##VIDEO ID:SSM2R4O1edI## okay welcome to the uh January meeting Christian Roman ramire Vice chairman um Charles Serene okay any additions or deletions there are no septic permits and we've moved off the well proposal to the next meeting in janary okay joint meeting will be held with B of SEL to discuss this yeah let me start that over joint meeting will with the board of Selectmen to discuss the curbside trash and recycling program who want to start did I open our meeting yeah oh you're the chair yeah okay um as chairman of the board of the board of Selectmen I will call our portion of the meeting to order atever it is we don't have a clock it is bud is that what we 601 okay okay now where are we going to this meeting right now what are we discussing here so I'll introduce myself as Laura Shian as chairman and Veron Vice chairman I you hear I'm sorry I said I couldn't hear you Veronica K Vice chairman yeah okay to follow um agenda are you gonna do your Pledge of Allegiance on the agenda I would you come sit up here I can't hear you oh yeah you want me to do it we haven't um we don't algi but um oh you do the pledge allegiance on the agenda no flag not sure one thank you I pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for stands indivisible with andice sure the meeting is being recorded and will be uploaded to YouTube and I do not have any additions or deletions okay what do we want to discuss about the trash contract recycling program we now we're at 2.1 which is the joint meeting regarding the trash contract you want to sit up here caller no I'm good okay so I I think uh we're just trying to for the FY 26 budget preparation um get a get a sense of what the pricing proposals might be and I understand Glenn Shaw is here and he might be able to uh give us a pricing proposal which I think guy on the right is the conversation who's speaking we I do you want me to go in and remember last time they were talking and we could hear them want me to go oh upstairs I'm not sure car they're having Finance upstairs they are having a finance committee meeting upstairs but it sounds like there's someone upon the zo has anybody been admitted to the zo don't see anyone up there no who's running the next he muted himself the individual that he okay now they're all some of them had their microphones on you can see the list up on okay we didn't see and when you see person go green at us the West okay who's on there are I guess some people on and some somebody muted themselves but I I don't see a list he said there was a list but I didn't see it I so yeah I I think uh we just want to have a conversation about what the uh FY 26 trash poing contract might look like we we put this out to bid for everybody to come in and bid on the contract for our trash removal and St were the only one that came back with the trash uh proposal for us yep so we had to go with the trash Proposal with Len which is always beening reasonable one that's why we got Shaws back again yep nobody else is interested you want to why don't you take the plug one and see what we can do to help you can I ask a question go ahead BR what was the date of the bid the date of the bid I don't know what the date of the bid was was it within this fiscal year no no no so we're talking about a long time ago we're talking about three years ago three okay all right so I can make this short and sweet I don't know what the town of towns is looking for we we looking for the same pay you throw program free free recycling pickup um correct as correct yep um municipalities all included with the the dumpsters and all that correct so I can come up with a number for a contract or something like that you looking for a three-year another one-year extension what are we looking for I I think we're probably open to any of those combinations um I think three years pretty standard and ideal but that that might all depend on what kind of pricing you can you could give us whether looking three years out is kind of you know you can't really predict or if you're more comfortable giving us like a onee proposal well three years would be better y I mean the cost of equipment is through the roof yep um so if it makes more sense to you you know financially to provide us with a three contct I mean anybody that bids on us is going to want at least a three or 5e contract y um on that note we could do as a pay you throw program the price will be for the sake of towns and toing I would do a pickup fee and then the town of town will pay the disposal disposal cost that will keep the cost down as much as we can instead of an all-in number because the all-in number we don't know what really is going to be I mean the program seems to be working um we've had a few private customers that we had that signed up and then actually went back to the page control program y so I mean we do promote it we do try to promote it as best we can you know at the beginning some people didn't want it that's you're not going to please everybody so um if that's how you want me to bid on it but that would be basically me giving you the service to pick up the stuff and then the disposal costs or what we we pick up I yeah I think that that would be a fair way of structuring the the contract I think that's the fairest way yeah that way you're not paying for something that we don't know what's what's going going to happen right I I just thought there would be a proposal tonight but maybe I was mistaken well I just don't know what you want for a proposal that's why I'm I mean I don't think you guys want an all in number like I have I actually thought you were going to do two or three like different um well that's what I'm saying that's why I want to know what you what what what the town of towns wants you want an Allin number do you want pickup fee and the disposal cost for trash and recycling um I guess this is if we're talking about the contract I would like to know um basically what the town can afford is what we're able to bring in with purple bag fees that's what we can afford we managed to handle this one-year extension because we gave up 200 to 300,000 of arpa funds that had been committed elsewhere but not under contract so that is what's funding it um the other thing is that the contract we had is for picking up in the entire town and we had a lot of people that did not um uh participate in the purple backs now what I heard you say is that that's changing people are going back to purple backs but I know that if you drive around town on a Wednesday you can see everybody that's doing private pickup so I would want um I would want the amount reduced by some percentage considering that people are going to be doing their own payment um that said I do think there is an interest in having trash pickup in town the problem is it can't be anymore funded with tax dollars has to be purple bag fees so do we have a number for October November and December Carla do you how much has come in on with purple bags um as far as Revenue you would have to ask the treasurer that I don't have that information available at this time but the tonnage has gone down from approximately 200 tons to 130 tons and significant and is that because people are has gone down gone down too gone down to so the difference would be the people that are not participating in pay you throw is what I would deduce from that yeah what I do notice is even though some people aren't putting purple bags out they're still putting out recycling there's still a cost for Glenn to pick up that recycling so it's not like he can eliminate a thousand people from the program um I'm not sure what the number is what was it 4,000 100 people roughly households households that you pick up 32 3100 around 3200 32 is that the entire town yes basically for Parcels excluding um is there the multi family buildings right right yes I I guess what I'm say same please squeeze it whoever is on Zoom please mute yourself credit card debt general purpose credit cards usually have a lower interest rate but retail stores and sponsored times can be sounds like I don't know is that better for you now uh yes that is better thank you thank you so as far as picking up the trash the I still have to cover all the roads in the town of towns so the service fee as far as picking the stuff up probably isn't going to change much dispos that's way you're going to save all your money is in the disposal costs there's not as many people putting it out then you won't pay for the disposal but that certainly is the fairest way of doing things but I guess on the off chance that um people are putting more tonage out then there's no sealing to what our expenses would be versus a fixed cost at the moment so that's my concern for budgeting if I don't know what the maximum cost of the trash hauling contract is going to be it's going to be very difficult for us to come up with a then like how soon do you need the um I mean we're right in the middle thought we were getting oh so um yeah I mean we're right in the middle of budget season right now like like Veronica said we were because I was hoping for another month to see what the it's hard it's hard for around yeah you know the holidays New Year New Year Tage is always up on New Year um Christmas trash does a lot of it but it's not usually heavy Cindy could you just go to the left just a little bit with but anyways you really should announce that someone else is recording yeah but I could come up with a number like sooner than later but as long as we're doing it if you want a number the way we're doing it now that's fine or would you want an Allin number also I think both would make sense because like I said I am concerned that um you know one the the option where the pickup fee and the disposal fee is is split um that disposable fee can there's no limit to what it can be so it it puts the the town in a bad spot to predict what our expenses are going to be the revenue will go up though if we have more tonnage you'll sell more bags uh I more people will try to squeeze more into each each bag so so that's why I'm really concerned they're really poor quality bags they don't hold a lot of weight oh I just fought with one this morning okay Mr chairman if I may go ahead um I have I have a few questions um um um regarding um having some numbers could we consider I don't know if it is too soon for our next Board of he meeting H have that proposal from Sha or um um so that we can hand it over to the select board or how long do you think it'll take you get number togethere do it in a week you do it in a week I'll do it in we okay that will be both options yeah I can do both options okay are there any other tweaks where we wanted to consider I think there was talks about every other week but I don't think that really works