##VIDEO ID:cJJzYN06Uaw## good evening tonight is August 6 2024 at 6:03 PM like to call this meeting to order and a roll call please Joan pres J Uranian presid 1.2 please join me in theedge of aliance United statesis [Music] yes like to also thank our service members past and present and our First Responders thank you for your service thank you this meeting is recorded and will be uploaded to YouTube afterwards is there anyone else recording y there is one person recording in here 1.4 Chairman's additions and dele um I'd like to add um a resolution for our discussion in our meeting last night to 4.11 .5 notice from the official website of the mass attorney general I just wanted to point out on that there had been questions in regards to um open meeting law and recording and and um in regards to public participation in meetings under the open meeting law the public is permitted to attend meetings with public bodies but is excluded from an executive session that is called for a valid purpose listed in the law any member of the public also has a right to make an audio or video recording of an open session of a public meeting a member of the public who wishes to record a meeting must first notify the chair and must comply with reasonable requirements regarding audio or Vis video equipment established by the chair so as not to interfere with the meeting the chair is required to inform the other attendees of such recording at the beginning of the meeting which I did while the public is permitted to attend an open meeting an individual may not address the public body without the permission of the chair and that's on the official website of the Attorney General massachusett there have been questions in did a couple of um the boards in regards to individuals recording but it is um they can anybody can record it in public meeting questions on that 1.6 review and approve meeting minutes for 624 72 78 and 716 did you get a chance to review all those yes I did I don't have any issues with I know all right so I'll entertain a motion to approve the meeting minutes for June 24th July 2nd July 8th and July 16th sh move second further discussion anything from you Ross all those in favor shank yes chess yes appointments and hearings 2.1 at appointment at 605 which it is 605 um as request in our last meeting there was a public comment from the historic district commission member Julia St Julia do you want me up at the table sure can I right from here either whatever makes you feel comfortable I just want to address the fact that we are now a board of four members okay um and I was I did listen to what you read regarding the um open meeting and also cooperating with each of the bo um but I didn't get a chance to really address Mary Jane and I'm gonna address May Mary Jan and um I know you've talked to some people and and I know exactly who you talked to regarding the funding of the program I know that person that know met four generations at that particular person so I know that if he said something that it might have been Mis interpreted he didn't take the time to really address it way that he should have he's always very busy and always very focused on his jobs so I've known him for a long time respect to him also had to um I've also stood up for him several times with people but you've only given just a couple of people had talked about a couple of people and you've also talked about maybe doing a little bit of um looking at a few videos to make a decision about a person who is very valuable to this town she the daughter of this town as I am she was born here my family is a doctor mother did a lot of this town to support it um every one of the children of siblings are Educators she is too she's a teacher she taught High School um Latin and English she also has sociology I mean her real estate license and she Shau that at pen State she's also worked for the FBI court cases and morgage fla she's um currently working with many lawyers throughout the United States regarding BR and title search and title CL search so and she's often gone into court as an expert wit witness so um and I've known Mary Jane all her life well except for a few times when she's lived in other states but I grew up with her I grew up with her family I know her family very intimately and then really feel I'm really requesting that you maybe do a little more of research and maybe discuss you know whether she whether you feel that she's appropriate for anys here in town and that she would be very helpful to the town so I'm giving you a list I've taken time to do this because these are people that she knows that I know that she knows and that know Mar J and her family there a lot of people on the list I don't expect you to go and talk to everyone of them but I really would like to request as as a person of this town taxpayer and a citizen 8,679 people that actually you work for me too as for I know you get elected and I know you're volunteers and I respect that but I also respect her very much and I think we should be doing jumping jacks and and jumping up and down intoing foot flops to get her on any of the boards she's a very talented son woman and I think she does have the best interest in the town she came back to town to her Homestead to help because she loves his town she grew up in his town like I did she wants to help okay so I just ask you to really really consider you know I don't expect you to look at all of them but even the person we talked about that may have said something that might have been misinterpreted is on that list as well too I going to correct you my conversation can I allow sorry right you're roll in the name I'm good I didn't get my information well there were there were a couple of names you mentioned are you back on me I'm sorry okay thank you I know you didn't mean to be disrespect I know you I was too when I heard because this person has been in town and grew up in this town and the family has really contributed a lot and the person that I also felt that you talked to has grown up in this town and I known them for four generations and I know that they've contributed a lot to this town so it seems like we're pitting two people two families against the other and I really I'm not happy with that so I really just ask you I expect to just maybe excuse me I'm going to lose my voice because this but um to just take a little bit of time look at the list I gave you and maybe talk to a few more people and see if your opinion might change then need come back later okay now an know I don't know anal as long as I have Mary Jane actually with Mary Jane I've listened to her siblings on there by the way um who better knows her than you know her shortcomings and her achievements than her two CS so they on there as well um but I know I haven't known him long I've known him at Town Hall when I've seen him in here the elections I know him in a historical society and he's really a gentle soul and knows a lot of information about the board he's been on that board for that commission for more than 15 years right so there's not a lot of us that have a lot of that information on there so before we were going to meet with the Selectmen for the appointments and reappointments they had talked about reorganizing the board so he was going to give up the chairmanship so I don't know if that has any effect on what your decision was because you never did say why didn't real but you know most of board members are over 77 years old fact all of our members are over 77 years so we have a wealth of information especially about this town so I really request seriously that you take another look at the situation okay we did get a new application today which is good we're going to review that at the next meeting but um I would really like to to see you talk to some of the people in there and then maybe come back and if you come back with the same decision then I'll respect that okay okay one other thing I haven't been in the town hall I've been on the committee for 30 years and I didn't have you know I