##VIDEO ID:9binimoHoHk## good evening this is Carol hopis and I'm acting chairperson of the planning board meeting and I'd like to call the meeting to order and please Andrew sheer present P Quan present L MCN present Rob pres Carol H is present and are you present L maybe not okay and if I can ask anyone to stand and can you guys not hear me oh no okay can you see me can yes okay I'm in my car so I'm gonna pledge with you okay thank you to the Republic for which it stands one na under with liberty and justice for all thank you to our service members and First Responders and this meeting is being recorded and uploaded to the town of towns and YouTube channel I don't have any additions or Don good on a meeting so okay I'm fine Lori you should mute yourself oh sorry oh okay thank you okay did everyone have a chance to look at the U August 12 meeting minutes anybody have any discussions questions okay I get motion to approve the minutes of August so moved second okay miss you guys do I just have everybody say I because they're all here or just say I okay everybody can say I if they they agree I I do I get the vote today oh no no no sorry about that okay that's all right Andrew and and okay we're with that um all right I guess if you want to do your [Music] we have here 27 scale um request for certificate of completion these are the application ending and expected request for certificate of completion is ending the as PL should be submitted soon 22 Main Street is ongoing again the board extended the special permit to October 7th fishburg Road the planning board decision to Grant special permits and storm management permit was signed and the St water permit was issued the special permits are in the appeal area a new age restriced development a new age restriced development storm water management permit application was received today for one Depot Road and that application is under review for completeness by the staff s visits and cents I'm going to go right to to read West Road just an update there um that's a recent storm water management permit the uh we're still waiting for a finalized license to enter agreement on that development sorry we did site visit on Monday the 12th um and the at this time where not eligible to apply for certificate completion of the storm management system due to still under construction 94 Pittburgh roader Road 25 66 all outstanding on monthly C management construction reports miscellaneous the new flood plane maps are available and the board will be working on new zoning with the issuance of the 2025 Fe maps for the Nashville River Watershed communities that wish to remain eligible participation in the National flood insurance program are required to also update and adopt their flood plan bylaws in accordance with a mod blood bylaw that's been provided for to by the DCR master plan is ongoing the HM the hazard mitigation plan and MVP plan is ongoing um again the plan will need and update soon law compliance mrpc has submitted some deliverables or printed out on the table here and they're in your meeting packets we expect Joe Boyle will be attending on at the next meeting on the nth to talk more about the update is that an update from the previous update know couple months mat yeah is this an update to that this is actually the implementation of those that was the like the precursor for implementation of the 2025 Maps which okay so so they didn't do so a few months back that was the yeah beginning it and you appealed if you didn't I was just making sure my house was and I just like saw that and I said oh put it back yeah it's implementation time update Implement okay thank you right behind you hey Lori can you mute yourself you think I'm under text 2.1 is the NBTA communities La compliance update and that's the one Mr Bo yeah so if um we can wait till he comes to discuss it or next week I mean next meeting yeah can look at his number yeah we could do that you like to do that this no I don't I was going to access it via my computer and I okay I did read it you did yeah it well the first one um the gist of it is the maximum he wants to denote a maximum allowable developed for the site well talking about District three correct but he's saying because he can't analyze it as well as he'd like yeah that he can't because of the condition of stuff splitting it right but he said he can't analyze it to make it a smaller condensed slot for justos units so he's proposing that we put a maximum maximum number 180 units yeah that can be built on that property so um yeah he goes into how we can't really sure get it smaller I don't even know what the looks like but I'm thinking as word easily basically saying to have the whole 22.7 Acres the district sure yes yes because he said he couldn't because of he couldn't make it because I think at the last meeting he talked about relooking at it and see if he could take that 22 acres and shink it down to maybe 12 acres that would be buildable for 178 units and this memo says basically they looked at it and they just it it's almost impossible for them to come up with the acreage to minimize it down to a certain piece of the AC so he said to make it a maximum 180 houses so maybe on this PA they could put the dens density over here maybe less over here sure they may have to scatter I think It ultimately makes it less dense which I know was a concern your I thought that was do put maximum my biggest thing is Zone commercial now I don't really really get much of that up is it Z commercial I thought it was I didn't