##VIDEO ID:ZR4UtH08Db8## um I'm going to um call uh call a meeting of the towns and finance committee um to order at 6:03 p.m. um this is the council and finance committee uh January 14th 6 o'clock for meeting in the selectman chambers at Town Hall um we have called the meeting to order and as we have remote we need to do a voice um attendance J M is here David Walker here ter hus here Mary Jane chville here Dam Grant here and Don here that I can do the math Six members so we have a Corum you're good to go um this meeting is being recorded um it will be played back on Channel 9 and will be available on the Townson YouTube channel at this point um there is um a meeting of Board of Health a joint meeting of Board of Health and select board meeting downstairs um that I would suggest we watch later when it's available shw is coming in to do a presentation can present but I don't what I understand they may not be getting into the details just the presentations of contracts um and so we'll review them with Board of Health at a future meeting whether it's a joint meeting with Board of Selectmen um or stand with the finance we'll see see what the details of those contracts are um other than that I had no additions um or deltion to the agenda and I would like to recognize that town court Kathy spford is here um and second agenda item budgets okay now moving into work session R minut from December 10th that in the packet that handed out that's the second second page um if you didn't get a chance to read them um no sorry is this it oh no that that's Kathy's budget oh this Kathy's budg I I oh I have I have yeah you have second page second page the agenda on the page oh I read you s yeah y I did I just didn't know if anybody would have that opportunity yes good minutes oh no not do you want me to make a motion um FR page is the agenda so um y um we if you're ready to make a motion then we can make a motion on that I'll make a motion and we accept the minute of December 10th 2024 second okay we have um a motion and a second uh any discussion any any changes nothing heard um The W home vote and in the positive accepting the minutes as presented J is yes David Walker yes Carol say yes Mar J chville yes Dam Grant yes and Don Hayes yes unanimous um minutes are complete okay now with here we're gonna order my pack we're to be what I'd like to do is um is that um it's in the in the packet um I don't have the budget Cathy has brought the budget but in the pack I did Tov from the end of December so we have a comparison of this year's budget how much we' used to the budgets that are being presented you said bva um the bbaa so in the package guy right y yep sorry PES yeah so what I did is I'm kind of confused with this inste I'm gonna go that's C that's Cathy put mine right there do c um for start oh with to go down take that off the printer giv us the the ability is it this one yep and the town perk starts in the second section um 160 okay so this isn't the entire PV that's not the entire cover cover her bud I see 160 at the bottom page P I think I think I printed out the yeah you did just oh okay 160 should start well because I was going through it and seeing what was what oh oh she's got okay they're all the same okay yeah so she have to share yes well no yeah she's got different packets for each section right right okay that makes sense right all right okay so we'll start with 160 so who's got the 160 I got it okay okay no I think I have it on my computer does it say you do have that on your computer this is 162 but she handed out there should be a 160 in the handout 160 this one's 163 298 this one's 297 that's all 297 fy2 approved and then comes FY what's this one right here this one is 162 so which page you looking at let's see if we can put it back one of your first off and this this is that and that and then this is down here right yeah so I got 297 yeah this is all 297 we slide 297 in here the rest of them in at the end of the day right oh yeah only for for next year is that what does she have right there I know me 16 I have all them no that's 160 and every all the others well that's but this is all 160 did they're they're in groups by oh are you kidding me I did that y i to because you oh that's right see I color coded it yep but with paper clips did because I thought this will be one pack but I right yellow what color have blue I have blue I are we all blue no no just they're all 160 okay the idea is weing the main all right that's okay we are I tried hard okay what's our first how do we do this so the the first sheet that is provided so we we had copies of this in Excel files so for hard copy we've asked for hard copy from oh okay for support this year um so we're g to eventually all get binders but this was the first week in the binder I have my binder do you it's really set up nice bring it in you let's do it we'll we'll do the same I I found m from about three we can we can give that what size binder do you it's about 3 in in three in that's and it's pretty full it's kind of like it's full Carol get excited find her um okay so Cathy do you talk about this or do we ask you questions or how does this work um we can go either way we can have Kathy speak to it um at first this is is um and yeah so Kathy you speak to 160 that all right so for the on the expense worksheet we can start there everything is level funded so you have any questions about that um it's third page expense expense worksheet yeah yeah so I level funded everything as per the yeah um bu right so you're asking to the same this year as you had last year yeah for all the expenses for the for um the labor there's there's a step increase and a step increase and a Col so I added that in which equals 4% now can I ask a question about the cola that's cost of living increase correct is that is that a Lae they have to give it all the time it's it's a it's in the contract oh okay okay the only thing I I didn't carry forward and I should have is the special stiens for $1,000 and other for 900 which is certification and Longevity so that should be added in and the reason yeah so does that mean um step ups that you get um yeah so because I've been here for 20 years I get $900 longevity every year okay I get it and I'm certified and we had adopted the Mass General law I forget what number it is but um for the certification for $1,000 a year so you're saying we need to add that 19900 in yeah you need to add that in I didn't carry it Forward oh it's not in the 8,180 no it it is in it s fy2 the toal FY 26 so are they the same Kathy for this year so the total for FY 26 should be 84 351 35 allary oh I see that's you and this is Jessica right gotcha all right so does anybody have any questions about that no I don't that's pretty easy to read That's forward I will go on a on the summary sheet on the one called worksheet on the bottom we should probably bring through yeah those same um be total of 2400 on the other Personnel Services line where am so on second second second page in this grou yeah um under the third third line down under the section for Personnel Services other Personnel Services that that would that number would be 2400 um in both FY 25 and 26 because if we don't do that when you look at the be so if and the reason the reason I'm going to say that if we look at the BBA the bbaa is showing the salaries line for this year at 126 731 so that does not match the 124 331 what other personal service the longevity and yeah the theity andess okay combin comb it's 2400 combined 00 combined 1900 for Kathy and so 2400 and then then we get a match between the FY 25 budget and the bva okay gotcha right right is this the BV yeah yeah that one so if you look at the sub total for personnel that's where I'm getting the 126 we're looking at this this the personal sub total toal is that that's budget total thisy by adding the 2400 on sheet now the numbers match yeah it didn't carry forward so yeah no no no there there's links that made be broken in the spreadsheet so it would be 126 731 is what this number should be right here correct 126 731 and then do we know what that one will be uh 131 566 thank you Kathy thank you the total at the bottom would be 143 391 for FY 26 yes so $3,000 increase which is really recommended by your um be4 are you so a little bit that reconciliation between the BV and the budget sheet just to make sure okay we're doing it and the other thing I would look at here is looking looking at the numbers and the percentage variance um in the BBA to to date um the salary lines are sitting about 53% we're halfway through the year so oh that makes sense so that work yeah those those work but when you look at longevity and the other they're high but because they're longevity they they they get paid on aniversary date so it's possible that they're 100% expended but that's so that's an okay thing so I'm not I'm not bothered by 100% used on a line to this point because right because that that's that's paid and it's done when it's not there's not going to be more one time one time pay not going to be there for the rest of the year so right so it'll stay at 100 got it y okay just kind of so that those are the kinds of things of of checks and balances that that we can look at okay so that was oh that's good okay I understand this all right and the expenses and um and again those numbers the office supplies is sitting at 60% so you know if it's 10 10% high it's kind of like um the 5942 the 5942 yeah so that's if because this was through the end of December which is halfway through the year so that's not a number that would concern me i' i' pop usually I look for something 15% or higher um it's being out of balance it's just something to watch if the office supplies but I think you know that's all a matter of usage I don't I don't think so where is that broken down is that broken down this one on the expense sheet on the expense sheet you'll see office supplies oh I see it right the top yeah yeah and and it's going to be lobal funded so I just yeah so kind of like just got it Kathy concerned about it or is nothing no not at all okay now what are Professional Services so that's um we just updated General code so that would come out of that the e code yeah okay yeah for the charter oh okay so that it's that type of expense now when they update the B does that come out of that also yeah okay now is that um for printing or is that for so they print it they give us 15 copies of the update printed and then it goes online and [Music] they any updates dog licenses come out of there that's another expense so it's okay yeah oh you pay for those little did I Ved things no that comes out of the election oh yeah yeah so we didn't talk about it but we have a bundle of five um budgets under managed by the town cour so now is this maintenance for the machine that doesn't work really good the one that I printer that doesn't no not no oh okay no this um the maintenance there is for our dark program and general Cod because they have a maintenance oh okay okay so it's a contractor pay yeah okay and paid monthly yearly yeah so with um LL data design they do our dog database the business database in the boards and committees database so there three databases that they manage what do we what are we renting on equipment maintenance never mind equipment main that's pretty easy yep and just a question you don't you don't have anything that fall into Capital Equipment no nothing coming up like that okay y okay so I do have a quick question on the second line in your budget you've got advertising printage postage as 975 but in the bav on postage it shows a budget for 925 but it doesn't include necessarily advertising and printing but I don't see a line for advertising and printing which I'm assuming would be a $50 budget to get the total to 975 did no I might have gone up on that because the postage cost went up okay yeah okay so it was 925 and now it's GNA be 975 because postage increased that's why we do these it's so we have a little expens but explainable because I I just heard it was like a quarter or something they went up first yeah they went up high it went up it was a bigger jump than I was expecting yeah okay okay and then again look at bot line take out it comes to if we take out the $50 that we just found the FY 25 sub total will be 11,775 right and so 7 775 okay um normally we we vote on accepting the budgets but at this point I'd recommend we we'll vote on it a little later in a future meeting um the reason when we get to um the elections budget that is we're going to have to file um just we're gonna have we're gonna have to file our conflict of interest who all us that work oh how I forgot about that so what happens is Dave and Dave's Last Man only man no you file um file it all the time for it's kind of like we we file it it there's no direct payment to us it's all through the town clerk but we are approving a budget that I understand completely oh I never even thought of that okay yeah yeah so we we use last year's form and updated everybody want a copy okay yeah we just fill it out I know we're not getting money yeah so um that being said that's 160 that's 160 pass out 162 162 okay I think five five five four the 160 and the last the last pry straight forward easy peasy 162 and thank you and this is elections elections this is the elections and that's this is oh oh it's going