know how to post but I didn't know about the zoom or how to get to it or how to schedule an appointment I mean at room to set meetings because I'm an interm clerk now so had to learn all those things it would be nice if the board could just put a one page sheet to new members explaining that these are the things that have to be done for the board even though they may not do it right away at least they have an idea that it's done here by St in the future one last thing if I may I was disappointed that I couldn't speak at the meeting last time so and I and I heard what you said about the attorney general just asked that maybe it's possible for you to leave maybe 10 or 15 minutes at the end of your meetings before you turn to allow anybody who wants to speak any person in the town that wants to be has a question to address it in theature do you have any questions of me thank you for giving me the time you're welcome you're very welcome thank you 2.2 Chief a little late I apologize um this is a discussion in regards to the police department with temporary change to the 12-hour shift yours sure um as a result of some some staffing issues we are down three positions two are actually open one is at the Academy so three positions are not populating the schedules creating quite a bit of an impact at the department um particularly this time of year with court training details vacations that type of thing it's really having a big impact Union approach us a few months back asking for a shortterm trial type program where they would transition to 12 hour shifts we had a number of meetings ironing out we felt were the major issues or the issues within doing that one of the major things is it's fairly foundational to the to the department obviously the entire collective bargaining agreement H is littered with things that get impacted when you move from the from the eights to the twelves so we went back and fourth I engaged Council to come up with a memor of understanding to deal with it for a three or four month period um just a quick overview of those things uh the pay scales are addressed in there time off is addressed in there I feel that that's something that the board should take a look at because we're dealing with it only in one quarter you really can't convert hours and days so when a person takes a day off what does that mean is it a 12-hour days is of an eight hour day so we did address that in in the memorandum of understanding uh to be as Fair as we possibly can we don't anticipate it having that much of an impact in their Banks it seems to be fairly negligible if this is something that we wish to continue it is something that will be need to be brought up at our gardening session when the whole contract is open because the impact is profound it is throughout the CBA there really no way to transition to 12s without going through that contract from A to Z some keys to it um we're doing what we can to be creative to keep the Staffing levels what we need to where they need to be we have employee wellness and mental health at the uh top of that consideration and we don't want to work our guys to death literally or figuratively we've collaborated with them in both in the crafting of the memorandum of understanding but in the spirit of it as well so if there are these things that we couldn't see in hindsight you know there's a lot of change going on this little quarter that we're talking about they've agreed to handle that at the lowest level and try to deal with that in a proactive fashion as opposed to know using labor a labor movement to do so now the days and hour conversion is a little goofy there is no question about that when a guy takes a day off his bank will only be hit eight hours but and but he'll only be accumulating eight hours as we go they work more hours straight time which is another interesting thing it is compliant with flsa but they work 84 hours in a two period all at straight time anything outside their normal hours worked is overtime which is consistent with the contract as it is the other thing I wanted to make sure that I brought to the board's attention was that I am very well aware of the dangers of officers working too much and there is a maximum hour work provision of our current CBA which I would say in public I'm not find to be all that effective but nonetheless there is one it it is rendered useless when we went to the 12 so we did address this in theou there is a maximum hours work provision in there if um if an officer were to abuse that or to be in violation of that they could lose their privileges to work overtime details or outside employment so it is addressed as best as it can be if it's if it's all right with you what I'll do is I'll have you sign two copies of it I'll facilitate getting into the Union will retain the original for the length of the agreement I've reviewed this a memory of understanding I've talked it to the chief I think it does everything he says it does it's meant to be shortterm it says at the end that if it's not specifically written in theou the rest of the contract stays the same um I've always been very sensitive when shifts go from a 52 schedule that we sort of consider normal to a 42 schedule that a lot of police and fire have now to the Pitman schedule and I think we come out with four more hours in two weeks the officers so that will help with the shift coverage and might reduce some overtime so I think it does what the chief and the union report will do and since it's a trial at the end of that time period we'll know whether it worked the way we expected and then if it's something that people think should continue that'll be a negotiation process but I think this is workable for the Department I don't think it hurts the town it might save us some money but it's it's not going to be an add to the to the budget cost yeah we we met several times throughout this as well and we really did try and crunch the numbers it looks like it negligible impact on the overtime is being hit hard as you can imagine with with the openings as it is there still will be open there still will be over time needed to run the department clearly that's but that's plann we think the impact on it will be negligible in in a positive way as Ross had said it does add a significant amount of hours onto the schedule at straight time so we think between those two things there should be a fairly good offset any adjustments to salaries to the men to adjust for time differences and shift differentials are neg as well try to keep them within the parameters of what we've already budged I think there are a couple officers that would pick up a little bit the shift differential and there are a couple that would actually lose some of the shift differential depending upon where they were so it's not a huge I said I don't think it's gonna have any negative impact on the budget I've had conversations with the chief and regards to this also I think it's a smart move for the Department especially where they're down three men right now and um whatever we can do to make sure everybody's protected is the right way and he's the man in charge and we got to respect what his thoughts are I agree with questions on that couple of questions though sure um number one is um we do have uh an individual that's in training correct so he's in the academy that's cor okay when is when so I believe the graduation date I don't hold me exactly but I believe the graduation date is sometime in December they'll be field training so he not usually runs anywhere between 8 12 weeks so you're looking at a spring we for that okay the remaining two positions we need to repost we had a hiring process back in moral dat and um so I'm just had to say no one made it through we did not choose or select anybody from that group so we will repost and retest for those two open positions we'll get snapping quick probably within on that couple weeks we like to probably put something out probably have these guys testing or these people testing by the end of September mid September