think it was I didn't think so there's always resid yes I believe so yeah that section you you might not be [Music] familiar this was District right around I don't I think that could that small square is water tower one of okay F oh sure sure okay all right good okay good all right the only thing about his memo that I thought was interesting was the bylaw that he proposed talking about that was enacted in 2008 that restricted it had like a fouryear limit like it's expired but it said towns and will not develop more than 28 homes a year oh yeah something like that yeah he did say about that yeah I did read that yeah so so he'll be here at uh the next meeting September 9th so we can he B through this a lot more detail true okay so what are we supposed to do with the T the haard mitigation plan and Municipal vulnerability plan I saw I do have them I did see um okay on the hazard mitigation plan we do have I do see that there is some um did anybody have a chance to look at any of this stuff um I sry enforc regulations to monitor the effectiveness of private Stone water system detention on bio tension maintenance and you have some I guess progress on some of these some of these have Progress written in there so are we acting on the ones that don't have any carress against them so you know you have the blue those are the things that I think we've been working the board has undertaken you know in various different projects that you've so are we supposed to be looking at the ones that say planning board but don't have any you could yeah that's a good way to do it comments yeah pick a few um okay okay so how do you do this one um because this one doesn't have anything against it it says seek funding to create an ongoing collaboration to reduce burden on current translators I don't even know why that's a planing board translators yes I don't even know why this is a planning I don't even know why this is oh here it is I missed this one up about translate important documents in emergency communications into other languages why is that us emergency documents like it translate important documents in emergency communications into other languages and then the next one is seek funding to create an ongoing collaboration to reduce burden on current translators then the next one oh this one's for Emergency Management switches to planning to emergency movement have translators ready to translate materials in a crisis and develop infographic signage do you know what's going that like are there any um term Billy uh Elliot is in charge of the Emergency Management Department so I don't specifically know um what his level of awareness is of these items or if he is working or okay I guess maybe we need to find out how many people in town and don't speak English yeah we have that we have that information do we so then so then I guess we need those who don't speak English what language do they speak yeah and then how do we get interpreters for those people that don't who's I'm on the finance committee there's no money there's no there is no money I don't see why by the state why couldn't we just hold the town and in the event of an emergency if you're willing to step in as a translator or language Spanish or whatever whatever language we need to cover yeah my next neighbor is of Polish and they speak Polish I can speak very broken polish probably probably enough my and I can help you with your would the be interested in invting is Elliot or to a meeting to talk about what's already going on so you don't you know if this is a planning board item I don't know it says I don't know why it is nothing to do with I don't know but that's so maybe I could invite Mr depy Elliot to meeting and talk about these items but that's I like your idea though of you know finding out what languages people speak and then if somebody's in the community that you know speaks English in that language to maybe like make list something would we be doing anything in our bylaws with that no I can see so this is because we are the executors of this plan is that one we have tasks assigned to us yeah see how we get we I kind of P out things so responsible on my other hat I got a different hat and I'm responsible for prep being prepared for natural disasters and anys and team to take care of other disasters like but natural disasters you we all are involved in that planning but this particular plan addresses things that we can do to be more prepared and protected against natur disaster so I think it good yeah to find out what's already done yeah what's already done and what we could do with maybe reaching out yeah finding out who doesn't speak English and how we can find people that make maybe make some kind of list if people are willing to do that so like in an emergency you could say okay this guy speaks whatever Spanish and sure we could call somebody as an interpreter oh yeah that'd be that' be phenomenal know who in town you could something yeah and just it would just be like you know you want to be like you know unall firefighters yeah yeah call language expt I found out about our top fire figh when I lived in West hey guys I'll just chime in on that one too I mean you see a lot more these days too of of bigger meetings being signed too so it's it's something potential for for town meeting or a bigger public forum type deal if someone does know American Sign Language to throw that into the mix potentially as well good ideas so we'll talk to um Ain steepfield our grant administrator she's she's been around the