##VIDEO ID:6WZVqsAGIvI## okay everyone uh my name is Laura shiffrin and I would like to call the meeting of the planning board of January 27th 20125 to order at 6:33 p.m. I'd like a roll call vote please not a vote I always want to say vote roll call a roll call please of those in attendance and we can start with online Lance um this is Lance MCN and I'm here thank you Carol present bar Daran pres be here and Laura Shi here would you all join me in the Pledge of Allegiance Al to of the United States of America to the for it stands one nation [Music] all veterans and all of those currently serving and thank you Patrick and all of our First Responders you're appreciative of all of you the meeting this evening is being recorded and will be uploaded to the town of towns and YouTube channel is anyone else recording the meeting I see anybody who say they are and then for chers additions or deletions to the meeting I did have a call today from a local developer and um he asked for some permission to come in and see us about some thoughts he has for some planning and I said that I would with the permission of the board uh let him speak in our work session so I'd have him before we start the um 3.1 I'll just have them come in at three okay okay um and I do that because I feel like um if we should be welcoming so if a developer has questions we should be open to hearing what they had to say and then maybe we have some recommendations kind of thing before they spend thousands of dollars exactly you know I agree we're supposed to be good about yeah instead of oh God they're terrible and they just want you to spend all this money before you do anything not today right yesterday oh today okay today okay we only have work session and we just had our on 6:35 appointments so I thought we could do that um okay so now I think we are at 6:30 table last play what I attended I was a Podium before the council so I'm glad to the table oh sure um and so you're 2.1 on our agenda and you're here about um lock solar correct and um we do acknowledge that there was a storm water management system inspection done and was received by the planning board and would you like to sure my name is Lawrence provos I work for next amping uh we own and maintain the solar facility at 22 mebrook Road and um I was alerted on October 8 um by the planning board that there had been um some Landscaping activity in the easan area where we maintained screening trees and shuberry um it trees and Shrubbery had been some had been moved and others had been removed out of the 23 trees that were part of the initial plan approved by the planning board um 11 remained 11 what 11 remain some three of them were moved to an alternate position than they were originally planted um so once I was alerted I asked planning board for direction on um if they wanted all the the missing trees replaced or how it would be best to go about this without being in um violation of our special permit um the work that was done the area looks great the grass looks beautiful um so that's why you know I came to the board to see what their uh suggestions were so that we remain in compliance and then um okay you don't disturb any good-looking area that's already there the part of the I mean the report indicated those removals and whatnot but the the bottom line of the report was that the storm water drain was working properly correct it doesn't look like the elevations have changed um there's no um damage to the head wall to the Overflow structure uh overall you know my inspection and walking that um detention Basin it didn't look like there was any damage to that it doesn't look like the grade changed or it was filled in or dug any deeper it looks the same as it was when it was finished when I first viewed that project when the grass had grown so okay um questions from the U my understanding is there's nothing wrong with the drainage system that's working functionally for it came back very fair the only thing that surfaced at all was the issue in the trees correct so why did they get removed and replanted do anybody know how that happened so that was done I believe um by the by the owner of the land or someone working with them um that area is not in the lease that nexamp maintains it's an easement we have or nexamp say we nexamp has an easement with the land owner to build that drainage structure maintain that drainage structure and plant and take care of the screening trees that were um part of the special permit conditions that's correct and so annually we have an inspection done by Beals and Thomas they go out every uh June July um and give the planning board a report on the health those trees right we've been getting them yeah Y and if there's anything if there's any issues I think in 2023 there was three that didn't survive so we had those three replaced so it's our understanding that we want to keep compliance with the special per right so the issue of the trees is not on land that you lease is that correct it's easement it's an easement that you have on the owner's property uh and so you suspect it was the owner that aled the trees that's what our um Land Management team that handles the lease agreements discussed it with the and that's my understanding well from my impression the leaves I mean the trees the planting was there was really more as a screen to screen off the solar arrays um is that a public way where that's open where the trees areest yes yes well I mean West Meadow Road is a public way right so that was done for the community I would assume that that the screening yeah the pro I guess the excuse me I I would say that the screening is also done for um residents um because there's trees more than just West Meadow Road correct I'm not sure I understand the question the question is is are the is the screening more than just west meal Road no no it's just the road and and across the way if I remember right it's just an open field across the street so you don't have houses there looking at no no I'm I'm I'm worried about or commenting on the properties that AB but the solar fied if I may Madam chair uh the vegetation was left in place along that Brook so those residents uh the the vegetation that was there has remained so their screen is was a natural wooded yeah okay okay and I mean just one quick question Beth have we received any complaints from any residence about the screening vegetation removal no okay and from the pictures it does look better now I mean we saw the pictures that's why I wanted to there's nothing really exciting here but no I think that our concern was that we wanted to be in compliance and if appreciate that if the board came back and said it looks fine the way it is we'll maintain it the way it is if they came back and said we want X number of trees you know there's a shortage I think of um 12 Trees from the original plan in 2023 the board approved a reduction of Three Trees um to 20 trees um and then we also complied with that in plant replanted three to um go with the board's uh Direction so at the point where we are right now I just with the notification of it happening coming from the board I wanted to get some input on exactly you know where do we go is it do we go back to the plan the original um decision and replant 12 Trees to get us to 23 or are we fine with the way it looks would you be a minimal amenable to um us allowing things to continue as they are subject to complaints from the community sure and that if we do get complaints from the community that we'll have to reconsider I think I think too we were gonna look at what the next there's another report coming this June and we'll see where that is okay well perhaps we can make a site visit prior to that June I think the challenging position that we're in is a matter of consistency right so if if another situation were similar circumstances right and a landowner took out some trees and we told them now you got to put them back but in this case we told we didn't have to I think that um sometimes we don't know what's going to happen right especially when you plant things I mean I kill everything so I have a black thumb so what I'm saying is H the replanting of trees that died would that not have been an indication of well maybe that's not a good spot for them to be living or wasn't it the right choice of cherries or right yeah I think she replaced the with different species at the time I often when things like this surface they don't just surface in this particular situation but any drawing that's submitted is what's intended to be done corre and when you get into real world situations almost every project I've ever been involved with as a modification because of some instance or circumstance so in that regard I don't I don't see any any violation here I uh and I I would make a motion that we um accept the situation as it is subject to any complaints coming from the community and in the between now in June um if the if we do get such a complaint the board will make a field visit and then we'll uh revisit the subject the subject I can second that I don't think I do I I'm still hung up on the consistency thing the consistent being consistent with all right so the purpose was for screening so if the screening is no longer required then we should remove the requirement well the screening is still there or less screen less yeah some of it but if the landowner keeps taking the trees out no