good evening everyone I'm Laura shiffrin chairman of the planning board and I call this meeting to order on Monday May 6th at 6:33 p.m. um roll call vote please Carol hofus present bararan present shepher present La Shi present Pledge of Allegiance United States of America like to thank all of our veterans and current service members as well as all of our um First Responders always gotta sorry no important um meeting is being recorded as Harley said and it will be uploaded to the Townsen YouTube channel under 1.4 um I'd like to add the completion of uh the board finalizing the town meeting reports under 3.4 if board is okay with that and now since we have a few minutes I would like to get to 3.1 I can't that 3 sorry that one no 3.2 um review discuss toes and mdta communities compliance accomplishments um do you have any update yeah um there is a scope of services received for the DL um and if you want to go over want to read the tasks all right um scope of services the community requires the assistance of from a professional consultant to enable the community to fulfill its mission to review and update its accessory apartment zoning the task defined in the scope of service shall commence upon the execution of the agreement and be completed by December 31st 2024 product updated accessory apartment by law task one review existing zoning bylaw language timeline for task completion May through June 2024 task two work with the town officials to design and distribute a survey to Holders of existing accessory apartment accessory apartment special permits conduct further interviews with permit holders May through June 2024 task three submit preliminary report based on in-house review and Survey results to the planning board June through July 2024 task four meet with planning board to discuss discuss preliminary report and revisions August through September 2024 task five revise preliminary report and submit final recommendations report to planning board October 2024 deliverables will be a survey preliminary report and a final recommend ation report point of town point of contact will be Jessica consalvo and the mrpc point of contact will be a Joseph Bole the principal planner that was one yeah the other one we have here this one is the MBTA Community just so we're clear that's the contract we have with mrpc to perform those duties for us we already have it right okay so they're going to conduct that's that's their timeline okay got you uh the community requires assistance from a professional consultant to enable the community to fulfill its mission to comply with the multi family zoning District statutes under Section 3A of the zoning act Hereafter MBTA communities Townsen was designated as an MBTA adjacent Community typed by reference to Mass General Law chapter 61a section one in the new statute the task defined in the scope of services shall commence upon execution of this agreement and be completed by December 31st 2024 task one hold handoff meeting to introduce new mrpc contact to the project that is for April task two submit public Outreach materials for tabling at Maytown meeting April task three continue to revise draft bylaw based on planning board feedback as needed May through August task four make final edits to zoning bylaw and map and provide to planning board ready for public hearing if zoning bylaw and map passes at town meeting assist with determination of compliance application for the town to submit to dhcd October November meetings kickoff meeting with planning board and town planner April 2024 meeting with planning board to present bylaws map and any additional compliance model issues May June 2023 and meeting with planning board and select board to present bylaws and maap October 2023 which was done sure that's all done but the final is going to be by the end of this year good to be submitted to dhcd when when when do we think we're going to have to sit down meeting the yeah that's the plan thank you Andrew okay you can also have 3.3 notices from town and other towns before that so this is the town of Groton um planning board public hearing notice special permit for medical office use in VCB District 16 holl Street Unit B the town will hold a public hearing on Thursday May 23rd 2024 at 7:45 p.m. in the town hall to consider an application submitted by Gloria oppen under the provision of gron zoning bylaw section 218- 5.2 schedule of use regulations and 218- 5.5 special use considerations the proposed use is a medical office in the existing commercial building known as well-being acupuncture 16 Hall Street Unit B the building is located on assessors Park 11213 further copies and information are available at the gron Town Hall submitted by Scott Wilson chair of the gr this is another one from the town of gron gron planning board public hearing notice preliminary subdivision plan and flexible Development Special permit Wyman Road assessors parcel 22958 the gron planning board will hold a public hearing on Thursday May 23rd 2024 at 7M in the town hall to consider the application submitted by Jim cassella for approval of a preliminary subdivision plan and flexible Development Special permit for a residential development known as cassella Acres on Wyman Road assessors map 229 paral 58 the proposed subdivision would create six single family house Lots on a called the sack Road as shown on the plans entitled preliminary subdivision plan for a flexible development gron ma cassella Acres prepared by Dillis and Roy Design Group dated March 27th 2024 additional copies is available at Town Hall and the planning board office submitted by gron planning board chair Scott Wilson we have the town of Shirley notice of decision of the planning Bo for the site plan review application of property owner Bennett realy LLC 228 Great Road Shirley Mass applicant Bennett reality LLC 228 Great Road Shirley Mass the property address is 228 Great Road Shirley Mass the parcel is 78 A6 public hearing was held March 6 2024 at 6m and Contin continued to March 20th 2024 at 6 p.m. and continued to April 3rd 2024 at 6 p.m at which a decision was reached the applicant Bennett realy LLC came seeking a site plan review in connection with Section 7 of the town of Shirley protective zoning bylaws see they share the legal notice the original legal notice the evidence in arriving at its decision the planning board considered materials provided by the applicant their engineer and their agents comments submitted by the relevant boards commissions departments per procedure requirement see they provided a plan see let's jump down the finding decision Vice chair olki made made motion to approve the site plan for nooba Valley Dental 228 Great Road submitted by Bennett realy LLC on February 5th 2024 and Revis on March 25th 2024 with the following stipulations and waivers applicant will extend the current row of Al abite trees and add privacy fencing along their property line with their neighbor at 230 Great Road to provide additional screening for new additions at the applicant's expense as shown in the rise plan job project number 7819 and described in revised application narrative for the site plan review dated March 25th 2024 any existing Arbor is damag during construction will be replace of a similar size and type applicant will install electrical electrical vehicle charging station as required by Massachusetts electric code at least one parking space in any new commercial construction over 15 parking spaces must be made ready for EV charging stations and EV they must got in the memo it's not doing well an EV ready space is defined as a designated parking space dedicated with a dedicated branch circuit for E charging stations all fixtures and light bulbs on the pole lights will be replaced with downfacing shielded dark sky compliant lighting no alterations will be made to the current business sign waivers approved as requested for protective zoning bylaw include section 7.3.1 uh to wave a requirement for Street furniture trash receptacles Etc and two wave requirement for a slope truth March 25th 2024 narrative document that will be revised to bring consistency between the cover letter attached the revised application package and The Relic text in the narrative document there you go that's all good this it's 645 nice okay I call the standing board public hearing for 39 and zero Greenville Road assessor maap 6 block 11 lot zero and maap 5 block 12 block 12 Zer to amend the towns and zoning bylaws by changing the zone from industrial to residential on the subject two Parcels on May 6 2024 now at 6:45 p.m. board members introduce yourselves please Carol hsus present Robert tyan present Andrew shepher present LA from present here's a signning sheet um down they signed oh you have oh you've already signed okay some reason you've all signed okay that um Andrew read the leg notice I will read the legal notice in accordance with the provisions of M General Law chapter 4A section five and towns and Zoning bylaw article my 677 section 14569 the towns and planning board will hold a public hearing Monday May 6 2024 at 6:45 p.m. in the selectman's chamber Memorial Hall 272 Main Street and on Zoom at the following