##VIDEO ID:B2vSuoPPY6A## good evening everyone my name is Laura shiffon and I will call the meeting to order of the planning board on October 7th 2024 at 6:31 p.m. uh we do have people online so roll call vote please not a vote sorry roll call Robert Dar in here H here and L here um please join me in believe again I would like to thank all of our veterans and those currently serving we appreciate your service as well as all of our First Responders um I have the meeting is being recorded and will appear Matana Townsen YouTube channel 1.4 chairman of dishs or deletions okay I have a request for the work session to delete uh 3.4 which is the MVP hmp and master plan implementations I prefer the full board to be here you know when we're doing that so um and we are missing a couple of members this evening um Andrew told us at the last meeting that he would not be here tonight and I found out from Lance that he had a slight emergency and he can't be attending so what I would like to do Patrick is um appoint you as a sitting and voting member this evening okay okay thank you uh 1.5 approval discussion of the draft of the minutes of September 23rd 2024 which we all received and I know that some of us have responded to be about so I'll entertain a motion to approve to be honest I haven't had a chance to review it okay Carol do I me make a motion I'll make a motion to approve the minutes of 923 202 four can I have a second for discussion second okay uh any discussion on the NS I can tell you that Carol had a slight change and I found one tiny minor thing and those were corrected um any other comments so do have been addressed then well then if you feel comfortable with it I'll do it my support too okay say that okay um then we have a motion in a second all those in favor say I and it's a roll call vote since Carol is online Robert Daran yes Patrick Ki yes Carol Hoff say yes and Laur shiff yes thank you very much we'll go right to 1.6 administrative report under section one applications anticipated application um one Depot Street Extension the board has an application um for an a Development Special permit site plan review and special permit and storm water management permit um the public hearing is going to be on October 21st 2024 um 18 Main Street the application for site plan review special permit and Stor storm water management permit and that hearing was scheduled for no is scheduled for November 4th and I wanted to confirm that the board um would like me to obtain a cost estimate for a storm water peer review engineer to review the storm water management application technical details and the drainage calculations um standard practice but I do want to talk I I think so and you said that was 18 Main Street yes that's Harbor Village yeah Harbor V that's a Starbucks Harbor Village oh right and the bank yeah okay for the new Starbucks I'll get a estimate yeah because they will end up paying that correct yeah it's standard but I do like to check okay all right so 108 11012 West Meadow the storm water um there is a request for certificate of completion pending staff is scheduling inspections um the as built has been received and the monthly inspection reports have been received I did get some photos from the last time I was out there but uh and then put them in the SharePoint folder if you want to take a look um the last time I was out there it wasn't quite raining as hard as we we need like an inch storm to watch it so but I did get a good look at things and they look you know they look good yeah yeah they look good uh 27 skilles Lane as you know that certificate of completion was issued we're just waiting for the recorded copy uh 22 Main Street um as you know the owner has an appointment on today's agenda at 6:45 there is a request for extension of the special permit and that is before the board and there is a new set of site plans with Associated drainage calculations before the board um that were received um I have a note from Jessica consalvo uh land coordinator she asked me to relay that um her our review of the latest site plans created by Hanan engineering both the Building Commissioner and the land use coordinator recommend the owner submit for a formal site plan review special permit modification application although the site plan layout proposed is generally safer and more desirable in our opinion it still has some significant changes from the currently approved layout by Dillis and Roy both staff members have also um designed feedback that we would like to provide to the applicants team which would be more appropriate to do in a public hearing um for 108 Pittsburgh Road everything's looking good except for they still need the storm water management system operation and maintenance plan to be recorded and I'm following up on that um as far as site visits and compliance candle Farm the storm very last residential dwelling is still under construction so that certificate certificate of compliance is still ongoing fre Wheeler Road is in compliance with monthly construction reports 94 Turnpike 66 bbery Hill and five Turnpike are not yet compliant with sm8 construction phase um reports we are waiting for project update from those um miscellaneous um the land use Office along with the highway department submitted this year's sixth annual report for Massachusetts Small ms4 Grant permit notable achievements by the planning board were the updates to the storm water management regulations and the commitment to updating the flood plane District bylaws to remain compliant with the national flood insurance program the complete report is in your