##VIDEO ID:hG8yPAJavII## good evening everyone my name is Laura shiffrin and I will call the meeting to order of the planning board January 13 2025 at 6:31 p.m. uh can everyone introduce themselves presid carolan Ander would you join me in the Pres United States America and to the for stand na [Music] indivisible I'd like to thank all of our veterans and all of those currently serving as well as our First Responders special prayers for California okay um the meeting is being recorded and will appear on on our YouTube channel for ton is anyone else recording the meeting um as far as additions and deletions I I just oh no I don't have any to the agenda anybody else okay and uh 1.5 Chairman's announcements I'm going to announce that I will my term ends um April 25 and I will be I won't be taking out papers for the next term and so I just want to announce to everyone out there as well is there are volunteer positions still available on almost every board in town and uh everybody would look forward to having more people volunteer bit some don't have to do as much as I do [Music] um and okay for April so let's go to the minutes that that send us and we have the minutes for October 21st 2024 and November 4th 2024 any comments about the minutes I hear a motion do you want them together do you want them separately I do I'll abstain from the October because I wasn't present okay all right make a motion uh I'll entertain a motion for October 21st 2024 I'll make a motion to approve the minutes of October 21st 2024 and is there a second a second okay thank you Robert okay um no further discussion all those in favor say I hi hi hi okay we have a quum that voted I uh Andrew will obain and now entertain a motion to approve the minutes of November 4th 2024 I make a motion to approve the minutes of November 4th 2024 sir second second Andrew seconded okay any discussion hearing none all those in favor say I I I and I thank you for that uh two 2.1 anr plan and application Greenville Road so all the papers have filled out this has been approved and now we have the um plan here for us to sign each of the copies and the myar with the um so all the corrections have been done is okay the ones that Adam had talked about with the uh Wetlands sure so my name is Kevin con I'm from David Ross Associates and I represent abst realy LLC um we're proposing a fbl anr on the norly side of Greenville Road we originally submitted the plan I believe last week Beth had it go out for a review um she had some small comments wanted additions to the plan she wanted a legend addit of the plan she wanted the acreages for each lot with the the bodies of water without the bodies of water water and the total bodies of water um we've added that to the plan she also had a comment regarding the easement that's across a portion of Lot number one and I made a statement that that's not going to impede any Frontage or any access or anything those notes are on the plan I put a revision note on the plan stating that it was revised last week with the planning board's instructions um I have smaller copies of the plan if anybody wants to look at it in front of them instead of uh leaning over somebody's shoulder um and they just kind of highlighted it the lots are not normal but they still conform with the front engine area requirements so um we believe it's it's worthy of anr endorsement this evening because of those taxs again all the lots have Frontage and areas outlined in the zoning District all the lots have access to the front um Madam chair this is Beth baon may I just make one comment sure um there is an easement that uh runs through is it lot five Kevin a portion of lot five lot three and lot four I believe yeah that easement goes to the uh town recycling center correct that's correct yeah all right and then and that's perfectly fine with the board and the town I don't know what the rules are on that is there any any necessary paperwork or do you need that as you email me today Beth uh I brought a copy of the deed the current deed of locus property and it makes reference to this right of way um and I copied there's a note on the plan stating that where the RightWay is described where it's recorded the registry of deeds and since it's not very specific in terms of its location I basically copied the exact description in the deed um to talk about what rights um that were applied to that easement originally so as a surveyor I can't determine rights who has rights over what but uh since it's kind of vague in nature I I reproduce the exact verbage of the deing that's on the plant oh thank you so that remains with the property that that easement I assume that's correct okay thanks and that would be a burden on all the wats so what this right away that Beth's talking about is this one that crosses from Green road going over lot five a portional lot um four and a portional lot three um it's just the gravel road that goes to the old um and that provides access to that the back portion of property and again it's described in the current deed is described in the previous deed and I also have a copy of the deed prior to that where it originated I assume um so we did uh you know we did do our due diligence to determine where that came from and descript so just just a question um the easement was for the town believe so yeah so anytime you need to cross over somebody else's property you need an easement or right to do that so I believe um the specifics of the de doesn't really talk about um that's the old landfill right right doesn't really specifically talk about that being the use of it but it it it does describe the rights to cross over those those part so yeah I believe it said something about Vehicles being able to pass through the property so typically what they they'll say is the the right to pass and repass that's a typical description of any rights over somebody else's property and that's exactly what it says and again that note is on the plan I'm also referencing the book and page on the plan where the easement is or where the gravel drive is just to alert anybody else as well I'm puzzled by the lot configuration yeah it is kind of peculiar that's kind of why I highlighted it for you um there is no lot shape requirement in the town the Townsen um so each one of these lots are the required 200 feet of Frontage and three acres I see that it does um so it's it's an attempt to to get the the most usage out of the property while still conforming to the regulations so um again since Town doesn't have a lot shape factor for the peculiarity of the Lots um it conforms to their records we have seen plans endorsed by the board um previously in the last two or three years that have something similar to this where it's not your standard you know Square well that's usually the explanation exactly so we have a lot of areas with lots that look like this right it's my first time seeing one like this so I agree it is kind of strange in its configuration but uh they all conform to the F and area requirements and the intent is to build single family homes on these exactly any other questions have you gone to the Conservation Commission for so for Wetlands Crossings so we're not crossing any Wetlands we're not proposing any crossing any Wetlands we do have approved septic system design for lot number two all the work proposed is outside of the conservation commission's jurisdiction um so we don't have any soil testing or septic system designs for the other Lots um nor do we need them for this approval but um okay I'm just reading the attorney's comment says L 3's Frontage is situated entirely within the 200 foot buffer zone to a river that is Mason Brook the town's Wetland byw prohibits any alteration within such 200 foot buffer zone abson Conservation Commission approval so I'm not really sure what all that please oh if I might uh Madam chair the planning board does not um uh look for an approval from conservation before endorsing an an anr so that will be afterwards yeah okay so the planning board is only looking at acreage and Frontage and the plan is compliant in both okay all right and I'm sorry one more thing if there is uh illusionary Frontage or prevented to Frontage uh which this plan does not show okay so back to the illus illusionary frontage is it supposed to show it or does it matter no um what was referring if there are any obstructions to Frontage then they would need to be showed on the on the map they could be guard rails they could be natural features anything that would prevent um access to the lot and there is nothing on this plan um that shows that that I saw anyway okay any other comments is an anr and you do have to have highest and best use doesn't mean that they will be built yeah and just a reminder um board members uh only um can vote on this it's not a special permit I know we we have uh four of the five sitting yeah I mean you're just approving what you're voting on is a vote to approve to endorse the anr plan as presented and it's not a major I mean it's a majority I guess but yeah simple move we vote to approve the anr plan in front of as presented and end and Endor and