##VIDEO ID:ivDHIToQDpI## I'll call our meeting to order October 1st 2024 at 5:33 p.m. of the towns and properties committee uh just introduce yourself please Vicky chman Julie vyers gin Smith um so our member Bill Martin is not here or on Zoom three approve the minutes of May 14 2024 and Jody thank you for the updated minutes all right think they look good I'll entertain a motion to approve the minutes of May 14 2024 I make motion to approve the meeting minutes May 14 2024 for the to property committee as submitted go ahead second Kevin second seconded okay any further discussion hearing none all those in favor say I I I hi unanimous thank you now weie updates list Town own property appreciated all that information and also Melissa's well this explanation and update um let's see the attorney so the last update from the [Music] attorney was the end of My3 letter thata just sent it's just is that this yes oh okay just yeah so we're not looking a lot yeah I was going to say there's a lot more on this L we got several Parcels lot of them are the overing of emry M the the Cherry Drive uh the Cherry Laurel l these we've been kicking these for 25 years 20 years so most of those are well okay so most of them are the Halfacre they're all half acre because of the time that's what that was except for the one that's almost an acre um on Willow but all Wetlands all a lot of it what I I had made the suggestion years back um offer if a couple of these could be combined I don't know whether the whether you can pick up a lot out of these because the main power line after you need power line get through um some of them which would be the third the third one on the first page so bers up they and there's a note for made by I don't know who about the you do combine those other three try come up with something on Laurel on I kind of jump from the first one to the third one the first one being the fishburg road I don't know why I got down to the third one but that one kind of comes to mind from many many years ago these are these are Town owned right these are town the lent is in land court so we okay these ones are all all to go yeah I want us just to know about them so are these in order of this where's the seven oh yeah and that's where the line is right the power line we don't have power line which is you this one here um there I think there this is the only access to that yeah there's something there may or may not be something there I looked at that because we were looking I remember looking at this for dog park at one time but this ISAT can't the the power easement runs right through runs right runs right through here yeah it was and it it kind of messes it up and the rod gun I believe will be that piece and I believe this is all wet as I as memory stands me correct I think a lot of this is wet I think and then you got the easement going through you don't have a lot to live with that's left yeah in here um however I think that deserves a maybe a good hard [Music] look try when you try to tell all these other ones up L these are all the ones they couldn't do nothing with 40 years ago right and they couldn't build on them then when they put that subdivision in probably closer to 50 years ago now look at the water right there yeah and2 53 54 okay so 114 where is 114 L 114 okay so a couple there's a couple right there that that and 115 yeah I don't know whether those were notes that we took many years ago yeah but I you'd have to use those yeah to get into that because I believe right straight ahead of where is now that road is is all wet so these we should just get rid of well I would you know it would be nice and I this was my offer or suggestion many years ago probably more than once was to take those lots offer them to the neighbors like you got a house here on the end right that is a lot this one right at the very end M you got a lot on the other side offer those have the town offer those to the um neighbors the buers even if they sold them even if the town even if the town sold them to them for a Dollar Plus legal expenses that if they wanted to take the legal expenses legal expenses for it let them have the lot you're going to get that property back in the tax rolls yeah well legally everything has to go to auction right you can't offer anything and like oh here's B can't do that they all have to go to auction which still is a viable option to the abuts but you have to decide if that cost to have the auction but and then yeah and then I mean these would I mean right now they're still a lot of front Lots I mean yeah but I mean they're they're only they're assessed at less than $10,000 the amount of taxes you're going to get get off of them right yeah but right now we getting this much yeah but I mean if depending on what it would cost you to do the auction is it going to be in the run there yeah I have the tally that she gave it is a percentage based on what they get in plus all of the work they plus all the work they do so it's I have that calculation probably a win but let me see I see what I have what do you mean that plus all the work they do they send out a list they send out uh they notices out they make sure there's clear titles they do that stuff in the backr yeah they notify all the surroundings I would imagine as well yeah and uh but they should go we should get them off there we've been we've been kicking these around since since the Inception of the town properties committee some 25 years ago yeah for however long I've been on it I agree with it I do if there's any chance that they that they could sell as long as it isn't like thousands of dollars that we don't have well to go through the process and if I owned if I