down one election oh we don't have a state election that we have to do or or a uh a federal election and fiscal year 25 that really isn't an accurate it was what was budgeted yes okay okay let's let's let's we have to revisit if we have new members last year when we got through the budget Eric proposed that we try to level out the elections Budget on the operating budget every year so we voted in a special town meeting um article or an annual town meeting article to put 20,000 or $222,000 into into an account that can be used for elections so like this year and if you look at the BBA in 162 you'll see that we're at 167% used on that BBA line so we we have overexpanded that $8,000 because we had some many elections and there were so many payments so when when Eric forecasted he didn't take that into goad so today I met with the assistant accountant and we went over the numbers and we some of that was early voting costs for the primary and the presidential so we took it out of um I have a presidential account we can take things from because that gets reimbursed from the state and then we also took some out of the special town the special article so right now that on the bva it's like $5,300 negative it's now like7 $17 negative because we we because we got some reimbursement we we haven't gotten the reimbursement oh we have not no we haven't gotten that yet you think that I'm just I have a meeting tomorrow and then we fill out the forms by the end of the month right and then who knows when we get it but the other part is that with the special the money that was in the special some of that will be transferred in yeah because we also had the extra election in November oh and that money came out of the special I assumed all the um all the override elections also are part of this cost is that true was the override in um phally at 20 we had one in July didn't we no that was June it was June it was June right right we had yeah we had two last year um one the first one was part of the annual Town election and the second was in June because it fit the 60-day window Frome 11 I'm to say yeah I think I think it was so that FY 24 but we had the one in November for SEL we had one in July or August we had a special special town meeting trash oh no that was in October and that one's not that one's not in this especially the town meetings are not in this budget yes it is it is it had to be earlier yeah so oh I never thought of that because that could have come out of yeah that money and then I'd be yeah right on target that's another yeah that's and you you'd have money for the annual account coming up okay so that's yeah not not in the payroll account yeah [Music] okay that's a little bit at by 25 but yeah it's kind like that'll get balanced but as we go forward into next year yeah the only thing scheduled at this point is is the the annual town meeting in April of 2027 election oh the election takes place there yeah there is no and that's it that's in the fall no just town meeting but that's pretty that cost us like $135 unless we have there's something controversial and we have to have a police officer there but usually it's not so I I did put together a little spreadsheet of what years oh okay and even P are we going to have the state elections um with the primaries because and I listed them all separ separably presidential primary because on those years it falls into the first first yeah is the first half of the calendar year so it's in one fiscal year but the presidential election yeah falls in the in the next and the state primary falls in the next I question that moving forward um and this is probably hypothetical but are you is the whoever's in charge of elections are they asking you your feedback on all those um remember early voting versus you know two weeks of early voting to see if that was worthwhile financially no okay really no but the numbers that they present and they talk about all the time I don't think it's going anywhere it's state law now that it's aw oh okay yeah and we have to another unfunded mandate well it's funded right now funded right now that's the reimb stay tuned it will become unfunded like all the other things like the auto Mark has now an unfunded mandate and yeah they don't pay for that anymore is that how it works with the state they tell you they're going or they don't yeah yeah yeah well that's what the school yeah that's why the school yeah exactly sorry better to know yeah um so the dropping or the yeah going from 8,000 to 3,000 for years is because that that number is going to be low number isow and we won't have any inperson early voting we'll have vote by mail but not oh in person that's what person so that's why that's dropped down so far right and as long as it's do the oh everything drops because of it yeah okay does the select board need to vote on no mail or early voting or they don't have to vote they have to opt in for inperson early voting and opt out a vote by mail okay so and the vote by mail is for the town election yeah yeah and I won't ask them to op out I did last year um for the annual because it was going to get confusing and even for the special because you had the the primary ballots going out and then you would have before those came back you'd be sending out other ballots and people would get them all mixed up and we don't want to open up a ballot that's for another election because once we open it it's for that election and yeah okay was yeah I I remembered we we had opted out yeah so but for a regular year I wouldn't out okay okay so looks like TRS is for the expense worksheet um I dropped down a good part of it except for the maintenance repair because we have the pole pads which will not be coming out of arpa funds this year oh it did last year so we have I had to add that back in and that's about $1,200 oh yeah what did pH mainten the software licenses is it updates to any software yeah in general I I mean right now it's a pretty reliable device right right we were able to purchased the cloud portion of it which made a huge difference okay Ted it up y so that made yeah we had it for the presidential okay yeah that's nice when it works when a f comes together you don't have you don't have to walk between them and try y what's what kind of things are in the other line um that's going me last year was 2000 now you're dropping it down to 1000 okay which one last last last one of the number on the worksheet so other is food for the election markers um other would be the um any office supplies it's four elections would come out of there okay um is that different than the office supplies up above okay yeah um but okay and because that's zero um in 25 and zero in 26 where's that a Top Line Top Line first they don't I don't really if you look on the um bva there's no office supplies it's yeah so that that's what comes out of there oh so it's really office supplies and food and okay and you cut in half because you only have one vo stick do we have to provide those no we don't okay some people it's an incentive yeah people getet bonent of P I know but it's nice to nice to give them something you know what I mean like put them right on yeah nice but they would like hey I still have one on my phone in my mirror I'm one of those I like stickers oh now I know what to get to and so the labor worksheet is all zero because there's not really full-time people is that right is that why yes exactly okay exactly because if I did that I'd have to have 10 page 10 spreadsheet guaranteed what they're going to make similar similar to what fire department does for on Call you can't list every yeah they and some people work full days sometimes it's a half of days okay the counter it's all different right rates yeah okay um Sam sorry I um I know I had sent theel sprs to you I I don't know if you had a chance to look at them any any questions um from what you heard you talking Sam that was Sam yeah guess not watch okay should we move on to 163 let's move on to 163 okay okay 163 is the regist regist and that was leveled because we were told no stien yeah so that and that's again voting well it's the registr they handle the registrations for new voters and if we have a um recount or anything they have to be there to to oversee it and if there's any challenges they yeah and they sign the petitions and the nomination Pap to certify so we have the three those three and then I get paid there's a little little bit for you to on to another page yeah it's about half they no it's monthly monly yeah any other questions 163 the regist 164 street town clerk street L and it's only the worksheet because there's only one number on it it went up $100 because of printing costs and paper cost and post so this is includes the census as well as the um actual Street listing so it includes the census yeah because the street listing is pulled from the Census yeah and the second page okay so this is so you're saying 164 is a one page item yeah and the second page second page with the reg 24492 goes with the reg what was it 163 is register yes yes yes okay so this basically is just a one one pager one page one line it includes the postage and the sent so this one this year was okay this year it was 5200 and then next year you're saying it's going to go to 53 yeah because of increase in paper Printing and postage PP yeah right now it's at 44% we didn't work with the regist but they're exactly 50% because we're half a year through yeah right if you're looking for numbers that work that works exactly on the reg okay um okay now because page six is year there was a prior year bill that was paid that's why you see it it's not going to be on this years which one um it's just a little further down it's still it's it's in 16 they gave the number T clerk 160 prior year a bill that carries over from okay that was paid off that was paid off yeah yeah and it's done okay and you're saying so that does not that does not come into the budget does come into the budget for this year we probably voted it in prior income oh because we encumbered the money money because we hadn't received the bill right something that I get what it was yeah the bill can't come it might have been for police officer an accounts payable thing so when you have an accounts payable and you carry it over to the next year you have to pay it um and they can if it's if it's really that would be an FY 24 bill you can carry the money over from the FY 24 pay it an f125 but You' better know that there's an incumbrance oh I and you have to have an actual purchase before the end of the year you can't right you yeah yeah you can't have you can't save fy2 24 money and pay an fy2 though right yeah yeah I remember that from yeah federal government works the same way I get it yeah okay so any additional questions on the street then being we're GNA jump 29 burial agent burial agent I don't know burial but I don't know howal like Cemetery I don't know well somebody's going to be in charge of burying you I guess is that what it is I get out there with my shovel and I start digging every no no it's actually B of Health Board of Health assigned it to the town clerk because we have access to the online portal you do so it's for you can't move a body without a permit so I just track the permits basically wow so you're saying if I drop dead tonight my wife's got to get a permit to take house really the fire department just doesn't come and come they're taking you too we don't know that I don't I so we were with so the 151 an accumulation of all the permits or is that what you get that's what I get $150 to do that to track that that's quite a few that's not a lot of money no it's been like it's been just I think it went up from like 7 to 151 two years ago doing raises that's for the year right so is this is this like a stien that's paid to you as opposed to this is not a cost that that you would no it's a stien paid to me okay so I get like $12 let me $12 a month yeah $12 a month something like that well I thought I thought you would have say $12 per permit I thought no so this is a stien for you to basically track that the permits have been filed we have we have to give them a number and then after we do the burial permit then it get slides over to an actual death certificate so it's all in the process and those are only for people who die in town and I deal with the burial perits they di town or buried in town died in town if they died in the hospital in lemonster he wouldn't de again correct lemonster would deal with the burial permit and they send it send the death certificate to me and I have to register the death certificate and you don't get a second and I don't get a second that's that's all part of the job that's job but burial agent is extra who knew as I said in the beginning you can introduce some things that you never knew ex now we have parking cler parking I About Outside by so no it's for parking tickets so I have to log all the parking tickets in to a database where do we is where do we have where do we get a parking yeah I was so we have a snow band that runs from November 1 to April 1 I believe where is that Main Street all over town the road because don't you see the sign the flashing sign of the Harbor Lights that sometimes says parking ban or something every once in a while they'll say no overnight parking have they ever given oh yeah oh yeah yeah and if you