endorse it end second okay Andrew made the motion Carol seconded any further discussion hearing seeing none all those in favor I I an I we have four eyes thank you can I interrupt one more time please um the myar if there is a felt tip pen for you to sign the myar you can give it to the tachis today yeah okay be do you need the topographic PL signed by the board as well nope uh they'll sign the other ones but those are all for us you need the myar for recording so if they could do that for you you could have it tonight and take it with you right so here's here's a Sharpie if you want to use that one it's a more finer tips you prer that so we can just do um this one now that's I dat it yes thank you and then we'll take care of sign once they we can sign the others before we leave [Music] [Music] [Music] the done yep it's all done all right thank you and good [Music] luck session 2.1 planning board draft report to any comments did you guys get to read the final war the article yeah the these are all three three all three of them yes so if I could just jump in here too the planning board will need to do prepare a report to town meeting on each one of the Articles um you can do that tonight or I can draft them and circulate them however the next planning board meeting is on the 27th and the following night is town meeting if you drafted them could you Circle them circulate them via email ahead of time I could do that yep I haven't drafted them yet but um you guys if you have comments right now you wanted to make that's fine I can incorporate them and yeah I can do that great thank thank you okay are you're welcome so this is going to be a quick meeting I think so now we have correspondence reports [Music] discussions so the next planning board meetings on the 27th correct 27 um I'm doing me 28th yeah yeah it's Monday and Tuesday January I'll make the plan work meeting I'll be late [Music] to Mr Bo is here um um Mr Bo did you want to make some comments this evening yeah uh I was here for the discussion about DTA uh about uh the plans uh for um next year's DTA if uh you had any questions or uh want to talk about that it's under uh correspondence okay and it is time sensitive right Joe uh yeah somewhat in that the uh there's a due date in February MH I apologize I don't have things like in order here okay I will um give this to you under correspondence and then we can um talk to Mr D first okay um so we have a letter from care enchantment planning and development director re the district local technical assistance calls for proposal DTA um please see attach the calls for proposals for your community under the Massachusetts Department of Housing and livil liveable communities District local technical assistance program for the mpc's 18th year of DTA funds from the state budget there are five categories of topics available for this year's funding MBTA communities technical assistance planning ahead for housing planning ahead for growth supporting the community compact cabinet and housing Choice initiative each of these categories is explained and examples are given and the calls for proposals and instructions are included as to how your community can apply for these funds once applications are submitted and reviewed recommendations for awards will be made to the Commissioners for a vote to approve funding the schedule for rounds one and two can be found in the table below round one uh proposal project dates due to mrpc midnight Tuesday February 4th or round one and the funding vote by Commissioners would be February 6th and then round two if needed midnight Wednesday April 1st and the vote by the Commissioners would be April 3 and then this is is this a letter from Joe Joe this has your name on it I'll read it it says Please provide your written comments here I suggest authorizing a maximum number of bedrooms in the oh oh that was uh that was regarding the accessory dwelling units that may may have been set as uh that was an email that I sent in the into the board but it's not about this uh somebody I I don't remember who but somebody had requested a copy of the the comments I was sending in I think the comment period ended January 10th yeah that was me it like she said the correspondence is not in order uh and we apologize but that was a later a later Topic in correspondence oh okay so this is yeah dated January 6th H so I'll put this aside then but I that's all I have from in front of me okay so this is also MRP which is um here's another one that's six which is uh from Sherry MPC this one from mrpc they are beginning the early stages of developing the [Music] upcoming ffy what is ffy fiscal year something fiscal 2026 unified FC year there two FS though what's the second F future fisc year okay future fiscal year 2026 unified planning work program upw the upw for the monachus Metropolitan planning Organization no is a financial programming tool developed annually as part of the federally certified transportation and Transit planning process this document contains Tas itions of the transportation and Transit planning program of the mo with Associated budget information and funding sources for the current year current program year the purpose of the upw is to ensure a comprehensive cooperative and continuing 3C Transportation Planning process in the Lemer Fitchburg urbanized area and the monachus region in addition this document provides for the coordination planning efforts between communities in the monachus region region if your community has a specific project need please let us know example tasks may include intersection studies Corridor analysis walkability Andor bikability studies Trail planning safety analysis freight truck issues Transit related studies if you have any questions please reach out uh please note these studies are funded through transportation planning contract with the massot and do not require the use of any local funds in addition some of these studies can be utilized as background information for communities to initiate a project with mass do leading to improvements in your community and may I provide an update yeah may I just a recommendation and a recommendation and an update um I would recommend that the board uh probably not apply this year since you and I just attended the meeting for the corridor analysis which is underway for Route 119 would you agree chair Shan yeah yeah um I I was going to report on that too and SLI mind but as we're talking about mrpc um we did we had a meeting this afternoon at 1 o'clock um with mrpc several people from mrpc and it was Beth myself and Nelson and it just it's a grant that we got to study from Edward Road past the high school road to Pro road yeah and the outline of how that's gonna happen and so we're looking forward to more but but a lot of us had input too today yeah um to mrpc so and that is and that's this program that is a upw program Grant so I think towns has had plenty of attention there but um if if you wouldn't mind um Erin is just arrived and she is our new land use coordinator um and I wanted to if possible talk about dlta because um as Joseph is here as well uh our last dlta contracts have expired um December 31st and I imagine um the board would like to continue working with MRP see on the Adu on you know different projects so um Joe can you you know kind of let us know where we stand in terms of the contracts and fill Aaron in that okay um okay well we have we currently have three irons in the fire the first was the DTA for the MBTA communities act project uh we're going to we're recommending that you come in with uh that you request another one so that we can continue that project to finish that out in C calendar year uh 2025 okay thanks the second one is the Adu and um we appear the mrpc appears as far as I can tell to be done with that uh we have gotten your Adu bylaw and the language ready for the town meeting and hopefully it goes into effect and uh we can put that one away uh number three we have the pag Grant the planning assistance grant that we applied for uh you applied for for the uh um for the to revise the site plan review special permit um we're surprised that uh they haven't made the announcement about that we've been waiting you know thinking it was coming any day since uh Thanksgiving um so it's coming any day and uh we'll be starting that and I'll be working on that with you as well as um finishing out MBTA and I think that will keep us busy at least for the beginning part of the year did you did the board or did um the town hall have any other projects that they were thinking about coming in for should we re I'm sorry request the um site plan review special permit with the MBTA as a re request or for this year no this um site plan review special permit is in for a pag Nota so we're just to hear about that pag and um I think there's a good I we I expect we'll get it just a matter of time and so I think that will keep us busy uh for uh at least half for half the year or so um okay understood all right or might might even take us through next year depending on these MBTA projects can can encounter setbacks all right so let me get