##VIDEO ID:iEluaWhwQi8## good evening everyone my name is Laura shiffrin and I am calling to order the planning board meeting of November 18 2024 at 6:30 p.m. would you all okay R please just say your name and that Robert Dar Mall p and would you all join me in the Pledge of Allegiance please iedge of Al to un States America liy and justice for all want to thank all of our veterans and all of those currently serving for our country and all of our emergency support thank you I do not have any additions or deletions to the agenda this evening the meeting is being recorded and will be uploaded to town and towns and YouTube channel and 1.5 we're deferring the minutes to the December 9th meeting and 1.6 Beth could you give your administrative report all right applications and anticipated applications one dep Street Extension age restricted Development Special permit sight plan review special permit and Stor Water Management permit a request for continuation of the hearing to December 9 board meeting at 6:45 rly um CBA granted a special permit um and a copy is on the meeting table it's related to the project 18 and the decision prep the table um 249 Main Street planning board granted a special permit at your meeting and the decision has been completed and filed with the town clerk it's in the appeal period right now 108 111012 West Meadow Road certificate of completion has issued and we have proof of recording 22 Main Street is a planning board agenda item and the application is for modification of special permit and hearing is sched for today 108 pitchburg road we are still waiting on the approve of recording of the operation and maintenance plan for the storm water management uh site site visits and compliance Campell Farm I believe the last residential drawing is still under construction ction so where request for certificate of completion before the storm water is ongoing all permites are in compliance with estimate monthly construction inspection reports except 66 hill by and three-wheeler um freewheeler the storm water permit expires December 12th and a friendly reminder toew this permit was sent to the permit holder a few weeks ago uh so we do anticipate that application to come in uh typically it comes in 30 days before the expiration um so we are kind of hoping that to see that soon miss lus land use department is currently in transition due to two vacant staff positions coordinator and a conservation agent we appreciate everyone's patience and understanding during this period um the new flood maps in the Nashville rivershed is ongoing we're working on amending the flood plane District bylaw and uh that is under review with the state the master plan implementation and the hmp MB imp implementation are ongoing um the Adu accessory apartment bylaw 14536 uh we will still need to be drafted and amended to fit the guidelines if and when they are published mrpc is waiting to do this with plta money uh the channel Council recommends waiting until spring to draft BW changes uh people awaiting the planning award grant for mrpc to create this new bylaw for non-discretionary use du the grant it will also then amend 14242 site CL riew special permit and all other references throughout to remove and modify where there is misinformation about type of site CL Ral NBTA communi submitt for pre- adoption review by eohc went in on 1015 uh this included by law language District boundary map PDF and GIS files and the compliance Model Town Council review was requested of the final materials on October 7th an opinion on whether we should submit for AG review and we're waiting response this will need the go through 2025 annual Channel meeting through planning board adoption of the bylaw is critical officials that we have five hours okay so we did get that I'm going to just convince that we did get a draft of the um the proposed official zoning now from mrpc which is in your folders for tonight um open space and Recreation plan um I believe Carol isn't here but I believe that has been approved but I think they're working on the Ada self evaluation in appendic study qu analysis you're headed by mrpc to do safety study along 119 from Ed Road past the high school and proor Road sh at mrpc contact and latest update is data collection will begin this T winter planning board SharePoint folder is um currently updated and available board members um we knew let's see the towns are shuttle is still running and they have an inclusionary Zing draft reviewed and approved by tat Town's and affordable housing trust which has been submitted to the planning board for review just today another Lake development um I will forward it to each of you and add it to the December 9th agenda oh and follow special time meeting sorry got a follow speci but we don't have a date right so and we have a couple of minutes before the 64 so in reference to that um in best report she said that we will be dealing with bylaw changes for um a spring meeting originally was part of your minutes but now we have a fall meeting and it will be in January so I want us to think about the bylaw changes and what we' asked for some verbiage and the bylaw changes and 55 and over um and just in general if we can do some tweaks that will make things easier with the bylaw and all of that okay so we're going to work on that as soon as we get the dates where