hand if you park the handicap parking and you don't have a FL then you get so so the police hand out the ticket Y and it gets paid to you yeah oh okay she The Collector of parking tiets yeah for $70 a year C right up there I mean if you want me to give it up right right yeah be no increases and that's the thing it's kind of like you you've got the capacity or not the capacity but the function already working for collecting funds right exactly that's why versus going to the police department and setting up a whole way to I mean it makes sense but she s you but it's a thank you for it's a light dinner out a light it is a very light Don once a up see is mine right right or maybe if you open your t- shop we can go there on that I'm working on that um I give you compliment any any additional questions yeah so so each section has its own total there's not like one total for all these together corre right we don't ever we don't have a place here we total everything everything for the Department no everything no because they they have the different segments and they find up in there separately so so that's again pieces of it we we need to make sure that you know what's what's in the budget it's it's there and make sure that we we we take a vote on this we we normally take a vote but because we have not um submitted um interest forms I I'm suggesting we hold off are we going to have a budget Summit this year we will have a budget Summit um but if we can handle everything up front then you know and we have no questions the budget that may keep it to a shorter period yeah okay um so so I I would suggest we give her back call paper clips so the save on office supplies we can do that I mean I will tell you they made me a supply person one year in my office and it was the end of the year so we had to spend the money you know all the money so the way the federal government you go to a certain site to buy supplies and you have to they want a paper clips but the way it works is when you go to the supply agency you have a minimum that you have to spend and in it's all computerizing unless you spend it it doesn't like let you go to the next thing so and I was new and nobody ever really told me how to do this so I ended up spending $25 on little bags of paper clips that cost like 25 cents so we $25 you spent well I had to because it said I I couldn't go I had to get so well people wanted paper clips but I only wanted like you know a a box of 100 instead I got like 10,000 paper you got one [Music] more IED and I ended up way more than we needed forever and I think we still have some yeah so anyways they were never going to run out of paper clips ever they probably still have them right all right so I'm just going to add this to to my reference book um are we gonna get new ones I think I'll I'll you can hang on to them okay if if they don't get put into the new book then U we can add them but now Kathy are you gonna update you want me yeah I can update um actually it's only it's only 160 right um yeah there's couple of sheets on 160 yeah oh no there was one oh no the expense was yeah the expense was yeah so I can update that and S out yeah yeah it would be yeah it was only 160 162 I think everything else everything else we didn't have any changes okay yep I can do that that's great that's before I brought my oh say the state M red pencils on certain things oh you got to start figuring out how to tell the state to go to hell know we got to get the state to give us some money I know they're not gonna do that that's why I'm saying well I liked your idea of getting the Caravan and 120 towns that have been I think that's losers iers there a meeting when is that meeting J it's the 21st or the 23rd of January and it's a collaborative meeting with Margaret scaran and other people but if it's gonna be a talk about it talk about it she only talks we got we have to take action right that's how we take action we're not doing it so so is she having a talk yeah she is yeah but I can't remember what D is the 19th I can go on Page look do you know where she's going to have it gr West gr senior CER I believe okay same place last time right WR it down I had but um no I didn't you didn't no oh no I know well this I might this is good so this is a good learning thing so for the next know how to look at this and look at this yeah does everybody have yeah they all have the same format right right yeah yeah yeah they may be little differ but um I want to thank you for coming in all right thanks being thank you for making it easy I'm the guinea pig yeah and having it having it ready and yeah sorry for the confusion no no yeah I'll January Janu suay um the I think so capital capital oh yeah yeah okay what time is that meeting that would be great yeah okay thank you just making a note okay um I'll find out moving on to the agenda um and Sam again we have a hard copy in the room but it's it's part um it was in email this um Mary Jane had put together a draft um newsletter that we could either mail out on the brast or Po in or actually mail out and post on the finance part of the website so that is yeah yes the next document in the package um oh yeah my draft the draft of of the transparency newsletter y yeah um so I I would like to put what happened tonight but maybe I'll wait until we have another department okay and I and I'm going to print them out um and I'm going to put them at Hannahs mcnabs and um Evans so how you that's what I was my question was when I was reading that so you're just gonna do like just print it yeah because I just I just want it to be like one page like that how you GNA print out these places one well no no I thought I would print out like probably 50 to 100 per I mean 8,000 people to vote or 6,000 vote registered yeah registered um I know that we could put it on social media which probably we should but I also think that it's that we have something in our hand maybe we should start small get feedback see if there's anything else you start with like 50 at each Place yeah okay yeah if they take or you go back next week they're still all there you know I understand okay yeah yeah and and if they have feedback maybe that's what we should do is have Fe okay yeah and maybe I'll put one at the post office too because they're pretty good about letting us Post right I just think the sooner we do this the would you put it up on social media I would but I I don't do that I'm not a social media I'm not either but you know what you're at the I could if you I'll send it to my I'll ask my daughter okay because a lot of times what I don't even know what she does but she'll she's on some social media from the town because she'll email me like what about this wait a minute I heard about this you're on this board so go find out what this yeah there's a couple of different town pages on Facebook that that people post stuff to and it usually degenerates into people yelling at each other that's why I just can't deal with that I mean it's so counterproductive oh I I I read through it but I never comment on I don't even go on there she's she is and that's the piece it's kind of like if we don't want feedback it's kind of like if it's posted up right yeah I don't know that you want this is not to start any dialogue this is to give them inform yeah and that's and that's okay the only thing the only thing that would makes that that might make and I'm not saying we should do this either the only thing that might made sense on social media is to say we've placed these we've placed copies of this here here here don't even say anything about Library definitely I'll definitely go to library the senior citizen that's a good idea that's the only the only thing that the only thing that might make sense to post on social media is where you can find it that's a great idea that is a good idea and I just FYI am not including the cartoon I like I like the carto you relate to the well I relate to I do relate to the yeah cute though it's cute right you don't need to include it but for me because I work for the department at offense for so long so now Don how do you want me to work this should I work with Carol through the minutes or should I bring it in and say should I um do we vote on each time or can it just be we're going to be meeting on a regular basis at least okay once once a week coming up so maybe maybe it makes sense to look at it and take it from them because it's not going to be our opinion it's just going to be what happened right yeah Sim similar to the minutes but similar to minut okay but this is better all right we'll see how the first one work that I'll work it up and have it ready at the next meeting and you say yes no and and the other then I will also get it posted on the finance website kind like so if I'll double check my log in and see if I can log in because in order to get a change you have to log into one account that's been assigned I think you knew that it's kind of like you talk about for the HTC that I'm getting the I've deal with them yeah I just thought it was a I just thought it was help it's good it gets out a different form if people are about other places so I'll take the cartoon off this one okay and I will um take the word draft off and and get it out there how would we get feedback though how would we get feedback um um we if you want we can tell them to write it and mail we have a mailbox downstairs and that just means we we get it there or we Pi can can we do a QR code and put it to the fincom and do you not want it on that probably um let let me see let me see if we can get a generic fincom I don't think we have a fincom email oh right it's Gotta Go toil address we're feing back we don't have those we we don't have a generic email address and we don't have a town employee working with us so we we could set up a different email address um okay than our personal email addresses because I don't think we want to come oh no we don't want person no I I like the mailbox idea downstairs we I mean is it you have a mailx is it something that they have to actually put it in the US mail to us or can they come over can they drive over here and just drop it off um in the Box the box is in a BL room I bet they could give it to the the town clerk's office and she would put it in yeah yeah so that that could be I would I would suggest for the to begin with let's start with that okay because I mean that way you're not people have to if stamps are going up you don't want to say know you don't St you can say send bring bring feedback to the town clerk's office and tell them this is for the fincom whatever and and obviously we have to let them know that that they might be getting some of that so they don't say I have no idea what you're talking about from well I guess once it goes out there and it hits um the town people who are on Facebook will probably comment on it it might generate it own might yeah some busy body will take a picture of it and post it on there yeah sort of banking on that a little bit which is fine yeah well we're on the newsletter um one of the things that we had the discussion about was the Closter terms that's in the MMA yes I thought that that was so it it didn't come through in the two columns um so the first I did a first file with just the term names on them because it's easier to go through to say oh because we were talking about the common ones and the uncommon ones so this is our way to to go through and Mark common uncomon oh on it on the list on the list it's kind of like because there there's some that I haven't even used in my four years you printed the I did I just I just did a sample I did a sample one page one page of each that's okay it's kind I'm gonna ask for feedback I mean I try to electronically bring it in but the format didn't work and or then I was just okay like so I mean nothing else it's a quick form you and you can mark it up oh it is but I thought this would and if nothing else we can use this go through them highlight the ones we want to use start and add them to the bottom of the newsletter that's what I was thinking to put one or two yeah yeah these are our terms you know financial terms of the the newslet I think that would be great anything that we can give them information to acquaint them make them feel comfortable with what they're doing again I haven't heard from the web Masters so I'll have to follow up with them and see why it's not posted you only get to see right today um only only in this but if you look at the file it was mail it goes all the way yield is the last yeah yes and why I remember that because it was the last one it it was on a separate page by itself and so I deleted a couple of blank and I know you didn't do a definition for every one of those oh there are everything that's here is is is in the book oh no there isn't because I did I did a you I'll have to do awor there was there was one or two one or two not much maybe he didn't like those words so he left them off oh here it is I goes on and on yeah I I took the word document put it into Excel and then copied out all the individual words see if this I just found it I said oh some of this stuff I knew but a lot of it I didn't know right yeah it's good so so was helpful to me so but who knew about the cemetery how about the cemetery ual gra right yeah and we may hear when we get to cemetery and Parks oh um that the