this straight you want us to reapply for MBTA communities work right and that that's it right now okay well I just wanted to ask you um was the did the board or town hall have anything beyond those two that they were thinking about well we have not made any decisions yet but the conversation has arrived about tiny home type of ordinances that we might want to consider um and changing our bylaws um so we don't have we don't have a consensus of an intent to do that yet or not but I think it was on discussion here uh that we should be thinking about where we want to go with that uh what ideas or what we want to pursue And discussing the MBTA stuff and those conversations that subject came up then um when we were considering the site at the north south end of town on Route 13 um so um we don't have a consensus of how the town would support or not not support that well I if I may Robert at the umbe at the hearing on Thursday night um it was stated about you know the affordable came up again and how if especially the 55 and over uh age restricted those houses are not they're coming in at market value but they're not tiny homes either no Okay so I personally think it's a great idea if we could formulate something that might appeal to the town um I we're still up against the same things sandy soil for better septic systems Town water because MBTA they're not going to let you do without Town water but you could have more smaller tiny homes which would be denser okay if this again the septic systems are approved so if you could work out or check into some other communities where they have tiny homes and see if would we have to apply separately for that well uh yes and what I would suggest is where we have the MBT a work and the site plan review special permit to take up at least the first part of the year that uh rather than applying for dlta for this that we find another program um and mrpc can help you with the application depending on who on who the applicant is and as what your next project is going to be becomes more clear we'll apply for uh grant funding for that to pick up working on that after uh we finish out uh site plan review special permit okay so then there's nothing else we can really do now we'd have to wait after six months uh we can we can start immediately looking for Grant programs um I I'll go back and talk to Karen uh if you if you like this idea uh of uh finding another grant program for uh tiny homes yeah for sure okay cool I'll go back I'll talk to Karen um I'll talk to Bernie our uh our new uh principal plan is not even that new anymore but he's really a great guy too and uh we'll find the right uh find some good options and then we'll work on that um I don't know starting a few months out so what is preventing we'll use this lot right here because it's right here in front of me but will we be preventing someone from putting four tiny homes on lot four here it's three acres you f War shop they can share a septic system what's stopping them from doing that today a bylaw that allows it wouldn't they have to just apply a variance of some sort we have to we have to Define it and present it to town meeting to change any zoning in town can they just apply for a variance or an exception no you know one of the things I learned a long time ago was just because it's omitted doesn't mean it's permitted so it's like it would be up to us to present a bylaw that would allow it and since I think it's a good piggyback to the complaints about affordable housing because really and I have no idea but I know that like the chumford area Dunstable area of course they're denser and they have public water public sewer okay so we still have that private sewer thing to deal with but I think maybe it's time for a bylaw to allow it and again we're only the planners we're not the triggers so I think the options should be out there if people can find a PL you know land and that that s technically deliver everything that's needed um I I think wanted to say something okay I'm sorry he had a stand up Mr D did go ahead yes I wanted to um uh answer this question about variances um a lot of times they use variances well I wouldn't say a lot but sometimes they use variances as uh just sort of a general outlet for things that they want to allow that aren't in their zoning that's not really a very sound practice under state law variances are only supposed to be given out in certain very restrictive circumstances when there's something unique about the lot about the shape of the land and it's something that's unique to that land that doesn't generally affect the properties in the district and uh the important upshoot of this is if a town gives out a variance that doesn't meet all of those standards um it can do that but if that permit got challenged by a neighbor or by anybody else it's going down uh the the court it would the courts will not uphold variances that are handed out like that things that are meant to be permitted in uh should be permitted by special permit or site plan review or Allowed by write or something under the zoning so if the desire is to allow something it's best to write up a special permit or site plan review section in your zoning specifically to allow that for that reason and also because then you can put in some standards and some procedures and stuff about that are you that are specific to that particular use or design or type of project uh to control how they're going to be so if you really if you want those the right way to go is to try to get a special permit and the only then other reason is that um people saying they're talking about the elderly being able to stay in town so you don't need big homes for the elderly so it just may be time I I think I think one of our projects should be to try to create a bylaw or recommend areas of town where this could happen create some standards for it so the public can consider it uh the first thing is I would expect that we might want to do a poll to see how much interest there is in the community promoting such a program you know can we do that to meeting like I guess no vote like yes this is interesting or no not interesting well I I the town meeting would be for the town to yeah no we don't to do because if we could go to midnight talking just so that one well it would only be a poll would be a discuss it's not a town meeting thing it would be it would be a thought and N kind of thing right so maybe so the idea is if there's enough support for that concept then this board should probably take action to try to develop a bylaw that would meet that that can be presented to the town for approval um so a good idea I I think our job or our initial steps would be to see how much support there would be for that or maybe the thing is to go down the sea center and hold of because if you look if you're tting seniors what better place to go than the senior center well I can tell you I've been to the senior center I go every majority of the participants there are not from town are great not just for seniors but even just for recreation yeah they have a lot of good things sort of recreation opport well we have social media we can approach too I will say whenever I've done a digital survey in the town I mean there's 10 I think it's like May eight or n, residents now I've only ever been able to get maybe a hundred maybe that would be a lot that would be that would be a lot would be a lot it's better than 20 yeah yeah I think it' be tough to get a we'll see you have to see what the sample size you know well look at how many what's a quum sure the whole thing you only need 75 so if you got 100 we're we're on yeah all right there you go sometimes hting those 75 people to show up as a hot yeah sure sure okay so um do you have your marching orders on that or or you're gonna find out from Karen where we go now yeah I'm gonna find out for Karen where where where she where she thinks we uh we should apply um I'll let you know about uh the uh options and the time frame uh but we'll work on we'll close out MBTA and uh fix your site plan review first and uh as we're as as we're halfway through those we'll have a better idea about what we're going to do now after that okay very good very good thank youin any comments or questions for Mr Doyle um so I was just thinking about a couple of things I know that the affordable housing trust uh brought to you all an affordable housing um bylaw that um we were considering for maybe annual town meeting that might be something to uh to also consider looking at a little bit closer um that would be helping to create more affordable housing in town which uh would create not only more housing but also help with finding housing for um for people uh in like the age restricted age restricted housing and things like that so that could be something to really look at um and I'm curious are you all specifically interested in tiny houses or are you more interested in having more density so that you can have more homes on a parcel for instance well I think um we've had ways of doing it that through 40b that that already exists for regular homes okay but I think what we have now