black wild so I think she might potentially also have some Grant ideas too so obviously we can't sign a document but um you know if we could translate a document or or find some grant for some software or something that that has that cap ability at least for you know our comprehensive emergency management plans and and some of these more comprehensive Town documents to have more accessible for everybody I think would be really great so but I agree with Beth I think I think maybe having some more collaboration because you guys and the Emergency Management Association do seem to have the brunt of the work of this plan um maybe having a meeting at some point to make sure the efforts you know are being Consolidated and not overlapping would would be pretty smart do we have any shelters here town uh they stand up shelters like at hathorn Brook I'm sorry like if when there's like a cooling like a like heat power outages people are worried about heat they'll put like a heating shelter at hathorne brook or sometimes dooling shelter they can yeah they can do the meeting usually mostly Brook was the in my experience it's always been at Hawthorne um I don't know I'm sure there is a memo or you know standard operating procedure as to which locations have been vetted and make sense do we even have an emergency management committee here well there isn't that that code red uh I think that's the texting service for emergencies to the town residents yeah because I get like I'll get like teched sometimes from like road closure or yeah like you know your vot's closed or there's a somebody's missing or something something whatever the heat index is going up go shelter somewhere sure sure there is towns and Emergency Management I I think the name's changed I don't think it's called tea anymore but um deputy chief Billy Elliott is in charge of it whether we have them to a meeting or maybe the the chair Vice chair has a meeting with them just to say Hey you know where you at just as a preparatory [Music] thing um so I guess couple of these other ones is create an economic Center to help make business plans I'm not really sure what that means but seems like that of um I Lori knows more about the ch Commerce than I do because I think L kind of belong to chamber Commerce or some kind of business thing so she she she would know more about that I think she said it's inactive now or something yeah yeah not the chamber the business associates in towns or something um this might be for Andrew oh boy um create an agricultural advisory committee and develop programs and incen for local farms wow I know there's been meetings recently with the state the now State rep about the like an agricultural Commission of some sort or group I don't think it's a formal commission town but well maybe my sister's been going oh well maybe you could send a few words to be on that okay and she could put it right there okay and that would give us yeah points some points yeah yeah I know Margaret has been organizing some meetings around so if you think of just just a lot yeah will find something and I can send you a link be or something it's like just like this show a little bit of progress doing it Whatever It Is [Music] I doing thatu okay I don't know if we've done this or not um that's study options or regulations waver zoning will impact the and transfer of development rights to protect acers and incorporate other climate resilient measures we kind of doing that as a review of the bylaws about the back for protecting the I'm just try 7-10 which documentary reading oh this is the um it's table 7-1 out of the master plan priority passic mitigation and climate adaptation actions table 70 right oh yeah mine says mine says oh okay I'm not I'm just trying to get my open space so how do you elevated building only because one of them here says assess options for encouraging properties inside the flood plane to elevate buildings in critical components require resilient design specifications as a part of the flood District perming process for major Redevelopment and new development those are flood plan standards by the federal government okay with they relate to flood insurance oh so that's all part to this flood bylaws that we're going to be looking at okay right so because we got pages of FL plane bylaws here um okay I guess that's Prett the has clean everybody's happy with that yeah till the next time like I said Lori knows a lot about the business side that I don't really know this one is I'm not even sure what this one is what is this one it says focus focus series is that and and they printed out yellow I didn't highlight them for any reason yeah they were highlighted because those are the items that the board is involved in and this Focus collabor The collaborating Entity on so okay which document are you looking at we just we just switched over to this whatever this called yeah okay so the MVP action table I think that's what it is no yeah that might be that might be is that the MVP action table this one here with all the yellow uh that's the master plan implementation [Music] [Music] okay okay we already doing that oh okay so where's the um so who I'm not really sure how to do this okay so just say this one the township pursued brants to install electric charging stations so who would that would that would be the grand but who would like how do you I guess I'm not really clear in how how you would go about pursuing the Grant in does somebody from would have to tell somebody to go pursue this gr I'm not really