that hasn't been the case there was an issue I think earlier on back when the system was first installed that through mowing the hanging of the field there was some hanging and that took some trees out oh some bushes on bushes out right so it wasn't it's I don't believe it's an intentional I think that when they did the work out there there was a lot of different um like more less desirable plants in there other than just those trees so they cleaned it up it looks nice I think everybody wants it to look better if you're looking for a visual screen instead of things I knew all planted along the road the roadway which kind of shields well I I think you have to look at the intent when it was origin approved and the intent was to obstruct the vision to solar arrays and that's why the multiple number of trees were required um so so that was um and I can see that I can understand that uh decision to require that many number of trees um but if the community doesn't have a problem with it and it looks better than it did then we have a probably a choice here what to do but um I I don't know I agree with Vance if I mean with Patrick here that uh um I don't agree with removing the requirement for the screening um I think that probably the best approach is be grateful we have the screening we have um and maybe look at the site and see if it's if the intent is being achieved of what the intent was so I I'd like to say too to Patrick I I like consistency and I like everybody treated the same in in all the processes so sometimes on the same time toen we have maybe Beth you'll know this better than me the um oversite of storm water systems is new to towns and this is not 10 15 20 50 years ago maybe five so we now have how many do we have do we have five that we have approved in the time that you've been here because there was non approved before she was here just so that you know it's not it's not a long time so as as consistent at we as we might want to be we don't have a lot of history only five yeah yeah so I'm I'm thinking as we and I say we as the planning board have more experience with things we may have made different decisions and we don't know until we have that experience so I think if we had stats for 50 or even 20 we would have had more experience to go on so I think it's a learning curve for towns in and hopefully we get better with each one and everybody's treated as barely as possible let me ask this question the trees that are there now are they deciduous trees there's a mix of I believe Maple Dogwood uh red Cedar and flowering dogwood service Berry Eastern red cedar and I believe there was some Maples that were existing if they were all Evergreens that would be a real screen so honestly I don't I guess I feel the same way I said earlier about that and we'll maintain we're going to continue to have it um inspected by Beals and Thomas throughout which um to fulfill our requirements of the special permit so what what is what is existing will continue to be um checked annually and then brought back to you know current conditions right so each year you really have an opportunity to review it and see what's working and what's not right um and then you you have the opportunity to change your regulation and how you look at things that come in future you know I think it's it's going to be really we don't want to make demands that are unrealistic I think right you know because to what good is that um especially if it's and it's not going to be cost effective if they keep dying and you have you're experimenting yeah so unless you want to use something that is not going to be living at any point meaning a wall or off fence if you if that's what you really think you need to cover it up kind of thing then you have to change how what you're going to require well I I suggest we U postpone any action on the screening until the next report comes in that'll give the community a time to comment if they have any concerns and then we ourselves can go by and see how dramatic this is um I guess that's I'd like to make that motion okay the simple motion of to delay until the next inspection comes in okay is that a second I'll second okay we have discussed it is there more discussion I just want to comment delay the screening topic until that delay the screening topic then make reasonable yeah okay any further discussion hearing none I'll take a roll call vote and start with Lance please on Lance was trying to get off from mute um I vote in the affirmative thank you Lance Robert th yes Carol Hof says yes and Laura shiff yes you don't vote but I hope that was okay thank you so much for coming so once we get the uh the report from Beals and Thomas in June I'll forward it to Beth and thank you so much for coming appreciate it thank you I don't see one meeting I think I told him probably about 7:15 so why don't we go on to 3.1 just the meat of what we've been doing for the last few months and and how you would like to report this um at the town meeting and um who's gonna do this CA I will not be well you'll be up there on the stage and I'll be over at the finance table well I think um I think they're going to have me reading the motions oh okay like like they usually do yeah yeah like usually at the time in the S and read turns reading the motion right and then I haven't we haven't had our practice drill yet so okay I understand it's 15 minutes before the meeting actually happens so what is it that has to be read at the Tom meeting what we're recommending for so the you have to read the whole the whole change page or so for each of them um yeah you have to read the actual law you have to read the the whole bylaw and I don't know if that's going to be what I do but that's in the the whole bylaw is part of the article so I would assume no the par the portion of the bylaw that we're altering okay yeah I don't think it's in the articles I thought I saw a print out of the Articles and then the whole by do you have any information for us here please thank you yes um if you're going to be making the motion Lori um yeah you will be reading the entire article and um after you make the motion somebody will second it and then um at that point uh somebody can read the planning board report you can read it or um one of the board members can read it but I probably would recommend keeping it very short um um because the motion itself is pretty long right but I so I tried to draft a few points in that report um and I tried to make them concise in general so that the public knows uh the reasons behind these zoning Amendment proposals changes okay well this no this is this is what we're going to approve you've seen this I I've seen it and I made some additions to it um you've seen this this is the report that's going to go in in the book annual meeting the annual this 3.2 okay the annual no no no no I think you were holding up the annual report right yeah yeah okay that's a separate separate agenda item okay now uh that's 3.3 okay so on the three articles do you have did you write a separate bullet or something from planning board to say after the Motions are read uh no but I can I can add that onto the draft do you see the draft reports there is that what you have for each article there's a report for each article oh yes right here okay and it's subject is is report to special town meeting okay so this is that's what's going to be read these are the reports that the planning board will read someone from the planning board is going to read this uhhuh and I don't know that they have to actually read that first paragraph where it talks about you know what I mean like I If You're Gonna read the motion then I don't think that has to be reread the SE on you know what I mean like yeah the motion so she reads the motion in total so then we would start with the planning board voted you need unanimously and stop there where I'm sorry the planning board voted unanimously you have opening statement and that's what the planning board should report and we don't have to read all the stuff up above about the general laws and yeah all the other stuff I just that excuse me I could take that right out I can take that out if you want it's just have the right article and the right bylaw um the important thing is is that you report to town meeting that you had a a duly published and you know uh noticed uh public hearing and that you voted anonymously to approve it so that's like technically the planning board report the the reasons the reasons I just put in there but you don't have to it's always better to you can shorten them make them sweet and short you know but those are the reasons that you're bringing this forward okay okay I see I see all right so um Patrick looked at them I I did read them they're pretty self-explanatory uh I don't think we need to add anything honestly no I was thinking of deduction or L of words that you would think yeah concise shorten it they're not very long no it's I mean it's not it's not horribly long and they're going to have that in their hands anyone right aren't they no no we don't have any handouts planned um eight right or seven yeah text to the bylaw will be on the screen right okay I'll be she'll be she'll be up on of planning board as as our alternate sure do much Robert do you want to read them you gonna be I'll read them yeah okay want to take turns you guys can sit together fantastic fantastic first and third I'll take