##VIDEO ID:4cGcEru9ejE## good evening this is Carol hofus chair of the open space and Recreation committee and I want to call the meeting to order at 7 p.m on 29 August 2024 and I'll take a roll Paul George Sullivan present Emy Hoff present Veronica Cal present and Carol Hof is present um this meeting is being recorded and will be up on YouTube I guess um by have no additions of deletions and did anybody have a chance to look at the last minutes I I did I thought they were fine yeah Sam on that you sent out to us yeah very brief and to the point excellent that's all you're got to get from me is very brief to the point um can I get a motion to approve the minutes um go ahead Veronica um I move that we approve the minutes for July 25th 2024 second okay and can I take a vote Emmy Hoff yes Veronica Kell yesan yes and Carol hes yes thank thank you okay um okay I guess on 2.2 we were going to review the action plan and play the goals of objectives and priority order and you weren't here the when we were discussing it Emy but um I got clarification from U the state that instead of I thought they wanted us to number them one through 38 or however many there are but if you have gotten to section n in the plan that column it says time frame it will say like ongoing or there's a date there um instead of we we're going to be able to put high medium and low against each one of those items and high would be0 to 3 years medium was 3 to 7 and low was something seven years out okay I all right I have it up on my computer I can actually make the changes in it and then we can let go along if you want me to yeah that would be great I'll just make them in Red so that we can go back and just double check and make sure we've got it right or make them in blue or something like that okay um so if we wanted to just go down um starting with Goal a in number one I mean a lot of these say ongoing so would that be 0 to three years a high priority well yeah because we're it's protecting private Wells from contamination and draw down so that's definitely a high priority like we want to keep doing that and that's a forever sort of deal so we just put an H in there okay um so do we think all the ones that say ongoing should just be hes yes I would yeah anything that's ongoing right so all the ongoings are just going to do H all the way through well if they're ongoing doesn't that mean that some somebody's doing some action with them yeah but I don't know that it is it a high priority for is for the Board of Health well I'm not sure she didn't say all she said this is what the state said if we put an H there it means that this is something that's being done in year 0 to three if it's medium it's being done in year three to S and if it's a low it's being done seven years out plus seven plus yeah seven plus years would be right so if it's ongoing well so I would think though number two developing a template plan for residents to manage the septic system would be 0 to three but um inv those those are the definitions the state gave us right so I can't change those definitions that the state no I mean the ongoing part where okay so for 2A where it's ongoing I would think that would be zero to three but for and same thing for B would be 0 to three but investigate other SE septic system and Alternatives that are more environmentally friendly that could be a 3 to S except we have it now we have it at 2023 to 24 right you got to change that so we want all of these to be like on the board of health to get it done in the next zero to three years is that the plan for that looks that way I mean those I don't know who put those G in I think I don't know how years um well that's seems like high priority that would be 0 to three the same with the low salt areas in number three which is 2023 24 I mean right those ones I would definitely think would be like the 2023 24 obviously that's we're already saying that needs to be happening now okay all right okay so now we're down to number four um that should be H hi okay and number five okay um that should be always I know I have a hard time with this high medium low because it's one of those things that's it's not like going to be done in three years like it's something that should be happen and I are they thinking of like when we're going to start really working on it or five acquire Parcels within public water supply zones one and two that become available well you want to do that when they become available that and that doesn't I mean are we committing to do this within zero to three years this this could this really is ongoing and just like developing the brochure for residents at 4A okay okay do is developing a brochure really high importance yes do I want it done in the next 0 to three years but is it high importance not necessarily um I mean yes do I want it done like I said but do I consider it higher prop like high priority to develop a brochure like get it done get it done no okay is that okay to develop the brochure is that something you want to do in the next zero to three years or is it something you want to do later think of it that way um who's doing it the water department yeah it's water department Conservation Commission with the school district have they done do you know let's yeah I mean I there I'm updating it with h yeah because I'd like them to get it done but do but again I guess our definitions are I find it weird that they're doing they're creating the priority according to yeah I I I know I I thought it was weird to but that's what they that's what the state agreed to so well just tell them it's on going so just tell them [Music] leave no just leave it yeah it's I mean because all the ongoing ones yeah they're to me if it's ongoing it's being somebody's doing something with it correct but who put the ongoing on you don't know that no I don't know who put the Ono look apply for Grants it's ongoing they're always