##VIDEO ID:8gjjnOYjueE## good afternoon we're opening this elman's meeting September 5th at 6:01 pm. can I get a roll call please TR M present Jo shank presid can I get a pledge of allegiance flag United States America and to the repic for it stands one nation under God thank all the service people for serving 1.3 announcement the meeting is being recorded and uploaded to YouTube is anybody else recording all right Chairman's additions and deletions we have a couple that have came in um I just want to make sure at the beginning of this meeting any person that is not recognized by the chair will not be allowed to speak so before you speak you need to be recognized by the chair first one we have a resignation from the chair Chaz deranian uh seon he has resigned effective immediately number two we have an kind of an emergency thing with the chter that's been going on they have to have a signature and I'm going to read the motion from the state that we have to sign and get a motion to approve it so it can continue the motion made and approved by on July 8th was to accept the changes from the state yeah legislature and approve those pending Town council's review the changes approved on July 8th included substance changes made in the amendment approved by the Massachusetts senate senate number 2752 additional subse changes were subsequently re recommended by Council and Incorporated in a draft of house number 3728 sent to the town by the state legisl on 9424 the subsequent changes are as follows home rule chat subsection a of section 5-3 subsequent changes Town Council recommended striking out the words which shall include and replace them with the word meaning two subsection a of section 7-6 Town Council recommended changing Clause I to Clause I or I I parentheses three subsection B of section 76 Town Council recommending striking out the words not withstanding dep dependency of the Attorney General's approval and replacing them with the words as required by law this new motion is to accept the changes included in the substantive changes listed above Incorporated in the draft of house number 3728 sent to the town on 9428 I make a motion to approve all changes to the bill draft H 3728 towns and Charter Townsen special act Charter House number 3728 including those described in the agenda that were recommended by Town Council and Town Council subsequent changes so move second motion has been made and seconded any comment yeah Mr PA I spoke with Town Council this afternoon of this I would respectfully ask the board to hold offing this motion until Tuesday and uh because Town Council is be sending me a letter which will clarify some of those things there and I don't want to get premature on it until we have the letter from Adam okay with all that said we are going to table that and we'll come back on to 10 thank you very much thank you for that update joh all right there's no minutes to approve okay we're going to go to appointments in Heron at 605 and it is 605 um joint presentation from pay as you throw program waste Zero D and Board of Health I just want to make this very clear that this is not a joint vote it's strictly the board of selectman's vote but it's a joint presentation can I ask that the Board of Health join us at the table walk whoever is presenting welcome to come to the table can you just join us at the table so we can all hear you more clearly thank you Irene did you want to start or is one more member coming too so okay and we're gonna have a presentation how about this for The Other Board of Health First I just have you opened I yet waiting for the last member to arrive if that's okay with you well our meeting starts at 6:05 get tied up in traffic unfortunately okay is this a joint meeting it's a joint presentation not a joint meeting okay so I'm confus are they also having a meeting though that they need to open they have to open their meeting okay in order to have any kind of dialogue amongst themselves okay and you don't have a forum here yet oh you do have a forum we got two I'll make a motion open to Board of Health I'll make a motion open to the Board of Health meeting okay I'll second that on favor I when Paul arrives you'll be involved in that also okay can you give me a roll call please Christian Roman R Vice chairman J chair thank you all right so we're gonna open this hearing and I'm going to leave it to Nelson to startop with the presentation he's been involved in several other members and just present what our thoughts are our facts and findings and we'll move on Okay so uh I was tasked with um exploring a pay throw program um you know with various input from you know um departments Master W zero and you know we've come to you know what we feel like is a pretty good framework for what the pay you throw program might look like um I'm gonna ask Irene to sort of present on her side of things she'll be doing PowerPoint presentation it's from the state's perspective you know the state has a lot of history and experience with um implementing P go program so this is uh many years of knowledge that the state has gathered you know regarding these types of programs and Irene's gonna uh you know explain that a little bit further okay so I'm gonna give my presentation share screen right here yep it's the second one down slideshow is that it no is it hidden no it's right yeah that right there yeah it's under my button I don't know if I can you see my issue did yeah I know it's not I have something can see it I could see it do control F5 there we go okay I'm Irene pen I am the with mass DP I am your Mac your Municipal assistance coordinator and I've been the municipal assistance coordinator with mass DP for 23 years I have helped many communities look at this program and uh have successful in implementing a pay you thr program which has saved towns millions of dollars uh throughout the years and um the other thing for you to all know is I'm also a resident here in townzen I've been here for 19 years pretty much 20 years my son just graduated from high school is just in college I have I have a k I have a first grader I'm gonna be here a