the second the support of each other I'm sorry you and Patrick will read them oh okay together and share awesome you can read them in unison at the same that right that sounds good I I'll take the subsection B site plan approval report and you can take the other two I'm sorry I'll do the subsection B site plan approval and you can take you can take the Adu and age restricted bylaw take that so is the sequence you make a motion read okay this is article 17 all right that's mine yeah okay and then you're going to do Article 19 all right Patrick's gonna take that one which is article okay 18 18 the U I do have one comment here I don't know um one of the things I'm discovering is that um on the age restricted units okay there's not enough attention to the actual occupants of the building you know I um you know really really have to think about the people that will be living there and you know in Past reviews um I noted that the dumpster was not an inconvenient place for an ugly person um we've seen since an approval uh where the location to the street was so close that it really is an inducive for a handicapped person it's I mean it works but it doesn't work well um and then the last one on the uh the Depot Street Extension uh there was just no a minimum amount of exterior features for um an aged person I saw the only thing I saw there was I don't but we can't right now for tomorrow's meeting we got to go with what we got and I don't know that you can how how do you mandate how do you mandate that in a bylaw you don't mandate it okay I think it's more of a policy it should be one of the objectives of a board when they look at a plan okay so that's that's part of the oversight of the planning board right and also like I said before as we go along and age restricted is new for us okay we've done three now but that's only three right in the whole town so each time we learn something that's right okay so I think that that's and I say we when I say the planning board because I won't be here soon but this is there's nothing to change in this article this is commentary on my end okay thank well that is for the future too and future boards and how they look at things and hopefully with more people coming to the table then you have more ideas right you know so thank you for that and thank you guys for volunteering to read that tomorrow night so you think we're good be yeah that's that's great absolutely okay so then oh oh I just wanted to add one thing I'm sorry if um there are any questions on town meeting floor and you you know there's some you know just maybe something you forgot um you know Town Council will be there uh so you can defer to Town Council he's you know obviously very well versed and has followed the planning board and supported the planning board through the whole process and um Erin will also be available tomorrow night Erin skyfield she'll be uh land use coordinator she'll also be attending so just want to let the board know yeah that was going to be my first go to would be Adam there's no public comment it's just yay or nay that's all there's discussion I haven't been to a town meeting before and this is like this will be a very extremely mild one because we're not talking about stuff huge stuff like huge tax overrides and stuff so this will be extremely mild I hope we get a corn that's yes yes please we need the corn yeah and we only need 75 to get a corner great but this is a very mild c meeting but oh yes there'll be question open up people yeah just delays everything and it makes it problem it's been a problem for it's been a problem for for years now to do with a school or the library or something like that it's or a voter no confidence yeah well trash trash oh yeah if you have bring that up you'll have you'll have little a quorum showing up for the trash it's okay all right so we're we're done with the Articles and um I think I'll I collect those back and keep them in the folder here okay but um they will have copies okay even though these are not handouts all right they have copies Patrick and um and Robert will have copies or do you want me just to give them these they can take those sure okay is that the other one where's the other one this one says Rob okay I'm gonna quickly go to I think we can do this pretty good and then um speak with Kevin um we all got and had in your portals the latest version of the 2024 which is our 3.2 uh annual report so now we're in 25 and we're giving them our 2024 report I have I have reviewed and approved and updated certain sections um so Lori this is Lance I just have one comment yeah um there's uh Beth there's a formatting issue that you have um with the spacing between paragraphs is not consistent throughout the document okay so do you want which document sorry um the annual report oh right yes that is a draft so yeah any changes you want to make you could simply make them I think it's in word isn't it it's in word but I'm just saying that um you know when you format a paragraph you can specify spaces before and spaces after and it's not consistent throughout the document okay so Che I mean if you see in page two the spacing between the paragraphs is it's different in one case there's greater spacing and then in another case there's no spacing okay you need two more spaces for line between three of the paragraphs okay I can check that spacing between paragraphs um I also did not um pick a picture for it but I didn't know if the board had any you know recommendations for pictures usually we a picture in there yeah I thought you were gonna send something um picture what do you want what are some ideas um for the plan what do we done in the past yes um we did the MBTA map overlay District last year I think it was um what else have we done we've done pictures of you know public hearings you know the board members at a public hearing um what else um I don't know I mean maybe whatever s stands out over the year of what you know you feel has been something the board has worked hard on I mean there's been a lot of things this year when does that have to be when when would we have to pick that when what's the deadline I think this is due on the 29th isn't it I think it's the end of the month yeah I'll double check that but probably the end that's like Wednesday yeah meanings tomorrow the 28th so if you're saying it's due the 29th I think so I I don't have the date in front of me but it's coming up and and it's pretty flexible I mean they don't it's not going to print you know in February it's going to [Music] be what about having one of the meetings take a a shot of one of the videos sure that's yeah will work want to just do a screenshot of from one of the meetings okay yeah or you could do a picture of like Memorial Hall yeah like the one up there now on yeah that's nice one what about the new church have a church the planing board work out on that the um historical yeah har down the harbor it out there you could do that's done yeah God I saw it last night it look pretty it looks pretty yeah fire station though I'm not sure about the glass door the fire station oh I love it well I do it's not done yet though but I I like but I thought because of a historical fire station I guess I would have liked more like a historical garage door I don't know it looks I mean it's a beautiful be a historical garage door a barn door yeah something whatever was I mean it's a beautiful door don't get me wrong but it but it doesn't look old but but it doesn't look old it'll be the F station supposed to be don't all I agree with you well let's see if you can find something but take pictures of something I mean gazebo is used a lot aha but the the the rest restoration of that church is new yeah and it's it did come out really beautiful how about just the uh steeple of the church the front of the steeple the steeple is gone no it's there didn't they put the Bell back in the Spire is back there oh the yeah the spes yeah this the I got to look at the weather B but there's a weather top don't know anything yeah on the top a difference well between a spire and a steeple there is I know there's a difference yeah the I like the but the Ste is steeple isn't as tall as a as a Spire something yeah who takes good pictures oh God not me I can take it no problem okay great thank you would you would you send it to us after you do yeah or or if you're driving down the street and see something that looks better do that too and we'll take a look okay sure I'll get a photo for you okay photo of the church okay okay I would uh entertain a motion to um approve the annual report as Ed did you have any other comments Lance uh no I did not uh I'll uh make a motion that we approve the 2024 annual report with a picture to be added later thank you and I'll second it and there is a second any further discussion hearing none roll call vote start with Lance Lance mcnell yes Robert Duran yes Carol hes yes and Laura shiffon yes thank you very much now we have 3.3 um is a letter oh that we're writing to Karen right yes that's um Erin wrote that for the dlta uh call for projects it's oh DTA yeah is DTA is a district local technical assistance grant program through through uh massachusett Planning Commission uh Regional Planning Commission we talked about this the last time because there's a grant that has come out and they still have uh money so they would like all the communities that apply to benefit from