we have to where we would have to have a public hearing okay um so thank you for that Adam we look forward to working with you on that getting some stuff done the um the recommendation that was referenced concerning waiting until the spring for you to use it's really up to the to how you wish to proceed the challenge that exists is eohc has said that it's going to be issuing regulations because if you read the legislation that was adopted a couple of months ago in the legislation eohc was was given the authority to promate either guidelines or regulations to further expand upon the Adu law because the ad law is not terribly complex it's all a couple of pages and there are many holes and so we've been waiting for that guidance um it hasn't been forthcoming uh eohc gave a webinar the week before last and they announced on the webinar that they are working on draft regulations but that they're not expected to issue in draft form until sometime in the late fall or winter so that's late fall would be December winter would be January February March so and those are only be in trap form which would then have to go through the formal regulatory adoption process meaning that we likely wouldn't have final regulations until sometime in the spring okay so you're certainly free as a community to adjust your Adu bylaw now if you see fit many I say many some communities have chosen to do so other the communities we represent I'd say about anywhere from a third to a half have decided to make amendments to their existing bylaws which really they have existing bylaws now understanding that they may need to go back at it and further adjust them depending on what the regulations say others have said we're not going to do this twice we're just going to wait to see what the regulations say in the interim if you've got something on the books that's fine if what you've got in the books conflicts with state law you just have to interpret it in a manner that's consistent stay law because stay law controls in the event of the conflict okay thank you for that because we did have you under work session to update us on the Adu oh good I didn't know that there you do everything for a reason okay um okay we got a couple minutes public hearings I have to do right at the time that we said them so just did 3.1 with bom question oh sorry um yeah um Beth had mentioned this to me and that was that peil basically does their public hearings correct me if I miss missp speake be but they just like sort of set a time where the public hearing start at 7 and they don't have them like 7 7:30 745 and so that allows the board just to go right through them and um I thought that that I would I thought I'd bring that up because that might be a lot more efficient for us to do that especally while Adam is here comment um because I don't believe you know if PE does it it's got to be right can you do everybody's public hearing starting at a certain time I mean starting at one time and then you can't because the reason is is that the law doesn't require you to open a public hearing at the time that it's stated on the agenda the law says you can't open it any earlier than the okay because the public may not be present because they didn't rece notice of an opening earlier so Community sent to do one of three ways they either SPAC them guessing how long each might take that offers some advantages to a developer or an applicant who might have to show up with their consultant team if they're on the agenda for 8 o'clock for 7 o'clock meeting because they're third in line they're not paying their consultant to sit here starting at 7 o'clock The Other Extreme is you put everything on for 7 o'clock and everybody shows up and if the first two continue you're not sitting here doing this waiting for the third one to show up at 8:00 the Third option sort of an in between is you space them much more closely you do a seven a 705 and a 710 so at least if your first two continue your 7 and your 7:05 you're not doing this until 8 o'clock you're only doing this until 7:10 but still that isn't offer an applicant a great option they're still paying their consultant a show up at 710 and if those first two matters do proceed and they take 45 minutes each they're sitting here for an hour and a half until their item is called so there's no there's no you know perfect answer to that question but we have Comm commities to do each of those three ways so just I'm just thinking about what my experience has been in the last three years anyway um is we seem to have more time between our preliminaries and the first hearing so that's why I usually go to the work session and get as much as we can get done there as far as um correct me if I'm wrong but I think maybe only twice have we gone so far over that we kept the next hearing waiting you know until we were ready so that technically would be the same kind of thing um the I've been to um you know different cour houses which I'm sure you have too mostly for business and um you have to be there at an appointed time and you can be there all day all day I don't like that one I really don't so I think so far we're good I just thought I would bring it up I think the way we're doing it is pretty efficient okay and speaking of this we are at 6:45 like to open the public hearing for one Depot Street Extension um application