I would imagine like to keep it over for about a month and flesh out candidates we do quite a bit of Outreach we do quite a bit with the colleges quite a bit with them all that type of stuff so we'll get that done we like to have that for at least a month so the timeline on that is what eight months if if we were lucky enough to get some of those full-time certified which we usually get some candidates but if we were lucky enough to enter an agreement with one of them that would be a shorter period of time obviously but we never Bank on that we always plan on looking at theems as as the schedule and we would be looking out again you're looking at a nine month period generally speaking when if you were to tell me right now I had an extra two positions those two positions wouldn't be full for almost a year that's if I could get going right away the lag between me losing a person and putting someone on is at the very minimum nine months and I'd probably stretch that out to probably 10 I have looked at I think you over this pretty pretty carefully um you understand the impact that it has on other areas besides just the hours my major concern as you can well imagine is the mental health ramifications um time ramifications in of the officers because that to me is first informance so do we have enough resources to provide for them yeah we do um we've got a couple of employee Wellness um initiatives that I would be more than happy to go over with the off offline that I think are help in this matter as well but they get more time out of the building which was one of the major goals and objectives of this more days off now that's not to say that they're not Their Own Worst Enemy wouldn't show those days with activities over time and details but that's why we were fairly assertive in the area of maximum amount of work and addressing that in there both hours both days the amount they can work at T for our period it was really well thought out I thought um and they've agreed to come back to the table fast and there's a very easy way out of this if we feel as though it is not working as designed to address this was a union prop right initiated from the union was initiated from the union but the the vast majority of the well the construct of the agreement was ours but initiative but but my point is it's not something that we're imposing on the union mandating a 12h hour shift when they don't want it oh hardly yeah it's something that's they're choing get the bit to do something right so I think that may address sort of the worry about you know burnout is it's not the cheap mandating overtime it's them asking for this shift because it seems to fit yeah would like schedule better yeah and would like to reduce four foring and that type of thing and they're they're well aware that this is an incredibly good group to collaborate with and this was done in full collaberation it's the the fatigue that I'm more concern about which I think that well you and I talked about and we're going to try it for four months roughly I believe the uh the date is through August 18th through December 31st and that's fairly rough just making sure that we can work to payroll and if it works out we're going to come back and see to extend it or we're going to wait till the new contract one of those two I think if we do look to extend it temporarily that would be one thing if we look to extend it permanently we would extend it temporarily first and then we would make it a matter of bargaining at the next session and it would be a pretty significant issue to bargain yeah I'm good I appreciate everything the um in the bottom line on your budget is that it's really not going to be affecting that at all we're hoping it's in that zero or at worst and and gain at best it's never easy when you down no so do we need a motion to go forward with that motion to approve and sign theou uh to change the voice shifts to 12 hours as outlined in theou and make a motion we approve and sign the temporary mou for change of 12-hour shifts for the ml second that further discussion all those in favor gu tanian do we sign it now for you or I can come back and pick there's no no need for that do we have them you have the agreement I I've got one I you got an electronic copy now why don't take this it's a fresh copy you can use that all right just thank you Chief thank you very much thank you sir good luck with that sir you took away half of my report but tonight now good night 3.1 um I will entertain a motion to appoint election workers for the term of 8:15 2024 until 814 2025 as listed in the agenda so moved discussion on that got a second it sorry discussion all those in favor Jo yes T SE Uranian uh 3.2 uh we have a reappointment for the town and affordable housing trust uh for two individuals um both Cindy boundy and Beverly Nar until June 30th so I'll entertain a motion to reappoint the towns in affordable housing trust um to the towns and affordable housing trust uh Cindy boundy and Beverly n until June 30th 2026 mve second all those in favor yesan yes saw Yes 3.3 um we did receive a reappointment request for the historic district commission regards to one that we had talked about uh last meeting and I would just request that we put that on fold right now so after we um do the review from the request from the individual today and their public that would be the best way to to approach that meeting business 4.1 fiscal year 25 budget update are you ready Ross we've only been talking about it all day yes is there very little update from last night um got the warrant posted this morning or today with the help of the town clerk sent copies to Town Council and to the moderator I also sent a note to the school uh business department today tell them this is the number we put in the warrant explain how we got that number and that it's different from their July 10th request and that if they should see fit to resend us an assessment number that matches this one we could potentially close this matter at town meeting not we'll take it from [Music] there is there anything else in the budget you wanted me to talk about no I mean we covered the majority of it yesterday we might put this in here as a placeholder in case we in case we didn't come to an agreement last night which I think I think we did good yesterday we got it na down really well yeah um I met with the finance committee chair this morning uh he updated me basically the finance committee ended up recommending or supporting all the Articles right so I think we're just so we can get it all past the town meeting yeah I think the key is to be sure the public knows it's out there and there's it's on our web page now the the warrant is on the web page now and they show up at 7 o'cl on August 20th um it was brought to my attention on from a couple of people what we can do to tr do what we need to do to make sure that we have a quum you know outside of our normal posting would uh would either of you I kind of wish Teresa was here for this too um we to to do an informational session like you before well the last one was so quick I only was able to do a a recorded thing so should do you want to do an information in regards to that do you want to hold a meeting with questions from people I mean how do you this is pretty simple in a warrant I mean we could do it but is it going to change or wasn't that many people let that last right not really yeah we could do it as a recording just for tcam where one of us or or I explain what's in the warrant versus just reading it to them if that helps if you think people have questions I don't mind answering questions they can come to a more formal meeting or they can call email or come visit me yeah I just want to make sure that we have you know that that people know that we're wanting to be able to get that out there to be able to discuss I think if you can do a video have it put on tcam and put out there if they have any formal questions we'll be more than happy to address them before the meeting okay sure okay I me what I