it so and she listed the things that would be pertaining to the planning which is the master plan um this is all like updating stuff because we have our master plan but to econ this is Patrick actually the economic development strategy his idea to include that um in getting this Grant and then economic it's mostly on the economic and then some on the affordable housing for young adults I thought what was missing from the master plan do master plan has a lot of good stuff but doesn't tell us specifically what do we need to do um what does planning need to do what does zoning need to do land us do conservation there's a bunch of committees and Boards who does what give me give me an action plan tell me what I need to do in order to implement our master plan and Achieve whatever our vision is for the town I think that I think that I think it's good yeah Beth did you send this out yes so next step just so the board knows this will go to the board of Selectmen and um in your next meeting so the only little hiccup is it is due the first round is due February 4th at midnight and I believe the select board meets on February 4th right we're meeting tomorrow I don't think you could add this into the agenda tomorrow could you I don't know I can try additions or deletions okay that would be great because this will get us in this won't take long okay great okay fantastic that way um so the signatories on that letter are going to be the board of Selectmen not um I think it's the planning board she has it listed as the planning board and each of you you know can sign if you could sign it then we could submit it um and following that immediately so that' be great but yeah that's the process so do you want me to send that to Sabrina tonight or to make that change probably have to right yeah yeah um here well we're we're all gonna sign it now and and you want me to scan it and send it to Sabrina uh no I'm sorry I didn't explain that well this letter has to come from the board of Selectmen that's how the the change that for but we're sent we wanted to sign all of us to sign yeah as planning board I'll have this I'll give it to her tomorrow okay and then um get it in additions and deletions because of the deadline okay so I'm gonna be I'm gonna be in town hall tomorrow do you want me to sign go to Sabrina and sign up yeah you could do that okay so so the way I know but the that's great you don't what I guess I'm confused about is the letter from Townsend has to come from the board of selectman so do you want me to to print out another letter and send it to Sabrina with the signature lines for the select board members and that you could do in your meeting tomorrow okay so we'll have both which would be great because that's you know but that's the one that I guess we have to do for the Grant so okay got it can Patrick sign yes you can you can sign I'm not voting on not voted okay fantastic but we have the board has approved the letter oh perfect into the select okay okay um thank you guys that's a good thing and thank you for your input on that um and she may want to put it on board letterhead but I will send her the word copy okay no this this would just be from oh this is Aon did this and land yep but I will yeah it will go with the other letter so it will go you know what I mean as a as a letter support if you will so very good yeah that's um so oh 3.3 is what we just did yes okay so um now I have put you under additions and solutions to come under our work session okay would you like to come to the table please there I even be all of this is going to be in the folder that you left for me everything will be left in the folder okay thank thank you I have we have a piece of property up on Mason Road AC par I believe we've decided that we're going to do something with it and it runs along north of Mason Road and the end of it is at the state line any familiar with that into town yes I am it encompasses this uh tributary trst string Mason Brook okay okay and we thought that we would probably need need to put about create about five LTS somewh in here on the whole like we could do a t andr and get everything to fit uh off the frontage Lots I looked at it and and I I really think it's such a I when I fish the lower section of this below the Brooks Crossing side from Brooks Crossing down there was some Lots in there that the land went down to the brook creating a hardship for me one time and only one time in my life that I fished it and I thought to myself if I could do something nice that I would like to do is Michael's way ends right at the property line it it uh is a road that LS to subdivision Road from Brooks cross I have three kind of plans that I conceptual plans that I've kind of thrown together I could create five Lots no no issues are come in off from Michael's way or whatever so you can get five Lots by right without any problem by right um what I would like to do is is is this is one thought I I show all three of you if you everything if you have a few moments what I'd like to do is is maybe come in off of Michael's way and and I'm going to use the term the Campbell Farm Road I'm not that familiar with other than I live up there by the farm the planning board had approved a little I think it was a little five watt subdivision on kind of a common driveway kind of a thing a little cuac kind of a thing and they gave some Acres to someone I don't know if they ever did or they didn't but I think it's fishing Wildlife or something I don't know uh yes that's correct Lori it was an opsd okay okay I'm not familiar with it because I'm just kind of getting into it thank you um where this tributary runs is what I'd like to do is I'd like to donate a lot of this to the town conser conservation because I serve on conservation ation and hope that the town would accept it or conservation would accept it or the town would accept it it's a beautiful tributary it feeds right into the sanook river this is a it's a breeding Brook the tro breed in the brook tro it's I believe it's stocked here it's stocked here at the at the Brooks Crossing entrance um it's all Native tro up in this section but this was just one conceptual kind of plan that St St and I talked about is that fish fishing game I'm not giving it to fishing I'm not I wouldn't because is that who feeds it no it's fed out of New Hampshire the book comes out of Mason Hampshire comes down out of Mason from way up and ends up inan it ends up in the sanle right um this was one kind of a plan and I have another plan showing three lots out two lots out on the road which there is a dry area Ro here that we could put there's right now currently there's School Bus turnaround right right there at the state line I'd like to this is this is an anr this would this would we could we could do by right the Lots go across to the road we could come in here with a common driveway off of this to service these three lots because I think you can service a common driveway by three lots by right am I correct with that Bob yeah if all the de agree yeah so and then we have these two lots out here I'd like to forget about this and I'm I'm still hoping that the board would kind of work with me on just giving this away giving what parts giving giving this area here basically all of this to conservation I believe about 18 Acres the entire Brook area the entire Brook area a lot of most of actually most of the wetlands I have one here that is shows the the two lots out at the out at the road basically at the state line and then I've got another plan showing here's the road where Michael's way ends right this this plan shows because I have to show to the planning board that I can continue this road out to Mason Road oh how do you there well there's a little narrow strip right here where we can cross the stream we'll put a bridge in and cross the Stream I I didn't really want to do this because it it it's cumbersome well it's cumbersome it's expensive it's not even that it's just now you got two houses out here up here I can do I can create five Lots way up on the top of the mountain way out in the middle of nowhere I think that was actually my first plan this is what one concept I'm not even I don't even like this one because it puts a house down down here and the these are lot lines coming down onto Mason row I'm kind of liking forget this and back to something like this theard so so Kevin this is Lance are you familiar with all with ospd developments I'm I'm not yet and uh I'm not yet I'm going to learn a lot about it but before I spent a lot of money on this piece of property L I thought it would be I was I was hoping that I could get a few minutes out of the planning board or a little bit of time out of the planning board to kind of just look at what I was thinking and that may be exactly what we want to do is take something like this come over draw a line up here like this I think this is about 18 Acres give this 18 acres to the town all the wetlands everything the fork the tributary TR stream everything right down all the road Frontage give it to the town the town still has a turnaround over here at the state line which would now become Town property at the the school bus turn right rather than me granting probably them an easan or something down the road it's by now now it's a parking place for few vehicles to park that want to fish this Brook right and and then that would be nice Town Townson has a