okay good evening I'm Carol L chair of the open space of recreation committee and I want to call the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. and I have our roll call James Gates present em H pres Veronica C present geordan suvan present and Carol H is present um i' just like to announce that the meeting is being tap recorded it will be uploaded to YouTube and the oh I guess I do have one edition that Mary Jane will be a member anymore I don't know if anybody wants to be clerk could she was the clerk we can postpone that for another meeting for discussion which is fine with me um so then oh did everybody have a chance to look at the minutes um from the last meeting I know I think I did but that was a while ago yeah I know something everything that happened before sumere started is like a big blur I don't know I do I just had a coffee what did I do with my coffee I know last time I looked at it it was a date that wasn't there wasn't there something funky but that was a while ago if you want to take a quick look because that was we bet a long time ago when did we send that um thanks everybody everybody's happy those would anyone be opposed if I turn the air on no thank you I have my sweatshirt on because I'm usually chil and it's not chil in here okay did yeah have a motion to approve the minutes of 14 much 2024 yeah motion to approve the minutes for March 14 2024 second any discussion the minutes yes yes James Gates yes GE Sullivan yes car yes okay so this is so table 5.2 is what we're going to be looking at believe we're only think the town of Townson so that's to management agency anybody I don't see anybody online I didn't know if Jeffrey was going to try um I don't everybody's had a chance to kind look at the table um on the first page for swanic Meadows it has um the trail inventory has no but there are Trails there which one is that line is that 18 through 21 18 through 21 what do you have Trails so in the the column there it states no Trails but there are Trails on the property for all for those 18 18 through 21 yeah should be yes but but my question is on that are they trails that should be encouraged um no you're right that's that's the only okay no good point um and and again there's four of them here no just four so it it might be on some parcels it's okay well which ones yeah we gotta either yes or no it depending I mean does it have Trails or does it not have trails and are they is that considered po because we don't want to use them the condition or what it's I think if you look at the the last line over it says protection status it doesn't oh right so it doesn't really say should so if you're trying to protect the water you're probably not going to encourage people to go hiking land that's my yeah so I would just leave it alone no right and and well enough yeah because once you start encouraging people then you can have contamination whatever it's also protective habitat right so under the primary purpose current use it also has Public Access right because it is because part of it is you know part that's you know used for I know but it doesn't say encourage the trails it says Trails if there are Trails then we need to sa that those trails because there are Trails I don't I'm not familiar with any of this land so I couldn't tell you what looks like they aren't ma are they they on the map Trail they on the I don't know I did download the map of all the tra math Trail I think I have that in here somewhere public I mean there there is Public Access but you don't want to encourage people to walk up there that's all there is to it corre um so I mean the public access is the soccer fields yep um there's no calling for that it says so maybe we want to change the words primary purpose current use and Recreation potential um we just leave it alone exactly just leave those Al it says partially developed that if you read read what this young young lady is asking about she's asking it what we have any development in the future well it's partially developed so um I have a question about the West Elm and blood Road properties 16 and 17 um I believe those are and let me just I'm going to pull up in that I think those are the two properties that the affordable housing trust is developing in fact I'm sure of it 16 and 17 16 and 17 those were transferred they are town of Townson but they were transferred to the affordable housing trust and town currently has a grant with Mass Housing Partnership to and they've done the um they've looked at it already and we have a a wetland map and they're working on what can be developed there so it will be affordable housing um so where it says natural research preservation habitat prote that there I think it means none they should be um it should be to qualified with affordable housing trust to that you know when it says management agency okay um housing TR here yeah uh primary purpose just put aordable Housing Trust property it'll be affordable housing and we're Hing to have an RFP out F fa but MHP moves so it'll be but um so that under primary purpose just take that out and put it is the grants in place already or are you waiting on them under the funding portion so are the grants already in place the MHP we signed in January okay so that actually needs to put in there yes or gr um and and that's with MHP they do all the preliminary site work what is it called nass Housing Partnership MHP you want to change condition to aim development it's not yet okay I I would just put under primary purpose affordable housing okay I want to look and see for for who is this number 60 on here 51 Acres on Meadow Road that's the town of councilman what number please number 60 I think it's where is that I think it's is it 51 or 51 say 51 Acres I I'm