doing that somebody's doing that I think that's um pulled over from the last um the lastation yeah of this document me we can go through them and see and maybe some of them really aren't ongoing we could just go through and see whether we believe they're ongoing or and if they're ongoing then we'll just put an H there uh okay number five a can I say something about that yeah um it that it should really be two sentences continue contributing to land conservation to conservation land fund period if it exists and then increase public awareness of importance of land protection that's a separate thing we don't contribute to the conservation land fund by increasing public awareness those are two separate okay yeah I got that so if I find out that there is no more cont conservation land fund would that come out if then we want to create a conservation land fund because we have no way to purchase land right now in town where does the money come from we don't have a way to do it if CPA passes in November then we do but currently without that conservation land fund unless we get a grant there and we can't we don't even have funds in our budget to match a property purchase we don't have funds we don't have funds to run the [Music] town I'll find out if that conservation land fund still exists and if it doesn't I'm I'm gonna find out for you about that and see if there's any money left in there put two hes on there H and H put a comma in Yeah Yeah by the land fund p and then next question we could make that ABC there you go a yeah a and ab C so B would be increased public awareness and and then C would be apply for Grants and um I I just did a note that said I'm again I'll send this out to you guys I just did a note in the PDF it's a comment that says does land fend still exist question mark and then separate into two sections and I highlighted the second yeah sounds that sounds good okay so now we're down to goal B objective one protect land AB buing this spook River this again we'll have to find out if there is a conservation land fund okay so this is all this one's sort of all like just wait and see if that because I've got so the but the applying for Grants to purchase par Parcels we're keeping that as a high priority right because we're just sort of like hey is that thing that's happening yeah okay all right I'm back to Tex all right and then let me get into the next page you guys are on so we're now at contribute contributions that again that all matters about this land fund right right right all right so that's another that that's part of that but it does say so in in in the world that it does exist yeah is that still going to be considered a high zero to three it's it's ongoing yes I would say yes because if something almost everything we have is ongoing so at some point we need to make some harder decisions like what what we really do in zero to three years if a piece of property comes up within the three years then we would do it but if a piece of property doesn't come up then you can't do it I mean unless go out can we do like h- m-l like that's what I think because it's really it's really ongoing so I would do H m-l because you don't know when that certainly if it were to come up tomorrow we would be on it all right for this one why don't we do HML yeah I'll go with that I'll go with that for H&L they they might not like that but anyway to me to me the ongoing was more important than than trying to come up with this year thing ongoing is like somebody's doing all who have they're doing all this I know and to me to me the highest priority was goal a if I read if I was looking at this I would look at all everything goal a was your higher priority and then B and then C and D I thought it was a priority when you read through them it makes sense that people are looking at all these yeah be it a threeyear window or a fouryear window it's they're doing something every one of these well yeah because you want to protect the right you look keep look ahead and you'll say wait a minute these are all things that everybody's look and watching out for well yeah because keep clear trash keep reduce the salt Road I mean you're going to do that all the time I mean that's they they're all keep the gous clear crash and debris I mean these are like all ages as far as I could tell so can we look at 1B I think we change some wording there it should read secure interests in land with conservation and agricultural restrictions or development rights not as well as conservation so security into with conserv and okay yeah so once you you obtain the property then you want to protect it in perpetuity okay let me take care of that then I'm want to add [Music] text and I I don't know I I agree with George the ongoing makes sense I mean you can't say you're going to do this within three years unless you get a piece of property within three years so so they're all the ongoing to me makes it look like you're aware of these and paying attention to them HML we're do exactly you're doing all of that on all of them you know get not allow me it that way you're you're paying attention to everything on this that's why everybody is you know all right it let's look at a different way so when this was set up as goal a b c d and e was like goal a like the first priority goal is that how this worked do anybody know I wouldn't it could be just like we're talking today we just add adding to it you know because I was going to say almost just I agree with you Ono ongoing just makes it's like it's like down here you review planning Bo regulations and blah blah blah you're doing that all the time it's all the time it is and that's a plus it's it's you don't want to give it a low no no if that's what they're asking for I mean we can look the ones that have actual dates um yeah somebody put those on there yeah somebody put those on you jump up to date you got to jump up like those could