link uh regarding the following proposed changes to the towns and zoning bylaws to see if the town will vote to amend the towns and zoning bylaws to change the zoning of the property depicted on assessors map 6 block 11 lot 0er and having an address of 39 Greenville Road and the adjacent property depicted on accessors map 5 block 12 lot zero and having an address of Greenville Road owned by adsd realy LLC from the industrial to residential or take any other action in relation there to additional information is available for Vi at the offices of the planning board and Town Clerk and during regular business hours parties wishing to speak in favor of or an opposition to this proposal may do so in writing prior to the hearing or may appear at the hearing in person or represented by an agent or attorney interested parties are encouraged to attend respectfully submitted Laura shiffrin chair this was published in the Sentinel and Enterprise April 22nd and April 29th 2024 thank you Andre the proponents to make a presentation if you like I'm Tom guson here Sean and susany who are the owners of the property okay I don't know if you're familiar where it's located I do have properties the [Music] Z but it is located upville Road recycl there's a house currently on 39 there two Parcels was about 6 and a half acres the other about 9 and a half acres um that was pre-existing before they actually changed it two industrial was at one time residential the house next to it if you're looking at the house on Greenville Road which is uh by 3 41 Green Ro is also house residential house and directly across the street three houses number 34 number 36 and number 46 Greenville Road they're all residential what the uh petitions are looking to do is to change it back to residential it's really a residential neighborhood they would like to build a house on that land there um so there there is sufficient Frontage to do so as it is now with industrial they can actually not even make a change to their house on number 39 because it's grandfather but it really can't be changed and they don't believe that it really is and and the neighbors too would really rather have residential use of this property instead of industrial they really not interested in having a manufacturing facility or Warehouse or anything like that up there in the neighborhood so that's really what they're looking to do is to change this to residential they put a house another house up there and it's actually in the middle of renovating number 39 it's it's basically you got it on the inside but depending on what uh it's zoned it limits what he can do really can't make any changes on the outside unless it's changed to residential com questions from the board um I have just a couple of questions sure um number 39 yes did you say that was a pre-existing house before the chain yes on lot 39 yes and lot 43 was that pre-existing let me see I think uh 41 which is the one next to it on the same side of the street that's pre-existing I think uh 34 and 36 existing I don't well actually across the street it's own residential so 34 36 and 46 there are three houses on the other side of the street on the other side the other side of the street is actually Z all residential I understand yes so um it's just this little section so indust I'm looking out um number 39 yes and there's 6.5 Acres there yes um I'm just asking why the request was for so large of acreage there well it be the entire parcel as well as the uh a buing parcel they own the 9.25 acre parcel it's a lot of this is actually Wetlands but to put another house there they would need another 200 ft at least a frontage so it's really not so much the acor it's the frontage is residential use allowed in the industrial district not at all that's the reason we're here we really can't even make changes accessory apartment in there like Tom you made a comment that I I don't remember from uh when they first came here and so correct me if I'm wrong if somebody else remembers this um I don't remember that it was residential before and then switched to Industrial the house was built in ' 67 I don't think it was industrial 167 we tried to look it up but we couldn't find any information but that house on 39 gr Greenville Road was built in 1967 and when it was converted to Industrial it changed the criteria of the residential so if somebody bought it and did it all over and they wanted to put an in-law there you can't because of it industrial zoning it's nonconforming residential I I get that part so it it it hurts the house in general yeah I mean I I I agree I just we couldn't find when it was owned industrial right but I know the house was built in' 67 but you also mentioned that you put up an industrial building correct where did you put the industrial building on a 108 Old Turnpike that has nothing to do nothing to do with this oh oh no not it was not on this parcel okay I don't I didn't remember that I remembered your comment that you had put up an industrial building and people didn't like it you can't see a house from that land and the the the push back I got for putting it there I remember you stating that and two years yeah and that was industrial industrial and we got threats all sorts of stuff we putting an industrial building on an industrial lot yeah it's not it's like doesn't matter which way you go it's hot but it was simly located like this where there's houses all around is industrial land on old oh I know I'm I'm very familiar with that this would be the same situation where you got a buing house and as I say it's odd that across the street is own residential did they um okay so I don't know maybe somebody else has some history here but um the landf was after I moved here so the land so that would have been after 6 House was built in 67 that's what I understand yeah so maybe you know Tom was the landfill industrial I couldn't tell you yes any are Bob winter 46 Greenville Road okay property across the St I'm 75 AC and uh where where's theyve the dump from to yeah I know yeah so you own the property on the opposite side of the street yeah yeah I've got 75 Acres on the other [Music] side across the right and you are in support of the change as as yeah yeah I think you yeah for one thing that's how I feel about it it stays in the same you know ra you know single family homes I don't have a problem with it and I know I don't know if you got any letters from the neighbors no and in fact and I was looking at your I'm sorry I was looking at um the petition and none of the neighbors signed it I had spoken to all the neighbors even him and um they were all everyone would be I mean besides him but the other three would be willing to sign anything I brought in front of them they were all for okay also as long as it's are a single family okay as far as you you you feel it should be just single family if any yeah that's what it's been right along well it's been right along and the opposite side of the street is currently single family right well but the whole area in the green is uh single family zoning so you have to have 3 Acre minimum so that's what we're going for it's existing across the street how long have you had this property um we've been paying taxes on one for probably five or six years and on the other maybe eight months it took me two or three years to get a title to to buy the other house it was had a bunch of issues with taxes and different things you got a title to sell about you got a license to sell about eight months ago something like that that's when we purchased it two and a half years it took have you considered any other uses that would be beneficial for you like what uh mixed use multif family you don't have there's like no Town water there so I mean those I thought they Town water for like a two family or multi-use right well we have different Zoning for different housing densities so um you know there's only so much you could do there because we we actually give the town an easement for the right away to the transfer station that's that's our property yes everything to the right of that is is U Wetlands so you only have a little you know envelope to do what you can do and I say single families is well I would just uh the town is trying to do what it can to increase housing where we can right and so one of the thoughts I had was would this be an opportunity to put two families in or something like that I don't even know if they have a no but this is a zoning change so it might be an opportunity to look that and um but I don't know um as a at the this point in time everybody's thought of it only as single family I wondered if there were any thoughts on if it were two family right yeah I I really never entertained that just based on it's not a town rck you know I never went any farther than that two families not allowed we have two families in town you're pre-existing maybe I don't know if you allow them now yeah I think we do yeah I don't think we don't no but we've talked about right I think there's a need here there has never really thought about it yeah I understand because that wasn't your original plan right do you live in 39 I live on meal Road oh so you okay