folders or in your packets so that is um basically akin to the town the whole town storm water management system um so as you may know this is an update from the um executive office the board of Selectmen no longer has a quum since two Selectmen have resigned tresa a moris is the remaining soulle selectman as of now a special election is scheduled to be held on November 16 where two Selectmen will be seated two new Selectmen will be seated due to no Quorum the board of Selectmen will not be able to hold the board of Selman meetings until the board is fully seated again hence matters cannot be voted on we do encourage you in the meantime however to submit any items requiring a board of selectman vote SL decision to be added to a possible future agenda to the Town Administrator Nelsa Moy and myself once the meeting can be held with a new board a reorganization will take place and Liaisons will be assigned um so the new flood claps maps in the Nashville wersh are shed are ongoing staff is working on amending the flood plane District bylaw as I just just mentioned master master plan implementation is ongoing as is the MVP and hmp plan um so the again the accessory apartment bylaw and the state law compliance is ongoing um the draft non-discretionary site plan review bylaw is ongoing pending the planning assistance grant funding expected in October um MBTA communities law zoning compliance is ongoing Joe boale has um completed and finalized the um mfo bylaw language the overlay district and documentation um all of that has been forwarded to Town Council for review and we're going to wait to hear what comes back um okay and that's that should do it the rest of the stuff is pretty standard chpo any questions from the board the last meeting I presented a suggested sensory use um recommendation I think we delayed on that right we delayed on further but we did approve the wellness paragraph okay yeah that was and that's part of the minutes it's in the minutes um I can go I can tell you what the I can put that on the agenda for next time too or you can go through it tonight more a it's in the folder and on the MBTA um uh I think we're making a lot of progress on that and um the only thing I want to tell the committee is uh the board is that is currently going before the state supreme court right now um six to brought suit I guess Oh I thought it was just one no no was so it was uh Milton so others joined Holden Marblehead um those are the three I can remember okay um so with that in mind we should proceed accordingly with what we're might have to do and get that all in position but it might suggest that we delay bringing it to the next town meeting is there a court date is that what you said yes is I think it's very recent I mean coming up real soon just watch it oh yeah all right so I just want everybody to know where that is yeah yeah okay yeah thank you for that I will tell you that it says in the minutes the portion that we're taking up at another time and know so if you look at those Robert you know when you have a chance you'll find them in the minutes yes that we just approved okay okay so it is almost the 6:45 appointment so did you want to make a presentation for Sally um I'm not really sure what we're doing I um that helps me with it I guess we're supposed to come in and ask for an extension on the building permit or the special permit because we finally got the new site plans um this engineering firm actually went and spoke to the dot and and answered all of those questions that the do had worked with them to do a whole new design um that actually for the safety of our clients in um our surgery pets is a lot nicer it's more streamlined so it's going to be a lot prettier looking I think he cut the asphalt use in half um so we can do more plantings and you know kind of keep the profile down low a little bit not so Industrial okay so um we did speak with our contractor today um who's going to do the parking lot and they're still on board and they're ready to go um when we get everything settled so we haven't lost our position [Music] there okay so the request is um data today well let me that anderin owners applicants authorized representative hereby respectfully requests that the site plan review special permit for 22 Main Street best friends veter Mar Hospital which was granted on April 10th 2023 with an expiration date of October 15 2023 later extended to June 30th 2024 subsequently extended to October 7th 2024 be extended beyond that deadline to October 7th 2025 additional time for Revis plan review per dot do comment is the reason and it's S thur as the applicant and the owner that was received today um can I read what the building inspector said and then I will read what Jessica had to say about conservation from The Building Commissioner Robert garide uh one they have an additional three parking spaces which is compliant need 8 to have 10 I don't understand the B the parentheses there with our bylaws the original design did not account for the vest ofle SF and only had seven I don't know what the SF is square feet square foot in sorry square foot okay maybe uh the handicap space one is all that is required per Mass aab it should be van accessible 8T wide unload area which it seems to be in compliant this is the new plans I S okay it appears they removed a significant amount of Paving which results in much less impervious surface area another good point for they remove the hcap ramp and simply are using a sidewalk in my opinion this is much easier to navigate for a disabled person which was another plus curb cut although they are