be M's actually mediums 3 to five years 25 to 28 they didn't give yeah three to seven yeah some of those could be I don't know do do we want to put HML against all the ongoing why not I mean I me I can I can just put HML for all the ongoings I don't I mean that works for me because that's really what that means I mean that's what it me yeah no and I agree I I agree everything is being done here so the only ones we really need to look at are the couple of that actually have years in them all right give me a second to get there okay but otherwise I agree HML get [Music] all and um they see somebody here like number two they put down 25 2025 to 2028 okay well that's that's H so three years three years somebody did it well well so somebody put down the years are doing all right so let's see here um all right I can go back and change those ongoings if we're going to 24 through 28 that's an ongoing I'm assuming I'm going to just change that one to HML is that that first one paste and then at 24 to 27 that would be our HML but now we're at 25 to 28 so at that so this 24 to 27 do we change that to just H yes we're at that so that's and then oh what did that do hold on three years it's still three years it's 2024 now so somebody put these years in here that added in their mind 24 28 that's four years the one that's what it you could almost put a medium there but right so that that's what I'm saying are we doing like are we considering that 25 since it's going further are we going to consider that one RM and then this one that's like you know what I mean so 24 to 27 is H and then the 25 to 28 we're going to go into M yeah well the 24 to 28 could be an M because that's four years right which is objective number one then then 1 B could be H because that's three years right no and then well it's already be 25 by the time they look at this and then 25 to 28 could be M because it's 24 so that would be years it's August by the time they look at this it'll be H yeah so we have a couple M's in here to make it look good all right and then so that so then the only low would be 24 to 31 31 yep okay and then we're back to HML um and say one that just 2025 so that could just be H it would be yes y yes and 20 and then the last one the 20 24 25 could just be H so the one that's just 25 that says it's funding source volunteers and it says 2025 what where are we doing that is that m no make that H because I just make it just a plain H okay and then the 24 to 25 is also a plain H correct corre correct yeah okay okay and then we're down to the ongoing okay paste my HML paste my hm number one publicize trails and parking for open space and Recreation facilities I think we should make that an H just H I agree okay and then maintain existing access points that should be an H HML that should be an HML right all the time always want to do that andure are clear and debris free that's like a continuous thing yes I agree yeah um this um can I go back up to sorry guys can I go back up to really quick to 5A the continue contributions to conservation land fund again we don't know if there's a land fund I'm just gonna put that through oh yeah just put a question yeah all right um okay let me just change this up okay so that one's still a conservation land fund situation we don't know what's going on with that yet yeah okay all right um okay so let me just let me just finish up these ongoings and make sure that I'm on the same page as all of you guys okay so my last page of this I've got maybe we just go back here um text um so this is so we're so I'm on page right now I'm looking at um 1A inventory and monitor surface areas with noxious species that's a high that's an is that an HML I'm sorry I'm under goal C protect maintain the quality of all service water so we're going those are all ongoing so are those all HML I believe so you guys want to take a quick look through make sure um do you see anything that is more so than another um okay so 2A I believe that is a high I think they're doing that right now with the MVP grant that the town just got got it the storm water structures townwide and fix any problems arise I think that's an h y okay uh the B um that's an HML that's an HML yeah what about C the state highway department to improve storm water runoff along Route 119 is that I think that should be that should just be an H just high that something that get done let's just get it done it's a it's a oneoff thing to do it's not something that's going to be okay like a project okay so um the next one number three are is the planning board even looking at low impact development when they evaluate subd divisions I don't know tell you M will imp Tech something that's coming down the line so do we do that as an M&L I know we have the stor water you know applications that we review but I'm not sure I don't even know what low impact development even means I have okay if this is staying in that should be an H then um I don't I don't I can put a question mark there and we can talk to somebody and see what they say at the L use um yeah I'll yeah let me just put a question mark in there and I'll highlight it so we know it's something we have to go into right here okay got a little highlight on that one okay and I'm just question marking it so that we know what we're doing and let me just um I'm gonna do a little note that just says contact planning board on it yeah I'll talk to be okay that or contact land juice content land juuse sorry yeah it would be either Jessica or Beth I'll talk to I can chat with um chat with Jess tomorrow even okay so I think I got that in there okay all right are any of these other ones things that we need to follow up with somebody else to know what we're doing with them you mean under under go see yeah is there anything else in there we need to check [Music] on see if it's even on their radar like is conservation or highway is it even on their radar to