for like the warm months right like that's the other week will not work why won't it because right now if you're a household of one or two people that's what you're doing and it we summer time especially Veronica you're going to have Roden invent infestation you're going to have all kinds of problems because of rotted trash but you're going to have that anyway because you on a weekly basis you minimize that opportunity if you go every two weeks it's going to be a mess can't do it and Glenn needs more trucks to do that no can't do it why twice as much trash not necessarily not if we have half the town brly senior citizens who are putting out trash every other week um anyway some people are only putting out one purple bag a month um people that have large families that's different but most of those I think are the people that went with pickup private pickup because they didn't want to deal with the purple bag um you can't let trash sit two weeks it's going just get full rodents maggots and everything else go ahead car that's what we're do Mr chair thank you I'd like to get Glen's um thoughts on this please yeah week yeah so every other week so if K you said we had 135 ton in December so so 135 ton we'll divide that by four weeks that's 33.75 tons right we do it 4 days divide that by four that's 8 and 1/2 ton a day and if I'm doing 16 ton in the day because it's every other week that's I have to run two trucks two TRS that's like that's the maximum eight eight and a half ton that's just trash yeah so the other side of the truck has to hold recy need to buy new truck excuse me you don't really save anything well in that in that situation no that I can deal with expensive I mean okay another thing to also look into unfortunately trash can't be salvaged and saved we can't freeze it it's got to go weekly lay off his drivers every other week right that's that's what I was going toloy will it's hard to find help never mind help every other week yeah the um one thing we did do to address this is we have the smaller bags um the $2 what is it $2 or 2 225 so we have the smaller bags so people can put the bag out every every week and not waste a lot of air that they paid for in the large bags so those are available now and U and and if the people aren't putting them out no I just put them out myself five to six weeks it's just me okay but I recycle every week okay great all right but if the tonnage numbers were lower and I could like do it in three days I could but at 8 and a half ton I can't it is it's impossible and redu number actually than what it would have been right what she just gave us for last qu now he's still got to pick up every week because of recycling but if the tonnage is going down because people aren't throwing out because it costs more money the town will save on the if we pay for the actual trash the dump fee in the long run will save that way it'll bring the cost the overall cost out considerably and if you're H nervous for budgeting reasons we can also um I know the numberers skewed you just changed to the pay you throw program but we can also look back for years and get an average number of um how much tonage you guys threw away yeah um for the year you know and try to give you a ballpark number there yeah just for Budget reasons yeah I I think for me the amount of the cost of the contract has to be very close to the amount that we anticipate bringing in in purple bags we have three months of data at this point and if we can't I don't see how we can do a trash contract if we can't meet that because we don't have extra money sitting around to pay for it okay s yeah uh thank you for letting me speak I think one one important issue of the the trash contract or the line item for solid waste pickup I think needs to be considered by everybody is that the the residents are paying the 350 a purple bag for residential trash the trash contract is including what you spoke about earlier Town Hall the highway department the fire department Municipal trash the purple bag people we should not be paying for that out of the purple bag money that's residential trash only the municipal trash for the public buildings should come out of the tax base the purle bag should only fund residential trash that is double tax if I may separate Municipal yeah okay that would be good has the if I may ask the Town Administrator for the record um I'm curious to know before the pay pay as you throw program where was the money coming for paying the contract is it true that uh that from from um from from the taxation from property tax is that coming out and and then at the same time the people that are paying with pay as you throw are pay are double dipping if you can explain to us if that is the case or not because there's been a lot of saying and I just for the record I just wanted to to have that clear if if if if that is coming out of of our taxes plus we are paying for the pay as you throw in this instance I would say no because um you're you're not the we're not getting enough Revenue including you know tax dollars to pay for all these expenses so there's that there that's why there's a deficit so everything that the taxpayers and other various sources of income that we're getting it's not enough to pay for all of our expenses so um so in this instance if there is there isn't any double dipping or double taxation in Lo and my other question is when will we have a clear picture of if the program is is is adding enough benefit for lowering the cost down for the town of towns in I mean I mean this year started um last year but when would we have an an idea of if this is working or not and and and what other ideas are we going to have to see if if we need to take other actions I mean uh I don't think personally that reducing the the amount of time of of how of of every other week um for picking up the trash will be convenient I mean um and and I concur with the with the chairman and with sha that that um the infestation and all these things can can be another problem and then we add more probably we have to get involved in that because we have to think about a plan to to fight the infestation and all and all that um but um I think we have some data but you know the the December numbers should be actually coming out uh no later than tomorrow according to way zero but the problem is you know that data is like late November and most of December and as we know that's the holiday season so you know that bag Revenue even though we had that information would be you know not the most accurate portrayal of you know sort of the the trash disposal uh needs of the town so we need more data which I think we'll probably find in hopefully January February but we're talking about things now so it's hard to say um at the end of the year or at the moment what um how successful this a page through program is going to be um so I think we need to work with what information we have and probably come to a compromise of how much you know the the trash program can be funded by pay you throw and uh you know the taxpayers Glenn as far as what you did last year and what you doing this year the Tage are about the same it's a little different how much it has it increased honestly I didn't I didn't like go through that whole whole thing yeah okayy one more simple question do you think it's increased considerably or just a little no it's decreased it's decreased because of more Recycling and all that other stuff I think recycling's up a little bit um but TR trash is definitely down um so the pay you throw program I don't think the purple bags is going to cover the contract I think it's a supplement to help pay for it I don't think it will either I think in a lot of cities and towns it is a fully fun a program um but for the most part what I've seen in all the data is it's always like a it's um the combination pay you throw pays for a good percentage of the program but the the other portion is paid for by um you know general fund you know tax dollars the only thing I was going to say is they actually started selling bags when Carla October 1st no the bags were being sold before October 1st years oh the Overflow bags yeah uh those started in 2015 no the purple bags I bought my purple bags before September before October 1st 2015 201 2015 overflow I didn't never had overflow I'm talking about the purple bags this past year October 1st those were overflow bags that you I never bought bags well you never bought bags but never needed to the bags that you bought for octob they were purple the ladies 2015 they went to the 60 gallon limit so if you had more than 64 gallons then you bought a purple bag they the over four bag so they were selling them um we didn't sell a did you sell you didn't sell a lot of them we at the end of the program we were making between 10 and $15,000 a year in the in the Overflow bags um we were selling them for $3 a bag you were receiving $1 for a bag and then the town would receive $2 yeah and that money was voted in 2015 to go to the general revolving fund to help support the recycling center which now we do not have because that was a big ass that when we stole that open because a lot of stuff went up there lot of stuff closing that was one of the things you had to do but it's it's missed so is it share me if I may go ahead um Carla I have a question that grant money that that we received is that something that could be recurrent or is that just a lottery thing um is how is that something that we can have an expectation to help subsidize the the the um there's several grants that the town receives in the Board of Health I believe that you are speaking of the pays you throw Grant yes that the town received and I believe that was $62,000 Nelson yes and uh that's actually a agenda item for our next um select board meeting and they do have that to help implement the program pay for educational funds pay for the bags and whatnot yeah but that is a one time that is a one time thing isn't that something that we can't depend on like for the next fiscal yeah okay but the money will roll over you don't have to spend the whole $62,000 this year the money will roll over actually I spoke to Irene today and uh yeah you have to spend it by June 30th are you serious yeah the RDP money that you get that can roll over but the pay you throw grant money um that one time shot we have to spend it by the end of June how are you gonna spend $62,000 in a year it could be on part of the contract right uh she said you can uh the the bags that have a lot of bags I guess we are going to have a lot of bags well no you you with our arrangement with was Zero um Irene said we they should be able to um work something out to make it eligible did you have that in writing no but I spoke to her today yeah