rule I understand that you're only allowed three houses on a common driveway by right right or with with permission so other than that you have to fin putting a road in and doing a subdivision that way well what I was hoping to do well I have to be able to prove well I would I mean let me say that you can go ahead and do more houses in an ospd I believe yeah I don't I get and that's what Campbell hell Farm is yes we we could I'm not looking to for more density I can make the numbers work Lance and have a beautiful little subdivision with five Lots I can make the numbers work it's okay yeah and and I think it would look so much nicer and then give all this land to the town tooo and I I really think that that if the town own this piece of property along a bucket I'd rather see I'd rather ever see it forever preserved than be part of these five lots that I can put in here by right because then this guy that lives over here he's sitting over here in this and then he sees somebody down there and he goes down kicks him off the brook yeah and this or more importantly you have a conservation restriction that goes in perpetuity yeah yeah well the town conser I would hope that the I would hope that that I could give it to the Conservation Commission while I'm a member while I'm while I'm on the board uh I I hope you know so is all your Frontage in that area correct we have a thousand and something feet along along Mason Road okay so how are you going to get if you give all that to the town how are you g to get your Lots well what what I'm kind of hoping for is we have a road that comes in here it's Michael's way yeah I know okay and Michael's way is a t no this is public this is Public Road Crossing P of books Crossing what I was hoping to do was just extend this road create these create some Lots off of it or put a cue sack extend it a little bit put a cue sack in and then one common driveway off that Colac up this hill probably up through here is what I'm thinking somehow get from here to here and put kind of like what I've got pencil in this is like an emergency pull off fire department probably put one down here probably one up here maybe bring this common driveway over here and eliminate this one all together one common driveway serving one big wide common driveway serving five LS from Michael way from Michael way well I love what you're doing over here I love this all going to conservation having the public access that Brook I think it's a great have the town get that turnaround by right yeah I like this access point I think that's great um my concern I think or how we get there would be um these drives would be so long at the well it would be one what I would like to do was come callac little callac in and I just skatch this in and it certainly probably wouldn't be this long bob I'm just thinking outside the box I just wanted something to come before you folks to try to get uh a little bit of insight before I go spending a whole bunch more money and and I'm more in favor of doing more of this concept would would the would the planning board and I'm sure I probably have to go to the zoning board as well would would the planning board be receptive to one 18 foot wide common driveway serving five Lots rather than the three that are that I I I think are allowed by right I'm not I'm not sure I think the key thing on that will be the fire dep punish yeah well I can this it's a big piece of land I can and there's no Wetlands anywhere up in here I can I can put pull-offs wherever uh the the towns and fire chief would like yeah you know I I think his comments would be yeah the most serious so Kevin I would really recommend because I would really me recommend sitting down and having a a meeting with the Building Commissioner to discuss these options okay all right okay I'm just I'm right at the Forefront Lance I'm just I just got these plans today I kind of kicked them around a little bit and I kind of Drew a little sketch here and and this was one option but the option was two two common driveways and I says I don't want to pollute the I'm saying I don't want to take up a whole bunch of real estate and everything I'd rather just put one instead of 11 18 you know 16 foot wide comma driveway build a nice 18t wide it's going to look like a subdivision Road rip wrap on either side which be storm water management and and do it up so it looks real pretty come up into here and then just kind of nestle these houses up on top of this hill and uh I've only got one set of power to bring up and and uh set it up here someplace and then feed these five hous from that point and then everybody is going to own from here way the hell up into here and all the way down the Lots Wood and then and then give I I think Greg told me today he thought this was 18 Acres that when I kind of sketched the little kind of thing I did one of these and he called me back and lot it's 40 acres 40 acres I think it's 40 acres that looks like about 20 yeah somewh around there he said four plus acres per lot well it' be well if this is if this is 18 Acres you if yeah and I'm pretty sure that's what he said 18 Acres you got 22 if it's 40 you got 22 Acres you got five Watts on 22 Acres um could each one of them meet the two acre minimum I I don't know I think that's I think up here uh across the road at uh at that thing they did across the road 20 acres for five Lots I have 22 Acres I think is what it is to get to get every one of them to have well I'm sure every one of them would have over the two acre minimum I don't know if this is 3 Acre up here or not but depending on how the lot lines show I'm sure they're going to be different because here he is a conceptual of one um this one's 2.3 [Music] Acres this one's 2.8 Acres this is kind of something that already yeah yeah this one's two and a half this one's four yeah so they they probably well they don't sure they'd all be over two acres right but I don't know I don't know that I'm not looking for a waiver but I don't think I'd be looking for any waivers for lot area size as far as lot size no I don't think you need it um so there's a lot so if they're on if you look that BL it's just it's kind of squirly down in here because how many acres is the Bren the clanto is a very big thing well yeah these are all Hills and really this is Beau this a beautiful way up in here yeah but this is a rough area to get into this is actually not too bad this isn't it comes in a see that little gut right there that falls back yeah it actually this comes in a little draw this it's it's high over here it comes down and then it's high a little Valley right there yeah it kind of comes right in comes comes in a perfect spot okay and I mean I could put a CAC in here and and then pull the lot lines off of that uh how Stanley did it he just he just pulled them in he just pulled them kind of drw them all together here because at this point we don't know where we're at you know my my main focus was I was I wanted to see if the planning board would be receptive to some kind of that ospd or whatever Lance was talking about earlier before I get all carried away and a whole lot of money and then come before you guys and and you guys say gez Kevin we'd like to help you but we we can't do it this this ain't going to work for us you know well I mean we did do it before with you did I don't know whether that was I think this is kind of similar to them other than I don't want the state to have the land I want the town to have the land I want it to be under conservation jurisdiction I don't want the I don't want fish and wildlife to have it up there I guess I want to Fish and Wild I don't want them I want Cemetery I want I want my I want my town to have this I want my town to have this property if we can you know do something like that and I don't know what kind of forgiveness I'm going to be asking for or or or anything with respect to to this area in here whatever relief you be seeking I can't see as being that dramatic I know that I'd be seeking relief for the rule of uh can't have a common driveway within 500 ft of another one I think that might be zoning that that's probably zoning I I don't know that that might be your jurisdiction I don't think it's in the zoning it must be a policy or something I I don't know I know that would I would be where did that come from I this is engineer this is what the engineer he B us on Varian is required for the driveways because there are two of them if we went that way if you were going with what this was I'm hoping for one bigger common driveway or relief from the planning board a variance if that's if that's required I don't know what's required relief from the planning board to put five on one instead of three and two you know we'll build a bigger road I'll build a wider driveway I'll build whatever the whatever the town maybe Lance has the right idea to see the building inspector and see which which way he thinks would be the best way for you to go and who would need to approve Pro what yeah and then come back before then to clean it up and I'll come back with a preliminary I can come back with a preliminary before you folks of all of all the concept you presented this this one's far more I love this myself person as a as a as a lifelong down resident right and family been St and was towns and if to can pick up a piece of property on a on a tributary stream and I think it's great you know well