moving this with proper State permissions I assume I see no issue with its location it is now existing close to Patriot Pizza and they are going to be close to McDonald's instead oh so they've moved it to the other side uh same in my opinion the new design is very simple to understand and use this older one I think would cause confusion to some people okay so that's from the building inspector and from Jessica I've had the opportunity to briefly review the latest site plan drawn by Hanan engineering the board had most recently requested the plan be revised to include the vesu and the request was accompanied by a special permit extension to the October 7 the latest plan now shows the vestibule as part of the existing structure and it also includes several other design modifications which in my opinion provide safer access through the site of prop proposed visitors I understand that the overall impervious surface coverage has been proposed to decrease given the changes to the plan uh appear significant enough I am in favor of the board proceeding with the spsp modification application with the following request for consideration to consider adding a sidewalk along the perimeter of the parking lot so that visitors animals are not walking across spaces to access the building to work with Hanan engineering to determine whether the large storm water management Pond shown at the rear of the site is necessary there is about 5,000 square ft of proposed tree [Music] clearing to install this Basin Forest cover is one of the best natural storm water solutions so I would like for the board to consider seeing if there is an alternative storm water uh BMP that would that could be installed Elsewhere on the site uh rain Garden perimeter along the proposed parking lot was one of her examples okay so that's [Music] then and then uh be after some consideration I amend my recommendation for the board the following for tonight board should review the request for extension and Grant approval for mutually agreed upon date to include both approval of a new site plan and construction please relay that per our review of the latest site plans created by Hanan engineering both the Building Commissioner Andes coord recommend the applicant submit for a formal SPS modification although the site plan layout proposed is generally safer and more desirable in our opinion it it has some significant changes from the current approved layout by Dillis and Roy both staff members also have design feedback that would make would like to make provide to the applicants team which will be more appropriate to do in a public hearing so because of the significant changes we really need to have you reapply with those changes and then we hold the public hearing um the proposed motion is to approve the request for extension of the site plan review special permit for 22 Main Street to well the would it be the date that they've extend they want the extension to it's the bo so wishes um [Music] special perent notification be filed with the planning board submitted new site plans entitled site plan development plan driveway in parling lot 22 Main Street October 1st 2024 drawn by Hanigan engineering Inc okay if they have if Hanigan has already sent the plans and they seem to be [Music] doing much better quicker yes than previously experienced um I'm not sure why we would go in another year I I just think it's too long because every single time we've given a deadline it's been extended way over I think that's why we just um in talking to because I actually called that the um Dillis um Hanigan had given me a couple different dates they wanted to request they were pretty quick they were coming up really quick and we just don't want to keep having to ask you for extensions all the time so that's suggested just do what what were the dates that the I mean I'm interested in the dates that the engineer feels they can do so I think originally he had thrown out maybe the 21st of this month um to meet with you to discuss the plans in case you had any questions yeah but we we need to have you reapply so I'm going to give a date for reapply so that we can hold the public hearings okay and I unless you are thinking something else I thinking that's the be best way to go at this point to get everything on the table we have two things one a modification application that has to be made and that's going to take some time well no I don't I don't think so talking it's it's the same process as a site plan review administratively it has to be republished reposted understand that's why they need to apply ASAP so that we can start the process that's the first issue so they have to make a new application yes and we need datation right and then um then depending how arduous they are or addressing the comments that they already have as of tonight right and then um uh so again I think we want to encourage them to act fast here or faster um and so with this information going to your engineering consultant um I would expect that that could be achieved within two months I would think yeah we need to do the administrative part and the publishing part and give and give a date that's good for that and 60 days and the other it should well the public hearing will be in 35 days from the date of filing you have to have the application in in the next 35 days it can be a little closer but typically because this has already been reviewed but that's the referral period that we And in regards to the suggestions that are coming from the town now um I saw the new site plan but I only looked at it in my computer screen and then I