for age restricted development site plan reviews by special permit and minor storm water management permit we received a letter I think but um yeah it's attached to that we did okay can I read it okay uh yeah no it says the to The Honorable planning board town of Townson with respect to our for age restrict development date August 24th 2024 we would ask for our hearing to be continued to December 9th to allow for a revision to our site plan and for one Depot Street Extension by do Roy C Engineers so there your a motion to continue the meeting for one deep the public hearing for one Depot Street Extension I move that we um extend the public hearing for the one Depot Street extension for December the 8th at 6:45 p.m. 9th December 9th December 9th I'm sorry I won't be present at that meeting Carol Carol should okay we um but we'll do that and you guys will just catch up with them viewing the minutes and signing the paper okay can I add something just because I don't know how far along you might be in the process if you continue to that meeting and you intend to close and vote at that meeting the members who aren't present can't vote you have no ability to sign the all in form and and vote by way of paper you have to be present at the voting session you can sign a m in form if you missed the prior meeting um voting right right so just just to be clear you've got to have the requisite number of members present to be able to vote it sounds like you'll have four but from the applicat perspective they effectively then need a unanimous vote of the four that are present because it's a special permit it requires four or five and the other two AR person can't vote you could go to the 23rd if you wanted oh 23d December 23rd meeting I know that's right near Christmas but I may able to get virtual on the 9th that's okay can we do can we can we do virtual meeting on the 23rd on the 9th yeah can we vot you can come in virtually but I I don't recommend having it exus piece of paper I can make that meeting I just saw on the the N yes okay okay okay um so seems we've had the motion in a second and discussion are we ready to vote Yes okay yes yes yes and yes sorry I have just an interruption chairman chairperson did uh we swear him in to be a voting member okay okay as a chairman of the planning board and with Carol House absent this evening I am appointing Patrick to a voting seat did I do that right you you did I don't mind learning no you did so the only the only qualification this is something is missed by nine out of every 10 10 planing boards I represent is that the authority of a of an alternate member to sit as a regular member only exists in certain circumstances they're not just sworn in as an alternate as a voting member for all purposes for which the regular member would be present it's special permit applications that's effectively it um so if it's s plan review if it's storm water permit if it's subdivisions there's no statutory Authority for I learned from l so I think that was all we ever did I probably did it I probably made the mistake you said I used to do it I think all the time a lot do a lot do very it only becomes an issue if it gets challenged okay so you're better to do it when you don't have to do it than not do it yeah right exactly you'd be covered if you did it every time just in case well right but the challenge is let's say that this was a subdivision and you just did it in case his vote is of no no meaning he doesn't have any authority to be a member for purposes of the subdivision so let's say that that happen and it was a five of you and it was a three to2 vote and he was in favor that's a denial of the of the subdivision okay so then questions um because I don't want to do that obviously ever um is it a short list of items is it just three items that I would need another sitting member for it's just special permits special perm just special permits okay that's all we're doing tonight right okay there is a storm water management permit with 18 M so it's a combined decision so I would it's not a special permit it's both and it's in one decision so probably shouldn't vote on it well I mean I always recommend if there's two permits being issued in one decision that you vote the permit separately because they could require different quantums of voted in fact they do I think is a simple majority certainly a special perment is a super majority so you can consider them together but then when you close and you vote you vote the special permit you can vote on that and then you vote the the the uh stormwater permit and you can't vote on that but it only requires a majority votes so it requires three four yeah okay we're good right AB thank you for the explanation learn something new every day all right I have nothing else just so you know thank you thank you for reminding me and Patrick I knew you were here I just forgot I was supposed to do that I forgot and and uh I should have made myself a note so did you vote on you did vote on we voted um I think we got through Lance Robert and Patrick and that's when everybody voted yes okay I put all here now um well we went a little bit past the 646 so um I'd like to open the public hearing reopen I should say public hearing on 18 Main Harbor Village Mall cycling review special permit and storm water management permit I could just the