thought put accessory apartment 39 well if we if we have two families then we don't have to deal with the ACC apartment right there either changes right yeah and there [Music] is change that we're trying to change that too that's a been a problem you have the same rigs but allow to live I'm going to put hous on my property if we do [Music] this well miking I got the money that's what we need really no I I didn't want to the that's why I B it um okay well my thinking is this might be an opportunity to allow uh two family housing there um which we don't have what can I mean the article is word that's outside of our scope at the don't know that we can we can change I'm just asking your thoughts it's got go to town meeting so I'm worried that it can be amend too much of a to deal with now for the town meeting I understand that same use in residential a and the you know the use is the same whatever it is in the residential district will be available to them if if the town impres this change and that's the bottom line oh that's the bottom line for this one yeah because we don't have time right to doing right right I understand public hearing I don't have intentions of making accessory apartments in all of them this house happens to be too big well we can't really do it the way it's written now on Accessory apartment so that's another challenge this board is trying to do is correct that right um and there's if that gets excuse me if that gets changed there to the residential they um would have the opportunity to come before either zoning I mean they go to the building inspector ask for a permit and if denied they go to zoning they would come here or what if you decided to have accessory apartment or make a two family out of it or whatever you can do a special permit correct there is a process for that but I could I do that even I couldn't do that if it's industrial zone no you can't right no we got it yeah I know yeah we're just trying to plan for everybody here right if the zon was changed to what the criteria would be to have an necess apartment well it was a special permit yeah that's right and then if it it was Zone to family which we can't do right now um then the accessory apartment is not even an issue and there' be no special permit required that it have it by right um I mean we're not trying to make it harder for you we're actually trying to make it easier for owners by right to do things which is not allowed by the bylaws right which is what we're trying to fix okay so I mean I think we yeah I'm warm too um yeah I I think we looked at the maps here um we did get a list of industrial properties which I not have time to review and don't we have a copy because I know this is gonna come up [Music] when you say come up Lor you talking about concern of decreasing industrial yes sure purchas yeah um are they all in use no they're mixed and my understanding is because I only got I also asked for I all I asked for was a list but I ended up getting um for whatever reason um eight field cards that were vacant I didn't ask for vacant ones but so now I know it's eight okay out of the 30 here in purple so yeah so this this this being Greenville yeah but that includes the town Pro property right that's the recycle yeah I'm sorry yeah yeah and here I mean there's not a lot and it is concentrated um here here you know in a lot of these areas we have mixed use so it's either commercial or residential or industrial okay [Music] um again we know this now and so whatever decision we make we know it when we've made the decision um and the reason why I know it's coming up because Z mentioned it at the public hearing you know we don't have enough I think the comment was we don't have enough industrial as it is not that somebody would want to be there although it's really hard because it's the landfill that surrounds it so even have you you put residential in there you're right in the middle of the landfill basically um a couple of questions the current recycling facilties is the square the I'm just it's kind of hard to read 69 69.5 I think it is right so in terms of future need for doing anything with the recycling area how what percentage of it is utilized now or do we know anything like that well I mean I've been in there I'd say no I haven't been there either no I've been there I don't even know where it is so I mean this has been industrial for how long and nobody's chosen to develop it too industrial or to make anything really industrial no that's not my question sure it's being used as a recycling facility sure is it adequate for the the towns need will there be a need to expand that in the future no not in my opinion no it's 65 acres when you go in there you may be looking at it's a sealed dump now it's just a big so now the recycling center is like where you drop off buckets there's no there's no it's not dumping station anymore right I understand that so it's um maybe you're looking at five or six acres when you go in there Dr off mattress or we don't need any more land in that area for our own Department not my opinion okay then to the applicant here um you know it's conceivable when I look at lot 39 um there is an existing home on that and that's on it's pretty close to the street right yes yeah I wondered if there were any thoughts on having part of that parcel that goes well it goes like 274 ft in the back remain um industrial and just keep the forward part um residential was that something that would impact you it might create a problem the future you know well how how do you see that if if you have a house if you put a house in all a sudden somebody wants to put a garage back there and run equipment or run a business out of there it's just it's going to be a pain to the neighbors well that's what I was trying to suggest I just think now the neighbors don't see an industrial building there they don't want to see an industrial they'd rather see residents as a residential as a I see your point because I was building this as U having u a residential Zone along the roadway where the houses would have a harmonic buffer line between anything beyond that um and that pel because of the of its shape uh I just wondered what your thoughts were um I mean there's not much there to work with there's only a little n it's narrower than you think is it yeah it's I don't know the exact um well this CLE here is could be developed well see can see no you can see a little roadway like two3 of the way on the left of it dotted Lin line I don't know if that's the scale but that's like the easement to the dump to the to the transfer station is that the only easement to the dump that's the one that's the one you're using right now it's the only one and and everything to the right of that it drops down and it's it's not usable that land so we have to maintain access to that area right IL these the it's there doesn't it's there it doesn't go away yeah the already there okay is this why doesn't that bar anything else happening back there anyway nothing else that's Town land that's the land this is Town land here too yeah 65 point whatever okay I'm just making sure so there's axis here axis here and axis here correct potential the the black outline what you're talking about that's two lots there in within the black outline that's it here the and if you look at the the lot to the left it's 251 ft of furnish that can give you a scale how much room we have to the right of there to work with it's a small window Robert what I think I might hear you getting at in regards to the town's industrial land is you know as we had the planning board making sure that that parcel is somewhat protected right so that we could have access if there was a need but to which there already is an existing easement and there is you know that's correct access at different points there is Frontage further up the street the next two there's two houses next to number 39 if you're facing his house there two other Parcels with houses beyond that there's a good 3 or 400 ft of front that's the town is that's part of the 6 sure sure so they do actually have Frontage as well I don't I don't know is like are there any referrals are you done with with your presentation did you have anything else to say put this show this a better map this shows the Frontage that the town actually has to get here too as well as this is the right of way right but this is actually there this town halls this Frontage right but this the topography be here may be as bad is why we're still using the ement that's true it's not as good so that's probably why we're dependent on the ement right now right um so if the board is good I'm gonna have Andrew read the mandatory referrals okay all right this one is from the board of Selectmen their comments is the board is concerned about preserving existing Parcels that are industrial but agree that the land owner has the right to do what they want regarding their property the select board trusts the planning board to make the proper decision in this matter that was I believe uh Chaz this is from the land use cour orator says this property is in aquifer protection overlay recommended resoning for R-3 that Jessica this is