call meeting daugh no G first J CH pres is pres pres pres pres a new president president not new yet you don't get the vot yet say no um before start can I just um go on the record to say that um uh two of us have not been re three of us have not been reappointed so uh this meeting is strictly for continuance of government and we've got permissions from the board of s to keep moving forward with the um applications ising for if you just record it in minutes yeah that's fine hi Susan hi get home yes okay all in favor of writing that in minutes that we are essentially three of us have not been appointed indidual second whatever favor say I I you agenda is there a written agenda I have we have I don't know if I made do Julia half a doz you know where I am well I need it because I have to take notes PA for the moment the agenda comes back anything anybody want to discuss regards the yeah we can talk we can talk about the appointment letters a little bit we have to bring all the names forward here and then they G to the select names have to be brought forward here first yes all right do the appointment appointment appointment request three of us who should have been reappointed we they so when they set this up they didn't stagger it staggered no I'm staggered well I'm not we're all the same year yeah but we're not I'm not oh you're not that's because when you came on then when you came on there oh ken and I the same yeah see so yeah but some yeah but not all I mean three at the same time so you should just do Julia for one year yes that's is Julia replacing someone no no on while Ken left matter so is she replacing Ken because that's also part of the paperwork are we replacing someone no we G have we do that next time and we're have to she's one of us has to be replacing him and probably is Julia well that's fine I don't mind but we don't we don't have enough anyway still I choose to follow seven we can have up to seven yeah and I mean do we have minutes are minutes I don't have any minutes what are the minutes from the minutes from the last meeting see when I when I talk to you let's talk about the minutes I don't we don't we have to some other did she give them to you no I don't have I I don't know what meeting we're talking about you want minutes actually if you do the minutes no one and just I mean they they don't need to be I said she said or anything of that nature just where are what what did we discuss and on okay I don't have any minutes for this to be approved so well we can talk about that next meeting or what we're going to do about it short time the only thing that happens is we approve them and they go into the file cath office was that the one where Gary had to get the approval no no okay so we can if we have we have the uh agenda don't we for each meeting I have the agendas yeah see you make back go if you make me a copy of how many agendas we're talking about oh I don't have a birday oh no we're not going to do it right now just so you know if we get the agendas maybe you and I you maybe sit down and say all right this is what was on the agenda really this is what we discussed pretty much you know I did I did minutes for every single solitary meeting and I gave them to you I didn't do them for this last minute because I don't know what meeting we were talking about I thought that I don't what was our last meeting I think it was a bias session the agendas are available look at the agendas and we'll figure out what we're going to do do you have them I don't but gathy has get right am I am I replacing your husband am I replacing K another K chose to follow but that's okay you can be your own do you can be your own member okay Canan same as chess I don't him the so minutes are to go to the town clerk and we approved them the minutes from tonight will be brought up at our next meeting to with the cab yeah the meeting meeting minutes from that meeting down the hill sometimes we go six months in Mee right so meeting as needed right I don't know if that's healthy or not that we just I think we should have regular meetings and talk about other things that may be coming up we should be doing more education about what we're doing we can include that with a regular meeting now like a meeting today they're not long meetings we could do well there's other things I'd like to see us doing too I'd like to see I I know that there is a file here in town of all the houses that are in the district know that for a fact but I would like to see us with our own files her household a little more information on these places I'd also like to see um we get some money but would get some money for through um that would be a good idea because you could have a picture of every house I got old pictures of our house but I would also like to have postcards sent out to the um people who own the houses in town let them know that we are available if they should need anything I know that you probably know obviously you're a builder and what not and I know that a lot of the builders know but sometimes people just don't know if do they really want to do they need to call somebody right away or do they can they just come in and ask questions and I think that's important that they should know we're visible and around to that point um I had no idea this house was in the historic district until I apply from the right see this is what I'm saying that um we need a little more that designate an area and even that's nebulous even if you get the information you wouldn't connect those necessarily connect those two points but could you have to S to every Builder not every well you know how many buildings in town are they a lot a lot it's not it's it's that if you have that I'm not talking about plumbers I'm not talking about electricians you don't do that no because that's what we would it sort to be strictly people who do construction and I think also that our real estate people aren't informed as well as they should be and also in a few of our s you know around our communities there's um PE gon um not air but um Ashby Shirley that they should be informed in case because people are always looking for housing anded of what we are doing here in town I think we tried that once before maybe we should try it again well there was a disal failure well informed about houses for sale or or historic districts historic districts and what it means to be in historic district sometimes you get a new realtor that they don't want to know they don't want to know I can understand that but every every every house if they're pulling a file it's would you did you did when you pulled the permit you notified they wouldn't approve the permit until I came here right so they um but there is a file and they've all been all the houses are Tagged so in one of the Departments if somebody shows up to pull a correct permit which gentleman does I have a list of all the houses in the districts Y and I believe Mary Jane notified the reala is yeah she did yeah in the past yeah just about a mon a year or so ago think they should be reminded you know they have there yeah but when do we draw the line Jerry when do we draw the line or where when and it's MLS even though they're listing broker that might not be the broker that sells that's great and a lot of them have Massachusetts licenses if they're in Rapture yeah okay girl the fire and station meeting was in November of 2023 I think we covered that the last meeting was March 14th and it was 444 Main Street oh look that Sally no that right here I'm at 446 with this oh 466 I don't think that was the the guy who's who's the landscaper Cara yeah isn't that who that was I wasn't here then no me not right here the corn no no no up in West Town talking about age yeah yeah the old settle shot could we could we kind of table this for the moment get rid of the everything else on the agenda we can come back this then we don't have staring at us we not waste this gentleman's time settle shop is like or something 4 46 444 sou Familia there's a house next to the Brick Store yeah they little oh yeah it's the windows that you signed off on maybe they were being replaced in kind the one on the other side of the street pass pass the briig store PLS and they went take the window and they look exactly the same you couldn't tell it's immediately after the little yeah this is on the other side of the street they want to replace all all right right let's go move forward I'm look it up all right let's let's come back that this pres no right that's an odd another side across the street this house is across are you not talking about the house that we're talking about tonight today on the agenda about house last his house yeah okay I think it's 466 446 466 is that Lyn's house yeah yeah and Rob yeah y Robin y yeah he used to have um I keep forting to ask him um was he where was he um in the building close to his house that um delany's own was he up in the Mansion before I don't remember oh no yeah he said he been there a lot long time pardon me that's been in that house for a long time okay oh 20 years come back to this and then we can decide what we're going to do with this business it isn't it shouldn't be that big a deal the minutes include what we talked about no I'm not youve already moved on for a minute you said you want to talk about the house Billy's yeah that's exactly what I wanted to do there was an application we out read it on what needs to be done