good evening it is April 2nd 2024 at 6:m I'd like to call the meeting the board of selectman meeting to order roll call please TR pres pres CH deranian pres please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance United States of America it stands one nation under God indivual liberty and justice for all thank all those that served for the country and those still in service and our First Responders the meeting is being recorded and uploaded to YouTube at a later date um 1.4 Chairman's additions and valtion um I have uh we will be deleting 2.1 the mass Trails Grant status update and some changes so we want to and we have that discussion so it looks like we'll be able to get directly to meeting business and hopefully get to uh the executive sessions so we can adj meeting right from there so like to be able to get that if you guys can help me out with it I'd appreciate um review and approve the meeting minutes we don't have any um so I'll jump down to 4.1 set dates to open and close special town meeting warrant um Eric we talked about um opening yeah this is for the special time meeting that go that happens before the annual time meeting every year um uh my suggestion would be that we open the special time meeting Waring today and we close it on April 16th so that gives us two weeks so I'll entertain a motion um for us to open the special town meeting warrant and the annual Town um meeting warrant uh on 42 2024 and to close it on 416 2024 some second any discussion on that all those in favor no just to be clear this is just for the special time meeting the annual time meeting where is our yeah it was actually it's already the time to submit things is already passed for the special time so I'll amend that motion to take to strike all those in favor yes yes um 4 point2 Grant uh a motion to uh Grant the renewal of junk dealer license um MJS medals through May 1st 2025 so move second move second in any discussion on this here I thought the last time they were in here we were going to try to be able to avoid this that they get they got the renewal that it didn't have to come through here remember I do remember and I thought that when I saw this so what is happening that they have like they're the only people that come every year and it's an agenda item I'm not sure what's happening yeah and we said we were going to fix it yeah no I'm not sure okay I think all licenses get renewed every year yeah but they don't come to the board of Select me to get renewed yeah like the common Victor's licenses just there's a I think there's a general motion to allow the administrative right to administr do them we do them all at the same time um is it what what would make this one different than any of the other ones outside of I don't know do we have any other junk dealers licenses I don't know that we do well when we talked about it last time I kind of looked through the minutes and it was just that he just wasn't getting the information to come you know for the renewals he wasn't being put on the list with all the others and we said okay next year we'll make sure you're on the list and I guess we never did I'll double check that with sabr you know um and and see if that's the kind of thing that in other municipalities they just do put on the kind of generic list of annual renewals that it's done on mass um I remember we did something but I didn't remember exactly what well I can really throw a monkey wrench at all of you on that one if you want okay so the US Car licenses the junk licenses years back were set up that we had to have renewal through the border selectman every year and every year we had to produce a hazardous waste manifest that we had to submit to the town of towns for record I know I still do that every year I don't know if anybody else does interesting so that should be looked into yeah I agree because we but we but you you don't have to come in and have an agenda item I don't come in but the license goes out there's no reason it has to be here but we have to produce and then we have to sign off on the licenses right yes okay right and we just last last time why he can't do it just like everybody else we couldn't wouldn't do it but anyways I I'm certainly would approve it going forward but I'd like to not see it again next year we can't promise anything I know we'll we'll check to see if that's something we can just do and do this all right all those in favor citya we can put that on the on the parking lot um 4.3 uh update on the planning committee and is that you Teresa the capital planning Capal planning so um we just wanted to update what we uh the requests that we had put forward remember there was the uh unitel incentives and uh the previous year they had been uh $40,000 uh it ended up they we first tried to add the firehouse but it was too late to get the firehouse in um but we did go ahead and try to uh do get the the proposal which includes um the same four projects that they were giving uh it would only cost us $40,000 now it's going to cost us $70,000 however the energy that's you're talking the energy audit with all the okay the um the energy committee still feels that even though uh we're not getting nearly as much back we'll still get a return on investment now the average return on investment when we first presented I think was 4.2 years or something like that now it's up to 6 point something but they still think it's a good way to go forward so there asking for that 70 and I can give you the exact figures and I have all write ups for each proposal but they're asking for that um $70,000 to be added to the capital plan so that's the only change everything else on the plan stays to same so the question is whether or not you know can can would you be willing to look up the exact number because I think we'd have to have a vote on the exact numberb well the bard of selectman would like to amend the previously approved Capital plan that we already went through and talked about to add an additional project for this energy audit for these buildings at whatever the cost is um um to be added to the capital plan for fy2 so I just for for Teresa for my for clarity for me it's are we increasing it from 40 to 70 is that what we're doing yeah well it wasn't it wasn't in the original right we didn't put any of we didn't put any of it in the original capital plan so we have the existing Capital plan that was voted on approved by the board to put on the warrant the question is whether or not the board wishes to add this additional item onto the capital well no the additional one we approved had us a space holder for 40,000 because that's what we thought it was going to be yeah because there's no there's no documentation so I didn't know if that was in addition to so we're increasing what we put in there well what you guys put in there from 40,000 to 70,00 yeah add $3,000 to the capital just got to get on and the we the do we have a total on what that is right now for everything for the capital plan yeah and Supra didn't I send this to I thought I sent it to you so I apologize if you guys didn't have it but it is on SharePoint I did put it over on SharePoint is it where is it on SharePoint under Capital plan oh under there okay okay just give me a second so so the number I have is 7776 for the capital request and towns LED retro cost so that's the police uh police station Library senior center Memorial Hall we tried to get the Harvest station in but it was too late so we'd have to give that the next time so that that's why I don't have that I took that one out and [Music] [Applause] that's that's the additional amount so I believe the to the total cost would be looks like so it's 195,930 77 is the new amount um I'm trying to figure out what the total is I think it's [Music] that which document am I looking at in here teres it should be the capital plan workbook Capital plan requests recommendation 25 fiscal year 25 recommendation is that I'm looking at okay yeah so I think this is is this the document that you had with all of them on it so that would mean that the the the capital plan recommendations would be $35,000 for a records management project for the police department yeah um $13,200 for the highway uh Cat Loader lease $777 65 for the municipal lighting retrofit and then two separate $180,000 dump trucks for Highway correct and then there was a proposal for $70,000 for fire but I think the Border select already deferred on yes to not to not put that on the capital plan that was for to for the ACC the truck yeah we did all right so just going to go from 40 to 77 that's fine yeah so I'm just going to give a total real quick I apologize so it looks like the total amount would be $485,900 led retrofit lighting retrofit to the approve pre already approved Capital plan so second moved in second and any further discussion um I just have a couple of questions on in regards to the implementation of that so does the energy committee keep their eye on how that's going in and what they're putting in and what they're you know how does that all work well I think we'd probably treat it the