to contact the State Highway Department is that something that we want to put into their bug in their ear I guess once this is cleared because we do have that as a high is there anything else in there that we need to worry about are whether or not that's even happened I don't know what the Conservation Commission is doing with invasive species anymore okay so we'll leave that as what we consider it our priority or where we consider their priority for it and then obviously we can make changes as as needed but I mean if we're primarily hming we're sort of giving them the option to right to work on it at their Pace the way I even if we were to say oh it's high and between zero and three you have to go out and remove invasive species they come back they come back you're doing it again you're doing it again again and again right so I know we did frag mides in like 2016 2017 that time frame but I'll bet they came back in the you know um River out in West Townson so it's hard to say you know to say oh we're gonna do this now and it will be done it it it will never be done right just like eating my my G is never done so I'm I bounced around a little bit I went back up to page 81 where it's the um ensure your septic system brochure is distributed to all residents I made that just an H that's some not something that needs to take three plus years to do right it it's your septic system it there's we know which residents in town have a septic system it shouldn't take three plus years to distribut a brochure to the residents or even just put them on the table at Town Hall and at wherever else or put it on the website right that's what I'm saying this one that one should be like just out the door right like that was that's just like a just done not doesn't need to take forever and a year to get it done I agree right because that's I'm so what I'm doing right now as we're sort of going through this I'm looking at those things that are like the one-offs it's just okay let's just get this brochure out the door let's just get this thing done like it's not it's not something that should really take a lot be something that's like gonna take forever like even the develop the brochure for residents and put it the info and what have you okay that that doesn't need the that one I'm sorry is um 4A so we really that doesn't need to be gone going it's a brochure they need to develop let's say let we want it to be done in the next three years like it's just develop a brochure and send it out we want it be done in three years it shouldn't take more than three years to develop a brochure if it does that's a problem okay I have canva I'll make the brochure like I don't know what to say no it shouldn't take forever mean that's a oneoff so even though it's an ongoing it really isn't it's like let's just it's a it's a brochure let's make it let's get it out the door if that's what we're looking to do with it some some other things like applying for Grants to purchase Parcels that that we should keep going like we should always be looking at Grants we should all be always be trying to find these sorts of things so that makes sense is there anything else in there that looks like a oneoff you guys not seeing anything that all looks I mean everything else seems to look like it should be what what we put there either it's the HML or it's just H right yeah just H or just right yes yeah I mean I don't think we're putting much on there that would like why would we put it on plan we're not even G to look at it for seven years so that kind of seems okay okay sorry I had to put my plug my phone or plug the computer in okay is there anything else on there that we need to look at those all look about right looks okay okay [Music] um what is this a one here oh that's already high you already gave me that one sorry I I can only by splitting my screen I can only see like this much of the document at a time so I'm having to go back and forth to see what's matching I got and I've got a kind of killer headache so I'm trying to refocus between the transition glasses and the headache and the great I'm like I'm I'm definitely having technical difficulties today I'm feeling my age okay let me see here um all right I think that's it for those ones right all right so now are we going down to the next goal F yes yes okay all right so so are we still at the 2425 is going to be an H period like it's just going to be an H that's what we've already decided correct yes right all right um I'll work on doing that if you guys want to look at the ongoings and see if any of those are not HML and should be H or M instead just because it takes me a little bit of I'm cut and pasting see both of those B and C begin with the word continue right um so I would do HML for those two ongoings yeah and then what's the next um that 2425 what's that one that's Recreation right yeah that's for looking at um available Town lands yeah that's a high priority I think that's an H yeah well it is I mean we're not gonna I mean it's something that we talked about putting an eye out for um okay and then 2527 is that what we decided to be M or is that oh geeez I just lost my screen on 2526 I think that's uh High identify a suitable site for a multi yeah that's yeah that's that was a high priority we wanted to see about getting something going for the community yeah okay um identify funding source and apply for Grants that's just HML I think that's like we want to get that like that needs to just keep happening although ident that's almost like two separate ones right yeah that okay so in the first one we we find the place second one we find the funding and the third one we acquire and develop so I think I would do BH CM DL or i' do hhm I don't know yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna cross out this um I'm gonna get rid of the and and do a note for a second a second um sentence another one so we have a d