you can just spell if you want to just do some words about what it is that you've been to do in this oh this is specifically to the slider's all rotten out replace the slider and then there's no expansion or anything there was pressure Tre the decking down there we'll put it back in like kind and slid same thing slider the same white was it wood or was it vinyl it was vinyl and it is going to be vinyl mhm but it was how how did that happen how did what happen since final cuz it could be been there a long time yeah it was vinyl before there was probably even a historic district commission not historic districts you couldn't you can't really tell I'm just asking a question I just saying you again you couldn't tell from can't see anything from the stre that's the other it's all covered with trees can't so there's a house in there yeah if the trees are gone down then you can see it so but it do this side of the Del lady house or the other side street he actually driveways actually on new Pittsburgh Road even though he's got a main street address yeah and you cannot see it from 119 okay can't even see I went over to the fire station and see it yeah right yeah through the driveway yeah yeah but if the but but if the Landscaping was removed you could see it Main Street correct that's correct and fburg road if you cut all the trees down I don't think he's going to cut the trees down a lot of houses into that category an attachment right H to a main the main structure is out here this is a probably 18 by extension off the back you couldn't see any of the software doing from Main Street regardless and well in minut no no it's this slider over here oh I thought they not staying the same all right so this is the slider yeah so the question I have are there any changes or this is all replacement and rep absolutely all replacement and like so given given that we don't really have to Ash it pretty simple really yeah and you canl whatever you got as long as it stays looking like it did I bet it's going to stay looking exactly as exactly the same yeah okay any other questions on that I no none okay uh I hear a motion to accept the description some more we're voting just to be clear we're voting on yes it's okay to go continue with the renovations because of the following facts which are what kind for the budg yeah I move that we vote to approve the application since it's to repair um and not change anything right and it it turns out that it's a maintenance thing and it's also a safety thing it's a safety thing the deck is probably not so good yeah have a ramp to handicap ramp no actually the way the deck was done there was a patio out there and uh Rob's wife Lynn wanted a deck oh all right so years ago they uh they did a deck it's setting right on the PA it's one step off just it's it's seven inches off the ground okay we have a motion to accept the uh house at 4 66 Main Street instruction on it being like kind so we need to go all in favor say I all why is I have a question why does it say certificate part why this because it's rotten out and they're all you know they're getting up there in age I I it's okay to do that it's either that or it's well what are we voting on hardship or applicability you can have both we can do I I didn't know which one to check at oh okay all right so we're we're voting on The applicability not the hardship because there is no hardship here right no but that that's a pretty big I don't know depends on what you call hardship hardship means that you can't do the work um to stay within the bounds of the architectural design no you have to go what means that your house has had a fire or flood or a hardship living within the house so that so so we're not voting on that right no there could be appli okay let we'll modify it to nonc non applicability it doesn't apply because voting on a certificate of appropriateness which is not application just saying it's not applic it's not a hardship no it's not applicability it doesn't it's the first nothing Mar twice yeah twice I didn't even it's we're voting on the blanket box said he wasn't sure so amend amend the application to say certificate of appropriate correct but it could be non applicable it doesn't it doesn't apply no I'm just saying there doesn't have to just be one I think it says in there that all like kind is allow yeah period right I would say it's notable but it doesn't apply since if we had known what was happen if we had seen this before as it was coming through we would say we don't need a meeting that's kind of what I thought yeah we don't need to vote on it if it had been if it come to us to know if you needed a a permit sure I understand we would say no you don't that's how I interpret it but maybe well do we need one of to so the one that's not Che she saying non applicability vo not I didn't see the it's not it's not the answer because it doesn't apply to being appropriate or not no no because it's applicability it doesn't apply I I could just whatever no you can just they decided to do it not applicable rules it falls under the category so unanimous vot right yeah oh you want to pass it along so I'm gonna pass this around let you guys initial it okay where do you want us to do this right he is yeah you guarding the homestead well yeah I can't see through have to go out to the road I got call that Doctor David no you're Sharon's sister right I am Sharon sister how is Sharon she's pretty good I I don't about a year ago towns oh yes came down about a year ago you do to come down right yeah yeah no I'm going up to see her are you yeah oh good say hello for me I will I will thank you I'm glad to hear from you yeah yeah know I graduated with she oh did you I didn't know have a sister it was gradu Jerry and you did yeah you were from town oh we went to nor middle yeah right at so when oh second class to graduate second class my sister Patty was the first class to old six years oh was she really in 67 yeah so the first year was 61 two two the first graduating it started in 61 gradua the Old Stone sign used to always say 1959 on but maybe that was well that's when they started yeah that's when they started [Laughter] don't have to wait no we don't keep this going around and that's why he said I couldn't be on the board should we date it or is it I did date mine okay I could just is it top dated too The Bu of it going to be dated from the it's not dated do you want to cross out this certificate of hardship there I can do it she can do it it should be done as we're signing it applicability is that g to put when I'm put yeah it shouldn't be changed after we've signed it all right no it should be as it should be well so it's well except you discussed it before so that's exactly so so we're voting on we're voting on in kind in not applicable it's not applicable does it say up here anywhere is say appropriateness is left blank but we're going to change it well I'd like it changed right now before I sign it again I dat it so we got to that's not what is it are you vo my point is you shouldn't sign it until it's the that that's completely that correct certificate we should have sign it change I don't change please I'm I'm this is parliamentary procedure I'm all done thank you okay I'm going to make this certificate of nonability I Pro all that and I'm just going to do nothing with appropriateness I'm going to initial it that I did that I did it on S sign again if you want no I just want to make sure that's we're because it's a certificate of appropriateness I'm just not using that so that's why I explain Susan it's not an applicability that's that's what you said if if we before we would it would be non it would be a certificate of non-applicability okay that's what so that's what's here now that's what's anybody sign I signed it yeah okay I'm just going to fill in a couple dates right quick the meeting is today 73 and notices for this one we have the um email yeah the notices went out Monday well they were stamped in on June 26 okay we'll that any questions on that so 626 um yeah hearing it's that's never clear to be the difference between the hearing and the meeting I can't hear what what's the difference between the meeting and hearing I don't know what are you talking about well if we published it it would be a hearing if it was published he we the only way it's publish is out the it's posted on the we didn't do a mailing oh right okay so I'm just GNA I I have meeting date it's today so that means it was Clos all right yeah right so we just going to put a line through hearing and that's it everything's good now we you can write you go back and look at your initials or whatever you're to do and you can talk about I can just putous unanimous [Music] the say yes may I get a copy of that sure you will once it's all it go now it goes to the clerk clerk say yeah that's pretty good she sends it down to Janet D thank you I will walk it to the you would like to I don't think she's initially she initially initial to I I signed it supp it should be signed not initial well she did sign it but yeah yeah but that's two SGS or something okay I'm going to sign it as a chair okay we done with this Mr chairman interrupted you vote weot so I'm going to pass this off to Janet and Janet are going and when it comes back's back we need a copy for us I can do that the item next on the agenda is Julia we're going to discuss her new member Happ we have questions for Miss St do