way that we were treating um the green communities grants gotta where the energy committee is kind of involved in oversight of the those those grants um and um making sure that uh and checking with whatever whatever entity is in charge of the building to make sure that the work was actually completed yeah so we're doing a lot of work in Spalding so we have to check with Dave who's the the North Middle sex um lands and build guy to make sure that they've actually completed the work before we report it over to mrpc so we wouldn't have a reporting mechanism except to be back to the board to report to the work has been done but I think the exact work that they're going doing for each of the buildings is outlin like that and the saying as long as somebody right somebody the expectation is both the energy and the police department would uh keep an manage each of these items that's on there the police department is the biggest the other ones has a small small number and he wants to actually keep an eye on those himself for anything at the police department the chief has to keep an eye on it anyway because of the security of that building we wouldn't be doing any touching that building without him no I I don't want any part of that actually it's all I've got enough of that is a lot yeah um so all those in favor shank yes Chan yes thank you Resa for that um 4.4 2024 budget update discussion uh Eric did send out the new um the new generation the latest version of the budet version and we also um we got our bva and updated for March that Katie just sent out to as well do you guys get that yeah I did SE it yeah with all the OPA stuff and everything yeah um this is I I find it very um informative to look to see where we're at currently with our budget to see to make sure that we're budgeting properly for um the next year and I am happy to say that this looks more in line for the first time that we're we're where we should be I'm happy with the way that the vast majority of the lines are shaping out doing a good job of trying to keep I think and I want to give Katie kazin a lot of credit she has really been working very hard to try and um be very communicative and helpful with all of the different departments to help them understand their budgets because I think some of them didn't really understand how how the the budget process was working in the past and we've got some new department heads who hadn't gone through this kind of budgeting process before um but she's been really and and quite frankly telling them no when they try to overspend and and making them come up with answers before they you know before they go into the red so there's still some accounts that she's keeping an eye on but the vast majority of what we're looking at is is um in pretty good shape right now for the this year the current Year's budget um did you want to also share with the group the um conversations we had with u the MD oh yeah so we did have um two members of uh the Department of Revenue who came to town hall um last week on Friday um one of them was our local rep who handles all of our um submissions to do certifies our tax rate and make sure our recap is correct and certifies of free cash she's the one who does that and her Supervisor was also here so he's kind of a big boss over that that department um uh I'm happy to say that this was just a regular check-in as opposed to you have a problem and we're coming to check on you um they hadn't been here in a couple years and I wasn't here when the last they were here but they did say the last time they were here they were here because they were called in because of some challenges um I think they're um uh happy that at the fiscal state that we're in right now at least you know so far they seem to be um uh happy with our last year submissions and we got the recap in we got our free cash certified early for Townson which is good um we had our employees at the table that we didn't have last yeah we had an actual treasure at the table we know treasure the last time they were here umh so that was a a good meeting and I think that they were happy with the kind of the fiscal shape that the town is in generally speaking and the way that I think more appropriately uh we're having oversight on fiscal things that I think we're lacking in oversight not that were doing anything wrong but just that there wasn't second set of eyes making sure that things were going right yeah and then it's already always harder to find a problem when you don't have two reconciliation yeah that sort of stuff Tax reconciliation um you know uh and that that sort of thing we we're lagging and now I think they're getting back up to more reasonable levels so it was a good meeting with the so that combined with the way the BBA is showing that we're you know we're staying um in uh you know in a a pretty good shape with respect to the fiscal year budget and you know we're coming up in the last couple of months so um we should be able to kind of keep it in line hopefully for the next couple of months so in this this um generation we had um there was a couple of changes that we had to straighten out with the building department um and I look through it again did you take a peek at it as well yeah quite a few of my questions yeah so I just just highlight the changes for folks and then we'll talk about questions so we did have to there was a a a line we moved the building Commissioners um information down into an expense line because of the the contract that we have with the vendor that's providing Building Commissioner Services um when we moved that it wasn't being captured and it wasn't kind of being captured in the group and so that amount wasn't showing up into the budget it's the same it's the same as the budget was when it was back up in the salary line uh and it showed a drop when that when that error was before that error was caught so we fixed that and there was like a $180 error in a library line that we fixed and so that's a thing here there I met with uh don Hayes the chair of the fincom today there's a couple of things that he wants to see changed um but they're not numbers it's just how we're showing things on the document so it's more clear to the public um so I'm going to make those changes I didn't have a chance to make them before we were today but I will make those changes instead of an edited document um and we have to have a conversation with the with the Building Commissioner about going forward and how that's gonna how his um uh kind of next year is going to look whether we're going out to bid for it for it or whether we can convince him to do it in some different way that'll decide whether we maintain that in an expense line if he's a vendor or if he decides that he wants to have it as a be like a sioned employee or salary employee that put it in back up into the salary l so we're make that determination hopefully for the next iteration that this contract comes out and and and we we'll have that result as long as we have the money there for yeah so the yeah the money's there and there's actually extra there's extra money in that line over what we anticipate so I anticipate that line actually going down once we nail down the specifics would have I thought we were going to be able to see the amount expended to date on this didn't we ask for that that's the bbaa that's the yeah that's the B that's the BV that KD sent out oh okay that's not in this document yeah that's that's next year's budget so we won't see the you wouldn't see the percentages but you can see if you pull up the B pull Lin and see spend attri those lines um so Teresa what what what I like to do is to look at where we are currently on that right I just thought it was going to be the it gives us a better idea of Are We budgeting proper properly or not got the BV is generated by our Vadar system and so it's not unfortunately there's no way to kind of carry no problem doc so I this is obviously a time when if there's questions about the budget document um as we're by the probably by next week I mean sorry by next meeting we probably need to be pretty close to a final budget obviously there's some things that are still hanging up in the air but anything that's discretionary on the board we want to have it final as possible Jo you had some well I just got a question I know several years back back when things were getting shuffled around the fire department took $115,000 out of their budget and transferred it into the maintenance the facilities Department because the new buildings were all coming online there was lot there the fire department buildings have been being maintained and taken care of by the fire department itself and I have been asked a couple times is why isn't that 15,000 put back in the fire department budget and I I have to agree that if the fire department is maintaining all those buildings but the facility's got $155,000 in it then that kind of hurts the fire department budget because he has to pay out of his regular budget to have that done so I really feel we should reverse that because of main facil is