owned a buing land to that I would be I I would be wanting to be proactive to to buy the same Tok the people that that live over there they say well why we're using it now for nothing well that's the opinion of that some people will have you yeah I am is there any uh if all three were sold together that's so if just driving down this road this you could I was going to say that's the water what does the blood plant look like over that know that's a big thing yeah I think the p p plan might oh it would by the time you take a out that there's nothing left it's just you know when somebody went to sell their lot they'd have an acre and a half lot to sell two acre lot rather than half lot that me anything can't pave in there this I don't these things so many years confused about the second one as well old Turn Pipe Ro 127 Z that's not the piece we gave to the cemetery is it it's showing up that's that wasand I think turn down by down by the end down by the PO Farm I think that got in not on this map turn bike it's map 12 we're map six back a little bit it up before you know it Department four seven nine 13 127 17 there you go that's I believe that this one was turned over to the the cemetery this would be Lee lon's piece on the corner which was the where the thing was before that I believe we turned that over to the cemeter department years ago do a littlear on that that 15 is it's oh is 92 Acres yeah which one was that that was that was on the um we're talking about this one that number 17 down by at the corner of Old Turnpike lass's Old Barn was on the corner yeah that lot back from there didn't we turn that over to cemetery years ago I don't have any indication on my list or on that property record card not that I know her I believe we I think I remember they to turn that piece over uh to the under the control of the cemetery for future expansion because it's a high dry gravel pce of gravel ground yeah but that I don't Cemetery there but that is a cemeter that was before however let's let's step back a little bit that was Vicki before we were able to buy I'm in a different spot okay like Jes I don't want that that was before we were able to make that land deal with Christian and buy the expansion that's now at Hillside yeah yeah not Hillside I'm sorry West West End West End Cemetery John Christian owned a p of land Main Street all the way across the river and all the way up along the railroad yes and that was stun that done the town ended up with that and and they cleared it for a future for the expansion of okay that piece right there was deemed to go to the cemetery and at the same time no no this was before that I believe that piece that piece was going in maybe under Cemetery I'm I'm almost certain I'm I'm 99% certain I don't know why it's not why it's not showing up um I definitely remember no that's St up that 5 point something acre lot yeah but we don't well we don't have anything on the property record card saying that and we normally do and I have the 12 Parcels that is under cemetery and parks on like you know off Dudley Highland Main Street and that one's not there I believe that was I I I know that there's a there's an issue but I I think it's under their control I believe it is hi Roger Roger quick question minute meeting uh Roger that 5.9 acre lot just before just before um Le place that went under the control of the cemetery Department he has a go correct okay well they don't have any Rec they're not showing it either and the committee and the town hall you don't know I was back is sitting here right now looking at it and it's not showing has has to have anything to do with under being under the control of sary Department do you have the documentation or can you obtain the documentation from one was voted to go to to fall under the why don't you dig it up and start by and visit Vicki at the assessor's office I know it is control over few years yeah but they're not showing so if you could do that for me Roger that would be great thank you yeah bye okay I know because they've already cut the timber off at once I know I know it was we voted for it we voted we to and this would be that Old Turnpike Road 5.9 Acres it was years ago I'm sorry it's de all i' rather have correct um yeah records as opposed to it being in the wrong spot and like I said on my list I have a spot for cemeter Parks can find the town meeting I was just going to say yeah I just don't want to all of them I may even read it I I I I thought that they were both done at the same time which one I I thought like Roger did that they were both done at the same time the Christian property wasn't he Bill mat was Bill mat served on there with me was here night he help me not you know how to get him I don't have him in my phone I do have in my phone I I know but I'm not going to bother I I I think the best thing to do is a it can I let him Roger believes Roger believes that he can he can find those documents in his office in the next day or so and bring him to Vicki he would do that can I step back to the first one cuz I know I got way out of line new Fitchburg Road yes that new Fitchburg Road piece and I'm going back again for my 10 years years it's been a long time um here yeah that parcel sits right out the state pits oh there it is that's that is I believe what did he do that this is the state pit I believe Matson I mean arrows arrows um Brady State pit little tiny piece of private piece I don't know know it's colored there believe that's that's a private piece this piece is piece is wet I believe I walked that piece for Town many years ago I believe that's wet we can revisit it well we have it marked as wet and Topo it gets a things and for shape yeah