um peie engineer is online okay Mr was Mr was hello Mr Wash all right I've opened uh the hearing and please the board members introduce yourselves Baran Lance mcdal Andrew Shephard there's the signing sheet for those of you that are here uh legal notice does not have to be read and the applicant has come up hi I'm for record I'm Lea bone senior vice president at Key Point partners and I'm here with SE from aell so we're back in front of you um for you can tell me where you'd like to start um we reviewed that for to us the comments that was received on the project um and they all seem positive so we so I have no rebuttal to what was in our um from the last meeting because it looked like from the um citizens of town in they were in support um and and if their peer review is here we also receive a clean and positive storm water PE review um I think I think you should be congratulated I think it's the first one in our history well our history for sure yeah um we in fact the positive comments continue to come in today great so there was you know they just continued to come in but that has acknowledged that there were no negatives that have come in so no I mean we we're really excited uh Iber Village has been a member of the town for a long time um and so we've been we you know hopefully you can see that we uh generally respect towns in and the partnership that we have and have had great interactions so hopefully this is you know a good addition to the towns and world so we feel it and and obviously feel the need with vac and hir which we're excited to get it B yeah um any other questions from the board I have the letter and all of the things that were brought up were addressed by you um was there anything else you want to tell us no I think for the record Steve without Associates we did provide response to the comments as as uh Alicia mentioned I think the only comments that were really there I won't say of substance but were were from the Board of Health understanding that we had to go for approval for a grease strap and uh also for a food service license and then there was some clarification about uh about the uh the table and how we arrived at our calculations so we provided information we know we're going back before you know to the Board of Health for the approval but otherwise I believe we sufficiently answer everything I do have a question I think many watching as we know this is probably the most enter you know high-profile planning board meeting that's been going on that's exciting yes like just out of curiosity if you're willing to share what do you anticipate a time frame for doing Renovations approvals and so um we're mobilizing to to start um there's some you know planning and uh construction set that needs to be completed um but we've already been in discussions with your Building Commissioner kind of just figure out you know can we start certain things beforehand our challenge is going to be the winter you know the majority of our our work is in and around site work so as you know we're going to judge a little bit whether we can work through it um or start some of the building work and then pause and then finish but you know our goal is like a I would say like a six month schedule it's kind of but we're just going to judge hopefully does is snow PL stay open last year but well it was 60 today I you know I'm afraid to say anything because Karma all a sudden we'll get that right but we're we're excited and ready to go okay um Mr wsh did you wna say anything uh good evening uh thank you Madame chairman for the record my name is Jeff Walsh with Graves engineering uh we reviewed only the storm water permit portion of the project um I think my letter speaks for itself i' like it when I can send a letter like this out but um again where is the site is has been the area of the site has been previously developed essentially almost entirely rendered impervious um any reduction of of of uh impervious area is going to be a benefit but beyond that um they added proprietary treatment units which uh should make a good positive impact to the drainage system and I guess I could leave it at that and say my letter pretty much speaks for itself but I'd be glad to answer any questions if any board members have any questions thank you board members have any questions no okay so Beth we have a you can sit down if you like um the um draft decision copy of it um have the board members had a chance to review the draft decision yes I'm just TR [Music] look how we separate this out of them together yeah it was prepared together so where we have to make two motions now um can we State the motion that um which one can we vote on and not vot on the storm water who can't correct okay so the special permit for the project um we can all vote on okay so what would you say would be the best way to put this without having to verbalize everything ourselves here just to direct you to separate out the decision into two parts I can separate them if you want to it that's pretty easy to do I just combined it okay to can I just take the motion for each I think you can I mean I'm looking at the suggested motions on the last page the the first motion is really a finding and not so much a motion it's a finding the proposal won't have adverse effects and overbalance beneficial effects that's the standard for the issuance