would do is just walk people through why we're doing each article MH yeah yeah you know the school budget number need to explain why we come up with that number came up with that number that's that what a a yes vote on that article would still mean a no vote to what the school submitted us but gives them a starting point I don't mind explaining that and then each line item we can get the number what line items so people who follow along can follow that too so I should talk to tcam and see about about setting that up that session up yeah also the uh are we going to be doing the handouts um we talked a little bit about it last night um I did like what um Don had as far as the projections for the stabilization stabilization fund where we are yeah I think that's important for us to put out there and then maybe um I forget what that section is called where it's the general section where it has all of our areas on it and then the total amount for the budget oh it's part of the what's in the annual warrant yeah we can do that um I thought we were just talking about we're changing line a dozen line items and we're going to bring up the whole warrant because we don't want to open those up further discussion that's why I'm asking that yeah that's just the one thing to show the L where where those changes are going to be we just want to leave it I think if we open that up and go to that line someone may be able to bring it back if we just address as we talked last night each line item that's what we're working on that's all we're doing on the budget okay because if we talk about any other line we bring another line and that just going to open it up I think you have the handout like you said with that and then that bottom line as a handout here is the bottom line now right that's like nothing to discuss it okay I think that will open us up that no I think we can show what we've changed and we'll show the bottom line and you know that will come down to the discussion at the end of town meeting last article is is what do we have to adjust with using stabilization the finance committee actually is in support of that of this plan of using some stabilization so that we will repay or put back into the account in the December special town meeting right so I'll be working on getting the motions ready um and get them over to Town Council for his review where I can I the motion will be as printed in the warrant if in fact that's or still stands in the warrant I had assigned each of the three members of the board to speak to an article excuse me I did just on a rotating basis but you can make those changes if you want yeah I think we that works out right just one two three one two three speak where I see my name that's how I do it and you usually you get a motion book don't you yeah yeah we get a packet have motions in there we sign it and that's what we give to the clerk yeah each motion is on a separate piece of paper yes each article um 4.3 honey locust tree trimming on North side of town hall why is everybody laughing um this is a beautiful tree um that has grown I guess very successfully because it's now overhanging the North End of of town hall andil manager watch my intention said you know it's never good for a roof to have a branches laying on it it doesn't it's not good for rodent control because squirrels and whatnot can easily get to the building but up but it being a very visible a very visible location actually it has a plaque on the ground that was dedicated to somebody I thought we ought to Think Through just what we cut um manag I had a quote from arist um which has a suggestion I called in our our tree Warden and this morning um facilities tree Warden myself and Roger from uh Parks and Recreation met us out there and we looked and pendant hard about what we ought to cut and so we're just gonna lightly trim the branches that are overhanging the roof we're not going to cut off whole limbs which was recommended by the the arborist obviously we're going to prun off the dead stuff that was down and Roger said he could do it with a bucket truck so save a thousand dollar and all for that go for it yes but I want I wanted the board to to discuss this I want it to be visible to the public because I think cutting this tree somebody will say we shouldn't be cutting whatever we're cutting and I think what we're cutting needs to be done it's appropriate to be done um everybody this morning thought that when the tree is cut somewh do better because it will start to open up and there'll be new branches going but if it's okay with you I will ask Roger to schedule that be very minimal on the cut that he has to do yeah and that's why I wanted the tree Warden involved in it so that we had it checked out the tree Warden agrees with it so I'm good I'm good and Roger said that he can even lift up the plaque so it can be seen again because he knows how to to take care of burial monuments and plaques in the ground being parks and Cemetery and all um I mean I think this is the right people working on it and they're going to try to cut as you said minimally but very good get the branches off the roof that uh 4.4 uh the wind project progress I just wanted to give you an update um we are now installing um equipment in each building um there's been line certified as far as what's on the polls right now uh once they come in um to the buildings and we'll do a a final pass but we are working with Guardian um we're a little under budget not too too much but uh we are U looking at um end of August probably we going to as they say light it up and we'll know more in regards to that I wanted to put this on here because there will be um at times on some service interruptions if people are using the uh any software applications or trying to you know there may be downtime we are coming up on a couple of downtime as we integrate some of the um like the uh building software um the online applications uh we have to be very cautious in regards to uh knowing when we're doing batching for some of our payroll and all of that kind of stuff so you know we're we're trying to time things at night and on the weekends when there's not a lot but there will be a couple of weekends we we'll be in here both Saturday and Sunday to be able to freely do the work that we need to get done so so you'll be checking with um accounting and payroll yeah okay y I'll make sure their batches are done before you know I'm not holding any batches until over the weekend to get complete batches done and then I'll you know we'll be able to do the work that we do I just wanted to make sure that everybody was on the same page with that um 4.5 uh discuss historic district commission email setup um as we we heard last meeting um that we well I had the HDC at townsand ma.gov set up a while ago um but the uh that is an active mailbox but we have established a policy I want to say two and a half three years ago that having an outside email address should not be attached to any government email um and no other board or commission has a town with Town issue email address which means access to a mailbox that's on the on the network for for Town um the HTC is in a in a they don't have anybody on their board that has a town address the majority of other boards and commissions have an administrator that's a town employee that can access these these things so Ross I'm I'm wondering if um because the HTC works a lot with the building department would uh the building admin be able to print out what's in the HTC if we gave them access to it to put in their mailbox I canly look into that yes but I we need to to figure out how they're going to be able to get email out of that email box somebody who has a town account should be able to be given access to that yeah what about the town clerk's office there's two of them in there I could in town clerk then they could put it right in the mail boox right there asking R that's what I'm asking right I will find see which one works best yeah but I want to I want to accommodate them in their requests to