tried to print it up and it's in a d siize I couldn't do it so to make things work easier or more efficiently whenever there's a hearing we need a COR with all our many people here physically to be able to look at those drawings and then um and then one of the things they can be seen they can be seen though at town hall though well because there should be applications in before that people can come and see your elbow say what the drawings are right there okay however all right so um so in another thing that I'd be looking at particularly I understand and first of all the site plan is tremendously improved it's so different so happy with it so I'm very relieved at that one of the things that would be a concern to me is the integration of the handicap ramp with the actual finished floor elevation i' I'd like to be able to confirm that okay um so I'm just asking you to have engineer coordinated with the architect or whatever to assure that that can is achievable um and uh that would be my personal thing that I would be looking at um so I'd like to make a note to add that to those are commentaries and so with that in hand and if we can get your consultant to produce that and a respon once a time um we all would like to wrap this up yes we would too we would to we we really want to get it done before winter HS we don't now the other thing that I'm not clear on is the driveway approval from the state department of that's certificate so we had never actually gotten I know that we thought we did we were told we had it but um when we called for it we were told that that never happened and the issues were also never addressed no which we paid and were told apologize for that we shouldn't have trusted we should have been more involved um but this time they spoke with do um everything's all set they did every comment that do had all right and he says we're approved to them as long as we approved through you all right we need an official document on that yeah from the do yeah okay in order to do everything else with all those things in mind that should be wrapped up um so in this um motion and the date is for the first date is for the special per to file no it's for the existing special permit that they have what they're asking for an extension we're not and now there has to be an amendment so it's a new application describe that motion you can adjust it any way you want it's just a a guideline well I'm just afraid that if you give a year they're gonna say oh well we have time no we don't want to do that we want to be done well we've already been through this so that's the the pre what's preceded is making us leery no I see it from your side we were stuck on our side at um believing in the people that we H so all right well I would think six months would be more than adequate to do this person you could ask for a verbal request for when the application could be filed it's not very hard to file that it's a simple P filling out of paper and the site plans are already done so they would need to fill out that application and bring that to town hall and I could start right so what what is reasonable if she does it tomorrow you probably be on the 18th November agenda it's nothing different than what we've already pulled out basically right okay yeah I'm happy to do it yeah did we get a report from the fire department no we only have Jessica and the building inspector I mean I'm I'm good with their with their comment ments um and with your comments on on the plan I just very hesitant on the date very ident on the date especially for the the reason for the one year extension says we're waiting for do comment but it sounds like you've already got yeah the certificate we just don't want to run into any issues we're a little Le ourselves and not at your fault just because what we went through having the um old comedy everything just kept getting dve out on us we want to be done before the snow comes we don't want to have another winter with the parking lot that we have and it's just not we're from the town we live in the town it's not pretty we don't like it we want to we want it to be nice we want to be part of the community okay so um what is realistic if you start this process and we get the public hearing behind us and everybody's on the same page and this engineer is already talking to the state yeah uh well I mean the public hearing could be as close as November 18th and then if the board is satisfied with the plans and the you know everything then you could make your decision that night is that our next meeting or if you have outstanding issues it's like any other hearing you know I it's an amendment to the special permit it's basically what it is modifi modif and I will go back and I will write another decision but that will be preference that's the core of it it's the any changes that are made including the site plans that are revised and will be added into it as an amendment so it's the same special permit it just needs amendments so Beth just to clarify we're not starting the whole process over again this is that no this will be building off of the special permit that you had but on a new site plan with a different layout so that has to be I'm happy to put aside my lunch tomor [Music] get well can I suggest a six month extension just to April is that April yeah and I would expect they'll be should be more than adequate time so when the new application is filed and hypothetically if it's approved November 18th and that would supersede whatever is on right so hopefully this could actually be done in November but oh please so um I'm just do 90 days