cemetery Perpetual care is is there I wonder if my daughter will do that I have a plot at Hillside Cemetery okay Sam I I haven't heard anything from you you're on mute but if you had any questions or input into newsletter or the other joh there was one thing that did get leave left off and deletion was the um the show Val checked ah I was going to put that on the correspondence okay oh all right so oh what was that that left off um it I was going to bring it up under the correspondence okay over n Valley um sent us a Christmas card in the mail box I can share oh that was nice how fun Dr pigeon Dr pigeon yeah and um there is a breakfast I sent an email link out everybody um they invite um they do a town an all towns presentation to finance committees all boards in and board of Selectmen um to get a free breakfast set in sh Valley cooked by the students wonderful it's very interesting very informative oh I guess I'll have to go read from you car it's really good it's early though right 8 o' Friday it's a Friday morning Friday morning are you gonna be able to go oh no I gota work yeah I still have to work better I know I work too but can't you like go it's I think it was 9:30 breakfast so you oh was it 9:30 it is because they have to get student know because my daughter one of my daughters graduated from Mob Tech and actually I lived like a mile behind behind I and and they do a good job well I'm gonna go I'm oh what day is it FR FR Friday 31st 31 we do we have to let them know we have to yeah there's an RSVP Link in the email anded that up I'll um all right um yeah I'm gonna change my platet appointment yeah I can't go on that okay they do Ser you can have they do lunch who here can't find that link oh here it is right here yeah got it can you me be me to while you're there you gonna Dave you can't go I cannot but yeah Sam's on the phone my wife won't let me retire yet you say that every week every time we have say that it's kind like you have to come in with one of the big blings they wear at hockey and basketball now when it says I'm retired when you get there 9:30 a.m. 9:30 get a little early and let's see which direction so it's on the sou side of the building but sounds like you've been there so you know over near the where the dining hall is in that go in there where the dining hall is there I'll find it you know somewhere in the back side but always have a good Christmas um Fair Don yes Town's not on here no it should be I'm sry okay I'll take a look I didn't I didn't look at it I I didn't click on it I just it's got Westford El McDonald I don't know where that is pepper Littleton air Littleton pepp oh these might be respondents okay sorry I'll do it Sim similar to what you used you can see who responded in okay all right all right I'll take care of that you do that and now are we in um anybody can say anything um what no I I skipped over oh skip over oh what about the question status of the B bus budget for I love that there um the Omnibus budget is the compilation of every Department budget we haven't seen it yet okay it's kind of like so that's going to be part of the big book we get when we get the big budget book it's big budget it it's very similar to the BBA but it fy6 is exist so I had it in there I wasn't sure if we were G to have anything to okay so could I just ask a question I'm a little confused about um the ultimate remission of this committee um because I I was reading your book um not my book well not your book the reference book right and in this um introduction it says that the finance committee is supposed to present the budget that that's the job of it depends town to town I it it's all dependent on the BS of the town so I looked up the bylaws and I didn't see that that um it says the selection present the does in a specific why AR why aren't the Departments presenting their own budgets they're the ones that have to defend it and they're the ones that should present it and that this has only happened in the last when I first came to town they were doing the they would do line by line in the whole budget and in the town meeting it way back it's kind of like I remember those One S and then they started going through and then they had the proposal that was in they um I don't think the selection should be the ones presenting I think the department head should um they should defend their budget they have to um I I think they should be there for questions um because not all department heads are Town residents I mean they can be there but normally it's only Town people believe that are present that present the and I mean we can and that's why they all the department heads do show up and and they wear the visitor well think if you read further down into that statement it says basically who needs to be there is John Barrett and Kathy doesn't even say anything about the father um does it no I don't have that page I have just a handbook here yeah and so so so we have in our bylaws that the select one will present so we don't have to worry about presenting we we don't need to but um our presentation and what we do is review it and make a recommendation on I understand that but where I'm going with this is that um to too pronged on this one so I really believe that the town's people should know who the department heads are for that reason of vetting the whole budget thing but also if we watched the board of selectman meeting the other night laa shiff from must have said at least five times if not more that she wanted volunteers but I don't think that you're going to get volunteers if we don't have some kind of relationship between who's running the show and who's looking at it and I just thought well maybe if the if the heads were there at least there present more present I guess yeah more present to the town at at Gatherings like that correct okay just just food yeah no I think it's a it's a good thought I mean you know it's kind of like what you usually see is is Town boards there and and some of the people I know the treasurer shows up um to she comes all the time she comes all the I but I just don't think there's a dialogue um right yeah and and again everybody s send in their check or payment it goes through but you know do they really know her it's kind of like we we don't have that introduction and going back to your newsletter department head of the month oh I could yeah okay yeah okay I like that IDE yeah okay I mean that yeah yeah that's that's different because we can only talk about it here right right I like that jez maybe we can get pictures and everything watch okay it's a thought we can you know do more because we have to talk to the department head sharing it because well I'll start with I'll start with the vocabulary and the and and the point of it right okay and and again just jumping back to the vocabulary we mention it on the subject um there was some things that maybe we want to put in because you mentioned like we talk about STM and ATM all the time but those definitions aren't in that the acronyms which drive everyone knows what anyone's saying nobody will ask either and nobody will ask it's better yet or there'll be conversations amongst people in the in the audience trying to figure things things out yeah oh no yeah we should definitely stick the acronyms in there yeah so acronyms plus I don't even know what they all are ter definitions no it's kind of like that as we run across them we can and some acronyms mean different things working for the Department of Defense we only talk in acents but different departments I moved to a different department in the would be would be different different same letter same letters but different different are we ready to go to the warrant articles um STM what's STM context kind it it is it's kind so we can go over the warrant articles see the warrant should have been posted this afternoon and and when is it closed because I think I forgot to it's closed it uh so add I'll ask what he thinks posted now too so well we might have even come under the select because our budget was so small we might have fallen under there I'll find yeah if we don't we don't right but we didn't spend it last year so that means we lose it correct because it's prob the operating budget but we have like six months to we have four months to spend it if if it's in the FY 25 budget and I think it is it is it's definitely in the FY 25 budget yeah you you have definitely four months to do it or get an invoice in work fast okay yeah all right yeah I'm on it okay yeah I think it was new for okay and yeah and I think it's under the Border SEL I think it did come under the Border just because anything nobody would say no or they wouldn't notice it either one okay so this this is the part of making recommendations it's the last two pages three pages and I messed up C so we're gonna be bouncing from okay do we have an extra copy of that this one yeah this is in the packet wasn't complete I see it y y last last after okay yeah I got it okay we all have okay Sam did you get a chance to look at the warrant articles no I'm afraid I can't seem to find them on mine I got a whole bunch of other things I don't know the headlines um the headline should be it should it I forward it from oh maybe I didn't forward it from it's on the main page of the towns and website it it posted it wasn't there earlier today okay thank you monthly report um yeah let me let me try to send you an email okay the newsletter was nice terms extract I didn't get a chance to read it I brought it up and had to run away yeah no that's that's okay let's see um that's it Don the other one's not it we didn't get did I get oh wait here no no I probably didn't yeah no okay it's on the website if you want okay so I'm sending it to you now um Nelson Nelson sent it later later this afternoon and I didn't see that I forwarded it so I'll forward it out to everybody but um very um it's what we have in front of us so the the first article um is to see if the vote the town will vote to transfer from free cash the sum of $22.17 to pay two outstanding bills from fy4 now is bound Tre must um ambulance medical supplies is that a company or is that no the description underneath says the Articles required to pay bills for the prior year and it's an obligation of the Town boundry is for ambulance medical supplies so I I would have thought is a medical supply ambulance that's that's in in the description submitted by the select board that's a strange name for her this article is required to pay any bills from a prior fiscal year and is an obligation town to bound Tre for ambulance medical supplies yeah so it was obviously a late invoice not submitted in in time to get it in and paid and or even on the accounts receivable it's kind of like because if we have it on the accounts receivable by the end of June we we take the f24 money and allocate it bring it and pay it is is ear so now what happens if the town votes no on this if the town votes no we don't pay the bill and and the ambulance might not be able to get yeah I mean I mean just just you don't pay your table Yeah okay I'll just ask I mean it's a bill you got to pay I mean it's $200 like no I get it I'm just asked him the question just in case yeah well I didn't know what bound tree was I thought maybe something to do think that's what I was think Cemetery weird yeah because we yeah I can't even think of the position don't we have a tree we have a w it's kind of like and he may not do the work and he hired it out that's we're all wrong yeah y so we're all oh let's go to the next one holy moly so we need to V okay we do need a motion and a I'll make a motion that we pay $22.17 to boundary for ambulance medical supplies okay so second okay we have a motion in a second and so a vote in the affirmative will be to recommend article one be passed at town meeting uh a roll call vote darl B is yes aan Walker yes Carol H yesan CH yes samam Grant yes and Don Hayes yes unanimous we will pay our bills there's this one okay article two we see if the town will vote to raise appropriate total of $397,000 of which 32,000 will come from free cash 100,000 will come from an awarded BC Grant 250,000 will come from awarded from the Massachusetts office of disabilities Grant and $15,000 will be provided by a donation from the kids country playground committee to replace the Cent deteriorating playground with an ADA compliance um an inclusive playground at the kids County Country playground located at 27 bike road behind memoral School expand what no to to expand the safety you gotta go to page two of two so it's not on the back of the sheet it's on the next that's the safety and number of children who be able to enjoy the playground and watch sard to apply for an accept on behalf of the Town any okay let's talk about that so discussion yeah this a discussion that's a lot of money do we know what they're doing with it per do they have a plan yeah um yeah a plan but we don't get to see that um like I'm wearing a hat right now as a vote taxpayer yeah um as we should yeah so where do we see that so we have a clue this you want to see you want to see if there's a plan other than getting together money to to do right and I'm not saying that I'm opposed to this at all I just think we need a little bit more information on it somehow somewhere so is there a place that they post that um we can ask them who