from the water department it says no water in the area yet exclamation point that is from Dave Conservation Commission see next page no com it and no but comments let's see um the building department three things should be zoned ra as it is in the oer district there is no use advantage in either ra or RB as that are both allowed the same uses ra would fit in with neighboring properties Bob garide that I believe is all of them that's it okay and were other emails from ABS or anything nobody else has any other questions no I think I think it's correct to keep it if we change it should be r with report recation right I don't I don't have any direct questions to the applicants or I think of other board members direct question I don't think you know certainly a concern in terms of the town's industrial you know having enough industrially Zone land but I do think that um this is pretty consistent with the existing neighborhood I you know it's been zoned industrial for how long and nobody has found it ideal enough to turn it into to a more industrial property I agree it'll be beneficial for the neighborhoods there now to have that done sure and particularly with the you know the housing shortage that we're you trying to tackle it could be a benefit to the town okay so I think we're in agreement of all the supports and basically the only slight opposition is the reduction of the industrial land which we don't have a lot should I make one more comment yeah I don't think that industrial land is usable it's yeah it's you can't build on at don't no and the the reason they Clos it is they ran out of room it was usable I know I worked at I sold all material over there also off just making it does get some use out of it do do dumps die after a while like does everything sort of disintegrate oh does it I don't know because I'll tell it might s a little bit you know you're not well in other communities you know once the the use is expired or matured I've seen them U you can excavate it get everything out of well I've seen them encapsulate them and um you know have have parks and playgrounds and things like that socer field solar panels all kinds of right so in terms of it might serve well as a solar farm or something else that's what they did so I will be making a decision on no but I don't think we I think we're trying to accommodate the neighborhood here and still not it's hard to pro project what the community will need in the future but um to minimize any reduction in industrial that we have now as a lot of people feel we should have more industry in town so um what people interpret the word industry to means can be in a variety of things so um I personally think that that was a lot of my questioning is how much of the industrial should we Preserve was really what I wanted discussion on so it appears that in my perspective to convert that to residential a is the best answer for that part of the roadway and the community and the neighborhood that's there um and the request and the remaining land area there that's Industrial is certainly helps us feel that we've protect any future interest in that need um I think that we're ready to entertain a motion um if anyone on the board would like to make a motion and have it seconded to support um or not can't make I make a motion that we support the applicant's request um to change the zoning from industrial to [Music] r1a um as presented in the graphics that are here is that correct isn't just R it's R3 R3 R3 three all3 I'll second any further discussion is that language adequate okay and then we can write our report after okay all right let's Mo uh made and seconded to approve um the request to move these Parcels from industrial to ra3 take a full call vote on this carol hes yes pran yes U Shephard yes and Laura sheff yes we our decision and we wish you the best of Lu all right thank you thank you say am now oh so that needs to be amended because that's what the warrant is that could be modified at the meeting rest yeah we're not gonna do that you'll be there doing that okay very good see you tomorrow that's why we have attorneys here okay very good okay so now I will um we done with the notes and we're done with the V so can I close the hearing I think the V officially closes it so not to worry about that okay so you have a time of 7:23 and if you want to do the report now I if you like what I wrote that's well um let's go over it okay so it's the whole um in accordance with Mass General Law chapter 48 Section 5 the planning board held public hearing on Monday May 6 2024 to review a property owner petition for zoning baa Amendment submitted as article 14 for the special town meeting May 7th 2024 so that's the introduction to this does everything work right that first paragraph Yes okay um because it is article 14 and it um is a bylaw Amendment so that I mean you don't have to have in in this part you don't have to have the map blck whatever you're just referring to the petitioner okay so I will read what you have highlighted yeah so start underneath the section that I indented because this is something the board wants to leave it in or I'm GNA read it and you tell me if you want it in okay yeah this sentence was written Am I by a previous planning board yeah this was done Years Ago by a previous the following sentence was written correct okay so just so that you all know this this sentence was written on an earlier 2010 planning board report is before my time on the planning board and before best uh before all of us actually say Okay um and another petition for zoning change the board should create its own uh statement for the current situation the planning board ruled earlier that it is reluctant to sponsor future zoning District changes until a full review of all districts is undertaken I don't think it has been since 2010 in particular okay so you can leave it in or not even don't have to it's just something I found and I like I've never done this okay um it's probably appropriate so that it's understood um by the voters that planning is telling you this this was done in 2010 there's been no study since then to CH where changes were made therefore in the light of any petition based requests being submitted the board encourages debate at town meeting as to the merits and impacts of the article submitted regarding article number 14 the planning board has reviewed the merits of this proposal and unanimous unanimously recommends amending the bylaw for the following reasons all board members comments oh here well you can um um board finds that the intent and purpose of the amendments are consisted with the goals I would think so are we looking for things to put there no I yeah I think that it should be the housing production plan which has been made a part of the town's master plan yeah true that's a good more specifically more specifically all right that that's a heavy okay so that's number two you good with that yeah and then I could well can we add more to that yeah yeah yeah what are you thinking well I think it's a better use of the oh of that individual well it's better for the current neighborhood yeah couldn't we go with subsequent line item I think we can put that well that the the the need for housing is the driving force here but sure I was put that in one but there's no yeah I was gonna put that in one yeah that's the major priority and then but there's more supporting Arguments for that if you want to add them I think well that most of the neighborhood is residential right and it'll be beneficial for the existing neighborhood resal and there's nothing detrimental to the town it is not detrimental to the town and is not likely to be used as industrial right poor soils are there it's Wetlands well I I don't it's it's it's A3 be at aquer protected so why why would you want industrial there anyway I'm throwing stuff out well I I know but you know the the public Lodge thinks of the word industrial is factories and well well sometimes I don't always think of industrial because sometimes when I think of bringing more industry I'm not always thinking of factories I'm thinking of restaurants and maybe Boutique shops which really un industrial but sometimes when you talk about bringing industry to town in my had I'm not looking at manufacturing plants so to speak nothing against it but I'm looking at more like I guess more commercial type well for example in one of my older clients uh had a nonprofit and they were uh engaging artistic people to fabricate little gifts things and stuff and that was viewed as industrial um and it was not any huge corporation or any Big Industry really industrial that you would think of in terms of the industry but that word has a broad broad expansion and um if you make stuff I guess that could be consider well you know someone might decide they're going to set up a little seamstress shop or something and and it would be harmonic with the neighborhood but still um people can do that in home anyway right an inome business well that's yes but you're talking industrial right but if if you had a website and you were producing a garment and you needed help to produce it where you'd have several people preparing