and and she's talking to her superiors to see how we can uh uh make it work because I told her I had concerns that uh do we have $62,000 worth of eligible expenses to to use by the end of June and she she said those the bags that were that that's through way zero should be eligible she's going to find out more for us so she um soon I hope she didn't give she didn't give me a timeline but I literally just spoke to her this morning because I you know prepping for this meeting as well as the um meeting next week to talk about the P you throw Grand so and my concern is that um and I think my my my fellow board members could agree that we just can't put another another add more money to the taxpayers because we just I mean we just can't and and and I know that that as a Town Administrator it's hard juggling between between the the the the trash contract and at the same time not not not getting not hiding more more the ex the money from our taxpayers because that was our concern uh about this I don't think that our families can it could be impossible I mean I don't know verica without that said I think there there isn't money in the general fund through taxes to pay for the additional costs the way we did it this year DLS said 40K a month on was what we could expect to get from purple bags and we had to come up with the remainder that money came from arpa funds we do not have those funds so it will either be staff layoffs or um or uh fees which means an additional charge to the town people or an override which is a possibility for the schools it was 5050 almost equally as far as the votee went it was it passed and then it didn't so we're talking two or three votes in the town so it really depends on who comes out to vote whether or not an override passes but there is not money beyond the purple bag fees in the town budget to pay for the trash it it went to the schools we didn't have an override and we had to fund the schools the only place that the board of selectman could get the money from was trash fees because those do not have to come out of the general fund by law as Adam explained at the town meeting in may they can be funded through fees assessed to all taxpayers so that was what happened we've Managed IT for a year but I honestly don't know where we are going to get $2 to $300 to cover the rest of the contract next year if all the people in town are not participating in the purple bag program and we don't have 100% buying and so if that's the case either whatever Mr Shaw comes up with we have to take and Reduce by 25% even though he's contracted to pick up at every household he doesn't and so um it has to either be cut that way or we have to assess a fe to all um all households that's what I see or we lay off people we have to get the money somewhere else we can use that those funds to promote the program try to tell people please support the program that's a good idea yeah and it is for education and Outreach so um we can certainly use some of that money to to uh to put towards that CA but I think all those options are on the table you know I I don't we're still developing the budget I don't know what it's going to look like um but I think all those options are on the table but I do think we need to know what trash is going to cost us so when we're doing the budget over the next month and a half we have a realistic sense it doesn't come in two weeks before town meeting yeah Cindy's got your hand up Cindy yeah I one more comment regarding that 62,000 I think that's wonderful that we have some money left but education I you know I drive around town I've been trying to keep track of what's going on with the tra and what what I see is a lot of people that aren't recycling properly and I know that Shaw's if somebody's got wet cardboard it's not going in the recycling side they can't put it in there because they can't recycle that people have you know Lids off of their their trash cans I've been at meetings here before where he can't pick that up because it's wet he can't put wet recycling on the recycling side of the truck so it goes in the trash side even though there the we got the purple bag thing but people are still not recycling properly and people are putting clear plastic bags full of recycling I saw that after Christmas I went around to see what people were doing because I know people still don't understand you can't put your recycling in a plastic bag and going around through a neighborhood a second time after the trucks go through it's gone so that means he picked it up and put it in the even though he shouldn't have in my opinion I don't want to get into a debate with you at all I'm trying to be nice but the I think that we need more enforcement like sha should not be picking up improperly prepared recycling but we also need to educ public and we can put money into education from even professional videos but professional I mean getting mailings getting more education about what you can't do with the with the recycling what you can you want to become the educational chairman I would love it but uh I I'm the Selman will never appoint me to pick up trash myself but um but the there's so much the people just don't know and that I think Shaw can be more strict on a very difficult the contract itself and I know it's tough but it can be done time up it's a very difficult thing to educate the public on how to properly recycle and do their but we got money we got money do it we we're putting it in valant going forward to make it it work it's going to take a little while for everybody to adjust to it but it's it's the coming we can't afford not to we can't afford to I'm age let too much time go I'm agreeing with you year be cheaper than this year I don't know if the people that are on Zoom have any questions for us I know that we have talk but we haven't given them any I don't recall anybody coming in on Zoom anybody on Zoom want to say anything yes there's um looks like eight people on Zoom it's all all right here somebody I don't think anybody wants that on the right did they have their hands can I address the recycling thing real quick yes go Clos so the plants do not like recyclables in a plastic bag get stuck in their machines saying that it still goes through the plant most of it does get recycled but on the occasion they have Pickers and if the bags don't rip open by the time they get to the top they get thrown off to the side um so we do send like all the recycle like she said the wet cardboard the plastic bags all that stuff does go in recycling because it's the same amount of money whether I throw it in the trash or I throw it in recycling Recycling and trash pretty much the same amount of money to get rid of so we do pick it up does it all get recycled the plant the most Mo the plant that we send it to I think it was what he say the other day it was 19 to 22% of the stuff that goes through the plant is not recycled noty but some we need an instructional video but saying that saying that a lot of the glass is the heavy stuff that actually goes through the machines and they don't consider that recycled because they use it for different stuff it still gets used but they don't consider it a recy recyclable all be educated all not all the glass just just color because a lot of the glass gets broken and when it goes through the machines that they call it like a um a fine I'll call it a fine it falls down through but you get all the little caps mixed in with it like the Caps from the plastic jugs um the milk jugs and all that stuff and the little pieces of plastic that break off anything that all gets at the bottom of the fins and they actually use it for landfill cover so it does get used so they don't have to use gravel and stuff like that they use that for a landfill cover car uh just to let Lori know and others um several years ago I think when we went to the Overflow bags after we got down to the 64 gallons Irene had a great video it was on cable it was available on the website and I think that we could probably work with her she is our D Matt coordinator so get some videos and and get them out I think that's a great idea yeah but they are available there are instructional AV veryy get maybe we could get them to be shown in schools and then be in the in the towns and schools the schools that are in town not necessarily the high school but if they give them their budget they'd be glad to okay we' brought all done on this subject I yeah I believe so so Glenn will um give us some pricing proposals within the next week or so okay um for both options and you know we can evaluate what that looks like I am okay very curious to what it's going to look like I think this is all going in a very positive direction it's all good carler would we like to have another joint meeting on the 28th if it pleases the Selectmen to come to our next meeting special I guess we're not meeting on the 28th we'll have to talk about that to see you on the 28th on the 14th 14th 2 2 2 so next week here okay upstairs suppose that we can meet with the select board next week with an exception if possible we're talking about that right now we discuss have that meeting meeting do you want to go to the board of Select meeting next Monday next Tuesday next Tuesday Tuesday I can I I don't are you available for Health members I not but two are but I will not be so one one more thing before I ah the numbers I give is that for the proposal or is it going to go up a bit afterwards you see what I'm saying it's going to be yeah we we didn't get anybody to come in and give us a bit except for you so I have the gut feeling that if we even put it out forid nobody's going to come back except you I'll so is that for this he he previously had a contract and now he's going into another which was three years now he's going into another one I'm just asking for legality I only have one year my my contract's up in July right exion okay so did you go out for this next three years we have and nobody responds but not this year you have we we did it just proba having his contract signed yes we did when did we do that carler three years ago it was Years Years okay we got to go out again we will no no um I had one more year on I believe this contract and we changed it for the last year so My actually three contract I don't think so it was sure yeah I think the W across I think we had that nightmare of a Tom meeting over the nightmare at the town meeting all right so we're going to have another meeting now next Tuesday on the 21st up in the board of selectman Chambers up in the board of selectman Chambers that's our meeting is it still a six uh 6:30 have we can put can we put them on at like 6:45 we can put them on in the beginning if you want that would be really helpful do we have any hearings