trying to figure out where that is Mr U yeah why does it keep bumping me off the internet here I really if I had to guess it's if I had to guess it's in back of all the ones on um be on shambo's old house would be on the North side across the street where the town owns ATL metal Ro you know where they put you know where the flats are where they just paav for the new water liners yeah yeah across the street they own that right there the swamp that's they own the swamp they took care town of Townson does yep they own up long time and if I had to guess where that is it would have been in back of it and well behind the swamp um swamp would be on the left that's at westone a good part well there you go there a conservation 2239 pretty good yeah pretty good well you know you're the neighbor I would have said yeah I would have said it's that piece right there what's the number on that said was I know that has a conservation restriction on it that's 34 Acres it doesn't give the number no just the tax address no there could be another piece in there I don't know that come that would have been that and then there's another piece way up through it yeah and then there's this little piece on not even a full acre do I get we got to go met got go met some yeah I know but oh I call them yeah going down a rabbit hole I don't think that's 51 acres is it that's like a0 five 28120 Whitney Lane town of Townson it's lot size is 22,2 that's like what they happening you think there's a decimal point Miss um maps are just like number in website I just like m one that two do you want to go to Mr M I don't know exactly what I'm reading but I know you do I would have thought person I think is I think all of those are his well this one the state the state just bought this one that's why I said not all of those stat that's the forest Legacy Grant you mean the West um uh yeah the um 75 um up at the top of Meadow Road the back land oh yeah that was Forest Legacy Grant um so the state received the money from the federal government yeah that's that's how they make a lot of their Acquisitions I can't please visit the accessories homepage or click here for the maps and then the URL isn't found no it's not up yet it's so bad this new website I'm not but we just you Mr maer yeah you know how to work it sure I can I can play around in it and figure it out but you already know what you're doing go go gadget you yeah and I'm technically challenged so I can't I was able to 28 12 282 rough 20127 well in any event I think that one's in air okay so let me ask a question do we know on all this stuff here which ones of these are town conation and recreation properties can't be here it's somewhere right in there these which are used for recreation one of our comments is please know that this information it's only needed for Town own conservation recreation properties and she's suggesting that we take those properties and put them into their own table oh okay then that's different and I'm not sure which what then in that case um I I think San Meadow should probably be put there because of soccer fields okay so if it's just says soccer fields soccer fields yeah 18 through 21 I I would put there what do you think James yeah um I would put that there those are town on conservation okay um for recreation purposes okay 18 to 21 okay um now what about the baseball field yeah I I would do those and where are they they Main oh I just saw them but um I would find Meeting House Park so 79 is the B fields okay so take 79 yep okay so that and find Meeting House Park what about the field behind Town Hall Ian definitely number 82 listen guys I am almost there I need like $37,000 that's it almost there five years okay that's number 82 where's Adam's danam I I saw that on here no the Adams Dam property um the riverbank Terrace that's 84 and that's probably parking Adams Dam trail head we're bouncing around though so okay I'll just put a check mark so 84 should beot yeah but there was uh another part of it okay um 44 44 yes I think that's it Riverbank Terrace yes y Adam okay and and you could add 43 with that I saw offer road too yeah that's 43 was that 43 yep offer Road yep I was just looking at that is it Meeting House you looking for I was looking for meeting house but but let's get Adam stand okay so that's and then there were a lot that were Howard Park yeah Howard Park yeah um that yeah 27 is Howard Park there's another off doule I saw it's more than 2.8 Acres there yeah it's all split up into Howard you said Howard Park yeah that's 56 okay 56 as well and then um that's 38 Aces yeah 75 which is Craven field yeah okay there's the Adam Dam Recreation 77 77 okay y that one and it's possible Recreation areas right not just are we pulling we're pulling all Town own conservation and recreation properties yes that's what it says it says that they want those the town own conservation recreation properties pulled out and have its own table so we're looking at what like 105 all the way through 115 right you get the soccer field you might need to then you have I'm bouncing sorry well no I I I you're talking to the person that bounces around all the time okay y that's definitely and then we've got the you uh offy is the other part piece of Howard Park where are did we get that one 47 we get 47 47 then going down 56 which is Howard Park y um on the pr Downes off forway road it's towns and conservation land and it's pass the recreation possible trail location yeah that one you come out yeah the ones for Highway too that say pass possible active Recreation that's 55 or do we want to go about it with actuals and then then going back to the posses yeah we could so the active um 59 the side of the old is that under your historic marker but what about the upper