I don't believe there's anything there yeah okay so as we go through these what are we are we like CR so if there's nothing there what's a solution well if you if you took if you took all these pieces all these little tiny pieces off of excuse me another suggestion that we had made many years ago and I and I I do see kind of like Wetlands concon control here we might have deemed to try to give that of the control of the Conservation Commission many years ago and maybe that's why that's kind of noted here on all these Parcels that were over there um just giving it to the under the control of Conservation Commission like to say you try to give this you try to give this uh you can't give it away I don't know the thing to give it away they can't they' have to Au it to be legal and then what's somebody going to pay for I think I think Som yeah if you print it this way you don't get that last I didn't do that on purpose no I did it up and down I'm pretty sure these were notes that we made you know cons possible Conservation Commission you know to give it over Conservation Commission many years agoy like that so how do we give them to conservation do we just right now the town owns it we recommend these all go to cons we could well it's not worth any go down the line right now and then I think usually they take whatever you give them right I why they wouldn't yeah be under their perview see now same same Builder now if you go down I love memory L same same Builder now go down to page two what you savage you got this piece on shy road which would be I don't know whether that's page two or not um see with the 9 acre piece on Shirley Shirley Road being number one that's a piece of landlock land that I walk 25 years ago the 9 acre yeah yeah that's just a piece of property kind of down along the river I think it was as we call it when we were kids um so he gron and uh it's see if DCR will buy it DCR yeah DCR On's the forest and Parks owns the land beside it and uh then you got the that it's it's now you go down under that section Lori you go on to that section and now now you get all these other pieces same developer same time frame okay so now we're sitting with the same kind of report you are oriented this away so do you see do you see the page and say C wrot Green Acres yeah but how how about we just since we all have the same paper now why don't we just go in order oh okay and see if we can't just put an end to thoughts on these of which way we should go well okay we went through page one already well okay say allone is it going to be all conservation that would be my recommendation so that one we just looked at the weird do less less the 5.9 I believe that's under cemeteries control okay the first the first number one which is the 2 and 1 half acres on the fburg road which already been through that was wet so you think that should be under conservation I believe you go down to the 7.5 acre piece plus the other pieces combining which would be the third one we talked about which is off Cherry Drive I think you should hold that because something's there could be something there there the seven and a half acres seven and a half acres and the other two two below it I believe I believe you would need those two I believe you need those two lots to get access to get in there you would have Frontage if you didn't have well no it's the wetlands to get in there those two below it say tax taking oh that's how we got it yeah yeah um not in tax title like the other one right yeah okay and then from Laura Lane down to Sumac would all be con y okay so P other except sumac is the one that is okay that's all that stuff down there and were you um Jody were you did you say you had something that had about the approximate cost yep um so for the last auction it looked like the cost per property um was between $2 and $3,000 okay and they don't get paid until after the auction right yeah not now that's not Iris that is that's a different situation just the auction what the deal with that okay just the auction people that's a that's a whole acre but does it have to go why would that be K through Iris it was a different yes yes Iris is the one who gets like she gets yeah she does the Foreclosure part of it so she's the one who goes to landport and gets it and I didn't think it was but these are our properties so there's no foreclosure no that's why we're out of virus so so the auction people did that that's why that was my quote from the from what each property so there's a range depending on what they have to do and when it says per property is it per parcel or is it this is what we decide that if you flip it over so there's P's main stream and then the unit on and then there is that you yeah I wonder if it would be if we decided to put three together if that would still be the case are you referring to these Cherry off cherry on Cherry dag as one auction item versus three there's got to be something I'm might have to pull the D on that one because probably want to do something if you're going to try to auction them off rather than just or something the best thing in my opinion is still try to auction off because if you Au someone of the is probably going to want buy I mean actually like what's wrong with these if they do want to buy if they don't they don't sell if they do they might bring a couple bring a couple GRS at least it's going to put that land back in the tax roles right now is not in tax okay so that's that's those three and I think they see they don't have the same uh Wetlands discrimination as Laurel and camar Willow and suac so for that whole list that may make more sense to go to conservation on all of those but try to do something