sure how this works yeah I mean you can make a formal request or who pays for the electricity how does that I don't even know how that works I don't Nether and then how many electric vehicles are there in the town I don't know but okay anybody for Public public charging stations well yeah I guess so I mean I've never used one do you put a credit card in it does somebody I've never I've never used one the only thing that I have heard that you know if you're planning on taking a large trip or long trip and you stop by one of these charging stations that can take like six hours to charge your car I got you better than that my brother's friend has a Tesla he's gets free electric as long as he uses the Tesla charge my brother lives up in Maine he drove up to Maine in my brother's house basically was on zero power with his Tesla car my brother's sad because he only has a regular plug wall plug two and a half days to charge the car so he could go home I think we leave that to the private sector can we instead encourage a business to put up a electric vehicle charging station town for just did but do just town and for pay for electricity I don't know how that work I think depends on the type of charger the type of vehicle there are like national standards on charging and plugs there's a Well everybody's there's not a federal standard but there there is like a certain standard that's out there well what I understand is they having trouble standardizing it because different automakers have us different charging systems the other thing that I'm ing is that these are targets for vandals they you put them in and they break them to steal all the copper well I don't want to put a charging station in if the town is on the hook for paying for the electricity so so unless we have Fleet of electric vehicles in town I don't see the reason I don't know maybe they're suggesting that that we have one for Town Vehicles maybe I doesn't really specify but the other one is inable solar and wind power in town but we're already doing that with the police station that we putting the solar solar panels we doing something with solar on the police station that mov forward to my there islaw that are in place very good for solar and for wind so maybe we could put that in there for status update because of wind and power sure that we have the bylaw yeah yeah we have pretty current we have current yeah we just did the soul one that just updated those so why don't we put that as a status update what do we have it in our bylaws yeah we just did it not too long ago I know it's all our already yeah well that's okay but we can we just did it recently so we're gonna take credit for it yeah to the vehicle one I think the Patrick's good point we could write you know towns and Ford is installed you know not like we've done anything but they've CH to inst yeah could do that they have the charging station y y so we could I think they were forced to by for due to sales but but you know I don't know if it's available to the public if you know what I mean I'm sure it isn't sure sure I cannot you know with the price of electricity in Townsen yeah I can't imagine anyone I don't think it's putting in free charging no you know yeah yeah definitely not no no no no as far as a CH P for anybody's charging we can't afford it yeah so we we can't do that um this is the one I hate with the passion because I P this in W but everybody else likes it so that's okay the ter you consider passing the community preservation and I think I know that's Veronica his passion is to put that on one of the Town warrants someday so interest what is that it's a it's a tax on your property tax it's a property tax it's a tax on your proper what and they say that it does great things because it it goes from what is it one to 3% or a half% but it's it's sort of where the state provides funding providing that the residents contribute you know a percent of property taxes to it so overall you know you're getting a subsidy from the state yeah just like the state promised to pay for our church schools in our schools are costing us a fortune because the state what they promis toay for the school so anything the state says they're going to pay for I my house 4 average we wouldn't be gave us the money for anyway it there is some benefit if you believe the state will come through but since they never come through for our schools whatever uh carage B balance land use consistent with New England character through zoning and development view that is sensitive to Wildlife bers eal review of zoning districts to ensure land use suitability and preservation of agricultural resources do that do that not really don't we have all those Wildlife designated corridors every every time we take on a little campaign or whatever purpose it is it delays every all the regulatory process it adds more cost to something I don't know encourage balance balance land ju consist of main character Z this because I know like the wildlife people they put signs everywhere like this is a wildlife whatever and don't we have designated Wildlife carers already I think if the town is 50% open space so that's by the state conserving 50% of the town so I'd say check the box I don't know if that's balanced but you know some of excessive in my opion I mean you know these are all great Concepts and stuff but they also end up with conflicting situations okay I'm on the pox and Cemetery board here yeah so we take care of the parks and the conversation comes out and we there's no public swimming