common that's Recreation historic Monument where are you 880 we take we taken that historic biker entrance to we have the um number 57 they we have those the trail back there off street is that the that connects to that's one behind the right is not and it runs behind the highway department doesn't it well I don't think it's this um that's also North County it's north county land trust it's nor town of Townson so if there's something else so so there's a trail that comes down onto the highway garage land garage land it's like an Old Logging room but it goes through High Street behind lordens what back in there I wasn't thinking about that that's another one but there's another one that comes down from Top of Old Meeting House Road goes down towards Gary's house and then if you hook back you can go down to the that's the land trust L well it goes onto Town property at the end it's it's cross well no you can go down into town property with that trail walked that trail a million times develop that two different Trails maybe um there's a bunch of trails through there so you there are um call all of it it I'm not sure I can't get into the to it has 57 as town of towns and it doesn't have it because we did have it on there was another couple that actually had it separated out um for the land trust right like if you look at like number 127 128 it actually says NT land right so we didn't this one is designated as Tot so maybe that's the that's the one that behind Lon there is a trail there that will take you right to the highway garage but again there's another one that comes from the north county land trust land onto the town land that's the one behind um off of g gy Road if you go at the end of gy Road that's North County Land Trust so that's going to be down you go through like three properties though including North County Land north county is like the bulk of that trail leading down into that other Trail finishes out for that it's I'm it's only a small area I won't split hairs anymore I don't think you have it right because I had that property surveyed just about two years ago before transferring to North County so um anyway you know let me interrupt a second I I've done everything to try to come up with the word metal Road for that pie we I cannot find it under that 2812 number so I look into that a little further maybe not under metal Road and I can't find a 28 12 mon on metal search that a section when you go to town own properties on here on this site the town own assessor map that's not on here yeah that property needs to be looked at yeah we need to that there's a question about that that that's 2012 okay yeah it's not well it's 2812 but I don't know where it is I'm not coming up with it number 60 number 60 on here is uh questionable yeah reference it's somewhere there because it's in that on that map of 28 so the yeah okay all right um yeah we'll question mark and see if we can maybe I can ask Vicki to find it first tomorrow send a note to Jeff and ask him to verify it yeah are we putting in like the library Senior Center because that's a recreation property so number 63 you well I mean we should right yeah it's Recreation for the kids yeah my bank Annex is on here somewhere too it is somewhere um I just passed um it is number um 81 yeah there it was in between here Highland Street Hillside Cemetery no I don't think put definitely not um the town common here at 85 so where are we at are we at 80 in the 80s now yeah kind of I think we're kind of doubling back and over all right we can just go the numbers at the end to verif we captured 101 we should look at 101 didn't it's not even what's the upper Comm versus it's that theing Memorial that's upper common and that is it is technically it is like a public park yeah we're not looking at the TCC counc Conservation Commission property but old Meeting House Park is part of that right that's 104 so you want to take out um they want just town of towns correct well it said isn't it conservation conservation I don't know what they're looking for Town owned conservation and Recreation property cc is Town owned so then you can pretty much look from 95 all the way down there 95 down yeah 9 5 to 104 on this page um yeah to 115 keeping on going going down because that's all Meeting House far I'm traff what about this lenberg road B's Trails that's where that big sign is so that's that's where it is okay I don't recognize it so I was like just get it it's just fast B you're going up the hill okay I don't know I don't think you know just just jumping ahead to when you're on the last phase 133 and 134 I think they're reversed I think the locations are reversed yeah yeah they are yeah North Middle sex and H both those are yeah that's right they are so that needs fixed that doesn't I just so but you're right there for we've got yeah those are all the trust but you only want conservation right yeah that would be right yeah unless we go into the possible and the passive vers is already designated well just worded weird okay um if you look at 64 11.85 Dudley Road under um primary purpose designated for affordable housing that's what should be written for the west down and the did and there are a couple more that um are so if you look at 67 Wallace Hill Road hannes Road that's supposed to say this um that is designated for affordable housing that's number 67 as well as number 68 so okay there 67 68 should have that corre same designated for portable housing language in there correct and then there's also one on South Railroad and I have to find that I believe it's number 49 that's the other affordable housing trust property and it says potential for affordable housing but I'll put the same designation there yeah and voted at town meeting that same