long time and my family is not a small family there's all together with the four dogs there's 10 of us in my house and we have people come on over so trash and recycling is a big issue you know and I just want you guys to know I'm invested a lot of times when State people come this is my program here go it's not affecting me this is all affecting me and my house so I just want you to be aware of that um best practices what is pay you throw just so you know it is a solid waste program where residents pay per unit it's a per unit fee in the past we were kind of talking about what to do with the budget there's kind of always three options if you're going to um all private I only have ADD I have 75 communities I have 15 of them that are private and I'll tell you all of them don't want to be private because their residents are paying 700 500 to 700 and in West is this uh hubon which I'm working with a family just for putting out their trash and recycling nothing big nothing thing $1,400 they were given a bill so and the town had no control over that because it's everybody for themselves and and we we're working on not having um private subscription like that you can have a town contract you guys have a town contract the Board of Health has worked very hard on getting a really good town contract for the town um the way discussion comes up with what is pay how do you pay for that and the way you pay for it is either a flat fee which was discussed but that just says everybody just pays the same amount you're cutting the price and giving if you're a one family or a 10 family you're going to pay the same amount the pays you throw is a unit based fee in that you pay for what you put out if you go away on vacation if you're out um you're you're downsized I have a couple people that all their kids graduated now and so now they went from a big house to a small house and you have less trash you pay for Less um it creates an incentive to reduce trash and to also look what's in the trash bag why um this is a big issue on the state level just so you guys know our trash right now goes to Shaw takes it to Harvey which takes it in Fitchburg and it goes to the Fitchburg landfill for trash and then from Harvey it goes back to Westboro at their murf and all of our recyclables go on conveyor belts and paper goes here CLS go here plastic goes here glass goes here and it's it's a system um our waste plan for Massachusetts is that when I first started we had over 100 landfills I had one here in townin they have all closed we have now five landfills in the entire state of Massachusetts ours is the Fitchburg Westminster that we use that will be closing by 2030 we will be having an issue in that point and so on a state level we're been ahead of this and saying we need to reduce our trash by 30% all of us need to work on that and so each town has trying to been can I get in there um uh working on reducing trash our number one strategy is pisy throw because it works it gives Financial incentives to Residents to reduce it is by far the most effective tool it's Equitable so you put out you pay for what you use like your electric bill you don't want to have your neighbor's electric bill you want to have yours environmental benefits is just so much I kind of just have it as one line but when you re recycle and you reduce your saving the Upstream we don't need to go to South America we don't have to go to Africa to do all that mining if we're mining from our own stuff uh and reusing our stuff um it is also a cost avoidance at this time in our contract it doesn't impact us but it does bring in new Revenue people pay per bag that is new Revenue to the town it's not coming from the tax base it's coming from the bags so for us at this time it's a money waste to fund the program without adding more taxes so that's why this is being discussed um there are this shows you a couple years back of um we have about 155 communities just since July we've had another four Community start in Massachusetts the newest one in my district was Westboro just started July 1st um that was a drop off program but already they are seeing so much benefits for that and you kind of see some people are drop off we are surrounded by peil and and ashb have drop off programs but no and then lunenberg has the curbside program it reduces a lot of things besides trash it supports Equity it's the incentive increase so it's all these different things that it just benefits in so many different uh categories I wanted to get to this point is implementation plan um a lot of times we're already ahead of this schedule most of the time I normally work with the community and say we should do this in six months you're in a crisis mode of the budget and because of that we've been moving in a faster pace of discussing these options and this option really much came as the last option you can't go private you can't go Cur uh flat you have to go pay as you throw so it's kind of made um with time we've gotten Tighter and tighter but because we are um an overflow bag program we already have the bags at mcnabs and hanford's right now at the price at 350 a bag it's already there it's easy that we don't have to add um have the discussion which I normally do for a lot of times of what type of program you know I I deal with a lot of these that were it's the decision body it's your decision of going to the program it's uh the financial structure but because you already have an overflow bag program the um accounting is already in the mechanism you already have money coming in from the bags right now so it's not like you have to add a line or anything like that yes I know that there are different money is already set aside for different departments so Board of Health has some money that comes already from the bag price so that's a financial thing with the accountant who knows that that there are certain monies already restricted um Mr sh can intervene for a second finish presenting and bags and carts we we don't have carts right now our contract does not pertain to cards so we don't have to worry about that public education is right now and