areas available in all our natural swimming areas are you can't swim in them because of the contamination we find out the contamination is from so we could write poor water flow and the water flow is related to beavers daming up the water yeah because my pl's gonna be was a real concern to try to resurrect some of these natural swimming holes that we have but then we're in conflict with conservation and everybody else okay we can do that you know there's no perfect anything and I mean I'm all about conservation but excessive conservation can be bad for the town too right so when you people that won't make a concession anywhere or look at it in a realistic terms there's no progress um [Music] so you know not that these things aren't good Concepts but they got to be done with some kind of realistic solution you know not just an emphatic program Beth I just sent you the emails about the agricultural commission okay and she's just G to use this one about protecting we just discussed I just my open space Recreation plan is BR spanking new and has a lot of that stuff in it so we can just do that and then just we got a conditional approval by the state so it has to be tweet but we do have condition okay the next one is promote business development in a manner consistent with protecting water supplies and preserving the town characters I'm not really sure what that means I mean we're not going to build in a water whatever protected area yeah so I'm really not sure what that means is that talking about like taking something out of a designated area that can't be built on because it's conserved something on the Harbor Pond or something like that um just says protect water supply and infrastructure you can build near water safely do right careful and comprehensive land use by strengthening protection for wellheads a lot of places here have private Wells a lot of housing yeah is on private Wells we must have stuff zoning things about building there yeah uh I mean I know naturally like the setbacks from other property lines you know create a buffer a natural buffer around wherever your place you will head if you're not on Town water that's pretty well regulated by the health department any anyways yeah because when I yeah because I always had a well when I lived in West I was always own water um until I came here and then had a water but um yeah we always protected our wells for and my daughter actually has a well on the other side of the Roll on Wells over West well you're up updating this real time she right oh yeah yeah she was there um don't we already have this develop a map of recreational areas and natural resources and state supported Improvement system with I think that's on the website is that in the open oh it's on the town website I thought I pulled one off of there but shows all the trails in town on the supported improvements to the trail system develop a map of recreational areas and natural resources in state supportive improvements to the trail system with linkages a really strange way word it isn't it know I know on the tongue cuz I pulled it off to town website there is a map of all those trails that I there used to be something right outside that town clerk's office with that as well yeah the mrpc has a Regional Trail Map and points of interest so we do have that um and we have in that so when we just that in there we already have that could be and I'm assuming there are maps in the open space plan too right they would be downstairs yeah there yeah there's map yeah there's map like how many times I look at that play and I can't remember okay I think we're doing um I say we've done a good page of updates all right we done good tonight so okay what's next I just I just have one so at one time is there a Economic Development Group or committee oh group or committee not used to be a long I mean there was a while ago is that the capital planning committee no no no it was just basically you know a small group sort of focused on economic development so there is a group at the Planning Commission level but I'm not familiar with any at the local level okay Town econom development I just know that the person that lived at seven Worcester I think or right there used to be a chairman of it or something way back when oh but you know I always see that you know when I was looking at all these action items in terms of Economic Development it really needs some Focus you need to have a small group that's basically first of all you know has the expertise and is sort of focused on it because one of the things that the master plan and you know I know that it's not practical now they basically said we need to have a person hired uh responsible for economic development in Townsen but you know I think a separate group that's just focused on that that pulls from all of the various other groups as needed to make things happen yeah that's yes I mean I would take that as a recommendation that the selectman should sort of Appo a you know or create a a committee to be looking at Economic Development because there's there's a lot we could do in town but it's a lot of work and it's a lot you know needs expertise yes it does pick a pick a small project and get people to to work on that one small project yeah baby steps yeah because you know one of the things that um towns in is one of the the really um gosh what did I want to say one of the um attributes of townsman that is so great is the amount of recreational area parks and open space and you know being able to draw people in