as uh 57 and 58 they were also voted at town meeting for affordable housing that's when they were transferred to the affordable housing trust okay I think those are the six properties that are um to that's four five six because it's two on West in West I only have five what am I missing um I got 16 17 49 67 68 what am I missing you're missing 64 64 okay thank you that one's already written that way that's fine I got it y I got it why so number 27 it's 7 and a half acers off Cherry in the primary purpose current use um it states wetland possible playground well that's what I'm saying do we want to go into the posses now because we have a lot of posses and passives do we want to put that put those in that table if we're talking about conservation and Recreation which one is that7 27 27 27 27 that was the one that was going to become a skate park years and years ago um then there was the ball field in at in um Kimberly Park Timberly uh that's number three say ball field weapons that's oh that's the one that used to be a ball field my kids no longer [Laughter] no right field again or too wet over there it's water supply and I think that the the Board of Water Commissioners would be do we Takei well love to see it become something but right you'd have restrictions so right right we used to park right along the Wetland I mean it was there were cars all the way down we could put possible Recreation because there is possible just not necessarily the ball field because of the restri yeah possible recre they threw that around as one of the places for a dog park yeah yeah um but anyway yeah that one should but again so we should put that on this other I'm thinking about SE ating it out like they asked us to do a separate table so we want to put that on that separate table because it's a possible Recreation is that like we want to go there now that we've designated the ones that are current I before I would put that one there I would check with the water department because I it's no point in putting it on a possible Recreation table if the water department is totally a and it it was ball park right that's what I understand from I mean both of my kids played there until I mean my daughter played until she was in Middle School and they played there so I mean she's 37 now but and you have the same thing like Ash stre has the access to the ball field that would be yeah right so that's I'm saying like it's all in that connection all right um yeah do we want to take out I would you I wouldn't um I would just oh I see take it to yeah the one move out Ballfield just going to take out Ballfield bfield and access to Ballfield on the next one oh okay these were probably just moved directly from the old plan yeah that's fine that one that you said possible playground in Wetlands why would you ever put a playground on Wetlands Nature's playground just I don't know where that one was isn't Sherry isn't it up off of Emory um was down at the end there that's it was going to be it was one of the skate park yeah many many years ago should take off possible playground just leave it Wetlands yes what about um the West Townson meing room that's I see this Guan toook River Public Access yeah there's that Fisherman's parking behind it is that this part of the same lot or parcel I am guessing it is but without the maps I can't for sure so 25 should maybe go to there 25 yeah that's one of the yeah 25 2 to the newp Chart yeah yes that's a whole that's a big parcel 40 we do have the squ River Public Access there for some reason the app I'm using has ited in with the the should be in there because that is the public access the whole Cemetery yeah okay um so I don't know if it could just be I feel like yeah we should probably I think that it's just probably this that that um the 1157 through roid system I don't know maybe within that other table we do a secondary one underneath that says passive or possible um because we do have multiples on that how many that's interesting so I think how many aces does that partiel with the reading room just one just five one one Riverside Cemetery is 5.5 and then another five there's oh Squan River Public Access Cemetery expansion that's 23 I think um yes CED for cemetery and next one is cemet yeah that should be one of them yeah number 23 and number 25 because they're both Public Access for the swanic river which is absolutely Recreation and then yeah what that's the same what about um this is Elm Street going C River number 40 what's this landlock vak number 45 Street number 55 5 Acres land 1944 what is that Main Street 1944 then lost men wood it five acres yeah where the heck is that somebody around package you're all on to same map map number we're all on 19 yeah where the heck is that Hill Road is also the 19 I wonder part of doesn't say how it that's kind of weird does landlock at that yeah of course no public access to it if it's land well if it's landlocked it but it could be a parcel that's adjacent to a parcel that isn't landl right depending on where it that's pretty that is very pretty like somewhere near Barker Hill Ro because that's a 1944 M there so you're near [Music] a sprawler up the whole table here the same way like to spread out everything they Prett flip instead of some struggling okay this page we just don't need anything with this page I'm anything for on it okay so rating let's talk about the Townson conservation land here um which is in the 120s do we want to pull those out all of and there's other ones on here do we want to pull out all the ones that say possible Trail possible Recreation possible and put those in their own thing because they all currently have some other designation as well with just a possible so I'm assuming we're going to want to include