when you guys start um I'm not I'm not only a resident and I'm not only the person for the thing I'm also on the recycling committee and what we've been supporting and hoping for this program a long time so we're here to help with the education as well the enforcement which is really thing is a purple bag is very noticeable and so if people have their kitchen bag their white bag or a big black bag um is very easy to enforce I'm only picking up purple bags which the hall already does it but he has to count he goes you get two bags two black bags or four small bag you know 40 64 gallons of trash and then purple bags so now it wouldn't have to count it's just I'm only going to pick up purple bags so the enforcement on this is actually the easiest program ever because the hall already kind of knows the program it's just he doesn't have to count the two bags first um how you set a fee this is what I normally discuss is the collection costs and the disposal cost your contract right now is different and I suspect it will be different in the future years you have a very unique program The Board of Health has worked very hard on this and because of timing they got a great you have a good contract and um but it's not set up like this it's all $822,000 and it's just you got to pay for that no matter how much trash you put on the road so I want everybody to be participating in this program because we still got to pay the bill because that's the contract that we signed um after we have this program in the following years you will see the reduction in the trash cost when it is tied to how much tons you reduce so we're in a different contract than most other towns ever um but we got a good rate for it um what is in our trash this every three years the state does a waste characterization we go to we go really to the waste energy facilities and our closest one is Milbury uh which most of central Mass goes to and they do over 60 categories of what's in the trash and it's amazing and what is still left in our trash is basic recyclables of paper and containers is 12% compostables is 32% charm items are 8% like the things that we take at the recycling center 5% textiles which is unbelievable because we still have clothing bins all over we're going to have a clothing event in Shirley with a big truck on we just set that date octo Saturday October 19th and then we have wood that we take at the recycling Center and it's really 38% that's real true trash and we spend so much money to move this stuff but if we can promote people to reduce go to the recycling center buy a compost bin at the recycling center look at what you throw out we can reduce our pie to hopefully that my goal is that 38% would be 100% that but it would be a smaller pie instead of a big eight person eight sliced Pie Pizza Pie it'd be a single you know single person Pizza would be our budget because that would be the real trash that we throw out versus textiles if it has a stain on it if it has a rip on it put it in a clothing bin I have puppies they're going through my shoes and my kids shoes like crazy and they put it down they ate the shoelace they ate the side instead of throwing them out because really one shoe is perfect the other shoe just has a thing there are people that buy only one shoes we got the Olympics going on there's a lot of people that only need one shoe it it's just amazing that we think of oh it has a rip it has a s I need to throw it out it's like no but it can be put into the clothing bins um funding we have my time as mass DP it's free for the town the town has already applied for the technical assistance grant so that's why I'm here I would be here anyway but I'm here as mass D and uh providing you information and helping with the town treasure to accountant and helping with public uh education the program moves forward we have a timeline of different events that are happening pretty quickly that I'm able to help with and Outreach and help to do an implementation plan so this is the timetable that we've been talking that of course everything is still you had already agreed at the last meeting to go and move forward on pay as you throw to come here um apply for the technical assistance grants which was done um talk to the current vendor which she's online here um for the Overflow bags and say what would it be like to go full um to talk about the implementation plan um and then we're here uh select board to talk about the state the the bag contract in education um we're going to have a meeting there's a proposed meeting for tomorrow to talk about a public form uh talking about getting prepared for the next uh for the bags and education flyer um for that public form would be done maybe go back one um apply for the mass DP pays you through a grant we have a money grant so one is my time and then there's a money grant of uh $20 per household because we know this program works and so that's our financial incentive but normally have a little more time to apply for the grant um and so we need to do it pretty quickly um um so that you're eligible for that going and talking to seniors about how that would impact them the doing a cable show and a link that people have to be on the website of what the presentations and what's what's the changes would be um Flyers at its schools Touch a Truck Event uh website information hopefully an electronic sign I know that a lot of them are busy for other Road constructions going on um updating inventory a mail art that would go to Every household and that's where we're getting kind of stuck is timing to get a mailer out almost is today um because it takes a while for it to be printed and to be mailed and then the bag program begins and like I said purple bags are already on the shelves at mcnabs and hanford's right now um the grants that I brought up is what the state does is is we have the $20 per household so for our household count is $62,000 a year sorry a one-time Grant and then we already participate in the RDP program the recycling dividend program and so we've typically been getting about 9,000 a year just by approving this program we'll go up