from other communities to enjoy that and then that brings business into into towns you know people having lunch people going to the hardware store whatever antique shops are a big attraction here yeah but I don't know how well they're marketed if you know what I mean no they're not two big state parks the 3,000 Acres of State Forest there too knows didn't opportunity that's on Tapped didn't know all the trails I still don't know but I I would just recommend that you sort of need a small group focused on that if you want to if if you really want to make progress on it sure sure I would agree with you yeah that greater greater emphasis on the recreation stuff right get do better with marketing the trails and where they are you can do and if you could do that and you brought more people into town which then would if more people come to T then it would make it more attractive to say for business for a business to locate like a coffee shop or whatever restaurant or whatever bik shop within 30 miles of or you know sell equipment or whatever it is something I mean even you know a list of the local restaurants where you can you know we don't need a list s two the rail trail has a really nice map that is all colorcoded and shows you restaurants and activities and paths and stuff restaurant is on the rail trail not on the rail trail but the map they have like a like welcome to towns and map okay and it says oh if you go over here you can see this and over here you see that see Bailey from the real Trail walk right out have been living in communities were tourists areas I'm not sure we want to attracts a lot of people to whatever those those a good idea did did everybody have a chance to look at the new storm water management application changes or we G table that till next I didn't look I did not um I looked at some but I didn't look at every document and I wasn't clear on which the changes there was some yellow highlights I know I only saw that on the diagram though I didn't see that on some of the other ones I fig those are the diagram okay yeah so there probably like 10 of them in your packets all different sections of the application like form sm10 that different edits were made too so they're mostly clal some them just clarify and point back to regulations things so it's just more helpful for staff to sure sure that mostly yeah I can go through them pull them up or you can again look them over and if you have any robt haven't had a chance to look at it no yeah so they've been in your folder for a few meetings now so so can you look at them for the next meeting maybe we could approve them yes get them approve yes great so we do that next time September 9th okay um can I just an inter one moment for the the last discussion master plan um would you like to take any action on the idea of recommending to the select board creating an economic development committee or something like that a letter yeah that be fine sure we could do that if that's something we can do we could show far this on our thing here [Music] the Parks and Recreation committee the one responsible for the trail map and all that stuff there we we take care of the parks in the cemetery and um so right now we're getting new playground equipment and we got a granted out and we were um what's the name Adam's Rock do you know what that is black rock I know where black rock is right up over oh behind uh the sh place here Evans huh behind Evans yeah behind EV okay the the river goes through there and there so one place in town that nobody knows about but we go swimming really yeah and so we're trying to reclaim that area and make it a legitimate park now so because you can that's how pop behind Evans no it's Adam's rock or something it's Black Rock I'm pretty sure that because the Squan sanook River takes a hard right right and right there there's a big black rock and it looks like it's a swimming it is a swimming are the only one in town really because and then there was another area there used to be you know where Meeting House Road is and the bridges out there that used to be called Pap TI and they used to swim down there in the so pox and Cemetery right now we're trying to get some signage and clean up the pathway down to Black Rock and used to be a workout Trail it is it is and so there's a big um so we're putting some signage in there trying to clean it up because there's a lot of uh Poison Ivy and stuff like that down there that's part of power that's behind Evans it's behind too Trails back there that's right sorry I didn't want to do um because somebody told me one of my friends is lived here for years not me that one of my friends and she had mentioned it used to be a town beach in the town park or something no the uh where the VFW is all that Marshall and you see now was a public a public swiming no second can remember when my granddaughter was little and I still Liv in West and my my girlfriend said oh you know you need to go to the toown beach and I took my daughter and the toddler and we went down 119 I guess towards West Townson West Townson and then it was like we went into walked into to the woods and in like a beach but it was kind of nasty was like over with weeds and stuff and it was like was this the T of beach was down there I think they have a little beach in a pond just what yeah yeah and then was you Von because I don't know if that was a public beach though no pearl Hill is a state park is is a state par Venton Pawn used to be owned by the gr SCS yeah yeah yeah and so there's private