is that person in charge um is a car for daughter I think it is and I'll tell you she does a great job of fundraising she did she works hard that girl but um no it's a big number and I just think that in light of the fact that we're not like we're flush as a town that we really should what all oh it's all Grant EX for the 32,000 no oh yeah for the 32,000 I thought I 100,000 coming from okay two there's two different Grants Park I say okay and the disabilities Grant and then donations and so she has to follow the rules according to what those grants are right yeah correct yeah of course so yeah so the the RAS in the tax pay is the fund 32,000 and I guess the question becomes what if the taxpayers don't want to fund the third does does the town have to kick in the 32,000 to get the other 350,000 good question oh good question they need to repace equipment usually so it's unsafe unsafe equip they've been working hard yeah they've been doing this for a long time yeah and and sometimes you're right sometimes those grants are based on you have to come up with the certain am so is the kids country playground committee a town committee it is no I don't believe I think it's a nonprofit committee oh it's a nonprofit on its own on its own okay so essentially it's self-funding right for the most yeah between the grants and the fundraising they did for the 15,000 did when I lived in Westford they did a similar thing handicap accessible playground and they raise a lot of money it's the same idea in the playground's really nice yeah yeah so I I make a motion to accept this article as read by dar second okay so we have a motion in a second to recommend article two and we use 32,000 cash um any further discussion of questions yeah so so this 32,000 is money that is not allocated yet in the budget so it's an extra 32,000 that would be have to be added to the budget last year from for fiscal 25 okay right it's if the free cash would carrying is from fiscal year 24 24 so there's we had I think it was 379,000 in fy2 24 free cash we used some of that for the budget for FY 24 and there was about 139 I think over so that's free cash from prior years I'm sorry except like 23 our FY 24 has not been certified yet oh yeah that was supposed to get certified in December wasn't it that's the nor that that has been our normal time frame and so we have to wait on the state to certify it and the state has not certified it yet so how do we vote on well this this free cach is the FY 23 cach not the FY 24 cach oh does it say if when we're when we're talking using free cash we can't use free cash until it's certified so we can't use FY 24 free cash because we didn't okay because we didn't certify it 24 32,000 is available in free cash it is now it's get certified prior year certification we have about 100,000 yeah oh my okay I'm glad you keep this all straight in your head so we're getting free cash from 2023 we already have it it's already available you have like a little like sheet to show us how much it's in there we should I'll go back and and ask for the full yeah just we have a clue as we say yeah here here yeah well yeah because we don't want to like over over and that's that's where Nelson would come in sure he double checked um with Katie but um it is perfectly acceptable for us to do that so we'll go back it's kind of like I mean it doesn't change the motion that was made and whether or not we accept it it's more of an information is more information so this is still up to the town whether they want it or we can what they want right right because if that money didn't come out of 20 excuse me 23 would it be rolled over is it rolled over into 24 it's it's available with free cash in 24 it if we didn't use it all in the budget and alloc it rolls over it will roll over as as free continued free cash we balance the budget based on the revenues for the year right we're 23 balance right 23 was balance 24 we're going through right now and again 24 is going to be little extra from the properties that were sold oh be the regular amount of free cash plus plus those properties that were sold so we're expecting that um and we had I had submitted two articles to be included in this and because we haven't certified free cash they were dropped so we're going to have to get them in the spring when after free cash certified because we had to pay back stabilization and I wanted to try to move money into Capital stabilization so we because when the capital plan meets you have to have an idea where the money's coming from and available for Capital so so we need to vote on this yeah we we need to vote on this sorry there was a little discussion we have an action I just don't want to figure yeah okay so um we're voting on on recommending article two for both in the affirmative is going to support recommending article two pass Carol H yes Jane yes Jas yes David Walker yes Jam Grant yes yes unanimous we are okay okay now I'm going be um if we look on the warrant article 3 Article 4 article five six S I don't have they kind of Miss oh they're misplaced yeah you kind of have to look oh I see okay it was on my prin I must have fli it backwards when I it to the second side oh these are the properties that are going to go up for sale these are the properties going up for sale so that's why I'm thinking we can in article 9 and 10 and 11 so um so we're we're talking from oh my goodness article three article three yeah to article 11 are pretty much all the same we they're describing different properties that the properties committee has recommended to the board El that we sell to get them back on the tax okay and to get some revenue and again this is this doesn't show this won't really can't see it on there no that's a little too if if you have questions um I'm just curious where all these are these like all pretty much like repossessed homes um possibly deteriorating aren't they tax sale properties they they are tax they're not tax sale they're extra properties the um the properties committee identified a bunch of properties some of them are landlock and some of them they're just yeah they're sitting on the on the books and the town really can't do anything with them so if they can get like a Butters and people to possibly even to give them away I don't think they want to go that far but right they're not useful so if they can get them back onto the tax rules we'll get more money from them right now they're sitting not being used and not even able to be used by there was lots of things they with the property on Apple Drive they with three lots and we recommend them combining them into one lot so you would have an access to it and so you know there's three separate properties but it's going to become one property uh for the sale so you have access off Apple Drive in into the property and you could build on it so um there was some forethought put into trying to design to is what's the property that's down which what property is that down by what um 1821 1821 well that one has been already approved for sale long ago oh was um did it go for sale go sale oh hang on hang on you are you talking about the right or not not the one okay so that's um that there not one real for it but Apple Drive is open area um and it's running near the power lines and so the L the lot are there they didn't build on it there's another one on Willow that they were going to check but it's a water water watch so they couldn't build on it so they were half half acre watch bu there too but they they didn't build on this but there's there's a stream running for there so you can't build on it it's not a build of a lot right but maybe neighbors will want to take the extra property um if if to go over there it's a it's a wooden blot so some so a lot a lot of these Lots may not be appropriate to build a house on some of them may not be but some of them could be it's kind of like so so how does this work does this do they have an upset sale that kind of an auction um we whist it with an auction and they promote it and and bring it in bring in and and like we did with the last three properties they would advertise it for an auction for about 6 weeks I think it was and then they actually held the auction here in this room oh they being the company oh so the sheriff doesn't the conable or a local person doesn't do it no no not us and so we have to pay them to do that auction right right but but again um some come out of the funds that you receive it comes out of the funds you receive sure it's it's not I think there's a buyer premium that's placed on it so when you buy it you actually pay the auctioner okay I think that's how it works oh they don't get a commission like real estate commission um no they will get the buyers the the buyer commission so it's kind of like when you when you whatever the price is that it sells for we get the price and so these are in separate articles simply because each property is its own article correct each each each because if you want them and somebody didn't want to sell one of the properties You' shoot down the article so we have listed them in separate articles in the event in the event that somebody says I don't want enough people say I don't want this one to sell but I'm okay with the other ones right so it doesn't shoot the whole yeah okay but can we vote we can vote on a package we can say we would and and again this is not usually this we're recommending um usually articles that aren't financially relevant to the budget and things we don't necessarily but I I think again we've done it in the past we're recommending selling this because it's going to help increase tax because put it back on the on the books book sell it you know sell it get money into a more money that can be course like some of these properties have a stream going through them when you can't build on it they're not going to be worth much and they won't be worth much but a neighbor might want to expend extend their right two Neighbors each but but I'm saying even even if they do that it's not going to change the property value a whole lot if they can't do anything with it no but no but if they if they attach it to their property create an acre to two acres that increase somewhat it would increase their property tax but it also gives them a buffer or more privacy they can put one of those little houses on yeah tiny house a tiny house um so I'm I'm I'm perfectly willing to um entertain a motion to vote them all as a block but individually saying that we have approving each each article individually if that makes sense okay I'll make the motion that we approve the sale of the properties in article 3 to 11 as one vote for each property to be sold individually okay second okay we have a motion and a second any further discussion none being heard um a a vote in the affirmative is going to vote that we recommend articles 3 through 11 individually um as recommended by finance committee call vote B is yes David Walker yes Carol H yes Jan Church yes D Grant yes and Don Hayes yes we have unanimous and approved Pro article 11 Now find article 12 that's right over on the other side of ar ar okay yeah that's okay yeah it's kind of that's I did that kind I'm sorry this is to see if the town will vote to transfer from F cash in the treasury the sum of $1 15,940 25 for the purpose of funding Association associated with the replacing of two cop located in the board of selectman office in town hall mail room that seems awful lot for cop it it it's uh for tray plus side feeds it's it's not just a simple copy yeah no I know it's it's it's a business copier yeah is what you're yeah with finishing with with finishing U features and and all that it doesn't say popular it doesn't say black and white I'm assuming we're doing black and white because that's what's there it says two copers so there's two copers that they need to there's two cop okay so 13,000 is for two so each one is okay the cost of each is a little more reasonable that way working yeah I don't think the heat is working I think it's like we got to getting cost down somehow we're only here for a few minutes yeah it it tryes to just just keep 13,000 and so we assume that all the pricing and all that has been done diligently right right yeah so and we have the free cash available for this plus the other one that we 2023 again so we're actually we're up to um 32 plus 45 46 46 how much is in there do we know um it was about, 137 okay to 46000 now you're down to 9,000 yeah do we know how old the copies are that you know that I don't know how old they are but I know that they're used are tremendous amount of time they're high high use high use yeah so then they wear down quickly yeah and and the T are getting hard locate on yeah that's a that's a problem yeah yeah and and again I think part of this is they have to schedule bring down their consumables their the toners so that you're not having a whole bunch of toners that you have left over and like so this approving them is one thing but not I don't want to throw away $1,000 worth of toners oh yeah yeah no yeah okay we still have $1,000 of toners for these old machines yeah but the machines are broken they're not working they're working but they break down a lot and yeah if they if they bought a whole pile of toner yeah I hope they didn't it's kind of like because you don't want a lot hanging around but because then