of a special permit and then it cites to the five part test um that finding is presumably already in here although I didn't have reviewed this decision um but what I would just say is if you look at number two you could make two motions and the first time you could refer to the site plan special permit and the second time you could refer to the storm water management permit and you could just stay I moveed to Grant the site plan special permit to Alicia bcone for the site plan for redevelopment of Harbor Village Mall TS and mass based on the findings of fact and to be built according to the plans and reports submitted as condition that's the only thing I would have as condition subject to these conditions and that effectively is is a vote on the findings okay and then you could take that same motion only replace the words site plan special permit with the words major storm water management permit two almost identif votes one's for the special permit one's for the strong water permit so do I hear a motion then to move and Grant the site plan special permit I would vote on findings of fact first oh okay understood yeah do I have a motion that the board finds the proposal will not have any adverse effects which overbalance its beneficial effects on either the neighborhood or the town and has determined that the proposed use will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this bylaw to include but not be limited to the following appliable conditions a sh I'll read the whole thing a adequacy of the site in terms of size for the proposed use Fe suitably of the suitability of the site for the proposed use C impact on traffic flow and safety B impact on neighborhood visual character including use and Vistas then e adequacy of the method of sewage disposal since no opposition was submitted to the board from the Board of Health so moved and there is there a second I second okay any further discussion hearing none all those in favor say I I I anyos no it was unanimous and I didn't take your names because we're not on there's nobody else on here okay um so we have effect [Music] approved need a that's it's written the decision if you don't mind okay that's all right I'll take a roll call vote roban hi Lance mcal I yes Le shepher yes okay so motion to approve the site plan special permit to Alicia bani for the site plan for redevelopment of Harbor Village Mall town and mass based on the findings of fact and to be built according to the plans and reports submitted as conditioned as conditioned thank you this for the strong management this is for the special permit as conditioned so that is a add conditions if the board has any conditions I I can't speak the board on I don't no conditions okay so you don't have to add that into your motion there are no conditions okay thank you I took Adam literally I I I no I mean the conditions are on the third page oh okay they stand as condition okay and that was the motion and it was seconded and is there any further discussion see here no I'll take a roll call Vote roban Yes Lance mcal yes yes Andrew Shephard yes yes and the motion second Andrew um and Robert thank now in reference to a motion for major storm water management permit to Alicia biscani for the site plan for redevelopment of Harbor Village Mall towns of mass based on the findings of fact and to be built according to the plans and reports submitted as conditioned do I have a motion I make a motion that we approve to Strow major Strow management permit second okay any further discussion hearing none I'll take a call vote Robert there in yes last mcal yes Andrew Shephard yes sh yes so you have four yeses and that's all we need okay congratulations very much okay thank you Mr wsh as well and thank you m thank you as well good night everyone good night Jeffer so now we are at now we have a couple of minutes um I think that uh the representatives for 18 Main Street are here [Music] 222 sorry see you better not leave we're going to change everything I'm not going again sorry about that now Adam we have somebody here from 18 Main Street just a reminder I will be abstaining but I don't know do I abstain now if we're talking about it or do I wait four minutes or however long you plan to talk about it can I can't because we posted I can't start it early right okay fine um okay well P shot for the rest of the agenda inv but I learn something all the time so I'm thrilled about it make them fun always God Adam's been here a long time we're not doing um because you already mentioned the zoning [Music] map yeah I screen sharing I haven't show the historic districts [Music] now know it's supposed to happen do no decision yes do you have them I know I read them on my computer it's just Town Zone I don't have them okay maybe decisions there's the clerk stuff is there a package ofer for Andrew or is there nothing I think there's no correspond oh okay to read all those emails on 18 I did read them all but I don't need to [Music] read let me pull it [Music] up Harley can you let Beth screen share uh who would like to be screen shared the zba admin I believe okay uh one moment I'm inogo tonight did I say the right name did all right okay zba is now empowered to screen share okay thank you all right so kind of hard to see the legend but that's it and there is no historic district on there right now that