##VIDEO ID:Gecht5BQLz0## good evening everyone my name is Laura and I will call the meeting to order for November 4th 2024 6:30 of the planning board and right now everybody's here but I'll still have a r call Carol hus present Lance MCN present present Andrew Shephard present please join the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge of Al to the United States of America the for stands one nation God indivisible liy and Justice to thank our veterans and our current military do we want to um make Patrick up okay I'm sorry um want to thank our veteran and our current military as well as all of our First Responders um I don't know where we'd be without you especially in this town and thank you Patrick for your service the meeting is being recorded and will be uploaded towns and YouTube channel 1.4 Chairman's additions or deletions at this point in time uh Robert has told us that he won't be present so I'd like to appoint Patrick to a voting seat also 1.5 the minutes are not ready for October 21st and I'd like to move that to the next meeting everybody's okay yes all right 1.6 administrative report that well it is a lengthy report I don't know if you want me to read the whole thing or the board wants to read it on their own um quite a few updates yeah would you please it thank you and if there are any questions please just during her report okay because we have time [Music] administrative report um section one applications anticipated applications uh one Depo Street Extension that is um the hearing was continued to November 18th 2024 at 6:45 p.m. the zba hearing on that project is Wednesday night um November six 18 Main Street um we have a storm water management technical peer review in process and expect the findings letter from the storm water consultant prior to the November 18th planning board meeting 249 Main Street um and 18 Main Street of course is on your agenda tonight for the site plan review special permit 249 Main Street the application for site plan review special permit is on your agenda tonight um 108 1110 1112 West Meadow Road request for certificate of completion is also on your agenda tonight um the staff inspections are complete the as built and monthly inspection reports have been received um 22 Main Street um as you know the planning board has received the application for modification of a special permit and the hearing is also tonight 108 pitchburg Road uh still need to record their storm water management system operation and maintenance plan I'm just carrying that along on the reports until it's done site visits and compliance uh Campell Farm open space preservation development uh the last residential dwelling is still under construction so the certificate of compliance request is ongoing um all permits are in compliance with their uh sm8 construction phase inspection reports except for 66 b hill and turn Pike three-wheeler Road permit expires December 12th 2024 and a friendly reminder to renew this permit was sent to the permit holder miscellaneous the land use department is currently in transition due to two vacant staff positions the land use coordinator and the conservation agent we appreciate everyone's patience and understanding during this period new flood maps in the National Watershed is on going staff is working on amending the flood flood plane District bylaw to remain in good standing to participate in IP for spring ATM 2025 master plan implementation is ongoing same with the hazard mitigation plan uh with a special note that um an update for the hazard mitigation plan and the MVP plan is going to be due next year um so I just recommend that we strategize The Plan update to stay current with their uh eligibility for state and federal grants so the Adu accessory Department bylaw 14536 will need to be drafted amended to fit State guidelines if and when they are published um mrpc awaiting to do this with a DTA Grant Town Council recommends waiting until spring to draft bylaw changes site plan approval there awaiting a planning award grant for mrpc to create this new bylaw for non-discretionary use through the grant they will also then amend 14242 site plan review special permit and all other reference throughout the zoning bylaw to remove modify where there is misinformation about type of site plan review um MBTA communities submitt for the pre-adoption review by eohc went in on October 15 this included bylaw language District boundary map PDF and GIS files and the compliance Model Town Council review was requested of the initial materials on October 7th and an opinion on whether we should submit for AG review prior to adoption at town meeting so we're reading a response from Town Council and from eohc this will need to go through um to 2025 ATM through the planning board adoption of the bylaw is critical official zoning Maps uh we have 5 hours of GIS time from mrpc remaining in uh calendar year 2024 and 12 hours in calendar year 2025 mrpc has indicated they can assist the town with getting the current unofficial zoning map finalized to propose for adoption at 2025 ATM as you know the planning board supports this endeavor the new map will need to replace the current official Maps um which are archaic with a larger one to include the six zoning districts and three overlay districts expected NBTA request was made to mrpc on October 22nd um bylaw language will need to be updated as applicable as well I recommend having a bonus zoning map made to include the historic district properties open space and Recreation plan yay working with working with MRC and chair of open space committee Carol H to finalize adding in a couple more tables and the action table priorities to put back into the final report the grant writer needs to finalize the Ada self- evaluation and insert of appendex act once ready submit will submit final report back to Melissa cryan at EA and we currently have conditional approval um and we need to receive for a final approval letter before the end of the uh Grant that's still going on the upw corridor study the corridor analysis spearheaded by mrpc to do a safety study along Route 11 19 from Edward Road past the high school and proor road mrpc at update is going to start data collection um beginning this fall winter and uh the typical notes about the planning board members airp Point resource folder and the towns of pitchburg commuter shuttle which is still running um all services on Demand only and writers must book a day in advance to pick up from both shuttle thank you thank you be welcome any questions from the board okay I just wondered if you could give us an update um on um whether the job postings were done uh internally internally yes I can say internally yes for both for both yeah okay so was there any indication of when it would be external um yeah I think on I think it's going to be in 10 days so like around the 13th of November or something they not posting for 10 days I think it posts internally for 10 days and then goes to the public okay yeah my guess okay thank you for that okay so we still have a few minutes before the 645 so do you think we could take up 3 point think we get through 3.1 on the work session it's review and discuss request certificate of completion for storm water management I permit on 108 to12 West Meadow yeah do you want to um give the background for that oh yeah um so I put everything in folders but basically um the storm water management system was inspected by both the highway supervisor and myself on two different occasions I inspected the site um after a half in green fall um the day after and I provided the board with photographs so um I went you can um let's pull up uh let me allow me to pull up the comments there was only one comment to consider from the highway department after his inspection and if you would allow the asilt plans have been submitted um the operation and maintenance agreement has been updated um Mr Kimble here tonight thank you for coming he's the owner of 108 as you recall there was a lot of um working together on that yeah um between the owners and um just my question was when was when was the inspection date after the half inch after the rainfall uh the night morning I I was out there bright and early okay was there any issues um yeah a little bit yes at the time because there was still areas that were not fully covered with grass at that point okay which I was also trying to take care of was date though oh crap September that was I that here do the grass filled in has the grass filled in yes it has or much better than it was yes I have September 27 my report September 27 yeah that that sounds about okay because we had a ton of rain in August so oh yeah but but that was not when any of the stuff was done no um that was I because of the rain in August was the reason that I started to fill in certain areas that there were reals that were coming from the middle of the yard going to the back and the mound were going down to where the Swarm Garden is between 108 and 110 um I was concerned about that so I was taking care of that um the last time that they worked on the project and in terms of improving the storm Garden I'm pretty sure worked pretty favorably we didn't it wasn't uh full blowout like it was in earli months so it was better so after that they did that right was the half inch storm that you looked at after that or um before um you know came by okay so yeah and what I would say is is that they worked pretty well um the one behind the house did fill with water and but by the next day it had subsided and there was no water in it so I thought that was pretty good okay and there was no break in regards to the walls or okay the one over and one8 110 didn't do um the only thing I would say is is that the storm Garden itself at that time worked fine except the water was finding a A New Path that was going outside of the the rain Garden okay so and that was before there was actually grass that was filling in in regards to going down the slope okay so now we're at 645 okay we'll continue um after with the question being I have a we just have one com from Highway superintendent what was that do you want me to read it okay so it says um his set is everything looks as it should um any and all um oh sorry I have to I have to go ahead and now I'm saying I can't read this writing oh and um straw Waddles and silk fents should be removed I recommend in stalling Stone rip wrap at the left corner of the driveway as you are facing um the house the house thank you this will help with Arion okay so do you understand what he's talking about and so what was that date of his comment he was more yeah 1028 oh the highway superintendent okay and has that been given to um the contractor it has not if this is for the board um it hasn't been forwarded to the um okay we'll continue after okay this um I try not sorry I have to do this um okay I'd like to call uh the public hearing now at 6:46 p.m. M for 18 Main Harbor Village Mall application site plan