to five another five points it's a point program and so that would bring us up to 12,000 a year um and then uh if in the future I just went you to know about other grants that if we were thinking of carts later in in time not right now um there is not through the state uh but recycling partnership has a $15 per household recycling part Grant and so there's my contact information I am G to stop sharing this and so any questions first Mr CL I had a question I just want wanted to make a couple of comments I've been on the the Board of Health for 23 years I've been involved with this track contract since the beginning of the contracts and we've done a great job doing everything we've done with these contracts and apparently right now the select board is just scrip that privilege or right away from us because there's a deficit in the budget taxpayers are already paying for their trash services and now you're going to charge them again and we had a mil 500,000 7 years ago Surplus in this town where did all that money go clear stick to what we're talking about we're not going to talk about where money is or anything if you have something you want to put in to what we're talking about I'll be more than happy to hear if not okay I'm gonna tell you this Mr chairman there's got to be a whole more whole bunch more effort put into planning this page you throw stuff because it's going to crash and burn you think the towns and citizens are going to run out and buy all these plastic bags they're not going to do it it's not going to happen because people people so familiar with having a c side as it was you can attempt to put this in into position what you're going to do but we'll see how far it goes because if they buy the bag and they get in the 35 gallon bag they're going to wait for three weeks to make sure the bag is full before they put it on the side of the road so they don't have to spend more money in buying initial bags and I don't think enough stuff has been done to coordinate organize or do anything else she does a great job with everything she does but Town's not ready for this and it's going to backfire oh Mr CL appreciate your input I'd like to respond excuse me I'd like to respond also to his I I I certainly hear what you have to say but I also believe that every town that goes this go to this says the same thing like you're you're saying preparing for failure before you've given an opportunity to to succeed we saw the towns all around us Ashby peero uh uh have to go go to program similar to this we are in a situation where also those same towns Ashy and pero have voted for a school budget that we have to support and I as well as many people that don't think this is the only option that could be cut here or cut there I think it's a much a very honest hard thought out decision to see if it will work for this town and I think it can be very successful I think if it's going to have a little trouble which start to B but everything has a little trouble I'm sure every town you ever worked on had a little trouble when when it start but my biggest thing with this program is I know from towns that have had it like West p and and other towns that have had it in uh in administration for a while it does significantly reduce trash we can't um get away from that data she will show you how it does how once it's in there the tonage from each of these towns has significantly um dropped so as a proud member of a green Community I think even though it's going to hurt a little bit to begin with uh whatever uh it's gonna you know um it's it needs to be given a chance to be successful so Teresa I have to agree with you on that um Board of Health unfortunately has already condoned the whole thing they want to blow the thing up as mrir said as we're not trying to blow I'm speak I'm going to step into this for a little bit Mr Cherry because I've been here 23 years ask you one more time please I was speaking until you're recognized don't thre the Board of Health chair I've only said it I am speaking when you get recognized you have your time right so I'm not going down that road with you all right so what I am saying I've watched it I've heard it I've seen it the Board of Health has blatantly blew up the board of Selman we are doing the best weekend for this community and if you want to keep going the way you're going you do it but don't drag the bard of Selman down that's all I have to say about that now is there anybody else from the D or way zero that wants input on this Taylor's in there I don't know what she I felt bad is she was supposed to be here in person but um her car broke down so she was coming online yes I am here I'm so sorry guys that I can't be there in person like Irene said I was driving on the highway and ran over some metal so sorry I hope you're okay I'm good the tires definitely not but the thing that waste zero offers we have a partnership with over 500 municipalities across the United States and we are for lack of a better word experts in this and we are here to help guide you through this process and pay as you throw works you will see reduction you will see people comply and our team is local and we're here to help you in any way that we can so you are not alone in this okay thank you can I ask our something our question yeah so my big concerns as you said we're very concerned this is going to be completely different from the members of of towns and I know you're here to help uh us be successful are there some particular um points that you can give us with maybe reductions of course to seniors that can help it be successful our problem is timing so because we need to have this because of the do because of uh your the town budget needs to be approved you it's it's a timing thing and we already have in the stores it's a barcode they have all their things we have two vendors that have the big gallon the 33 gallon got at 350 if we said to get the small bag in right away it is just we can't get it in time so we're saying in the beginning hopefully in the beginning of the year we'll have another couple stores and have the small bags available gotcha