homes there though okay so I didn't know if there was like a town beach that could be like renovated or cleaned up or Forge brond charges for non-residents I think it's like 20 or really 40 bucks or something oh West well they have two beaches in West Edwards is better than Forge Pond the one next to the rail TR right yeah that's Forge Pond by the rail personally I think we need one but the other one down edit spee down by um nass because I lived in West for like 20 years that one was is a much better Beach um it used to be $5 for nonresidents yeah that's what they used to CH I think it's like 20 bucks it's more more than $5 well there was no real town beach and towns whatever oh oh well she just she she told me she took her son here like she's lived here for I don't know how many years I up okay so next on the list is correspondence I guess it's correspondence all right see from and abing we have a lot of correspondents to share uh one is from The Office of the Attorney General uh where they share that articles 13 14 17 and 19 were approved from the May 7th uh annual town meeting in article 18 they sounds like they extended their own deadline so I don't know if you guys want more I can go into the Amendments no okay good town of gr the Gren planning board it is a public hearing notice definitive subdivision plan and special permit for 63 gratuiti roads it is Thursday September 12th at 7M to consider an application submitted by ruier and rer gratuity Road LLC for a approval of a definitive subdivision plan and special permit the proposed project will create a 28 unit major residential development for people 55 years of age and older as shown on the definitive plan entitled gratuity Brook Farm Estates definitive subdivision 63 Ru Road Dr M where is that ruit road I'm not sure okay sure that is more information available at Town Hall all right another one public hearing notice from the town of gron proposed zoning bylaw Amendment for accessory dwelling units public hearing September 12th 2024 7:30 pm to consider proposed amendments to the gr gron zoning bylaw chapter 218 the proposed zoning amendments will update the provisions for accessory dwelling units to conform with newly adopted changes to the Massachusetts zoning act more information at town that one might be interesting to us if yeah and that's what we're doing with mrpc yes um as Town Council said of the last meeting February 2025 is when the new state law takes effect so I would say sooner rather later that's gonna come up quickly sure sure um that also would mean I assum fall town meeting so I think maybe the Board needs to start you know putting that into place about it but that's brought correct that's brought um so so I mean I know way back when uh when I was you know the the chair here I had like relationship with Bron and with um Lunenburg if we could cont sometimes it's good to like so we don't have to reinvent the wheel contact the Gren planning board chair or what have you or if you could contact the office and say that we'd be interested in the output from that I'll get a copy of what they're doing over there yeah sure and then we can check with Joseph on his update what he's what I can't I thought he talked about his timeline and I thought I can't remember if it would be ready for fall Town me or not in regards to the Adu happens is state will suede it would be confusing to leave our bylaw I just can't remember what his timeline that he talked with us about for when he'd have it ready he he yeah he did I think he did say he may not because you're saying the state's coming out in February February and that's going to supersede anything that we have so we need to get our bylaw um but we have mrpc working on that no but right there's a couple of things there one it's by right now okay which is the state mandate which is fine but there's still the the the uh local jurisdiction on the size of the UN yeah so currently several towns have based this on a percentage of the main structure correct which I say no more than 50 is what's been the common yeah and a lot of them are using 900 square foot Mass Ma so um that introduces another thought that I have that I wanted discuss with this board um and it's concerns a general by law about multifam housing and specifically now with this MDA and BTA district and historic here being on this board for about two years we see a lot of special exemptions in our Zoning for aging replace housing and um and there are other ones too elderly housing and Senior Housing and L income housing so there are a lot of fed uh state sponsored things that impact our town and one of the things that we worked on last fall was the term I presented was called Wellness oh yeah we did so we have Scenic roads didn't we put that into the byla the wellness yes but it wasn't we need to Define that okay okay well so Wellness takes into account so for example the last applicant that was here last week that we approved it is supposed to be for older people yeah and I had a problem with the DST y okay yep I read that in the minutes right so the problem here is we see what the developers want but the developers AR putting themselves in the occupants cor mindset and I was really upset about that because if if this was your parents living there and they were on the wheelchair on a Walker walking to that dumpster was not anything that would help them okay so I'm talking about Wellness not just in terms of site plan riew but in terms of a bylaw so one of the things that's awful about high density