on there or meetings right now we done yeah we'll put you first thing for next Tuesday perfect and then um one question before we get off this subject so if our numbers and if you guys' budget numbers aren't anywhere close it sounds like that the trash pickup collection program would be cancelled is that well there'll be a lot more discussion I that that is the the extreme end of things but I suppose it it is a possibility I don't know what How likely it is but it is possibility um I can't I can't rule it out at the moment because the budget dictates everything and uh if things if the budget's out of hand then you know is possible so I certainly don't want it to go that way but think at the moment so we'll see you guys next week thank you thanks for coming I out years back the the town people voted to have trash pickup so this is something that we might have to put back on a ballot or something if we're going to cancel it you there was an override in like 2003 2007 for trash because it was not put in the budget and so there was an override specifically for trash but that goes for one year that doesn't mean we' had overrides for the schools and thought was vote it was a vote for an override it was the override and the funds are are put in the general fund foll year they're never designated when you do an override it's only one year um so I will adjourn the select men's portion of this meeting at 6:44 p.m. second motion to adjourn is everyone in agreement we are agreed to adjourn at 6:44 p.m. thank you thank you for having us on in the middle Florida you got do you got all right I'll try to log in remember we're volunteers here y i okay we don't have any not okay going with your invoices yeah have car's travel through the mon to the recycling center and a million times um we also have Bob's Tires um we had so many tires that they actually had to come back for a second trip because they ran out of room so I saw them on my camera did you come them I did there was like 30 something that was extra how much was it 30 30 yeah and they only do that with a pickup right they do with the box they chares each yeah um East Coast Recycling our new electronic vendor we filled that container already in two um times we were opening at $675 which is a ridiculous price considering that we were paying almost 2,000 with our other vendor so who is the vendor would it be something that could take on or no no he doesn't do electronics he doesn't okay so here we have two invoices this is the um contract that we have with um the extension Shaws took away the $6,000 credit that we had for our recycling there so we now have to pay for bulky removal so on the second page you will see this little thing there's two pages for you to sign we have to pay for the bulky removal which was 750 but the RDP grant money that we have pays for plastic removal which was 376 so so that does help offset that cost okay okay some New Year supplies I think it was a calendar um and a wall calendar and a little dust calendar that I need to tell me where I am and what I'm supposed to be doing Lorden oil balance forward of 1846 we're not sure where that's coming from we've asked for a receipt for it and our current bill is 30566 it's propane that's not too bad 18 and our normal bill for the cell phone that I have graciously been offered in the Union contract but we do have to pay for it so um that is $45 and it does help a lot with picking up pictures and whatnot mattresses we continue to sell sell um dispose of a great deal of mattresses uh we had them here in October they're again at the end of um December we're averaging about 35 to 40 in a pickup 35 to 40 y yeah 35 to 40 nuses that's what fits in the container the um I wanted to ask supposedly other towns are allowed to come to our recycling they are is this costing or burdening the town or are we bringing in enough Revenue to we're bringing in enough Revenue okay I have asked as um Shaw to separate the recycling contract from the pay you throw contract because we don't know what's going on with the pays you throw your self-sufficient at the recycling center you need to make sure that you have a solid contract with Glenn the other towns um lunenberg has been advertising that they can bring their free recycling to the town of Townsen because we offer free recycling to the town of towns and we don't offer it to the other residents we offer them that they can come and they can pay just what the other residents pay the only thing that they have to pay additional for is the yard debris which the residents get for free and it's clearly stated right on the price sheet and the employees know to flag anyone that they don't know they make sure that they're a resident of town and now we're obviously going to have to monitor the recycling bins and we're going to have to move them up and I'm going to have to make signage that it's for towns and residents only but we'll work with Glenn in the future on that that's not something that um has to do with the budget for the town because we are completely self-sufficient so we can work that out and we don't have to worry about it until July 1 so it's something that we will do okay we haven't had any issues with the trespassing after we put the gate and everything absolutely not all right so with that said I bought a battery charger because our lithium batteries for the cameras can be recharged and I also bought a lumbar support um versus a new chair because once I had my hip surgery I was told that I don't sit right and it's made a world of difference okay world of difference and it's attached here I don't take it home it's it's it's it's on my chair it was either that or get her a new chair and this was cost a lot more than it was ridiculously um cheaper to do that so Unitil 324 I'm not happy with it everyone else in the town isn't happy with the unit buil um and here you have your Shaws so July started out 200 tons of trash 70 tons of recycling December recycling 57 tons trash 135 so you can see they're going down but recycling in November was 57.97 so recycling for November to December did not change at all trash was 134 135 September was 180 so it's gone from 200 to 2011 September was 180 then you started the pay you throw program it went from 180 to 134 immediately and then in November was down to 129 but December you know it's going to be higher because of the holidays so it went back up to 135 even Glenn said it's like trash it's all paper and correct stuff so you have minutes that I had given to you I don't know if you had time to review them yes we did I signed mine excellent okay the budget submittals the budgets were asked to be level funded the nooba Board of Health increased their budget by 10% I was quite surprised over that I was hoping for seven but they have a breakdown as to why they did if anyone cares to look at that to give rck midap a ra I hope they did I didn't ask him um your Board of Health operating budget went up 4% because that was the salary increase that the union negotiated your the over Board of Health went up your landfill engineering went up 5% 217 to 22750 when I started here Jim it was what 42,000 so it's really quite good compared to what the previous years were landfill operations stays the same your level funded at 8350 animal inspection which is under the Board of Health stays the same at $600 which is why they can't find anyone to do animal inspection and that is your monthly reports I also emailed you the December monthly report which is something that the Town Administrator has asked us to do again so we will be submitting these okay the well prepare which um The Well Repair we will discuss at the next meeting I'm hoping that I'm going to have enough money in the budget that we can pay for it this year but we also have Capital money so if we don't have enough we can use the capital money money that we do have okay performance reviews are due next week for some reason I have not been able to access the server so I wasn't able to print off the actual form for you to fill out it's basically a very simple form they're asking for performance initiatives um dependability knowledge they have a system of one through four you can write down your comments if you like all three of you will submit your reports it will go to the town administrator he will submit a report of his owner and then they will average the four reports and that's how I will get my performance review okay we will have uh the recycling center I will do Tyler and I will do Shan Pearson My foreman but I am not able to do Paul because he is my son so the foreman Sean Pearson will be doing Paul Walter's performance review so I will send those to you in an email okay once I can get to them and if you'd like to fill them out and we can put them on on the agenda for the 28th that would be perfect I know that the board of selectman would like them timely 28 there's there's a oh that's right let's talk about that so we can't meet on the 28th when do you want to meet Paul just move it up one day or no you're the big guy I'm the big guy well you're the one with the difficult schedule well that week I'm here so okay I'm here that week okay I travel again in the week of the 17th I don't have a problem with it it's the Chinese New Year okay we're looking at February now we are looking at January instead of 28th because our meeting was the 28th but it's the town election so we shouldn't be meeting on the day of a town election so if you'd like to meet on Wednesday 2 the 29th I probably you already done that no oh okay maybe you were thinking that you should tell us to do it Jim I'm not that smart yourself some credit I do have an eye exam scheduled at 3: there's a possibility that they might have dilated they might have to dilate my eyes if that's the case I will call in but I'm sure that Rick's going to be here because he will have septic permit okay so 29 for sunglasses save can I do that can you do that can you drive once you rise the D with yeah okay you have to wear sunglasses to deal with give you CD Wonder glasses those plastic Flex things that will be fun okay what time is the town elction what is that that's for the CL position that's bacon is it 6:30 she said right no the election for the 28th is for the it's a special town meeting yes no election no election special town meeting and then the election for the board of Selectmen will be in April for everybody for everybody yes Bo Health Board of Select board planning election mayy paper in all right okay speci and I so that's initial that's the minutes I've signed my minutes okay so okay perfect so that cover everything girl yes motion to adjer for May I propose a motion to adjer the meeting of tonight I second that at 655 6 all in favor I Jour sweet --------- ##VIDEO ID:_9O81ZE2v_E## okay welcome to the uh January meeting Christian Roman ramire Vice chairman um Charles Serene okay any additions or deletions there are no septic permits and we've moved off the well proposal to the next meeting in janary okay joint meeting will be held with B of SEL to discuss this yeah let me start that over joint meeting will with the board of Selectmen to discuss the curbside trash and recycling program who want to start did I open our meeting yeah oh you're the chair yeah okay um as chairman of the board of the board of Selectmen I will call our portion of the meeting to order atever it is we don't have a clock it is bud is that what we 601 okay okay now where are we going to this meeting right now what are we discussing here so I'll introduce myself as Laura Shian as chairman and Veron Vice chairman I you hear I'm sorry I said I couldn't hear you Veronica K Vice chairman yeah okay to follow um agenda are you gonna do your Pledge of Allegiance on the agenda I would you come sit up here I can't hear you oh yeah you want me to do it we haven't um we don't algi but um oh you do the pledge allegiance on the agenda no flag not sure one thank you I pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for stands indivisible with andice sure the meeting is being recorded and will be uploaded to YouTube and I do not have any additions or deletions okay what do we want to discuss about the trash contract recycling program we now we're at 2.1 which is the joint meeting regarding the trash contract you want to sit up here caller no I'm good okay so I I think uh we're just trying to for the FY 26 budget preparation um get a get a sense of what the pricing proposals might be and I understand Glenn Shaw is here and he might be able to uh give us a pricing proposal which I think guy on the right is the conversation who's speaking we I do you want me to go in and remember last time they were talking and we could hear them want me to go oh upstairs I'm not sure car they're having Finance upstairs they are having a finance committee meeting upstairs but it sounds like there's someone upon the zo has anybody been admitted to the zo don't see anyone up there no who's running the next he muted himself the individual that he okay now they're all some of them had their microphones on you can see the list up on okay we didn't see and when you see person go green at us the West okay who's on there are I guess some people on and some somebody muted themselves but I I don't see a list he said there was a list but I didn't see it I so yeah I I think uh we just want to have a conversation about what the uh FY 26 trash poing contract might look like we we put this out to bid for everybody to come in and bid on the contract for our trash removal and St were the only one that came back with the trash uh proposal for us yep so we had to go with the trash Proposal with Len which is always beening reasonable one that's why we got Shaws back again yep nobody else is interested you want to why don't you take the plug one and see what we can do to help you can I ask a question go ahead BR what was the date of the bid the date of the bid I don't know what the date of the bid was was it within this fiscal year no no no so we're talking about a long time ago we're talking about three years ago three okay all right so I can make this short and sweet I don't know what the town of towns is looking for we we looking for the same pay you throw program free free recycling pickup um correct as correct yep um municipalities all included with the the dumpsters and all that correct so I can come up with a number for a contract or something like that you looking for a three-year another one-year extension what are we looking for I I think we're probably open to any of those combinations um I think three years pretty standard and ideal but that that might all depend on what kind of pricing you can you could give us whether looking three years out is kind of you know you can't really predict or if you're more comfortable giving us like a onee proposal well three years would be better y I mean the cost of equipment is through the roof yep um so if it makes more sense to you you know financially to provide us with a three contct I mean anybody that bids on us is going to want at least a three or 5e contract y um on that note we could do as a pay you throw program the price will be for the sake of towns and toing I would do a pickup fee and then the town of town will pay the disposal disposal cost that will keep the cost down as much as we can instead of an all-in number because the all-in number we don't know what really is going to be I mean the program seems to be working um we've had a few private customers that we had that signed up and then actually went back to the page control program y so I mean we do promote it we do try to promote it as best we can you know at the beginning some people didn't want it that's you're not going to please everybody so um if that's how you want me to bid on it but that would be basically me giving you the service to pick up the stuff and then the disposal costs or what we we pick up I yeah I think that that would be a fair way of structuring the the contract I think that's the fairest way yeah that way you're not paying for something that we don't know what's what's going going to happen right I I just thought there would be a proposal tonight but maybe I was mistaken well I just don't know what you want for a proposal that's why I'm I mean I don't think you guys want an all in number like I have I actually thought you were going to do two or three like different um well that's what I'm saying that's why I want to know what you what what what the town of towns wants you want an Allin number do you want pickup fee and the disposal cost for trash and recycling um I guess this is if we're talking about the contract I would like to know um basically what the town can afford is what we're able to bring in with purple bag fees that's what we can afford we managed to handle this one-year extension because we gave up 200 to 300,000 of arpa funds that had been committed elsewhere but not under contract so that is what's funding it um the other thing is that the contract we had is for picking up in the entire town and we had a lot of people that did not um uh participate in the purple backs now what I heard you say is that that's changing people are going back to purple backs but I know that if you drive around town on a Wednesday you can see everybody that's doing private pickup so I would want um I would want the amount reduced by some percentage considering that people are going to be doing their own payment um that said I do think there is an interest in having trash pickup in town the problem is it can't be anymore funded with tax dollars has to be purple bag fees so do we have a number for October November and December Carla do you how much has come in on with purple bags um as far as Revenue you would have to ask the treasurer that I don't have that information available at this time but the tonnage has gone down from approximately 200 tons to 130 tons and significant and is that because people are has gone down gone down too gone down to so the difference would be the people that are not participating in pay you throw is what I would deduce from that yeah what I do notice is even though some people aren't putting purple bags out they're still putting out recycling there's still a cost for Glenn to pick up that recycling so it's not like he can eliminate a thousand people from the program um I'm not sure what the number is what was it 4,000 100 people roughly households households that you pick up 32 3100 around 3200 32 is that the entire town yes basically for Parcels excluding um is there the multi family buildings right right yes I I guess what I'm say same please squeeze it whoever is on Zoom please mute yourself credit card debt general purpose credit cards usually have a lower interest rate but retail stores and sponsored times can be sounds like I don't know is that better for you now uh yes that is better thank you thank you so as far as picking up the trash the I still have to cover all the roads in the town of towns so the service fee as far as picking the stuff up probably isn't going to change much dispos that's way you're going to save all your money is in the disposal costs there's not as many people putting it out then you won't pay for the disposal but that certainly is the fairest way of doing things but I guess on the off chance that um people are putting more tonage out then there's no sealing to what our expenses would be versus a fixed cost at the moment so that's my concern for budgeting if I don't know what the maximum cost of the trash hauling contract is going to be it's going to be very difficult for us to come up with a then like how soon do you need the um I mean we're right in the middle thought we were getting oh so um yeah I mean we're right in the middle of budget season right now like like Veronica said we were because I was hoping for another month to see what the it's hard it's hard for around yeah you know the holidays New Year New Year Tage is always up on New Year um Christmas trash does a lot of it but it's not usually heavy Cindy could you just go to the left just a little bit with but anyways you really should announce that someone else is recording yeah but I could come up with a number like sooner than later but as long as we're doing it if you want a number the way we're doing it now that's fine or would you want an Allin number also I think both would make sense because like I said I am concerned that um you know one the the option where the pickup fee and the disposal fee is is split um that disposable fee can there's no limit to what it can be so it it puts the the town in a bad spot to predict what our expenses are going to be the revenue will go up though if we have more tonnage you'll sell more bags uh I more people will try to squeeze more into each each bag so so that's why I'm really concerned they're really poor quality bags they don't hold a lot of weight oh I just fought with one this morning okay Mr chairman if I may go ahead um I have I have a few questions um um um regarding um having some numbers could we consider I don't know if it is too soon for our next Board of he meeting H have that proposal from Sha or um um so that we can hand it over to the select board or how long do you think it'll take you get number togethere do it in a week you do it in a week I'll do it in we okay that will be both options yeah I can do both options okay are there any other tweaks where we wanted to consider I think there was talks about every other week but I don't think that really