after all the discussions and you know the not being able to have affordable housing units you know increasing that um specifically going for tiny h Homes or uh whatever the square footage is of them and specifically being for um I don't want to say the elderly but um you know that could be age restricted as well currently our age restricted is market right um uh and there's not enough the lot sizes the way they are and the structures the way they are there's not enough land to do an affordable with it and still make it profitable for a developer so um I don't know Mr Doyle to I I I mean if you're looking to do a bylaw that is strictly for affordable housing in um I would be hesitant to have anything that was very restrictive because you you need to make something that's welcoming to a developer to do the developers that come in are not the government sure okay they can do whatever they want wherever they want and however much it costs because it's our money but in this case it's not you're talking about a private Enterprise coming in and doing affordable housing yeah so the um the bylaw that I I believe you all took a look at but maybe it didn't actually um you were all very busy and doing other things this was this was a couple months ago now um so it may have it may have come across your desk and um they put on the back burner because special sound meeting was coming up and you had other things that were a little bit more pressing um um where was that Dred it's the inclusionary bylaw correct yes yeah so it is uh it is in the board's meeting minutes um but I don't know that that would be quite applicable to DTA um I I think that's already been basically you you've written the bylaw I guess we could have Town Council review what's been written but I I can't see that would fit under DTA um could I be wrong on that Joe I'm not not sure it's basically they rewrote a bylaw they yeah edited a current bylaw Housing Trust rewrote the bylaw is that is that do I have that right the Housing Trust bylaw yes I rewrote the bylaw for the Housing Trust And so that that doesn't definitely doesn't apply for DTA though I don't think um I I don't understand why it wouldn't an affordable housing planning projects and Zoning projects would okay well you could review it but it's already been written so oh I see I know how that would be a DTA project oh I see you're asking what what work I would do on it yeah that's a that's a good question what would I do yeah it's already been done right Erin so I was just yes I was just wondering if that is something that the planning board would be interested in further exploring yeah that's all I was wondering oh unrelated to dlta yes sorry yeah we were talking about DTA so all right another discussion can you put that on a future meeting for us just a note that we review it and we're going to discuss it in a work session yeah but we would be discussing the Housing Trust bylaw not ours I'm not sure so is this is the housing well in a way the Housing Trust is a separate entity right or wrong separate entity from what the town they are a part of the Town um they are um quasi related to the Housing Authority they work hand in hand so they are a part of the town but they um they like for Housing Authority I'm sorry they're a child of the Housing Authority sort of yes yes so I guess I'm confused about who writes the bylaw I don't mean I don't mean the staff I mean who writes the bylaws the bylaws are supposed to I thought be produced at the planning board I thought so too yes I believe what the idea was was that uh there were suggested um things that could come to the planning board so they I believe this was discussed with jessin consalvo when she was the the land use coordinator and she suggested making the changes to bring to the planning board um as uh sort of an idea and see how you all felt about it so that we could see if this was something that the planning board was interested in so this is a draft Yeah draft to be presented to us for review which she already has sent will resend it and have it for our next meeting okay or two meetings from now depending on what you know okay what day before town meeting but um then we can work session it and if um any of the housing trusts want to come to that meeting um and and you Aon and we can have a work session on it and see if it um if we think it's worth putting into our bylaws if it's feasible okay well that's a good idea anything else we still talking about DTA yeah so one of the priority activities um for c25 is planning ahead for growth if you look at the description for planning ahead for growth I think a lot of those things sound pretty interesting to to tal for example add a so it's just an example project that a city or Town's request identifying Economic Development projects subject to the no just getting not that um we have a lot of infrastructure yeah um issues there was something in here about infrastructure and planning for infrastructure upgrades in the future and how to go about um improving them and upgrading them did we have something um in the works and you can check with Karen on this regarding Economic Development from towns in oh here identifying challenges and Solutions in respect to infrastructure requirements that affect the ability to advance Economic Development activities I can give them all the challenges we got lots of challenges so um is that something that would work because we don't really have a lot of economic development but that is the future and DTA addresses it future grow you want to take that joke I don't I'm not really sure what the what the what the question is what what I should take you're looking for topics of stuff to work on Patrick just mentioned that what some of the reasons for DTA resources are and and one of them is economic development yes future so we don't have any here Economic Development future yeah we don't we don't we don't do any deliberate economic delate activity for ecomic development in Townsen oh okay perhaps there should be a document work on that would help that and I'm sure the board of selectman would be in supported that H that's okay yes um that is something that's uh legitimate to come in with um it's interesting so uh basically a planning program to identify Economic Development priorities and restraints and can you talk to Karen about that and see if anything has she would know if anything has ever been done in the past for Townson it it's nothing that's been uh implemented yeah so um and we don't have I don't believe we have specific bylaws for enhancing that right and so we may need some adjustment if we wish to do that okay for that then then I think we should sign on to that get help with that and have something to present you know to the leadership of town and the town's people okay um now what uh we're talking about you've U you've done this before you send in just uh it probably comes from the selectman or the Town Administrator uh and expression of interest is the application process expression of Interest yeah y so um you're going to be sending in one for the uh MBTA project and uh finishing the MBTA project and I I you know where you are with that and that seems pretty easy um this one it sounds like it's going to take a little bit more thought about what you want to actually say um I will yeah I'll talk about this with Karen tomorrow see what ideas they come up with and she comes up with um let her know what you've been talking about and I'll can I can get back to you with some suggestions oh great sounds good um I'll yeah I'll get I'll get back to you Beth I know that with these uh the turn the turnaround here is a little bit tight um with these do I think it said the fourth but um so yeah I'll talk to Karen about that tomorrow and I'll tell you what she says okay perfect thank you that is an interesting idea would like to you know kind of crack open the topic of economic development for the first time yeah this is really the first uh planning to have an economic development um policy you know starting out it's an interesting project okay all right thank you so much all right thank you if you don't need me for anything else I will be on my way all right thank you good evening everybody you okay I'm gonna have um Andrew continue with the announcements and correspondence from other towns we finish with MPC and I do I saw one piece in here I'm not sure what it's for it's about p uh FEMA from Katie it was uh dated January 10th yep you can read that if you'd like that's an update the flood maps have been um released and approved yeah there you go a lot of reading tonight and then I just have one other so on another one that was in the portal was not here that I'm sorry there was a letter also in the portal but it's not here there's oh it's not copied off you mean Mr daran's letter yeah yeah it's not there's no copy there no oh okay all right um Erin has a copy cop okay I'll take it all right thank you buckle up everybody he's got a lot to read yeah IPC was the biggest I mean that was the most I might have Bridge some of this but ultimately the it looks like the Massachusetts division