like so we have another that one separated into two if I can figure out how to do that now because now my thing is like oh no never mind you can't do that now okay oh here it is um so identify funding source I'm getting rid of that and then I'm going back into text and I'm going to I'm going to enable my sorry I'm talking out loud while I'm trying to think because I'm not thinking and then we're going to make this as a like a separate One D um I'm just going to put a note in it that says create second add a comment create create create another section okay all right I got that in there now okay so that should help us with that part that we can know what we're doing here I'm highlight that okay all right got it all right sorry thank you guys for hanging with me for the while I go through those okay so we're back on that one so that's going to be two different ones but we're going to so the first one we're going to be identifying a funding source and then applying for the grant so I think that's an h and then it's going to be an HML underneath it does that make sense thank you for you guys are literally hearing what's happening in my brain well that's okay okay all right so that's an h and an HML we're going to do those as we're GNA do those as two separate ones okay that makes sense now all right what's on the next one that's 28 to 31 so that is are we in low there yes okay and then we've got ongoing that's again that's grants right existing yeah that's although that's kind of an M that's kind of an HML because we do have a lot of the stuff so that's I think that one's an HML does that sound right Ronnie to you too number four 4 a yeah I and I'm I'm confused though I would combine um it says ongoing and then the next one is blank um I I think that we need to take out that line all the way across there that this is all part of four right oh I agree yeah um I'm G yeah I'll put a note in there to combine the the um com A and B uh well B is separate B is down below but oh yeah combine say one bake trails to Recreation Center that's part of the a above a yeah so that line just need you know they need to combine cells there yeah in each of those columns de line basically should come out and it should be the after the survey that should just be continuation after the survey right I think that that's how we actually had it and I don't know at some point it looks like it got changed over to that because that's not what it was it looks like that because it says survey and then it's got like so it looks like it should have been together yes okay so yeah we'll get rid of that line um and then B encourage developers to use bylaw and include land for recreation or construct recreational facil in subdivisions that's an HML that's an I think that's ongoing it's GNA be something that yeah we're GNA want to just keep on doing as the town grows and as we move and as we all right and what's that next one all right I think that's just an H it's developing a list I don't know that we need to I go with the H I'll go with I'm just gonna go with an H for five does that make sense to everybody yes yes okay thank you all right so we're on to the next page yep okay okay let's see here okay so it looks like our ongoing is our first one is that an ongoing I think it is HML yeah I would say HML okay and then that next one we're looking at the years again but it goes all the way to 31 so is that that would be an now our low right well it's an HML you want to do it every year continue contributions to the conservation land fund at annual town meeting oh yeah we got to look at that too HML that's every year if we because we don't know anything about that fund right now so that's also highlighting right yeah that's just another spot where we see that okay got it okay all right got it got it got it all right and that's an HML yes if that fund exists all right and then the 24 to 27 is that hm or is that H that's HML the whole thing okay unless you know unless we want to say let's go out and PCH we don't even know if we have we don't know yeah okay if we have that conservation land fund I mean you'd have to do land grants yeah so those next couple are all hmls that's all something that the town should be doing as a town yeah as becomes available as things come up okay and then we're down to the 2025 27 and ongoing so what is it encourage Trail creation all right this was the trail that um was being built by Ray Jack but it's really a a problem because the the um property isn't conducive to a trail it's too um up and down so it would need to be graded to be turned into a trail yeah it there would be um uh I would put medium there right good idea it's a good idea it's just G to take some time yeah yeah that sounds like if it's it's not just a matter of going in and and tamping down Trail we're act and marking it we're it would actually need real land work to make it into a trail is what you're saying okay possibly even a bridge over a um so this I'm I would put that me okay everybody okay all right um what else do we have here um link Trail systems together by purchasing strategic partials that's an HML I agree acquire fee interest in land conservation and that's also HML correct right both like a let's just that's our and the funding source is again the infamous conservation land fund so right make sure we have that yeah yeah yeah let's um like I said I'm kind of highlighting those so that we can remember that they're there and sort of like Mark all those spaces because there definitely there's a few of them and we're just like where did that what exactly is that hi see the next three as HML yeah okay next three are all HML okay yeah three a b and c okay um where am I hold on sorry I just lost the my screen just jumped okay so um HML these three and other one they're both the conservation that again it's the LF the conservation land fund um which used toist right and then