we have what questions I will tell you that I'm not in the historic district so I'm hoping that does not make got that far yet that's a whole okay yeah that's not a requ there's no Twi basically only know the town anyway we just vetting you as but see you already come with some credentials so that's good means there's L to do we see your application jul are you still an active member of the daughters of American Revolution yes 30 years when was your um TR expire one year he said three years oh you did three years I thought you was well it comes with the territory because when you first I would suggest you go to the three yeah I don't mind three I think I'll I's name in threeyear j a second three ter all in favor I all opposed n hearing none we do facts invite you into the commission thank you yeah hopefully do swim where's appointment party that's right you were in charge of that's where you invited okay so you will this will go the select me and they can do as they will I say put a date down here I do want you to know that I do not normally sign up for committees and um since being in a town for a couple of years but it this is important so this one I I would wish being be happy to be on okay moving on discussion of the format for notification you want do we have to approval these have to be approved too yes thank you you're welcome if we do these then we're all just this has to be approved by the um committee to go also to the selectman let's go to Kathy and then selectman that's why they came back to you for the meeting so the committee the committee when this is the committee has to just review it so they know who's asking to come on correct I have the sign anyway they wouldn't apply they wouldn't think it f right so it's all of us had were're up for reappointment I am you are oh so you have to bring all three names forward right yeah all right I'm going to follow Mary James an application and S Gins and M and it all goes in the same the same bucket I I guess I should ask you want to come back on yeah black consider but I like to bring up something though um you said uh a year ago anal that you were going to do the chair for a year and then you wanted somebody to move the yeah but it doesn't work so never does well how do you know somebody else doesn't want to do it I think answer it's time let's finish this and then you should just's pass this around do we have to sign it no oh you were signing it okay and all them right it's all St anyway is yeah so anyway the uh yeah I that's well let's ask maybe somebody else would like to do it I mean we have to ask people what they want to do what they don't want to do is there anyone who would to come forward I will I'll second you okay fine no I would I would be very um interested in fing over the position from here on well for whenever on because I'm not even on the board yet oh Well I got reappointed right that's right as at the end of June June June everybody agrees why don't we just put the we can put I'm not interest to giving it up and not it's really relevant we should get rid of this business here it's not no oh all right so somebody needs a second my request that no she do the appointments first we get this out of the way we can have another meeting and do that which is perfectly okay with you want because we're assuming that they're going to say approve us but I would say we could but but we have we're not appointed yet did you get the letter did you get the letter I got something in the mail you didn't read it no we got two page letters I'm still read oh it wasn't a letter of oh was no oh it was very inse okay regarding the town Town Charter and also the the state so oh yes you have it say Kath so Su how do we do this what what do we do do we vote on this and we should we voted on Julia so we should vot on all three okay do we do it separately no no because it's reappointments yeah reappointments yeah okay we need a motion I can't make a motion make motion um I'll make a motion that um Churchville soing and you know come on come on why could I say that stuck in my throat um be reappointed to the commission I'll second it I'm the only one who can second second all in favor so we're running show eyes now we okay so is okay so now we can give those to Theiss one you want yeah I'm sorry Julie would you like to see these M I know everybody you can be done you yeah know I'm good bye B thank you thank you so much good luck I will thank you thank you thank you Janet to yeah all right just go back to um Kathy and she's make sure they correct she submit I didn't want to bring that up with Bill here but um now seeing that your appointment ran out of out as of the 30th can you legally vote Yes yeah because continuation of this and we got approval by the board of selectman last night okay I just thought I question yeah good question good question my God you ask no questions being here I well that's why I did it with nobody help but we are a public meeting we have recorded anyway tell me I went through that several times we had this line about the discussion of on the format notification any questions or comments on that no yeah where did that come from that's a good question well we voted on it um last year but we never did anything okay so why don't we just table it for now saying that no so that most homeowners who in the historic district probably realize I they do why change they have to go through but they don't know yet that's they're new owner does anyone know um who's involved on the committee for historic district in lunenberg say that again excuse me does anybody know any does anyone know personally know a member of the lunenberg historic Mission because they have they have districts so they have commission like we do and and it because you're you talking about and I this is sort of like a work point so that for the next meeting because we we did call other towns to get information and I was never able to get the town I called they never called me back called several times the person that they told me to call yeah never call back but lunberg is more similar to we are to towns and what were you looking for we were just looking what we were let's go way last year over a year ago about what other towns do about um notifying was it the signage signage and just not notifying people and and how they communicated to their his communicate yeah that's what it was yeah so we should really reach I think we should really reach out to other communities to um we're not restrictive like um Bron's more restrictive than we are we don't we can't think about color and right as has color too so they're very restrictive as well oh yeah but the way we are is the way it was voted at a town meeting lunberg is really hard to get if you call them they're not going to respond you have to go in are they there every day or you go you have to find out when they are oh I I'd be willing to do that U once I'm a member okay okay yeah yeah because I know how difficult they are they've always been difficult but I also have family who in to that has not having ever got a call back they've had go in three or four times I know we're 10,000 well gron requires um the color I think the color of the shingles does not require no paint but gr does and Ash does yeah we don't we can't tell somebody what color they they can paint their house okay so just so you know in Townsen the house that Stacy lived in um Stacy Stacy is our library director oh okay her house and she sold they sold it it's it's up for sale again so this will be a second owner since she lived there where did she live so you know where foron lived or I live I okay so you're looking at my house it's to the left of me there's rust more next to me and it's next to him it's a little it's a small house this an extension to the back so it looks very small in the front looks like it's you know right four over four right and um she staying down leaving no they they moved just over the line in have turn by the lake yeah a while yeah yeah so so I don't know if they if that Realtor knows it's historic district well last year I sent letters to the um the north I don't know what it is North oh yeah Middle District of Massachusetts board of realtors in pittburg and she said she was going to note it on all Realtors that belong to their Association but do all Realtors belong children no so there are some private real and I don't think they want to know no do me I don't think realtor want to know to that is that not our they have to now that's that's Massachusetts law now I don't know that until it's sold they have to say anything or they're dealing with somebody I don't I don't know what I don't know find out about that that's not right that's like I don't know any realtor so I don't know dishonest not dishonest just like not not full disclosure sure you have to as a realtor you have to identify that control it we have AB no control well we have control in the way that we can disseminate information that we a exist and what the issues are and we can tell that to the homeowners well no no I'm talking real I'm not talking about us here I'm talking about anybody around us that they brought up other other towns more control over we have no control over them but they might like to be informed oh the people are both the people in real just you know not everybody objects to everything well there's a sign out front and I'll look to it didn't look like a a sign