works for like the warm months right like that's the other week will not work why won't it because right now if you're a household of one or two people that's what you're doing and it we summer time especially Veronica you're going to have Roden invent infestation you're going to have all kinds of problems because of rotted trash but you're going to have that anyway because you on a weekly basis you minimize that opportunity if you go every two weeks it's going to be a mess can't do it and Glenn needs more trucks to do that no can't do it why twice as much trash not necessarily not if we have half the town brly senior citizens who are putting out trash every other week um anyway some people are only putting out one purple bag a month um people that have large families that's different but most of those I think are the people that went with pickup private pickup because they didn't want to deal with the purple bag um you can't let trash sit two weeks it's going just get full rodents maggots and everything else go ahead car that's what we're do Mr chair thank you I'd like to get Glen's um thoughts on this please yeah week yeah so every other week so if K you said we had 135 ton in December so so 135 ton we'll divide that by four weeks that's 33.75 tons right we do it 4 days divide that by four that's 8 and 1/2 ton a day and if I'm doing 16 ton in the day because it's every other week that's I have to run two trucks two TRS that's like that's the maximum eight eight and a half ton that's just trash yeah so the other side of the truck has to hold recy need to buy new truck excuse me you don't really save anything well in that in that situation no that I can deal with expensive I mean okay another thing to also look into unfortunately trash can't be salvaged and saved we can't freeze it it's got to go weekly lay off his drivers every other week right that's that's what I was going toloy will it's hard to find help never mind help every other week yeah the um one thing we did do to address this is we have the smaller bags um the $2 what is it $2 or 2 225 so we have the smaller bags so people can put the bag out every every week and not waste a lot of air that they paid for in the large bags so those are available now and U and and if the people aren't putting them out no I just put them out myself five to six weeks it's just me okay but I recycle every week okay great all right but if the tonnage numbers were lower and I could like do it in three days I could but at 8 and a half ton I can't it is it's impossible and redu number actually than what it would have been right what she just gave us for last qu now he's still got to pick up every week because of recycling but if the tonnage is going down because people aren't throwing out because it costs more money the town will save on the if we pay for the actual trash the dump fee in the long run will save that way it'll bring the cost the overall cost out considerably and if you're H nervous for budgeting reasons we can also um I know the numberers skewed you just changed to the pay you throw program but we can also look back for years and get an average number of um how much tonage you guys threw away yeah um for the year you know and try to give you a ballpark number there yeah just for Budget reasons yeah I I think for me the amount of the cost of the contract has to be very close to the amount that we anticipate bringing in in purple bags we have three months of data at this point and if we can't I don't see how we can do a trash contract if we can't meet that because we don't have extra money sitting around to pay for it okay s yeah uh thank you for letting me speak I think one one important issue of the the trash contract or the line item for solid waste pickup I think needs to be considered by everybody is that the the residents are paying the 350 a purple bag for residential trash the trash contract is including what you spoke about earlier Town Hall the highway department the fire department Municipal trash the purple bag people we should not be paying for that out of the purple bag money that's residential trash only the municipal trash for the public buildings should come out of the tax base the purle bag should only fund residential trash that is double tax if I may separate Municipal yeah okay that would be good has the if I may ask the Town Administrator for the record um I'm curious to know before the pay pay as you throw program where was the money coming for paying the contract is it true that uh that from from um from from the taxation from property tax is that coming out and and then at the same time the people that are paying with pay as you throw are pay are double dipping if you can explain to us if that is the case or not because there's been a lot of saying and I just for the record I just wanted to to have that clear if if if if that is coming out of of our taxes plus we are paying for the pay as you throw in this instance I would say no because um you're you're not the we're not getting enough Revenue including you know tax dollars to pay for all these expenses so there's that there that's why there's a deficit so everything that the taxpayers and other various sources of income that we're getting it's not enough to pay for all of our expenses so um so in this instance if there is there isn't any double dipping or double taxation in Lo and my other question is when will we have a clear picture of if the program is is is adding enough benefit for lowering the cost down for the town of towns in I mean I mean this year started um last year but when would we have an an idea of if this is working or not and and and what other ideas are we going to have to see if if we need to take other actions I mean uh I don't think personally that reducing the the amount of time of of how of of every other week um for picking up the trash will be convenient I mean um and and I concur with the with the chairman and with sha that that um the infestation and all these things can can be another problem and then we add more probably we have to get involved in that because we have to think about a plan to to fight the infestation and all and all that um but um I think we have some data but you know the the December numbers should be actually coming out uh no later than tomorrow according to way zero but the problem is you know that data is like late November and most of December and as we know that's the holiday season so you know that bag Revenue even though we had that information would be you know not the most accurate portrayal of you know sort of the the trash disposal uh needs of the town so we need more data which I think we'll probably find in hopefully January February but we're talking about things now so it's hard to say um at the end of the year or at the moment what um how successful this a page through program is going to be um so I think we need to work with what information we have and probably come to a compromise of how much you know the the trash program can be funded by pay you throw and uh you know the taxpayers Glenn as far as what you did last year and what you doing this year the Tage are about the same it's a little different how much it has it increased honestly I didn't I didn't like go through that whole whole thing yeah okayy one more simple question do you think it's increased considerably or just a little no it's decreased it's decreased because of more Recycling and all that other stuff I think recycling's up a little bit um but TR trash is definitely down um so the pay you throw program I don't think the purple bags is going to cover the contract I think it's a supplement to help pay for it I don't think it will either I think in a lot of cities and towns it is a fully fun a program um but for the most part what I've seen in all the data is it's always like a it's um the combination pay you throw pays for a good percentage of the program but the the other portion is paid for by um you know general fund you know tax dollars the only thing I was going to say is they actually started selling bags when Carla October 1st no the bags were being sold before October 1st years oh the Overflow bags yeah uh those started in 2015 no the purple bags I bought my purple bags before September before October 1st 2015 201 2015 overflow I didn't never had overflow I'm talking about the purple bags this past year October 1st those were overflow bags that you I never bought bags well you never bought bags but never needed to the bags that you bought for octob they were purple the ladies 2015 they went to the 60 gallon limit so if you had more than 64 gallons then you bought a purple bag they the over four bag so they were selling them um we didn't sell a did you sell you didn't sell a lot of them we at the end of the program we were making between 10 and $15,000 a year in the in the Overflow bags um we were selling them for $3 a bag you were receiving $1 for a bag and then the town would receive $2 yeah and that money was voted in 2015 to go to the general revolving fund to help support the recycling center which now we do not have because that was a big ass that when we stole that open because a lot of stuff went up there lot of stuff closing that was one of the things you had to do but it's it's missed so is it share me if I may go ahead um Carla I have a question that grant money that that we received is that something that could be recurrent or is that just a lottery thing um is how is that something that we can have an expectation to help subsidize the the the um there's several grants that the town receives in the Board of Health I believe that you are speaking of the pays you throw Grant yes that the town received and I believe that was $62,000 Nelson yes and uh that's actually a agenda item for our next um select board meeting and they do have that to help implement the program pay for educational funds pay for the bags and whatnot yeah but that is a one time that is a one time thing isn't that something that we can't depend on like for the next fiscal yeah okay but the money will roll over you don't have to spend the whole $62,000 this year the money will roll over actually I spoke to Irene today and uh yeah you have to spend it by June 30th are you serious yeah the RDP money that you get that can roll over but the pay you throw grant money um that one time shot we have to spend it by the end of June how are you gonna spend $62,000 in a year it could be on part of the contract right uh she said you can uh the the bags that have a lot of bags I guess we are going to have a lot of bags well no you you with our arrangement with was Zero um Irene said we they should be able to um work something out to make it eligible did you have that in writing no but I spoke to her today