the last one is possible grants and that one is also an ongoing because anything that's grants is really gonna be a lifelong job all right um all right then we're now we're on just to make sure we're both in the same place go H correct okay okay so number one should be an HML I would think but number two is an H develop page on town website devoted to open space and Recreation that is definitely an H that would be an H but the other one would be an HML the top one the top one develop a brochure for inclusion on the website no I would put that as either an H or an M no hold on a second oh okay I'm sorry I just saw the educate part I did not see this the next line where it said develop no those are H and M I think that I think these on should all be H because they're all like seem to be like just things that just need to be done like let's just get it developed let's get it done let's do the thing there's no need for us to spend three years again doing some of this right I wouldn't think um okay so the 2026 that third one down is that also that one's an H as well the 2024 to 26 okay and the last one the ongoing is that an HML or is that an just an H oh that's an updating so that would be an HML I agree this is through a keep the website updated and sure transparency for projects um in town HML okay okay all right so we're on to goal I I um and that should be now there was a forest management plan for old meaning House Park and it is probably 10 years old now and needs updating because I think that cut was done around 2014 um that should be high priority we should have a forest management plan for every town property that's wooded yeah and and we should be actively I think um you know using the plan and cutting where we can it would bring additional funds to the town okay I got that as H the next one I also have is H because that's actually happening right now yeah we're doing that and then the continue to fund and utilize grant writer to seek and pursue funding an HML correct for investigate grants to develop and repair recreation facility that's an HML that's a let's let's just do that okay yeah right and quite frankly this is just an off the cuff if the conservation land fund no longer exists and CPA passes it's possible that we could just replace that over yeah yeah conservation land fund with CPA passes which would be fantastic okay um what's the next one the next one is tree Warden provide educational materials to home owners businesses and developers promote the planting of native trees and shrubs okay again providing educational materials I'm assuming these educational materials already exist it's just USDA or DCR so so basically one of us or somebody just needs to collect them up and stick them in locations where our public our public can access them is that correct yes so this is just that's just an H yes just or talk to somebody over there so that we're part of their route when they go from town to town to drop off these sorts of things okay all right um so now we're down to the next one um again let's confirm that we're on the same page here that we are on shade tree inventory that should be a b because it goes with the thing above uh we might need a page break somewhere to make that that should be that's a good catch um and I would say that's medium okay and we're gonna say um for that all right okay if everybody agrees with that yeah yeah I'm good with that let me just get into text again and that was an M okay um got it okay and then the next one is convene the agricultural commission established by the town for its attended intents and purposes do we have one of those we don't one of the other actions was to create one yeah this is an H an I'm pretty sure this has already happened I'm not sure I don't know the status but I'm I I know that Margaret Scarsdale rep met with all the agricultural commissions and that included people from Townsen I think James is on that commission okay but I would make that an H okay okay one a is an H okay got it that one's an H all right and then we're down to climate resiliency there continue to implement and evolve the goals and actions of the 2020 MVP and hmp plan okay that's HML like that's just a thing that's going to keep happening Y and then as we get it the new ones done then we just keep going with those right yes okay all right okay we on to the next page that's the end of it yes look at us go look at that all right let me just make sure and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to share this with you guys I can share it right off of adobe um with your emails and then you guys can go in and make sure I didn't miss anything um I highlighted some things I put in some comments and then I changed all the H's and hmls and you guys can just take a look and make sure that that's you know that it looks the way it's supposed to look oh I have wait I have one ongoing hold on um it looks like like goal f um and it's 2 C continue to assess and minimize any potential impacts on Wildlife wetlands and private property for the rail trail I it still says ongoing for me do we want that's an HML since it sounds like it's something that we should be constantly looking at or is it more like an H that we're just doing that's something that we're doing now that's for specific areas of the rail trail that we I thought we had said it was HML I have the one above it as HML and the one below it as H but that one just still says ongoing so I didn't put anything in there I don't know if I just missed it or if it's supposed to be HML and I just I had it done as HML okay got it I might have just missed um pasting there okay but at least I'm catching it now okay let me make sure the rest of these I have all right it looks like everything else I I put in um including our question marks and like I said our comments and I'll just share it with you guys and then you can go through and just confirm and