not going to take care of them buildings they have to be taken care of there's a lot to these new buildings and I don't know how you would like to move forward with that so I I can just let you know so that is something that in the in Fire's initial budget request they made that request and then after we worked with fire on their budget request they made the determination to withdraw the request to have that $15,000 so the fire department took that out of their budget request so I and I what I said to him was this is something we should have a discussion for FY 26 yeah I'd like to know the the entire plan not just for fire but for everybody for facilities and see what that budget and what that plan is funny you should mention that um this is why I wanted to have the assessments done on all of the facilities all right because you know in in on a 20,000 ft level it's very difficult for us to to budget for facilities when we don't really know what we have financially um we we need to see our assets and liabilities on both sides so um I'm hoping that once we have the uh assessment complete we then can sit down and and and basically do a work session to say to put everything in perspective so that when we do move forward we have a solid idea of what what work we need for the facilities if we can break it down into smaller um uh smaller projects so that when um for instance the uh U the State Rep Margaret Scarsdale came to to Eric and I and said do you have a small project that you need funded well we now have all these smaller projects that we can say yeah we got what size it at 20,000 yes okay then we have this 15,000 we have this so we have it in smaller chunks so that we're able to uh be able to um do some of the work um that we don't have to um put in the budget or or Capital planning or whatever we we can get some of these smaller stuff done um the when is the next time that we're really it's it's just our going over this budget now right that we back to this is just a this is just a kind of if anybody had any questions about the budget that we didn't answer at the budget Summit or about the changes that were made um but obviously you know any any questions or grow up for there's a couple of things that I'm going to probably just I'll email a couple of the questions yeah I mean you know that that in all likelihood we will be because of so the things that are still up in the air the trash contract is still up in the air we don't have a final number on that that's going to be a sizable portion of this budget and any significant changes in that will have an impact on that budget we still obviously don't have the final numbers for insurance we don't have the final numbers for for health insurance yet um we're nailing down the final numbers for the debt which are going to I've been talking with Melissa about that today so there's still a few things up in the air um but obviously the sooner we can have a vote from the board of select on the budget that we're going to submit the sooner we can get it out to the community and everybody can see the the budget that we're putting forward at the annual town meeting um in all reality all a lot of things could change on the 22nd with the election because override is going to could could make a big difference in how we deal with the budget um so in all likelihood what I would suggest is figuring out a good time to have a meeting um obviously before annual town meeting after the override vote to figure out you know what our final budget looks like but right now we still have some things that are up in the air so you're saying from from election day till the next yeah so election day is the 22nd then we don't have a regular Board of Select meeting until the night at the town meeting that's probably a little too late to take a vote on what we're going to submit it down so have a special one before that we'd have to have I think a special one and that whatever time the board decides we'll just make it work we'll just we can do a completely Zoom meeting um however you know it works for everybody call as we get closer on that yeah that's fine we can set that on the 16th we don't have to do that now simp look at those those things perfect um is there any other yeah I just had one um line 188 it's a new expense um but it's a miscellaneous 188 okay and I hate miscellane so can he tell to me what that is am I not reading this oh 108 oh I'm sorry it's it's not miscellaneous it's Mis oh Mis yeah Mis so that that's part of our um uh Our IT services and so one of the things we've been trying to capture in it is um the cost of our uh other vendors that we have to pay for licenses for outside of Guardian so we're talking about licenses we pay for Patriot we pay for Vadar we pay for which are Patriot is our is our assessor database Vadar is our bookkeeping database we pay for um licenses for um Microsoft 360 we pay for licenses for Adobe we pay licenses for our our um um firewall we pay licenses for all of our V vpns if that's the case right we're using Microsoft now and with the this year we have zero budgeted so how are we paying for them why is it 1,500 in 20 25 and it's been Z 22 23 24 yeah that that was coming out of we've been paying guardian's been paying it and we've been paying Guardian that's how that works and that money go com out of with a markup yes so we when guardian bu does it for us they add a markup to the charge if we do it ourselves it won't be a markup right because they don't do that on a monthly basis so I should guard pays for it for a year and then we pay Guardian back month it's not 1500 it's 15,000 15,000 yes and so that's just we're trying to rightsize that budget and also make it clear that these are non-u Guardian licenses that we're paying this is not it this is not something that guardian's providing we would have to pay this even if we had a person sitting in the building those licensed services are something else we'd have to pay gotcha thank you all right that's it that's all I got okay okay so if that's it then we'll that's it for this generation until the next one the next the next time we um 4.5 Surplus requests for teema equipment this is just a request that came in from the fire department from the fire chief to Surplus some some team of equipment um and it seemed it's a 2002 Ford van front front run runner former her wrot okay and front for ambulance ambulance former ambulance oh I get it there's the front for ambulance um it was preious previously used by Emergency Management and the vehicle's over 22 years old with approximately 120,000 miles on it we have determine the vehicle is not worth investing several thousand into its repairs it does need to be repaired and I think it's a good call because I saw how much it was going to cost and I think it's been sitting out weather out at the highway department for a while so it's just get rid of things like that yeah I don't think there's any no reason for that no reason to throw good money after bad put it out to Surplus get what we can so I'll entertain a motion to um declare a surplus Surplus a 2002 Ford van front former ambulance so moved second any further discussion all those in favor ch um 4.6 discuss allowable amount per senior tax workof program so we discussed this at a prior meeting right now the the I believe we have a limit of $500 per individual I believe there's $10,000 set aside um for the senior tax workof program um that is not being fully utilized we are not getting we're not spending $10,000 a year on that um and so the the request came out from the assessor's office for us to contemplate increasing the allowable amount of um of workof amount from 500 to 1,000 and increasing the amount allocated for that program from 10,000 to 15,000 so it would allow 15 seniors to earn $1,000 off of their their taxes with the working in the workof program um I see a lot of the other towns around us are a little bit higher than that yeah yeah they I I did uh Sabrina and I did a little research um on this I added uh a lot of the uh the ones that I thought were close to towns in that that um but I also put in there I think I put this one in there the Commonwealth has a senior circuit breaker tax credit as well so there is not only our Municipal um um tax break that we can offer to uh our seniors but there's also a senior circuit breaker tax that they can use um for the state as well um and I was thinking that we might need to probably put more of this information on so that people can click and go on our website if we can get it all together um my thoughts on this um I thought we we we should increase it um do seem like the other towns yeah Lincoln is 1500 um Ashby is 1500 um app 1500 to 2,000 going to raise it to 2,000 yeah they plan rton has a lot of yeah lot of other stuff that I don't even want I think we just should 1500 so if we moved it to ,000 we can let that run for a couple of years and see how it works see whether or not the up to the 15,000 see see yeah move up to 15,000 so that will allow up to 15 seniors that option and then gauge you know we can put it on the