yeah and and she's talking to her superiors to see how we can uh uh make it work because I told her I had concerns that uh do we have $62,000 worth of eligible expenses to to use by the end of June and she she said those the bags that were that that's through way zero should be eligible she's going to find out more for us so she um soon I hope she didn't give she didn't give me a timeline but I literally just spoke to her this morning because I you know prepping for this meeting as well as the um meeting next week to talk about the P you throw Grand so and my concern is that um and I think my my my fellow board members could agree that we just can't put another another add more money to the taxpayers because we just I mean we just can't and and and I know that that as a Town Administrator it's hard juggling between between the the the the trash contract and at the same time not not not getting not hiding more more the ex the money from our taxpayers because that was our concern uh about this I don't think that our families can it could be impossible I mean I don't know verica without that said I think there there isn't money in the general fund through taxes to pay for the additional costs the way we did it this year DLS said 40K a month on was what we could expect to get from purple bags and we had to come up with the remainder that money came from arpa funds we do not have those funds so it will either be staff layoffs or um or uh fees which means an additional charge to the town people or an override which is a possibility for the schools it was 5050 almost equally as far as the votee went it was it passed and then it didn't so we're talking two or three votes in the town so it really depends on who comes out to vote whether or not an override passes but there is not money beyond the purple bag fees in the town budget to pay for the trash it it went to the schools we didn't have an override and we had to fund the schools the only place that the board of selectman could get the money from was trash fees because those do not have to come out of the general fund by law as Adam explained at the town meeting in may they can be funded through fees assessed to all taxpayers so that was what happened we've Managed IT for a year but I honestly don't know where we are going to get $2 to $300 to cover the rest of the contract next year if all the people in town are not participating in the purple bag program and we don't have 100% buying and so if that's the case either whatever Mr Shaw comes up with we have to take and Reduce by 25% even though he's contracted to pick up at every household he doesn't and so um it has to either be cut that way or we have to assess a fe to all um all households that's what I see or we lay off people we have to get the money somewhere else we can use that those funds to promote the program try to tell people please support the program that's a good idea yeah and it is for education and Outreach so um we can certainly use some of that money to to uh to put towards that CA but I think all those options are on the table you know I I don't we're still developing the budget I don't know what it's going to look like um but I think all those options are on the table but I do think we need to know what trash is going to cost us so when we're doing the budget over the next month and a half we have a realistic sense it doesn't come in two weeks before town meeting yeah Cindy's got your hand up Cindy yeah I one more comment regarding that 62,000 I think that's wonderful that we have some money left but education I you know I drive around town I've been trying to keep track of what's going on with the tra and what what I see is a lot of people that aren't recycling properly and I know that Shaw's if somebody's got wet cardboard it's not going in the recycling side they can't put it in there because they can't recycle that people have you know Lids off of their their trash cans I've been at meetings here before where he can't pick that up because it's wet he can't put wet recycling on the recycling side of the truck so it goes in the trash side even though there the we got the purple bag thing but people are still not recycling properly and people are putting clear plastic bags full of recycling I saw that after Christmas I went around to see what people were doing because I know people still don't understand you can't put your recycling in a plastic bag and going around through a neighborhood a second time after the trucks go through it's gone so that means he picked it up and put it in the even though he shouldn't have in my opinion I don't want to get into a debate with you at all I'm trying to be nice but the I think that we need more enforcement like sha should not be picking up improperly prepared recycling but we also need to educ public and we can put money into education from even professional videos but professional I mean getting mailings getting more education about what you can't do with the with the recycling what you can you want to become the educational chairman I would love it but uh I I'm the Selman will never appoint me to pick up trash myself but um but the there's so much the people just don't know and that I think Shaw can be more strict on a very difficult the contract itself and I know it's tough but it can be done time up it's a very difficult thing to educate the public on how to properly recycle and do their but we got money we got money do it we we're putting it in valant going forward to make it it work it's going to take a little while for everybody to adjust to it but it's it's the coming we can't afford not to we can't afford to I'm age let too much time go I'm agreeing with you year be cheaper than this year I don't know if the people that are on Zoom have any questions for us I know that we have talk but we haven't given them any I don't recall anybody coming in on Zoom anybody on Zoom want to say anything yes there's um looks like eight people on Zoom it's all all right here somebody I don't think anybody wants that on the right did they have their hands can I address the recycling thing real quick yes go Clos so the plants do not like recyclables in a plastic bag get stuck in their machines saying that it still goes through the plant most of it does get recycled but on the occasion they have Pickers and if the bags don't rip open by the time they get to the top they get thrown off to the side um so we do send like all the recycle like she said the wet cardboard the plastic bags all that stuff does go in recycling because it's the same amount of money whether I throw it in the trash or I throw it in recycling Recycling and trash pretty much the same amount of money to get rid of so we do pick it up does it all get recycled the plant the most Mo the plant that we send it to I think it was what he say the other day it was 19 to 22% of the stuff that goes through the plant is not recycled noty but some we need an instructional video but saying that saying that a lot of the glass is the heavy stuff that actually goes through the machines and they don't consider that recycled because they use it for different stuff it still gets used but they don't consider it a recy recyclable all be educated all not all the glass just just color because a lot of the glass gets broken and when it goes through the machines that they call it like a um a fine I'll call it a fine it falls down through but you get all the little caps mixed in with it like the Caps from the plastic jugs um the milk jugs and all that stuff and the little pieces of plastic that break off anything that all gets at the bottom of the fins and they actually use it for landfill cover so it does get used so they don't have to use gravel and stuff like that they use that for a landfill cover car uh just to let Lori know and others um several years ago I think when we went to the Overflow bags after we got down to the 64 gallons Irene had a great video it was on cable it was available on the website and I think that we could probably work with her she is our D Matt coordinator so get some videos and and get them out I think that's a great idea yeah but they are available there are instructional AV veryy get maybe we could get them to be shown in schools and then be in the in the towns and schools the schools that are in town not necessarily the high school but if they give them their budget they'd be glad to okay we' brought all done on this subject I yeah I believe so so Glenn will um give us some pricing proposals within the next week or so okay um for both options and you know we can evaluate what that looks like I am okay very curious to what it's going to look like I think this is all going in a very positive direction it's all good carler would we like to have another joint meeting on the 28th if it pleases the Selectmen to come to our next meeting special I guess we're not meeting on the 28th we'll have to talk about that to see you on the 28th on the 14th 14th 2 2 2 so next week here okay upstairs suppose that we can meet with the select board next week with an exception if possible we're talking about that right now we discuss have that meeting meeting do you want to go to the board of Select meeting next Monday next Tuesday next Tuesday Tuesday I can I I don't are you available for Health members I not but two are but I will not be so one one more thing before I ah the numbers I give is that for the proposal or is it going to go up a bit afterwards you see what I'm saying it's going to be yeah we we didn't get anybody to come in and give us a bit except for you so I have the gut feeling that if we even put it out forid nobody's going to come back except you I'll so is that for this he he previously had a contract and now he's going into another which was three years now he's going into another one I'm just asking for legality I only have one year my my contract's up in July right exion okay so did you go out for this next three years we have and nobody responds but not this year you have we we did it just proba having his contract signed yes we did when did we do that carler three years ago it was Years Years okay we got to go out again we will no no um I had one more year on I believe this contract and we changed it for the last year so My actually three contract I don't think so it was sure yeah I think the W across I think we had that nightmare of a Tom meeting over the nightmare at the town meeting all right so we're going to have another meeting now next Tuesday on the 21st up in the board of selectman Chambers up in the board of selectman Chambers that's our meeting is it still a six uh 6:30 have we can put can we put them on at like 6:45 we can put them on in the beginning if you want that would be really helpful do we have any