review special permit to storm water management permit application open with the board members please introduce yourselves Carol hus Lance MCN Muk Andrew Shephard and LA shiff in accordance with Mass General Law chapter 4A and towns and Zoning bylaw section 14542 site plan review special permit and section 14565 special permits towns and general bylaw chapter 85 npdes space two storm water management and chapter 175 Article 5 storm water regulations the planning board will hold a public hearing on Monday November 4th 2024 at 6:45 p.m. in the selectman chambers Memorial Hall address to review an application received from Alicia C wiscan keyo Partners regarding a proposal to redevelop the existing Standalone Bank into a Starbucks with a drive-thru the parking lot and a Associated grass Islands will be reconfigured to accommodate a new entrance location and anticipated driveth through the lengths located at 18 Main Street and then the M outline commercial District in the aquafer protection overlay District a storm water management permit is requested for the conversion of the of existing vacant Bank in Harbor Village Mall into proposed Starbucks with Associated parking lot modifications involving land disturbance interested parties can express their support or opposition during the hearing or submit written comments beforehand copies of the application are available for review at Town Hall during regular business hours or via email just parties are encouraged to attend respectfully submitted L shering chair towns and planning board now the applicant would you like to make your presentation please sure I am Alicia from Keb partners and we represent fq nl4 who is the owner of um our client has been the owner uh since 2018 um and we are pleased to present in front of you a potential user um for the former San bank and Matt stuck um Steve Steve with me Stevey from R who's our engineer [Music] so um so what we're proposing um is this is initial renderings and elevations for the San Bank we are keeping the structure so there's no change to the footprint um son the existing San be bank had a drive-thru um so what we're proposing is a an full exterior uh faft to the building um so the Starbucks um square footage is about 2500 square fet uh we're proposing 66 seats um and that's a combination of interior and exterior um what we're creating what Starbucks would like to create is um an area for outdoor seating um and that would be for the spring and summer months and then the chairs will go away depending upon our weather the chairs will go away in the winter season um we have created a um so we're propos is to use the existing drive through that sunon there had um but we're creating a new drive through which would accommodate approximately 12 cars um is what Starbucks feels that that is the sufficient q line for this Starbucks location in this area so as you can see here um we've created a outdoor seating area um this is where the trash closure is this is 119 here um but we're taking opportunity to and one of the reasons why we're here um to realign this parking here which we believe is a benefit for the center this parking area here between Haniford and the old sown Bank um was a not an afterthought but it wasn't it was a parking lot configuration that was left out by itself um so we're taking the time here to make some improvements here to better Park um and I believe we are picking up a few spaces with this modification um in within the santon bear Bank there will be the typical uh Starbucks signage with their fuel line um and that package will be in front of everybody once um if this is approved um once we go and actually start designing the building in the presentation package for the Building Commissioner I'll turn it over to see unless you have any questions here to talk about any of the particulars did did U do you know what the um Q sizes for drive-thru for Duncan uh typical Duncan well I would say the Duncan that's here in Townsen I don't I wouldn't want to speculate that I know part of they have a they have a little bit more of a challenging drive through because it's to the rear right you go wrap around to the rear would know what that actual line the um but this is something that um has been um depending upon what Starbucks are in what Market that q line expands and contracts um but they feel that we've had numerous conversations because we wanted to get this right with them but they feel that this is a um 12 line key line for them which is why for for planning purposes we try to keep this q line um as tight to both the original design but as tight to the building as possible so that people come in and then exit out through the main driveway one other question H have you had any discussions with the highway department or anyone in terms of traffic um because that's um that's a terrible intersection we did have a traffic study traffic study done we did we anticipating your that question um we did engage in in a traffic engineer to do a traffic memo along with this okay I'm sorry I missed that no no no it's a huge file we're it's a huge file we're known for paperwork um so um we try to um anticipate some of these questions um so that's why we engaged um a traffic engineer to do supplement this with a traffic memo just so that everybody could feel comfortable um we of course are thrilled that sound their Bank shuttered um it's been closed for two years um and we are thrilled that uh this credit worthy tenant um located Town Z has been working it's um this is about a year in process to get them here so we're thrilled to be here and be able to present it to you so like any other questions you have a question about the traffic study I don't know if now not the um you had a metric I think on like pass through rate and it's I think it's surmised that like 90 you expect 90% of the people regularly traveling that road to be the customer base and not necessarily to add new cars to the route of travel but it would add new cars to the Plaza Travel correct is that how that's correct for for the record Steve withon and Associates for the civil engineers and project uh as was mentioned uh Vanessa and Associates uh did a traffic report for this and as you mentioned they did conclude that the drive by because the out of the gate the use for the Starbucks is more intensive than the bank however because there's such a huge driveby capture there's no major uptick in traffic over here so uh They concluded there won't be anything that was detrimental to the to the roadway right and I think what they were figuring is about in and out about 97 trips you know p Peak is come to be kind of peak and then dropped a little bit at night with I think it was around like 47 or 50 or something like that and that is both coming in and going out um so they felt comfortable with um both the use but also it being in a shopping center that was traditionally designed for it as well definitely whatever you would put in there you'd have more traffic because it's vacant yep y yeah and that's one of the reasons why we tried to be a little bit thoughtful with the pattern um and also you know Starbucks is although um we all know we all love drive-throughs and that's most of the retailers um especially postco Le leaning into drive-throughs um but also Starbucks has a component of and that's the reason why you have 66 seats you know Starck does have a component that um now that the the cafes are open again that there are people that come sit down sit with their laptop so that's one of the reasons why we were thoughtful in creating kind of this parking area too knowing that not everybody's going to go through a drive through and we find in retail centers there's a nice mixture with people using a Starbucks or a Panera to work while they're traveling you know whether it's on their phone with their laptops um and then the convenience of just going through the drive really I didn't I don't remember every word but was there any concern about since you're looking at capturing 90% of the people who would drive by anyway uh a traffic light for the in andout traffic um good I think with the tra traffic engineer noted there wouldn't be a requirement for the traffic L it would only be a hindrance in this particular case wouldn't add you know wouldn't add to the traffic management given the limited The Limited so they didn't necessary would serve any purpose I guess okay I just thought that should be out there and then any particular thoughts about the high school being across the street so you know and I'll talk about that on two different perspectives on the retailer perspective you know any customer is good customers um on the property side although the property likes this property obviously lights any kind of traffic um it's more a traditional grocery anchor center with people coming in and out for canah birs and obviously um our other what we consider our other anchor bleys um so although they we attract people from the high school this Center has never um this isn't going to sway the traffic from being across high school if that makes any sense people you know how about foot traffic and you know may I would imagine you're going to have a lot more people crossing the street to walk over to Starbucks so um that's an interesting question um we I know they made some improvements when they were doing the high school kind of looking I mean by they um come the engineers um on the McDonald's side um I don't know how many people cross over 119 sure you know that is something maybe we can we can look to see iate it but I don't I don't know how many people actually cross over I don't I I would I would recommend that you you go out there yeah when school yeah closes because there's quite a few students there is a crossing guard there that you know has a stop sign and so any sort of TR going in in or out of that shopping center I avoid it just because it really backs up traffic and you have a lot of kids that literally um cross the road andd go to McDonald McDonald I think that's where no but the crossing is right at the entrance there to the to the right correct correct this is the high school but I think a lot of people yeah but they cross right they cross right there they don't cross yeah the cross right there correct and I think that's why um this path I think was what was studied originally with the engineers um with that because this has the the blinky light too I I feel I notice a lot more traffic more towards the left side of the foot traffic on the left side but what I would be concerned with the attractiveness of Starbucks for the Youth would be crossing the entry exit to the plaza and just you know I don't believe there's any sidewalks or really you do essentially just weaving through the parking lot to get over there right so so originally what we what we designed here because this is where that this is where the the sidewalk is right down in here so one of the reasons why we put the this area here was