website and and um gaug the interest in the town in that way too um I'd also like like to work with um Emily that she has the information so if somebody comes to her and Becky sorry yeah Rebecca um we'd be able to um you know we need to give her that information so that if they do have questions we can get that answer through her absolutely I think that that making sure that the senior center staff Becky and the rest of the staff are aware of these options yeah I think is really critical because that's the way people ask a question oh yeah oh that picks their attention they help we talked about it at the special and I just want to make sure that you know we're we're doing what we're saying you know we're um looking into anything that we can do to help out anybody in regards to while we're discussing this I just want to throw out that as part of the municipal empowerment act that the governor proposed in January there is an additional abatement for seniors that's on the proposal so that actually that hasn't been passed yet but it's it's possible that prior to 2025 that abatement could that additional senior abatement could be passed and if that comes forward obviously we we'll make everybody I think I that on my update for that sorry no no I mean that's this is all the you know I think it's all good information for everybody so I think what we if the board so inclined we'd be looking for a vote from the board to authorize an increase of $1,000 per individual uh for and a total $115,000 for the senior tax workof program so move second discussion I don't see why we can't do it at 1500 like all the [Music] other the only the only keep it at a thousand you'll have more people that'll be able to do it I again I mean yeah that would be we could do it at 1500 but then we'd only have 10 people eligible I just don't wouldn't want to if we get go to a th and you have full 15 people coming because right now they're not getting the full full $10,000 being spent we go to a th000 the full 15 people show up then maybe next year we talk about do we need to allocate enough to do $1,500 for 15 people you know just think about would reud us from changing it next year yeah any other discuss all those in favor Sabrina can you help me remember to send that down to Vicky and Jody yes thank you um 4.7 um discuss and sign April 22nd 2024 election warrant which would be this this the warrant for the elction on the 2 second so I'll entertain a motion to approve the board for the election warrant I should say for April 22nd 2024 so moved second any discussion I don't need to recuse myself because I'm it's just for the position and not for me yeah just posting just checking all those in favor she say mo sheranian we all have to sign we all have to sign everybody sign um 4.8 discuss and vote using electronic click voting pads at Town meetings so you do your piece and I'll do my piece um so this is something that I've since our special time meeting we've had a several conversations with the clerk's office um and with I believe the clerk's offices have had conversations with moderator about whether not we should encourage the moderator to authorize a switch to um electronic click voting pads for town meeting um I do know that we've had over the past year the last annual town meeting we had an individ ual in town who was not a registered voter who talked a lot during the meeting um you know we we had some things happen at the special time meeting with folks who weren't registered voters who were interrupting the meeting and with some concerns of folks about who was Voting because we there's some standing room only um and that large special time meeting um there are a couple of ways that we can try to address this one of the ways is by as a lot of towns have done going to clickers um you register get a clicker and then your the vote is tabulated electronically as opposed to um via voice Vote or or raised hand vote it'd be a bulletin board that would be UPF front that if it was a majority voot or 34 Vote or whatever it's all pre preset in the system there's a time period that the individuals would be able to have to vote if they click let's say they click yes on it and then after 30 seconds they decide no they can change it but there's a time frame involved and for all voting to done to be done the moderator then calls that the Voting is closed once the Voting is closed it takes I don't know 30 seconds 45 seconds and it pops up on populates up on the um on the bulleon board and it tells you how many Ys how many Nays and and if it passed based upon if it's a majority Vote or 34 Vote or however like that um lots of towns do it yeah it's not a new technology it's something that lots of towns I talked to the clerk's office they said it's possible that we could even borrow someone's system to have it ready for annual time meeting didn't we appropriate money to do this a while back there's arpa money yeah that was that's my piece we did we we allocated ARA money for it it was for the the um the signin equipment that they have and polling pad to be clear the rules of town meeting are that that's the town moderator's meeting it's not the bard of selectman's meeting and so the town moderator is the one who has control over those sorts of things and I you know up until the special time meeting that just happened in March um John wasn't really inclined to do anything like a polling pad he may be differently inclined at this point I know that that Kathy has tried to convince him that that's the way that we should go to preclude some of the issues that we we may have had well I guess it's up to you to figure that out well actually what how how it is because I know Kathy and and he had talked to Town Council as well um we're not voting yes or no we're voting on whether or not we think it's a good idea and then it's it's the moderator one that makes the decision so I will say this the other possibility and something that I've brought up with Kathy and that I think we're going to be prepared to do at town meeting regardless is to have you know colored cards so everybody who registers for town meeting gets a colored card when you vote you raise your colored card the moderator can still call for a Voice vote but also the card gets raised makes it easier to count also makes it easier to tell who's allowed to vote because they have a colored card and if you're not allowed to vote you don't have a color card so we are going to have that prepared to go if we we don't end up going with you know electronic like Thats So that Kathy's already getting that there was a they there was a town that had some excess cards that's just going to give him to Cathy so she'll be ready to go with that we got to leave it up to John and let him make his decision yes and he'll do the right thing for the town I'm sure yeah you know I think just be up to the board as whether or not they want to they think that I'm okay's decision it's I think like Joe just said I think it's decision and leave it to him whatever he decides I personally don't like it but that doesn't matter you know the there there's two things involved in it and it's you know it would make it would make the meeting go by quite F faster than what it does especially if it's a close vote um but it it's a it's more precise and B you know we're not going to run into you know people voting when they're not supposed to be voting that's that's the big thing the other possibility is we roll with the this with the cards and see how it works see if that makes if John's work comfortable that but it sounds like the will of the board is just to say we'll do it the monitor it's up to him he runs that not us um just the last piece on that is um part of the the reason um why we were pushing forward with the cabling is that we have increased the Wi-Fi capacity that's in the Memorial Hall as well we have two brand new nodes in there so that can accommodate that system without a problem how expensive is it did we put in the well how much did we put in the ARA budget for I forget there's $110,000 total put into the arer budget for both the pulling pads and the and the equipment and I think there's something like 8,000 left in there something like that and how many units does that give us um that is a very good question I don't have the specifics on it I want to say 200 off the top of my head I remember that discussion but either however however it's decided I just wanted to make sure that technology wise we could handle it and we're all set for that if he decides to do it so so we're good with that thank you Eric um something that I've been waiting for 4.9 sell Tower lease so there has been a a obviously folks don't know there's cell tower out by the senior center library on Town owned land um there's a company that's been operating that cell tower for many years um we went out to bid um we only had one bidder it was the company that Contin currently operates it um they've been operating without a contract for the last couple of years um and so um the this contract is it's a pretty straightfor contract uh Adam is