I recognize in any way so I'll look at it and see if I can contact them Oh you mean the real thing yeah but also Lisa Struthers when she said she dealt with Janet and the board of assessors and had that information put on assessment card yeah but they not going to look at that until it's sold assment card probably not I think it's Jack information oh that's all they're going to look for they're not going to look I think they're going wait we're gonna call us by meeting no this is number six need I'll find out what the rules are my daughter she yeah she real I used to be too I hav't signed up for so do you want me to still pursue um to find out what U the commission does in lunberg because I don't mind doing it I'll just because I'm right there the lunberg line I can just speed over I think it'd be a great idea okay well it might be helpful to know how other towns manage that aspect letting Realtors know or is it up to us I'm I'm a member is it up say I was designated because it's a neighbor of mine a former neighbor it's in my neighborhood and the sign is right there I can look at it and call the realtor and say you information it's this house is this house that you're selling at such and such an address is in the historic district well it is that my is that our job I think it is I think it's our responsibility to send a letter to the homeowner and the realtor just to heads up you're in the historic district it's an empty house now yeah somebody owns it right they don't care they're they're selling it yeah not their job anymore oh Susan wrong answer and they go to sell it is their responsibility if they if they haven't disclosed that that is it on the deed I don't know I don't know how it's all this not on the deed no it's due diligence I don't know why it's not on the date no not St the only real estate that's another whole thing no it'll be on the ass card to Due diligent of the buyer actually and the real estate agent but the seller should you know you know what but I can't tell them that wants to sell it and it could be a negative response yeah but there's rules about that that's what we got to find out we have to find out what the rules are St Massachusetts disclose him being in historic dist that's why it might be helpful to know how lunberg handles it yeah because pepp also yeah get a hold of real estate agre and I with with gron being so strict about it that might be helpful to know how they manage it well I was going say maybe we should not yeah of course we should because they're GNA say no one told them right right yeah and it's going to fall on our shoulders when we bought our house nobody told us until we came here to get a permit or something said oh you're in the well maybe you're not let's find out about this what was there a at that point were they were they doing anything they they have a commission all oh yeah was here when I was here too yeah what year were we formed SE 19 was after 76 after the F Centennial 78 78 two years later yeah and there are some houses because I went to town meeting and there are some houses that opted out right however MHC now considers it an area not individual it's an area yeah it's an area the whole area run from to West no they're Industrial in between them yeah but what what that means is that from father the railroad crossing railroad tracks in West Townson not sure so it' be an Adams Patton Patt yeah Patton's Garage on up to BFW BFW a house or two before it did Russ did Russ Mo ever come oh yeah so he's in a district it's a new house it's a new house it's a new house yeah yeah yeah he came and there a house down by the settle shop that bed to put dormers on right we approved it so you're saying that if at the time of the origination of the historic district somebody opted it out right they did they did but now Massachusetts historic has trumped that and said you if you're in the district you're in the district doesn't matter if you opted out so no grandfathering of the opted out house but they're the district but they are not in it and as as a town as a town we can't say no you can't do that because they opted out the state can over I think it's a district it's not they're not saying it doesn't matter whether or not you opted out it's well you're gonna have a battle with Dave Dave Wilson because he's as far as he knows doesn't go up that way it does no it doesn't because all those people opted out every one of them did oh according to our Maps Okay where is right behind the Brick Store those houses in that area street street yeah no it's only Main Street right Main Street yeah we wanted to that's right they we wanted to do they did all though yeah yeah it's only Main Street everywhere except around the no Thea has South Street and uh one house on spaling not yours your main street is it behind you is that the one on your side Other Side Station oh okay oh that's right and how far on on South Street uh I think up to uh the house is is Lisa Lis I know I've never heard house Al Brothers Al oh you call midet no they they do CU live there oh yeah I think long before you know long ago but people who lived in that area called it the house we wouldn't have known about it in West Townson probably beside Ellis brothers or Beyond it Beyond I don't know because I know CH KO lived in that back area that back house on the that's part of it too didn't we just build that is that old huh is that old that c house on the water I don't know how old it was but I mean it's on the water it was in the dist is that in the district yeah yeah there's like R more next to me yeah it's after the Conan house but before start right so did we decide anything I'm going to go over to lunberg and see how they um handle notifying either the Realtors and or the um owners of the house I'm G to go to p and is anybody going to call BR and just see how they do do handle it oh right since it's better go in person because what we mentioned was that the house where Stacy lived two houses down from they mine Russ Russ Moore is right next door and then what was Stacy's house that is in the district there's a realtor there is it our job to call that Realtor and say this house is in the well I don't know if it's specifically our job but our responsibility I should say or our responsibility but I just think it's a gesture of community to let them know and so that the new people know because the when we had the issue with the dog you all remember the dog girl oh yeah oh the dog girl from lunberg by the way and she CLA she claim and maybe to who knows but she said that nobody ever told her yeah not her real estate agent or the homeowner anybody and and she had a and it doesn't come on your tax bill just it's not writing anywhere so and she if we send a letter that doesn't mean anything she was things kind of R doing whatever she wanted so she was held up for a good month or two right no she came from so nobody told her that she was the district clown maybe we could print out the districts and um provide those to the realtors in the area that's why should I be the test case and call the real and as as a neighbor not not being on the commission I could just say say my name I live two houses away and just to let her know that it's a it's a historic district yeah I would I'll be the test case all right yeah because I think it's I think it's important for a new owner to know that because if they do go to rate or add or do anything so when when the realtor need to know is given that it has the contract to sell the house and then it goes to Multiple Listing so they haven't signed anything they're just part of [Music] it okay just say it's um Susan gerin is selling that house would I come in to look here on the card is that part of what I would be doing or can I see it online about taxes you mean as a homeowner no is the realtor I'm selling this house you can find out the taxes online so I don't need to come into the town hall I but you will have it online online too because I'm sure the town has it online that with a histor question for Janet Janet I'm ask oh wait no not Janet who's the so can anybody go on that and look that look up I've been on it you can yeah can you look to see what's on Claire that that it's been that you noted as as being yeah it's that's stated yeah yeah okay that so you you do that and then I'll check back with you next week and then I'll know if it's on the on that and and they would see it without coming into the building physically coming in and then I'll call and just like let the realt turn out I can do that metime anyway but that might be a good idea to put it on there to if it's not on there but I know it's all it's all written on yeah all the cards got noted no no no on online online yes because I know you can go online and you can see whoever surrounds you and the lot number you know the the block number whatever it is yeah so you can see that so that might be you know that it goes on there that makees sure that you know everything yeah but who does that who does the website 's been doing the whole website if you notice the new website if you been on the new website noen nothing on it there's nothing on it you go Massachusetts every every page and then you go to it and there's nothing on it no it's kind of you can't find out when the meetings are because the the calendar is just full of activities in towns and oh so what what would you be looking at Claire to find out about those that