of EC ecological restoration deer is now accepting Culvert replacement project inquiry SL expression of Interest calls um fill out the project inquiry form before January 10th ah looks like that wased passed all right we skip that one uh this is from Katie o p p paig p um is that the assistant Treasurer or from Mass oh m. yeah so flag for followup oh followup meeting plan Bo happy new years's please see below for the updated FEMA flood mapping project for the nashille river Watershed FMA has issued the letter of final determination for both middle sex County and Wester County this week I have attached your communities letter for your files the effective date of the flood insurance rate map FM and the flood insurance study FIS report will be July 8th 2025 as a reminder as a participating community in the National flood insurance program you are required to update your local flood plan regulations to include the new effective date of the firm and the fist the both the abbreviated uh when I or others talk about adopting the maps this is what we are referring to additionally if you have not already you will need to adopt the required bylaws in the ma flood plane model bylaw communities that do not accomplish both of these by the effective date risk being suspended by the nfip um next steps letter of final determination FEMA will be sending these letters to each community governing body most likely the select board please confirm the effective date noted in the letter flood plane bylaw ordinance review please provide your schedule for updating your flood plan regulations including any including the dates of any anticipated planning board he hearings and the dates of either town meeting or Town Council kindly note that you must share your final draft with our office for a detailed final review prior to the town meeting or Town Council vote on the dat regulations and viewing the new uh flood insurance rate maps and flood insurance study uh there are links for those okay so Beth is that something that Adam is taking care of for Townson Adam did you say preparing the what this is in reference to is um if you recall the board had a visit from Katie uh not too long ago talking about these so at this point we are on track um to adopt the amended zoning uh flood plane bylaw in the spring um we have yeah so Jessica took care of that she did the updates um but I think you know of course it hasn't been reviewed by Town Council yet but there's still time for that so it's kind of been on the back burner until we get through fall town meeting but yeah the town is going to be able to update everything as soon as you know the zoning map so Spring Town Meeting yeah okay thank you all right this is an exciting one it says uh this is from Nelson he says it is with great pleasure that he announced the following two new appointments in the land use Department both individuals will start in their new role this coming Monday that was on January 9th so it seems they've already um Aaron who's joined us on the call has been promoted to supervise the department Department as our land use coordinator Aaron's environmental experience is extensive as well as her work history in media and Communications prior to coming on board in Townsen as our housing and Grant administrator Aaron worked for the town of conquer first as a public information and Communications manager for the town manager's office and then as a senior planner for their Department of planning and Land Management Aaron has a master's degree in city and Regional planning a bachelor's degree degree in environmental policy and graduate certificates in local government leadership and management and urban policy and planning Ain welcome congrats we're very happy Aon so then the next one is Colby streer has been hired as our conservation agent working under the direction of Aaron steepfield col's history of 10 years with the US Department of Agriculture surveying the presence of the V invasive species making recommendations for removal publicly announcing quarantines and other similar actions along with over 25 years as an arborous owner of Empire of dirt farm and Forestry while simultaneously serving in the US Army National Guard surveying and designing construction projects will surely benefit the town's conservation initiatives please join me in congratulating Ain on her promotion and welcoming Kobe Co to our team from Nelson Our Town Administrator and we do we do this is a inter office memorandum um this is from Nelson the subject is BU recycled Town policy so this memo is a reminder of the select board's established policy to encourage the purchase of recycling products for the purpose of our municipal government whenever practice this policy is consistent with our intent to be a leader in environmental practice through an active and highly successful recycling program as well as our other in ongoing initiatives with many new members of boards committees and departments it is important that all are aware of our buy recycled policy our purchasing recycled items contributes to a healthier market for these materials increasing demand and acceptance of earth-friendly products as you are aware the town has been actively engaged in recycling a number of products for some time we've been doing a good job collecting these materials but it is very important to understand that a successful recycling system does not end there as public sector purchasers we need to focus on completing the recycling process by purchasing products made with recycled materials buying products made from recycled material is critical to our efforts if we don't purchase recycled products there is no economic motivation for manufacturers to use the raw materials that we do recycle Additionally the Recycling Industries are adding jobs daily and this significantly impacts the state's economy in the past recycling products may have represented less quality and cost more but tremendous advances from Innovative technology and increased demand have resulted in recyclable products that are extremely cost competitive and high quality many routine purchases container many routine purchases container recycling content such as toilet tissue paper towels trash bags and copy paper please review our Town's bu recycled policy which is attached please remember this policy the next time you place an order with the vendor and encourage them to provide us with products containing recycled materials I will opt not to read the specific policy but I believe the is sufficient of the intent very thorough yes okay here we go this is the funner stuff the notice of decision this is from the town of lunenberg this was for PJ Keon company a it was an approved site plan [Music] approval there's no details it just says that it was endorsed by the planning board that was from the town of wenberg this is the town of peil notice of public hearing um the town of peil zoning bylaw the zoning board of appeals will hold a public hearing regarding the application by a Ronald L uh bue requesting a special permit which if granted would allow a new accessory apartment to be attached to the existing Primary Residential structure the subject property is located at 142 South Road peppol Mass shown as tax map 37 parcel 65-0 the public hearing will be January 15 2025 at 7:05 p.m. all interested parties are welcome to attend and then here we have the town of gron planning board public hearing notice special permits Hammerhead lot and shared driveway 101 Longley Road the planning board will hold a public hearing on Thursday January 23rd 202 5 at 7:30 p.m. in town hall uh considering an application by Christopher Curtis under the provisions of the zoning bylaw section 218- 6.4 Hammerhead lots and 28-8 F shared driveways the applicant proposes to create one new lot by subdividing subdividing the existing residential lot at 101 longle Road into two lots utilizing the existing driveway as shown on the plan entitled Hammerhead lot residential site development plan 101 longle Road gr Massachusetts prepared by land Plex copies are available at the Town Hall and they welcome you to Joy so here we have a notice of decision from the town of peil applicant is a Fabio lerta on behalf of the Leon shatak Family Trust location the subject property is located at 147 nashille Road just east of the intersection of Dow Street and Nashua Road and is owned by the Leon shatak Family Trust Citizens Bank the subject property is shown on tax Max tap tax map six as parcel 70 and is located within the industrial zonic district relief requested special permit major plan review and a land disturbance permit to permit the construction of a container yard for V vehicular storage staging and a storage and office building associated with the same on a 3.3 Acre Site decision of the board granted with conditions date of decision December 16 a note from Aaron a note from Aaron little update a quick note from Aaron land use coordinator as a note on 4.3 Culvert replacement notice we are planning to apply for Bixby Brook at Old Meeting House Hill old Meeting House R what a good idea I am planning on applying for