hearings on there or meetings right now we done yeah we'll put you first thing for next Tuesday perfect and then um one question before we get off this subject so if our numbers and if you guys' budget numbers aren't anywhere close it sounds like that the trash pickup collection program would be cancelled is that well there'll be a lot more discussion I that that is the the extreme end of things but I suppose it it is a possibility I don't know what How likely it is but it is possibility um I can't I can't rule it out at the moment because the budget dictates everything and uh if things if the budget's out of hand then you know is possible so I certainly don't want it to go that way but think at the moment so we'll see you guys next week thank you thanks for coming I out years back the the town people voted to have trash pickup so this is something that we might have to put back on a ballot or something if we're going to cancel it you there was an override in like 2003 2007 for trash because it was not put in the budget and so there was an override specifically for trash but that goes for one year that doesn't mean we' had overrides for the schools and thought was vote it was a vote for an override it was the override and the funds are are put in the general fund foll year they're never designated when you do an override it's only one year um so I will adjourn the select men's portion of this meeting at 6:44 p.m. second motion to adjourn is everyone in agreement we are agreed to adjourn at 6:44 p.m. thank you thank you for having us on in the middle Florida you got do you got all right I'll try to log in remember we're volunteers here y i okay we don't have any not okay going with your invoices yeah have car's travel through the mon to the recycling center and a million times um we also have Bob's Tires um we had so many tires that they actually had to come back for a second trip because they ran out of room so I saw them on my camera did you come them I did there was like 30 something that was extra how much was it 30 30 yeah and they only do that with a pickup right they do with the box they chares each yeah um East Coast Recycling our new electronic vendor we filled that container already in two um times we were opening at $675 which is a ridiculous price considering that we were paying almost 2,000 with our other vendor so who is the vendor would it be something that could take on or no no he doesn't do electronics he doesn't okay so here we have two invoices this is the um contract that we have with um the extension Shaws took away the $6,000 credit that we had for our recycling there so we now have to pay for bulky removal so on the second page you will see this little thing there's two pages for you to sign we have to pay for the bulky removal which was 750 but the RDP grant money that we have pays for plastic removal which was 376 so so that does help offset that cost okay okay some New Year supplies I think it was a calendar um and a wall calendar and a little dust calendar that I need to tell me where I am and what I'm supposed to be doing Lorden oil balance forward of 1846 we're not sure where that's coming from we've asked for a receipt for it and our current bill is 30566 it's propane that's not too bad 18 and our normal bill for the cell phone that I have graciously been offered in the Union contract but we do have to pay for it so um that is $45 and it does help a lot with picking up pictures and whatnot mattresses we continue to sell sell um dispose of a great deal of mattresses uh we had them here in October they're again at the end of um December we're averaging about 35 to 40 in a pickup 35 to 40 y yeah 35 to 40 nuses that's what fits in the container the um I wanted to ask supposedly other towns are allowed to come to our recycling they are is this costing or burdening the town or are we bringing in enough Revenue to we're bringing in enough Revenue okay I have asked as um Shaw to separate the recycling contract from the pay you throw contract because we don't know what's going on with the pays you throw your self-sufficient at the recycling center you need to make sure that you have a solid contract with Glenn the other towns um lunenberg has been advertising that they can bring their free recycling to the town of Townsen because we offer free recycling to the town of towns and we don't offer it to the other residents we offer them that they can come and they can pay just what the other residents pay the only thing that they have to pay additional for is the yard debris which the residents get for free and it's clearly stated right on the price sheet and the employees know to flag anyone that they don't know they make sure that they're a resident of town and now we're obviously going to have to monitor the recycling bins and we're going to have to move them up and I'm going to have to make signage that it's for towns and residents only but we'll work with Glenn in the future on that that's not something that um has to do with the budget for the town because we are completely self-sufficient so we can work that out and we don't have to worry about it until July 1 so it's something that we will do okay we haven't had any issues with the trespassing after we put the gate and everything absolutely not all right so with that said I bought a battery charger because our lithium batteries for the cameras can be recharged and I also bought a lumbar support um versus a new chair because once I had my hip surgery I was told that I don't sit right and it's made a world of difference okay world of difference and it's attached here I don't take it home it's it's it's it's on my chair it was either that or get her a new chair and this was cost a lot more than it was ridiculously um cheaper to do that so Unitil 324 I'm not happy with it everyone else in the town isn't happy with the unit buil um and here you have your Shaws so July started out 200 tons of trash 70 tons of recycling December recycling 57 tons trash 135 so you can see they're going down but recycling in November was 57.97 so recycling for November to December did not change at all trash was 134 135 September was 180 so it's gone from 200 to 2011 September was 180 then you started the pay you throw program it went from 180 to 134 immediately and then in November was down to 129 but December you know it's going to be higher because of the holidays so it went back up to 135 even Glenn said it's like trash it's all paper and correct stuff so you have minutes that I had given to you I don't know if you had time to review them yes we did I signed mine excellent okay the budget submittals the budgets were asked to be level funded the nooba Board of Health increased their budget by 10% I was quite surprised over that I was hoping for seven but they have a breakdown as to why they did if anyone cares to look at that to give rck midap a ra I hope they did I didn't ask him um your Board of Health operating budget went up 4% because that was the salary increase that the union negotiated your the over Board of Health went up your landfill engineering went up 5% 217 to 22750 when I started here Jim it was what 42,000 so it's really quite good compared to what the previous years were landfill operations stays the same your level funded at 8350 animal inspection which is under the Board of Health stays the same at $600 which is why they can't find anyone to do animal inspection and that is your monthly reports I also emailed you the December monthly report which is something that the Town Administrator has asked us to do again so we will be submitting these okay the well prepare which um The Well Repair we will discuss at the next meeting I'm hoping that I'm going to have enough money in the budget that we can pay for it this year but we also have Capital money so if we don't have enough we can use the capital money money that we do have okay performance reviews are due next week for some reason I have not been able to access the server so I wasn't able to print off the actual form for you to fill out it's basically a very simple form they're asking for performance initiatives um dependability knowledge they have a system of one through four you can write down your comments if you like all three of you will submit your reports it will go to the town administrator he will submit a report of his owner and then they will average the four reports and that's how I will get my performance review okay we will have uh the recycling center I will do Tyler and I will do Shan Pearson My foreman but I am not able to do Paul because he is my son so the foreman Sean Pearson will be doing Paul Walter's performance review so I will send those to you in an email okay once I can get to them and if you'd like to fill them out and we can put them on on the agenda for the 28th that would be perfect I know that the board of selectman would like them timely 28 there's there's a oh that's right let's talk about that so we can't meet on the 28th when do you want to meet Paul just move it up one day or no you're the big guy I'm the big guy well you're the one with the difficult schedule well that week I'm here so okay I'm here that week okay I travel again in the week of the 17th I don't have a problem with it it's the Chinese New Year okay we're looking at February now we are looking at January instead of 28th because our meeting was the 28th but it's the town election so we shouldn't be meeting on the day of a town election so if you'd like to meet on Wednesday 2 the 29th I probably you already done that no oh okay maybe you were thinking that you should tell us to do it Jim I'm not that smart yourself some credit I do have an eye exam scheduled at 3: there's a possibility that they might have dilated they might have to dilate my eyes if that's the case I will call in but I'm sure that Rick's going to be here because he will have septic permit okay so 29 for sunglasses save can I do that can you do that can you drive once you rise the D with yeah okay you have to wear sunglasses to deal with give you CD Wonder glasses those plastic Flex things that will be fun okay what time is the town elction what is that that's for the CL position that's bacon is it 6:30 she said right no the election for the 28th is for the it's a special town meeting yes no election no election special town meeting and then the election for the board of Selectmen will be in April for everybody for everybody yes Bo Health Board of Select board planning election mayy paper in all right okay speci and I so that's initial that's the minutes I've signed my minutes okay so okay perfect so that cover everything girl yes motion to adjer for May I propose a motion to adjer the meeting of tonight I second that at 655 6 all in favor I Jour sweet