information the taxes and everything oh I'd go to their website oh yeah yeah so hopefully I can get there that's a good point I may not be able yeah well we'll know in another week or so yeah but I think I will call just saying it on a neighbor that's a good idea yeah a great idea yeah just and I'll just be the just okay well I've got some else to go so okay we all done tonight no when's our next meeting talk about do we want to actually post a meeting until we don't until we have some more information about this maybe okay but I just want to make sure I do before we have the next meeting right meeting yeah proba why not in two weeks right after you get appointed oh good idea we got to talk about the U that's a good idea chaz's letter I know is this the chair yes what's the letter yeah but that's that's not Susan hasn't seen there's some things that are kind of interesting in that well he does mention the the to chter he does men but he also says whereas it commission I I I think that we really really really have to look at that and we have to really understand that because he's got an interpretation and I have a completely different interpretation of that I'm with you to me it's full of lies misinformation AFF bests because the seven members required on the board well it says up two up two all right okay up to seven MERS of those seven members four of them are supposed to be nominated by certain boards four is is this the state thing Charter but it it the Genesis is the state the state's the same so okay so he says seven members appointed by the board of Select including now follow me on this where are you I'm on that orange Page look at the orange thing it's it's oh okay so he he says yeah including one member where possible let's really note that one member from two nominees submitted by either the towns and Historical Society or the society for preservation of New England Antiquities so those two organizations get to say two people yeah and the board of Select can check one next ready everybody the um American Institute of Architects are supposed to nominate two people of which we choose one the state champ State CH why would they do that for a town and the board of realtors gets two nominations of which you choose one so three people three pe oh and one person has to live in the historic district I just so four people are identified as chosen by requirement let's put it that there's three other people that there's no other they can be homeless from Fitchburg you know there's no requirements from them so I'm not understanding at all the interpretation that the board of Selectmen have on on this composition of the membership it doesn't say where possible and and it says where possible we possible possible but even if forget the we possible part the Intimates that all the me you're supposed to have two members two two and then whatever and also I really take objection to this nowhere at all in this information does say anything about the towns and historic site right so that to me is a discriminating but what a selectman is saying that you can't imbalance the board with members of the towns and historic Sy society and it doesn't say a peep about that except that one person can be should be nominated from the towns of his but not even it could be the Antiquities place right so so if the towns and Society didn't nominate somebody and the Antiquities did what's the interpretation there so I and was anybody at this meeting in 2008 no that's when they did the amend amend who who Who's the day how could they do this without it being a town meeting oh I'm sure it was it says a special town meeting well this was approved at the special town meeting on November 18th so going back she has positional meetings where he's saying that we're imbalanced I don't think that's true and furthermore which I don't think he understands or the board let's go to that one and correct me if I'm wrong the towns and historic Society only owns four buildings in the town of town the Gris Mill the C Bridge the Reed house and the church three of them are covenants and restricted by the state so it doesn't matter what the historic district says about them because the state trumps it right so we're talking about one building which is already been V on it's past history so for that to be a mounted issue by the Board of Selectmen with the ethics commission involved I find disturbing and and and quite frankly an overreaching government because it wasn't discussed with us before it was brought up to the Ethics Committee and I don't see how it's eth unethical you know my take on this old letter no tell me it's in retaliation I agree with you and I don't think us giv us this kind of time is worthy of us well I really have a I have a objection to the Society of prent uh preservation of New England Antiquities and also M state chapter American Institute Architects and board of realtors what have do they have to do with a town committee nothing that's right but but but but in defense of the selectman that's how it's written right now that's that's how WR so I get it so yeah so to your point I agree with CLA 100% it's a retaliation on all the Ridiculousness that's surrounding this ridiculous generous gift that became the Pandora's box but to your point Julia I really think that none of this is necessary if we can't govern ourselves right why are we here right nobody's watching the fact that well they're saying that we don't but no nobody knows they don't come here they don't ask questions they don't well well then how did how did the board of Selectmen we must be onar how do we it's because of the money what money the money that got yeah from Stone and how the state cares about towns and gift maybe not involved it's a town Town Mary Jane what this says it's a this is from 2008 this is letter oh I didn't this is just Susan this is just highlighting was on letter don't worry about that up up here I'm writing this as our office is to get any response to questions we have regarding historic district commission matters and who wrote that letter that it's they well they evident have been email anal at his address here in the building except they never gave him a computer to receive I don't have computer I can't they wouldn't give me a password well I that's why I would rip this up in a minute don't add my name well it's contagious I'm sorry I'm sorry so getting back to that I was going over the minutes that I did find and in one of those minutes last year CH has deran was our Le us on and was supposed to give us an email address here and it's in the minutes and it never happened so the idea that they're asking questions to a blank something not getting responses and then not trying to find out why you didn't respond it's not like you're not here every day right so and it's not like he doesn't have our home address that big a CH you can look out the so so that's disturbing number one and I I agree with you CL that has um the appearance of retaliation that first but I also want to know the second line does say that I've been contacted by the state ethics commission question it State ethics does not call you you call State exactly well last night at the meeting chz said that this is still being recorded being record fine I'm just saying is that what that thing is up there no we can see if it comes back no this is what we're supposed to do we're supposed to have open government give me a break oh I agree if we don't talk about this openly it we're going to be W for a response well last night at the meeting which we went to jz's response because I I text him and asked him did you want to hear from us did you want to hear from the board wouldn't you want to hear from and his response was that he did not hear back for the yest he expected a phone call from them yesterday them being the ethics commit yes but do they really phone call don't they write or well when I got involved with them over this very issue of historic district versus Historic Society when I asked them remember when I asked them right I which is mentioned here and then he's backtracking right so I went online because they have two boxes they have the inquiring box if you have a question a question and then they have the make a complaint box right so when I I went into the inquiring box and the lawyer for the Ethics Committee did call me back but I requested her response in writing because I didn't want to do what he said she said right so I have my letter in writing and my response in writing which I think that a diligent selectman should get it in writing not he not verbal because verbal ver the telephone line it's also saying in the very next page that um the request must be must come from the chair um of the requesting commission and not from a member that's the second page oh you jumped your head on we're old here one step at a time jul she's reading like three pages later so so I agree with Claire that there's there's an appearance of something going on here other than legitimate and and I I think that they had an obligation or at least responsibility to get in touch with you they couldn't find out I mean it's not like you're a ghost no but I'm not there I'm not at that address well there's no way I just to be know but this isn't like New York City this is town the hall every day yeah that's different I'm not I'm not in email address I don't have one well the commission should have one but was