with that first we pretty well called out anything that was buildable we combined some stuff years ago yeah did the habitat house did the habitat house and and that's about all we come up with in there that we gained everything in there that we we could come up with it get one build of a lot now when we do the recommendation to give to conservation do we have to ask their permission first or we just make all we do is just recommend to the board of Selectmen they're just going to the board of Select notify the consom which I can't speak just remember but and see if they want to accept yeah okay responsibility well um on map 10 lock 20 2.5 acres NP Road um I'll entertain a motion to recommend to Conservation Commission that was the first [Music] one I make a motion to recommend conserv hold on I might you have a piece of property that is wet it has no value as far as a know a lot uh for and pars are fish and wildlife on the abing property oh will they make a bid on it they were always trying to buy land some they're paying upwards of $3,000 an acre for that stuff and right that might bring six it would cost a couple to get rid of it the town might get back into the postive three or four they might that well you don't need an auction to to approach fish and wildlife you don't no no so so that's because that's a state state organization you don't have the Au we don't need an auction we that doesn't have to be auctioned right no no not to sa want to buy it no so how about we make the motion that fish and wildlife is or or DCR whoever owns it I'm not sure there DCR ficient Wildlife up in that pce okay I believe the off surely Road piece is DCR I think that's overarching though so let's let's just Che stti with stick with new Pittsburgh road we recommend first to try to sell it to fish and wildlife or DCR whoever might be interested this is recommendation to the board of slman so we make that recommendation first if that doesn't fly we recommend to go to conservation on that on that piece Fair okay so that's the motion do you have that motion Jody I do now you do now move it I'll second that okay got it yes so move okay perfect D so moved Kevin seconded all those in favor say I I okay on to the next one we are going to pass over uh old trp by Road the 5.9 Acres at the moment for hopefully a report back by the next meeting as to who has control of that now thinking that it's Cemetery okay then the next one is the three Parcels on Cherry Drive recommend to the board of Selectmen to auction as one parcel is that going to take engineering to total of three par well be this there should be a deed for each one of these Lots yeah a map and lot so so it as a as a group yeah you might even be able to get away with the merger Doctrine on that since it's all owned by the town okay I just wanted to yeah make sure that we okay so that's I think a good recommendation for the board of Select to look at i' make a motion and uh Council will be able to advise whether or not we can merge or not okay so there is a motion by Kevin and a second second second by many to uh auction off those three Parcels that's a recommendation to the board four Parcels total isn't it three oh three that's right one wasn't there yeah okay all in favor say I I I any post no unanimous okay so now we go from three on Laurel tamarak Willow Drive and Sumac Drive all comined we're gonna look at Willow to figure out what's going on on Willow because it's almost an acre and the card says restricted we don't know why yeah right so I'll look up the we have to figure that one out okay take out Willow Willow for investigating the rest are recommended to the board of Selectmen to transfer control to conservation is there a motion I'll make a motion to those Parcels um in in question the yes there nine Parcels nine Parcels be um offered to the conservation put under conservation control okay so that's the by select right it's recommendation to the board of Select them second for those name and there's a quick second okay uh any further discussion hearing none all those in favor hi it's unanimous thank you next Elm Street 24 Acres vacant next to sanook utility easement deed States leave open and in Natural State 105 so if the deed states that then that again would be conservation I would say yeah you can't do anything with you can't do anything I make a motion to board to take that number 17-15 d0 Y and recommend to the board of Selectmen that that parel be placed under the control of the Conservation Commission okay is there a second second okay any further discussion hearing none all those in favor say I I I Kevin hi it's unanimous 5.3 Acres off Worcester Road map 17 66 next to sanook and question mark for conservation control that parcel is the parcel that runs kind of around by the D by where the where blood Ro comes out with blood 1766 who's got it you 66 follow the river right in the corner oh yeah that's what all L yeah okay conservation right y okay I'll make a motion to take that 5.3 acre parcel offer Road number 17- 660 bacon property L Squan cook River uh recommended the board select when to put that under conservation control okay is there a second second Julie wins okay any further discussions all those in favor say I I any posed that's unanimous two acres Turnpike Road M 1824 old dump site part of solar overlay District that parcel is the old original town down I know where they dump that's right for the people it was still a dump when I moved here here few people the few people that may not that would be me that was owned by the rossback firm and sold to the town for when was the solar District fell into play would probably be probably the only thing that you