originally when it was designed for potential bike traffic oh sure from the bike PA yeah um so that that was one of the attractiveness of putting the outdoor seating on this side um to allow to be able to capture kind of someone coming into the the system um but this is where so the sidewalk comes in this way and these are the stairs that come up through the B so it's on that side because this is where the big um retention stor retention per is questions thinking back to my high school days I'm gon to ignore the crosswalk I'm try those direct rout there or not I'm gonna go right across right across that grass so I've only here for two years but I this intersection here for me is super right here so here that [Music] way the 119 down here just entering into that whole Plaza you you come in there and the lanes of arking are just position kind of funny everyone is you supposed to have the right away and everyone else has a stop sign yeah yeah the intent is to highlight Fe the intend is to highlight those Stock features as part of the redesign that's part of the you know right now you have trucks that come around the edge unmitigated you know and then you have as you mentioned a crossing the traffic we hope that this will provide additional uh control if you will of this area uh as well as chaning the trucks you know not obviously on the perimeter where there would be crossing here but it'd be more of a centralized location right here we think that's going to make a difference from a traffic perspective a lot of people do use the um McDonald's entrance off 11 19 and they go around back they don't come in that way right yes I do that com here too I do there's also a hope also a hope that we'll capture some folks leaving out the shopping oh yeah [Music] I know this question isn't specific to your your layout what um if you're willing to share what stage of negotiation of Starbucks are you at are they tentatively committed to the site ping permits oh they are okay y yep how are your uh your other tenants are they are they aware or supportive of the new client new business yes yeah yes excellent yes anything that's um yeah and you know um attracting such a strong you know a strong operator is always beneficial for for everybody um both for people who um may not have come to this Center um but this is allowing them to stop right so the Synergy changes a little bit um and and not everybody is a you know is a Starbucks Drinker right um but it's just something that looks and feels new and then you know starts off you know just attracts different people that potentially didn't realize that you know the jeweler was here you know it's so it's it's that kind of Reawakening that people may have passed it because it's not where they shot but now they realize oh well I can go here or our new tenant our newer tenant 19 nutrition will benefit just for seeing new people yeah just a moment Andrew to your comment um regarding how how the tenants feel yeah do you do a survey do you survey your other occupants to see their pluses and minuses to have uh someone come in we are in contact with our with our tenant so just in the conversation we've been we've been on this site for a while um since 2016 so in conversations with our with our tenants um you know at respect for our clients some of those conversations we need to keep confidential yeah right until but we have a feeling for what's happening what their feelings are um but for the majority of this Center they've also been longstanding tenants the best World okay public comes after okay thank you um thank you for that you know having that out there I think is good for them okay if nobody has anybody anything else from the board uh one more um so the the rail trail is is right over there behind the right there so what would be the logical walking path for a walker to come off then to Starbucks do have that overall that shows I know the route I've traveled which route have you Trav oh come right out behind Hanford and either go to the right or yeah Huck it to the left um right by the dumpsters so um I think when we originally started this a way back when was some catching people somewhere in like this section um but that's you know one of the reasons kind of again kind of everybody was thinking about the trails and bikes and bike tracks and open seating so that kind of was the intention of Designing this area here would you you don't have any proposed work on the edge of the property towards the rail trail to no not at this time no everything's focused around this this area itself right would you consider there having any signage in that area or enhancements to encourage a path off the trail we did look at it you any preference of which ah that would be access point off of the trail no whever as long as they're not walking straight through the park line the safest yeah right saf okay I need to do the referral comments if you guys are ready yes okay um these have to be read into the record this one is from the Board of Health in regards to special permit application for 18 Main Street the Board of Health offers the following comments in in the planning board application the applicants consultant used water meter readings to determine the existing flow to the system and then added the Starbucks glow to prove that there is available capacity 310 CMR 15.23 list design flows for certain facilities uses and these numbers must be utilized 310 CMR 15203 6 allows for the use of water meter readings to establish a flow where a use is not listed or the facility has unique design features which result in significantly different flows than those listed 310 the mrr 15236 requires water meter readings be doubled for a safety factor and use of water meter readings also requires approval from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection in the past key Point Partners has provided a spread spr sheet with occupants uses square foot of space Etc to the Board of Health to make a determination if there is available capacity in the system to accommodate a new proposed occupant a similar spread spreadsheet must be provided to the towns and Board of Health for the board to make a proper determination as to whether the system has available capacity to accommodate the Starbucks the proposed use will likely require installation of an exterior grease track this will require a permit from the Board of Health a food service permit must be obtained from the Board of Health this will require submitt of an of an application fees and kitchen plans to review for compliance prior to starting kitchen buildout the property is served by Town water should you have any questions please feel free to contact me from the Conservation Commission comments are within jurisdiction um think it's noi notice no has been submitted we received our decision okay and the hearing will hearing will take place 10232 24 what it did it did yeah and they're all set okay very good thank you Highway Department [Music] um no comments okay I okay sorry I did see that initial there I was looking for the comment okay and then this one L use coordinator was no comment fire department no comment um water department I think the fire department did have a comment no it's a check mark is that right oh I thought they were in favor of it no no that's the next one uh water department great project no issues okay coffee drinkers there bard of Selectmen no bard of selectman available or seated all right that's part of public record all right um next all right um was there any other written correspondence not on this okay um I will note that the storm water management permit application is in the peer review process findings letter will be available prior to November 18th so this will probably Contin to [Music] that okay now it's there's no other written so nothing from public comments no okay or discussion of any other or additional technical peer review there there is none um now public comments do um concerning Starbucks just quick question um I'm retired so I don't have to worry about traveling commuting or anything but my only cons question would be is I'm thinking school starts what 7:30 7 o'cl something like that and but that's also a time period where people are commuting to work so um I don't know if there's like say uh yeah crossing guard or somebody at the location of when to come into Haner but my only concern is and having use Starbucks myself going to work that there is a tendency to have several cars or whatever or up to 12 that could be in que to get a copy but then coming out what about school buses coming in from both directions because they're coming from PE I would assume and they're also coming from towns in area is that going to complicate that intersection you're speaking about this maneuver vehicles coming out at that particular time so so the the traffic assessment was done and is done in the lens of what the peak times are so it's evaluated in that Spectrum to say okay this will be the peak times and what what type of traffic will be there at that at those PE times and that's evaluated again in that lens so it's been considered as part of the traffic management it's just that I could see a problem there just because I know some people are just a little bit too fast coming out of a place because they're running late and you got kids and you got school buses and school buses are turning and I would assume they always have the right of play just a comment that and that that's one of the reasons why we instantaneously hired a traffic engine right just to and they would have more detail 100% that that's why we wouldn't we wanted to come into this hearing um with that review with that honest third party review and that's why we um presented it in the package just so that everybody could kind of take a look at it and understand kind of the perspective thank you Cindy um I'm Cindy King and I want to speak out in favor of this project um I'm going to confess that I am a Starbucks drer my customer so I'm I'm of course read towards that no matter what but I think that it's Starbucks would be a great partner to have in town and I think that um yes the traffic at that intersection has been a complaint center for a number years for the for the residents of town but I think that it would benefit the town greatly if if everyone involved both community members the the mall or the shopping center owners and just any anyone that that can contribute to ways to to assist with that as needed um would would be the benefits outweigh any of the the problems I I think that would come up um I I think um no matter what business would go in there we would see an increase some increase in traffic and we can't possibly restrict what businesses would go in there say to not have any increase in traffic would mean we we we only allow a business in there that doesn't have customers which kind of defeats purpose in that in a retail uh Center like that and I think what's really excites me not