so that's and and after everything's signed we're already having the meeting for tomorrow to discuss how to work with the current vendors so this doesn't overpower you know the current retailers and uh work with them on a plan um to get the bags out as easy and efficient as we can to everybody and one other question how do communities deal with homebound residents say that one more time homeb how do communities deal with homebound res the question is how are they getting their food and dealing with their trash now so whoever because I have my mom who not normally has a a nurse that deals with her in massachus in New York and so that nurse brings the tra goes food shopping for her and go puts the trash out for her so she would just do the same thing when she's buying milk for her and her her meals then she would also buy at that same time her trash bags and then when she's putting out the trash it would be in the purple bags we might want to think about reaching to Teo and see if they can help oh Distributing bags y well I think there's a meeting tomorrow to discuss a little bit further yeah we can't go too far until we have other details we have to come up with some kind of a plan tonight that we have to vote on to give them some sort of a direction to move forward and um J you got a question over there yes my question is um okay we go to the bags if if you buy more is it on a three bags you buy one bag or if you buy more bags I can answer that so they're currently in rows of five and so that's our Pro thing is that's how it's going to be for the beginning and is that the large bags are bought in rolls of five and it's 3 350 per bag and So when you buy that it's ,750 for that roll but but it's kind of nice instead of a flat fee that you have to pay all at once this is I when I go shopping I buy this other item you know and it's five bags that could last some people it might last a couple week a week or two others it might last you the whole month or two you know so it just depends on what you do and if the uh the other roles the plan for the small bags when they come in later would be in rolls a 10 so it's just like lunenberg lunenberg has that same thing is they have the large bags of five and the small bags of 10 in in that one roll and uh you can buy multiple rolls Mr chair can I make a phone call Carlo want to get to us and she can't use her phone right now I'm GNA put her in voem speaker phone there's somebody oh I'm sorry hang on hang on your turn I one question participation if you live in town do you have to participate in the P or can you get your own so as the program is now the uh if you we pick up from one to three family households in Townsen if you have that pickup is only a portion of it is being put in the the cost of the program is being paid for by the bag and you pay for what you use so it's the cheapest program if you choose to call a private hauler that just has to be from that Resident you can't be sharing with other things and you can just note that the average cost of just a 9 one container is over $500 per year so when you do your numbers you will realize that you'll save and you don't want to go to for a dumpster it has to be picked up for health reasons we can't have people have dumpsters that will be not being picked up on a weekly basis so some people like do the numbers oh I'll get a dumpster and it'll last me for six months well then we're going to have other health issues for our town and the way the town looks we have the most efficient program of that your trash and recycling gets picked up every week and we have a portion of this budget it's $820,000 that's in a t uh um the cost of the program which is a good contract if you get less households the bill goes up more you know so more people the answer is yes yes you always have the right to do that but you're not a you will pay a lot more for people there are people like we even looked into it's very difficult for us to get the trash to the end of the road due to Medical ISS so we looked into having a two yard or whatever little one is put in our yard so this way we don't have to walk to the end of the driveway I'm sure this people that decided to go go ahead with us those people have to be given the option to opt out correct yeah everybody has that yeah because all we're doing is we don't have a flat fee there's not an administrative thing we didn't add an administrative cost you just don't buy bags so you're not using bags you don't buy the bags okay make but you can you have to have a legal thing you cannot just be throwing it into anybody else or another town or a not registered person place your organization create this we work together with uh Taylor is this or other or is oh I'm not sure what this is that is the trash so napkins papers so what can go in your trash is bathroom way SN that's trash okay got it thank you okay KLA are you there I gotta give her dinner just a minute there's somebody with a a um hand up but I don't know if that's that is K oh okay K can you hear me hello Jim yes you're on speaker and everybody's here listening to you at the floor caller go ahead okay thank you so much um select board members for call the video has um been going on and off so it's very hard to follow the presentation but I do have a few questions um my first question is if is are we promoting this is the purple bag program are we promoting this as the p r program I normally promote I normally say your purple bag is just it's easier to remember when you're going to the store you easily remember it but I know some of our signs already say pay you throw um I I like when towns go when they went in West wellon hey we're the green bag program oh we're the blue bag program it's kind of nice we have our own color I kind of do promote that in a way but it's up to you on the first flyer you know um I I believe that we have a committee that that we've been working with together so I would think that that would be something that we would discuss I think that just saying the purple bags are going to confuse people because they're gonna say oh I don't have to participate in the