funding for Culvert replacement design reports engineering and all other necessary environmental and Engineering permits to get us to 100% design so we can bid ready and apply for construction funds that the next time the grant opens I have been working with Jim Smith from Highway and I've reached out to the nrwa and are working to partner with them on this they have agreed to create a letter of support and plan to partner with us going forward if awarded fantastic okay uh one thought I had though when we were reading about grotton's Hammerhead lot would a hammerhead lot I know I think at one point maybe we talked briefly about exploring Hammerhead Lots we have some to do do we have bylaw for it do we I know that no we don't that came up in town meeting like five years ago um there was a lot of interest in allowing Hammerhead Lots um can you um ask uh I know that we're he's not on the call anymore but can you ask Mr Jo about that hammer head Lots regarding a bylaw so would that be a DTA project or no I don't know ask Karen [Laughter] okay we only have the thoughts we don't have the answers but there was a yeah yeah is there anything in the bylaw about about hammer head Lots now because I'm not familiar with it nothing I don't know no I don't think we do okay and even if you um see it do you know what hammer on it I just have to look it up um I seem very research um we do have I think it's on actually on babber Hill Road maybe one set and one driveway and then one behind the other their lots are behind each other sure sure yeah and I think properties like that though there's a few there's not many so how it happened I don't I don't know it's I mean right across the street for me there are houses right on the oh the one that says uh oh yeah there's one behind yeah attorney that does U no that's not the one but that one seems more I they got like a separate driveway it looks like it's common driveway isn't there one right on Old City not old city what what's the what corner are you on Turner Road no no your street that's old old City Road Old City Road yeah go down house on the left after the house on the corner yeah it's set way way way back yes that's like at the end I don't know if that's Hammer have that how did those those happen they must have because they wouldn't have met the front yard requirements you know the frontage requirements have been a waiver could be say what got a w or a variance or whatever well variance would have come from Z it wouldn't be a variance it have to be a special perit or variance and Zoning well at zoning enough of us wondering about it we'll see what Beth says when she talks okay right and can I just ask what town that was again was that gron that you read read or lunenberg that was gron gron okay yeah I know they have a bylaw I'll look it up for the board and I'll I'll circulate that okay and find out what ours is if we have any yeah and I think has one too and I think Ash has one okay I'll put I'll find them all and have him and head LS they do have hammer head Lots okay um okay we also received a letter from a board member um that had to do with a um one one Depot Street uh boote that the board took after a public hearing and this what I want to tell you the public hearing is closed and so any and all discussion was done then and the votes were done and it passed so any discussion now would be as a citizen at town meeting floor say what your letter yes this the same letter I was read before B I thought there was a letter here in the portal the one did you write a letter about one Depot Street Extension yes I did yeah has nothing to do with town meeting though what is it it has nothing to do with it it it no it has nothing to do with Town eating right it doesn't right okay sorry too much of here that's okay um mad cow what um I I don't think there's anything else to do as far as the board goes yes sir is I think I put I read the mass law yeah I thought it said something about you could re redo something with it the mass lesson the section 81 W that the planning board on its own motion or the petition of any interested person shall have the power to modify amend or resend its approval of a plan of the subdivision or to require a change in a plan as condition of its retaining the stat St us of the of an approved plan now we all we had a public hearing we had several meetings on it there was discussion and we had a vote is you're saying that you would like to resend it I'm petitioning this board to resend it to resend it and if if that's a motion that you have is there a second I think it should be for discussion here um I pointed out in my letter the various reasons supporting the resending of that vote um a lot of which was discussed during the public hearing um I'm sorry the way I remember that hearing there was a lot of haste in getting that decision through I remember being the only one standing up and looking at the site plan um and I can't see where this board could approve a land use plan for a project that did not even comply with the zoning bylaw that first of all I I have some comments to make about why we should have even been in that position first of all the applicant hired a professional consultant that professional consultant should have advised him of the zoning requirements here that are already established in our zoning bylaw for this particular use that consultant had an obligation to tell his client that it would not conform with the bylaw secondly a plan was prepared that does not conform with the bylaw was submitted to us through our process land use process where again it should have been the owner should have been advised at that time it did not comply with the zoning then the plan that we got and what was discussed at this meeting was not only relief on the density requirement relief on the setback requirement requesting an approval for a building profile designation and without resubmitting a new profile meaning he asks this board will you accept by encroacher a little bit now I really appreciate being on this board and every member on the board so this is not a criticism and I don't want people to take it personally because we have work together collectively what I am pointing out to this board is that plan never should have become before our table because they had zoning issues to begin with and the fact we don't know if it went for zoning approval or not prior to coming to our board secondly the plan obviously didn't meet the setback requirements established by our own bylaw that bylaw was approved by the town we have no authority to change that in fact at an earlier meeting when Town Council was here he advised this board accordingly so now how is that interpret how how does that impact the other board so assuming he didn't go to zoning and came to us first and we approved something that puts them in a more Awkward pressure Z approved it huh zoning approved it zoning did did approve it well I wasn't aware of that and they were and they were actually in favor of it before our final vote bill was at one of our meetings I can't remember which one but yeah pH did approve they approved it well but you have to if if I may Robert um it it wasn't just cut and dry zoning okay we were looking at an age restricted development we were looking at something that was what within walking distance to I mean it it met other criteria of what we were trying to do and and it was in sandy soil with Town water listen I would I'm not opposed to the use I'm not I thought you weren't huh I thought you weren't I'm not nothing it's a perfect location for that use um can I just jump in here for a moment the uh citation you made to mgl section 881w is actually referring to subdivision control and that's you know subdivision appro approval what you did with this one was a special permit so we're talking about two different things I just wanted the board to know that um what does say subdivision his petition is unfortunately invalid because of that fact you cannot resend that it's a special permit decision not a not a subdivision control law okay okay but I I I think we understand we're coming from Robert and I I I hope that you can see the good that's coming out of this even even though it's not to the letter or the T as far as variance goes that's zoning board as far as this board goes we have an obligation to comment on any site plan and how it works and if it's beneficial for the town or not not okay so on that basis alone beneficial for the town wait a minute you said the words and what what will happen there is beneficial for the town from it doesn't meet all it no it's not 100% beneficial for the town yes that person is using this facility all right dislo under the pretext that is for aging people it that site plan was not designed for aging people okay none of you stood up and looked at do you know I stood up and walked there did you see what he put down for outdoor space for the People Robert we do get the plans ahead of time too yeah by virtue not standing up to look at it doesn't mean we didn't look at all right what I'm I'm asking you do you remember what he provided for the people