and making up the garet that would be considered industrial and so I'm saying there are charitable organizations and nonprofit organizations that do that kind of thing um so um so what would you like to add to this because I'd like to get us I'd like to get this written before right Andrew has to leave right I I don't think there's any more to add I think we got enough there yeah okay so on the next one the board finds that the uses LED in zoning bylaw 14526 entitled residential districts would be I think we would be consistent uh consistent with the intended use of the area because it's residential mostly across the street and there's already a single family home there um and the intended use of the area and are considered and appropriate use of the land I agree with that from a higher like use more allowed use to a less allowed use so you knowes listed in residential are going to be okay there yeah it's like a yeah yeah you're going to a lesser use yeah the board finds that the residential committed uses operating from such a location are intended to have low impact Upon A Butters it finds further that the proposed change to residential use would not one of those La not would not negatively impact fistas or nor would it be a negative impact on traffic this is true okay number five in the light of the fact that this amendment would allow residential development activities in an area area lying over the town's aquafer the special permit granting Authority would exercise a high level of scrutiny when considering any permits in this area this is true that would be us right for the protection over district ofs oh it's okay fine good so what that special permitting granting Authority is z appe yeah Zing uh the planning board do we have to mention that no no goes back to our bylaws that right yeah so they just have to comply with everything else it's imp yeah so the next line specifically calls out the planning board okay the planning board notes that they have jurisdiction regarding any type of land disturbing activity that meets the major project threshold for storm water management oh thank you for putting that because that is newer than everything else okay that we have newer than the bylaws anyway um has jurisdiction over the projects meaning minor U permit threshold the Conservation Commission has jurisdiction over projects that impact surrounding wetlands and Water Resource and I would say to add that so move first sentence moove the first sentence and and start with the planning board notes oh how come you want to the first one the first one addresses the fact that that it's in the town's after protection overlay district and simply highlights the fact that no no no I number five oh yeah yeah okay so I'm not sure you're removing the first sentence eliminated in number five Okay so reason that's in there is for and that's important in this case because um it wasn't in their proposal but it's something that the town all agrees it is in the aaer protection overlay district and all all the s all the sentence says is you know that so development is gonna be okay subject to the subject to the yeah so it's a very generic statement but it just highlights the fact that it is in the aquer Protection District and it will have to be in our and it's under another Authority than us well that part of it is but see down here planning board is also jurisdictional over storm water of certain size and then conservation is jurisdictional over the wetlands and their their area like everybody has their area so that's all I was doing there so you feel that we should make those back those three points yeah I think I think this covers it I just think you know I I don't know if you want to add that the special apartment granting Authority is a zba because it might change you know what I mean and it could change in the future who knows it could be the planning board so I think that's why you left it that generic yeah I would leave it I would leave it in where the planning board is definitely um reviewing storm water and cons weapons okay so for number one then uh just reading it I don't know how the rest of the board would feel I feel like number two seems like the most poignant if I'm the resident of town meeting and I'm only going to read part of this to say that you know it fits with the master plan it fits with the housing production plan so I would maybe suggest we move number two to number one right and then put whatever our number one whatever we want to specifically add right well right down below five okay is it okay that we mention the housing production plan being part of the master plan and then the housing yeah that would just enhance it yeah yeah at least for Town voters I think that would help not everyone would be familiar that within the master plan as a housing right but I think that the housing plan is yeah I would do that mention it both because the master plan entails so many other things sure sure okay and this is the housing to go resal so all right so what other comments do you want to make in now number two so we don't know one thing I thought about I don't know if it's worth having as a comment was it we don't necessarily know when it became industrially zoned land right no but it's mainly residential now and I think that's the point where we're making it was consistent with when did The Dump go in Lori right after you moved to town before yeah uh no a year or so after because uh rossback Farm was the dump okay yeah yeah and then and then they closed that and opened I guess so one thing I wrote so it was a more than a year more maybe more than two just guessing I wrote It's been zoned industrial for the past 40 years it has not been you know yeah okay you know specifically used it's not been developed there been no need or demand or the board of previous gave AER protected area so it may not be developed yeah I guess if you think of the future chances it's probably getting less likely it would be developed in future uh well again land that area that area well there a lot of Apple fur and wetlands and whatever I I know but again you think of some of these other nontraditional things like wind farms and solar farms and um you know their their structural requirements and loadbearing requirements are a lot different than a building would be for example and a solar farm or a wind farm doesn't have a water demand and doesn't have a storage demand and um and probably has no waste products and very little Transportation happening um that's allowed in res right that's allow in resal really that's where it should not be yeah I know absolutely right West midle right and so I think that's what the direction would be that um you know and in terms of preserving this for uh whether it's electric generation or whatever nature it may take in the future I mean it's conceivable towns will have their own independent power supplies and stuff so um trying to preserve a a place where that can happen um would be something we should think about so but just circling back to here I guess my only one of my suggestions and I don't know what it sounds mixed but you know as a notice to the town meeting voters when they read it you know an acknowledgement that this has been zone for 40 years industrial you know right now recognizing that consistent with the neighborhood how how about adding to that that the amount being Rec the amount of acreage being re remaining that will remain seems adequate for any future needs that can be projected calulate am so I think stressing that we're only doing this for a portion of that land and in other words this zoning by law is to take an existing Industrial Area a portion of it a small portion of it to allow for it's just the two lots right so I think what he's saying this whole area right a portion of it right right so make that right and then you know we have preserved the remaining it's not like we changed the whole thing from industrial to residential and what was the total acreage of that there's a six point something and what the I thought it was six and N 69 Acres okay so 15 acres and the the rest of the so 15 Acres of the rest of that which is we know almost 70 Acres 69.5 right so sub and and 15 are or 16 whatever he give you the clearer one you have that I know that one clearer I don't think it's not that much Clear there's 69 here there's 16 here there's maybe 13 there and who knows what's there but if we're trying to say proportionally oh this is industrial this is indust more than 70 this is industrial this is industrial yeah it is even that's industrial and he's just doing 15 out of maybe so if that's really 16 and that's 7 right yeah he do like 15.7 out of however well you almost say it's about 100 acres and 15 or 16 of it it's approximately 12% of we're reducing the industrial era by 12% or something in that area if we knew the number that would be I know nice thing to write I don't we actually you can probably get that um be if you can get the total Lage of all of the Industrial in that section that section okay which is the town own land as well as several other pars besides how many oh the pl one's in there yeah it's right there well at