currently looking at the contract um it does include escalator Clauses so we're going to our rent's going to increase every year um um and so this would just be a vote by the board of selectman to authorize me to sign the cell tower contract when it's approved by Town Council okay so move I got it second discussion is that the only one we have isn't there one up on Bayberry Hill Road is Tower up to there is that on townland I think that might be on townland up there I would have to check I don't I can check on that repeaters and all that stuff's up on that yeah yeah I just didn't know if there was a private cell tower on that as well I know that I knew that the radio towers were up there but I didn't know we should check that where's our where's our I know that we have space for police and fire is it on the one up there or is it's on the one there yeah B hell to and this this the one that's over here has been operating for many years the current configuration there's also an escalator Clause we put in so we get rent if they sub lease it to another if they get another person another person on the on the thing we get a we get 50% of the rent so um there's Provisions that allow us to increase the lease if they start to use it more and Adam's going to go through this would be subject to Adam so review and yeah it's all subject so go in favor J Jo shank yes yes I wanted to make sure they had a contract because they've been going for a while without it yeah um 410 um discuss evaluation of administrative assistant to the select board um we all received the um from Cali the um evaluation uh we just need to get those I'd like to get those in um um what did I say [Music] the the 12th mine is done and in done yours done in okay then we don't the only one did you do yours no but we do it to cie right we didn't send it to you and then cie and the vice chair is going to go over and they'll be able to yes I did see that and I did speak with her and we were work on that get it done yes we did all right so we'll get that done you wanted to get it done for the next meeting I believe before the 16 y y as part of our internal protoc we are working on that excellent um okay that brings us to 5.0 op arpa projects um do you have anything Eric I mean I think the the only Arbor projects that were are significantly right now are the the cabling project that we're working on in T Hall and that's the one that's going on and we're and we as I mentioned earlier we have um site visits for the facilities assessment coming up in early May yeah so those the two main AR projects that didn't we now not this is even the time talked about there was that one line item Wellness that we were going to oper well oper Wellness I see that money still in that account have we made a decision when that's going to get dispersed or how we're that so when we had that discussion um about the the the potential for arpa bonus payments right um I I talked over with Chaz and unfortunately given the fact we have overrides potential and we may need every dollar we can scrape together to if these overrides don't pass especially for n Tech we deferred kind of moving on that arer project until we know whether or not the overrides pass as long as we're still moving yeah so that's still it's still it's still out there but if if for instance if the town decides that they're not going to approve theob attack for $287,000 we're GNA have to come up with $287,000 and that may require us using onetime funds which is an awful idea I would never want to do it but we're going to have that bill come July one because I'm sure that that budget is going to pass at least five towns and so that may require us scraping together arpa funds to to help pay that bill for a year yeah um I wouldn't want to do that it's a it's a it's a rip cord pull like I would love to do what we all talked about that would be by far the better way show good faith on the board side and I agree but I'm I'm yeah it's all right I'm with that Fally responsible to be yeah we have to be so that's just the reason why it's not we haven't moved on it yet we're waiting for that that's fine so the project the cabling project that um Eric referenced um we have increased the Wi-Fi cap capacity here um we've brought sunshine to the wck department um they actually have nodes yes um we're also going to be putting in some more equipment over there switch and everything so that um there are certain games um that they use over there that they couldn't because of the signal strength was so weak now they're able to to actually have those for the kids so um I'm very pleased with that we've also got uh meeting room one uh wired uh for two cam to be mov down there um I've also had conversations with uh concast and concast is putting together um the engineering on being able to move this equipment down there and that should be uh whenever Comcast gets in then we will'll be able to move them down there good job yeah yeah moving along yeah it is thank you for all your hard work with that thank you it's it's for the town I I think we really need that um and to downtail onto that there are other projects that we are working on with cyber security with um you know whatever we can do to make sure that what we have here in town is is cyber safe um and that the employees are educated so that if we do run into an incident um and I hate that word but if we do we have a plan for it so we can we can preserve uh and not get caught up in any ransomware or anything like that uh 5.1 Town Administrator updates and reports so I have a few different things to talk about the first thing I want to talk about is the Personnel policies specifically with respect to fractional employees um as all the members of the board know we have Personnel policies that are border slman Personnel policies they apply to all Personnel except to the extent that they are overridden by a collective bargaining agreement right so the union agreements supersede the personal policy in and if they're if they different and one of the ways in which our Union agreements have moved forward but the Personnel polic of not is in the treatment of fractional employees specifically around things like holidays right um um when we we have very few nonunion fractional employees I think in town hall we have one um there are a few at the library um there there's one in Highway too uh no not any longer she's oh that's right we increased it she increased it so she's she's in she is in the union [Music] um so um the Personnel policies uh Define a fractional employee as someone who works less than 20 hours and a part-time employee is somebody who works at least 20 hours but not 30 hours and part-time employees are awarded holidays and fractional employees are not um in our collective bargaining agreements that differentiation has been removed and so every employee in the collecting bargaining agreement gets holidays when we budget for employees including fractional employees we budget them for a full year to get paid including getting paid holidays but we don't pay them on holidays it's a fraction um so what I would like to do is is uh if the board is willing is to to rewrite the Personnel policies with respect to fractional employees to reflect the treatment of holidays that are treated in the intive workg um because if it falls on a day that they have to work it's yeah they're the only one in the building yeah well and but they don't they don't come in they don't they're told not to come in and they don't get paid and they don't get paid so um and so I'll be honest this is more of this is kind of a retention piece if that if the these positions were in unions they would get paid but because they're not in unions they're not getting paid so it seems like retreating our nonunion employees worse than retreating our Union employees that sometimes happens but I think it's time to kind of catch this up catch our personal policies up to the way it's in in well we have to treat the employees right to keep them in I agree and so we we put some specific language in the union agreements to talk about how we treat part- timr with respect to holidays so I'd like to mirror that into the um into the Personnel policies and I'd like to bring that back on the 16th if the board is willing to to review that can I just understand um if you have an employee that just works Mondays only Mondays then every Monday holiday they would get full pay they would get if you had an employee that just worked on Monday yes than every it's not a percentage of a 20 hour week if they work they less their fractional employees or we don't have any single day employees we only have employees that work a couple of days or three or four days um and yes you know it is there is the possibility of you know somebody's schedule being kind of unbalanced that way but I I I I I think if we um make sure that the the department heads that are utilizing fractional employees are utilizing them in an appropriate way where they're not just piling all their hours onto a Monday for instance right but instead making sure that