in the neighborhood as a as a as a part of the one of the site benefits the outside the outside whatever picking tables that's what he was giving to the aged people age people are in wheelchairs they're on Walkers I know there should be benches but who are we to tell them what to put there no it's subject to our approval I I will have to admit the P of me regret is saying yes only because of the setback requirements because after I left here I would have been happier if he had four units instead of five units because I think with the four units he would have met all the setback requirements and I just felt like he was squishing in that extra unit P part of me voted yes for the benefit but then the other part of me after I left was kind of like I I felt like I was being not from you but I just I just felt that they were a little bit of a snake whe people it was just my feeling after I left here that's my only comment I agree it's a benefit I would have been happy happier with four units and I think the setback requirements would have been easily more better met um but that's water under the bridge I I I don't there a certain hypocrisy here I remember shortly not long ago an applicant came here that want to convert a commercial business right here on Main Street for apartments we granted him that I remember the conversations okay we spent a lot of time talking about lighting talking about the architectural style all right those are the kinds of things that we are being charged to do here to put this in a very real world in a very real term um so what we were given was a drainage layout we had an opportunity to say well even though the zoning board allows you to have that we don't feel that it's appropriate so um I don't know why the zoning board did what it did okay they have as far as I'm concerned they had no I I just doesn't make sense as to why they did what they did I presented those discussions to this board so I Will consent that we don't have jurisdiction on zoning if they had already got approval but the fact that he got released from density in other words this the intent of that BW was to allow for this kind of Housing and to assist a developer in providing that kind of housing if they met minimum requirements okay so in but in this case we talked about triggers it's sandy soil with Town water and there's a lot of other benefits to the discussion plus the tax base no nobody's saying you can't put that kind of housing in there I'm saying what he was proposing shouldn't have been there I mean everybody has uh um a right to their opinion um I think that most of us spoke when we gave our thoughts well and I I just felt that I was trying to communicate some things that I thought were significant in terms of quality of life in terms of interest of the town I wasn't opposing the number of units I definitely told him he could do better and there were other Alterna natives so this is not about ground this is not about proximity to water and the downtown that's part of it that's part of the pluses of it that's the only reason EAS even entitled to apply for it that's some those are basic criteria he's asking for relief from a lot of other things here that why everybody knows what the rules are before they apply okay sorry I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention Arin you have your hand up I'm sorry I didn't recognize you oh no don't worry about it I just want to um I think that Robert your your um your letter is uh very descriptive and very helpful in seeing your point of view and I 100% hear where you're coming from um I think that it's important to remember that as the decision has already been written and filed and voted by this board it is final unless some um um big information came to to light something that really changed the um the decision so for instance if you learned that um the the acreage wasn't 1.3 Acres it was half an acre and there was no way that you could fit all those if something that really big came to light then that might change and uh make you so that you could reopen the decision but as it stands this decision has to stand as it was written and voted um but perhaps this is sort of a learning exercise for the next time something like this comes up and we can use this as a um as a learning opportunity and perhaps you know this is something that came up with the age restricted developments in that um that's why you're looking at the bylaw right for the for town meeting because it it you know there are some some issues there and this is the way that we we find ways to work those out so um I guess I should have I should have re I should have petitioned not the planning board but the zoning board well they have also issued their decision at this point so I think that unfortunately this is a conversation which um it's good exercise but I don't know how much further it can go I I did speak briefly with um with Adam Our Town Council about it um just to see sort of what the options were and there aren't a lot unfortunately um it's something that you know it could be explored but it would be very difficult and it would be um sort of a a a very steep uphill battle I think to to really look into reopening it and without something new coming to light I think it would be um it would be very difficult to to make a case for why this decision needed to be and the boat needed to be reopened and personally I believe in the developer and that ultimately it's going to be a good product that comes out of this and it's going to look better than you think it's going to look I mean he's a towy I I can tell you that a lot of the longtime people here have done a lot for this community that people don't even know about but they have done a lot don't don't redirect this okay I'm not opposed to the use and I'm not opposed with the developer okay that is not the topic here the topic here is this this board knows what the zoning bylaw says even though the zoning board said okay doesn't mean that we have to we know what the bylaw said and to me that was a minimum standard how can I possibly support that excuse me I'm done okay the issue is done but I needed to vocalize this okay thank you thank you and I appreciate your opinion I do not have any animosity to anybody on this board okay I am trying all of us to understand and how we're going to approach this now and in the future and everybody's entitled to their permit and opinion and everyone should be respected for what they are and so thank you thank you could you excuse yourself for this next one thing and then come back in okay sure Perfect all right thank you okay the last um piece of Correspondence that was in our pile was in reference to lock Brook solar array 22 West Meadow Road storm water management annual um we received a letter from um the Vice President of Operations and maintenance of the solar array firm existing it's existing existing yeah we approved it a while ago and there was um I guess there was an annual yeah AUST I'll read it to you um the town of towns and planning board the report provides the report no that's not the report the report provides information specific to storm water management annual inspection list August 23rd next Camp replaced three screening trees as required by the annual report conducted by Beals and Thomas October 8th 2024 next amp notified of landscaping outside of lease area at 22 West m road as seen in photo one uher I think I remember this next you remember it I remember I remember reading it it's something about the the owner was taking the trees down or moving the trees or doing something okay to the vegetation that they planted all right and then October 16th 20 24 x samp I can't say that name next amp inspection photo to establish vegetation okay so okay there was growth uh next samp had no knowledge of the landscape escaping being completed and did not give approval for the removal of the exist existing hedge row and screening trees planted by nexan the detention Basin culverts and swailes appear to be unchanged okay so if the um let's see either Aaron or Beth um the detention Basin culverts and whales appear to be unchanged is there an issue with that uh no this was a significant change in per our bylaws it has to be uh brought to the planning board so um when we discovered that the site work was done um the next samp the permit holder was asked to come in actually to file a report outlining the changes and and uh report to the planning board as part of the regulation so that's what they've done here okay and um yep so as you as you will you said perhaps we'll just address this at the next annual yes um the vegetative screen I'm sorry I mean the right photo looks better than the left right um so as the board members recalled there was a vegetative screening for the array a number of trees that were there those have been removed and um so they've been removed and um it's been grasped so that is part of the site plan approval that was approved in 2019 and the board is responsible for monitoring the health of that vegetative screen um and every year an annual report comes in from Beals and Thomas and uh they provide