we can do the follow-ups that we need to yeah because I've got everything else in there sounds good thank you got it okay all right thank you for doing that you're welcome I just figured it would be easier for me to just put it right into the document as we're going and then we can just save it that way once we're done making those highlights and changes weights and with shared at least that that way we all have access to the same one okay that's great all right I got it okay everybody's email and I can share it that way I can share it to all of us too um to make sure everybody on the gets it let me see here just make sure I have everybody for meeting have everybody's emails sorry guys let me just check this again make sure I have everybody um so I'm showing that I have um no that's just Carol why is it why is not everybody else in here um Carol okay looks like I have Dave um Ronnie George and Nancy Sullivan Colby and James is that is that who I should be sharing this document with and Carol do you have Carol well yeah obviously Carol yeah okay obviously Carol yeah is that everybody yes George you got George J Dave okay all right so okay all right I'm just goingon to um okay I and get it shared to you guys okay I'll be able to share that is there anything else we have at tonight's meeting that we have to go through in this in this file before I send it off to everybody that's fil no no okay I will s see everybody car look at you showing up already car oh there's Dave vent hey look at him showing up too what um Ronnie how many emails do you have I have a zillion what which one do you have for me um I got vcal I got two I got bcal wait a minute B I've got V okay I've got V BOS and I have V A use the V BOS that's what I've been doing Town stuff on okay perfect Gmail yeah yeah and got JY perfect HBY got it and James okay got it okay you guys should be all be getting that in your email okay great thank you okay okay okay okay got it I think that's all right they've all been sent out just confirmed it for me okay so you guys can stick that in your file and take a look at it and like I said we can follow up on those couple of things and it may be a wording thing I think on some of those too like the continue the review the like create like some of that I think dictates it um and some of it may just be wording that we have to look at a little bit differently okay all right so we with Jour for the night otherwise we can look at the MBP the was it there's really not much on the ha ad medication um that's for the open space I can if if you want I can just read them or we can look at it and discuss it next time because some of them are weird well having just gone through those goals Carol I'm wondering why open space and Recreation is in here and why it doesn't say Conservation Commission or land use because where we're the open space and Recreation um document committee we are not the town's open space and Recreation committee you know and in our goals we say develop such a committee of volunteers um so this pursue removal of invasive species with volunteers and local groups we're not going to do that we write the that's what I was going to ask I'm like I was looking at this and I'm like well we're not going to go do that and I wasn't sure where this how this came about I think that it and I was on the committee that wrote the MVP plan um okay and I don't think we were thinking of this committee to do it so I'm questioning the wording and I think it really should be either land use or conservation I mean reduce mosquito habitat throughout and removing standing water I I see that as Highway and maybe conservation and then host Community Education programs on how to use Trails safely well that's really commun um it's not it's not this committee if that's what they're thinking okay yes that's what they were thinking because um I think Jessica had asked me to look at these and I started reading them and I'm like well we're never going to go do mosquito control or remove evasive plants in um no once the state accepts the document that we've you know been facilitating once the state accepts that we're done yeah you know so so having open space and Recreation as this Committee in the MVP document I agree doesn't make sense so I'm looking at where it says State Forest like where are you guys in this in the MVP plan the hmp very bottom okay I'm seeing like where it says State Forest and then where it says Street trees like all of those we want to highlight and send this back and tell them we that needs to be removed because we're not a thing that that's not a thing open space and Recreation as that's not what we are we are open space and Recreation documentation gu like you said yeah we're the document people not the not we're not going to be uh creating replacement plan for lost trees no I don't think we're doing that no well I mean I don't have the I don't have that ability to come up with a plan for lost threes or uh so I'm going to highlight this to this open space and Recreation Commission because again that currently is not a thing all right so I I'll I'll talk to Jessica and find out how we get on there for that because none of it makes sense for us to do any of of that no it's not our our mission is to write this document you know yes yes all right I'm I'm gonna um I just highlighted a bunch I'll send this over to you Carol so that you can just pull it up and have it already red lettered or highlighted the exact spot you need to talk to her does that work yeah that works fine thank you I'll send this over to you right now okay so with that being said and done like to uh good make motion to close the meeting George has just made a motion to close the meeting and Emmy has uh second you need a vote you need a vote go ahead if ver vote I Veronica Cal I Emy Hoff I George solivan I Carol house and we close the meeting at 8:04 p.m. excellent thank you