you can't get rid you mean if it's the machines are that old you can't give it to and sell it or get rid of it and then you're stuck with a bunch of toner that is so I'll I can check on that but it's kind of like but that that's just a a piece it's kind of like if there was a little description we we intend to use up the full life on them um and not be before replacing it but this this is taking it and um allowing them to allowing them to replace it by June basically it's not saying they're going to replace it tomorrow right yeah but but allows them to replace it by June at the right time there 66500 each well I'm I'm looking at it now and it's 13940 so it's closer to 7,000 a piece but yeah yeah is there and that may I guess so it seems like a a question that should be asked is there any way that we can get by with just one rather than two you really can't You' you've got all the offices up here um and sometimes you're printing um secret not secret but um sensitive sensitive materials that you you don't want hanging out there this one's out in the middle of nowhere it's kind of like so you really have to run and pick it up okay Tom how many how many um how old is the one how old is the old on um I I don't have the exact age I Mr chairman yes if I may I can tell you that the this was discussed a great deal uh during the arpa discussions that the board of selectman had and um we took it out of arpa it was supposed to come from arpa they're old they're 10 plus years old so um yeah so we took them off the arpa list basically because of the school um a lot of things got taken off but they are needed so um highly recommended to leave those two in it's just I mean it's just going to last so long you know so y that's that's like minor compared to everything else that we're doing so thank you you thanks appreciate just while you he are you now the um leison for selecton I have no idea somehow I feel like I'm on almost everything and I think Veronica feels the same way there's only two of us right I understand but you know it's kind of like the the third select had been um and now with that gone we don't have to select foood I identified so I I thought that was being taken care of in one of the last selectman meetings um I we actually we've addressed it at the last two and it's kind of peacee because we're taking from each one which um we each one of the we're gonna reclassify the list so that we are you are are with um ones that we're most familiar with and not that Veronica isn't um but she here so I'm listening okay okay thank you okay I I'll make the motion to um recommend the purchase of 13 of two copy is transfer the money from free cash some of $1 13,940 125 okay I heard a second before the motion was complete but um any further discussion for article 12 no okay none being heard nothing up a roll call vote to affirmative is to recommend article 12 is yes David Walker yes Carol Hof say yes Mary Jan Churchville yes Dam Grant yes and Don Hayes yes we have a unanimous vote recommend next Article 13 to see if the town will vote to transfer from free cash in the treasury a sum of $1,250 for the purpose of funding costs associated with the replacement of a printer scanner copy in the accounting office um and paper shreding Services okay so I I have a question on this yeah do I get to ask a question now or do have um I have usually gone with we can have questions before a motion and and final questions after so I I understand that this is probably really ruined this printer because the county people but what is this paper shredding services does that mean that we Outsource this to somebody okay so it it's two two two items for them they need they need a printer because their printer breaks down in the middle of printing checks and their whole run gets messed up I believe that so again an older printer um and then at the same time they're cleaning out the office and they're getting rid of and want to shred some old documents rather than put them in the track as simple recycled they want to shred them so there's two things in this article for office supplies services to the account office they may have some sensitive material that needs to be shredded I'm sure they do and then they just have one of those trucks come come and Shred but rosone has a free service every spring just say Earth yes a lot of stuff it and you gotta get it over from here to there you you got to save it up for a year it's you don't have Rob so okay it I mean it's I mean that it service but right but you know we just did the police we we approved our a capital item for them last year to shred $35,000 worth this so this is not nearly as big as what the police were shredding but that might be something that we look at in FY 26 are there was there something was that Larry I don't know no okay so it yeah it's kind of like maybe for next year there needs to be maybe consolidation of the same day whatever but in this case I know they're trying to clean out their office and and get it down to just the Curr current records and things that they have to maintain yeah have to look at do they require a special printer to print checks um again I think it is it it has to be set up on on their on their PC so that they can they can get to it and they more paper feeding the paper with the check they're not printing the whole thing there's there's check media that they have to feed in okay so the the the checks themselves are are what's adding to this I mean I'm just saying 1250 is a lot for for a desktop printer right yeah oh it probably is it's probably more sophisticated than that yeah yeah yeah it's that's what I'm asking does it need to be yeah well I don't know and we don't know what shredding services are either it's sort of like a combo here Tres in the Rope I think the the printer was 800 and so the the shredding services would be 450 so it's it's a multi multitray color printer in this case I would assume if it's printing checks it's probably get some special features to that's out of the ordinary yeah that's um okay I'll make the motion to recommend transferring the free cash in the treasury the sum of 1,250 for the purpose of funding the replacement of a printer copier scanner and paper shredding services second okay um you know what do it says a paper shredding service does that mean they come here and everybody takes their stuff out and how often do they come well I think this is a one time they're they're pil piling it all up and and getting the truck to come out once to said only once for are they the only ones that shred no no like every Department says sh um I know at work we shredded everything and the truck came it's not new it's I mean they don't come like twice a year to shred everything they may come think they come every three months mean that's what I'm gonna say is maybe they come more than well we don't know well that's the thing it's kind like they're obviously not on a regular run out here because we requesting a special special run I I don't think that's a service we have but maybe we should contract I don't think that's good just do it once a year I really don't think that's why I think we need to look at all the have all the Departments look at the everybody can chip in a little bit Yeah and maybe go maybe that's a RFQ to go off a bid for shredding services and do it you know whatever includ the police well Poli is already abely yeah but they're gonna do it again aren't they I I would anticipate they do I'm sure they do a lot so but but again it it's kind of like the amount of retention that you have to have is different department to department and document to document even so there's a lot of yeah but schedule and there's a schedule for every department for what they need to maintain but if we knew the schedule I mean for FY 26 we knew what what the schedule was and how much I think they could almost go out for bid for for Shing services and if they came like I don't know every quarter or every three months I mean everybody's G to have stuff to shred no matter what their retention we we can ask that those questions as as we do Who would know the answer to that each department has I'm sure different requirements do you think each department has a a shredding service I don't know I hope we look into this because well you know they could pile up their papers for a long time when there's a lot of locations in here where papers are stored well yeah because I did the U I on my senior PEX write off I was doing the uh cleaning out the files in the land use Office I mean holy holy cow I mean I was dumping and I did I mean I had the U retention from the state because State everything has retention stuff because I did it for the federal government too but anything that wasn't on that list I mean they had stuff and and again they Chang oh yeah I mean so much stuff I was cleaning out there and again with the with the turnover we had it probably another reason why people have done in certain departments but the town should not each department shouldn't be contracting for shredding services the town as a whole for economy needs to do one you feel as though once a year really isn't enough no it's not enough no no no no it's not especially if you have a police department or a fire department they have sensitive materials and they probably have lots of it and if people have time I mean I was cleaning up files in that office that go back 50 years yeah so like again I don't know what the requirement well digitize them I mean that that's something that has been on aot of that yeah they they do have I mean the state has guidelines on retention of material so you just and it's not a lot that you have to retain and you only have to retain most of it for a year or two I think the police are going to digi I think did we get yeah they they started to digitize but they they had a lot of old anyways um okay so in this we have Article 13 it has two two items in it and um well I think we could probably get the um copy print here scanner and wait on the um shredding service do we find more information out about it okay we can we can details okay so motion amend the motion amend the art can we amend the article CU that's what really what it takes I don't think we can amend we can't amend the article we recommend amending the article it it would be recommending a modifying the motion that goes along with this article it's kind of like the article is posted as is and Will Remain the motion can be about it it's kind of like so if we want to separate the two and we'll get actual details on how much the printer is and how much the shredding is um and if it's maybe they've invited other departments to add into it and have to quote for a larger amount so to amend the motion to separate the uh shredding services from the um replacement of the printer well I guess we we would be recommending to amend the article when when it's the motion to well again the the article have to no I understand we're not amending it ourselves but I'm saying we recommend that we that we that the warrant supposed can't change the article what we can do is is recommend that the motion made on the floor is either just for the printer or get the additional information what the shredder shredding is and why a single department is is Contracting it versus the whole town a town townwide shredding yeah all sudden going okay townwide what everybody yeah yeah yeah Town Hall office um and again we can we have I don't have the meeting schedule yet but we had one on the agenda for the 23rd so we can revisit this article we can we can make it um amend the motion that we take no action to we have more detail I like that yeah I think we should do that action we have more okay amend the motion to take gather we basically have to tell the accounting office we need more information on on their request again there's no like the others that have descriptions there's no description here that helps right okay just because it's a IT addresses a bigger issue right the right but if they need the space because they run out of space that could you know but we need we need to know well because if there is a one or four every three months that comes around then they they are GNA have to schedule it I mean well just give them like the first Monday of The Bu right right they just it's interesting to see if everybody's paying separately that would be real interesting well so in in the budget we looked at tonight there was nothing in there about shredding services in the in the uh expense area no clerk's office but you have Professional Services so maybe so that might be encompassed in there problem with all the other in miscellaneous Professional Services yeah just everybody's got a professional service that's different from and who knows what it is yeah it's not generic I mean it's not specific and and but this is definitely something that could be a town a town office absolutely one time contract to do everybody's shredding okay so we're gonna we'll get more information we visit it on 23 so our recommendation sheet will come out come out after our meeting on January 23rd okay okay that sounds good now I have a question on 14 transfer the free cash yeah in the treasury and sum of $2,500 for the purpose of funding the cost associated with implementation of the new town CH I thought we already did that no but what what I'm not