purple BS because they're overflow backs they've known them as being overs for so many years and I think that's education that we will need to push out to the yes the purple bags were the Overflow bags for many many years but they're no longer going to be called the overfall bags they're just your trash bags essentially so I think it's just going to take a little bit of public Outreach and public education to get people adjusted to the new label if you want to call it that um so you know I mean I think we'll discuss that more tomorrow but I mean question okay I I do the $9,000 that I is skating I'm not sharing that today that was not brought up car Carla calm down Cara that has nothing to do with what we're talking about that's out of that's out of water car we can't go do it because she doesn't have $9,000 to give an RVP Grant she has $3,000 Calla once again you guys are GNA have a meeting tomorrow and you guys can discuss that in your meetings but that's not what this meeting is about and I don't want to get sidetracked on that okay well you have misinformation thank you thank you call okay so I I have some Nelson yep uh Irene thank you so much and Taylor thank you so much for your presentation I just have a few things to add from my perspective uh and I wanted to share it with everyone um I think the biggest question is what's the pricing going to be for these bags and we've run all kinds of scenarios and you know we can always price it high and you know recoup a lot of money back but we also recognize that the higher you price it at the more sensitive people get that pricing and they may end up opting out or finding other means of disposing their trash so you know working with Irene and you know Katie the assistant Town accountant you know we had certain parameters to to work around you know we're basing things off of 3100 households um we have nine months to of um you know to recoup the the budget deficit that we currently have um so after all the analysis that we've done we have landed on 350 for the large bags the 33 gallons which is the same price it currently is at the at the stores and 225 for the 13 gallon bags um we feel like that is the best pricing structure to get the participation that we're looking for as well as the revenue that we require so um I do want to C you up by saying that this is really just a forecast you know we're assuming you know um you know pretty a pretty high percentage participation from all the households I mentioned 3,100 households uh we're basing the Assumption off of one and a half bags per week per household so again that's just an estimate and and you know it's a forecast I I don't know I don't have a crystal ball I don't know what the next few months will bring um but we will be monitoring the situation very care carefully uh over the next few months when the program rolls out to to determine if um Mr mrir you're interrupting the meeting sry um we'll be monitoring the the revenue that we receive over the next few months very carefully to see if we can you know get to the you know uh make up for the budget deficit that we're looking at and um if we feel like we're not going to make that number then you know we're going to come up with some contingency plans to make up for that shortfall anything at that point could be on the table between um freezing spending that's not related to payroll or contracted Services um hiring freezes um anything we can think of you know to bridge the gap but but that's something that we won't know until we get data um like we start on October 1 you know by I would say December we should have some good enough data to forecast if you know this program is going to get us the revenue that we're looking for so I have a couple of questions also yep so um and I do apologize I haven't been able to be involved um in getting to these numbers and and whatever but um maybe you can start off how the a large bag at 350 in comparison to the communities that you have that pick up is that where does that stand is that on the high side low side it's at the higher end and that's because it was an overflow bag and because of timing we have to really because in the barcodes we really have to be at that price when can you change the price when if we see we don't need what I would suggest is at you're going to do December you'll have a lot of information by then and having everybody can if you have seniors I think it'd be great as Christmas presents people buy bags I think that would be great for people um but the um uh we have a budget shortfall and that's the biggest issue is we need to reach our budget so next year when we have a new contract and things are set and you have a better budget for the next year it would be great to then reevaluate we should have some good data by January and there's a possibility we can even make changes January it it's it's hard to make changes it's kind of like a six Monon thing to change the price of the bag and the price when they get out there so that's why we're not it's hard for us to get the small bags in there too fast um because they have to have their barcode and everything and they're being printed and it says how much they are so after um I'd say J of July you could be able to change prices and then that would be we'll have also cont a new budget and that could be I think ter I think to be fair to us at least where we don't know how this is going to work right my but my concern is I I understand the notes they make perfect sense 3100 bag and a half a person the problem is the middle number times n9th months so we're making up for a three month deficit to start to start out with and it is what it is right um but uh if we had um 12 months to make up the the budget difference those bag prices would be less um so you know if we started a month later then right we the the prices would have to increase to make up for that deficit but then you run into issue of now people are going to be turned turned away from the pricing and they're going to try to go to private so right but if we didn't have pre pric backs which it seems to be the issue bags are PR priced