could put on it would be yeah that's what they did in um in Ting dble they had a old super fun site so recommend the town keep it yeah I'll make a recommendation that the town keep that 2 acre parel uh for a 18- 24-0 to remain under Town control for a possible future solar U I don't really know that you need to make a motion on that yeah already is yeah okay next to it consider the same that sounds good 27's two ACR where you know I'm nextus Riverbank Terrace map 1827 it runs Main Street across really that's 27 right am I look the wrong thing main yeah yeah yeah oh that's the railroad that's the railro I'm sorry runs the railroad that's that steep embankment area if you walk right off the corner this backing lot right here frage on the left side no no no no Frontage this is the this that's a but no Frontage on a public that should go conservation control I believe yeah why not well yeah okay River B okay Riverbank right e side cook at the Dan yes I yeah I'll make a motion motion I'll make a motion for that piece of property number 18- 27-0 2 acre parcel um on the east side of Squan at Adam's Dam um recommend the select one to put that under conservation control second y any further discussion I do have a piece on on the Adams D okay what I I mean the town has to do it but every X number of years we have to certify the dam the dam itself we did it last year yeah it's kind of like so I don't know the next time it's going to be due but is that the town of conservation commission that's responsible responsible with that point well and and I mean the town and Bo selectman had to put an article on to did but conservation could probably put the article oner yeah so that that'll be the same I just as we're talking about a piece that's what came to mind can we make sure that that goes in the motion that they understand that when kcom would take control they must make sure that the certific ific for the dam gets done okay and how much does that cost I think it was 5,000 but I think we split it with somebody there a there's a private residence on the other side of the dam something like and so there was a split of the cost that what made it a little complex no I don't remember exactly the details but I'm we can go back yeah and they would be up to the board of selectman to make sure how that it was done correctly and that everybody had the merching orders y yeah but just I think that it's an awesome idea to get this to a very short list for town properties okay y um so we had the motion and it was seconded and you made your comment okay so we added that and all those in favor s i i and I and we can ask Kevin when he comes back although I really don't want to proceed without him but let's look at the 32 Acres on South Road Kevin you were in favor of that motion correct yes and we're just adding the note about the um certification of the dam yes okay so that was unanimous now we're on the 32 Acres on South Row road which is all it says is vacant land so it's m 25 landlock right it's landlock yeah yeah it's um is is that water's what's three where's the lot three right here oh it is totally so that's is that the club is that the yes and I I got a question there are no notes on this I can't remember what it is I thought that property was sold already I thought I thought that went to the state well I'll get it well the property record card should be right here I don't see it in there 253 is there a piece there the state the stage am I looking at that piece at 16 order yeah me um not 253 yeah whatever this guy good won't Vicky no it's jod yeah oh Jes 12 up the same my no that gets into money insurance and all that's still by the town huh that's on by the T it is but it's again it's Landmark so it's not really remember the piece not that was it the piece beside it then the one with the Ink Spot the one was that you really meant to Mar my head I look it up that must have been the piece pretty close to the same acre right it's got to be the piece there can't we just phone a [Laughter] friend actually look it up on here actually off if you might get a bid from from the R Gun yeah they' be the only taker or buffer plus somebody why do we have to do we have to auction that if you are trying to sell it you have to have to be part of an option even landlock even landlock I mean obviously you have to let people know it's landlocked but again when they go to auction they send out notices to all of the the okay okay I'll entertain a motion to recommend it be auction I'll no oh no I'll entertain the motion does somebody make the motion no were you making the motion he was he thought you were making a motion a motion I thought you made a mo I'm sorry I'll make a motion I'm just facilitating yeah I'll make a motion to auction off that parcel number 25-3 d0 vacant land sou ro road 32 Acres second you not any other discussion okay so recommend b b to auction that property all those in favor say I I I I I hi okay that's unanimous next 1.2 Acres on Adams Road drainage from tax [Music] tanking I'm I'm confused about that I 273 just want say he say Corner didn't he he did and well that's 33 that's 35 this one yeah oh wow I make a motion to action those off somebody might want to take them what's who owns this one 3 31.1 35 35.1 who's that one it look like they look like they broke it on just to leave those were Camp Lots we did a couple of those house sites over in there how thing is that how big is what did I say that was one's almost half an acre the other one's 1.2 1.2 is 33 1.2 is 33 34 is half an acre right huh is that okay well both of them bring ah the first one says drainage from tax taking drainage the 1.2 on the corner they're saying drainage from