instead of wasting a lot of time I need to see how you can just focus on this concept all right right okay that's great that's I appreciate your time yeah I appreciate your time now I'll put this back to him and I'll tell him I like this concept yeah I do too I think it's great you know I think it's seem simplest for you too well there's a couple the double driveway that's one issue um I you know I don't know what we want to put down in here W you got some really tough Contours to deal with place to go right right through here right I went up here to dig all the test holes and I've got a a good I got a I got a nice Road up through here now yeah basically I mean I'd have to obviously put my d8 there for a couple days but um as far as and that eliminates any Bridges and stuff from the No No Wetlands no Wetlands Crossings I mean you got here's the here's the 100 foot buffer zone everything everything everything the whole the whole project stays out of it and if I came through here's the here's the not here's the 100 foot here if I come in if I come in this road which is right here and I literally skirt right up beside it yeah and and and come up into here I'm out of it right here too right so I don't have to touch anything I mean we have to file obviously somewhere I'm sure I will be they all are work here if we eliminate this one and come up into this one that's already basically this is a a a good at Logging Road this Logging Road I just followed it up kind of comes right up into here and here I can kind of go across the top of this null this is the top of this hill I can kind of skirt right across the top of it to access these guys and access them you know and just eliminate all this stuff all together but it it's going to require a either variance or or some relief approval from the planning board because I know we've done enough of these in town over the years that three is all you're allowed you not able to make a culdesac work up here well I wouldn't want to build a why build a roadway up into here it doesn't even make sense you know why why disturb why disturb all the why disturb all the land single Road and then the Colac well I'm thinking of KAC right down in here I'm thinking of a KAC kind of thing if I got to do it here or not even coming way up into here coming up into here and then just put one this one driveway right basically right where this one is eliminating this now there's no I'm not encroaching close to the 100 foot buper Zone this is all nice UPL it it's already here it's existing this road is basically here I just come right up basically where we already do I widen it out I make the cuts and fills where necessary to make it acceptable and these little pull-offs would just clear these out and and put these you I'm saying if another one would be needed here or 500 ft whatever a long driveway it's got to be it's got to be with three houses on it yeah you definitely need 18 foot wide oh yeah I want to put I'd make it 18 foot no problem at all it's that's not a problem but it just seemed like this is the best way to get there plus I think we helping I'm doing kind of what I'd really like to do which is give this this this tributary to the town and then it's then there's nobody ever that's going to sit up here that's going to look way down through the woods and see somebody fishing in the brook be a out throw them out of there maybe this a dumb question but where is Michael's way stops I'm looking at the map because I was Michael's way stops right at the property line so this is be considered Michael's way the driveway or is I would think that that um I would say it's not Campbell F road but if if if you if you brought a little thing in like kind of what they did it would just be a a little extension of Michael's way so Michael's way would probably be this right this would be just a little continuation of Michael's way and then off of that you would create these create these Lots it's kind of like they created now and just bring them into that bring them into that CAC however they landed because Michael's way what is that show dead at the end yeah is that where it would start you see is there anything in Crossing documents thatoh you from crossing over well it's a Town Road I don't know why Michael's way is a town subdivision so it's town it's Town property it's town right away maintain I'd even go one for other I'd even say I'd even say we'll we'll plow and maintain leave as a common driveway situation did whatever that is up there he's coming up here and somehow the planning board let them use that as a subdivision but it's a privately maintained Road it is yeah the town somehow the town does not maintain that road it's a it's it's a I guess you'd almost call it a private way off from North Road remember off my head complicated Deeds there well I would I would yeah because if you you get up here the only thing you're going to have is a you know this this lot will have an easement Crossing two proper say or whatever it looks like this lot most of this driveway Falls within one line it's not like so there isn't going to be I don't think that's complicated you know it's gonna be a common driveway agreement between it's GNA give lot one two three four five uh access to to cross within that right within the right no I think if this if this road was continued and say it's called a road it I think they finished the what what's the name of that Michael Michael's way would just be Michael's way would be continued 100 feet if that was what they needed to do Stan Drew this and said This falls under the category of what they did at um would be considered what they did at uh that place up there no there was a little col sack at the end of that he said it didn't have to be I'm I'm I'm only sketching this just thinking that it's something that the town might the planning board might want wow but this would all be basically this is all private way so the town does the town's not responsible for any of the maintenance I don't know whether if I build this road in need had say 200 feet and put a color sack here which keeps me out of the buffer zone keeps me everything onto the property and everything on our own property and whip a little col sack in here and and the and the planning board would approve the extension of Michael's way a few hundred feet or whatever it is I don't know yet they Liv that design but I'm saying probably feet if you're up here looking I wouldn't want to go way up there yeah I probably wouldn't go way up in there probably two 300 feet or whatever for enough to get up in here and get a Col sack and then the Lots would the Lots would fall into the col sack for the whatever Frontage yeah so if you take that approach I think your lot sizes will be bigger than your far bigger than your need well probably probably I'm not I'm not like I say I don't if I if I extend that into here these lot lines actually the lot sizes would decrease but it instead of 2.3 this be 2.2 Acres I see how we could um this one might be so this is Lance again I really highly recommend that you discuss this with the Building Commissioner because he knows the bylaws like the back of his hand where planning board members have got to go through them okay and and this way he can tell you what negatives you're be up against or what w waivers you might need from which what what what waivers I might need from you folks but the concepts but I wanted the reason I wanted to just throw it at you folks so you could you know say yeah you know this looks good I think this I think this is something you know if you you know if you go to the build inspector and and and you you get his approval you know clean this up we get what you're trying to do and clean up and get it back a preliminary form so in the earlier Concepts was there any one concept that you could do without having any just the one one that was the one with the two buildings onway and uh and the uh common one common driveway show the road oh this one showed the road coming in oh yeah building the subdivision Road right down across this narrow little stretch and going back on because then there's no limits to the length of a KAC would be 600 feet I believe towns in pretty much always has been for many years the limit of your CAC length of your road can only be 600 feet so this would eliminate that I don't know how long this road is whether it's 400 feet or 600 feet to the next road down I don't know that but this lets me do it by right and and uh this is one that I can do and the one is just one two three four five and just use the frontage and uh and and come in here with the karma driveway this becomes one Karma driveway coming off of Michael's way to serve three houses I can do that I guess pretty much by right but I'm taking away something that I really got my kind of set on trying to do if we can do it you know this one there's nothing going to conservation here no no well well no no if I put the road if I putad got the road he's got a bridge put the road in there would be if I come in here with a common to serve three lots get two in the street like this I need nothing I I I will have to file the conservation on this lot that's out of the street the this one here I won't even have to file because I'm I everything's outside and then when I come in here this just I didn't we didn't draw this common way but we we just skirt right in here and we're outside that