be able to access that box and they're looking more for a legitimate email I think do that yeah yeah I well we can't because we can't afford giving everybody yeah that's what it's going to end up being the switching when you know that that's going to cost us money because when we buy the licenses we have to buy the licenses for a year and it's just going to turn into a big mess no I think what you're suggesting have one of the Departments grab them for them and put them in the mailbox and they're always in the building it's only that's one of the few that don't have an adment yeah the concern about that is it's that communication is only one way because there's nobody then from the HTC who could respond to those emails let's see how if if that's workable if not we come back with another plan the know other thought is that they work with somebody um to be able to log into that email and do the addressing and all of that kind of stuff computer say that again somebody having being able to go into using a town computer going into that account to look at the email and to answer it they would have to do it on in town well even if they use a town they shouldn't be they shouldn't log into a town computer on someone else's credentials they should have their own credentials that's what I'm saying they have to be somebody here that allows them to use the just to get into their their email box or the HTC email box there has to be something and there has to be a secure method it's basically what I'm saying okay I won't um 4.6 um I had a uh conversation with Town Council in regards to 65 Main Street which is the old Harbor Fire Station um there has been um there was in November of last year questions in regards to the ownership of of the old Harbor Fire Station and the property that's the old Harbor fire station is sitting on um the uh we have the the deed the book and pay copy of the book and page and we also have um the 1930 I forget 1936 1934 um in a town meeting where the town approved a sale the sale of that property um but uh there is a in the butter that um still contending that possibly that if we are not actively using it as a fire station reverts back to the original owner which we do not see anything regards to that the only way that we can find out um is to do a title search and um Town Council does have people that can do a title search um to verify for that um do we want to go that route or do we wait until any actions if any action I just don't see spending Town money I don't get what the big it's getting turned into a fire Museum so it has fire pot of it doesn't say it has to be a fire station for the fire department it is being part of the fire department I don't feel we should spend our taxpayers money doing a title search if there's a problem let the abers come up with it let them pay why are we going to pay to solve the problem exactly why we're in the mess we're in with that whole historic district so to to be clear the deed has no restrictions on it it has no it it is the town purchase the the land according to the the information that we have um according to Town Council is that if anybody contest that it would be up to the person to contest it to pay for a title search kind of thing I am just trying to be um to problem solve the because there we are have been in contact with an attorney for the abutter and the butter agrees with the documentation that we have put out and also says that you know individual may may want to file okay that's what I say I don't yeah let them file let them do what they got to do and then then if we have to spend Town Council money to spend to do it then we do that but I I we're in such a financial crunch I don't want to spend money to research a title that's been for how many years as Town property it just it's ludicrous it's just ludicrous well the Town seems to be convinced to go one way yeah so to me the matter is dead if an abutter or someone else wants to do their own research do that when they present that research to the town we could look at it and either revaluate our decision or research it further but the town's position is seems to be clear I mean the Town Council says that according to the documents that we possess um there's no question there's no question let's and there there may be but he says that what we have is is exactly what it is I'm throwing it out there so I make a vote that we do not do any title search on 65 Main Street if an AB has an issue they can do it and then it comes back to us if it needs to be um first off that any motion needs to be in positive that's number one but but I don't think need to vote on if we're not going to do do all right okay with do you R abolutely um 4.7 this we do need to have a vote on um so I'll entertain a motion to um dissolve the town ad administrator search committee effective um today August 6 2024 shall moov second that motion discussion I want to thank the the TA search committee U the chair and all of the members um that was quite a task they had much more documentation than we had the last time and I I just want to say thank you and they did a great job I want to say thank you too it was a lot of hard work that they put in and they brought a couple good names to us and I think we did the right Thing by proven right person so thank you very much um all those in favor shank yes uh 4.8 um I would like to entertain a motion to approve a request for the 20th annual Gregory Reeves Memorial Road Race AKA Greg run on October 12th 2024 in towns move I'll second that um does this involve road closures or anything like that's what I was just going to say this will and usually at least last year didn't we get the the road closure afterwards this was the first step and then he he um the um the person who was in charge of it we'll take care of all of the um paperwork and then we'll vote on the road CL then we vote on right the detail and all of that so they do take care of it but this is their first step on uh 4.9 discuss int um inter inter interim or select Board office inter inter okay so we have a gentleman that's interested in interning with us um and I with Eric Eric and I had come up with a couple of things that um would like to have assistance with as an intern um I just don't have time to be able to to spend with somebody right now to be able to to do that um I I really like to bring this this young man on um who interested in doing it but I think I would like to wait until um we get uh Nelson in before we start anything um so the reason why I put this on there is with the board's permission that I'd like to be able to uh either I or Ross reach out to the young man and talk well bring him in and talk with him because you haven't talked to them yet right so I'd like to have you know bring him in and have them talk um I do want to say that we've had um some great success with the the past interns that we had one of which um was with us for a while for a long time so so I want to be able to do that but I just to be fair to to the individual I want to bring him in and at least talk with him and let him know what we're looking at in regards to you or Ross whoever wants to volunteer for her okay right so we haven't heard a volunteer yet Rock I'll be glad to talk to him we'll um we figure it out between the two of us I guess you waited long enough for me to finally volunteer but yes I'll talk to you Sabrina could you send me his contact information um 4.10 the forestry qu contract yet again um I just want to be clear that nothing has changed in this except for the scope of work and um that had been um a discussion with the affordable housing trust and they're down now to this is what they're going to do and and this is really just the scope of work that that needs to change we already authorized it but they felt they wanted to put it back to the select to let them know that that had changed so that there's no no issues with it I've reviewed it and I don't see any any issues with it you're good with it okay do we need to formal vote on that we've already