tax taking what does that mean I tax not sure and the other hand Baker says storm [Music] water which doesn't mean they're not buildable no they yeah Chan it yeah are you getting those cards nope okay no she running away just meeting any you know the little pieces was like that that one of the cor she's GNA she's going to get the card to see if there's any notes on there like why these notes are here because otherwise I I agree we may probably made we probably made those notes to those years ago like we did a lot of these you know hi everyone they made it so that hey Melissa Hi how are you good how are you good I just want to say my notes say drainage from Highland oh you were listening to us I've been here since the beginning me and Nelson Nelson and I I believe you're right across the road goes through that lot along the edge of it across the road beond the you got the little Pond right there on the right hand side that goes right across from it I don't I think it's right off the edge of it though Melissa what did you say the drainage was from uh my note say Highland yeah which it would run down the hill runs down the hill versus and but I think it goes along the edge of it if I'm not mistaken Adams is a little elevated but does that mean that they were using the lot for drainage no at all just that we probably made a not deal when we went out years ago and looked at that land that the from the road was going down on to the lot but there again we still got owners on either side of the property yeah just that both taxle doesn't I mean that they got them through tax title there's nothing else on the say anything about the screenage or the storm water no we've already we' looked at we've already looked at those build them no they just not big enough but like I say those are Parcels it yeah AEL the owner either side of that might be interested in buying it the next little piece up the line the the guy in the side of it either side of it may be interested the guy behind it might be interested get I I think that's the driveway but you know what I'm saying I was that guy yeah that's what I'm saying I think option yeah okay I'll entertain those motions uh 1 two on Adams Road and 046 on Adams Road to be recommended to the BOS for auction so you want a motion yes ma'am okay so I'll make a motion that the 1.2 lot on Adams Road 2 7 330 and 46 Acres on Adams Road 27-34 go to the selectman for auction second no one else was get ready okay um any further discussion on those two hearing none all in favor and I unanimous Jody next Highland Street 27511 I tried to find behind the highway garage access on highand street it's I think it's just 57 oh 571 it's just a little piece keep that right I would think they shouldn't keep it like this is the highway Stu that would right now just end up with a nice straight line yeah I leave that alone it's that parel it's that has no Frontage no I would just do we do we transfer to transfer to transfer to the oh okay yeah all right so I'll make a do I need you make okay so I'll make a motion that the 0.5 Acres 45 Acres on Highland Street 27571 go to the highway department he transfer to to the department it's control because it comes out of the town to do them okay is there a second a second no any further discussion um done I'm sorry I'm just looking at the note that said access on Highway and I or Highland and I am seeing a small yeah well that's a RightWay going that's a RightWay it's yeah but it's a RightWay and and can get to it I don't know it doesn't make sense but yeah okay M so once we do that that little parcel will go away and it will be merged into highway highway legally I mean when you talked about merging the other ones yeah but well yeah but you are they going to deed it to them the existing deed the existing deed Vicki will just be conveyed as part of become part of yeah which is no they're just taking control I do anything okay where the highway is located now is controlled by the town corre clarification land like as opposed to the schools where they're it's owned by the whatever right School properties owned by who that high school okay so that motion is to recommend that they transfer to Highway transfer to Highway any other discussion hearing none all those in favor say I I okay already so 51 Acres Whitney Lane map 28 I'll explain that to you that's while you're here we find Whitney Whitney Lane Whitney Lane is actually the end of Dudley Road Dy Road it used to be Whitney Lane yeah there's no Whitney Lane anymore Dudley Road it's across isn't it across the road when you on the corner let me explain to you folks where it is when you turn left after you go by the after you go by the when you're in front of the police department you're going to take a left you know how the road goes in and then it jogs to the right yep the old Whitney Lane was there they took the old Whitney Lane out Dudley Road went over kind of where the police station is MHM so they built the police station there they took a little house down Y and the remaining land that wasn't taken um when they reigned Dudley road is 0.51 Acres still known as Whitney Lane if I'm saying that right that that parcel is just a tiny little parcel right there see it where's the police station across police station is oh it's across the road the police station is onine Road okay so this this is the police station and that's the road you go in and Dudley to Dudley to Dudley and this is this small would be it's it's that one right there I believe yeah yeah 12 is I I think you would classify that as a pre-existing non-conforming a lot that's I don't know why I went by there in the last couple of weeks and I kind of said jeez there's