their hours are spread out over a couple you know multiple days then I think that that would allow us to be more competitive it's something that I think is has has rubbed at least a couple of different employees okay the wrong way because they're other similarly situated Union employees who are getting paid but they're not and we're not talking a lot of people and we're and again this money's already budgeted yeah when we set a budget I'm looking at a person's weekly salary and multiplying it by 52.2 like that's so they're already in the budget for that money to be spent they we just yeah the only reason I asked we did something very similar um but it was for employees that were were allowed to work choose the times that they came in and when we put this policy in place they all chose Monday yeah I mean and they got paid for Monday Whenever there was a holiday so so I don't have stupid people we we will make sure that we talk to the department heads about making sure that this is isn't abused by making sure that we don't just have M appr but it also helps the fact that you know we're looking to retain people in a town like this we have to have some people some sometimes that are fraction so I'll bring back some a draft language on the 16th for the um uh let's see [Music] um uh aggregation update um Ross was on but he's not on anymore I thought he was on for the aggregation update he's not here um there was a public hearing on um the ation plan for Townson it happened at the end of May I mean sorry at the end of March um there were no comments from the public um it went forward the AG's office had reviewed it and thought it was appropriate and so we moved on to the next step of the aggregation process and so um I don't have a firm kind of timeline um because dpu has been very varying and how long it takes them to approve these projects but is the next the next hurdle that we got over and my hope is you know knock on wood that before we get to the winter rates and at the end of this year that dpu will have approved us and we'll be able to go out to bid you know to get a a competitive rate for those the folks in town that is the hope that's our hope and the hope is to lock it in yeah lock it in for a while because the longer you lock it in the more you get no say this because those rates like I said I think I've told people this millions of times but asy right now pays half half for their energy what Townson pays right they're at 11 cents we're at 22 with uniso because they because they locked into a rate a few years ago and they're so they're paying half for their production of energy and I think that would just be that sort of rate would uh would make a whole lot of sense that sort of program the reason why the board is obviously doing this is because that program makes a lot of sense and that's and I wanted to I asked Eric to to have an update because people have been asking so every time those rates change get the bill every time they get a bill they ask about it um so the next thing I wanted to mention was um uh I wanted to have a quick discussion on the override ballot question so as folks know on March 19th we had a special town meeting um regarding the override um that was for an appropriation of funds should an override pass so that appropriation was approved by a special town meeting um that means within 90 days of that we have to have a ballot question that approves those funds so we've got uh the Ann the the annual election coming up on uh April 22nd at which time there will be a ballot question on those two separate overrides that the board had set up they're approved at the special time meeting um and so if that vote is approved then there's no there's no further action we need to take on the overrides they will have been approved on a ballot and approved at a special time meeting however in the event that that vote is not approved um we have a full 90 days from the 19th to have elections reflective of those uh that that special time meeting so we the board could schedule a subsequent override ballot question or a subsequent special election if needed if needed um as we've talked about unless the the school comes in at a 0% increase we're going to need an override this year in all likelihood um now if the budget fails in other words two two or more towns in the Regional School District vote no then the school Community will have to go back and vote on a a subsequent budget that would have to be a lower amount than the amount that they originally came up with um we would that would mean we would have to go for an override of a lower amount potentially um um so I met with the city clerk to talk about the feasibility of scheduling a second election for a you know a different override amount should the first override ballot questions fail or or one are both right um so we have to um set the ballot questions 35 days before a subsequent election the last date that we would be able to hold an election using those special town meeting votes is is June 17th so we'd have to have an election by June 17th by June 17 so for instance if we picked June 10th as a date that we wanted to have that election we would have to have the ballot questions voted on by the board by May 3rd so before Daniel toown meeting we would have to have another vote on what those ballot questions would be um we would have to take a vote on whether or not to exempt that special election from vote by mail 45 days before that election so for a June 10th you know uh proposed uh special election date that would mean by April 25th we'd have to have a vote to exempt that from vote by mail which we we did for this annual tenal election already but we have to have another vote you have to have a vote for each election that you want to do that for so um uh the the clerk would like to had expressed uh request for me to ask the board about a possible Saturday election date so if we have to have a subsequent election after the 22nd if for some reason those are rdes Wonder those overrides fail to have the next ele special election on a Saturday um so I don't know how the board feels about that sort of proposal um the idea would be people don't have to work on Saturday more people would be free to to show up and vote on a Saturday than they would be at a date during the week you that would be completely up to the board um so that would be we would be uh proposing potentially the 15th which is a Saturday for that election June 15 June 15 that's the day before Father's Day does that mean anything I'm serious do people travel I mean we could do that we could do a week before on the eth we just have to adjust the dates on from which we'd have to to take those votes on before those dates I don't know if that's a big trouble so it's just one of the this is something we need to contemplate just as a as a just in case the April 272nd election doesn't approve both of those openes well we'll see what happen in the 22nd right so my suggestion would be we don't have to make any decisions today I just wanted to provide this information to the board but my suggestion would be that if the board is willing to contemplate a Saturday election we pick a a potential date and then we put a vote on for the 16th to both set up a next election date and to vote to exempt it from a vote by mail on the 16th that way we've done it in plenty of time for that election if we did it on the 8th um to set it on say for June 8th that Saturday and then that we would have to that would mean by the 1 of of May we'd have to find those new amounts to set up the ballot questions or June 8th but that's something we would do on the 16th next next next so I just wanted to float that to everyone so we're all we have to be prepared for things that may or may not happen I'm good with that you yeah yeah Teresa y um I don't have issues with the Saturday either do you no no uh so I I did want to mention that we had a meeting with fish and wildlife today um regarding the notice that they sent the the kind of uh uh informational notice they sent about the two the large property that they we're talking about um going to fish and wildlife that um property is not Town property that is private property and the owners of that private property have offered it for sale to fish and wall um uh so uh you know this is a family that is a kind of a well-known family in town they are conservation-minded and in the kind of the the will of the person who pass way I think there's a wish to have this land used for conservation purposes if that is the case and this is this family's wish there are two options they could have given it to a nonprofit or they could give it to fish and wildlife um uh the benefit of giving it to fish and wildlife is the now that acreage gets put into the town's acreage and we get a pilot we get a chck you know cash for that as part of our annual um State funding we get money it's not the same as we get as tax it's only a percentage of taxes but it is we do get funds if that goes to a nonprofit they would be tax exempt and we wouldn't get anything for the funding so