least there I don't know if this show that to about so yeah we have a total of 15.7 acres for these is that what you yes but if you add up all the industrial land it's about 100 acres okay so about 100 we'll say approximately 100us the 15.7 is that fair yeah so youal list so you can actually do this it's all this SE this whole section and what's being taken out is she that's that's a good point to let them know because the questions already come up which SL it was on their comment I had not read that before so I think it's important to know that it's just a small amount of this large we're not doing anything big here yeah and then also maybe I don't know if we've said it just one type of a statement that says you know consistent with the neighborhood and the we did we did say that um neighborhood and is beneficial to the neighborhood is that what you said I was trying to follow um and I I would just say it's consistent with the neighborhood I I can't and we don't know that it's beneficial somebody somebody may not think it is you know so let's not add that adjective to it but it is consistent with the neighborhood and it's not going to have have a negative effect yeah hopefully um so is the um after you have it written up would you send it to all of us and then if somebody has a comment you can comment do you want to make a motion do I sign it uh no you don't have to sign it but I think what I'll do is either finalize it before I leave night and then email it to everybody and then give it to the in the morning okay so if you all could just respond to her yay nay or whatever yeah and then it does not have to be signed no and and you don't even have to vote on it unless you want to like if you want to wait for the final draft and vote on that you can but you really have to because you've all discussed it g v for we that that's all I'm going to put in the report basically your support your vote and then the comments that you made you just and but I like for the full board to agree on what we might toate someone to stand up at town meeting for this because it's not the moderator that will meet it it will be you guys so you don't have to make the motion but they'll ask for a planning board report you can just get up and say Hey you know so as of now we know the three of us may or may not make it to the planning to the town meeting yeah really well I have doctor appointment and I have to drive my granddaughter to her softball Andrew is a maybe I mean if I am you're in stonum stonum for the dive rescue course and what time is that or is it all day uh it starts at 8 and I believe this like six or seven in the morning in the evening to the evening yeah yeah I mean I can let you if if my son-in-law can make it home to drive my granddaughter then I can go to town meeting but if he can't make it home then I have to drive my granddaughter so we have to present this but the statement will be written out okay okay and I'll be there to answer any no you don't have to say anything you just have to read the statement that we all yeah right yeah basically recommended by the planning board only that we're not there to answer their questions we're not there to answer their questions this is only the position of the planning board on the matter of the vote that we took right to to support it except for the solar bylaw the removal that one you would just answer the questions that you get which G to be like nothing I'm assuming say that again so remember that we where we remove the Fe for and put them in the in the fee thing yeah that's actually a zoning article so it has to go through every process for the state okay and that's one where since the planning board submitted it to the warrant um they would have to address town meeting for any questions it's just the best best way to do it so there's um 18 you have 18 19 and 20 for articles but you said that one of these is not ours okay so Warr article 18 is the accessory department and residential district and that was submitted by the bylaw Review Committee however it's an amendment to a zoning article which requires a planning board public Hearing in repeting so that's what we do here um and I of the dra for you guys um you know I put in a few sentences but I'm not GNA you know the same thing about the sound bylaw they put in right for I do have to run well okay and this this thank you all right thank you thanks Andre see you guys later good luck um so this so number 18 is the Z is the um accessory accessory of Department which was done by the bylaw committee correct and so I put a few things in there um already to get you started but [Music] um looking for well which one is it is it do you want to do 18 as the access 18 is the accessory Department in residential district there were a number of amendments that were proposed I do know that the bylaw Review Committee will be providing a report however since I guess said it's a zoning Amendment the planning board has to to you know give reasons why it supports it which you did support on April 1st so what were the reasons um well we had we discrepancies yeah so I mean at that point that's you know I wouldn't put them in here because you voted to support it what I would put in here is the reasons why you voted to support those amendments which you did on April 1 so tonight in the town meeting that's what you want to say we we voted to support these amend these changes for what what reason and I started it for you and um basically what I wrote was the BW Review Committee drafted oh so that's wrong yeah I'm like I'm trying to figure out which one you're talking about here right on okay I got you now I got it okay because 18 is says solar okay yes my mistake 19 is out lighting okay so why did we why did you support the access liting o lighting is um 20 yeah no that's wrong and my apologies so we have to start again I suppose and um go back over why you supported the amendments to accessory apartment resid District do you want me to go back and get that because I have that warrant article if you it should be right here somewhere from what I remember it was mostly because thew was amended in 2019 and then the zoning board of appeals there was some operating problems with it remember um they had some implementation problems with it and mostly it was the Board of Health um and the septic systems needing to be the septic system was required to be installed before or all approved right so that part I had no problem with yes that was one of them um what else and then the other side was the size of the unit y yep the size of the unit would be 35% of the Flor area of the apartment and the main residence combined that's the maximum and now that's it you know and then there was this renewal of the permit issue yep which was resolved by um what was what the that's removed now right yeah it's removed so we don't need to renew it I think there was a comment in there about yeah if if there was renewal then you wouldn't have to make your apartment smaller the accessory apartment smaller again that was again a if it was grandfather administr basically exactly wait a minute I just want to be clear on that so I'm not getting it wrong it is confusing right regarding the permit renewal it used to expire every five years originally correct yeah and hopefully it's not going to be done because a lot of areas once you get your permit that's it really once you get your permit they don't come back to you every year or every five years or every 10 years for you to redo it get rid that affordable link no that's State I don't think you can take out the affordable portion okay I'm in favor of taking out I know but are you looking at the Amendments the regulation of accessory app yeah yeah yeah thank you so um that so so we deleted c1c in its entirety okay that one but I don't know what c1c was let me get it iable language okay no it wasn't no that's I remember that I'll believe you wrong you can sell me the Brooklyn Bridge Too come on she's fous she was being fous I think yeah okay I'm not a somebody was just telling me that this lady got got some she ended over $112,000 she got a phone call supposedly from a friend that she was in trouble and that needed $112,000 to get out of court or jail or something and she wired or something no she she went to the bank because she went to the bank but through and my friend said she was a she worked in a bank for like 30 years but she withdrew $112,000 cash and the district court was like two blocks away she went home with the $112,000 a guy showed up supposedly from the sheriff's apartment and to the $12,000 oh I found it gave it away it's c1c yes c1c okay what that says is the board of appeals shall give due consideration to the mandatory referral report of the planning board and where its decision differs from the recommendation of the planning board shall State the reasons therefore in writing I they found that a little redundant redundant okay so that's eliminated completely okay because it's something we do anyway yes everybody gets their opinion so that could be okay so that's a reason why we agreed with that yeah most of them are administerial or deleting and substituting okay