an update on this the health status of the vegetation so um again the board will be looking at this again in July time frame um when that report is generated and um uh I just this just had to come to the attention of the board so I did call the owner so the um the trees that were planted there caused some other kind of vegetation that was really ugly and he didn't want his land to look like that now in height I understand what you're saying he should have come to the planning board and said these have to come down look at what it's doing okay but that didn't happen so I'm hoping that we can amicably work this out with the owner cuz actually the this um um what's his name Lawrence Provost um I don't think that he is I mean he I'm I'm sure wants it to be as it was permitted kind of thing but he's not upset that the trees are gone or that the vegetation that c fell upon that area my understanding recall it's not was that the trees were dying oh that might have been he said something about an infestation so he was there was some there was at one point they replaced some of the dead trees because I remember maybe year or so ago you're right there girl there was a girl from the company that came and they showed pictures and some of the vegetation had some of the trees hadn't taken so they pulled them out and they put something different in that was a different species it caused something else to happen oh caused something else irregardless irregardless any changes should have gone through planning but the but if somebody other than the company took the trees down you can't really blame the company no it was the owner of the land so so okay well they know what their requirements are and the whole purpose of this is to identify when they're not complying and so this is a non-compliance issue and we've got to come up with a remedy and his opinion is for the better so Beth I'm hoping that you can work this out okay so this would not be me this would be uh the process here is the board reviews this report it's your um you know it's basically the board is monitoring that vegetative screening so at the my suggestion is just um you know I I wouldn't have any involvement at all but you will have one more report on this uh vegetative screening in um coming up in in the summer and the board would always have the option to ask for another kind of screening either a fence you know screening whatever you know um but the main and purpose for that vegetative screening was a visual screen from West Meadow Road to the aray so can I propose something well if things are dying that you're putting there or there's another infestation because of what you put there why would you keep it there well I think what we need right now is to notify the owner that we're find him non in non-compliance and to appear here and explain this to everybody and well Beth didn't you notify the owner no I did not this is a report that's submitted every year um it is from the permit holder not the landowner so every year um nexamp as the Lei and the permit holder uh does provide a annual storm water management inspection list where this was noted so that's why it's before the board 's nothing else been done nothing else at all that's simply a report that was uh come to the board and we've got we've aware of the report and find that he's not complying with the terms and to appear here so that we can find a remedy or find out what to do and I would say it would be the permit holder not the owner it's property the the solar collection thing like lease right so yeah the responsible party is the owner um no the responsible party is the permit holder of the array all right well the see if we can figure this out nicely okay yeah we have to read more into it than it is this is not life and death yeah I would recommend just waiting till the spring and just looking at the report in the spring well don't you think they the the permit holder and the lled should be advised of our concern at this point they have been they have they have been this not officially officially no unofficially I have not had any communication with the land owner I've U communicated only received this report from nexamp and previous land use coordinator Jessica did have um correspondence with nexamp that's in your folders so um as the permit holder his that is the primary responsible party so they would have to come in and work it out not not the owner yeah right I was required to keep my 34 blueberry bushes alive for three years so coup replant them that's pretty much what happens here what are you talking about we yeah house Parker Hill Road really we have blueberry bushes that are planted along the the brook area Okay I want to end this discussion so can can you get um Andrew please were you able to eat the blueberries I them grow wild everywhere in my Forest okay guys so next is number number five any action on that no we're going to wait until um June the next the next report the next report that's what the the petitioner and the landord are not even aware there's an issue yes they are no they're not she said they have not been notified we only have a report that's that's who notified you by the regulations that's exactly what he they were supposed to do so the landowner has no involvement at all at this time it's strictly between the town and the permit holder and the permit holder is next does that help and Beth's recommendation is that we wait for the next report to come in is that right yes I would that's what I would do as a board at this time yeah in and they can next time yeah they can come in at that time well I can't say where it's going to get better I don't think it's going to get worse no the storm water management system as it says in the letter does not appear it does not appear to be it appears unchanged so you're not worried about the storm water management system the only thing the board will look at in the springsummer is whether or not that view shed is something that you would like to have maybe a different type or not at all but it's entirely up to the board it's in the bylaw but um you know it's up to the board to decide in the summer what you want to do it there I think I might have too I've been there at one time anyway so with that first woman there was a woman and then I know and then she came back but anyway um let's Beth I think is everybody okay with best suggestion yes okay we just wait not you no um okay number five like I said not not life or death um Education and Training uh 5.1 everybody can see that the training collaborative fall winter workshops um 52 planning board member resource library for you there and um anybody here have to do ethics training I made myself a note how do we I know it's yearly we get or two years every two years every two years is it every two I think mine's next okay so I don't I know I got a notice from Kathy spord and um I tried I thought I did it last year but I I tried to go in and it it wouldn't give me access to go in so I don't know if they just sent it to me because of the new position and like I'll have to check with her well you hold with a one position why do you have to take it again you shouldn't have to take it but I probably get all the notices um so the next meeting is January 27th 2025 and February 10th 2025 the fall town meeting is scheduled for January 28th 2025 and okay at that meeting Beth who's going to be presenting the warrant articles well that's again the discussion that you can have I can draft the reports to town meeting and then um you can decide that on January 27th or you can decide it tonight it doesn't matter there are three warrant articles they're fairly complex you know they may be a lot of questions um so it's up to the Bo what you want to do in terms of presenting them wellam should be there as far as and I'll be a select I'm going to be there representing the finance board you're not going to be there no she's gonna be there on the but I'm on the finance but I'll be on the finance board you don't want to do them both they're not gonna be the same thing I don't remember well um on the 27th I guess we'll decide find out from Adam uh who's going to read the warrant articles I I think maybe we want eron to help draft that so on the 27th we're really have something yeah they're gonna write up something that you'd be reading okay yeah thank you will be there um and that's it if if there's no objection I can call the meeting adjourn adjourned at 8817 8 8:17 I'm going with 817m I'll second that motion say I do not object no no well 30 seconds 30 seconds for that DTA thing for the E development thing I don't mind writing some bullet points up for Joe to consider he's responding to that sounds good yeah sure we can talk about it on next meeting yeah that'd be great why don't you send them to Beth I know we don't have very much time or I can send it to Beth send it to Beth and then she can put it in the portal yeah okay thank you yeah that would be good because that any other suggestions should go to him really like this week yeah because that much time yeah thank you for doing that okay we are adjourned at 8:18 p.m.