then is everyone a sense of urgency well we wouldn't be through the whole process though on November 18th no in in 90 days well no I don't know what you mean by the 90 days but for the 18th if you have the hearing on the 18th and you make a decision at night then I can have the draft decision prepared and that would be something that you would sign and and would have to go through the appeal however I don't well see that's what happens after to the public hearing and then there's rights of appeal later so however it's at your own risk you can do construction at your I I I think six months would be what I would recommend and it's possible I can pull in a public hearing a little earlier I don't know how the board feels about circulating and again for review throughout the Departments that can be done expedited you know what I mean yeah well we have quite a bit already so yeah okay April 7th 2025 April 7th I make a motion we extended till April 7th 2025 second thank you any further discussion hearing none I'll take a roll call vote for the extension to April 7th 2025 Robert Darion yes P launch yes Carol Hof say yes and Laura shiffer yes okay we don't need anything else [Music] right want to thank you you're welcome to stay oh no I'm all set thanks okay and then we'll just have um one that may take a little bit longer but probably not as long as what we just did would be 3.1 which 3.1 Street Extension 3.1 right yeah [Music] yeah let have say mandatory referral to the CBA U regarding um the Depot Street for I think doing 55 wants to convert it to a 55 and over he's looking to construct three residential duplex buildings yeah but they're going to be AG restricted oh I think I don't see anything on here about constriction H where is this um where the storage facilities are around Townsen house you know the storage okay so that where the towns and house is yeah so that's the yeah there's a bunch of houses there there's houses acoss from right and they go down and connect to the little Mall there right isn't that where the gy is or something yeah but that's that's where Apple Meadow is but then then you have to yeah the storages are uh south of the rail trail the storage facility is South oh it's on the right side of the rail trail oh and the gyms on the left I got right so what are they trying to do there are older homes MH prior to the storage facilities on the right hand side and he wants to put um three duplexes there not for sale they will be rentals but it's increased housing and I this again does the use matter I mean rental versus for sale I mean well I just I asked the [Music] question unless one of these bylaws refer to the age restrictions to uh I don't think we address Ral units no we didn't a Varian seeking relief from 14554 1B and 14566 what did they say it doesn't say what they are it just references the this is it here yeah oh [Music] okay you're good okay we're going into um work session 3.1 zba mandatory referral on one Depot Street Extension application for special permit and or variance I see it here [Music] what is the variance they're asking for gonna say about that one it's gone to zoning board yes yeah so we should delay this you I no this is the referral it's referral so you would probably just defer it because they're going to CBA for a variance and a special permit and it's in the legal notice if you want to read it they few then it will come you know planning board it's it's kind of reversed they in a way they applied to planning board before they applied to CDA right so we're flip-flopping that's why I would probably not you know why don't we have a real policy for that that we had no control over that we uh you what I mean no control who goes first right that was the applicant's decision yeah it is a restrict so I process it is yeah yeah that's what they're doing AG restrict yeah and it has a u it's on the 1.4 acres so three residential duplexes on 1.4 acres they theying for a Vari on um a nice place to it I I would like to say to this goes to to zoning I mean we support additional housing we support age restricted we need some other um living space that is you can't say the word walking but near um downtown near the plaza near the post office near the bank right so I mean it's an ideal place for some more housing housing I agree I don't have a problem with that all um would we like to send a message to zoning that we're in support of this we're in support of this type of housing um the plan looks initially very realistic um so where are they getting Rel from what are they uh that would be the size of the lot lot size the bylaw is two acres and lot is 1.3 isn't there um you can't Grant a waiver the planning board can well they got one of these no we can't so they have to so Z they're considering J which is seeking relief from an aspect of the bylaw and they're seeking relief from the acreage that is but doesn't the age restricted oh it would have to be a larger lot it has to be two acres according to the bylaw so that's the plan that you're trying to so right we're changing the zoning put the density right and then in this site plan what I see right now I think we have a setback problem this is the side yard set back here you see how these and so the question would be who are the ABS on this side well that's public hearing m [Music] um notified they've been notified to for zoning okay not for zoning board of appeals yet but those notices will be going out okay so if they're specifically asking for age restrictive here then we want to go back to the issues we had and the other age restricted projects about