at this right now well even to get them into the store within just a month it's it's almost impossible so the only reason this program's able to happen is because you already have the bags already on the shelves at the price there and there's inventory to back it up we're just going to be bringing more inventory not me your bag company that you have a contract with will provide the bags okay okay [Music] question right now I have a large container and I understand the bag to large and I put that bag in that container roll it up and are they going to pull it out or do I have to dve your containers at the end of your driveway I believe where they pick up is that what you're saying so once you put that in your container you put your Barrel out at the street they're going to pick it out they're going to take it out and they're going to dump it it's just like today is trash day on my on my route and it's just I had I had white bags in there it's just going to be purple bags next time I think people wanted to know that because you know because of animals and yeah know they got stay in the back kind of question people are asking yeah I know I mean this is makes it the simplest program we're not adding a new fee we're not I mean per household you're not getting a flat fee no matter what you have control over your bill which is kind of hard in today's life you have control over your bill and so then you can say how many times I put the trash bag out okay yes um just being Finance make that enough money let's hope and pray we do if we don't we're GNA be in front of you we make a whole bunch of cuts or whatever we got to do we have done some calculations and but I have the opposite question if we come to March and we have the money then does everybody get free BS we can red they say next time we could reduce the fee yeah in July you can reduce the fee if you ask me if come March we're gonna have the extra money I don't think we're gonna do it we're gonna barely make the 550 that we need now don't worry about it I don't see have abundance of money Cindy you have a question actually they got answered already thank you very thank okay thank you anybody else in this Zoom meeting that has any input or want to discuss anything in regards to the presentation as pay as you throw okay I take that as a note I do want to thank you for attending tonight and your presentation and for the Board of Health for joining us as well so I just want to close the joint presentation of the pay is you throw program with way Zero D and the Board of Health I have motion to adj the meeting okay motion made seconded second okay meeting adjourned thank you pay your time all right okay we are going to move on to 4.1 discuss and vote for pay as you throw program as outlined in the working group and I think you have just kind of discuss that um so before I make a motion Nelson do you have any more that you would like to add um so you know we do have a a working group that we you know are meeting again tomorrow um where we're discussing how to implement this program along with the various Avenues of public Outreach public education um you know um Irene mentioned her in her presentation uh I'll just go over just a little bit more detail uh we're thinking about doing a um yeah you know some quick three to five minute uh video that's been pre-recorded with the help of tcam you know uh with highlights of the uh program put it on YouTube Maybe put it on uh you know other you know on the public Channel somehow uh I was thinking about doing a co-oping a senior center luncheon um having a presentation there because I I spoke to uh Elise those are usually pretty well attended you know we're probably talking 30 40 50 um senior citizens there know Lon day so you know I think Irene and maybe Taylor Taylor you know all of us can go there make a quick presentation very very similar to this you know just get the word out um tell them about the P you throw program um there's a Touch a Truck Event at the library I believe in a couple weeks so we might have a little poster a little booth there again just getting the word out there um you know educating folks um you know we mentioned doing the mailer that that's going to go to every single household so we're going to try to get that up and running as well um so so we're working out the all the details as we speak trying to get um the program implemented as well as working with vendors uh we understand Mike's Mobile on Main Street might be interested um to join as a vendor you know for the girl back program so we're very excited that you know so there if there in the community that want to join they they still can join absolutely we more the better you know it's so the old B Store open today it's a benefit for stores like this too because you're adding foot traffic to their storefront which may increase their sales and for us it's another Avenue for residents to get the bags maybe mcnabs or Hanah you know the hours and days don't work for everyone so um you know the more options residents have the better we feel and we think uh Mike's mobile might be the first new vendor to join the one thing El said I'd like you to be able to follow through on for me please I definitely want somebody to reach out as soon as possible to Teo and see what can be done if people want to donate bags to Teo and they can be added to the the food stuff that they bring to the home B Community a bag they can go there they get their food I mean that's a great great idea I think it's a nice uh make sure that they can set up to set that that as a donation and add that to things that they can offer to the okay I'll look into it see if they can help us out and I'm certainly willing to start that donation okay so okay on 4.1 the vote first of all I just want to make it very clear to everybody out there this is not what we as a community was hoping for we've all struggled with the overrides twice uh I I don't believe in you know blowing up town hall or any Town employees or any departments this is the only option we have we're all under a very strict budget I understand that but we have