you know we come in here with a narrow driveway we come right in here and we we're outside it we put three lots in there I just I just don't like nothing goes to conservation nothing well can I do some can I give them something yeah I think we can give them something out here but I can't because of the they're taking Road Frontage off the street the only thing I can do is give them a conservation easement I can give them a conservation easement I just like the whole idea just give this whole property of the town I think it's 18 plus acres no houses at the street put them all up in here somewhere them all up in here with one common driveway like I say I'm just here I'm here just trying to get a little fact finding Lance is thinking I need to go in that direction and that's the direction I'm going I see him I'll see him I thank you I thank you folks for your time thank you and in your thanks for giving us a PE your inut see what you come up with well now I got now I got a good feeling some direction that I think I I feel confident I might be able to go and maybe and maybe with your blessings in the end okay thank you have a good night okay Carol can you do town the town historic districts commission public hearing notice in accordance with M Law chapter 4C the historic district commission will hold an in-person public hearing on Thursday January 30th 2025 in room two at towns and Town Hall at 3M regarding an application from Jacob tog for a certificate of appropriateness for the installation of roof rooftop solo panels at 79 Main Street towns in Mass Castle ID 34450 the me this Mee will be available via Zoom should be interesting I'll be there I'll be there you will is that the house that they just renovated with the I I don't know I'm just an appointed member the district oh I was I wasn't sure if that was the that that house that they just renovated the three story where they painted gray yeah is that 79 Main Street 79 Main Street it said 79 Main Street well 79 Main Street is down in the harbor oh down the har oh it's that way yeah oh okay don't know I know it's low numbers down there I have no idea I still I still don't know anything about the to um okay BC what is this is from sabr church um BCC boards and committees all departments good afternoon oh the select board voted in meeting of one January 7 2025 to reorganize the select board as follows Laura shifford chair Veronica Kell Vice chair clerk remains vacant until annual time election on 428 2025 to change the April 2025 select board meeting dates to April 1st 2025 and April 15 2025 and and as signed the select Bo leaon as follows Laura shiffer elected vs Veronica Kell General government and Public Safety please share with your boards and committees respectively okay so that went to all the boards and commit and I just want to say it this time because I didn't say it under the announcements oh we are in announcements so while we're in announcements there's lots of positions available in town hall and the election has been posted for April 28th and the process of taking out papers to be elected and we would all appreciate as many of our community members that would like to part participate because there's a place for everyone God I hate beinged well also volunteer there's volunteer positions but I'm now I'm also on the capit plany I know I wasn't pointing at you but to many of nobody at the table but to many of our audience Right audience if you're listening you are wanted there there are volunteer forms for you to participate thank you that's a good way to meet Town people it is it is a good way to beet Town people um and you could have fun yeah we try uh I'm not sure how to read this but the town managers admin this is from MTC oh it's the attorneys uh Town managers administrators planners am I supposed to read that whole thing I don't think so um this looks like it's oh it's from the an attorney it was must be from Adam's office yeah just um let me just take a quick look and see what it's let me just see what it's um caveat oh summary of legislative changes to econ Economic Development laws h. 5100 um interesting references made to the Bel cash in that in that connection on November 13 2024 the legislature passed H 5100 and an act relative to strengthening Massachusetts economic leadership would authorize a general Bond issue of approximately $$ 3.96 billion this legislation has been forwarded to the government for Signature contains a number of Grant programs available to towns and cities with the caveat that in order to qualify a municipality must be in compliance or interim compliance with the multif family zoning requirements set forth J law 48 3 MTA zoning I guess that's good we know what that means yeah we know what that's unbelievable I can't take it okay we're good okay this is other towns town of Granton planning board public hearing not special permits Hammerhead lot and Shar driveway 101 longle Road in accordance with the provisions of chapter 48 and 9 and 11 in Asar and the code of t gron chapter 218 the gron planning board will hold a public hearing on Thursday January 23rd 2025 at 7:30 p.m. in the town hall to consider the application submitted by Christopher Curtis under the provisions of Gro Gren zoning bylaw section 218- 64 H headlocks and Shar driveways the applicate proposes to create one new lot by subdividing the existing residential lot at 101 la Road into two lots U utilizing the existing driveway as shown on the plan entitled Hammerhead lot residential site development plan 101 Longley Road brought in Massachusetts prepared by L Flex dated December 18th 2024 copies of the applications are at file with the planning board and time clerk that and this is notice a decision from the town of peil um applicating fa ler on behalf of the Leon Shad Family Trust the subject property is located at 147 Nashville Road just east of the intersection D Street in Nashville Road and is owned by the Leon shadic Family Trust Citizens Bank uh where is the decision oh decision of the board um relief requests that special permit major site plan review and a land disturbance permit to permit the construction of a contractor's yard over hand storage staging in a storage and office building associated with the same on a 3.3 Acre Site decision of the board was granted with conditions St of decision was December 16 2024 and it doesn't list any of the conditions this is from the town of Gren planning board public hearing notice special permit for wellness Studio 134 Main Street in accordance with Massachusetts General Law chapter 48 and 5 and 11 the Gren planning board will hold a virtual public hearing via zoom on Thursday February 13th 2025 at 7:15 p.m. to consider the application submitted by yogesh Kumar under the provisions of gron zoning bylaw sections 218- 5.2 schedule of use regulations and 28-55 special use considerations the proposed use is a wellness studio in the basement unit of the existing commercial building located at 134 Main Street a May attend this public hearing for U hearing on zoom and go go to the it's good for GR we need one the town of Granton planning board hearing notice proposed zoning Amendment MBTA communities multif family overlay District in accordance with the provisions General law CH the 40 a and 5 And1 the grant gron planning board will hold a virtual public hearing video zoom on Thursday February 13 2025 at 7:45 p.m. to consider proposed amendments to the gron zoning bylaw chapter 218 the purpose of the proposed zoning amendment is to create a multif family development OA District that complies with the requirements of the MBTA Community act you may attend this virtual public hearing on zoom and the copies of the proposed voting amendments are unfiled by planing board and oh was this that's and this is thew is that their byw see yeah this is the bylaw I don't have to read this whole thing do it no can I just make a quick comment uh I just wanted you guys to um I I had put a copy of that in your folder because they actually have an affordability Clause so it gives you an example of what how they Incorporated it so just Just for information yeah this is their affordable unit hopefully it's not tral because there's an error in it is there does say draft it does say draft looking I think ours is better says they're going to go up to five story 55 ft five stories h holy cow Robert wouldn't like that no I wouldn't like that either that's big that's tall that's I don't oh yeah oh no that's just the bylaw that's just the bylaw why would they want to do that I don't think it will pass no structure shall exceed it says exceed five and then parentheses four that's the mistake I'm sorry says no structure shall exceed five parentheses 4 stories 55t in height so four or five but either way that's still a large building yeah that's wow I'm surprised 15 they got 15 dwelling units per AC I don't think they'll pass that the maximum permitted density not exceed 15 dwelling units per acre that's [Music] everybody w wow so they want go big they're going big wow it's going to be a big battle in that town they don't have have SE there no no but they have public water limited their areas where's the district they're putting it so they have some areas that they are considering they're all on Main Street all of Main Street not they're all on Main Street but um [Music] all two acres 25 acres it's page six well that's where the schools