voted on it but that's like the exact trees and the exact things that they're they're doing they change the scope on that just a little bit um I also know that there was there was a discussion in regards to the buffer to surrending properties I think they increased it a little bit so it doesn't look like and that's what's indicated here right a 30% Forest buffer will be left correct so forth correct so the board you could have a motion to accept the contract dated June 17th um land being the town's and affordable housing trust for a forestry project good that was easy all those in favor yesk you somebody talking I think that was Veronica just thanking this um the addition 4.11 the resolution um in my free time I drafted um and I submitted to I emailed it out to everybody an official resolution requesting emergency declaration regarding the proposed closure of the Nashville Valley Medical Center um as NOA sorry um should I read this into the record on I think you can give a copy to um Sabrina to put in the record yeah it's along the lines actually it's very detailed but it's along the lines of what the board discussed last night that we need to someone needs to send a letter to the governor tell them we're very concerned about what's happening and think has has done a very nice job documenting what's going into all of that so but we just all sign in just send it in favor right but I want I just wanted to make sure that the that we're explaining to the public because um it was there were we have received and Ross has received a couple of inquiries it's kind of early still we're doing good I think that being read so everybody can inher it so know exactly where we're where where we stand and what our thoughts are if you if you don't mind love you I don't but I just want to make sure that we have it on on record yeah I think it's the right thing to do because there is a lot of bit a lot of chatter on outside sources that we need to do something um the official resolution requesting emergency declaration regarding the proposed closure of the nashille Valley Medical centera did sorry uh we the duly elected towns and select board given the impending propos closure of the MOBA Valley Medical Center um and I'll use the nvmc from this point forward scheduled for August 31 2024 officially implore the governor Mory of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts exert her leadership and official powers to prevent the closure of the nbmc including but not limited to declaring a state of Public Health Emergency to prevent the closure of the nvmc in addition to formally adhering to the 120-day closure process and ordinance through Massachusetts state law whereas the nvmc in air Massachusetts is a 46 bed community hospital opened in 1964 which has continuously provided primary critical health care including emergency Health Services to the 15 towns of the nooba valley region of Townsen Ashby Bolton Foxboro devans dunable gron Harvard Lancaster Littleton Capital Shirley Stow Townsen and Westford with a combined population of approximately 11 14,390 Additionally the nooba Valley Medical Center provides critical secondary emergency care to the other communities of north central Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire and whereas the nvmc receives approximately 16,000 emergency room visits annually and receives approximately 91,000 outpatient visits annually and whereas the nvmc is geographically positioned in a key location to provide Central direct Health Care Emergency Services to rural communities which do not have access to public mass transportation for patients to travel beyond the region for health care and emergency health services including our most vulnerable populations of the elderly dis disability community and children and whereas currently the town of Town's emergency response which is our Advanced life support averages 30 to 40 minute a 30 to 40 minute return to service when transporting to the nvmc which is only 10.7 miles from the towns and fire station the closest alternative hospitals to the town of Townsen are as follows lemonster Hospital 11.4 miles Emerson Hospital 3032 miles L General 25.93% and Southern New Hampshire 22.30 miles if nvmc closes towns in emergency response is estimated to take critical Services out of the response areas for up to an additional 2.5 to 3.5 hours assuming no traffic and ideal weather conditions additionally these increased response times will have a significant negative impact on emergency survival rates as well as increased unfunded costs for emergency services for the town of the nooba for the towns of the nooba valley and whereas the nooba the nvmc is one of the employers of the town of Townsen and the nishoba valley region employing many jobs the loss of jobs and negative impact to the local and Regional e economy will be devastating and whereas the nbmc to date has not received a viable bidder to assume the operations of the hospital and the federal bankruptcy judge on July 31st 2024 ruled red that Steward medical the current owner and operator of nbmc to proceed with closing the hospital by August 31st 2024 in only 30 days as opposed to the 120 days for Massachusetts state law and whereas the impending closure of the nbmc by August 31st 2024 will create a health care void in the nishoba valley region impacting over a 100,000 residents of the Commonwealth increased emergency response times through over an hour cut off direct local access to public health care to the Region's most vulnerable populations create the loss of over 500 jobs and shutter the entire emergency response service for the 15 towns of the nooba Valley Medical Center a man-made Public Health Emergency currently exists and whereas Governor Mor Mora hey has the power to set forth in Massachusetts General Law chapter 17 section 2A as follows upon declaration by the governor that an emergency exists which is detrimental to the public health the commissioner May with the approval of the governor and the public health Council during such period of emergency take such action and incur such liability as he may deem necessary to assure the maintenance of Public Health and the prevention of disease the commissioner with the approval of the public health Council May establish procedures to be followed during emergenc uh such emergency to ensure the continuation of essential Public Health Services and the enforcement of the same now therefore the towns and select board respectively requests the governor Mory to take the following immediate actions within her powers as governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as follows one per Mass La chapter 17 section 2A declare that a public health emergency exists with the impending closure of the nvmc and first further instruct Dr Robert Goldstein commissioner of the Department of Public Health to take such action to assure the maintenance of Public Health by keeping the nvmc open and operational two that the governor per per public statements on August 1st 20124 that Stewart should be should adhere to the 120-day closure for Massachusetts state law do everything in her powers as Governor to ensure the 120-day closure period three that the governor worked with federal state and local leaders of the nooba valley to develop a permanent transition plan with funding to ensure that the nvmc maintains open remains open and operational and ultimately transfers to a reasonable operator we the towns and select board hereby issue this official resolution on August 6 2024 from the towns and Town Hall towns of Massachusetts and officially transmit this official resolution to Governor Mory governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Dr Robert Goldstein commissioner of the Department of Public Health um of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts with official copies transmitted to congresswoman Lori Trahan state senator Jamie eldrich state Senator John Cronin state senator Edward Kennedy state representative danelo Cena state representative Margaret