those in planning eventually for open spaces and Recreation whether it be something with conservation like putting together an outdoor learning room or whether it be developing those trails at some point um but for the ones that say habitat prote correct and habitat correct because some of them say Trail but I wouldn't think not if they're protected that way right but we're looking at if you're looking at like 123 and 122 that is the um that development back there that's the open space for that development you know the one on the right I'm pretty sure that's what that is uh it's an ospd it says open space preservation development um it's a good about a land what's the name of that development Patriot something or other um I'm pretty sure that's what that is is is this this Fant Ridge Rose is that not the trails that are back there no that's owned by fishing Wildland men oh okay they used to be land used to be land TR right yeah that's two those are the small Parcels right along the entry Road okay but not the not the rest the rest went to fishing Wildlife he's trying to figure out that 1944 for us right the landlocked he's trying to figure out where that is off Main Street they trying to find a number system here then we' I know just kid your house your man right there it says off lock Brook Road but lock Brook Road was never devel course because I'm looking 19 42 putting that open space preservation there they did um our and so that that was never so off Lo road I don't even think Lo Road exists the RAC track state um that's an open space preservation there don't oh I know so the town got the land but thep what it not trying to because I was access I was the map so it's up here you have to walk down someone's I think no I think I think it there yeah that's not I know the one you so what number is it George 44 I I always said I was going to test that 1944 and you came out 42 well the first 16 feet in right or six feet in to the properties that's still the towns could you imagine yeah what line are you on what's this one Main Street yeah 113 number 13 13 anything else except un developed it's 2 and half acres any ideas don't know what that is me NE you should probably look at that one too huh I'm cing ones that I think we need to have the ones that on this map have a rough time showing when're interesting so is it it's not no it's not that's I'm saying it's off of that it's past that so there's this one right next to right behind um G lordon yeah but that's a little thing goes around right and that but that's 3.28 wa the town have a little bus tour of all the trails right right because people who don't who don't go much further than the center of town don't know well that9 the yeah but right here here's a parcel it's unnamed here a point yeah so I'm down two one 12 left right there right in the center see it shows up with no number but it has one of three what's the rest we're looking at 1944 that's 189 1944 yeah think you said it doesn't oops doesn't say anything 59 has our access to Old Meeting House Park um 59 historic marker it more you know what I did yeah are you sure or is it the one further down where you at I'm at number 59 number 59 is just that I think it's just that tiny with the parking yeah that's all that is right at the very top yeah at the very top of it you want that no you know how I do I'm actually doing exes now not just this looks like looks like a kindergarten I can read it y okay well I I cheated and I went back to the yeah I went back to H har fire station going back to [Music] town what's this one here this room not going there where are you at number did we talk about that a second ago that's habitat protection all right let's that's where that's where the welcome to Townson sign is it's a teeny teeny yeah that's little that's that little bit Yeah and it's completely surrounded by DCR then DCR wouldn't take it that one little spit that one little piece um so I've got the 28 120 the 1944 no it's because it was already protected 1020 and they said nobody's going ask the assessor's office about tomorrow so I've got number I'm supposed to act about number yeah number 60 I'm gonna ask give it to them number 45 that's what we and number I me we gave away 13 yep okay that and then yes number 60 was one of them yep where I'm going to ask so number 60 that's 2 number 45 and number 13 those are the three Parcels that I'm going to ask them about I'll send an email tomorrow and see if we can figure out what those actually are I will do that I can do that tomorrow thank you I'll have her show me how to find I kind with George coming up empty-handed on some of those I really makes you wonder if some of these or they should be cross checked yes to make sure that they match the assessors M right which would be a daunting task right right I'm like I have time after August 9th before then I can't go through this but I mean a daunting task yes but some of this I mean we know like some of this we don't need to we know that this is behind the highway department and you can't use it we know that this one is part of the meeting house and it's that tiny little spit of zero according to Mr mapper is where the police station is sideways across it on Dudley Road this is 2812 Z that is definitely an error that is definitely not 51 Acres it is not 51 Acres that is definitely not something and it's CR corner I was just and I think it's .51 Acres not 51 right and met root is wrong so it's an error in the chart you can confirm will was there Y and it says if you go to the accessories the town accessor documents it says it's um for a uh you know like a not Communication Center so maybe at some point the town thought they were going to build a communication Center on the piece of Li so