this is you know Chaz was in on the meeting this was just a clarification the fish and wildlife I think would like to get a letter acknowledging that the board selectman doesn't oppose this if the board is willing to provide such a letter because it makes the process go smoother um and so there's a question bridge too that's that's a meeting for the 16th like the bridge um and so I there would just be a question from the board I don't think we need to be a formal vote on it but is the board comfortable with us sending a letter from the town saying that that the that the board is um is does not oppose the transfer of this property to fish M Life yes okay so we can draft that and maybe put it over chaz's signature yeah and if I can just also talk about the two two Parcels that we we also talked about besides that um we had discussions in regards to the is it 182 Warren yes 182 Warren 182 Warren we we wanted to do an anr in the back portion um so they're going to be looking at that um for that if it's something that they want which she did express interest in um then uh we'll be able to get somebody in to find out where we need to cut that parcel off so that we can sell the front part and is it just a building lot done so the front is a building lot and then the back the back will go because it it it backs up to their their existing um and Jess can Salvo has already reached out to Ang gag from wildlife and they schedule a date when they're going to do a joint walk on the property to so our our land land have we yes considered the butters that live right there if they were interested in buying the whole thing that's not something that we that we've we haven't taken any steps quite frankly though so far to to the sometimes would the last time we met we decided that we were going to see if um fish and wildlife was interested and I think she was wholeheartedly interested in it it still has to go through a process with them you know this would give be a kind of uh give us a little bit of The Best of Both Worlds because we'd be able to make money on a buildable lot lot on the that has Frontage yeah and then have the back portion still retained for conservation purposes by and we'll still getting that would go into the pilot as well but obviously you know but that's just a update on that you're going to talk about the other parts and there's another parcel that's out down by um Shirley Road that is it's landlocked um it's it you know I was this the one that they wanted to build a no this wasn't a water tower on it I'm no that's the other the other one it's but it's landlocked it's right on um it's right on the the Town Line yeah I was right right about and it's really I mean it's not a buildable lot there's no way to no access to get into it and it does a but their um their land as well so they're interested in in taking that piece of land too um so we'll see what they come come back with I I gave her the the the U card for it the parcel cart um but they do their um discussions two times in a year they've already done the beginning of this year and then this she said September right is when they'll decide whether or not they're going to take it on as a project but U I did want it to let you guys know that we did I brought it forward like you guys wanted me to and all right good and that's all I have Mr chair 5.2 reports from board liaison so there's been course Finance meetings we going a lot of you know back and forth every day that uh energy um had follow through with an energy the one meeting I was slightly concerned when we had a meeting with the bylaw um and they had a CO a co- meeting with the planning board and the um one of the items that they're bringing up is just some language cleaning up on Accessory apartment there's no no longer any fees for that or register from many any year every year Etc they've already made that change but there's some other changes that they wanted to uh do with the accessory apartment so they brought that before the planning board and um they all kind of came to agreement they had met with Adam ahead of here that they were okay with this you know language change up and a couple of things uh going forward however there were a couple of people in the planning meeting that wanted the language about uh that's in the accessory apartment there's language about if it's not used for family members then it becomes affordable housing and there was discussion about removing that um they decided not to push that at this time um I kind of guided them in that way like um and it looked like that they're not going to go that time but they were trying to say you know maybe they open it up on the floor or maybe the last you know people open up on the floor so they want they're not very happy about the affordable housing or I shouldn't say that some members aren't happy about the affordable housing plan Al together I'm like well nobody's happy about it but it's the law so any that's a whole separate commun thing community so just wanted to give you a heads up uh yeah they and then we'll we'll have uh Town Council looking at it if that if that's what they want but so I'm confused they they want to take out the pot that if an relative is not there that the person can just rent it themselves or they want to make it stricter that the town takes who puts in there I'm sorry no they want to take it out so that now if you don't rent to a family member it has to rent be affordable yeah they remove that you can rent anybody well and they should because my take would be the people that built that whoever paid the in-law the children that supplied the house shouldn't be put under the gun to say well see my mom and my dad passed away I don't have a member there but I got a friend versus they're going to put in affordable housing I I I think that's the best thing they could do take that out of there long as it's rented and income's coming the people are paying taxes on the property so I I just don't think we should be saying who they can or who they cannot have next door to them most inlaw Apartments have connecting doors you know what I mean so that's all I take anything else I'm good um goodness where do I start long conversations with water um we uh actually we got an update this morning an unexpected update this morning didn't we um they're it looks like they're um a little bit um you know there's they time constraints and all of that kind of stuff but if you look at the whole project they're doing really well um as far as the building is concerned um they're they're now doing uh addition of the new water pipes and doing the extension so of course there's difficulties with that but we're going to take uh one step at a time when it comes to all of that um but I think we had a productive meeting uh this morning Eric and and I think we've got some things ironed out on where we're going to do to move forward so I think um the least amount of disruption that we can do but you know it's timing is going to be critical for everything um just bear with us in regards to that but there is there is a plan and all all parties involved Highway and water and and the contractors we all trying to work together to get things done as quickly as possible um as far as um the um cabling project phase two um the uh cabling people were over at the Council on aging today um when we get finished with there that's probably going to be done tomorrow uh that new extension both both rooms and that new extension area will be fully capable now uh with internet uh we've got Wi-Fi nodes that we're going to um Supply to them there uh we're also upgrading um the uh systems or the access to network systems in the front so that it's they plug their computers right in as opposed to going off the Wi-Fi like they have been so that'll um a it'll secure the network a little better but B it'll um increase the uh the Wi-Fi for the other individuals that may be wanting to to do that um it also looks like we're probably with their AV Equipment we're going to help them out with that too um to make sure that the wiring is set properly um we were I was talking with the tech today um there's just a couple of changes and that'll that'll be a little more solid for when they need to use the TV or they need to you know it's the way they they have certain things plugged in it it streamline whatever they have to do um and they had a wonderful lunch today I might add because I want to sit down and join them um as far as um I did miss the planning board meeting last night um or the joint meeting that they had um the I was here early in to take care of some things and um I I believe and I had gotten a couple of comments from um individuals that I've talked to in town of how um how nice it is to see that the boards and committees are working collaboratively together and I wanted to pass that on um the uh boards and committees that that I work with uh and even the individuals and other boards are saying that the liais on what you guys are doing um with with your uh assignments there everybody is really happy about getting the information out