only because it's Starbucks but what excites me is about for revenue for the town I think not only making a number of of fas to the property so that increases the initial bump on the property values there'll be an at least a slight increase in property tax revenues for the first few years that this is going on and then it's a restaurant and what I think a lot of people in to forget that we have a meals tax we' as a town we've taken the max meals tax so we'll get it the more customers that come into Starbucks the more money revenues that come into the town and that will help all of us with um we talked over right for the last four or five years but every pen that we can get can help with other Town budget things so I think anything that any of the boards involved with the approval of this project can assist everybody that's trying to make this happen to make it happen and to get it quickly out I really would like to not drive to Littleton or lemoner Nash my Starbucks all right thank you cind I I have three public hearings tonight so I'm trying to get through this one was it anybody wanted to make a comment about the Starbucks this hearing okay hearing seeing none I'll entertain a motion to continue this public hearing to November 18th at 6:45 p.m. I make a motion to continue this public hearing till November the 18th at 6:45 p.m. second any further discussion hearing and seeing none call pleas Carol H yes Lance mcal yes yes Andrew Shephard yes and La sheff yes thank you very much for your presentation yes thank youate see you on the 18th okay [Music] we we'll all be on take with the yes and our names okay we are now at 7:21 p.m. and I'm calling the public hearing to order for 22 Main Street um modification to site plan review special permit um please introduce yourself Lance MCN hrew shepher and La sheer uh there's a public sign sheet circulating for this um you have another sheet going around for the second sign need it separate if they leave okay just for this property I'll be abstaining so 18 yeah so I'm G to jump out then I'll be back when you guys ready um does he have to leave the public hearing St yeah okay yeah best practice okay I will for the sake of so he's not making face say yeah grab yeah yeah I'll be all right thank you the record will show that Andrew Shephard has excused himself in accordance with Mass General Law chapter 48 and towns and Zoning bylaw section 14542 site plan review special permit and section 14565 special permits the planning board will hold a public hearing on Monday November 4th at 7:15 p.m. at selman's Chambers at Memorial Hall and the rest of the notification to review an application received by Sally Thurber regarding a modification of an existing special permit to accommodate Massachusetts Department of Transportation comments General realignment and design of parking lot the property is located at 22 Main Street assessors map 41 block 6 bl0 zoned OCD outlining commercial district and in the aquafer protection overlay District interested parties can express their support or opposition during the hearing or submit written comments beforehand copies of the applications are available for review at Town Hall during business hours or bya email Town address respectfully submitted la e shiffrin chair towns and planning board okay applicant uh second record Chris Anderson with handing and Engineering in behalf of Sally Thurber uh for the modification of the existing site review and special permit um as we just read into the record um this project was approved a little while ago um and since then the applicant been working through do comments because we are within the jurisdictional area of the mass do um during that review process uh several concerns were raised by the uh do relative to the access and the original configuration of the property uh the board might remember that the original layout of the site Incorporated rounding or a driveway that effectively encompassed the entire structure um what that did was it created a significant um in our in our office's opinion uh intersection concern because no matter which way the vehicle came out of the site it would have to turn around their shoulder in order to pull onto this road and this road is very heavily trafficed way so um it inherently created an unse condition in our opinion um during that process we did review with DOT relative to their accessibility requirements and everything like that that do is now currently pushing forward to make the area more Ada accessible um in those conversations um we ultimately determined that the road or the access to the property as well as the parking configuration need to be reconfigured um so as shown on the plan currently uh We've realigned the driveway so that it provides a 90 degre uh intersection with Main Street which inherently creates a much safer condition this becomes a more traditional intersection if you will uh from there uh the Ada parking space will R immediately on the front of the building and the remaining visitor parking employee parking will extend South into the development and would provide off of the pave driveway uh the storm water management system has been reevaluated to confirm that has still complies it still does um we incorporated the dra Report with our SM um and yeah other couple benefits that does that do occur because of this reconfiguration is that we've removed a significant amount of payment immediately in front of the building so now it's more green space lawn space rather than parking area um with that being said those are the general reconfiguration comments that we've had to address with do if there's any questions from the board or the public all Happ um do we have any referrals on this one yeah okay from the Building Commissioner comments from 10 believe me layout is better than original uh these are his 10th three comments I have Rie reviewed both designs and here are my thoughts regarding tan Hanigan design one they have an additional three parking spaces which is compliant need eight to have 10 through 10 with our bylaws the original design did not account for the vestibule square foot and only had seven uh two the handicap space one is all that is required person Mass aab it should be then accessible 8 ft wide unload area which it which seems to be compliant it appears they removed a significant amount of Paving which results in much less impervious surface area another good point they removed the H hcap ramp IND and simply are using a sidewalk in my opinion is much easier to navigate for a disabled person which is another plus curb cut although they are moving this with proper State permissions I assume I see no issue with its location it is now existing close to Patriot Pizza and they are going to be close to McDonald to McDonald's instead uh same in my opinion Six B design is very s to understand and use this older one I think would cause confusion to some people um and that was from black side lus coordinator see in closed [Music] email for plan comments and the highlighted part and the plan is to consider adding a sidewalk along the perimeter of the parking lot so that visitors animals are not walking across the spaces to access the building to work with Hanan engineering to determine whether the large storm water management Pond shown at the near sight is necessary there is about 5 ,000 sare ft of proposed tree clearing to install this Bas in Forest cover is one of the best natural storm water solutions so I would like the board to consider seeing if there is an alternative storm water BMP that could be installed Elsewhere on the site on EG ring Garden per along the proposed parking lot conservation commiss no com I'm not going to read it again just no comment um and I think that's it public comment any public comment okay and so did you have comment you wanted to make um just point I think so okay and and he has or the applicant has received um Department comments you have right no oh okay first time I saw this see what we're doing so yeah I will give copies to you I okay okay so um and seeing no other comments but a motion to continue the public hearing to November 18th uh which one do you want November 18th or 129 um I believe the only comments on we've seen or some minor onus so I think we should be able to get those turned around by to the 18th at 7:15 p.m. than motion to continue the hearing till November the 18th at 71515 p.m. and I'll second it okay any discussion n Carol H say yes M mcnell yes P yes and Lord Shi yes thank you very much than you very much [Music] yes so we got a little bit of time yeah I just I I think I'm GNA ask for a a little break just [Music] [Music] 745 okay everybody's permission I need take a b Stu all right we have a few minutes and then we can we might get one other thing done okay okay okay so how is it Emily or emmaemma okay see I got it right the second time Emma yep yep she good so how is your trip oh to alquerque yeah it's been a month now since I've seen you guys uh it was good good you go up the mountain up the tram we did not go up the tram we did a hike um almost up but thank you oh thank you um there like a knife's edge hike along the ridgeel line see I'm afraid of hi never get me up there I was barely get up there were you in Albuquerque yeah we in Al you know the only state that I have not been to is New Mexico I've been to 40 the other 49 states no kidding yeah you've got me beat I've been to a lot of states to the Air Force sure sure sure going to a lot of Air Force bases airports don't come Air Force bases don't come well airports do not count well airports a coule times yeah okay go to school in yeah [Music] yeah but that trim up the mountains pretty oh yeah yeah it's beautiful I mean you get such a great View yeah it's a great little area I had no idea like 20 30 minutes from the city yeah yeah yep so is that where you're getting married we are getting married in alquerque yeah I you pick an albuquer that's where Emma's from oh she's from home oh okay so figured to her family's a little bit smaller so figured we compared to my family size so we do the wedding out in Albuquerque and we'll have a reception in town it's uh I mean she's from there so it's easier for her to plan her oh here uh we met at school oh at school okay but you know we're trying to think about like food and venu and specific things like from 2,000 miles away oh yeah it's a little easier for her it's nice it was nice to go down and kind of look at everything yeah that wasn't your first time NOP no uh normally go every been like five or six [Music] times she actually used to work on the uh Kirkland Kirland Air Force Base which I'm sure you guys yeah I've been sorry everyone um I'd like to continue with uh your manner on West meow Road so where do we where do you think we are right now I guess that's why I'm here I'm not sure um I think the rain or storm Gardens are working um but we really haven't had a major downfall rain since either so it's hard to say