I will look at that with again I'll contact theor office we'll take a look at this and see this error situation here it's pretty definitely it would have been from the early 2000s things get lost say maybe maybe it was before that maybe it was our Y2K communication station well I don't know I'm in the conservation office they're trying the pieces what else are we looking for here that we didn't know okay was at Elm Street property right yeah that was what number 13 number 13 number newb yeah 102 Z okay I think I figured out how did you find select parcel this one did I do that I don't know now I'm like what' you do what did I do because now I want to know how I need to go back I went to town of town sors and then I went over here to select paral ID I couldn't enter it but I could select it what was it it was 10 1020 Z Pittburgh Road it says possible Trails two and a half acres so that's what I did s what's that oh so I am okay so we're going down this way Jonathan LAN y so it's on the same side as Jonathan Lane and it's back land up here who knew that the town owned that um formerly Municipal districts removed June 2009 owner town of Townson sale date 2004 that's interesting thing who runs back here all right well yeah it could possibly be yeah possible something yeah that one we should probably grab I think so put on chart number 13 number 13 I'm circling it it's going on the chart 13 we checked it it's golden so okay so put that on take that one off what about your old Turn Pipe Road one I know we talked about this one before R I think we were doing the trails trails and treasures that's um what's the number of it 12 170 that's the one it's it's for us you would you probably it's Ultra Road 5.9 Acres forest habitat protection Upstate land fible Trails 12 17 17 Z so I already have X's or lines on most of these there's only a couple that I think none of us are quite sure what it is Old Turnpike Road Mason Road Old Turnpike Road so this is um right when you come up to the or Farm uh yeah it's all swamp is that what that is say it saysit protection into it last year just says W so should we change it to because we have that somewhere where it says that the land is Marsh or something like that don't we have that somewhere instead of just saying wooded there was one that says bog area natural but it's a bog but I mean we've got water and shrubby so why can't we put Swampy I mean that's what it is but yeah why not put add swampy in that description that we we could list it as poor list it at poor right well yeah we have to list it as good excellent good Fair of poor Ronnie what are your thoughts on taking the wording whereare species habitat out meows a actually all coming out into their own it's in a priority habitat no I understand that but I also know that National doesn't like right and I think if I I those ones if we take those ones that or put prior I I don't have access to update I will give if it's in priority and then we can just take I wouldn't take that out because considerations and if you don't have realize saying species may worrying about swampy or what place isy so we have a good idea who goes so I'm not sure it is now part I don't know in the future we'll just review all the right got CES and what I'm doing I'm like clearing a bunch of stuff out in five years or I don't oh yeah we're on yeah I'm not talking about this that's not this is all and that's all stuff that we're keeping where we at um I'm just going back to circles I think no I think we're about at the point where we can just go through read off the numbers don't get to see it very often and then I I can on those and make sure that we're sending the right ones over let me just get my pages in the right order here okay right I think I got them all in order you want me to read off and then you guys can jump in and correct me are we starting at the yeah I we start at number one yeah we'll start at the beginning here so first thing I've got here is nine nine yep okay what are we doing with nine that's going to go that's one of the ones that's going to go on the new chart yeah because it says habitat protection right and it's wooded steep slope wooded steep slope so that would but it would go on there we just put p right isn't that the idea yeah okay it goes on it but we're just gonna okay so I think if it's if it's a possibility or something like that I think we looked didn't we look at that one the one off Main Street uh let me grab it right now6 or 360 sorry yeah let's double check that or then I have 13 yeah and then I have this we're going to the old term P Ro we should put on there but we do need to put PO for the condition right yes then what was the next number you the 13 15 we're just going to put poor into the condition but we need to put that over there because it does say possible Trails so just put it over there okay so which number is that um we were just on number 9 360 yeah which I haven't found yet right and then we know we have to make those other changes for affordable housing and stuff but we're just going over the other list okay then I have 18 19 20 21 those are all going on that list 21 yeah that other chart 360 isn't on here then I have 23 and 25 23 and 25 yep yep um 40 yep 43 44 did you find this 19440 one that we were wondering about this 5 Acres off Main Street did you find that one um not yet did you guys find it did you guys find no I didn't find it was what 44 44 okay so then um 47 all right and then I'm on to the next page 55 56 and 57 okay 56 it isn't on here at all it doesn't exist so which one that was number 1944 that was that was number nine that we were yeah oh the 1944 Z that's right we could find that one Main Street one how about 194 but let me see what that is see what that