never done because they the select one dro the ball and they took mine away from me when they took the computer with the G so so this is up so what do you want do you want to respond or or just just to that paragraph i' say in writing to them yeah well he want he want some kind of response that's what he put in the last one concerned Why a meeting Okay so have the reappointment issue which okay I get it and he's probably right on that right on we didn't do it right I didn't sign it that's yeah we didn't do it correctly so we have to go back and well now we've done it and do it and now we've done it correctly yeah we've been doing it 40 years here way that's your when I asked Kathy I said what's going on I said Eno tells me that he has to improve it well Pro because otherwise otherwise you could stack any committee can have one person stack it right if it's in that contention if there's all these things going on so that's why that's that's why it's this way okay but when I when I turned mine in I didn't realize it so that's why it all came back we all did that I didn't realize so now we know we didn't do it right now we know and it's so I think now and I said and Susan knows better so that second paragraph we don't have because we know we were wrong exactly we didn't do it right the third paragraph is the issue of the composition of the membership and well had but his quit because that's if you can find one I don't think this is this is had one we had I know that I know that but and that's why have one because the CH it's only it's only recommended all Rec it's all it doesn't mean that can't have a meeting if we don't have an artic that's the thing right no and you're right Claire there's no question that you're right there's no question and but the composition I mean this was 1976 the world has changed in 50 years I think that we're at the cusp of of redoing the byun for the membership composition I found it a little discriminating I think I you 100% I don't an architect I'm not a real but I do have a passion for history and Bingo and you want to be involved in the historical see and and that is totally lost in a strict interpret well in the board of selectman's interpretation of the composition of the membersip and I strongly disagree with the imbalance by the towns and historic district Society I anybody the respon would be the members and how how we comply because we have someone who lives in the district we have people I think most of us are all members of the Historical Society anyway that's his issue issue oh that's the issue that's the issue oh that's the issue he's trying to say that's against the ethics of the and I don't get I don't see that that's not think member would be I a mbody they can't tell me I can't be a member something on another committee composition he doesn't like and and and clear right because he says and I quote the towns and Historical Society has expanded its scope since the vision of the Historic Society has expanded in scope yeah true the HDC must be held separate from that scope despite disclosures being F I think that's a discriminating but that's got nothing to do with what our what we vot that's he's that canling the issue of he's trying to say that because we are all on the historical society that we are going to vote for our own gain I guess that's what he's say what gain is there what our game but but the only building that we had anything to do with was the was the church and G that's done we own no other buildings in towns and that we would have any interest in whatsoever and we didn't deny it we didn't deny that no no and we have and the fire fire station no we don't no so I'm not getting his I'm with you CLA I'm not sure this I'm not sure this is under the same umbrella we're talking about I have a letter you have the state of Massachusetts and it's it said I don't know if it says in your letter or somewhere that I read in the bylaws whatever that one permission for one person is a blanket permission for all mine doesn't say no mine just addresses me okay just but I I read that somewhere right you sent a letter too I did and I received the same letter yeah okay and we were approved by BL lman yes and yet now he's backtracking so is is is someone waiting for a response yeah they are he is he is I do not believe that Teresa Mo knows anything about this letter you didn't know about the letter I spoke with Teresa you did yes I did and she was surprised secretary no she didn't know let's get this girl so this this back so this did not go through a select meeting I don't know I don't know that I I don't know it it be interesting to know it would be very interesting to know and I think it would be important to know I think it's important also because I I think this is a bit of a reprime and an overreach of government you want my so Teresa Mo is the selectman who's questioning this he's the silent person CH see it's I I am writing I I I I but then you brought her name up and I wasn't I sure it's on there see it's on near what yeah oh that's right so that would say that one would assume that they had a meeting and before a letter of this nature went out to a commission right well you think well speak sh phone call oh well I'll bring that up here too so I received a phone call from Joe shank um right the day before our commission appointment telling me that he was the uh board selectman and that I was up for re appointment tomorrow and he wanted to know how I stood on the Harbor Village Pro project what's that have to do with all the tea in China so what did you tell so being the gracious woman that I am I explained to him that I had voted on it he could see it on YouTube and he could read the minutes I voted for it good for you I was an absolute 100% for the project then he said that he had heard on social media I said well not me CU I don't have any of that stuff I don't either so I don't know where it's coming from then he said I was costing the town money because I had asked to see documents for the file's about that's what he's mad about and um I told him that I wanted to that there was a town that had the lawyer right a letter to me I had written a letter because I wanted to see the documents on the fire department to the fire she has wrote a letter and said he'd already given him to Lisa strs and you an know by the way and then he was going to me for a third time and this wasn't going to happen or whatever the letter said so I said I wrote a letter back and said okay that's fine I'll just get him from the state I'll just go to the state for the what do you call open Rec thing yeah that prompted them to have their lawyer write a letter to me so I am not responsible for them using tax yeah they had Adam CER write me a letter that our lawyer yeah Adam no Adam told me that he is the lawyer for the board is Select not well who's the lawyer for the town get if you have an issue that's you told they're all one and the same they always been was different now you well no longer have Town counsel you have Bard of selectman counsel that's what he told me and if I had a conflict of interest that is definitely a conflict that's the issue so they getting big bucks so so I and he brings it up here in this letter there's also a request for a member to meet with Town Council which I did request after I got all this stuff because I wanted to set the record straight that I did not request the Town Council to write me a letter to tell me that you and Lisa had already gotten now I'm confused coun after wrote you the letter resigned retainer it's just full you said that's only for the board of Select but that's not Town Council that's Board of Select they I misspoke well that's what I'm saying I just you know it's the Town Council I don't care if they say so they're concerned about the plans of the historic area of being a tour and a village down in the harbor that's got nothing to do with us well exactly Susan that's why why would I get a phone call from a board of Select why wasn't he saying how what do you think about historic architect in the town how do you feel about the Baptist Church in West Town's and in now that would be a legitimate vetting I believe and I wouldn't answer those questions as I felt but to ask about one specific thing that's already been voted on yeah that's just what is that small town I don't know what what what is that I don't know what it ISS and then we get a letter like this app this is we're not on good terms right now but you're dead right I believe so that that's saying that's from the board of selectman the whole the letter is the CH dire whatever but didn't they use a didn't they use a town envelope yes so to me that that's why I didn't know but I I thought it was just saying I was reappointed the bill throw it away no I thought was the reappointment the desk yeah you go home and read it I like the last have we down to the last paragraph yet no we got no we got to do the open meeting law who is violating the open meeting law please oh what did I miss that one Susan I got a good one on that and we are being recorded so perhaps I should not say no full exposion don't be intimidated all right I was told by someone who's very close to chz seon deranian that every night he's on the phone to Joe Shanks that's nothing new they always do that that is a violation no I don't care that is po calling the kettle black but on this letter he doesn't give us any specifics