##VIDEO ID:q6IzGvtNlow## I move to start the meeting second second you can have it Vicky all right thanks John all right all right I haven't read the stuff here so where do we start Beth at the main legal notice or is that no that's 249 main legal notice oh tonight's just business right yep it's just business so there's no hearings do you have the agenda bill um I'm looking in the uh packet and I don't see an agenda it's the second one down if you see 2.5 correspondents and Clerk's announcements go to the one after that 1.0 2024 109 Zoning Board of Appeals yeah yeah no I don't see that in the thing I'm looking at let me look let me go back to the to the um email here oh thank you it's there for you it's the second item in my meeting packet it says okay and it's on the screen for you there it is great okay um so we're calling a meeting to order and roll call we don't ever do a roll call but we have uh four members so we're all set um there's no additions or deletions not anticipated 48 hours in advance um so 2.1 is approved meeting minutes so we have we must have some moldy um meeting minutes looks like they from Wednesday September 18th meeting yeah that was the accessory apartment uh permit that we approved I did scan these over so I move to approve the meeting minutes from September 18th I just had one question on the notes yep um so there's a paragraph around um it starts the applicant has sought determination from the Board of Health and shall complete the following requirements which which include dot dot dot um and number two is record a four bedroom restriction on the d i my recollection is we you know said we're not going to enforce that because that's taken care of but I I wanted to double check what other people remembered about that that was mandatory referral we said that we don't we don't do that as a matter of uh good practice so we're not going to do it in this case yeah so that was not part of a condition of approval okay but it was discussed in the meeting so that's why it's in there it was a mandatory referral that is part of the record okay I just want to make sure we felt it was clear that we did we didn't put that in and yeah it was just for recording purposes yeah okay right that answers my question okay um um so is there a mo was there a motion to approve the minutes yes darling yes and a second okay pulling the members uh Vicki yeah yes Darlene yes John yes and I'll vote Yes as well Bill cigan motion carries okay second item planning board referral for one Depot Street extension extension so now that's um and before you before you comment does the board already knows that um an application's been filed so this project is coming before the zoning board of appeals on November 4th so um the planning board has already um made a comment on the referral for your hearing um so I mean it's perfectly fine to opine from high level but this is before you on November 4th it's a little backward they're he gone they've gone to planning board first so it's not ideal but the position I'm in I need to get referrals for each board so that's why it's you know yeah well as I understand that the planning board is going to open the hearing and continue it without really taking any evidence until we've made a decision so that's what I've heard from um Lori and um okay well I don't if every anybody's curious this is about an expansion of a pre-existing non-conforming use um which used to be called a section six finding and I have um put the application in your uh folders right so has everyone seen that and been able your your application I think I forwarded to you no I haven't looked at it yet okay great so that's fine I'm um that's not until November 4th so if you want to just defer a comment to your hearing or make no comment that's fine too I just wanted to put it explain it to you WR oh make a comment to the planning board you mean yeah on their mandatory referral purely optional given the fact that it's coming before you I don't see a point but it's up to the point yeah I don't I don't see a point either so I think we're gonna say no comment at this time okay thank you is that is that all right with everybody or do you want to discuss it no that's now we'll be discussing it I'm sure okay thank you all right then we got 18 Main Street oh this is this is so bogus I can't believe they're doing this again is this the old santand Deere Bank building yeah yeah it's the Santander Bank right and um and they're they're calling it a change of use in a in a mall um remember the um the uh Fitness Planet Fitness outfit uhhuh um the selectman uh um ordered the building inspector to require a permit application for a change in use and um I forget what else oh uh they wanted a site plan review okay so let me just clarify yeah let me clarify that is not a application to the zba for a change of use um that legal notice was revised that was removed it's simply a site plan special permit with the planning board at this time and a storm water management permit those are the two permits that they have to apply for and they have applied I just I disagree um they're in a mall uh that that mall has been permitted um there's no reason for them to have to apply for any permits and that's what we told the the um um Planet Fitness guy we said we don't know why you're here um they didn't like it you know they because one of the uh policemen or former policemen has his own Fitness thing downtown um they decided toh interfere with this guy's uh application and you you can't you can't go to a mall and say I want a a a site plan review on a mall it's already been done it was done many years ago you were there you remember this we both we both looked at each what is this guy doing here he's it's in a mall it's to another retail use and there's no impact on parking because it's already been you know done and and storm water that's ridiculous too because the storm water has been handled years ago and in fact the the high school decided to use their storm water the the malls storm water um retention Basin for their purposes so you know this is this is nuts I mean frankly okay so you want to make com what I don't I don't have a comment anyways but Bill on site plan review isn't that in particular to any one business if there is anything that changes anything that requires five or more parking spaces don't they just have to go through that triggers it right there yeah just triggers five anything that requires five more parking spaces and they are it seems silly but I I kind of get it it's not it's not necessary in a mall I'm sorry it's already been triggered years ago I mean this it's totally I mean they have a hard time getting people into this mall and and here we are making it more difficult I mean who does that the only thing that concerns me is how what's the impact going to be getting in and out of there because that's a disaster now as it is yeah corre designing if you look at the plan they designed what's a disaster I mean it's it's always been the way it is and they Chang they changed the traffic pattern when when the high school was put in and now there's those two that turn one goes straight one turns in I can't tell you the number of accidents and near accidents that have happened there plus yeah no I I I agree it's a it's a it's a bad intersection but this this project has going to have no impact on that I mean get real if people be charged up on their Starbucks coffee anyway the Building Commissioner asked