something that I can't believe we're talking about it tonight it's a half acre with Frontage too yeah so the town the town bought that many years ago to realign so they could get everything to fit in there that's still a Town Road right this little okay so it's got Frontage and Anchorage oh auction this this doesn't exist now no but this this this is part of this where that little Hook is that comes around like this this is access to the parking lot behind the police basically well this way yeah correct okay I think auction someone wrote on this map and it wasn't us just know was is there I'll make a motion I'll make a motion to town auctions that uh piece of property up .51 Acres Whit the old Whitney Lane parel 28 there there zero is there a second second discussion did you want to say something no I'm fine with that one um we'll get ready for the next one so all those in fav say I I and I okay unanimous auction next 1.5 Acres on Meadow Road 2838 oh Frontage it's all wet it says wet it says Wetland huh it's all I believe it's along the metal both of those I would just auction because 38 some of butter might want to to add it I think so this one and this one yeah 39 and 4 38 38 and 49 2999 I so I'll make a motion that the 1.5 acre parcel in metal Road 28 380 and the 0.92 acre parcel on meow Road 28 496 be recommended for auction to the board selectman okay and we got a second any further discussion none all those in favor say I I any pose no you we're going back to three 1.3 Main Street really that let me explain that that is a cliff we have cliff well if you drive down from amadon right amon's Farm yeah and you get to the St when you got to stop at9 you look directly across the road from there and you're looking up a mountain the side of a mountain that parcel I believe my memory stands me correct that is that parel you can't do nothing with it six where's Wheeler Road coming down Main Street Wheeler Road coming here that' be the piece right directly from there that oh is that the six right there so it borders this road too Hamilton Hill both sides it literally is a cliff it's a cliff it only would have value who one either the state owns this piece DCR or um a person that might own this piece that wants to be able to look over the clip because this is some Hamilton Hill Road for nothing that's a very steep uh very steep road so is that going to be State first and if not State then then auction because you don't need to auction to offer so let's do that first yeah make the recommendation make the recommendation to do that first okay going to make that one all right so I'll make a motion that the 1.3 acre parcel on Main Street 3- 6-0 uh first be offered to the state of Massachusetts actually it's a commonwealth um and and if not yeah and if not then to go to auction second okay any further discussion hearing none all those in favor say I thank you from Nex is off Shirley Road it's a tiny little s mys 39 Oh border you know little yeah yeah to H I didn't know we were right thanks to thanks I just text my that's that that's what it is it literally it's a wedge it's like it was a lot line adjustment to the Town Line in gron and towns you want to give it to gr you want well no because so it recommendation be what is it about there what's that one 22 22 parel one yeah 22 Acres parel one which one is that card 39 one you got it done I can get to the it ABS the one we're talking about what's the na first it's 391 I don't even know what you do with a piece because my God no you just aution it and hope that well he'd be the only jaer yeah so you should get it for yeah that's not 39 that's a different map oh they're yellow um it's oh but one no oh it's not shaded ones oh I see sorry Vic that's okay I don't know much but I know something you know a lot more than most the map maps map maps yeah the breakdown time oh yeah yeah oh hi sorry I didn't drop Jody can you oh probably not um I was thinking you could uh email Nelson the list of properties oh does he need it is he on right now yeah he's been on since the beginning y I'll go do that um okay and another question it if you don't guys don't mind um uh are we GNA talk about the water um building today the water department building no why not it's a way off oh do you know what I just wanted a synopsis go um we are appr meeting to this we're almost done with the list we're almost done with the list next the rest of it's going to go real quick and then and then we'll just land yeah and then the only other thing is this I was interested in the synopsis of the water department building so that's why I had mentioned it in one of my emails that you were copied on so thank you for asking the question but I think we're I think we're moving along that piece hopefully we're done before s that's a tiny little it's third of an acre it's like nothing two tents of an acre two tents of um I think the rest will go quick you're going to get through the Shirley Road piece that'll be and then these these other ones they were all the same as like uh Cherry Lan you want that motion right now for which one well still trying to find that does it it's it's kind of funny because weing try to find it down here we at 39 and Charley Street's running down here but you've got this little it's just a sliver it's just a sliver and we've got all sorts of little little pieces and lines I didn't know and should it be 32 it's 2/10 of an acre it's that small not even 21 we're down here 39 less qu yeah but it's it's like what is yeah what is that yes should we FP is it why don't we T we t for a while because not gonna be able to sell that piece any okay oh shoot all right so T the next meeting two1 of of an acre