are the academy and everything else and the hotel yeah they're not going to be putting their big five story building on Bane Street and destroy the look of the whole town I don't I'm not even sure where you would where where where are they showing it because that's a very done free not you have to look it up on the on the assessor map but there's parcels and owners areas State privately owned oh they're they're all privately owned they're not that big they're designating the following properties wow okay next all right for them that'll be interesting to watch yeah I like to see what happens with that one February 13th they didn't do it on Valentine's Day they did it the day before so when is that oh so they're having a meeting meeting for approval is February 13 February but but they're um what do it say okay Fe Thursday February 13th at 7:45 PM via Zoom it's going to be a virtual public hearing so they're all afraid to have the people come live only Zoom only Zoom only for public hearing yeah hold the virtual virtual public hearing for you zoom okay 4.2 let me do 4.2 yeah me okay agency and this is from Jeffrey zosi he from mitigation CDA oh external availability availability of funding Grant announcement FY 2024 haszard mitigation assistance your community has been identified as having a hassard mitigation plan that has a expirer is set to expire by 12 2026 there are funding opportunities available that can be utilized as assist year community and updating these plans C didn't we just update our mitigation plan I but it says we expires in 26 so no our plan is expiring it was updated in 2020 really seems like yesterday 2020 now it's F but it seems like we just did it well are you thinking of the open space and Recreation plan no oh I gotta ask Aaron do you know if that's ever been actually um approved by the state I had a conditional approval but is Aon on I don't know but I'll definitely ask her because I know she's still I think she's been working on that yeah so I'll check waiting for the ad the the the Ada stuff that we received in um that was the last thing you get the full um I get a followup status for you okay building do I keep going down who does that fall under that haard mitigation the open space and Recreation plan or the hazard mitigation plan no the hazard mitigation oh uh the planning board originally did a combined Hazard mitigation plan with the MVP plan so it was a combined document um and as it's as it turns out the hazard mitigation plan is expiring I don't know if the other part is expiring remember we got the planning Grant years ago so yeah so we need to to be eligible for Grants we will the town will need to um update the hazard mitigation plan we can separate it out or we can look at options of how to you know maybe do it through the MVP planning Grant again I don't know but Erin um and I are both looking at um different funding sources to do that Erin um especially should be looking at that okay and is that something we would be is it um or was it I don't remember is that really intricate or if if it's an update maybe just means parts of it have to be updated it's a technical document I will say that it's very technical um yeah the that's all the statistics on towns in's flooding and you know everything that's impacted the town in terms of natural disasters in the past and then the planning for the next few years last time it was done by Weston and Samson um these are funding through that are you know brought to the attention of the town so the update you know if we could get funding to do that it would be outsourced okay um yeah and this is just from fur the staff of draft FL plan District biue the Spring anual Town Meeting um and there's a survey out did everybody see the survey I saw it yeah it like Takes a Minute huh it takes a minute to serve it to answer it I know but you have to be familiar with all parts of town to respond to that no they're looking for what your experience might have been or what you have seen not to tell them about the whole town because I mean I did answer it and I answered it to when I saw what happened at the harbor when it was flooded over the street I didn't have a picture but I I saw it I knew that it happened so that's what I that's what I mention yeah I did look at it but I had nothing and haven't seen any floods or anything I mean I probably could have said other things because also the one down on that way on Main Street West toson when you go over the bridge there's a house on the left there I've seen water up to the house really really W yikes I didn't I didn't put that in the the only place I've seen it is uh you remember what PTI was no okay uh South Road yeah southw road so you come across the bridge on South Street you go right southw road yeah yeah and then you continue down and then it dips down that's where PTI used to be um it's is that was that a place it was a local swimming pole oh okay okay so right at that dip I've seen right so answer that really just they're looking for all these little tidbits that they can put into their um plant their report okay because they can't see everything but if everybody in town is seeing something sometime if they get a 100 plus of people who have saw it in different areas then they get an idea I took a picture of the flooding in summer 23 when Barker Hill um right next to my house is a culvert that overwhelmed and it was up to my knees wow yeah did you answer the survey I did yeah good submitted a picture so one question so this survey is this this is is that gonna if if you site a location for example going to put you in the flood plane exactly that was my question yes it is I don't know did anybody feel their house Shake today this morning yes I I thought somebody told me that like around 2 o'clock and I swear at like 10 something in the morning I was in my kitchen and all of a sudden like I heard this something it was like something like had fallen and so I looked around the bref burners nothing fell go in the dining room nothing everything looked the same I went down the basement looked up to see if something went on in that beam area between the two rooms nothing so then I didn't think about it because it was quiet after that happened to me too really yeah I felt something this morning huh this morning yeah this morning but I didn't know I kind of like well what was that but then I just had generator in sometimes it makes noise and I don't I didn't know what it was it sounded like a thump Like A truck hit a bump or something exactly and they said that it was felted up in Maine really all through New England 3.2 yeah that's what he said we get them every five years it's no big deal we get them I mean I can remember sitting at H my were little cubicles in our desk and all of a sudden all of us this was five of us like in this little office and all of a sudden we all like were bumped out of our chairs cu the earthquake came and we all would like Believe It or Not Massachusetts is I think a number two or number three earthquake zone really which is a very severe we have difference but the difference is it's so infrequent okay and other words they're very rare right right but the intensity of the PO you know for how powerful they can be is still there the potential yeah but wasn't one reported like within the last year what wasn't one reported within the last year in town like Turnpike Road and Y this is Lance I'm gonna have to move on here in a little bit okay I just thought you wanted all the interesting stories but okay um okay we done with the the announcements and uh 5.1 is just informational about the collaborative 30th in ual conference March 15 2025 5.2 there's still the planning board member resource Library if you care to look at that and our next meetings are February 10th and February 24th um I I did forget um I saw an email about another special town meeting Lori could you please share that sure was it another special meeting or the annual town meeting I I got an email from okay so the special Town another special meeting will be held sometime the week of March 10th it has to do with the override for the schools and Ashby and peppol are meeting the same week we're going to try to meet the same night as those two other towns okay so what's the date and I'm sorry the date again the week of the 10th I don't have the exact date yet okay 10th okay so and yeah that's about the override and there is a meeting on I think it's February 12th which you can parti participate or listen to on Zoom of the school committee I don't know the the exact date but that that would be on the website somewhere yeah or on their Facebook page even for the school they they're posting that stuff know okay so I did that and then of course the the um fall town meeting is tomorrow night at 7 pm at Town Hall why do we call it the fall time meeting because it was supposed to be in November or December but it's happening we usually have a spring and a fall yes um those are the annual meetings not the special uh right but the annual meeting is where most of the things will get done and that is the beginning of U May right that's all the town departments yeah so now that um we have finished if no one has anything else to say I will entertain a motion and I at 8:15 I'll make a motion to adjourn at 8:15 I second that a motion okay motion oh I've said that and uh so if no one objects we are adjourned at 8:15 p.m.