelly Brown yeah yeah and I'd ask her because there seems to be some yeah I thought we there at one point the schools were not included and then we got them added or at least some of that that school I I I had to try to get a lot of uh oil data stuff for that school mhm what are we doing you know it's at some point it was no longer ours and I don't know who made the decision or but it's it anyway uh the third block is um the stuff that was done recently right okay so a lot of lighting and you get down to Spalding there it's done but is it being decommissioned we don't know because we still have not done the final FL we're not likely so it's awkward you know the first floor is not done then you go upstairs it's got different lights all right and the last one the last Green Block there m is um St that has such low um the first one is is no support at this time meaning that is a town building that unal would not pay for the life for we have no support program support un won't pay for it communi program won't pay for it it's a 6% return so I I don't think we're going to be doing that unless we come up with some you know money huh wonder why modifying light f is you know modifying light fixtures can be so coste effective in some buildings but not in others why that would be good question unless they're already like kind of efficient lights I don't know or for some reason it costs more to do it there I don't know why that that would be the case that's a good question um the next two we removed from the RFQ the ventilating system and the height this was on our system on the quote before when we we're using natural gas if you do go to um eoms in this building you won't be using those they told said we don't need those if you get better use so that's why we take take it off and then the recreation building not really heavily used they low usage right I I can't see saving money by going heat there but uh it does one way or another a little bit of carbon it comes out the Memorial Hall windows and doors windows and windows have never been a great payback and I I think uh Rob is making his way around here do it yourself putting Plexi glass on the inside of the windows and stuff like that uh so that's why I took those out okay so the first a lot of what's up I say you've given it a lot of thought first group here um you know it's enough to ask prise to quote I think the only other thing we could do would be to probably include some of the things that that aren't done to that last list I don't see any support so we ended up with that first list now uh taking a look at that um my proposal would be to send uh Frank a request for quote which includes all items that I have listed in the crest 2025 quote P down to the one that says uh 2025 of book plant modifications high high efficiency transform so I'd like to quote on all those items one two three four five six seven eight eight items to get quoted and then ask for statuses and stuff on the WR um yeah that sound like a good a good list for us to use okay um let's just um um I I will um move that the uh the discussion we just had from the we just had that those first one two three four five six seven eight items on this list will be presented to uh rise as I request you second I will second that on um you go I and I go I and we go yes yes thank God we have a quum oh goodness all right um energy goals I I have I have done more on this since we at but for the next meeting I like to Circle back and you know get that going again today when I was um reading a message I got from Sabrina telling me that the V of Select has like reorganized somewhat and we have Terry's not on the Terry moris is no longer on the board I think I saw her name didn't come up as a uh no one's told me that she's gone you know when thought I saw it said that on the website that there's going to be an election that there's a vacancy and I I knew that there was a vacancy for the um there's a third person in the board of Select who gets gets elected oh I could get that I just I can get that right off the uh text that I got today no was an email so I um or maybe maybe it was Sabrina's email I don't remember where now that forward it to you yeah yeah but anyway yes I got there is a position that they have an election on I'm not sure I I haven't had any word that Teresa is no longer reorganization of the board all right so look like um Veronica this going to be the Le yes she she was great but she kind of she's kind of overloaded work I sent her a message telling her that I think we're all set here for now you know when we need help I don't know sort of thing but I sent her the you know the minutes and the U the agenda and and the spreadsheet um so I did share that with and although say there is an election coming that's what we're looking for but I I I I didn't see that they I thought they were voting for Secretary of the board of selectman or something like that oh there's one soon but I think there's one in April or something I think that's the one where there would be an election for a new select board member total turnover of Select board me yeah in a short time [Music] um so the idea was just to get back to that uh I saw when when she sent that I saw that there uh the uh master plan there is no one got there a list of you know energy committee R and email Emil um but they had for master plan not available no name filled in so there's no rush in that project although you know we are substantially ready yeah I I would like to just clean it up if we don't have a quot at our next meeting that's what we would do you know yeah I think um it's been a while since I looked that I think I actually did go and what were we talking about doing basically putting all the changes into a Word document I think I did that the idea was the idea was so for the purposes of new person you know you have to show them the changes you just you know yeah I mean I don't know what benefit changes are for the new person except to say that you know somebody to know says this the one we would like to send you says this that's where I guess that's useful for that yeah in word you can easily you can just turn off the uh red lining you know so right you can have a red line you I asked for you to print it out in its finished form like it was in the master plan and we just read through that and make sure that that in one read so to make sure it all works together yeah that that you're substantially done except for that format um my part of it was to try to display savings right and um yeah we we've made a lot of Headway with that but I still have more work oh yeah so I keep is there anything I promised to do that I haven't done I was going to look at some stuff but I then I wasn't I think you said well you were still working on it or I think that that was that the only thing I know that you were working on was just just finishing up that word that word file for the pass plan yeah and I mine was the Excel spread sheet okay Contin for the next meeting um we're over the Forum none schedu next meeting I have reserved um room two downstairs for February 12th it's a Wednesday p.m. at this point does that look should be fine uh I mean it's I don't I don't have anything on February 12 so I'm just gonna put it on the C y okay okay yes I'm going to move to a jour second fav we are adjourned at 7:44