it's just alleged that's intimidating and the threatening kind of paragraph when you don't give facts yeah but it's been brought to the board by another member by a town person by the town clerk that is a true fact but when you say it's an alleged who who WR I'm taking it personally I you and me having a cup of coffee you know well it says several alleged open meeting violations that pertain what are they by the chair okay good all right tell us what they are so we can fix it yeah I'm with you so we can fix it we can't fix something we don't right no there was one section of that that alleged alleged that me as chair right have done some basic oh yeah we skipped over that re because it's probably embarrassing but yeah you didn't do anything right so according to this so I signed off on things like this I guess that's open meeting that he violated not being up to date approvals not being said in time discussion is being held outside of an open meeting regarding the commission matters what is we should know again it's lies fabrication so somebody call you guys down dunan Donuts Dr and donuts every single Tuesday morning I know it that that can come into question that I don't mean that that I would because you're no because we're also friends we live in a little town exactly exactly but that that can come into question whether you're making decisions yeah or you're talking about we're talking about a house we already voted on it yeah well we have no other business the only business we have we don't have any business for the a walk a thing going on in the harbor no that doesn't fall under our umbrella no and we w we can have opinions about it it's got nothing to do with historic district commission exactly nothing so all right so now can't have coffee at dunin donut Jerry you go one day I'll go because we the only two on on Historic Society they go the other people aren't in the me so if that's what it so you're talking about Historic Society you're not talking about historic Comm you can you can yeah but if three of us went that's a majority of the war yeah and that be called well unless unless you're talking about historic commission you're talking about Society Society I'm not it up he are you they have to prove you're talking about historic commission right this is convoluted it's like yeah the whole thing is yeah it's not being specific as to what charges are if you will because it's a very just because you're sitting on some doesn't mean you're talking about because the only business we have is all open it's applications that come in and they come to us there's nothing else that we talk about that's not okay Susan I'm with you 100% And this whole business of the towns and historical societ being tipped too many members you know who else wants to be on the Historical Society you know if we're all interested in history yes in a little town you're going to be a member of that you might be living in the district as well like I do and be on this right so that's your interest that's your passion that's where you would be yeah all the people that do something that probably already do who was recom yeah yeah or belong to well apparently we're not allowed to do that yeah again we're discriminated against well like I said they do have to prove that you're talking about historic commission business not Society business again it's a waste of time dwelling on that because that's that's a fabrication I well and if they listen to the if they listen to the meeting they'll hear it so my deck is R what should I do about it Jerry but I love this your attention to this matter would be Paramount Paramount and who signed that letter just one person correct and he signed it for the board of Selectmen y chairman I wonder if it's in their minutes good point Susan we'll be now we should do the open meeting or review and review the training to avoid a future I signed up already did you girl that I am Catholic girl that I am I signed right up as soon as Kathy said was it July 25th 10:00 morning what's that a is that why she sent that just you don't to do it again that was ethics this but that so we are supposed to all do that ethics thing ethics is one thing this is to me and separate it's meeting meeting it's coming from the board of Ethics so a lawyer from the board of Ethics Kathy Senate it's a board of Ethics it it gives and you know what it even says that they will come to your town and do the seminar is that what they're doing yeah no you can go Zoom I sign up for Zoom but I think we should bring them to come to town that's a good idea Claire I really do can we and everybody can come at once Y close the building down and have everybody up there yeah room yep make sure they don't no open open the building to everybody oh no business but you're all welcome so you want to do an Ethics I mean a open meeting it's an open meeting law review well I think it I I do think that a lot of board should should attend that anybody was on a board maybe should it I think it's required by state yeah I mean we've all done the ethics like a million times yeah really yeah that's that's meting meeting come town do it for all right I contact them and ask them get a date we'll ask Kathy about it okay okay yeah okay speak to Kathy it might cost us money I don't know well hey it's according to the town you know the board of Selectmen that we do something like this so if it cost them money free it's free from the state you don't have to pay it's what education yeah and we're committed to education I don't I don't know that they we Have No Secrets and we Have No Agenda we only meet as needed if somebody applies to for an application to to I don't think they understand what we do I'm correct they don't we've got nothing to do with Town laws no no are any of us on the charter committee no what Char I hate that Charter what Char the CH that first do here oh I'm not on I think they copy else's CH which I'm not on that you're on it sus Don was on it for while I think and Su liio and you know a whole bunch of people that we don't even want to we don't go there so I I think we have to address the letter how do you want to do it or do you think that this meeting is I would I would write back to them okay yeah no put R okay I agree so what's we should tell that we're going to have an open meeting law seminar we're so this is this is in particular to the historic district commission whole issue correct this issue and would they like us to have a meeting so that they can come and back we can speak about it that it's open to everybody it's recorded I asked last night yeah she uh because I was at their meeting if they would want a joint meeting with us I said no yeah they said no aha I would just drop it I wouldn't worry about it anymore what are they gonna do virus I'm serious what they do what well yeah but remember Su the B of slman has obliterated oh all right yeah I wouldn't worry about yeah they changed the uh the houses in it no no they just I don't know the word I need they just dissolve the HC yes yes when John Delaney wanted to put a tri in up there right and we said no right yeah and the files were stolen and the the selectman dissolve committee the commission well was that the historic came back but huh yeah the book you talked about we we're not elected we're appointed you talked to barara Delany about it because red got to talking to her and she's still smiling bar lady like the nicest lady in the world yeah and there's reference in the files there about the about files being missing they never found how long ago was that there oh it's a while before I lived here well what no you you lived here when did you move to Townson 95 was it that long ago it's a while yeah I thought you were here earlier than no I don't know that they I don't know late Elsie thean do Pillsbury that's where I first heard from oh was from do billsburg well I remember Elsie being on the commission no she never was Oh I thought she was we all thought too but I found in the records that she was in the study group commission oh they created the district created yes yeah was never a commission I think even her son thinks he was she was on the commission so to this membership her husband was yeah so who her husband was yeah I don't remember his name was it Bob I think he was no Bob struis was oh Bob strus was somebody gave Gary Evans a lot of problems I thought it was Bob thean why they Gary Evans to do something with the doors or something for the business oh God okay yeah there a fix file and mail on so at the meeting last night at the bo select's meeting brought up that there's going to be a warrant for our arrest not on the committee the warrant is coming up 29th 29th to the 8th August is little window that citizens can put something on the agenda for the town meeting oh yeah there's always that right so it's coming up July 28th do we want to think about changing these are we allowed to do it through uh warrant or do you have to do it through how does it get done well how does this compare with what MHC has oh yeah you did that thank you because we you know we can't change what MHC says we can't we we can it's a long process all right all right what am I looking how can you change something that the mass legislature has you petition yeah like you said you'll be there before they even look at it well it depends on who you get behind you me going back to this it says when the commission