housing is everybody gets put in the same box over and over okay so couple of things happen when that happens one that there's a big enough development of it it becomes a labeled community in other words oh that's low income over there that's all retirement there um that's taking people and and and sort of labeling them in a type of ghetto you know what I mean it's all the same type I don't mean ghetto in a negative way in terms of of bad people I mean it in terms of everybody's Collective there so there's only social interaction that happens there is with themselves so imagine now I live in one of these neighborhoods and I'm I'm 76 years old um and everything around me is the same as me and you look good for 76 by the way well I wouldn't guess how how upset would you be if there's an ambulance coming through your neighborhood every other day or a funeral power do you know what I mean I wonder should I finish reading the cler and then we can go on at length or later about your feelings the so this is from pepp Massachusetts notice of decision it is to Maple Leaf Village LLC um zoning board of appeals special permit uh uh expansion of a pre-existing non-conforming use at the subject site the project proposes construction of 27 mobile home dwelling units on the subject's lot and expand upon the villages exist infrastructure one of the 27 proposed dwelling units was previously permitted as part of a special permit granted by the zoning board of appeals on July 1st 1980 allowing up to 84 total mobile dwelling units on the subject site the remaining 26 proposed units would be considered as new units as the expansion of the existing non-conforming use of the mobile home parks brings the total number of units to 10 10 the decision the decision that's that's I guess that's that I think that was fair enough all right when I read it uh town of Shirley zoning board of appeals legal advertisement public hearing Monday September 9th 2024 at the town hall for an application submitted by Vishnu goak will goota 10 Valley View Way Shirley Massachusetts for a public hearing for a variance relating to a minimum sidey yard setback of 17 feet parcel is located at 10 Valley View Way in Shirley this is town of towns and Conservation Commission this is for a public hearing on Wednesday August 28th uh regarding a notice of intent filed with the Conservation Commission by a Grace Maia the property is located at 12 Canal Street proposed project is for a residential septic replacement within the riverfront area this is also from the town Conservation Commission legal notice for a public hearing on August 28th 2024 the is regarding a notice intent filed with concom by Rob Becker the property is located at 50 sauna Road proposed project is the installation of a seasonal dock in Venton Pond resource areas impacted by the seasonal dock are bank and land underwater and the last one is from the towns and Conservation Commission another notice for a public hearing on August 28th a notice of intent filed by the towns and Highway Department for the property located at 94 Fitchburg Road the proposed project is for the extension of a public storm drain pipe to outfall into the 100 foot bordering vegetated Wetland buffer that concludes the notices and I just wanted the next one was the new flood plan Mas in the National Watershed so everyone can just look at that um and in the last section talks about Education and Training is's a conflict of interest block on Thursday September 26 and the citizens planer training collaborative is the online thing for signing up for training and oh the resource Library I gu this a new planning board where is that library located the it's always in oh is it okay I move it from week to week okay is there with the folder I feel like I can only ever click into your email to see the week's folder like I can't if I want to find a different week or go back I have to find the old email go in there's not a way like I feel like normally I would be able to like click back yes but you can't right I wonder if there's a way to yeah I have that same problem it's just like get that folder so okay because I don't feel like I have I feel like carry things forward there could be things that are like a general folder you know like either all or just you know every I don't know regular updates of the CPC or you know I feel like could fit in like a generalized okay I'll try to make a more General folder and pull that forward that's kind of what I've done with the training folder yeah all the emails yeah well I guess sometimes I guess each week I'll I may reclick through things that I've already looked at that maybe pulled forward and then I have to double check if I've already looked at them or not could be but if you would like if you would structure it and just like maybe have a link that's called planning board and then underneath planning board like maybe meeting minutes and then you or meetings and then the dates of all the meetings where you have that stuff yeah words it doesn't show up in Europe yeah so you can't so if I click back maybe I can try sharing yeah the share share it up higher at a higher level directory okay yeah that should do it yeah yeah yeah yeah do that yeah that's a really good idea yeah okay so would we' like to adjourn um I'm just gonna follow on the last topic I'm gonna type up something okay and have it for the board to look at all right so okay all your time right fair enough thank you all right I'd like to make a motion to adjourn second say thank you