Scarsdale state representative James Aero state representative Michael kushat probably tore that one up state representative Natalie Higgins and official copies to the select Boards of the 15 AFF forementioned towns of the nishoba valley region signed the sixth day of August 2024 by and it would be the selectman um so I'll entertain a motion to approve the resolution and send it to the aention individuals some moves second that discussion I think that's Le that that's well documented and has some requested action items you have the original sign all those in favor shank yes CH yes I have one here I thought I did gave you I have a copy also yes why' you do that you're giving that to Sabrina to mail out tomorrow yes will that work for you tomorrow Sabrina yeah good um here 5.0 R for projects I didn't have anything no but I think that's topic we ought to surface for the future meeting so we canack where everything is okay I propose that I'll put that on the next minut agenda there was a public records request for documentation on that so if we have something already we can um we do have some with we do have all documentation for it the public asking for how the money was spent and allocated okay we have a consultant that we can get that that's going to detail some work they want to know they want to know everything that we've done and what we' spent it on so y so who's going to pay the cost of putting that together well we've got it first if estimate if it's if it's something substantial then then the person requesting the records will have to do we have a name of who's requesting yes I don't have it with me now but yes we know who it is you for me that name after you want me to kind hold this Capital Solutions assuming that yes Jennifer we've provided her with um spreadsheets we also have um Katie and I have gone over actually recently within the last month with all the accounting on I didn't I don't remember but on the the latest bva I think we might be just PR this I didn't see it on but she can she can pull this off of oh yeah we just we just went over where we're at with with all the levels and we were going to be submitted to uh to Jennifer so Jennifer has all that information I will contact Jennifer and Katie yeah and this is going to be on the next agenda anyway so we can discuss it then uh 5.1 Town Administrator updates and reports I have a very short report only because we just did one last night um as I said a little bit earlier the board approved the warrant and the finance committee basically is is agreeing to recommend Mo most of all the articles so that warrant was posted today um through efforts that Kathy arranged for our Constable uh the school budget still need to be resolved as we talked about the number that's in the warrant is not what the school asked for so but it's a attempt to provide them with guidance that they could see fit to do um we had our first working group meeting today to work out the trash fee collection process we had some great work that was done by the treasure collector as far as how to use Vadar and some of our other existing applications um start going through some of the questions about what amount we're going to allocate out to everybody and the assumption is we're going to allocate the full 822 million $822,000 um and we discussed op out opting out options and how we might structure that so we're getting a framework put together and as soon as I have something that I think is solid enforcement legistics on computer software who's going to be in charge of wad it was a good meeting so that's all I've got to add um after last night reports from board Le um just a couple updates police chief kind of had some of the conversation that we talked about that he asked me to bring up today um you know they have the two openings that the process that they went through that unfortunately the two people didn't seem to make any further than where they were the uh one is gonna hopefully get out of the academy pretty quick starting sometime in winter be you know back on the road with the guys Chief's working still and they're very close to getting all the officers everybody the accreditation that they need the new accreditation for police officers he said that's going very well um they have named the new SRO for the school his name is Chris Tucker everybody seems to like him the school likes him and so he just want to let that know that he's going to be the school resource officer so that's all as far as for the police department fire department today had a little conversation with them they were very concerned about the hospital closure which we've been all talking about for the past couple years I did tell them that you know we are working on it so that was good um they do have the two new engines and the ambulance coming and he just wants to make sure if there's any way possible that they've given a lot of money out of the ambulance Reserve receipt accounts that would use that money to fund some of the new equipment they need on it such as hoses and different things like that that if there's any money in the oper account on the wellness or anything that we could maybe try to transfer and so they can have them trucks when they get here ready because we can buy the trucks but we still got to outfit them right but I told them i' at least bring that up and open the door the old forestry two truck the old army truck was sent back to District six so we no longer have that big army green truck running around for the forestry so that went back um the month of July he says they've got pretty much so a great increase in the reserve account that brought in they're thinking a little over 100,000 to 107 so it has been very productive the guys have been very busy working um they're also working on we just had that cloud outage where everybody got hit 911 went down so they're trying in house to try to figure out how they're going to get around so they just want to let us know that they're concerned about that locally so they just want people to know they're working on it yeah yeah um you did ask about the labor contract the Union contract that we already approved where that stands and why it hasn't been signed but what it hasn't been signed because it hasn't been written because I've been doing budgets and town meeting but it's it's moving to the top of my list to do okay good perfect um all right that's fine he mentioned that to me already all right and he just wants to just let us know that the the state just did their ambulance inspections and that's really a very tough rigorous inspection from outside Mechanicals all the way to all the equipment inside and all our equipment pass for flying colors which that's unheard of on a lot of equipment so just kind of a good showing that they are respecting and maintaining that equipment which is really important well I think since this Chief has been here he's been working hard on maintenance and annual yes requ and it shows right there because they were very surprised that everything went that quick so that's just a great you know I I send kudos to everybody that's working on that because you take an ambulance out of service you create a serious problem so that's all I have for public very good um I'm going to start with the water department um it's been brought to um our attention that there has been some vandalism at the witches Brook um well um there's uh it started off being somewhat minor and now it's to the point where it's concerning uh so the Commissioners are having an emergency meeting on the 8th to talk about um signs and possible ing around it we do have that's pretty serious offense I'm messing with the public utility like that so because that's a water supply right the wells yeah all right so uh talk to the superintendent one of the Commissioners and they're going to come up with a plan of action in regards to securing that do we have any cameras do they have any cameras down there no that's what they're going to be talking about it maybe it has to be incremented I