I can see I don't that's to be added at a later dat well I thought mrpc was doing that they did have it when we were working on the mrpc on the MBTA Maps so I can ask okay would you check in with them because if they've already added it to one of our other Maps they should be able to easily y put it on here okay I don't see it on there what were you looking for historic yeah yeah who updated this one does this include the land that was removed from Industrial in the town meeting for the tosses um I don't I don't know did they update the map removing industrial on Greenville Road ah good question do you see that there I don't see anything it looks like the same I don't know when that M from but it looks like the same block same shape same shape it looks like the same shapee as always been good catch yeah make a note of that we need to pull that out good and the historic district map I haven't had um the water department review it yet for the um groundwater protection zones so that will go on I mean staff hasn't reviewed this yet this is the first look I give you guys could look at it but that's great industrial [Music] I don't think on the maps anything else not at this time um so thank you for that back so the um once the overlay district is approved um the of the Lake District will also be added theun hopefully that will all be done I don't know timing wise if that should be done before Springtime meeting I imagine after it should be revised something like that and the district is approved but that's coming okay while you're talking to them could you um with the mrpc could you find out how much lead time they need to get add okay do this yeah because I know that we have we still have time or money left on that Grant before yeah hours um they turned this around really quickly um so so those are two things that the I will ask them about three things um how to incorporate the mvta district once it's approved and um adding in the historic district person and indal Z to eliminate Greenville Road okay thank you um 4.2 receive from massachusett Regional Planning Commission and other agencies I think that those are uh in the portal or do you have anything in particular on the uh 4.2 mrpc and other agenc oh so there is actually nothing in those okay yeah we received nothing but I did have them on the agenda in case okay um and then five uh is just 5.1 and 5.2 just resource for board members and we're to VI okay yeah and I recommend the citizen planner training all workshops um we have new CBA member and taking the roles and roles and responsibilities class is great it's great for new members but it's also great for a refresher because a lot of the laws Chang and it's great for open meeting law and so I highly encourage um you guys to take that it's a webinar and it's PR for you guys do you know when the last time open meeting Ra was updated um when the state law was updated yeah they adopted the recodified law I want to say in 2012 and then the regulations fall so they modified the statute first and then they revised the regulations I think it was probably within N9 months to a year following the recodification law hasn't been changed since then they made they made some revisions over the years yeah yeah yeah um for example in the in the um the regulations they addressed it addressed remote participation which of course was years before Co so they addressed it not in this context but in the context of you were having a meeting and you had one member of the meeting who could couldn't participate in one participate remotely by telephone or through video feed they address that in the regulations um all of the changes to accommodate the covid-19 issues with hybrid meetings remote only meetings those have all been done through um through Governor's orders and then special legislation extending the deadlines none of those have become permanent oh so in fact the the hybrid meeting allowance only runs through March of next year March 31st to expires so as we stand here today effective April 1 you can't have hybrid meetings anymore you can't have remote only meetings everybody thinks that they're going to Extended further or make a more permanent change law they've been talking about yearses sense right instead of instead of making a more permanent change they just extended and extended extended every time they do it for a year 18 months two years right now it's um April of 25 Yeah March 31st isation [Music] have to do that because people have emergencies it just makes more Ms and even people for attending it's easier Beth do we just let you know if we want to take one of these courses because it says a registration is required it's 35 bucks do we just let you know if we want to take one of these courses yeah go ahead and register and then bring me your receipt get Reed okay that's for any board member yeah okay so now we are at 7:5 and i' like to open open the continuance of 22 Main Street public hearing modification to site plan review special permit for members introduce yourselves please m m Andrew Shepard I'll be obain okay yeah State ethics told me that I should I just want clear because I'm you're participating but you're not voting accus he's accusing himself so I'll be back somebody ill okay thank you and so there are four members here and you are uh Chris Anderson P engineer okay welcome