except when they did put um they put rock on two ends of each storm Garden that seems to have done a great job the grass is coming in like I said um on the other side of the mound if you will that goes down to the storm Garden especially the one between 108 and 110 I'm going to let the grass grow warm to you know get some deep roots in and I'm hoping and I'm pretty confident now because the rain that we have had it really has drained it you know um one behind the house some standing water for maybe a couple hours um maybe a half a day and by the next day it's gone so to me that says it's working so it is coming down because there are if you look at the the the yart it it is pretty steep in certain areas so the water does run um you know I'm I'm new to this I'm learning but it appears in my opinion that they are working at this time that so where are we in the process because I'm sure that there must be well I don't I don't know but um there must be somebody is being held up here with something there's a contractor that's done things and there must be agreement between the two of you that maybe funds or whatever maybe there is money involved in this the storm Gardens need to be completed yes and approved yeah um miss the developer is online if you want to ask him a question um but as far as the planning board um and the town everything is in order um and that report from Highway if you wanted to you know wait until you have a conversation with the developer um about maybe that additional work or discuss it right now but I see nothing holding this up well I guess I my question would be is are you planning to um um f following the recommendations um in terms of the um Stone rip wrap the stone say that again comments are everything looks as it uh in other words are you planning to follow the highway superintendent's recommendations I haven't seen them oh has has the developer no so that's something they Phil could you chime in can you hear me yeah yeah sorry I'm on my phone I don't know if you can see my face or not no sorry the highway Department's comments are new to me tonight but I believe that the grass is all established along the edges of the driveway so I'm I'm not I don't know if he's um seeing something I'm not seeing I mean his comment is I recommend installing stone rip wrap on the left corner of the driveway as you are um facing the house this will help with erosion okay I believe there's like a little bit of Mulcher wood chips on the corner of the left front leftand corner of his driveway I think it's Stone yeah he's saying Stone but I think I think currently there's there's wood chips or bark molch oh okay oh and he wants Stone yeah it's like a 4 foot 4 foot little uh section okay does it does it make sense to have him get that in writing and that we um address this again in our next meeting yeah and just see what what transpires and what gets done between now and then one comment though um bill I think you might go with this too um I understand the left side but when we really had the downpours this summer where I saw the run off into the street was if you were facing the house it would be on the right side because there is a drop in the um in the yard if you will and a lot of ran down there because I saw it going across the the driveway the other side yes but I don't think it it's not as severe as it was on the other side but Stone would probably make sense okay yeah I just I don't believe there's any more erosion now I think everything's established but yeah Stone on both sides I'm fine with that just I just want to get this kind of wrapped up and moved along with the board would the board consider um you know I'll go do that tomorrow if that's if that's fine subject to approval for adding the stone I'll go talk to the highway superintendent tell me exactly what he wants to do or I can do it tomorrow vote you know appropriately okay make your vote very clear okay um if you're yeah I guess so are we saying on both sides Phil or just that one side yeah both sides easy it sounds like it's a a really easy thing little rip wrap on either side yeah I agree also remove the silt Vents and straw wles there there was another comment yeah the other com Lance would you please read the other comment for yes um hold on I got to scroll up here we can have that as part of the motion yeah um the um other comment was silp fence and straw Waddles waddles need to be removed silt fence and straw Waddles need to be removed sure yeah consider it done okay so would you make the motion Phil could you do it Wednesday instead we have grandchildren tomorrow uh sure what me and you yeah we can talk when's the best time to do it that's that's fine I do want to talk to probably maybe talk to yeah okay can you make the motion please with those two mulation approve storm we we approve the storm water no there's a certificate right there um on the folder so this is what you're do oh you're going improve that with the condition in that talk about okay and you'll sign okay um yeah all right I'm going to try this one um I have confidence in all right so the planning planning board conditionally approves the storm water management per permit certificate of completion conditioned upon one that the silt fence and straw Waddles need to be removed okay second that the um rip wrap Stone rip wrap is installed on the left corner of the driveway as you are facing the house I think he said he do both he the left and the right excuse me and um approval from the highway department or Highway superintendent well per there suggestion but is hway going to go out and look at it again after it's done I I think uh Phil just basically said that he was going to meet with the highway department yeah I'll just give him a call to see what size size Stone he can probably tell me on the phone real quickly what he wants it's it's probably very standard yeah okay so she had that motion clearly well you can to it again okay is a second Andrew seconded is there any other discussion n v please Carol H say yes Lance mcnell yes qu yes Andrew Shephard yes and La shiff yes thank you thank you thank you everyone thank you Phil thank you we'll talk to you soon thank you Phil yep have a good night yeah it is me okay 7:45 p.m. all the public hearing together guidelines whatever calling to order the public hearing for 249 Main Street application s review special perit uh roll call of the board Carol H is present Lance MCD andw pres and the sign and sheet is still the same [Music] [Music] in accordance with Mass General Law chapter 40a and towns and Zoning bylaw section 14542 site plan review special permit and section 14565 special permits the board planning board will hold a public hearing on Monday November 4th 2024 at 7:45 p.m. in the selman's chambers at Memorial Hall in addresses to review an application received from Amy Shaw regarding a change in use proposal to renovate existing building structures located at 249 Main Street assessors 51 block 95 bl0 map zoned DCd downtown commercial district and aquafer Protection overlight District to open and operate a United Parcel service commercial store interested parties can express their support or opposition during the hearing or special written comments beforehand copies of the application are available for review at Town Hall during the regular business hours and via email to the C board interested parties are encouraged to attend respectfully submitted Laura e shiin chair town and planning board and the applic table Mr Smith okay so I'm gonna explain a little bit hold on introduce yourself first my name is and I own the property at 249 21 Main Street and I'm I'm Kevin Smith I'm Not His representative or is my friend and I thought I would try to help him through especially in case there a little bit of language barrier okay we will maybe more in the communication site okay so this is the existing building we have have a copy yeah uh they have the copies they have the copies of this as well [Music] have this is that different we submitted the small copy as well first yeah so this came in this afternoon yes so it's just got St like 3:00 so it is uploaded in your folders but probably just getting up a look at this for the first time I if I if I could show the board this is the existing store this is the little section along the carpet store there's currently an 8ot wide opening in this and that's the reason basically we want to close that up that little wall because this is going to be separate yes just to separate this it used to be separate before it was separate now bring it back we made that block of wall tick out but now we want to put that back because we want to make the UPS Store in that section this is the current store this was closed up at one time he opened it back up now basically wants to close it back up again this is 119 over here 119 back of rear of the building which is parking which is that section back in parking right there and both units have front door as well as the back door with both both units have a separate restroom as well because it was used to be a second unit before specifically and then what he was just showing us was that's just like a hand drawing of yeah it's the building but sket building put this put this in perspective that would be it okay the parking which is the reason for the plan which is the reason for the plan youve got that parking there potential two more here and then this paring over here Municipal parking or town parking which is allow just within 100 ft of the building they were two packing spot short Wen you what were you short two or three two parking short two parking spot short you have two basically right here that are right next to the building and then we we could use some additional packing I don't it's not going to be a happening place not going to be a busy situation so uh you know how many people a day are going to go in there and drop their stuff or five 10 whatever there is it's not it's not a large crowd of people that are going to use it pretty heavy Amazon Shopper so well you might have around the Christmas Around the Christmas time or something but that's a UPS Anyway Amazon deliv right to your house okay then let me go through the um referral comments you get those into the record and then we'll see where we are and can I just ask that have has the applicant received the referral comments yeah okay okay so from The Building Commissioner see attached 10 10 comments okay from the Building Commissioner I review the application and have the following comments one zoning this would be an allowed use in DCd District principal use table section d -10 retail stores and services not Elsewhere set for okay two building this is not a change in use per building code only per zoning bylaws my understanding is this area in question is part of a merchantile operation now and this is and this new operation would be considered merchantile use also I would recommend they review final layout with building