what's that mean well is it that was minut that that e what it was that I thought she had that on her the town clerk was didn't she have that in her um she she does their um Professional Services for um 160 160 yeah okay so that's for that that e whatever that e code the town charges she said yeah so does it have to be is that the same money um so she has it in her budget it in free look at the BV because that would be under this this this year not not 26 this year being 25 this year being 25 bvs is it already budgeted though if it's already budgeted it was I don't believe it was budgeted so if we look at Professional Services 5800 what number is it is it 160 it's the town court is is 160 um right now it's services so you're saying that's part the the charter is part of that 5800 I I would think that's part of the eode yeah she mentioned the ecode in the chat so why are they asking for another free cash where she already take yeah we don't know we more appear that the already put it in her budget yeah and unless there wasn't enough money in the budget this to supplement that line on the budget it shouldn't say supplement than implementation will get more information on it so that's another no action that's another no action for um we're taking no action I don't think we need a vote [Music] but I don't think we need to vot for not yeah you can vote to not vote na it's an NA and then Article 15 to see if the town a to transfer from free cash in the treasury to sum of $5,000 for the purpose of funding costs associated with the wages of an alternate Building Commissioner okay so does that mean um back up for our part-time Building Commissioner I would say excuse me we we don't have a full-time Building Commissioner he's a part-time Building Commissioner are we talking about who we talk how many are there there's one Building Commissioner and he's part time and he's part time I thought to it too well is this a new is this a new position uh or is this something that's been funded we're um let they say Building Commissioner just who is our Building Commissioner now don't well the new one is Robert garide the old one is Dana Dan Dana Dana Barnes right so I I was under the impression that they're both working for us parttime is Dana still working for us I think so we we need more information this is another was looking for the building y if I could find the building uh commissioner keep going it's going to be down their safety I think right here in this area does the commissioner the same as an inspector a building inspector we would own inspection oh you're in the right spot yeah you're in build building inspector Building Commissioner all right Building Commissioner yeah alternate right oh here's a stien alterate right so there was a stien alternate and they what's that mean is Sten Alton um he's not an employee he will when when his work is required we will pay him was on call person on call person so we have two people a regular and on call we have a part-time regular part yep and an on in an on call okay so who's this 5,000 going to fund this is going to fund the alternate building inspector are they saying basically that the money that was allocated in the PVA budget there is not enough it it is not enough and and we're looking to recommend that y so okay but they only it's not enough how much did they make I see this is very confus right here they said there's a $1,400 left over still left okay but if we if we start for the year they had 4,200 there's only you know so we've used 66% of the the money Mone okay and it could be that they're expecting a higher number of building permits and inspections that happen when the weather gets better and you start I mean okay so they're expecting it but you know what this isn't like the kind everybody's running to stay here and you know I mean that's and we have we also what if they if so how many parttime jobs can you have I'm trying to think that if there's still there's still 14 right 100 left in the budget for the next six months yeah so when's the next when's the next um in the spring what's oh the springtime meeting it the spring special is going to be like April it's the first week of May it's included it's included in the annual so we start anual so is this $5,000 we owe him or is this like a forecast that we might owe him it sounds like it's a forecast we might is kind like so all right so just just say we let it go we say we recommend it it it it passes and they don't use all the money then then it comes back do we have but do we have certification but then do you have to go to to meeting to have the money come back no because it it's the operating budget okay so it goes into the operating budget if it's not used in the operating budget it becomes money that has to be certified and might come back next December what you mean might well if you don't use because our certification we thought was for free cash we thought was going to be December it's January and we haven't certified free cash yet oh it's kind of like so you're taking 5,000 putting in if you don't use it all you may not be able you may not get it back until later in the next oh oh in the next you will get it back eventually just a question of one we talk now this where it get sticky where what year are we talking about we're taking the money from 23 243 back in 23 23 free cash is all we can use right now okay so now we're up over $50,000 of stuffing we have 131 so just keep it in mind yeah looking for that's not the exact yeah no no I I know so what what we would look what we're looking for is how did you come with $5,000 yeah I I think we need to know that whether it's coming back or not half year we have used um I'm GNA say 3,000 is that about what have used wait did I just I just lost it oh no yes inspect oh building inspected so it was we've used like 2800 yeah okay so we used 2800 and they're thinking they're going to have another 6,000 because there's 1,400 left yeah so if we' used 2800 are we going to need just another 2800 to get there and there you're building in buffer it's kind a double buffer almost it just seems so let's see the numbers and how we I think we should see the numbers and how they what forec okay so we're not going to take any action on this the last three we're looking for more more definition right because I mean if if we don't use fiscal 23 free cash now when we come to next fiscal year that free cash is still there and available to us whereas if we allocate that 5,000 and it doesn't get used now we have to wait for the next certification aable to us so if we give them a lesser amount then there's less that we're anything that we give them now we're kind of taking out of circulation for a year yeah yeah that's a good point da that's a real good point yeah so that's that's all we're looking to do keep right we want be better if we can have it keep it available yeah or or give them 2500 instead of right right if we give him 2500 will that get them will that get I mean you said they have 1,400 left right they spent 28 so it's almost like well okay if we give you another 1,400 now you have 28 left you have the same amount left that you just that you've already spent the spring is the issue because you're saying that possibly there'll be more they're expecting more more being needed in the spring it could be it could be but the fall is a good time too you I don't know I don't know winter your slow time your point is who's rushing the towns in the Bild but it's probably also it's not just to build it's also redo my electric redo my bathroomed this that that's all covered that and I don't know if there's anything else going on it's kind of like there's no description that helps us CL what it's all about so the money that they charge for um what am I trying to say license permit yeah where do that go I think it goes in the general fund do excuse um I don't think there's a [Music] building is didn't there one point work that how they sort of supplemented the pay or well I don't know how that I don't think you know what I'm saying yeah no where does the where does the permit money go yeah I think permit money goes into general fund but I you know again let's confirm yeah but but I also think that I want to go back to this spending money forecasted so they should know now or have a a handle on what buildings are going to be inspecting in the next two months or three months mon they have to go to it's kind of like so people people may not have pulled permits yet for building that's going to start in in March or it's kind of like or they're we look at last year's thing and to get a CL you might yeah I mean I know that I know that this sounds picky for $5,000 but 5,000 times x yeah equals yeah you know I mean I I do know I just had a gas inspection because I put in a house generator so the electricity will never go out again but because I put a generator M but I mean a gas guy came out and did an inspection so oh yeah right no I get it I get it separate though that's not building inspect no but there are inspection there are in did you have to apply you went to the building inspector and applyed for the license well they all did they they got all the per they do the permit yeah they yeah because there's electric plumbing gas I mean they have all these different ins Spenders right yeah so so I can see where maybe if you put inition I don't know put an addition on they got to go out and insed for one person though yeah and that still seems like 5,000 still seems like a lot of money I agree when it's doubling the the they have 1400 left they have so then they have 36 the 14 and the 25 they're asking for 5,000 they're oh which is more than the initial budgeting request right because the initial was 4250 was the init original budget was 4250 and they've spent 2805 so what's left 1445 done can I can I ask a question might be a stupid question but don't they get income I mean every time there's an inspection don't you pay a fee um no not necessarily you you pay it based on permit yeah yeah you'll pay you'll pay your fees up front because they'll they'll they'll do um they know when they have to do the okay so there is a fee and it is paid by the applicant it is yes okay so what what is the income versus the um expense that's a good question we don't know it's kind of like we're gonna have to go to we have no clue yeah see that's the question yeah see how that money comes in to the general fund and how much it is yeah we need more information on this thank you that out um yeah like I say I don't think it stays within the department to pay it just wasin the general fund and and funds it's part of the Town inome part of the Town income but we still have an accounting of what it is don't we I mean they know how many permits they give out and how many inspections they make yeah especially if he's a PM is he a PM the it say so I don't know I guess that are they using that word sttip it in place of it does it says stip it here alternate building because at the when we first were planing but this says funding wages is Wages is Sten a wage it is it is all right well yeah it is yeah it's in the wage section A wage section okay we just need more information on this y yep weekend it's kind of like we're looking to build it out and so the last three Article 13 14 15 we're looking for more information D you are not allowed ever again ever holy moly okay you mean you want to fire me no no we leave you a th some duties I have that wish every once in a while but okay so now we're on which is which is on the back of right and and I will say oh no article 16 is a money one also is it on the back of eight y it's on the back of eight it's on page six you can find that right if you can find page six it's on page six 12 yeah flip that one over there you go oh there we are yeah I only printed the first six pages because the rest of Beyond this is zoning articles and we don't quote on zoning articles oh okay that's that's why it's thank God okay I see the town so you're saying like article 17 is not one that we we we will not recommend um the zoning articles and and then not budget or fin related okay even if there there may be permit right right right right it's normal operating things inning so we just have the $6,600 to see if the town will votee to transfer from free cash in the treasury the sum of $665 for the purpose of funding costs associated with the annual audit of the Town Workers Compensation Program I don't think we choice on that no it it's so why was that not budgeted before yeah good question well the budgets were reped prepared by two other Town two other Town administrates not the current one oh my okay that's so if we're coming up and say we need an AIT it's kind of like this is something we have to make sure we we get done number one and number two we make sure that it's in the F 26 and Beyond so this is for potential a um this shouldn't be a potential this say annual required so it's kind of like so it should be the required it says annual audit so this happened last year Well in in this this is not part of the annual audit where the outside audit committee comes in and looks at or the company comes in and looks at our operating budgets this is specifically to a workman comp right but I guess this this workman's comp fund funding was audited last year it should have been yeah okay and so we don't