think in steps so signage because you have to have signage before you can trespass anybody it has to have signus there no trespassing there's been nothing over there for all these years it's to the point where it's concerning to the water superintendent so we need to get something done immediately um but outside of that the water department is looks like it's a little head of schedule so instead of November they're actually they were talking about they might be in the new Facility by September wow or October wow for them y that's what I thought too but um I just want to thank the Commissioners and I also want to thank the superintendent for the work that they're doing over there because it's been the amount of work to be able to do what they're doing and this hopefully you know their plan of action they have a fiveyear and a 10year plan on they want to resolve the current issues especially in the Timberly Park area as far as the scored water um they really have an aggressive schedule on plushing out the entire system um they need to know exactly how the system is going to you know once you change the environment it's you you've got a monitor and find out how it's reacting to it before any additions on there but there is going to be additional customers that they're going to be adding to the system as we move along so you know they're they're taking the right steps to be able to do that we also have the state being uh very watching everything to make sure that a things are followed the way that they're supposed to but more importantly they're looking to see how we as a small community have developed this entire project so that they can use it on other projects in other other towns so it's it's quite a Fe and I personally can't believe that a town of our size is is putting in a plant like that I mean it's it's nobody around just got one and the funding tooing put in place for it and to get it done as quick as we have from from you know the beginning right to now that's that's huge that's what three and a half years maybe three years that's that's unheard of so I mean I remember when we were talking about it and you know when the first came out yeah so um outside of that the um the other boards that I've been working with are pretty much status quo um I know that uh you know we we have to be the in uh the interim voice to um these boards and commissions and I just want to make sure that all of us are working as liaison to make sure that uh The Voice goes to the liais on first before it actually comes to the select board to to work on so if we can kind of um keep our ear to the to the boards of commissions I do want them to know that we hear them and we doing what we can to help out um it's it's I'm taking on a lot of work and when I'm not the liaison to a particular area and I'm asked to to do things I I have to defer to the leison so I just want want to put that out there if I can interject that if you're getting Personnel type requests those that should actually be redirected to the Town Administrator versus to board le as own Y and just want to interrupt you but thing I did forget in my Public Safety I did had a conversation with the building department Russ and I don't know if they've come to you and spoke to you in regards to the money that was being sent from the water department for the inspections on the building and they didn't know exactly where that was really supposed to go they haven't cashed that check they so have you talked to anybody in the uh the building department for inspections of the new treatment PL yes there was an amount of money that was brought up a month or more ago yeah and I thought they had resolved how that was going to be handled I just talked to them the other day and they said they s not cash because they're not really sure how to handle that so I guess you can look into that I think I will be glad to look in there we talked about it when when it was brought up to me and we I thought that that was to be given to Katie and ktie was put it in their property so it's the building department inspection fees of the new treatment plan the question is where where are they putting that money and what is that money to be used for is their question I will check but I don't know why it's not handled away any other ke meaning the Building Commissioner had made a comment in regards to setting up a revolve font yes and I think the answer was that wasn't appropriate for correct but he wanted to make sure that that money was aark for building for the building department and wi inspectors and plumbing inspectors I think right so I didn't know enough about it to get into the conversation with her but I told her I'd bring it up tonight and so done hopefully you guys will figure that out sorry about that jazz all right um 5.3 announcements and Communications the only thing I have is a legal notice from the Conservation Commission uh this is in regards to um a public hearing that the conserv Conservation Commission is fing on Wednesday August 14th at approximately 7:15 p.m the hearing will be held virtually via Zoom meeting and inperson at Town Hall on a notice of intent filed with the Conservation Commission by mass doot the project location is the culbert under Route 119 Main Street approximately 100 feet west of its intersection with Edward Road it's kind of like between Edward Road and where the where the parking for the rail trail is right there uh the noi was filed retroactively for structural repairs following a headwall and embankment collapse which resulted in a blockage of the Upstream end of the culbert the work occurred in land underwater RI Riverfront area and the 100 foot bordering vegetation Wetland buffer parties wishing to speak and support of or in opposition to they do so at the meeting that was again it was a retroactive because the C collapsed and they needed to to get it fixed so they all are taking care of all of the yeah that's all I got Ross anything in that for you no I'm good thank you uh next meeting is going to be Tuesday um August 20th at 6 PM uh special town meeting then after that on 82024 at 7M um so at 6m on the 20th that's only one I put in there whatever yeah we released a we did a press release oh no for for Nelson which is he's starting on 26 of this month we're also going to at 12: noon on the 26th we're going to have a lunch for him to welcome him like we did with Eric oh this one yes um there had been some work with um I kind of started this and then lately Ross has been jumping in and filling in for me and I appreciate it um this is the town administrators of ashb peppol and Townsen um in regards to longstanding concerns about the North Middle sex Regional School District budget and the community's ability to afford the annual assessment um there's been some fundamental issues um the the state formula Transportation costs um fed state and federal mandates these costs to the schools have been analogs in our town AUST salary increases utilities and other escalating costs like um state federal mandates for water quality Etc um the letter is basically saying that where the town's position is and we we felt that um it was important to have all of the Town administrators from the three towns um send us to the superintendent of schools to say this is our position going forward um and want to speak more on on this the um this was a um a foreshadow to the fiscal year 2026 budget talks and basically the three towns are saying a 3% assessment increase with a total amount in ining operation transportation and Debt Service this is what we can afford so that we're all on the same page that was sent out yes all right very good thank you sent out well it's good to have all three towns working together giving same message to the schools start yes start um I'll entertain a motion to review and sign payroll and Bill's payable warrants out of session so moved and I'll second that any discussion all those in favor shank yesan yes make a motion we adjourn at 726 second that all those in favor shank yes chanian yes