the is indicated by the can I just um is what we're looking at now what the Public's going to see so isn't this question about the SE she that's warant the full text that's the warant right so I have to know what that all means no no there will be a full text for Tom meeting you know what I mean I I like to see it in the warrant but there will be a full text of the article that's what's being deleted exactly okay okay all right which people have asked for before you know if you're eliminating what are you eliminating they want to know am I going to answer that you're not good because they'll be it'll be in writing for you and you don't have to as a planning board anyway because this is committee yeah and the um the Rev Comm the partici the people that come to vote are going to have a copy yeah I believe so I have to double check on that one because that's a b well the other thing is they get cop one of the Tom meetings I went to not the last one one before everybody got copies of whatever and I was killing myself because it's like three two people read the I want to get out of here I want to go home don't you didn't you didn't you read it it's right there in writing I read it yeah okay so yes that's why pet Pap Bo song means in handouts people don't read yeah so just to be sure em I'll get you won't be explaining you will have everything in writing that's we'll make sure just in case I'm gonna try to make it but if I can't read no I just don't want to embarrass that I can't remember what that stuff was and if I if if my son-in-law shows up and takes my granddaughter to the game then I'll probably [Laughter] it's my home my landline no way yeah my land line by best number do you have a cell phone I know I do if you want to text me but I don't answer my cell phone it happen does your does your land line go to your cell phone no but I have the dancing machine just give me both your numbers so if I don't get you I can text you okay so my cell phone number so you can text me is uh 978 79 978 748 thank you have to time my cell phone dead Somebody's gotta be Cent 978 3 all right so we're going on two 5 take a look at that so so so but you want reasons why we agreed with yeah so you make a general statement I mean there's there's not a lot of zoning related changes you know it's mostly admin clerical administrative clarification clarification y I would say mostly administrative and cl clarification edits okay and um clarification edits um to enable easier processing of be less redundant yeah less redundance reduce reduce redund redundancies something like that more efficient and make the permitting more efficient really yeah and create a more efficient process process for applicants yeah yeah process permitting process because it's still a special permit okay that works okay simple and clear and uh we'll just make that uh so I'll leave number one in if that's okay the bylaw Review Committee drafted or uh propose or submitted because they are the ones that submitted this submitted uh the the [Music] proposed uh amendments to 145 36 to the board of Selectmen as part of the chart of the committee to review the zoning bylaws of the town of townend and then um as part of the process of a zoning Amendment the planning board held a public hearing right which is what we have to do all right it's part of the process process of a zoning Amendment all right Zing Amendment hearing and then number three the reason the planning board supports these changes are they are administrative and clarification edits they reduce redundancy and create a more efficient pering process for applicants and if you want to once you have those statements ready email that to the whole board just in case they're there they know what okay okay and then if there's something that anybody finds we can you know get it corrected during the day when we're not available okay or I won't be available most of the day definitely after 11 A.M all right I have to excuse me accessory departments West the and that is is that actually War article 18 did you double check that the accessories is that the right warrant article for the Department yeah you have to check there because these are not correct article 18 okay great so we have the right Warren article anyway good start so Warren article n from what I understand is the um General requirements for all large scale mounted solar installation yep y okay great yep and do you all have a copy of that one and is that sufficient you want to amend it add a copy of that one oh the year report yeah the one that I did let me see there shouldn't be much to this one schedu y I don't think we need to add anything more do than that that's basically why we changed it to take the fee out of it yeah if you think it's too wordy or redundant you know if you're reading it does it read well is it simple I tend to get wordy so I'm okay with it do you have it I might get a little redundant with one and three so it's up to you I don't know well you took you took the yeah you took the fees out yep to create the appendix e Fe schedule yep and you say it again in three right in three so three can be totally deleted I was going to say take three away excellent yeah just have the two yeah I think I was just going on about making it user friendly again right yeah so yeah just take make it simple yeah okay perfect people who are at the meeting if they're going to be reading their head's going to be spinning but if they hear user friendly it's always nice right yeah so article 20 and where that one article 20 is the Outdoor Lighting um this one is brought by the bylaw Review Committee however don't see a 20 oh sorry here you go no like don't want Warr I don't see it there isn't a 20 in the oh here it is okay is it warrant 20 mine is no it is I'm sorry I see it deletion article 20 is deletion of outdoor lighting provision from your phoning bylaw yeah now this one that's the of but thew committee right yeah that's brought by the bylaw committee and they have they are proposing a general bylaw outdoor lighting bylaw and if that that comes before this I think that's maybe article number 1413 or something okay the new bylaw is article 16 for our go of lighting okay and then article 20 is deletion of outdo lighting Provisions in the phone bylaw okay so oh so are they both zoning then no no just the repeal because when you're pulling out of the zoning by law that's why we had to do the public hearing thing oh okay because General bylaws are planning right correct no General bylaws are Zing yeah and uh General bylaws um usually for of Selectmen if there needs to be hearing they'll have one but they don't always it's up to town meeting vote and it's a majority vote not a 2third vote so for the zoning to take out to take it out for for this for this particular deletion because it's in the zoning bylaw it requires a two3 vote to approve to take it out take it out yeah yeah just to remove it so and then it's like the Bible to why why did they and then they put another one in yeah wouldn't they put this one first before they add the new one because what if they there's a lot of discussion on that because what if they don't what if they don't then they don't have an an outdoor lighting bylaw no they will still have this one because they will pass over this if the general bylaw doesn't pass on article 14 16 16 then they're just going to pass over warrant article 20 so that's remove exactly okay so 16 comes first which is putting one in y okay and then this is more of a hous this will be a housekeeping thing okay so all right I kind of get I kind of get that okay with that being said do you want to put a sentence in there about that you know I mean we don't recommend this article be taken up unless the general bylaw passes the new outdoor lighting bylaw passes or do you want to even not even comment on it you don't have to it's up to them to you just don't want it being taken out of the bylaw if you don't have anything I wouldn't think you know what I mean then why doesn't Town Council Rec he did opine he did opine on it um and he put He and the board of Selectmen put the warrant together in that order so I know it's all been I mean are they going to explain why it's in that order I would assume that b of selectman will yeah yeah because that's not up to us to explain why they did what they did yeah right exactly so you can just talk to so where was our position on the lighting bylaw oh so your position on the repeal of the outdoor lighting bylaw 14552 which is now in the code was you all voted unanimously in favor of it at the public hearing correct correct because of the reasoning so that's that's to take it out until I saw the new lighting byw and then I was like no I think my lamp post is illegal under the this new one I says I'm not sure if I like this you know like how do how does say work you everything that's already here is Grandfather you can't not you can't go back and make people change things is it is it as long I'm grandfathered in here I don't I didn't I didn't read the whole regulation because it was too many pages I just so do you have a copy of the things that I put down or do you have 20 U article