so's know that recommended for auction do we keep no I don't know who's gonna who would want it the person so next up is map 40 and it's on Shirley Road m 40 okay map 40 lot two yeah say it's landlocked and a borders DCR and yeah the only one bers what DCR Landon that's a good one so the state must own this so yeah yes you're right the state the state this DCR this lands on the DCR control right there yeah I'd offer them yeah yeah i' offer to them okay make them 9 acre parcel good is good parcel in the middle of nowhere they might as well own the 9 acre parel on Shirley Road 40-2 um be offered to DCR second any further discussion hearing say none favor say I so that's unanimous to be offered to DCR oh okay here's another group of these or were the same developer that develop those others to the other side of town yeah so you got the same situation going on there I've walked all these Parcels over the last 20 something years over when we decided to walk them probably 20 years ago 34 de them then to be just bulp out of that [Music] bog one I'm sorry one one and then those lots I would take one motion for here if you had them up there's enough there to almost put into conservation control just proor Ro could I have one motion for proa Road okay I'll make a motion for the Lots on proa road do you want you don't want the numbers there's six six Lots six Lots on road 42-1 and then if you want to do the 29 through 34 well wait a second wouldn't you include this one on Edward Ro want look at separ okay start over do theor road yeah I'll make a motion that the Lots on proactor road start at 42-1 d29 through 42-1 d34 um be offered to the conservation Comm transfer to the Conservation Commission second second any further discussion hearing none vot I sorry I I Kev I I okay that that's unanimous to recommend to transfer to cons come Okay so now 42154 it is in the middle of Edward Road right and there's the buts on either side yep you say but it's good he you might be want me to make a motion for that I make a motion to uh take lot 42-1 154 half an acre land on Edwards Road send it AC second any further discussion hearing none all those in favor I Kevin okay I would do the same thing on because we've had a woman that comes in at least three or four times a year that wants out along the ditch 4920 4920 against the railroad line that's a pre-existing for lot is a house lot there same auction y all right I'll motion I'll make a motion that the one acre lot on wer Road 49-20 d0 go to auction second any other discussion hearing none all those in favor say I I I I Kevin okay 28 is here 6.85 off Elm Street sanook at Adam Dam el west side of sanook at Adams D oh that maybe shouldn't be on there okay so that out all right we last one six 151 21 well what what did you just do I didn't hear much we don't need to do anything the cemeter need to move it off that l oh okay sorry we jumped yeah you want to make should we make a motion and move it off the list no you don't have she just has to fix the okay and edit okay thank you um then six Elm Street tiny little piece bacon next to ambulance parking oh little bugger right there oh used to be ambulance parking oh right no it's not amb parking anymore street I'll tell you I wonder if you want my opinion that where because of a strategic location the center of town well I don't know what you to call it I I I feel like the town should keep that passel yeah paring we don't know why okay overflow or something discuss another time it's we can discuss the future another time okay I was say you did the emsas did a Le transfer for the something we did a leak transfer for the building but could that be their parking I don't know what they're doing in there doesn't make sense to me let anyer Town yeah yeah that that because of its location and it's a dry lot okay okay okay so um thank you very much guys because that is I think a big step to make this a lot shorter for future meetings of the properties committee um so Melissa are you with us hi yes I am that you need to see happening but um great job guys wow so did you have information like synopsis for us the report on the Water Department building uh the only update I have is that um they plan on being out of there by December 1st or January 1 was really the tentative I mean it's already been approved by the board of Selectmen and on a spe on an article on a town meeting uh that happened September 2016 2023 so really it's ready to go once they're out of there if we want to add it to the auction list or whatever you guys that was the plan right to auction it yeah okay why don't we just put it on um a future agenda then because it doesn't sound like it's going to be this month or next month so um table our next meeting maybe okay they'll they'll probably water department will have a much clearer understanding of when their when their uh new building will be completed by then even if it falls into January or February even you know then they they may need time to get out after that we don't know we're not sure what's going to be required uh before can be AED okay I think we had mentioned the title five and I just asked that if you could like minutes of this meeting so that we see them before and then I can discuss any questions that Nelson might have to the Motions that we made to recommend yeah sure okay um and then possibly the next meeting of this board will be after November 16th after they the board of regroup and or group there's no you need more than one so um yeah so U call Call of the chair Whatever Whenever we need are ready we'll have a meeting okay okay any other things come before us make a motion to adjourn tojn at 6:40 second okay all in favor I