to do something and I think this is the right thing to do to try to just move forward so I make the motion I like to have a motion to move forward with the pay as you throw bag pricing of $3.50 for large bags and $225 for small bags effective 10124 with authorizing Nelson to implement the pay as you throw program as outlined in tonight's presentation so moved second any discussion oop sorry so the the small bags aren't going to be available they won't be so the small bags won't be yeah correct so do you think you should add to the motion small bags when available just so that people won't assume that you know we are all small bags okay we have a listed as small bags available January 1st in the outline but it might be best to put in the well I just let's redo the motion a motion to move forward with the pay as you throw bag pricing of $3.50 for large bag and $225 Cent small bag effective 10124 with along with allowing Nelson to implement the pay as you throw program as outlined in tonight's presentation and no that the small bags may not be available till January 1st so moved second any discussion take a vote Yes Jo shank yes okay we're moving along 4.2 discuss and vote a contract with waste zero so we have the zero contract that is out there that I believe Nelson is in effect for the Overflow bags is that correct that is correct um I uh had sent it to Town Council to review they got back to me today with um something they wanted to a few things they wanted to discuss with from race zero Council um we only started having a discussion late this morning until the early afternoon so unfortunately uh the final contract is not ready yet to be uh voted on and signed uh we are working on it as we speak um I think they they realized the urgency of things and the items that were um brought up were not you know um insurmountable there were just small items here and there but nonetheless um we wanted them addressed and but they weren't able to be fully addressed in time for this meeting um but we are working on it and I'm hopeful a a contract that both sides uh would be amable to is forthcoming in the next few days all right so council's got this I've read it tresa have you read I have not had a chance to okay well my what I've heard is there's just some minor changes to this contract it's in front of Town Council so in order to move forward so we can keep moving forward I would like to make a motion to authorize Town Administrator Nelson M to sign the weight zero contract out the session once Town Council has received and and approved the revised waste zero contract so moved second any discussion take a vote 3 Mo yes Jo shank yes all righton hand glad you got hired welcome welcome on thank you 4.3 discuss the public uh forum for the pay you throw program so as it is now we tentatively have September 11th I don't know if we set a time yet in the Great Hall to have public forum in regards to the program and um we'll try to work on how to get the word out to everybody to the public if anybody has questions that can't make that by all means send any questions prior to the board of selectman's email and we will try to get every answer that we possibly can um so it's going to be September 11th pra did we set a time I know we talked about it but we didn't set a time do we want to set a time because we have Tuesday night we have the six o'clock selman's meeting um do you think I know a lot of people are coming home so may not make six o'clock what's your thought what's your try seven get some things wrapped up and then do it at seven yeah so let's we'll tentatively Nelson set it up for September member 11th in the Great Hall for an open Forum to discuss it questions and answers we'll do the best we can um we need to get the word out to the public um I think tresa you mentioned that all the signs that we're utilizing right now the road signs that are on job sites for road construction I don't know what your thought is Teresa but maybe we can ask Nelson to reach out to the highway superintendent and see if he can get one borrow one whatever we need to do those always are are very effective I think too it's important we can get it on the the television um yeah but I think we want to make it very um clear that it's to learn how the program affects you uh that's going to affect October 1st not how to get us to get just educate everybody as to what we're going to do how it's G to work so everybody understands I believe you're going to be involved the is going to be involved race zero should be involved um so tresa do we need to make a motion or do we just ask the highway we just no just superintendent see if he can find borrow a couple road sign actually um Sabrina has to put in a request and then it's like ridiculous to try to come up because it has to be like six I spoke to Jimmy he said he'd be potentially willing to um just you know let us borrow one for a short period of time with the public forum being next Wednesday Wednesday so you know once we get it finalized um we can we can borrow it for a few days well I just yeah I don't want it and we've had conversations that we put that sign up at the last minute and nobody will we got to at least give people time to be able to plan to be able to move things around to be able to meet make that meeting so as long as we can give them enough time notice I'm good with that you'll handle that so she has Sabrina has the form for that also if I don't know how it works on your the channel but if we could run the presentation that came tonight are we able to run that I was going to ask before you left tonight to get a copy of the presentation and that I was also thinking this is really for the board of Selectmen I have another presentation that's for the public just to understand now that we get to this point is of what the program is because in some ways that's the presentation I want to give on or help for October today and he can have that running on right that sounds good okay CH you have anything else no sorry do I hear a motion to adjourn so moved we adjourn selman's meeting at 7:03 shank yes thank you everybody for coming