is maybe okay so I'm sorry so we so we were down to okay so number 60 is an error we're going to get that fixed so um so next on that chart I have 63 and 66 I have no idea that6 and then I have so here's the thing that I did notice about that that 19440 and I'm also seeing it on this one for um number 70 in the chart itself it has an extra Square block around it oh the other one's like that too um inter all right and then I have number um 75 and 77 yep we have those okay and then 79 through 82 79 82 yeah what happened to my uh there's also 80 4 85 those are next what 84 and 85 I got those 84 and 85 y we got those yep and then 95 all the way down to 104 on that page uh yeah and then we go 105 to 115 yep and that is all I have other than Corrections that we have to make but for for for the sep addal separate table that's what I have listed but we don't but I do still we have to figure out about 122 and 123 122 and 123 go back yeah yeah that's what we were going to look at those because I don't know those properties I think that if anybody does you probably do Trophy and M or whatever it's called I think that's what that is um that was 444 and [Music] 4441 those up more that's what that's that's haes rose right that's H Rose yeah yeah that's like 30 31 Acres 36 Acres all total between those two 44 yeah we haven't got that I guess right 444 y Granite Road oh this is the open space for here's Granite Road so this is an ospd and it's this property right here so haes road all the way out almost to peppero okay and it's the open space for the Granite Road subdivision that's 4440 okay and so we should put that one on 122 for sure 120 and 44411 is that the other one y okay yeah that's just a little bit past that one past it so on the other side no same just past gr road so that must be the rest of only what I have only has like a half an acre off so are we adding that one 123 I think so all right so yes we'll do that add that one on there and if you walk that you go back yes you can because it goes into the yeah yeah walked that and then there's a landlock piece of town of Townson in the middle um uh yes which I believe just went to um to fish and wildlife that landlock piece do we have to what's not in here no I have no idea I don't see anything else they want that with they wanted it because it um was a landlocked piece that would uh kind of no no why didn't why did the town end up with that little piece at one point and then got only know I don't know okay I don't know that what was it was the one on Main Street was three what 360 that's not even a doesn't even exist it doesn't exist on here it's Mr M yeah so that 36 the 1944 oh wait wait yes it does here we go okay 360 their numbers aren't so this is Wheeler Road it's AC it's all the way out oh yeah it's on the top of it and it's just past amadon where wheeler turns to the right that's exactly right that's where it is somewhere that's a nice like little plle in right there how big is it 1.3 yeah it's a little piece but that's not Chum change formerly municipalities SL districts removed June 2009 and that's that's crazy whatever that means I don't know what that means but anyway the number n n at the beginning here and put that one on there number n yeah we're going to put number nine on okay right right um back down to the 120s now we've got off pondosa off Ash off West Meadow where are you at so we're looking further down here so we just did we were just looking at 122 and3 right um and then we just have 124 and 125 to look at the other ones are the protction yeah water supply areas so we got to cross those ones right off so we're not and I think the rest is the rest is all NT or FW or some else somebody else 133 and 134 pointed out that those need to be swapped yes we have that as a correction yeah 133 134 yeah but I think did was there any did we miss any of the ones that we talked about to put onto that separate list because I think we probably pull those all um so do we want do you guys want me to try and grab the ones talk maybe down to the assessor's office or get on this map or now that I know what I'm doing and try to find those areas or what have you and see if we can get a a rating for them like or like what the condition is so that we can attach that because now that we have the numbers it's a lot more workable than trying to you know inquiry all of them but if I can go down and talk with them downstairs and for these specific ones it might be a whole lot easier to come up with some conditional yeah I can talk to Jess up here too she she's leaone with Jeffrey to update all this stuff so I'll get with her awesome and have it all updated God knows when it'll be updated we can try we got to what 2031 to get this done is that what it said they gonna hold it for till 2031 it was took like a couple years just to get know right all right but I um let me just make a note I that yeah it has a mitigation plan we have about five items on there we'll do that another Mee I think that sounds good and I'm like we'll do that another it's been a long day already I don't know if I can another one thank you everyone welcome close it up do we want to schedule the next meeting yeah you want to play it as we go coming up like I said I'm completely out until after August let me find out how long it's gonna take to get an update right because it's unless we want to meet to do just the mitigation so you said after yeah after August 9th let me look at the calendar and I I'll send everyone an email and maybe we'll just go through the the I don't see Jeff turning this around anytime quickly we can I'll do that so I thing and so I have a motion to motion to adourn at 7:48 p.m. second thank yes yes yeah yes James G yes yes yes George yes thank you right