concern for the occupants in terms of who the actual person will be like on Walkers and on wheelchairs or the potential for that um again this dumpster location we don't know if this is age restricted 55 or if it's 62 55 55 that's what it's say yeah so and also H it's not that old that's not that old tell me about it those considerations are site plan though not no but I'm thinking what if I'm live with there yeah so for the mandatory referral uh you wouldn't make any comments that would have to do with site plan review right like you're saying unless they were in planning the zoning board of appeals is not going to be considering those things you're right right so that comes to us right yeah yeah well those are my comments okay um so however as a planning board mhm we are in support in support of additional housing in that area that's correct and please remember that if they have Town water MH and if they can't get a septic design for it's not going to fly well the thing I about it is we want smaller Lots near the center of a already existing Village of small Lots you know what I mean it's more compatible to the neighborhood than if you did this out in a more rural area so and then I agree with you or having those those housing that kind of Housing close to the things that we do have in our town center that makes it more less traffic and less you know more convenient so I've written planning board supports to increase housing in this area in particular right any other simple y okay okay so this was you have who made the motion in the second on the motion for 22 Main [Music] Street made motion second I think you did yeah you did make a motion in seconded yes um we did I just want to know do you know who okay yeah um it was actually I don't I would had to go back to record you second it oh Robert I think it was Robert I don't think Carol did it on online so it was Robert and then Patrick and we all voted yes it was [Music] unanimous okay so chose select board referral regarding license renewals 2025 what does that mean um so every year um the select board circulates the candidates for um license renewals to find out if there are any violations expired certificates of inspection or outstanding conditions of special permits and our payment owed for taxes for the attached list of licenses um please inform the office as soon as possible preferably by November 30th so I put it out to the board um you know just for a look over you can look over the list um and then I check the files and I yeah I did check the files on all of these and there are no nothing that I have no oh okay so this is just a standard thing at this time of the year but there are none yeah there's I did not see any issues with the list so every year they will circulate and um I did not see any issues with the list from the planning board files you know what I mean that's what they're looking for like anything with outstanding conditions or that you know things like that when you say licenses for clarification oh so there's a couple of licenses here one is a Class one two and three license renewal and then another one is a common vler license renewal and then the other one is an entertainment license okay I understand the entertainment license and the other ones are trck truckers or this other one vict troller vict troller license well you have Dunkin Donuts on there um Clips Cafe so then maybe they're eateries oh no Mr Mike's gas station so is it just a business type Li yeah okay McDonald's R and Gun Club maybe where you serve alcohol and food so we're not sure what licenses we're talking about it's a it's called a Victor be a i c t a l r that's what it is so so those are a variety of business licenses honest to God it's the first time I'm hearing this in I don't know how many years I can I can read it a common VCT is a food service establishment that sells food to the public and provide seating for immediate consumption thank but they don't all do that like Mr Mike's they do provide food but they don't have seaing SE that's true yeah yeah maybe they're in the same category mcnabs doesn't provide food or seaing maybe they're [Music] anticipating I personally I don't know we're talking about here no honest to God that's the first time since I've served on planning that I have heard of these L well well that it's that it comes under our perview it's actually a referral like you will reach out to other committees and boards to comment and opine on projects that you're working on yeah this is a project that board of selectman is working on oh and so they want to know if they're in compliance with all of their you know orders of condition oh because they give the licenses yeah yeah so this is the licenses yeah so they won't renew the license if there are outstanding taxes or if there are outstand or violations from planning or complaints or something right okay okay so that would so that would be our part as planning if we had any issues with any of these licenses y perfect but we don't have any violations for any of the licenses that you saw no I've reviewed it but I wanted the board to review it too if you had anything on it is that in the portal if you want me to check all of the names yeah the whole thing I'm not una aware of anything that would be an issue okay um planning board regulations review yeah if you wanted to continue working on what Robert submitted last time that's in the it's in your [Music] packet robt you did you have something you wanted to bring up because I get I can give you a few minutes I'm sorry I forgot I should speak louder I'm sorry um did you is