is first established members will be appointed for term of one year and it it would be it would be two year three years so that standers we didn't have a two year no that that at the very beginning so that you'd be roled we wouldn't all go off at the same time right knows and has experienced yeah but also you like we're all we all to be i' had reappointed yeah so you'd have come in as one two and three again yeah and then Flair and I are the B between I guess because I'm 26 and you're probably 27 maybe or 25 so you're at the you're not you're not the same here so it is it is the technically I should be coming in this a one year and then two years I would reappoint for and then next I would be three years all right we can't get you appointed that's all right I know you can appoint me for whatever years you what we get our own done I didn't know I was gonna do this so I not that's all right um I don't see it we can do it the next one that's a good question how does this compared to the state yeah if you do the next one you should do right the day before their meeting so you prar you don't have to go to that meeting but you think we're going to go to that meeting and address it like Susan said we should just ignore it but but you want to change it yes we need if you want to change change it change but we don't ask them do we well no you petition and it gets voted on by the by the town people yeah we have to petition in this one I must have another one this this is all where possible it's where possible yeah it never is you can't ever do it and I think where possible is a very key and it's so difficult to get anybody to be on on a committee right I don't think this is an issue but that's not what but he's making it an issue he's making an issue I understand the import came with that highlighted oh say all I I'm not g to say anything about who I think this came from but um I I have an idea too okay we're not going there need evidence all right where are we going from here I I just don't think we need to do anything we're going to do another meeting of this what what what what would we do would be nice if they're if they're going to hang their hats on this Charter you know then I think we do need to look at what the Massachusetts St and then petitioned make a petition to change the charter for this particular so what's highlighted in yellow here is what the charter consists of but this is where it's where possible it's all it's all it's where possible 4 chapter 4C that's we are that's what possible it's always like right it's only it's where he can't take the words where possible we're too small a town you can't take them out they're in there no no we can't take where possible out no that's that's that's Point L legal this came from the charter right yes that's just highlighted so that we could see it easily well I know all right not everyone has your like 2020 Vision Vis some of us need to blow it up down here too that he have actually stapled on here which is which I really feel this is what you do so what's their what's the beef they want us to go by the charter and the New England they're interpreting the charter membership composition differently than we are and he he I don't know if I should say they like you said don't know if is someone well there's at least two people I don't believe she like you said you spoke to her and she didn't know right so the reappointment and he says in here that the Ethics Committee which I would like to see that in writing so that I could have some confidence in it that um because of the vision of the Historic Society because it's expanded in scope the HDC which is us table must be held separate from that scope despite disclosures being filed this is what the SEC was questioning and as the appointing authority is outlined in the town Charter we should keep these entities separate therefore we should only have one or at most two members that sit on both board doesn't make any differ so what so what is the scope nothing to do with changing buildings is it do they want to S the C and change it completely but we can't make that decision yeah so he that that's that that the cage is not even under us anyway the covenants and restrictions they probably have to come before us to have some sure you know impr Mara put down but as far as the work scope we don't get to dictate that no no we do but we have to have but it has to be with the guidelines of the covenants and restrictions by the state we have to get their permission which is very different than any other building new histor of New England is not a state governed no entity that's right oh okay Mass historic is and they have the Covenant on the read house so that's important that's very important so what about the uh coage and the Gill is that in any way restricted in Covenant yes okay so and the Cent house so we're being P we're being reprimanded when you look at it in pars it out for one building that we have control over that has already been not only voted on but it's been in construction for the past six months right so to question how we all feel about that I think is way out of line fascinating way out of line and to say that we can't be members of the Historic Society historical society and Commissioners also because of the scope of the Historical Society Vision that I don't get that yeah well the hor is gone so why why door but it's clear that the selectman whoever was involved in this doesn't realize what the Historical Society owns and what the commission does because do you care about the Methodist Church does historical society care about the Methodist Church no we have no what's got what's what's what that's in the historic district right that would be under the commission the thing is the interesting thing is that um the historic district would have oh never mind that the dasis the dasis would probably argue that they they could do anything they want with the church but they wouldn't do anything they want with the church anyway so nothing right but but but we don't have a conflict of interest on the Methodist Church we don't have a conflict of interest on your house we don't have a conflict of interest on any of the houses except the church and already and that's already The Harbor Church bar the harb church The Harbor Church that's the only one I do agree with you there and we didn't vote it down oh that's the most incredible thing so that's why I didn't get the that's why the conversation with Joe shank was very concerning to me because does he think that that we voted it down I don't think he was talking on us I think he was talking on me and I think it was a result of the rumors that have been going around that everyone thinks that I'm against the project yeah what I am not I am not I think the project is great and if it brings economic growth to this town thank you God because somebody will be sharing the TX base with us no they won't because it's all that's right so um sorry but my beef with the issue is going on is the co-mingling of the appearance of co-mingling of funds between town of towns and Historical Society on the fire that's all I care about it I just want to make sure that we're not comingling funds there that everything is up and up in terms of all the part but that's a personal issue that's got nothing to do how we vote on anything here that's right that's exactly personal thought and it's been misconstrued we've never talked about it at a meeting no no we haven't no we haven't actually we haven't no that's historical thing that I deal there so why why was that phone call made to me about my feelings about Arbitrage no reason it's not happy maybe you think you're nosing in and I'm not nosing in I'm asking a question and let me tell you this well got it my whole career has been based on Forensic questions I get paid by lawyers all over to ask questions to find out how to solve problems involving real estate issues this is a real estate issue I see it red flag goes up I ask and I get a phone call from the board of selectman that's for so who actually called you Joseph Shen oh Jo Shen okay is it the chair chman I don't know he was the chairman of that oh yeah Vice chairman no Vice chair yeah but they've never let Teresa have her oh it didn't it's supposed to she was always there in line Y and I will say one thing that I did speak with her and she was very helpful she did guide me in some direction she's very much Town oriented but she's not a gender driven okay so let's you done the last paragraph then you started it you want me to stop talking I don't want you to stop talking I'm just going to say that want you to respond to it and he's willing to meet with us to discuss it but then he told you at the meeting the other night they don't really want to meet no I asked for I answer they so I think I think is right I think IGN if they want to know let them listen to this yeah and and when they look back those questions I don't even get what the issues are that's should tell us I mean no if it if it's in fact true conflict of interest would ethics we have but it wasn't it would only been a conflict of interest when you were dealing with a har church and and we we got clearance from the board of Ethics so it's so it's we know what our responsibilities are it's not like we're trying to do anything we did what we were supposed to do and I personally contacted and have a letter anybody wants to stand I'm jour