department to see what changes may be required based on existing based on existing they should be in good shape the building department cannot order changes when use is not changing and minor alterations are being done three accessibility it appears from their site plan they have an accessible parking spot as they are not changing use I cannot make them add anything per code but again I would recommend a review with the building department to see if there is anything that can be improved and if you have any questions gu that's this is L coordinator applicant has provided existing conditions only need a plan showing proposed conditions both should have Legion Legion should have leg Legends Legend which is components as required by 14542 narratives or architectural plans for proposed use should be included so today we submitted that you submitted it okay do we have already you have a legend on the right on that plan right there the corner okay all right we have it it's it was gotten today so she's not reviewed them okay very good uh word SEL I'm not going to read that again U Conservation Commission no comment of Health no comment and we have okay we have a petition I think it was a historic comment yeah the historic district yeah because I it was a historic district comment um I read it okay well I may I have it um this is building that's building luse I might have missed it so I'm just going to do it again historic this property is located within towns and historic district number one and will need to comply with all district requirements prior to approval okay so they have this because you're saying they got all of the okay I didn't see that one did you also read the board of house I'm not sure yeah okay I'm sorry I just missed it yeah B house didn't have a comment but I just read the historic thank you um s have no comment conservation no comment and Board of Health no comment [Music] um okay and then um I don't know but in the whole time that I've ever that I've been on planning and Lance you've been planning longer have you seen a petition have you ever no I think that's kind of cool I think they have some good C I have to read this I have to read this um petition to support the opening of the United Parcel Service UPS Store at 249 Main Street Town M we the understand are undersigned are supportive of the change in use proposal submitted by Amy Shaw which would allow the renovation of an existing building structures at 249 Main Street to open and operate a United Parcel Service UPS Store in Town's downtown commercial District reasons for support increase increased convenience the addition of a UPS Store will provide a convenient local option for shipping receiving Printing and other essential Business Services benefiting residents and local businesses economic growth a new UPS Store can attract more foot traffic to the area fostering economic growth and supporting nearby businesses Community Development The UPS Store will make use of an existing infrastructure aligning with the goals of downtown commercial district and help strengthen the downtown area as a business house minimal traffic impact we believe that the proposed UPS Store will not cause significant increases in traffic UPS Stores typically serve customers in short visits which will prevent congestion Additionally the lo location is already zone for commercial use and the nature of business that UPS Store generates less continuous vehicle activity than larger retail businesses further reducing any traffic impact we encourage the towns and planning board to approve the special permit and site plan review for the purpose of UPS Store we believe this development will positively contribute to the vibrancy and convenience of towns and's downtown area and serve the needs of the community public hearing details towns and planning board will hold a public hearing to review this proposal and then the date and the time location we invite all residents to sign this petition and support of this proposal together let M Town in a more connected convenient and Vibrant Community and if I can add there's 42 signatures [Music] um yeah there 42 signatures I don't have to read them all no because I'd have to be able to read them okay um that was nice thank you my opinion um also we have a still we are operating as a two separate unit even though the block is there in the wall we PID two bills electricity gas everything M everything's still on separate Services still on separate Services it has been and never stopped okay so um the UPS will be a store will be a separate entity anyway so you would keep that separate okay just to show the board that there is it is currently two separate uses or two separate units M within the building okay the only the only thing that's really needed to do is this an 8ot wall that they opened up when they put the lottery store in there and when they open that up um you can't close it back up without going to the board basically so until 2013 we have that wall closed and closed the unit was also rented to the clothing store yeah but 2013 they V the unit so at that time I put on forand but I was not getting any like uh customers customers so I thought that let's just make use that space as a for the store so we still using as the putting the screens and just the storage room kind of thing so um um confused about the wall okay so did you have to get a permit to take the wall down yes but not from planning just from the building inspector from the building department but now the building inspector said that we have to approve the wall going back that correct well it's another business going in change of use it's it's a separate entity which would probably require you know you put in UPS tornado it's a busy place maybe couple of weeks during during the Christmas Time Rush or things like that other than that it's not going to be a very happening place okay and but it still requires coming back before the board is the board have any other questions public comment Cindy hi Cindy King again um I want to I'm speaking on again another business I'm in favor of I know this family has been trying to figure out additional business services that they could offer so that they could increase their uh business revenue of course but um I've been a customer of UPS Stores in the region uh for for many years there's a lot of benefits to UPS store but the the issue um one issue is putting a UPS store in towns is excellent not just for towns but for the region the closest UPS Stores to us are two in Nash and one in Westburg I don't even know where the one in Fitchburg there is one in fitur oh I didn't even know that I don't know if that's closed the John fit Highway one that was there I don't think it's there anymore I think I think you're right I think you're right but NAA Street in rinster I think that still there yeah yeah that's a big drop off uh 190 railro brid this still there yeah I think that's still but even so you got to hike you gotta you got to travel you got to travel exactly I mean but but to have it in towns and there's a lot of people that use a UPS store and I I mean I I support the business and I I don't want to go against what they've already presented but I disagree with the I think you're underestimating the number number of customers you're going to get by a lot I almost think that you could get away with don't go too crazy with this wall because I really think that you benefit from the whole building being UPS because of the number of packages people who have businesses in their homes they need to have a a business address you have a lot of stuff getting shipped too the post office as well continuously throughout the year yes Christmas is a crazy time but throughout the year there's businesses and people in the area not just town and PE gron just over the H Bo if they don't want to go up to Nash and lunenberg and they're going to come to the Townson area and people get they they're going to have a mailbox service so people can get it's a mail drop like Mailbox etc only UPS has a really excellent mail service but they also you get your packages delivered people that don't want packages put on you know for the forge Pirates they're going to rent a box at the UPS store and the packages can be delivered that's something the USPS does not offer so people will have their packages brought in there so they got to have sour space all these people that leave their packages for five five six days before they pick them up but it's it's a really happen it is a happening place and I I think it's good it's good for the community it's good for the region to have that ups for here and I also think it's good for them but and I mean it on a positive way to support that business I think you're underestimating the number of C customers you're going to have I think it's a really excellent thing but I think in the future be prepared to consider getting rid of the convenience store maybe maybe they want to come back here maybe they should at a I'm just saying it's really good and I mean that in a positive way not to scare anybody off from that business going in there but it is a good all right thank you Cindy Mary Jan yeah hi I'm Mary Jane Churchville 292 Main Street I just I'm from the historic district commission and I just want to um enter these documents because it was some issue if the property was in the historic district or not so I just want to confirm that it is and I have the original um creation of the district with the map okay so I just want to enter just so it on the same page thank you thank you can take that and sign it in thank you okay thank you well thank you for doing that so um any other comments public I I'm John C from new TUS Town u i General frequent well maybe a half a dozen times a year go to the UPS Store in the Drum Hill uh rotary in shord and it would be great to have one in Townson I'd be not an everyday customer but an occasional customer um it just seems to me be a good thing pull an occasional person from peppol and Ashby into town kind of diversify um the traffic um can get a Starbucks get a Starbucks okay um and I I I you know when I go to the the store in the Drum Hill on unless it's Christmas I go there and there's maybe one person in line ahead of me maybe no one um so it's not thousands of people all the time when I go there I'll spend like either minute and a half there or I have to pack something up it's like seven minutes I'm in favor I think it's a delightful idea thank you for your comments sir thank you nothing oh well I worked UPS 40 years okay I at some funni of meal boxes one up around bright maybe have a dozen parking SP but there a line of stores probably seven stores there just a dozen parking spaces they never had any problems with the volume and there's no other place to park yeah Boston colleges across the street St John Seminary is here it's just that little block a hell of business and it's never congested thank you for your comment anybody