everybody's on the same page and I I just want to applaud the communication between everybody because it it's kind of cutting down on on the um everything being in silos um it's uh it's nice to see and the town Town's people do recognize that you know that we are working quite closely together um Public Safety um Public Safety well I'll pick you back off what you just said the fire department and the police department and building department they all said the same thing it's really nice that the leaon are so involved D and we are working together as a group everyone Police Department feels that they can come in front of the board and feel safe and not have problems fire department versus like they said years ago no one knew what to do when to do it so that's a huge asset for us shows what we're doing is working out so I just wanted to let you know uh police department really he doesn't have a lot to report because there's not really a lot going on over there got that he's got that running like a well oiled uh machine he did have one question and concern he said he's going to figure how he's going to do it and he'll be talking with you on it and you know the next town meeting coming up he does have some concerns but he said he's going to figure that out which is good and um fire department's been doing really good you know they um they've got a good group of people I think their roster is pretty much so full the new assistant fire chief KK I've had several meetings with him he's really he is a very knowledgeable person so I think if we keep moving forward with Mr Shephard's plan that he's going to step down I I I would think we would would really be in a great shape to have somebody filling them shoes so that's nice um as far as the building department you know I get great updates from Mr gide every few days I think it says Eric can I so I think that Department's running real well things are going good so sure they're yeah no they're pretty good just to the point forward yeah yeah pretty this is what we done how many permits we done this is what we're working on how many which is good it's really nice so uh and then the Animal control officer there's no real issues there whatsoever everything's kind of you know just moving forward good so that's all I got um announcements and Communications 5.3 yeah I have one the um G van that we approved earlier in the year should be here tomorrow unless we get stuck in snow but in the early morning we should be fine um it's open to any veteran to be used to go to any medical appointments it doesn't have to be in the state so we can take you up to Manchester Boston we go all the way up to fin up near chiap oh good and even down to Providence uh to sign up we'll start putting signs around how to sign up for rides one person does coordinate the rides for Johnson um but Natalie of the veterans also has the information and we'll start putting more information uh in um the town hall and around the town and we have so far we have think four drivers that are going to be available to drive people around so is that all volunteer all volunteer very ni nice good job I know you and Natalie and Natalie and I had two of the drivers yeah well I was up at the um at the Easter egg hunt um which was quite the I don't know I like I like it I I really do Betty May does a good job with that that's one of her favorites yep it is and and I just just to represent the board there and wish everybody a happy Easter on behalf of of the board select um April 20th uh 10:00 a.m. to 3 pm is towns and Earth Day and that is at the North Middle sex Regional High School in the parking lot that they have been uh vendors and Crafters um they still have spots available uh the 10x10 spot is $35 and uh you can we do have a flyer on the website if you want to click on that it'll give you um the email address if you're interested in getting a a block there um something else that I wanted to throw out um to the town actually two things one of them is um there's a lot of uh legislative uh action that's being taken up uh in the state and I'm just throwing it out there just for information um that's coming up um there several different things that kind of apply to us and what we had in our special meeting Chapter 70 school aid um they're increasing the minimum Aid um uh that's in the new budget that's coming out um so if you want any further information on any of these contact your legislature what I'm I'm trying to do is to to put the information out there to everybody so that you know what's going on in state level so that if you want to write um talk to mgar Scarsdale a few Representatives scar or Senator Cronin um so they can get uh get your word in um there's a supplemental local Road and Bridge funding increase um they're looking to increase that in the budget 150 million um we we're not going to get 150 million but I think it's really important for if if uh we had enough people saying something to the legislature saying we need it um it's additional funds for us there's Charter School reimbursements um there's rural school aid um their special education credit circuit breaker they're going to fully fund that that's in the current budget Regional School transportation we're asking to have that fully funded as well um that's going to help us out tremendously if you um remember in the uh at the special town meeting how uh what they budgeted for this would definitely help out for fiscal year 25 um out of District vocational Transportation also is in there they're asking for that to be fully funded um there's also and the reason why um Eric and I had a conversation with fish and wildlife is the payments and L of taxes which is the pilot program that we talk about a lot they are going to um they want to build on the governor's investment so they want to increase that so we would be then getting a return for more money uh they'll be voting voting on that um ey Lottery they're looking at internet lottery um that uh the proceeds go solely for local Aid um they're creating a new Disaster Relief Fund that's if any Community within Massachusetts um has a a major disaster and the state needs to be able to fund whatever happens in that particular Community they'll they have a fund for that um so um at the uh the legislative um uh talk that we had it's it's really um there's some good things there's not so good things you know but the good things that are coming in is that um if you really want to um increase the the Chapter 70 especially for school aid uh the transportation cost for school uh write your local um uh Congress person and and let them know where you stand they're looking for letters I know on Margaret scarsdale's um page she does have uh information in regards to what's up for the budget for fiscal year 25 um but that's the place to be heard and not on Facebook where it just goes out anywhere if you really want to make a difference make sure that uh you put in for u a letter to the the Congressman um also I wanted to give the update for the harbor Trace treatment PL um the um the building it looks like upcoming in April the building is pretty much um uh going to be complete they're going to be doing work around the building itself um but the upcoming spring and summer um they need to finish the waterline work and um permanent trench Paving um they're going to begin the upgrades um on the well buildings all the well buildings not just the one out there um they're going to be Paving Harbor Trace Road in a small section of South Street um and the building will be completed or near so um in the testing of the filters and we said what we say November right today that that it was so that is still where we're looking at to have that once they get tested there's a while that they have to go through a testing process once that gets approved through um EPA I believe and the the water uh the Water um then they'll be able to get that up and running and that I think would take the stress off of the wells that we have right now because we're only operating on we're we're down to well you know so and that's all I have for that so that's all pontificating I'm going to do today um next meeting we have is uh April 16th uh 2024 and I'll entertain a motion to review and sign payroll and Bild payable warrants out of session so MO second moved and seconded any further discussion all those in favor yes shank yes yes and I would like to entertain two motions uh motion one to enter into executive session pursuant to General Law chapter 30A section 21 A2 to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with with non-union Personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with non-union Personnel in regards to the fire chief contract and also a motion for uh to enter into executive session to discuss strategy with respect to litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares which he does uh and this is in regards to 61 Edward Road and to adjourn from and to adjourn from from executive session move second moved and seconded any discussion on that all those in favor yes thank you very much