there a specific section that you're referring to when you said um Robert well he had um last time we had already approved the purposes the wellness part yeah where you added the sentence to promote that's we're gonna wait until there's a full board yeah yeah okay that go bylaw stuff okay yeah um that's good all right so correspondence 4.1 do we have anything yeah there's a whole pile I don't know if wants did you take the job sure you want me to read it y okay 4.1 you could just SC it application Kevin Smith for special permit under Zing bylaws seeking relief um PR residential duplex buildings consisting of total of six residential units this is one we just talked about one Depot Street it is in ra3 zoning district and aquafer protection overlay District uh publicly access to the link uh published in the senel Sentinel and the Enterprise copied our a whole bunch of people including the abuts Board of Health and Y what not and that meeting is on November 6th public here okay next one um say Wetlands protection act and towns and wetlands bylaw the towns in Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday October 9th that's this week on a notice of intent filed with Conservation Commission by Steve bu of settlement Farm located at 153 wall Hill Road installation of a driveway crossing over an intermittent stream uh with the access driveway induc horse paddocks being installed within the 100 foot buffer bordered bordering vegetated with that's conservation m a notice from the town of gron Gren planning board public hearing notice for preliminary subdivision plan for residential compound at 423 old Air Road um public hearing on Thursday October 10th for a subdivision uh uh residential compound known as Madigan Hill at 423 old Air Road Four single family house Lots served by the existing driveway copies of the application and Planner on F and and that's going before planning correct planning board will hold a public hearing on Thursday this week doesn't say anything about there could be four homes on existing driveway [Music] okay another letter here to this is 4.2 that's it for 4.1 keep going 4. oh she has the um uh massachusett Regional Planning Commission and other agencies what do you have yep that's 4.2 okay uh official comment prepared by massachusett Regional Planning Commission expressing sincere gratitude for Northern Tier rail study of the six passenger rail Corridor development scenario outlined in a Northern Tier passenger rail study alternative 3 electrified passenger rail service from North Adams to Boston with stops in apple Pittsburg and air shows the greatest benefit to the massachusett region and the best long-term return on investment overall for the Commonwealth of that sounds like they're recommending that extension is it what it say a it was athl Fitchburg and air is um going out there it's past [Music] Garder so good for the people out there yeah they don't have it now huh yeah I think they're GNA try to looks like they're Electrify yeah gasoline diesel fuel diesel engines diesel mentioning benefits to Devon's Regional Enterprise Zone there a lot of business out there yeah good point on the electric versus Diesel and finally there's MMO's position that Gardener should be added as a train stop in alternative three and that makes [Music] sense without already replacing stops already included North station Porter Square air Fitchburg Apple shelburn Falls Greenfield and North oh shelburn wow that's going out too okay expansion yes thank you very much service and this last one is a flyer central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission is developing a comprehensive climate action plan a major deliverable for the climate pollution reduction Grant take your survey sh your ideas met zero missions goal by 2050 across Central Mass I don't agree with everything they do I've been I've been with them for a long time too okay um Education and Training now all we have on here is Penny B member resource library and our next two scheduled meetings are October 21st and November 4th and then we now know November 18th hi this is Carol yes Carol um Beth had asked me to find out if I could find out the date of the uh study for um Edward's road to Proctor Road on 119 thank okay and as opposed to have started October 1st I went into the I didn't ask the question at the meeting because I guess I wasn't sure when I was supposed to ask the question but I was able to access this the um the um uh whatever this the schedule site and on the schedule site it said that it the study started October 1st and it was I don't know what the acadm stands for but it said ffy 25,000 ft thank you I don't know if Robert knows what ffy stands for I'm sorry i' list I'm Miss ffy FF like Frank Frank y Frank Frank y 25,000 feet it's ffy 25 Financial fiscal year yeah Financial fiscal year 2025 yes yeah that sounds right she went to the and you said it started October 1 that's that's what it said okay for f fiscal year 2025 and it's scheduled for the work to be done that's what it said from it's this it's the it's from Edwards Road to Proctor Road is the this a sidewalk the corridor study cor stud okay okay another step right yes she went to the mrpc meeting for oh thank you thank you yes thank you for doing that yes it was shot thank goodness it was short I'm sure because I wasn't running it they don't like running the meetings all righty okay well if there's no more business to come before us this evening I'll entertain a motion to adjourn I make a motion we adjourn tonight's meeting 733 and there is a second thank you very much everyone