yeah race I live in West towns and I've been here 35 years I I think it's a wonderful idea I I know the family for quite a while and they're really kind rich people they're good business people so I support thank you I hope it comes in okay I don't think because of the um a submission of this and not you know gone through everything and now with a historic comment that we can make a decision tonight but I certainly believe we can continue you think to the 18 I mean we can do the 18th or the 12th what do you think I don't that's not too too complicated the only thing was added to that plan is the legend up in the ran upper R in corner that's that's what was I'm sorry yeah the board does need to make determinations um on the bylaw basically and um I did put in a staff review that need to determine whether or not [Music] um uh well we're well there's a couple of items in the bylaw access access to the site shall be arranged to avoid traffic use of local residential streets situated in or bordered by residential districts there's a number of items that the board should actually review um that weren't done at a SC level it's kind of the board decision yes so those are things that you should discuss before you go ahead and take take action on this you have to determine uh whether the parking the proposed parking plan is adequate because it's not they're not providing 10 spaces they're providing eight so yeah on the lot it's eight space but uh on the Brookline Street there are two space on our side and there are plenty of spaces did mention that um this is the municipal parking yeah the municipal parking Within 100 yards can be 100t or 100 feet sorry yeah and you have two you actually have two you probably have 10 right there that within 100 feet typically a site plan would showed conditions and there's noosed conditions on that site plan it's the existing that's why the board would need to go through and make those determination um okay number four access driveway shall be of a design and have sufficient capacity to queuing of entering vehicles on any Street that's unknown um well that's existing determinations about those items that's been existing for 50 years how would that apply if if if that is already existing The Proposal The Proposal is an increase in use for requires more parking and with more parking requirements it it requires more analysis in terms of queuing of tra down Main Street and volume similar to 18 Main Street so if they would address those I think like even a statement about those you know board would it would reove the the board to make a determination on those items it's in the site time review bylaw it's it's right out of the okay I can't make those determinations [Music] so no personally I mean we had a chance when you came and visited us for more of an informal meeting uh earlier this year we we did I can't remember were you on at that point and weren on no so I probably would be smart to push it just so we have a chance to talk to you guys about it but I do remember talking about the parking requirements and thinking about it and having the chance to drive by and say man it'd be really nice to have a UPS Store here um you know it's a it's a very tight you know I don't think I don't foresee the you the perfect arrangement of things I mean I'm I'm comfortable with it is as it is and the fact that they had two businesses there previously I do think there's going to be a lot more traffic but I also think you you're not really going in there to chitchat you going in and out so I feel okay with it but I don't mind if we push it to another meeting to to have more Dialogue on it I mean I'm I'm I share your comments I'm comfortable with what I've seen here yeah so P um actually you said you worked for ups and you picked up package deliver Etc so at a at a UPS Store how often do you you come and pick up packages did once a day yeah go there I went there at night I think the situation you would be late afternoon late afternoon they' back up in the rear of the building and take the packages out so it's probably the delivery truck that delivers to town when he's all done delivering to town and he's going back to the depot yard they probably swing in there and grab grab I'm assuming the same UPS truck that delivers to town backs in the back door Chucks two or three boxes in whatever he's got and so this really though isn't about the delivery people this is more about I need to mail a package and I want to do it through UPS or I'm returning stuff and I have to return it by a UPS so I as a customer just come and drop it off there in town which is more convenient for me than going to L pay you six bucks and out the door you go I don't I don't know what's in question is related to UPS truck right if they're on back then that's yeah we have the back door parking the trucks AR going to take up the trucks AR going to Beed when you go in the back of the building to picture this when you go in the back of the building would you have a delivery truck back there that would then drop off a van would pull right up along the Methodist Church I'm assuming or pull in and it would back so you this is this says pave parking all right that's the back y we have back here this is what I'm assuming it's coming in this way it's probably going yeah no it's probably going to pull in here and back in here if it's coming from this way probably pull in back in just go right out on the right out onto the road or head up north depend on which way it's going to go it's probably going to be a delivery regular UPS like drop the stuff off at your place the end of the day on his way back to charur or wherever they are they'll EMP back we have right you're have everybody FedEx deliver the post office going to deliver Amazon trucks are going to go in their deliver but they can all go the back yeah does Amazon send stuff UPS they send people have mailboxes at the UPS store that they're going to be renting and they're going to be picking up and plus people are going to be returning through UPS Amazon packages so the Amazon is going to go there once a day at least once well once a day to do that FedEx if you people rent a mailbox at so we have Amazon boxes our store currently also but I don't see any increase in traffic or any congestion or anything we currently have the Amazon boxes in that second unit right now okay all right I'm going to um if you want to hang in fine I'm going to go through each one of the things that we need to address with the board right now sure okay so these are all in reference of the bylaw 14542 and and one portion of it 145 judge two inspector or plan board prior to filing application for a new site plan review special permit the project is not eligible for exemption under Section B that's fine okay I think you just basically identified two things that we need to really focus on yeah one was the parking requirements are you know they were I haven't had a chance to review whether those are done addressed so you can you know accept it as is or you can go through it now or so I had conversation with Jessica and she mentioned only about the parking and I still have the email as well from her okay um so I'm going to go through the drawing requirements right now uh site plan designs site design plan subject to site plan review special permit shall be prepared by a register architect landscaped AR landscape architect professional land surveyor or professional engineer and that was okay I see every place that there's a yes I'm good right so okay so um scale you may need to request a waiver on the scale it says it should be no less than one in equals 20 ft yeah if it's if it's less than that or it's larer we've done that before is that 40 it's 40 Lance yes we have we've done that before we've done that waer all the time would do that you know you have 1 in equals 10 I mean that's 10 the large one is 10 scale oh usually we get 20 because it's because the bylaw I thought was one inal 40 well it says right here 1 in 20t it can be no less than 1 inal 20t and this is 10ch you okay because I can't okay so I have a motion to wave the uh 1 in equals 20 ft requirement is there a second oh second and there is a second any further discussion saying none car HW say yes Lance mcal yes yes Andrew Shephard yes La Sher yes okay we wave that um existing prop uh and shall show all existing Clos counts yes existing yes structures yes uh parking spes n radius of project not shown on plans spes nine spaces provided on plans um are we good with the nine KN this this is on the plan this is not what's accessible to the building is the plan showing nine spaces six S8 count yeah but they should show it on the there's eight there's eight there's eight there two so you could generally vote um you know a finding that the planning board finds the you know the parking spaces are suitable for the US you know some sort of wording that you're comfort that and vote on it okay I'll make a motion that eight parking spaces that are provided in the drawing um are appropriate with the planned use second bares yes L mcnell yes P yes Andrew shepher yes yes there was no further discussion they jumped right into it so okay so that's the spaces um service areas facilities for service Refuge not shown on plan so I don't know what service areas means but you don't have your dumpster shown R there um obviously you don't need facilities for sewage but I don't know what they mean by service areas in the bylaw but there is no dumpster or disposal shown on there so do do you have a dumpster at the building it's existing it's OPAC it's existing it's in the rear and it's existing it's been there for years just not they didn't show it are are we good with knowing that there is a dumpster there but it's not shown on plan please accept the board please accept that that there the dumpster that is at the facility is not shown on the presented plan and we accept that need a vote okay yeah Andrew made the motion oh second it Carol seconded any further discussion okay L MC yes yeser yes and La Sher yes okay um let's see other Granite Curbing and conb retaining wall cone pad Cone Construction I think that is oh sorry pad overhang are provided on the plan okay um the concrete CAD walkway with overhang shown on plan and lighting lighting is not shown um both existing and proposed I don't know if you want to are you doing addition lighting no it's everything is for two units right now so there there will be no no additional lighting outside I think this means outside yes no outside okay there will be none the the lighting there now that's existing there's no there's no proposed addition to that and that's not on 247 no no um I I was just saying that if you if you look at what they're they're doing is they're just closing an 8 foot area where there's already a lot of existing stuff so yeah the yeah I mean I think the main ones were parking spots and traffic um okay that's that's the end of the the math scale was actually