or article 20 dra I do okay so if you think those are okay or if you want to put anything else or just leave it as is um so we're supporting the the new one yep you supported unanimously to um amend the zoning bylaw by removing that and then removing the outdoor lighting 20 is removal 16 is new is a new yeah but 16 is g to come before 20 yes in the order yes and I'm going to add that because in my report whoever whoever's to read that gon to have to say see that's why has to explain it because I think it's weird because you would think that you would want to repeal the first one and then add the new one but what if it doesn't pass though the new one then nothing but the thing is they shouldn't be separate no the article should be to remove and replace oh yes yes yes that's what I'm surprised about too right but maybe because one is zing and one's a general I don't know you know what I mean one's a general by law and one's a zoning by law which require differents General oh so you still probably could combine them just require the two-thirds vote of the article and I think that was the worry of the new outdoor lighting bylaw that it wouldn't get a two-thirds vote so therefore you have that one fail you know or the whole article fail and you have nothing but what you had right you know what I mean like well so if 16 fails yep they don't even take up 20 correct okay so that's what happen all right okay all right and it it Remains the Same Same okay right but if you combine them so so if 16 passes then you get to revoke 20 and 16 can pass with the majority vote and 20 needs a 2/3 to take it out what if they don't get the two3 take it out that's a really good question that that was my that was what my original thought was well okay so what if they don't get the two-thirds votes and now you got two lighting things then I guess it stays on and yeah we have to rec well that's the whole point it wasn't done right you know it should have been one article one vote to remove and replace no matter and when they were doing their their placards they should have had them together right instead of four you know three articles are going to be in between before you get to the other one that pertains to the 16 so anyway regarding this the the lighting bylaw the proposed change the new ordinance did this board you don't have to make a statement on that I I'd say keep it to your individual vote at town meeting because opining on it as a planning board is not a requirement and is not solicited you're solicited on the comment to only comment and vote on the anything that affects the zoning bylaw that's it zoning by only so that is not really something you would Aline on as a board you would individually at the meeting though so I I just wrote if you want me to read it pretty simple the proposed amendment will delete section 14552 entitled Outdoor Lighting in its entirety remove and replace it with a new general bylaw for outdoor lighting that's the reasons that I put for number one number two the bylaw Review Committee drafted the new outdoor lighting as a general bylaw and submitted it to the board of Selectmen as part of the charge of the committee in their review of the zoning bylaws of the town of towns and so I don't know if you want that one first maybe um oh there the second statement and put that switch those around a little bit maybe because that's what that was kind of the order put the onus you know like on the author of The bylaw yeah initiated by them okay switch those okay and if you guys have any other comments or thoughts on that only on the removal do you want to no I don't think we need to be very wordy yeah it's pretty simple yeah we didn't we didn't draft it it's just a guide for people to go by and they have to decide on which one they want yeah I mean you could put in there that in the event that the new outdoor lighting bylaw does not pass the planning board recommends leaving this no action yeah taking no action on this correct yeah that probably be a good thing because then you don't want to be without one right three in the EV that makes sense General Di meeting taking this arle is a special um town meeting G to be heard before the annual I believe they they open it then they close it and then they open the special they open the annual then they adjourn adjourn it right I see to be continued after the special I got from my recollection yeah I believe that's yes believe that's how we do it okay I remember doing it that way can we take up again you just send us and we'll respond yeah okay yeah 18 19 and 20 and then so those three plus 14 of special town meeting right yes and that should be everything yes okay thank you so AES thank you our next meetings are May 20th I'll be in person okay I want to say because we discussed at the last meeting because that was the continuation of the is that the continu people that were here last oh yes May 20th you have a contined public hearing right for the storm water yes yeah okay yes problem um and I'm not here I'll be on Zoom that's fine we have for you guys we just see the three of us do we need on that oh well I won't have the decision written right away right away yeah so okay I'll try to do a draft decision but yeah okay don't worry about signing it you have do we need to be all four present no in person just attending just attending no no no you can just have the three of you that's fine yeah that's fine you could be on Zoom right you said yeah no that's fine yeah that's all the same okay so I'll be here here great maybe make uh if there's any question maybe make a some an Outreach to Michael just in case okay okay sure and he can do Zoom okay know as well thank you I will I will um so that's the 20th and then June 10th and then also on the 20th we will have three sets of minutes yes to do to review right and uh and then what is there anything for June 10th right now no I think we're expecting a couple more storm water permit applications to come in so they might oh I um so what is the anticipated um I'm not quite sure about the 24th so for the next meetings yeah what's anticipated for the next meeting we don't have a lot of applications in right now so once we process the storm water management permit there is nothing beyond that so in terms of public hearings okay um so I'm I'm going to be here July and August okay so um the 8th and 22nd should be fine are you guys going away or anything um no because I get chauff for Duty I think for the rest of the summer I'm not going any okay so are you talking June or uh I was June would be I'm not quite sure about the 24th and if we are really light we could just um push everything to July if possible okay and when is um our report due on 22 Main Street oh I will look that up for you sorry I don't have that right now but there is a deadline um the board never received um an application for amendment to or modification to the site plan so there's for 22 Main Street um The Last Action was the board asked for a modification to the special permit with the best Rule and the yeah the handicap ramp or something yeah so we haven't received any application yet so I'll reach out again but yeah it's still working not I mean the her business is open but they are not working on the vesile okay so that is something I can follow up on I'll also talk to Jessica to follow up with that too and we'll see what we can do okay what was the ultimate from n do we didn't get it no there was something that came an update for know no they they came with a broad statement that wasn't exactly thought they had to change something no they they were no what happened is their consultant approach mat do the engineer and we in insisted on a a report from Asar yes so they did a preim a preliminary one yeah which they came in with their site plan to conform with the preliminary one but that was not submitted to Mot and then secondly I know from myself that mass do most likely wouldn't have approved that and that is why and then they came back later with the changes for the handicap and the you know the vesu and I'm like you got to start over they're changing these driveways and please please get us a report for um the on okay yeah it's like long long enough yeah I'll reach out but they do have an expiration date on the special permit which I think you mentioned you guys I think it's June 30th okay I'll double check but I think you're right I think you're right yeah so so come May 20th we should have an update okay okay because what happens if we won't extend after June 30th I mean enough is enough um I can ask I can ask councel that I don't know so no but we haven't received an approved statement for M no the applicant last time you asked the applicant to submit a modified site plan review agre and yeah it hasn't been received by the planning board office okay all right okay then it's the 20th you can't do said they W do that it'll be at 3:30 for me on [Music] building work the the vules were screwing that where not oh and even the one that we did approve prior to drive because he tried to wing with a motion to adjourn at 8:25 please I make a motion to adjourn at 8:25 on May 62 and I yes Robert they in here sh yes