uh just again for first here Sally Thurber for the modification ofite and SP permit we were before the board um meting ago at that point we received Department comments another mislay comments from the board in the town uh we did review those comments and responded in kind with a right written narrative uh just a few things that um or changed as part of the site plan um one of the comments from the luse coordinator uh was the inclusion of a sidewalk uh to a direct access from the parking spaces to the actual structure itself uh so we have included a 4ot twoin sidewalk that'll extend along the side of the parking lot and ultimately tie into The Pedestrian walkways that are kind of extending all the way up front of the property um one of the other comments was relative to the storm water seeing if there was a way to modify the uh infiltration Basin that's located in the back portion of the property um unfortunately when we took a deeper look into the actual setback requirements of everything it's not truly possible to try to shift it further away or further north if you will the plan to get a little bit more additional Woodland area down B portion of the site it's primarily because the septic system unfortunately is located right in the nook of parking lot area uh to provide compliance with tile five and storm water management we have to maintain certain setbacks specifically 50 ft from the uh um CTIC field itself from the infiltration so that's written into the storm water management uh so unfortunately we can't Shi the Basin any further north nor put any kind of additional infal structure around the astral itself besides what we're showing now so the storm water system has remained effectively unchanged since the original St midle um the water kind of flows down hits a rip wrap strip Crush Stone apron right along the lower edge of the parking lot so that as the water hits it it slows down down prior to reaching the infiltration Basin um the infiltration Basin is also designed to accommodate the storm water flows without a discharge up to the 100e storm event so it's sized effectively to its maximum or minimum size if you will based on the calculator flows uh so the only true way you can actually gain any additional U area would be to kind of shift and shimmy and rotate but at the end of the day you're compensating for you know 100 square feet of Woodland over here you're taking it away over there so it's kind of Catch 22 if you will unfortunately uh we did look into additional mitigation features in further review we found that there was an extra quite a bit of extra tree clearing occurring around the Basin so we were able to um effectively um suck that in get it closer to the Basin while still being able to maintain the proper offsets to build it appropriately so we did gain a little bit of extra Woodland around the perimeter um um as you can see in the plan here we perbly wrapped the tree line around originally it was kind of squared off um so we gained a little bit of the buing back in that area as well um with that being said those were the general changes that we made since the previous meeting um if there's any comments from the board I'll more happy answer them I'm good Robert looks F better before I can comment on this one right I but this is storm water yeah storm water application special I think it's on the agenda can you un VI please it's the agenda as a San special permit there's no reference to storm water in the agenda I don't know what the application was for because I didn't that has been exended you move it further towards the street here Robert is this better Robert is this better for [Music] there was no storm water management application it's just s PL but it's all about's rep okay choice of the okay okay um I should also note just in our narrative also we just responded in kind to a couple additional comments that the dep had the only true comments were from the building uh commissioner and they were pretty much statements of fact so we just kind of responded okay is there anyone on Zoom that would like to make any comments I just have a question how why is the width of the driveway so large uh the 30 foot is a requirement of dot oh okay so any commercial application automatic 30t and I think it's like 20 foot radi or 15ot radi sorry very good I like it um and decision is not ready yet but we can no I'm good so in reference 22 Main Street modification of oh well going back to the all right why would entertain a motion to approve the modification of the site plan review special permit to Sally thurer for the site plan entitled site plan development plan driveway and parking lot I don't know it says lot oh parking lot 22 Main Street in towns of mass October 1st 2024 revisions through November 13 2024 prepared by hanakan engineering Inc based on the findings of fact and to be built according to the plans and Report submitted with conditions a b c is there a motion so MO is there a second I second that was Lance and Robert any further discussion take a roll call vote Robert there yes Lance MC yes yes yes we're good much congratulations G [Music] get I have no other business to come before us this evening but a German is anyone else okay thank you motion to adjourn motion to adjourn at 7:26 p.m. 7 and there's a second everyone in favor we don't need roll call I I