uh oh sorry the Locust map was actually provided on the revision I saw that okay y perfect okay so um would it be appropriate to have a motion that says The Bard accepts the drawing ex accepts the drawing as is oh yeah is there a motion make I'll make a motion to accept the drawings as presented a second any further discussion hearing none car Hof say yes MC yes P yes Andrew sheer yes and La shff yes that okay can I just go on to this one oh I think I don't think there was anything else in it you already addressed the you addressed the paring we have to we haven't address traffic oh sorry you could do this General again a general motion but I would like to make a motion that um basically we have an existing two businesses and that we don't see any significant increase in traffic second that and so that was P seconded okay and we accept plan is is I make well we need to vote on the traffic traffic well I everything okay we're voting on the traffic we accept it car say yes M yes yes Andrew shepher yes La yes can I make the motion that we um approve um the um site plan site plan special permit and please get the address and name all right I make a motion that we approve the site plan review special permit on 249 Main Street no second any further discussion hearing none yes last yes yes Andrew shepher yes yes well I make I make a motion that we close the public hearing oh you can do that MC yes this is government should work very nice to meet you thank you app nice to see you have a nice day you [Music] to okay I'm good you people can't even find you're never know you can do that you're prob [Music] I I would like to make a motion that the chair can sign for the board on the decision that Beth is going to prepare thank you Patrick's got it share the seconds all right the chairman will sign once it's ready thank you to the board members um so I think we did a lot today um the next item on the agenda would be 3.2 planning board regulations review 17514 plans for definitive subdivision 17515 um required submissions for definitive did you say you did some I mean I no I I read them but I didn't really I didn't have any comments I didn't have any changes okay Lance um yeah I reviewed them um gosh the only comment that I think was um substantial I just wanted to run it by Beth was shouldn't under the general Provisions where plans for definitive subdivision shall contain the following do we want to add Wetlands to that you have to show me the sentence it's in the regulations 175 14 and they have a cover sheet a vicinity map a contour map a a primary Conservation Area map a conventional layout plan a soil test map I would the conservation area would that be I mean I just thought to show Wetlands be more specific yeah yeah um you know I don't know if that's required now I know in anr we have to they have to show wetlands and and where it becomes a requirement is that the wetlands are in fact subtracted from the land area yeah make that change that's easy enough um I ask and and I can send you this and the other comment that I had was when we use acronyms like npde s and O PD it would be nice that the first time we use it we spell it out and then in parentheses say what it stands for yeah talked about that before yeah and so you know um there was the um npdes um ospd osmd were the three that I saw okay yeah so that's the um I'll make sure it may have been spelled out earlier you know I mean you're coming and starting at 17514 but still I think it's good maybe within each section to do it sounds Goods on your Wetland would this cover your Wetland map when I looked at it um I I looked at that and to me that it just said the primary Conservation Area map oh paragraph D yeah but it says show show an appropriate colors all peridial streams bodies of waters Wetlands flood Flames wellhe head protection areas but for zones areas of yeah I saw that um so if it's in there then you don't want to be we don't want to beant okay fine I agree all right all right all right so I'll just have the abbreviation spelled up yeah yeah I agree with that looks like paragraph D covers wet Lanes too okay all right okay we can that will probably keep staying on our list until we approve the regulation yeah or are we going on to another regulation after this well um there were two of them 175 15 17 so so on 14 could I make a motion that we prove it conditionally based upon spelling out the acronym so we don't have to bring it back sure all right so I I make a motion that the board conditionally approves 17514 with having acronym spelled out at least once um before use I second that and H yes Lance P yes yes Andrew shefford yes and La sheff yes thank you guys love it um can I go on to Andrew and correspondence 1755 I had no comments on 17515 I no comments did anyone do we want to approve it I make a motion that we approve 17515 as presented to us I'll second in no further discussion Carol Hof say yes Lance MCN yes I didn't read 15 so abstain abstain Andrew Sheffer yes Laur she yes okay you can add something else next time just let us know ahead okay Andrew please uh correspondence yes corespond respondence uh first we have 4.1 land removal from chapter 61b partial ID 17-10 d027 Bayberry Hill Road this is from the law offices of janelis and Ward jinus jinus and Ward LLP 106 Miriam abin lemster to the town of Townsen referring to um the former Virginia Welch property 27 Bayberry Hill Road dear board please be advised that I represent the estate of Virginia F Welch who was the surviving owner of the above parcel who sold the lot where the home exists and intends on selling the two remaining parcels and removing all of the land from chapter 61b classification while we are unsure of the actual proposed use of the vacant Lots upon the sale seller does anticipate that it is worthy construction not single family residents I am attaching to this letter of intent the executed purchase and sale agreement which I certify is a true and accurate copy the assessor map which shows this parcel and its acreage as assessed thank you for expeditiously reviewing this matter under the provisions of mgl 61b and the exercise of your right of first refusal very truly your is Robert J Meer Myers so that's gone to the town no it's it's being taken out of 61b and sold to someone and you have a right and the town has a right of first refusal right so you can Pro well that's what I heard discuss that amongst yourselves and then take a vote what is 61 being uh it's chapter forry so they get for tax yeah right but then when it's taken out um I believe they still have to pay the past five years kind like curtain in the yes yes so this is is that a large parcel well it must be but I don't know if it's too crazy I I remember it being a hot sale from the young kids in town I Ted to looking for Parcels m pretty quick I I don't I would I don't I would assume I don't know I didn't it didn't say anywhere where I could see what the acreage was if I really wanted to figure out what size it was i' have to go to the um the you know sou middle sex Deeds or whatever yeah but I assume that it's it's probably two acres or you know two to three acres for house lot sure and it was also I think uh proposed sale price was 150,000 yeah I guess so we are a sending this to the town Town what it's already been sold so yes to the select board um Conservation Commission the planning board and the ass refusal to I don't think I don't think it's been sold I think deposits been put well there's a purchase and sale yeah yeah oh it's more than one parcel purchase sale you [Music] guys oh I remember that [Music] meeting uh in February wasr three lots our wow I mean the uh the town is given you guys recall that I know Carol signed it oh yeah oh I remember the in February yeah [Music] yeah I think WR [Music] so the planning board has an ability to prevent them from removing it from 61b no no no where they asking I I don't know I don't know that we have any role in this whatsoever except that we already had a role in it when we approved the anr which we really don't disapprove anrs no because approval is not required we only get notified and I and I mean the town doesn't have the money to buy it if if they the town has the right of first refusal they don't have the money to buy we do need more house built in this a simple vote to take no action is appropriate I make a motion that we take no action um on um 27 27 Bayberry Hill Road oh [Music] second did that car Hawks yes Lance mcdy yes yes Andrew Shephard yes yes all right 4.2 received from Townsen and abing towns correspondences here we have the town of peppol planning board this is a notice of special permit decision uh the applicant was a James basil on behalf of the Linda M lashy Trust location of the property is 7379 Main Street in peil map 23 parcel lot 17-0 let's see relief requested special permit decision granted there are no other details about that town of gron the office of the planning board site plan review Lawrence Academy Gray Building renovation dated October 21st this is a notice of a public hearing for Thursday November 14th 2024 at 7:15 p.m. in the GR town hall to consider the site plan review application submitted by Lawrence Academy for renovation of the gray building on assessors parcel 11 16-10 the proposed renovation will involve Demolition and replacement of the existing dining hall Wing along with site improvements including the addition of new Terraces on the front and rear of the existing building uh copies are available in the planning board's office it's not a patio it's a Terrace it is a Terrace uh the town of Lunenburg Office of the planning board notice of decision 1335 Mass a site plan approval change of use application for site plan approval change of use under the section 250- 8.4 B6 code the town lunenberg submitted to the planning office on August 26 2024 purpose change of proposed use within the building to a retail establishment assessor map number 62 parcel number five applicant is a Dale Erskine 1331 massav lenberg is also the property owner lunenberg planning board held and closed a public hearing on September 23rd the outcome the planning board at its September 23rd meeting voted to a approve the site plan approval for change of use to retail and granted all waivers requested the site plan approval was endorsed by the planning board on October 28th 2024 and filed with the town clerks on October 29th that is essentially it thank you Andrew yeah uh receed from massachus Regional Planning Commission and other agencies that just St that's in Portal anything this time okay and then the Education and Training that's just standard to have for you guys in the portal and then our next meeting is November 18th and December 9th there's no other business to come before this meeting I'll entertain a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn I'll second 8:44 p.m. 8:4 yeah Carol H yes Lance mcal yes yes andard yes La she yes no one objected thank you very much