for it the land use coordinator asked for it and they prepared a very uh thorough application for site plan and for storm water management um so if you have a comment let me know and I'll bring it to them I I certainly do but I don't know if the rest of the board agrees with me I don't have a problem with what they want to do it it is a mall like you said there's plenty of parking I could see how a Starbucks might have more traffic than a bank but I think the parking is going to be plenty sufficient yeah I'm not concerned about the parking so I've never seen that parking lot full have you I mean maybe in right before hurricane coming right before snow h you mean a snowstorm snowstorm yep that's what that's about it yeah I mean they are reconfiguring the parking lot area um so what they're putting a they're putting a a drive-in lane behind the building or something I mean well they're also reconfiguring like there's G to be grass where there wasn't and to you know to so there's going to be I don't know if they're going to use asphalt to create BMS to guide looks like they're going to guide them into the drive-thru areas that may be what's triggering it because you gotat me there's a new entrance um they're putting in catch basins they're Paving um they're doing a lot of really good work out there so yeah but but I don't have a I don't think that there's the only comment is around traffic which is sort of outside our yeah as a zoning board as a whole I don't have a comment yeah thank you no I don't either thank you well I would just say that I think the permit is U unnecessary as all the activities occurring in a previously approved mall all right that's 18 Main Street select board referral license renewal oh this is for liquor licenses it's number yeah alcohol the common victualer the entertainment and the class one two and three so you have that in your folders if you have any questions or if you have any businesses that you know of that have potential problems with um any violations expired certificates of inspection or outstanding conditions of special permits and or payment owed for taxes uh let me know otherwise I'll check the box know and I will forward it on this does not apply to the zoning board yeah really nothing to do with this yeah it would just be any of your special conditions that are not you know complied with and I wanted to put it out in front of you in case there was anything you were aware of because there's nothing I'm aware of so that's fine thank you you're welcome um coresponding and Clerk's announcements so that we have to go to the boydo here I don't even see correspondents in this packet here uh Vicky if you can open that it's up to you you can scan through it and just see if there's anything that you think is notable which uh which thing do I open it's a folder I'm looking at one that's that starts with 2.5 climate action Outreach survey survey flyer PDF yeah now all right well conservation has a notice of intent for 153 W Wallace Hill anybody know about this uh these are just notices of public hearing you can just go through them at random and ask questions or you however you want to do it driveway crossing over and inter in stream we have the fact that they we don't have enough uh enough of a quorum for Board of Selectmen right so there's a notice in there about that there's some updates and stuff all right I'll you can go through that all on your own and just ask me any questions you have the plan we don't know what we don't know what this guy is up to is this for a um a new house or something that he needs access to or or is this just some random um driveway project in a wetland um the conservation I can't speak to the conservation legal notice you'll have to ask the conservation uh commission okay but I can speak to the board planning board did get two new applications so that's where those are in there so we talked about 18 Main we talked do we talk about 22 Main what's that that's new uh 22 Main uh the planning board received a uh application for a modification uh to the special permit the U there's you can look in if you want to do that referral tonight I I mean it's a bit to review so but they did submit a new site plan um with a different arrangement for the parking um fairly substantial arrang what business is this the yeah the veter hospital so they changed the entrance they changed the parking lot layout um you know in accordance with mass Do's which you know review so you take a look at the site plan and if you see anything you know that's of interest you can make a comment on the referral or you could do it at your next meeting because you have time well their meeting is mon Monday the the fourth huh yeah yeah okay what's 249 mean where's that is honeyland Farms um they would like to convert the side of it to a UPS store so they have um good Lu at that parking they' been yeah parking so that triggered the site plan yeah what else we got right um okay then there's this this thing at 249 main is that the the gas station uh nope 249 is um the change in use from uh to put in to open up the um UPS Store commercial Farms yeah what is now it used to be a Cumberland Farms now it's a honey honeyland yeah yeah oh so they're applying for site plan review special permit to open a yep so are they going to still have the the the cumbersome Farms or are they going to quit that and just do UPS both there's a there's a piece um there's a store next to it or a yeah yeah used to be a costume store for a long yeah time I guess I'm dating myself now now it looks like just seeding to play Kino or something like that okay all right that doesn't seem like a big deal yeah I'd be happy to have a UPS Store to drop things the bigger things off yeah um so we've got the towns and ms4 annual report y I just put that in there for your information that is the townwide stormwater management report that we submit every year um all those stormwater management permits are part of the Town system once they're approved um and so we Monitor and we try to um update regulations to improve the overall performance of storm water management townwide so it's a state report every year it's done in conjunction with the highway department and land use well I've never seen that yeah I was thinking that yeah yeah guys hear a lot about storm water so I figured that's why all right is there anything else that we need to take care of tonight Beth no I think that's it fantastic so yeah we'll see you on the 23rd um and if you guys want I mean I don't know if you want to do a site visit for that it's right off the road so I mean 324 Main Street you could just pull in and see it so I figured you didn't you know it's up to you though I'll arrange a site visit if you want with the engineer you want to do that you know this is the old gas station right y exactly the Speedway gas station yeah we've done this permit a few times already but uh yeah you're all over it you're all set then okay the um yeah I can't I well at least I hear that the um it's no longer a super fun site the the site has been cleaned up to the EPA or the DS whichever satisfaction so yes yeah so that's that's the good news because it was a mess y yeah and all clear okay so that's it we're really good all right we done yeah thank you all right do we have to do a motion to adjourn yeah yeah we should yes so moved right second thank you okay following the members Vicki yes Darlene yes John yes and uh I'll vote Yes as well Bill cigan thank you