know if it was or not um workman's come are we s insured on you thinking unemployment unemploy I'm sorry this is work state right isn't it yes yeah it's kind of like we have to make audit so what are they auditing are they auditing to make sure that we paid our workman's comp Bill who's auditing it it would be the state coming in to do an audit oh and you have to pay for the audit and we have to pay for the audit um but they're making sure they're looking at payrolls they're looking at everything else Associated who the workers are how you know is everybody board kind and look at salaries how much it is and I understand that part but so is this is gonna go to the state this will yeah yeah another unfunded well or it could be that they hire an outside company they contract out somebody to do it they the town and state the state probably so this is a state this is a state this is this is a state auditing our Workman call basically saying that we're paying the correct amount into the state of workman's comp fund yeah so we basically have to pay it I we we do but it it the do we know that's the bill 6000 I 605 is just another forecast by the famous fors um I'm assuming it it is there I can I can ask that question no more assumptions John we have to go on hard okay so we need more information on this okay so we gonna take no action yeah because I think assumptions got us into this boat yeah not your assumptions I agree okay so we want to verify exactly and maybe that's something that as for for war supporting documentation of waren articles I think without question we should have supporting documentation I mean how question that we a question that we ask is okay it says annual audit so what was the cost last year for the audit right oh and who we paying we pay it to yeah you know and that's go back and look at the last two years how much was it how much did we have in the budget in FY 23 24 and 25 see see what how much we really paid how much we really paid for for for this audit I mean and and we need to break it down into two one for the workman's comp fee and one for the audit so that we see it in there this is not the big audit that they do this this is not the big audits like a lot money well yeah me if accountant's coming in to do it that's probably actually pretty cheap exactly well the accountant company that we have do our audit on an annual basis will judge additional $3,000 for an audit like this they can't do work in comp but so am I if I'm seeing double in this the state coming in to do it it's kind of again documentation where you know where and yeah where's where's the money coming from and do we need two lines in the budget going forward one for the audit one for the workman's C so we actually see it and see it budgeted year over year the audit of the the annual audit of the town's Workers Compensation Program yeah because there were there were places it does sound like it's self-funded yeah it's kind of it sound I mean just it but we're looking for more information to to see the numbers and how it matches because there is some money in the in the workman's C but is the money the remainder of the money in in there um just just paying the workman's comp insurance so we're basically working on like 50 grand left in in FY 23 yeah yeah yeah because we're not certified in 20 right not yet how long you think it might happen we always tried to push him and do it for the December special town meeting you mean next year 2025 what I'm saying is historically we would try to call the state a lot and get it certified by mid December so we could have a late December um yeah yeah the noisy nois squeaky yeah it's kind of like and so there were there were those kinds of calls right now I think they're you know they're being extra cautious with us and really really making sure the numbers the numbers work before they certify oh because because of the situation we're in P yeah so we've so I mean because so basically we we've deferred action on 15 15,000 only because you're asking for information right no agreed we're looking for and we're not saying we won't we just want we want to understand we want to understand what do you I think that's what the taxpayer needs to know is what to understand what just like $5,000 because five 15 or let's hope yeah no well now that we're here [Laughter] turn it off again okay John can't do copies and I don't do moving forward okay um so that was we we had done the correspondence um yeah oh article 17 it's long yeah yeah we don't 17 and 18 or long on so we we are 18 um when we do our recommendation sheet we do no recommendation on those it's kind of like which is different it just we don't do a recommendation on nonfinancial act non-financial that makes sense but we should say that we don't right so when we do the recommendation she we'll get the Articles 17 and 18 and and put that in no recommendation no recommendation Financial Financial no Financial makes sense nonfinancial whatever nonfinancial article yeah or yeah so that's that's what we do with those and I will say there was under correspondence I had um a second one um North Middle sex is reaching out to the towns to hold special Town meetings in March to talk about overrides for their budget and when is that going to be we don't know yet we don't know yet um they're looking first first couple of weeks you know maybe the second week or March so that would be after the summit um I just it it's you know nothing official yeah it's kind of like it's just been a request now do we get to see do we get to see what their individual M item but line items look like I mean can you can well I mean I don't know buying right you know 450 desks and then using tables you know I mean yeah there are lots of questions um that we need to ask and see the numbers um what does the school committee do um I'm assuming they they look at the um probably the budget team from the school the school will show them the budgets and and the numbers I don't know if they get down into the details of everyone like we see it l offes in expensive yeah the school committee does that I think I would think they negotiate get salar I don't know the school committee does they have their own negoti like for raises and stuff like that would you tell about that's probably a union thing right they teach but don't they I get that I get that well yeah usually those the teachers are usually on a scale yeah for you know years how many years degrees because my my ex-husband my ex-husband was a teacher so was like you got money for bachelor's degrees Master degrees PhD and then the scale of how many years so what do they call it step step increas or whatever so and I know that works in every school system but I think that it would be very important for us particularly this year to look at that school budget seriously because see the details I would like a comparison of how their school budget compared to what um desie in the Chapter 70 I agree are it's kind of like because that's where really where their where their reimbursements coming from um and again the trans and the transportation money was it representative of Senator Cronin there said you know there are losers and winners and you're a loser I 21 right well then we need to tell Senator cron we're not doing these things then until you fund it about 10 years ago or eight years ago I can't remember there was a something that went through it was called Gateway and the cities got more money than the rural the rural areas subb I think was called Gateway um well I think it's a two-prong problem called me today and reminded me about the Gateway law but I I don't know what it is I've got to look it up yeah I think I think that was the implementation of the new chapter 7 is that what it was and that's what Cronin was refer to it but you know what that's not a good enough answer for taxpayers because there have to be equal to taxpayers rurally than there are Metro you know it should be based on student number students but that's it is it it is you never get less allocation than you got the prior year that is that's where's the squeaky wheel on that well what what's the squeaky will when we first started this and there the number comparison we had 4,000 students we have 3,000 students now that's a 25% drop in student population so why is it why why are the budgets yeah yeah yeah so if it's driven by students because if we drop down by students then we should be dropped down by teachers and and if that's the if that's really the problem is it shouldn't be driven by number of students I think it is dropped down by teachers because a lot of those teachers have between 28 and 30 kids in a classroom that's not that's not easy to deal with they do oh my god when I taught school I had 33 kids in my class my I remember everybody first graders I changed I mean when I lived in Boston we had I was a kid exact [Music] cath just to talk but at this point our next meeting is January 23rd um that's next Thursday we we started to go to Thursdays th back it was still six o'clock we're still six o'clock and the other part of this is um at the last for selectman meeting we talked about doing joint so we work on a schedule of when our joint meetings are and so that so the Thursdays that we had thought about for February may all be Tuesdays because we'll be doing joint meetings with the select stay tuned right yeah stay tuned on on the exact schedule for um February okay so fin yeah that that takes us to cerative working on the budget department heads in so we have do we have a department head coming in next Thursday um I didn't have it scheduled but we can we can ask Treasurer to Comm in I how about treasur can the assessor Comm in um too much yeah no I don't I don't think it's too much no because I personally I have a question about CPA okay the two of them together will be because if when we get into 26 we're starting CPA right at then CPA Community participation you know new tax we have to it and there has to be on the assessor side there got to be people coming in looking to opt out with the six page right W that was that that's it's a six page we'll see it's kind of like you know kind of like this worked so so with that we you know treasurers got to get it out on the bills I think and well yeah because when I lived in Westford I was surprised it wasn't on the bill already but I guess there's a learning curve there but yeah when I lived in Westford I paid that and it's a separate line it was always a separate line item on you tax oh yeah re trash 1% tax and okay let's not have a hospital or school okay thank you um with that um I would like to um accept a motion for adjournment at the calendar here 23rd at 6: PM what's this to 26 not the 26 28 okay 28th and then the stem is on the 30 you no they no this is on the 28th special meeting so we got the 23rd and then on the 28th the St at 700 p.m. 7 p.m. is yep on the 2 and then on the 30th yeah we had the 30th but um do we change it we we haven't changed it yet um I think we'll confirm that whether whether we need it because I think we were doing it because we weren't sure what February is going to look like with reviewing so um we may be able to we're doing four meetings on Tuesday so the 28th is when the special town meeting occurs correct correct yeah you going to be able to be here uh I don't know 7 o' at 7 o' Yeah Tuesday at 7 o'clock so I know I may have to go have a root canal instead you're right about that so the 30th is tenative at this point um I I don't want to overbook us because if we're going to meet the next Tuesday we the board of selection and then that would you know that that's a lot of meetings in a short amount of time which I know we've done but this is really start of the out of the budget season well the thing is we don't want to get cut at last minute like yes no but we have the ability to do some Thursday you know Tuesday Thursday in February um and then the last will be The Summit in the first Saturday and in March March what's the summit all about um it's it it's yeah department heads come in here select and finance committee here and it's it's a last if if there's any changes anything that's come up from the beginning of the budget cycle to then we get the changes right then because we've got to really finalize budgets at that point that's a a big day so that's that's that's a big long day it's kind of like but if we can get a lot of it like out of the way like we did with Cathy I think relatively small amount of changes to her budget so originally we had three oh Kathy was the other person so so next week we can have two yeah I'll send out invitation and then next week we're hoping to get the clarifications on our on these articles on these articles if they are because of the special Town meetings on the 28th we don't have a whole lot of time to get Days 12 days I mean if we don't get the if we don't get answers then I'm not going to recommend recommend no well no because the message is we need the like you said more information the documentation backing up the right how do we get to these MERS did we did we to a yet no don't no we I was ENT it and then we had another question so I would entertain the motion now toj move that we adjourn the meeting second okay call vote is yes David Walker yes car yes Church yes Dam Grant yes stand thank you all for coming and meeting